Franks Amrgry Skihles Ray G Farmer -- Pound
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Off* tfinforh RrrstB Papre 10— Mon. M ar. 5, *62 ■' — ' ---- -- ------------------ ---------------- — — — — --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Important M in iste rs Derision Loams kty . "Mlnisteri have an import-1 15, if they want social security Patton. District Manager of Col. Patton also suggested age for Use by Ministers, Cer- ant decision to make by April I coverage." laid CoL Byron R. tha Orlando Social Security that a minister desiring this tain Member* of Religious Or r a i i Office. That is the final date coverage should ask the In ders, and Christian Science ternal Revenue Service for Practitioners. This form must for filing a waiver certificate Form 2031 (Waiver Certificate be filed with the Director of to elect coverage if they have First Nuclear Unit In Operation Internal Revenue. not already done so. to Elect Social Security Cover- WASHINGTON (UPI) — loeeted at McMurno Sound, if a minister files a waiver Tha United States has put th* main aupport base for all certificate by April 15, he will receive coverage for 1WI0 and Club Slates Pancake Brunch first nuclear power plant In U. S. scientific activities in 1961 providing he has at least The Denary Women'* Club on Shrove Tuesday Pancakes Antarctica into test operation. Antarctica. H0O net earnings from his will serve their annual “ Pan that have a special slgnlfl- Th# Atomic Energy Com A t full power, the reactor profession. There is tio cover cake and Sausage Breakfast cance as Lent begins. The mission said a controlled, self- will provide l.f.OO net kilowatt* age for those who have less and Brunch" Tuesday from menu reads all you can eat sustained reaction was begun of electricity for the McMur- than 1100 net earnings, Col. 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. with sausage, butter, tyrup, Sunday In the plant, which Is do station. Patton stated. The public ia invited to dine anil hot beverage. TENDER THE SECOND ANNUAL Aunt Jemima Pancake the Pont officers. From left are, G. Fred Smith, I Day, apuiaored by tho DeBnry American Legion past cJr., Fred McLaren, Peter Koppenaal, Dan CARLOAD YOUNG Herbert D. Gibbs Post 250, ia scheduled for W. Martin, Quaker Oata Beprcaentativo Alfred March 24th at the DeBnry Fire House, accord* Newell and William Brumbaugh, Poat Comman ing to plans formulntcd at a recent meeting of der, (Cox Photo) BUYER'S BEK* SALE! 90 Flat Cars Slated By Atlantic Coast Line Prlra* Good Through LIVER Wed. Noon, Mar. 7, 196J Atlantic Coast Lina Railroad and wooden decking will be ap. psekaged materials used for, and cannot ha entered when It w ill build 00 apacial fiat far* plied at the AC L Waycros* applying gypium board. The I* loaded. This la a unique ar- In Ita Waycros* (Ga.) Shop* to Shop*. Ha said the use of east lockar door* ar* Insld* tha car I rangamsnt, ha said. fill tha traniportation needs of steel frames Increase* service FARMER GRAY SKIHLESj tiia Southeast's growing gyp- through elimination o f nerd of aum board induitry, it wa* an nounced today by ACL Presi- repairs. Harrell£ Beverley Automotive dient W. Thomas Rica. They will be placed In serv Tha 6V 3" can, to cost In ice at rata of ona per day ba 209 £ exccsa o f 91 million, will b« ginning about May 15. Phone FRANKS ■siignad to new gypium plant* He aald the 50-ton eaparlty tinder construction in th a rara are eepfclally designed to VV. 25th s t j F A 2-8415 Southeast or plants undergo ronform to gypsum board In FULL ing expansion, Rica said, dustry requirement*. They will , • Transmission Rebulldtra Tha ear framrs will !>« solid Ira equipped with lading band • Eagiaa Rsballdara /■ wr savi vou Mown POUND • Wholesale A a to Part* ateel eastings made by General anchor* for securing the load K OH YOU* FOOD fllltv Steel Industrie! In Granite and will contain apacial lock- AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP SERVICE 7 , , - j—wt c.ivt City, III., and trurks, brakes era at ona end for shipping MERCHANTS Green STAMPS WIIH (VIST PURCHAVf HOURBi (HOOlf »*OM *sO*| IM*N fOOG Mon, Tuea, Wed." UMOut Ql ODI r »:J0 to 7:00 T H U R S , FRI. 3:JO In 9:00 FREE GIFTS HAT. 11:10 lo 7:00 2l(i0 PARK AVE. SANFORD, FLA. LADY FAIR DOUBLE GOLDEN POUND CAKE i SNIDER'S CALIFORNIA LADY PAIR TASTY MEL 3 9 c) WITH fl.SO fooo onoia * 0 , | 9 < •TICKS I CATSUP STOKELY'S FINEST TOMATO JOICE 303 CAN 'FISH N* FR I Mato ju!5> BOSTON BONN* FROZEN = FISH 8TIX = LIMY'S FLAVOR PERFECT (WITH BfAMS) a-Os. Pkg. BOSTON BONNIE FROZEN PERCH