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Colonnade May 17, 1937


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Vol XII Georgia State College for Women, Minedgeville, Ga., May. 1.7, 1937 NU Gardner and Willie Lou 1937Spectrum Howe Presented H< Be Presented In Joint Will Arrive Medal At E Soprano, Pianist Are MISS NAN GARDNER MISS WILLIE LOU SUMNER This Week Students of Mr. DR JAMES HOWE Many Noted | Noah, Mrs. Allen New Book Features Come Here-1( Padded Covers Affairs, oil Nan Gardner, ^ s o p r a n o , and Willie Lou Summer, pianist, will The. 1937 Spectrum is expected Dr. James Lewis be presented in a joint recital to arrive the first of the week of the school of Apl Friday evening, May 21, at 8:15 according to Ruth Flurry, editor at Washington and'ljl in the auditorium of the Georgia of this year's annual. They will ty'and head of the departirl State College for Women. be delivered by the circulation .chemistry -for the past fori Nan, Avho is a sophomore, has assistants under the direction of years, will be awarded thef studied dining' the • past two Margaret Bennett, circulation medai, symbol of outsij years with Max Noah, and for manager, to the dormitories. work in southern chemiMl the past'. year has been soprano This year's book is said to be ceremonies climaxing thj| soloist 'with., the .Milledgeville one of the most attractive an- tion of, Herty Day, tij College Choir and a member of nuals put out during recent the Madrigal -Octette. Dr. Lowe is one of years. A distinct innovation is Her program will include '.outstanding authoritiej the use of color on the main di- numbers from Handel, Haydn, element Ruthenium a'-l vision pages which provides \a Schubert, and from more mod- Ruthenium is one of J decided contrast to the black and ern composers. platinum group, oi ml white lithographing customarily Willie Lou is a student of possessed • of many ril SOPRANO PIANIST used. The padded covers of the H-ERTY MEDAL WINNER' Mrs. W. . H. Allen, -with whom It is even hurder thii book give additional richness to but is very brittle aj she has studied for the past its general appearance. three "years. Her program con- no commercial value Air students who have been in sists of numbers by Raff, Chop- Kethley Heads FSeWSet-Up Stewart Here certain states it is l] residence at the college for three in, Tsckiaikowsky, DeBussy and sive and does not successive quarters will .receive Carpenter. 'presence of air to cauSe^ a Spectrum without any addition For Series plode. The following program will Jesters For Is S u r v e y e d al cost. Those who have been en- be presented: Herty day is hold annl rolled in the college for two the Georgia State Coll 0 Sleep, Why Docst Thou Second Term By Hudson quarter^ may purchase a book ol Talks Leave Me 7 from "Semele"' G. F- Women in honor oi> for if\ 17. Stu den bs who - have sou* her u , Li Handel; oeen here only one quarter : may II Bacio (The Kiss), L. ArditL Mary Kethley was unanimously A survey of the student govern- Religious Emphasis Week at Herty, • whose i:x'perii| purchase one for $2.34. The slash pine- have made La Fileuse, Joachim Raff. re-elected by the Jesters last ment set up of the Florida State price to faculty members and Georgia State College for Women Nocturne Op. 19, No. 4, Illy. household word thro| Thin.'.day night to head their or was closed Friday with a chapel itch Tschaikowsky. College for Women was made by i chers who may wish to buy a South. The award talk by Mr. .Donald Stewart, pas- Yalse in E Minor, Frederic ganization for the coming year. Harriette Hudson, president of Spectrum is. $3.50. a committee of the (1 Chopin. The following girls were elected next year's sopnomore class, who tor of the Presbyterian Church sion of the Americ J My Mother Bids Me Bind My to serve with her; Eugenia Tay- lei't heie on Friday for Talahas- T3'pist Gives Speed in Chapel Hill. North ^Carolina. Society cooperating!:;, Hair, Joseph Haydn. cal organizations in. 