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« N o , atakai fMiMtml •*.# { ) S i 8 . a s ? t r I •.'.•.HawavaM T''- S J L T X I f t B i ' £ a M a i } JliT' W E A R W IL L S^PECIA

Pabliic Notices. E diK ^ioin iL I II I ’ r — o n e I MIS* BsTABLia liiB tr is :- W I E T ¥ H t A T R < ; i I S . Q Y A L C o n c e r t H a l l . K b M M I^ lfo TT. ' W, Miifi » utS.M 0 B * 'fi-a n o"4 n ' Oj B O V ^ n 70 BlO d^SfiS Bl7B$XAK FIiAO B kT Ob 147, LONDON BO tUi' Pndn,

BE S a w .’ : w iu ;:1m . | l r a A15 to 4 J t laad 4.30!to 6.3A c m n b i_ _ . G rand M ilitary D isplay . iaaiffalfrt ‘ r - t ■ on. AppUtotton , "Will be ylTen by iasam B-.-- •' ST^ IsEO^OBDS COUdKOIATB 80900L CADET SALVAGE SALE NOW PROCEEDING. A OBAKi^ KXW BEV|n:. «^tla& ' CORPS. < T E O j ' t l . * ' * »U fa: A B id « . (Aopinwlli TSIDE^HIGM SCBMlL W 1>ii^M rvicdUnlM . ■ o x ' ^ '. LATON BOAD. Hi klNGA ‘ S p o t s ” , ^ . l(b BllAAaU 'Viat« CifaW- F U R T H E tR C T IO N 5 . .(pal; BM . F. ft fC^PEB. 'W n x i A i r r IiAZZi:.i2fO. BEWXLDXBiNO. j . OmiM. BhiiM Boyal in ^ (Bad »a). V'.f.■^'V:iiiaa (Viola). ■ j ;A ti8 and 7.15 Am . KUMER0U3 SARdAIjMS^STIU. TOtBE SECURED, j ) • ■, ■ r-- X laa.^H Q latM^';A.B,aiL -(Solo iFianJall' __ . iB.rBa' inkUMbl. |e^ am t atbat ■i|ia^-:;i- d.

aSiailmm.M , 'f;;; PltMiill^.- . ; ■■ f. >.d a t ■ i iiteiiPBPAigV.-^: a x . .ii f c ' o b a b d jnobala agar ba obtalnod to Beena.rKlnc B ito Ubxatlai, ELEI^^CAIj & # COJJOBBt V BaaUtca and.St. Ijtonatde, or a t S t Eaonatda CoUatiato • .. i . Sobool. B m i t o s 1)01^ i^vfam i-fioM m t V a f W % m m - Doom Iv a n a t 2.3d and 7.15. C aiilataa to 5 and t.45. » b)lrtTO :< L ^ E l i t t o ^ I N T E R AMERIQAM lOTOR GAI H E P i i p R S . ^ r a t t m lONSAT ^tat, as 1 Mcb d v at S tad Wednaadk aad '" OacBm aA. Batnidar a»"A '! , BRITAMNIA METAL iMT LUMPS. '■[veiAtoil b. i^niuk BEBTOK > ^BE CHABli^ 0 ITEW AIID BC00BB8F1 i. LOEDON ROAD M OTtiBE HADL. ST. DEON ^PS. , TofaHtt^ SCBOOi On.mrESOAY NEXT. NOVEMBEB tB I H T a ' rO B 'j U fK tA . A N D H IN D I BO. B t r i t m t ; O O i Q I ^ 31ati W * L i LEWELYN VV ILLIAMS.ESQ. ’A U ^ : OAfiDBNe. BAhTZNG^ F jp ee^ poet 1/S Biidanil' t f f NORMAn ROAdJsT. I£0N P H O N E 9 0 2 . :M Z.E b o ra aad HI H BAT * K r a r H aatBled- , . W iw .- WIB delimr a 1A N T3& ^ ? ^ D p ! on “ FIBE AND fa , .W aatoa’a ' 1 igher ' s M. FRANKLIN fra -dUfr ia'n« n w ^ at 3, «Bd .«to. n,,, liM'BMdar < efen^- at 7.4A SWOED IN ASIA iffifOB." C«^o,toi "V.. 2,.Oin»^id||e.G4ipdene;' H i .'.at:t31'inm«mZcaac«tM .'_ ' • ‘W h a t N e x t > *’ Tho-Ctoif wlK bo token otJ-SO b r the BEV. HENRY lUsldsil 4M Tisthac VAHXiEY B'A __ ^ of AdiUmlae.—Ifliawe, la.; Baata. »«■ !• . - - m H. ST. LE027A ]tD S^4 APPARATUS. 'KINDERGARTEN fFBOROtrC|^ S|)^CATION tm 9 ^.* . Tb^ ptoyiot I m a t e r ia l s . ete., for the year 1916. ^ . .. pwitiraf toraxam lnatinu. wbi i' G iaM attaato ia to p|04 n Tto C oR im n^ do not bind themGelves to arto-bigUy onalised naldsni and l e o f accept the lowest or a ^ Tender. Taaebara. ■. ! t . ’ ^ t A M B O ” Win ba bald on TIESD^T AND WEDNEnu)T, ; ‘Uonditions of Contract. Scbednleo, and to e NOV SiCBE b Snd and Jrd* a i ' the Form pf Tender may 1^ obtained from tbe UPFIELD & SO Biidrasisned on receipt of d \ stamped LBbkA ipP CWLLBRIA! b addcetoim brief env^opc. COUNT! BOBOU^H .OF FI1I68 .R/A s o N i c H a l l , Sstn^ee of a rtiil^ may be seen at tbe HIGH STREET. T. El^CATION COMMIUTEE.^ - . ■ , I . : ■ 7n ^ a ld to f Offices of, tbe Education Committee between WELL-EOUIPPED WORKS 1 J; • -■ U ..; .•! • .. .. - • • ^tESrO^TTOljr OF f a b i b h o h d e o b . the hoa):8 of 9.30 a.m. end 13.30 p.m.. and 3 Of Engineering l E C O H l ! I 8 £ 8 and 5 p.m, (Satntdays excepted), from the Plant. u n n r . |E f8tottad Ckiat, £800 , R e d i a t o r a ■ ST. H E L E N’S. » 1 T ^ BT ‘ilsABTir TO "Q ro VADE5J" Sala wtU ba O pened- - , 1st to -the 16a Noveinbar intensive. j .. ^ iai .(uaiBto ------L. ; 1* JEldCS C.BSAE.” -Tenders (endorsed " Tender for School Re- Brnd ifltoiaas: 1088 g . bLilSK ijT H ^ , ll.'W, by Tbo BISHOP Of I ziEWES. quisitM") must reach the undersized not HotrWatar Supply Wadnodar, li so; by BBS. TUBBS. A. SOUND. OENEBAL EDUCATV N 1 or Girls from Bsad' Vartic'Ttf ' later a a n noon on Wednesday, 17thr Novem­ Trom iBdependeni dr Kitchen range boUeti. A 'lO W ielysam of srs. witb — XCL1- ber. 1915. ____ Lwrge Stoidc Blpea and fittingA Ectimutee giy<^- '' fp'ah'lliatieiit'’ 'VtoSlN'i fojtr la wdnjatod If mnaSla to ba praaoit 4*7 PHILIP O. BUSWELI), ton’s Baralalla nation wUM» (tUefnlbr acknorrledM by tb. Boot n. » rontSL . Ltobr.-Me I Secretary. tom-bltto (Offices; 18, WeUingtcn Squam HastinRS* ! ? « S 3 4 A t,;AlA-.A«,:i».i3..a'; «T >EX 23ndOctoher, 191.5 a^-flaa." ,«Xlia Oecnaa Btnnfa.’f ■T ba "v _ JonznaL".,' ': ‘ ai>MilMia:.‘BanaaUonaI Drama I EKBBBff,—A N 1IT^ EXHIBITION. BOT e I c. ! county bo ro u g b o p n *s t i ngs r PB O B ( BEE 2nd to 15tb,. 10 ^nL totjt p ^ .j; ! : ’ EDUCATION COMUTTEE,. yrAod. uxt." !■ S f i . . te establtsh a _ ...... ,_.,.,.^.n SPANISH at Vexlia " l^DNBBDAY EyENlNGS, proy: and ]utnp l|n noffA tonat 0|pi>onunity to naines arc Teceived'of at. iea st^ x stndeath i s ^ rotand to ' tod to, Mb, id.; Eqrembet,'j tb whie are"'willing to a tt^ d icRularly and 4p so now. W e have a stud o{ well-trained JDKILPBrrB Bioi punctually. . horses and a sta^of competebt and reliable , IM ntowtaeatation'Ai Baab , Pm i: 8s^ 6d. per .Session (Nevemher. 1915, Priadjad: 'MieeT-ft;,'*'. ba^ ' ^'v . !.aad;Diat(^ of all tba I Riding M asters; also our ow n ^ouhds, w her^ B(*odi o r> N i« ito V 8oltoo», .Oxtoi B A S in ^ G S AND ST. LEONiiEIlS to April. 1916). IM rm of U itpitog^ Tbose desirous of a^ndinn should notify fjM .Lsttai^U’iuw n^ Loqdoa' K E ^ OjBARL^ | G h a | ‘L I N in privacy, the bennner quickly acquiresi con­ W a H R e f u g e e s i tiiev liainee: and powu addressee .to the uride'rsisfiicd n;«w. jro ^ , — iTOwB of Uie atpilddtiBoaa, HOCKINO) witf i f e ^ Bolinf CoQDci]!or->Capt. Eon. E. T. XEED^M, B.N. - W r - 1 . • • # FUb«, B.’’ la .^ H o lT iW l It Tonra IfutbfaDy, Dtme Pr«eideot->MB 8 . EBDEN, BaUblow FlaM. 0 H U B » H . B.. I, Vl(!ir. ■ rA |iplp:''t»'eeiiii liS iiii l-K x p « ^ i I T.! W . COOK, M i« EIiIiMAN, 1 , Combermere Road o.., 18, Western Road, St. Leonards. hy -BY)IPATH£TIO SLEVEK. Anyone wlahing to Join tha Habitation aboold aoply MO i ^ « 2 ! I (‘ T b . lo the Bon. SecretariWL ECHbOLS 0 r SCI ART It; SrilnEton, tt pb ia.li^ talk 0# ■ ■ w - i * - " W < ...... I fO^OL OF AST: S m ' I ftiUaUur-raA : .T to a M in d [if. HOLLlNGtD I yiiBiL 'T v . ^ ridmitotif-: PBilLIP W. :(L6Bdsa)' iSiv«riBtaM a Ia,jdd of ihd Fundi of ibo tboro, Mutual Loaa Fu^d Associatiori: Ltd. T. ) ^ N A B p 8 < l N a B L «£r liability ' INCORPOR A FED |U8.—Th a' ^ _lwiU bo h?W atfte/ H otels, &c. NaoiiiUi UI88 PBAl . ^paymaot . . camplalnto ariainv aUEEim HOTEjL E^4T^fQS. BCHOOZB OF I';- - - f n orarindnlienda' iter to • TB iU tofl FITNC- On WBDXE^DAY; NOVEMBKU 5rd, 19J5, d v a n c e s fmm £$ upwards! upon Personal or other Security, re- HOM E SCI 001, FOB T ^ _DAl|6^TZjk8 Olf JtED BOMAPCE, A ^ will 1^ iwdaiad naneinc, at. ASO abarp. SB A S8E Y ■ lot eban.-'to eu *npki4 Iffii * I ■ - - - |_ HOTELS UNDEBj THE DIBECTION OP A payable by instalments upon following terms;— ' SiiMlal Hon^ _ _ t - B o a .Bearataryf-UESJ BURTON, 23, Nonnah^ioa I, Atmtioa ia b4ld to dtUcato or Hwdiatotou O. P. VDBNSAU; BtlLaonaidir Snt HENLEY LUNN £5,12 monthly payments of 10 shti lliigs £2oi[l2 monthly payments of £3 alfo to thoao] .«liora( ptraalia lesld. ■bn ad „ ' • ' W i f i f t (Cbs:nnan)l OABDEN W ItH TENNIS AND CB( OU !T' L A E . ’ of William EvSiti Hoiaa Obafort.' . Bseoolaaai A . V . Urn. piew tetO a ,« a * ^ bbtolaad i:at tha J ttii »)tli ioat W. HOLD^ORT^ LUNN £50,12 monthly payments of £5 And longer periode. o r tram tb a naderilgB ad,— ; ford. Other amoun ts in proportion. Atkwitli. natitt at 6t U M ea’a. Btr^Le< ns da«B:C IC ap V n e.F eiM ii' S t . J o h n s , U p Rer S t (Managing Dirastor). C ta lld n ^ O u o lo * Claia, WadBeadaV ' ■■' ’ I":) ■ ,'PHILIP, 0.| B17t^7|nX.''Saei«latr., 54 J tU t, : p.to MISS JONESi S. PEAT (Cart 'he p b B 'u c H all O nemai I j EONARDS Special terras for loans on approved securities, sains.! Popila fpt tba tPluefoita. oiBMa! II. ’NtUtagteo B«b^ ‘'A I D A N T H O T E L . to the branch Manager— WILLIAM A. WILSON. F e s t i v a l o f 'a l l s a i n t s . Call or write tt dear wfft N|lbzdBIAD, BASTINj6& HASTINGA pia tu Oototxf I99i QUEEN’S RD., HASTINGS. : WElilNiBTON COLtl onr boiDM» P r e a c h e r s d u r in g t h e Q ctav e ATHOLL PALACE HOTEL, PITLOOHBT. Itotphope—Hasting.' 837. .tK. T b A Y S C H o b L !F 0 B Q IB L e sad_^ PEITATB I a n d ' lam ina ; (OJUSN WATER HOTEL. BRIDGE OP ALLAS, Office hours -7 to j p Saturdays lo to I. rilA ra-iiw i .’C ^-raije,-; r bwbftitd SUNDAY. OCTCiBEB e31st—Fwtal Erensons, A1 ). A J OABTENv 3 aad 4. WSLLINi TOl _ peacefnllr 1 • BEV. OANON H. D. JONBA SANDRINGHAM HOTEL. TOBQUAT. Haadmla^tos-iUSB HELEN BATH^JjTB. ClrtdSe.UAnti^ 1; V 'l M e r a . oar HOKDAY, NOVtsUBEB Ist-AU Sainta. Oboi il I- FALAOE HOTEL. MONTANA. ((MONDAY, TDEBDAT- and WEDN^DAY. ■ pEnabsriat it U.____ B!oiuciniati . . EIHLY L. B lTH » .TE, who M V - t S i _ - G o o ^ CnHoe. < jdear )njtil M d BE V. I CANON FBKWEB. ^ A L A C E h o t e l and DES ALPES, MUBBEN. a! few B w idant P .rila. ~ J ; Oooida,- wb9 NOVEBBEB 1st. 2nd. and 3rd. | Dial) I tor Day.Bo idan, It PopUa 2 U U tH 4 . tUESbAY, NOVEBBEB" tod-AU Ssnli I h e r ■ 1 ) ASO.''Erewong; WAR BATES FROM 6s. A DAT DPWABDS. Panaaaant Bt of IS n e n 'F o lly Qn Uflat (Diaalieia leodliad. ^ ta a a W YaatV shUliSg*| i THE LORD BISHOP OF LEWES.. Apply to the W nager of esah Hotyi. 'Ttoltint Btid: T h r e e D a y s Adlnim! HASEWOOD. TO' 'V?** THUBSDAY, N O V E l^B 4th-5.3(). '.Ereuions StaiMtotft Mosa « “ raE AECTPE^N OF HASTIN08. ■■'■r ‘STIcs • V , ■ ■ , b c I l e o n a h ' ••mi-':’'ft „■■ - WITH THE j To Hotel and Lodging House Keepers, &c. I A® D*9''<*• «I *■ [iaiti .A t. lUNDAY, I NbVEBBEIt 7tb—Hatlbs at IL LONDON. fertln* ■' "'-V ,1' : 1. BBV. CANON H. D. JONES. ftUSS eiNGINf — iF m w I Ersosobf *t 5-30. WILTON HOTEL. ^braBoar or . E m p b r o r I O P H u m o r i s t s ” BEV. 0. EDEN KING. . . SOLO; sraT h !^ iaa^^^dli^OBTE . M ojio,. r >pp(wHe SUtiMi. Victoria, flpd one minnta _. i'2 9 1 8 ^--f t iradergTmtiMl^Rlecfric Railway, giving accei^ in a P ifl^ird tito fiK .^ Jato.o4.B Q fiihatr.B «tM 8dtdU ^ (C ^M h Soadl. n|uat«»t to £ i \ p a rt4 of London and fnborbe, Bnc: a v-totoa* )gaiBhar; M. P O ^nA ...... -■*'■ ■"■'•'-I - mm Palace, Weritmineter CatM tol. Howea of Pm C h a r l i e C h a p l i n . . 'iBd'Day-.Soif:.''. Cbptidn Henry McLaren Lataibert, nt&tf S i JoxiSaH’ Green and ^ d « Pork, Piccadilly SHOBTBI^ra^i^ K ' Bawito rw AT., .ki. Charms CrM^ K ^ent Street, and Principal Shopa, ■t' ^ faaaA d aOaial lBd«toM ^.tortid-l)r Tatoir tor-'tha Uaimiittitoi’ Zmal.'^ni'aiha |- ; ■ r ,' _ deceased ^ ^nny ’bna ride Oily 12 minutea by Electric tio3’lito|.«B% prasato^ Arti Ua' PaW fe. E vam litotirato ' ■ i ' j - t ^ssas^fa^ ingraiifi BiT?Hinr LitayaiT. aad^SgrptarUAsroatiL . Uli U4 -i ap to ial'.'A tM o liaa' to.'.'B aaknm d; V iiS- M e a l V- S 4M > rpH lS HOTEL ia wellninpolnted «z>d inexpe fBp4aato;S71i6B<>ioa4;.I,»,W ' Fursnant to the Am of Parliament of th 9 X (Bedioome from 2e. 6d.l. The ProvialoDe, L 88 boneara. . m U ia ' IVY BASIL Ilk , e ra n ra a ^ ^ ftc., in e ^ o re^ ro m tb e Proprieiot’a Farm In Doi ■ MHOo^ FioHfCTj^ u o m: oie ^ 1 Claims and Deiiands to the undemlgned, th > ST LEONABDSftl^EA showing auk> th* partietolarB : nAsoiira''A6iB-4iisAUE Mfcitoos- fdt t ie.eaid admihistntor. on o * Aamortd fiCBi ha O bM ««Si|: l i s h i a g A n d i t ib* d q ^ of every pwiM i, w hether *n{ Alien bt * BrI —for am iBjaattoto t^QuEEM ’s-£ foTEL, H a s t i n g s . bsfhre thd 30th day of NoVeiaber, 1915. afle • if t a k f S who fU ye in any m tei. Inn; Board [ng^boaM. LM ging«honfe. of ■ m whkffi'ifote thn said Admlniatranw .iriU pro ifISS FLOEENCE BANNISTER. Ble. ^lijuD uiK I— wmm t r t t M. m o— h t r . ^M aS:::-lK»E0T*T cjged to'^'^&ibirte the. assets of the'salt PIANIST ■ to fionifh to the keeper or m enagi r of the hbUa* a nined cteteictstement eontefito ibO'.'iacatiadvttr'dpaei 1 .«■ dtgda^ [ R o a c |, G deeeahed i^iqnn t ,ttq Ttorfes'^nthled thereto: . ^ ■ j ■ .•■■■ ing.d>e.ii e d o f t . 1 jUi^'^'ol''.«to-.iafrid Boeiirtr (Tlekats, Se-, tei b. ollainad et toejBAYOBEBS, and having ^Ibzrd^ mly to the Claumsi and De ( k t l D ^ I i ENGAGEMENTS to sccoippsny *“ ‘1UUB d-tiBANG! t QUEEN’S; HOTEL. man^ ^ w ^ b i eEe ehaU then hare hm r msatslists. Vocalists, or During dndirldoSl', or PENALTY FOB' FAILINi *) THE S£RM-;.VIBW notfce. aid ■will not be liable lor ^ the asset, Oltos). She also firm PisBO B cuoni. Xeraw on appU- FOKMATION OB FOR QIV PALSE IMFQBiCATlON. £10 O nhA AND X lN i|BB (^ISX BS, the' aaidljdecwasedror any {mrt: thereof tot'ion.to- . ' . ' ' I ' e HOMume DiPKISPNleQlT. K flU N TSO A b. «b Mhr^irfed^ i» any imrsornor nbrsons b H ISS F L O R E N C E BANNIS1EB. - t o i';Klcd, will toinmanta on ■^.RD.\Y. gOVEM. t'S P B iF l 141 OB! 5U,( 1915;a t A n n . t St i ttb s A IDLANT IB A liL , :l 'Sotieitf^ i slltbe said AdiniBi4trator. PUPILS bn FRIDAYS, also btlisi di^ JOBMASTER. fcWIXli:;

K- "''■M000- ivr <, n.-' if( .■*

U SAt.orRDAY, OCnrOfBRR 30, L flASTIHGS AKD ST. LEONARDS OBSERT nASTINQ$ BOROUGH BE CE ART AND THE WAR. *The Grand’ Restauran (Opposite Hastings Pier.) EAST ART CLUB'S WORK. Satubdat.--Ttooro Couneilloj Dr. C STNITAI: Gray (in the ohair). Captain’A. II. A IGH-GLASS CATORINO IN ALL a m b it io n t o b e c h ie f CLUB ▼tie. f.<)uuc llor J. rdliiiju. and Mrj , ITS BRANCHES. Monaellv H , OUTSIDE LONDON. 'BEST AND HON-POtSONOUS HIS 20rn .VISIT. LIGHT REFRESHMENTS John Willia ns pleaded guilty to begg; ng i I Notwitfastaudlng the War, there was an IprSiNFECTANT Mannc^paradc.—T.—The Chief Constab! sal “ AFTERNOON TEAS ’* ] ^tirnkfic Spirittat the annual meeting of ti I^^VtilesFluid ;6‘Al/Tins Powder that prisoner 1 had been in eustody M :im tho Saturday prisoner called at hei ehep. station at the. F'ishmarket. He had cau­ lug the diploma would be a more and sold bet some spoons (tho subject of tie tioned her previously.,—Accused said ehe had record of Bucqesi^ gained. FoUowi: first charge).—Pi-isoner aliio Mraded guijty been fruit picking, and had sold matoh^ members’ exhibition was an exhibiti i? *jlja.ehai*e.—In reply to Aulermai Triis. in the streets, but She never went to the sals of Clliristmas cards, caleadairs] the Chief Constable said some other p: opeity houses^ She came from St. Giles's.—Sen­ Which was certainly satlefactorr oooc f i on the table had not beep idestificc, with tenced to 14 days’ imprisonment " for her it was organised within about ton .^ys— exception of a pair of opera etlaaset.—T lie own good."—Prisoner: 1 think you are hard. many cards were sold.. A aerwe of mi etings tihier Constable said prisoner came out of were airranted.l and ths Sketobing Cldb and THE gaol in Febnmry after undergoiiig a s mtMiCe MORE LIGHT TROUBLE. Life Class on alternate Thursday eftiwnooDS . S}Vfi months' hard labour award)d him; The foUowipi^ light oases were dealt lidth:— for each of ths dbove, and aU weins fairly well TEA a at Folkestone Quarter Sessions^ As fi r bask young Belgian, Emil Bodast, and Mrs. attended. Tlije antumn syllabus was con­ as 1307. in tne name of Link, prisoner hid tevell, Sussex Hotel (Kte. 6d. each).^^Loaisa fined to the general meeting, membera’ ex­ t - w 21 days for Stealing a watch at Chithaj Uenpach, at a Sanatorinim ait Pine Wood, hibition, and cjriticism. The GUU«ry was in Prompt oijid Libei^l Settlomant cither sentences included six weeks ; t *D)u-' explained that a new patient knew nothing the occupation of the Mayoress Rnttl N ovell 'M bridge for larceny and false pieten ses. l21 about the rule. I t appeared that Miss Allen, ter. The Idter syllabus was as tellj o f i ilosses. M . days at 'Ganterbnry for thrft, four : nontjhi pach had been before the Bench previously March 2nd, lantern lecture—"Booenu.addi­ at, ronbridge r,-.. Ibr , ------stealingo —and------lalaepn ^r.teheba. t: tions to onr knowledge of Pie-Historic and AOENTS AT [lASTINGS— [I) on a similar matter; she was fined ^1 Is.-i- i i i Woodhams Sbu,:und Parks, 51, SaTtlook two mouths a t Dover for theft, eix moiith8!at A. Cros^ Gbarles-road (lOs. 6d.).—FJoss Barbaric Act," by Mr, W. J, Lewis-Abott; Boad. bittingboume ind thrqe months at C latht m Beney, Marina (Ws. 6d.).—Elizabeth Hand- March 20fh, quarterly criticism, by A&. T. J. H. Boh " U, Havelock Boa4. . lor thetfta;—Alderman Tree told) priemer be cock, Wartibr-sqaare (;E1 Is.).—Charl^ Parkin, j.P .. F.L.S.; April- 15thJ Afib Dl Ginner an I 'Glemstcr, 37c, Bobertson bad a long anil bad' record. I t did n* it sa« ro Breach, no red Ijght op a truck at York- T a^ on Etching." Major ( 5 ^ DarrMport, Street, to do 'aiiy good to treat him lenietatly. The r«i buildin^, fined 5s.—Harry Randle, ho front .ViP" ^ -S'A;, (iduputy president); M ^ 8th, ux'ro three cases against prisoner, ind ho light and no red light to a truck at (jacen’s. Practical HiUhs on Composition, ste./ t r . EEONABPS would-be sentenced to three mjonth >’ bhvd road, pushed by two boys, one carrying a P. W Cole, aI r .C.A. (heodmastw . ChoHnells, Dyer, and Gallaway, $, Eing’ai laljouT on each charge, or nine month i inTjli hniTicane lamp; "fined 6s. in each Casof— School of Art) VJnne 1st to 30th (inclifei-ve). Boad. When he came out ho had betterlt'un ovel Robert Noakes, from 'Westfield, for having a Annual Open Exhibition; June Mth,lqnar. '■ F. Tanton 26. Kenilworth Boad. new leaf, or be would be committed to we lamp on a cart ehowing light in a direction terly criticism] the President. Mr. AV Quarter Sessions or Assizes, when h i, woaWi other than that in which the' vehicle was pro­ Strutt, A.B..C.A., A.B.E-, P.B.Z.g. b a t t l e - be likely to get i>enal servitude. Thf excise ceeding, Was .fined 5s.—Frank Ehymond IHB AU'NITAI. ZXBIBmON ‘-^ •“1- W. C. Allwork, 72, High Streetj ot drink was no good. Curry, for liaving a motor c.ycle at-Bussell- street without *rsd light and a whitio light, of paiutinge,'drawings, and photeurmph _ ie l - _ and for obstrUOtion by leaving the]car at also hold in jtho Oalledry (prinoipal*' I. Coppard, Barclay's Bank the side of. the road, was ordered !to pay ewnomic considerations). The enteii E E. W llett, Solicitor. ^ Tcrsdat.—Bel ore Mr. J. Macer W rght Hn costs ‘in regard to lighte, and JSl Is. in refer­ though lees in iramber—no doiibt qn a the chair). Captain Colvile. Mr, J. K Bout, ence to tlis ohstmction. of the War—-still showed an upward HUBWASH- wood, Cdumillor H. Samson, am Cdusa. of merit. It wjUa opened by tho Bight cUlor J: N.| Collins. ’ ^ ^ shipful the Mfiyor, Councillor (now T. B, Harlon and Co. Auotionfers, etc. man) E. Armitage Hocking, attenc BTB- '■ PpOMI 3ED BEFOBMATIO> Ybstebdat (Pbidat).—Before Commander members of thej. Corporation, .cm June Igtl Tho W. T. Smi h and Son, Auctiomeers, etc. Predetick William Foster, a cpal tarman, Oldfield (in the chair), Mr. G. 'Locke, President, in welcoming the company] ex­ ^aa charged on a warrant with an aulf" Counciiror H. T. Dighton, and Mr. F. pressed warm thanks to the Mayor and ICdr- Strickland. , i poratiqn, and then referred to *tbo exoel^ce ^ d threatening his mother.—I^soi or s: of the show, in spite of the conntry 1 be was guilty, and attributed Me « nditijon UNDER THE BEDl in a state of war.—The Mayor, in dMb yo beer.i—Mrs. Foeter said that-iprie >ner the Exhibiton open, mentioned that wb< I.A sid^ with;her, and paid 12s^ a! wee:. Albert Cruttenden, a •young fellow of 16, of opened the pneoeding one ‘there wae ( .c tg ^ N FIRE Satnrday lilglit he camo home at ! .30; he respectable appearance, was chargedl with thottghit of th|M dark diond, that now ovei . t lV6UEANC|i SOCIETY, K.IHITED wan the! wore: for drink; He n e ^ 1 ad Ihn- housebreaking in Tower-road Weet.—lUmtilda d-owed US. ' He oon^tUlated tho Glnl P>ufre.gboutA™ hjis tea, and ihreateneir; o kdife Outsell, employed by Mr, S. Moppett,-at 30, continuing its good work, and looked for k i' t' liltCbanoMy Lane, London^ V.G. iier.n—. Ho sbqdted. "G'G et out of my J sight,' Tower-road tVest, said she knew priwner, to the time wqen H astily wOnld u find thnsew a !cnifq at her. Tho knifs ^ c k who had delivered milk at the hOU8o[ On proper art'galjory. Having referred toTthe F I B E . ! ' . . ■ ! in tho door.' Witness was " too far in tjhe fVednoOday evening,' between six and Hpvetk the knife would have hi t h« interest Of Mr. Strutt (Uie Presidi .PBBSO:o:4a lAcdllDENT and ! DISEASE. o’clock, on going uuatairs to draw the blinds connectionwith the presentation a B R K 5H T 1N S UNDER ARMS FIDELITY GUARANTEE, . --rail . and shut the windows, in a front room She „ - .by hiS (Mr, Strutt’s) fathw, to the MBN^S COMPENSATION, .yioualy threh ened her. Ho had ■•|ca saw a inan under, the bed'. - She screamed, Corporation, his Wotahip concluded with an .on like this for months and years.” de lij and.a voice from under the bed sSid r All t^fCLEDINQ Q ____ DOMESTIC SEBYANTS*! irequently pripmised her ho would be i: better apology for th{e .nnayoiaable ahsence of the WHIBD PABTY a n d PLATE GLASS. right." She ran downstairs and weht to the Mayoreea.—Mrj Tliomas Parkin' moved a vote «E BRiGHTEiST F nsf THE W ORLD are “ boy, and she had forgiven him. lirisoner next house for assistance. Bubs^nentw on of thanks to tliq Mayor, Bdiicb was-aec 1 RAND havM, prisoner said he conld not pm lem! window. On Wfednesdiwr before she wentlup- held at the close of the year, os in these da- Prospectus ami Proposal Forms may be had anything aboiit it.—Mr. Carter, pr son< stairs in the eThning She had shnt this ] Business and Airt were closely allied.—Mai $6i^ice, to polish oiEf rust tarnish 6m Metals of 6very on application. employer, sale., that prisonor had wor ced for ticular wiqdow, but had not fastened it. ust Cyril Davenpoirt also advocate the Crafi him for some months, nnd was a gOoi woilk- she'saw the man under the bed Ishe The business of .this Society is confined to before and said there was the chance of good iion, and to drive dirt aW; from Wbodwork and Painted W I I.Tiifiarl TTmnr/'trkVVii ^ man.—(5a promising to take th e'pled m. t[ found the window wide open and shut] if- muneration in' that branch of Art.-i-. ■!■■f ■ . i.'.- ' • K -f ',';- thii United King'domi Bench honnd iirisoner over for twelve nobtlis After raisiiig the alarm the window jwas Bradnam aUol epoko strongly iU favour in his own reiOgnisances.