Cardinal Sarah officially commissions Catholic Secretariat Martyrs Minor Basilica; callsA publicationupon youths of the Uganda to Episcopal be brave, Conference fearless Christians » UEC Page 9

Uganda Catholic Secretariat A publication of the Uganda Episcopal Conference


Bishops from the SECAM region pose for a group photo after the opening of SECAM Golden Jubilee celebratiions at Lubaga PHOTO BY JACINTA W. ODONGO Story on Page 3

Burkina AMECEA Faso’s Nuns in Eriteria Inside Cardinal Thrown Out Of Ouédraogo Their Convent elected as at Mass: ‘Pray new SECAM By Government with courage, putting President Authorities it all on the line’ »Page 7 »Page 16 »Page 19

New Contact is a publication of the Uganda Episcopal Conference Nsambya Hill, 672 Hanlon Road, P.O. Box 2886 , Uganda, Tel: +256-414-510570/0414-10544/ 0414-510571/0414-510398, Mobile Tel: +256-782746812, Fax: +256 414 510 545, E-mail: [email protected], Website:

New Contact is a publication of the Uganda Episcopal Conference Nsambya Hill, 672 Hanlon Road, P.O. Box 2886 Kampala, Uganda, Tel: +256-414-510570/0414-10544/ 0414-510571/0414-510398, Mobile Tel: +256-782746812, Fax: +256 414 510 545, E-mail: [email protected], Website: 2 JULY 2019 ISSUE 4 VOL 7

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Bishops during their daily Mass for the 18th Plenary at Munyonyo Speke Resort African Catholic Bishops mark 50th anniversary of SECAM in Uganda By Jacinta W. Odongo Media Officer, Uganda Episcopal Conference

Over 100 Catholic Bishops from Cathedral, Most Rev. Charles by the Church in in nearly Africa and Madagascar converged Palmer-Buckle, of Cape all the countries saying “we are in Uganda, to commemorate the Coast, Ghana said that African Bish- contributing greatly to the integral 50th anniversary of the founding of ops have every reason to celebrate human development of our peo- the Symposium of Episcopal Con- 50 years of their Symposium, as the ples, through hundreds of hospitals ferences of Africa and Madagas- Church in Africa is the fastest grow- and clinics, educational facilities like car (SECAM) and its 18th Plenary ing in the world and she can now schools and training colleges, uni- Assembly. boast of native cardinals, archbish- versities and professional formation The colourful event was held from ops, bishops, priests and religious programs where we are also involved July 19-29, 2019 in Kampala City, men and women ministering in the in forming the consciences of the under the theme of “Church Family universal Church. political and professional elite. Yes, of God in Africa, Celebrate your Jubilee; “Another reason why Africa Church-Family of God in Africa, cel- Proclaim Jesus Christ your Saviour”. It must celebrate is because of her ebrate your Jubilee!” attracted more than 300 delegates fast-growing population of local and The Eucharistic celebration was not only from Africa and Madagas- indigenous clergy, religious and con- led by the outgoing SECAM Pres- car but also from the continents of secrated persons who are today on ident, Most Rev. Gabriel Mbilingi, Europe, America, Asia and Austra- missions across the world; Europe, Archbishop of Lubango, and lia including 9 cardinals, 55 arch- USA, Canada, Asia and Latin Amer- concelebrated by cardinals, arch- bishops, 106 bishops and about 60 ica. Some are on mission as Fidei bishops, bishops and priests from priests. Others in attendance were Donum and others are SECAM. religious men, women and youth as to the “old Church” that one time While welcoming delegates to well as representatives of various sent missionaries to Africa,” Arch- Uganda during the Opening Mass, partners and selected institutions. bishop Palmer said adding that the President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni In his homily during the opening Church in Africa is the most vibrant of Uganda urged the Church lead- Eucharistic Celebration that was in her liturgical celebrations. ers in Africa to pay attention to both held on Sunday, July 21 at Lubaga He noted the contributions made spiritual and social welfare of their 4 JULY 2019 ISSUE 4 VOL 7 UEC met for study sessions in which they shared pastoral experiences from the eight regional conferences, end- Editorial ing with two reflections: the possibil- ities and occasions for a activity in today’s Africa; and another on new frontiers, spiritualities and In July 2019, the Uganda Epis- pastoral strategies. They also got a copal Conference was privileged chance to tour various religious and to host the 18th Plenary Assembly historical sites around Kampala on and Golden Jubilee celebration Wednesday afternoon, July 24. of the Symposium of Episcopal The bishops, and car- Conferences of Africa and Mada- dinals assembled for a closed busi- gascar (SECAM). We give glory to ness session from July 25-27. In this the Almighty God for enabling our session, they deliberated upon per- Conference to host these events tinent issues affecting Africa at large and we appreciate all the people and came up with commitments and and institutions that made contri- resolutions to empower the Church in Africa to be more effective in its butions in cash and kind. It was President Museveni addresses SECAM quest for evangelization and integral indeed a fruit of collaboration, hard delegates during the opening Mass to work and generosity. mark SECAM Golden Jubilee human development. We commend the SECAM Bish- PHOTO BY JACINTA W. ODONGO An election was also held on July ops who during their 17th Plenary 27, for the new SECAM Executive Assembly held in Angola in 2016 people. He pointed out the need Members. His Eminence Philippe chose Uganda, the birthplace of for the Church in Africa to become a Cardinal Nakellentuba Ouédraogo, SECAM, to host these events. We force to integral human development Archbishop of Ouagadougou, thank the Government of Uganda by promoting the social and eco- Burkina Faso and Cardinal-Priest of and its various organs for the col- nomic welfare of their people. Santa Maria Consolatrice al Tibur- laboration and support. We appre- “In welfare, Africans are still lag- tino was elected as the new Presi- ciate the hard work of the Central ging behind. And this welfare is the dent of SECAM. He replaces Most Organizing Committee and the welfare of your parishioners, of your Rev. Gabriel Mbilingi, Archbishop of SECAM Secretariat, and the gen- people whom you lead spiritually and Lubango, Angola who had served a erosity of our various partners. We whom some of us lead in temporal two-term mandate of six years. salute the media for the good cov- matters,” he said adding that “Now Other members who were elected erage and all the people who par- that is where there is a challenge for included: Rt. Rev. Sithembele ticipated in one way or another. the Africans, the leaders: spiritual Sipuka, Bishop of Mthatha, South The events are over but the mis- and temporal,” President Museveni Africa as the 1st Vice President and sion of SECAM continues. This stated. Rt. Rev. Lucio Andrice Muandula, association, as some of you are In his speech during the offi- Bishop of Xai Xai, Mozambique as aware, was founded to unite the cial Opening Ceremony of SECAM the 2nd Vice President. Rev. Fr. Ter- Church in Africa as a Family of Golden Jubilee celebrations and the wase Henry Akaabiam, from Nigeria, God for effective pastoral ministry 18th Plenary Assembly at Munyonyo was also appointed as the new Sec- through collaboration, consultation Speke Resort, the Vatican Secretary retary General of SECAM replacing and joint action. Our Bishops have of the Congregation for the Evange- Rev. Fr. Komakoma from met, consulted, deliberated and lization of Peoples, Most Rev. Pro- Zambia who finished his mandate. made resolutions. As we wait for tase Rugambwa called on the prel- The week-long event concluded on the “Kampala Document” which ates to promote a spirit of solidarity Sunday, July 28 with a Closing Mass will provide a review of the SECAM and unity in their episcopacy and at Catholic Shrine led by activities over the past fifty years within the institutions in their local the newly elected SECAM President, and pastoral strategies for the next Churches to build a new Africa. Cardinal Nakellentuba Ouédraogo of fifty years, let us continue working He further challenged them to Burkina Faso and concelebrated by together for the good of our conti- spare no effort or initiative to make other cardinals, archbishops, bish- this solidarity effective, through ops and priests from SECAM. nent and humanity. well-developed structures that are SECAM, which is a fruit of the adapted to actual circumstances efforts of African Bishops who met and situations. during the Second Vatican Coun- Fr. Philip Odii Meanwhile, from July 22-27 del- cil (1962-1965), aimed to establish Editor/Executive Secretary egates gathered for the 18th Ple- a continental structure to unite the of Social Communications nary Assembly which featured a Church in Africa and promote collab- number of distinct activities, namely oration in pastoral ministry. study sessions, group discussions, The Association was officially business sessions and plenary dis- launched in July, 1969, at Lubaga cussions. From Monday, July 22 to Cathedral during the visit of Pope Wednesday, July 24, the delegates Paul VI to Uganda. UEC JULY 2019 ISSUE 4 VOL 7 5 Pictorial: SECAM 18th Plenary Assembly and Golden Jubilee Celebration

