ITMO University Strategy - 2027 Студенты, преподаватели, ученые, выпускники:


Leaders in “Biotechnology Leaders and Life sciences”: in “Photonics”: Leaders Developers of the world’s first –ever non-invasive Leaders in “Cyberphysical systems” blood clot removal system in “Information Technology” Creators of leading Russian centers of excellence in optics and holography, laser technologies, nano Russian leaders in the development Three-time champions of the World Robot -and meta-materials of biochemical computers Seven-time world champions in collegiate Olympiad (WRO) Russian leaders in quantum technologies, creators programming (ACM ICPC) Winners of international awards such as Ulrich Winners and finalists of international and national of ’s first quantum network Award, ERC grant Winners of international programming competitions competitions in robotics - Robocup, Robotex, Developers of photonic technologies for including Code Jam, Hacker Cup Robofest and computer security – CTF Creators of the soft lithography method infocommunication systems of the future, and .Algorithm for "security printing“ applications A unique International Network Research Center for transport and the space industry Creators of the new programming language Kotlin Cyberphysical systems bringing together scientists Russian leaders in the development of functional from around the world One of the key Russian participants food technologies, microbiological preparations in the European XFEL project Russian Federation Government prize award winners for environmentally safe production and storage for the development of education in the field of Developers for international companies - General of fruits and vegetables translational IT Motors, Cisco, Schneider Electric, Intel, LG, Diakont, Thermex and advanced industries in Russia in the Part of the National Center for Cognitive fields of nuclear power, space technology and Technologies (artificial intelligence, machine learning) robotics Students, professors, researchers, graduates are: graduates researchers, professors, Students,

Top-400 in ARWU Global Ranking of Academic Subjects: Materials Science & Engineering Top-100 in THE World University Rankings: Top-100 in QS BRICS BRICS & Emerging Economies University Rankings Top-300 in QS World University 57 th place Rankings by Subject: Computer Science 64th place 76th place & Information Systems Top-300 in ARWU Global Ranking of Academic Subjects: Reputation Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Top-100 best IT universities Top-400 in THE World Top-400 in QS World University Rankings on the planet in THE World University University Rankings by Subject: by Subject: Engineering - Electrical & Electronic Rankings by Subject: Computer Science Engineering and Technology 2 ITMO UNIVERSITY TODAY

Environment for attracting Environment Student body for scientific growth: Leader among Project 5-100 and developing talent: universities in terms of volume of income 30+ 35% from R&D projects per one researcher 2013 2018 international of the heads 2017 research centers of IRCs are 45 2013 Average USE 90,2 score 85,41 (IRCs) and younger 2.787 6700+ Volume of R&D mln rub. Bachelor’s 2018 per one 1.373 students researcher: mln rub. 13 000+ 2013 students 17% International 300+ 7,9% students 2 000+ Percentage 2013 2017 Specialists of R&D in total publications in international 2018 university 43,08% 5 100+ scientometric databases annually: revenue 33,49% Master’s students 2013 10% 900+ PhD students International 0,9% faculty Publications 2017 in WoS /Scopus 2013 Environment Main Schools for 1 academic 7,40/8,74 for entrepreneurship and Institutes : Master’s students sta 1,03/1,47 4 200+ in 2018: (over 5 years) development: School of Computer Technologies enrolled in full-time The first Russian university to sell shares in a small and Control study annually innovative enterprise 67% School of Translational Information Technopark, engineering center, entrepreneurship did not study 2017 Technologies at ITMO previously center, design workshop and lab for students (OLIMP and FabLab), 50+ SIEs School of Photonics Citations 19,27/24,32 in WoS /Scopus 2013 SumIT and Future Technolgoies acceleration 321 School of Biotechnology and for 1 academic programs, FundIT fundraising school, Technology universities Brokering School Cryogenic Systems 60 sta 1,90/2,50 зарубежных 83 35 (over 5 years) The university organizes hackathons for solving Institute of Entrepreneurial business problems together with IBM, GS Group, Technologies, inc. Faculty of regions countries Autodesk and others of Russia Technological Management and Innovations 3 MISSION AND STRATEGIC GOAL

Our mission The University’s strategic goal is to provide opportunities for the holistic is to generate new knowledge, markets development of individuals and to inspire and businesses, to navigate individuals them to tackle global challenges in the world of information while preserving the balance between physical and virtual reality