'ior as vice-president, Martha see. Mr. Stewart spoke to the; student Ave Maria, Franz Schubert. Demonstration Here The committee is h | Poole as secretary, and Hilda Ilaiviette was sent as a dele- body on "Excess Baggage", taking Clair de Lune, Claude DeBus. Sam Guy of Emor." gate from Student Council to in- up' the last topic of his general Fortson as treasurer. Miss Hortense Stollnitz will give Dr. Howe is one vestigate the method of opera- Danse, Claude Debussy. Mary was elected president o! a typewriting demonstration and subject for .discussion, "Living of southern chemist tion of student government at the Polonaise Americaine, John A. lecture Friday afternoon at 4 Creatively" on which he has spok- of service. He camel the Jesters in the fall to take Plorida codege. Since F. S. C. W. Carpenter. • o'clock in Peabody Auditorium. en in his previous chapel talks ton and Lee from Virginia Forbes place when she is' a woman's college, somewhat Little Star, Frank La Forge. She is sent to us thru the courtesy technic Institute of. resigned. similar to G. S. C W. it is ex- this week. A Spirit Flower, B. Martin of the Educational Division of fore the turn of th] tremely probable that they will Stanton. At the same meeting chairmen Remington R a n d Typewriting Mr. Stewart was brought to the has been a pioneer "ij nave problems and difficulties like campus by the Y. W.. C. A. in Blue Are Her Eyes, Winter for the most important commit- Company, New York, New York. search in the South.' our own and a study of their co-operation with the Administra- Watts. tees were selected and voted upon, Miss Stollnitz holds records es- in Newburyport, Mas^ ...tthods may lead to the solution tion as the principle speaker on The Wind's In The South, tablished iii International Type- 1859 and is a gradi These committees are stage, prop- „f our problems. the programs for Religious Week, John Prindle Scott writing Championship Contests, herst College. He dilj erty, wardrobe, business, and pub- which show her to have achieved May 1114. During his stay on uate work in GermanI the campus. Mr. Stewart has ad- licity. There heads are respect, Ruthenium Has No a greater speed than any other at rGottengin and Berlj Library Receives ively Harriet Hudson, Roxanna Use, Is Chemical typist in the world. In addition, dressed the student body each day Many outstanding her broad experience in training at the chapel period, made several science from the South Many New Books Austin, Elizabeth Donovan, An- talks to smaller groups of stu- nelia Brown, and Elizabeth Barn. Curiosity — Howe and helping typewriting teachers (Continued on pagel and typists in all sections oC thedent s in the form of classroom The library has recently ac- hill. More than fifty years ago a I country makes her advice auth- discussions, and made a series of quired quite a few new books in platform addresses each evening Hines Iiitervii The meeting was closed with littlle Massachusetts boy recently oritative. many fields, and the student on "Toward a New Philosophy of plans for an. informal tea a s thecom e South witnessed the horrors Miss Stollnilx's Novice Record body as" a whole migh be inter- Life*'. In addition to his other ac- Burrus On* a of the Reconstruction era and is 114 words per minute for 15 ested to know the names of these last meeting. tivities Mr. Stewart granted pri- made a- silent vow that he would minutes, which has never been books. vate personal interviews to many Miss Juliette Burrus, help the section and the people he equaled. She holds the Amateur Among those books dealing of the students who wished to see bus, president of the^ l.jP saw being exploited. On Satur- Record of 137 net words per min- with life in the South are: T. C Wells Will Give him. class of the Georgia iV day night that, vow was fulfilled ute for 30 consecutive minutes. Johnson's "Scientific Interests in legee for Women _\vf Graduation Talks as the little boy, now James Lew- This record is particularly notable " For the past week Mr. Stewart the Old South,1!. The Three-Head- viewed Wednesday flu! is Howe, received the Herty med- because Miss Stollnitz is the only has been the guest of Dr. Guy H. ed Angel by Roark Bradford, regular monthly college Dr. Guy Wells will 'give the al for outstanding work in Sou- typist ever to have won the Inter- Wells, president of G. S. C. W., That Was 'a Time "by Harriet cast over radio station WSi| thern chemistry. national Amateur Contest during and Mrs. Wells at the Mansion. Gift. Castlen, As I Live and commencement address at Don- 4" p. m. in Atlanta. , Dr. Howe, who is head of the the first amateur year (which is He has' been entertained