—The Polio Ccjim iectetary— sUghtlj}' open. — Police-Sergeant N Art Exhibitiojas, and Dr. G. O. Grai Missionary (Mr. Cunnington) intim atd that ] iroved examining the house on being ci J.P., LL.D., . added a , few remarks. HOUSEHOLD USESp Bl H. T. OWEN! LEGGATT. Prisoner coulc take tho pledge at one k Mv- :’rom Bol^emin Police Station. He did The vote wOe then pntand carri* AesiMant Se irctary— ■ i Cunnington ji rod need the pledge bock, and find anyhodyviu the house, but in the ga: and the Mayor repKied.-'-Then a heiajti ABTHUR E. G. WHITE. pi'isoner iminedintd.v made the declpratijm amongst sonie shrubs, he found the pai; vote of thanks to the President, Mi ASH CLOTIfL_ and affiked his si'gnaturc. boots produced.—Detective-Sergeant D' Strutt, was proposed and carried,^ after. wbic! said that in conisequence of inquiries he tea was sorvedj to ike company.—The Exhi ! , J ■ .’'f •' :■ :..j Jj A SERIOUS OFFENCE. the prisoner at Mr. Yielding’s greengro bition remained opmi till the 30th, and ma- MONKEY BRAl also preparei in powder form under the name of POWDER M i nearly ! 7 yi shop, and asked him to explain hia mqve- be-considered' successful.—The Jhesident 'wa' For some parts w ork PO ' ER MONKEY is handier than MONKEY ^ 1 ^ : porly issault- mente"bn Wednesday night. Prisoner mi well represented, a . hunting episode t^traol , . . Je. nomw a statement to the effect that he went to 30, ing much aittention.. as also a picture < Both should be ke^ eyery house, ISSURANCE COMPANY, LTD 'Jourt was cleared durjng the 'rower-road West, climbed over the conseijva- horses and others. The Past PresWents. Mi. I* • ESTABIISHED 1782. hearing of the case.—The .Chairman levcre tory, and got into a back bedroom window, Badham, B.B.A., and Mr. Kortright, B.B.A], B E N J;^ BROOKE & GO. LIMITED. lidmonished fhif prisoner, and Scnten «d hii At the Station prisoner aiAnoWledged that were among tho contributors, os also M Albert Goodwip, B.W,S.‘ In the photo a Bead Office—11 and 70, LOMBARD STBEET, to one month’s hattl labour. ' the boolts vvere his, and said he got into {the Before thol itayor* (A derman E. J . Hack­ house pecause he wanted to " go to the pic­ tiqn, Mr; F. Judge exhibited some oharm) ILONDON, E.C. ing) in the chair. Councillor Dr. G. O. Gray, tures."] Prisoner also informed witness that nicturre, for they were such in every sol Snd Mr. it. hVIiito Ford. •lie got into the houee in the same way on lthe (though photosi!"nu fond.") The Clubmei Total Funds j exceed £16iOOO,000 previous Wednesday and took a shilling from ire much re ^ t that: death has remo- MOTOR AND SHOP WIN1)0’ V. a manteipic®®' in one of the bedroqms.-|-On one of the most popuiar contributors to th- •nm 'esidsbt was re-elected) and te- CHANGl QERS. Claims Pud I exceed £94[000,000 being formally charg^, prisoner said helhad ..Exhibitions^-^the...... late renownedremovyned Mr. W: sponded, I HeBe nopa„hoped to stse the wben Joseph Patsons was summoned :foj driving nothing to say.-Prisoner’s father said J the Stnitt, father Jrf their worthy Presidoiit. Ghairmani-Bight Hon. Lord a motor tar in High-street in a! ngero' iS During the Exhibition an invitation wna they cdrtld take their plade as Qeoige ^lamilton, P.C., G.C.S.I, manner on the 12th .September.—M r.__Harold boy, who earnt 12s. a week, had behaved hiin- THX FBnillEB CIiHB , _ seif till! quite recently, when he had been '' a dressed by tlio Committee to the chili outside Eondan. He conld not think of re- GUILD (XINDOLENC HASTINGS Snia Company transacts all tho principal Glonister, cJf Messrs. Davenport J« aes add of the Elementary Schools, "through I Glenister, solicitors, Hastinge, defended. hit-junUy.’’—In reply ‘to the <3hief Consthble, tainifig the office were it nbt for hfe able dol- CONFR laestis of IninraDoe businessCion advantar tho fateer said he had only been fun^y in Buswell, of the Eduiiation (jommiti laboraterT the Deputy-President, Major. geous terms, including:— 'fSiis case had been adjourned frdto 'h st wefek. regard to thepreeent case.—Prisoner said he to visit the 1 Gallery,, wh-ich resul..., The evidence lost week in support of the in about t.OOO scholars having on opportunit Davenport. (Applause.) ^ JISE, u p . MA8INE, ACCIBENT summons was to the effect that Mr. jParsons’ had been at Yielding’s for nearly four years, Otliet offiuurs and t.he Committee were re­ The Romney Marsh e nd 'ict Gnild Of TH three ytars as a Saturday boy.—The Bench to see the pictures. The arrangements |fo| elected. . , I' . Ohangei-ingarb ; asseinb|ed !t. George's, car came down tho street at a fasH pace iis bound prisoner over for twelve months, to this were carried out by Mr. Buswell BORfilASY, I a taxi, driycn by lAionard Mitcleli. v ia Mr. Fred Judge! . Mr. Bbenezer Elliott moved a j-rote j of Benenden, on Saturday! ant attendance coming up on its proper side, and] in pars­ report pimself regularly to the Police (Court jthanks to the President and the P t^ . ’ company toss of Profits following Fire,iWorkmea*s ing a pushchair the car and thq tpxi can)e M issionary (M r. Cunnington), his fatl^er be- sqMVBR oWTitros, ] k 5 The Preaident responded, and w a n i^ Fail ■field. INV Compensation, Fidelity Quarantee, Bur in contact with each other, and]the*tad coming surety in £5. during Juno, Jhly, Augnst, and Septenlhei<, thaUkedi the Secretary andJTreasnreri ;He Rye, Saie. WHICH AFFORlDS glaiy. Trustee and Executor, &c. went on tOie pavement and into th< windo to Baldslow Place, St. Helen’s Woods, Bktti- referred to the skill of Mr. Fred Judge’s Art hurst, Stone-in-Oxiiey, .enterden, and of «an emp y shop. Two men nan d W. Abboy, and S^H elen’s Buins. were well at work, which he saw all over the cquntry.J Wqodchurch. i , is a Life Assurance Policy. 'With Income Tax st the : ■ THE! BATTLE OF HAS’nNGS.—The-The first Also ort the motion of the President, Mr. IXl.ANS are gtanted on Reversilons and Life and nil's cere in tho faxi on titefr way] lectUiei of t'he Robertson Street (3oifgr^a- tendw. The Club had tho privilege of twic- The Dev. and Mrs. (latelM cycled from this is a consideration of great importance to those ~ Interests, and on Freehold and Leasehold the Millero Arms at Ore.—Sppi eer Jq. ‘ minii FUnion this session took'nlace'T sketching 'the rhododendrons at Bal.dslo- Philip "W Cole was thanked for his lintorjeet Headqq:-n, and Mrs. G iteh< a keen cam- special provision for dependants'-, The concession Jeffery, hank manager, of Soutbatn iton, W Place, by the kind permission of Mrs. E^ ‘ in the (^ub. and particularly for having •WHOLE LIFE AND ENDOWMENT ASSUl Fronertiea. r on Mondaylay evening eyi at Priory Street fi;Insti­ designed io aMcltent a Clnb Diploma. MisdF. panologist,___ _rang ..ng the BcitondBcqond bell in two pieces. s PBGSl»ECTUSES and PROPOSAL POBMS was ill Mr. P.ivson.s' car, gave evideii ce for t! tute. J ’holo RevBev. J. Lloyd Davies p rid e d , who also meet fcmdlv invited the members ,,, Sfie haisi rung in over 5( towCrst and travelled the life of the taxpayer or his wife. may be obtained on application to anv of defence. Mr 'Wl B. Warren, of London, dealtdei with take tea each day. Mr. Grace, Battle Abberi Grigg (PmtfoUo Secretary), Mr. A. H. BuHer as fai-. as Linoolnehilro in purduit of the art. the BBANOH OFFICES or I AGENCIES, .At the adjourned hearing on Tne day, P.^!. 1066 (the Battle of Hastings).” . The lec­ kindly gave permission for several daia { (Press S^retary). nnd others were tbankhd. The Vipar (Rev. W]. I. Noble)* visited ths A SCOTTISH VVjjDOWS’ FUND POLIC or to the HEAD OFFKJES. Small s-iid tho corner,of the sho) window turer spoke of the battle as determining July and Septolmber. Mrs. Stent alsofve: boifry, and was heart: l-y thanked for allow­ relief from Income Taxt hut by smaU annual paymi was smashal, and the spring ot thi taxi had whether tlie England of that day shoiild steer kindly gave iiermission during the fixtuies i ing toe meeting to tal e place at Benenden, once restores the capitiital value of a depcedatM esi ite-’ Plr Gerald li. KYAKj/^eneral MaDsgier. dislodged some bricks.—On qu« itiong < its political Course thi-ough the M'ddJe -Ages the St. Helonfs Woods to memhem t The bell© were keptj g iing until about nine SodetYs Booklet. n.ftr«h • OnA0in*d.wema1 EAST LONDON. T Brighton Brniicli: •^2, Oneen’e-roadT measuremeut Air. Glenister . Uske I the dij in nssdciation with Franco dr w*ih Scandi­ sketch in thd grounds of her house, o'clock, and tiie couipa :iy thbroughlv enjoyed HEAD OFFICE: e, St. Aadiew Sqr., EDINBURGH (O. L LID! tMMWr A- J. D. LEON.-iRD, Local Secretary, tnneo from .Swan-lane to the Old pjnserv; navia. ' The ultimate failure of ths Kings of ' St. Helen's Wood,” which wa« weatlV their ringing. Tcleplioiiei National 5t039. live Club, 17-ouncilior Dr. Gray rem: irked thi appreciated. The Portfolio SecrotomH and lONDON: s8. Corahill, E.C., aad 5, Water lo* li Wessex was intimately connected vslith the WHAT i |h E CHUBCH IS DOING IN WAR The business part o : the piloccedings cast somo of tllem did not know whete ithe Civ success of William of N orm an^, Tho posi­ Librarian’s report wa« as follows:—f Tlio TIME. was. (Laiijhtcr.)—Mr. -Olenistcr: i Perha tion o( the'' misapprehended Witen^mote sketch portfolio! i© much appreciated by I rather a gloom over 1 he osseqiblv. alter the War we shall remejmlor. (B] afforded no security that its leading spirits 28 memiben■rs amdng-whom: ■ it ...... is circuteteS'. The Mon. Secretary iM r, G. |J. Y'oungs, of 2f6^ U ror of tlje nowod langhter.)—Mr. Glenister jsaid tl would Ihe meh of integrity or intelligence, has Only been round three time© durii the ■ THE N ^ D FOB PEAYEE AND HELP. a letter ftoi|i ilr. J. liLivOTmote. of WM Club was -iiiown on a map as a Methodi and tho symptoms of political disorgaliisation yearly _ May ,1 suggest that th« ib e r s , Ohapel, and was now, ho helievid, a B<,., were manifest in 1065. *1110 idea of a Nor-, should endeavour to keep to the schi lU letll of conitdlehco from' thd Guild, (vith reference .Scouts’ pii.ee. (Laugliter.)-Defenfant .s;|i|a date i n . despatqhing the portfolio. ai this On Mofiday afternoon th© annual meietihg to the death of hk eldest (a ringhr at man inquest of England was no nejv thing of t'he E astst London------Church Fund took place FIRE OFFICE he had driv en about 14,000 inilea in his mol when -the actual Wow fell. Aboveijall. it. would give them tlio advantage of si ing it C hrkt Ohui-ch, Blaik^undst Hlastingis), from B e tt s u car. Ho w IS once run into b.v a 1)1 kcr's va must be set down to William’s indq'mitaWe morq often. Our kind and entbusiaetii Pre. in Christ Church. Parish Boom, There whs wounds [received ii httandera. l Yet anOtlier but he had had no accident himse t. Befoite a large attendance. i ? F u n d e d i 7io. couragi and sheer good luck. Harold could sidei t still maijntaiiui. his practical rest of toe’Guild m^bir& jhave fa|l«n in battle, BRAIIF6 xisiKlSL The dbeir was taken by the Rural Dean Of JHie Oldest Idiuranco Office in the' World. ho .entered High-atreet he wail aboi ii SO ya: not play a waiting'game. *1110 moT^ delibe­ ih ity circulatiog, and gives his helpful tic. 'rtie sadlnews being retealec at the meeting Best Work ns behind unoOlier motor cab. Ho Wth not g( rate Mocess of generalship wag irksome to ism tupon all tjie skotebes enclosed.’ The Hastings (-the Rev. T.‘ W. <5ook), who apolb- qy the Hon. Secretary rcadingta letter from ing at mori! than 12 miles an hou: . On tl his nafure. I t vvas well that victory lay port olio is only 'sent to those who ex; the gised for the ahsence of Canon Jones. Mr, George Joknsoii, c E Appledore. Both of further .side of Courthouse-strcc :i he eo' The*Xiord Biehoprof S tm n ^ said that in iobi ¥ ■ with t!)! S ra ce that -brought th© power of^ desiic to see it, and all commuhii itioufi Mr. Jol nson’svwn© oiHsteii sbon after the ...... three pedeitriana dn the roadwai J and oiganti ,tion and the genius for entej-priis - idiould be addrcteed to the Hon. S ’otarj| this yekr of great stress, the (3hurch wanted W ar. His ejjSretibC’y,, I4r. Ewai-t G. S.-John- soiiuded his born' tliico times; and it was n< (F'o ence M. Grieg). Tlie Library verv; to be stre ngthened more than over, and al­ son. Who rang ait-/ pp edorel for some ymrs, Q u t d u ^ 6 1 ^ i m till the thi rd time that ho attra ded theijt littli used by the members, which isj to bh though, itiie life of the Church was muqh and prored himsell ai excelleiit ringer .and attention.. He took the clutch o rt and a] regn tted, as it icontains ©eyeral very useful clearer and stronger, now was not the time conductor, enligfatsd :o Anstralia, and en­ plicd.the font brake. His speed th in was and interesting books. If aBv, friendk feel for rest, but the time for work. Sopae child- listed in toe R)A.M.(!. (A'l stralian oimtin- coll^ tiotl deliver diiiilye tween six : ind eight miles. The path wi A diepi eed to give or lend books, their contribu ien had teen asked: “ 'What is the duty of,a . Hid ultime to deotinamon Was . Hie Talaphono Kq, full of foot posaengers, and he wad so douh* Honi wdnld he most welcomed the good Christian in the rime of, War?" and nnelies. butl (he enem:r rendered him f ul if the tl ree would get on the .pa :h that Librjirin-n (Florence M. Grigg)." one of: tie best answers was: "Chnstian Uorsde eonfbat ed ;he ianding.lHe has sincO- would not itet too i)loao. . When tnw got o| children : Hast pray like they never prayid The President~ lent said that, • conaiderii ig the repovered and rcto -no;. to tl e Gallipoli Pen­ ■H'! tho path h« saw the push-cart and Mr,. Mi S 'W Q m terrible year, it was a very good repoi and before;; tliey must practise self-denial; they a insula. But the let er pi teed. before tie chell's taxi. Ho was then about Ijl feet froi it e^ke much for will giye ns little trouble as poBsible, and they meeting referred to Mr Johrsph’s Beoon*. and tllie pueh-ci rt, and the taxi appes ted to Basiiiiess .Man’s TestfiaoiBy to TBEB^StRA tlN^POWDEklNT WORLD THE. SPIBIT OF OOHUIOir will li-ite as boly as ever a child can live." youngeis t son, Mr. Dou flas J bl& on, als6 an about thre-i timcsj the distance.''The te 'Those poi nt© had the complete idea of what Applcdcre...... riiij iSngor,! -kho enlisled in the l uffs, was coming a great deal faster thi U he waa Or. Caaaeirs Tablet^. bfitvilren the members. ought to pe done. Players were required for He went to PraMis a few months ago, and . • ’ going. H had thd right of the! 'oa'd, an A lady member drew attention to t! fact tboee whitp were serving their conutry. East met his dea'tbi be]rcc: the 13th and 17,th of* i r '’' ' Iiuurancss effected on tho following having amt lo time to clear the pi) ih-cart hi thatl many' children from the Ele: jentarjl Londoii hud sent out splendidly to the Wsjr, tiii© mniith. ‘ His: iior: risks. thougiht it safer tol do eo. The! path was Hr. Poole, a busk sobquls visited the Exhibition. ta b adl a card frem FIRE DAAIAGB. I ness man, of 60. In- but prayors ■were greatly needed for those him dated 13fch 0:tol p, stating " all was full, and hi d he pulled up he wasj ifraid the flnnary-roBd,.8heffleld. Th|e_PreBidentrsaid- ■ - Ci - that■ that was ai aplen- who were left at-home that they might he Well thi n,” but e- letti from a[ chum of his, f . Ho t. Resultant Loss of Rent and Profitls. push-cart vould have gone round him into says: "Dr. ICxsseirs did idea. kept ftem temptations, iand also prayer fOt dated tie 17th, Here shd- tidings of his too'jacc mnpi Employers' Lvubi ll ty the taxi, which', increased its ej ted as it Mi.FredJndj!^ eaid that to the which meant practica'ly ceita n deato, and It a very tight fit. : lie kept hi's'vra on tho round. I had: ln. says his chun„ .ho ^NOWIPAL tOR %E DUMI>MI ■ Brigiilon Branch i no harm slinuld 'ximc to it, and hi 'trould di the alertness and ter t ^an last year. twice fot alms; and in the fourth, place, must Have been i awai led tee coveted tlie same to-morrow. He believed it was the Imsinees activity I hod V.C. - ll dlaat___ ; :'Yiro:'k, acl, I. intlN tiE’S IIP! ACE, NORTH STREET. Thi President[exftreBsed their deeb grati­ "live as holy as evgr a child can live,” (s It was indeeiT a jncble act, qnd| « dcSerjving I i toeielyt aejd its wUi ta il’s back wheel which toUchei . his car, formerly possessed tude to Mrs, Lemie Badham for the geneii^sj J. W. 1* BENATON. District Secretary- and the differentiall gear acting an such were gime. (My diges- only gajntd by frequency of communions qnd of recognition. { [^t 10 com’ tiod was very feeble, termi on which some time ago she had lent prayers, iienileneas and kindness amongatt ptd am way tihat the taxi wasI P’pulled . - rpund. It £50 0 the CTlub,-without interest, to be re­ each oriie i ' i , The Guild tndm ier , stauijlinb. passed toe Affrnetes in eierv DlttrUt. could nevei have swerved so' far and p) often there was pain and wind, and at night following resolufioji i i ailer-'’- That R is k s * I: s.result ot thoen' I need to wake up with a start and a queer paid at any timje and in any sum tftie Club' The Be-r. A. U. Batty, of 'West Hackney, Hon. fecTctary write a let) ■ ~ l.'Oioto ■ into ,the sh >p if it had* not been[traver.in|g feeling of dread. TW*-*>“4 6o.nq on for couh, affora. (Applauqe.) J said itJwculd (iniposaible for the work to i behalf*of very fast. The general rule was that a cat months, I was getting more: and more run- thje Soc iety, e x p r ^ ing to Mrs. J ahh. 2211 Os. bid. nearest to i.n'obstacle shoUld pas:: it first.-- ThjClnb portfolio, said the'President, was [0 Oni aitat '(Vest Hnckney if it ■wato’t son ani 1 family the m- ml . sympithy -iown. yhen'* m one daVday I read of eimilaliar cosee imm snsely interteting, and he wished inore! ast Lo*Loncion Chdrch , Fund. as. alChi tail. Bv, the Chief Constable: He coi sidered 12 cured >r Dr. Caeeeit'sCaeedl'x .Tabtets. ^ g o t some. in the eod Ices the y lave nod by the mi ee an hoar safe in High-street ■ rhen thets and a! aoetst at once I felttell better..oetter. NataraJlF I members would see it month by month. Iti pariahh [had[ha I not the reilinncc of poverty, it death of their hqre ic mu perssvered. and now. I am as weU iand fit as Went over and lontsido the countyt and it needed )ie P and hirmpatHy just as much. The PEI SESfi was no oiflii r traffiol in the road in his view. I t was !*also row rti I that f-ivate Fency Jle did not i>ec tho pnsh-cart till it Was about any man of my age/' was mo means by which the interMt in ther East LqndiLondon Chnrck Fund only helped those C iii ibt’ii • weR witnowri GTiUlDTAN ' Club was. maintuned. | that helprf themBmves. That 'was. if thu Nash. he Buffs “ — farei bf -Mr d Mrs./J’obn Pi-' H feet away. He ^ u ld not say Whether th 3 NaiSh, f Iden)..f5ij(edjto,aii^i the roU call .push-cart was stall.pnary. T)ie tasi-cab 'wuj Mi . Bliiott moved and Mr.-Parkm seconded parish wnild raisiyHflfi, they receive a gran) I jiit 1] jp: Ire.ikd "Burglar A SbU iviii’.E q&MPANYl the idontion of tlie report. of .£75jfKm the Fund, and if another jEHO after yancc;. ' The qn its right side of the road, 1 at he con­ Hon. Secretary ■Wajs * ■ I i . n i m : r ) . i sidered he had the rieiht of the ro:d becauss Mi . Ebenezer EUiort aud Mr. Fted Judge* or J2120 eiuld 'belrnised. another j2S0 would . to writt to Real i’tiii I''iSAiPESi he Was neater, and he had plenty of room tp exprissed appreciation of the conrtrey of the bejtiven. _ j . - parents expreteiiUr ubfirs’ iwm-r 5 r t;u CapitBi ...... ’‘Observer’’ infrtgard to printinj the re­ The Rev.~ H. . E, Standfast (secretary to them ir — pass! the n ish-cartl Travelling at 6 or which t—., - I* miles an fuiur he qonld pull thq car up ih port ! in the past Messrs. Parsons hud treated fnr thelEiist Lon: Church Fund) said the . and hoping 250 of tildMs|!‘have': been solid s.'tcts . ... «7,10^ then 1 handsomely. Bishop |had menti that thj|9y. might soon Pro weltomo- half its own length; hut there wa no oWeet Dr. CMWll’a Thblete • aanjlne uri teitrf woe^ ed that a large' numhey news. , 011!'.%NV t;ii loHcvici Claai o t after the ac|ciden”t i i hes pulling ud inataUtlyl; lor all Ictma of nerr? Of bodily .weakn«» in old or Tb|e PresidentI said that [though Art to a of thei gone to th© war. He by H. fUbitsi ft* in Hasting* !:;ianded ©L j oerixin extent took sectad place to the Wat; had he: It seisms 'thatipri' MI,lini..V;!V. i’)RSOXAL ACCIDENT, Ho denied hat he' '(vai'(vas goipg at skeh a pacb InditraU hly'rtored Wfioacy. ttey ato'the lecosniaed jtanqe, where, evorv mem-! UitHcti l.l-XUU.ll'Y. llOTOll OAKC, FI. that he could not pull up. Mifchqll aske*l modem Imme tnotm eat for. meia hers might I get otkers to .join, _ Hq~ was ber of b. ifqioh ennaisted' of 'bc- prisoner in Qorinai iN.MdllDNTIAL LOSS. PltOPlTB, defendant ;lf)t his card, which h > gave in- greatly cheered by find! ig tnot the members’ tween I.VS. bad :enllsted. mg thii a t their _ A l ^ [ T rices 'i . m 'D l l l T i 1* .^.T. -1.41.r, E 1S K 8." stnntlyv janl defendant said, "It;, lerves yo:i NfiRVQW mlAKMWR klMEY AllfMt roll lad not decjreaised. The alledi JEl(t «g. Sd. ^ tbdiiffh {glad to ne'i it.pi-.-tit:;- niir of i the abovo m ar bo nERvi MRALim. miN«nnmo*i 'Agent Chubb’a . K-K' titi'i:: tl) llianch oflBoa— right * for icoelerating.’’-Frederi :k' Josepli cnaiami oizmoer OB( the motion iofMajqr^avenimrt that Mr. yet. Hr. qn4 Mri. . is r STB’ FT. BBlOUTOy. Parsons, sin of defendant, said MitcDieT’) ■ -whiiTioii__ Stm tt be te-elseted’ ‘ “Prewdent ; fo— rt ______le ensUiniii,_ etui :anxtous dar'waa going two* dr three*times as fast a WAritlW OIMAUI je ta , the President said he would nbt in the irstiui' E.uvMFaua nowdat 8Mie; •icm EM N in i vrraL nmAwnM couli I not attend regularly he won d be very assembling a t , Vere in the cab in front of iIr..K raons’ cai; miElUTUM OUAY pleai ed to step Aside. . ' meeting On the thi i l .'irociillr Talnablo-for X anin; tfotlM n,' and-daUnl; feiiiri^a III s gave culdoiice.’’ Mi|. Pearch e^ifnated th|» rhe C;iti--al F-riod« of Ulfe. -CbemMe and efmee in M( .joT Davenport said the.y did r ot wish to :SOCIBTY.-r-We«k- 'eadtns speed of Mi tchell’s taxi at I? or._! lUiles, an-1 aU Farm of the votldaell lb . CamilTs irablebi. Ftlced; ehaigc a president they all likiid.. (Ap- Males, Vioitor: M r.;" that qLlhei r. qaa aty * ' klr/Fei- IK l l S i and .S/;— thO n- ■n‘*e. -bein*,, .moit planie.) !■ ‘ Monomlra!. A FHEB .YRI a L* {ufiPLY Vfiin bo sent Parkin sticonded. When tlie.v had a to yon: on tedeist it n i a u nad Sddras and Sin>iro penny it vornss oteuq thtj!* knew hdw to stitek to it.