A band awaiting to welcome the Bishops for the opening Mass of SECAM at Lubaga

Students at Lubaga Cathedral during the opening Mass The Choir during the opening Mass

The Uganda Episcopal Conference Chairman, Rt. Rev. Joseph Antony The former President of SECAM, Most Rev. Gabriel Mbilingi, Zziwa the Bishop of Kiyinda-Mityana Diocese (front) in a procession Archbishop of Lubango, Angola. PHOTOS BY JACINTA W. ODONGO with other Bishops for the opening Mass at Lubaga Cathedral 6 JULY 2019 ISSUE 4 VOL 7 UEC Pictorial: SECAM 18th Plenary Assembly and Golden Jubilee Celebration

Bishops carrying relics of the during the procession School children carrying flags representing SECAM countries at for the closing Mass of SECAM Golden Jubilee celebrations at Namugongo Martyrs Shrine Namugongo Shrine

Bishops in a procession for the closing Mass at Namugongo Shrine A sectiion of the faithful at Namugongo Shrine

Bishops pose for a group photo with H.E Edward Ssekandi the Vice The Apostolic Nuncio to Uganda, Luigi Bianco gives his speech during (in a white Kanzu), the Prime Minister of Buganda the closing mass of SECAM celebrations at Namugongo Shrine kingdom (extreme right) Charles Peter Mayiga and the Minister of Finance Matia Kasaija (second left). PHOTOS BY JACINTA W. ODONGO UEC JULY 2019 ISSUE 4 VOL 7 7 Burkina Faso’s Cardinal Ouédraogo elected as new SECAM President


Cardinal Ouédraogo further out- lined that through its socio-pastoral organs such as Caritas, Justice and Peace Commission, SECAM would continue to commit itself to the care of migrants and refugees, and to the protection of integral ecology. In the coming years, SECAM intends to highlight much more the socio-po- litical dimension of evangelization as inspired by Catholic Social teaching. This would be a concerted effort to accompany politicians and govern- ments, in Africa, work for the wellbe- ing of their people.

SECAM remains committed to promoting reconciliation, justice and peace in Africa “The Golden Jubilee of SECAM is a The newly elected SECAM President, Cardinal Philippe Nakellentuba Ouedraogo of commitment to the service of recon- Burkina Faso blesses young girl’s offertory ciliation, justice and peace which pro- motes communion and pastoral sol- idarity,” the SECAM President said. By Paul Samasumo – He added that by standing united, the Church in Africa would be in a much At the close of the Symposium of Joseph Komakoma of Zambia, who stronger position to confront pasto- Episcopal Conferences of Africa and has equally completed a two-term ral challenges arising from ideological Madagascar (SECAM) Golden Jubi- mandate. colonisation, land grabbing, political lee Celebrations and Plenary Assem- and democratic destabilisation on bly, the Bishops of Africa on July SECAM Final message: The the continent. According to Cardinal 27, elected the Archbishop of Oua- Golden Jubilee has been Ouédraogo, these concerns call for a gadougou in Burkina Faso, Cardinal a time of thanksgiving, united front that will also tackle the Philippe Nakellentuba Ouédraogo as communion and hope menace of human trafficking, terror- the new President of SECAM. In a final message of SECAM, the ism and arms trafficking prevalent on Cardinal Ouédraogo takes over new President said that the organi- the continent. from Angolan Archbishop of Lubango, zation will soon finalize the outcome He continued, “We entrust Africa Gabriel Mbilingi, who has served as of the SECAM discussions in a com- and the mission of the Church to head of SECAM for six years. piled work to be known as the “Kam- Mary, Queen of Africa; may St. Also elected as 1st Vice President pala Document.” Joseph, the Martyrs of Uganda, and was the Bishop of Umtata Diocese, “To keep alive the momentum of the all the of Africa and Madagas- South Africa, Sithembele Anton Jubilee, SECAM will issue an import- car obtain for us a renewed zeal to Sipuka. The 2nd Vice President is ant document, the “Kampala Docu- follow Jesus Christ. May the Jubilee Bishop Lucio Andrice Muandula of ment” which will help the people of we have just celebrated be for us the the Diocese of Xai-Xai in Mozam- God (in Africa) deepen their knowl- springboard for a new life in Jesus bique. Fr. Terwase Henry Akaabiam edge of Christ our Saviour and make Christ, and for service of the Gos- of Nigeria was appointed new Secre- Him known as the Way, the Truth and pel in Africa and the world,” Cardinal tary-General of SECAM replacing Fr. the Life,” the Cardinal said. Ouédraogo concluded. 8 JULY 2019 ISSUE 4 VOL 7 UEC Bishops of Africa, who were in Uganda for the week-long SECAM golden jubi- lee celebrations and plenary assem- bly, observed the proceedings in the House, from the distinguished guests’ gallery during their tour to Parliament on July 24.