by sev- Breathe by Willie Snow Etherid- aldsvillo, Georgia on May seven- In this intervief, Miss Washington and Leo department the second year of a typist's ex- eral • of the faculty members, by ge, Absalom, Absalom! by Willi- described the operation] teenth. Dr. Wells was superin- of chemistry, is one of the world's perience). the various departments of the Y. am Faulkner, None Sh\all Look social life of Ennis Hejllf tendent of Die schools at Donalds- outstanding authorities on Ruth- W. C. A., and by the Kiwanis Back by Caroline Gordon, St. Miss Stollnitz holds the Pro- home, and related intl enium, a rare metal of the plat- Club of Milledgeville. He was the George of Weldon by Robert Ry- ville for the school year of 1921- fessional Record of 1591 worda anecdotes of the class ami inum group. Ruthenium, although guest of honor at a tea Thursday lue, The World With a Fence by 22. He will speak on "The Educa- per minute for one hour, the high- members. it is of the platinum group, will al'ternoon given by Dr. and Mrs. Marion Sims, and In Old Natch- tional Changes Since 1900". est rate anyone has ever achiev- Music was furnished li never be worn as jewels by wo- Guy H. Wells at the Mansion. - ez by Culherinc Van Court. - ed for so long a period of time. seniors, pupils of Mrs. Wilf He will also give the commence- men, says Dr. Dr. Howe. In Prominent among the travel No other typist has ever ap- ence Nunn, Bostwick; and ment address at Montrose, Geor- fact, it has- no commercial value proached this record. The Macon G. S. C. W. club Homer Allen. They are^ books are Invitation to Travel by "no earthly use" as he himself gia on the twenty-first of May. The two next highest champion will sponsor a ride over Macon McCarthy, White Oak,~J Helen Dean Fish, European Jour- juts it. It is a chemical curiosity. ney by Philip Gibbs, Traveling contestants Avhich our competitors for members of the Georgia Die- played "Impromptu in" Last Thursday Dr. Wells spoke "It has no use and I'm not try, Light by Mildred Harrigan, and boast of have records of 140 words tetics Association when they by Schubert, and Miss Ml to the Hartwejl (Rotary Club and i g to find a usefor"it,"-stat (Continued on page 4) nn i and 144.3 words per minute. It can meet in annual session on May played "Le Plus que Lin] to the high scl^l. ' (Continued on page 4) ' (Continued? on' page 3) 14th.. . Debussy., .v. ;VV

) ' The Colonnade, Milledgeville," 17, 1937 Igeville, Ga., May 17, 1937 DON STEWART '-ON THE This Time Last Year On behalf of the entire student iat< Announcement had been made With Our Alumnae body may we extend our thanks G. S^ C W. joined the Break- that Dr. W. D. Hooper, member ' In response to many rec BOOK SHELF A Censor is a lovely man— of the faculty of the University to the Y. W. C. A. for bringing fast Club on Thursday morning'as I know you.think so too; .. we are printing some ' o} of Georgia, would deliver the com- Herty Medal to the campus one of the most a skit supposed to have taken He sees three meanings inVa joke verses by Nina Rickotspn THE ANTJQUA STAMP gle clean blow of the knife not mencement address. Dr. R. W. Gfctann&b? stimulating personalities with place on' the second floor of At. When there arc only two! Rollo J-) Mincey who which it has been our pleasure to By Robert Graves to pick it to pieces with tweez- kinson was presented, with the Oakey, pastor of the Presbyterian (Continued from page 1) ther of Harriet Mine! fled Weekly During School Year, Except During Holidays Robert Graves has turned aside ers." —Record. eoiae in contact this year—we re- Breakfast clubbers 'taking the church here, was to deliver the ticipate in the celebration of Her- These verses were givef and Examination Periods By The Students of The icr to Reverend xjonald Stewart from the violence of Emperor As Oliver looks over his album baccalaureate sermon. Many en. roles. You remember the scene or "In the spring a young man's ty day, which is directed by Dr. ponse to Dr. Well's weleon] yviio conducted Religious Emphasis Claudius and his times to write prior to Jane's visit, he comes up- in case you don't—one little Jessie tertainments were being planned Parent's Day in 1935. Georgia State College for Women his "fu'Ft "modern novel—a story on the almost forgotten Antigua fancy lightly turns to