Titley Group Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011-2031

Submission draft

DJN Planning Limited · April 2019 · For Titley Group Parish Council

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1. SETTING THE SCENE 1 Introduction 1 Format of the Neighbourhood Development Plan 1 National and local planning policy context 1


3. ACHIEVING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN TITLEY GROUP 10 Vision 10 Objectives 11 Sustainable development 11

4. HOUSING NEEDS AND REQUIREMENTS 13 Local Plan Core Strategy requirements 13 Housing delivery 13 Type and size of housing 14 Rural exception housing 16

5. LAND FOR HOUSING IN TITLEY 17 Land at Titley Farm 17 Titley settlement boundary 18

6. LAND FOR HOUSING IN STAUNTON-ON-ARROW 21 Land opposite Old Court Cottage/Newton, Staunton-on-Arrow 21 Small sites at Staunton-on-Arrow 23 Staunton-on-Arrow settlement boundary 23

7. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT 25 Economic development in Titley Group 25 Infrastructure 27 Renewable energy 29 Community facilities 29

8. ENVIRONMENT 31 Natural environment 31 Historic environment 33 Design and access 34


PLANS 1 Titley Group Neighbourhood Area 3 2 Titley Group SEA, Heritage and Landscape 8 3 Titley Group SEA, Minerals, Biodiversity and Flood Zones 9 4 Titley site allocation and settlement boundary 20 5 Staunton-on-Arrow site allocations and settlement boundary 24 Accompanying Policies Maps for Neighbourhood Area, Titley and Staunton-on-Arrow




1.1 New planning powers were given to local communities by the Localism Act 2011. These include the ability to prepare Neighbourhood Development Plans as part of the statutory planning framework governing the development and use of land in the area. When planning applications are made, they must be decided in accordance with this framework unless there are overriding circumstances to the contrary.

1.2 Titley Group Parish Council has decided to prepare a Neighbourhood Development Plan to make use of the new planning powers and help ensure that decisions on future development are guided locally.

Format of the Neighbourhood Development Plan

1.3 The Neighbourhood Development Plan begins by giving a thumbnail sketch of the main features of the Neighbourhood Area (chapter 2).

1.4 The Neighbourhood Development Plan’s vision for the future of the Neighbourhood Area up to 2031 is set out in chapter 3, together with more detailed objectives. In line with national and County-wide planning policies, the Neighbourhood Development Plan seeks to contribute to sustainable development by addressing social, environmental and economic matters together. This chapter sets an overarching policy for the future sustainable development of the Neighbourhood Area.

1.5 The Neighbourhood Development Plan then sets out policies on the development and use of land, for housing (chapters 4, 5 and 6); for economic and social purposes (chapter 7); and on the environment (chapter 8). A concluding chapter explains how the Neighbourhood Development Plan will be delivered, and includes a set of Community Actions to capture aspirations on non-land use matters.

1.6 The Neighbourhood Development Plan has been prepared using evidence gathered from a range of sources. Much information has been taken from reports and other documentation prepared by Council for the Local Plan Core Strategy. This has been supplemented by local sources, including a residents’ survey in 2017 and a Housing Site Assessment in 2018. A summary of the ‘evidence base’ for the Neighbourhood Development Plan is at Appendix A.

National and local planning policy context

1.7 The Neighbourhood Development Plan’s policies need to be read alongside the existing national and County planning policies which apply in the Neighbourhood Area.

1.8 National planning policy is set out in the National Planning Policy Framework. Planning Practice Guidance gives more detailed advice as to how national policy is to be implemented.

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1.9 Herefordshire Council is responsible for preparing the Local Plan. The first document to be produced is the Local Plan Core Strategy. This sets out strategic planning policies for the development of the County from 2011 to 2031. These cover such issues as requirements for new housing, the rural economy, the environment and community facilities. The Neighbourhood Development Plan has been written to complement rather than duplicate these existing policies, which are listed at Appendix B. Reference is made to relevant policies in the text of the Neighbourhood Development Plan.

1.10 The Neighbourhood Development Plan, like all development plans, is subject to an assessment process termed Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). It must also undergo Habitats Regulations Assessment because of the proximity of the Rivers Wye and Lugg, which have European-level designation as a Special Area of Conservation. The Assessments are undertaken independently, by Herefordshire Council. To this end, Assessments of the Neighbourhood Development Plan at draft and submission stages have been carried out.

1.11 The Neighbourhood Development Plan covers the period 2011 to 2031, co-terminous with the Local Plan Core Strategy.

Figure 1 Sign at Staunton-on-Arrow village hall showing St. Peter’s church

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2.1 This chapter describes the Neighbourhood Area in terms of the social, economic and environmental aspects which contribute to sustainability and to a sense of place.

2.2 The Neighbourhood Area was approved in July 2016. The qualifying body is Titley Group Parish Council. The Neighbourhood Area covers the constituent group parishes of Titley; ; Rodd, Nash and Little Brampton; and Staunton-on-Arrow, some 3,119 hectares (Plan 1).

Plan 1: Titley Group Neighbourhood Area

© Crown copyright and database rights (2016) Ordnance Survey (0100058224). Not to scale.

2.3 The four parishes lie in the north-west of Herefordshire, abutting the County border with . The of Kington is three miles to the south-west and offers local services including primary and secondary schools, employment and shopping. Local services are also available at to the south-east and the Welsh market town of to the north. Higher-level services are to be found in (12 miles) and (20 miles).

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2.4 The Area is principally accessed by the B4355 which links Kington, Titley and Presteigne. To the north, the B4362 runs from Presteigne under Nash and Knill Woods alongside the Hindwell Brook, towards the A44 in the west. Staunton-on-Arrow is served by the C1023 which runs south towards Pembridge. Away from these classified roads, the Area is served by a network of rural lanes which are generally narrow, often single-track and winding. Many are not through routes but give access only to relatively isolated farmsteads and to woodland.

2.5 The main public transport provision is from Titley to Kington or Presteigne and on to Knighton, with a six-day a week bus service which allows a return journey to work from Titley to these centres. There is a more limited service to Llandrindod Wells, and no evening bus provision. The Area is crossed by several long-distance footpaths: the Herefordshire Trail, Mortimer Trail and the national Offa’s Dyke Path. There is a promoted circular walk at Titley and other public rights of way give access for local use and tourists.

2.6 The settlement pattern has developed organically. As well as the villages of Titley and Staunton-on-Arrow, there are several hamlets such as Horseway Head, Stansbatch, Knill, Rodd and Staunton Green, together with wayside dwellings and farmsteads. These are all set amongst pasture and arable farmland, woodland, and orchards. Titley and Staunton-on- Arrow each have a village hall and a parish church (both dedicated to St. Peter); there is also a church at Knill in the west (St. Michael’s). There are no local shops and the nearest Post Office counter service is at Kington. Titley is home to The Stagg Inn, a hostelry of repute and the first public house in the UK to be awarded a Michelin star.

Figure 2 Titley village hall

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2.7 The population of the Area was 495 in 2011, up from 477 in 2001. The number of households fell slightly in this period, from 212 to 209. The average household size increased from 2.25 to 2.37.

2.8 In 2011, the age profile of the population was similar to the County average. Young people aged 0-15 made up 15.1% of the population (County 17.1%), whilst older people aged 65 and over accounted for 22.0% (County 21.3%). Age groups 16-44 and 45-64 accounted for 28% and 34.7% of the population respectively (County 32.9% and 28.6%).

2.9 The population density in 2011 was 0.16 persons per hectare, reflecting the rural environs and notably less than that at County (0.8 ppha) or (4.3 ppha) levels. In 2011 72% of homes were owner occupied either outright or with a mortgage or loan, above the County average (67.7%), with the remainder being privately rented. There were two households recorded as living in social housing in 2011, 0.1% of the housing stock (County 10.5%). There is a preponderance of larger houses, with 34% of dwellings having four or more bedrooms in 2011, compared to 24.8% in Herefordshire.

2.10 Locally-based employment is provided by established farm-based enterprises. Most of the farmland is rated as grade 3 (good to moderate) with some grade 2 (very good) to the north of Staunton-on-Arrow. There are no office, commercial or industrial estates. Local services and other small businesses including home-working also provide employment. The rate of self- employment in 2011 was 27.3%, higher than in the County (14.4%) or the West Midlands (8.5%). Kington, Presteigne and other settlements (including Hereford) also provide job opportunities.

