Volume 22, Number 4 March 2014

residents Message Let me start off by saying thank you for entrusting me and the rest of the Board of Directors with the wheel of this great club. In the year 2008 Sue and I joined the club sponsored by Steve and Jayne Riley to hike and jeep. The H4W's have a philosophy of listen, learn and serve, and now I am the President. We have a big job this year in helping the BLM complete the Cactus Plain and Alamo Travel Management Plans. The Havasu TMP is now complete and we have a Voluntary Agreement to P monitor, maintain and educate to help keep our trails open. We can’t say enough how much work has been done by our PLA committee and all the others in a monumental effort. Our core objectives on our home page website will help guide us this year. If you have not read them lately they are: Providing for social, educational and recreational activities of its membership. Participating in supporting civic activities for betterment of the community. Enjoying and protecting the natural resources. Supporting and promoting the multiple uses principle as applied to Public Land. I am assuring you we will continue as a club to be good stewards of the land we are blessed with. I want to thank in advance all the committee persons who have agreed to take on new positions, or continue on with the position they held last year. To all the trail-bosses, past, present and future a heartfelt thanks, since runs are what this club is all about. Past Presidents, I am seeking your wisdom so thank you in advance ­­for all your time and guidance. Finally to our members, thank you for all your support. I am happy to be your President and hope that by this time next year you will look back fondly at my tenure. Happy trails to you, John

L—R: Tom Christiansen, Vice President; Janet Drew, Membership; John Strong, President; Garnett Collins, Secretary; Mark Corder, Treasurer; and Jim Bowen, Past President; not shown Craig Laser, Member At-Large

Upcoming Club Runs (1-5 rating)

Check the Havasu 4 Wheelers Website for updates on runs www.havasu4wheelers.org

Gold Canyon …………………………..…...... Apr 14th—18th See Web Site for details, Willie Williams

Death Valley (3+)...... Apr. 27th—May 3rd See Web Site for details, Bob Drew

Please Note: Please be at the departure location 20 minutes before the departure time.

Call Trail Boss if you are unable to attend.

Other Club Happen’ns

Kiosk Installation ...... Apr. 4th 9:00am, Paso de Oro, Jim Bowen

Highway Clean-up ...... Apr. 8th 8:30am, Scenic Turnout, Mike Yahrmarkt

Ladies Luncheon ...... Apr. 17th 12:30pm, Shugrue’s 1425 McCulloch Bl. N, Diana Delk

H4W Board Meeting ...... Apr. 21st

4:00pm, Genealogy Library, Jim Bowen

Cooks Night Out ...... Apr. 22nd 5:00pm, Golden Horseshoe 4501 London Bridge Rd, Diana Delk

Men’s Breakfast …………………..…..…...…...... Apr. 24th 8:00am, Bad Miguel’s, Gary Wiskus

H4W Membership Meeting ...... Apr. 24th 7:00pm, Realtor’s Center, Jim Bowen

Future Happen’ns

Moab, UT ….……....………...... May 5-9, 2014 See Web Site for details, Mike & Cheryl MacLean College Street Brewhouse

Ladies Luncheon ...... May 15th 12:30pm, Juicy’s New Restaurant, 42 Smoketree Ave. In the article about the Ladies Luncheon in last

(the old Jasper’s), Diana Delk months newsletter, I failed to thank John & Cindy

Cooks Night Out ...... May 20th Hughes, owners of College Street Brewhouse and 5:00pm, Schlotzsky’s 2144 McCulloch Blvd, Diana Delk H4W club members for providing us with the Ouray, CO …………………………...…...... Aug 18th—22nd See Web Site for details, Willie Williams wonderful Bread Pudding and Ice Cream Green River, UT ………………………...... Sept. 15th—19th See Web Site for details, Willie Williams dessert. It was truly enjoyed by Turkey Roast ……...………..……...... Nov. 15th all who attended and we SARA Park Rodeo Grounds, Jim & Joanne Malara Thank You so much.