the etieeit laioM aij; dangeron* Ip tib® streets, he aid replied that u the lamps were blacked efiecUyel; he abohld have no oUection to the expiarimeat. rhe Clerk eaid the ^periment had be^ WHAT made the previons dvening, but the Saperin. tendtot LOW-PRICED. local authorities, both individually and in tois 'right pi and trv “*¥“e “ W. their corporate capacity, do much to ait^ieve for our 1 leht that £ i ,Som« ol thd were quite p r e ^ to | H IG H -G R A D E T |y P £ W R lT ]^ R O F I the great national objwt in view. It cannot the history' of land for After (a toair stag® mahagememt Mr. Cyril-Fahlie T H E W O R L D . be too much em pha^ed that there eie '.at few (words du > Colonel moved' OT waa excMlent aa Sir Charles Fodsn. and this moment a very large number of men who Mioa I«ila Bnasell played M i» Foden with The S tnam t aiI d aieit .OaraMa , ]^pBEBTSBmDO£. take up oui po itton thai '« were to WHUBglagME^M Maatdae ever preduMd, oonid he spared from their present ooQQpar occupy, two hoi 1 efore daw: to® 2^ idistinctioh. The Jewish fincmoler, ’ the tiona, and it will be the duty of the Cojninit- Septsmler, abo) fire mill away. leral, and toe Professor were amusingly WRITESk OVER ( 00 WORDS PER . tee to do a ll'in their power to assist the lyed by Meesm. Fnedl Dobell^ Arthur • service for men only was held passed m toe the long itoh.'of ■ 'liMINUTE. local recruiting authorities to secure these WOUNBED SOLDIEE PBOM NOBMAN- Sllegiy right toe battlsTfront, ...Jling, smd John F. Preston. Messrs. Vlo. from iDhiaipUiaT Taxt. A pow(|[ of 2/t Tea males 120 cups nien for the Army. Questions might arise HUIST MABBIBD.—The marriMe was ’Athe Church Mission Boom on Snnday after- I— -I aifay St a® toe nners couL tor and Leonard Lorraine, Mies Etose Gar- in regard to the»starred hnd nnstarred men. solemniaed at Caitsfleld Parish Ohuroh on 9®5“l toe special preacher was Captain into noise wa ,lanid (a devsr Maria), tjm Misses Gladys Manufactuedi i^ £{ngland entirely ol drilling Tea from the I6r t ai^ it was desired that there should be es- Monday between Gunner PredAricklW. ^ b y , bhort, of .jtoe. Church Army, who gave an ad- and egan to p: re to on Gaunt, Mona Einsnian^.4Torenoe Preston, SHEI^K1EI|D STEEL. > tabli^ed local triounals to which these B.G. 1.. an inmate of Normanhurst Bed to little courtesies of life and toe ».sb« t aring dowi toe Germq Hilda Merrilses, Floremce Bay. Christine ^ infuuon. queetion§ could, as |long as the need exists, Cross Hospital, and Mias Beryl Jane Holme®. IS for which, one h ad . cauM to and ir orks. At ' a long Young, and others ooted very well; Bold in evere [ dbuntiy throughout the be referred for decision. The questions The bride was given away by ber brother, tude. The hymns, “ Soldiers our sit Ohs, by aid of ; There ’will be a motinee to-day (Saturday) Oiuili/Bed Worldi would generally relate to the barring of! Sergfant Holmee, A.S.C., and the beat naan pS, arisa" " Be thon my guardian : MMses, for it ' dark. at 2.30; as well as thaevening performance- at A poun^ of 2/2 Tea males 140 cups <1 ide," "To Thee, O God, onr hearts _ .wore I _ Used by practi^all r every Branch ot ■1' particular , men, or to the claim of was Sergeant Bee'ves, another wounded laving to pick old trsnebs r7.15« ( i , (joveniineiit Service. particular employers that individual friend. A gd^ many of the Hospital staff a ^ " Praise to toe Holiest" were and bSl Ween bari 'laments, eb Tei^ better ’flavoured iind purer. were present, including the 'Comnaandant, G. W. J. Peett was at the organ. Kewhoarda and ^Cypi i (both: inteitthazigCiv ■ . i ■ ' . I I employees are indispensable. The import­ and.inrlo toe tn Jot ns, for ' ance, haytog reg,ird to the functions of the Lady Hythe, and thd Matron, Mrei Tioelhuret. j u m Bw I.— The annual Jumble werS to be the rves to thietmain.attaol able in four aebonda), for writing :alL Ian- '-if A pound of 2/4 Tea makes 160 cups of I Committee, of appointing men of impartial 1%e Inudegreom was wounded iniithe recent ®*le in Md of toe funds of the Working ing p a ^ , who rai e all 'Sootoh of diff< A NEW KEVXn^i NEXT WEEK. uagea: ' BtiigHto, French, r ■ ^iarman. I and baiazloed judgment was emphasised. I t Singapore mutiny, and is now ^ell on tlife Men e Clqb was bifid in the Institute Htol cm regime: ito. panish. Itauan|, Svedish. NofiwegU»v'<' Tes( outstanding in delicacy of flavour. way to recovery. S 5 proposed that an a p p ^ should b® from I Batnr^y.l NotsitbStanding the many Next week a novd ottiaetion a t the Gaiety Danish, Gre®^ Dutch. Porfagum, I j decisioncision of the local Committee to a dis. NC BMANHUBST BED CBOI HOSBI. i tipohn in ththe s imierosity of reeidmia in the nrigh- PLATJNG TfrE lEBMANS AT THE! Boumanian, [ oarviBiii Bui* triot tribunal. H ithe, ■ -T- - - J Theatre wdU be the first representation on TAL —The Commandant, Lady Murbopd,; a splendid reeponse was made to fw: r gam e. ,any stage of a grand new revue, ’ entitled - pffiaaL’ ■; ;l- following, persons ■were appoiointed as rab fully acknowledge UiefoUo] Igito — the appetd for articles, and’ the Clnb funds "Spote" CommitteeMr. W, A. fciper, the ’7ho Hon. Mrs,'Currie, eggs; . Nocman win bmefit between jB7 and £8. Those who At Ja'bertaiii HAm aU the [ArHlleiy. . ATmiPflED" s SPEDIFICATIOIir p e c Tli4 higher price per pound, thp^ Battle (Very Bev. E. B. Currie,' Dun ell, books: Mrsi Lambeirt, reet ; Mrs. f is te d 'to price (and afterwards diqMwIs'of whole length ofltht line, f; La Baaeee t : The past i® a powerful one, including A. . C Sheppard, Mr. J B. Donald.. Grant, vcMtablies: Messrs. Pep] _ and King, the articles were Mrs. Potter, Mrs. Bates, Lens, legah to Mm tiard aa U they G. Spry who has jnst returned from a tour Visible two-cqioni teriting; Hardened Banister. ( breail: Miss M.'Baper, cups eanoengiand Mrs. G. W. Taylor, Mrs. BridgeT. and Miss eibly obuld, aOT w th all cai e of ehelti roqnd toe world. The setting consists of Steel Type; l^ e r iBearing Carriage: less e, cost per oup It was great, for v a could hi them _ five gorgeous scenes with a large beauty FtTU B E liEE'filflGS OP THE COUNCIL. nuts Miss Bayden and friends..face rubbers: Humphre! Three Bpooe Space t liine ( ' Feedr/InataziUy Mrs. Neil, shirt, socks, etc.; Mre. M a w u ^ over our heads, and see the fl< of explosii^ chorus and augmanted orchestra. Hastings Adjusted Bibi n Befease; 6nt Stencila Mr. S. C. Clements, on behalf of Mr. B. HAEYBSr.THANKSGIVING.-A Harvest and tosiy must have bem doi stremend playgoers will be pleased to hear that the 7, ji^aw s; Mr. Bobfadhs, Mr. jSoaa, d' Tmnksgiying service was held in connection witoput movo; ti ol| the Bibbon; Back i B. Allwork, who was absent, moved a PESolp* E. Kemp, cigarettes, vegetable. ®®d fruit; lot bf damage, this wa® toird old favourite, Mr;-J. D. Hunter, will also, Spacer; Insta: ;ljr;(Clian^ble Typa' and uon to the, effect that in future m ^ in g s of vnth the (Ibureb Army at the Chnreh Mis­ of the 1 bombiUi&< it; ,We v aU make hia appeaianoe next week. i As the Mrs. Smallwood, butter, totsfleld—^Mis. sion Boom, Fair-lane, on Snnday evening, E ^ b o iM : aUlLiBagnagee; Cfaanga the Council should be held every fourth Bldg: I, cake; Mre. Davies, eggs; Mrs. Alficiri, soon r five ojelo :k for our irst fight, I popular oomediainh pantomime engagements ^ureday, and at such intermediate datfe ^ conducted: by Captain Shirt, of toe Head­ I ibis one of H a biggest the piesb do not ineinde a'visit to Hastings this year, from one Lmt agA i b S o t l ^ m a d ^ tumnlere; Mr. Wilson, hair of c ru to h ^ wL quarters Staff. Oil Monday a pnUac tea was Four Seconds ; ~nte$ in< Different Stylo I I tM Chairman might deem ndeeasary. Or any lag® reb o ^ egg$; Mrs. Saigent, Mr. J. Webb, War. t 6.30 •* - i; ire-oonld tbs Management of Hie Theatre have [ other three members of the Council might, held at five p.m., between forty and fifty hear toe hi and chine I afforded a Bperial opportunity fori him to of Type; Writes S4-99]CharactersL; {Weight vegsablre. Ninfield—Mrs. ILade (dtTOt), being prerent. In the evening a lantern lec­ 14 lbs.; Material—Best British Steel; I w' giving notice to the Clerk, regmre instead cake and jelly: (village schoolJegge, fruto]and that till ’Sool wend on to4 paran ’appear in his famous character eksteh, "The ------. . „ I of every second and fourth Thursday in vegetables. Atoburitoam—^Lady .^ b w r n - ture was held, conducted by Captain Wood- toat Gerini rere tryin« to hold tb (JoHytottie Widow," and his oldl friends UnsurpwedJDjUnsurpassed DurabiUtyand.SpeH}': ia no* I every month. i . ' ■ iham.(^ment, bread and butter; Mre. Hob- head, of Hollington.. Pictures were shown bask.b t toe 1 neaot it to s time, I will be pleased to giro him a hearty wel- Muipped 'With iTabuL Mr. Gower second^ the' reeolution. ,n, bread; school, jam, fruit! and v eg^l of a dhnrch |Army Van and its work at the ing that toere w] 9 tiious%nds < t meni bsb { come baOT 'to Bastings. The Lowest Prioe_;, ■ . • Sheppard said he thought that liar, [oo>—Egg collection, 29. ! The following Front. Addresees were also given by Cap­ them, tore tb ire had e re : been bsfoj nTbe engugemeiit is for six ndghtsi at 7.15, | Typewriter : the' MsHtoi injf regard to th® W'ar and the important donition has also been i received:—Mrs. tain Wooohead and Sister Walee, of Tun­ W« ooi not I w hat Was going on; to 1 rith a mainnse on Saturday at 2.30. ~Durable, andind' a...... ”+Poiver _ . . I matters coming up for decision they ought to bridge 'W j^, At the close toe Vicar and our hL_ abo' th I trench would have T d in ih® iLbi Clyte, JEIO. j ! xoolish^ , Cloiistructed. in the {Largest T^pewriteg I meet fortnightly as usual. He moved as an Captain Weston thanked all who had oon- t eventn illy ire ' wmt over.’ ■— 1 'I' Factory in uie (Empire, with the present amendment that tho word Cbairman should tributod ip hiakei the feiAival a success. followodt up the f out lino, who were lei^tensions covbring (nearly 2 acres at . be etruck out. and the words, " Any two BOBEEiraBEIDGE CATTLE MABKET.— vancingYfMKiiiiE i r»piOirapidly!7A qiearUlff < learihg . th»'tDiQ euOTiy and slaughtering tl sm w&desale. 'SALAMBO' AT T ^ ! ' CTNEMA DE m^bejra " substituted, wiihout distinction. DALLINajrON. Monday: | Th® lforttiiigh.tly n ^ k e t was The Chaji’Tman sad that if that was done h® conducted on Mimday ny Mir. X. 8. Mills. " I t wA,a grekt fetory, LUXE. should resign his office. If the Chairman There was a good a t^ d a n c e of buyers, but did not wait for t > be oi was not considered a fair judge when a meet, prices wei There were for (to say that before he attook mg ought to be held he did not think liis toe very big .succe«l MtsSING.—Writing to Mr. Peploe (bon. sale: M i easts, 10 calvss, 200^ sheep and ai gas on the sneihk rhich hsl] ebM utd, mnd fk» eemoes would be required any more. secretary to Dallin^n Cigarette Fond), lambs, flOi ligs,. . and some store btock. Pricices iway, and toey mi! I't appear {achievedi by suto films as " Quo Vadis!" Full partii Najor 'Mutle is: Have you been out to the Mr. Sheppard smd ho could not see why Private Jesse Bishop, " C " Company,,,9th ruled a®' follows ;-rBesBts: Steers and ;reiy mudh—pfe y ^ them a t tL "Nero," and "Julius Cwsar,” toe Managa- M im « 4 reto at >— 1 ' FfontP—Defe idant: Tea. sdr.-^f Hieb did you distinction should be made. Batt ilion Boyal Sussex, says that there le no heifeim, £1 1 to £2S; barrens, £17 to JB24 We still OTehed f« wvaid, and mnet of the Cinema de Luxe has engogeA.~at bast November, si:'.—Mr. Hon& --.The"'ho Chairman said he was only thinking news of hi® .'brother Alec,'of the same Cwn. cows and alves, X17 to £26; fat calves, .£5 offer a great reitet mos; for on{ a vary oonaideralble expense, the great Itelian F. J . PARSOWS 'LMm Why d i 1 yoyou come back? Defenda DefendantV-l is I havinghai less red tape. He would agree pany and Battalion. Alec ha® been missing to £C 7s. !.; sncklsTS, 80s. to 45s. Sheep can’t food the stee , and thoi mastkpiece, " Salansbo,’’ for three daya . 18 wound! d.—‘.The Chairmad sajd.' ■ that as to Itbe words " The Ohi^irman or two mem- Maiden® a (keep going. We'tb ik a lot of conunencing next Monday. for some tiine. ' j id vlrethms, 46sl to 57s. ; barrens, ’When it Is said that toeie are 560 marvel­ defendant /had "been wounded ■ and: brought b^,*' but he was prepared to accept the 8 8 s . t o fat Ikmbs, 35s; to 42s. 6d. Pigs nmrmng,land I !finer thev M( HASTINOS, aa« - o« itStlT* tOI , mttls______.. District, MB. and/bat recovered they r ould diemiMI alternative, otherwise he would be pleased OBITUABy.-pAn old anl lous scenes in toe picture,’ that 5,009:artiBtes ' 14, CLAREMONT. «. bad: whose sddjteItSiB is 1The iHanunonds,______iCcldhee _ taut rof DulUaffton,_____ , __ Mil _ za (jk^iig, Porken ^ lOd. per sto^Jfich— ' pleased,to be c^ ti red. Iv toeir|appeafan| 57, DBYONSHIRE RD., BEXHILL WU. B< . will. be glad' to reoelTS infonnstion for him with k citotion., He was, hqwever, liable to be relieved of the duties of the office, ^28 tbVfi] saqklers, 18s. to 27s. Store they looked sta rM long, white {drawn fi took port in to and that (he entire Cost was tp a penalty i ot exceeding c o n c lu d e d " I piit it tq you in plain English away on Sunday 1 moTtoiifc at Yew A80,600, an ioOT of ite magnitude inay be' BshUestiOB « Dotioss m lorthcomlng meetinti, etc., Arch! where she had remded with ner aietw, Stock: 30s.i to 4to.; yeariing steers and toe picture of mise y. bd he «‘.U Ir attend sad idmrt ongagooentt in because it is rieual fcr\the Chairman to be heifeiB,, amyed at. Atoough there are six torts ih j ABBUDBItl . BATILB. BODIAM, BBIOBT- C^LA BLES? DOQ. Mias IP. Gosling foT many years. Thei de- 7 to £10; l8-months steers and The aitack wac a great'snobess; we b|ad this preture, by the inirtaliation of fwo new I ;,;.VS3 W O. n t.. ABH. 'CAT8FIEDU. OBOWaimST, consulted bv the Clerk.land it wa® only put ' lady was keenly interested in too work heifers; i- to ’-ei'' ■' taken a Ipt of gTov id and held f t, ihcl .;Sa u ,inox( j . EBHtTBST, T MODHTFIRLD,------jFrank Aeht in, 85, of Stapleon ss, Wesleyaii In as an alternative 'o r any three mem- laiosoope mschineH'.of toe very latest type, THBBFI :U), NWFIBLU, BEDUBSCOMBE, Minister, adnined allowing a | log to be oij b w ."* B.B.P.C-h., and acted as local Hopor- the villagi) of Lot We attocl (eicl I which oontai'n aU tbs' up-to-tote impiove- ’t l T^EECBl iSI^, WESTFIELD, land WHATUNOt icretaiy.! i night; it was a w< ird sansai' not to bee; there will be no waits between the the highway vithont a coUm a Ewhurst oi Mr. Sheppard withdhqw his omenidment. ■wbOTO you are goin r apd what you w< „Onr rw|d« i Should note thst om Corieepondoat lath October.--P.C!. George jLieqiey gave and it waa finally agreed to substitute ""tWo^ L OP HONOUB.Hrho following old going to] eneoubt r. j It one parts, to binder toe action of toe speotacle, BoBEBTSBMpOH end BALBMPBST Is Mr. d keep if on yf>|uT itboueand feet wiU be egchibtted in one. and a * liiUiipIliliiliUptalitiqjlfiirii ■ad HDBBV.OBEEN.JMB. W. H. CALDWELL, feet. Several bf ot ohaps tri; ever w:‘ lubrning he bi pke______his collag, an< witness tooh cks, B.F.A.; Privatol Douglas Funnell, . i ■■ half hours. " Salambo " belongs to toe olaee H^Mgham,; to whom similar noticos for these Tillages him into the house and said le bad betto: and fell in tremib s, etc, lof gnat Italian films, whidh are kreat in I 35 MIDDiIe STREEt ino Gun Section, Sussex: Privato _M EM t)B^ SBBVic®.—A memorial ser- be kept there! Unfortunately the dog wa BATTLE BOAffD OP GUABDIANS F. SllSta'riing'rth, 7th Boyai ^utoex; Private E. COWARDS IN T He| p a c e DEATh ! 'toe 'best sense bf toe word, apare fioin the pRAMnekLipiiKERi or { allowM to geo out . of the houie. For somi Hicks, West Kents. Thi not old school- viob for the late Lanoe-^'rporal F. Baker, air of munificence which is so strikihg afea- N time it was watched on the U‘ vn, but latei boys. I who either 'went fro) Dallington, or 1 Be,?r.—Snperiniendent Dalmon si d d tm t rino Gbrtie.D.D.), Mr. F, G orh^ ^oehturt; and the niusbles and does not pread froi^ aa^eanimiaddreas, alluded to th® 'wondsrfnl narrow i isoape® che treneb.- _ ample tlm b; audienioe, -foirmbd a pttoi)g coniriiisiOT (o .a - % » Elrie BianwelLjUri and Mm-.S. Clifton, ’’-’^i'summons v ’.as served defent aibt-ndl sail Mr. J. B."Bnrton. 1 - it 'to amtosT like ini .thry 'rheu, rOngnatlon' shown! by tbese who had herii he­ most sacoeesful {season of one'of the: meet and MeseiM Beginald, Predprick, of muscular bf 9-i . shell hit.tl us, especially that for Silverhill! which it he was go ing to apply for subpoenas to The Ciiainnan—Wfe are 1 much obliged to Lumbago is a for the War. A t: and bni itself about (two': { 8sr I They both went They i could lira one-]' «outiku, wiu nno ixs usual plaos. ■ I'remembraince. f romTElsie and Olive ” ; "From ter)—but that lO could not ntte id toe conrt. »ve I Tecnrriing' attacks until tb® SEDI.£SCOMBE. thondlf for some to ‘. mother, dad, Frances, and the boye. with off duty immediately after the Board meeting eolid le of ire :ireighing aboi Next Thursday a very fine dfaDia of power. " EMPEROR OF HUMORISTS " (CHABLIB '—Henry Farniiam, of CaldbeCUU, Battle, on ^he I5th inst. { to a strength suffioii nt to overepi ' ** •J‘1 bomban A aympatoy “ pronr/toe brothers in said that on .21hd August he wi s in (his gar- latic poison. ExteniM appliiratu put was at ful( interest. "Ordere ■Under Seal,"- i-will be CalAPLIN) AT THE PUBLIC HALL. : te ■mth deeptot sympathy"; "With THE |iNMAT|ES. j :■ I HWtoWabout fW*>1 7V«Uiven Vo’ol W and we :submi(ted. A piece of (oUioking fun lof local ded overlciokii g the read whto he heard! ,j -Ijiat simply relieve toe pain arfe BIFLE CLUB.—The indoor rapge of the if wo should liv l get Uv«r tob { cdour; ehtitleid “ Pimple's 'Willi'hjWasit, ■: •jp^petoy, from Till, Nancie; and sohnd® which ^s thought resul ed from the In the first week of the fortnight tho in­ On toe other banA Dr. Wdlliams' f: Kathleen torother-in-law and sister), Strefc Sedlesoom be and ; District Miniatnre Biffi down ae to® er to Isi(," being Fimplete: adventures in Hat- At the Public Hall this week, to® Manager viplent beating of a horse, and leoid a voice | mates numbered 86! as comiared with 109 for Ills build up tho blood and really oo(- Club was opened_ on and we go throngh J tyen only khi I ■tings, will dra'w crowds to eee th® happen­ has presented some [ exceedingly good pie- "..ton-undep.Po8se, Warwickshire"? "with urging the ani mal on. He loo ced over the the corresponding I period of last' year; 7 ; sincere sympathy, from Mr. end Mre. Albioi 10 trouble. - . I the large attendanceatteni' of memher® testified to 1 rifle firi aa very heavy ings on toe Bestings Pier, and in the maces grammee. w(hich .[have^ (raeu greaUy appre- hedge, and sav a veiry small p< ny ^pulling a vagrants were relieved, against 2 last year. ___ 1 poiiaons in to® bloodjtoSre is a cob the enilhususm of ’the Club, and augurs well lad no ;l ie to think ; I. familiar j to thein. and very many jWiU no cintedi .In the first:!part of the week the^'^ I ..Thorpe, ’ Mount View,' B a ttle " ;^ In lovin large cart in w bich were seated (two men. In tho second week there wiere 86 inmate® in tinual combat between toe health feroee su|d t Tsmembrance, from lllr- and Mrs, FSeemai for a eubccMul season. il;' did WI top for just seoOTd |Hobbt ibe able to recogniBe tosmmlves, or leeding feature Wjas a stirring drama,'"The fendant, wh< was driving i^e pony,il the Houho, agi;ainstj 110 laet year; 6 vagrahte the dtrease. When the rheunmtic poisons bead^ turHly 'When heard I their friends, on the screen. It would be Hud on the Oalleiy.''’two other,good dramas |, .tod Nellie"; "W ith heiartfelt sympatb] wa® tbrashinii the animal. ^I'he__ “lows! relievOT, against 5 la^t year. prevail toe blood 8®te thin fapidly. 'When V.T.C.; PARADE.—The memhera of Sed-,.. >from Mr. and Mrs. O. Buss"; "With, deep lescombe' and l^ trio t Volunteer Tridning plose to our i abop unfair tq disclose all the eddeeplittiire events worthy of jnentipn beong " Home Folks ;" and were rapid < nd violent, ai d defendant toe blW is made rich and red by Dr. Wil­ " i-oceixr in oar very midst; allTwe can "N«er -Btetnite.'{l l ;*st sympathy, from Mrs. C. Book"; "W itl. appeared not to do it so much as THE ASSISTANT NUESE. liams) Pink Pills the poieont are destroyed Corps will parade at Headquarters, Queen'S «> e: were driving e ene Mr., Mrs., and Miss stimulant as to rinflict Ppin on the Head Hotel, at 2.30 p-m- on Snnday. The I at toe point I ?be ba]| -is, go and see it. " Anibrosei's LitQe F n today (Saturday) toe i»ogismme will' tl letter was .received from the Local Gov- and ;^led. . 1 chet? (Keystone). "Mbdeiro 81oir (line- beaqually as intefestii^, the chid item being' >■ With r lovo, from Gertie”’; pony. Witne is called out o i^endant ^rnmeut Bound sanotioning the appointment In a course of Dr. WilliJ Pink PiUs Corps will: be inspected' by (Major W. H. net. itay to fire tw! or ton J" Wito all true a r n ^ h y . from 4 and 5. St. and the pony ^p p « d . I t ai ____ 'Mullens, J.P„ and Mir. C. J. Ebden, J.P.. rounds dt us, off .again, bnt tuokily! maitbgn^ihy and (be < ^ « k Mbvemqnte of' a tUrty minuto dtamel; entUledi" Jim Regan’s ■ red to .^ t-lo f Miss Armitage as Assieiant Nurse. for P41o People without dela; Your dealer their birr^ ti ilways j AninmUi;" vtoleh 'wUI be very interesting, " " in iiwbicih many toitUlng' inci'?,, jwry's-tMTtoe"; /j'W itli deep sympathy,' ness that the animal was, exl: snsted. Wit-: sell* toem. but be careful ask for l|>r. aim waa not from A?yitJuU a":^W ith Sincere sympathy, ness remonstrated with defenda it, who sword appointment o n / lSSESSMENT curam. iir I not have 1 h m I hiaisniaoii Os altooqgn before the endji®'reached s'' W n llto i'. ■ , , of our fSmiliar aniiaale are full of ibeauty, J.hom Mr. and Mist O. Cramp"; '^ ith in the nsna} w ly and abused bi n. The stick CiClM M im^. . —Send for toe free Health Guide, teU tbs-ale. German fired me 1 srepest sympatlre, fjom Georro"; "In lov he was using I o hit tihe pony i ith looked blank a ; abo I ix l yards' i oni] eyesbavs never eerei them. In th®>fikn we Mr. J. D. Atch'iAon proposed the election of Trhdohf explains much more {about rheuma- 'luckily, only my hat ol rare ehSMed to see (he meat rajAd move­ ;tsg memory■ of Lizzm, from Mabel." 'if it had been cut from a beige and was: Commander Loane on the .Assemment Com' Hsm. A request to (Book Debt.. 46, Holbbrn STAPLECBOSS. s - THB ST. LEON. about as thick as an ordinary ralking stick. threw di wn .h! ie and put up ments, tiniitiaited into sp s^ whiWh iwe can S DENTAL SUB- The police weie sent for, and ritness exam- mittee in place of the late Mr. F. B. Searle. Viadufct, London, bill bring a copy. " ' ■and oriel ‘Mi two or ton* apdreetafe. The " Jo u rn a l" wiH make up a ■ GEBY.—On ■ and after. Npvember 1st, Mr. The resolution haviOT be^n ponded, Mr, -:o: Holliday will atte) dned the pony and found man;; weals Inti . iicked l,im ny bayonet one hlfi .fniibai.r ■ , _ ' ^ : ■ Angql in the Mahk.'