Summary of State Surveys. IRUC Final Report: Part 2. INSTITUTION American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Washington, D.C
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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 119 397 EC 080 263 AUTHOR Stein, Julian U.; And Others TITLE Summary of State Surveys. IRUC Final Report: Part 2. INSTITUTION American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Washington, D.C. Information and Research Utilization Center. SPONS AGENCY Bureau of Education for the Handicapped (DHEW /OE) , Washington, D.C. PUB DATE Jun 75 GRANT OEG-0-72-5454-233563 NOTE 464p.; For part 1, see EC 080 262 EDRS PRICE MF-$0.83 HC-$24.77 Plus Postage DESCRIPTORS *Adapted Physical Education; Exceptional Child Services; *Handicapped Children; *Personnel; Program Design; *Recreation; State Programs; *State Surveys ABSTRACT Reported in part 2 of the final report issued by the Information and Research Utilization Center (IRUC) in Physical Education and Recreation for the Handicapped are results of a 1972-1975 survey to identify resource programs and personnel concerned with physical education, recreation, and/or related areas for individuals with various handicapping conditions. Provided are state survey forms with summaries of the following information on facilities: name and address of facility, program activity areas (such as motor skills, leisure activities, aquatics and outdoor education), handicapping conditions, and miscellaneous comments. Survey data on resource personnel consists of name and business address, type of resource (such as consultant or evaluator), program specialty area, level, facility setting and handicapping conditions. Sample survey forms are appended. (CL) *********************************************************************** Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished * materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes every effort * * to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless, items of marginal * * reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality * * of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available * * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is not * responsible for the quality of the original document. Reproductions * * supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original. *********************************************************************** SUMMARY OF STATE SURVEYS (to identify resource programs and personnel concerned with physical education and/or recreation or related areas for impaired, disabled, and handicappedpersons) NE ALIN, MEW( OF IRUC FINAL REPORT, PART II Us oemiti &WELFAREOF EOUCATIONINSTITUTE NATIONAL. EDUCATION REPRO- HAS BEEN FROM DOCUMENT RECEIVED THIS EXACTLY AS ORIGIN DUCED ORORGANIZATIONVIEW OROPINIONS THE PERSONPOINTS OF REPRE- ATING IT NECESSARILY OF STATED DONOT INSTITUTE NATIONALPOLICY SENT OFFICIALPOSITION OR EDUCATION Julian U. Stein, Director Dolores M. Geddes, Research and Program Associate Wanda L. Burnette, Administrative/ Program Coordinator June 1975 Information and Research Utilization Center in Physical Education and Recreation for the Handicapped 2 Sponsored byAmerican Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation A Project of U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Office of Education, Bureau of Education for the Handicapped The project presented or reported hereinwas performed pursuant to a Grant from theU.S. Office of Education, Department ofHealth, Education, and Welfare. However, the opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the U.S. Office of Education, andno official endorse- ment by the U. S. Office of Education should be inferred. Project No. OEG-0-72-5454-233563 American Association (now Alliance) forHealth, Physical Education, and Recreation, 1201 Sixteenth Street, N.W,,Washington, D. C. 20036 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Many different people have contributed a great deal of their time, talents, and efforts to guarantee that specific activities in the Information and Research Utilization Center in Physical Education and Recreation for the Handicapped (IRUC) were success- ful. Because of the vastness of IRUC activities, extensive coverage all over the country and involvement of so many different people, it is literally impossible to name all who have partici- pated in and been a part of the IRUC family. Physical education and adapted physical education specialists, recreation and therapeutic recreation personnel, special education classroom teachers, administrators and supervisors, students, parents, paraprofessionals, volunteers, and impaired, disabled, and handi- capped individuals themselves all have given so very much. Input, guidance, and assistance have come from personnel connected with colleges and universities, public and private schools, parks and recreation departments, professional associations, voluntary and parent organizations, governmental departments at all levels, hospitals and clinics, residential facilities, day care and activity centers, ad infinitum. Special thanks, appreciation, and recognition must be reserved for staff members who had Herculean performances of impossible tasks. Dolores' M. Geddes, Research and Program Associate, coordinated collection, tabulation,, and summarization of state survey data; Terry Ames, IRUC secretary, assisted in tabulating and summarizing information, typed, and proofread the final manuscript; and Wanda L. Burnette, Administrative/Program Coordinator, coordinated production and processing of the final report. To each, a sincere well done with admiration, pride, respect, andgratitude. Julian U. Stein Director 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Because of the nature of these materials and since information about ongoing programs and resource people has been designedto be used separately as well as collectively, pages have not beennumbered consecutively throughout. Contents indicate order in which sections appear. Preface Representative Resource Contacts National Organizations and Dissemination Systems Introduction State Survey Summary Code Information State Survey Summaries Alabama through Wyoming Survey Procedures and Sample Forms PREFACE WHAT IS IRUC? The Information and Research Utilization Center in Physical Education and Recreation for the Handicapped (IRUC) has been supported by the ,Division of Innovation and Development (formerly Research), Bureau of Education for the Handicapped, U, S. Office of Education, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare as a demonstration project (0EG-0-72-5454) since June 30, 1972. Purposes of IRUC have been to: . Collect, categorize, describe, interpret, and disseminate information and materials about various aspects of adapted physical education and therapeutic recreation programs including information about materials, methods, activities, ongoingprograms, promising practices, and demonstration efforts. Serve as a research utilization center for adapted physical education and therapeutic recreation programs with particular emphasis on putting theoretical, basic, experimental, and applied research findings into practical operation including consideration given to collecting, evaluating, interpreting, and disseminating research information and findings, and in categorizing studies for use by all publics served by the Center. More specifically, by the end of the third year IRUC was to accomplish the following objectives: . Obtain a clearer understanding of the state of the art in physical education, recreation, and related areas for persons with various handicapping conditions through syste- matic collection of research data, empirical evidence, and program materials and information. Provide practitioners with functional information about diverse data systems. Assist the Bureau of Education for the Handicapped in establishing research needs and priorities. Implementation of these goals and objectives has been designed to provide: . Basis for a dissemination/distribution referral system that (1) supplements and/or complements existing collection/ retrieval/dissemination centers/systems/networks in special education, physical education, recreation, and related areas, 6 and (2) promotes greateruse of all such systems, materials centers, and information resources by personnel interested and involved in adapted physical education, therapeutic recreation, special education and relatedareas. Data for state of the art statements* to show (1) what has been and/or is going on in physical education, recreation and related areas, and (2) types of research,demonstration, training, and service projects and activitiesthat are needed and should receive priority attention. In addition to identifying and analyzing completed and ongoing research projects and activities, information about ongoingprograms, resource people, empirical evidence, and observational reports have provided a more comprehensive view of what is going on in these areas and whatare priority needs of personnel in the field. Bases for IRUC distributing materials and informationto resource groups at national, regional and/or stategroups that have been sent materials and informationappropriate for each request. During the three year operation of IRUC the dissemination/distri- bution system has undergone a series of revisions and modifications. However, the basic approach has changed little and has functioned as follows: . IRUC distributes materials and information toresource groups at national, regional, and state levels throughout the United States. Listings of representative resource contacts and national agencies, groups, and organizations involved in this process follow this preface. Individuals contacting IRUC for assistance are referredto appropriate