Edition: 45 Week Beginning: 08.05.17

An enormous thank you to everyone who supported and attended the May Fair on Monday 1st May. We had a fantastic day and met our target by raising £5590! Go TEAM HEADCORN! Congratulations to Thompson House for winning the competition for the most hours donated to the May Fair and to the Year 2 Puma for being the class who were awarded the most house points for volunteer hours. Also, more exciting news, our little chicks are going to extend their Head’s Lines stay and become part of the Headcorn Family! This is part of the manifesto for raising funding for developing outdoor learning environment. More information will follow on this project, however, in the meantime please be thinking of names for our new recruits. The staff already have a few suggestions: Egg Shearan, Beneggdict Cumberhatch, Tim Beake, Chick Norris and Yolko Ono to name but a few! Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8 May 9 May 10 May 11 May 12 May The Week Ahead Celebration Assembly KS2 SATs: Reading KS2 SATs: SPaG KS2 SATs: Maths KS2 SATs: Maths Yrs 3 & 4 Sharing Book Fair Book Fair Book Fair Book Fair Living Land visit URGENCY GENERAL WHOLE SCHOOL ITEMS The Book Fair will run from Friday, 5 May through to Thursday, May in the KS1 area from 3.30pm. The fair raises much needed book funds for the school. Fri 19th May: Whole School visit to The Big Cat Sanctuary (pm) Mon 26th June: Julie Rose Athletics event Dates for your Wed 28th June: Class, Team and Whole School Panoramic Photos Diary Fri 30th June @ 7pm: Leavers Production Tues 18th July: Sports Day Fri 21st July @ 9am: Leavers Assembly Please could we have all Learning Journey books sent into school. We have only had 15 books so far and the rest of the children are eager to share their experiences outside of school with RECEPTION their peers. The Learning Journey book also plays a valuable part in contributing to each CLASS: CHEETAHS child’s assessments across all seven areas of learning. Thank you to all those who have already sent their book into school. If anyone has any wicker storage baskets, wooden pots, bowls, strong cardboard tubes or large tyres (even tractor tyres!) that they are looking to find another home for, we would love them at school and they would be greatly received. In the same way as the children planned and made their musical instruments from ‘junk’, it would be great if together you could now plan a toy that could be made from old boxes, yogurt pots, milk cartons etc. You might plan how to make a boat, doll, toy castle, train, toy YEAR 1 CLASS: animal, robot or a house. There are lots of ideas online, or you might like to come up with your TIGERS own. Talking about the materials from which the items are made will help to reinforce the children’s scientific knowledge. The children will have a planning sheet in their bag, which should be returned to school, along with the materials they need to make their toy in class, by th Monday 15 May. They were so proud of their musical instruments and we can’t wait to see the variety of toys they create! In Maths we will be comparing volume and capacity, using terms such as full, empty, more than, less than, half, quarter. Thank you, families, for your home-learning support. YEAR 5 CLASS: This week, Caracals have worked hard at changing parts of our story 'Wolf Brother' to script and thoroughly enjoyed rehearsing and performing to the class. In ICT we have been using CARACALS coding and mathematical knowledge to create some beautifully coloured repeating patterns. We have also been impressed with the preparation and delivery of the children's lessons that they have been planning themselves - we have certainly seen some budding teachers in the making.

There will be a breakfast club for SATs next week. When children arrive in school they will be brought to the hall where there will be healthy snacks available.

YEAR 6 CLASS: Please make a note of the dates for the Leavers’ Production which will take place on Friday LIONS 30th June from 7pm onwards. We have decided to hold this slightly earlier so that the following week (Secondary School Transition Week) does not clash with rehearsals as it has done in the past. We can then give focus to transition and the many other exciting things we have planned in the remaining weeks of Term 6. The Leavers’ Assembly this year will be held on the morning on Friday 21st July from 9am through to 11.30am with a refreshment break. This year we will be holding this event as a more developed and structured awards morning – more details to follow soon! Headcorn took part in a School Games Rugby Festival hosted by Cranbrook Rugby Club on Tuesday 2nd of May. For the first time in a number of years we were fortunate in being able to field more than one team at this event. This meant that a total of 20 children from Years 5 and 6 were involved in the competition. Our A team played 4 games against , , Cranbrook and , while our B team played against , , Rolvenden, Cranbrook and in their section. Results from each of the games can be viewed in the tables below. After the group matches were played our B team finished 6th overall while our A team finished 2nd, narrowly missing out to Horsmonden, for a place in the final. Referees commented on both of our teams for their excellent playing style and sportsmanship throughout the tournament. Well done to all those who took part and a big thank you to parents who helped with transport and supported the teams through the festival despite the rain.

A Team Results

Home Score Away Pts Headcorn 4-0 Hawkhurst 3 Horsmonden 3-0 Headcorn 0 Headcorn 7-1 Cranbrook 3 Sport Lamberhurst 3-5 Headcorn 3

B Team Results

Home Score Away Pts Headcorn 4-8 Sissinghurst 0 Benenden 9-4 Headcorn 0 Headcorn 8-8 Rolvenden 1 Cranbrook B 6-4 Headcorn 0 Headcorn 4-11 Colliers Green 0

We have been informed that the much loved 5-a-side Lenham football tournament is provisionally scheduled for July this year. We will keep you posted if we receive any further information regarding dates and times.

We are hoping to enter two Kwik Cricket events in the early part of Term 6. One will be exclusively for girls, and Mrs Collins is busy preparing a group of promising cricketers ready for this festival. The other will be a mixed event for both boys and girls. These tournaments will take place on Monday 12th June and Tuesday 20th June at Mote , .

May Fair, Monday 1st May : THANK YOU! Without an army of parent and teacher volunteers, guidance from Headcorn Scouts, support from local residents, clubs, Headcorn Parish Council and the overwhelming generosity of local business owners, this event would not have happened or been the success that it was. As soon as the money and house points are counted up, we will announce the final outcomes! In the meantime, some of the photos taken on the day can be viewed on our Facebook Page. If you have any others you'd like to share, feel free to send them through. An amazing profit of £5,590 was raised. PTFA

Swiftly back to business as usual ... the next PTFA Meeting will take place on Tuesday 9th May 2017 at 2pm, parents and carers are very welcome and encouraged to attend. Please sign in at the School Office on arrival. A copy of previous minutes (March) can be read at http://www.headcorn.kent.sch.uk/parent-info/ptfa/

The summer menu is filled with lighter summery puddings, the favourite seems to be our cheesecake, favoured also by most of the teaching staff. Here is our recipe for you to try.

Strawberry Cheesecake Serves 4-6 Base- 150g Digestive Biscuits, 60g Butter. Filling-175g Cream Cheese, 100 ml Whipping Cream, 50g Icing Sugar. Strawberries. CDC Melt the butter and crush the biscuits into crumbs, add biscuits to the butter and mix. Tip into a 20 cm tin, 3 cm deep and pat down with the back of a spoon, refrigerate until cold and firm. For the topping, whip the cream until soft peaks, bet the cream cheese a little then add lemon juice and icing sugar, gently fold in the cream. Spoon over your biscuit base and leave to set, ideally overnight. Top with fresh strawberries, or any summer fruit you desire, enjoy!