
Vol 51. Houlton, Maine, Wednesday, December ^0, 1911 No,, 51

can opener slip last weel and cut hundred different, t\| •S of e ! ;:l I i I \ Th o l‘(i > 1 a 1 Saving-. Bank -y >1• 111 b>a t n vi II\ v, i' !: o u 1 th- k1 1 >W ledge 1 I h cog nit on <>f r i 11 i o n -wide act i v i- Good Work. l o s s herself in the pantry. si amps used in al! ] m M if the wie ld. ha ii a '.'oat old. ini \V 1 s It! oj r ■ of a 11 y (>: 1o r ct; ■. i s The s* nth i:i ti< S. it 1 e ! ..■v k-mwl.-dgv of tIn in, a n i im in jit act inaily a 1 of !,., -;, .* i A mischievous lad o( Fiki in /’ii as many as forty brim: used in An-- many < j ii; I 1 ( ' 1's is t j; night w and elcarer ft mh-rs a m 1 ing ‘ t 1 • fact An interesting, and what is evi­ IV- deli nil j n -tothd: s. 1 ra - threw a stone and si ruck Mr Pike tria for children's lm- i i a Is alone, T* 11:1 (‘ ( in-ei'v; !IVe, a! el ll. c a u s e of i gimr- t! at t! ■. ; • qd • < f all s. et i. ms are dently an earnest, effort to step the t i O I! a )’* ■being' made o Ost : hli-l 11 in the alloy Wednesday. Stamps nr seals wej, tirst used to a i fe r 1 1 gardinu it- r al act iv t n-, i’ s>t i v in.: for 1 he a 11 aln tm lit of h igher spitting habit was recently begun by i,i a X' U t j( I. 1 III! 1 (on rr I ? ^- otli John Doc climbed to the roof of get 11101)0% for the an t i-t u bereu h >- is h; 8 u r i (ju ■st ionan! v S 11 Ih I'l■d in the i- cil- and ;ire j•repared o ma ke sac- the Boston Police Board. Within j that lo a iinme v order h 11 s i ne s „ . In his house last week looking lor a crusade in Norway and Sweden in o- I - cm ( f many win e,„ d . pinion i ii i .a s of tin m w! i e n D e c three weeks, under this new policy^ 111 in nit 1 S' Oj>e* a t i< oi jM.ma 1 hat i k - leak and tell striking himself on the 1904. Aft r being used in tlm-r l . 1 1 1 id 1 h e l p e d t 1 it. Ai d y. t. wmild a! I n iv 1 to he ! artm adzing the officers arrested 469 persons for -its atc.l *1 1 ,< h in H it l ; to I back porch. countries for three vein's, as a direct | d' P" \\ " n :,r ■> e r 1 n (| a i i y is mm le. ii may H!id C r III e||1 i t) g )dl l i e n e e s . T! le good expectorating on streets and in pub­ 1 an* o\ j 11 ■ ( h d to m idi fic.lK ( 1 J M H 1 (i r While Harold Green was encoding result of the interest of Jacob l\iis in < ;i-dy h» i earned t| at tin >"lit ll - r. ads t! (dllSelv es in dll * t i m. * will lic places. The two-dollar fine Illnl e by July ! . Miss Violet Wise from a church so­ this movement, the Delaware A m i- tiie old South...is a* progressive as help r< at ic f< bring tie people of which was at first imposed upon In view of t 1 i • ■ sii ci'i'-s fu 1 n p' * r a t inn cial last Saturday night a savage Til bereu losis Association, headed by ; ny other portion of the Nation. distant pa i t< et lo-r. am ueb com- each culprit did not seem sufficient of the Postal Banks. Mr. llitehenek dog attacted them and bit Mr. Green Miss Emily P. Bisell, and the Jh d Take the one item of roads. The i n g t t her will leave less room and to cause an abatement of the nui­ st rotiglv reeommendi-d t he establish­ several times on the public square. Cross Society of 1 hdaware, com hi m d So at h awoke long since to realiza­ less . xeus,. for tec feeling that they sance,' and the penalty was raised to ment by ('oi.glass of an ;t ■ i * ■ < j u n t. ■ Isaiah Trimmer of Running creek in issuing a Tuberculosis Stamp. So tion of tht* fact that it was greatly can ever he very widely apart on live dollars. One person, who of­ parcels post which, he said. emild Or was playing with a cat Friday when sue cessfu 1 was this campaign that and urgently in need of t*<■ 111 r roads. anything that concerns tie* common fended for a second time, was fined [ml i n I o operat ion in a few months. the cat scratched him on the veran-; nearly mm> was realized, and the It saw ele.iih that by opening high­ welfare. ten dollars ; another, for refusing to (ja> j next year, it) 1908, the American Bed The postmaster general reiterateil ways to the automobile and motor . pay the fine iijjpoaed, was sent to the that the second class postage rate Mr. Fong while harnessing a bron-, Cross was induced to issue a Na- tiuek it would invite at once desir­ house of correction for eight days. should be two cents instead of one Unwelcome Addition to Drink. co last Saturday was kicked just tional Bed Cross Tuberculosis Stamp, able insp.wiion of tiie ('ountry and It Is to be hoped that the activity of cent a pound. tie-I I'a 0|o U'H tfi C . Since then, figur- A peculiar experience recently be­ south of the corn crib.—Ex. j From this sale $1.*15,out) was realized, fell a tradesman at M urwlllumbah, the police of Boston will be sustained ______j that amount being almost doubled anv. iy speaking, it lias hern pour­ until the filthy practice of spitting Australia. He Is In the habit of leav­ in 1909. Fast year, for the hist time, ing .money into goxi roads enter­ ing a jug of water In a shady spot all In public places is ended in that city, History oi the sale was organized on a compre­ Good Roads Movement prises. Secretary Wilson gives the day to cool, drinking It at night. The after whioh other cities may gain Red Cross Seals. hensive basin, taking in all parts of Stupendous. expenditures in this inspect of each other evening he was on the veranda the courage and energy to enforce the United States, and $310,000 wort h of the southern states for the last talking to his wife, and reaching for their anti-spitf ing.ordinances, which were sold, in 1911, the slogan for ten mont hs, and it foots up the enor­ the Jug took a drink, and before be Red Cross Christmas Seals date To grasp at their true value some At present are dead-letter laws. the campaign is, “A Million for Tu­ mous total of $14,000,000. More than knew where he waa a frog wae half­ back in their origin to “charity of the movements under way in tin* berculosis from Red Cross »S als.” this, the South is only at the begin­ way down hlB throat, eventually slid­ stamps,” first used for the soldiers’ United States at present one needs to ning "f the work. It promises to go ing right down. Being an Editor Is Easy. relief funds in Boston in 1862, during get out into the country. Complaint ahead with it more determinedly the Civil War. After the war, this Postoffice Dept. which is repeatedly made in the American West that the Fast does ihan ever in the near future. In the The First Step. Most any one can be an editor. All method of raising money was dis­ middle \Ve„t and far West similar The first step on the ladder that continued in this country for a gen­ Shows a Surplus. not take sufficient pains to become JW editor hag toido is to sit at a desk progress in road building is being leads to success Is the firm determina­ eration, although it found vogue in acquainted with the interior should Six days out of a week, four weeks made. The more settled eastern tion to succeed; the next is the pos­ Portugal, Switzerland, A u str ia , For tiie first time since 1883 the an­ b* harkened to. not to satisfy west­ out of a month and twelve months states have been building good roads j session of that moral and physical OUfc of a year and “edit” the likes of {France, Spain, Denmark, Norway, nual financial statement of the post- ern pride or to appease western van formally years, but the impulse to j courage which v.'ill enable one to thi« : I Russia, Sweden and other European office department shows a surplus in­ ity, but that the problems that are I .mint up. rung after rung until the stead of a deficit.. Nation-wide in character might he 1) 'tier the highways in this section! Mrg. Jones, of Cactus Creek, let a countries. There are now several is still st roug. top is reached.—Lord Wolseley This is tiie burden of the annual hotter understood by the whole peo­ report of Postmaster General Hitch­ ple. In turn, the West and the Ea-1 cock, made public, recently. He in­ should acquaint, themselves more dicated that theplacingoft.be postal thoroughly and intelligently with SPECIAL BONDS | service on a self-sustaining basis the Smith, and the South will simply meant an improvement and exten­ ho looking to its own interests by ve-w — DOLLARS BELONGING TO WOMEN sion of facilities, and, at no distant jumping oftener on a train and tak­ For January Investment day, one cent letter postage. ing excursions into the Fast and, f letter Ik* •‘banked" with us. Ben* is a surely safe At the beginning of the present ad­ West. For the Foiled Stages is too' depository, where every dollar of every depositor is ministration in 1909 Mr. Hitchcock great a Country to be measured from; amply ‘backed" against loss. Women who have check ae<*ounts here have their should be investigated now. My offerings in high- pointed out, the department showed, anybody’s front p< rch or Oack yard. : grade Stocks and Bonds include a wide variety of money in safe keeping*: at all times, yet make it easily a deficit, of $17 479.770. the largest on The parochial view has been re­ available ori check as they desire. It's tin* ideal carefully selected securities—a kind and quality of record. In two years this deficit sponsible for the sectional view in money-handling way. <*j»en Y( >1* It aei mint now. investment offerings that are most sought by con­ lias b**en changed into a surplus of the pasr. and in the present, as in $219,118, despite important exten­ t lie past, t he sect iona 1 view is respon­ servative buyers. I guarantee you can “ buy right’’ sions throughout the service. These sible for the narrowness that leads EASTERN TRUST A BANKING CO., of me. Write TODAY for special January invest­ t extensions include .4744 new post- to misunderstanding, to pivjuoice. Bangor, Me. ment information. offices, delivery of mail h.v carriers to political rancor and to business Branches at Old Town, Macl ias and Dexter. in 186 additional cities, 2b">t> new ru­ disturbance. We have in the state-' ral mail routes aggregating (!(>..T9 nient recently made by Secretary r

. L + r t UJ-71T '».f WW

&TATZ m tt1- ' CHRISTMAS GIFTS Unselfish. Tim e is Upon Us. We all know that the greatest happiness comes to ourselves when we make others happy with our gifts, and we should not forget to give the things that will be of practical use for a long time to come GIVE SENSIBLE THINGS — SOMETHING TO WEAR. Everything Displayed where you can readily inspect the goods and make your selections however busy we may be. YOU are cordially invited to in­ spect our magnificent showing ot Holiday Goods W hether you buy or not. Hat he way Shirts A Hew Sui cr Overcoat Faultless Skirts # 1.00, $1.26, #150 # 1.50 sid #2 00 Beautiful Neckwear For Father, Grandpa, Brother or S.m would he just fine. S w e a te rs All kinds for men and boys 39c to $7 The season's newest creations 25c, Special Low Prices on Suits and Overcoats 50c, 75c, #1.00 B atk R obes House Coats Stylish New Hats and Caps and Lounging Rd>ts make excellent Make a most acceptable present, they gifts, ours are very attractive this year, The latest shapes and shades, stiff or soft. The right are handy, neat and comfortable #4, 83.50, 81, #.5, 80, #8 and #10 styles and quantifies at the light prices. #5, $6, $ 8, # 10.00 H o sie ry Gloves and Mittens ()iir enormous line of good seeks in All kinds of Fur ('oats and Fnr Caps at the rght Wool, kid and fur, 50c, #1, #1.50, all the shades such as Shawknit and $2, #4 and $5 prices, look them over. '1 hat 1.1 ite Shoe stands alone for Interwoven. Fancy Boxes. High School Boys style, fit and weaiing qualifies. Trunks, Suit Ua-cs and For your first suit with long Fancy Vests Handkerchiefs Bags— the driest assortment shown in Araistook County trousers wear All kinds from the cheapest to the Ate vi ry much liked by mod men “ Widow Jones** best, plain or initialed, great values, 5e aid th' v alu iys fug for another on**. MODEL FORTY to 50c 'I he stmy of ('hii-tnui- is the story of human sacrifice; # I , #2. #3, # 1, 8 Athletic Style— Peg Tops—Turn-upa Cost i A little more than Knickers the charm of ('hr-fma* is tin* charm of grneru-dt v Sacri­ Much leu than Men's Silk Neck Scarfs F a u ltle s s Vf U tlfhlttn nan. Are sensible and beautiful, $1, #2 fice and gr nrm-dy outlaid inhaid m ‘‘ J 1 ado N gI;t 8 i ills and Pa] una- for nun Made In Button $3 and $5 vvilluigiicss of all mankind tu give at (’hi: a n I l>o\ s

Commence right away to do your Christmas trading. The sooner yc e the better the assortments will be, and then you don’t have to hurry. Make selections now ; we will put them away for We are showing by far the finest collection of desirable gifts for men and boys ever shown here. The store that satisfies ERVIN & :r v in Moulton, Maine •'i** e33EEE$E£XEgxxaEE3tzaaaaiti The Aroostook Times, Wednesday, December 20, 1911

Sm yrna. s 11 s ]) I ‘I! (j ,11 till' \V i ■ (11 | i I! I). ■ i i, w I. 0. F. Elect Officers. tin* im-iiiti. rs of Houlton Camp .If. t )my un-re ij11■ t I'y 1 i<*\ . K >m ^ • ot A. For over an hour In* SURROUNDING TOWNS M r: K. A. N ix.iM \v;h in 1 it ml M <• K a v nf I i i'n I: uii. who r •< r l'i ■ r talked of th.* aims and objects of Tic animal I'l-'lmii >.f mil" m of Saturday. this great order, and explained a a n d h n < ui n I eOiauc" N o. I |.;g. |. < ». p.. Mr. ami M rs. Win. S<- w a 11 ' great many things that wen* not en- mas shoppers in Houlton, Saturday. w as I.. I i lam w-.-k and i !m folio w- Hodgdon. llmiiini), Monday. in.: u>. d. M r Pm t i i <*!y eh a r : n the m inils of some of A dance will 1m held at Ho* North d . and 'd m. W A . i ug wet-.' elmsmi for tic new \ - ar : 'the mmolii-rs. Mr, imd Mi>. W . •! I i ngt . >n ( ' )i i. f Ka ng.T. ( I. A . I >. c.v. 1 -IM Sunday evening there will he a Star Hail on Friday, Dec. 22, under * w 11, a urad nat i >f I | 1 he Ittte h.'m coiue for an advance tin* auspices of the Maccahee Lmlgo. was in 1 Imiltmi M mill ny. V. ( 'hi.U Kniig-r. Mary McKu hand Christmas concert at the Methodist 11. Mrs P.m-i | in th.' tcv-m, n*'tit rat os of th- Order, M r. W a 111 ■ r S11 . -n na n w a lo e. SrcX, 11. I ( . a a (m d. church. Miss Eva Congee and Miss Mil­ Mm .1-1,1 Mr,, ! made IH'C -s.iry partly by flmtmw dred Brittain were tin* guests of Pi m . Sec' y. J . d a ■ > ■ y . Rev. A. W. Eorimer and Evangel­ J stii».* laws and p.aitly b ytlm .xp .ri- Mrs. H. A. Lamb in Houlton, Sat Tt'i asu i'er. .1. A . Hail. H. ist Doll heck spent. Wednesday at i '"i'e g;ii ned d 11 r i ng 11 m a >1 m i n i s t ra- urda-y. < i! a 1 - u'. Mis, II. id ( ' ra \\ P >r I. : ''"U ot t .h U rapid ly ig .,„n ^ m-.h-r Monticello. < . M rs. \V, S. I w i u. j 1,1 mom than a million and a .mn-r Woodward. M. Id S.-wull. j fer of Iljoioh. f s. tending R. C. I. are homo for the Covely at tended t he meet ing of tlm • I i. n i . - r Wood wa rd. E. ( d M c- Mr. am! V Mr. Dnnuaek impressed up. u Ids Christmas vacation. Ord(*r of East'*rn Star, Monday. I d ! j •!. Dec. 11. tended (I rat in II hearms tlm fact that they had en­ There will he a Christmas con­ ' ' oe.r B.'.-tdl-a D. E Mllhu'. joyed many years prelection at less Miss Kathleen Spain who teaches (1 a y. cert and tree at the Baptist church ■ Eoc.r Id .>• i: •. IP A. Traey. than i i a 11 tiie cost ot straight iimtir- in tlm public schools of Cittleton. is There will h.' n ( im-ert and N m a Wlflfliii-GIHIs. Monday evening. All are invited to \ . Wm. Me Faria ml. titH'e. nml that tin* advance in rates spending the Christmas vacation at tree at the p, a 111 i I cli u reh, Sa t tn bring their presents and enjoy the would -imply ho insurance at abso­ her home. day night. 'l'i; i wed d i llg of | evening. i lute cost. P.or ifii I a m Isay Gil Miss Eva Congee who lias been on- > Kev. Mr, Millar f New Cinmrhd- Lecture on Woodcraft. Mr. Geo. ( . Woods. State Deputy Notice tia occurred at t! ! h joying an extended vacation with preached at the Pi e 1 {apt 1st eh ii n also spoke to the m.uiihers fora few Collector of Taxes for 1911, h r id e's f-a ren ts, M r. The friends throughout, the New Eng­ here, Sunday. minutes. At th.- eloso of Hu* meet­ Hodgdon, is now preparing the list Wiggin, mi Tuesday a ft i iion. land States, has returned home. ; Mr. George Mrtiai'V Cast W'clm ■'da; night at Wood­ ing a. bull'd luncheon was si-iwh! unpaid taxes for advertising and Dee. 1 It. of Fred Conlogue, formerly of this week end at Merrill, t h d o man Hall. State 1.- ct n i'e-■ p,.v. 1(, and a most enjoyable evening was Tiie ceremony wa> pm' in ail who do not wish their names to place and now employed at Pitts- Miss Nellie B.own. E- hn. Hack of A tig amt a. addressed spell t. appear on the list must make pay­ the presence of the i ID III e la i burg, Pa., was the guest of Thomas Mr. ('. F. Kyle, of Chester, was in ment before Dec. 21st. ily and a lew friends by the Hem Hannigan a few days hist week. town this week in the interest of M. R. JACKINS, Collector. W. 11. Towle of Ashland. the Cincoln Chrollicle. Collector’s Advertisment of Sale of Real Es­ 260p I mined lately after the eermimiiy a tate of Non-Resident Owners. Linneiis. .Miss Clara Bahcock spent the Wedding supper was served. 'Idle Week end at Burleigh guest of her best of wishes will follo w i lie young STATE uF MAINE. Lu d low . brother William Bahcock. Co ll [ le to their 'lew In -lie. 1 ipaid taxes on lands situated ai the town of Boulton, in tin* County of Aroostook, for the year IM 1. Born Thursday, Dee. lo to the Miss Ant ic Sherman, Miss Mil­ I he following list of taxes on real (state of non-resident owners in the town of Houlton Mrs. F. L. Small who has been wife of William Kervin a sou. dred Adams and Mr. Hex Adam-, students at R. C. C, Houlton. are Porter—Percies. aforesaid, for the year lull, committed to me for colhvtiou for siid town on the IXth day of very 111, is resting easy at present. Frankie Dyer of Houlton is spend­ NovemW, toll, remain unpaid ; and notice is hereby given that if slid taxes, with interest home for tiie Xmas holidays. Mr. Melzer Hemore spent Satur­ ing a few days with relatives in and charges, am not previously paid, so much of the mil es ate taxed as is sufficient to pay day and Sunday with his sister, Mrs. town. A very pretty home wedding i c- tile amount due therefor, including inn rest and charges, w ill be sold without further notice at cur red on Wednesday afternoon, F. L. Small. Byron Stewart is spending the pub le auction at .Mansur's Hall, in said town, on the lirst Monday in February, 1U12 at nine Monticello I Dec. Id, at tiie residence of tie o'clock A. IE > Miss Gertrude Watson of Patten is week with relatives and friends in _____ bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1 ra J. \ \ MK OF Ou \ 1.11 I)KS. Kic riox OF Profku [ V ■ pending a few days with friends Shirley, Bangor and Orono. 1 i> n . Amoi'st of T ax P ck, i*,, i J h ( Religious services of a very m- Porter, when their second daughter, Exci.fdino In i KHiisr and relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bryenton o f. teresting and inspiring kind wen* Geneva M. and Alphonse H. Per­ AN I* Ca.VKOKS Mr. Andrew Whitehead and Mr. Cary’s Mills spent .Sunday with I held at the Baptist church on Wed- kins of Princeton, \v- re united in ' Mekison, I )an B.-use on North side of County John Stewart of Houlton, are spend­ Mrs Bryenton’s father. J. B. nesday last. A number of out of marriage. road near Cem> tery Sl.dO (Wow, Barry Pot on West side High Street ing a few days at B. Lake. Shields. jtown people were present, and The marriage ceremony was per- bought of Abbie E. Crabb, part Mr. Peter Garcelon has a large Mervin, the young son of Mr. and'among the speakers wen* some of ionned by Kev. W. H. Easton in the Lot ;>;5, with buildings thereon 10.00 Mrs. I) emits Hannan, who was very {the able men of the denomination orew of men making ties on the Put­ presence of relatives of the contract­ McCormick, Mary A. hot north side of Pleasant Afreet nam A Mansur ground in this town. iil the past week is much better at in thi-s State. These meetings ing parties. The hrid-' was beauti­ bought of A. A. Burleigh, GO Mr. T. H. Hemore, Miss Edna this writing. I should do much good. fully gowned in Alice Blue si k with square rods, more or less 10.60 Mersereau, and Miss Hazel Chase Miss Fern Adarhs went to Caribou J A very pretty social event occur- bun and carried a bouquet of roM-s, S ilomi.n, dovoli store lot North side Military were visiting friends in town, Sun­ Monday, Dec. 18, where she lias a red hero Wednesday afternoon The room was very tastelully dec­ Street with buildings thereon 7.00 1 leeemlier to! 1 .* WALTER B. CLARK, day. position in the New England tele- when Raymond Wilbur Buck and orated with house plants (hi which phone office at that place. j Miss Margaret Jean Hare, two of Mrs. Porter’s home always abounds ) Collector of d axes of the Town of Houlton. Mr. Loren Chase who went to the be 1 and cut flowers. At the close of the Aroostook Hospital, had two of his Benjamin Collins had the mi.* for- j Monticello’s popular young people ceremony all repaired to the dining taes amputated, Sunday, and is tune to lose a valuable work horse were united in marriage. The wed- rnn'ii where a (lelieiou- supper had mnoh improved. bhis week. He has another very J ding service took place at the Met- Collector’s Notice of Sale of Lands of Non sick horse at this writing. i hodist church which was very been prepared by Mrs. Poiter. Mrs* Fred War man who has been Ei the evening about TO of their Resident Owners. in Bangor for treatment on her eyes, Nathaniel Raymond of Guatemala, beautifully deem ated in green and white, also many choice ferns and friends came to congratulate the STATE OF MAINE returned home, Friday. She had Central America is spending a few chrysanthemums. While the friends newly married couple, and a very Pni-siid taxes on lands situated in the Town of Crystal, in the County of Aroostook, the oataraots removed and can see weeks in town the guest of his of tiie bride and groom were as­ pleasant and social time was had by for the year P.U1. ae well as ever. brother, Dr. W. B, Raymond. sembling in the church, and the all. The following list of taxes on real estate of non resident owners in the Town of Crystal News was received here this week aforesaid, for the year toll, committed to me for collection for said Town on the eleventh day . . . j i * L arrival of the bridal party was The gifts were wed chosen and of August, toll, remain unpaid ; and notice is hereby given that if said taxes with interest , , ...... awaited, charming music was dis- beautiful, ail telling of the high es­ New limerick. former resident of this town, who a id charges are not previously paid, so much of the real estate taxed as is sufficient and coursed by tin* Monticello orchest ra. teem in which they are held by their died with pneumonia at his home in necessary to pay the* amount due therefor, including interest and charges, will be sold at At four o’clock the wedding march many friends. , Mrs. J. J. Astle was the guest of California. public auction at Hackett School House in said Town, on the lirst Monday in February, 1!»12* began Mr. and Mrs. Perkins took the friends in Houlton, Saturday. and the bridal partv entered at nine o’clock A. M. A party of young folks went into the church. The groom wasattemi- morning train for Calais and Prince­ Namk ok Ownkh ])Ksnurno.\ of Pkofkktv A.uofnt of T ax Di e, Mr*. S. K. Snowden of Denver, Alex. Beek’s lumber camps Satur- ed hy H arlow Stanley as grooms- ton, where they will enjoy their 1 s Hice. ■ ONLY 3 MORE SHOPPING DAYS i BEFORE XMAS

