You've heard about dental implants and maybe even started to research them a bit, but you still have questions. This information guide will tell you everything you need to know about dental implants, including our pricing guide. Dear Valued Patient,

The fact that you have requested a copy of this information guide tells me that you are not only concerned with your dental health, but you also prioritize your quality of life.

One thing I've learned from my patients is how important their smiles are. Healthy teeth look great, are an indicator of good overall health, and do wonders foryour self-confidence. Even when you have every reason to feel good about yourself, if your discomfort with your teeth make you hide your smile, decline social invitations, or miss out on your favorite foods, you're not living your best life.

No matter what condition your teeth are in, there is no reason for you to settle for pain, , or uncomfortable dental prosthetics. Patients who thought they'd NEVER love their smiles again have foundthemselves beaming after completing their implant treatment.

This guide will walk you step-by-step through every possible detail about dental implants. Regardless the level of your knowledge, after reading this guide, you'll have all of the information you need to decide if implants are the right choice for you.

- Uvalde Dentist - Michelle Munoz, DDS NO ONE IS IMPERVIOUS TO .

From gum disease and medications to accidents and teeth grinding, there are a number of things that can cause you to lose teeth. Whatever the reason for the problem, we know that you are interested in a solution that will:




LAST FOR DECADES! The staff and doctor were very welcoming! So nice and very helpful with all my questions. It’s hard to find good staff like them now a days. Overall EXCELLENT experience! I completely recommend Dr. Michelle Munoz as your next dentist! I am one happy camper.

Request your FREE implant consultation!


This guide will cover everything you need to know about dental implants, and there is no better place to start than with the top four misconceptions.

Myth #1: The process is too lengthy. Truth: Even those who require a full arch of implants might be able to leave our office with a temporary smile. This device will allow you to enjoy the appearance of an entire arch of teeth as your implant sites heal.

Myth #2: They will be too painful. Truth: From the first to the anesthetics used during , you will not feel anxiety or pain. While mild discomfort is to be expected after , any type of pain that interferes with your life will be addressed at our office.

Myth #3: I won't be a good candidate. Truth: Only a trained dentist can tell for sure whether you're an implant candidate or not. Ideal candidates have good overall health and are dedicated to keeping their new smile healthy.

Myth #4: Implants are too expensive. Truth: Actually, the cost of NOT replacing your missing teeth with implants is more expensive in the long run. Between an increased likelihood of gum disease, the tendency for teeth to migrate without permanent anchors into the , and and a propensity for excessive , replacing your missing teeth with dental implants will save you money in the long run. THE LATEST AND GREATEST IN PROSTHETIC TECHNOLOGY

Not that long ago, were the go-to for missing teeth. Though both affordable and easily attainable, dentures had their fair share of problems:

0 Even recently fitted dentures can irritate the gum line and cause tooth decay. 0 Dentures cause constant pain, particularly while eating. 0 Dentures make if difficult to speak clearly. 0 Dentures do not protect your remaining teeth from shifting.

Dental implants put an end to all of the aforementioned drawbacks. They look, feel, and function just like natural teeth. HOW DO IMPLANTS WORI(? IT'S PRETTY SIMPLE!

Implants consist of three basic parts: the implant, the abutment piece, and the prosthetic tooth (): Here is how each part works.

1. The is surgically placed beneath the gum line where it functions as a natural tooth root.

PROSTHETIC TOOTH (CROWN) � 2. An abutment piece is placed on top of the

ABUTMENT--- implant where it will eventually serve as an anchor for prosthetic teeth.

3. A prosthetic tooth is the last step in having the smile that you want and deserve. These natural-looking and perfectly functional teeth will be permanently placed on top of each abutment tooth, giving you an attractive and secure smile. INTERESTED IN PERFECTING YOUR SMILE?

If you think dental implants may be right for you, call us today and ask about our FREE Dental Implant Consultation Package. Valued at $399, you will get all of the following at your consultation:




This offer will be valid for the next 30 days. If you're interested in learning how dental implants can help you, contact us today.

830-213-7370 Did you know that unlike other prosthetic tooth replacements, dental implants allow you to eat anything you want - no matter how crunchy or chewy?

Schedule your FREE CONSULTATION today. 830-213-7370 ARE IMPLANTS RIGHT FOR YOU?

Use this checklist to see if you're a candidate:

0 Are you missing teeth? 0 Do you have any other tooth prosthetic devices? 0 Have you experienced any facial injuries, tooth decay, or gum disease? 0 Are you self-conscious about your smile? 0 Do your teeth prevent you from eating what you want? 0 Are you healthy, in general?