* a t 6A’ High-street, persed with lit le Imnpe caused >y the thrash GoldsmiUi eaid that altoou^h He should like The;r at{s all ible oowards wheu fi ; The new Ohiines uiaiplln ptetaiesh for ; a cobutry hoy whe i BatUs, every: Mond and Th-ursday after- to see Commandbr Loatie op tne Committee, THE BEADING BOOM.—At the annual. . i; t make a fortime. Other Boons. Please note ing on the an maPe ribs. Tl e month wat meeting in. oonneotion with toe Beading I witl dea tb, or it is man to man. which to e ^jiem a ds Xkixs hoMs to* eadiw lange of address, bleeding, and ihe animal Was l rembling and| he did not think it was fair toj give another FAIBLIGI Boom on Monday evening, Mr. F. Hildsr sItS righto for first rwnesemtsdon' in Hare S ore: t' Maud and the Miaer " bed CBOSS Hi TAL.—A concert, or- sweating all i iver.—iP.C. Hai y Bateman, 'member to Bex)iill at thq eppenee of the preei^hg. it was decided, owing to toe fact HILL 70. dlstiiot wilT soon be ss a eUn n of mine, who "Beautlfnl Belinda," Selig eburady (Lambert), Mias Annie Hoadir eong, “ I’ll for tos .parrel cigarettes and jobacco toat a d ' d rm Bg, and ihe aeri The H. Borden, J. Coleman, G. H. Simmons, (I*, The tender ' Messrs. W. 'Belle and'Sons announce ' that ton Lord OhanoeUor has you sent ;to ms.; I'received it on 12th Sep­ l^ b t in; toe Window," Belianre drama; Slack, H. Foord, W. J. (Hufflett, ly. BrigUall,: ting thee songs of " (Clay), Mr. Jack for the cartag of stone a t Brij htling; at 7s. ilaced the name of Colonel M. Tweedie, of of t le way w ok . to the dreami ^ V ith the .help of to* Ladies,” Lnbin H- Blackman, and J. F. Kelly, together with.' Bailey; violin solo, Bi^carola" (Schubert), ifrace 'horse, wi s accepted. ‘The Hall," (Beckley, on the! roll ot the tember. Though I do not smoke myself they leU 11 rrived (|i re I had done a( .comedy, aind 'to® Topical Budget of ' Miss Gertmde Beeki obmio song, " Things per day. and ' were greatly i^oomed by the men who do leain I wfnl agte y, dropping sev timei, Recent toe Clerk. (Mr.'A. B. Inskipp) ana othre efl- OF INSPBCrpS OF Jnsticcsof the Peaa for the Cknlnty. Colonel UOUETFIELD. in passing, to e : long hours away' in toe Evente. • cials. .■."' ' I shall never forget,' Mr. George F. Vidler;, BEPOET1 Tweedie. who ia 'a gentleman (in th® very id read;' to givq ap, but it wae use, m For the fimt half of. next week, song, " May Momini (Denza), Miss Hilda UISANCES. trenches. I gave thorn to my section, and leae wei e no aw tehers available, I wijs !']MfeA’(|P( Bassett; song, " Nil best sense of the terin. and whp has resided toey thank yon! very much- for. your kind­ gramme ranking as one of toe bes ana" (SteOTen Adame), of Nuisances . md Building :.n Btekley for a ^■nsidernhle number of iso very hungryil aving had two rs* barl shown at this toeatre. an exclusive (eystone Mr. Iieslie H. Coai i flute solo. “ Hnmor- The Inspector OB-CAB ACCIDENT.—An accident, ness. K isinics to know that they were sent htihg lith only two biecnito anc bait a Surveyor reporb (1 that since t le last meet- yeare, was duly swjorn in at Lewes; on the by the children| quite near my home, that remedy, in 4lx reels, entitled "T ijli^ (Punc­ Two tenders ■were rwraived for the supply jokeo" (Anton Dvi ak)i Mr. Matthew H. 19to in«t.. and Imnediately took his seat oh a cyclist was knocked down bv a of vator, a n l I was glad to i tured Bomance,'’ featuring (Tharles ((jhaplin, of meat for the (Vprkhpuse lor toe month of Hoad;,reongt Miss lillicent Baper; violin ing he had..mn iq ^ visits am inspacHons. S being at H**>®**(-” Corporal WincOiester Ltal, i rrivingtf: ere about seven He recommends: that plans fOi the eiecHon on the Bench a t ton Sessional (nceting then ■{car, occurred at V ln^all on Wednee- has since been viounded, and is now in hos­ Mabel Nomand, Marie Dresaleir. and others, November,' and that lof Mr. 'Daniel'Sniito aqlo, "'Serenade" being held at the Oouptiv tow imrnoon. Francis Adams, of Biver-i a cn a of bqyfil. and I eoon fe I will hold (he place of hOTour. Thisrolliok- was' acoeiited- It was eitimated toht the e|No. 3U of a pair of nbw cotu^ges a-f Crowburst be . dountfield. was cycling out of the eun _pital in England, ■ The third...... acknowledg-... j mvtelf an lin and! i ow I am m month’s meat bil'l Would amount to bVei approved, Thej^district contin?^ free from meat was rereiv^^frqm^P^^^ i A r woupd, ari bea I ing story of -the adventures of anaunsaphistU notifiable infecCons disease. trance! to " Vinehall Place," the residence of ton, who belongs to a cavalry regiment. oated country girl, who, on a hblj&y. is £113. ■ The Ojimoil approved of to® plane, Lord bad Lady Ashton of Hyde; when he nicely. . n picked upl by a toarp 'un, Charles Che^in, W at^" (Chro PinsEti),, Mr**J^k Bailey; ked down by a passing motorcar, " It wai a' great 'battle, having .ptnred , willprovide am hour and twenty minutes’ NEED FOB!ECGNQMY. 4 tong, "The 'Valley bf ijaughter " (Sander- UM ITATipN OP COAL PBICES., Ho Inc^eMe in Prijea. oonv^ed to Bobertsbndge and at- tot ontsk|r s of Hnllook, Hie I oontinuo-ns and side-splitting laughteij, Other |cn),. Miss Annie Bead; I song, "The Floral to by Dr. BlomfieldL who found that lining dstrict Or und .tone and (ill 70. The Lewisham (Board wrote asking Suppofl A letter ■wasj received from tli® .Board of Rodnoejypup H«at IbUI. HOLLINGTON PHA.—Laet Sunday, minin pictures -will be: Episode 6 of "T he Million of a resolntibn urging the need of econbmyijn “ nos " (KaHe Moii), Mr. Lrelie H. Coi Trade asking toe CoumCil if 41 ey hation, {has tendered his the eaine time tho presents pome in , fervore propaganqis nor though 23 rear® Of age her height te Cnly 26 rt.. .\t the conclni ion Mr. Smiths thanked A circular Was ne<*'i'''ed fron, toe Local resignation, muduch tho| regret of all the as thelallowanoe hardly la ^ out, and no, balls, pictures, and so forth. He would eay , , . -jarbj, t- • li j inches, andiber weight 18( lbs., She is a most Mr. Slack ided'toe amendment. . ' essrs. Coad and I bad (for organising the Government Board asking fer He assistance a IC held on Friday •here there is a chancA to buy smokes; to them! tltet it was quite possible to go in hia afero. |kaj d; ' al sia agemo inetigis la fascinating little person, and unlike ison^ of The amendmi ,t. was] carried by 11 votes ta effort. .Vs a resulfi o : the■ ntertainmeni, the of tho’Councillin the matter of i sernlting o: 061’ for money making for pleasure, or for m ai-( DU!multaji gtupoj. en rnj®. 1 (Bnlla 8, and agreed to. m ivening at the E< "rown Hotel, Mr- iHy appreciate the Bifte." " I ain jardl90l, 1 fondle la gazeton Bel^i Sono- tier (diminutive predecessors who have as­ funds of the: Bed C: oss' iety will 'benefit tho present scneme. They enggi !Stbd. that ■ W. F. Forster wi Qously elected to just a Jew lines thanking you and ing a name for themselves, and yet never ob­ tonished the world, she has no abnormalities lid. tain the hipplnsss for which thrir real selves,{ nlo.?’ id faria|[ t^ v a in servojn p q r'ip a A (fffiSItiiNATrON. to the extent of JMl Os. tribunal of five persons of impartial and fill the position helped towards toe parcel,. which I rtado ep ■ iciliila komenca nerio and is not in the least deformed. She is just tolanced jndgment be appointed {for the pnr. OUB DAY.—This was ol)eerved on SatUT' quite safely on Friday. I was very craved. The >; Psalmist wa» certainly npon an ordinairy being in miniatnre. In a(ddi- 'Fhe rOsignaHon of the Porter. (Mr. Spilled with it, as it came along juet afte( the right track when he indicated the happy ij idonis nndonOT in laboron por la in< tion' to making her bow to the andience was accepted, and,: snbject to arrangements day; ■when,a nuita^r of enHinsiastic schoifi ,e man as.heas.c (whose sin was forgiven, The way iciUSRY*agra afero]: j’iA ' kin A.iAmdiam .ivMfia restis fidela. . BATTLE PETTY SESSIONS. ***^e followiuLr taembere were Appointed girls were busy (n the village selling Bod got back from*the frenchee, and the -ro komi mdanto Lemaire faris i lurajn from the stage, where (her life story is told, being made by tile Master,: it was agreedHliat The ChairmaiilMr. C. J. HonieeU, J.P.), Mr. :es, etc., came in vert useful, as » ( to forgivenessforgii of sin was clearly set forth, she I walks amongst the audience, ^nswers be should be' allowed]; to leave in oid-r to Cross flags. Tbe-sulistantiill sum of jS 11s. t, flnrt, as pqin(ment on Monday nexti i IUMDAT.—Before Mdjor Harvey T. B. A. Wallaine. and Mr. W. B. Cru: up. Self, 18s. 2d.: Nellie Taylor, ISs. lOd.; Annie Prose-road, is the hen. secretary sion ofOI sisini followed by a pardon of sin, and able. She is a lady, whose acquaintance Combe (in the chiir); Major Vf. H. Mnl During the eSertion of the m rmbers. Mr. Taylor, Us. 9id-; ..rane isted, lU. 2' ■ a joy in the consciousness of tbs forgiveness should be made during one of the Hays of A'CONF’^E N C E , ' lens, Mr. W. Goldiimith; Mr. T! Daws and Burton propMd that MjftJcr C< tube be. ap- Flom e Baitop, te. lOd.; ■ith Langrii „ . of «n.—The scloiet was Miss Elsie*Tyier. The this I week that she is at toe Palace pier. : Mr. C. J. Honiseti solos were ‘‘When the children are aslren " Also- appearing r,n the programme are Notice was reciiived that the anhnal gatbcN 5s. . M .; Ifhylte fiMisIey; 6fid.; B arM ^ 'I'ranslation :— ing: of. the Asspiiaiiioh of Poor Law Unioinn. Gpmbe-I w©ild I Hieks, 9s.; Eva Parsons, lOd. ; G la i^ and toe "-Gjleaner’s Slumber Song." Mr. several talented artistes. wOio give a pleasant EiiTESi Conignoh wae at tos’organ. Mr. J. Mann DEAD. entrainm ent. Marie and Eva in arausical will be held in ((ondoU on the 23rd and ^■Ith cbnfirmedl— going away: I < lo iftibWfree with the scheme Hicka,.2s. 5d.; Annie Baker nd Bosie B ak^, • L *aat» following. ivlIUWhJlS i*CPsI altogether. I toink it ought to be oompnl- Johnson, 3s. 4jd.' iresided, To-morrow; (Sunday) Mr. Clement 'act' ffisplay " ' extraordinart ' raordinarv Skillektilas , as soloisolojsts sts andahd November. '■ f, (li cell BrightUag 2fl/ 8d.; OtowHimrst sst Rd.; Nin- Ss. uid;; Doris Burn and .M. "alker Wilt be toe speaker. I ACcordini to beWB BnlletiD, " From I dnettists on xylophones; mandolines ritoers. Mr. Hnnter fiirmally gave notice that be H dstingS’ field j2s. 10d..i Westleld [Ss.; Dallington sory. JIEN'S SERVICE—On & inday afternqoiu ^ould move a foi'tnigbt hence that two reprev Mr. WhK®ei ctming Hapqranto, ’ wq a: n( of the death o t Col liaho and dnloiina. Professor Earle, as an 8d. s Hooe 2s, Bd.; Pi iiihi rt 3s. 3d. Major. the moutoly servioe for in. was held a r rhe played an importu(t jUnaionist, is thoronghly ; enterteiuing, and “totatives be echt.i A MOTO S' LK PENCE. toe Parish ChurehJ u^er toe local branch of toe C.E. IN CBBiSID eOi^T OE LIVING, * Thomas ^ w a rd Bro' tin, of 37, Eaton- b a t t l e UBI AN DISTRICT lOUNCIL. I ■ ■■ ■■■■'■ ■ ■■ the Bev. B. L. Marren-Linni: i^be Workhonie fireman wrote applyihg'for Ki: muare. LondOT, S-V'., a r---—-private in — the. ~ -r.-i-Life and gave an exceUent disooi the ^fonnda(nm i fine I contralto voice. .(: Bert Blarsden proves KL Guards, admitted' dilyihgio motor car wjth- At the fortmi jhtly meeting oj toe little : himtelf to be ah shtertaiher of a pWtti chiarly an increase of i ras es bn the ground of in- ( out a iioenpel at Ciitsfield on 7th October. Urban District Coiinrtrat th® ,C eoige Hptel brr?i nature. His sang 'aaf'danc- ereased: cost'i.o E ivihg.'--Heferred - to t.hi P.C. Charles Hutobiioh, s|tationed a t Battls, OT Thursday ev suing. Mr. W. A pre- ing {make! evsrtbodjr mugb and an plahde. Hpnre CommHtie (or)consideration and r«. . 'Hid that abbdt 3.45 i.m. oh 7th inst. bs was sidi^, and theiB ■wet® also wosi n t: M rem. Amandns'______as an. impersonator______and mimi c port. Mnt to Cathfisid >ih Cpnseduence bf a inotor C. Sheppard,; S. 0. Clements, G. 0. L. w nght, -gains mueb applanite.' |6 y mremi ol -a few cor anoidsut. j He s iw ..daendant driving (a H J . GoWst. a . H. Sinden. J.fH. Donald, ■wigS (be represents mahy of the oelsbrities "■']. THANKS. ' motor car. ahjl asked (him for bi® licence, and andj F. C» Sheppard (cleirk). ___ of ti)e ■day in all hatiohi. toe makeirap being Mr: ('White (St. Tl oraltsVToad) was be produc«d(OTe wibi to expired oA 24tb.AprU last. WitnbH saf.d tpi himV "This licmioe^x- verji realist!'' inrf clever; ,, a^girt lite rat iiiql for the ,inmate«; •, -i .■..>• tttjj Tniue will be two performances fi^plin and Jin Harman were thankc aired last April.'' (OfitointoTliJtoJAad A ■aSta ^ <lt for .j^ie jlCotiage Hosma; .1 thbngbt that , .Kf' v;

■'. ■■ H A S T l W e i s

EOTAL SUSSE CONCEBT. Dahnrenther, M n. iLan^d Boral Karel there was a, good attendance ■oloiera aiMl aeons: Countess Landerdale, Lady Edward ith, P ri^ te E. WadMr,J^anoe4}om Lirkrioa in the liardanelleii; arrired in. Ua»> thsir friends. Miss BriuM-o^i . . the mhsli i.onse. Private J. Allmj, Ibnvste J. Hay- Cecil, Miss Cotes, MrsJ ^ t t . Mrs. Onthrie , Private jJ. Stanford, | Private C. Snan- tiDijn on lAinradalri cal pro#rojnma with a gplritt'' rendering Harvey, Mte. M oj^tt,! Miaa Stanford, MIm Unhen aerioualy ill, he was in hosjpital in “Land of Mope and GI"’*' " i Miaa Bro< ilStey, Mni Phtllipe,! Mias P h ilip , Mrs. Egypt for fiome waelrs. Yeeterday morning T«y abliy accompanied. Tftieh iras Baeen. Mias Scott7>iMasa Giddy, Mrs. Beay, ittiided. —: Private C.| Mattherrs, __ Councillor Harris, in mnf ti, imd looking rerr graceful riolinist. :l£«a Tioehi xebttatiOL Dr. ^Tilson. Mts.| S^rlyn Wilson, M m W. Wilson, Private . Adkin, weak, paid a riait to the;Town Hall,\ aha of a-boy's ambitiona, witb the s f r l ^ "Bul kto F. Argent, Privste J. Avery, I dareen't," was very funbr. ' >1. ll. Baker Harvey, Mre. Thoniasin, Rev. W. E. Shaw, was theii..taken in a medical man's car to .re­ Mr. and Mm. Jinks, Mms Boot, Mrs. M<»> G. Baron, Private A. Bigneit, ■fe'l I port himweU at the naralheadqaarteru §t "$t. Guy Aaaoe. Voe., sang "?ha of Nat -Corporal T. Bigndll. Privato E. Booth, Leonards. • ' ' '. a. son’' witb all' the resoi iKWhieh , te H. C. Broughton, Sergt. H. Bnrdhell, bare made hint M well known rnos'i Private J. Bumage, Private K. Campbell, singing of “Down tbs h '.was Rivate J. CapUn,_Privatoi W. Carter, Pri- ■very pretty. Mr. _ _ •odn IMieheB, Mm Gay. vaWQ. Chappril, Private.^ (Btildfl, Private cinema nlma. with th s '^ h i pianoforte EMMANPEL VICAR'S jPIGHTIKG SOKS. A. Clem. Sern. B. Cobby, Private F. Collins. accompaniment by Mesa.RtQi were modi W. Cooke, Privote.p, Coxall, Private appreciated. Bi DavieA Private F. DuttOn, Private T. Captain Barlow The Stafl of the Crosa Hospital, Fil- Ideotenant-Commanderl Sholto P. G, New­ int, FrivateiJ|. Grant.rPrivhte J. Hay- man, who has returned f|rom GallipoU, and invittMl them to don, (Private G. Hen^. P rm te F. Holmes, been in Haslar Uoepital,| has been gazetted At the close jCai J. HpplSns, Private F. Jambs, not go without rhanking Mies jBOrofsni and hM |Mc|s-0«poral' R. Kennard; Private F. Captain in the Itth Sussex; and his h t^ e r, friends for tlie very peasant l•velung. Be it, Private ,• J. F. G. Newman, Second-Lieutenant in the had enjoyed it tremendooMy, anld b* was mxe' .^rnival, the Wilkinson, sazuo regiment. . j ,,, Private H. Morrywohthefc Private W. / everyone hud. (Icud applause.)! Mja* Brown Tt%eity. and Bboneimr Sunday School Moffitt, Private A. Mnmford.fPrivate E. J 4 — dcsirOd that everything shoola h* iniotiBal. Imnd: lifn. Vipan. lao.;! omkctioii, Miw Newman. Private E. Oates. f^ v staB . Pear­ That expression of thanks was not'' really for­ Bochford, fls. 7d. RraitJ vegetidilM and son, private M.lPhillpott, Pi Ivite J. Randall, mat; It was a gennine fabling] They IumI flown:'M l*. 'Maieott,|M. Kirby. Lady 1 onng. J. Rowtend. Private B. Scrase,,Pri- A MIDITART ptuNERAL, had a very pleasant evening, and aooor- V. Saltsr, and Ivy OheA Cakes: 3. Soutt, Private H. Ste rens. Private 'W. ded her and her friends very many thaake. Whaney.Lai(fyT«aim,:Mra.|Daweon, and Mra. :, M vate J. nhempson. Private A. Tru- (.\pplause.) Marson: Joint: Mrei Harricon. Babbits: Prtvnte A* 'Wedc^^ih ivate 'W. Wells, The .remains of a gallaht soldier. Private Mrs. D ij^ Cfleavwr. I ; MkoeUaneoun: Mrs. John Perris, of the 1st Berkshire Kegiment, Liddell, Misn S h e^ aid i aM Mies B o ^ o rd . Were laul to rest in the iBorough Cemetery Drives: Mrs. Simmonei, Mie. Spicer, Hiai on Wednesday afternoon 'with full military SANDBAGS. Nuttal), and Him Dm^. ' . Private P. Gawtoa,' ivate J .d r o ^ - DonouTs. Private W. Deceased was wounded at La B.i£see on the To the Editor of the Obssarver. Gorporal Y. Hay C8th September, and wa4 admitted to the ivate L. BM4- West Dene Hod Cross Hospital, St. Iieonards, Sib,—The 300 sandhogs we are sending .off to H. l^ldsn. to-day brings the number sent from Hasonga BEOSPITAL JOHN. Wvi to B. fiyghgate, Ioe.-t irpoial L. Irish, on 5tli lOctober, and diedj there on Sunday. Priv; it* F. TigmsB, Pnvato IJ. Jenner, Pri- -■ p iilo i- Bereral > people and some' convalescent com- and St. Leonarda up to ISiOOO.;' vate A. J^d. Mvata 'V. £i np. Private B. radss noiembled ontside the East Sussex During tlio past week percob hsvd’coinia in The Seemtary ■ekaowledgea. with hast Kiiu, Private W. Mi rivate A. Pat- Hosptal.' to witness the procession. from Christ Cboreh'Motheta* Meetins; (Per riianks the following ktod gitte:—Vefetahtes. tend o. Private G. Pi rivate P. Ruf­ The coiffin, draped with the Union _ Jack, Mrs. Hookey), a third ]Hrcel frim Mias An­ Girls’ School, MvwSiliTi Mto. oamood. fe O. Stintson, boro deceased's cap and several floral 'tributes, thony, a sixth from Mua Bdrri .smd a leth Private Menbam. Mtee^usiett, item Bitehie, from St. John’s PadatL HolUa( eon, and St. to F. Taylor, and was conveyed on a^ motor i' asMrt A FriMKl. Mr. wReon Chewidiion. Mrs. Aptw. ate T. TIhomp- waggon, provided by th^ 9tU Hi^mpenire PeteFs. Batdatow. (per Mrs] Me jean).' Briaeoei ftmit and flowera; Mrs. iralN.Wn;' ^e^m ent, under the command of ;eant- ContributioBs for the pnrehao r of hniberiAl ^ . JrmTClemoind, Qwl Guides, |b « . Private W. ijor French. The boglexs hnd firing from Miss Amootc, Ss^ (3rd). !| od W m C., HatohMl. Free iOtfeotten GbtDOh, w . Xise, a J. ir. .grimte J. party from the same Hegiment weij under 5s. (St'hL Woollen comf«te.tiOi l MBw Gook;, B- W. - Bi - . I * *«uwvw .M^asawja * *• e R^SiJder. jeant I>awrence‘ and TJorporal i^ins. a bos of uaelul artkdOe.for lonr aeldim Priv! to* A. A. HoimtO^HoimtoT' Privi J. JC) . > Hand of the 5th Boysl Sussex ‘ ^.ment from th,e St. Laonards CoofMi aBenal Sdle HcteBMI, Prim to A. Jobes, Private was in attendancs, under Mi^ant-l of . Work; a further large eoppl ’ til ‘magical Mr. Box. Hna Privi ,te W. Muirhead, Piri PJ ______k ; Pratt; A carriage, contalnihit fon conw dryings for tho Serbian Bed u|oas frm the IaBiO^C Privi to J. Rani^klL Private SteglL Bteioe- leecent comrades and a (^ tin g e n t, of the Misaes Spiers. Hamsr fur Corp >nJ H. ViekTPrivate J j^w ^ay, jPri- VJi.D. nurstp of the Howital,. unde:r flteir Yours ^ bert, M’rs. ' . Him viOBiy v i^ A. X, White, Private C. Commandant^ followed. Thp Eev. A!. Hnme H SARAfi HiXl^ING. Hume, Mi». Amodn, V a n e . Miw ' W< nnded (preriously re] Simpson ofliciated a t the cliuroA ana s t tho Mayoress. C ^kA Mn. Robertetei, mheri, Ancm, vate B. Pwilold, Brivste ^ graTeside. Miss Savageilold liaei Wftlsh,^ gno> Pmvlenah’ reported kiUed ceries. SUvwrhTll GlrV'Bo • wem dcd.—Private A. Puatrl PrivaiSS?T Girl Guidm: wee. Meids I SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS’ FAMIUES' sausage ridte Geilsri u W< undid and suffering f] gM poiltoB- IN HOSPITAL AT EXETEBJ and papers. Mte. Pmkmst Rerntter, Ing.'-Private F. Burden. . ASSOCIATION. n. Wood. MrsL WaWuMi liar; tm, Sul (eriag from gas jpoisonlngi—Private A. bandages, Mtes Kii Miss Ktng- Broun. «:ivote J. Oornolfosi Private p. Dnmrmer Harold Lane, I of the Slid Royal It^ip te, 1915, £1.C1S te. expenditure. don; cakes a w toea, i C. Eason, Privil , J. FuB Sussex Rcgiiuent. m>u of Mr. and Mrs Lane. £1,Sk2 Is. lOd. Received dnrirg week, re- Mrs. SeinadMU: rigaret ra: nail; beef Private “ ‘ ovgate.i I M, Hoirntve-roi^. Bohemia, in wounded and fum ^ separation ailowanoe, £1. tea and conp. H it. Ooidr, Re' F. Thatobsr: vato A. Schnnu^or, Se^ w hich ladicc UMm\bcat^- In Ihiosjntal lat Exeter, bht is progressiiilt M ijor C. Talbo|t Ijavenport, m. treasurer chicken. Mr. Claud Reeves 1 ijf writing Privi to W. ■Waro; ftitai mUAfactorily. Has angs and St.' Leonards Divi^on. 7, Gros. table, Mr. Chao. Dyke; donaf , Miaa Lett. drewi Private R. Barham - Corporal He was woainded.in the'left arm b t an ex- 5s.; Anon, Ida; Mr. Sterikm c>lPar Mte- E. Private C. Q Private ejoeive bullet, wliioli splintered the bon^. venot-cresoeot, St. Leonardo. Goodfellpw, Us. 3d.; H. . ;^yward. Corporal E. Reni JeWetnife conatai^t Hia other arm was slightly wounded, and he 11*. W. ^w lett, Smgwnt B. B] PriTsete E. was also wounded in the stomach. Ati present ■, Private A. Lawrence, ♦ to J. Lubk, he has to lie on 'his back ii|i the hospital, and lergSanAC. MeGiath. Private 7. Marrin, . it is feared that it will ^ some tme before THE INCORPORATED SOLEIEBS AND Privi to H. Morria; Private G. tm. Private lie ia able to be about again. Ho has ’------I SAILORS HELP SOCIETY. SMALL BAGS FOR THE or J, Smith Onrporal F. J. Star Private A. the Pronl for 1* months,[ and, but — — W OUND^ SOLD! TVse. Private A. Tubbs, and ' ivato B. |G. War, his tiUne in. the Arnit would have been ITo the Editor of the ObservW. WeM. «p.'. An Old Tower Road School boy, ho wa* SiB,—Kindly ineert in your aoxt isatM: To the Editor of |the ver. la o w in tho Osdeta, eliid then: in the loM Enr Received, already ^acknowtedeet, £143 Is.) Ant BATT. ROYAL SUSSEX ! IIMENT. RDOeirs before he! went into the 2nd Siueex. refunded, ISa.—.xUJ. I6e.; grai.te end ad­ S»,—May I ask you to hrint before ronr n s a v 6 m i ; S o formerly worked for Mr. Vint o^'White- vances. £117 17s. Id .; balance £ !i 18a. Ud. readeiw the great need for bagi for putting Died (psevionsly rsported wonrided).—Pri­ ■vek. In one of tho strike: riots in Wfalea ho Yiour* truly, the emalt beioBgiaga of the led eiddiers vate V. D. Bichatdaoa. ;¥-! ■ m a iitmok on the head. ! CHAS. G| STOEBT. in whan their clothes ara temovi on arrival S, Trinite-streetJ Hostings. on tbie side from the Frontf STB SATT. ROYAL SUSSEX REGIMENT. 28th October. 1915. These hogs are. . answering - ___ a ,^•*7 useful purpotejS*< are much appreri kted by the Kildd (prsvioudly. reported unded and M OAiL FROM THE LORD LIEUTENANT. men. The; can be made from rein* raissiog, ’believed lolled).-Serg ^ W. J. To tsb* Ediim of the Obeervori nanta of ere sne dr other suital te w Neve, h the aise whi made should be ap prouma '• Wo inded.—Private B. J. G: I and Pri. Bm,—Ii beg to he allowed, through your BRITISH PRISONERS OF WAR. vate H. J. Payne. Mtanne, to urge eweryone' thinugihout Sussex is inchea ^ p by .ll i inches* i wde. with , itei^anl^ ta Ao their utmost to help forward the greet Td the .Editor of the Ob erver. draw strinv. and they) sp«y he i ent to this u address. Thanking y-ou in antic^tion, 7th BATT. ROYAL SUSSEX REGIMENT. h i ■obsme foi reomiting which has been set on Sib,—1 wish to . acknowledge with many lif^ m a foot. : : ■ t thanka the following gifts mid flcaatiena for Touns truly,! _ lied..