Human Rights Commission November 6, 2012 Meeting Minutes

Members Present: Dalton Calcote, Scott Dean, Virginia Law, Gina Long, Matt Mazick and Tom O’Toole Members Excused: Jessica Macy Guests Present: Nadege Uwase Staff Present: Fred Boeckmann, Steve Hollis, Negar Rezvani and Christina Howerton

I. Call to Order/Introductions: Dean called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.

II. Approval of Agenda: Mazick moved to approve the agenda. His motion was seconded by Long and passed unanimously.

III. Approval of October 2, 2012 Meeting Minutes: Law moved to approve the October 2, 2012 meeting minutes. Her motion was seconded by Calcote and passed unanimously.

IV. Consideration of 2012 HREP Proposal from University of MLK Celebration Committee: Nadege Uwase serves on the Chancellor Diversity Initiative MLK Celebration committee; she came to share information about their proposal. Uwase stated that the committee gets together once a year to decide the speakers and theme for the event. She stated that most of their money comes from fundraising, but a small portion is given to them from Chancellor’s Diversity Initiative. Uwase said this year they would be hosting Judge Glenda Hatchett. She stated that a brief bio for Judge Hatchett’s work was in the packet for the proposal. Uwase stated that their theme this year is “Dare to Take Charge: How to Live and Lead with Purpose.” Uwase said that their theme fit really well with Judge Hatchett’s resume and her previous work. Uwase said that the committee wants to have higher caliber speakers, and trying to raise more money each year. She stated last year they spent between $12,000 & $16,000. She stated the reason for getting higher caliber speakers, is to draw more people to the event. She stated that there has to be a balance of academic and motivational speakers to draw in individuals from the community as well as the campus. Uwase said since Judge Hatchett was on TV, more people would recognize her and want to hear her speak. Uwase stated that there was a list of donors in the packet. She stated that the committee has already raised $19,408.00. Uswase said the more money they have, the more advertising they would be able to do. She stated that one of the donors gave them an ad on KBIA, and they would like to do more advertising by handing out flyers that would go to offices, churches, and apartments. She said that this year a survey has been included in the packet. She stated they want to know who is coming to the event, how they heard about it, and any ideas for future events. Dean stated that HRC had funded the program last year, and that Macy, O’Toole and he went to the event last year and enjoyed it. Long pointed out that the event is on January 30, 2013 at the Missouri Theatre. Uwase stated that the event will be free and open to the public. Long asked about the number attending. Uwase stated that last year there were about 800 people that attended. She said that they would like to have 1,000 this year. Uwase said she believed with Judge Hatchett being on television it would attract a larger audience. Dean recommended KCOU for adverting. He stated that KCOU is affiliated with campus, and it would be free advertising. O’Toole asked how much money was available for HREP funding. Rezvani said for 2013, there was $2,500. Rezvani said that the HRC has allocated $500 to Hickman Amnesty International, and there is a budget of $3,000. O’Toole asked if Hollis was aware of any other proposals were going to be submitted. Rezvani stated that she Page 1 of 7

assumes that there will be a proposal for the gender neutral restroom campaign. Rezvani stated that she is not aware of any other proposals at this time. Dean stated that he went last year and there was a comedian from the Daily Show. He stated that the event drew a huge crowd, and got people talking about issues. O’Toole said that it seemed to have gotten a lot of people talking before and after the event which was really good. Uwase stated that they have a community award. She stated that they are now looking at nominations. She said that the award was for someone who is an involved community member, and has done great things within the community. Uwase stated that the University has received a small version of the MLK statue from the MLK committee. She stated that they are working on getting a permanent display for it in the . Law asked if they were going to advertise on KOPN. Law said that might be a station that has more Latin American listeners. Law also suggested reaching out to Lincoln University. Dean said he was happy to see the survey form, and would like to see the feedback from it. Uwase said that they would share the information. O’Toole made a motion to fund the proposal in the amount of $500. Law seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