2.11 The landscape is important in defining local character and distinctiveness. The County Landscape Character Assessment distinguishes two landscape types: Wooded Hills and Farmlands and Principal Timbered Farmlands.1

2.12 Wooded Hills and Farmlands characterise the western part of the Neighbourhood Area; these are medium to large scale upstanding, wooded landscapes with hedged fields set to mixed farming uses. The landscape around Rodd and Knill, with woodland such as Knill and Stocking Woods, is typical. To the east, Principal Timbered Farmlands prevail. These are lowland landscapes made up of a mosaic of small to medium sized fields, irregularly shaped woodlands and winding lanes. The countryside around Staunton-on-Arrow is representative of this type. The key feature is the unifying tree cover in the form of woodlands, often of an ancient semi- natural character, hedgerow trees and linear tree cover associated with streams and watercourses.

1 Herefordshire Council, Landscape Character Assessment, Supplementary Planning Guidance, 2004 updated 2009.

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Figure 3 Looking south from Wapley Hill

2.13 Woodland is also important for biodiversity. The Neighbourhood Area has a range of woodland and other natural habitats in the form of a scattered mosaic of woodland, wood pasture, parkland, ancient and semi-natural woodland, ancient replanted woodland, grassland and traditional orchards. Flintsham and Titley Pools are a designated Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and is one of the County’s major wetland ornithological sites. Others habitats are designated at County-level as Local Wildlife Sites - these are mainly woodland such as Knill, Nash and Mowley Woods. There are also Priority Habitat Inventory entries including for deciduous woodland, wood pasture and parkland, and traditional orchards.2 Herefordshire Council’s Ecological Network Map shows the watercourses crossing the Area as core areas and buffer zones, with scattered blocks of woodland acting as corridors and stepping stones.

2.14 The Neighbourhood Area has a range of heritage assets. There are numerous mainly Grade II listed buildings with clusters at Titley, Staunton-on-Arrow, The Rodd, Nash, Little Brampton and Eywood. Hunton Bridge and the bridge over Hindwell Brook north of The Rodd are also listed. The church of St. Michael at Knill, Little Brampton Farmhouse and The Rodd are grade II*. There are several scheduled ancient monuments: sections of Offa’s Dyke, Wapley Hill Iron Age hill fort, a churchyard cross in St. Michael’s churchyard, the motte at Staunton-on-Arrow and a section of the North Herefordshire Rowe Ditch, west of Milton Cross. Eywood is a registered historic park and garden (grade II). There are no Conservation Areas. At Wapley Hill, a Forestry Commission car park and picnic site gives access to woodland walks.

2 The Priority Habitat Inventory is maintained by Natural pursuant to section 41 of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006.

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Figure 4 Church of St. Michael at Knill, with scheduled churchyard cross in foreground

2.15 The Neighbourhood Area drains to the east via the Hindwell Brook and the River Arrow to the and thence the Wye. The entire lengths of the and River Lugg are designated as Sites of Special Scientific Interest, while the Wye and the Lugg from Hampton Court Bridge to its confluence are designated as a Special Area of Conservation under European legislation. A notable issue in the Wye catchment is phosphate concentrations. Land in the corridor of the River Arrow and a tributary watercourse on the southern boundary of the Neighbourhood Area, and of the Hindwell Brook in the north west, are liable to flood (Flood Zones 2 and 3).

2.16 Plans 2 and 3 are taken from the Environmental Report produced by Herefordshire Council as part of the SEA process referred to above. The Plans show the many areas of heritage, landscape, minerals and biodiversity interest in the Neighbourhood Area.

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Plan 2: Titley Group SEA, Heritage and Landscape.

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Plan 3: Titley Group SEA, Minerals, Biodiversity and Flood Zones.

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3.1 National and local planning policies place the achievement of sustainable development at the heart of the planning system. The objective of sustainable development is to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.3

3.2 Achieving sustainable development means that the planning system has three interdependent objectives - economic, social and environmental. These objectives need to pursued in mutually supportive ways so that net gains can be secured for each objective.

3.3 This chapter defines a vision for the Neighbourhood Development Plan which encompasses economic, social and environmental matters. It is supplemented by more detailed objectives which provide a basis for the planning policies which follow in later chapters. It concludes with an over-arching policy on sustainability and development designed to help guide development towards a sustainable outcome.


3.4 The Neighbourhood Development Plan aims to deliver the following Vision by 2031, as far as is possible through the planning system and in combination with national planning policies and the policies of the Local Plan Core Strategy. The Vision provides for the future of the Neighbourhood Area by protecting and enhancing its essential qualities, features and facilities whilst allowing careful and limited change. By 2031, the Titley Group of parishes will be:

• A home for thriving and distinct local communities, where the needs of all ages (including those of the younger generation) for both housing and local employment can be met; • A place where high-quality and sustainable community services, infrastructure and transport are available, with additional provision delivered by or in step with new development; and • A location which supports successful and environmentally-sustainable farming enterprises and other small businesses, home working, flexible working and self- employment; and • A sustainable rural environment where the character of the villages, the natural beauty of the landscape, wildlife and historic heritage are conserved and enhanced, providing an attractive and peaceful countryside for all to enjoy.

3.5 Cases may arise where differing aspects of the Vision are seen to be competing or in conflict. The role of the Neighbourhood Development Plan (in tandem with national and local planning policies) is to articulate the character, needs and opportunities of the Neighbourhood Area with the aim of helping to guide individual development proposals in Titley Group towards a sustainable solution.

3 National Planning Policy Framework 2019 paragraph 7.

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Housing and settlements

3.6 The Neighbourhood Development Plan will ensure that new housing contributes to thriving communities by:

• Identifying land for new housing and demonstrating delivery to meet the requirements of the Local Plan Core Strategy. • Defining the planned extent of the settlements of Titley and Staunton-on-Arrow. • Requiring new housing to provide a mix of size and type of properties to meet community needs.

Economic and social development

3.7 The Neighbourhood Development Plan will guide economic and social development by:

• Supporting rural diversification and other forms of economic development which are appropriate to their location and setting. • Working to improve electronic communications. • Supporting renewable energy, particularly community-led proposals. • Supporting the retention of existing community facilities and new provision. • Identifying Community Actions in respect of non-land use matters which are outside the formal scope of the Neighbourhood Development Plan.


3.8 The Neighbourhood Development Plan will ensure that the local environment is protected and enhanced by:

• Providing for the protection, enhancement and conservation of the natural and historic environments in accordance with Local Plan Core Strategy policies. • Ensuring that new development is in keeping with its surroundings and appropriately designed and accessed. • Supporting high quality design solutions that make a positive contribution to local character and distinctiveness.

Sustainable development

3.9 The Neighbourhood Development Plan plays an active role in guiding development in Titley Group towards a sustainable solution by setting out the economic, social and environmental character of the area and identifying needs and opportunities. Responses to the residents’ survey show that there are a range of concerns including addressing housing requirements, encouraging local employment, protecting the environment, and improving community facilities and services. Opportunities should also be sought to boost sustainable transport

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provision in the Area. Some development proposals may entail a mix of gains and losses when assessed against the differing priorities in the Vision and its supporting objectives. Planning decisions will need to balance such variable impacts against each other in considering how individual projects contribute to sustainability, taking into account the character, needs and opportunities of the Neighbourhood Area.

Policy TG1: Sustainable development

Development proposals which contribute to the sustainable development of the Titley Group Neighbourhood Area will be supported. In making this assessment, the following objectives will be sought and balanced, as relevant to the proposal:

1. meeting strategic requirements for new housing and the needs of local communities; 2. providing new and diversified employment opportunities which are compatible and in scale with the rural nature of the area; 3. retaining and enhancing community infrastructure, and promoting and enabling new provision, to meet a range of needs and promote quality of life; 4. taking all opportunities to conserve and enhance the distinctive natural and historic environments, with development avoiding undue loss of visual amenity or impacts on landscape character and biodiversity; 5. fostering sustainable transport provision in new housing, employment and other development, and making use of opportunities to provide or support the provision of new or improved public transport, walking and cycling infrastructure and connectivity.