—Private J. Brown, _ ■ivato D.- Everyone who is in any way able to do so the above Fund. ; (MRS.) CLARA IfUDEN. , and Private B. 8. Matoh. h d i s h d i m W i ta ■hould afford all IposBibloi help'fb the Com­ Yours truly, Attclifle, St. Margaret'a Bay, «f Wounds.-Private J. R. I__AiBs.__ Pri-_ H n mittees wblioh am woxkiiig so strenuously ’ JESSIEl I. BOYD. near Dover. Naisbite and Priv^iE. J. Faokney, !■; 1 ^ tka fjhxwnidwat the county in thte time of our St. Paul's ReotoiT. St. Leom ided.—Private P. J. IBe»^,- Privats flonnurh need. ; Sale of Iridcts, 7s,; Church Abis Box, 11s. Blackman, Private.T. W. ida..Prl- tlwh ."'H t IXionn truly, i Sd. I “ Two Sisters," three shirti. three iiairs . Ball, Private R. . Privats socka; Mjisa Sirudairc. one pai r socks, one FAMOU3 HORSE ARTIId.ERT. 'otter, I^vate P. H. Phil] t Private :! frJltfiffjif' Baglse ' KORFOU^ (carfiMic. Daman, two pairu idttcns; Mias •land, and Private J. Wi Beeching, two scarvee; M n. Cato, three ,QOO Gikarantee o n e i^ r y Lord wadhute gloves, one scarf. i Jack Qroemhrldge (of the CAdsitream Guards), with the British t pediticokaiyitionw 9tx tXTT. ROYAL SUSSEX REbiMiafT. Forro, writes to hdn old sohoolmi iter. Mr.Vt. Dim of 'W bui^—Private W. 31 cinnar and F. W bitfi^. on the l^ h Inst. PrivtkteJILiE. Bstohing. , ' ‘Al m joint FRDCROSB LEAGUE FUND •! OR MOTOR In the reoeBvt exciting time Iroomhridga Wounded.—^Private...... N. R.Jl. AptApileby, k Ow> , —'-^imd Seen'— states thiit he did not have ,his boote off for ^ - - . ■ AMBULANCES IN MCE. over a week. In the preveons eikgagemenfs 'lel i'H. _J. ,_Bb11, Private G. J. Sircbmorei to 0. BowW _ Private J!'; Dancy. Prit 1 It' To the Editor of the Obsenrer, in which he Sad taken part le had aeen vato BHiott, *Prtvato ..Tsw 8. a, E X* v^tt. Piivatp " nothing like iC*. “ After t to barihard- A. week's men*,*’ he saw, it « aia|11 . to gladden mmid. Private W. J. ^;'tR.BMiUinioai^ vatevats a . P. Jejm Private R. Jefl a GuarcMee of 5a. to the heart of fighting men, ,<3i r men awdpt C,:. KKtiowl h o w ^ Private G. Cbboirn, T h e n a m e flier b n S o a p IS ______------. ion Lyon. on in the face of almedt hell. ■ raight lidb: which, addsdi to .£ ^ iSa. fd. pevioueily ac. Hun Itnw and thrwwh J0to» Thon . BicMrito ftivate H. Stoner. Xn: n to rilodged, brings tbo total an oont to £53 the famous H«iw wMllary. Jvsr tfio! ffli; ing r ^ -Ivat . LEVER BROTHERS LIMITEP. IT s ; e Qs. M .F I piiorieed bridges whieM e n e ^ Ijio Wetowf i V ft IW -W; —. Privato for Ycurs truily, thw dwhed. Bind Bwunff again i » l» « o ^ n.i *; Rene G. WWthen, Private A. Adra LancteCor- tarlesto iteaaoihenM in the Rye Divi. t e r i ^ 'jw ' jnan’i poxel C. Cffiichen, Privwte E. ilvin. Got- eion. and , t e 'the filiihting I the bearers 'bravebr Dm . rav ate W, C. ibhih. Pri- The Bye Dtte^m P: Becmilt- radefl-to sntoty, ‘“ts . C. Elliotto Private J. J. Hadlow, WAR REFUOBeB.| Corporal P., Dr. Harriw^ dvaite J. C. ing Gonututtee J las a central ioe at 12, «d battio icenot only thoee saw *it^n YEOMANRY IN BILLETS. ~a«en‘a-avenue^ I Eastings.: In ma»to Ta the Editor of tho Oh realise iiie ocono. No time ' lost in mw- Lanoe-Corpond A. C, H< Private P. . I MEfHjOtUSt GENipN/kRY.I '-'-net ,. Bring from g u pofsoninj! ier^ant .4 luhHshsirin the Obssrvi of the boys ' who resisted the , n^oom rter jrdener and Private A. 'v the borOogh for the next six months. Thei STILL AT THE FRONT! e Unionist andl Id wral sUmrid canvssa ' r" of Satur- attook, and helped, ; not only drive them lohaidson. are to hiklet at the Old Workhouse, the thetr and ithat.la: lies be arited te asstet ojtobsr 23rdf off. but to give them a good < ,M. ^ This week nan been a memorable one in Joint Seotetariee also, express the liom Btet aumher at Refugees maini COUNTIBa PIVI8IQMAL SIGNAL Qrommai: ^chool, and empt^ houses. I the history bf Wfteleyau Methodiom n Ndr- an endeavbuTj will be mads by thn ehura ' w hdll^^ partuklly by the 8ul COMPANY B.B. In_____ preparation______for the_____ advent . of th i toiam. I t being eiie hundred yejua si nee the a l w a y s ON I nnd seeretaiisa < d pcMUeal nimrwiiiitfciiiB troops. Mi, Bamden (Secretary) has erected „ ------__,ry iiervihes ■score dia help sod oo-cmeral’— , 'tfam of * thn“ 'Iboal Yours truly], '"PATHEMATA MATHjBMATA." I ot wounds.—Pioneer T. Chafer too refreehteent bar at to* Y.M.C;A. Rooms) were held Itet Sunday and VVeweada r. The " ■ I wSl thatiof ■■ the PoUa^ and IQG. rivwte W. E, Beeching. and to>e. ve understand, will be open motto event bad hten looked forward to wito grtot Boml Leijgnea, I ihool t^heiB . eto., tea sneh Hon.'' ing. . in, and might for the oonvenl- interest and enthosiaam by the Mrkep^ 'ifho Tbougands liow on Active Stervice. nscriot. tf, Havsloi^rioad. •Who lives, if PreedoB dtoaP* ence of men, while recreation in th^ ore jimtly teoud jof the church's leodi Fifteteixth list of donatioasj base.to- J. C. Burleigh^ way of ha stolid etc., will also be provide^ 'Phe weatUer on Sunday was anything hut htoss eellsction*^-Si BeMn’i ,tw held at Etehingham C h t ^ on Snn- The gifts in kind were auctioned by 1 help their fellpwe, but wamei them tha I it i^ii telso tetj tbij liged if nlL Associations andjiindividnala who " Oct<' Prtc(^ Ifroffn lQ/6 to Ith.m5. estesiMimite K day roning lm looal soldiers whb had fteUsn Messrs. Hoteso and Co, and the sale dncluded; | was poasibld to let ths mono poeetos tlem are at present-engagod 'upon voluntary 'War " Pear Mudnm.—Wo shau h e' ry glad to in aolKw. fidl honoun were paid him the Cattle, toetep, .pip, wnltry, rahhits, ferretf, instep of thein poas^ing m< ey, work will seU'd me their names as sSon, as accept your conitoibutiona towi he*Silvee Y does the Kaiser send hi* 1 PPe msmhirs of tbs Volhntser T ^ ' strew, totuL ehioSon food. hops, fiour, bread, About ■ seitent] x . r - r . itoWn . ' tea il the ^ ^ i b l e ^ order that a local'ossociation may Thimble’ible' Ambulance • ■ ■ “F u ^ ■ , . pieces of To murder wife tend child? of Bt ihlngham end District ^ totatoea, fruit, vegetables, flewers, carriage^, echoolroom at fiv| o'clock, end afterwards nn , gold aM silver that are broken ' worn are Y do- too nations stead aloofi t le Isssons w«w read by Ca^ erm implements, wheelhairows, lawn mowto, adjournment w; made to the ihurch, wi ero i, I m i^ t add that Badges will he issued to melted down, bnt all fhoee gi ’ that are And 1st the Hunternn wild? Uowe:, who ww in tenifOrm. I- ;uns, toiisttof instrumente,^eto., eto, i a meeting, was ii’esllded over by Mr. John m Y lion't toe Bntildi st<^ the Eeppa P A R s o i i i i i all voluntary workers wTho -are register^ too good for melting ate vaiw and sold An lappropriato _ „ _ Mr. E- J,; Bates had a Bto Ciross hm in hijs Perigoe, in toe nayoidable apsence toot of f t o I S Dead Mwrto m ••Saul*^ ’•Saul yiho Ohai! anj expreesed hii indebi Mnees period, of I tiiree months. ^ e +0 sort, test, and value the i itribations T don't toe present -Govsnunent a» waysd surrounding parishes wdth the amounts ool- I might add tm t pending oomplstion of aonsdad to Methodis , and 1 staled thit for' I m iny that have been sent in. and' ala «of Encourage soina great man lect^:^ ! _ _ _ j ' years he h ^ prople werp mem' en at prebimnarv arrangements for Official Recog' thegi tp the best poasiWe adv< ^ . We Tki “ go one better ' toan the Hun, iw toa* Nortoiani-—R- I- Bates £fi 4s. 6d.; J. DenV 14, ( X / V R E l IN m mnon p t ;As8ociatM>ns, it isi n o t i ^ ter in- have already had ehequto fob And «oep us in , jibe van f Priva te Payne's laat wupda teTi {ate £3 iS ^ I I Noirthiam. tom ahon of all concerned that mnfilers and and for Jtof’ 'tor the ”Front wsteTi^'We’caja^ ere: "We Mr. Edwin Austen, J.P., gate m iteterest- m £88 for igeltod goods, gnd sxpect > have one Y don't we send somoia Brede.—W- Whatman £15 Bs. 6d.; A. John; ing and i:. ' netive I epitome )f Mritod A N D C( inittens axe nrgBntly needed, and effort tor over £ ^ in a day or fite f " the same To bring tbcMk Zflppteiiia i tmae but I mean to da my dutyi” Mncb I ion £5 15s.; F. Mdsters £3 fits. Sd. ■ ,1' ‘ i. ■ ■ should hwooncentrated on making tfhese arti­ T den't ws go and: drop gome ! piiRre has toed expiirw^^ for] to Sandhinrst.—F. Merncka £10 Is. 8d.; RI in Northiaml etattog that k ethodis! Bontoe. It 'is a case of ‘ every haliw. Ives, «ted alM for Mtea A. ^ b ^ M . .of Tiee- first introdi- ihere^hy Tbimas M^topnll. cles to War Offite pattern;— Onrvfim ambalaiice went to t__ MS' On many a Gennan town? lUnpsr £3[l8s. Jd . V Mufflers:—Of fl^e<^ ^ool, drab shades. 58 W8^. to whiw the deceased ”Idier ” had Blecklsi F. Brown £7 5s. 6d.j J. Bulij in 1756. Tbte site still tbitei hone laches long, 10 inches wide. week. Whriiavo enough m hand -o, S, engeged for some years. tog where ii rly preaohen tooK ,, , and have decided to try and prov: a Hurd Y don't ws give .(he Gorinans bliok JTOT,. £5i Ji vis., Perrymaj :^!Oross, Carriem Paxmv and I r&r :^ttm8.--Of kmttina wool, drab shades, one betore the end et the yW.! 'What they have’givrii us? Ududimore-'p-J H. Cook £1 2s. 6d.j R Wilt m wjtih m ort thumbs and uo fingers, 8 inches dito £1. ! Tan House, ■tbtem Chapel Was opened' .'i ttwi. ^ "W e th ^ k yoa^ again f « ytUr interest The Faison Gas, the liiiuid ~ in 1815, andj|t: 1832 to 1835 toe Revl Thos. 1 I Ip wanh , long from wrist to knuckle. and kind offer, and shall bs g n i^u l if yon Incendiary Bombs—and “ wua : Idsn.-f-; Ifred Rssvs £4 Us. j. ‘ Yours truly, can make the acbsme known among friends, T not! Y not!! I fail to see 1 MILITARY AFPOINI 'Bolveni i.—Campbell Bros- £3 9s.—Tota), ColUna, whos emorite are atiU hqnoi When they have- played such I ffro Us. and revered,! reachcF there, e . arm iTage h o c k in g , " Yoora truly, The Bov, I ten' iSmith ideHghj Wiw4' T shouldn’t we do just too i amonnt^ in addition to ifilSl 9i. isr Waders !&l|a^ti ’ me so “ E HOPB-CLARKE, And put their townOiia ’*^*?eaii * at.the jiimbje sole, brought the audience with| addreen, which I 'Mayor. Con missions in toe Royal' SweewBlegiment prospective, aasttiling Mayoris Parlojir, .* •nr u Wilbraibam. have tmm granted to Privat* Q. r Tt ~ tef to £303 Is. 9d. ! retrospective CMIN-PROOF anl DUI iathm telH We hove hod over 2£50 thimbles. Eadh Now think this matter out at tera of toa jnmhle sale feel very heareratbat i h m:uteb bad 1 een dijine, Thwn Hall. ' amhulWe oasts £400." ; T J “ iTSf***tehiro Regbnant). Prii T being able to aend such a < reat strides: le dnriiw toe last ‘.jteiCe, After reading toe above letter, I thought of And answer—at least, try. D. I Hill, Private V. H. B. 'ernois. ThM* oedNl farwaj Its liffWo bMn •intrbf iltL » tho one ffl To solve the quesUoiU! writ abovel l and ^ v a te A. C. Smith 4 bte'^«l- n t to tba British Farmers' ley were on sieve of greater tbi sending a copy to your widely-read P*psr. Yon’U then oblige.' (sSkti ds). ^ F u ^ i their opportqi tiiW in toe fntuie aa front, and IwTe prowoi .A front bnnnltn tnn! trfffH' eopiiif tbn Yours truly, were large and manjt. weffrora.IjMBMi w n riu M S d PRI^'CE o p WALES’S FUND. o P. S a w e s. Yours, "Y ." Ttetopatwy Saeond-Lteatanant to Editor, of th« Observer. j Altogether the leervicee wore a ci T< I the Editor of the Observer. 36. Quarry-road, Hastings. ; , ' 5, Havelock-road, Hastings. Hodglnluon./of the BoynJ 8n««g great thanltfalnsM. |" th e Iksoloi wa6'. ! WA^EItSt l/« per EffiTi :OATS» 2/3 onf I hae rflini)yphsd his oommisejea on Ba».-Mte I, on behalf of the Committee, sung with gfieajt heartiness a t ' the close. II enclose further liW'of subscrip- I .' '■ ______j : j hrongh;,t*j medinm .of your paner sinoerelv The total nt |of the CO llectitena '’^’^e-rereived for the Prince lose who so material £9 8^ k%djriilMstoa ■< Waletfe Ihind. FROM THE COUNTER TO THE ' BNCH. to ja ^ the above t.by entries an< y boy te dot ler’s hour. BRITISH REP <^OSS B0c| b TT. ere being auch X [ i r o t . ■ and shell You|'3 truly, Temporary Sooond - lientsoont Wildon sobeoriptioitef There being such a number nighi.'- poi To the Editor of the Observer. ChamiM^, of tba Royal Snsoex Regih otrentrite n ig imporoible to allude to eadb THE THEOfi tPHiCAL CINTBjB-^,^ E. ARillTAGE HOCKING, dhUvidhani s e n io r m SiB,—Will you allow mn 1 Oh! Arohibald, FitsGerald tee, I hM b gosetted a Second-Xieatenant i . . . , , I anhject of thte ; ledtuiw in.pa Satetioh W LA:REMOW|’r,' ’Mayor. fh you Qr«i« diar OiwTds- My «pH thanks are due to Messrsl the Hastinga 8t.|l«onaroa Ti fltayor’p Patlour. paper to correct a misapprtei: whicL Jn«t show us what yon can do; Howie KM Co-, the honorary ------anoHoneers;', Centro will 'ncarnaKo n;' : onrs, appears to bo gaining - h w , lYon've stood behind.' those count foW the icfilcient ---- way... in------which the sale waa « itogeneratli^' stoted in oi T 1 4, and ate -Amounl previously acfcnnjrledgcd, £3,418 tto t jthi* Pivisidn of the Ri w not bare; I carried eut| and alee the e'eUeotors and subt 17s. 6d.; Missss "C.,” 5s.; total, JB2,417 2e, 6d. able to send out ortielss of cjli .iurgimi dome, join us. end our trenches Ser feant Harold Uriah* Tonkin serihers in [the lurroundiBg parishes. War b e f U' iS.j-The Hat dn A, deessittgo, eto-. to SerUa. Sines W*r bo- 1 Sussex Re lent, has been i, . Letenorda Wtef >es Sub^im Xtopiration will net foil ed-Lieutenanl Yours truly, vWe their frii aupporhn; gan leveral large eonaigiuRsntel lave bsm ia the London a meeting to! sent I y us to Serhit ilaaelli lYnoro. together we meet hail A. JOHNSON. . in the " " i RECB|EATI0N ROOMS FOE THE 5th and irihcr placee. Of shot and shell, and shrapnel .- Hon, Secretary. 4 her ai 7 o’ti It Wed® . when a report < ork wiU be I Ro y a l su sse x . ■ W il you also kihdly ackiwwL. tbs fol- "'ThsUs your plao^ eir; 'twillT ones. • lowiu [ aohatiteaa and gifts r—Mte, you!" Mr Arthur MarMon Legge has a_ etoSmnent'' ol nto snbniitL kwrey, £3 ^ e |to d a Second Lieatenahlant in il toe Su ' llock the Editor ot the' Observer, j 3s-: , i&sj Ellen Aalaey (needli rk). £1, 'eon liknxy. omittid Ihst weskj; Mr, hml Spicer My verses thw, improrapto came; beg to ackttowledKci f ui-ther i J'ist Show -- toaimiaii <« 1 he| SutG ----- k J- untni- (need ework), £2 9aJ: Mte. MaeC (nesdle- that yon can " playl jg hoH t: ,« n d : ‘hiirions to tha 5th Royal Sussex. Eeci stion work), £1 Is.: w«ekI;^Wollto<^.] sn Work- game," Temporary Sefrond Lieutenant 'SooinSs 'j room. £3 lOs. Hd.; Mrs. Bediood M life and sport yo|i make a ...... Percy K. SUSSEX WILLS. hOn. aooreta Elliepr^s, a From Mr.' Alfred i BtrrettL a cheoui tophoard IB».ddsley, of the ' Royal Sussex Regimant. naa WAR HOI r TAL SUPPLY DBPdr,! for the 5 iMsee Duttglity. 9R itelte sto! 2 w r* C|o to the Front and; do your 1 been irahrierred to the Royal Armlgry. £5 5s>, "lln Immnorjl of'i^ixt. J. H. Ba cuffs, fl neeryss; AA-'B,,' uM ■;iii in ; Mrs. C. J/B ell; tl kha toman and hiidr. tiei ' AA' ' Comnanvi.Chnipany; 'StirTSma 5tor^% u S . iiaqov;x Regiment,Wan:. amoaLWalte TnlswsU, aged 69, of the Haatii and St. Leonm^ Y^i who died of w|0audsi leceiv Lamipg. piec^ jof dowlas. a l f iIed MUMPOI •uri, Essex, forinorly 'w a r- of ■ pital Supply TDeptet 'M, Marinaj --Al BicheBourg .^Youtetrul; iiieiant Dudley Trevor (Johen, the Lekteter, and of St, Thomas, i nardsl, o t whioff the rialte^nt^ on May! : 9th, 1915;" from: Mra. Mterolm 3, WstUngton-temao*,' iteilegiment, asdid Sergeant WelterWa’ Brown, £ l Is of ^n ^ tu ro from Mrs. AGNES RBDEN, - ssidsnt. hteatings. ’ finrns. Home lunttes -Oivfsitenal left eatate pf tbe value of i issued a oirci r attjtotioi lo Burton Brown^ Mr; IJ. B. Hill, and MifiTc B. GB£C|S, Hon. Sscfftiry A'.S.f,.. have u« to gaxetM Saoond Lieuteh I aims ond.teb; Mrs. Col. ants in the. Boy: Sussex Regiment. Dantinjx to £ 8.>W was Irit h* | * W vat a ^ abroad . w r ^ h Fib A Gdai MWid Tubbs; books ftom Mrs. Thomas Stooue. Mim k-v - sown fcrk^f.S t. lepnarda-onj I thte Taylor, and Anon. | i t SUSSEX OAS^ALITBS. itks^ied JIW «8«h t" to* B*y«^ It: wiU, 1 fete sute. be id totorest to lUa’ O m m u « t uid ■ of and the H ^ai «"h»riPto>n» ;age iMsited, Md wort HW iril to knckw that tps acooonte in!oonncctioa_____witl. ' ~ ' ' ijtal. wiri sent Ja . ww Lie, of the Snsselx Id -£100 to the Has- also be waieei '* Wtote ®* i* *wiilw! tlio money exp-—'- ’ ' (Hd ICwttnnff m Yeonaniy, has gasettca Second Liei i- hate bemi in the: preparation of. to totoktha fd FrriSttet liafa__ eiuntelties |n to Ente. Buasme Hog-' rooms are now nOndered, id 'a-RI be pat rionipr-Cak tonaiit in toe Boyal East Kent (tte Duke if prepared to to itri' t t S^*^^** during:the rn^xt week.' In •oxt SatoTMT Buia toad* L_ vmtetea batteOoite $ toe Susaex Cohn Ijught's Own) Yeomanry (Meimtel the tewniiig Iteskpsw ^vii ^een iHosd uk s^ eto . The lo m * Bdfleii] ;®n, wife of Lienttenanti ont that the parent J. tesuo cl too Obseteer'". I hope to puldieh SiMteidaryiSeh tos lind are partim ^ly teyere. In ttdalu, ■' ttatsment joining ,«hactiy| .'W. boa bssh. IBasSpMtoMd Salter. A TriiWr. Flowsni, teHite aloM six ^foers,, harp been kill sd, BoldWl®. of ,fra|( m^vegrii tetoeSnsssi Uairy’s } S K i i S S * ^ si^s~Ideuto i ^ . ' ■P- Harden and O. StanleyLmueyi Blakeley. Archibald Forb tos .inpumbenit ma the War H0C1 “ .Hillll “ -"^have bean .---- tefl iton, for chariU As. tuhhte - .'Lienti'ientonante in Sap to i Mttlos, and teld-hti |oatted if s*Dt to Ui

‘S& M '..... f'- a ® ®


THE MAYORALTY. Mr. Lawia Abbott itaid that iitbar tha ^Hoe nor tbenMlrea| knew what « w«* AM IQLINO JOtriNQS. Madiine Wcifep oni lanaoln- A D I t L E X KATBFATBBS' ASSOCIATIOies ACtnON]. a ^ l d go to tbe Bona ST, lEONABDS SEA ANOLEBS. W ashable « raaolution waia oarried. I t , rio a u r KMted tlthat it ehould be aent to t] la iPown IMPORTAN Three 1915 aad Couneil- I FOR Rustpm ol CONFUSION ON THBLIOBO'lNa O^tDEE Contrary to all expectations,, the rough ' To tbe Editor of tba Obaerri weather; and heav;heavy water prevaiUng last independent Corsets Saturdajr I ind Sunday did not resutt In ^ e 8at,r-Aa one of tbe "mai«lacl under tha happiest circumstances. Even for which lor this species isfsix pounds,ounoA. pot g a l l Q A now Ktorp seems to me. no solid reason why what is tho matter with a pluifip, welt^-'' miles t( the : than! any Qtker spirit [ 1HE LATE DR. GRACE. Hastings people should fail to look forwa^ fish of abptt tlbs.P It is not to hi^driSiim '— ’ d •‘HucoT ’ llts U s m ' llsiicwtc*' T h e i^ a id ra t resMnded, and ramarkad in the oheerfulest poeslbia mood- - ' as w!ben ■m'leily filleted and fried: it mases a Tours truly. than ahy other make THIS EQUALS A (IwdJ tnat be bad bean Prwdent since tjhv At aooia4 jA LOCAL APPRBCIATION.O very tasity und satisfying meal. .1 “ehls* tion Vaa founded. THOMAS EBEB la 'PhalfoUcnrioxi« fo; nom inationa^ fbe C(«ndl, Hastings, SAVING OF Surabla of tha|A HIS ; LONG CONNECTION WITH Judging Ply what has happened just lately, OontlUa [Thera is nothing'beyond Councillor Beed!s it would Ue that 'the be^ time to try for Ford. Uaidama ¥ ilfen. Mm. Edeisien. Misa bare statement to provo that "ample evi- ISTINGS FESTIVAL . § e e Report on Right. Beaad e^^^*n8L-M!r. ,W. liiatpp. and bfr. FJ denoe exists to shoV that ‘ViailantV esti codling la urom one hour before to one hjpur anbrtak- uiat aWi — yatiribg nembara—MaW after mgh! water, during which period mey f t ■ ■■ r»«4 mate regarding opinion ontiiae the Tdwi K' ; ^nanl D^.BajUngalL_Ueaara. B. Boothrojd Council Is altogether Illusory." "Vigilant int!" The Great Umpire has' given his avebeen close inshore, in foot, right ihfthe Spiral •apSoMa^s(w ?tSPWtlaoi ^rrdadn, W. J. da Mull^ Cl iucf on,^a beach, and, what is more to'the oliuM m»t«na bases hie etatemont on the pumerous. lettei verd:L)|t, and the long innings' of the most UNION IPETROLEU DUCTS COMPANY. LIHlTEDa Sual* I wroaabout Dyb«,[d. B. Fonnipg, B. Kaye-Sniitb &unj of pw est received, and on the manner in' int, well on the feed. Anglem fishing fur- [8 of cricketers. Dr. w . Q. Grace, is >«r up; tU» Pier,A-axaa ^ alitbnnghcwnvasxju^'sa notagwv ewasave altogether mllor [Morgan, Commander Oldfield, and Mr whioft the iwonle of the' town of all classes He leaves tlic world’s never to 21s bURY ST ST l MARY AXE. E.C. OR PBIOB ' iratoB ' ra io a Q. H j S in r^ n —were Te^elected. with Coun4 are oOndemning tllils nolitloat change. On [ra-wing! b( ink, * have* enjoyed ...... nothing like a sport rich has fallen to the k>t < /those T /J ts tl/. oillor C. F. Haidinf to fill the remaining what does Couucillfll: Heed base his estimate ’ late Dr. Grace was known to every i LOCAL WHOLESALE DEPOT. S/iU |S/UM•2I^ vacanoy^ of "ample evidence" to tbe contrary folloi err of the national gotue, alod he had close in; ‘bese Tsmarks apply equally to t^e catchu of silver whiting, the majority a lo:loiig association, with Hastings. It musV THE MATOBALTT. wh ich . avo bsso caught in the b^ker 2 ° - ' t be nearly fifty years' ago since ” W.G. " firsi ter. TJhl faregeing must not be taken ea To tha Editor of > the! Observer. [ippefled on the Hastings Ground in the days raiSRS, ETCHINGHAM, N.« E. MAIITIII^ a bald am feet mle, as at other thne»!the i t the PARRY BR( ow N t '] Sin,—Can if be th at in the daikeet hour during South of Ebglahd ^ v e n , which been tho case, and the bsM fish a n d q{ ^ S p ir i t within • 12 M iles Rediiifi. ] ^ E R GAlXOlff. tdof our hiatory Hastings must drop her Mot » of 82 *r 18 Tepreseptihg the town I'ken |n>m halfway up ttw pi$r. lOp LONfilON ROAD, and bis invaluable heip^meet, .apparwuy at iot. On one or two of these ocoa* the ihstfinoa instaaoe of kii fowfew wiro-pnlleie,wire-pulleia, butb"'^ .sorely ' t deotor'a biwtber, Mr. G. F. Grace IT. klOllARM-OIMIA. I tittle places they got lords, dukee Wm tha sanctionmATintnivn' oftkf am greattfnafk.^ politickyu-.sv.i ->- he went to.Auriralia) he sported during ' jthait bnmber Were also taken, bull jthe of Ulta. b w brim tatag by on* ow bn tlM^ around the Tl raasm why, and to request their inHuenoe r years yellow and red, ' even Ingij’ads Week, owing to the state of the S SjrisMi Cricket f e ______layer rose to the 1 tha Council Ohamberf , ■ r oonneotion with the H a d ti^ CricT^'- tide; have proved more or less disappointing. aieui^Mn, eihd on the 'arrival of, the Fi enc! Now Is the time for Macaulay’e Lays of vpl extended over a long period, and no idi^g lU ijt i^dition to a teW dabs, ffilfS'’ ag)M haul«fiaq>. On and|BeIglane. and h« had been a perfect lin. Ancient Bomo to bp recited publioly m all ■ cricketer appealed, . _ in so many of theecth whit) '■Qnger------ah'^ “ I'thre* or four gutal tti ai way they could not have expieted, tbeif bmuty, and the famous linea: Mr. 'VlT. Carleee, to whom the 1 ^ 1 Rf ap ava bean tales FOR ' ■ l.‘ Nev*r in tbe history! of the boaoneh had I Than nwao were for the party ; BtJM, public owe s6 much, ^ould'. d< that eonsidering thin hare bsen so many things with which g , Then all were for the St£.te— , bo the first to acknowledTO''that a great rinujd, er angler* h*v* had vary • to printed in letters o r gold on our recruiting the suooess of the FeeQvals was due gruniUa' i|t during thd'past two weeks. 