If you can check any of these boxes, you might want to consult us as soon as possible. HOW WE DETERMINETHE COST

No matter how appealing implants might be, almost everyone wants to know what the bottom line will be. There are several factors that determine cost, including:

1. The Experience Level of Your Dentist - At its root, implant is not that complicated. As a surgery, however, you want the person who places your implants to be highly experienced. Because dentistry, surgical techniques, and dental technology change over time, look for a dentist who not only performs implant surgery with some frequency, but also attends continuing education courses to stay on top of the latest in the field.

2. Your Individual Requirements - Your is different from everyone else's. As a result, what your neighbor paid for their implants may not be what you pay. If your bone mass is inadequate, if your extraction is exceedingly complicated, or if your health delays healing, your cost could be more. Conversely, if your mouth is implant ready from the get-go, your cost could be less. The only way to know for sure how much your implants will cost is a comprehensive exam.

3. Which Type of Implants Are Used - There may only be three basic parts to dental implants (the implant, abutment piece, and the prosthetic crown), but there are different options available for each. With each option comes a different price tag, which is yet another reason why you should never trust a dentist that gives you a flat rate for implants before identifying your individual needs.

4. The Technology Required For Diagnosis and Treatment - From the imaging systems used for diagnosis, the sedation options that will be most effective during your surgery, and the technology used to monitor your condition during and after your implant placement, technology adds to the variables used to determine the cost of your procedure. OTHER FACTORS TO CONSIDER

Now that you know the major factors that determine the cost of implant placement, consider the following:

1. You may see advertisements for flat rate dental implants, but have you thought about what corners these practices are cutting in order to offer you that rate? Are they missing out on opportunities to continue their education to cut costs? Is there equipment outdated? Will they be cutting corners with the actual implants that are placed in your jaw? Whatever the case may be, you do not want any medical practitioners to cut corners when it comes to your health.

2. Don't assume that other prosthetic options are more affordable. While bridges and dentures may cost less up front, they both need to be replaced and adjusted after several years. Additionally, neither completely restores the functionality of your teeth. In the long run, implants require less maintenance and offer more benefits, making them the best investment you can make.

3. Can you actually put a price on your quality of life? Implants allow you to eat your favorite foods, speak with clarity, are easy to care for, and - most importantly - can boost your confidence. No more avoiding social gatherings, hiding your smile during pictures, or feeling self-conscious about what you eat in front of others.

At Uvalde Dentist, we know that implants are not right for everyone. Still, if you are a candidate, there is no other option that will offer these lasting benefits. STILL WONDERING ABOUT THE BOTTOM LINE?

At this point, you know a lot more about dental implants and pricing than you ever have, but if you're still wondering about the cost, we can offer a range: A single tooth implant restoration can cost around $4,000 while a full-mouth implant restoration can cost about $56,000. The only way to know where you'll fall within that range is to come in for a consultation.

Oral health is invariably connected with overall health. If you've been considering implants, now is the time to get serious; your smile and your health are worth the investment.

Schedule your FREE CONSULTATION today. 830-213-7370 FREQ1JENTLYASI

Q: Will I be completely toothless as I wait for my to heal after implant surgery? A: We will provide you with a suitable prosthetic option after your surgery. We will provide you with a temporary prosthesis and you will be able to heal and still share your smile

Q: I've been told that my bone mass is inadequate. Does that mean implants are not an option for me? A: Not at all! A procedure can help restore the mass and strength of your jaw. Once you have healed, you will be ready for implants.

Q: I have advanced gum disease. Will this cause problems with my implants? A: Before we discuss your implant treatment plan, we will work diligently to get your gums as healthy as possible. Once we confirm that your gums are implant-ready, we will plan your procedure.

Q: I'm worried that I'll experience intense pain after surgery? How much pain should I expect? A: During your surgery, you'll feel NO pain, as you will be sedated. After your surgery, we will give you a post-operative pain management plan to keep you comfortable. The good news is that 90% of implant patients have almost no discomfort, bruising, or swelling after surgery.

Schedule your FREE CONSULTATION today. 830-213-7370 We hope this information guide has provided you with all you need to know about dental implants. If you still have questions, don't hesitate to call Uvalde Dentist to schedule a consultation. Dr. Michelle Munoz will be happy to review additional details with you in person and get you on your way to optimal health.

Best wishes for your best smile, - The Uvalde Dentist Team

Request your FREE implant consultation!