— ■iiiniiinarmwi

One thousand new copyright books at 45c ea. Neckwear. Popular prices, 25c to $1.00 ea. The The splendid HANDKERCHIEFS booth where 500 best numbers ever shown to date. dozen newest and daintiest Hdks. arc on display. Just received the newest Ladies Shirts, in. Silk, The Apron section where chic styles are, priced French Flannel and pure Linen. These are custom 25c to $2.00 and going fast. tailored and priced low. The Allen Shirt for women found only at this store—grays and colors at 98c ea. The Linen counter is resplendent with snow white “Over 100 dozen sold” % Scotch and Irish Satin damask, with Napkins to match $1.00 value at 75c yd., $1.25 vMue at $1.00 Ribbon Section moved to lower left hand wing of yd., $1.50 value at $1.25 yd. We are always lower store. Driven into a corner but still lower prices prevail. Exquisite Persians and Dresden designs, in price on linens. worth 50c at 19c y d Other Ribbons at half regular See our Window Display, prettiest and newest prices. Xmas and Holly Ribbon 10c bolt 5c.

$ The Santa Claus Section Has Taken Over the Basement Dept. t #*i Thousands of Dolls, Campbell Kids, ^ Etc., Mechanical . Tt ys, Dolls Furniture, Beds. Guinns, Doll Dishes, 'Fool ((bests, sjfc£ Rabbits, Horses, Cows, Sheep, Goats, Tin Soldiers, Elephants, Books—absolutely every!lung for the little ones at the £ lowest prices on record. You will be surprised at what we can sell you at I0e., 2;)c.. 50c. #■ ■ ...... - ...... - ■ ■■ ______‘______3 . Visit This Store. The real heart of Xmas shopping of Southern Aroostook. We can infuse in you a true Xmas spirit. 1 RICHARD’S Modern Store Methods % jX ttl'II'lt********************************************** ***************************

/ The Aroostook Times, Wednesday, Dacember 20, 1911.

B of R. T. V enison Supper.

* OF LOCAL INTEREST t Aroostook .. Nn, 393 I *,. <> f B In Ofhdu'a ! i Mg the do:,' (if tile T. installed 11 i<■ ii newly elect t'( ut­ game sea-;, hi two < >| the prom i i um t (ierrs at their r >uIHi' llleet il\e. ils t mem la-rs of the M rd u xml, ejog (’1 ub week, as follows : entertained a n u1111 >■ -r of i n \ i t e,| Gis* o' Mrs. Frank McCarthy was operat­ All the stores In Houlton will close 1*. Pres., H. A. Shi ■Ids I'eS. . guet-te at tlie (’lull 11 ou<<■ on Friday ed upon .Saturday at the Aroostook at noon on Monday next. Thos. (.’rot hers ; V. I’., .1. A Hen- e ven i;ie with a \ ui i-a 111 --upper. Hospital. derson ; Tn*as., Wm. < >Ison Sec ., The town schools and R. C. I. all Of course We Will Hot ailVt iduc ■/ closed Friday for the Christmas hol­ ••Bob’’ Garrison is working for the W. (J. Clifford ; Conductor. 1 >. about how many of tin so four foot< d idays of two weeks. Houlton Furniture Co. during the Murpliv; Chaplin, D. W. Crant ; animals these hunters I ..ave brought SHOE SHOE holiday rush. 1 1 STORE STORE Ralph Berry, the local agent of the Warden. ’. N. Clark ; . Guardian. in during the season or how they Ho u l t o n . M e . Ho u l t o n . M e . Ford automobile, received a carload Hazen Nevers is employed by the C. B. McCann; <). Guardian, M. F. w e r e o! u a i n e d, hut 111 e < j 11 ,n 1 i t y o f t ] i e of automobiles last week. American Express Co. during his Dow. olio servi d lad week was certainly Mrs. James Freeman of Portland Christmas vacation. the best. A most ell joy a hi o evening Is the guest of her mother, Mrs. H. The snow of last week looked good Weather Report. was spent; and t lie sii pp. r t h. >rougb !y F. Glidden on Pleasant street. to all the merchants who have large enjoyed by ail those present, stocks of Christmas goods. i JJ Henry Ricker and wife started, *r report, for tin* week He Is Tim went h Here There will he a Christmas tree at Saturday, for Lewiston, where they ending Deo. 19 as rompared with ! Bowdoin St. School. will visit friends through the holiday the Church of the Good Shepherd on l»Ht year, ta!i*■ n fmm Fox. Bros, cor- I season. Friday evening of Hi is week. ner, at 7 a. m. week dayk, and S a. i In the Fourth (Hade, Bowdoin St. I Over 8000 Red Cross Seals were W. 11. Ryan the Farmer’s alma­ m. Sunday. School, chiring the Fall term of tour- j sold by a few energetic women mem nac man is in town on his 32d annu­ 191" 191 i toell Weeks winch clo-e(| | lee. la. j Below Alx>ve B.4. bers of the Woman’s Club, in one al tour, and will be in Houlton until A love 1911. the following pupils wcVi' not j Doc. 13 4 I)ee. 13 38 day last week. Jan. 1911. absorb one halt day nor tardy : | “ 14 “ 14 28 Christmas Slippers A social hop was held at the Opera It is understood that John S. Wei- “ ir, 28 “ lb Floyd Berrie, Gladys <’yr, Henry j 30 House, Friday evening. About ler has purchased t h e Llewellyn “ lti “ i»; i;b Haro, Fiery Howard, Faul Lawler,) couples were present, music by three Powers house on Main St., anil will “ 17 4 “ 17 32 Fdward Hogan. Bernard MeClus-j We have an excellent line pieoes of Bryson’s Orchestra. occupy it as a residence. “ IS 10 “ IS 23 key, Donald McNutt, Madeline Pea-' Miss Fern Price, teacher at the Perks’ Drug Store, C. W. Starkey, “ 19 30 “ 19 4 body, Vera Picked, (;dadys Bussell. of Slippers this year. Bowdoin 8t. School, went to her Chas. H. Berry and Fred Drink- Virgil Tracey. home in Presque Isle, Saturday, to water have our thanks for very at­ Those maintaining an average •pend the Christmas vacation. tractive calendars for iyi2. Royal Neighbors rank of 9" or higher were : Bert Henderson who is employed Miss Edith Shea returned Friday Elect Officers. Gladys <’yr. Fern Foster, Harvey ' as teamster for John Watson, while from Bangor to spend the Christmas Harhison, [eland McDonald, Vera Alfred Dolge Felt Slippers, moving a stove last week, slipped holidays with her parents, Mr. and North Star Camp No. 33()7 R N. Picked, Laura Powell, Virgil Tracey. , gad broke his leg below the knee. Mrs. Geo. Shea, Winter St. of A. held their annua) election Miss Maud Astle arrived home Misses Emma Berry anil Helen Thursday evening. A large nuinber Christmas Dinners. Hiawatha Moccasins Saturday from B a t e s college to Gellerson returned Tuesday evening were present and much interest was •pond Christmas with her parents, from Mt. Allison College to spend manifested. Below are the members The Salvation Army are planning Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Astle, Court St. Christmas with their parents. chosen for the new year : on giving out 4<) Christmas baskets for men, women and children P. Oracle, Bessie Vail containing on an average 6 din­ Mr. James Jennings was in town The new organ at the Free Bap­ Oracle, Marie Michaud ners to a basket, and in doing this Saturday driving his old gray horse, tist church has been installed and V. Oracle, Olive B. (Hood ask the co-operation of the people Prince, that he has owned and driv the dedication will take place later. Always appreciated, always Recorder, Annie Newell in 11oulton and vicinity. en for 81 years which is a record A recital is planned for Jan. 6, lt» *ceiver, Margaret Hogan Those having the m it ter in charge* hard to beat. 1912. useful. Chancellor, Mario” Connelly ha\ t* made a canvass of the town Miss Paulino Weiler arrived in H. E . Thomas has enlarged his Marshal, Currie Sewall and with the advice of the Select­ town Friday from Providence, R, I. Barber Shop next to the Snell Sentinel, Mary Clifford men haie selected families that are A House and has closed his shop on to spend the Christmas season with Tin* Iivst yi nice Manager, Alma Wise deserving and tin* baskets will he Union Square consolidating both her parents, Mr, and Mrs. John A fine luncheon was served after given to those who Would Hot other­ Weiler. present lor present for places. the business meeting and a social wise have a Christmas dinner. Mrs. A. J. Flemming and two The work of getting the Telephone hour was pleasantly passed. Some material Inis been given and :i man is a a woman is daughters of Island Falls, who have cables under ground is progressing yet there are many things needed.) SHOE been the guests of her daughter, well and it is expected that all the 'They ought to have bO chickens, , pair of STORE a pair of Mrs. Leon Ingraham, Williams St., overhead cables will be removed by A Turkey Story. 1 >u. onions, I bid. potatoes, i hid. ap­ returned home Friday. Jan. 1, 1912. ples, 2b lbs. hatter. b() tps. era tiller-[ clippers. Ho u l t o n ,M e . lers. The St. John Globe of Wednesday, The Salvation Army had their Last Friday afternoon while T. V. ries, ad kinds of vegetables, Ft loaves; Deo. 18, contained 60 pages includ­ “Christinas Kettle’’ on the street Holdawav was unloading a wagon of dread, 4b pies, bit cans condensed J ing 8 pages of half tones giving pic­ Saturday to raise money for the load of turkeys in the rear of his milk, 2b llis. eoll'ee, nuts, candy and ! tures of the principal streets, public store, oiu* of them escaped and flow Christmas dinners which they are oranges, and any one who can and 1 latoes until summei ( slump before tin opening of the buildings and residences. to the top of u nearby building. IIore will aid in t his matter will certainly j planning to give out. l’l l e t'i * Were few Michigans idler- spring. 'The fn ig it rate from Wis- lie remained looking disdainfully be wed repaid in tin* sat isfuct ion of i G. Rich of this town, mOio is in Dr. Frank Clayton has purchased this week selling at tin* same cousin and Minin •sota is i xeessive down upon his once time raptors. cd this the emplpy of E. W. Woodward & the Dentistry business of the late knowing t hat. they have helped in a . which ranged $2.7b and no stock can tie moved East at No amount of coaxing could per­ price ;i Slat Oo. of Philadelphia, Commission Dr. Pipes of Presque Isle, and will worthy cause. and 2.s; , r isn-Ib. hag, whil $3 a till a profit. It now looks as if the “ $I suade him to make any move. Merchants, is now iu Scotland inly­ immediately begin practice. Dr. was the rang** on Maine, bu.1 ’ slogan will cause the New One of the crack rifle studs of our $3.12 1 2 ing potatoes for his oorapany. Clayton lias many friends who wish all agreed t hat the result of York and tin* Maim* farmer to lose town voluntcored to firing him down. Potatoes. Dealers Mrs. Richardson and her daugh him much success. tic pu­;i>nt deadlock between State money hedu-e tin- season is over, A shut was fired, a rush of wings ter, Mrs, Hugh Pipes, were in Hpul- blic ers a ml growers means that t In* since once tin* trade gets settled on Rev. Mr. Warren of Fort Fairfield and “ Mr. Turk’" was again on his The local market remains quiet ton last week the guests of Mrs. Ru­ will he extended by several foreign potatoes, there will be little who was expected to occupy the way, and the laugh was on Mr. and buyers are paying $2.no per bar­ season pert Ervin, on their way to Brad­ \v< s, and that later prices on do­ chance to switch them back to do­ pulpit of file Church of the Good Sharpshooter. rel, with a small amount cuming'in. ford, Pa., Mrs. Richardson’s home. mestic potatoes will materially drop ; mestic stuck unless there is a ma­ Shepherd S u n d ay morning and Scene 2, Same Act. SII I I’M ENTS They were accompanied by Mrs. in fact, some dealers look fora heavy terial n d net ion in price. evening, was unable^to be present Dr. Mann was sitting quietly in I) 12 4 cars from Houlton. Richardson’s grandson, Roy Ervin. on account of illness. 13 his office enjoying a few minutes 14 Miss Eflle Grant left Saturday for Mrs. E. W. Easton was the win­ rest by the open window,, when he lb >n, where she "will spend >a few ner of the First Prize given by Ar­ saw approaching at a remarkable 13 days, after wnich she will go to mour & Co. in their Kitchen Econo­ speed what he supposed was an air is Nashua, N. H. to spend Christmas my Contest for November, it being ship. As it drew nearer lie saw N EW YO BK wfth her sister, Mrs. N . C. Esta- for original and practical recipes, visions of a free Xmas dinner. “ Mr. ('ouserv.af ive estdilates of receipts Christmas Announcement brook. tending to reduce the cost of liv­ Turk” saw t he open window, noticed of foreign potatoes fur the week OF THE B. P. Tingley has purchased of ing. that “ everybody’s friend” smile on show Tb.t.KHj and loo,non hags for New Frank McGary, the house and lot The following officers wore elected t he doctor’s face and he decided to York, with about half that quantity where he Is now living on Columbia of the Freshman class at Houlton stay right there. A quick turn, a coming to Philadelphia. Several of St. Mr. MoGary will move to his High school on Wednesday : Law­ short struggle and lie was firmly the largest dealers sent buyers in grasped by t he legs. He was later COCHRAN DRUG STORE new house some time during the rence McElwee, president; Louise England and Ireland, and a number coming month. Harrison, vice president ; George identified by a small wound in the of contracts have been closed for Harry Crafts who has been em­ Furgeson, secretary; Mildred Weed, neck, purported to he a bullet wound. various quantities, amounting on From year to year it is our endeavor to ployed at Thomas’ baiber shop for treasurer. orn* order to ITdoo bags and on an­ : improve our holiday line, and this year we •ome time, was taken to the Aroos­ Mrs. H. (’. Chapman and son of other to loo.oob, t be lat ter being for are displaying the largest and most attrac- took Hospital, Friday, suffering Bangor are the guests of her par­ The Chapman Concert. English loose soil stuck. It i- i tive line that we have ever shown. with appendicitis. He was operated ents, Mr and Mrs Geo. B. Dunn on claimed that the Scotch and Irish I Upon and is resting easy. Military street. On Wednesday Mr. The Chapman ('oneert to la* given stock which has been coming for tic in Houlton, January 13. 1912 will past month d< s II it gtv, -at is fai Last week, there were in the B. & and Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. Chapman Among our Gifts for Men are the follow­ will go to Ashland to spend Christ­ easily tie the greatest musical event t i o n, while tin Kn 1 i s 11 [ a ' o m A. yards 99 Armour refrigerator ing : of the season. , Mr. Chapman ha- only shows u j We . hut - a !i ■; •ars, all painted alike and attracted inas with Mrs. Louise Sawyer and just sent us wot/l that Ic lias ■ lecuivd cooker. Mo-t An 11' i e; | 1: «b Sets, Smoking Set*. Pipe Rack*, Ma’cli Holders, Gillette Rizor*, (’oat much attention. These cars are her family. Miss Mildred Put.ter. Contralto, know In w to prepa re Sc or 'Hangers, ('ribbage Boards, 1 *■ ck*-t Books, Bill Fold-, Auto Drinking Cups, used by potato shippers when there Mrs. Reed McIntyre, Highland Ave., was quite seriously hurt, Sun­ shared honors w:;h Marv AI a i pot a 11 •s. T:)e tabor. - ) Thermo Bottles, Fountain Pens, Medicine Cases, Ash Trays in Brass, Ink Wells* is a scarcity of heater cars. 1 a», i \ 11 o i 11 or baked, falls g day, by being thrown out of a punt. tin* star prima-d-ema, of t h ' !'i pleC- 'n Brass, Travelling Sets, Bru-hes of all kinds. Collar, Cutf and Handkerchief Work on the Fogg-TiMES Block is j leaves the cel. (er or cart a- s* While driving, her horse became un- i Festival, for pri ma-donna on t b - Set.-. Shaving S t-, price- from 81 00 to $3 2b. Necktie Racks, prices from progressing well. The heating ap­ ! a hriek . Cooks com manageable and started to run and j tour. Miss Potter is o.m of th ■ he > I a i n that paratus was started last week, the ^ they will t ley cam m 1 serve ;I 2be. to 8 2 .7b. struck a tree, throwing her out. most American Contraltos fu-day. plastering has been completed anti or Scot i Mrs. McIntyre was cut on the face and needs no i lit rod net ion to a Maine a dish with the Irish the carpenters »re now at work put­ [A. and received several bruises. audience as sin* fairly -ang her way as t hey can wit., i!ie F.ng!is! For the Ladies we have more than could be ting on the metal ceilings and finish. into their hearts, at the last Festival, this reason one of tin* la west i a nd- The Mars Hill View came to us mentioned here, but we ask you to call and and all critics pronounced her \oice lors in t he market who was in i h The following appointments for 8. last week with its Christmas num­ let us show you our entirely new line of Brass ensuing more like Scliumann-Heink. than deal t 11 tee years age on an e \!, : i- i \ , J . Court Judges for the ber of 20 pages filled with good read­ First Tues­ any contralto that has ever visited scale has emit racb d for lnn.om bae Goods, including Jardinieries, Fern Dishes, year have been made : ing and lots of advertising the great first Tuesday Maine, and al1 Tims * t hat did not for January and February delivery. Vases, Candle Sticks. Bridge Pads, Scissors day In Feb., Hanson ; bulk of which is from the 'local Tuesday in have the pleasure of hearing her at 'Plus stock is now h‘*ing oiF-red at in April, King ; third merchants of towns in and about sets. Match Holders, Picture Frames, Etc. the last Festival, have a gi eat (feat $9.3b. which will leave a fair margin Sept., Bird ; third Tuesday in Nov., Blaine, reflecting great credit upon Another popular line this season is the in store for them in hearing this for tie buyer. Haley. * Editor Lowell, bis office force and wonderful artist. Sales this week on Scotch and Japanese Ivory. Watch our windows for the The game season closed last Fri­ the merchants. Irish ranged $2.3b and 2.bo. It i- re­ result It is with great pleasure that Mr. display of these attractive goods, together day and 111 fatalities is the of There will be a special Christmas hunters’ carelesness in mistaking Chapman antmune s that lie has ported on the Street that a small lot with a beautiful assortment of Cut Glass. sermon at the Congregational church been able to secure the services of of Germans sold for $2.2b. Tin* mar­ persons for deer. The record of next Sunday morning at the usual In Shopping Bags we have the Genuine Seal, Mr. John Barnes Wells, Tenor, who ket all week was quiet, with a light, deer killed is much less than last hour. At 4 P. M. tlie Cantata, the made such a sensation hist year. demand. This condition will rule Aviation Bags in Black, Tan and Gray, Black year, while moose and bear go be­ story of Bethlehem by West, will be No tenor is in more demand all over until after t he holidays. Velvet mounted in Silver, Tapestry and Mesh yond last years record. given by a fine chorus. Saturday Hie country than Mr. Wells. IF* is There is a deadlock between buy­ Bags. Mr. and Mrs. Aug Benn of Smyr­ I*. M. from 3 to 6 o’clock, a party for jumping clear from Texas to Maine, ers and growers up-State as well as na were in town, Saturday, calling the children of the parish will be in order tp fill these engagements. in Maim*. Growers will not sell un­ Before buying for the Children inspect our on their many friends. Mr. Benn is held ii. the vestry of the church. der Site bu. f. o. b., and trade in one of tiie prominent farmers of This announcement will he heard line of The sermons on topics appropriate with pleasure, by thousands of music New York will not. pay over poc de­ Aroostook and according to the to this season of the year, now being 1 *ving people, who heard Mr. Wells livered, t hough an occasiona l sale is Jewel (’uses, Ivory Frames, Drinking Cups, Small Mirrors, Post Card Albums, statement made on*page four oi this given by the pastor, Rev. W. H. repoited as high as 92 and 93m*. Small Boxes of Stationery, Sewing Sets— Velvet Cased, Sewing Sets— Leather issue, has sold nearly all of his po­ last year. Easton M. A., at the Methodist Maine,s are r e[>oi't ed Pbc ami $1 de­ tatoes. Mr. Chapman hopes that the won­ Cased, German Silver Mesh Bags, Boxes and Baskets of Chocolates, Pocke^ church each Sunday morning are livered, hut few- sales are made derful child violinist, Josefa Sehal- 'Knives, Companions, Celebrated Rattles, Scissors Sets, Manicure Goods, Toilet The necessary contracts for the much appreciated by the large* audi­ Ier, who accompanied Madame above 97c. Stocks in the yards are C a - e s ami construction of the new St. John ences present to hear them. The Bouton on a series of concerts with not excessive, hut the trade has at Valley Electric R. It. have all been third one will be given Sunday him eight years ago, and was the last, turned to foreign potatoes, wit 11 THE CAMPBELL KIDS preparations signed and sealed and morning next at half past ten o’clock. talk of the tour, has not been for­ a result that pract ically every large Th<* Jollicst Dolls of All work as are being made to begin The theme, “The Hero of the Ages.” gotten in tin* State of Maine. She house is in the deal. Nearly evu-y- Mr. Gould soon as possible. A. R. It will be a Christmas sermon and has just returned to America, after t h ing is bought on tin* other side. the promoter of this great road is everyone is cordially invited to at­ eight years study in Paris, where and so far no consign meni s haw For Perfume, Sachet and Toilet Soap the de­ receiving congratulations from his tend. she has created a veritable sensation come across. If the experience of mand at this season is always large. We many friends. Last Friday night ns Lyndon Her­ in that city, anti London. Her play­ other years is repent ed, now that toe have considered this fact and have as large The Silver Cup awarded to Guy C. rick was returning for his work. He ing in New York this past ek, ha- foreign movement is well under way, and varied an assortment as we have, ever Porter in the seed judging contest of took a short cut across the ’ailroad liecii tile talk of the town. She will 111 ere will be no hu u p u n t i 1 t h e w i nd - 1911 is now on exhibition in the store bridge and as he neared the end easily he the sensation of this tour, tip of the season, no matter wImre carried . window of John Watson and Com­ toward the pumping station, lie es­ and it is a question if ever a nioiv I prices go. Even s.iouhl dealers stop Our Chocolates grow more popular each pany. This cup is offered by Pro­ pied a dark object on the track. wonderful violinist has visited the Inlying consign m en t s w i 11 conn* o\ r year. Remember to take home Christmas fessor Bell and Doctor Merrill to the Upon in investigation he found an Stateuf Maine. Mr. Chapman will steadily. It is hard work to get the "Eve the H. D. FOSS PREMIERE and QUALI­ person excelling in the corn and po­ Intoxicated man lying on the track, preside at the piano. foreign trade started this way, hut tato judging contest of the Maine his head across one of the rails. As Any one of these artists are a con­ once started, it is almost impos-dhie TY CHOCOLATES. If two-pound packages Seed Improvement Association. It train No. 8 had just, whistled in quick cert in themselves, hut, with the t o cl lock it. In spite of the report are desired leave your orders early, as at the needs to be won by the same person work was necessary, and lie barely three, one can easily see that: this that tin* crop is short in England last moment it is hard to supply the demand. three years before it becomes their had tune to drag him down the en- will he the finestjtour t hat M r. Chap­ and only moderate in Scotland. New property. It Is hoped that Mr. Por­ bankment when the train rushed by. man has given in theStatoof Maim*, York buyers are having no trouble ter may be successful the next two The police were called ail'd took for a winter’s series of concerts' in making large contraets ; so that, THE COCHRAN DRUG STORE years and thus become the owner of charge of the individual and locked Under the management of Cora M. whether .Maine or New York ship or the cup. him up for safe keeping. Putnam in Houlton. not, this market will have plenty of No. 5 Water Street Houlton, Maine /