'l l rase Wes aasodateq. To break all |th< hear BOW posters. ioo-oparetion eft the grsat Tours truly, . , ___ .be festival waa ihaagatnted in TIGBT wopw) Bmcinaii. F. C. TEISTEAM, fiL Iwhen jhrae matches wora hlayed—North Tl a TpUgh week—nd wa* a s*ure* of die- ’THAT'S what 8i Esonands. mtlernen Of SnaseaTr. Genttomon appc'int^iiit to several boat guglsrs, wbo rrey, and Amateurs of Builsex v. Players had madelairimgeimente for going afioat, And asasX' ‘ W-Q-" was not With us on lih^ laid in a jam etock of bait in anttclpat * if yo« _ - ^ . JependeB*, on, althongh the N o r^ v. South only to be pseotuaUy stopped bp the wea' HUNTING IN EAST S U ^ S E )^ ___ _ the object should he to promote 'were fairly representative. The suc- from getting out. Consequently, sev m ade to order from 2 guin^ai. tht foods. the.bset van, and a nan whom they Itnaw INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, ot the initial venture wai such that in membmu who are rar*ly eeeB' on the 1 oouW carry w t. and ihad carried out. what Rowing year really first-lass sides were Were to be found there on Satmrisy and Sun­ Y ovj^U sib. luivo.' .a! was re<»ntred. He moved; "That thiik £eeu GASTRITIS. '* oM Dr. Grace played in both day itrying their Inck, without ptuch success, A MASTER^ WHO PLAYS j THl mg considers it dnwjse and (wdeeirable to THEN ULCERATION. I. Prom ibis time the Hastings'Week so far as the catching of firii -wgs oOnoerUed, cbBBao the Mayor :and Msyoreaa at so ontical . I official tecognition, and the records and 'the|r I remarks anent pier aimling were GAME. I ]Pf f tbolancod a time in the nation's'bistory, and the Mayor included In use firat—lass averages. in Isome: instances were forcible .than ~ and Mayoress baring d isp la y euoh aptitudi WHY ilAGNESIA SHOULD BE TAKEN " Mptoinsd the Gkmth againto ibe Boats outllater in tbe week hav* hi ^ Estitni^ tes alw ays given^, to meet the new oohditiona, wa trust the; . and was skipper of the South of Eng­ sport, and aoma^Aice fiah hav* bean ta m tionj’^'OQO tb«t is ‘ T AFTER EVERY MEAL. Mr- T. Kirby Staplv. Master of |th« m u be elected again to office." land against tha Aurttalton*. Of the players atfiong qtmrs o o n ^ of isibs. 4oca and “< ■ ' '' • 1 ” • . ' i*' ■■ I 'i' Oolonel. Bnrton-BiCitA will H tras A finahad face may bo; the first noticeable ho took part in tho 1888 FesUviri. many - *--^'r.r JUT. F.r . W. w. V. V. uurunt(JutUng, lb* i< Sussex Foxhounds i^tne______subiMtnject of •olmdinicfd mid. pro* tW to k ^ absolumly clear cf politics, symptom of indigestion,; but disregard tais avel gone over to the great majority. Harry ml the first epedmenB o llih is, as eriJng article! in ' Bailey's wffamp on, aa an Indetrindent. PersonaUyi 'Phillips, the veteran Sussex wicket-keeper aghed in this season. fr. . .'the M.mi idncM i tbo Unit m mM be very eorry'to see a c change. ^ g e , Id' Hastinger, is amongst those srill - {bliing, daha ______small and small qodling k.' .laaibt umS? ww«- 1 'bayoul bey tbi Silky 'PC ...... ^ fuaiMi Jto .toll this tele. In airthe,champion been msntifnl. the first-named in large province of the AasBciatlnn. If ** the * ■ hanedlin almost 40 matches in the Hasnngs abers about a mile out. C f f t , bismvth, or coda, it theto Ihuige do'hoi 33,35 & 37, London Rd, St. Csonyrdo. overcome the acid ' thh stomach, which is Fest|iyale. His fiiost notable itinings was 131 warm cornerjlin his heart gun sod m at'the wicket by Harry Butt) in the Born in 1871, T. Kirby Stato«y,[whp wm usnaily the anderl; ig cause of the trouble, Thers; is. [a oompatition from ‘tha Pier jto- J . 1 acid accumulates and lemen V. Players match [O'! 1894, In 'sduoatod privately, was entered to fox-htint- ing it was from . thesh representative matches it is noted that sy) from two to five p.m., his ing in the Orawley and Horsha the occasional attack of ;dnidigeetion becomee 3.8 p;m., whiob givee juto the **COCK o'thf WALK" if w and that made tt very ealt, because cm A.------always playfing for-the'Gentlemen Dr. Groce made sr to a( tbe age of 14,jC«aonsl Calvert t " I f'd did gtot wioh to take in the advaatagi gfifiitlUO Andreds at Lords, four at the. 0\-al, so m e ^ which has latuy proved the any political patty _ . have. But at thn ) each ah Brighton, Prince's Gronind. for tl _ taking of codling and silver ccQBomie f«»d for tho roaaon . bpn the 4Hng; • I ooma down In yout numbers and timeTbeyfaUW, ,-_4itics should bo in shey forqrunners of pcgritonitl* apd death. LThat ough, and Hastings. Tni* first ef his hinted with the pack that oeai8 Imat^na an«o,;andand! tM beat man should be! in the < hie I hundreds at Lords was obtained as far hreak all i is. as won 08 it Was establiehsdJn kBSt Aoti thft it codtainf all tha in* is why physicians lay sUch stress npml the wwawevast Tbo yety beat men in the tawi importance of keeping the stomach freeifrom a* 1868, and his faet-rafter an intervai as bon. secretary to the: Hunt for mato ho had u years, Mr. Stapley beer me Joint. Mssttf with n i * ^ i^ W b e ^ l .party had said harmful acid, and are conttnuously advising _ ’ years—in 1895. In all his matchca a t A sugge^tioa has been. made by a Dier gredienifi pat maht up tha to her thatat pariy foMng should Be dona • way chronic dyspeptics, as well as those who only Hastings lh« only topped the century on two Colonel W. A. Cardwell in 1908. hriating 1 » with... Aa a an i^tenco of the why In w i i ^ ions, the second being in 1895, when he angler,_ a member of the Club,( that nye- hounds himself. The partnerwip caatin )d experience ocoasionsl attacks of indigestion, laws prahibitxn^ the throwing of offal ifito for two seasons, and then the Duke if Cevdn-‘'*" ggfj—that' why fowl^ fed tjw Ifoyoreis had re a list her reaponei t»il( to keep a little, pure ;5t9ura(e h«‘ little ■ water after every meal. Local , and now and again did execution, fishmonaers’ shops in th* -water the head of a particular W y beoaue^ehd a tantalising deliveries. His fietding'l refuse ft two seasons. He tbsn joined Mr. H B- B chemssts stock bieurated magnesia: along the and from the Fiem would kerville in tbe management of the |Bsst bps get gi copy 'of Feedfjtff id Mt_mighi M ociieidered to bo takh 1^ ) woe always partlculariy smart;.' fish inshore, and thus Improve *' for slue. But tberfc had hew no worit w hic^lte 1)1 within his long reach possessed li'ttl*' attract tl sex oountry,' hunting the houndsj find, Mayonsasl...... thecbai j of sport for ^oce who are unable coming sris m asi^ in 1914- 1 9 Sueccu.’^it thowf you the way bad Dsen asked ■to undertake wUiol JVfinH •"jvacit CT. AYMY.e ouu VX>M ,«A. J of Msriag him. In the match in to stand uing afloat. I am sorry that I aha .hM_^t,doaot and a^o -'had - aoj - In the Weltlngton-place; J. Rossi tor, 9 QraUd i tho doctor scoured his 181 at HaSH: ee with tha gentleman for the A flne horseman, Mr. Stapley moat maiwfWoM ¥W. lie hat - lemen'* team incluitod the Rev. noh to damand a t Point-to-Pomt Fteepie- to maka fnonjsy, ^ j Parade. St- Leqnarils,|’ have lately bfen followft,,reasons:____ Firstly, - .. from .- the___ hyg bsen assooiatsd with making LI Thndall (the present propriatocpropriat . of Ha point os view, I think...... it would be a pit. pity if Slases in tha ebutb-eastern coqntiM jjhut |as 1-/ positioiia In lo n ^ n , and sho llad^ nevsr o > iaJnly t h ^ t * Mr. W, any relaxation of the iQ^law 'wvt* aiWed. he nearly aiwaw .nsd something oil uia ohu aorots any one who worked with'sneb digest!. . in •pectaoles). 'ph|e it being! mhch more sanitary and cleanly' to running bis {services were not oft*n^ avaiil total of 247. and iii- Able. .. Won eleven cups on { Ms own tio g Aup sqm uK iM or fimurr supply,.".s and & giva F it a."ffi i trial. Reraemj^ ^ l5“Jil“S 3 ,% S r» transfer! rjafuae to th* d m ^ o to r with as Samphn, Prhaa, and ^oak­ Jhoqxb. that It is Nsurdted msgnesl* olndidione as possible. Secondly, it would i more for his M tbo Mayors^' (Apnlanse.) jSo she , hall i S W e . ' to Hunt Steepli WSil pliymcians rscommend; the oxides, citraicitrates. the . or conducive to the rejmtatiou let ara \ali frea for\ iha aura t h ^ would uphold any rteolutioii ii and sulphates of magnesia or ornds mitthres for visitors, or inhabi'taats, to Idngfiald and favour of ^ Mayor and Mayoress m of bismuth and magnesia wonld probably do 06981 lit _ _ sse decoinpoaing animal matter floating clom boras he fivar bwlisd was Odd n*I a a k io g . i | i town ith« had not had th* nervouene moro harm than gOod. ■ bein ( rimclndsd on the inshlor^or left on the beach by a receding tra^dtosry performer, who—_ was....I, mB 0 m «c«w*,wWch some places had a|t the ; tarn MKorth V. South' ______^es in tbs many poinl !'he publo enjojted the amusing spectom'of ti^. Thirdly. I very much question as to stewlecbaSSa ha has taken jjart u 5“ *f questidns bad , _ ■ritn swing two first-class teams playing with wbsitim:l ta'e benefits suppoaed to aocruaito bird. Brown 'Princess, Aorobat. m !1 ■ dealt with by the Mayor in the most sfcUbl iroonstw*!its instead ■' * of “ bats. ■ "__ _ ~ anglers would really matonaUse. I t may not Dr. Grace'hn. to Find, -were also finele hunters and quiet, and unaaaiiming manner. But »hn tere<| spirii be within fihe knowledge of the angler Who " point-tp-poii Old not know how anything could be done WA IFS AT THE WAR. - ^ „ ritodly into the fun, but was oply puts forward the euegestion, but it'w in h» gnisbed themselves to by asking Mr. Hutchings tof re able to score 6 and 1 . recalled: bj many, that the Hon. .Sedretarv Mr. Stepley! hss always been antiriuB lo A jqlly good ;all-round Englisbman, Dr. of 'the S.It.S..\., a faw years ;a«o. expert learn in other, schoole besides Sussex, ■wilh A Graie piafle a host of friends in Hastings and every pack to'which county he has had ooci. Mr. Lewis Abbott said the resolution ex- WHAT GOOD TRAINING DOES FOR St. .toonards. At tho East Sussex Club! he mented ;in this direction by ground-baitihr A further letter fi the Palace Piqr for over a week, at a cost of lional: days, abd his experleooes incude He an appeal to Alden DERELICTS. was immensely popular, and on an off day about 1 e method adopted waa the pre varions. Estex packs, the Blackmoi 'o Valp, be V ao always ready to make one of a bajipv the Oatistock, and various Midland etuntnw, iij , ---- M assured that! ho party to go over to Oambar for a game of 4 1 specially inada for the pniv L i s t i t o . would at the right time be warnily welcomed golf. ; nose, wamK were hung at intervalssuch nndei*H)e as'the Qnorn. He only mlassd qns dsyfs bachj to tne C'lvjc Chair. . ^ INTERESTING SPEECH AT ST. Pier, and filled each morning and nightwith hunting while hon. seorotarv s t the LasL -Mr. Aneon, sewmding the resolution, riaid I t goes without saying that' Dr. Qraoe Was offal pirocnt^ from local fishmongers. These houi'ne, and has never failed on oie single ■Yll or.i*v'|:; Sus LEONARbs. almc st worshipped by the followers of cricket, oocaeion since'he began to carry tbe homito that one objection he Jiad heard was that nets wsire hung clear of the bottom,-with Alderman Hocking might go on for six veir.H youi g and olu. It was always, we thoui^t, a the object m keeping (heir contents ,out;of iddSTw pretty good evidence of keemmsa Commandw Oldfield—I must sav t'lin ' p rety sight to see how long a crowd of the way or crabs, the idea being that the constitution. . « . j. agree irith Colonel Burton-Brown that schoslboye would wait for the doctor to The best lull gallop in Hr. Staple; r's recfil- ^EW DEPyTY-LlEUTfENANT. On Saturday afternoon, at St. Mary Mag­ 00 nets wsahtog about in the tide would'gradu le. not our province. ’ ' dalene’s Sciiooli'oom, a bale of wark was held m'I Out of the Pavilion before a mktoh ally release the refiiso, and that fish in large lectionlection was one Boxing DayU when | he wi Miss Triotram—Is it not of importancel in aid of the Waite ahd Strays Socioly- star :e^ Then, as he moved off to the prao- unrober* would be attracted and kept around carrying tba Eartbounm h«,orn. I t was a tloa nets, the youthful admirers Would fellow toi'ly cold day, with a gale blowing that thereghouldne no cliaiigh Among taose lU'eeedt Were: Mrs. Hume at Hs heels, proud of the heneur of being the Pier. 1 ^:HON(j)UE FOBjST. LEONARDS >Ff ![CBE. of U a ^ r? He mUst know more,in regard Simpson, Miss G. Bou' north-tost; altogether a very unli me War than Mr. Hutchings i|r any ot Youflig, the Rev. W. £. -1 able to get close to their fovourito; Dr. for sport; yet. although running di OLD METALS, SCRAP IRON. RAGS, BONES, FAT* Gra e naturally ooiild tell many Intsrerting Unfortunately, a little over a -weeVs ex throughout, hounds fairly raced fr secretaiy for fhe diocese), stories. When the ci'sse for autogra'phs com. BOTTLES, JAM JARS, r ■ IMie President said they ought to he vfry Duniup, and Rev. H. Lewi* and Mrs. >Lewto. periencB amply proved ■the fallacy of the sjip. ,to finish. Beginning at Tenantr; iThelLord L»mtenant of 8ueaexL|his Grace gratefu'I to Mr. Hpeking. ' 'The Rev. Buchanan Dunlop apologised for men 'ed the doctor, who always showed s{ dto posed attraction at least, so far as fish were above Folking|ton. hounds first ran OLD> RUBBER, MOTORMO' & CYCLE TYRES, HORSE I:!;-'the Duka of Nbi-folk. K.Q., has appointed ' ' In further discusHion, Councillor Morgni the Rev. Hpme Simpeon's abseno*, also for P o r t ion to pleas* the youngsters, had a par- oonbemed, but it had ithe unexpected effect the park below, going a great pace, ■B^ea^Admiral B. St. John Garb irth, C.B., wing urged to speak, said that fijd'erria Mrs, Tubbs; who' was to have opentd the ticujarly hus.v time signing his name. Was of. hrinripK all tbe crabs from within a >t off straight for the hill, makiu HAIR. RABBIT 8 HARE SKINS. 1 :;JlPv, pf St. Lepujards, as a Deputy Lieutenant Hutobings was a great saccess, aiid no do ibit sale. Tbe Rev. B. Dunlop went on to say it u>t at Hostings where a boy brough-t his radius of itomingly several miles to haunt ne over'tile Downs for Alfriston. T of the county. ' ' i discharged tlie duttos with grc.at satiefadtioU tha-t tile people of St.; Mary Magdalenate autograph book fco " W.G.," and asked'for hi* the vicinity off d a very long innings, but the inevjtl aim^d ft'Utterly defeoited. of ‘thi^^^jret, lond tbe increased u'lmberi ot I B. W. LAZARUS. BS and he had not in hi* mind himself. (Laugh their country, and 76 of them 'had obtailnec ble {ci asi^* vioei in the Malay w tes, apd .Wae Attaobed terA ,; [ commissions. One boy .Tyho had been brought name, and he ' is out at last never to foxes k ilM ." ' . _ i J . I ■ ' • . 1871.'! ■ ■ : „ , t to tlho Lnrut Field Force, gaming the Perak x ar again . Owing to a'very liberal offer onf the part Afr. Key asked what would be the position up in one of the Homes fiad lately been made T of Mr. T- Kirby Stapley, and with tiia beai-tv Medal. Oontinuiug what was practically a Sergeant on fhe field for conspicuous bravfiry. L aote on "W .G ." by Me. Henry Cousin I hav 1 qe to the caiuss of ■';? career of service round, the world, (he took if Alderman Hutchings declined to accept the apprare in the Flotsam and Jetsam Golum the scar > inshore, which ^ oo-0p*ratipn pf landowners, members, and -fp art in the EiOTtlan War of 1882. .gaining office?. • r Of those boys had been sent ontlto on tago 8 . will giv* occasion. tenant farmers, the Committee of [the Bla»t qyn, mutary. mayal asp (mical tailml Canada by the ociety^,7 , fifty of them ; tlie medal, bronse star, and Order of pomania The President said he snppowd the OoB Sussex fluht are enirbled to make Wi|ti«actoiy cil wonld have to elect a new Mayor. returned with the 1st Canadian Contiiigei LANDING NET. arrangements for the ooming seaspn, Mr ;-!? (third class). ; He I waa created C.B, on the Mr. Key said that two other men, aleb and thirty of them had given their live* ' oocaeion of the Jubilee in 1887. Stapley will hunt th* 'country two day* a Liberals, were What was vulgarly called ip their country'. At the commencement of rn FLING OUT THE FLAG I week a« long as horoes lost. 'Ihe Northia!in- Ladies’ Cqats and Skirjte at-QDodi the runping. “ tVar the Society promised to take all litw Beoklej country will hare to stand jd<r boat oompbti'tion made by thofs who now form a emaBv ttnj i . they were both friends of his. He had the those conditions, it was not nearly shfilcien: being ai Soned owin j to the rough sea. her■ r too too sttbtorU>e|a, ■ by! the ooverj ownefa, utmost 'regard for thp way in which the to keeh and clothe them in P e way that th 1 many membtos fished I Hastings Piet. The by{ a i mast go to the War, mothef, Fling out tbe Flag I and, what is a plaisewqrthy feai ; 1 0 0 K I hear t'he. biigles call. Mayor pud Mayoress had carried out theit Homes ,did. In eoneluston. the speaker ex Let come who may. Dreadnought Sm A’ ling Astociation, few hunting farmers,- and by othei of their Brave lads and true. duties, pud Mr. Mn^hinga, when he was a preesed deep gratitude for what bad beei Tour duty do. strong London Club, ;ho vlait Otoside .re- nnmber, who,hot ridingjyet mean help alt OAP, At the front are wanted, alll ocdlsMUP of his, mads a very g'ood Counoili. done in that parish. It is the Dayl sorts each week-end, wsxe wired Vff from the/ can in not praasing their poulb ' clairis, The stalls were tartefally arranged, and soYstene 40 Jrge tae not to ttay. mother. lor. It was very unfortunate that the ques^ Newlha'havanj for a sdmilar^rewsaii. e which is. indeed, aqfistmg too oai e! not! a ■ I Hon had arisen. Would the party large nnmber of articles were for sale. Tlie Fling out tho Flag! ibere bmited and fished' from Hs*- little. Rather bid me go; stallholder* were: Useful Clothing. Jlis* G. Bend me off at once, nominating another, perhap* With all your might; 3 Pier, [ '■ . '^1-' •; '• '-'i " " I For Britain mesda ma so. Bonlfc; Fancy Stall. Miss Bonlt; Hosiery Fling out the Flog I UbIc "boys vould be \ HOT so GOOD a VA« Stall, Mis* S. Hu-tehinson and Mrs. Hughe*: And arm, and f i^ tl 7 EARL LYTTON. (Laughter and «ippla Flower Stall, Mrs. Irieq and Miss Bkinner; The local Club competition was 'wbn by A S E R IO U S t a l k )N A , . . . »lauee.)i Ih e p r w g aat She heard tha'nation calling, as Mr. Hutchings? Patriotic Stall, Miss Robinson | Er. Coleman, who, by the aid of two ilabs was a custom which it might bC necessary to '■ ■ And duty's nrgent voloe,. Mr. Sealy thought the Assoeiatiqn should Though big guna flaoh, a " congerette,’’ became th* "oongusrer " SERIOUS ^UBJEC revive; (Benfiwed laughteS) Tm ponal cpds Chrv send your loved one: forth. Tb* total VMuU of the sal* of articles was And cities fall, of those dayai waa temblo. l H e ibaa U Teasox not takplany step 4n the matter. The etrona j896.' of I which j641 was obtained from tha the day, LECTURES ON BULWER LYTTON AT And Uttar you'll rejoice. feeling would vary likely take the ahaue ol Fling out tha Flag! . 'When getting ever a cpid, fever, Or allntoe tor epcalqng qf that, because Bulwer Lrtten’i Me was her only one, •pm* n w ^ ria l to! the Towd Oouncil. ' HosisryBtajl, whipb fo*s to St. Chad's Home, ' Come one, com# all I of any kind, h* careful to guard your kidnejya THE ALBANY; I hovels often dealt with ,al»—Eugens Yet with a loving, smile Mr. Lewis Abbott urged that this concerned wall against * breakdown. Every day tbousandp Aram, Paul Cliifford,, Gawtrey, W coiner in She said) Go forth, my son, holly and solaly tha ratepayers, and that Fling out ths Flag! and are raoevering from one idleeaee or lanothOr, One of the most agreeable innovations b '^Sir '( Night and Mormng,’ : There wa* a reason j And I twill ptey the while. H ^h to the Mr, «: andflU# while " oonT8laac|ng'f that great oar# [or introdue:' these, and 4 was vary largely was « Rdtopayers' Association. Gate, of the East End Atoorirition, has is needed'to avoul falling into the clutches Henry Luun at the Albany Hotel has ften Mr. fiiaon moved th at the resolution bp NAVVY T(} M.P.—At the Bastings Bro­ Strike to your might, len, am the u.auguratiou. of a Beri«e of llectures by to the stings of sath men as he sou { And do—end dare. of fcilto^ ti'Oldile. 1 , , those best informed on various! subjecte. Gharlei----JS' Did,—eiis and Chatrlea ) Beads Iqteg_ That God will Mess and'keep ■ent to the Town Gonneilrif it wera oarried. therhood last Sunday (an open meetnig) Mr. sason. — --‘-Tfiie kidnew when ip health, My boy in danger's hour,^ This fito agreed to. Galbraith presidsa. Others supprtlng in­ m a seVece ,___ _ - - __- ^ e Mayor (Alderman B. A. Hfiekitig) pre­ that much of [those appalliilg conditio^ wmrt •Mid cannon Ahot and shell. The rMolution was carried by ton votes tc cluded : Mr. Cfeorm Nichoflls, May dual liiii Than right will conqnor might Comrosnder CRdflud gointiiig out that tbii, A. G. ^ o U aito , and Msosrs. T. R; Kirk- In height, in depth, " ' ' ll years under tb* .Watchful uric acid pbiaCns, and the work of the kidnsys known to Hastings) lectured oh "Bulweri which every I man with Britain vietovious be, That all may see...... ibied, that they * ■break ■ down. KwmKidney Lytton and hw 'rimes-’’ Sir Honry Liinb. fsit. Bulwer' Lytton mi was carried by only ten votes of membersi patriok, R. F Compton, and others. .M^oa toblr an euatedton. leaa foDows a* naturalliy as I ight find bonpur rtiU be oui;s, ' ; Mr Lewi* Abbott (saused much laughter •by Ruth Bipith fang excellently " Beyonfl tbe \ ’M. ’•He, Councillor G. G. Gray, ■ J.P.; l and Mrs. dream of Ufol Yet (as the! Fling out the Flag! Gray. Mr. J. J. Boutw-god, J.P.; end Mrs. ; In air, on l«(pd. and sea. retdrtingf" You are trying to represent them Dawn" and! another solo.-rMr. Gsor^ o r. woB-knasru ___ , influqnss;. pneumonia, fevri«, apdd by threej" Niohrtla, wlm has' spoken on several occa ' Defend the weak, usioate. Now to After StnekUnd, J.P., and Mrs. ; Strickland, ii,x nnmniBious uks. i H. 8. BI^TAkr. Sions____ at tha.