August 2014 Newsletter

The Episcopal Diocese of

Peace to you in the Name of the Lord Greetings from Bishop Suheil Dawani

Dear Friends,

We are keen to rejoice as our schools gear up for a new academic year. I am very grateful to the clergy of the Diocese for the important ministry they provide to our young people throughout the year, but also during the holidays, as many young people attended summer camps in July and August.

Unfortunately, we enter this academic year with a great deal of trepidation about the future. Although a ceasefire has finally been reached between and Hamas, innocent people have been killed and wounded on both sides, and the task of rebuilding Gaza will be monumental. In parts of Iraq and Syria, the situation remains violent for Christians and non-Christians alike. Watching today’s news, with so many people’s lives being destroyed, it is sometimes difficult to sustain hope.

However, when we look more carefully at our communities – our schools, hospitals and other places of healing, as well as places of worship – we see promising signs everywhere of the Spirit moving hearts with love to help others. As Christians in the Holy Land, we believe that in our witness, faith and steadfastness, we can overcome evil and build a peaceful and just world for all God’s children.

Salaam, Peace

+ Suheil Dawani

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The Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem Newsletter

Diocesan Development

Update on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza Since issuing our humanitarian appeal for Al-Ahli Hospital on July 15th, the Diocese has been overwhelmed by the outpouring of support from our development partners, churches and individuals. Although we celebrate the news of the August 26th ceasefire and an end to two months of violence, rebuilding Gaza will be a huge task. For Al-Ahli Hospital, serving the immediate needs of the community in Gaza remains a high priority. Al-Ahli has distributed first aid packages to community based organizations to enable them to treat some of the injured. Long-term care at the hospital is needed for those with severe injuries, while thousands of people are receiving psychosocial support to deal with the impact of the war. As so many buildings and homes in Gaza have been destroyed, many people still seek shelter and food for themselves and their families. With water and sanitation infrastructure damaged in many places, Al-Ahli is also working hard to help contain the spread of communicable diseases and other hazards of polluted water and inadequate hygiene facilities. As they continue their work, Al-Ahli Hospital is entirely grateful to partners from all over the world who have answered their call for assistance.

Active Citizens Training Course for Women

The Diocese of Jerusalem Women’s Empowerment Program is a capacity building program developed by the Director of the Diocesan Development Department, Ms. Sawsan Aranki-Batato, and the President of Diocesan Women’s Ministry, Mrs. Shafeeqa Dawani. From August 25-28th, the program’s first training session was held at the Episcopal Technological and Vocational Training Center in .

Under the patronage of Mrs. Dawani, the opening ceremony took place on 25th August, with a blessing by Canon John Organ. On 26th August, Bishop Suheil visited the workshop and offered encouragement to participants, who came from all over the Holy Land, including Jerusalem, Ramallah, , Nablus, Zababdeh, Nazareth, Reineh and Shefa’Amr.

The aim of the “Active Citizens” training was to build the capacity of women to identify community needs and develop projects addressing these needs and priorities. The four-day workshop was delivered by MAAN Development Centre, an accredited training institution, whose training methodology was based on interactive and participatory techniques, rather than traditional style lectures, which increased the workshop’s effectiveness.

Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem Contact us at: [email protected] Page 2 Editor: The Rt Revd Suheil S. Dawani The Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem Newsletter

The graduation ceremony on 28th August was a joyful occasion, with Bishop Suheil handing out certificates to participants. During the ceremony, a number of women expressed great satisfaction with the training. According to them, the training had improved their capacity to identify, address and promote community needs and priorities, in addition to learning how to design programs and work together with other people in the community.

Following the evaluation exercise, the trainers concluded that the training had achieved its expected outcomes, and they thanked participants for their helpful, interactive attitude.

The Diocese of Jerusalem is grateful to the Evangelical Mission in Solidarity (EMS) for their financial support of the Active Citizens workshop.

Diocesan News & Institutions

Bir Zeit Elderly Home Nearing Completion

On 13 August, Bishop Suheil paid a visit to the site of the Diocese’s future elderly care home in Bir Zeit, also known as St. Peter’s Home, where construction continues. The Home for the Elderly will serve senior residents of Bir Zeit who need assistance, but whose families have had to leave the area to seek work and a better future for themselves and their families.

