The Beauty of Magistracy ' It Discovering That Ordinance of God, Magistracy, in Its Genuine Beauty and Lustre
THE BMUTY OF MAGISTRACY. By THOMAS HALL, B.D. VOL. IV. [This Treatise, or Exposition, is inserted among Swinnock's WoEKS, because it is contained in the original edition of them, and it is desired that this rejwint shoidd not contain less than that edition contains, —Ed.] I — THE EPISTLE DEDICATORY. To all the pious, prudent, zealous, and magnanimous, Magistrates, Judges, Justices, and Gentry, in England, Scotland, and Ire- land, Grace and peace preservation here, and happiness for ; ever. My Lords and Gentlemen,—The dedication of this treatise was intended for the Parliament, but that being dissolved, it most pro- perly falls to 3^ou, who are, under God, the pillars of the state. Such is the corruption of the times we live in, that we are put to dispute every inch of ground with the enemies of truth, —magis- tracy, ministry. Sabbaths, sacraments, Trinity, Scriptures, &c., all things are now questioned, nothing believed or practised by many. Formerly I have vindicated baptism, learning, and the ministry, now I am come to a vindication of the magistracy. Many are the affronts and discouragements which faithful magistrates meet with from an ungrateful world, as well as ministers. i You are now cried down by those levelling libertines, the fifth monarch-men, as antichristian and beasts, by those brutish men, Jude 10, as well as we. These are their words : The beast and false prophet are the wicked, bloody, antichristian magistracy, ministry, and law- yers. 2 We are all here shipped together in the same bottom, and must sink or swim together, when these monsters of Munster reign.
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