The A rooatook Times, W ednesday, D ecem ber 20, 1011. vsir.'Viii 'i 1' \ i.l - 1 - I I '< A Cell iasffisraaEEEL-’Hsaw EE’^ Mr. < Consumer Highest Prices T II K AlfOOSTOOK TIMMS Cuts., Hru jC!’, Stiff Joints, Swellings, Sore Throat, The best milk in town is none t<>" ALL THU- Ms Vffc Mews. Co ld . , lh >M-i / T ro u b le s—troth outward and good for you, you can buy it at inward ailments arc cure-1 by a on Raw Fm 11 - ■ y1 r v - ■; J; n i;i v M - I - , : NfWS|i;ijif.'i' L» Prtuvf flecord, Maple Row I ^ JOHNSON’S PARSONS' BriiiG’ or ship your “SOU Y e a r s PILLS regulate the Nothing but Jerseys kept, and un­ F u r s to (.: I - • : 9 . In O s e . ftm o a vm : L inim ent bowels Without der the care ot a first-class beards distressing Millions of Be prepared fur emergencies. N( man Cures. that liniment so elfective, no other has Moulton Hide such a record. Sold by dealers everywhere.' Clean m ilk is our motto 2 5 0 V. i •;*; ;> ( ' . i r; '• ■flii-it mi! i ni. -ff 1 - . * ; ; , j . . • , - , S c a n d c B o ttle s. & Tallow Co. rl 9 < m iU *rl i . ,i t t ^ k I. s .J OHM.SOM & CO.. Boston, Muss. COTTLE BROS. TEL. 274-22 ' [ •i ■ ", . ' .Over iCm*. ubs *ri so \ iRinp r -; ■--ii i nt mr i-d I 11.. ; '.1 1-0 - ' i : ' , . i, I . Located at the ver v i ot v u 11 H. ! i i .' . 1 DM s .•r i .-in. . ;a, ' y,. 11, The quicker a cnhi is gotten rid of C-llMilUn:r;U.')n-- • ..III S ‘Dl lA 1 T i r ni, ! fu- ; - - ran a (■ v an- • r. DSt )\!V ■>u' icitcd V" t vvatil to V, , ,li r- • 7, the less the danger from pneumonia ; ■ f NEW ENGLAND SLAUGHTER Knt'-n-- at 111" pint n I'm-at ibmlton f al rati- i til.- t ; . i 1 -1 • L. H*|l, of Wiverly, Va., says : “ I HOUSE -’nr .\d\--rt i11g Ratos tip dy tU ti ’r--- d i 111 ,i mi Mat.a - ; firmly believe ChanK'eiUiu’.s Dough Remedy to he absolutely the best prep­ Houlton, Maine Let The Light Shine aration on the market for colda. 1 App ari-nt ly tlm 1 ’ana m l (' in, i is I> 11 ri 11 g' l ei -ll S' ■j's;it inn will m- id’ hare recommended it to my friends and nut mi ly gid ng t.i !>-- uf gr ■a! 1!*’' u-t i - 11- ult mi'-. 1 Mum i i ii it farim- rs who Through one of thoue beautiful new they all agree with me.” For sale by Every family has need of n m u sp- -i-tai-l'- pa rt i •hi a r iy \sr: io !, : i m ! it u 11 g h 11 i a family : i % " n LAMPS, for the table which we .soreness of the muscle« and rluuinat’c til nig it. It is t h - i n 11 ■ n t i Ml t i make bis cl 11 d len an t-d111• at ion. al sva vs are now showing is ! Calling cards engraved and print­ pains there is none better than f’ham- it tlm iihaI bri 11 i,inily lig' 11.-I \vat-- r ; >:»id ! ills, n m-l lets hi- f i; n "ii berUin’s. Sold bv Perks’ Drug S'ore. way in tin- world . Thai t .6 e imi! i» , -in- Mim-i[ l.-s. F : l ^ i ■ i 1 r i r i c ed at the T im es Ollice. ^ 1 We h aw just ]■(■<•»■ iv»a 1 a largo Assortment of may fh- - lay ti)i>- ! hi r i - SS 1 11 w 1 F ■ V ami -in bis mm ■ ■ m-rs bn ;u e- meivi ■ - * u w , -!' b ■MCImi-. .57 n 1111 ss - - r in 1 lis "S lmi tin- lat O tb" Electric Stand & Reading Lamps u t b i - r ht-acuiis, .57 g;m ii11UV^. b -pal' he 1. 1 i - i, sv 1i d T i ,' i -dm - 1 ! !: • l i ln-r ? ft i uioyw .- e i d 7 nun In my-, ■ a ! >t a ! i-f da ■ i f sold I ■ I>' dal ius, A 1 with colored glass the colors of which, when lighted, W 1st in the Town of Houlton* ^ 2:»! lig lifs. That l u | 1 d li g S In 11. i n I'M 111 S' - I ud,. " SU- -1 t .'ini i),-n s, iii blend in a most attractive manner, besides giving a nudum- that will 1,'lVr a t ■mb-n tu -dorag • at a pn at i 5 u; i s i - a ; 1 told * f t 1st in the County of Aroostook* make iiiiv igat inn of till- can H sal. tin 'in S " 1 W hell tii" ma: )- H : l "d soft light for reading or sowing". 7th in the State of Maine among 72 f t at all inn-s is ap| ari-nt ft'i Mil th- fact $2 11 a in- -anil Id iav i • t b ' ■ III Wli'-n * f t t hat .duo acres »>f lam \\ ill hi- t Ii 1s P ice was 1>t-i i g paid, i 1,-1"- COME AND SEE THEM *# B a n ks f t (•lean* i su tbesu signal 1igl 1 ts n.".y pin MU- 1 M a fd-mimr and 11 - i ii-'d. , •‘I # 467th in the United States among f t 1)0 K(“ -n frnni n i n t s of views a> possibh tin i cm. "' At tin time t iiis cun - HOULTON W ATER CO. * f t P> 7193 B a n ks, is the standing of ... VI Isat inti was m -nb- tin- mar; i"t was Mechanic Street. f t 1 nr< hi in1 $2. I'd and Vet 1m said In- svas * f t New Pension B ill. sat s li ■d. In- had !iis money ami if J] * The First National Bank f t tin y il.'Ul d t'np j )t-(l again In- ss mild * f t levsa- >ui-tl alieail 'I made a good o f H o u lto n The latest bill fur pcn> * f t inn ing the pn (it Utl the sah- ami don't: feel veterans of our Civil war, which is had to think that 1 sold. * f t * n the National Bank Roll of Honor comparing its known ms tlo- Sln-vwoud hill, is one I f t his man had taken a chance * financial strength with its capital f t which seems to h-- the most reason­ ami held bis pota.oes p wmihi net «■* f t able of any of those which are peri­ have made so much d i IT-imm-" odically being introduced. anyone, for b-- and bis family ue 6-1 SEASONABLE TALK •* Dosen’t this moan something to you as a depositor ? f t As is perhaps kin-\vn t his bill which not have been deprived of any of tin- f t * has already passed the House and luxuries which he has. f t Capital $60,000.00 gone to the Senate, would grant $15 There is a great difference in tin- This ii but a timrly hint tiiat (’iiristmas is once more drawing very near ^* Surplus & Undivided Profits $78,388.59 f £ t a month to those who served more position of these two men, one should than 80 days, hut less than six sell when he can double his money, and maybe you have a doll to dress or books to look ovtr, or a fountain pen to months ; $20 a month for service up the other could alfoiul to gambit- yet send to some dintant friend. All these things take lime, and the wise buyer is ^ ********-** IMK***-*'***'****'** to nine months ; $25 a nmnt :i for ser­ does not. And yet if the fact, were vice up to one year ; and $80 for ser­ known it would he found that tin- ths one who comes in while the stock is complete and vve have the time to show vice of more than one year. No pen­ greater part of the stock which has sion is to be allowed veterans who been sold up to (late has been sold by you what we have. have incomes exceeding $l,na> a Mr. Farmer who could afford to hold year. Tim Sulloway bill which was and Mr. Farmer, who cannot pay iPmDEND NOT ICE] offered as a substitute or amend­ his Dills until his potatoes are sold, ment to the Sherwood bill, provided is the one who is holding his stock. 00R STOCK IS VERY LARGE a maximum pension of $5se opposed to it ar­ made. Diaries for 1912, Bibles, Games, Toys and Dolls, Toilet and Manicure Sets, gued it would ‘’penalize thrift.” Shaving Sets, Collar Boxes and numerous other articles usually found in a well 4 P er Cent 4 Hen. Sherwood said it was design­ per annum has been ed not as an added honor to ex-sol­ SAVED HIS WIFE’S LIFE. regulated book store and all are priced very low and can be found at diers but to relieve real distress. For “ Mv wife would have been in h^r declared by the :: this very reason it seems to lw otm grave tocUy,” writes 0. H. Brown, of which would he very beneficial to Mu-cadine, Ala., if it had not been the country at large. Payable on and after for Dr. King’s New 1 fBcoverv. Stic FRANK L. COOK’S There are sonic instances win-re whs down in her bed. not able to get j H o u l t o n mt mi Nov. 1, 1911. persons who have considered that up without help. She had a severe j they had income enough ha\e re­ Dividends* not with­ bronchial trouble and a dreadful cough. | fused to receive pension money from I got her * bottle ot Dr. King’-1 New 1 oo MmoBOaBHwOO drawn will be added the Uovermuent, while then- are Discovery, ane she soon began to mend, | B a n k to the principal. :: :: o t h e r s w h o a re independently and was well in a short firm.” In-I wealthy who will get all tln-y can. fallible for coughs and colds, bs t lie r EL PERCO Any man who served his count ty most reliable remedy on earth for des­ O Deposits made the first seven days of any month, when she was badly in need of no m perate lung trouble, hemorrrhages, O and remaining in the Bank until the next semi­ who left t heir bourns, wives n mi fam­ lagtippe, a-thma, bay fever, croup and; The Electric Coffee Percolator annual dividend is payable, will be allowed inter­ ilies and gave t hei r serv ice* t o 1 11 e i r w hooping cough. 50c. 81.(It) Trial | est at the dividend rate, from the first day of the conntry, should if in want and dis­ bottle tree. Guaranteed t,\ all drug- j T H E O NLY W AY tress be helped by t he ( io Vel'11 men t . !gists. ; month when deposited. 1 It is said by the opponents of tin- measure that ii would add a large j You tret the lull llavor and amnia of the coflee sum t<> expend itires, but what if it j Commissioners’ Notice I without the bitter taste or cafVne which comes j Houlton Savings Bank, j does ? It will la- dist ri bu ted t o j Aro >st00k, ss — I >e5 but 1 Commissioners to receive and dix-ine u[x>n the j claims of the creditors of Pr-d K. Woodhridgn, , DELICIOUS CUP OF COFFEE what returned with some disability, I late of Sherman in said County, deo-nsed. j which as the y• ell't-cts with age. and at tie- Ihereby give public notice ngrrs-ably to tin* j rate that tin- old Soldiers are drop-j order of the said .lodge of Probate, that six! Houlton Trust Company ping o If it will not be long be for-■ th*- months from and after the twenty-iirst day of i o CAM. AT THU tnillious which this pension bill N'ovemlwr, A. IP, Ibll h ive Ih-i-ii allowed m; o 8 Houlton, Me., Oct. 6, 1011. promises, will dwindle to tin- thous­ said rp-difors to present and pro\e their Mechanic St. claims, and that we will attend to the duty; Houlton Water Co. JAM ES K. PLUMMER, President ands. The majority of' on r So I -1 i-rs of t In- assign*-d to US at the office of Koi.uid Ii | W M . Clark in Houlton in said County at ten, OO A. M ARTIN, Vice-President Civ i 1 War -1 - serve all that they can o'clock in the Lop-noon of each of tie- follow-; THOMAS P. PUTNAM, Treasurer in-!, and. : 11111 - - u a f 1 thi* 1 - i i I w i i i 11 a v < ■ ingdas.-, to wit WuIiie>,la\. Mmvh 12th, 1 ELMO M. BURTT, Asst. Treasurer to go through tin- Senate and may P.M2 and Wi-dne-day, Mas 2:: ml, KM ..'. 1 T R U S T E E S : William A . Martin, Preston N. Burleigh, I- -s-' sunn- f 6 s identity, ye I I m ■ N X i 11 \ N I K1, Ti i .M | ’ K 1 \ s / Commis- principle R as ju-. 1 a a-1 1 ig 111 as any P< H. \ N I) i.. ( PACK i lot let. | James K. Plummer, Ora Gilpatrick, Beecher Putnam, Har­ that, has - \ ei' been in! reduced. Do Your C hristmas Shopping rison O. Hussey, Thomas P. Putnam, Samuel Lane, Edwin L- Vail, George A. Gorham, Hjalmar Edblad, Elmer E. CARELESS ABOUT APPENDI­ Milliken. Shall We Sell or CITIS IN HOULTON. EXECU TIVE BOARD : William A. Martin, James K. M*n\ Il 'ul'i-n p'-OT h- -fnlll K’h Plummer, Ora Gilpatrick, Samuel Lane, Hjalmar Edblad. ThU <|ipstiu;i < 1 o 11 h t less lias passed or bowel rpiid-H ubiFl is one of gn at importance not only Bass ( ases Xmas. Stationery Post Card Albums 3 9 >6 of this simple remedy relieves bowel or; Savings Deposits ...... IA 38 to tin- farmer himself, but to tie •dom'ich trouble aim -st IX SI'A N IL Y | Xmas. Perfumes Side Combs Demand Deposits...... 225,960 25 community in which In- lives. Manicure Set Certificates of Deposits...... 17,016 00 We realize that in every human 'Toilet- Sets Thermos Bottles (girds, Cased being there is an inherent de-in- o! N O T IC E | 1 it taut Sets Blanks Bridge Sets $ 763<()59 3 2 chance, which is nothing more .a Tim Annual nc-e! jug of t te- s! - are- | less than gambling, and while ot i RESOURCES In >h h - i s . d t h e 1 1 < hi 1111 ii d'ru-t < '< >ni - jShaving; Sets Hair 1 Irushes A (’omits (Yibbage Boards course ev< rv man who has a stock ol 1 at n v. w i 11 he In-id at tin- Bank mg ! Loans and Discounts...... $458,794 28 ' i Xmas. Cigars potatoes feels as though lit had a Rooms i)t >aid < 'otn |>a ny. «>u Tii--s- M ilitary Sots Dieture Frames Loans on Mortgages of Real Estate...... 207,051 23 right to use ids own judgment r-- day. the 2nd day of January. )‘5l2. j Collar A Cnll Set Sotip Boxes (’igar Cases O verdrafts...... 71 53 gat'd in g t In sub- of them, yet is t his at ten o'clock in the fon- tnhm, for t so Bonds and S to c k s...... 5 -79° °° the elect ion of Trustees and a n Travoliny Sets Hat Brushe-ri ("Caret te (’uses Vault Furniture and F ix tu re s...... 5,000 00 If a man who Inis 1 .(too barrels of Fxecit! i\ e Board from said Trustees potatoes which cost him from The M edici IK* Un.^os Cloth IVruslH's Tobacco Pouches Due from other B an k s...... 3,529 62 innl sm-h other business a- legally to $1 Od to raise, o ivi-s lor tin- fer­ may be done. Mirrors Apollo Chocolates Cash on Deposit...... 55-9 U 04 tilizer, owes "or the cash which In- 1 >rinkiny Guys Houlton, Me., Dec. 12, 1911. Cash on Hand...... 26,881 26 borrowed todigtlu- crop, has a mort­ gage on his farm which was made THOM AS R. IM'TN A M, Clerk. $ 763-059 3 2 necessary during the past two years Come in and hear the VICTOR—The best R O B E R T F. D U NTO N, Bank Commissioner. of low price, and owes many m Iht “ 1 had h< eri trouble-1 w it r c -ns ip&- hills, is it right for him to hold h - Itiori to i two w-ci a ml trn-d -ill of tue Christmas Gift on Earth. stock for a little more when he can best phvsu-i^Ms i-i BriM’mh l-’-’-u.. and get trom $2.uu to $2.25, a ret urn which thcN couM do nothing t' r me,” writes brings a good profit on f lie original l'ho.s. K. Will tana, Middhhuro, Ky “Two package* of ('hambcrlHin's PERKS DRUG STORE EX6RAVED & PRINTED cost, when if he waits for higher prices is taking a chance, a gamble Stomach and River Tablets cured me." Leighton & Feeley, Props. CALLING CARDS a t t h e t i m e s o r r i c E at tiu* oxpen.se of his creditors? For sale by Berks’ Drug Store.

