
Shekhar Kapur’s documentary on Mata Amritanandamayi released

By: IANS | Mumbai | Published:May 27, 2016 10:57 am

Shekhar Kapur launched his new documentary on humanitarian spiritual leader Amma to million of her devotees.

Renowned film­maker Shekhar Kapur on Thursday launched his new documentary on humanitarian spiritual leader, Mata Amritanandamayi, known simply as ‘Amma’ to million of her devotees, describing it a “spiritual search and scientific quest”.

The 50­minute documentary entitled “The Science of Compassion” investigates the source of human compassion and creativity of Mata Amritanandamayi, who is based in ’s district.

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“The search for what lies beyond our own individuality has been with me since I was 15 years of age. I have been grappling with questions – What is the true nature of love, is there love beyond ownership, what is compassion,” said Kapur at the launch.

He wondered whether if a person becomes more compassionate, does it alter his/her physiology, make them more intuitive, and is it an act, state of mind or state of being.

“It is not only a spiritual search for me, but a scientific quest. Meeting Amma on her 60th birthday was a huge opportunity to investigate these deeper truths,” Kapur said, describing the “unique experience” of being in her presence and feeling “the energy radiating from her”.

“When you ask infinite questions, you cannot expect answers in finite ways – in fact, there are no answers. There is only experiencing. When you go to Amma, you go for the experience of her – I have not remained unaffected,” he added.

Mata Amritanandamayi Math vice chairman and Amma’s seniormost disciple, Swami Amritaswarupananda lauded Kapur for capturing her unique combination of beauty, grace, humility and wisdom through the biopic.

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