V. Selection of HRC Representative to Columbia Citizen Police Review Board: Dean said currently there were no volunteers from the HRC to be the representative to the Citizens Police Review Board. He said Macy was not interested in being nominated, and asked if anyone else would like to volunteer. He stated that there would be monthly meetings on the second Wednesday that usually last for two hours, and occasionally there are work sessions. Hollis asked Dean if he was interested in continuing to be the representative. Dean said he was not interested in being the representative to CPRB, but would be happy to talk about the details with the commission. Dean said that he would continue on a month-to-month basis until someone else is interested. Law stated she had a lot going on and it would take too much time for her. Dean said that he prepared the weekend before, and it was easy to go the meeting. He stated that Hollis mentioned on October 2, 2012 that the commission fought hard to have a liaison from the HRC on the board. Dean pointed out that it is a full member status, with voting privileges. He said that he has been on trips to annual conferences. Law asked if there were any possibilities to share responsibilities. Boeckmann said that it is not possible due to the ordinance, and that it was an annual appointment. Dean stated that we would keep this on the agenda every month. Hollis said that Dean could resign as the chair of the HRC if he wanted to keep the CPRB position. Boeckmann said that if no one was appointed, the council may just take away the position from the HRC. Dean asked if the commission should discuss whether to maintain a liaison member to the CPRB. Dean asked what the rationale behind the liaison member was. Boeckmann said it was the Human Rights Commission that wanted it. He said there had been tension in the past between the minority population in Columbia and the Police Department. Boeckkmann said that he understood that there should be at least one person on the Board more sensitive to those types of issues than the average citizen. Law said she values the position and if possible would not like to lose it. O’Toole stated it would be nice to keep a representative, but stated that those meetings are public and anyone can go if an issue opens up. Law asked Dean if he was willing to take on the position on a month-to-month basis. Dean states he would continue until someone would take over. Hollis stated that if no one is willing now, there is no reason to go month-to-month. Long says she has another position ending in March, and she might be able to be a representative then. Dean agreed to continue as a member, until someone is interested in taking over. Boeckmann asked for someone to make a motion to reappoint Dean. O’Toole made a motion to reappoint Dean as Liaison to CPRB. Long seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

VI. Old Business: a. City of Columbia Website Accessibility: Sam Shelby came to talk with the

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commission about website accessibility. Shelby said he maintains the City website. Dean said that in a meeting with the Disability Commission some issues came up regarding web accessibility. Dean said that some screenreaders were not working with certain types of documents that were being uploaded. He stated that the Human Relations ordinance was not accessible for those who needed a screen reader. Shelby said the goal is to put out accessible content. He stated that all of the City’s HTML content is accessible. Shelby said that one problem with accessibility was the flash content and that there are a lot of PDF documents uploaded currently. Shelby stated that the City has a draft policy that he is finishing up now; it will address the PDF documents. Shelby stated that scanned PDF documents caused accessibility problems. He stated that the goal would be to upload forms that are not scanned. He stated a lot of content can only be available online in a format that is not accessible. Shelby stated that if anyone has trouble viewing the content, they use Abode Acrobat Professional to add tags to PDF’s to make it accessible. Shelby stated that it is a goal to put as much information on the website to make is accessible. Dean stated that he wasn’t aware that there was already a policy in the works. Dean asked Shelby if the committee could get a copy of the policy. Rezvani said that Shelby could forward the policy to her and she would forward it to the commission. Shelby said that in the policy, it is outlined that anyone needing a form can request it online. Hollis asked Shelby if there was going to be education provided to City staff editing the web site. Shelby said that training on how to use the accessible forms was in the policy. Dean asked Shelby if it would be possible to have the verified screen readable show at the top of the screen. Shelby said he didn’t think it was an option. He said that Google Search is used and it is fairly limited in options. Shelby said that anything that isn’t accessible wouldn’t be in their index by the search engine. Dean asked for any further questions and stated he was happy that a policy is in the works. Shelby said that he has worked with the Disability Commission on this issue. The chair of the Disability Commission, Homer Page, had assisted Shelby with drafting the policy. Dean asked Shelby if he had found one screen reader that works better than others. Shelby said that he has downloaded several readers and tested them out. Shelby stated that Page uses Jaws, a well-known screen reader. Hollis suggested to link to Services for Independent Living, because there have adaptive technology staff. Hollis also suggested a link to Great Plains ADA Center.