Pope Saint Paul VI contributed to Uganda’s faith development During the parliamentary debate, Ms Akello said Pope Saint Paul VI’s can- onisation and visit to Uganda contrib- uted to the development of faith in the country. The act led to the declaration of 3 June as a public holiday known as Martyrs Day. The Amuru District MP further sug- gested that Uganda find a suitable way of demonstrating the country’s indebtedness to Pope Saint Paul VI and to then Archbishop of Kampala, for his contribution to the country. Missionary of Africa (White Father) and Ugandan Archbishop of Kampala, Joseph Nakabaale Kiwanuka was one of the first Africans to be ordained a Catholic Bishop. He was present when Pope Paul VI canonised the Uganda Martyrs on 18 October 1964, in . Seconding the motion, Ruhinda North MP Mr Thomas Tayebwa also agreed that Pope Paul VI contributed Pope Saint Paul VI highly to the spiritual development of the country. Ugandan Parliament First Deputy Prime Minister pays tribute to early missionaries moves motion honouring First Deputy Prime Minister, General Ali said, “I also want to pay trib- ute to the Missionaries who brought Pope Saint Paul VI religion (to Uganda). I don’t know what Uganda would be without these peo- English Africa Service – Vatican City ple (Missionaries) coming, and now we are peaceful because they prayed for the country,” Gen Ali said. Last month during the SECAM Pope Saint Paul VI canonized the Golden Jubilee celebrations and 18th Uganda Martyrs and later visited House Speaker acknowledges Plenary Assembly, the Parliament of Uganda in 1969. During that visit, the SECAM Bishops the Republic of Uganda announced Pope inaugurated the Symposium Uganda’ Speaker of Parliament, Thursday, July 25, that the country’s of Episcopal Conferences of Africa Ms Rebecca Kadaga recognised Members of Parliament have debated (SECAM) in Uganda. and acknowledged the presence of and paid tribute to Pope Saint Paul SECAM Bishops who visited Parlia- VI. According to information from Par- SECAM Bishops observe ment and interacted with MPs and liament, Pope Saint Paul VI’s acts in proceedings in Parliament staff. favour of Uganda which includes can- Uganda’s newspaper President of the Uganda Episcopal onizing 22 Catholic Martyrs in 1964 reported that the motion seeking a Conference (UEC), Bishop Joseph have given the country immense inter- resolution of Parliament to pay trib- Antony Zziwa, commended Parlia- national recognition and contributed ute to Pope Saint Paul VI was moved ment for passing the motion to pay to the development of faith in their by Amuru District Woman Member of tribute to Pope Saint Paul VI and late country. Parliament, Ms Lucy Akello. Catholic Archbishop Joseph Kiwanuka. UEC JULY 2019 ISSUE 4 VOL 7 9

Cardinal Sarah commissions Munyonyo Martyrs Shrine Minor Basilica PHOTO BY JACINTA W. ODONGO

Cardinal Sarah officially commis- Cardinal Sarah officially sioned Munyonyo Martyrs Shrine Minor Basilica in the presence of the Apostolic Nuncio to Uganda, H.E. Luigi commissions Munyonyo Bianco, fellow cardinals, archbishops, bishops and priests. The ceremony Martyrs Shrine Minor was also attended by the Vice Pres- ident of Uganda, Edward Ssekandi, and thousands of faithful. Basilica; calls upon youths to The commissioning was done fol- lowing Pope Francis’ approval of an be brave, fearless Christians application that was presented by the Archbishop of Kampala, Most Rev. By Irene Lamunu Kizito Lwanga to elevate Mun- yonyo Church to the status of minor The Prefect of the Congregation for “Most of us know how the Uganda Basilica. Divine Worship and the Discipline of Martyrs were rejected when they In his speech, the Cardinal told the the Sacraments, His Eminence Rob- declared their faith. We should there- faithful that he hopes the new basil- ert Cardinal Sarah has called upon fore emulate them and be firm in our ica will continue to be a favorite place the youth in Africa to stand up against faith when we face rejection by the to compliment and encounter God’s prejudices and deceptions and be world’s wise for having faith in the forgiveness through the sacrament of strong in faith. Jesus Christ. Christians should not reconciliation. Cardinal Sarah said that young peo- be afraid or betray their faith,” Cardi- A minor Basilica is a church granted ple who seek fulfillment in Christ will nal Sarah said adding that the Uganda with special ecclesiastical privileges by always face discrimination, be mocked Martyrs are our heroes and teachers of the Holy Father. The status is usually and face lots of difficulties. However, how a real Christian should be. given to churches because of their he encouraged them to be brave fear- He also noted that when St Pope antiquity, historical value, architectural less Christians whenever these hap- Paul VI visited Uganda he said that the worth and significance as centres of pen and told them to always remem- Uganda Martyrs should be honored worship. ber that their roots have been watered because they performed the greatest, The first Basilica title in Uganda was by the blood of the Uganda martyrs. beautiful and heroic act when they laid granted to Blessed Virgin Mary Church The Cardinal made these remarks down their lives for the faith of their in Lodonga, Northern Uganda in 1961 while celebrating a solemn Mass to religion and for the freedom of their followed by Namugongo Martyrs officially declare Munyonyo Martyrs country. Shrine during the visit by Pope Saint Shrine a minor Basilica during his visit “The martyrs also teach us to live our JohnPaul II in 1993. to Uganda for the SECAM Golden Catholic faith with royalty, to pray and Uganda is now the only country in Jubilee celebration and 18th Plenary die silently but powerfully sustain the Africa with three minor basilicas in the Assembly that was held in Kampala strength of the Holy Spirit,” the cardi- . Munyonyo is now the from July 19-29. nal added. 23rd Minor Basilica in Africa. 10 JULY 2019 ISSUE 4 VOL 7 FEATURE How hosting SECAM Golden Jubilee celebrations and Plenary Assembly benefited Uganda

Bishops cut a cake at Munyonyo Speke Resort in Uganda to mark 50th anniversary of SECAM