^-/H Hastings astingi Brotherhood, by .. phew all your ^ ^strength. ^ 1*1 even ordmaryi oolda watth for kidney trou­ apd Mis. O. R. Butterworth; Mis* Helen Grav moving a vote of thaito| BE Ll(?]aTINa ORDER. Let actions ble. and don'it iragteet such sign* as h imkssib*, Bathgate, end otirers war* prespht. Said theileqtnto took h ia quest touching‘ '-T on th#the etstory of * ■ his ■ own life, haadsebe, dizsiness, netjvoua trouble, aua urged his hearersera to rsoogn:.rsoogntee the real . . . worth____ e wail and trust their luck. The Mayor said he need hardir say it ■., 10 tn* uays offalsQt his fatijor,tatner, apd,apu, be mightmi| ___ breuaht forward th< of The ordinal ' man and the ordinary woman Fling out th* Flag! tout dull, tired feeling, no matter bqw unim­ afforded him very great pleasure fto rce^nd aW, .to the Works of his favourite auth questton ol tbe lAomtiiig Order. Hs moved a{ to the realm if Notore pay found very fe I Nor doubt the end; ^ portant £b*y appear to you. , to the invitation of Sir Henry Lunn to pre­ which'he thought was ehowhehowp by Yh*fh* fact %tL», resdlatioh: "T hsf the present Order is in- perfeet spocii is. They, relied on oPtoaric. As for the foe, Mr. Ruesell, of B ei^ y . pMd a visit to to# Your Itidners will need help for a while. side. and more to give u very cordial welcome h*. was the oply, author oflfictidnof'fictidn the whole capable bf exact Idsfinition, and instead o! and halow—O' inariee rathar than tha fxtraj I His pride aball bend. Pier durihff to* week, and was rswarded bjr EThere is nototog morei soothins, nothing to Lord Lytten- I t was very good of him to of whose work* he had road, by tfte time when serving fira guido Quly, bewilders the pubBe ordinarifa a had had l» reugh tim* in hf codling. better toain Doan'a Backache Rionry Pillte. interest himaelf, and give whst wonld be a be determinsd hi* education, and he founa Fling out the Flag! 0 of t ^ s •nils msvHoinai m for tn* kWne.v* and bladder moot intarestinu leoiare. Be heartily oougra- plessuTB an rs-reading some of thtoe works to and tb*tbe police, aud.mWloteaufi.mu the ratepajere in youjy^ daj gs a fa ra e rtto d bod aftei only, and has ho action oh the l^ d s . wito later yr ■ ''' " " — ' “ neMlempss.^ni^Ian, 'Anaa.'V I|II ' . I wante oa a iawy. He lodged fa publi Fling high fbe Flag 1 heavy tb* tell-keeiptoto think■ toa^ tulated Sir Henry on arranging that lecture. Bnlwer; Lyttoj—as they •bnpcillqr ItoWaii, i jug to queetioRs, honoss, but a was a total abstainer all the Hish in tb* , someon* I overboard. the Wmipormy assteteno* of Doanrs Pills, It was only the 'War whicU prrtcnted Sir Icjved t» . . ham—the Lector had au : I t, more fefit and slse^ a n ^ v - Henry from uniting with them in ancestor, he ipmht well beiprend of. and to said that, fortirastely, 'own Council had time. He f s as good a Brotherhood mi ' Flipf ont tbe Plag^ open air, you pan Soon || notbing riw do w ip i ippIauseT The then as now A {Sung man who was a Ch , a poLicr OP psooBsss: tpe Lecturer jtuew had one eminently quali. I h e n r y STEPHEN GEORGE. Anglers rgpantly hath notiood numbere of to normal. if hisi.onrtAKfrtrt ancestor. T'llUTfale AAHrUk'same yearvsaaire preaentOrder wOe' from p e Home Offip. 1 tion need pot think hf bad to go into/a E v ^ o n e reading tiii* frank rtai ent wiTl but they hoped it wemM not be long before, t« * TJia Piws|d»at/humorously iuggeeted that| corner. The worstimaa and tha womt woman rasor-hill 'diveis m'diffioufriee. We are in­ dfstiter was beam; '' they shqMd petitjon HH Maiesfy to have could •come ocrosai reeogniaed gqodne formed [that thip is 4 ^ to a large qiiMtity nnderatand why so many in the War would fiaish,Land they lwould look bom,;' 'E{s-';ri,' m erf erud* oil escaping town a WPI oonfldeno* in Doan’* Backache Eidn< V nU * to Sir Henry to join With them {to promote, dieplwt‘{^ martial law. . 1 . . _ , / to osa more of (ft Tba bardj aiy iiat was best for tiictr 'tewu( (Applause;) ^ It was Biototed p t .that the was to life—if be migbt it Jhmgeneaai W* areI not onre 1. All dealfn,i or #<9 a l»», . Fnttir. ------,_en-showud! ; i; •w... wut thait to* Mg to tote locality is toll UtiCUIlOi'o Co., \ i, WlXl* Stroft. Oatferl StroOt, ,'IheiEarj of Lytten explainadi that thesub- assured him . ... whatever he undertook fas qt iniura yssre, anq of viifck oU 3* evidsmt by th* which London, W. j ■ ' 'i ]Cot of his leotnre, when they were thinking credit to himself and pteasaps „»• ivn4Ir to r f hOg * pt washes pabore, and; poor M r^ get so so much of War,; might h* thoutot torengm- were, indebted: tfi w ' Etemr/ . to haye'aO ihrpula aa to iha a w p n t of. light- 'raanfs wojrk for i ologgCd Iwitb it thatt they Areore uu^l* to dive qua, ho t out of regard to Sw H w ry toipn’a Lttnn. ’ forTflodl and ore conwq^oantto I*tefpqinf totown A MEMORIAL WINDOW.-tA 1 wtehOB he hgdocgHsnte^te oge^ abqui qmafr Mr. Boutw od seconded, sup4 ratk*r rireriqolfid^ ffiot thetrilify wars atj ag okhauated and to bajdaced in At, Mark’ls Chun who. :in hte day. occupied a very promiiiant pcjrted, and tl e .vote was adop Eon Con EUy O kra « many an kilM lugtt, in iMinOTy of the lata pubUo position, wims* hooka,had-.faesn SirtHe^fry -y-----lunn than the Mayor, daily in order to pmvMt ths^hgeniik. At cofapRaies tery terms said toat th ^ , tSlsM tiiSSfiSS HaoHagiilfiet Moar h«i I .rigM inai , in the: right plach. ona ■of tiiaa* cafit* learnt much about him. mei« stperiaBy: for the. wpunded was ti H and Matore nmls. Ih e aul ^ ^ w f m t o S . B. Ltmon (fave ak ehjej C l a r k 'The Visit ol The seliction.' , ■ j* the bands of B41 Glass VPVrrks,------m that it will Db coApIrtad t^ t to Haatisg* xanved to*' 1% **** «< MAcKnmutttft ing districts [than in Uastrag* OT any lessly and finally defeated; Rnf ;lahd would |t h b n e w h o s p it a l . — Ms week’s similar town; but-plans are being' * made be ruined and the Empird broken, but we iesuo of " Tlte B nildi^ News" STMPATtaTIC ' E : to meet it everywhete. i 'iie foik>wiii4 might guin the war iandi fiaya a ruined lira of the piopoeed _Kfing Edwai " v i f g j h |M 4)1 .ladies. Who halve doi xemarits Lord Derby, m a letter to {tba >rial East Sussex H ^pital, the design of 5 5 S to eajiding fill -i-thiug.s------I TrOOPHAXS; SON & PABKS W. T. SMITH ft SOM England and disintegrate em :cn SnhU ai4l (Stanley ■ the Fnx it, ara < >;king to in Manchester Giiy Cibuncil on W ^nesddy. pains. We have to consideT ’ - ’-'.ii (Irivej m i v t ^ P u m . rjLM4. r SJ BERTRAM DYER, F A-L SERS. HOUSE AND ESt (W. T. SMITH. F.A.I.) " “ o. Spoor. whist c the Qm>oj F|0^ir -WooitaAiai v.a« A. W. GALLAWAY, F.A.L throw some light on this eupjet t :—' civil life of our , own country but our yednradiai cwenin k." Ticket: rS. VALUERS, i SU RV n COUSINS & DEBENHAM Member Sussex Valuers’ AssoeiatlOB. body sees cleSer ttian I do 1 he nece . association :with the great se] f governed THE LATE H 0 N | G; f ’ pEEMANf drivi (Agente to the Oficial Receiver in aOMAS.-r-H Is afinonneed to4* •sto; and fcohimenca '' ' [ i: |i ]isi*Am;raiteD'» . 49. MARINA, UCTIONEERS, VALUERS, HOU$ A U CTIONEERS. SURVBYOl for interfering ae little as possible with colonic; with the vast Empi; e of India tte estate ^)be Hun. tecretar; { is; Mrs,. By Bankruptcy). the HonJ Gerard;' Frederic i Freeman, .rijs. I A^tTC^m raEBa. iPPR4ISBB8. IiAND LEONARDS-ONtSEA. AND ESTATE AGEN-TS, ANI VALUERS, HOUSE AND LA* the industrial life of the country . but ihe and our- possessions scattered, far and lomae. son] and heir of Lord “ B^amoioad.. {St. Ltx>i A UenONBBRS. HOTEL and GBNBBAL ACCOUNTAN’TS. I AGENTS. .1 scheme 1 have put forward wH, I ber. And of all H ilUngdon. A.'AOBOT8. T B N ^ A. VALUERS, ISSTATE AGENTS, and I Telephone 19x. w,ide, throughout the, world, wpo was killM wl s e n i ^ wil• h i-his2_" regi. .* AT T H , PALA' E PIEK.- Ul&HT AKDTTniBBB VAI.UBBS. ItOBfT* Bailiffs under the Lnw of Distrws STATION GATEWAY. HY^. ] lieve, reduce [the inconvenien'se io a mipr- t^e miniite details of this cc mplez and mjent in France, has dey afternbon at the 'alat'o Pji SURVEYORS. STOCK AND SHARE Established over 80 years. at the total tog new arid succesafu! 1 aAiOBSUBVETOBS. I ■ BROKERS. Insurances of every Description. Sales and Valuatioiia of all kinds under­ TOum, especially-rai machinery is being gigantic task what can the sc idler, how. value of £66,858. revue, (I \ - • taken. constructed WberMxy men, when (ailed ^p, ever brilliant, know?! That tie direction Next.”” wijll bo prakn(p(l ,hy a APOTKMfS, C^vatod ^ of Property, who can prove thaw their rices are in-* of military arui'naval acl ion sh ould be un­ Mnv embrnemg 30l arti-:tes, c ITndOTOod, P n^ " HEATHER JJANK," SPRINGFIELt Expert Vainers and Auctioneers to dispensable to 4heir employ jrs, can Ibe cjalities. T^e'revtile will bo l FArlnior Stock. IStaber, the Printing, Newspaper, Staiionrry, tramelled, that the ifighting men who the w nittira, P!»nk otc. 1 . _ . ROAD. Sr. LEONAED.S-ON-SEA. relegated to a.Iateij group." In a tele­ know \vhat they hav^ to do should not day dfimg wpjik at 3 u'c! VllLUATIONe Condwitcd of Toumt. Hgpksellmg Trades. kjndnese shown to her hy frknids in her on 'Wedneec ay a:nq Saturday STANUET T. WESTON A SON gram regarding men whose einplpyens de­ be hindered in the doing of it 1 civilians. „ great sorrow. I n'ciock. T h bortkang plan ft i Bights ! Stock, Diteipidatioiio. Pro- PROPERTY BEGISTElt. with Map (grai- MESSRS, DAWSbN & HARDEN clare that they ard indlspel sable. Lord who don’t know, is i^ndisputaple, but to (>BITuARY.—The death Occuiled on Sun- bato, Tlinbor, ioto.. > _ .. tis). i" . 8, HAVELOCK ROAD, ' j bburg’s yisit on athiNoveiubat i Having let til 3 house, are in-stnicted by >ln. 40 Years’ Practieail Experience as Trade Derby states:—'‘Alh such me i Oan enlist talk of setting up a .sort of VfDirectory’’ diy, October 17th, at.Friara Sriiaroad, Rich, the Pier. Bbittctor ofi all avaiUbld M dm oco. INSURANCES ARRANGED. > Valuers and Auctioneers. UenONEERS. HOUSE AGENTS, Etc.. at once, and be planed in the r wspecuye mpnd, Surrey, of Mre. George m is h . fo^ BocIimoo Promise^ and Oonntry BKatM on Frederick Hickmdtt,: to SELL BY AU' Etc., , ' • posed of two iOr' three soldiers and a AUCTION TRA ftppnMtioiia ’I 38. HAVELOCK BO.ip, HASTINGS. TION. od Tl'ESDAY, NOVEMBER 9tj A groups and be called up. Tt ey Will hnvo sailor, to Control not' only tha, War but merly of 0. Church-road, ^ teonWrde. The to be intrcklnced at tlio’ Qureh (Telephone |861). commencing at 12.30 lo'clock, the superior At; ESJTS FOn THE CuNABto AND, OTBEB Rents Collected. Voflnations for , the right of appeallto be placed! in later uhe State, is merely a grotesque absurdiQr body was brought by'motor heaite onThui*. ----____ _ Offico Hoorct 9 a.in. to 1-15 p.m., and 3-SO Probate; Etc., , ^ tu rd ay afternooiij—a Freiicli to 6 p.m, Satnrdaya, 9 to e s 9. , KENG’S ROAD, ST- LEONARDS. antique ahd modern ^ STEAHSniP LtXXS. groups if their services are si ill indispen- ■which hte been put into 'toje toead of day. October 21st, to Orel (Demcfery, where Tickets, at 3s. e.ach, are to U 24. HAVELOCK ROAD, HASTINGS. Shareain Local Companiea Bought, Sold, and SablA fj-k t-hoi,. ** n reJarH If/: King of deceaeed was buried Vith her husband.' The 1 • : - I 0 8 cm :— ■ > '’ , ('Telephone ^ 1 - URNl'fUBE, including hand f.ome bra *i Robert ' Blatchford by tbe Right Rev. Mgr. iOttley offi-iated, and 6i0 MayorpEs (Mi’s!. E. ’Armi; 6«.' MOUNT [ROAD. CLIVE VALE. Exchanged. the second question-*-the,poBillioik Of m ar­ er Madam^ d’Oiante, Queo{i’( 11. HAVELOCK ROAD, HASTINGS. P bedatead.S^'Sp'i'ing,;apving,; wool and Itbir mait- Carmelite House. aihongst those present w |» : Ths Very Rev London Office t 88. CONDUIT ST.. W. trersee, feather bsdi piTiOws, small quantity oi 86, ST. HELEN'S ROAD, HASTINGS. ried men—We learn that caiivassere sire Canon English (of St. JamM', IwckenhamlL mooeeds are to be given towSM i ] ( T c h ^ a o 7BQ). household liben, l.Nl,.\ID M.AHOG.^NV and i^ing asked whether it is quite certain Thi§ doughty feocia^&t. who has done •noeof Our Woiuujed Solvtiets General BannatinO''filasoh|, C.R{ and • Mr . ereation Rooms. Tfoa will b: By Order of the Administratrix. WALNUT :BEDROOM SUIIKS. antique ERIDAY, NOVEMBER 1915. that single men will be taker fifei Some yieqmaii service for the, toilers df England, Owen Bannatine (nephews);. Mb Bannatine chests of drawers, oaki dower chest, inlaid HENRY RAKER, 1 married men, who have -nt mated that iais to have wandered honelessly hone! from and Afisg51188 Lily BamBanhatinerineijnii^ '(niieceE Mr. o’elook, fcllpwed. Uv an .aucli CATTLE AUCTION MARKET. mahogany rihina cabinet, curio tab!.-, ma> Sa le OF MODERN AND ANTIQUE H OWBB. JLAND^bS ESTATB AOENT, I, TBain- they are willing to do tneir duty, take J faith th a t was in h n . ., Cheesmah ! variety af. gifts. The sale wil HASTINGS. LAJI PLa6e. 8T LEONAEDSOrf-ski I Mrs. Henry ■yVliish.T Mr. Waite)’ : to ith® Mayor (Aldermaa E; quetcrie whatnot, wainut escrateiire. tlcc-rnian ^ I'URNITURE. and others. ' 1 ! , f 1 eaid table, o^verm.aatcla, sofa, lounge and oc­ £3T£BI,I8RED IKL I the view that the nhmber of single men the main business of . . Colonel Johnson, CUonel Why MONOAT NEXT. NOVEMBER lot. casional chaire, antiquq. Sheraton sideboard, should be first .exhausted, ar d pme de­ lead the people into a quagmire of con­ - N.B.W.T.A.— tirlily' n ^ tin g _ . Irani Baripk. • | CRENNELL8 DYE6 & GALLAWAT clare that until they are given am absolute fusion. 'The m an whlo 'wrot^ “ Merrie Sheraton bureau boohbaoe, tiuliet Ulniifr COUSINS & BEBENHAM : SBTATE3 M> .VAOED sad RENTS COU.EOTED At held on Thursday iDg| In ti W Ore Wes- ' . ST; JOHn ’S, u p p e r f=T. Have reoeived inetructioha to SELL BYI : llodciU Cba .«■. Prompt 8«tt)emnt* OoarutMd. guarantee on tliis point thoy will npt England” should know better: u class leyan Scthoolroom. Mra._Tlfoniw eff_ presided : The Eestiyal of AU Samis' ■ESSES. AUCTION, at ^ e CASTLE HOTEL, HASJ wagon, act of carved mahogany diuiiig chains,|h a v Ii NG SOLD THE RESIDENCE, are in- iBTUitaiiM iMdt sad ebaoked by cxpaiiaaotd deiEi.' over a good attoui' bracket and grandfather clocks, ornaments, struttedgteu t'to SELL BY AUCTION as above Valnatloa. tqi Fnbaw. eta enlist. On giving the mattei clpser con­ leadeir of bis outstanding ability should TOe Rer.lH. R. Salt I t^ £ ed at j St. Johi’s, Upper WOODHAliS. SON & PABES TINGS, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER ^ , | dectro-platcj a few books and pictures; oak sideration they ; will see that rt is very have a ihind of his own to-day just as he, gave an address, X 'Was, ii 'pch appiq. to a eorie|8 of eptoial service: 1915, at Seven o'clock pjn., the g the HOUSEHOLD <^ted. Two n«i Bag, to aabonaco tbat they will hold t k ^ roU^top de«l(, oak sideboard, gate-iej( and difficult for toe authorities to giye such a bad a year ago, off in the dayis when he memheira were enrolled. , lo-morrow], when the Rev. Can: WO FREEHOLD DWELLING HOUSES, diming tables, culinary And household effi RNITURE, comprising;—Brass am Ah exceUent ,pi Fwae :itodered a» Bj# Fortfilgbtly Cattle Market «b the _ Iron French ami Italian BeiTsteadsj guarantee, but Lord ifeby I asl gone as stood toremost among the jogmaliste of : wiU jH'eaah at the 8.30 Festal T known asNo<-13 andl 18a, WATERLOO greenTlbusemil plants, W(vn mower, tools, e' F far ae possible; We cannot i Mareh" Monday tliaro uuHf l» Chora PLACE. HIGH STREET. HASTINGS, both On View Day Pribr to and Morning of heatliijr Beds and Beddins, Marble-top am (Plapini). Mr. H, 8 andi Most >r A. -Bevi*. ' sleveoi o’olock, wi'tih tbe Rev. ( XriAT ANT) STORE BBAStS. CALVES, other W-Tshstands, Ware, st’ve.-ni Antiquj Ettate Wm. Hy. Qoefiwin, dec. toan quote from toe explanation of his danger of German Mgressiom It does 'Bopg. “ Nearer, : J? r SHEEP (P108/HORSES. Ete.i also Let and producing £3A l2e. PER ANNUM. Sale. ! ' scheme published in our issue] of last not occur to me that our countrt’s danger " 1. to Thto," Mias j ’ i Se peeaebto. At tto Tuesda: Also the FREEHOLD DWELLING HOUSBi O atalojues'at the Auctioneers’ Offices. 48, Bow-j’honted and other Chests of Drawer Muggridge; reci ion. Miee Nouah Smith- 6.30. tlkq Lord Bi sllop of Leiw lone \VAGGOil, dim* c(W, NEAHLY- Marina, St. [Leonards. Duchfsso and other Dressing Tables, a vei Saturday. After euggeeting that "every­ arises from fhe C?abiii]et. ‘ In point of pianoforte solo, ‘ ■ v a n and THREE HARNESSES. known a.s .No. 7. PRIORY STREET, BLAS­ To wind! up thb Eitoto the fellowing body who recognises that the State has eiffioiency ana economy the number of d'fean " (Ascheri. the pulint; The Atohdeacon o ’ TINGS,. let at iOs. 8d. pct week. handiiomo 7ft. •’ Mira H. S. Phililipw, A.T.C.Ll;- 1^? • *■* muaito at( evensork oH-Thu]' MAHOGANY WINGED WARDROBE premises are te be sold at graatly reduced toe. right to-Call on his services for her members might weM be cojnsideffably Ail stock Unat bo In tbo Yard by 10.45, ex­ Particulars and Conditions i>f Sale may be figures J— I Songs the Childrlsn 'BiM ’f (Moir), Mias J ' fiund^, 7|th No'vefib^-, CJaiw i ec pt Piga, wbi^ will be admitted to the obtained of Messrs. Meadows. Thorpe, and Mias A. B. l^irk, doce^^d. with herellod-plate. mirror door, and birds- protection aid rshould enlist, he says lessened'but the Cabiitet should aasuredlv M rggridge; violinW M , * Dnet Ciiloeriande** reaoh ut Matins Jill o’clock) , etwccli tb e boux* of; EIctob and Mienneer, Solicitors. 5. W irrior Square, St. eye m ^ le .interior, drawers and trays, apd No. 114, BRAYBROOKE TERRACE, ' | A list would he compiled dividing men include too be®t miMtaiy and naval (Former). Mr. H . iBeVis and Meet »r A. Bevis. BEdOll King',at Ftetal Evens a* - Leonards;, and 32, Hav^ock Road, Hturtint . 'HAVENSIDE," DE CHAM ROAD, other Bedroom Furniture and Effects. T who had so enlisted, which would talent available. Furtoef tlierp pan hardly THB PEBFECnOK' OF ra«inej. Ate. Aichibald Wi Have received instruotioos ito SELL BY further particulars pf which will tjppear in successivelgroups as required' they have no si^cial qualifications but Mayor and MtatoieM; and I meih >eia'of i ' Bhapman la wounfod soldier) fiemoTed from ‘'THE OAKS." ’IVESTFIBLD, .ater. I Hall Sjrat. etc. A very handsome and paas night’s notice would be given are remairkably well paid. This sort of Corpqratipu are a jto a ^ , ^ i t l «i»i» ev-,. < I foe ConTcnience (d Sale. AUCTION, at the CASTLE HOTEL, HAS. ve 5tt. Carved- promise th at Mt; H irm jfle n l^ [ and hie , PeWy (violinist). Miss Daisy TINGS, on TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 23rd, Auction and Estate ; Agency Office^ 48, Further pnrticulan el any local agonte.- one of them| before toey need nepotism is common enough orctomry ' Mira B. T lorne (ralo planie Marina, St. Leonards. [ 1 ; BLACK OAK SIDEBOARD ( thnes, but wihen a country is called upon orcbestra will ; he ^ ntor waiMB I ___ The Ueefnl }91S, at Seven o’clock p.m„ the with bevelled mirror back, 3 drawers land join, in order to assist them ;n befora a leige audience. A veri attractira niarl®s !f®®®®utpar o u s e h o l d f u r n it u r e , comprising ALUABLB FREEHOLD BUSINESS pbdard under. ' •I'l any busings, giving noficeto to bear an enormous bureen of taxation le wiU be prerahtedjw ia ' to>h| ta frie, and ooii®®ttaas H satin walnnt and mahogany bMTOom Y PREMISES, known as THE ALBION Miss A. B. ijirk. deceased. 8 WBLL-MADE OLD ENGLISH MAHOG- ployers, etc.' They could alsi it is not surprising if outcry! becomes ;«n tohalf ^f the F l^ Day fun anitoe, brass and iron bedsteads, bedding, TAVERN. GEORGE STREET, lEUSTINGS. , ANY-FR.AMED CHAIRS ! when , called up'to be put info vehement, 'ftiere is also well]gTOunded C. Smith (chaiTmaa: of the Eht irtctoiments j; MATOIIJ ONIAL i TROUB] blApkets, I mahogany eideboard and dining recently opeupded as licensed piemisoe, but MESSRS. I DAWSpN & HAMDEN with Trafalgar seats, upholstered in leather. DUTY FREE “ SMOKES group,' giving their reasons for | toe re­ complaint of shocking waste m tb« camps; Commrttoe) and his coHe^oes have tlayii 1 1 Ashford Police C< taUe, two piandrortM, Carter's inralid table, now vacant. Are iustructeld by the Executors to offer for COTTAGE PIANOFORTE quest, such as the sole Bupix>|t of s U has been audible for many mmths and, every airangemept for tou uonifort af ; ; fowt Peplow, formerly known easy cbaiio, canietB, linen, cartaine, piotnres, isewood case by Allison and | Son, PARCELS from 2 /6 ; mother. I ain consulting as to Ithe besi apparently, nothing has l^nldoiie for patrons. IjjaI l a s t l y livinrf; at Ashfo ba^telle boord; carpenter's bench, books, Particnlare and Conditions of Sale may be SALE BYTa UCTION. at the CASTLE Cheffqnier, Couches, Fancy and other, tables. obtained of Messrs. Dawes and Son, Solici­ HOTEL, jHASTINCfs. on TUESDAY, POST FREE loourFlQHTINQ FORCES way by which local committt^ can b« its avoidance. It is of little use to A RAILWAY ^BESBNTATr6N.-Aii In- U ioi^ for u r i^ threatE towi obma, glass, lamps, mangle, culinary uten- Easy land Occasional Chairs, Overmantels lecture this populace on the need of thrift 'Mr. j Cuthbert Haylra, aoliciio: ^sila, etc., <|te. tors, Bank Chambers, Rye; and at the Offices NOVEMBIp 30th. the very desirable and and Mirrors. Stair and other Carpets, ffieavy LIST FREE— set up to deal with these claims, and i: terestiM raremonr took ptaoe sf tie H a* of the Auctioneein. as abov well-built I I c they consider them legitimate putfthe man while pMnnttmg wanton extrayamnoe to Hastuigs, iroprerantpd Mrs. ! winter and Lace Curtains, lot, of good|Llno- A. H. CORNI8H & CO„ E - ' lopt stated that she hail I HESSES. T>B5IDEN(EE, knowmas HAVEI^SIDE." leum, [Floor Covering, all tie Gas FYMngs. in such later group as they mtight think continue in any bffjanch of the public ser. it -1*' tioM iaste^ vice. In many respects toin^ are not on beh^ of toe >y Ito .defendant; but that JEv DE CHAM ROAD, with possession, capital OteGas BeatingHeating Stoves,Stoves. jOma-lOrna. I ! la, King’s Road, 8L Lonnards. fit. Recruiting officers would pnve the intojb, and did veto' little w< ITOODHAKS. { SON & PABK8 may be viefved on application to the Auic- Pictures,“ ' ■ Books, Fancy and Honse- right to appeal tom e against ^ h Cou- going welU and it is useless tlo pretend tie stati<»,.pri 11 SELL the above BY AUCTION, on the MESSRS. BEAGLETS BPMter at the *tton, apd now attadhed itened to m u r ^ - her, an tionesra. i | , Ihina andi Glass, and tnibe UBue^l Kit- diuon. If eveiy man whom the countey that they are, but they are hot to be to Tunbridge W< and toe had to] get the asi Premisto. on iihe above date. 1 EptabHeffied 1850. PartioularsI and Conjditioiis of Sale of itensilS' mended hy wrangling in Parliament, or ctoUto til a fiinfiM ■'I, has a right to call on will jotn under « h to ' d e ll' emdv«,t- .ai 6 to re-enter her-house.—J $ale will commence at One o’clock 'pro- Messrs. Liuigpam, Son, and Douglas, Solici­ at One o’clock pnnctnall.T. these conditkms, it will, I hope, be y e^ Hn toe Press, for aill experience shews that d ovto for six montlw in tors,. Hastiaign, and of! the Auctioneers, 48, On yieW Day Prior and Morning of Sale. many months before the olden mjame-'i ireform is not bom' of’dis-iinioh.nor. suc­ o^^^^Sd on icos.JaUd with two sureti, n View Day Prior to and Morining of Sale, Marina, Hnswgs. 1 . Cataloilon:uea of the Auctioneers. 24. Haivelock- patalognee can be.'^tained .at the Ano- road,, ill[astings. ('Phone 876). men are calle^l pn. I t may even be that cess of divided eSort. A year ago we maU had df ' t u A 1BER EA'V'EMENT.—The Il4nie.ers' Offloes, 51, Havelock-road, Hast- ard and Son, Battle ; and of the; Auctioneer, WZTIC BONUS IN ADDITION. till position. To t t o end ' H mattresses and superior bedding, LINEN, RECAM., - ,.:£r c-iTV -a;’--!!!