Plans to Expand I with Letter Citing Thursday, June 13 Grievances the STATE's New Fair Hous

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Plans to Expand I with Letter Citing Thursday, June 13 Grievances the STATE's New Fair Hous All the News of All the Pointes Every Thursday Morning rosse Pointe ews Home of the News Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes -\;vrtO~L-.-;2;;9;--IN~o-,-;2~5;:---------th-=En::-ter-e-:d-a-s-:s-eC<l-nd-CI-a-ss-M--a-tt-e-r-at------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- e POIlt Office at Detroit,ldlclll,&n GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, JUNE 20, 1968 'f.:I:lo~a: 40 Pages-Two Sections-Section One I Join FOI'ces Rotarians Name Louwers Outstanding Citizen IIEADLINES i Bon Secours Asks of the ' To Put Heat \VEEK I City to Assist in On Councils As Compiled 011the I Park A!isociation Circulat. Grosse Pointe News I ing Entire Population Plans to Expand I With Letter Citing Thursday, June 13 Grievances THE STATE'S new fair hous. Request Zoning Ordinance Amendments To Permit ing bill was signed into law Hospit~1 To Proceed With Program To The epidemic of "Blue Tuesday by Governor George Double Present Capacity Flu" which hit the S1. Clair Romney, who called it "One of Shores Police Department the truly significant moments Bon Secours Hospital requested the Grosse Pointe last week turned into a in the social development of our state." The hill will take City Council Monday evening to amend its zoning ordi- show of "Blue Power," on effect 90 days after the formal nance to permit the hospital to expand. The Hospital asks Monday, June 17, when close of the legislative session, that the zoning of its land bounded by Cadieux, Maumee, members of the police asso- probably some time in the fall. Notre Dame and Caroline be rezoned to change its use for ciations and their families t • " hospital purposes. ~>------------I from Grosse Pointe Park, THE RIGHT TO STOP and The hospital also requested Po1:pe Chase Grosse Pointe City, Grosse search a suspicious person, im- that it be permitted to use the I>'-' Pointe Farms, H a r per portant in crime prevention, has strip of land which ;t owns be Woods, Roseville, East De- been ':estored to the policeman tween Caroline and Jefferson for 16.Year Old I trait, S1. Clair Shores and on the beat hy a vote of 8 to 1 parking purposes. Detroit, Melvindale, Garden in the U.S. Supreme Court. :i *- IIit The hospital proposes to re- At 100 h City, Pontiac and New ii'riday, June 14 duee the height of its expansion mP Haven, picketed the S1. SURGEONS FAILED in a from the initial request to 45 ft., I Clair Shores City Hall on desperate a ttempt to save the the height of the present facil- Youth Hits Tree after En- Jefferson and 11 Mile road, life of a 47-year.old man in ity, in accordance with the pre, \ prior to the Council Meet- Houston, Tex., yesterday. They vious understanding arrived at countering Road Block . attempted to implant the heart between the Council and the at Kercheval and m~he combined action is part of a sheep in his body, when no hospital in May of 1966. Harvard Road of a planned campaign to show human heart was available. He . Want 3211 Beds city administrations the died in surgery. The operation Pholo by Eddie McGrath. Jr. The expansion would permit Farms police have filed strength and determination of was perfonned at SL Luke's Grosse Pointe Rotary Club's "Citizen of the Year" MRS. ARTHUR E. LOUWERS, former Park Police the hospital to increase its. size multiple charges with Ju- the Police OUicer Associations Episcopal Hospital, where four award ceremony was held in the Crystal Ballroom of Chief ARTHUR E. LOUWERS and DR. AL CERA- to 320 beds and enable It to venUe C 0 u r t authorities of these communities. human heart transplants took I t I m de n' all pr s Informed sources told the Fries Auditorium, Monday. Pictured left to right are: VOLO, who made the presentation. camp e eyre a r lZe . e - a g a ins t two 16.year-old NEWS tbat this "united front" place in recent weeks. Officials -------------------------_._-~.------------ ., ent areas. The expansion has b h t d would not identify the man. the approval of the Greater De- oys, w 0 were arres e on was the approach all the police Top Pointer troit Hospital Council. :r'uesday, Jun~ 11, follow- associations were planning to THE UNI~E~ ~TATES' ap. Pointe Man !,Summel' Music Festival Hospital spokesmen said that mg a lOO.mIle. an hour use in future negotiations. 