By Jacinta W. Odongo

Last month, all eyes were on Uganda car, Europe, America, Asia and beyond with some pastoral strategies and res- as the country hosted the 18th Plenary thronged Uganda including 9 cardi- olutions to address these challenges. Assembly and Golden Jubilee celebra- nals, 55 archbishops, 106 bishops, On July 21, President Yoweri Museveni tions of the Symposium of Episcopal about 60 priests as well as religious of Uganda attended the Opening Mass Conferences of Africa and Madagas- men, women and youth, representa- at Lubaga Cathedral. This was not only car (SECAM) from July 20-29, 2019. tives of various partners and selected a great opportunity for him to meet the SECAM is a fruit of the efforts of Afri- institutions among others. Pope Fran- Catholic cardinals, archbishops and can Bishops who during the Second cis was also represented by a delegate bishops from across the continent, but Vatican Council (1962-1965) resolved from the Vatican. also to learn more about the Church. to establish a continental structure to In a country of over 10 million Cath- He also addressed issues of human unite the Church in Africa and promote olic faithful, hosting such a high profile development, peace, unity, love and collaboration in pastoral ministry. The event that brought together the top- reconciliation among other issues that Association was officially launched most Church officials in the Catholic are affecting the African continent. The in July, 1969 at Lubaga Cathedral Church in Africa was a great honour. President stressed the need for the during the visit of Pope Saint Paul VI These delegates spent about nine days Church in Africa to become a force to to Uganda. in the country not just touring around, integral human development by pro- Celebrating 50 years of SECAM in but discussing pertinent issues that moting the social and economic wel- Kampala was a historical moment for directly affect African nations at large. fare of their people. Uganda; a country recognized by the During the Plenary Assembly from “In welfare, Africans are still lagging Universal Church as the land of Mar- July 22-27, the delegates tackled behind. And this welfare is the welfare tyrs with 24 Catholics and 23 from the key issues on evangelization, human of your parishioners, of your people . development, justice, democracy, whom you lead spiritually and whom During SECAM celebrations, over peace, ecumenism and interreligious some of us lead in temporal matters,” 300 delegates from Africa, Madagas- dialogue among others and came up he said adding that “Now that is FEATURE JULY 2019 ISSUE 4 VOL 7 11 Munyonyo, the country hosts Uganda Martyrs Minor Basilica in Namugongo and the Minor Basilica of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Lodonga, Yumbe District under the Arua Diocese. Perhaps with- out hosting SECAM celebrations this dream couldn’t have come true. Another impact of SECAM was the passing a motion by the parliament of Uganda to honor Pope Saint Paul VI. The SECAM delegates got an oppor- tunity to observe these proceedings in parliament from the distinguished guests’ gallery during their tour of par- liament on July 24. The touristic potential of hosting SECAM in Uganda cannot also be underrated. Uganda is well known for its hospitality and natural beauty hence the name ‘Pearl of Africa’. It’s also known for its Martyrs who were executed on the orders of the Kabaka (King) of Buganda Kingdom between 1885 and 1887, for refusing to denounce their Christian faith. The Martyrs Day celebration has become Uganda’s biggest event for the two denominations (Catholic and Anglican) and Africa’s largest pilgrimage. Millions of pilgrims from across the world usu- Bishops pay tribute His Eminence Emmanuel Cardinal Nsubuga during their visit to ally come to Uganda every June 3 to Mapeera Bakateyamba Home in Nalukolongo commemorate the Uganda Martyrs that were beatified in 1920 and can- where there is a challenge for the Minor Basilica on July 29. Just a few onized into Sainthood in 1964. Thus, Africans, the leaders: spiritual and days before SECAM Golden Jubilee hosting SECAM was another addi- temporal,” President Museveni told the celebrations commenced, Pope Fran- tion to Uganda’s faith-based Tourism. Church leaders. cis approved an application that was The delegates did not only attend the He urged the Church leaders to presented by the Archbishop of Kam- SECAM events but also visited places tackle the issue of low economic pro- pala, Most Rev. of touristic interest around Kampala ductivity when they go back to their to elevate Munyonyo Martyrs Shrine to Wednesday afternoon on July 24, respective countries as it’s a major the status of minor Basilica. which included: Munyonyo Martyrs issue that is affecting many African His Eminence Robert Cardinal Shrine, Mapeera Bakateyamba Home families. Sarah, the Prefect of the Congregation in Nalukolongo, Nabulaggala The theme chosen for the 18th ple- for Divine Worship and the Discipline where the relics of first Missionaries to nary was: “Church, Family of God in Africa, of the Sacraments in Vatican, offi- Uganda are laid, Namugongo Martyrs Celebrate your Jubilee! Proclaim, Meet and cially commissioned Munyonyo Mar- Shrine and the Parliament of Uganda. Welcome Christ your Saviour.” This theme tyrs Shrine Minor Basilica during his Touring these places was a blessing stresses the importance of the family, visit to Uganda to attend the SECAM for Uganda since most of these dele- which constitute the domestic Church golden jubilee celebrations. Over 30 gates were impressed with what they and the basic foundation upon which bishops and H.E Edward Sekandi the saw at these sites and the majority left every society is built. Therefore, host- Vice President of Uganda were also in Uganda with an intention of organizing ing SECAM in Uganda gave a signal attendance during this commissioning pilgrimages to Uganda in future. There- to African families and the rest of soci- ceremony. fore, had SECAM not marked its 50th ety on the importance of developing A Basilica is the highest rank a Church anniversary in Uganda this wouldn’t be deeper human and spiritual develop- can attain in the Catholic Church. The possible. ment which includes the joy of loving status is usually given to churches The Opening and Closing Masses others, the beauty of marriage that because of their antiquity, historical that were held on July 21 and July 28 translates into a community of love and value, architectural worth and signif- respectively as well as the Daily Masses the need for encouraging one another icance as centres of worship. Thus, offered during the Plenary Assembly to improve their social and economic following the commissioning, Munyo- provided another chance to advertise welfare. nyo is now the third Basilica in Uganda Uganda’s sacred tourism. The guests Another great impact of hosting and 23rd in Africa. Besides, Uganda noticed the unique and diverse Ugan- SECAM in Uganda was the commis- is currently the only country in Africa dan cultures since the liturgy was con- sioning of Munyonyo Martyrs’ Shrine with three minor basilicas. Apart from ducted in various languages. 12 JULY 2019 ISSUE 4 VOL 7 FEATURE

The Vatican’ Secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, Archbishop Protase Rugambwa Bishops during SECAM 18th Plenary Assembly at Munyonyo gives a keynote address during the opening ceremony of SECAM celebrations at Munyonyo Speke Resort

Bishops and other delgates pose for a group photo during A section of delegates during the plenary the opening ceremony at munyonyo for the SECAM 18th Plenary Assembly and Golden Jubilee. KEY LITURGICAL EVENTS FOR AUGUST 2019

August 1-Memorial of Saint , Beatific Vision of His soul overflowed on His body, and perme- Bishop and ated His garments so that Christ stood before Peter, James, and St. Alphonsus de Liguori was a great preacher of the Gospel John in a snow-white brightness. The purpose of the Transfigu- to the poor. His charity and apostolic spirit led him to find the ration was to encourage and strengthen the Apostles who were Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer to carry on this work. depressed by their Master’s prediction of His own Passion and He sent his Redemptorists, as our Lord did the Apostles, into the Death. The Apostles were made to understand that His redeem- countryside and the market towns and villages, to announce the ing work has two phases: The Cross, and glory—that we shall be Kingdom of God. He became Bishop of Sant’ Agata dei Goti, glorified with Him only if we first suffer with Him near Naples, and died at the age of ninety, in 1787. For his great August 8-Memorial of , Priest works on Moral Theology he has been declared a Doctor of the At the end of the twelfth century the Church in France was Church ravaged by the Albigensian heresy, a doctrine which was not only August 6-Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord entirely unchristian but which, in addition, constituted a social The Transfiguration foretells the glory of the Lord as God, and evil. Effective measures were required to be taken to combat it. His Ascension into heaven. It anticipates the glory of heaven, Where others had failed, a Spanish canon, Dominic Guzman, where we shall see God face to face. Through grace, we already succeeded. He was notable for his learning and love of pov- share in the divine promise of eternal life. Our divine Redeemer, erty. The Order of Friars Preachers, which he founded about the being in Galilee about a year before His sacred Passion, took year 1215, was endowed by him with these two characteristics; with him St. Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, Sts. James and instead of manual labor, as practiced by the Cistercian monks, John, and led them to a retired mountain. This was the place in he required his friars to work with their minds by preaching and which the Man-God appeared in His glory. teaching. He died at Bologna on August 6, 1221. His friend, In the Transfiguration Christ enjoyed for a short while that glori- Gregory IX, canonized him three years later. fied state which was to be permanently His after His Resurrection on Easter Sunday. The splendor of His inward Divinity and of the JULY 2019 ISSUE 4 VOL 7 13

