Sfi Welcomes the Livingston/Planthold Team!
SFI WELCOMES THE LIVINGSTON/PLANTHOLD TEAM! STARFLEET congratulates Mandi Livingston and her team for winning the 2004 Election for Commander, STARFLEET, and gives a warm welcome to our new Executive Committee and 126 staff members! DEC 2004/ Left: Sunnie Planthold, our new Vice JAN 2005 Commander, and our new Chief of Operations, Commodore Jack “Towaway” Eaton, at Vulkon in Orlando, Florida - where they receive the good news via cell phone! (In this photo, she knows, but he doesn’t - yet!) Photo submitted by Ralph Planthold Additional Vulkon photos on p. 28 TWO SETS OF NEWLYWEDS: JOAN & RICARDO BRUCKMAN... Last issue, we had one beautiful STARFLEET wedding... and this time, we have TWO to celebrate! Right: The happy couple, Joan and Ricardo Bruckman of the USS Hathor , pause for a group photo with too many STARFLEET members to name here (including members of the CQ team)! Photo submitted by Wade Olsen ...AND WENDY & JON LANE! Left: On September 5, Jon Lane and Wendy Stanford became married on a large green lawn situated along the edge of the beautiful and scenic bay at the Newport Dunes Resort. The audience included friends from the USS Angeles and STARFLEET members from both coasts. Photo submitted by Gary Sandridge Additional wedding photos on back cover USPS 017-671 112626 112626 STARFLEET Communiqué Jimmy Doohan’s Last Convention............3 Volume I, No. 126 Hollywood Entertainment Museum.........5 Inspired To Make A Difference..................6 Published by: Colorado SFI Member Goes Bald............6 STARFLEET, The International “Trekkies 2” Review.................................6 Star Trek Fan Association, Inc. Tuvok Does Astronomy............................7 3212 Mark Circle Jon Lane Gets Married............................7 Independence, MO 64055 From The Center Seat............................8 George “Sulu” Takei and USS Angeles CO Janice Willcocks.
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