GREECE MAY CLOSE U.S. BASES ATHENS (AP)--Greek Premier Con- WATERGATE COVER-UP TRIAL LAWYERS EXCHANGE 'HEATED' WORDS stantine Caramanlis said yesterday that his government was reviewing WASHINGTON (AP)--Prosecution and litical office," Frates said. the status of American bases in efense lawyers engaged in a series Neal said he didn't mind what Greece and entering into the tech- of heated exchanges Wednesday as the Frates said outside the jury's hear- nical aspects of the country's government began its cross-examin- ing, but said he resented it in withdrawal from NATO's military ation of former White House aide front of the jury. branch. John D. Ehrlichman in the Watergate He said however that Greece wants cover-up trial. "I'm an old dog with a lotlof scars, to pursue close and cultural ties At one point, William S. Frates, but I do resent it for the effect it with the West. Ehrlichman's lawyer, accused Chief might have on the jury," he said. Outlining his newly elected govern- Prosecutor James F. Neal of trying The free-wheeling argument origin- ment's policy before Parliament, "to put on a show for the press and ated as Neal challenged Ehrlichman's Caramanlis said: "My government, the audience" during his cross-exam- charge that he always "wanted to get through recent notes, is now enter- ination of Ehrlichman. the facts out aboutWatergate." ing into the technicalities of with- drawing from the military alliance Frates' accusation was made with (of NATO) in practice on the one the jury in the courtroom. U. S. NAVAL BASE hand and, on the other hand, it is Later, after the jury left the room, reviewing the status of American Neal complained that "the remarks such GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA bases in Greece." as Mr. Frates made in front of the jury was despicable." "But," he added, "this does not mean that Greece intends to inter- "I resent it, and he should be ad- rupt her political, cultural and monished," Neal added. other relations with the western U.S. District Judge John J. Sirica world. .Greecemainly aspires to co- said he agreed and told Frates that, operate with the West in order to unless he could show Neal "deliber- safeguard her security and promote ately played up to the press to get material prosperity and her cultural his name or picture in the press, development." which he doesn't need to do. .I don't Greece withdrew from NATO's mili- believe the statement was warranted." tary wing Aug. 14. "I think some of the statements The controversial question of the he's made are despicable," Frates re- seven American bases arose here plied. Thursday, December 12, 1974 but there has been no change in their status. Rates said that throughout the trial the prosecution had taken "cheap shots" at the five defendants, es- U.S. AMBASSADOR TO U.N. CALLS ASSEMBLY 'TYRANNY OF MAJORITY' pecially former Attorney General John N. Mitchell. UNITED NATIONS (AP)--Third world of promoting world peace and cooper- "I say the facts are he's going countries attacked U.S. Ambassador to ation, and providing a forum for back to Tennessee and running for po- the U.N. John A. Scali's contention 'harmonizing the actions of nations'." that the General Assembly has fallen Algerian Ambassador Abdellatif under a "tyranny of the majority" and Rahal argued that the unseating of CUBAN-AMERICAN DAY adopted illegal, unrealistic de- South Africa's delegation to the cur- cisions that have alienated the Ameri- rent assembly, which Scali by impli- BUS SERVICE SCHEDULE can people. cation attacked .ast Friday, was not South Yemen's Ambassador Abdalla only legal but a reflection of the Saleh Ashtal said, "We are not con- will of the vast majority of inter- The following bus service vinced that even the United States national opinion. schedule will be available for support for the United Nations is And he pointed that the limitation those attending this Friday's eroding. of Israel to one major speech in the Cuban-American Day celebration, "It is true that Zionist fanatics Palestine debate, another move that according to the event's plan- burned the flag of the United Na- Scali seemed upset about, was per- ning committee: tions when the General Assembly de- mitted by the assembly's rules of Buses will depart the Naval ceided to invite the Palestinian procedure Hospital at noon and 12:30 p.m., Liberation Organization. But do they and then make stops at the fol- represent even a tiny fraction of the Both Ashtal and Rahl pointed out lowing locations en route to American people?" that, for all Scali's complaints the majority, Scali himself Phillips Park: Marine Site 2, about BOQ, Special Services Taxi -The Washington Star-News ran an had had a majority on two major