August 10-Feast of Saint Lawrence, Deacon and the Church, especially plainchant, so that Christian people, as he Martyr put it, might find beauty in their public prayer. He spared no effort Lawrence was chief among the seven deacons who served to propagate the practice, so great an aid to holiness, of early, the Roman Church during the mid-third century. The young cleric frequent and daily communion. He died August 20, 1914 and held a position of great trust, caring for the goods of the Church was canonized on May 29, 1954. and distributing its alms among the poor. He was arrested under August 22-Memorial of the Queenship of the the Emperor Valerian in 258, laid upon a gridiron and slowly Blessed Virgin Mary roasted to death. Lawrence rejoiced in his awful martyrdom and The faithful, under the guidance of an unerring Catholic instinct, died praying for the conversion of the city of Rome, in the hope have ever recognized the queenly dignity of the Mother of “The that from it the faith of Christ might spread throughout the world. King of kings and Lord of lords”: the Fathers, the Doctors of the From that time idolatry began to decline in Rome. Church, , down through the centuries, have given authori- August 14-Memorial of Saint , tative expression to this truth and the crowning testimony to this Priest and Martyr common belief is to be found clearly expressed in the wonders Maximilian Mary Kolbe was born in Poland in January 8, 1894. of art and in the profound teaching of the liturgy. In their turn In 1910, he entered the Conventual Franciscan Order and con- theologians have shown the fitting nature of this title of Queen as secrated himself to the Lord. Filled with love for the Virgin, he applied to the Mother of God, since she was so closely associ- founded the Militia of the Immaculate Mary and, with his preach- ated with the redemptive work of her Son and is the Mediatrix of ing and writing, undertook an intense apostolic mission in Europe all graces. Pius XII, by his encyclical letter of October 11, 1954, and Asia. Imprisoned in Auschwitz during the Second World War, granted the unanimous desire of the faithful and their pastors he offered himself in exchange for the father of a large family and instituted the feast of the Queenship of Mary, giving sanction who was to be executed. He was given a lethal injection when thus to a devotion that was already paid by the faithful through- he failed to die fast enough from starvation in the concentration out the world to the sovereign Mother of heaven and earth. camp. John Paul II proclaimed him the Patron of Our Suffering August 24-Feast of Saint Bartholomew, Apostle Century. St. Bartholomew, a doctor in the Jewish law, was a dear friend August 15-Solemnity of the Assumption of the of St. . Because Bartholomew was a man “in Blessed Virgin Mary whom there was no guile,” his mind was open to the truth. He The Assumption is the oldest feast day of Our Lady. On went willingly with Philip to see Christ, and recognized the Savior November 1, 1950, Pius XII defined the to immediately as the Son of God. After having received the gifts of be a dogma of faith. Thus he solemnly proclaimed that the belief the Holy Spirit on the first Pentecost, Bartholomew evangelized whereby the Blessed Virgin Mary, at the close of her earthly life, Asia Minor, northwestern India, and Greater Armenia. In the latter was taken up, body and soul, into the glory of heaven, definitively country, while preaching to idolaters, he was arrested and con- forms part of the deposit of faith, received from the Apostles. demned to death. The pope proclaimed this dogma only after a broad consulta- August 27- Memorial of Saint Monica tion of bishops, theologians and laity. There were few dissenting St. Monica (333-387) was born in Tagaste, northern Africa voices. To avoid all that is uncertain the Pope did not state either and died in Ostia, near Rome. Monica was a Christian, but her the manner or the circumstances of time and place in which the husband Patricius was a pagan and a man of loose morals. Assumption took place — only the fact of the Assumption of Monica’s virtues and prayers, however, converted him, and he Mary, body and soul, into the glory of heaven, is the matter of was baptized a year before his death. When her son, Augustine, the definition. joined the Manichean sect and went astray in faith and morals, We find homilies on the Assumption going back to the sixth Monica’s tears and prayers for her son were incessant. She fol- century. In following centuries, the Eastern Churches held steadily lowed him to Milan, where Augustine went to teach, and there to the doctrine, but some authors in the West were hesitant. continued to storm heaven with her prayers for her son. Finally, However by the 13th century there was universal agreement. she had the joy of witnessing St. baptize Augustine in The feast was celebrated under various names—Commemora- 387. She died in Ostia, as she and her son gazed at the sea and tion, Dormition, Passing, Assumption—from at least the fifth or discoursed about the joys of the blessed. sixth century. Today it is celebrated as a solemnity. August 28-Memorial of Saint Augustine, Bishop and August 20-Memorial of Saint Bernard, Abbot and Doctor of the Church Doctor of the Church St. Augustine (354-430) was born at Tagaste, , and St. Bernard (1090-1153) was born near Dijon and died in Clair- died in Hippo. His father, Patricius, was a pagan; his mother, vaux, France. He was of a noble family and received a careful Monica, a devout Christian. He received a good Christian edu- education in his youth. With his father, brother and thirty noble- cation. As a law student in Carthage, however, he gave himself men he entered the Benedictine monastery of Citeaux. Two years to all kinds of excesses and finally joined the Manichean sect. later he led a group of monks to establish a house at Clairvaux, He then taught rhetoric at Milan where he was converted by St. and became its abbot. The monastic rule which he perfected at Ambrose. Returning to Tagaste, he distributed his goods to the Clairvaux became the model for 163 monasteries of the Cister- poor, and was ordained a priest. He was made bishop of Hippo cian reform. He was a theologian, poet, orator, and writer. He is at the age of 41 and became a great luminary of the African sometimes considered as a Father of the Church. Church, one of the four great founders of religious orders, and a August 21-Memorial of Saint Pius X, Pope Doctor of the universal Church. Joseph Sarto was born in humble circumstances at Riese, a August 29-Memorial of the Passion of Saint small village in Venetia, on June 2, 1835. He was successively The Church, having celebrated the earthly birthday of St. John curate, parish priest, bishop of Mantua, of Venice — the Baptist on June 24, today honors the anniversary of his mar- offices to which his keen intelligence, hard work and great piety tyrdom. Besides our Lord and our Lady, St. John the Baptist is caused him to be quickly promoted. He was elected Pope on the only one whose birth and death are thus celebrated. Today’s August 4, 1903, and took the name of Pius X. As chief pastor of Gospel relates the circumstances of his execution. He had the the Church he displayed untiring self-sacrifice and great energy; courage to blame Herod to his face for the scandal of his illegal he was an intrepid defender of the purity of Christian doctrine. union with his sister-in-law Herodias, whose husband was still He realized to the full the value of the liturgy as the prayer of the alive. Herodias contrived to make Herod imprison him and took Church and the solid basis that it furnishes for the devotion of advantage of an unexpected opportunity to obtain through her Christian people; he worked for the restoration of the worship of daughter Salome the beheading of the saint. 14 JULY 2019 ISSUE 4 VOL 7 FEATURE AFRICA RISE UP AND WALK

