With You Forever a 32-count, 4-wall Line Dance, Beginner or Intermediate (options for either level) Choreographed by: “The” Jamie Marshall (
[email protected]) 07/06 Choreographed to: “StickWitU” by the Pussycat Dolls. Start dancing 16 counts in at vocals. This is a smooth nightclub two step piece, so keep a smooth and flowy style. Also great (& “Buttons” by the Pussycat Dolls. Start 32 counts in at vocals. different!) to: This is a funky hip-hop type piece, so change your style to add funk and flavah! Count Cue Beat Step Description 1-8 Nightclub Basic R, Nightclub Basic L, Quarter, Half, Half-Half-Quarter 1,2& Step side R, Rock L behind R, Recover weight on R 3,4& Step side L, Rock R behind L, Recover weight on L 5,6* Turn ¼ right (3:00) with small step forward R, Turn ½ right (9:00) stepping back L 7&8* Turn ½ right (3:00) stepping forward R, Turn ½ right (9:00) stepping back L, Turn ¼ right (12:00) stepping side R *Side, Together, Triple Side R - 5) Step side R, 6) Step together L, 7) Small step side R, &) Step *Beginner together L, 8) Small step side R Options for Counts 5-8 *Full Turn R, Triple Side R - 5) Turn ½ right (6:00) stepping side R, 6) Turn ½ right (12:00) stepping side L, 7&8) Triple side R-L-R 9-16 Nightclub Basic L, Nightclub Basic R, Forward L, R, Triple Full Turn & Bring L foot in next to R keeping weight on R (to “check” or switch the direction of your body’s momentum) 1,2& Step side L, Rock R behind L, Recover weight on L 3,4& Step side R, Rock L behind R, Recover weight on R 5,6** Walk forward L, Walk forward