is- Stand, Gold Hill Barracks, Pub- editorial on the United Nations which sues--to save the Phnom Penh Cam- lic Works Carpenter Shop, Navy stated: bodian delegation from being unseated Exchange, SRD Target Shop, "Ambassador John Scali's warning to and to keep U.S. troops in Korea. Building 804, Building 13, Pub- the United Nations about the dangers Ashtral recalled that the wester- lic Works Garage, Ferry Land- of its "tyrannyof the majority" was ners in the past had ruled the U.N. ng, and then Phillips Park. sensible and timely. With the 29th "Over the years they passed hund- Buses will make the return General Assembly in its waning days, reds of resolutions with a substantial trip, leaving Phillips Park at it could be useful to reflect on majority. .but today's majority is 3:45 and 4:15 p.m. how far the international organi- tyrannical.' he said with irony. zation has strayed from its purpose Page 2--Local Guantanamo Gazette Thursday, December 12, 1974 LOCAL BRIEFS COMPOSITE RECREATION COUNCIL CHRISTMAS BAND CONCERT POSSIBLE TEACHER SURVEY The Composite Recreation Council, W.T. Sampson School will present in its November 19th meeting, dis- a Christmas band concert at the base The Dependent Schools wish to sur- cussed the following items of ge- chapel tomorrow eveing at 7:30. vey qualified dependent wives who neral interest: Admission is 50 cents for adults desire to teach full time in Guan- Four new lifeguards have arrived and 25 cents for students and child- tanamo for School Year 1975-76. The on base and will begin working pools ren. qualifications require 18 semester and beaches, as soon as their train- The concert will be conducted by hours in education and a teaching ing is completed. David Schallert. certificate as well as two years Public Works has started work a- Money from the ticket sale will teaching experience. To be con- gain on the Cooper Field Handball go to the purchase of the first sidered for a Junior-Senior High Courts. Their completion cost is band uniforms Sampson has ever had School position, a minimum of 20 estimated to be about $3300. and to the scholarship program to semester hours in the teaching field The Naval Stafion marina is get- send members of the band to summer is necessary. Needless to say, the ting a new employee to assist with music camps in the states. services of the teacher in either inspection of safety equipment. The program will include a salute school must be available the entire The cooperation of all marina pa- to the military and traditional school year. There are also several trons is requested in ensuring Christmas tunes such as "Jingle positions as teacher's aides a- that each boat rented has all the Bells" and "The 12 Days of Christ- vailable for which the basic re- necessary safety equipment. mas." quirement is a high school diploma. Special Services and Public Works This announcement is in no way to are developing a new system for the be construed as an offer of em- beaches, whereby a green flag will ployment. The sole purpose is to fly from the lifeguard stand when a JOB OPPORTUNITY assist in determining staff needs lifeguard is on duty, and a red flag for School-Year 1974-75. If in- when a lifeguard is not on duty. The Navy Exchange is now taking terested and qualified, you should The system will go into effect as applications for a part time wai- apply at the Principal-in-Charge's soon as flags, flagpoles, and signs tress at the Tea Shoppe within the Office, Bldg 769, Chapel Hill to are ready. shopping mall. Twenty hours per complete necessary paperwork. Boat ramps for general use are a- week guaranteed. If interested, vailable across from the Public please stop by the Mini-Mart or Works Department garage, and at the call 85438 DWH. CATHOLIC MASS SCHEDULE Marine Barracks marina. The Catholic mass schedule is re- CAR WASH SUNDAY suming its normal hours, starting this Saturday and Sunday. The High School Student Council On Saturday, mass will be held at ACT TEST THIS SATURDAY will hold a car wash, Sunday, from 6. Sunday, the first mass will be noon until 3 in the Navy Exchange from 9:30-10:30 and the second mass The Saturday administration of parking lot. from 12:30 to 1:30. Both will be the American College Testing (ACT) held at the base chapel. On Tuesday will be held in the library of W.T. and Thursday, mass will be at 11:45 Sampson High School during the mor- AMERICAN MOTORS JEEP/REP at the base chapel. ning. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Registrants should report to the An American Motors/Jeep Inter- mass is held at the hospital chapel office entrance promptly 4t 8i!S- national Representative is on base at 11:45.
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