Wanda Scholl, Editor

Trail Talk - 2 - April 2014

Skull Mountain Run & Hike 2-27-2014

n Tuesday, February 25, Ten vehicles left Standard Wash with 13 members and 7 guests O to ride through several different wash areas heading to the Black Mountains area. We arrived at the parking area for Skull Mountain, just south of the Black Mountains. Five people stayed at the parking area to explore and 15 hikers set out on the moderate trek over some hills to the Skull Mountain water catchment. There Photo By: Bruce Speirs were a lot of rock and WWII artifacts collected along the way, as the area has many different rocks, with lots of crystal geode pieces, as well as 50 cal. leftovers. Seven Big Horn sheep were spotted watching us from above. John Buck Mtn Mines Strong checked the tanks and the water levels for a report & Graveyard to BLM. We had lunch at the catchment, while enjoying February 28, 2014 the views. We then continued around the mountains to complete the loop back to the parking area. Thank you to ark skies loomed over the meet location as 26 members in 13 jeeps set out for the Buck John Strong for being tail gunner and carrying the AED. D Mountains. To get us in a good ‘investigative mind set’ Ken & Carolyn Gallagher handed out nice, Steve Riley, Trail Boss fresh, police quality donuts to everyone. Not long after air down an abandoned and possibly stolen car was found off the side of the road. Hmmm, our first clue. We continued on toward the Palo Verde mine but stopped at the mill site prior to inspect the relics remaining. Rolling again we passed several adits and shafts of the mine until we discovered another “vehicle crime scene.” From the debris left in the bottom of the gulley our CSI’s determined that a Ford 150 Pickup had attempted to cross the off camber & narrow track but the bank gave way and the truck rolled over and into the gulley. The tire tracks indicated the scene was relatively ‘fresh’ but the route was now impassible so we back tracked some, changed directions and came in from the west. We arrived at the Yucca Mine camp and graveyard where we paid our respects to the three souls and wondered aloud about who they were and what had befallen them to be buried in the desert. All this sleuthing got us hungry so we ate lunch at the camp. Photo By: Steve Riley Afterwards we examined the most complete arrastra remaining in western Arizona, several cabin sites, the “Sunshine” various mine openings, and scattered can dumps. Since we had time we continued our graveyard haunts and If you know of anyone in the club who might crossed over to the Franconia cemetery. A great day of need some cheering up, no rain, little dust, and much history. A ‘thanks’ is due please contact Trish Reister at Craig & Jean Eggerman for tail gunning and bringing mine info. [email protected] She will be happy to send cards Bruce Speirs, Trail Boss on behalf of the entire Havasu 4 Wheelers membership. 

Trail Talk - 3 - April 2014

Paloma Wash Pete

Well howdy there folks. I’m known around here as Paloma Wash Pete. Gets pretty lonesome out here so to pass the time I gets my learning book out and reads up some. I used to git a flummoxed something awful about the desert, rocks, critters and plants but now I knows a fair spell so sit back

and enjoy some schooling.

This month I want to tell you about the Desert Tortoise. Tortoises don’t move around much, but their lifestyle keeps them going for decades. These slow-moving desert dwellers tend to stay in their cool burrows until a rainstorm passes through. Their typical November to March hibernation means it’s rare to see one on a 4X4 outing. But even the average hibernation schedule means a desert tortoise sleeps half of its life, which could be the secret to its long lifespan of up to 60 years. When they're active, desert tortoises don't move around a lot. They typically stay within 3 miles of where they hatch, plodding slowly under high-domed shells covered in circular ridges. Desert tortoises will drink and store their water, while eating desert plants, grasses and fruit. In the Mojave Desert they're found in flatter basins, while in the Sonoran Desert they're found along rocky slopes and bajadas. Folks are cautioned against scooping them up and taking them home. The only legal way to become a desert tortoise owner is through adoption.

Automatic External Defibrillator

f you want to carry one of the club’s Automatic External Defibrillators I (AED’s) on a run, please contact Brian Springer and make arrangements

to check one out before your run.

Thanks, Gary Wiskus, Run Chairman

Trail Talk - 4 - April 2014

ell we did it again, another successful Hot Dog cook-out at the mine shack with the help of many people. I started this event four years ago with just nineteen Jeeps and one run and consuming 60 Hot Dogs. Here we W are four years later with five run’s, sixty-five Jeeps and consuming 223 Hot Dogs. The trail boss’s were Gary Wiskus, Ron Satterfield, Ladell Olson, Jim Bowen and Tom Bunnell. We had 3 runs leaving the Standard Wash Kiosk at the same time so we had our wives directing traffic to the correct line for each run, which I might add went very smooth with the ladies holding sign’s and each Jeep family knowing their run leaders name. I just want to say this is not my run any more, it is a joint effort of many people putting in many hours to make it happen. I can’t name all the people that helped but you know who you are. A special thanks to Albertson’s for donating the wieners again and Jim and Janet Lund’s help as well. I was told by Mike Yahrmarkt when I started the free Hot Dog Cook-out that it was a cardinal sin to give away free food and he must have been right because it just keeps get bigger each year. All of our trail boss’s want to thank every one for coming and we hope everyone had a fun day. Tom Bunnell

Regular Trail Photos By: Tom Bunnell

& Diane Corder n Thursday, March 6th, fourteen jeeps started off towards the Cabin. This was one of the 5 runs O going to the Hot Dog Feed at the Cabin. We all enjoyed the bumpy run out, stopping at the old corral & miner shack where the memorial for his dog is at. After eating & enjoying talking with other members from all of the other runs, we started off on our track back. I decided to take combo run back to add some extra enjoyment to the bumpy run back to Hwy. 95. Taking an unknown turn, we used parts of Red Line, Gold Springs, Black Falls Loop and Cabin Run to reach the Scenic Turn Out. We all enjoyed the ups & downs without going to a higher level run. Thanks to Steve Riley for being tail gunner. Special thanks for all on the run. Even with the bumping, turning onto the extra trail back, we had a great group I enjoyed having all of you on my run.