Figure 5 Staunton-on-Arrow village hall

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Local Plan Core Strategy requirements

4.1 The main type of development for which provision needs to be made in the Neighbourhood Development Plan is housing. The Local Plan Core Strategy requires the Neighbourhood Development Plan to make provision for at least 23 new homes between 2011 and 2031.

4.2 The Local Plan Core Strategy also requires that settlement boundaries be defined in Neighbourhood Development Plans for those villages which are earmarked in the Strategy for proportionate housing development. This is so that new housing can be best situated in relation to existing services and facilities; and to avoid unnecessary, isolated development in the open countryside, in line with national planning policy.

4.3 The Local Plan Core Strategy designates Titley as a “main focus” settlement for proportionate housing growth, reflecting the existing local services and public transport provision. Staunton- on-Arrow is identified as an “other settlement” where housing is appropriate. In the countryside outside these settlements, housing development is restricted to avoid an unsustainable pattern of development (this includes all of the parishes of Knill and Rodd, Nash and Little Brampton).

Housing delivery

4.4 The Neighbourhood Development Plan implements the Local Plan Core Strategy by identifying land for new housing in both villages and by defining appropriate settlement boundaries to reflect the planned extent of development.

4.5 The delivery of new housing to meet the strategic requirements for the Titley Group Neighbourhood Area has been informed by a Call for Sites and Housing Site Assessment,4 and is provided for as follows:

• by taking into account dwellings completed since 2011 and dwellings with planning permission as at 1 April 2018 (see Appendix C for details of the sites involved); and • by allocating land for new housing at Titley and Staunton-on-Arrow for around 13 new dwellings in total (see chapters 5 and 6 for details); and • by making a realistic allowance of how many houses can be expected to be provided as “windfalls”.5 The Housing Site Assessment makes a conservative assumption that the number of dwellings which arose as windfalls in the first seven years of the plan period, 16 units, will be at least equalled in the remaining 13 years of the plan period. This represents 1.2 units per annum, around half of what has been achieved since 2011.

4 See the Housing Site Assessment, April 2018. The Call for Sites was undertaken in November-December 2017. 5 This term refers to dwellings arising on sites which have not been specifically identified in the development plan.

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4.6 Table 1 confirms potential to deliver at least 50 new dwellings across the Neighbourhood Area, satisfying the minimum requirement of 23 dwellings set in the Local Plan Core Strategy.


Dwellings completed since 2011 5

Dwellings with planning permission, 1 April 2018 16

Land allocated in the Neighbourhood Development Plan for new 13 housing at Titley and Staunton-on-Arrow Windfall allowance 16


Table 1: Housing delivery

Type and size of housing

4.7 As well as meeting the overall requirements for new housing, it is also important to make sure that housing of the right kind is provided to meet local needs. The Local Plan Core Strategy recognises the need to plan for a range and mix of house types and sizes which can contribute to balanced communities (policy H3 Ensuring an appropriate range and mix of housing). This is all the more important in the Neighbourhood Area because housing growth will be relatively limited by virtue of the rural location. For these reasons, any new dwellings should be demonstrably relevant to local needs.

4.8 The residents’ survey identified privately-owned 3-bedroom homes as the most favoured type of housing. Homes with 2 bedrooms were the next most popular. Larger homes with 4 or more bedrooms were significantly less favoured. A significant majority of respondents supported dwellings being built to high environmental standards, to allow live/work or as self- build. There was also a desire to build more relatively lower cost, smaller properties for sale on the open market. This would enable young people and families to stay in the village, foster social well-being and help to deliver a more balanced supply of houses which at present favours larger properties over smaller.

4.9 Evidence from the Local Housing Market Assessment on the size and type of dwellings which are needed locally is set out in Table 2. This refers to the Kington Rural Housing Market Area (HMA) which includes the Neighbourhood Area. For market housing, no flats or larger (4 bedrooms and above) properties are needed, the main requirement being for 3-bedroom homes. For affordable housing, most dwellings should be provided as houses, rather than flats, with a greater emphasis on smaller properties - over 60% should be 1- or 2-bedroom homes. Overall, the data shows that the main requirements are for smaller rather than larger properties, particularly in respect of the affordable sector. The Assessment comments that

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given that the number of homes proposed to be delivered in the Kington HMA overall are relatively small, with no strategic housing sites at Kington Town, particular attention will be needed to delivering the right mix of housing.

House type Market Housing Affordable housing Houses 95.3% 91.9% Flats 4.7% 8.1% House size 1 bedroom 7% 21.6% 2 bedroom 23.2% 39.8% 3 bedroom 48.1% 34.5% 4+ bedroom 21.7% 4.1%

Table 2: Requirements for house types and sizes, Kington Rural HMA

Source: Local Housing Market Assessment tables 105 and 106.

4.10 All forms of housing development, including conversion and sub-division schemes as well as new development, will be expected to show that they are contributing to meeting local housing needs. It is particularly important that new housing proposals in the Neighbourhood Area address the requirement for smaller (two- and three-bedroom) accommodation, bearing in mind the absence of a strategic housing allocation at Kington which would otherwise at least partly cater for this need. This will help meet housing market pressures and the locally expressed desire for less expensive open market homes. Community requirements also include new housing for older people, to enable downsizing and so the release of existing larger homes for family occupation. Housing will also be sought as live/work and self-build units.

Policy TG2: Housing needs and requirements

New dwellings will be delivered in the Titley Group Neighbourhood Area to meet local needs and to satisfy the minimum requirements of the Herefordshire Local Plan Core Strategy. This will be enabled and demonstrated by:

1. Allocating sites for housing at Titley and Staunton-on-Arrow; and 2. Supporting new housing within these settlements where this is appropriate in scale and in keeping with their established character; and 3. Defining settlement boundaries to show the planned extent of development at Titley and Staunton-on-Arrow; and 4. Acknowledging the potential for new residential development in the countryside outside the two defined settlements where this meets the requirements of Herefordshire Local Plan Core Strategy policy RA3 and allied policies.

In all cases, housing proposals should be able to demonstrate that they are of a type and size that positively contribute to meeting the latest assessment of housing needs,

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particularly for smaller properties. Proposals to provide work/live units and to enable self- build housing will be supported.

Rural exception housing

4.11 The sites allocated for new housing in Titley and Staunton-on-Arrow are too small to allow affordable housing to be sought as part of their development.6 However national and local planning policy allow the provision of affordable housing on “rural exception” sites. These are defined as small sites used for affordable housing in perpetuity which would not normally be used for housing. They seek to address the needs of the local community by accommodating households who are either current residents or have an existing family or employment connection.

4.12 The residents’ survey canvassed opinion on such a scheme. A majority of respondents (70%) were in favour. When asked about the possibility of allowing some market homes as part of an exception scheme, for example if necessary to enable the delivery of affordable units without grant funding, 57% of respondents were in favour.

4.13 The Local Housing Market Assessment indicates a need for 181 affordable homes in the Kington Rural HMA over the period 2011-2031. Apportioning this on the basis of the number of households7 indicates a need for 14 affordable units over the plan period.

4.14 The provision of affordable housing on a rural exception site will be supported. The extent of local need will have to be proven as a scheme is prepared. As per Local Plan Core Strategy policy H2 Rural exception sites, such a scheme should be sited with reasonable access to the services and facilities offered by Titley or Staunton-on-Arrow. Since Titley is the “higher- order” settlement as defined in the Local Plan Core Strategy, this is the first choice as a potential location.

4.15 It is recognised that the successful delivery of a rural exception housing scheme will require the active involvement of the Group Parish Council and a Community Action is defined accordingly (see CA1, Table 3 in chapter 9).

Policy TG3: Rural exception housing

The provision of rural exception housing on a small site to meet a proven local need for affordable housing in perpetuity and which is in accord with the requirements of Herefordshire Local Plan Core Strategy policy H2 will be supported. The preference is for any such scheme to have reasonable access to Titley in the first instance or failing this to Staunton-on-Arrow. Such a scheme may include a small proportion of market housing if this can be shown to be necessary for the delivery of a significant proportion of the scheme as affordable housing.

6 In Herefordshire, affordable housing may only be sought on sites of 11 or more dwellings. 7 The number of households in the Neighbourhood Area in 2011 (209) was 7.7% of those in the Kington Rural HMA (2705).

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5.1 This chapter of the Neighbourhood Development Plan allocates land at Titley for housing and open space, and defines a settlement boundary for the village. The allocation and settlement boundary are shown on Plan 4 at the end of this chapter.

