Conserving Natural Areas and Wildlife in Your Community 89 the Biodiversity Project, 16, 43 C Biodiversity Review Standards, 60 CAC
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Index Towns are indexed under county names. aquatic systems. See coastal habitats; groundwater; lakes; streams; wetlands aquifers, 13 A drinking water, 19 acquisition, 19, 29, 67. See open space planning and conservation See also groundwater Adirondack Park, 2 Ardea alba (great egret), 12 adjacent upland stream and wetland buffers, 29, 30 Ardea herodias (great blue heron), 13 aesthetic benefits of conservation, 1, 2, 65 natural landscaping, 76, 77 Army Corps of Engineers, 27, 31 scenery, 16 Asclepias incarnata zoning and, 55 (swamp milkweed), 77 agricultural areas Asclepias tuberosa (butterfly weed), 77 farmland protection program, 68 fragmentation in, 17 Asio flammeus (short-eared owl ), 16, 17 inventorying, 19 Asio otus See also farms (long-eared owl), 16 assessments Ailanthus altissma (tree of heaven), 76 biological site, 58 airports, 35 habitat, 56 use, 55 air quality, protecting, 2 role of forests, 15, 18 Atlas of Biodiversity (Sullivan), 43 role of natural areas in urban habitats, 18 Audubon New York, 22 Albany County See Farnsworth Middle School, 42 awareness, raising. education, public; public participation Glacial Lake Albany Native Plant Restoration Project, 78 Helderberg Escarpment Planning Guide, 24 map of watershed, inside front cover B Office of Natural Resources, 69 Baba Dioum, 39 Restoring Connections with Natural Landscaping, 35–36 bald eagles, 12 Albany Law School, 10 barred owl (Strix varia), 16 Albany Pine Bush Preserve, 16, 17–18, 35–36, 71 barrens Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission, 36, 42, 78 about, 16–17 maps of rare, 20 Allan, B. F., 4 See also open uplands Allilaria petiolata (garlic mustard), 78 bats, 14 Amblystoma jeffersonianum (Jefferson salamander), 13 Bear Mountain League of Naturalists, 21 Amblystoma maculatum (spotted salamander), 13 Behar, S., 31 Amblystoma opacum (marbled salamander), 13 Benfield, K. F., 10 American cranberry (Viburnum trilobum), 77 Benson, A. B., 1 American Farmland Trust, 3 Berberis thunbergii (Japanese barberry), 76, 77 American Forests, 18 Better Site Design, 62 projects, 65 American Museum of Natural History, 43 BioBlitz, 43 American Planning Association, 10 biodiversity, 12 American Rivers, 61 assessments, 19 defined, 1 American woodcock (Scolopax minor), 13 fragmentation and, 4 amphibians and Lyme disease, 4 areas of, 22 planning tools, 55 Atlas, New York State loss of, from stormwater, 61, 63 biodiversity assessment habitat-identification process, 22 migration of, 25, 64 riparian habitat for, 30 Biodiversity, Conservation, and Policy Program, 9 See also salamanders Conserving Natural Areas and Wildlife in Your Community 89 The Biodiversity Project, 16, 43 C biodiversity review standards, 60 CAC. See conservation advisory councils biological diversity. See biodiversity Calhoun, A. J. K., 30, 61, 63, 64 biological site assessments, 58, 60 Callinectes sapidus (blue crab), 12 bioretention areas, 62, 64 “Cape Cod” curbing, 25, 63 birds catch basins, 61 atlas, New York State, 21, 22 birding areas, local, 22 Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, 4 breeding sites for, 14 Catskills, 50 buffer width for streamside habitats, 30 forest habitat requirements, 33 Center for Biodiversity and Conservation grassland bird habitats, 34 (American Museum of Natural History), 43 nesting habitat, 12 Center for Watershed Protection, 65 Bishop, P. J., 33 stormwater pond and wetland design information, 64 black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa), 77 cerulean warbler (Dendroica cerulea), 15 black-crowned night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax), 12 Cheo, M., 31 black-legged ticks, 4 Childs, L. N., 24 blue crab (Callinectes sapidus), 12 Cimicifuga racemosa (black cohosh), 77 blue flag iris (Iris versicolor), 77 Circus cyaneus (northern harrier), 16, 17, 34, 35 bobcat (Lynx rufus), 16 citizen involvement. See education, public; public participation bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus), 17, 34 Clemmys guttata (spotted turtle), 13 Bodie, J. R., 30 climate moderation effect of forests on, 15 bogs, 12. See also wetlands microclimate regulation, 30 bridges, 32 cluster subdivisions, 10, 29 brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis), 14, 15 about, 57–58 density bonuses for, 55 brownfields, 53 stormwater management and, 62 upzoning and, 56 Bucknall, C. P., 3 for wastewater management, 66 buffers, 55 coastal habitats, 11–12 aquatic, 29 benefits of, 12 for parks, 36 conservation principles for, 26–27 natural landscaping as, 75, 76 dredge spoil and, 12 to protect coastal habitats, 26 maps of, 20, 21 to protect riparian habitats, 29 shorelines and, 2 to protect streams and wetlands, 27, 28, 29–30, 32, 56 species (Hudson Valley), 12 regulations, 57 threats to, 12 for stormwater