V - Values F - Fundamental Thinking PS – Professional Skills SS – Soft Skills

Values - Fundamental Thinking - Professional Skills - Soft Skills - respect for the individual; integrity; systematic, analytical and critical quality; professions creativity; communication; academic freedom; openness; love thinking; digital culture and skills; of the future; individual tracks life skills; emotional intelligence; entrepreneurial culture and skills; team work design thinking


Traditional methods for generating, A reduced level of security in modern The growing crisis of information and Changes in demographics due storing, transmitting and processing technologies and cyber-physical communication, energy infrastructure to increasing lifespan and changing information are becoming systems in the face of a growing and production facilities which lifestyles which require new methods insucient due to the increasing number of mobile devices and "smart" requires the use of new components for maintaining a high quality of life complexity of economic and social things that are exchanging massive and materials processes and growing demand amounts of information without Global challenge for digitalization human participation

Photonics and quantum Intelligent technologies Cyberphysical systems technologies Biotechnology and life sciences Major research area research

Big data: machine learning, cloud computing, Internet of things: М2М communication, Photonics and optoinformatics, optoelectronics Food biotechnology modeling and forecasting of complex systems machine sensor technology, and device (social, biological, technical), etc. identification Quantum technologies: quantum Refrigeration technologies, cryomedicine communications, quantum computing, quantum Artificial intelligence, cognitive technologies Virtual and augmented reality technologies: simulators, quantum cryptography Chemical engineering, nanopharmaceuticals, and neurotechnologies: including speech technologies for creating input and output infochemistry analysis, computer vision, information search devices, and technology for creating graphics Laser and light technologies and optimization technologies and Bioinformatics, bioengineering, nanobiotechnology neuroinformatics, etc. Robotic systems: industrial robots, Metamaterials, new materials technologies for robot/human interaction, Genomics Distributed ledger technology: blockchain unmanned vehicles, service robotics, etc. Sensors, sensor networks

Technologies and smart contracts Biosensors Cyber and information security Wireless communication technologies: Li-Fi, and competencies Wireless communication technologies: 5G laser transmission of information, etc. Technologies for controlling the properties and navigation and networking technologies of biological objects

5 PROSPECTIVE STUDENT, STUDENT AND GRADUATE IN 2027 Prospective Student Prospective Student Creates their own educational track Student Student Looks for opportunities Doesn’t confine themselves to one major, looks for additional skills Dreams Values freedom of choice in education Focused on results Acts as a co-teacher by sharing knowledge Thirsts for knowledge and career Prospective Sees their future in technology, Flexible and mobile within both virtual and physical spaces Creative Feels responsible Student science or entrepreneurship for the quality Tolerant of their work Questions, searches, double-checks Prospective

Highly motivated Student Creative and communicative Brave, thinks outside the box Speaks a second language Tech-savvy Can work in a team Graduate Is an expert in his professional Graduate field, successful in science, Student business and other fields Able to choose future career Develops communicative, management and other path independently Makes decisions or influences competencies decision making Ready to work anywhere Graduate Studies individually in the world is a life-long learner, adapts Student and in groups, able Looks for creative solutions to changes in the labor market Aware of the consequences Wants to gain in-depth knowledge to organize team work of decisions and ready Works in a digital world to take responsibility for them Quickly grasps new information and uses a variety of sources Ready to change their line of work at any point in life Graduate Thinks analytically and globally Thinks entrepreneurial Works in a multilingual and multicultural environment Ready to take risks and is not afraid to take risks Forms teams and communities, sets goals and creates new ones

Communicative, courteous, with strong intuition and emotional intelligence 6 PROSPECTIVE STUDENT, STUDENT AND GRADUATE 2027

Alpha, Y, “Google babies” “Millennials” NE EDUCA Gain knowledge with interest when ONLI TION Have rich professional experiences they understand its benefit Take into account the opinion Appreciate freedom of choice and of authority figures personalization Consciously choose their Struggle to concentrate, but can Generation Generation educational programs quickly switch between activities or tasks Bachelor’s student Deeply involved in digital technology Dependent on technology, are mobile, α Y and are always online Appreciate the possibility of self-expression

Accustomed to “transparency” of information and lack of privacy Master’s student

PhD student Z, “Digital Generation” Student participating X in a continued education Easily navigate in the digital world, program Accomplished in their profession and experts able to work with a large amount of data in their field

Form their opinion on forums and social Generation Generation Strive to achieve goals and are willing networks, social popularity is a sign of success Student participating to work hard for the result in a continued education Pragmatic in their choice of educational track Z program for children X Prefer self-learning and highly value and adults education Have a narrow perception of the world Have developed the ability to think Have work experience, already from wisely and have a broad outlook their school years; choose a job that gives them satisfaction and income and doesn’t take up much of their time