By Fr. Paulino Mondo

The celebration of the SECAM heart of repentance and conversion. damentalism and violence. Golden Jubilee in Kampala (Uganda), Africa and the surrounding Islands are The same leaders equally urge with the theme: “Church Family of the new lands of great opportunity researchers to intensify studies of Afri- God in Africa, Celebrate your Jubi- because the Africans know very well can Traditional Religions, , new lee, Proclaim Jesus Christ your Sav- what they want today and for gener- religious movements, secret societ- iour” has been a moment of grace as ations to come. Africans need space ies and problems posed by the belief it re-affirmed the teaching of Jesus to demonstrate their true identity as in witchcraft while encouraging all Christ that despite the innumerable unique people of God as they position avenues of communication to make challenges the Continent is facing, the themselves to be the game changers in SECAM better known. people of God in Africa have retained the economics, politics and faith agen- the vision to “know Christ and have das of the entire world. What has been Evangelization life in abundance” John10:10. When at stake is focus, precision, retainance The SECAM Golden Jubilee being following media news from Africa, of priorities and manipulation. With a time of grace, our Bishops invite us there is hardly a day that passes with- SECAM Golden Jubilee the Church in to hold firm to our Catholic faith and out reporting bad news in large multi- Africa family of God is ready to say yes where we have fallen short of God’s tude apart from countable nations like or no only where sustainable values are grace, to repent and welcome con- Botswana, Namibia, and a sure deal. version joyfully so that we can start to Mauritius. When it comes to war, ter- In the preliminary exhortations and benefit visibly from the gifts that the rorism, strange diseases like Ebola, recommendations as the Kampala Spirit of God grants to all who believe. floods caused by environmental deg- document is being streamlined, the Our Bishops further recommend us to radation, human trafficking, high levels SECAM Cardinals, Archbishops and remain a Catholic Church that is a fam- of illiteracy, famine, mistaken vaccina- Bishops have in the meantime pro- ily of God in Africa no matter the weight tions, chronic bad civil governance, vided preliminary guidelines to sustain of modern negative influence that pro- brain drain, child marriages, ivory the momentum already achieved so poses many models of the family. The robbery, snatching of precious miner- that the faithful do not wait in vacuum. family in Africa means father, mother als and modern slave trade seems to These starting points of action can be and children even when some groups overshadow the natural talent that God categorized under five core areas. seek to differ. In the principle of faith has given us. and sustenance of the human race, On the other hand, Africans are Holistic formation for all people this is an indisputable truth that the known for their incredible memory, of God African Catholic cannot compromise. beauty and smartness in that without The bishops call us to invest deeply in As every day is new, we are reminded consulting any written document, an catechetical, biblical, theological, moral to embrace Church guidelines on new African can recall with precision what and spiritual formation of all the bap- evangelization by participating actively happened several decades back and tized; to nourish each other with the and willingly in the Small Christian at times foretell what is about to hap- word of God and the sacraments, to Communities, pious societies and pen in the future. Added privilege is make the gospel penetrate all aspects approved Catholic religious associa- documented by Professor John S. of our life. The people of Africa and tions as we continue promoting pas- Mbiti who asserts that “Africans are the surrounding Islands are strongly toral care of the family so that it can notoriously religious” INTRODUCTION encouraged to imitate African saints bear prophetic witness within the soci- TO AFRICAN RELIGION, John S. Mbiti, and equally resist cunning attractions ety. All the baptized have to take into Praeger, New York, 1975 pp. 55-56 offered by new religious movements account that the evangelizing mission which grants excellence in retain a cul- and ideologies which are in a long run of the Church needs to utilize max- ture of faith that entrusting everything contrary to the Catholic faith. imally new forms of information tech- to God. In areas of games and sports, SECAM Cardinals, Archbishops and nology but without abandoning tra- Africa has maintained consistent win- Bishops recommend that the formation ditional means of communication as ning record. Africa is blessed with a of priests should aim at helping them the two complement each other. Our young, resilient and ever smiling pop- to develop a deeper personal intimate Bishops urge all the religious commu- ulation. When allowed the opportunity relationship with Christ, human and nities under the umbrella of the Confer- to freely compete internationally, the spiritual maturity, a sense of service ence of Major Superiors of Africa and African overshines. Tapping into such and accountability and passion for the Madagascar COMSAM, to live true to a talent is a privilege not to be taken mission of the Catholic Church. The their vocation and to bear witness to for granted. same spiritual leaders wish to continue the Church’s mission of evangelization. The delegates who honored the cel- promoting clear human formation of The same Bishops encourage mission- ebrations of SECAM Golden Jubilee in professional, moral and spiritual edu- ary exchange among the different dio- Kampala saw it appropriate to exhort cation of children and the youth and ceses of the continent, particularly with people of Africa and the surrounding to help them to be more deeply rooted those of North Africa and the universal Islands with hopeful possibilities for a in the values of the Gospel to prevent Church. better future as long as all embrace a them from engaging in all forms of fun- FEATURE JULY 2019 ISSUE 4 VOL 7 15 Ecumenism because they are a disaster to our we don’t hunt and eliminate them, they The Church in Africa and Mada- environment; no Christian will give or end up eating us alive. The African has gascar has to continue strengthen- receive bribe, because, in the long run to start getting afraid of living a poor ing ecumenical communion among such a habit impoverishes generations. and miserable life. the different Christian denominations The Bishops call on us to deepen and promoting interfaith dialogue as our patriotic collaboration with cred- Application a sure way of serving and guiding all ible political leaders by holding them This SECAM Golden Jubilee is a the people in the spirit of unity in diver- accountable on their political manifes- time of great opportunities for Africa sity. Structures of Inter-Religious Dia- tos so as to put our human and natural and surrounding Islands. Africa this is logue, National Inter Religious Coun- resources at the service of develop- the time to “rise, pick up your mat and cils, health and education institutions, ment, reconciliation, justice and peace; walk” John 5:8 from all that has held faith programs such as fasting during to address the problem of migrants, this beautiful continent hostage for a lent and way of the Cross are a sure refugees and all who are still victims of long time. This is a time of deliverance way to sustain the wish of Jesus Christ slavery and human trafficking. as all of us are invited to change the that “they may all be one as I am one in Moreover, they urge the laity to status quo. This is the time of honest you” John 17:20 become more deeply involved in the ecumenical communion since witness mission of transforming the society, demands transparency, hospitality and Politics drawing inspiration from the Gos- solidarity with all our neighbors despite Catholic professionals and people of pel, the Catechism of the Catholic their religious and racial affiliation. This goodwill have to be formed holistically Church and the Social Teachings of the is the time to say no to terrorism all so that they are ready to be the answer Church. They equally encourage Par- that accompanies it. To sustain our and not a question to rising social, ticular Churches to engage in the for- Catholic faith for another half a century political and developmental challenges mation, accompaniment and guidance means giving up our self-centered- affecting Africa and Madagascar. Cath- of civil servants and politicians in their ness so that like Jesus our model all olic politicians need to provide true respective locations to fight against “may all be one, so that the world may political signboards to guide all citizens corruption, promote good governance believe” John 17:21. To boast that we to the right and sustainable direction. and better management of human and are African survivors is no longer valid; Politicians like Mwalimu Julius Kam- natural resources. All Africans ought to we have to be innovators of new and barage Nyerere of , Benedicto safeguard forests, water sources and true history because Christ has come Kiwanuka of Uganda and Kenneth air. that we may “have life in abundance” Kaunda of Zambia, Léopold Sédar John 10:10. Senghor of , Thomas Isidore Poverty alleviation, prosperity Noël Sankar of Bokina Faso and and protection of the environ- Conclusion Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana still offer ment in the spirit of Caritas The Bishops remind us that when the the challenge that African politicians The Bishops acknowledge that Kampala Document will be ready, we need to emulate if they are to remain while Africa is rich, the Africans have have to study, deepen, own and widely servants of those who have put trust remained miserable for many genera- circulate it as a plan of action wherever with the office of political leadership. tions and the situation is even worsen- we are evangelizing. The same Bish- Respect of the National Constitution ing. They urge Christian communities ops entrust Africa and the mission of has to remain the Anthem that guides to be more attentive to interpersonal the Church to Mary, Queen of Africa; political policies at all levels even where relationships, to sharing, to the strug- to St. Joseph, the Martyrs of Uganda, one thinks that all the people love him gle against misery; to be involved in and all the Saints of Africa and Mada- or her like money. A simple example the pastoral care of health, both spir- gascar to obtain for us a renewed zeal can be never to manipulate the national itual and physical; and to be commit- to follow Jesus Christ so that the Jubi- constitution to favor those in power as ted to responding to integral ecological lee we have just celebrated become it is happening in several countries. challenges of our time. Poverty in the for us the springboard for a new life in Other simple examples are; that no sense of misery, disease and ignorance Jesus Christ, and service of the gospel Catholic will accept to use plastic bags are like wild animals under our beds, if in Africa and beyond. WISE QUOTES FOR REFLECTION