thoughts, ifor the Seniors. L. C. Lindsley, head of the chem- Week on the campus during the enters the room of another little of love." That's because Christmas As long as hearts can hull T ~ MILLEDGEVILLE, GEORGIA of philatelic fancies—the story of stamp which had been given to istry department of the Georgia past few days. Jessie bright and early one morn- has passed, her birthday was in The Herty Medal had been pre- the healing strength of] fyg ygtCorner Hancock and Clark Streets the Antigua stamp. Jane by Edith Whitebillet and When there is a man who to ing but not so early that the pop- February, and the operators ol sented to Dr. W. H. Maclntire for State College for Women- A As long as hate can rankle) It is dear that the stamp 'had then sent to Oliver who w;:s off It seems that policy of every Subscription Price $1-00 Per Year a college audience can be uplifting ular radio program was not going the only picture show in to\ . his outstanding work in agricul- number of addresses will precede hearts of age and yout without being over emotional, something very remarkable about at school. Jane inquires about it, on. Says the first Jessie, ''Oh, girl on this campus these days is is second-class matter October 30, 1928, at the post of- have gone on a sit-down strike. tural chemistry. The presentation ihe awarding of the medal to Dr. As long as love can kindle, ,v'no can be inspiring without be- it to justify it as the subject of a Oliver pleads ignorance. you're listening to the Breakfast to get out and do some phase of "Milledgeville, Ga., under the Act of March 3, 1879." Exchange. followed the annual tea at West- embers of the soul, ing saccharine, who can be humor* book. Perhaps what marked it out Shortly after, Oliver takes the Club." recreation. Why shouldn't she? over and the dinner given by Dr. Howe and he will make a non- We go to college to improve our 1 So long we must keep sj ous without talking down to his from all others was its puceness stamp to be sold at public auction -There is no time in the year when and Mrs. Wells. technical address on a subject as EDITORIAL STAFF Answers the second Jessie, "Ye's, faculties. audience and who can offer sound, —its unique puceness (although a and. is forestalled by an injunction we must press. towal Evelyn Aubry indeed." it is as necessary to be a part of Our professors are our faculties Bids had been received for the yet unannounced, but which will tnactical auvice as well—there, in few purists clung obstinately to brought by Jane. At the trial goal. Lucy Caldwell Replies the first, ."Is it your the great oue-of-doors as in the Therefore, we go to college to im- "new dormitory"—Beeson Hall to deal with his experiments. \e Editor collegiate parlance, you have the more conventional term of Oliver finally awarded the decis- Jeane Armour, Mary Kethley favorite program too?" Spring. Therefore, we urge every prove our professors. US'—which "was to be erected in Many distinguished visitors As long as men can quej Editors .lomtithing. And when you have purple, brown). At any rate,, it ion after proving to the court's Editor Marion Arthur Quips the second, "Oh no, I just Just another case of education the near future." were here to attend the tea, paths of right anj jL-on Stewart, you have that was remarkable this stamp known satisfaction (but not to Jane's) one to come out and play with us Editors Sue Thomason, Betty Donaldson listen because there is nothing else failing miserably. dinner and the address in the au- And little children Ciuf •something." as Antique, penny, puce. that he -was actin:? for Edith- and perhaps learn the many sports Plans were being made by the Ire Editor Jane Suddeth on at this time of the morning." —Florida Flambeau. ditorium. Foremost among these, weird cherubic ym Schoolgirls, says Mr. Graves, After following the trial Edith and at the same time become very HbiiT^'wEcpnomics Department for May we (further suggest Mr- Two little Jessies (I'm sure it of course, is Dr. Howe, recipient As long as pain is bw'l rs—Helen Reeves, Peggy Tomlin, Helen Adams, Harriott are not interested in stamps, but and Oliver were married. skilled in them- a two-day cooking school to be otcwart as the antidote for chap, was the original two) were so Came the insistent tones of an of the Herty Medal. From Tech