Land at Titley Farm

5.2 Land north of Titley Farm is proposed by the landowner for housing (of a type and size to meet local requirements for smaller, relatively lower-cost accommodation) and recreational open space to be available for use by members of the community. The site as a whole comprises approximately 0.35 ha. of pasture land between Titley Farm and the B4355. A farm track on the north-eastern boundary will give vehicular access to the new dwellings.

5.3 The housing and recreational open space uses are to be provided for on approximately equal areas of land as follows:

(a) the development of approximately 0.175 ha. in the south of the site for around six new dwellings. The house types and sizes should reflect local needs and preferences as identified in the Local Housing Market Assessment (or successor documents) and the residents’ survey, with an emphasis on 2 and 3-bedroom homes. There is also potential for self-build. Vehicular access to the dwellings from the farm track is to be taken to the rear of the properties where parking should be provided. Dwellings should be principally oriented to the north, to face the open space. This siting of the development and access arrangements will mean that the new dwellings will be seen from the road as being well-related to the existing buildings at Titley Farm and Titley Court. It will also retain the open aspect that the site presents to the road frontage.

(b) the provision of approximately 0.175 ha. of recreational open space situated between the new dwellings and the B4355. This will provide an accessible location in relation to the new dwellings and the rest of the village and maintain the open aspect to the B4355. This will help provide the additional recreational facilities sought by respondents to the residents’ survey, such as for outdoor sports and a children’s play area.

5.4 The residential and recreational open space allocations are shown on Plan 4. This identifies respective areas for the two uses to confirm the general arrangement of new dwellings to the south of the site and open space to the north. In the interests of achieving an optimal and distinctive scheme, it is not intended to be over-prescriptive with regard to the layout of the development or other aspects of design provided the principles described above are achieved and the overall balance of land uses is maintained. Approximately 50% of the site is to be used for housing and 50% for community open space.

5.5 The residential and recreational open space elements should be considered together through the submission of a comprehensive planning application. It is envisaged that the housing and recreational open space elements will be linked by means of a planning obligation. The

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Housing Site Assessment explains that built development of the site as a whole would not be in keeping with the open and dispersed character of the settlement. However, a mixed housing and open space scheme, as is now proposed, would respect settlement character and is acceptable.

5.6 The planning obligation will secure the use of the recreational open space land for this purpose over an agreed period of time, and provide for the provision of facilities and their maintenance over this period. It may provide for the transfer of the land to the Parish Council or other body who would then be responsible for its upkeep. A Community Action, CA2, is included in chapter 9 (Table 3) in respect of progressing the non-land use aspects of the scheme.

5.7 Proposals should take full account of policy TG15 in respect of design and access. A Design and Access Statement should be submitted as part of any planning application which includes details of how pedestrians and cyclists will access the open space.

Policy TG4: Land at Titley Farm

Land at Titley Farm as shown on Plan 4 is allocated for housing development for around six dwellings and recreational open space. Proposals which meet the following site-specific requirements will be supported:

1. the dwellings are provided on around 0.175 ha. in the south of the site and are principally oriented to face the open space and the village; and 2. the dwellings are of a type and size to help meet the latest assessment of housing needs including for smaller accommodation, and there is provision for self-build; and 3. recreational open space is provided on around 0.175 ha. in the north of the site; and 4. a comprehensive planning application is submitted which includes both the housing and recreational open space elements; and 5. vehicular access to the new dwellings and the recreational open space is via the farm track on the north-eastern boundary of the site; and 6. as far as is practicable, the access arrangements to the new dwellings and the recreational open space enable and encourage active travel through provision for pedestrian and cyclists; and 7. a planning obligation is completed prior to the grant of any planning permission to provide for the delivery and maintenance of the recreational open space.

Titley settlement boundary

5.8 Titley village is characterised by a linear form of settlement. Older and modern dwellings, the Stagg Inn and St. Peter’s parish church all front onto the B4355. There is little development in depth. Development has extended a limited distance westward from the B4355, along the north frontage of School Lane as far as Green Lane, and along Eywood Lane to the converted Balance Barns. Overall, there are two principal areas of consolidated village development, separated by the triangular field known as Stagg Meadow. These two areas are delineated by

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the Titley settlement boundary (Plan 4). This defines the extent of the main built-up form of the village, having regard to criteria in Herefordshire Council guidance.8 The allocated site at Titley Farm is included within the settlement boundary.

5.9 Land with outline planning permission for five dwellings at Balance Farm, Eywood Lane is excluded from the settlement boundary. Development of this greenfield site would not respect the overall linear character of the settlement pattern based around the B4355 and would be contrary to the Neighbourhood Development Plan. There are also concerns about the ability of the local highway network to absorb the traffic impacts of development without adversely affecting the safe and efficient flow of traffic, particularly with regards to the sub- standard visibility available at the junction of Eywood Lane and the B4355 and the intensification of its use which the development would give rise to.

5.10 Within the settlement boundary, new housing will be supported where it is appropriate to its context and meets local needs and demand. Policy TG5 enables infill development which respects local character, including the predominantly linear settlement pattern. New development will most likely be as single dwellings. Proposals for other development such as small-scale employment will be considered against the policy criteria.

5.11 Development proposals coming forward within the settlement boundary should respect the natural and historic environments in line with policies TG13 and TG14. The boundary includes small areas of woodland in the north, including deciduous woodland identified in the Priority Habitat Inventory at Church Row. There are also habitats of interest immediately to the south, including traditional orchard and woodpasture and parkland. There are a number of listed buildings (the Old Priory, St. Peter’s Church, the Harley memorial in the churchyard, the Old Vicarage and the Balance Farmhouse). The registered Eywood historic park and garden lies to the west. Finally, policy TG15 sets out requirements in respect of design and access.

5.12 For the avoidance of doubt land outside the boundaries is defined as countryside in planning terms. This includes land and sites immediately abutting the boundaries.

Policy TG5: Titley settlement boundary

Development proposals for housing and other uses within the settlement boundary at Titley as shown on Plan 4 will be supported where they respect the settlement character, the natural and historic environments and heritage assets, and can be shown to be of a size and type to meet local requirements.

8 Herefordshire Council, Neighbourhood Planning Guidance Note 20 Guide to settlement boundaries, June 2015.

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Plan 4: Titley site allocation and settlement boundary

© Crown copyright and database rights (2016) Ordnance Survey (0100058224). Not to scale.

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6.1 This chapter of the Neighbourhood Development Plan deals with the allocation of land at Staunton-on-Arrow for housing and defines a settlement boundary for the village.

Land opposite Old Court Cottage/Newton, Staunton-on-Arrow

6.2 Land opposite Old Court Cottage is proposed by the landowner for the provision of open space, to be used by members of the community as a new village green, and for the development of five 2 and 3-bedroom dwellings. This will help meet the acknowledged local requirement for accommodation suitable for young families.

6.3 The 1.4 ha. site is part of a larger commercial orchard to the east of the village road. The field has a hedgerow boundary to the road, with dwellings opposite. A track gives access to the orchard from the road.

6.4 The open space and housing uses are to be provided for as follows:

(a) the use of at least 75% of the site as open space to provide a village green in an accessible location in relation to both the new dwellings and the wider community, and to include provision of a village car park; and

(b) the development of up to 25% of the site for around five new dwellings, this area to include all necessary associated requirements such as gardens, garages, on-site parking and site access.

6.5 Plan 5 identifies the land proposed for the overall scheme. The areas to be provided as open space and developed for housing will be determined through detailed scheme design.

6.6 The layout and design of the new dwellings should reflect the character and low residential density of the village. They should be sited to the rear of the site, facing onto the open space. This will maximise the distance between the new dwellings and those opposite, so as to respect amenity. House types and sizes should reflect local needs and preferences as identified in the Local Housing Market Assessment (or successor documents) and the residents’ survey, with an emphasis on 2 and 3-bedroom homes. There is also potential for self-build and for live/work.

6.7 Vehicular access to the new dwellings will be provided from the existing field entrance and is to be taken to the rear of the properties where parking will be provided. This will avoid creating a functional and visual barrier between the new dwellings, the open space and the wider village. Pedestrian access is to be provided to the front of the properties. A new field access to the remaining commercial orchard will be provided from the village road to the north of the site.

