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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84979-1 - Rethinking the Foundations of Modern Political Thought Edited by Annabel Brett and James Tully Index More information Index Acciaiuoli, Donato 180–1 objections to 182, 183–4 Accolti, Benedetto 9 on citizenship/equality 42, 46 active citizenship, notion of 43–4 on democracy 176–7, 196, 199, 217 Aegidius Romanus (Giles of Rome) 123–4 Politics 42, 97, 197, 239, 251–2, 254 Aeschines 77 subversion by Western theorists 205–6 Aeschylus 204, 205–6 Western commentaries/translations 120–3, Agamemnon 202 125 agency, theories of 23, 27–8, 31–2 armed resistance, permissibility of 150–2, authorial 20, 26–7, 28 154–8, 160–1, 162, 167–9 Albada, Aggaeus van 157, 158, 160 Armitage, David x, 249, 250 Albert the Great (Albertus Magnus) 123, 134 Ashcraft, Richard 11, 167 Alcibiades 202 Astell, Mary 15–16 Alen¸con,duke of 81 Athens, political system/constitution 176–7, Alexander, James 12 178, 196, 199, 200 Allen, J. W. 150 d’Aubign´e,Agrippa 86 Almain, Jacques 14, 109, 117, 140, 143, 144, Auden, W. H. 240 152 Augustine, St 40, 116 Althusius, Johannes 206, 251 Augustus, Emperor 178 American Indians, discussion of 142, 144, Austin, J. L. (linguistic philosopher) ix, 4, 20, 145–6 25–6, 29, 58, 242 anarchy, international, Hobbes as theorist of Austin, John (nineteenth-century legal 224, 228, 231–3 theorist) 232 Antichrist, tyrants/popes viewed as 165–6 authority, legal treatment of 126, 127–8, Antifoni, Enrico 54 129 Aquinas, Thomas, St 42, 115, 116, 125–6, see also sovereignty 128, 129, 132–3, 136, 137, 144, 145,
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