VII. New Business a. Discussion and Approval of Proposed Amendment of Chapter 12 Regarding Service Animals: Rezvani said when Human Rights Commission (HRC) was making changes to the amendment of Human Relations ordinance there was a discussion with the Disability Commission regrarding service animals. Rezvani said because the changes were mainly updating rather than adding new language, they were going to go through Council on the consent agenda. So, the decision was made to not include new language in regard to service animals at that time. Rezvani said that Boeckmann met with the Disability Commission and drafted their changes to be added to Chapter 12. Boeckmann said that it was an abbreviated version of the Department of Justice regulations. He said it doesn’t add any new requirements; it just aligns the code with Federal Law. Hollis stated that we would enforce it like the ADA. Boeckmann agreed. Boeckmann said it would give the City the ability to enforce the requirements. Dean asked if the City already had the same authority before the ordinance. Boeckmann said in a sense; however it’s not as clearly as with the new changes. Boeckmann said an example, it would be a violation for a store keeper to refuse someone to enter a store with a service dog because they had a policy of “no dogs”. He stated that it would be a violation of the ADA, and this would be discrimination against disability. He said that this amendment would make the ordinance more specific. Boeckmann said that the Disability Commission felt strongly about having these service animal changes in the ordinance. Hollis said his take on this is that it would have already been enforced through disability, but it makes it clearer. Law

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said when she had training on this the definition on a service animal was now more limited. Hollis said the changes have been more limiting and now only covers service dogs and horses. Rezvani said that HUD has a more expansive definition of companion animals. Dean stated this is only for service animals not companion animals. Law asked if service animals mean that the animal has been officially trained? Rezvani said that they can’t ask to see any paperwork on the animal. Dean asked if the Disability Commission had any plans for education after this passes. Rezvani said there was none at this time. She said during her presentations she discusses it briefly and if it gets too detailed, then she would refer it to the Great Plains ADA Center. Long made a motion to support the amendment to the Ordinance. Mazick seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

VIII. Staff Reports: a. Division of Human Services: Staff submitted the following written Human Rights Education Report and Current Events:

Education Report:

• Mature Living Festival On October 5, 2012 Staff presented on human rights services for participants of the Mature Living Festival. • Second Missionary Baptist Church on Broadway On October 18, 2012 Staff presented on human rights services for the secretary of the Second Missionary Baptist Church. • St. Luke United Methodist Church On October 18, 2012 Staff presented on human rights services for the staff of the St. Luke United Methodist Church. • Wilkes Boulevard United Methodist Church On October 18, 2012 Staff presented on human rights services for the pastor of the Wikes Boulevard United Methodist Church. • Missouri United Methodist Church On October 18, 2012 Staff presented on human rights services for the staff of the Missouri United Methodist Church. • Changing the Odds On October 20, 2012 Staff presented on human rights services for the participants of Changing the Odds.

Current Events

• Human Rights Roundtable Members of human rights organizations from around the state met on October 9, 2012 in Jefferson City, MO. The participants gave a brief presentation regarding their agencies. The priorities for each agency were identified and there was group discussions regarding how the agencies could support one another legislatively.

• Transgender Education The Transgender Health Network (T-Net) will provide training on issues that face transgender patients for nurses and social workers at the Department of Health and Human Services on November 14, 2012.

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The Center Project, the MU LGBTQ Resource Center and SIL will be meeting sometime in November to discuss moving forward with applying for HREP funds to promote family friendly and unisex restrooms. • Universal Design Coalition The Universal Design Coalition met on October 17, 2012. Scout Merry from SIL reported that he visited Bella Casa Apartments for the elderly on Chapel Hill and they have many Universal Design features. The Coalition hopes to organize a tour of the building to coincide with fair housing month in April. The Coalition continues to work on increasing education regarding Universal Design for local builders, realtors and businesses as well as move towards adding Universal Design to the City of Columbia Consolidated and Comprehensive Plans.

Rezvani stated that the Human Rights roundtable went well. She stated that many different groups came from all over the state. Rezvani said that she thought it was a good to network with different Human Rights agencies, coalitions and groups from around the state. Rezvani said that she was planning to attend the Human Rights Day event December 7, 2012. Hollis stated that he thinks it would be helpful to meet with other Human Rights Commissions from around the state.

b. Law Department: No Report.