Ron Satterfield, Trail Boss

Trail Talk - 5 - April 2014

Redline had 16 Jeeps that went on my run and we left at 9 am sharp from Standard Wash. Everyone did a I great job getting over the water falls and we didn’t have any break downs. With the rain a few days earlier it helped hold down the dust. Mohave Wash was in very good condition compared to what it has been in the past all though it was still rough as usual. We arrived at the cabin right on time and proceeded to enjoy everyone’s company. Thanks to Jim Lund for tail gunning and thanks to everyone that participated for making it a fun day in the desert. No breakdowns and no complaints, you can’t beat that!

(Teflon) Tom Bunnell, Trail Boss

Paloma Wash

n March 6, the famous Hot Dog Run was carried out with great expertise by Tom O Bunnell, Ron Satterfield, and Gary Wiskus along with the help of their wives, Lisa, Sally, and Carol. Thanks to Jim Lund for getting the wieners, which were donated by Albertson’s, and were enjoyed by all. I was asked to lead the 4 rated part of the run on the short cut from Cattail to Paloma Wash, and I had 19 vehicles sign up. I asked Jim Bowen to lead ½ of the group. Nine vehicles went with me, and nine went with Jim. Everyone did fine getting through the rocks on the way to the cabin and hot dog eating area. It was amazing to see 65 vehicles parked around the cabin area with room for many more. There was a lot of fun and fellowship during lunch at the cabin. I said I was going back the same way from the Lost Trail cabin, and I had eleven vehicles go back with me. When leaving Cattail, eight of the group followed thru the new State Land Bypass to Highway 95. t 0900, 13 jeepers left the Standard Wash Thanks to Steve & Kathy Perry for tail gunning over Kiosk headed for the Lost Trail run on our and to Snake & Willie for tail gunning going back. A way to a hotdog lunch at the cabin. Everyone Thanks also to Mike and Carol Yahrmarkt for did great on Lost Trail and coped with the wash­ guidance on the Bypass Route. boarding on the remaining way to the cabin. We were the third group out of five to arrive at the cabin. Ladell Olson, Trail Boss After a superbly cooked lunch of hot dogs, chips, and cookies, the ride home seemed rougher and it took a little longer due to a couple of minor jeep problems. Overall it was an enjoyable trip with great people. This is the only club who would Thanks to Joe and Hermi Tuso for carrying the pay $30.00 in gas for a A.E.D. and to Joe and Cindy Egliske for tailgunning. free Hot Dog! Gary Wiskus, Trail Boss

Trail Talk - 6 - April 2014

Ward Bond Trail Boss BiTs ‘o Wisdom

♫ Roll Along Wagon Train, rollin' over prairies where there ain't no grass, rollin' over mountains where there ain't no pass, sittin' all aboard high in the weather, praying to the Lord we stay together, side by side on the wagon train….♪

Jim Bowen Tom Bunnell Bob Carson Rodger Delk Bob Drew Sue Guibord

Gene Hobday Jim Hofstetter Darryld Kautzmann Dennis Kreuzenstein Charles Leipart Andy Lucas

Mike MacLean Bill Mitschele Ladell Olson Dave Opperman Steve Riley Ron Satterfield

Bruce Speirs Kathlyne Speirs John Strong Dick Thomas Snake Williams Willie Williams

Gary Wiskus Mike Yahrmarkt

The trail bosses want to say “thank you” for the recognition given us at the recent Havasu 4 Wheelers Awards Dinner. You know we don’t put all these runs on for money or fame; we do it because we enjoy it and we enjoy the company of all you fine folks. Sometimes we get so excited about doing runs we can’t shut up or get off the gosh dang radio! The kind comments about us that night by our chief wrangler and Run Chairman John Strong, the gift of those “Trail Boss” shirts, and the presence of you all at the event were payment enough. We are rightly humbled by your generous consideration and acknowledgement of our meager efforts.

Thank You to All !

2144 McCulloch Blvd. City 928/852-2144

Hours: Mon - Sat. 7:30am-9:pm, Sun. 10:am-8:pm Call us for Special Orders: 928/854-2144 We can have it ready at sunrise!

Be safe out there “Four Wheeling Fun” Ask for foil wrap on some items, to re-heat on your Jeep’s Engine Bottled Water & other drinks to go, $1.00 each Convenient drive up-pick up and off you go!

Bagged Ice available FREE for Havasu 4 Wheelers!

Large Group Accommodations & Catering Sandwich & Wrap Trays, Salads too Full Bar - Beer & Cocktails Make Schlotzsky’s your meeting place

Trail Talk - 7 - April 2014

Cat Times Grapevine Springs/Chappo

n February 28, 9 Jeeps met at the end of Bison to Springs-Hualapai Mts. air down and start the trek to the top of the February 17, 2014 O mountain. As a group, there was strapping, winching, spotting, and rock piling on the way to the top. e have not done this loop in the Hualapai Parts of Early times, Highline, King Cobra, and Tom Cat Mountains for the last 3 years. The brush and were included in this run. It was a good day, good time, and W weeds down thru the Chappo Springs area was good fellowship with no break down. Thanks to Dennis VERY thick the last time we went thru it. Only people Kreuzenstein for tail gunning. with me that were not alarmed by pin-stripping were on this trip! We were all pleasantly surprised to find that Ladell Olson, Trail Boss recent traffic has created a nice two track thru the spring area with very light fluffy brush (carefully wiping the dust from the sides of our Jeeps). The loop back over Cottonwood was again one of the most scenic trails in the Hualapai Mountains. No problems, just lots of scenery

soaking! Jim Bowen, Trail Boss Mirage

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Call For A Free Estimate Jody & Holly Christensen