7 PROFESSOR 2027 Professor is a professional; creates unique content Professor for his/her subject, actively uses current teaching methods and approaches motivates, inspires, captivates assists the students along their path to becoming observes professional ethics and transmits a professional, supports their interests it to the community in learning new things and develops their ability to think respects his/her colleagues and students helps students to design and adjust their educational tracks

acts as an example and an authority for students regularly participates in professional development at leading international scientific and educational centers focuses on cooperation and collaboration participates in the professional community is proud of his/her profession, and the University is proud of him/her

VALUES SOFT SKILLS PROFESSIONAL SKILLS FUNDAMENTAL THINKING Professor Professor able to work in a multilingual, has a deep knowledge of the subject multicultural environment

focuses on current scientific and educational trends, forms a team and a community as well as global and current challenges able to set tasks and create new ones actively conducts research and integrates it into teaching emotionally stable, able to resolve conflicts and to show empathy


Expert practitioner: A practicing professional with in-demand competencies, skills, knowledge in the professional field, able to organize and transfer his/her professional experience

Student: Assistant to the lecturer; able to generate knowledge in collaboration with the lecturer or in a team, helps others develop their skills and abilities Mentor: Consults and helps students based Artificial intelligence: on their goals and objectives Helps to analyze digital educational footprints and shapes individual educational tracks Navigator: Helps to navigate the digital environment Researcher: when searching for necessary information and choosing educational modules Participates in international research, disseminates knowledge about advanced R&D in the field and shapes the students’ research skills; integrates research methods and approaches to education Digital educational Knowledge generator: platforms: Generates new knowledge, both independently and together with students and colleagues Blended and online learning, virtual learning environments, interactive environments 9 ITMO UNIVERSITY 2027: KEY CHARACTERISTICS

Attracting Modular Scientific and developing educational research and Personalization Digitalization Openness new talents programs development

Validation Flexible and verification Digital ethics International management of technologies and culture research alliances Focus Approaches and partnerships

Technologies Supporting Translational, “with a human Collaboration R&D regional interdisciplinary heart and mind” with the industry Commercialization development research

Trendsetting, Entrepreneurial culture promotion of technologies University 2027

Interdisciplinary Smart campus Creativity and Awareness Systematic, unconventional and commitment analytical thinking to results and critical thinking

Features Capabilities

Lifelong Blended learning Digital platforms education Solving complex Leadership tasks and teambuilding


ITMO University is a leader in development and validation of future technologies Cutting-edge research and development

Unique infrastructure for research and innovation

ITMO University is the home to talents Development and market integration of new products, from around the world commercialization of technology Recruiting globally Forming new market segments with industrial partners

Comfortable environment for education, work and living Expertise in key technologies

Collaboration of the university and the city for mutual benefit Forming and participating in professional communities

Global agenda and answers to major challenges

World-class educational processes and technologies

Unconventional thinking

ITMO University is a leader in humanization of technology Development of technologies that “liberate” humans from routine work and solving standardized tasks

Development of technologies that ensure an increase in quality of human life and expand human abilities and opportunities

Dissemination of trustworthy technologies approved by society


From (2018) Degree in a specific field

Students acquire Professor is a lecturer information passively

Specializations and rigid educational Graduates seek programs Educational model: out jobs related lectures, seminars, to their areas of study practical classes; pilot testing of blended and network learning Prospective students: graduates of schools and universities

Many possible Educational model: educational tracks; blended learning, Degree/ professional Professor is someone double specializations, individualized tracks, certificate/ digital with practical experience, mini-specializations, students co-developing portfolio of a graduate Education through an expert; digital navigator additional competencies MOOCs, active participation: network learning students create information Prospective students: and act as co-teachers those who thirst for Graduates create knowledge and skills jobs for themselves To (2027) throughout and for others their whole life


Solving specific, From (2018) narrow research tasks Fundamental and investigative Researcher research, focus on expansion Confined in a subject area; of applied research to existing markets research activity Research labs and development as the primary focus and teams based on disciplinary a liation Development of technologies

Responding to global challenges Research infrastructure within a specific department Development, validation and verification of technologies Interdisciplinary Interdisciplinary research centers, Multiuser research researcher; transfers spaces and teams infrastructure, research into education digital platforms Transforming for research and developing Fundamental research, and commercial activity existing markets, applied R&D and joint and creating new ones decisions for industrial tasks – ITMO Highpark as a testing To (2027) ground for new R&D


