Isingiro District Investment Profile
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ISINGIRO DISTRICT INVESTMENT PROFILE Uganda ISINGIRO DISTRICT | Figure 1: Map of Uganda showing the location of Isingiro District 2 ISINGIRO DISTRICT INVESTMENT ProFILE SNAPSHOT ONISINGIRO Geography Location Western Uganda Neighbours Kiruhura, Tanzania, Ntungamo, Mbarara District area 2,610 sq km Socio-Economic Characteristics Population (2017 projection) 517,800 Refugees and Asylum seekers (April 2017) 134,156 Languages Runyankore Main Economic Activity Agriculture Major tradeable Bananas, Beans, fish farming, animal husbandry Infrastructure and strategic positioning Transport network Road Communication: MTN, Airtel, Africel, UTL, the internet GEOGRAPHY  Isingiro District is located in  The district is characterized by steep southwestern Uganda. It is bor- hills and deep valleys especially dered by Kiruhura District to the in the sub-counties of Nyakitunda, north, Tanzania to the south, Ntun- Kabingo, Kabuyanda, Ngarama and gamo District to the west, Kashumba. and Mbarara District to the north-  Other areas are characterized by west. gentle slope hills and low land areas especially for the sub-counties of Mbaare, Endiinzi, Masha and part of Birere. ISINGIRO DISTRICT INVESTMENT ProFILE 3 DEMOGRAPHY  The 2014 Population and  The district promotes the gov- Housing Census results estimat- ernment’s exemplary refugee ed the population of Isingiro settlement model that allows at 486,360, with 51 percent of refugees to interact freely and women and 49 percent men. set up investments, which pro- In 2016, the population was vides an opportunity to harness approximately 517,800. their potential to accelerate local economic development.  Isingiro hosts refugees from the Generally, the refugee and host Democratic Republic of Congo, communities enjoy a cordial Rwanda, Somalia and Burundi, relationship, which offers a fa- in two refugee camps: Nakivale vourable environment for doing and Oruchinga. In 2016, the ref- business. ugee population was estimated at 122,996 accounting for 24 percent of the district popula- tion. As of May 2017, the refugee population had risen to 134,156, owing to conflict in DRC. 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1 2 3 4 4 ISINGIRO DISTRICT INVESTMENT ProFILE MAIN ECONOMIC ACTIVITY | Animal rearing is one of the activities in | Banana farm in Isingiro Isingiro  More than 70 percent of the  Fishing & Fish farming is also population are engaged mainly practiced: there are 8 landing in small scale farming. The sites with fish species such as major crops grown are: Banan- Tilapia, Miller caps, lung fish and as (90 percent) and Beans (3 Claris. Commercial Fish farming percent). A few households are is also practiced using fishponds engaged in medium scale and which are mainly mixed. commercial farming. Some  The population is also engaged households are engaged in retail trade, metal fabrication, animal raring, especially, cattle wood work, vending of food herding. products and operation of small size eating houses and restau- rants.  Other activities are: sand mining, brick making, Tin mining and fishing. Fishing is carried out on Lakes Nakivale, Rwamurunga and Rivers Kagera and Rwizi. ISINGIRO DISTRICT INVESTMENT ProFILE 5 WHY INVEST IN ISINGIRO DISTRICT? Rich Natural Resources Tourism Potential  The District is endowed with variety natural resources name- ly; Lakes, Rivers, Minerals, sand, clay, stones  There are permanent and seasonal water bodies. Major permanent water bodies are Kagera and Rwizi River and Lakes Nakivale and Mburo and Oruchinga, while the wetlands | Lake Mburo National Park occupy around 2% of the total land area.  The district is gifted with unique features that exhibit potential The district has ample water  for tourism. sources for developing irrigation schemes and water reservoirs  There are lakes, rivers and water for crop and livestock produc- falls with good aquatic vegeta- tion. tion and possibilities for boat riding, water rafting, swimming and spot fishing.  The district has monumental, leisure and recreation sites in Kabingo and Kikagate  Lake Mburo National Park, one of the famous Uganda safari destinations and closest wildlife destination to Kampala the capital of Uganda  Overall beautiful scenery. | River Kagera 6 ISINGIRO DISTRICT INVESTMENT ProFILE Infrastructure Skilled and Productive WHY INVEST IN ISINGIRO DISTRICT? Wworkforce  Roads: Isingiro district has one bitumen road that starts from  Isingiro district is endowed with Mbarara and passes through industrious, technically capable Isingiro, and ends in Kikagati, at and affordable manpower. the National Boarder with the  Young people have started Republic of Tanzania. finding opportunities in and are  The district roads are regularly attracted back