6.8 The residential and recreational open space elements should be considered together through the submission of a comprehensive planning application. It is envisaged that the housing and open space elements will be linked by means of a planning obligation. The Housing Site

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Assessment concludes that the site is suitable for development with open space providing community benefit to the road frontage and dwellings to the rear of the site, and on this basis it will be necessary to secure the open space as part of the overall scheme.

6.9 The planning obligation will provide for the use of the community open space for this purpose and for the provision of facilities and their maintenance over an agreed of period of time. It may provide for the transfer of the land to the Parish Council or other body who would then be responsible for its upkeep. A Community Action, CA3, is included in chapter 9 (Table 3) in respect of progressing the non-land use aspects of the scheme.

6.10 Proposals should take full account of policy TG15 in respect of design and access. A Design and Access Statement should be submitted as part of any planning application which includes details of access to the open space by pedestrians and cyclists. The grade II listed Staunton Old Court is diagonally opposite and the site forms part of its setting. Information will be required as part of the planning application to allow the potential impact of the proposal on the significance of this designated heritage asset to be assessed.

6.11 The existing roadside hedgerow is to be retained as far as this is consistent with highway authority requirements for junction design and visibility. A new hedgerow boundary between the site and the remaining commercial orchard to the east is to be established.

Policy TG6: Land opposite Old Court Cottage/Newton, Staunton-on-Arrow

Land opposite Old Court Cottage/Newton as shown on Plan 5 is allocated for community open space for use as a village green and for housing development for around five dwellings. Proposals which meet the following site-specific requirements will be supported:

1. community open space is provided on at least 75% of the site, to include public car parking; and 2. the new dwellings are provided on up to 25% of the site, this area to include all necessary associated requirements such as gardens, garages, on-site parking and site access; and 3. the new dwellings are sited to the rear of the site and oriented to face the open space and the village on a layout which reflects settlement character, prevailing residential densities and the amenity of existing dwellings; and 4. the new dwellings are of a type and size to help meet the latest assessment of housing needs including for smaller accommodation, self-build and live/work; and 5. vehicular access to the new dwellings is via the existing field entrance on the southern boundary of the site; and 6. a comprehensive planning application is submitted which includes both the housing and community open space elements; and 7. provision is made for pedestrians and cyclists to access the new dwellings and the community open space; and 8. the roadside hedgerow is retained subject only to highway requirements and a new hedgerow boundary is provided between the site and the commercial orchard; and

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9. a planning obligation is completed prior to the grant of any planning permission to provide for the delivery and maintenance of the community open space.

Small sites at Staunton-on-Arrow

6.12 The following sites were identified through the Call for Sites/Housing Site Assessment process. They are well-contained with no planning constraints. To reflect the prevailing settlement pattern a single new dwelling will be the optimum form of development for each site:

(a) land west of Jacobs Oak. This is 0.2 ha. of pasture with frontage to the unclassified highway known as Horseway Head and with existing dwellings to the east and the west.

(b) land east of the Old Vicarage. This is 0.17 ha. of lawn and storage buildings within the curtilage of the Old Vicarage. It is set between existing buildings with frontage to Horseway Head. The site abuts the corridor of the River Arrow to the south with woodland habitats of interest. The site is in Flood Zone 1 (low probability of flooding).

Policy TG7: Small sites at Staunton-on-Arrow

Proposals for the development of the following sites for individual dwellings as shown on Plan 5 will be supported:

1. land west of Jacobs Oak; and 2. land east of the Old Vicarage.

Staunton-on-Arrow settlement boundary

6.13 Staunton-on-Arrow is characterised by a linear form of settlement, extending north and west from the higher ground occupied by the motte and the church. Most dwellings are detached and front onto the village road, the C1023, with further linear development extending west along Horseway Head. There is no development in depth. The main areas of built-up development are delineated by the Staunton-on-Arrow settlement boundary (Plan 5). This defines the extent of the main built-up form of the village, having regard to criteria in Herefordshire Council guidance,9 and incorporates the three sites allocated above.

6.14 Within the settlement boundary, new housing will be supported where it is appropriate to its context and meets local needs and demand. Policy TG8 enables infill development which respects local character, including the predominantly linear settlement pattern. New development will most likely be as single dwellings. Proposals for other development such as small-scale employment will be considered against the policy criteria.

6.15 Development proposals coming forward within the settlement boundary should respect the natural and historic environments in line with policies TG13 and TG14. There are habitats of interest adjoining the boundary to the south, including traditional orchard to the rear of

9 Herefordshire Council, Neighbourhood Planning Guidance Note 20 Guide to settlement boundaries, June 2015.

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Staunton Old Court/Old Court Cottage, and woodland alongside the River Arrow. The boundary includes three listed buildings (Staunton Old Court, the Post Office and St. Peter’s Church). The motte, a scheduled ancient monument, lies adjacent. Policy TG15 sets out requirements in respect of design and access.

6.16 For the avoidance of doubt land outside the boundaries is defined as countryside in planning terms. This includes land and sites immediately abutting the boundaries.

Policy TG8: Staunton-on-Arrow settlement boundary

Development proposals for housing and other uses within the settlement boundary at Staunton-on-Arrow as shown on Plan 5 will be supported where they respect the settlement character, the natural and historic environments and heritage assets, and can be shown to be of a size and type to meet local requirements.

Plan 5: Staunton-on-Arrow site allocations and settlement boundary

© Crown copyright and database rights (2016) Ordnance Survey (0100058224). Not to scale.

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Economic development in Titley Group

7.1 Employment in the Neighbourhood Area includes mixed farming, small businesses, local services and home working. Self-employment is a significant feature - over a quarter (27.3%) of the economically active were self-employed in 2011, notably higher than in the County (14.4%) or the West Midlands (8.5%).

7.2 Respondents to the residents’ survey thought that the Neighbourhood Development Plan should particularly encourage farming and forestry, with the exception of intensive livestock units and polytunnels which were strongly not favoured. Tourism and leisure, offices and small businesses and livery and stabling were welcomed by over half of respondents. Light industry/manufacturing and food and drink processing and production were given a more mixed reception.

7.3 In making provision for jobs and the local economy, survey replies emphasised the importance of improvements to broadband to business development. Other suitable ways to sustain and grow the local economy were seen as facilitating home working, providing live/work units, extending existing business premises and converting rural buildings for business use. Comments emphasised the need to provide more jobs for younger people and to support small-scale and traditional employment which was compatible with the local environment.

7.4 The Local Plan Core Strategy recognises the broadly-based nature of the rural economy in Herefordshire. Policy RA6 Rural economy gives support for a wide range of employment uses in the County’s rural areas through the re-use of redundant rural buildings (policy RA5), homeworking (policy E3) and tourism (policy E4). Policy E2 Redevelopment of existing employment land and buildings safeguards land and buildings which provide employment from redevelopment for other purposes, an option favoured by a majority of survey respondents.

7.5 The Neighbourhood Development Plan supports proposals for new businesses and other forms of economic development which enable the diversification of the rural economy, provided they are of a scale and nature which are appropriate to their location and setting. Planning requirements to safeguard the character of locations and their settings, residential amenity, highway safety, and water quality are set out in Local Plan Core Strategy policy RA6. To complement this strategic approach, the following policy promotes sustaining existing businesses and securing more employment in sectors such as farming and tourism. The aim is to enable small-scale employment in the Neighbourhood Area to continue to evolve, with a flexible approach to growing enterprises and to enabling self-employment. Policy TG15 will apply in respect of design and access matters.

7.6 After farming and forestry, replies to the residents’ survey favoured encouraging tourism, leisure and crafts. The Neighbourhood Area is well-placed in this regard, with an attractive

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countryside readily accessible by public rights of way including the long-distance Herefordshire Trail, Mortimer Trail and Offa’s Dyke Path. Various forms of low-key and low- impact provision linked to furthering enjoyment and appreciation of the countryside, such as facilities for walkers, farm diversification, and self-catering will be supported. There was little support in the residents’ survey for a camping site.

Figure 6 Forestry Commission Wapley Hill picnic site

7.7 This approach is in line with Local Plan Core Strategy policy E4, which recognises the value to tourism of the County’s environmental and heritage assets and the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside. The policy promotes sustainable tourism which makes the most of such assets; encourages new accommodation for tourists to extend the number of overnight stays, and fosters cycling, walking and heritage tourism by facilitating the development of long-distance walking/cycling routes and food and drink/heritage trails.