recompense is s Smith, Bonnie Burge. they are undeniably interested in Again the stamp is put on auc- i^by Mrs. S- R. Dull, fore el misbehavior'.' To attract and charmed with this little interlude For the past few weeks the Ex- urgent voice. are Dr. and Mrs. James L. Tay- So long let us keep their brothers' preoccupation tion and again Jane prevents the most authorrty^TTi^ft-^Qiith' BUSINESS STAFF noid consistently the attention ox that they wrote it in drama form ecutive Board of the Recreation "Wake up, quick; wakeup!" r^arjB^^^^hn L. Daniel, | the task is not with stamps. It was Oliver sale. This time she has discov- A special session of the Geor- Manager Betty Holloway rtome twelve hundred girls is and sent it to Don McNeil. The Association has been hearing very "Can't." Dr. PMlfe^^fclMLSf Price's preoccupation with .his ered the sole legatee of the man gia Press Association was to be ]ong as sunsets lit Business Manager Guynelle Williams something of a ieat. That it can letter was signed J- S. and M. S. interesting talks on some current "Why not?" Alpha Chi Sigma, hollUWlry c ot! done has been proved beyond stamp album that fascinated his who had written the letter. . the topic of recreation. On Tuesday held in Milledgeville June 10-12. le, rosj 'ertising Manager Elizabeth Hulsey Obviously this calls for a little "Ain't sleeping." ical fraternity at Tech- any uoubt o ntne ways on wnich sister, Jane, and the effects of letter'incidentally was written af- night, Miss Andrews gave the The convention marked the fiftieth While colors~'~surS>l tfertising Assistants Nell Smith, Catherine Lloyd detective work. Now for the first —Furman Hornet. Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Scott and 1 Mr. Stewart addressed the student this fascination were far reach- ter a shipwreck and put in a bot- group a" most interesting report anniversary since the association their deamy snap] time is revealed the inner Work- Dr. James Hugh Boyd, who are S.iulation Manager Betty Shell uutiy. Ui necessity, ciiapel be- ing. tle. The legatee,

I ' • ' • /

• '•''%••:;•:'

The Colonnade, Milledgev mm^- McCrary Will Head Juniors Will Honor AAUW Honors Peter Marshall Seniors With Dance opus Expected Here Home Economists Juniors will honor the mem- Miss Crowell Frances McCrary was elected! Rev. Peter Marshall, pastor of bers of the graduating class at lis Retreat president of the Home Economics? the Presbyterian Church of At- the annual Junior Senior dance The members of the local chapter Club at a meeting held on May M on Saturday, May 22. Plans for lanta, is expected to address the of the American Association of Un ntroffieers and faculty ad- Elected to assist her were LUCY •the dance are being-handled by iversity Women will entertain in >f the " t h r e e major campus student body in chapel on Friday. Wagner, Vice-President; Jennij the class offficers, under .the di- honor of Miss Winifred Crowell on itions met on Sunday, May He will be in Milledgeville con- Rose Warner, Treasurer; and SaraJ rection; of Sue Thpmason, class Tuesday evening, May 18. Miss • in Ennis Recreation Hall ducting services at the local Pres- Wicker, Secretary. president. '". '. The plans also discussed plani] Crowell. will be the guest of hon- spring retreat to discuss byterian church on Wednesday, " Not all details for the, dance of general campus inter- for sending a representative t"» i his hatefujLr^fo«??i5r^album. The "There's No Two Ways About Miss Ida Pound is the; retiring" fich included a discus- rtftriftr'was"::' Sarah Whitebillet Pal- It" you'll have to see the "Top of during the- PJ^---1'"'^"^.. --. -^ president of the Milledgeville r and consideration of frey Price, Oliver's .daughter. the Town" at the Campus on eith- ' j^^^^'^"'"""'-rJp,Ians'"-called for chapter of the A. A. U. W. and- Lly of an honor system er Monday or Tuesday. Starring ^^SV^-if^F. S. C. W. debate As the crowning piece of irony .has been in charge of arrange- vertampus- J& yvu******^" Doris Nolan, George Murphy, and in chapel, on Friday. It is> hoped Jane instructs her solicitors to ments for the dinner. . • ,A ,^-KSeiits themselves Hugh Herbert, it's the latest. in that the debate can be postponed keep the Antigua stamp until the •.'ate and analyze honor musical comedies. Gertrude Neis- until Saturday, so that