World-class education Leadership in the university’s key Building a global ecosystem to support New model of the university in a digital in the university’s priority areas research and technology fields, focusing education, research, innovation environment: open, progressive on collaboration with priority regions and technology in a network format and adaptive of the world Priorities

Developing a system to search for, attract, Implementing breakthrough research and Forming partnerships with current and future Developing a new model based on the principles select and develop talents from around the world technologies to respond to global challenges global leaders based on the principles of open of involvement and participation in managing networking, intellectual and resource integration, and developing the university (sta, students Creating an environment and new spaces Establishing network partnerships with the and attention to cutting-edge technologies and members of third parties), digitalization for personal development world’s top research and educational centers and transparency in relevant fields Commercialization and transfer of technologies Transforming education with a focus in Russia, BRICS and developing countries Outsourcing more of the university’s functions on personalization and choice, individual tracks, Becoming leaders in cutting-edge technologies concerning construction and property and forming competencies for the digital world within priority areas and becoming a place Participation in launching hi-tech production management (ITMO University and JSC ITMO of expertise and technology validation with partners from Russia, BRICS and developing Highpark) Constant support and encouragement of young in the digital world countries research sta through own academic degrees Strategic sta management and forming with global recognition Promoting cutting-edge technologies in focus Developing the ITMO Family community a team for the university of the future

Goals areas, building trust towards technologies and enhancing the university’s global reputation Paramount changes in educational technologies Developing a smart environment and university and approaches Attaining leading expert positions in major Supporting and participating in professional services: digitalized university processes, programs at national and global levels communities and associations intelligent technologies in management Internationalization and increasing number of international students, who then return home Supporting the economical development of St. Petersburg and the local community Digitalization of education: digital environment, blended learning, distance learning, digital portfolios for sta and students


Stage 3 Stage 1 2025–2027 2018–2020 Stage 2 Using augmented reality to develop talents New roles and models for students 2021–2024 and teaching sta Transforming education through ITMO Code and new educational technologies An infrastructure for pilot testing, assessment, validation, integration and promotion AI in education, digital portfolios Digital platforms and intelligent systems of technologies in collaboration with partners

Developing the suitable environment and culture Digital certificates for graduates Intelligent digital services oering access for interdisciplinary research and projects to skills and technologies Open educational spaces, distance learning, Attracting and training research sta using including the use of partners’ facilities Digital platforms designed to involve new HR methodologies the public in setting, and achieving goals An environment for refining technologies Popularization of science and technology and competencies; startup studios and testing grounds

Involvement in digitalization of Russia’s economic Smart campus and virtual environments sectors

Developing National Technological Initiative centers, Research and educational centers

ITMO Highpark


STUDENTS: TEACHING STAFF PARTNERS THE ECONOMY, THE PUBLIC and RESEARCHERS: and EMPLOYERS: and THE CITY OF ST. PETERSBURG: Get to study in high-quality educational Follow dierentiated career tracks Have a supply of talented employees, The university assists in digitalization programs (individualized, with (individual tracks and programs for work-ready and equipped with skills eorts of the Russian economy, increasing cutting-edge educational technologies, personal and professional development); required for today’s digital economy; innovation activities in business, modular structure, and more); developing small and medium enterprises Are experts with practical experience Have access to the university’s data, in St. Petersburg, the region Actively involved in creating educational who implement flexible educational which includes graduates’ digital and the country (ITMO Highpark); content and data, serving as modules and world-class research; portfolios, information about their skills, (co-)teachers; technologies and inventions, allowing The Russian real economy is supplied with Are connected to the real sector of the them to create eective solutions human resources capable of creating Acquire competencies crucial economy, research and educational to industrial challenges and tasks; businesses and a new economy, and for employment in the modern global centers, regional, national and responding to present-day challenges; economy; international communities through Have the ability to renew and improve networks. their employees’ skills using Results of fundamental, investigative Have a broad choice in terms of the university’s resources. and applied research are translated into education and career, all thanks to a new the real sector of economy; educational model using MOOCs, digital portfolios and certificates; The public receives expert information about developing technologies that Have life-long access to education improve people’s quality of life; at the university. St. Petersburg, a unique city, becomes home to a new, comfortable university campus; the university is a model of the city, and the city is a laboratory that introduces advanced products and technologies in order to develop and ensure high quality of life for its citizens.