Serving Havasu Since 1995 ● Licensed & Insured

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Visit our Web Site for our full schedule

Buy 1 Combo or Speciality Meal, get 1 for $1.00

2200 MESQUITE AVENUE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (928) 855-8932 FAX (928) 855-5288

Trail Talk - 8 - April 2014

The Guzzler guz·zler /'g&z-l&r, / noun — a man-made catch basin designed to enhance natural waters

"Thirsty for desert news?"

March 12, 2014

Man charged with stealing fossilized

dinosaur footprint from Moab 4X4 trail

Jared Ehlers faces up to 20 years in prison if convicted of prying three-toed print from Hell's Revenge Trail in Utah

Associated Press - theguardian.com

A man has been indicted on federal charges of stealing a fossilized dinosaur footprint from the Jurassic period. The US attorney's office in Utah announced on Wednesday that a grand jury returned the indictment against 35-year-old Jared Ehlers of Moab. He is facing up to 20 years in prison on the most serious of four counts.

Authorities in south-east Utah say the three -toed ancient track was pried last month The dinosaur footprint stolen from a Utah national park. from the sandstone on the Hell's Revenge Photograph: BLM Utah Trail in the Sand Flats Recreation Area. Messages at Ehlers' house were not immediately returned. It's unknown if he has an attorney yet.

Utah Bureau of Land Management district paleontologist Rebecca Hunt-Foster says the dinosaur tracks are 190 million years old. She says they are one-of-a-kind tracks that don't have a price.


Article III Membership and Dues


14. Silver Memberships Once a member has reached the age of 80 years old and has been a member in good standing for at least 5 years, they will receive the designation of

“Silver Members”. These members will be exempt from paying annual dues.

Will be Voted On at the April 2014 Meeting Trail Talk - 9 - April 2014

April 27th— May 3rd, 2014 Cattail Cove Stovepipe Wells n March 1st, 2014 seven jeeps left the Scenic Hotel & RV Park Turnout with 12 members and one guest to our 760/786-2387 O air down spot. All seven jeeps completed all of Contact Bob Drew for the extra credits on Cattail including the Wall of Death. information On our pre run Tom Bunnell, Ladell & Judy Olson , and myself even had another extra credit, going from Cattail Arrive on Sunday, April 27th to Paloma Wash which is rated a (4). Thank you Ladell Monday, April 28th—Tour Scotty’s Castle and Judy Olson for being our Tail Gunner. Everyone did a great job with no break downs. Tuesday, April 29th—Run, Echo Canyon Wednesday, April 30th—Run, Race Track/Ubehebe Crater John Strong, Trail Boss Thursday, May 1st—Free Day Friday, May 2nd—Run, Cottonwood & Marble Canyon Saturday, May 3rd—Depart for Moab We plan to drive to Kanarraville, UT and spend the night—300 miles Sunday, May 4th, Arrive Moab—300 miles

Photo By: B.J. Buckhout

Cattail Cove, Death to Ladell No one made it up the falls today, Falls Won! 0 for 12 Photo By: John Strong

Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® ALEX ROSS Agent, H4W Member

Ross & Marlene Hobday

H4W MEMBERS Supply Since 1981

Trail Talk - 10 - April 2014

Mohawk Spring Run + Walnut Creek Tour

n March 8, 2014, nine jeeps left Terribles’ at

Hike 9:00am with 7 members and 14 guests for the n Friday, March 7, four vehicles with 6 O Hualapais. The destination was a survivalist members and 2 guests left for Mohawk Spring area, with a lot of deserted old dwellings, trash, bunker, O in the Turtle Mountains. We stopped at Brown’s ranch, and petroglyphs. Stories were told from a variety Cabin on the way in to the trailhead where we explored of experiences from previous visits going back to the 80's. the camp and corral. We all hiked to the dry Mohawk Trash papers found laying around verify some of the Spring and continued on the loop around Mexican Hat stories. Previous stories from club members were shared peak for a 3 mile loop. We returned to the parking area by the Trail Boss. Elevation gain is gradual from 2200' to for lunch. We then went in search of Turtle cabin. We 4800' where the run changes from cactus to pine trees. found the cabin foundation, 3 shells of vehicles, a 2-hole Everyone signed out and aired up by 3:15. Thank you Bob outhouse on it’s side and a 20 foot long sluice as well as Carson for being Tail Gunner. many piles of debris to explore. This was a nice little hike of about 1.5 miles. From there we headed back to Turtle John Strong, Trail Boss Mountain road. Everyone did a great job with no problems. I want to thank John and Sue Strong for being my tail gunner. Steve Riley, Trail Boss