1\1ost lication to return J ames Earl approval for the expansion was chase through CIty streets, of the participating police as. ~:~Jilyth:o::~;~dt~1~t;s:s0~~ I Honor Given not asked immediately after the The. teenagers ~rew th~ at- sociations are currently in- Dies in Fall Again Offered at Center; favorable decisions of the Michi- tentlOn of polIce offIcers valved in wage ~egotiations. I h . Are Far Apart British government aut!.lOrized SO. P Jul 1 To Louwers gan Court of Appeals because rou tme Y c eckmg s tor e A representative of on!! of the :~~a*~:na:;~~~~:g~a~ d~:: O~ Mt. tuart -.'pe~g_ .rogl'am, y 0 the hospital wished to study the doors along Kercheval av- Pointe associations told the possihility of operating and can- enue. NEWS that the police associa. patched to the Home Office, the British equivalent of the United IDouglas Edward- Merrill Eleventh Annual Series Promises Unusual Entertain. Rotary Club Re. su'ueting the hospital .uill!er the ... 11 . Selects City's present 35 ft. lleight limi- Det Joseph .Miller s.ald that lions ave set a minunum and State~ Jus~ee J?epartment, aiter Plunges to Death Follow. ment; Dinners Preceding Each Concert tired. Po/ice Chief th i h ,,;d tIt k: that the communities have set Will Park tation which would be 10 ft. less one you. s c ar~e WI. rec - a maximum-well below the as- clearmg Its fIrst legal hurdle ,.. H H " , MAC 't ' 0 in the Foreign Office a few mg Slip on Snowfield ave armoM~ln9 enus s ommunl y s ut. than the present construction. l~ss dnvmg, ~eemg polIce of- sociations minimum. These studies hy consultants flCe!S, possessIOn ~f a stolen hours after United States Can- in Cascades ,The eleventh annual Grosse Pointe Summer Music standihg Cifizen and architects made it clear v.ehlcle. and possessIOn of stolen If the showing in front of 51. sUI. ~ack Herfurt delivered the ", ... ~ " . Festival, opening next. month at the War Memorial, 32 '" . he 35-foot limit imposed lIcense plates. The second boy Clair Shores City Hall is an that t h d' example of "Blue Power" it petIUon.. Ra)"s retur~ will, take Doug' IllS Ed).. :"d'~.,., ~- '11 Lake Shore road, will have an elegant international 1he Grosse ,Pomte Rotary unreasonable cost penaltles and is e arge WIth possession of a will he something to be reck- up to SIX week or IO!lg'erIf ll~' '_ . a:r mern, Club named form r P k fights extradition, because of 26, of 1235 A.mta avenue, flavor: The three-concert series this year includes Rus. .• e ar operational d iff i cuI tie s, the stol~n motor vehi~le, and pos- oned with. court formalities and appeals. plunged to hIS death on sian bal.alai,kas a~d. a Viennese Conc~rt.Ball. along with PoItce C~~ef Arthur E. Lou- spokesmen said. session of stolen lIcense plates. The Grosse Pointe Park Po. • • '" Saturday when he fell while the festIval s tradItIOnal chamber mUSIC offe~mg. wers "CItIzen of the Year" Public Hearing Set At about 5:45 a.m. on the lice Officers Association has Saturday, June 15 climbing Mount Stuart in And continuing a successful'% I at its meeting on Monday, Mayor David E. Burgess ex., Tu.esday date, Patrolman car r i e d the fight one step DR. BENJAMIN S P 0 C K, Washington Cascades. He Iaddition to last summer's sea-I trait Symphony under the di- June 17. Each year Rotary plained to Neil B. Hayes, attor. COI~Bdang~r and John Kralza, further. It has hand delivered well.known baby doctor, was slipped on a. snow field. son, there will again be terrace rection of Felix Resnick, mem- recognizes a Pointer for out- ney representing Ban Secours whtle checkmg doors of. a store the following letter to each and among the persons convicted in . dinners precedinl( the concerts, ber of the Detroit Symphony standing civic achievement. Hospital, and hospital repre- at Kercheval and LakeVIew, ob. every Park resident: Baston of conspiracy to counsel Douglas. ~he son ?f Mr. and with menus that harmonize with and Director of the Grosse The basis of selection is on sentatives present, that the served a car parked at the ex. "Dear Resident: young men to evade the draft. .Mrs. Rob.ert ~ernU, was a each conc'~rt program. These Pointe Symphony Orchestra. total contribution to society. Council had set Wednesday treme easterly end of Ker- "Your Police Officers of Spock said, "My main defense Grosse Pomte ~Igh Sc?ool grad. are scheduled at 6;BO and the Unusual Program Chief Louwers. in accepting August 7, at 8 o'clock, in Mair~ ch~val,. with ~ts lights out. They Grosse Pointe Park seek your was that I helieved a citizen uate. He r~celv~d hiS .de~ree can c e r t s at ~:30 ~n three 'fhc program. for the Concert- the honor, said that he felt the School for the puhlic hearing said, In their report, that a support on their request for must work against a war he ~ro~ th.e Umverslty of Mlch~gan Wednesday evenmgs m ,July.
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