The Deportation of the Jews of Rhodes & Cos: 1944-2014 A
Περιφέρεια Νοτίου Αιγαίου Τµήµα Πολιτισµού Περιφέρειας The Deportation of the Jews of Rhodes & Cos: 1944-2014 A Commemorative International Symposium on the Holocaust in the Aegean H Απέλαση των Εβραίων της Ρόδου και της Κω: 1944-2014 Ένα Διεθνές Συμπόσιο Μνήμης για το Ολοκαύτωμα στο Αιγαίο Rhodes 22-24 July 2014 The symposium is a joint-endeavour between the Department of History, University of Limerick Ireland, the Department of Mediterranean Studies, University of the Aegean, Rhodes, General State Archives, Dodecanese, Rhodes and the Jewish Community of Rhodes. The organizers gratefully acknowledge the generous support of the Danon Family (Cape Town); the Prefecture of Rhodes; Mrs Bella Angel Restis, President of the Jewish Community of Rhodes, the University of the Aegean and the Pane di Capo. The organizers: • Irene Tolios, Director of the General State Archives, Dodecanese, Rhodes • Prof. Anthony McElligott, University of Limerick, Ireland • Prof. Giannis Sakkas, University of the Aegean, Rhodes • Carmen Cohen, Administrative Director of the Jewish Community of Rhodes. Places of the Symposium: - 21-22 July: Aktaion, near Marina Mandrakiou in Rhodes (7th March str.). - 23-24 July: 7th March Building, University (Panepistimio Egeou), Dimokratias Avenue 1 (700 m. from the city centre). For the location of the places Aktaion, Marina Mandrakiou & Panepistimio Egeou see the following map of the city of Rhodes: Romios Restaurant (Monday evening):,28.227781,17z/
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