to the district af- maintained, covering approxi- ter graduating from institutions mately 462.2 Km. in other districts. Others come back to start their own busi-  The government has plans to nesses and build on the existing upgrade some roads to bitumen manpower pool. standard is a priority under the Vision 2040 National Plan. Administrative Support  Energy: extended Hydro Electric power line from the National  Uganda through its political, le- Grid Network in most of the ma- gal and institutional structures, jor urban areas in the District. its strong economic and social policies as well as the effi-  Communication: The district cient local government organs enjoys good access to major provides a conducive investment mobile telephone networks environment in Isingiro district. including MTN, Airtel, UTL, the internet, as well as radio and  Investors are assisted by the television networks enabling the different departments in the much-preferred instant/quick local government depending on communication. the issues at hand.  Accommodation: Isingiro town a  Uganda Investment Authority wide range of housing, and is lo- (UIA) is promoting the One Stop cated in the vicinity of Mbarara Centre concept at the district town (28 miles) and the myriad level where the Chief Commer- accommodation facilities there. cial Officer is the facilitator of new investors, to fulfil all required steps in investment start up. ISINGIRO DISTRICT INVESTMENT ProFILE 7  UIA has established District Category 2- Annual Deprecia- Investment Committee (DICs) to tion Allowances: The following spearhead investment attrac- allowances, under declining bal- tion, facilitation and aftercare in ance method, are provided for different sectors. assets as specified in 4 classes below: Attractive Incentive » Class I: 45% on Computers Regimes & Data handling equipment;  Uganda’s incentive package » Class 2: 35% on Automo- for both domestic and foreign biles, Construction and Earth investors provides generous moving equipment; terms, particularly for medium- and long-term investors whose » Class 3: 30% on Buses, Goods projects entail significant plant Vehicles. Tractors, Trail- and machinery costs. Below is a ers, Plant & Machinery for snapshot of selected incentives. farming, manufacturing and The incentive structure is cur- mining; rently under revision. For details, » Class 4: 20% on railroad refer to www.ugandainvest. cars, Locomotives, Vessels, Office furniture, fixtures etc. Category 1- Initial Allowanc- es: Initial capital expenditures which are deductible once from the Company’s Income: » 75% of cost of plant and machinery for an investment located outside Kampala, Entebbe, Jinja area; » 100% of scientific research expenditure; » 100% of training expendi- ture; » 100% of mineral exploration expenditure; » 25% of start-up costs are deductible over four years. WHY INVEST IN ISINGIRO DISTRICT? IN ISINGIRO WHY INVEST 8 ISINGIRO DISTRICT INVESTMENT ProFILE Category 3 - Other Annual De-  The depreciation allowances, preciation Allowances include: plus the deductible initial cap- ital allowances are provided » 5% on Industrial Buildings, without discretion to eligible Hotels & Hospitals; investors in order reduce their » 20% on Farming - General taxable income during the farm works; crucial early years of a project. » 20% on Horticultural The investor therefore keeps Plant and Construction of a high proportion of its cash Green-houses using straight flow and income for further line depreciation investment.  In addition to the above District Specific Direct incentives, there is a zero rate Incentives: of import duty on plant and machinery as well as a uniform  Investors assisted to access corporate tax rate of 30%. suitable land for industrial and agricultural development. WHY INVEST IN ISINGIRO DISTRICT? IN ISINGIRO WHY INVEST ISINGIRO DISTRICT INVESTMENT ProFILE 9 EXISTING INVESTORS (SELECTED)  Agro-Health Products (U) Ltd. Fruit processing factory churns out 90,000 bottles of juice daily of 350 millilitres each from locally produced fruits.  African Panther Resources. Specialising in Tin mining and processing. Work begun towards installing a state of the art processing plant for the mine. At full operation, the plant is ex- pected to generate employment for more than 55 individuals | Processed products locally produced in Isingiro 10 ISINGIRO DISTRICT INVESTMENT ProFILE INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES  Large scale value addition  Cold storage facilities for animal targeting the main enterprises products such as crop production, animal  Fish Farming rearing.  mineral exploration and ex- Investment in tourism  ploitation  Real estate  Afforestation KEY CONTACTS Name Position Phone Number Email address Mr. Kamurari Birungi District Chairper- 0756729544; [email protected] son