management, 62 widths of, 30 Columbia County, 17, 34 See also setbacks map of watershed, inside front cover Rheinstrom Hill, 43 building lots clearing, 62 community facilities and services sizes of, 56, 57 coordinating with, 51 cost of, 2, 3–4, 32, 65, 76 burning bush (Euonymus alata), 77 impact of development on, 59 See also intermunicipal cooperation burns, controlled, 35 comprehensive planning, 7, 8 Burroughs, J., 3 actions, identifying, 50–51 assistance, technical, 53 Butomus umbellatus (flowering rush), 78 basic principles, identifying, 49 benefits of, 52 Buttercup Farm Sanctuary, 43 conservation advisory councils, 51–52 ecological region and watershed, identifying, 49–50 butterflies examples of, 52 rare, 16, 17 information resources, 53 in Van Cortlandt Park, 17 intermunicipal coordination, 51 See also Karner blue butterfly maps, creating, 50 butterfly weed (Asclepias tuberosa), 77 90 Conserving Natural Areas and Wildlife in Your Community municipal agencies, coordinating with, 51 D natural areas, identifying, 50, 55, 59 policy statements, 50 dams and water diversions, 14 purpose of, 49, 55 Daniels, K. H., 33 connections. See natural areas, connecting daylighting, 36 consensus building, 45, 47 deer populations, managing, 33 conservation. See natural areas and wildlife conservation; DeGloria, S. M., 15 natural resource conservation principles Dendroica cerulea (cerulean warbler), 15 conservation advisory councils (CACs), 51–52 intermunicipal, 71–72 density, regulating, 55 lot sizes, 56, 57 conservation boards, 52 density bonuses, 55, 57 Conservation Café, 42 Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), New York conservation easements State, 19, 43 for conservation/cluster subdivisions, 58 grants for open space conservation, 69 defined, 68 Landowner Incentives Program, 35 for forests, 34 New York State Forest tax law (480a), 34, 55 for streams, 32 open space committees, 68 for urban habitats, 35 permits, 26, 27, 31, 66 for wetlands, 67 rare species information, 20 conservation principles, general, 25 significant ecosystems information, 20 stormwater pond and wetland design information, 64 conservation program, creating, 19 stream and stream corridor maps, 20 technical assistance for planning and zoning, 53 conservation subdivisions Urban Forestry Program, 36 about, 57–58 wetland maps, 20 upzoning and, 56 for wastewater management, 66 Desmognathus fuscus (northern dusky salamander), 15 Constitution Marsh, 43 detention basins, 76 construction. See development development in areas with public infrastructure, 68 Corbett, J., 10 conservation/cluster subdivisions. See specific listings economic, 51 Corbett, M., 10 in floodplains, 14 generic environmental impact statements, 59 Cornell Cooperative Extension, 3, 43 low-density, 55 low-impact, 9, 41, 58, 61 Cornell Plantations, 23 natural landscaping, using, 76 away from sensitive areas. See buffers; setbacks Cornell University Geospatial Information Repository and tax burden, 3–4 (CUGIR), 21 urban revitalization (brownfields), 53 wetland boundary delineations, 27 corridors, natural, 25 See also comprehensive planning; shoreline development; wildlife, 56 smart growth strategies; urban sprawl; zoning See also habitat corridors; natural areas, connecting; stream corridors development rights,10. See also conservation easements; transfer of development rights cost-share programs, 67 dock siting, 26, 27 county governments, 71 Dodd, C. K., 11 Crawford, J. A., 30 Dolichonyx oryzivorus (bobolink), 17, 34 Critical Environmental Areas, 58 dragonflies and damselflies, 11 Croton to Highlands Biodiversity Plan, 23, 52 vegetated swales, 62, 63, 76 Cumulative Impact Analysis, 59 Dreher, D. 25 curbs, 25, 61, 63 Driscoll, D. A., 24 Conserving Natural Areas and Wildlife in Your Community 91 Dutchess County See U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Buttercup Farm Sanctuary, 43 Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, 4 erosion Fishkill Creek basin, 42 controlling with buffers, 14, 29–32 Greenway Connections, 10 controlling along shorelines, 26 map of watershed, inside front cover controlling with native plants, 75, 77 Town of Clinton, 65 information resources, 66 Town of Milan, 60 in local regulation, 56, 73 Town of Pleasant Valley Wetland and Watercourse Ordinance, preventing, 14, 15, 57 28–29 See stormwater management; sediment control Town of Wappinger, 65 Wappinger Creek watershed, 65, 73 Euonymus alata (Japanese spindle tree), 77 Dutchess County Environmental Management Council, 65 Eurasian water-chestnut, 12 E F EAF. See Full Environmental Assessment Form Fallopia japonica (Japanese knotweed), 77 early successional habitats, 34–35. farmland protection, 5, 68 See open uplands. farms, 35 eastern box turtles, 11 habitat conservation assistance for, 17, 35 habitat, value of active farms, 17 eastern meadowlark (Sturnella magna), 17, 34 tax relief for, 67 See also agricultural areas Eastern Westchester Biotic Corridor, 69,