the student sixteenth birthday of her niece, it to see how it affects en, the torrid torch singer, is Raleigh and Drake body will have the opportunity to Sarah, at which time it is to be -including dormitory life featured. Some of the seniors who Inl hear Mr. Marshall; who is an ex- .sold for her benefit on condition In Piano Recital is well as class room saw her in Washington will want ceptionally fine speaker as well as that she does not cede her rights kup morale for which to hear her sing, "Where Are ")t would be responsible an exceptional personality. to any male member of the Price Mrs. Raleigh Drake and Mr.. H. F. You". —^ a chief factor in family. Kraft,- instructors of music at The inside story of the slot ma- thmaihtaining a high So it was a very remarkable Wesleyan Conservatory in Macon, Andrews Will Speak chine, racket in a big city forms lege The group agreed Keyhole kitty stamp, this Antigua, penny puce gave a joint piano recital at the the background for "The King of \ Mp "and suggestions —so remarkable that we wager Georgia State College for Wom- g On Chapel Program Gamblers" which is the picture to ^ssary toward im- (Continued from page 2) another book could be written en during the chapel period Thurs- be shown on Wednesday. Akim 'A'esent situation,, and anyhow, no good dirt columnist about it, that volume dealing with day. ~" / Mr. Joe Terrell Andews, of Mil- Tamiroff in the title role is the e matter of honor as has to work that hard to get ma- Sarah and her brother Reginald ledgeville, will speak in chapel on underworld cvar who lavishes ..his Mrs. Drake has studied piano in icern of both faculty terial, as there" is always a Girl and the Antigua stamp. Tuesday, according to the sched- jack pots on Claire Trevor, who Boston and in , and is now r The committee ap- Friday, Saturday and every, other ule/of programs. Mr. Andrews is, of course, the proverbial night instructor of piano at the Con- jmsider; further:, ways day in the week who is anxious is a prominent business man of club entertainer. The girl, how- servatory at Wesleyan. Mr. Kraft R-egarding this were to tell something on her room- Ruthenium Milledgeville, and is engaged in ever, falls in love with the re- is the head of the Music Theory JRJeqn, Eleanor Swann, mate, or neighbor. At any rate the insurance business. forming reporter, Lloyd Nolan, Department : at the Conservatory. j-'Garbuitt, -and Annella it was a good story and filled this (Continued from page 1) and justice triumphs. He teaches both Thory and Piano. It addition to Joan But. column. ed Dr.-Howe when interviewed The clunaX: of the cinematic The numbers on the program licio. en route to the banquet given in Library Receives week occurs Thursday and Friday included Schumann's A Minor Con-, rfl-jsn.ssionjwas conceh- his honor at the' Mansion. T sim- when the long awaited film ver- certo and Hungarian Fantasie by "juifoiness practices of U. D. C. To Sponsor ply want to know all I can about (Continued from page 1) sion of "Romeo and Juliet" will Liszt. Mrs. Raleigh and Mr. ' ganiaations. Frances it." Despite the fact that he is one Winged Sandals by Lucien Price. Tour of Homes be shown at the Campus. Two Drake were brought to the cam- |Ii charge. It was de- of the world's outstanding author1 Several new plays have been years of research went into the pus hy Mr. Max Noah, head of cent treasurers and ities on Ruthenium, Dr. Howe added to the collection: Tonight the music department at G-- S. C Members of the local chapter making of the costumes for the ^advisors with a rep- says that less is known about it at 8:30 by Noel Coward, Tobacco W., with the co-operation of the of the United Daughters of the movie, and as it-stands the pro- •om the bursar's of- than any other metal. Road, adapted from Erskine Cald Administration. > (aw up some general Confederacy will launch their duction is authentic to the last de- Di*. Howe is the fifth chemist well's book by Jack Kirkland, )i policy about finan. campaign to restore the ori- tail. An excellent cast, not simp- to be honored with the award of You Can't Take It With You by flowing up the rules ginal furnishings to the Eexecu- ly of "big names" but of talented the metal named in honor of Dr. Moss Hart and G. S. Kaufman, > Executive Commit. tive Mansion with a tour through actors