Photo By: Steve Riley Warm Springs

n 3/3/14, seven jeeps left Terribles at 9:00 with eleven members for Warm Springs and its Photo By: John Strong O notorious bumpy road. Our destination was on the edge of the 112,400 acre Warm Spring Wilderness where we had lunch and 3 groups walked. The first group tried to walk to the petroglyphs. The second group March’s viewed the petroglyphs. The third group led by Brent 50/50 Keller went by the petroglyphs up the wash and viewed Palm Trees, running water, rock foundations and corrals. Winner Thank you Garnett Collins for being our Tail Gunner. Everyone did a great job and were Was aired up by 3:45. Hal John Strong, Trail Boss Shaffer $90.00

Trail Talk - 11 - April 2014

Havasu 4 Wheelers Supports the Community Kelly Parks from Hospice of Havasu Moab, Utah accepts a donation check from President Jim Bowen. This money was raised at the annual H4W’s Yard Sale May 4th—May 9th, 2014

in February. We will have runs Monday through Friday with choices of easy, moderate and difficult on each day. Runs will be announced at the April membership meeting but sign up for runs will be on Sunday, May 4th at the Spanish Trails RV Park beginning at 5:00pm (meet & greet)

Club pot luck dinner is Wednesday May 7th, 5:00pm at Spanish Trails RV Park. Sign up for the pot luck during the meet & greet on the Sunday before along with run sign-ups.

Spanish Trails RV Park 800-787-2751 to make your reservation, we have 25 spots held. Moab Rustic Inn, located in middle of town, call 435/259-6177 for reservations, we have a group rate of $89.00 per night, deadline is Feb. 17th after that date

price goes up to $110.00.

See Web Site for details or Contact Mike Or Cheryl MacLean for information

rail bosses, event-hosts and coordinators plan club activities S T around signup sheets, phone Photo By: Wanda Scholl O calls, and e-mail RSVP’s indicating you wanted to participate. Sometimes we R forget that we have committed ourselves to them. Please write yourself R a reminder that you put your name Y down to attend. If you can’t be there, please give the responsible person a courtesy call and say... “Sorry, but we must cancel.”

JACK’S AUTO PARTS & MACHINE SHOP OPEN 6 DAYS - MON THRU SAT For All Your 855-3011 Auto Parts & Paint Needs We Are ASE Certified 1551 Palo Verde S. Paint Specialist Lake Havasu City & Kingman GENUINE BROASTED CHICKEN & RIBS (928) 855-6344 All Our Food Is Cooked To Order, Not Cooked Ahead STEEL DISTRIBUTORS Homemade Food • Assortment of Fried Foods • Homemade Desserts Rebar • Channel • Angle • Strap • Plate • Pipe Beer & Wine • 100% Cholesterol Free Oil Beam • Tubing • Ornamental Iron Supplies ALUMINUM/STAINLESS DISTRIBUTORS Angle • Channel • Strap • Tubing • Sheet Plate Lake Havasu City, AZ….410 El Camino Way Phone: 928-680-4441 Shearing • Sawing • Rebar Fab • Hole Punching

Kingman, AZ ………..4120 Stockton Hill Rd Phone: 928-757-8770

Trail Talk - 12 - April 2014

Ridges March 26, 2014

Thirteen jeeps met at Terribles at I-40 for the journey to Bullhead City. The weather was cool and windy. After a maze ride through a subdivision, we arrived at our air down spot. The run is very scenic with some steep hills and shelf roads, four mountain goats and four Burros were spotted. We had one incident with a broken axle, but with a lot of help, were able to get him rolling so he could finish the run. Thanks to everyone who came along, I had great fun. Thank you B.J. Buckhout for tail gunning.

Mike Yahrmarkt, Trail Boss Photo By: Wanda Scholl

2059 McCulloch Blvd...... Lake Havasu City, AZ

Trail Talk - 13 - April 2014

McGuffies Cabin &

Slot Canyon

en Jeeps with nine members and six guests left Terribles at 8:30 for McGuffies Cabin and Slot T Canyon on 3/11/14. We had lunch at the cabin where we visited the water catchment and the pictographs in Mississippi Wash. We exited through Slot Canyon (Rawhide Wash) which adds 2 miles to the run. The northern water flow inspection concrete container was ripped from the floor of the canyon by summer monsoons in Slot Canyon is still in disrepair. According to Dick Gilbert, US Fish & Wildlife Service, we have had record flow of water through the this summer. Rawhide Wash and Mississippi Wash empty into Alamo Lake and Bill Williams River. Alamo Lake Road is a scenic road with a change in elevations that has Joshua tree forests, Pinyon Pines, and Saguaro cactus along with numerous mountains. We were done airing up by 2:45 for a great run. Thank you Mike Yarhmarkt for being our Tail Gunner. Photo By: Tom Bunnell John Strong, Trail Boss

This N That

e had 13 Jeeps leave on this run from Bison. About three miles into the run we had a front W broken axle and Ladell jumped into action and then part of the rest of the group went up Blue Berry Jam and by the time we got back the jeep was fixed good enough to finish the run. We continued on to Redline and Gold Springs where about five Jeeps went thru the squeeze and put on quite a show. Then we went to thru Hawks Nest and several of us went back thru Hawks Nest the opposite way and it was totally different. The next time we do this run I will do the entire run backwards which should make it very interesting. Great Photo By: John Strong day and good drivers.