J y The Aroostook Times, Wednesday, December 20, 1911.

This Year Buy Useful, Satisfactory, Serviceable and Enduring Ones

ilOILTM FDRMTURE COMPHY * Everything to be Found in an Up-to-Date Furniture Store CAKT BE SEEM H ERE. SURE TO CALL BEFORE PURCHASING

W E have recently fitted up on our second floor a waiting or rest room for the con­ venience and use of our patrons. The room is equipped with easy chairs, writ­ ing desks and material, toilet conveniences, telephone, etc.; and the public is cordially invited to make use of it at any time whether they purchase or not. Christmas shop­ pers will find this room especially convenient. All welcome...... At the Same Old Stand, Enlarged & Improved


'v&tar* , -0 Poisoned Man. C aution - f ! Having -oven my nun Allurt Sutter the re- mainder of his minority. I shall pay none of PNEUMONIA I know a man who is dying of poi­ his debts, or claim any of his can'bigs after left me with a frightful cough and I son. this date. Dseful Articles for XmasGifts very weak. I had spells when 1 could He's a young man comparatively, his In Car Lots, F. O. B. hardly breathe or speak for 10 to 20 but his taco is turning yellow and SKA L X M.'TTKR, Ladies’ Hand and Shoulder Bags minutes. My doctor could not help Ids eyes are turning green and his mack me, but I was completely cured by| (’arc, Me. IXe. 1, mil. month is hard and he can’t smile to ;;.i) Purses and Card Cases D. C. Sylvester D R. KIN G’S save his life, poor thing ; lie’s poi­ Perfumes and Sachets soned and he doesn't know it. Poi­ Triplicate and Hand Mirrors New Discovery soned with his own greed, his own For Sale or to Let Westfield Mrs. J. E. Cox, Joliet, 111.# envy and Ids own discontent. FARM FOR SARK — In Plymouth, live Collar and Cuff Cases, Necktie Holders 50c AND $1.00 AT ALL DRUGGISTS. He made some money up in Alas­ miles from \V* .d t : A, contains 11.r> acres. Cigar Jars, Cigar and Cigarette Cases ka the other day. Good house, two tiaras, good orchaul, good 447 P. "Hurrah !” we all thought, "he'll well of wa er, under fair cultivation. There Manicure Sets, Brush and Comb Sets come home as happy as a clam, and is lumlM-r enough to men* than pay for the Cloth Brushes, Hat Brushes maybe the poison won’t work any place. For particulars address MRS. \V. A. Caution | more." BRACK K i r, Broadway, Woodstock, N. B. Military and Shaving Sets IOB PRINTING ■Go This is to warn all persons against trust­ ! He came home iii abject misery, Soap Boxes and Infant Sets ing or harboring my wife Genettle Sutter on j His partner had made more than my account as I shall pay none of her debts he had, and not all I in* gnld ; hat Calling cards engraved and printed ! Hair Brushes, Combs, Etc. titer this date. Promptly and neatly executed his ever shone looks pretty to toal. man at t he Ti m ks otlice. 1 Toilet Cases NEAL X SUTTER, at the if another has a higher pile of it than Thermos Bottles, Hot W ater Bottles mark he. Cary, Me. Dee. 1,1911. He was ins ited to he one of a dis­ Shaving Sets, Safety Razors, Etc. TIMES OFFICE tinguished company. "There,’’ we Stationery in Fancy Boxes Calling cards engraved and printed all said, "he'll like that." He cairn- Jit the Tim e s office. home with his face a gnawing pic-j Remember tore of chagrin. 1‘There was a fellow ♦ here that did : Haliieway Drug Co. Store all the talking; lie wouldn't give] IIOMGTOX, M AKV 10 another soul a. chance." "W as he a ] good talker'.'" "Well. 1 guess he! was, hut I wanted to talk myself." j Osgood’s ; fjfimxs Tin- man has a so/., and the sou j passed a high examination to go to college. "Good for.Jim," we said to “Little Store j the man, "you must he proud of Of Course You Will Want to See him." With the \ 0 0 "W ell," said the man, "1 don't see My Stock of Beautiful Plants \ how John .Join s came to pass in the same grade ; he isn’t half ns smart Big Stock” as Jim ; there must be something before you finish your Christmas crooked somewhere." A n d the somewhere was right in the man’s is open evenings Shopping • •• • M l • • • • own miserable, unhappy brain. Oatmeal is the Cereal Wild, he dies he won't be satisfied at all seasons beefsteak. It is the very thing that produces the with a good, comfy halo ; lie'll have There are some of your friends who no doubt would ap­ to have the best, one then* is—or lie IIIS STOCK OF preciate a floral gift better than any other gift. finest meat on cattle. But why not take your won’t play. meat at first hand or rather the meat elements? Poor, narrow, foolish f e llo w ! My Christmas plants will be better than ever all sped* Why, the very laborer who digs the Diamonds, Why wait until it has passed through the tissues ditch for him and his line orange mail plants including', grove is happier than lie is. The of a living animal? Don’t eat it second-handed— BOSTON and WHITMAN FERNS, PRIM ROSE in very man who holds his saddle horse Watches, eat it in oatmeal itself, in the form of for him to mount is better off, and various colors, POINSKTTIAS, JERUSALEM CIIEIG no human being of sense would RJES, FERN .DISHES, and many others. change places with that man for two Jewelry, Etc. days not for all tin* gold that he In Christmas greens I offer FINE, LAU REL and M other 's O ats brought down from Alaska. Is the most complete in Houlton He’s poisoned—poisoned with envy and the pine-,, as always, the BOXWOOD WREATHS and BUNCH IIOLLV. MOTHER’S OATS arc for sale everywhere. They’re and with greed and with wngem-r-' lowest • Mv flowers will be on sale at KowleiAs Candy Store, the best that you can buy. There’s a reason why you should insi i upon ous bade, and then In* wonders why no one likes him and why all happy them. When you ask for M O T H E R ’ S O A T S refuse others* oats— Don’t liny Diamond: or Rings Orders mav be left there. laughter stop* when he comes around there’ s a dtfferrrce. and why tin* room that was gay without seeing Aak your grocer about the wonderful S3.75 Fireless Cooker given free with chatter a moment before is still to uteri of Mother*! Cereals. They are Mother’s Oats, Mother’s Com Meal (white or as death when he brings ids bitter yellow), Mother’a Wheat Hearts (the cream of the wheat), Mother's Hominy Grits, face into the range of the firelight. Hillside Floral Company Mother’! Com Flakes (toasted), Mother’s Coarse Pearl Hominy, Mother’s Old Poison and poisoning, fur I'd as Osgood Fashioned Steel Cut Oatmeal, Mother’s Old Fashioned Graham Flour. If he doesn’t soon live in the house with a skele-i . , . keep Mother’s Cereals write us today, giving Jbis name and yours, and we will send tunas to sit at the tame or to walk | -s ^ H. L. CHADWICK, Prop. you free a useful souvenir. or talk with him. His disease is estimated free, catching, it is infectious ; keep away j T h e G r e a t W e s t e r n c e r e a l C o m p a n y from him or you’ll catch it yourself. 1 All Goods Engraved Free. The Aroostook Times, Wednesday, December 20, 1911.

Woman’s Club Course.