and actresses has been as- '..S-N.O.W.!S. ;•'••'• Charles Herty. Dr. Herty ex- Murder in the Cathedral by T. S. the historic homes of Milledge- Eliot, and Tovarich by Jacques sembled to reenact the story , of ville to be conducted on May 19. pressed himself as being very the Montagues and the Capulets. Store your winter clothes was considered in Deval. The Mansion will celebrate its happy over the decision of the Norma Shearer and Leslie Howard and do not pay [tan .of the day with Among the miscellaneous centennial next year and it is the awardis committee not fonly be- are ^excellently cast in the roles fall 'butt as chairman- books added are: Boswell's Jour- plan of the U."D. C. to observe cause of the exceptional merit of of the immortal lovers. The names t that the general nal of a Tour to the Hebrides this occasion by attempting to Dr. Howe but also because of the of John Barryinore,' Edna Mae Phone 440 irship on our cam- with Samuel Johnson, Of Mice restore as far as possible the ori- life-long friendship that exists Oliver, and Basil Rathbone are righory'and express. and Men by John Steinbeck, ginal furnishings of the Mansion between him and this year's reci- outstanding in the _ list of sup- SNOW'S Xpreciating courses Heads and Tales by Malvira when it was the Governor's resi- pient of the medal. Dr. Sam Guy, porting players. Jljard work. Students' Hoffman, Across Spoon River by LAUNDRY dence in the days when Milledgt Guy, of Emory University, is they should1 co- Edgar Lee' Masters, Eggs and ville was the capitol of the state. chairman of the awards commit- |fgj2 faculty in setting tee of the Georgia Section of." the Baker by John Masefield, Ana Milledgeville in addition to be- lirjgh scholastic ach- American Chemical Society. which tomy of Frustration by H. G. ing a bird sanctuary might well cooperates with the Chemistry Wells, The Story of the Orches- FINE foui be termed a sanctuary of homes BINFORD'S club in the awarding of the med- tra by Paul Bekker, Let's Get , law on a college which have preserved the ante SILK HOSE al. What We Want by Walter B. DRUGS Pointed Heels ;.e topic of an ad. bellum atmosphere. With such Pitkin, and Guina Pig No More ^te fraylor in the after, Julius Kayser homes as the Crawford home, by J. B. Matthews. Milledgeville, Ga. body, Newell House, the Ferguson Many of the classics are re- Iterth home, and Lockerly 1-Iifil here the Musical Festival presented in the recent additions. tour should attract favorable at- tention and greatly further the (Continued from page 2) 'HEATRE |-plans of the U. D. C. ing and mingling with college stu- When your family and The kind of soles that )GEVILLE, GA. dents, is far more desired by boys we put on—as everybody I and girls of this age, than any friends visit you, knows—are always smooth Tues., May 17:18 noon session. He discussed the re- form of entertainment that the Bring them to and tackless, and never lation of law and government to city of Macon can provide. tear the hose. l>P THE TOWN" college rules and regulations, and This is only suggestion, but we PAULS CAFE jrporis Nolan and stated that the nature of law was feel that it is a timely suggestion. HARPER'S Hvge Murphey '"•Jwhatever seems to (be of value tMM Phone 215 If pil in the long run". The fact that DRINK Delivery Serviee college students are of the age ^esday, May 18 ' * % A Tl J' when a transition. is taking place 17-rib, all silk . ddiYrevor aIlc* Lloyd between dependence on others and UMBRELLAS** jM Nolan in ' , independnce was pointed out. It $1.49--Rain or Shine in *OF GAMBLERS" was agreed that in this period, stu. THE UNION BOTTLES GRADUATION CARDS dents• must rely for help in mak- DEPT. STORE Nnd Fri., May 20-21 ing rules larid regulations 'upon Your Shopping Headquarters FATHER'S D A Y CARDS lior, the wisdom and experience of old- er persons. Rex—Ivey-Turner tnShoarer and Leslie At jlloward in A closing statement was made COMPLIMENTS OF Restaurant If you want the best the group in a brief devotional AND JULIET? And Ice Cream Parlor shop at by Mary Elizabeth Dale, who led L. D. SMITH'S Regular meals, Sandwiches, and begins at 2:15, period. A buffet lunch was serv. Fountain Service WOOTTEN'S, E. E. BELL CO. , 6:55, 9:15 ed at one o'clock by courtesy of STORE D. W. GLASS, Mgr. t the Administration. _^ L I W asiis