“You can never plan the future by the past.” —Edmund Burke “Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no experienced.” —Soren Kierkegaard education at all.” —Aristotle Every day is a bank account, and time is our currency. “It is the province of knowledge to speak, and it is the No one is rich, no one is poor, we’ve got 24 hours each. — privilege of wisdom to listen.” —Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. Christopher Rice “Nothing that you have not given away will ever be really “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” yours.” —C. S. Lewis John F. Kennedy “Don’t take life too seriously. You’ll never get out of it He who loses money, loses much; He who loses a friend, alive.” —Elbert Hubbard loses much more; He who loses faith, loses all. “Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very — Eleanor Roosevelt silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best.” —Henry Van Dyke 16 JULY 2019 ISSUE 4 VOL 7 AMECEA

Abba Haile Teklemariam (Abbatie) Clocks 100 years Eriterian Catholic

Priest Celebrates Properties of nuns thrown out from their convent. AMECEA ONLINE PHOTOS 100th Birthday Nuns in Eriteria Thrown Out Of Their Anniversary Convent By Government Authorities and 71 Years of By AMECEA Online News

Following the seizure of all Catholic Priesthood ... GOVERNMENT HAS SINCE health facilities in Eritrea, the Govern- By AMECEA Online News DEFENDED THEIR MOVE SAYING ment security and health officers have THAT THE LAW PROVIDES FOR continued with a brutal crackdown on “SEPARATION OF POWERS” AND Amid the turmoil that has rocked some individuals, especially members THEREFORE FORBIDS RELIGIOUS the Catholic Church in Eritrea in of Religious Congregations that have INSTITUTIONS FROM CONDUCTING recent days following the seizure of been running the facilities. DEVELOPMENTAL ACTIVITIES OF her health institutions including con- AMECEA Online News has learnt of THEIR CHOICE AND AT WILL. vents by the Government, there was the great suffering of some Religious reason to smile and thank God as Sisters who previously worked in these been thrown out by the officers and Abba Haile Teklemariam celebrated facilities. On June 25 in the Diocese look for refuge elsewhere. his 100th birthday and 71 years of of Keren, the Government health offi- Although the move by the Eritrean priesthood on July 6. cers broke into the facilities of St. Lucia Government to seizure church-ran A priest for 71 years and member Clinic in Hamelmalo and forcefully health facilities has been widely criti- of the Cistercian Monastery, Abba taking it over, at the same time they cized by the international community Haile Teklemariam is the oldest priest arrested one of the nuns, Sr. Leteyo- including the Chairman of AMECEA in the country both by age and in hannes Mengisteab. She has, how- Rt. Rev. Charles Kasonde and as well priesthood among the Eritrean Cath- ever, been released. as the United Nations Special Rappor- olic clergy. On July 1st, Government officers teur on the situation of human rights His tenure of ‘Abbatie’ is coloured invaded the convent of Sisters of St. in Eritrea Ms. Daniela Kravetz, the with asceticism, dedication, sincerity Ann which ran a small clinic within their Government has since defended their and inclusiveness. Most notably, the compound. They forcefully took over move saying that the law provides for people know him for his mastery of the whole facility including the convent. “separation of powers” and therefore Ghe’ez language. The nuns were maliciously ejected from forbids religious institutions from con- Amid all these turbulent moments their convent, their belongings were ducting developmental activities of for the Church, the celebrations of thrown out as the officers took over the their choice and at will. Abbatie is seen as a blessing and premises. The Catholic Church is known and consolation to many Eritrean Catho- This happened in Zagir Village which credited worldwide for supplement- lics especially the clergy and the Reli- is about 20 kilometres from Asmara, ing social services in many develop- gious who expressed their apprecia- the capital city. The nuns were forced ing countries so as to benefit the poor tion for his long and selfless service. to salvage their belongings which had masses. AMECEA JULY 2019 ISSUE 4 VOL 7 17 of a metropolitan archbishop, worn Three Archbishops from over the chasuble. During his homily on the occasion, the Holy Father Pope Francis told the AMECEA Countries Receive archbishops that the pallium recalls the sheep that the shepherd is called Pallium from Pope Francis to bear on his shoulders. In 2015, Pope Francis made changes to Pallium Investiture Cere- mony, which initially were celebrated only once at the Vatican during the celebrations of the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul. The changes meant that the celebrations are now held twice; the first one being the blessing of the Pallium on June 29th during Mass presided by the Holy Father at the Vatican. The second celebration known as the imposition of the pallium takes place in the metropolitan arch- diocese where the ceremony is to be presided by the Apostolic Nuncio. The two celebrations are significant in that the blessing of the Pallium by the Pope at the Vatican symbolizes Most Rev. Gervas Nyaisonga of the communion between the Succes- Most Rev. Renatus Nkwande, Archbish- Tanzania, Archbishop of Mbeya- sor of Peter (Pope) and the bishops op of Mwanza-Tanzania Tanzania while the imposition of the pallium at the metropolitan archbishop’s Diocese allows for the participation of the local Church as it gives the faithful and the Suffragan Dioceses the opportunity to be present in this very significant event. The Holy Father appointed Most Rev. Anyolo to the Catholic Archdi- ocese of Kisumu on November 15, 2018 and installed on January 12, 2019. The Suffragan Dioceses under the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Kisumu include Bungoma, Eldoret, Homa Bay, Kakamega, Kisii, Kitale and Lodwar. Upon elevating the Diocese of Mbeya to the status of Metropolitan See, Pope Francis appointed Most Rev. Nyaisonga as the first metropol- itan archbishop of Mbeya on Decem- ber 21, 2018. He was installed as Most. Rev. Philip Anyolo Archbishop of A Pallium archbishop on April 28, 2019. The Kisumu, Kenya AMECEA ONLINE PHOTOS Archdiocese of Mbeya has two Suf- fragan Dioceses, namely Iringa and Sumbawanga. By Pamela Adinda, AMECEA Online News Pope Francis appointed Most Rev. Nkwande as Archbishop of Mwanza Most Rev. Philip Anyolo who is Mwanza-Tanzania are among the 31 on February 11, 2019. He was installed chairman of AMECEA Social Com- archbishops who on 29th June 2019 on May 12, 2019. The Suffragan Dio- munications and Archbishop of Kisu- during the Feast of Saints Peter and ceses under the Metropolitan Arch- mu-Kenya, Most Rev. Gervas John Paul received the Pallium from Pope diocese of Mwanza include Bukoba, Mwasikwabhila Nyaisonga who is Francis. Bunda, Geita, Kayanga, Musoma, Chairman of Tanzania Episcopal Con- According to the Vatican News, a Rulenge-Ngara and Shinyanga. ference and Archbishop of Mbeya-Tan- pallium which is a white band made The three Archdioceses of Kisumu, zania and Most Rev. Renatus Leonard of lamb’s wool and measuring about 5 Mbeya and Mwanza are yet to set a Nkwande, Metropolitan Archbishop of cm in width, is an insignia of the office date for the imposition of the pallium. 18 JULY 2019 ISSUE 4 VOL 7 VATICAN