Trail Boss, (Teflon) Tom Bunnell

171 Swanson Ave. Ste. 100 928/453-8339 Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403

Trail Talk - 14 - April 2014

Trail Talk - 15 - April 2014

Thank You Rodger & Diana Delk

Trail Talk - 16 - April 2014

Cherum Peak Hike/Chloride

n Tuesday, March 25th, after several cancellations and 1 no-show, 2 vehicles with 5 O members and 1 guest, left Terribles for Big Wash Road off Route 93 north of Kingman. During the ride up to the top, we stopped for 3 geocaches. We also had to stop for 3 deer crossing the road. We then went past the campgrounds to the trailhead for Cherum Peak, with many scenic views along the way. We had 5 hardy souls on the hike on a very nice day. Four made it to the end enjoying the many beautiful vistas along the way and at the top, where we had lunch. After our return, we all continued down the road to Chloride. Everyone did a great job with no problems and we arrived at the murals in good order. We all finished the day with refreshments at Yesterdays in Chloride. Thank you to Penny Leistiko for being tail gunner. Steve Riley, Trail Boss

Picture was taken by Anne Roberts. In the picture is Brent Keller, Anne Roberts, Steve Riley and Penny Leistiko at the top of the mountain.


WWW.andersondeals.com 141 Swanson Avenue Lake Havasu City, AZ “ (Across from Movies Havasu) 505-8030

Trail Talk - 17 - April 2014

2014 Havasu 4 Wheelers Membership Renewal Application To renew your 2014 H4W membership, please fill out this application form and mail it to Havasu 4 Wheelers, P.O. Box 1486, Lake Havasu City, AZ 86405, accompanied by a check in the amount of $45.00. You may also bring your application and check to the February or March 2014 club meetings. Applications received after March 31, 2014 will be considered delinquent and the renewal amount will be $60.00. Delinquent members shall be dropped from the roster after the last day of April, 2014.

Name______& ______(first) (first) (last)

Please up date your personal information below for our records or circle SAME if unchanged

Mailing address:______Second Address:______

Phone:______Cell Phone:______E-mail Address:______

Anniversary:______Birthday:______Birthday: ______Check No.______$45.00 Dues

Direct: (928) 505-HOME(4663) Toll Free: (866)473-5542 Fax: (928)505-4649 1841 N. Kiowa Blvd. [email protected] (BETWEEN FOOD CITY & STAPLES) www.lynettefisher.com KELLER Mon - Thru 7:00am - 8:30pm Fri - Sat 7:00am -9:00pm LYNETTE FISHER’S Team One 1990LYNETTE N. McCulloch Blvd., FISHER’S Ste 109 Lake Havasu Team City, AZOne 86403 WILLIAMSKELLER Sunday 7:00am - 3:00pm 1990 N.(Corner McCulloch of Blvd.,Smoketree Ste 109 Ave/SwansonLake Havasu City, Ave) AZ 86403 ArizonaWILLIAMS Living Realty Call: 928/680-0201 (Corner of Smoketree Ave/Swanson Ave) Arizona Living Realty

Trail Talk - 18 - April 2014

Cottonwood 2014

ighty-three Havasu 4 Wheelers made the trek to Cottonwood the week of March 17. There was a total of 21 jeep runs with ten run leaders---Mike Yahrmarkt, Bob Scholl, Tom Christiansen, Ken Weller, Bob Carson, Steve Perry, E Jim Bowen, Willie Williams, Snake Williams and Charles Leipart. The runs were rated between 2.5 to 3.75. The jeep runs included spectacular red rock scenery along with the monuments of Tuzigoot, and Palatki---early Native American ruins. Members also took advantage of shopping and exploring Sedona, Jerome and old town Cottonwood. Several members took a train ride on the Verde Valley Railroad, and the zip line over the wild animals at the Out of Africa Wildlife Park. All eighty-three members attended the club dinner at the Homestead Grill restaurant located within the Thousand Trails RV Resort. Our host, Mark and his mother, Dee made us feel welcome and the food was very good. At the dinner several members jumped in to help serve and clear dishes making it a unique experience for our group. Craig Laser was presented a Thousand Trails apron for his work bussing tables. All in all we had a fun evening. Thanks to everyone who attended and special thanks to the trail bosses. Also thanks to the guys—Bob Scholl, Mike Yahrmarkt, Ken Weller, Tom Christiansen and Bob Carson who did advance work with me in planning this trip. It could not have been done without their help. Charles Leipart

Trail Talk - 19 - April 2014

Trail Talk - 20 - April 2014

Dickinson, Dick & Karen Lott, Leland (Lindy) & Linda and Petey

Selby, Mike & Debbi Sheeler, Keith & Lou

Trail Boss of the Month

Bob Carson

Rookie Trail Boss of the Month Wishes for a speedy recovery Tom Christiansen go out to Renee Melton who is in the hospital. Hope to see you out on the trail soon.