| OF LOCAL INTEREST g T h e n<*\t *ui11Tt a i nment under the auspices of ’Houltnii’s Womans' C lub on J an. Is. w ill lie " T h e K.pie of the Negro" accompanied By Mr. and Mrs. Justin Rose returned C. O. Grant went to Island Kails, D ixirp'horns in the pleasing form Tuesday, where he had business. Monday from Boston. of song and can ■ 11 hit it m . Miss Daisy I. Barrett is spending There will be no preaching service Much of the Minior and sentiment Holiday Gifts AT at the Church of the Good Shephe d the Christmas vacation at her home of the Negro v iil be wov. 11 into t he on Sunday next. in llapipton Kalis, N. II. concert, wmcii even the lash and Mr. Joseph Curtis, car distributor, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Stewart, went shackle were never aide to hush — ■ of Bangor was in town, Monday, to Lewiston Monday to attend tin tiie laughter in the Negro’s heart. calling on friends. State Grange meeting. This” production was conceived F O X BROS Mr/ Ira J. Porter was a passen­ Miss Della Clark of Presque Isle, and isjproduced under t In* persi mal ger on Monday’s train for Lewiston, returned to her home, Tuesday, after directiorfof Mr. Ralph Dunbar, who Our store is the ideal place to buy a to attend the meeting of the Maine ] spending a few days wiih Miss Clara is weil known throughout the coun­ State Grange. j Dobbins. try, not only as an organizer, but Man or Boy a Christmas Gift. A call has been extended to Rev. | Mr. Goo. F. Merritt who has been also as a m e m b e r of the fannui H. W. Weston of Randolph, Mass., seriously ill is slowly recovering, Dunbar Quartet, and Swiss Rod to become pastor of the Unitarian much to the gratification of his Ringers. We have the biggest values you’ve ever seen in church of Houlton. many friends. Ira G. Hersey Esq., Don A. H. Mrs. F S. Taylor who has been ftSen’s and Boys’ Suits and Overcoats Powers Esq. and S. S. Thornton The Aroostrok Fertili­ visiting her son, Paul Taylor for the Men' s Suits, till tin*llit* new models tindami cnlonncolorings— Iouiey WorsU Esq., went to Caribou Tuesday to past 6 weeks returned to her home zer Situation ('assi meres attend Probate court. in Auburn, Monday. Scotch* Hlue Series and blacks $5.U0 to $5Q.GQ Among those from Houlton who Crop Insurance The Christmas tree for Die poor Mini’s Overcoats, convertible collar models, in I went to Lewiston, Monday to attend aney weaves and colorings $5.00 children to be given by the Houlton the State Grange were Mr. Geo. Always at, this season there is tin to $85.00. Plain Black Oxfords and Browns in Kersev and Meltons. Nest Order of Owls, Monday after McGinley, Mr. Joseph Hussey, A temptation i<> take advantage of noon from 3 to 5 o’clock, will bo a Rain Coats in Black, Brown, Gray Oxfords $5.00 to $’28.00. G. Merritt, Mr. and Mrs. Willard fertilizer prices that appear to bt Weston, Mrs. Geo. Auber, Mrs. A l­ great success according to reports particularly low. But Aroostook Men’s Reefers $8.00 to $15.00. Boys’ Suits $2.00 to $20.00. Boys Overcoats lied Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Eag- from the entertainment committ.ee growers know as well as anyo who are busily engaged enrolling the $2.00 to $28.00. Children's Suits $1.00 to $7.00. Children’s Overcoats $1.50 to ers. that fertilizers made of in tern r young ones. $12.00. Bigy him a Bath Robe $8.00 to $10.00. Buy him a 1 >ress Shirt. Union Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Reed and materials, but analyzing up to re­ Christmas services at the Presby­ two young daughters were passen­ quirements can tie sold at reduce Suits $1.00 to $5.00. Nice Suit of Pajamas $1 to $8 Night Shirts 50c to $2. Tie, terian church on Christmas Sunday gers on this morning’s train for Paw­ prices. We are not putting out that Hose and Handkerchief to match in a beautiful box, Silk and Pur Lined (doves, morning will consist of a Christmas tucket, R. I., where they will spend kind of goods; nor is it advisable sermon with appropriate music. In Suit Oases and Travelling Bags, Cut! Links, Scarf Pins, Fancy Suspenders and Arm the Christmas holidays with their forjfarmers to use them. For an the evening the Sunday School will daughter and two sons who are lo­ examj.de : There is a certain f>- m Bands. Largest and finestline of Neckwear ever shown in the city 25c to $1.50. give a concert with Antiphonal cho­ cated there. They were accompa­ of nitrogen selling at twice what rus. Monday the Christinas tree Extra large line of Emerson Shot's, Trunks and Rubber Goods nied as far as Boston by Mrs. Chas. another form is sidling for. Chemists will be held in the vestry. The pub­ H. Miles, who after a few days there cannot easily distinguish between lic is cordially invited. Will visit relatives in Providence and the two sources, hut tin1 crop can, Mawtucket. and surely will at; harvest, time. One HOME OF GOOD James Buffy. form is AVAILABLE, and the other is only partly available ; in FOX BROS CLOTHING Aroostook Jersey The death of Mr. James Duffy, fact, under certain weatln r condi­ Breeders’ Assn. the oldest citizen of Houlton. oc­ tions it may not be available in •'I* curred early on Tuesday morning, time for the crop to get any hen after a short illness at the ago of 92* from it. The grower takes a great The annual meeting of the Aroos­ risk in the. weather, which he can­ took Jefeey Breeders Association He suffered a paralytic shock last BANKRUPT'S PETITION FOR DIS­ week and since that time has been not control, also in insect pests and Wood For Sale was held at Presque Isle on the sec­ fungus diseases. lie should ■* e CHARGE unconscious. In the matter of ) ond Tuesday in December with Vice no risks in those things which In* Pres. Johnston in the chair. Mr. Duffy was born in Ireland a’ d Dry and green hard Daniel C. Doherty In Bankruptcy came to this country when a boy, can control, and one of these is tin* Bankrupt. Owing to the absence of the Presi­ wood, all lengths. Ex­ To the II ov. C i. vkkvok H a c k , Judge of He made his home in Cary, previous QUALITY of the plant food which dent the annual address was post­ he applies. A by additional ceptionally nice stock the District Court of tin* I ’nited States for poned until the next meeting. The to his coming to Houlton 20 years ^ the District of Maim*. ago, where he conducted a farm, price.* which he pays for well-known for furnaces, fireplaces reports of the Secretary and Treas­ long-1 ried bran ds made id the best | DAM FI. C. DOHERTY, urer were read and accepted. and since his residence in Houlton and j- tiigie . n.iso dry j of Littleton in the Counly of A 10 >stook, materials, such as our Stuck bridge, | and Mate of Maine, in said District, respect- T*he Executive Committee reported he has enjoyed life arid lived among is but a small cost for insurance edgings for kindlings i fully represents, that on the -1th day of Nov., twd new members since the last his friends and acquaintances. ! last past In* was duly adjudged bankrupt under He was a man of rare intelligence, when divided among tin* barrels of Place orders early as ‘ the Acts of Congress relating to bankruptcy ; routing and that nine towns are now potatoes produced. Id’ M I EE ; that he has duly surrendeied all his pro­ represented in the association. well postt d on all of the topics of perty and i ights of property, and has fully AVERAGE I .ESS THAN 2c A quantity is limited. The election of officers resulted as the day, a great reader, and a most complied with all tin* requirement.-, of said interesting conversationalist. BAR REE. OR 1-3 LESS THAN Phone, call or write, Arts and of tin* orders of Court touching his follows : Pres., Dura Stanchfteld of EIRE INSURANCE. Kuikruptcy. Easton ; Vice Pres.. Philip Adams, He leaves beside a widow only Wiii.ukfoki: nr: pit\vs, That he may We hope tin* growers in Aroos­ lx-* decreed by the Court to have a full dis­ Chapman ; E. L. Johnston, Easton» some distaut relatives. THE AROOSTOOS- took County will confer wifii our charge from all debts provable aga.nst his B. 0. Ames, Fort Fairfield; Oscar ^Announcements for the funeral estate under said bankruptcy Acts, except local agents in regard to our new TOOK CO PERAGE such debts as arc excepted by law from such new—ice cold container— Benn, Hodgdon ; A. 38. Mooers, will be made later. Stockbridge Brand l'B” for Pota­ discharge. the vSealshipten. Small size Houlton ; P. J. Anderson, Jempt- AND LUMBER CO. Dated this Dth (lay of Dix* . A . D. BUI. toes in which the Available rln isp- al., enough for a small land ; E . H. Buck, Mapleton ; T.K. DAM EE C. DOHFRTY R. E. Transfers. boric Acid has been inereas< l to 10 Btuhardson, Mars H ill; Wm. Mc­ The Mrs. A. F. Morrill farm in percent in order to hasten mat ti- Houlton, Me. RankrupL. Kinney, Presque Isle. Secretary, Staeyville sold to Mr. Rogers of rit v, and improve quality. ORDER OF NOTICE Til ERFON E . L. TArbell, Mapleton. Treas., B. Davidson, through the C O. Grant farm agency. BOWK ER FEET I EIZER GO M- FOR €J* Ames, Fort Fairfield. Executive BANKRUPT'S PETITION I Mstrict. of Maim*, ss. Our Oysters Frank Merritt bouse on Grange PAN Y, DISCHARGE. On this 10th day of Dec., A. D. lull, or Com., D. Stanohfleld, E. L. Tarbell, reading the foregoing petition, it is - street sold to Luke Lynch of New W rimis R. I >ki:ssi:k. B, 0 . ^rnes, A. E. Mooers, W. B. hi the matter of j < MtnKKKH nv Tit k Cor irr, That a heat i in Limerick through the’ C. O. Grant ^ General Age J. Hanford Sprague In Bankruptcy farm agency. tx* had upon hie same on tin* 2ti!h day (-1 Fresh with the tand of the Waddell. Houlton, M Bankrupt. ‘ Jan. A. D. 1012, before said Court a' The sojjjeofc of a Breeders young Arthur Brackett house on Grove To the Hon. Clarence Hale, Judge of tin* Dis Portland, in said District, at, U> o'clock in tin 3rd trict Court of the United States for tin* forenoon; and that not ice thereof be piilid-h- ;ea. herd in the pure bred cattle classes street sold to John N Adams of *d in the Aroostook Times, a newspape: Houlton through the (J. O. Grant District of Maine. at our State Fair was introdu6ed by J. HANFORD SB RARE K (Tinted in said District, tun I that all knovi Packed tlie dav thev are agency. ei>siitors, ami otiier poisons in interest, iirr ] Vioe Pres. Mooers, and after it had of Fort Fairfield in the County of Aroos­ j Card of Thanks took, and State of Maine, in said District, appear at the said time and (dace, and show T cm cause, if any they have, why the prayii o. ; b«eii fully discussed acbmmitte con­ respectfully represents that on the 11th We wish to xpress our hear felt t 1 nks to said petitioner should not he gruiib-d. 1 S! sisting of the Pres, and Treas. was Legal Holiday, day of Nov., last past he was duly 1 1 1 [}[ l(U in sealed, air-tiffht , \ \ i . it is n ki 11 r, u o n i > i*: u i: i > it y i hi : our friends and neighltors for thoir sympathy adjudged bankrupt under tin* Acts appointed to take up the matter with C n ru r, That the Clerk shall send by m.C ' Dec. 25, 1911. and kindness, and their beautiful tioral offer­ of- Congress relating to bankruptcy; b to all known rnMitors copies of said petit,or, 1<*(* (h >Ivi Ji;tc|< ayes—every ]>ar- the trustees of the No. Maine Fair, that In* has duly surrendered all his ings during our receii bereavement. and this order, addressed to them at t'ni: ’ property and rights of property and has fully •b o championships in the dairy] Carrier’s window at (he post olllee MR. an MRS. E. O. SMITH, (daces of residence as staled. ticlt* of (»yst(*r Roodness saved. complied with till the requirements of said ] Witness tin* Honorable Clarence I.'a* olasses and a 24 or 48 hour dairy test. w,n |J(. 0pen Saturday evening Dec. MR. and MRS. W. II. SMI I’ll. Acts and of the orders of ( 'ourt touching his, Judge of tin* said <'ourt, and tin* seal therm j T'ill*s(‘ Bit* 11 ie o ' we open to all breeds. 123rd, from 7.30 to 8.30 for the deli- bankiuptcy. | at Portland, in said District, on tin* Pith da\ Will*:in*:i-'mu*, iik nt.u.s, That he may ; A futurity test for two-j ear old VOrv of mail to patrons of city deli- Notick of Fiust Mkktino of Can inruns of Dec., A. D. lull. rpcomniviid. tie decreed by tin* ('ourt to have a lull dis­ . i.. s,. JAM ES E. IIK W E Y Clerk heifers was opened by the secretary very gervjce< charge from all d*‘bts provable against his. In the District Court of the United State* for \ trm* co iv nf pe;ition and order thereon. will be ob- the District of Maine. In Bankruptcy. estate under said bankruptcy Acts, ex- : Ai*.e>t .lAMli.s K. IIK W E Y . (Jerk and discussed by the members. The following schedule In the matter of i cept such debts as an* excepted by aw , All were agreed as to the advan- gervetj Monday Dec. 25th. Regular John B. Hand ,* In Bankruptcy. from such discharge. j Bankrupt. 1 SEALSHIPT tages of such a test which were set mornillf? delivery aruI collection will Dated this loth dav of Dee. A. D. lull. BANKRUPT’S PETITION FOR To tin* creditors <>t John B. Hand of J . BAN F< * HI) > 1 ’ K A < - i' F, forth as : .advertising the prepotent, be Inade bv citv carrier’s. Rural Hodgdon in the county of Aroostook, sires of the breed and keeping them carrjer’g will make the usual deli- and District aforesaid, a bankrupt. Bankrupt. DISCHARGE money-order " Notice is hereby given that on the 1 ah day ! n tin* matter iu service after their worth hps been rieB . the registry, of Dec., A. D. It'D, the said John to j ORDER OF NOTICE Til KRF.oN. OYSTERS A n x i / Morneauit . In Bankruptcy. proven, adding value to the daugh- antj general delivery window s will Hand was duly adjudicated bankrupt:* 1 lankrupt. ' Dtsrict of Maun*, ss. ters of the successful sires and ad- be open from 8>uo a< ln. to i2.oo m. and that the first, meeting of his CM 1, io tin* lion. (.'lareiiee Hale, Judge of tin* Pints 25c Q uarts 50c creditors will be Jfeftdd at the olhee of On tins Hi' h day of I >ee., V. D. vertlsingthe Jersey cow to the pen- from 7.;J0 p. m. to 8.3 0 p. m. on reading tin* foregoing petition, J is Distinct Court of the I'n.ted Mates for Kdwin E. Vail in'- rloulton, on the (ith * tn*ai iu_* tin* | n-t: iet of Maim*. Ask in for ii small or lary' day of Jan., A. D. mi'J, at Oboe o’clock j i iun u:i;n n v in r ( Oi toy That a pie of Aroostook and the rest of the ^ pniyiE Postmaster. In* hail upon the same on the Uni!i day of \ I . F \ l s M (). CN 1*1 A 1 I/ [ 'of (I'ratni Ise in" the forenoon, at which time tin* said ; State. __ ...... Jam. A. D. 1U1J, before said < our! at in the (’ounty of Aroostook and Mite of Sealsliijtten—sealed individual creditors may attend, prove their claims, j Maine, m -aid Di-t i iet. respect fuky r.-(»res**ii;». No definite action was taken, but I 'oi l land, m >aid I HD net, at ten o'iD nels in tin* appoint a trustee, examine tin* bankrupt, publish- tiiat on tin* ];;t!i d a y o f May.. la-t packages—always on ice. and transit'd such other business as may | forenoon ; and that notice theveetbe the matter was left with the Execu­ Lost. •w -pa; ei pa-t hi* was duly adjudged b a n k ­ properly come before said meeting. ed in I In* Aroo,-.took limes, a m printid in slid District, and that all1 known rupt under tin* Aits ot Coligie— tive Committee. From a foam on flu* Woodstock relating to bankruptcy ; that Ii * ha- road between the Square and tin* KDWIN E. V.\ IE. !cniiitors and other pei>om .n mtere may Adjourned to meet at the call of Ueferee in Bankruptcy. ! duly -urrender.-il mi Ins pioperty, and Hallett-McKeen Co. Boundary line a parcel containing app>*ai at tin* said time and p ami --how Dated at Houlton, Dec. is, im i. i of rights of prop-aty, an I has nnly coiiqilieil the Ex. Com. Christmas presents. Finder kindly came, il any they have, why the pray said petitioilet .-Jimild not be granted. with a i tin* i'equ;iean m- of - .i*i Acts am! of The Pur© F o o d G ro c e rs E. L. T A R B E L L, Sec. leave at, the T tmks Oflic *. \ s |. i i i-- i i t; i 11 i:sc (» i:’>i:i;i;i) n v i n i*. tin* orders of (ourt touching Ins bankruptcy. Wherefore In* pray -. That he may be N ot nr; ok Ft ttsr M t. r. it m > i* <' k i; i > i r (■ k - Cortny That tin* (Jerk ‘-bail send by mail to d *en*rd by tin* ('ourt M have a Hill discharge all known creditors copies i g >aid pet it inn ann BANKRUPT’S PETITION FOR DIS­ In tin* District Court of tin* Hinted M ato thoin all debts provable agam-t his estate for the Distuet of Maim*. 1 u Bankruptcy. this older addressed to them at their places ot re.sjileiic** as stated. under said bankruptcy Arts, except slid) CHARGE. In tin* matter ot i delrs as an* excepted by law from such dis­ De Forrest Champean In Bankruptcy Witness the Honorable Ct. \ ih*.m k I I a i.k , Judge of the said < oi.it. ami tin* seal then-on co; rge. In tin* matter of Bankrupt. ' Dated this l'Jth dav of Dee., A. D. m il. Isaac Cochran In Bankruptcy. To the creditor.- of 1 eForre ('hampeoti at Portland, in slid District, on tin* Inlh day AEEXI.S MORNE.U'ET Bankrupt of Houlton m the C o of Dec., A. I). lbll. Ar Mistook, find district a foressaid, a hank ([,. s.) J \ M ES E. H F \V I i V , (Jerk. Bankrupt. To t!m flow Ci.aukvck II a t.K. Judge of the runt. A true copy of peidion and order thereon, District Court of the l'nit<-l Stated for the v'otief* is hig'ebv given hat on the lbth day A (testJ A M FS A . 11 IDV I*. \ . i Jer... ORDER (»F NO TICE THEREON. District of Maine. mu, the said 1 >e For- j of' Dec., A. D. District of Maine, ss. ISAAC COCI RAX of CariUai rest, Champion was duly adjudicated I Have untill On this loth day of Dec., A. D. I'.MI, in the County of Aroostook, ami state of bank-nipt; and that, tin* first meeting j on reading the foiegoing petition, it is - Maim*. in said District respectfully of his creditors will he held at the j Notice of Foreclosure. O h u k k i.d nv rm; ('n u ;r, I hat a hearing i'i*[iic-ents. that on the 1 ith day >if Nov, last ollico of Kdwin B. Vail in Houlton, j Whereas Jolm id Benj 'uiii of Mu* s I (ill, be had upon tin* sum* on the 'Jo;h day of pastlm was duly adjudged bankrupt on the (ith day nf Jam, A. D. ! Jan.. A. D. mm, before said Court at under the Acts of Congress relating m 1U12, at in o'clock in tin* forenoon, at which; in the county of A loostoi ik and Stat** of Bankruptcy ; that he has duly surrender­ time the said ereditois may attend, prove I Portland, in said District, at ten o'clock in Maine, by his mortgag** d*'**i1 daib d I'*Tri airy tin* forenoon, ami that notice thereof he pub­ ed ail ii;,- pioperty and rights of their claims, appoint a trustee, examine tin* and recorded.ill the A roostook ia gis pioperty, and has fully complied with bankrupt, and transact such other buMiicss as d. C.'oT, lished in The AnMistook l imes a newspaper % printed in said District, and that all known ali the i t'ljim ements ol said Acts may properly come m ore said meeting. , try of Deeds Vol. gj2 Cage bid, emivi ■y ei1 to 1 *I creditors, and other persons in interest may and ot the orders of Court touching his FDW I N 1„ V A I i,, ! Belinda, A. Joins, 1;t,(* of %lillmoeket, in the I bankrupt* >'. Ueferee in Bankruptcy , j appear at the said time and place, and show to make your conm y of Cenobsci it and M: lb* of Mu.me. earn e, Many they have, why the pray* r of ! Whi.kkkokk uk t'KAYS, That he may Dated at Houlton. Dee. is, lull. j j he denoed by the Court to have a full dis­ deceast'id. iii certain piece or (lareel .if !and s.tid petitioner should not be granted. charge Horn all debts provable against his es- sit Mated1 in tli Cla utalioii ot ( Jiapmati . in \ x n ii i - in i; n i r: i; ( >r: nr; n r: n n v i it r: ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE | ( ni i; i , That the Clerk shall semi by mail to ' tat** under said bankruptcy Acts, except said i-ounty of AflN >st i >i >k, and (ie-eri D'd! as ;ill k inn u creditors copie- of said petition and * such debts as are *'Xv*eptt*d by law from The subsetiber hereby gives notice that he j follows,, to Wit, Ti of lot numb■ ■ K) ■* 1 one 1m n this older, addressed to them at their places i such discharge. Dated this mdi dav of Dec.. A. D. m il. has been duly appointed Administrator of 1(li ed t wclvc (11b, coiitammg ;ir H'W ae- of residence as stated. Wit ness tic* I lonoiab'e Ci. \ i; i .* v i i; II \ t, )*. 1 > A AC I U J I R A N Chistmas tin* estate of Joseph MarkiekiP* of Ashland ! eon ling to )lau ami Sill Ve\ IIKtde by Hi : a! 11 Judge of the s;1:d ('ourt. ami the seal Bankrupt. in the ( ounty of Aroostook, deceased, and i Jiapm;111 of -aid lantaiioN. ,md be; Kg tie* thereof, at Portland, in -am I 1 -'net, on the uui*i it or notice Tiii;r{i:<>\ givn itonds as tin* law directs. All persons] same h)t d. .-led to saai !it T 1 iiiau 1>y slid loth day of D. - . A.I>. 1: ib i.. J \ M I t F. Ii I W liY, (Jerk. having demands against the estate ol said j lieliii'la \. .loll)*- by deed d; i L • ii Cob] un I D m un (i F M \ I N K, Ss. A true copy of petit on ami older thereon. On this n th day of Dec. A D. m il, deceased are de-, red to present tin* ,sam** for i Purchases 1 ! 1' u. Attest; JAM,1," F IIKWEY. (Jerk. on leading th* to (■going pet it i >n, it i settlement, and all imli b'ej thereto are n * - I A I id *w he.mas I, C. ■Olge W . M* Kay, of •;m i Ounr. in*. i i; 1It 1*. Col IM, That ;i hearing ijUesteJ to make paym nt imme'fately. M i i m ii x*;■.)*:.. ban* b-■eii du: \ :ip|«),M') ■d ,and he had Up III the same on the 2Htli SO DO’NT FORGET THAT IK, liefoie said WII.I.1AM M A B K I ID | gu.iMin 1 as ad tin nisiUaioi' i’! tia* ..... 1- and day ot .la \. D, mm, Notice (dnirt ; t ’ol Baud, in said District, 1'. ( ’.ragevtli' Me ost de o'i tie' s;| ll 1 1 lei mda A, Hies NO W The of the iiohlelS at 1" o e!; hk m tin* forenoon; and Hi. mil. timrelorc. II io comiii mu of -a a,1 imrt.:a a* - that no ; I *e ! leieof be pllbli- bed in the Nat; kmk of I I oil mi, for lines, a newspaper printed tirok' n. by reason where I. a - I'iuiim -! i;;' - a t la* Moo­tool J I meet rs and t ".on of li: -aid 1 i -t Hi ml that all knowt ci**ditors afoi'esard, e'’aim a i (i r* *i * 111 ■-1U e of tie* - 1llie, * may Is* ], )l ( :.'l it aiai ol ),.*r "•IS Ills m interest, may »(*(»*ar at The McGary Shoe Store ami giv' * thi s IJOt.l'C 1ei that ;• nr; tli.- said I me an 1 place, and show cause, if held at t auk mg Help Wanted Female Marne, | ).*et Hide: 1. . mn. any they ! a»e w' iv tie* prayei of sail (letition- llollit, m, 'I'm human P The Buffalo Fertilizer Company require- ei should lot i ranted. Is one of the best stores in Houlton to (; m »c<;i ■. \\ . MeK \ t M. ; A x n II I ' II KIIIKIi OlU>KKKI> nv III K the S'TViees i a competi nt sienographer. A - ad IIK e■sir.l'o| ufo j;-', . M" De j ( h 11■ i; r. i hat the Clerk shall scud by mail ( Uily those who hat e fad e\) erii-nce and u Ini to ali knoi creditors copies of -anI petition B v his .\ttoruey-, Ci i w 1 i; - ,v \ m n; i. V ! K, F. D. ( A ' I " I b ( asliii r. can qualify m to ability m** <1 apply. * and this o der, ad dress* si to tin- n at their ; pim*(*- ot lcsidelu-e as stated, THE BEFFAI.O EERTI EIZER CO.M- Purchase Useful j Witness tlm Honorable Claieiue Hale, l’A N Y, I loulton, Maim*. J mlge of til'* >a id < on 11, and tin* seal I hereof, For Sale at Cortland, in said D.strict, on the tail day For R ent of Dee,, A. D. mil. Christmas Gifts. For R ent 1 set 1* ing sleds and chains at a bargain. A small tenement lions** of l rooms, con­ ;i„ J \ M ES E. IIKWEY. Clerk. Six room house. I nquirc at T im i* s ( mice. veniently arianged. Apjily to F. (J. DRINK- A true eop v of [vetition an d order thereon, Inquire at Times Office. ‘ l'dp WATER, Riverside M. Attc.-t: JAMEb E. 11 EWE V Cm.k. The Aroostook Times, Wednesday, December 20. 1911