FILLET 24-OZ. 1-Lb. Pkg. CAN BOSTON BONNIE FROZEN WHITINI FILLET, u s s r s ITALIAN STYLE (WITH MEAT BAILS) 1-Lb. Phi. 3 POLY BAG FROZEN FRENCH FRIES I t-Lb. Bag ISMBHETTII A N V $ sanford herald 204 wwt first it fa 2-2011 ga 5-5938 \ V I jm m i Record Cold Threatens 's Citrus Crop Lows Of 26-32 e t o c Board Seeks Fire OK Reported In By I.AHUY VERSHKL Help! There'i a boa con- (trictor loo*e In the city. Po Some Sections lice reported that a baby con Fire Walls Also A revere cold front rip strictor eicaped from John ped into Sanford and Sem Angel’* yard over at ISIS Pal- inole County Montiny oma. The constrictor was a H l t f e nitfht nnd ea rly thia pet of the Angel family. V/'. ?* In Safety Plans ntorninjr bringing temper ever happened to old fa atures to new record low» W EATHER: Fair, cold and windy through Wednesday. High today in the GOV. L o w tonight, 20-30 nnd freezing. for tha year and a threat to wned peta like dogs and cats. * i>.y School Board briefly the recent mishap at the county’s multi-million dol • • • .utiiuriicd Supt. of the school whrre plaster fell VO L. 53 United I’ renn Leased W ire Established 1908 TU B S ., M A IU 'Il 6. 1962 S A N F O R D . F L O R ID A NO . 402 lar citrus industry. Nobody asked rue bnt, school* It. T. Mllwrcc to re and two youngsters were Temperature* early thia wouldn't it be a good idea If submit plans to tlie State slightly injured. morning ranged from Iowa of the hospital board of trustees for metal fire escapes and However, Milwe* said that 26 to 32 In certain areas and named the new wing after fire walls for Sanford Junior the school building would be Increasing "severe eold” it Hands!) Chase. Chase, former High School. in "llvn b l!” condition for a expected tonight and Wednes board chairman, was a leader Plans for the wells and number of years and that re Fires Sweep it County day. in keeping the old hospital on escapes, which would be me pairs would be made to the County Agent Cecil Tucker Oak Avc. in operation. tal. had been submitted two facility this summer. reported that heavy winde • • • years ago, but were turned He slso elaborated that saved many of the citrus Aomeone called the office down by stale officials. other schools had problems Cost of the fire protection Three Areas Monday but warned citrus- at six this morning wanting to with had roofs, singling out men that a calm followed by put the following in the class equipment is expected to oe Sou to side, Sanford Grammar Bulletin more cold would bring "earl- ified ad section: " I will no approximately $2,000. and Ilookertown. Douglas Randolph Voor- ; out consequences to the In longer be responsible for any The board also discussed In otner business the board hrrs of Miami Shores this Swept; Some dustry nnd especially young, debts Incurred by John F. or looked over plans for port afternoon qualified to run tender fruit.” Itobert Kennedy.” able buildings, wood and against George Smalhers • • • J U 2 J L V A . aluminum, submitted by arch for the Senate. Voorheci Is Tucker also urged all home- owners lo cover tender Heart Sunday funds still itect Jim Chapman and a re a Democrat. Homes Periled shrubbery. trickling in. l-atcst figures presentative of the National bring the total over the $5,2tw BRIEFS Panel Corp. of St. Petersturg. Mora than 400' acre* of mark . Beat ever. Wood portable buildings Seminole County lands were ★ ★ ★ • • • Cape Delays Shot were estimated at a cost of CAPE CANAVERAL (UPI) Campbell Gets burned in three separate fires A temporary building per $1,300 per unit while alumi | — An attempt to orbit a "solar Monday, Florida Forest Ran mit hat been issued to Eastern num would cost over $5,000. Seventh Storm observatory” satellite was gers reported todar. Shopping Center. Inc., for a The board agreed to study Up To 19 Years postponed for one day today the plans. Th. biggest tract, some 350 S217.000 building at Lie shop because of technical difficul School Hoard architect John acres southwest o f Geneva, Of Winter ping center at SK 436 and ties in a three-stage rocket. Burton spoke to the board burned from noon on Monday Hwjr. 17-92. • • • on cost of permanent class- In Slaying until 5 a. in. today and was set More Troops Sent -ooma but no action was in three plarts, according to Work on renovating the ALGIERS, Algeria (UPI) — James Howard Campbell, Chills Nation taken. Ranger Jerry Laws, eourthouse will get under way — France moved 4,000 troops .‘8-year old painter from North The board also heard Bear "The fire earns very close ny United Pres* International by April 1.