Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48123-6 — Cities of Strangers Miri Rubin Index More Information Index Aachen, 3 bigamy, 76 adultery, 76, 80, 87 Birger Jarl, 28 Agen, 38, 80 bishops, authority of, 2, 63 Agnes (wife of Michael Norton), 80 Black African slaves, 88 Agostino Novello, 74–5 Black Death, 24, 47, 55, 60 Albanians, 69 Bodel, Jean, 10 Albertanus, 10 Boileau, Etienne, 78 Alberto di Francesco, 79 Bolesƚaw V of Poland, 13 Alfonso V of Aragon, 48 Bologna, 7, 33, 36, 43 Ancona, 35 Bona, 85 Andrew III of Hungary, 54 The Book of Sir Thomas More (Shakespeare), Angela da Foligno, 83 97 Antonino of Florence, 67 The Book of the City of Women (Christine de Arles, 4 Pizan), 72 Arras, 4, 10 Boone, Marc, 48 artisan and craft groups, 40, 48, 75–9 Brescia, 63 Art of Speaking and Keeping Silent Brno, 68 (Albertanus), 10 brothels, 87, 89–90 Ascheri, Mario, 33 Bruges, 5, 7, 48, 77, 83 Ascoli Piceno, 44, 56 Brunetto Latini, 9–10, 26 Augustine of Hippo, 52 Buda, 12–13, 28, 37, 77, 81, 88 Auragne, 84 burgage plots, 5 Auxonne, 48 burial rituals, 77, 80 Avignon, 4, 7, 17, 30, 46, 49, 93 Àvila, 58 Cairo Montenotte, 40, 106 Camerino, 35, 43, 90, 121 Baldus de Ubaldis, 17 Campbell, Bruce, 47 bankers. See moneylenders and bankers Carcassone, 60, 119 Barcelona, 55, 73 Catherine of Siena, 83 Barnim, Duke of Pomerania, 5 Cavallar, Oswaldo, 57 Bartholomew ‘the English’,6 Cecina, 37, 43 Bartolus of Sassoferrato, 10, 16, 56 Cellarius, Christianus, 96–7 baths and bathing, 68 Cerutti, Simona, 1 Beatrice (daughter of Pieter de Wilde), 78 Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor, 54, 89 beguines, 49, 83–4 Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 96 Bela IV of Hungary, 28, 54, 126 Chaucer, Geoffrey, 9 Benjamin of Tudela, 52, 99 Chester, 78 Bergamo, 34, 81, 89 Chioggia, 43 Bernardino da Feltre, 67 Christians and Christianity Bernardino of Siena, 62–6 clerics as civic office-holders, 44 Berne, 45 episcopal authority, 2, 63 185 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48123-6 — Cities of Strangers Miri Rubin Index More Information INDEX Christians and Christianity (cont.) disfigurement, 80 and ideology of Jewish service, 52–3 Le Dit des rues de Paris (Guillot), 79, 84, 89 preaching campaigns, 45, 49, 62–4, 66–8 Domenico da Leonessa, 66 relationship with Jews, coexistence, 56–9 Dorin, Rowan, 62 relationship with Jews, intolerance, 59–68 Dorpat/Tartu, 12 urban religious orders, 7 dowries, 41–2, 75 women’s religious participation, 82–4 Drossbach, Gisela, 114 Christine de Pizan, 72 Dublin, 4, 36 Christoph van der Hove, 78 Dubrovnik/Ragusa, 73 cities as assemblages, 22–3 economy. See also merchants and cohesion and diversity, overview, 8–13 mercantilism; moneylenders and development and growth, overview, 2–8 bankers historiography, 18 affected by migration, 14 walls and fortifications, 15–16 challenges of fourteenth century, 23–4, citizenship 47, 60 of Jews, 45, 57 Edward I of England, 26–7, 75, 88–9 and marriage, 37, 120 Edward II of England, 27 requirements for, 16–18, 27, 37–43, 48, 92 Elena Somerset, 80 of women, 77, 92 Elisabeth of Ghent, 83 Clare