St. George’s School General Meeting Initiates New School Year

On 16 August, St. George’s School in Jerusalem held a general meeting with teachers in advance of the new academic year. Bishop Suheil introduced The Very Reverend as Headmaster, as well as his two deputies, Secondary School Deputy, Dr. Isaac Naser Eldeen, and Elementary School Deputy, Ms. Basemah Khoury.

Ahliyyah and Bishop’s Schools Begin New School Year

On August 25, at the beginning of the new 2014-2015 scholastic year, Her Excellency Mrs. Haifa Najjar hosted a general meeting for all staff of The Ahliyyah School for Girls, The Bishop's School for Boys, and The Ahliyyah and Bishop's Kindergarten. His Grace Bishop Suheil, Canon Fa'eq Haddad, and members of the schools' board also attended.

Bishop Suheil delivered a welcoming speech in which he emphasized the oneness of

Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem Contact us at: [email protected] Page 3 Editor: The Rt Revd Suheil S. Dawani The Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem Newsletter our institutions; a oneness based on compassion, cooperation and mutual respect. His Grace encouraged all diocesan institutions to strive for creativity, excellence and success.

Mrs. Najjar then gave a presentation which highlighted the core values embraced for sustainability and success, calling for the strenuous and serious efforts of staff members of the schools to empower and protect our institutions, our community and our nation.

Meeting with the Staff of Christ School in Nazareth

On 27 August, Bishop Suheil met with the staff of Christ School in Nazareth to mark the opening of the 2014-15 school year. Rev’d Nael Abu Rahmoun, Rector of Christ Church, opened the meeting with a short prayer, asking for the blessing of the Lord upon the staff and students, and wishing them all a successful, fruitful and peaceful year. His Grace the Bishop welcomed the staff and noted that during morning hours, Fr. Nael would be present in order to give morning prayers, addressing different classes of the school, and to teach Christian education. Bishop Suheil discussed the importance of co-operation between the administration and the staff, encouraging activities focused on promoting peace, particularly in light of the difficult political situation. The headmasters then welcomed their staff, wishing them a smooth and successful year.

St. John’s School Board Meeting in Haifa

On 29 August, St. John’s School in Haifa held a board meeting to discuss the upcoming school year, as well as proposed government changes to private school funding.


Ramleh Parish Visit to the Diocese of Canterbury

From 15-23 July, twelve members of Emmanuel Church in Ramleh, central Israel, visited partner churches in the Diocese of Canterbury, accompanied by Rev. Canon Samuel Fanous, Rector of Emmanuel Church. Bishop Suheil of Jerusalem and Bishop Trever of Canterbury gave their blessing to the visit.

The invitation came from Rev. Keith McNicol, vicar of seven churches in the rural area surrounding the town of Sittingbourne. The Ramleh parishioners were hosted by families of the partner churches, where they observed their faith in a different culture. The groups prayed and ate together, discussing important

Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem Contact us at: [email protected] Page 4 Editor: The Rt Revd Suheil S. Dawani The Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem Newsletter issues for the Diocese of Jerusalem, including the experience of Christian Arab Palestinians and Israelis within a Jewish and Muslim majority. Both churches enriched each other with their experiences, while confronting stereotypes.

In addition to visits to the historic Canterbury Cathedral and Rochester Cathedral in Kent County, the group went sightseeing in London. The Ramleh parishioners thoroughly enjoyed their visit and the excellent hospitality. This was the second exchange visit to Canterbury, which will hopefully continue in order to allow further knowledge and sharing.

More stories and information are available at: Email enquiries to: [email protected] Donations may be sent to: The Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, PO Box 19122, Jerusalem, 91191

The Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, a diocese of the worldwide , extends over five countries, including Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Palestine and Israel, within the Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East. There are 27 parishes that minister to the needs of their communities, centered on the Cathedral Church of St. George the Martyr in Jerusalem. The church supports 33 institutions, which include hospitals, clinics, kindergartens and schools, vocational training programs, as well as institutions for the deaf, the disabled and the elderly, reaching out to interfaith neighbors in mutual respect and cooperation.

Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem Contact us at: [email protected] Page 5 Editor: The Rt Revd Suheil S. Dawani