7.8 The Neighbourhood Development Plan does not identify new employment land. The Local Plan Core Strategy encourages the development of small scale employment opportunities at Kington, which would benefit both the town and its surrounding rural area. The residents’ survey did not support identifying new land in the Neighbourhood Area for employment purposes.

Policy TG9: Economic development in Titley Group

Development proposals which generate employment will be supported within settlement boundaries and in the countryside where they are of a scale, type and nature appropriate to their location and setting and the impacts on highway safety and capacity are or can be made acceptable. This includes:

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1. the re-use of redundant rural buildings for business use and the provision of live/work units; and 2. the small-scale extension of existing business premises and commercial facilities; and 3. extensions to existing dwellings needed to enable home working; and 4. the development and diversification of farm, forestry and other land-based rural businesses; and 5. rural tourism and leisure proposals, particularly those which sustain, enhance and promote a better understanding of the local natural, historic and cultural environment.


7.9 The residents’ survey highlighted several aspects of local life where there were calls for improvement to infrastructure, notably traffic and highways, public transport, drainage, and broadband. Some do not involve land use and development, and so are outside the scope of the Neighbourhood Development Plan. Where this is the case, Community Actions are proposed to set a framework for local action. In other cases, relevant planning policies are to be found in the Local Plan Core Strategy.

7.10 Highway maintenance (including roadside hedges, ditches and drains) was a notable area of concern highlighted by the residents’ survey, followed by road safety. Here, the main issues were excessive traffic speed and the effects of farm and HGV traffic. Positive interventions to improve safety, such as new speed limits, enforcing existing provisions and other speed reduction measures such as traffic calming were supported.

7.11 Local Plan Core Strategy policies SS4 and MT1 set out Herefordshire Council’s requirements for traffic management, highway safety and promoting active travel (walking or cycling). Other matters are outside the scope of this Plan; for instance, speed limits are set by Herefordshire Council as highway authority and are enforced by the West Police and the Safer Roads Partnership. Titley Group Parish Council will continue to work with Herefordshire Council and others to identify and implement measures to address the issues raised where possible, to include seeking traffic calming and the further introduction of speed limits (Community Actions CA4 and CA5, Table 3 in chapter 9). Development proposals which provide for improvements to walking, cycling and public transport will be supported.

7.12 Residents’ survey comments on public transport highlighted the importance of bus services in enabling access to services outside the Neighbourhood Area and reducing isolation for those without a car such as the elderly and young. As with highway matters, public transport provision is outside the scope of the Neighbourhood Development Plan, being mainly delivered by commercial operators supported by subsidy from Herefordshire Council.10 The

10 The Neighbourhood Area is also served by Community Wheels, a community transport scheme based in Leominster.

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Group Parish Council will continue to press the case for existing service levels to be maintained and for improvements to be delivered (Community Action CA6, Table 3).

7.13 Local Plan Core Strategy policy SD3 Sustainable water management and water sets out a range of requirements to be followed regarding flood risk and water resources. Areas of flood risk in the Neighbourhood Area are associated with the River Arrow and the Hindwell Brook (Plan 3). Compliance with policy SD3 will ensure that development respects open watercourses, avoids culverting, and opens up existing culverts wherever possible; includes sustainable drainage, with no increase in surface water runoff and if feasible, achieves betterment; incorporates water conservation and efficiency measures to the standards given; and meets other requirements for water resources and quality.

7.14 In respect of foul drainage, development proposals will need to satisfy Local Plan Core Strategy policy SD4 Wastewater treatment and river water quality when specifying non-mains foul drainage options. This includes supplying the required information on the implications for the water quality of receiving watercourses and, since the Neighbourhood Area is in the Lugg and Wye catchments, on the integrity of the River Wye Special Area of Conservation.

7.15 Responses to the residents’ survey emphasised that improvements to broadband services and mobile phone reception would encourage new businesses in the parish, as well as allowing effective home working. Broadband services are subject to a County-wide investment programme under the Fastershire project, with work in the Neighbourhood Area underway. The Group Parish Council will continue to welcome and support these enhancement programmes (Community Action CA7, Table 3).

7.16 These improvements to communications will support Neighbourhood Development Plan policy TG9 on local business and economic activity, including enabling working from home, as well as many other aspects of community life, and are welcomed for these reasons. New residential and business development should be future-proofed by making advance provision for connectivity, such as ducting. Provision for this is made in policy TG15. Communications infrastructure needing planning permission should be in keeping with the rural environment and character of the Neighbourhood Area.

Policy TG10: Infrastructure

Development proposals for the provision of communications and broadband infrastructure for home and business purposes will be supported. Consistent with technical and operational requirements and the delivery of service improvements, development for communications and broadband services should be designed and sited to reflect the rural location.

Development proposals which provide for the provision or improvement of walking, cycling and public transport infrastructure will be supported wherever feasible and appropriate, particularly where they deliver enhanced connectivity to existing facilities.

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Renewable energy

7.17 National planning policy and guidance supports positively expressed and balanced policies in Neighbourhood Development Plans that allow the need for renewable or low carbon energy to be considered alongside environmental factors, cumulative impacts and the implications for heritage assets and local amenity. Local Plan Core Strategy policy SD2 Renewable and low carbon energy generation includes protection for amenity and the natural and historic environment.

7.18 The residents’ survey canvassed opinion about the scope for renewable energy schemes. Support was shown for solar panels (but not for larger-scale solar farms), provision in new development, and for ground/air source heat pumps. Wind turbines were not favoured, particularly in the form of larger-scale wind farms where 65% were opposed. Biomass and anaerobic digesters also received little support.

7.19 In supplementing the County-level approach, reference is made in the following policy to highway safety and capacity as another issue to be considered, because of the narrowness of many of the rural lanes in the Neighbourhood Area; and to cumulative impacts. Encouragement is given for a community-led scheme. Renewable energy micro-generation, through for instance photo-voltaic panels, should be included in new development as part of the overall approach to a scheme’s sustainability (see policy TG15).

7.20 Considering the results of the survey consultation and the lack of backing for wind energy from the local community, the Neighbourhood Development Plan does not identify sites or areas as suitable for wind energy development.

Policy TG11: Renewable energy

Development proposals for renewable energy generation will be supported where it is shown that the individual and cumulative impacts on the natural and historic environment, amenity and highway safety and capacity are or can be made acceptable. Community-led renewable energy proposals where benefits can be demonstrated are encouraged.

Community facilities

7.21 Local community facilities are important in meeting the current and future needs of residents. In the residents’ survey, all existing facilities, services and amenities were seen as important. Broadband, mobile phone reception, and the village halls at Titley and Staunton-on-Arrow were most important, followed by public transport and local pubs. Suggestions for improvements centred around extending the range of activities available at the village halls and making more non-worship use of the parish churches, so as to combat social isolation. There were also many comments on how to improve recreational facilities. The need for a children’s play area next to Titley village hall was the most frequently mentioned.

7.22 Where development and land use proposals arise, local facilities will be retained, and enhancements and proposals for new provision supported, in line with Local Plan Core

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Strategy policy SC1 Social and community facilities. This provides that existing facilities will be retained unless an equivalent alternative is available, or that the facility is no longer required, viable or fit for purpose. Where appropriate, it must have been vacant and marketed for community use without success.

7.23 Local Plan Core Strategy policy ID1 Infrastructure delivery proposes a co-ordinated approach to the delivery of infrastructure to support development and sustainable communities. This is to be undertaken by securing developer contributions through legal section 106 agreements and a future Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). The CIL can be used to fund a wide range of infrastructure needed to support the development of the area. This may be new provision or improvements to the capacity of existing infrastructure. Section 106 agreements will still be used for site-specific matters where necessary to make individual schemes acceptable in planning terms.

Policy TG12: Community facilities

Development proposals for the enhancement of community facilities, and for new provision at Titley and Staunton-on-Arrow which is accessible by a choice of transport modes, will be supported. Proposals should take account of the potential for the co-location of services in achieving viability. Support will be given to diversification proposals where these can be shown to enable or increase the viability of existing and proposed services and facilities. Existing social and community facilities at Titley and Staunton-on-Arrow village halls, the parish churches and the Stagg Inn will be retained in accordance with Herefordshire Local Plan Core Strategy policy SC1.