Trail Talk - 21 - April 2014

Havasu 4 Wheeler’s Property Report 2014 As required by Article XVIII of the By-Laws, this is a list of the Club’s property and who is in possession as of the date of this printing. If you are aware of any other items that should be included on this list, please contact the Club President or one of the Board Members. Three AED’s 4 Folding Tables/ Safety Officer 1 Card Table Storage Unit 1 US Flag & Stand 1 Gavel Storage Unit Club President

2 H4W Banners-1 each 2 Keys to PO Box Storage Unit/Club President Treasurer & Secretary

Checking Account 1 Tread Lightly Banner Maintained by Treasurer Storage Unit

1 Metal Sculpture 1 White Board Storage Unit Storage Unit

Connie Hoppe presents outgoing 21 Trash grabbers 18 Vests - H4W Property President Jim Bowen with a Historian Clean-Up Chair Clean-Up Chair book of club activities for the last year. 8 Vests - AZDOT Property 3 Chain Saws Clean-Up Chair Bruce Speirs

1 Video System 1 Portable Speaker System Ken Weller Jim Bowen

4 Plastic Tubs w/hangers 120 Cup Coffee Urn Be sure your lug nut wrench is adequate before you go out Storage Unit Storage Unit for a Sunday drive and end of spending the night on Mingus Mt. near Cottonwood with your family. 12 Metal Clothes Racks Garage Sale Aprons Havasu 4 Wheelers to the rescue! Storage Unit Storage Unit

1 CPR Mannequin 1 Table Top Easel/ Andy Lucas 3 Free Standing Easels Storage Unit Various Holiday Décor. 1 Bull Horn Storage Unit Storage Unit

3 Stopwatches/Potato sticks Numerous Maps & Chalk - Storage Unit Jim Bowen

3 Tarps & Club Historian Red Crate w/20 Clip­ Scrapbooks - Storage Unit boards Storage Unit

Photo By: Bob Torson Trail Talk - 22 - April 2014

Havasu 4 Wheelers Monthly meetings are held the 4th Thursday of the month starting at April 2014 7:00pm at: Realtors Center 2293 Swanson Avenue Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Lake Havasu City, Arizona

2014/2015 Executive Officers:

President……………………….……………..John Strong Vice President…………...…....Tom Christensen 1 2 3 4 5 Secretary……….…………..………..…..Garnett Collins Howard Kathlyne Treasurer……..……………….………….….Mark Corder Mathe Speirs Gail Sims Voting Members: Connie Wilke

At Large……….……………….…..….…….Janet Drew, Craig Laser & Jim Bowen, Past Pres. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Frank Eckis Frank Travis Penny

Committees: Leistiko

Advertising…………………..……………Dan Klawitter Audit……………………………………………Willie Williams By-Laws………………………………………….....Steve Riley Community Service…………….Connie Hoppe 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Conservation……………….…..……….…...Jim Bowen Sheila Chuck Margie Mary Lou Dave Bruno Desert Clean-Up ………....Mike Yahrmaarkt McKinnon Jackson Christiansen Ellis Patti Events…………………..……..Rodger & Diana Delk Schroeder Palm Sunday 50/50……………………………….………..Mike MacLean Highway Cleanup…………..Mike Yahrmarkt Historian…………………...…….…………Connie Hoppe Merchandise…..……...... Joe & Cindy Egilske 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Membership……………………………..… Janet Drew Andy Walker Arvella Joy Deborah Newsletter Editor….Bob & Wanda Scholl Klawitter Public Information…………………Bruce Speirs Runs………………………………..……….....…..Gary Wiskus Safety………………………….……………...…….…...Bob Drew If we forgot your Sunshine…………………...…..………………Trish Reister 27 28 29 30 Birthday/Anniversary, Turkey Roast…………Jim & Joanne Malara Sandy Larry Lutz Webmaster………………..Dennis Kreuzenstein Palmer Steve Perry please let us know Yard Sale……………...Paul & Joyce Stephens Doug so we can correct our records. Roberts

7th—Hardy & Jeanne Edmondson 14th—Bruce & Kathlyne Speirs 15th—Bill & Nancy French 15th—Byron & Mindy Pohlman 17th—Joe & Cindy Egilske 20th—Paul & Diane Wheatley 25th—Phil & Debbie Harrington 26th—Don & Louise Flood 27th—Rodger & Renee Melton 27th—Steve & Jayne Riley 28th—Jay & Chris Myers 30th—Ed & Sherry Sroka

Trail Talk - 23 - April 2014

1993-94 through 2013-14 The names and dates of all of the elected officers are shown below. They represent only a fraction of the unnamed members that have given their time and talents to make your club successful over the past 18 years. To all those, and you know who you are…THANK YOU! (By-Laws Article VI.1, Administration & Officers)

All elected officer positions conform to Havasu 4 Wheelers By-Laws Article VI.1.