^4»?74 >?4 »74*T<*V«*7« l?4l!o?oT4l7lt?4 ! jfJS IO O O I OOOI IO O O E T 1 i OP LOCAL INTEREST || |i _ _ _ fftEE w w w w w 'x w w m w ***********^*****^**4*# ***&***&** o fjt &•§ S? I ^ | IWI 7 ^ hid you <' v it s< •<' a \* • ■ 1 i • ‘ j Win'll al.MiM i 11■ ■ Y . ! i. ■ ^ AT Kilry kM- Fn-li Oyslns t !11 < .■ sHm.'i;i;>pi; \ ;i !m | I \ n< '\S M ! I n IS ALMOST HERE tiups a \vi , ThfV a('<‘ < h • I i ci< mi.-. m i ■ a t i:.. Id Ml

\ . I '.arl WhiM' i.'lt. Sat u i day . h i' S. ' i ■ I > I k V, I ; I d i . W i r t l:r H' \n ' 11i- 11 uni •• 1 n ('nan. to >| >• 11 d (' 11 ru-l - ■ ' I I i I M • I ! .!■ W.dr\ . The Time Fop Giving Gifts McLoon’s mas. V l - - 1’io i m a < ' i .' w '! i p i > i - A 11 gumIs hm 1 g 111 of ( )>■.:< << n i will I * —-I id 1,1- i a n I ] > a n a 11 U i . Cigar la- mya iivol 1 j < • . m. \ . < . M is. A . 1' . Sr I! n \ ■ r < 11 Milo \ lad I n i \v;m t lie g n; 1 i >f Mr.. \Y . 1 II - a i Mail ■ 11 ( Store ( Mm it St. la -1 vo • k. lip 1 i m i. ma I. Smitli lb o.. 11 a v ■ ■ a lid" li p| Holm. ail f: ■ ■ d i lh r toys for thr child nai. a k 111 d -.

High grade natural " l A A A T;ik r lie on t iua V ■ 1 ir. < i -r■, i ii In r tone Talking and J . u < ■ 1 / \ a 11 : 1 ( i < d d n ii i; M . Id. 'Thomas m ■ \ I I" t 11 p S -A I Ultsll' I,"W p ~M | i r I e. House. f> barbers no Iona wain Singing Machine : 1 )< 111 ’t hi d that K11 p \ e r (Min M. Smith has |.u rr! ia--• 1 ;i Is ;i lip t i nip. We would suggest that a Piano, Organ, ------Fiiai tmiiana rar of l !i<• local a c . ■ Hi, turn an * > n • i' call lui' t h O Edison or Victor Phonograph would he FREE Ralph Berry. Will < <>1.' 1;!' Island Kails, a> p'-r- 11 < a 11 as 1111 nl tin' local a,.; 1 nit a ford O a nice Present. Tpr Ashland (laz.dtc came to A last week , msjdi- ndent w i111 a ('h i ;>t - . ninaliout. We also have a full line of Violins, Call at our store and hear the specially prepared Records of Band * | mas cover, 1m j uni nds onimi.s A, <■!.-. t Id \\ i i'li X O O O r and other instrumental Music, Songs Stories, Recititations, etc., and Bring a list of maga/Jims wanted <>n l\ at 1 i al I • ■ 11 - M c K < mi ( o. Accordions, Banjos, Sheet Music, Music Assure yourself that this is the best offered. You Buy Only the Re­ to tic T imks olllec, and they will i Frank ami lla/.en N e\ers i'et u rued Rolls, 65 and 68 Note for Inner Player cords gladly supply them at the Imvisl 1 l^i v. e<'k from B;i f > - <'< >1 l- gc (< >r Ok* Pianos, Victor and Edison Records. prices Christmas I ml ida \ THESE RECORDS ARK FAMOUS FOR THEIR TONE ANI) The regular meeting of Hmillon Smith Bros, hav aimt in r large as­ QUALITY Lodge B. I'. O. H. will be held mwt soi l ment of samij>1 cii i na, sel ling at Houlton Music Store ( As a home entertainer it has no equal. The best talent in the Friday evening. half valim. o country is brought right to your fireside to while away the long even­ Alfred Dolga* COM FY S LI 1T K K S Visit in;.' and Christina lift carih o The House of Quality ings with comical recitations and songs. Or you may wish to learn a are marked down for Christ mas as follows : $1.r>n slipper to .tl.Lkk si.kA elegantlv wnttmi hy tlm penman in o «ong and what better instructor can you have than one of the peerless slipper to $I.lo, $1.00 slipper to sTc. window of Astle's Music Store. m T.i Main Strew A. E. A STLE , Prop, m lingers to phrase a song over and over again if need he. The possi­ ('all and sec him work. 11ollv wivat lis for sale at Ilallett- bilities of this wonderful machine for instruction and amusement are McKeell Co’s. Secrelai 'y J . li. Piper was in Fort Lsaooocr. rs: i o o o l . „ l o o p e d ] •elfcUtt*,, . ldiirtield last week w here hr organ­ (’ol. F. M. Hume was in Augusta OF INSTRUMENT last week, > n business conneeted ized a Bi>y Seoul cl ub. wit h his Regiment. Smith Bros.’ Bros.' r> A: In cent T B B CABINET -7-Made of heavy, solid oak throughout. Corner Jack London's stories as well as counter is larger it,an ever. Don't posts are made with fluted mouldings. the Wallingford stories are both pass it hy. NICKLEDTOlSfE ARM—The running in me Cosmopolitan. Call latest triumph of scientific research, atTtMKs otlice for special price on producing the largest volume and purest tone quality, eli­ yearly subseri|)tion. N. E. 0. P. No Holiday Goods minating the metalic scratch so common in the ordinary type of Mrs. Chiis. H. Wliite left last week machine. for the Canadian Northwest, where At (he annual meeting of the New' to be carried over M 0TQ B—Of special strength and construction, unusually dur­ she will join her husband. Fngland Order of Protection held able. Beware of Frown, Yellow, and In­ on Friday night at Perks’ hall, the T U R N T A B L E —Ten-inch diameter, accomodating any size disc re­ ferior Diamonds. You don’t want following ollicers Wel e elected : cord. them at any price. See Osgood’g Mrs. Frank Aide r, warden ; Mrs. We have been so successful with pure white and perfect (Jem* before Myrtle Knox, vice warden ; Mrs.. STANDARD ANALYZING REPRODUCER (Sound Box)—Insur­ inlying. our holiday line of staple goods ing the most perfect reproduction of any known sound ; fitted Julia Holyoke, secretary; Charles H. H. Westervelt of the Buffalo with automatic needls»clamp, permitting of the instant releas­ Perks, financial secretarv ; Mrs. that we are going to sell every Fertilizer Co., was in St. Stephen, | (,()ra 1)aviSi chaplain; Mrs. Alice ing or fastening of the needles. dollar's worth of the balance of N. B. on businesB last week. SPEED REGULATOR—Permitting the ready adjustment of the M. Smith, guardian ; William (.’ar­ Don’t forget the bargain you found the line at prices that will make speed to'suit the individual fancy or requirements, such as for son, s e n t i n e l ; Herbert Dibblee, last year in mtmple china at Smitn guide. music or speaking records. each and every article we have Bros. Our stock is larger than ever a bargain in itself. Remember FLO W ER HORN —Seventeen inches in length, with a fifteen inch before. flared bell. Finished in a beautiful, deep, rich red enamel, Never has there been such an ar­ Rockwell—Fanjoy. this means low prices—for we and decorated with gold stripes. ray of literary talent, as appears in want the money and not the Cosmopolitan for January. Robert At th e Methodist p a r s o n a g e , One Standard Talking Machine with H-indsoino Flower W. Chambers, Wallingford Stories, goods. Jack London, (Jouvertieur Morris. Woodstock, N. if. on Friday Dec. H, Horn FREE to every Customer whose purchases amount to M iss Minnie Fanjoy was married to Miss Margaret Attridgo was in St. (d hi pm an Rockwell. Rev. Mr. sis.oo. Andrews last week to attend the Weddall performed the ceremony, wedding of her friend, Miss Ross. Customers to purchase 27 10-iti. Double Records at the regular re­ the ring service being used. The tail price. Call at Our Store for Further Particulars. See and hear Lseful (lifts for Xmas FUME. hi ide was married in her traveling Munro’s West End Drug Store this wonderful instrument and learn how easily you can obtain one. Come today and ask C. W. Starkey d ress of blue serge with 11 at to match. One double record free with each additional $30.00 trade. One how to obtain them. Both young poojde are well known Machine to each Home, The best reading for w inter even-; Imre where they have many friends, We make the Famous River Driver 5c Cigar, the most popular ings is the Cosmopolitan. Collies Mrs. Rockwell is the daughter of pickle cigar in Aroostook County to-day and also the Allagash roc every month and can he obtained at j Mr. and Mrs. (’has. Fanjev of Hodg- j Calling Cards Engraved and Printed C ig ar which cannot be beat for a dime. The Houlton Panatela 5c a special price at the Ti m its otlice don, and Mr. Back well is a wo]l © "** / > 1 ;-o1 u g a. Crank W’osioti Sa u loi d. lmidor of tin Also a Good Assortment of I piist;i 1 to 1 hi' 'I'j mos I’ 11111 is 11 i 1 oj- Co. Holy ( J11' i s l and I s Soo ioi y am 1 o i 1! 1 o r j r 111' ■1 ■ i . ,»• on. 1 a \ . k i. In m i w n as dd i ia 1 II a m on a his I > > I lowors. Sanlord was eonvictoij Hoc Gifts One Piece Serge Dresses | Miss Klla Storritt hdi Saturda\- S of eatcing t ho doai h of six of he I for lior homo in W a rn m , Mo., wlo-i'e M y stock of Novelties for Xmas is worth your inspection, and you can followa-i's in. m •ol II } h 11 o will spout ('hristmas with lo r \ id.' tie liono make your monfey go farther by trading with ' parents. I I emit I V Oil do cru a Highland Ave. | It is surprising that tlm MeCary ( '(M ono! . MRS. NORA TABER, I Shoe Co. can soil the woll kim wn QUALITY CUTLERY lino of A 11 rod I),.|go ( ’< >M VY S id P- Tie So 11 | o || e i t ; io li i s! of I P F B S elmtijioi' than any oiln-r sloiv f h o six <' O 11 || | imlioi m oni, The kind that stays sharp ■ill to ,vn, Soo tin1 windows, tin'll i !.o soul- ieo o' ol 11 ol li v o o collie into t 11 o store. rollin'' non11 inn d mi n-ooin no mis If you are in want of a farm Tlmso who lofi t Jmir of Hi ■■ I ri rt Aft onii'V If oh or Knives, Scissors, Razors for ( ’ostno|xilita a at ! 1; \Y ! 111 o 11 on so. T i e fi r--t count, or house or wild land d ii ri tig 11 m past mon 1 n on which son! o n eo w a - i 111 j • reeoivod tie ma;:a/ii ;•! i a ic od Sanl'm'd with tie do.it and Carvers ary. I c iv o your <• d for a ( up un of I HAKE A RUSH TO THR years subscript ion. .I I In that nk‘ml ('very requirement. Our assortment is as good its you can find in the large cities find the C. Q. GRANT Collector’s Notice of Saje of Real Estate of prices tire much lower. Non Resident Owners Chafing Dishes, Casseroles, Baking STATK (>F M A I \ K FARM AGENCY 1'ii|>aioi 1 ri si 1 o>l ;i (1 • 11| 11011 ri'si'li'ii! o\v nn.- in tin1 town ol and the famous Nickle Silver. have plenty of them. for tin' vo.ir mil, i •• u 11 m i: t. I to nw for oolli'ction lor mid mi i; on th" '• of duly, lull, min.Mil imp.rd , and not icr o hcr.liv mmn that if .uud t;ixi rest ami charges, are not pmvion-lv |i;iid, .*<> hin'; i of j!x■ nvil o.st:i!o Inxod a> ’> sin ! READ pay tho amount dun t ■mfor. ■mst and •<. u ill 1»' sold incaiUina m Silver knives, folks and spoons. A nice assortment Farm 6ooo. Of ioo acres, 6o cleared and the balance at pdLii.' aunt ion at Sa w > mile from depot, II. Ik PuilHgh (>110 half in common and undivided Also toboggans and skis. A hockey stick free with $5000. of part of lot “A 1,'ang' six oil, everv pair of skates. Our brass candlesticks are containing a.-ros •?■’>. Farm 6059. Of 160 acres, 125 cleared, 50 acres plowed part ol lot “ A ", inngolive go, con reprod net ions of some ot the desirable colonial for potatoes besides large amount for grain, with stock and taiuiug iio acres, g c patterns. Fur robes the I test values in town. tools, 2y miles from depot. Great bargain, call or inquire. I .ot “ I I", 1 hinge fou 1 ( t), contain- ing tun acres, Aafetv razors, ennnb trays, air rides, revolvers, Farm 3091. Of 130 acres, 60 in tillage, large pasture, North half of lot one range live (.Vi compasses, hoys axe-, andirons, Irigersol watches, balance in wood and timber, 1 mile to depot, only $3300. containing r.u acues. I .'T Lot "B ” . liii'geSre c'o, contaaiiay alcohol stoves, snow shoes, clothes wringers, wash­ Farm 6071. Of 125 acres, 100 in tillage, 82 acres plowed too acres, t o.: for crop, heavy stocked and tooled, in the very best of part of lot “Arange six con­ ing machines, sad irons, food choppers, aluminum cultivation, only 1 1-4 miles from market, one of the great­ taining du acres, 1.. 1) kitchen ware, the “ univen­al’’ bread make Lot three and live, and six, ran ;e est farms in Aroostook Co. of its size. ten (10) containing "■on acres, s.ot Lot four, range six il.i, containing These are only a few of the good trades we have. For KM) acres, Information call or write to the Fust Oil.'half of lot “ Ii", range six Your patronage' respectfully solicited, (til, eontaing .'.o acres, l.'M II. K. Burleigh ifast one half of ot one, range one C. 0. Grant Farm Agency (1), containing do acres, 1 to and lot. three, range one < 1 g e mtain- Tel. 155-5, House 232-2 No. 7 Mansur Block ing loo acres, John Watson & Company ('. 11. YOI'.NB, Collector of taxes for the town of Liimeus, for the year mil. The Aroostook Times, Wednesday, December 20, 1911.