Figure 7 The Stagg Inn, Titley

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Natural environment

8.1 The Neighbourhood Area has a range of natural environmental features. Flintsham and Titley Pools Site of Special Scientific Interest was notified in 1969 and is one of Herefordshire’s major wetland sites for waterfowl. Local Wildlife Sites and ancient woodlands are shown on Plans 2 and 3. Other habitats of importance are listed in Natural England’s Priority Habitat Inventory and comprise deciduous woodland, wood pasture and parkland and traditional orchards. Trees, hedgerows, ponds and watercourses throughout the Area also have value to wildlife and form part of green infrastructure.

8.2 The Neighbourhood Area is in the catchment of the Rivers Wye and Lugg. Both rivers are designated as Sites of Special Scientific Interest, and the Wye and part of the Lugg are a Special Area of Conservation. Local Plan Core Strategy policy SD4 Wastewater treatment and river water quality requires that development does not undermine the achievement of water quality targets for the County’s rivers, particularly through the treatment of wastewater. Policy SD4 contributes to delivery of the Nutrient Management Plan prepared by the and Natural England. This aims to manage nutrients in the Rivers Wye and Lugg to enable growth whilst conserving the river environment. Policy SD4 also supports delivery of Water Framework Directive objectives, together with Local Plan Core Strategy policy SD3 Sustainable water management and water resources.

8.3 Herefordshire Council’s Ecological Network Map provides a detailed picture of wildlife habitats in the Neighbourhood Area. The Map is based on data held by the Herefordshire Biological Records Centre and is updated in the light of new information as this becomes available. It identifies the role that individual wildlife habitats play in the network, as core areas, corridors and stepping stones, and shows how they provide ecological connections within the more intensively managed areas of farmland and to neighbouring areas.11 Policy TG13 ensures that the evidence base that the Ecological Map represents will be taken into account in planning decisions. This includes consideration of connectivity in an environment which is becoming increasingly fragmented from a wildlife point of view.

8.4 The Neighbourhood Area offers a pleasant lowland landscape of woodland, hedged fields, orchards, villages, hamlets and scattered dwellings and farmsteads. There is no formal designation, but the landscape is valued locally. Responses to the residents’ survey emphasise the importance of protecting landscape character and the contribution made by woodland (including ancient woodland and trees), copses, hedgerows, watercourses, meadow grassland and wildlife habitats such as ponds and traditional orchards. The survey identified the following local features and views thereof as of importance: Wapley Hill, Flintsham and Titley Pools, Eywood Park, Stagg Meadow, Mowley Hill and Staunton mound.

11 https://www.herefordshire.gov.uk/downloads/download/77/ecological_network_map

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Figure 8 Looking west from the motte at Staunton along the valley of the River Arrow

8.5 The Local Plan Core Strategy includes policies to protect landscape and townscape (policy LD1), biodiversity and geodiversity (policy LD2) and green infrastructure (policy LD3). These policies, together with national policy and guidance, give an overall framework for environmental protection which is proportionate to the status and significance of the features involved. They are given local focus in the following policy.

Policy TG13: Natural environment

Development proposals should protect, conserve and where possible enhance the natural environment of Titley Group in accordance with the principles in Herefordshire Local Plan Core Strategy policies SD3, SD4, LD1, LD2 and LD3 by:

1. avoiding likely harm to the River Wye Special Area of Conservation and to species of European importance; and 2. avoiding likely harm to the River Wye, River Lugg and Flintsham and Titley Pools Sites of Special Scientific Interest unless the benefits of the proposed development clearly outweigh the likely impacts on the conservation status of the Site concerned and on the national network of protected Sites; and 3. promoting the conservation, restoration and enhancement of other sites and features of biodiversity interest in accordance with their status, including those identified in the Priority Habitats Inventory, Local Wildlife Sites, irreplaceable habitats such as ancient woodland and veteran trees, and hedgerows, ponds and watercourses; and 4. maintaining, restoring and where possible enhancing the contribution of habitats to the coherence and connectivity of the Herefordshire Ecological Network, and taking into account their role as green infrastructure; and

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5. respecting the prevailing landscape character, as defined in the County Landscape Character Assessment, including associated important views, trees and hedgerows and local features of interest.

Historic environment

8.6 Designated heritage assets in the Neighbourhood Area comprise the many listed buildings, a number of scheduled ancient monuments including sections of Offa’s Dyke, and the Eywood registered historic park and garden (Plan 2). There are also unregistered parks and gardens at Titley Court and Staunton Park.

8.7 National planning policy and guidance and Local Plan Core Strategy policy LD4 Historic environment and heritage assets give an overall framework for the protection of the historic environment. The National Planning Policy Framework requires that designated and non- designated heritage assets should be conserved in a manner appropriate to their significance. The Framework provides a national policy approach to assessing development proposals which may impact on the significance of heritage assets. This takes account of the level of any designation; the scale of harm or loss of significance; and the public benefits of the proposal. Policy LD4 applies to the County’s designated and non-designated heritage assets, such as archaeological sites listed on the Herefordshire Historic Environment Record.

8.8 Historic farmsteads are a notable feature of the Neighbourhood Area and development proposals should have regard to their distinctive character including their plan form and layout. Due reference should be made and full consideration be given to the Herefordshire Farmsteads Characterisation Project.

Policy TG14: Historic environment

Development proposals should protect, conserve and where possible enhance the historic environment and heritage assets in Titley Group. In considering the impact of proposed development on heritage assets, account will be taken of their significance (including any contribution made by their setting) in accord with the National Planning Policy Framework and Herefordshire Local Plan Core Strategy policy LD4 by:

1. giving great weight to conserving designated heritage assets including listed buildings, scheduled ancient monuments and the Eywood registered historic park and garden, irrespective of the scale of harm or loss of significance; and 2. for non-designated heritage assets including parks, gardens and archaeological sites, balancing the scale of any harm or loss against their significance; and 3. ensuring that proposals for the redevelopment, alteration or extension of historic farmsteads and agricultural buildings are sensitive to their distinctive character, materials and form.

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Design and access

8.9 The design of individual buildings and their relationship to each other and their surroundings is an important aspect of the local environment. Local Plan Core Strategy policies SD1 Sustainable design and energy efficiency and SD3 Sustainable water management and water resources detail a wide range of factors to be assessed.

8.10 Replies to the residents’ survey emphasised that traffic from new development should be compatible with the local roads, with 94% of respondents regarding this as very or fairly important. Similar priority was given to proposals being in keeping with their surroundings and to the avoidance of noise and light pollution. The latter contributes to tranquillity and the protection of dark skies, important aspects of the rural character and local distinctiveness of the Neighbourhood Area. To this end, external lighting should be kept to a minimum and be designed to avoid light spillage.

8.11 The creation of new points of access to serve development will be carefully considered. Whilst Local Plan Core Strategy policy MT1 Traffic management, highway safety and promoting active travel deals with technical highway requirements, such accesses can also have notable environmental impacts. For example, achieving the required sightlines for new or improved junctions may lead to undue impacts on local character through the loss of roadside vegetation, with a general “opening up” of what may have been a relatively closed landscape setting. This applies to both accesses onto the main roads and onto the narrow rural lanes which are a distinctive feature of the Neighbourhood Area. Proposals which cannot satisfactorily mitigate such environmental impacts will not be permitted.

8.12 Policy TG15 identifies aspects of local concern to supplement the Local Plan Core Strategy policies. It is applicable to all forms of development as relevant.

Policy TG15: Design and access

Development proposals should achieve a high quality of design by:

1. respecting the character of adjoining development and the wider landscape, having regard to siting, scale, height, massing, detailing, materials and means of enclosure; and 2. incorporating sustainability measures to include building orientation and design, energy and water conservation, sustainable construction methods and materials, the generation of renewable energy, and provision for the recycling of waste, cycle storage, communications and broadband technologies; and 3. in the case of proposals for new housing, being sited and designed to avoid adverse impacts on the amenity of the future occupants from the operation of existing uses, including agricultural and business operations; and 4. being capable of being safely accessed from the local road network without undue local environmental impacts which cannot be mitigated. The arrangements for access

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should include provisions for pedestrians and cyclists to encourage active travel wherever practicable; and 5. avoiding creating unacceptable impacts on residential amenity and the tranquillity of the countryside from noise, volume and nature of traffic generated, dust or odour. Where external lighting is proposed, avoiding adverse amenity and environmental impacts occurring through light spillage; and 6. retaining and incorporating existing site features of amenity and biodiversity value, such as trees, ponds and hedgerows, as far as practicable; and 7. providing for new landscaping which is in keeping with the prevailing landscape character, integrates new buildings in their surroundings and supports green infrastructure and the Herefordshire Ecological Network.