Office PRESIDENT VICE- SECRTARY TREAURER IMMEDIATE MEMBER MEMBER PRESIDENT PAST AT LARGE AT LARGE YEAR PRESIDENT Vince None None None 1993-1994 Paul Hilton Goodrow Ross Hobday Sue Melgoza (1) (1) (1) None None None 1994-1995 Ross Hobday Rusty Davis Jim Burns Jay Wolcott (1) (1) (1) Linda Frank None None None 1995-1996 Jay Wolcott Jim Burns Spielberger Spielberger (1) (1) (1) Linda Frank None None None 1996-1997 Jay Wolcott Jim Burns Spielberger Spielberger (1) (1) (1) Warren None None None 1997-1998 Breen Jay Wolcott Nancy Melim Bob Nichol (1) (1) (1) Warren Glenda None None None 1998-1999 Breen Glen Hobday Mansfield Bob Nichol (1) (1) (1) Glenda Frank Warren 1999-2000 Jay Wolcott Jim Burns Mansfield Spielberger Breen Early West Ted Whitall Glenda Frank 2000-2001 Jim Burns Pam Rudolph Mansfield Spielberger Jay Walcott Gary Peters Ted Whitall Glenda 2001-2002 Curt Frilot Leroy Larsen Mansfield Tina Bonsang Jim Burns Jim Bowen Bill Rudolph Rosemary 2002-2003 Jim Bowen Leroy Larsen Tina Morris Thompson Curt Frilot Jerry Land Don Petersen Mike Marianne 2003-2004 Leroy Larsen Norman Black Jim Faulkner Jim Bowen Larry Thien Early West Mike Kathi Trixie Leoroy Louise Flood 2004-2005 Norman Jim Totcke Carmichael Kautzmann Larsen Gene Knox (2) Mike Margee Per­ Bob Sims Dick Thomas Louise Flood 2005-2006 Norman Larry Thien ryman Steve Perry (3) (3) (2) Darryld Kau­ Snake Margee Per­ Bobbie Mike Willie 2006-2007 tzmann Williams ryman Halterman Norman Dick Thomas Williams (2) Cheri Darryld Willie 2007-2008 Jim Bowen Bill Mitschele Lansing Mary Monia Kautzmann Dick Thomas Williams (2) Charles Willie 2008-2009 Bill Mitschele Leipart Sue Guibord Mary Monia Jim Bowen Dick Thomas Williams (2) Charles Dennis Cheryl Gail Key 2009-2010 Leipart Callaghan MacLean Mary Monia Bill Mitschele Ken Weller (2) Willie Cheryl Loretta Charles (2) Gail Key/ 2010-2011 Bruce Speirs Williams MacLean Robinson Leipart Bob Scholl Janet Drew Cheryl Loretta Jim Janet Drew 2011-2012 MacLean Bob Scholl Ro Beets Robinson Bruce Speirs Hofstetter (2) Cheryl John Strong Janet Drew 2012-2013 MacLean Jim Bowen Diana Liston Ro Beets (3) Gary Wiskus (2) Mike Janet Drew 2013-2014 Jim Bowen John Strong Annie Planas Mark Corder Yahrmarkt (4 Gary Wiskus (2) 1) In addition to the 4 Executive Committee positions, the office of Immediate Past President and 2 Members aAt-Large positions were created by By-Laws Amendment in February 1999. 2) The position of Membership Chairman elevated to a voting Member At Large. 3) Incumbent president elected to a second term. The position of Immediate Past President filled by the nomination and election of a third Member At-Large. 4) Immediate Past President declined voting position on board, thus an additional Member At-Large was elected.

Havasu Four Wheelers PRSRT STD PO Box 1486

Lake Havasu City, AZ. 86405 PERMIT NO. 235


- Mandatory Vehicle Equipment - All vehicles on H4W runs must be 4-wheel drive & equipped with a CB radio, fire extinguisher, first aid kit, tow straps, and front and rear tow hooks or safe hitching point ….. all in working order.


1 EASIEST: Passable by stock vehicles. Gentle fairly wide grades.

2 EASY: Use of 2 wheel and some 4-wheel drive. Trail may have some rocks, loose road surface, and ruts but a reasonable line for driving.

3 EASIEST MODERATE: 4-wheel drive with aggressive tire treads. Expect a rough road with rocks and sand that requires lower tire pressure. Substantial sections of single lane.

3¼ MODERATE: Some 4 wheel driving experience needed. Same as above with some use of high and low range gearing. These trails have a rough, rutted surface, rocks and deep sand. Sections may be steep enough to cause traction problems, narrow shelf roads with steep drop -offs and tight clearance between rocks.

3½ HARDER MODERATE: For experienced drivers. At least a 2” lift and 33’ tires with aggressive tire tread, one locked differential, high and low range gearing. Potentially dangerous, large rocks, ruts, steep slopes, loose surface and narrow clearances that need to be negotiated.

3¾ HARDEST MODERATE: Skilled experienced drivers only. Same as above with both differentials locked, some strapping/winching. Very challenging sections, extremely steep grades, loose surfaces, large rocks, deep ruts and tight clearances.

4 DIFFICULT: Highly skilled experienced drivers only. Same as above with belly up, 4 to 1 transfer case or equivalent, skid plates, beefed up axles and suspension system. Probable strapping/winching. Vehicle width and wheelbase should be considered. Possible body damage.

5 HARD: All of the above. Probable body damage.