knmv (he value. Xu one knows I teal value of m umv evujd !>v car: Prof. Cards. CRIPPLED BY Of Interest If ; ar:• 1 the harde i ‘ come> ih hi'•: i r To Farm ers h" b hkcly to fak< < oe nf d . and tee RHEUMATISM I he! ter u ill he i> ■ i (feet in eh ;f I budding; which, fter all. is li " niaui DENTIST

thine. The crop , >f hoys and pi ids i* Could Not Use Arms The Uses of A d v e r s i t y . *i.e cr<>p fur \vh ,< all other crops ar> h) ! .' M. ''tint'll ; and it t ., ' crop fads, life m a hvi nil if.’ UK I J M t Even to Dress. failure. Hue el, I W, Oly To get along at all comfortably in If a reasonable s not intended boys and girls, don’t worry because from pains and aches in my arms, Look for the Trademark to be a path of roses, and that there is Our Prices are on Every Shoe. shoulders and knees. I knew my blood there is adversity in farm life. As the DENTIST was out of order, but none of several good in things evil, or he can rail at Scotchman says : “ It might he waur,” medicines that I took relieved my the existing order of things, The fact Right .MALDEN, that is worse. OFFICE OVER J. A. BROWNE’S ,RUBBER, *eat misery until I began to take is that no nation or people that has had Sood’s Sarsaparilla. I was soon con­ DRY GOODS 8T0RE. .SHOE, vinced that this medicine was all things easy has ever amounted to any­ A. H. BERRY SHOE CO.. Asent*. CO. right. In a little while I could throw Throw Out the Line. my arms around any way, do up my thing, and it is safe to say it never hair and do all my housework with no will. FRED W. MITCHELL, M. 0. aches or pains whatever. “I am sure Hood’s Sarsaparilla If our readers have not seen a vein GIVE THE KIDNEYS HELP AND Practice Absolutely limited to McGARY SHOE COMPANY cleansed my blood and that It reno­ vated my whole system, in fact, made of philosophy running through the col­ MANY PEOPLE WILL BE DISEASES OF THE EYE, EAR, a. new woman of me. I advise any umns of Wallaces’ Farmer, they have HAPPIER. one suffering from rheumatism or bad NOSE AND THROAT blood to take Hood’s Sarsaparilla. I not read it very carefully. Last year “Throw Out the Life Line”— repeat, it cured me, and I believe it Hours: 9-12 A. M„ 1-5. 7-8 P. M. will cure others. I have tested several when the frost killed nearly all the ap­ The kidneys need help. Office, Fogg Btock. Both Telephones. Of the Hood medicines and find it to ples in the northern portion of the corn bo true In every sense that ‘If Made They’re overworked—c»n’t g-( the by Hood It’s Good.’ ” Emily J. Blaine. belt, we suggested that if it killed the poison filtered out of the blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla is one of those PASSEN6ER TRAIN SERVICE proprietary medicines that are Indis­ blossoms and the small apples, it would They’re getting worse every minute. HERSEY & BARNES pensable to thousands of families— kill the codling moth, and we would Will you help them ? FROM HOULTON, ME. the millions of intelligent, prudent Attorneys and Counselors at Law and economical men and women, who be relieved of the results of a lot ofj Doan’s Kidney Pill* have brought Effective Oct., 8th. Daily except Sunday. are really the bone and sinew of the and country, but who have so little to go our mistakes in growing apple*, at thousands of kidney sufferer* back DEPARTURES— NOTART PLHIM and come on that professional services, least for a time. Farmers tell us that In case of sickness, are out of the from the verge of despair. EASTERN M. question except where absolutely there are no woims in the apples this Read this case : Office: Mansur Block- il.is A. For St. Stephen. St. And necessary. Atlantic i'e\v*. Fredericton, St. John, 7.15 There is no real substitute for year. Is that true ? If so, it paid to J. A. Sween farmer, Littleton, Me., HOPLTOJT, MAI NR, A. M. and Hast, Boston, Etc*. Hood’s Sarsaparilla. If urged to buy lose one crop of apples in order to get says: “Two years ago I caught a E A .sTER.N For Woodstock and all points any preparation said to be “Just as Practice in all the Courts in the.State 10.(4, A. M. North ; Plaster Rock, Grand good’’ you may be sure It is Inferior, an even start with the codling moth heavy cold which settled on my kid­ Atlantic Fill Is, Edimmston Pert Fair- costs less to make, and yields the and other pestiferous apple insects ney* and caused pains in my back. 11.00 A. M. field, ('aritxm, Presque dealer a larger profit. Isle, and Fredericton. Nail a Dollar Get Hood’s Sarsaparilla today in Nothing helped me until I began us­ DR. FRED 0. ORGUTT liquid form or tablets called Sareatabs. We have about come to the conclu­ ing Doan’s Kidney Pill*. I took in EASTERN For McAdam, St. Stephen, 4.25 P. M. Portland, Boston. Frederie- sion that a drouth such as the present all the contents of two boxes and by D entist Atlantic ton, st. John and Past, Down one is necessary once in a while at any that time the pain had been so greatly 5.25 P. M. Montreal and West. Office Phont 27-4 Residence Phont 83-4 relieved that I could get a good night’s rate. We have observed that even Office Mount EAST KILN rest It gives me pleasure to recom­ s.:;a P. M. For Woodstoek and to by putting it in the bank or with normal rainfall in a year follow­ Week Days 9 a. m. to 5 p. in Sundays by Atlantic Anxistook Junction. mend tins preparation,’ Appointmer. t 9..J5 P, M. ing a drouth like this, there has been a some other place where you For sade by all dealers. Price ,30 SINCOCK BLOCK HOULTON. marvelous growth of all kinds of grains ARRIVALS— can find it when it’s wanted cents. Koster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. and grasses. Why is it ? Obviously, New York, sole agents for the EASTERN TIME AT WHICH TRAINS ARE EX­ 7.25 A. y.. Prom Woodstock and Points (’all it into service just a drouth like this serves as a plow. United States. WillardS. Levvin PECTED TO ARRIVE AND Atlantic North. about now by Each soil grain contracts and pulls Remember the name—-Doan’s ■s.25 A. M. DEPART. apart, making great cracks, especially PASTKRN and take* no of her. 25o LAWYER tl.i>.5 A. M. From St. Joint and Past, IN EFFECT NOVEMBER, 27. 1911. in wet land ; and finally, if the drouth Atlantic Fredericton, st. Stephen, 12.M5 A. M. Po't'and. Boston, Montreal Buying Stoves Trains scheduled to leave Moulton: continues long enough, pulverizes the Mansur Block, and West. 8.07 a. in.—for Fort Fairfield Caribou, clods by pulling the soil grains apart as EASTERN If you don't get 100 per limestone, Van Buren, and inter­ no plow could do. Houllon - Maine 5.25 P.M. Front Woodwork and North. cent on the investment in mediate stations. Atlantic Plash r Pock, Presque Isle, Science suggests another reason why 11.25 P. M. Pdinunston, and Frederic­ ton. the stove bought here we 9.60 a. m.—for Bangor. Millinocket and crops grow luxuriantly in a year fol­ principal intermediate stations—Port­ W. J, Thibadeau L. L. B PA: TF.KV miss our guess. You take land and Boston V ia Medford. Dining lowing severe drouth. Over at lloth- !>.'.!■* P.M. From st John and Fast, Car Millinocket to Bangor. Atlant: Fredericton, st. steph“ii. no chances when .living amsted, in England, where they have Insurance and Collections 1".2 M. st. Andrews, Portland, 11.16 a. m.—for Ashland Fort Kent and in­ been studying soil problems longer than Po-ton. of US. termediate stations, also for Washburn, Real Estate Bought and Sold Van Buren, Grand Isle, Madawaska, any place in the United States or in W. B. HOWARD, D. P. A., Frenchville St. Francis and intermedi­ All kinds of R. R. Tickets bought and ate stations via Squa Pan. Great Britain, they discovered that by St. John N. V, heating the soil up to a certain temper­ sold Hamilton & Webber Co. 12.35 p. m.—for Fort Fairfield, Caribou, lame- stone and intermediate stations. ature, it becomes exceedingly produc­ Office Formely Occupied by Judge Chas.Carol I Corner M am and Mechani Notice of Foreclosure. Tel. 51- 1.36 p. m.—for Millinocket, Greenville Ban­ tive when water and the proper tem­ fotydgKr——■ Sts. Whereas Stephen P. Crane of Littleton in gor and intermediate stations, Portland perature are supplied. The reason they the County of Aroostook atsl State of Mien •, Opera House Block, Court St. and Boston. THE WHEELWRIGHT AND HOULTON, MAINE give is that there is a constant increase by his mortgage do*l dated the sixteenth Pay 6 56 p. m.—for Millinocket Bangor, and in­ of September, I',*>*, and recorded i 1 tin* Arcs- termediate points, Portland and Bos­ of soil germs that are malevolent, little T H E WHEEL RIGHT. 25 ton. bleeping Car Caribou to Boston. satans in the soil, which devour the took Registry of Deeds in Volume .':. I Mge PARKER P. BURLEIGH LN>, conveyed to me, the undersigned, a a. > iS o o 9.45 a. m.—from Van Buren, Carilxm, to facilitate the w her d* <*i date I ?he vxOMith day of Fort Fairfield and intermediate stations. ous even in germ life, ami prepare Iloimeaiul let. gcet on od street, stations. Dining Car Bangor to Milli- no matter in what condition 00 nocket. how badly injured. mo-tame-ai d arvethi* notice for thal piirpo-x , 1.30 p. in.-from Caribou, Fort iairfield | if 11 we can rea lll>' s( 0 th ‘t th" I tiited :t‘ I lotil'on. Maine tlti* fourth d iv of . 7.S acre tar-n tort v toils horn The biting of Ruhher Tin s to and intermediate stations. baking that our soil has received this LOOK! LOOK! I iro-ai1 >er, 1. station, 5 5,000 ativ kind of winaE G a 2.45 p. m.-fmin Fort Kent, Ashland and I ye tr must tend to rid it of malevohmt "i MATT IP A. p i W K I S . 1 mo acre farm, t miles from this intermediate stations, also St. Francis, I ininrimn verm life By'her attorney, Rni..\\[> P. < i.auk. Frenchville, Madawaska (hand Isle. or w,ck,(l’ ,,'Jur,0U3 ^ rn> • I’ileus ate rear Mill I ill:. city, Co aen.s u uder cultivation, 2-1" Washburn, and intermediate stations, Applying this to human character, 40 acres in w< od ami timber, good via Squa Pan. . , no great character was ever formed $ Huggard Bros. 6.50 buildings, >0500 8 50 p. in.-from Van Buren Caribou t}iat had easy sailing from its youtl U |> . Notice of Foreclosure Limestone Fort b airfield, and mtermedi- J J P E R C O It D ate stations. We muat from time th time b* “ u,> \\ i-. .I(J111 II. >mit!i of ! .inie>tnne, Mui - h - emi O !-•* deed dated June 22nd again*t it,” that i*, we :nu*t corn * face A.O.BRIGGS 7.09 p. :n —from Boston, Portland, Bangor, R O S E L U N I ) p-n" ind " '-nidi'd in Ai’iiostook Registry of and principal intermediate stations. to face with some difficulty that at first JOHN PATTEN I >i i d-at lleii’.toii. in Yol. 2f 1 page ut>7, eon- r i•:a l l ;s t a 'r i•: a g i •:x c v . we do not know how to surmount; hut .-M-I ni:he mi li-i>igu(*i eertain rt*ul estate GEO. M. HOUGHTON, I’ass’r Traffic Dvalct in 4.3 School St. Tel 125-2 Manager. if we are determined to surmount it, I)eli\'(.-red by G G. P u dm nm n of I.iniestone and wliereas tlie 'I'nickmun, Tel -ame is eoiiilitiou l>rok**n, foredosim* is ht*re- IT oulton, Me. W. M. BROWN General Superintendent we succeed. We were riding through WOOD AND COAL iy ekiinied. Bangor, Me. a very prosperous part of Iowa not long Ilouiton, Maim*, Nov. Wli, It'll. OF ALL KINDS Call ing card ­ engraved and ]>rint- ago in an automobile. Farms w re WTI.r.lS K. DRKSSKIl. ENDS WINTER S TROUBLES. Delivered promptly m anv quantity •to 'd at the T im i: . ()11i (**', pointed out to us that had recently been To many, winter is a season of trou­ And My Prices Aie Right The Maine Register sold at a hundred and fifty, a hundn-d ble. The frost-bitten toes aud fingers, and seventy-five dollars and over per Telephone R .'sidcnce t'ONT A I N S chapped hands and li p s , chilblains, cold No. .S3-4. 3S High St. |«U4W4%U%UUiU%HmtU%UU4U444HUWWUUV4MiMUHMVIIIM9 sores, red and rough s k i n s , prove this. acre. A farmer remarked to u* : “ The COMPLETE BUSINESS But such troubles fly before Bucklen’s trouble is that some of these farms and Arnica Salve. A trial convinces these high priced lands are raidng a For Sale. DIRECTORIES Greatest healer of Burns, Boils, Piles, iig't lot of boys that will he no good on Yilk property n disistin; ( if' 20 ( 'itics mui lb11 'Towns LOOK AT THIS I Cuts, Sore*», Bruises, Eczema and Sprains. Only 25c at all druggists. earth to anybody. Life baa been too o f ^ 1-d story house with ell, easy for them for the last ten years. ’ j Woo,J Gfed, larye burn 1()\ 1D, b'uil St at mtic> o! all Slate Iatrae-ts It was a matter «f K-n.r.1 cmpUInt I ,, 1,,,,,,,, !)0 x|,S. H,,,.-,. (ViiHh and \'a!nation of 1:0" h-r <-ae!i town CHICHESTER SPILLS that the bovs of the farmers who had - { and cit \ in the COSMOPOLITAN BRAND .old their 'coal, retired ami moved to p '* Ovt'lvi: PMimsiinil m n in ”.-,! A im-u 'IT>\s n-hip ami llailmad Map of the city, were not likely to amount to 1(,1 tw o fdlilllies. Imryt* lot 1 (> Maim- \l< \ i.-nd to date. MAGAZINE F o r On© Y e a r $1.50 Pvry < *PPK ' P aii'l IK > M P m-'-ds it for anything. Why? Because life was j r<>t impure o f THE AROOSTOOK Price, Pospaid 2.00 L A D IE S | atet- human character so much a* a hie - j TIMES N"" $2.50 ^ ik your Ornmfct for CTII-CHES-TIfR’S IAMOND BRAND PILLS In R k d and or««. ; |:- i:om\o)N.| GRENVILLE M. DONHAM G o ld mctaldc boxes, sealed with Blue1 R ib b o n T aic* no o t h e r . B a y oF your Many a boy on the farm thinks In* is j Rruitfttrt ltd Mk for Cni-CUES-Tf u S Publisher O u r Special Price for Both $1.50 OIAMONI) BKANI> PILLS, for twenty-five in hard lines, having to g**t up early m i Customers Wanted years r.-prarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliable. Vi- > Gene nms St , o;od, carry in cohs, | prope/ty. praetiially new, \vel) loe-pi- It is mafic i-SK EVERYWHERE TESTED U]> ol mutter t iiat is tern: an i publGhes then milk in the evening, and so on ; Address, Pox .'in, l.meoln, Me, Box ; 1 ’ 1 IRTI.ANI), M A I XI- short *tM ie-s tl.mt .are vet y : * (■; L- from day to day and week to week. 2.'.n, (>ld Town, Me. w, bv be-M A TERRIBLE BLUNDER U*p authors. Sam] le ecq dm m d on : L-ijuest to neglect liver trouble. Never do it. Well, we have long said that farmers | i When \«mr fee! er we* and eohl, Take Dr. King’s New Life Pills on die were making life a little too rough for J Farm For Sale : uml V'Hir la) 1 v ( iliile ! tl; rough ami first sign of constipation, biliou*ness or 1 ! through from expM I - II ''(*, fake a big dost these hoys ; hut this is better far than | Snaeies, hnlf el";in'd, house, harn, sIks nf ( Turn her la i n’> ( hny i Kemmiy, Oat ia inactive bowels and prevent virulent in­ allowing them to grow up in habits of etc., all in good repair, situah’d in laidlow n . , digestion, jaundice or gall stone*. : yon r Imd. in hot Wafer >lf >, 1 ,"e go-’g to idlenes*, to acquire the habit of spend- miles from I loulton. Apply to They regulate liver, stomach and bow­ \\ . IP II A Pin NU, 1 bed, ami you are hi ne is! certain f" \S a 111 ing money which they never earned, | If a severe cG . T i m e s P u n . C o . els and build up your health. Only I [ o! 111 oil, If. P. 1 >. h 11 1 1‘h r sal" nv Ih rks’ 2oc at all druggists. ami of wiiich naturally they do not 4.-,q ! )rug Score. The Aroostook Times, Wednesday, December 20, 1911.