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9.1 The Neighbourhood Development Plan is a long-term planning document which will be implemented in the period up to 2031. Titley Group Parish Council will seek to implement the objectives of the Neighbourhood Development Plan in delivering the sustainable development of the Neighbourhood Area.

9.2 The principal route will be through decisions on planning applications, taken by Herefordshire Council as local planning authority in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The Neighbourhood Development Plan will, when made, form part of the overall ‘development plan’.

9.3 The Group Parish Council will seek planning decisions which accord with the Neighbourhood Development Plan when consulted on planning applications by Herefordshire Council. This includes supporting proposals which meet the policies of the Neighbourhood Development Plan, and opposing proposals which do not.

9.4 Wherever possible, the Group Parish Council will work pro-actively with applicants and the local planning authority to allow planning permission to be granted for development that improves the economic, social and environmental conditions of Titley Group Neighbourhood Area.

Community actions

9.5 The formal role of the Neighbourhood Development Plan is the setting of planning policies which deal with land use and development. However, in preparing the Neighbourhood Development Plan the local community has identified ways of improving the local Area which extend beyond this remit. These cannot be addressed through the land use planning policies of the Neighbourhood Development Plan but may be expressed as Community Actions to be undertaken or led by the Titley Group Parish Council (GPC). The Community Actions are referred to throughout the Neighbourhood Development Plan and are collected together in Table 3, overleaf.

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Ref. NDP policy or Community Action topic area CA1 Policy TG3 The GPC will work with Herefordshire Council, landowners, Rural exception housing associations and other stakeholders to investigate the housing potential to bring forward a single small site for rural exception housing in Titley Group Neighbourhood Area. An initial step will be to confirm whether a local need for affordable housing can be proven.

CA2 Policy TG4 The GPC will work with the landowner of the site to progress Land at Titley proposals for the provision of housing to meet local requirements Farm, Titley and recreational open space.

CA3 Policy TG6 The GPC will work with the landowner of the site to progress Land opposite proposals for the provision of housing to meet local requirements Old Court and community open space. Cottage/Newton, Staunton-on- Arrow CA4 Highways – The GPC will continue to work with Herefordshire Council as maintenance highway authority responsible for the B4355 and other rural roads and road safety in the Neighbourhood Area to address issues of highway maintenance including ditches and drainage.

CA5 Highways – road The GPC will continue to work with Herefordshire Council, West safety and traffic Mercia Police and the Safer Roads Partnership to address issues of speed road safety and excessive traffic speed, with reference to the views of the local community set out in responses to the residents’ survey.

CA6 Public transport The GPC will work with Herefordshire Council, bus operators and provision Community Transport providers to investigate ways of addressing issues identified in responses to the residents’ survey.

CA7 Policy TG10 The GPC will promote and support improvements to Infrastructure communications infrastructure by working in partnership with Herefordshire Council and network operators.

Table 3: Titley Group Community Actions

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A.1 The following planning policy documents, reports, consultation evidence and other survey material have been used in drawing up the Neighbourhood Development Plan.

HC = Herefordshire Council

National level evidence Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, National Planning Policy Framework, 2019. Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, Planning Practice Guidance at https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/planning-practice-guidance Census 2011 at https://www.ons.gov.uk/census/2011census Natural England, National Character Area profiles, 98: Clun and North West Herefordshire Hills, 2014, and 100: Herefordshire Lowlands, 2013. Environment Agency and Natural England, River Wye SAC, Nutrient Management Plan, Evidence base and options appraisal, Action Plan, 2014. Environment Agency and Natural Resources Wales, Severn river basin management plan, updated December 2015, 2016. Environment Agency, Flood Map for Planning at https://flood-map-for- planning.service.gov.uk/ Historic England, National Heritage List for England at https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/ Natural England, Magic Map at http://www.magic.gov.uk/magicmap.aspx (includes Priority Habitat Inventory sites). County level evidence HC, Herefordshire Unitary Development Plan, 2007. Preece, N. and Rimmington, N., Herefordshire Historic Farmsteads Characterisation Project Report, Herefordshire Archaeology, 2008. HC, Landscape Character Assessment, Supplementary Planning Guidance, 2004 updated 2009. HC, Green Infrastructure Strategy, 2010. HC, Herefordshire Ecological Network Map, 2013. HC, Herefordshire Local Housing Market Assessment 2012 update, 2013. HC, Herefordshire Local Plan, Core Strategy 2011-2031, 2015. HC, Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment, Rural Report, 2015. Parish and local level evidence HC, Strategic Environmental Assessment, Titley Group Neighbourhood Area Scoping Report, 2017.

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HC, Environmental Reports, November 2018 and May 2019. HC, Habitat Regulations Assessment, November 2018 and May 2019. Titley NDP Steering Group, Summary of feedback from the two NDP “drop in” sessions, May 2017. Reports by DJN Planning Limited for Titley NDP Steering Group: • Evidence base listing, 2017 • Strategic planning policy review, 2017 • Resident’s questionnaire survey, Results report and comment listings, 2017 • Housing site assessment, 2018 • Results of open sessions on 5 May 2018 • Results of open session on 20 June 2018. HC, residential commitments and completions data for Titley Group, 2018.

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B.1 A number of planning policies apply to the Neighbourhood Area, courtesy of the National Planning Policy Framework and County-level plans. The principal documents and their provisions are listed below.

National Planning Policy Framework, 2019

B.2 The Framework sets out national policy statements on the full range of planning matters, including both development and environmental protection. Relevant chapters are:

• Delivering a sufficient supply of homes (Chapter 5) • Building a strong, competitive economy (Chapter 6) • Promoting healthy and safe communities (8) • Promoting sustainable transport (9) • Achieving well-designed places (12) • Conserving and enhancing the natural environment (15) • Conserving and enhancing the historic environment (16)

B.3 The Framework is supported by Planning Practice Guidance which sets out more detail on how the national policies should be implemented.

Herefordshire Local Plan, Core Strategy 2011-2031, 2015

B.4 This sets out a County-level spatial strategy and policies on a wide range of planning matters, with the following of particular relevance and importance to the Neighbourhood Development Plan:

• SS1 Presumption in favour of sustainable development • SS2 Delivering new homes • SS4 Movement and transportation • RA1 Rural housing distribution • RA2 Housing in settlements outside Hereford and the market towns • RA3 Herefordshire’s countryside • RA4 Agricultural, forestry and rural enterprise dwellings • RA5 Re-use of rural buildings • RA6 Rural economy • H1 Affordable housing • H2 Rural exception sites • H3 Ensuring an appropriate range and mix of housing • SC1 Social and community facilities • OS1 Requirement for open space, sports and recreational facilities • MT1 Traffic management, highway safety and promoting active travel • E3 Home working

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• E4 Tourism • LD1 Landscape and townscape • LD2 Biodiversity and geodiversity • LD3 Green infrastructure • LD4 Historic environment and heritage assets • SD1 Sustainable design and energy efficiency • SD2 Renewable and low carbon energy generation • SD3 Sustainable water management and water resources • SD4 Wastewater treatment and river water quality • ID1 Infrastructure delivery

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Dwellings completed since 2011:

Location No. (net) Rhiwlas Farm, conversion of stables 3 The Highlands Works, Stansbatch, extension and change of use 1 North Barn at Highlands Farm, Stansbatch, conversion of farm building 1 Total 5

Dwellings with planning permission at April 2018:

Location No. (net) Balance Farm, Eywood Lane, Titley, erection of 5 no. four bedroom 5 dwellings Titley Farms, Titley, conversion of period barns to create 5 dwellings 5 Old School, Titley, division into three duplex units (net gain 2 units) 2 Mill Green, Stansbatch, conversion of agricultural buildings into 1 dwelling and detached garage; Land at Old Vicarage, Titley, proposed new dwelling 1 Land adjacent to Stone House, Staunton-on- Arrow, proposed erection 2 of two detached houses Total 16

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