of Assisi, 83 Ennen, Edith, 104 Clarke, Paula, 79 episcopal authority, 2, 63 Clement V, Pope, 84 Exeter, 78 Clement VI, Pope, 61 clothing Fancy, Hussein, 53 distinguishing Jews, 62, 64–5, 69, 85 Farmer, Sharon, 7, 82 distinguishing prostitutes, 65, 88 Federico da Montefeltro, 66 Cologne, 5, 61 Ferrara, 34 colonial extension, 30 financiers. See moneylenders and bankers commerce. See merchants and Fitz Robert, Geoffrey, 29 mercantilism; moneylenders and Flemings, 46, 51, 69 bankers Flora (widow), 81 common good, 9–12, 47, 49, 64 Florence, 5, 40, 43–4, 88, 135 Commonwealth Veneziano, 30 Fonte Avellana, 43 communal movement, 4 Forlì, 36, 39 Compagni, Dino, 44 fortifications and walls, 15–16 concubines, 72 Franceschina (public merchant), 79 Constable, Olivia Remie, 6, 68 Franciscans, Third Order, 83 Constance, Council of (1414-1418), 62 Francis of Assisi, 83 controlled anachronism, 19 Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor, 54 cosmopolitanism, 6–7 Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor, 34 Council of Constance (1414–18), 62 Frederick II, Duke of Austria, 53 Council of Lyons (1274), 62 Fribourg, 42, 123 Courtemanche, Andrée, 42 Friuli, 45 courts, women’s access to, 80–2 fueros (royal statutes), 52, 68 craft and artisan groups, 40, 48, 75–9 Fuero de Teruel (1177), 53 credit and loans, 13, 45, 49, 54, 62–3, 65–7, Fuero of Cuenca (1177), 120 81–2 Fuero of Úbeda, 118 Danes, 48, 51 Galbert of Bruges, 9–12 Dante Alighieri, 9, 34, 44 gender, as category of analysis, 72. See also Datini, Francesco and Margherita, 76 women Davies, Rees, 12 Genoa, 4–5, 7, 33, 73, 88 death and burial rituals, 77, 80 Gerino di ser Tano of Casole, 42 denization (naturalisation), 17, 27 Ghent, 5, 48, 79, 83 The Description of the World (Polo), 8 ghettos, 69 diaspora, as concept, 7–8 Gian Galeazzo Visconti, Duke of Milan, 47 186 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48123-6 — Cities of Strangers Miri Rubin Index More Information INDEX Giovanni da Capistrano, 67–8 Kirshner, Julius, 57 Gourdon, 56, 80, 85–6 Krakow, 13 governance. See also citizenship; statutes and legislation landownership, 61 communal movement, 4 language, 6, 8–9, 34 political theory, 9–12 Lantschner, Patrick, 23, 110 taxes, 40–1, 45, 120, 123 Laureta Bonafazzy, 76 varieties of, 13, 26, 28–9 legislation. See statutes and legislation Great Yarmouth, 87 Le Goff, Jacques, 18, 109 Guglielma Nadala, 86 Leiden, 77 guilds, 11, 40, 48, 77–8 Le Mans, 4 Guillot of Paris, 79, 84, 89 Léon, 37 lepers, 60 Handlin, Oscar, 21 Levinas, Emmanuel, 96 Hanseatic network, 6, 30–1 The Life of St Denis,15 Haverkamp, Alfred, 57 Le Livre dou Tresor (Brunetto Latini), 9 Henry III of England, 54, 56 loans and credit, 13, 26, 45, 49, 54, 62–3, Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor, 4 65–7, 81–2 hospitality networks, 6–7 Lombards, 6–7, 43, 54, 63, 82 hospitals, 31 London, 5, 7, 88, 118 house-building, 42–3, 121 Loraux, Nicole, 19 Hus, Jan, 68 Lorenzetti, Ambrogio, 11–12, 74 Hussites, 67–8 Louis VIII of France, 13 Louis IX of France, 53 inheritance customs, 41–2, 75 Louvain, 83 inns and taverns, 36, 118 Low German, 6, 9–12 The Institution of the Eucharist (Justus van Lübeck, 13, 34 Ghent), 66 Lucca, 7 interest (financial), 45, 49, 62–3, 65–7, 81–2 Lucia (public merchant), 79 Isidore of Seville, 9 Lüneburg, 48 Izaac of Bordeaux, 56 Lviv/Lemberg, 12, 28 Lyons, Council of (1274), 62 Jeu de St Nicholas (Bodel), 10 Jews, 50–70, 95 Mabina Taverner, 77 civic status, 45, 57 Maddalena (midwife), 82 coexistence in mixed communities, 14, Magdeburg, 13, 51 56–9 Mainz, 51, 63 distinguishing clothing for, 62, 64–5, 69, Maitland, Frederic William, 33 85 Majorca Disputation, 55 early settlement of, 51 Manosque, 87 expulsion of, 50–1, 66–7 Mantua, 32, 80 as financial servants, 51–6, 62, 82 Margaret of Constantinople, Countess of guilds, excluded from, 48 Flanders, 31, 54 intolerance towards, 55, 59–68 mariners, 32 violence against, 55, 60, 67, 85–6, 93 marriage women’s access to courts, 81 adultery, 76, 80, 87 Joan Blakhay, 78 and citizenship, 37, 120 John the Armourer, 78 exemption from military service through, Jordan, William Chester, 53, 82 119 Judah the Pious, 14 and inheritance, 41–2, 75 Justus van Ghent, 66 Marseilles, 4, 58, 81 Marshall, William, 29 Kaye, Joel, 45 Martínez, Ferrant, 68 Kempe, John, 31 Martini, Simone, 74 Kempe, Margery, 87 Martin V, Pope, 62 Kent, 46 Massa Maritima, 63 Kilkenny, 29, 77 Meinhardi, Andreas, 50 187 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48123-6 — Cities of Strangers Miri Rubin Index More Information INDEX Le Menagier de Paris, 73, 84 Perugia, 38, 62–3 Mengel, David, 90 Peyre de Farganel, 85 merchants and mercantilism Philip the Good, Duke, 48 Hanseatic network, 6, 30–1 Piacenza, 34, 122 hospitality networks for, 6–7 pilgrims, 31 privileges for, 12, 54–5 Pirenne, Henri, 3, 18 statutes on settlement of, 13, 26–8, 35–6, 40 Pisa, 4, 33 women’s involvement, 75–6, 78–80 Pisactor, Siffridus, 63 Meresburg, 51 Pistoia, 33, 36, 44 Meyer, Hannah, 82 Plato, 5 midwives, 82 political theory, 9–12. See also governance migrants and migration Polo, Marco, 8 economic impact, 14 Pons of Gourdon, 56 historiography, 21–2 population Milan, 5, 13, 47 decline, 47, 64 Milič, Jan, 90 growth, 3 The Million (Marco Polo), 8 male vs female, 73 Modena, 63 Porfyriou, Heleni, 96 moneylenders and bankers Porlezza, 35, 42 credit and interest practices, 13, 45, 49, Pozsony/Pressburg, 54 54, 62–3, 65–7, 81–2 Prague, 6, 12, 89 Jews as financial servants, 51–6, 62, 82 preaching campaigns, 45, 49, 62–4, 66–8 privileges for, 44–5, 54–5 Prenzlau, 5 Montebuono, 37, 81 property ownership, 61 monte di pietà (charitable banks), 66–7 prostitutes, 53, 65, 87–90, 142 Monte Milone, 43 Proulx, E. Annie, 21 Montpellier, 4, 85 public merchants, 78–9 morality, 9–12, 49, 53, 62–8, 88–90 purity, discourse on, 61, 67–8 More, Thomas, 97 Mühlhausen, 36, 120 Ragusa/Dubrovnik, 35, 40 Mulberg, Johannes, 49 Ravenna, 3 Murcia, 37 Recanati, 40, 43 Muslims, 27, 48, 53, 57–9, 68 redemptive governance, 53 reform, preaching campaigns, 45, 49, 62–4, Narbonne, 4 66–8 naturalisation (denization), 17, 27 Regensburg, 51 The Nine (Siena), 11 regulations.
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