H i e Chapman Concert. The magazine explosion resulted in this movement and a qiuck and ac­ the destruction of the vessel. tive campaign is being waged. WELL KNOWN MINISTER The date for the Chapman Con- The finding confirms the report of Waterville this week is to he a shopping center, where the mer­ oert to be given\ in Houlton by Mr. the original investigators who made Chapman and his artists will be Sat­ a superficial examination of the chants have combined to make n Restored to Health by Vinol big festival in the stores. There the urday, January 13, 1912. Mr. Chap­ wreck shortly after the disaster. Rev. D. Schneider, who la a well anti-tuberculosis forces are to estab­ man writes that he has the finest Secretary Meyer does not believe it known minister in Rice Lake, Wis., lish booths for the sale of these Ked Concert Company that he ever necessary to issue any explanation writes: ilnJlloilllllllllii.iliU : ■ l!,. .'' J.U1 1,0,U|L. Cross seals. One will he established brought to Maine, and that is say­ of the board’s conclusions beyond “I had a very severe stomach trou­ at tin1 merchants’ headquarters at ing a great deal, but he has always the flat statement that an exterior ble last year from which t n kept city hall and the other in the elec­ In bed three months, I had eneaved made good in his statements as re­ explosion was responsible for the If you have used William Tell Flour it tric car waiting room where thou­ the services of a doctor, but. to no gards his artists. loss of the warship and the lues of will be bread that is good as most cake — sands of people an- to lie found avail. I then read of Vinol and deter­ Final announcement of the artists many mem. cake that is a miracle of tender lightness— every day, waiting for their cars. mined to try a bottle, before it was* and programmes will be made next Secretary Meyer announced how­ used up I was out of bed, and four These booths will lie nicely lighted pastry that melts in your mouth. week. It is needless to say that all ever, that there might be a further bottles made me a well man. Vinol la and made very attractive and will other entertainments will give way statement on the report by the hoard a splendid medicine, and. I can gladly Our own special process, hold the attention of all who come to the one musical event of the sea­ after it had been considered by the recommend it.’’ latest improved machinery, per­ son, that we have had the pleasure President. One member of the near them. Prominent men from all over the The sale t bus far has been v .tv fect organization, selected Ohio of enjoyingin pnstyearfl. Mrs. Cora h< ard was of the opinion that the re country do not hesitate to endorse satisfactory, stores in many cities this wondeful tonic. Red Winter Wheat, makes Will­ M. Putnam is to look after Mr. port would never be published in and towns are selling the Ked Cross For twelve years Vinol lias been Chapman’s interests in Houlton. full, but would be kept in the confi­ iam Tell the ideal Hour. seals, displaying "hem as promi­ sold on the “money back” plan, and Kemember the date, January 13, dential archives of the navy de­ nently as any oilier goods and the every year strengthens its popularity It is also the most economi­ 1912 partment. The declaration that a . clerks arc instructed to dispose of as and proves by continued tests! that It cal—makes the most loaves “ low form of explosive” was used will do what we claim for it. in the outside explosion, indicates many as possible. to the sack. H . J. 11 at.iieway ( \>. ! bu.lton , ,M a belief that a mine and not a dirigi­ The school chi Id i'en id 'Waterville Battleship Maine. Have it in readiness for ble torpedo was the instrument, of and ot her cities and towns in Cent t al When you have a cold get a bottle destruction. Maine are armed with books, in your next baking. Re­ The Battleship Maine was blown which they record sales ot seals. of Chamberlain's Cougn lb-mcdv. It up in Havana harbor by an explo­ This only deepens the mystery of member to order An incentive to work lias been pro­ will soon fix you up uli r ght and will no sion from the outside. This is the the destruction of the Maine. A vided by l)r. George G. Averilljwho ward off any tendency toward pneu­ gist of a short statement issued by mine, charged with sufficient gun­ lias presented a Hag. to b*- given to monia. This rernedv contains tm opi­ the navy dejmrtment recently pased powder to blow in the bottom of the the school selling tie- most seals um or other narcotic and may be gw-n on the findings made by the joint ship must have weighed several as confidently to a baby as to an adult.. tliis season. arm y and navy board, which spent hundred pounds. To plant such a Medical men and laymen are great - Sold by all druggists. several months in Havana harbor mine and lay the connections for its lv interested in the sale of the seals, investigating the wreck. discharge would have required the for all realize that, the money raised F or Sale The statement was as follows : services of a number of men. by their sale will bn used in an e x ­ Two man's, matched team, weight alxuit “ The board finds that the injuries lion ihs. cacti, bargain if sold at once. . >,A cellent cause, t be Igdief of those who to the bottom of the Mrdne were — The buffalo Fertilizer Co,, ALMON H. FOGG CO., Distributors. are suffers from tuberculosis. In­ caused by the explosion of a charge ' ‘ 7! ... 1 foil [ton. Mo. In Central Maine. deed, one physician lias made this -ofiow form of explosives < xterior to statement, " If the people will all tli^shlp between frames 28 and 31, Fifty thousand Ked Cross Christ­ take an int- reff in this work, in Stafoke B., port side. This resulted mas seals have been distributed in years there will be no more tubercu- in ignlting and exploding the con­ Central Maine, to be sold before the lasis in Maine." tents of the six-inch reserve maga­ holiday, the proceeds to 4>e used by Judging from the great strides that . zine, A.-14-M, said contents includ­ tile state and local associations for have been made in the relief work ing a large quantity of black pow- the relief and control of t.uberculo- in the past two yiars, it would seem, -dei*. , Tlie mo#b or less complete ex­ as if this man oi’ medicine had good ] losis. From the district headquar­ grounds for making this assertii n. J plosion of the contents of the re­ ters in Waterville, much work is be­ Ihirchnse these stamps to use on j maining forward magazine l olio wed. ing done to in hires t all people in the hack of vour letters. MU GREETING! Regardless of what it costs us XMAS GOODS Wc Keep Faith With Our At Selling Out Prices CUSTOMERS Why Pay the Big Price ? W e have rather peculiar ideas about Shirts, Gloves, Mufflers, Bath Robes, Hosiery, Sus­ running a retail store. penders, Fancy Arm Bands, Scarf Pins, Cuff We believe that the merchant who looks out for his custom­ Links, Silk Initial Hdk’s., Fur Caps, Gloves, ers’ interests will never have to worry about his own interests. Business success, like happiness, comes to the average man Collars, Ftc., Etc. indirectly. The fellow who goes about seeking happiness is the most unfortunate individual imaginable; the man who doe^ his duty from day to day and tries to make others con­ #Lot ordered some time ago just arrived. Will sell out at the tented finds true happiness, and so it is in business. We be­ following prices. lieve and always have believed that by serving your interests $ 1 .0 0 Ties only 79c 50c Ties only 39c we shall in the end serve our own best interests. 76c Ties only 59c 25c Ties only 19c Goods Must be as Represented If you want to make your money go a long way buy here, Kv

Wc are showing Pickaid(Rna this Xmas the most complete l’“<* of W il l You Jewelry Novel­ ties Rings, Watches, Fobs, B racelets, TO DO YOUR CHRISTMAS B roaches. Lockets, TRADING AT THE Sterling Silver, Toilet Articles, Clothes and Military Brushes, in fact everything in an up-to-date city jewelry store, Jewelry Cy: • everything new and direct from New York markets ( )ur L’lHsh t his year an* marked at a very (hose margin, and we have* a reason The finest line of Watches, Diamonds, for marking them so. We are making new customers daily and we want them to Jewelry, Clocks, Roger Bros. Silverware come hack. < Jet in line with the right buyers, it's the shortest route and the quickest way home. and Cut Glass. The largest stock of Solid Gold Rings ever We Want Visitors as Well as Customers shown in Houlton. We also have a complete A' interest­ ing display of Sterl­ NO FAKE RINGS ing Silver Flat Wan*, / ^ ( ’hina and Cut ( da.-s, kite. Come in and We can save you money if you trade with see these beautiful creat ions.

Pont, fed obliged fo wait until vmi are ready to buv—come now—to-day or to-morrow and briny vour friends alony, we like to have* visiters. The West End Jeweler ALL ENGRAVING DONE FREE. PEARSON. The Jeweler “TRADE AT UNION SQUARE AND TRADE RIGHT’ Successor to Jew ett

He can smell a good potato crop in Aroostook even though lie visits the County but once in a year. Several months ago he knew what was coming and he placed large orders with ns on just one condition i. e. That we buy early and buy big He didn’t caution us about buying from jobbers or buying for cash—lie gave us credit for having sense enough to

look after these details—but we know that he likes good clean goods. u WELL BOUGHT—WELL MARKED-WELL KEPT, oI and so we feel confident that he will pat us on the back, when he sees our stock and say, “well! DUNN, good and faithful servant, step out and reap the rewards of honest effort.” Our spacious quarters are well arranged for your convenience.

In the Children’s Department Our Basket Department o You can find Galloping Horses, Bellowing Cows, Dancing Men, Includes Ladies’ Work Baskets, Wood Baskets, Baby Baskets, o Dolls, Teddy Bears, Elephants, Goats, Kandy Kids, Auto­ Bassinets, and Curates. mobiles, Flying Machines, Games, Tool Chests, Etc., Etc. Never before in our experience The Picture Department have we shown a larger assortment of Household Furniture. is bigger and better than ever before, showing a varied assort­ We are proud of the display and happy in the anticipation of o ment of Oil Paintings, Pastels, Etchings, Reproductions from making others happy. o celebrated paintings, and the “Wallace Nutting” Hand Painted Pictures. You will enjoy looking these over. How about a “Crawford” Range or a “White” Sewing Machine Pictures framed while you wait. they make dandy Christmas Presents.

W e think we have done our part to make your Christmas happy—It is now up to you s o m a k e ; g o o d . DUNN FURNITURE COMPANY 75 Main St. j >oo< iOO< m m

she sat, the loosened feinln Tier hand, raraa. TTiesT fellows have done more ▼ ou the story." evIT; the chin rbiinf and firm, the lips the slight swaying of her form. He to precipitate the present Indian war He reviewed briefly those occur­ full, yet sufficiently compressed; the could appreciate horsemanship, and than any act of the savages. They rences leading directly up to his ar­ whole expression that of pur^ and! ujp Mp/ the easy manner in which she rode have endeavored to make the authori­ rest, saying little regarding the hor­ dignified womanhood. She puzzled relieved him of one anxiety. It even ties believe that Indians were guilty rors of that scene witnessed near the him, and he scarcely knew what to A TALE 0F1THE:PLAINS caused him to break the silence. of their deeds of murder and robbery. Cimmaron Crossing, but making suffi­ believe, or exactly how to act toward “You are evidently accustomed to Both troops and volunteers have tried ciently clear his very slight connec­ her. Keith riding, Miss Hope.” to hold the gang up, but they scatter tion with it, and the reason those who “Our friends back yonder should be By RANDALL PARRISH She glanced across at him through and disappear, as though swallowed were guilty of the crime were so anx- turning out from the corral by now," the darkness, as though suddenly sur­ by the desert. I have been out twice, tons to get him out of the w-ay. She ' he said finally, anxious to break tb« Illustrations By prised from thought, her words not hard on their trail, only to come back listened intently, asking few ques­ silence, lor she had not spoken since OF THE baffled. Now-, I think accident ha» DKARBON MKIATLL coming quickly. tions, until he ended. Then they both he ended his tale. “It will /not be “I cannot remember when I first given me the clue.” looked up, conscious that dawn was long until they discover Hawley** She straighrened up; glancing quos- (Copyright, A. C. McClurg mounted a horse; in earliest child­ becoming gray in the east. Keith’s predicament, and perhaps the welkin hood, surely, although I have not rid­ tionmgly at him through the dark­ first thought was one of relief—the already rings with profanity. That & Co., 1910.) den much of late. This one is like a ness. bright sky showed him they were rid­ may even account for the blue haze J rocking chair.” “This is what I mean, Miss Hope. ing straight north. out yonder.” Border “He belonged to your friend, Mr. I suspect that cabin to be the ren­ She turned her eyes toward him, Hawley.” dezvous of those fellows, and I half and the slightest CHAPTER XIII. trace of a smile ap­ She drew a quick breath, her face believe Hawley to be their leader.” peared from out of the depths of their again turned forward. “Then you will report all this to the weariness. "Who—who is that man? Do you authorities ?” The Ford of the Arkansas. “If they would only remain satisfied between The smaller stream and The know ?" He smiled {Trimly, his lips com­ They were still in the midst of the with that. Will they follow us, do SYNOPSIS. valley of the Arkansas would be simi­ “I possess a passing acquaintance,” pressed. yellow featureless plain, but the weary you think? And are we far enough lar to that with which he was already he answered, uncertain yet how rnuci “I hardly think so; at least, not for horses had slowed down to a walk, I away by this time to be safe?” CHAPTER I—Jack KMth. a typical bor- to tell her, but tempted to reveal all the herr-y sand retarding progress. It far plataaman, la riding along the Santa acquainted. It was merely a wild the present. I am not blood-thirsty, j “It is hardly likely they will let us Pa trail on the lookout for roaming war stretch of sandy desolation, across In test of her real character. “Few do or enamored of man-hunting, but I was a gloomy, depressing scene in the | escape without a chase,” he answered parties of aavagoa. Kolth had won hie not who live along the Kansas bor­ spectral gray light, a wide circle of •pure aa captain in a Virginia regiment which their horses would leave scarce­ happen to have a personal interest in slowly. "We possess too much infor- during the civil war. He had left the ly any trail, and even that little would der.’’ this particular affair which I should intense loneliness, unbroken by either i mat ion now that we have their ren­ service to find his old aouthern home in “Do you mean he is a notoriously dwarfed shrub or bunch of grass, a aahee, his friends scattered, and the fas­ be quickly obliterated by the first puff prefer to settle alone.” He paused, dezvous located, and ‘Black Bart’ will cination oti wild western life had allured of wind. As they drew in toward the bad character?” swiftly reviewing the circumstances barren expanse stretching to the sky. have a private grudge to revenge. I aim. Ho notices a camp fire at a dis­ river valley this plain would change “I have never heard of his being Vague cloud shadow's seemed to flit tance and then sees a team attached to of their short acquaintance, anti as wonder if he suspects who attacked a wagon and at full gallop pursued by into sand dunes, baffling and confus­ held up as a model to the young, Miss suddenly determined to trust her dis­ across the level surface, assuming fan­ him! But don’t worry, Miss Hope; men on ponlee. ing, but no matter how hard they Miss Hope,” he returned more soberly, cretion. Deep down In his heart he , tastic shapes, but all of ihe same dull I we have miles the start, and the wind : CHAPTER II—When Keith reaches pressed forward, it must be daj light convinced that she truly possessed no rather wanted her to kunwy “The fact ! ' coloring, imperfect and unfinished. has been strong enough to cover our the wagon the raiders have massacred real knowledge regarding the man, Nothing seemed tangible or real, but cwo men, shot the horses and departed. long before they could hope to roach of the matter is, that Neb and I here , trail. Do you see that dark irregular- He searches the victims finding papers these, and this would give him oppor­ rind was not merely pretending inno­ were the ones that particular posse ; rather some grotesque picture of de­ i ity ahead?” and a locket with a woman’s portrait. He cence. “I had never heard him railed lirium. ever merging into another yet ftsolves to hunt down the murcierera. tunity to spy out some familiar land­ were trailing.” ! “Yes; is It a cloud?” Hawley before, and, therefore, failed more hideous. The very silence of mark wldch would guide them to the “You!” her voice faltered. "He I “No; the Arkansas sand dunes. I • CHAPTER III—Keith reaches Carson ‘o recognise him under that respect- those surrounding wastes seemed bur- City and ia arrested there charged with ford. Meanwhile, he must head as di­ said those men were under arrest j am going to try to keep the horses j densome, adding immeasurably to the murdering and robbing the two travelers. rectly north as possible, trusting the abb1 name. Hut I knew his voice the for murder, and had broken jail.” j moving until we arrive there. Then His accuser Is given as Black Bart, a moment he entered the cabin, and real­ j horror. They were but specks crawl- notorious ruffian. horses to find footing. “He also said it was easy to con j : we will halt and eat whatever Neb ized that some devilment, was afoot. : in? underneath the sky—the only liv- It was plains instinct, or rather viet men in this country if you only , has parked behind him, and rest for CHAPTER IV.—They can readily swear Every town along this frontier has bis : lng, moving objects in all that lm-,H the crime on Keith. The latter goes to long training in the open, which en­ knew howe It is true we broke jail, : an hour or two. You look very tired, record, and I've met him maybe a mense circle of desolation and death. mil fully realising the peril of swift bor­ abled him to retain any true sense of but only in order to save our lives; it but I hope you can keep up for that der justice. A companion In his cell Is a dozen times in the past time ye,ms. Keith turned in his saddle, looking direction, for beyond the narrow was the only way. Technically, we distance. We shall be safely out of Segro, who tells him he Is Neb and that He is known as ‘Hlack Hart;' is a back past Neb— w'ho swayed in his e knew the Keith family back In Vir­ fringe of cottonwoods along the are outlaw's, arid now run the risk of , sight then.” ginia. gambler by profession, a desperado by i seat, with head lolling on his breast stream, nothing was visible, the eyes immediate re arrest by returning j "Indeed, I am tired; the strain of scarcely able even to distinguish reputation, and a cur by nature. Just MV'insas \\> came to i a* though asleep, his horse plodding CHAPTER V -N eb knows about the north of t Hi waiting alone in that cabin, and all ro murdered men from the description now I suspect, him of being even deep­ two 1 where earth and sky met. They ad­ you fugitive's; ‘ l 1 ' was'was charged with I tlle others--along the slight trail that happened last night, have tried by Keith. K He says one was John Sibley, er in the mire than this.’’ the other0 Gen. Willi* Waite, formerly an vanced across & bare level, without murder, the negro with assault. So, j they had made across the desert. So me severely. Hut -but I can go officer in the Confederate army. elevation or depression, yet the sand He con'd t H by the quick clasping you see. Miss Hope, the desperate; far as eye could reach nothing moved, through.” < r ' ' h-md • on the nomxnel of the CHAPTER VI—The plainsman and his appeared sufficiently solid, so that class of men you are now' associating nothing apparently existed. Fronting Her voic > proved her weakness, al­ humble friend escape from the cell. saddle the ellert of his \vni'ii>. in t their horses were forced into a with.” again to the north he looked upon the lhough i' was determined enough, and CHAPTER VII—The two fugitives be­ lng lope, and they seemed to fairly \vniI ed until t si lenee co:.,; I b < I The slight bitterness In his tone same grim barrenness, only that far Keith, y ncjrg to sudden impulse, put come lost in the sand dssert. press aside the black curtain, which her to sp e a k . stung the girl info resenl ment. She off, against the lighter background of out 1 is hand, and permitted it to rest CHAPTER VIII—They come upon a “ Oli, 1 didn't know! Ymi ...... distant sky. there was visible a faint eabln and find its lone occupant to be a as Instantly swung shut once more, was looking straight, at him, but in er on hers, clasped across the pommel. hoautiful young glrL Keith recognizes and closed them in. The pounding believe 1 had 1 ever mis]...... I mi di a the gloom he could not Use the blur, it bluish haze, which he believed Her ('yes drooped, but there was no tbi/ig” That I eye) no t him i her, her as a singer he saw at Carson City. hoofB made little noise, and they expm ssiou of her eves. to bo the distant sand dunes border- change of posture, understanding who lie was y" CHAPTER IX—The girl explains that pressed steadily onward, closely “1 do >'t. b dievo it," she a i Ill'll !ng the Ark;insus. The inton -o drearl- “Your nerve is all right,” he said, she came there in search of a brother No 1 do not, lie answered. What ness who had deserted from the army. She bunched together, so as not. to lose (1 ceis.i vi Iv, on- roil do no t lo<*k like of It all left a. fooling of d» admiringly, "you have shown yourself had met a Mr. Hawley, who had induced each other, dim, spectral shadows flit­ T overheard between you convinced th . t ’ " Hi'- ‘ IfR 111 n.'d and regar V. tlm girl a brave girl.’’ her tc come to the cabin while he sought ■ riding silent 'ho mimo to locate her brother. ting through the night, a very part of me you were the victim of deceit, Hut "Mv ; ppen •ailro ma V b > nflic , n; to 1 > e ldo him “I could not bo a coward, and be ; look of .le; n ssion iv as vb-i :de upon CHAPTER X —Hawley appears, and that grim desolation surrounding your going to that place alone was a COnvinr » YOtl “ he rei i nn d, ra' 11'T irv my father's daughter,” she rep’ied, Keith In hiding recognizes him as the them. No one of the three felt like most reckless act.” Iv "but v. d w Id . li 1 C In ' r > ;i ( r face, n ud she wss u ‘ I' u