IX. Commission Reports a. Citizens Police Review Board: Dean submitted the following written report prior to the meeting:

CPRB Report – October 10 th


• Positive Connections - None.

• Outreach Subcommittee. o Steve Sheltmire will be attending a number of outreach sessions at the annual NACOLE conference. He provided copies of the NACOLE conference agenda and asked that if we had any questions for him or Dr. Stephen Alexander to ask at the conference that we pass them along. In addition, if there is a particular session we believe may be of interest, we can request that one of them visit that session. o The CPRB will have a table at the Neighborhood Congress on October 23rd, staffed by Dr. Jim Martin and Betty Wilson (along with staff).

• Mediation Task Force.

o No updates as well as no cases that could be referred to mediation.

Unfinished Business – None.

New Business

• Election of Chair and Vice Chair. o The Board voted to keep the existing chair and vice chair; Dr. Jim Martin and Dr. Stephen Alexander, respectively. o Report on Complaint and Use of Force Transparency. Page 5 of 7

o We discussed the Chief's option of Board members meeting with Internal Affairs (IA), anytime Monday through Friday, to review files. No further action.

• Annual Review of CPRB bylaws. o Rose explained that this was an opportunity to review our bylaws in general. For example, we can discuss our general oversight duties, reviewing cases, IA materials, etc. We are not required to make changes; this is simply an opportunity to discuss. The Board had no general discussion and made no changes.

• Topics for Special Saturday Meeting on November 3, 2012. o Staff asked if Board members had any special topics they wanted to have on the agenda for our 11/3 meeting. Items mentioned included: o Methodology for reviewing IA records. o NACOLE presentations from Steve Sheltmire and Dr. Stephen Alexander. o A discussion on why we as Board members are on the Board, and what we hope to accomplish.

• Discussion on expanding the ordinance. o How can we as a Board be more proactive?

Public Comment - None.

Board member and staff comment. • Dr. Stephen Alexander reiterated that if we have questions for him and Steve Sheltmire to ask at the NACOLE conference that we should email them beforehand. • Daniel Jacob expressed enthusiasm over the dialogue at the 11/3 meeting. • There was a question from Dr. Jerry Kennett on e-mails as open records. Rose explained the Sunshine Law as it applies to email; namely, when Board members are emailing as a group it becomes a meeting. Dr. Jerry Kennett believes that lack of e-mail communication may be limiting our ability to communicate. Betty agreed and asked that we discuss it at our 11/3 meeting. • Dr. Jim Martin mentioned that the City Council had reviewed our recent report. Rose mentioned that we could watch the Council's discussion online. The Board had no further discussion on this matter.

Dean stated that the CPRB would have another meeting with Chief Burton next week.

b. Columbia Values Diversity Planning Committee Meeting: Rezvani said that the registration forms were going out November 9th for people who want to buy tickets. The committee has decided on the breakfast entertainment. His name is Paulo Eduardo Oliveira from Brazil. She stated that Oliveira usually plays a lot of jazz and both classical and Spanish guitar. Rezvani said she hopes to have him play Spanish guitar for background music. She stated that November 16 th was the deadline for the student writing program. She said that after the deadline, the committee will meet and select essays for publication. Rezvani said that the Diversity Awards nominations were coming in, the deadline was November 30 th . The committee will meet in December to select the Award winners.

c. Disabilities Commission: No Report.

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VIII. Public Comment: There was a question regarding Service Animals Amendment proposal as to why the Disabilities Commission felt a need to propose a change in Chapter 12. Hollis stated that would be a question for the Disability Commission. Rezvani stated that they will meet on November 13 th at 3:00 pm at the Chamber building.

IX. Commissioner Comments: No Comment.

X. Closed Session to Discuss Pending Cases Pursuant to Section 610.021 (1) RSMo.: O’Toole made a motion to move to closed session to discuss pending cases pursuant to Section 610.021(1) RSMo. The motion was seconded by Mazick and a roll call vote was taken. O’Toole called the roll with the following vote: Long – Aye, Law – Aye, Dean – Aye, Calcote – Aye, Mazick – Aye, and O’Toole – Aye.

XI. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 6:36 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted, Steve Hollis, Human Services Manager

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