Your ttght to Knew li Itti Key to All Your Ubtrtltt STAN DELAPLANE Back Roads Offer Better GLENN W. PFEIL ...... Publisher REID L. BUNDY . . . Manning Editor Look at Native Customs Wednesday, June 2, 1965 ROME "We are planning mation on the Fiji Islands? ting soap in a drive through into European ho­ Switzerland and then to Par Write Fiji Visitors Ru- tels?" is as part of our European reaii. Suva, Fiji. If you're A Golden Tax Source trip. Any advice we'd ap­ planning trips in other is­ No. But it's sometimes a preciate . . ." lands, look up Hunt's Travel pretty small helping. If you It is frequently pointed out because it is fre­ Agency in Suva when you quently necessary in like a big bar. carry a plas­ order to keep the record straight Pick up the Michelln get there. Nice islands, poor tic soap container any that advocates of public power deliberately ignore guides red hard cover for beaches. dimestore in the U.S. Then the tax contributions of private utilities whenever they hotels and restaurants: ft * <* buy a bar when you need it claim that tax-free green soft cover for history ^Do you have trouble get­ in European public utility rates offer a yard­ and sightseeing. (Red guides drugstore!. stick for the power industry. are only available for Spain. The value of those tax contributions is clearly France and Italy.) You buy demonstrated in the State Board of Equalization's re­ them on any tourist news­ port on assessment values for country property tax stand. The big or.s across purposes of California's 150 utilities a the street from the Hotel total of $4,243.- Excelsior in Rome has them. Queen's Credit 600.000. This is almost a 2 per cent increase from 1964 Get the English version. Topping the private power utilities is Pacific Gas Italy is covered with auto­ and Electric Company with a $14 million hike to stradas superhighways. $1.214,000.000. Southern California Edison is up $10 They bypass all the towns. Should Be OK million to a $732 million figure: the But I find the old highways Pacific Lighting (which follow the old Roman QUEEN FREDER1KA of Greece saw an ad in Harp­ Group also is up $10 million to $318 million. consular roads) more inter­ er's Bazaar for a Lilli-Ann coat straightening up. (You see, she on the (UC) campus . . . they back to earth. sent the picture to whatever can exploit similar stu­ land on the moon because Our most eminent scien­ Russian premier was in of­ "You mentioned a resau- owns lhc Cabanac, went to the gift shop for a lipstick dent demonstrations to their own benefit in the future." there is no atmosphere to tists are in a classic contro­ fice, and he could hang it rant in Paris-Closerie des and you see?) ... Roger Miller, whose hit record* "Exploit" is the key word. It is as inaccurate to allow a parachute device. versy over the nature of the in the Kremlin, if he would­ Lllas-but I cannot find it "King of the Road," has shoved But apparently the retro- lunar him to the too of My that communists started the whole thing as it is crust. Some insist it is n't deem it an Imperialist InanygidebooksonP^" the heap, will get $3.500 a week at Paul Catena'. to say there rockets didn't fire on com­ deep dust which will swal- insult. was no significant communist participa­ Safari Room but that's nothing (no?); tion. A situation docs exist, at UC and It's an open air, garden . , ,, ------from there...-. he... on many large sort of restaurant on Boule- g°e* to Las VeSa» for campuses, that needs sincere WILLIAM HOGAN 114.000 a week. (Item to put in study. It is a situation vard Montparnasae num- tne deep-freeze until May. 1966: "Whatever of unrest, dissatisfaction; happened and it may stem partly from her one hundred and some- to Roger Miller?" "Who?") . . . Phvllis Diller chat the general world unease, or from conditions inherent in large school life. aWSirtS b y: ^J***»»fi£?^ Author of Latin Tooh9 drivers seem tokniw it b,Ut th? owner turned The answers must be found, and will be, d°*n. Said I was the first by citi­ V- v> -.V '