Pope Francis celebrates Mass at Casa Santa Marta (Vatican Media) Pope at Mass: Christians must not give in to failure

By Linda Bordoni

Reflecting on the First Reading of received”. the journey. We Christians often the day, which was taken from the “When we feel desolated and can- can’t bear the journey. We prefer fail- Book of Numbers, Pope Francis not bear the journey, we seek ref- ure, that is to say desolation.” said during Mass at the Casa Santa uge either in idols or in complaint... He said it is the desolation of the Marta that at times Christians “prefer (…) This spirit of fatigue leads us serpent: the ancient serpent, that of failure”, leaving room for complaint Christians to be dissatisfied (…) and the Garden of Eden. Here it is a sym- and dissatisfaction, a perfect terrain, everything goes wrong… Jesus bol, he explained, of that same ser- he said, for the devil in which to sow himself taught us this when he said pent that seduced Eve. It is a way, his seeds. we are like children playing games he continued, of showing the ser- According to the Reading, the peo- when we are overcome by this spirit pent inside that always bites in times ple of God, he explained, could not of dissatisfaction.” of desolation. bear the journey: their enthusiasm and hope as they escaped slavery in Fertile land for the devil Fear of hope Egypt gradually faded, their patience The Pope said some Christians Those who spend their lives com- wore out, and they began muttering give in to “failure” without realizing plaining, the Pope said, are those and complaining to God: “Why have that this creates the “perfect terrain who “prefer failure”, “who bear to you brought us from Egypt to die in for the devil.”They are “afraid of con- hope”, “of those who could not bear this desert?” solation”, “afraid of hope”, “afraid the resurrection of Jesus”. Pope “The spirit of tiredness takes away of the Lord’s caress,” he said. Pope Francis concluded inviting Christians our hope,” the Pope remarked, add- Francis lamented the fact that this to ask the Lord to free us from this ing that “tiredness is selective: it is the life of many Christians: “They disease. “May the Lord, he said, always causes us to see the neg- live complaining, they live criticizing, “always give us hope for the future ative in the moment we are living, they mutter and are unsatisfied.” and the strength to keep going”. and forget the good things we have “The people of God could not bear VATICAN JULY 2019 ISSUE 4 VOL 7 19

Pope Francis delivers the homily at Mass in the Casa Santa Marta (Vatican Media)

Hannah, and the Canaanite woman. He said they laid it all on the line to Pope at Mass: ‘Pray obtain their desires. “At times, when we see how these people struggle with the Lord to obtain something, we think with courage, putting it’s as if they were arm-wrestling with God, but they arrive at what they are requesting.” They pray so forcefully, said the Pope, it all on the line’ because they have faith that the Lord By Devin Watkins can fulfill their desires.

Pope Francis invited the faithful at “Much courage is needed to pray. And Jesus intercedes for us Mass on Thursday July 25, to pray face- we are often lukewarm… True prayer is Pope Francis reminded the faithful to-face to the Lord, bringing all our lives this: with the Lord. And when I need to that Jesus has ascended to Heaven to Him with courage. intercede, I need to do so with cour- and intercedes for us before the Father, Prayer, he said, is one of three ways age. In common parlance, people use just as he had promised Peter before – along with fasting and acts of charity an expression that I really like when they the Passion. – with which we prepare ourselves for have a goal: ‘I put it all on the line’… But “Jesus prays for us, in this moment. Lent. perhaps the doubt may arise: ‘I do it, And when I pray – whether I am con- but how do I know the Lord listens to vinced or pray like a mercantilist or Pray with boldness me?’ We have a certainty: Jesus. He is stutter or struggle with the Lord – it is the greatest intercessor.” He who takes my prayer and presents I PUT IT ALL ON THE LINE’… Pope Francis said prayer requires par- it to the Lord. Jesus has no need of BUT PERHAPS THE DOUBT MAY rhesia – boldness or freedom of speech speaking before the Father: He shows ARISE: ‘I DO IT, BUT HOW DO I – to address the Lord with courage. Him His wounds. The Father sees His KNOW THE LORD LISTENS TO wounds and extends His grace. When ME?’ WE HAVE A CERTAINTY: Biblical guides we pray, let us recall that we do so with JESUS. HE IS THE GREAT The Pope gave the examples of sev- Jesus. Jesus is our courage. Jesus is INTERCESSOR.” eral Biblical figures who excelled at our security, who in this moment inter-

intercessory prayer: Moses, , cedes for us.” DDEMBE GRAPHIC DESIGNER: JOHN PAUL 20 JULY 2019 ISSUE 4 VOL 7

Uganda Catholic Secretariat A publication of the Uganda Episcopal Conference

New Contact is a publication of the Uganda Episcopal Conference Nsambya Hill, 672 Hanlon Road, P.O. Box 2886 Kampala, Uganda, Tel: +256-414-510570/0414-10544/ 0414-510571/0414-510398, Mobile Tel: +256-782746812, Fax: +256 414 510 545, E-mail: [email protected], Website: