SUBIACO Code of Conduct for (May 4, 2005; revised 2006, 2009, 2012, 2018)

I. The Diocese of Little Rock published a Clergy Code of Conduct on October 11, 2004, for all priests in the diocese. The following among those guidelines are applicable to all monks, whether at home or away (the letters are those in the diocesan policy): b. In accord with civil law, a should not afford minors an opportunity to partake of alcohol, tobacco or drugs. c. Topics, vocabulary, recordings, films, games, computer software, or any other form of personal interaction or entertainment that could not be used comfortably in the presence of parents must not be used with minors. e. Other than in circumstances which by their nature are to the spiritual benefit of a minor (e.g., confessional, counseling venue, hospital room), a monk should not be alone with a minor in a residence, sleeping facility, locker room, rest room, dressing facility, etc. g. If one-on-one pastoral care of a minor should be necessary, the schedule of times and locations should create accountability, such as in an office area when other personnel are on duty.

II. Besides those guidelines, we adhere to the following precautions, some of which were published in early editions of our Abbey Sexual Misconduct Policy:

1. A monk should never take youth on a camping trip, field trip, retreat, outreach, etc., unless another adult is in attendance.

2. A monk should never go on an overnight trip with youth unless another adult is present. The monk never sleeps in the same room with youth without another adult present.

3. A monk should avoid the kind of close friendship with an Academy student which involves excessive time together alone, exclusivity, and favoritism.

4. A monk must avoid visiting adult bookstores and X-rated movies, and reading and viewing pornographic material, with special vigilance regarding internet porn.

5. A monk should never give gifts or loans to another person the value or frequency of which would be open to misinterpretation.

6. The best safeguard for a healthy personal sexual code is closeness to Christ in daily prayer.


III. Policies which clarify what is appropriate and inappropriate physical contact with minors. 1. Monks are prohibited from using physical discipline in any way for behavior management of minors. This prohibition includes spanking, slapping, pinching, hitting, or any other physical force as retaliation or correction for inappropriate behaviors by minors. 2. Appropriate affection between Members and minors constitutes a positive part of Church life and ministry. The following forms of affection are regarded as appropriate examples for Members in ministry roles with minors:

▪ Hand-shakes, hugs, and pats on shoulder or back. ▪ Arms around shoulders. ▪ Holding hands while walking with small children. ▪ Sitting beside small children. ▪ Kneeling or bending down for hugs with small children.

3. In order to maintain the safest possible environment for minors, the following are examples of affection that are not to be used by Members in ministry roles with minors: ▪ Inappropriate or lengthy embraces. ▪ Kissing on the mouth. ▪ Holding minors over four years old on the lap. ▪ Wrestling with minors or tickling them. ▪ Any type of massage given by minor to adult. ▪ Any type of massage given by adult to minor. ▪ Compliments that relate to physique or body development.

4. In all interactions, monks must pay attention to their own feelings and the feelings of others, and modify their behavior if anyone is ill at ease with even what is judged appropriate.

IV. Responding to Warning Signs

If a monk thinks he detects warning signs in another monk or any lay employee or volunteer, he is to report it to the or Prior if in the , to the Headmaster if in the Academy, to the Coury House director if in Coury House, or to the department head if in another department.

V. Family

All of the precautions and guidelines in this document apply also to relations with the members of the monk’s own family.


VI. Electronic Communication

1. Cell phones or smart-phones a. Monks must receive permission from the Abbot, Prior, or Formation Director to possess a cell-phone or a smart-phone

i. The following are prohibited either verbally, instant messaging or by texting: 1. Comments that are, or could be construed by any observer, harsh, coercive, threatening, intimidating, shaming, derogatory, demeaning, or humiliating, 2. Sexually orientated conversations or discussions about sexual activities. ii. The following procedures are to be followed if any comments of the above nature are received either verbally, by instant messaging or by texting: 1. Alert the respective supervisor noted in section IV about the private communication, and forward the communication if it was received as a text, instant message, or email. 2. If the individual providing the comment is a youth and reveals abuse or inappropriate interactions with an adult, the staff, or another monk, then they must immediately follow the proper reporting as noted in the Clergy Code of Conduct for the Diocese of Little Rock.

2. Social Media a. Monks must receive permission from the Abbot, Prior, or Formation Director to possess a personal account for Facebook, Google+, Myspace, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Skype, other social media sites, or establish a personal blog.

b. Through their personal accounts with the sites listed in VI.2(a) monks may only communicate and interact with youth below the age of 18 who

i. are family members, and/or ii. have received the consent of the youth’s parents or guardians.