* «tfe«. fiWi tobsrtobridge, Sussex. (Telepho^ No. 14) Our oalf OfficeMt— I Iheij Cbfef I Constable, upon w] muBi) akiU in t3i|e ast wm ritowii. Thiefiiirtl the {torid-famed C m l Servio TO BE SOLD FREEHOL CHOICE BEDROOM SUITES in mahogany, Trmptoff is inaugi MAHOGANY AND INLAID WARDROBES. AT KNIGI , FRAN^l AND RUTLEY'b 17, HAYELOCE BOAD. HASTINGA sibility is Placed under the Defehce of toe pvoowwMtotak** plao*df toeiffrtoeffto wood to*i ta m w i^ to train the; boys abi BOOMS. AZO)-' t . . ^ O l i ^ N OHAM BEBS. EA STB O U R N E ; Itealm Act,, is in teleiphonic cOihmunioa- reqniked:. eiza. too tgifokiiiaau bed: of-noiMi-) Uatiqn for the higher appoiufii ,CRE8. Billiard Room. Seven Bedrooms, Britous are generally cra^itfd.J even 'W6od''mw! dOVEB . s q u a r e , W. By oraer.of Trustees under th Will of the tionl -with those who nightly watCh all and the (livil Service. I Two Stalls. ~ 20. late Mr. John Tyhuret. leir foes, with some virtues. We, tt along the coast, for aircraft off hostile 1 CARVED DININ(j-ROOM s tlT E , m ^ iv e is ^he English and Sooten, aije legard^ jlLtNTEER jTB^NIlfG A coLLEcrriON o f I f u Mn i t u r e , ships appfosching our shores and it it ir, for Drill*Monday 1 VERY AOTRAtiriVE PRC|PERTY, carVed walnut eideboard, mahogany cabinets WESTFIELD, SUSS! as slow to mbve but resblute when oncle dinner waggons add tables, brass kerbs ani BRONZES. IVORY CARVINGS. ENAMELb, IX. THE D U T Y O F beegme necessary every puhlio Ught 6ns. Hatherley Road Iw l setoate In an excellent Residential Dis. JA PtoE SE CURIOS, Etc. i miles from Hastings bn We are moved, to the eUd. It, is held, ooulld be instantly «xfihgniBhe(l;! Bu^ in on. Grave Road); Drill m l The aocoinmodatian, which Is all' on fenders, INLAJD MAHOGANY DRAWING About Battle, and generally, toft we affe "bar i headed"! E()OM SUI'TE in silk tapestry, choice OIL By order of mio Londonj (Ounty and West­ miles rom Three Oaks S.E. rai 'ay station. the matter of private lighting ‘j nothing Iteto-acNera Drill' -Hp "fioore, omnipiises: Hall, drawing and Small, but 'Desirybh E E P IN G F IT and not by any means devoid >fl capacity coulid he done and* consequently the lay r No. 3 Plafoen, (Irdv roomer biwakfast ,room 'and] billiard PAINTBIGS, and WATER COIOURS, minster Bank, Executorslof the late Ambrose several pieces of JAPANESE ' LACQUER There never was a time when Good Health to grapple with difficplties AiLsiug firim obdurate or careless cittzens who mil ;8.15 p.m. WtoBraday I 7 bedropms, bathroom (h.i and c.), two De’Atb. Esq.l of " Lisnaore," ;St. Leonards- F r e e h o l d i n v e s i m : abnormal cirdumstances; tha^' when we Mnrina 'Garden*. 'from;i *B; sto.; enceHent DoEMetio Offices. WORK and pictures, a LACQUER CABI­ ott-Sea, comprising |— was of such vital importance as in thA neither effectually cover their [windows I NET with beautifully carved panele, a Quan­ present days of strain and stress. To he weR once understend, we acccim'idate oot. nor put shades over their lights would be SUmmarfieldls. 3.30 pA _ for twp horses, coach-lOuse, man’s LD Carveld Ivories ip groups and figures; Tu:ESDAY. 2nd NOVE selves to cbapged conditions and prove -oad.DriU Hoip room. eto. tity of carved Japanese furniture and an enamels in vases and boxes, gold and and to kegp well is more nqcessairy than eveii,’ flaunting beacpiu for the guidance of 'the INTERESTING OLD JAPANESE I-AC- O There are the" most ■ urgent ■ reas SOIns why the our capacity ifor supmountiag; obstacles GROUNDS inclnde pisture land, egg-shell la«iuer work;(rare metal work in enemy to 'bomb cur houses and destroy QUEB C.ABINET, Wilton pile carpets, epr- sword mounts and knife handles, carved H e s s is . JAME8 H. ARDSON general health of the whole nation dhonld be which, at first sight Seemed to t»e insujr- our lives. Truly tlda a quaii^t notion ol _ garden, full-sized tenns lawp. two tains.'blocks, hooks, china, glass and Culinary maintained in the highest, state of efficiency. mountable. have been called a cleAr lim liad been ont otft in (ih]^ ita r Nob. 1 and a'^Hia- greenhonsee. cow lodges, : ’ : The Revs. 8. Langton on|applicjstion. Catalogues of Hie Auctioneers, 27, Grand' Tensple lamps; a few books qu Jppan, a native , tenants of long stan|iuL at week! precede ton to serious disturbance of thq . of the Society, who carved TSu-twn eettee.l cabinets, tables and roduedng £27 6s. per ijm i health, and (file person who’ is ' really " desirous ' ’ trouble in South Africa, said f me, SOI ducts s a bobto a pedig|ea V faim. at parade, St. Leonar was about £250. IM e’J Residence, - , with a Spacious Wheelwright'4 ShAp, Ete^ all reputatioii for relieving and curing digestivi nndi >k to break in toe Icolt f< .£7in *■ 25-28-b.p. METALLUBGIQUE DlMOUSINE Correepondenoe or other inattor Intended moni —Defendanffia ease, toat I t - rapecially with tha 1 /^LDIMIANOI ,HOHSE. built pf brick and "LISMOEE," CAR, [1914, being let to Mr. Frederick TBalto at the ills. Keeping fit is a duty which is greatly ■tenna I j members .of Jetrish famiu moderate rent, producing per £^5 12s. (Id. facilitatecf by taldng ' for insertton in this joniUal thould he wwTe per month, and the tato a pro-- V jf tile n>>d Siqaill weatbeTboard, containing Containing three reception-rooms, nine bed­ with .four cylinders. foUr speeds, [and reverse. Annund Tenant paying Rates: eddreee^ to the “ Editor," and afivertise- trj one. Hie oounter-claimed! for £34. red thomselveeiChriistians form bedipom* and dresmng-roon*, two lecep- rooms, dressing-room, bathroom, and excel­ les :bf threatened perseoUl lent domestic offices, motor garage, and o ut and C.A.V.'eJqotric lighting. The Lots may be viewed lq£perteis8ion of mento. eto„; to tha Publielier. The I|t. he a a ^ was ieadylin fifi weeks, tion-ipotnh. 8004 offices. Most of the rooms the respective Tenants, and PartmulsiTB to­ but pit [Stiff did’ not take it kwa; en.—Hi* I to the, extant of threaten^ having old oak tambere and some Tudor carv. houses, will be Offered lor SALE BY ■ FSSRS who were baptated.'—T Jnh; l^ e 'ifa n n ]bnil(Mg9 consist of stables, gether With Conditions of Sale m^ay be ob- Lortohj [I found for the dclfond bn toe AUCTION. KNIGHT ft ROH iEY tained at the place of Sale or of the nnder- BEECHMI’S HroB WxTEB for the week eommenriug claim ito ooato and for Dir. |a also on tbs gratifring intelligenp g r ^ a ^ , oow shed, |mplement| sheds, etc., Situate in nearly an acre of wdll-planted Saturday, October 30th, 1915. th« o .tar-daim for. 421,| it costa, Jaffectadted oifly ttoi imp Will SELL BY AUCTION, at A eir RSoma, menlioned:| { L—The Bov. C. and beautifully arranged ground, in a sunny as aboye. on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5th, Anctimeersi.'The Great H4U, IMnbridge Saturday 2 88 3 8 1 'WedneBday 7 29 He hel Chat toe offer waslto. at.the !—Pasture / aboujt 122 acres. and open position, and within easy walking at One o'clock precisely. Wells. ' . ■ ' 1 Sunday 3 87 4 21 Thursday 8 19 rate of| ~ per month,' and that _ Itraining ^rltoture at . Arable 1 aboirt 40 „ distance of Town and Sea. Monday 4 56 5 44 } Friday ... 8 57 9 1* com' u until Match ?9to.| Dr, >wie un- op Monday .Evening, wii jOn View Two Days Prior, * ------from--- 10 to 5. Solid orsj Messrs W .'C. Cripps, Son and stop I dtolt in an interestinj P a s t j u r e planted I Particulars and Conditions of Sale may be Catalognes jnay. 1 be— Uhiad ..J of Mefesrs.\ r J ------c-...-Frost. Daish, Tunbridge Wells. Ortion: Tuesday 6 19 7 2 1 ly (had alien on the Itolt, _ t it bed w ith' apple obtained from.theXondpn- - dfi County ~ and ■ *”West, ' prtojbiecy-in relation fo th* I (Ward, anidi ICo., Solicitors, 117 and 118, Sold overywlhere. on the bran he Id in toe Houra of Lpids.ti ,t a per- , abon|b minster Bank, Ltd!., Grand-parade, ,St. Leo- Leadsnball Stteet^E.C.; The London Conntj t thax. aon ex* Itoig a Uen on a " dOuld not {htojthe: effect of th* War wc ShawB abou nnrds-on-Sea, or of the Auctioneers, 27, and Westminster Bank, Trustee l^partmeht ar LiaHTiNO-tP we Timm for Cyclists and otlisrs claim ft ita keep during ttimi he xraa toe,; zasforation ot toe Jeiws} Grand-parade, S,t. Leonnrds-on-Sea. BA-TTLE PAIR. = = = = d = steps. We have the nonaensicalT idea, for for weeE commencing October 89th, 1915. do i t ^ ■ Jpraialem: was now of Jewish < t Lothbury, E.C.; or of the AueijioneeTS. as onable, 170 acres. Telephone 350. above. ^ instance, that things are going badly'ed Batnrdsy iw 5 38 Wednesday ... H 30 LSDI are IntlM ['to ^ tb* w... Braphlcal importance of the Hd Sunday irdieMfeir at The lliieoa ibovliS, Oraat M -ffndent when they oonsia The Hastings and St. Leonards v^ith us because*, at to® bead of affairs wewhich 5 36 Thnnday .. 5 2i8 Pans*. liMDeKM. raiCB FREEHOLD jE 31600. STOW & GLEMEIfrS have 4 Cabin^ composed of the leading Munday 6 34 iriday ~ 527 wonlff be a meeting plape fod By Order of the Exors. of the late Mr. lan Tuesday. we THE!! ATE MB. C. W. G.—In -our end -Africa by the railway to B Furl her partichlaTs of the Agents: Messrs Will L BY AUCTION on MONDAY, statesmen of | the two great politicalblown 5 32 Woodliamsi Son, and Harks, as i.bove. ^ George Osborn. -YIBLETl AND CO. 22nd NCVEMBER. 1915, about «*( last ia le we gave som« i tulais.df the Capa! to iCairo Railway: also't OBSERVER parties. lt..is co-ntended th a t vte shouldin the caraer < Mr. e. W. Ckaig, diec a t Has- high roald to Indial ; The Holl AUCTIONEERS, A STORE AND DAIRY CAtTLE. pe rid of these statesmen and should be ME8SR8. BEAGIEYS autumn ■wina oy any trumpeung herald tings la week. The funen aervld s which barnno praotieOUj: toe centre] STINGS. [RYE, SUSSEX. governedin theby a press, (cabinet i or compUsed on the piatfotm, [solely o whoFOB the! finest Scotch and Irish .Whiskeys was chprali, was held Wt arist. Church, The Kafoer ta rega^ to tow about two mikn from the hlemorial. Are instrnttod to SELL BY AUCTION, on HAS A CIRCULATION AMOUNUNQ! teilitery and naval men. The dominan of indisputable purity and great age (see ftrhatj was Napoleon’s echeme. I TOOK SOLD in Rye Market ^ny Market her Entries soUcited., Which thonld bo pifoclaima himself th® fount of wisdom Blacklands. The Vicar, the - !v. “W.______H. A rin.^ TUESD.AY, NOVEMBER ICth, 19l5, at the sent tojthe Auctioneers on or before Tuesday, TO OV ER eonoCrnctemands is, they permission,declare, the towar direct and while our Borough Analyst’s Report) L. O. GJenister, strong, bffida'ted a t the tou^to. aid after :Uf tto Turkish Empire would : i TC BE SOLD. CASTLE HOTEL; HASTINGS, at Seven s day. 16th November. too war lasts toprome poptroi tobuld bi Wine Mertoant, 29, White Bock, m tttngs. wards at the graveside at HasCings C imetery tine |beiPg handed ioVer to the (Ca p i t a l LITTLE 1 FREEHOLD p.m., the undeitoentioned All Kinds of Sallee Undertaken. Auction Offices:—Battle and Bexliill. in ths hands of fighting men. Irhis con "FIRE An d SWORD IN ASIA MmOB. The ibymns " Now the labtorar’a task ii YOUNG PEOPLE’S ,QUnJ I'ROPERTY, REEHOLD AND LEASEHOLD PRO­ 1 3 , 0 0 0 tentku is foui^ded upon a fallacy and i Tuesday in the London Bead DL^ture o’er " and " ()p the Resunection M uniing.' wap given, unider toe direcboi inlABLB FDR POULTRY PERTIES;— very dangeroua fallacy. That warrioif Hall, St. Jteonards, Mr, W, Llewelyn Wil­ were auto. The mOuriiora wtos: Thb widow in the Lectuire Hart, CS FARM, F RYE CATTLE MARKET. M'aater T. B. Craig (ton). Mira Craii; (eisterl MARKEl’ GARDEN, into.. Nos 5, 13, 15. 42, 44, CHAPEL PARK know more about warlike deeds thai liams, of London, will deliver his popnlar ,1 (Jhnrch.JoP Tiiesd i lomprising 8H0ESHTTH J CO fivilipns knoiV, or can be ekpited tc lantern lecture on "Fir© ond Sword in As’* Mrs. H toard Wiluaina (cousm). Liiutenanl ; Ptoplc’a Hui ld coma ROAD, ST. LEONARDS. , •OPIE8 WEEKLY* JIinoT.’ t -Mr. Williams has made a thoroui Colonel F. H. M. Burton, B'..CM.C. (brteher ■" TO wap a large an L-t pilt ho^B > aix roohis, garden, No. 28, CHAKLES RdAD. ST. LEO- now, can hardly be contested but befor hlaid, small stable and shed Mi;^8H8. YIDLEH t i 10. lONEER. HOUSE AND EISTATE stody of the attitude and actions : of t„c in-law), knd Mbs: Burton. Mr| P. Burton __ldeaice. T3ie chair wa and about NARDS. it could be successfully contended toa' •lurk towards the subject traces. Thb latest (bTother4fo.-law). Mr aUd Ifcal Astei i, Sisteral . a free of' pa< ture. Would b> isold with' GARDENS, Will hold an AGENTS. ivilians should he banished from thci f. A. J. Parker, ’nfoprog; hie pasture ield. No 10, CDENWALUS TELEPHONES:— and tihe wdrst of all the Turkish afrUoities Allafoyto €md A, H. Reeve (nniue); Flower* orte dtot, " Capni HASTINGS ___ P^fN SALE \ OF SHEEP, LAMBS' VELOCK ROAD, HAS'lTNGS. abinet, and ml power be placed in the will Mme to'.thin the .purvfew of the lecture, were sent by tbe 'widow, tonland datohter, i The Saxon Ladii fidl particulars 1 apply to W.oodhams. ____ No. 29. SALTSBTTEY ROAD, BEXHILL. EAAIS. 'BEASTS, etc., in i 181,: Anvertisement Dept, only , aiid Parks, SI, HavliBJock Road] Hcistings. O the abgvf. and hands of fighting men, it must bl prov^ i Varley will take the chair Misa Chrito, Mrs. Howard Wuliami. Lieut.- " Viking Song Particida-rs and Conditions of Sale may be Market, on WEDNESDAY, 3rd NOVEM 132, ExtenBioni to all departments. that toe wSr is [not only our supreme con- ® •*'.^4 * » The .ndmifieion to uon«xnieinberfi M o n ey F . H. M. Burton, R,A.J:.G.. and I’ayJor) in a very spirited m obtained from the Solicitors. Messr.?. Chalin- BEB, 1915, And include !, BOLtTON CHAMBERS. EASTB JUENE. cem but t ...... that it can be conductedfentirely will be eixpence. ~ . der. Herington, and Pearch, Htcdinge; or, end Agencies. Mrs. EgrtoiL, Liehr),, by Mto BIAOpLANDS. ^ wilii cards to view, of Aoctioiic^rsi 27, 300 propBsition' tl an that could hardly be Eugene .Eurton, Mr. and Mifo. A igerstein. Mira Vetia; Willett then irentori Grand Parade, St. Leonaras. Telephone 350. KENT SHEEP AND LA HASTIN(58 AND 8T. LEONARDS j lis an openiUg in the office of this paper for MBS,, FEAIi’K SHOESMITH AND CO, poesess made. a youth of Shout 16 years of, age to train as Mrs. Mdunaey, Mr. and Mrai Astm, Sister ter] skdteth |froon “ David iipecialU i'acuities for disposing of aU kinds of i lournahsl _ He must -be of good address, AUardyte, A. B. Reeve (n’rato). II. Riche* " U m h [Heap and'Mr. CJonpcj TO BE SOL) FREEHOLD AT A 25 irapei'irtq’. 1 will deal \7ith it later. But, mean­ md s m a r tly knowledge of ehorthand is a (cook), jaud Mrs. Wood. The fineral ar* was]encored, when she gave." MOD/JEATE PRICE HOWSE & CO. KENT EIAMS AND RAM TEGS, while, me Ask my reaaers if toey can ^commendation, but not absolutely noees- ransemtota wove Batisfoctorijly-carried out stoire.” j -Mies 'Ivy Lmdridg including farther oonsignmento from Messrs. by Bryant and Sons. 45. Quton's- read, and , " Is t mej dream again'" (SiiUlv AUCrriOKEERS. AGENTS. AND SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30th, 1915. give me the uames of any realliy '’gffeat Instance,. 99, Edmund-raad, GlivU Vale, Hast ngs. atyl». Miss Rose Stubberficld vi C APITAL M DDERN NON-BASEMENT VALIiiUERS, E. B. Dunbter, Mr. Alfred R;eve. and REEVE & FINN soldiers who ! have shown reihaTkable rjri-te to the! Editor for on interriw.* Ed. Piper. I FREE c h u r c h CONViiBSAZlONE.- Rre th.ovto'a " l>ot!itoHPath.c& i ' SESIDENCE, containing about threi NORTHIAM, SUSSEX. H iG ii STREET. RYE. SUSSEX, and c'apacity as administrators in a demo­ ioADETSM DISPLAY AT ST. MQu Mr. OetffBB' Foete r gave “ Ld bei ins, two leception-raoms. bathfqom, Further E .^ L Y Entries reepedfully soli­ cratic country.I! Military men there have military display wui be The first of tbe two odnversarione) arranged nshal ^ LYDD, KENT.j, I 1F( by the Hastings and St. Ltoniixk Free ^(Olifcr) in capital stvle. A; domestic offices. .Ti^ off ^ain“rante TOCK SOLD In RYE MARKET on the cited for catalogue. been, time andj! again, who have achieved Collegiate School gainotl My Mie.s. I.aigv Taylor fj an^ ip quiet disrict. Price an application ESTABLISHED 1812. RECRU ITINQ PROBLEMS. ladet Cor next Wednesday, Church Council for the young peoile in con. >1 to ltb4i S usual Market Day*. Auction Ofl^ees: Eye, Sussex. .un'qualified simeese in adm inistration of 3rd Novem- nectionj with. toe affiliate chuicho was held phulo of ydur sm ile" (I'a.v| Agents: Messrs. Wbodhanu(, Son, and A UCjlONEERS, LAND, H O ^ E . AND dependencies [or settlements ip some K r, at 3.0' and 7.15, in the Ko llai imond gave " IVhen my s| P arh, as above. Valuations, Sale*, and Lettings of any kind ------:Of ■ — I ill, S t in the Ltoture Hall of the (Mbtral Wesleyan receive careful attentioii. J1:.ES:?ATE AGENTS, 'PENANT HlGBPr corner of,; Impire, but who as the onards.' The Band^ortlE'^^'d Churcht Cambridge-'road, on- Wedne riay even­ |n g iiome’’ (DaTcl). and in tij AND TIMBER VALUERS ".C, Brig) de. Royal Field Artilltoy. will " A Hinder Ceurtslvip” (C-patl man among them hll qualified direct play at ■ ing. Tlie Rev. W. E. Shaw, Presid snt of the CHURCH EO.AD, ST. LEONARjl BOHUhi s AUCTION OFFICES. Eitates and Property Managed, There has!been a boom in recruiting petfonnancce,pfo------and " the ^ pro- bis ciMfcji'o "Par.-toi and ms.l DS-0:;-SEA. WEDNESDAY. 3rd NOVFAIBER. — The and control toje affairs of England and esds will Council, and Mrs. SKaw ffecMred the cob- 11, HAVELOCK ROAD. HASTINGS Collected. j during the past week, but aa the result ^ equally divided between Britieh parrottened with Sale in RYE MARKET -well include some th^ affairs of'tliBt wide dominion Of which iisoners i: Germany and the Sailofe and pany, And the former presidto. T ip greater j TO BE LET, Valnaticna for alt porpoees'caVefikly made, of the canvass by the Recruiting . Com­ England is the centre? It'is ‘ ' ’ part of the, first hour was! taken ,Up with mail), M tii'a Sason Ladies’ P.'S well-bred KENT RAMS. (Established 1877.) mittees is tolbe’keijt “ in confidence," we truism ^ Id iefs M p Society. Tickets may the ob- ■whe were eiionred, and g,ave 1 OI| SOLD FRIEHGLD,' U't a olw figure. Register of Estatta, Farms, Houiela (Unfnr. that oven to® greatest statesmt lack ltein|d at M ^rs. King Bros.’ Librariek or at social intercourse. Songs were rendered Ifo' this niblwy nillew" (Siriart).l HB 1. H. BOHtlN. F.A 1 liahed and Furnished) keijt. are not in a position to publish figures the gift of prtocience. , Gla^i Miiss Hlphick, Miss Pankbursf, Mira Meakic for Hastings raid district. We may say, ine was the.&hool. [The concert last June rera'ised a Mr. Foster, and Mr. Duke. |i TbS musical W’isHeti followed with "Bird o!| FRID.AY. 12tli NOVEMBER.—Sale at the s PREPARED to undertake (SALES BY hopelessl; about AmericJ during profit of £4^ lOs., a n d ^ a n y gratefulTletters JHardoniWOod), andi sSn," as b) y SEMI-DETACHED ijHsiDENCE, BROAD OAK INN, BEEDE, of UNDER however, Uiat' a considerable numbertof the war hs)ve been received. The .writer of arrangements were In the hakds ofjMr. Rred A I AUCTIO|N pf ^ e h o ld anjd Leasehold twedn North apd $oUth. He ,vL I. '4'be .writer of one of Browp. At cfoht o'clock, at j a public meet­ Wandered down (tie mouiitai.ni situate clcs > to Sea Front, containing 2 WOOD in ttfie parishes of ^ rth ia m anc roperties. Stock, Shares, Furniture, and men enlisted on Monday and 'Vuesday be­ said, in 1863, tljat the ^uthem president these, who Lad,receiyed * parcel through tbe air, had Mts. Ceoise Poster tliej i-ew-ption-rooms. S bedrooms, bo: ;roomi usual Biede for Colonel Edward, Etewen, C.B. ..took-ln-Trads, nt a fixed scaU of Commis­ H. GODDARD, R.A.I., fore the canvass actually commenced, and had made not pnly an army a navy. Lohely SoWiere;' Guild, says: " I t wai a most ing, the Rev.iH. Mudie Draper presided, s'uik of the Siimmf i- Niglit’’ (Newtq effipes. Good Itng garden at back,; small smd for Lord AVrottesley. no doubt they were influenced by toe letter ported by the Revs. W. Charter ~ sion. Renta Collected. Estatm Managed. u c t io n e e r , v a l u e r , h o u s e a n d hut had made I a nation. : Chdnning'ts munificent] parcel, and most acceptable, all veiy highly nppi'odatcd. Mis<( gapden at front, Surveys Made- Va’.nations for Prolmto and from the King, the special appeal by London), T .'H . Creiper, Ed(-“-* ‘ SHIPPING AGENf statement thaij th® South American tl^more to ^ i t is the only parcel Tj ever o.J. Spooner, H. VI.G. vjwwin, Godwin lano^, -ilenrg ■was «n;:cpdd for her roeitatibn,! RENT £50 P ^ ANNinr. PRICE ON MONDAY, ISth NOVEMBER.—Sale at the cither purpopos- Inventories ' Taken and A Ixird Defb^, the martyrdom of Miss received dimng my 14 months' imprison- find reetonded w itir"B aby [ " AI PLICATION. Cheeked. House and Estate Agency in ell 22, SjlLCHESTER ROAD. States would grow to rival thej United mest. I hajy^ ito friotidd or relatives in Rees (Secretary to the; Coui;c(l).—'Ehe Chair­ Nqlly Safgeh'fc, who made COCK INN, PEASMARSH. of UNDER Cavell. a'nd the broad hint that they States, and his boast that he had] "called man in his addresi. and he RevI Edward WOOD in the parishes of Peasmarsh ite branches. ST. LEbNARDS-Olf-SEA. will have to go in any ca&e. Many of and nCw who cAn send me any comforts. I oon<'i“rf. jdatfornf. briber Partic ilars of the Agpnts: Messrs. a hew world into existence ,te reAess the rearcely know how to thank yon sufficiently Barlow, .who followed him 'dralt with 1th* .. jn ^ u ’fl " '4* Be?3 One pay," Woodhams, Son jand Parks, as| above’. Iden and Beckley for C. L. Laurence Pix. Particulars of Freehold and Leaaehold aaBNT I'OB THK KLUlS, aHEBIC^, cunaxo, the men. comessed that they had come to past histpiyiof tho'-Pree Churai^ [and Esq., Lient. H. M. Frewen, R.N.V.B., Ground Rents. House and Shop Property, CANADUN PACIFIC, EOTAL, l^ITE STAlt '^.ulance of the old” has been hopelessly tor your kihdnee8.'t 1 lowed bv " Beloved, it is morn DOMINKiN, OBIBNT. UNKIN CAmXE, BOV.AI. the conclusion that it is far better to go falsified by events; the history of those showed that the ^oung pesple pretent Jhad George I'oater felibwed w and Sir Howard Frank. i Bnsincss and Boarding Hobses for Sale, MAIL BT :AM PACSET CO., ud OTttou BRIPPIXO voluntarily than wait for the compulsion Fire- is the most destructive element. entered into a rich and btoracent inheritance ONLY 2i- MI::H3 PJtOM H.a m N Q S wantsd for immediate investqient. UNEB. OUAnUIAX.FIBE AnD UF$ AtapBATlCB se-ueral republics, from an adm inistrative ™™s*iwo yopr money, deede, a-ud other valu- nfo; Morna" (Riicfeetl). The ^RAM S. C0'c3aSAS COBPOBATION. ANL T l'p f anB which will kurely come if the canvass point of view has been a record] of war, —the friiit of toe pfhyers. efforts, endurances, " ][n this hour of softened apl< Mortgages Effected. £10,0091 avsilabla , . ? purchasing one of Henry Consins’ tears, and.evsn life-bltod of their brave and SCOTT’S FOBElONr PABCEU EXCESS. CBBTI. throughout the country does not yield reifoliition and bankruptcy. Tl'fe Duke >olid__Sfeel Fine and Thief RfraBting''Safey. anti), by the L.edies” Choir, w O BE LKR Unfnrnishc CAPITAL By Special Appointment to her late Majesty Certified Bailiff b> Levy j Distressea ficatbi bailiff undeb lb* lUw o r m a the required number before November stalwart forefathers. ’tbe addrts.s ofHbe Rev. dqred Wt-th greaf tarte. ‘ the Empress Frederick of Germany. TBB88 FSB BENT TELEPBONS Ko il* . of Wellington is regarded by somelpersons BO o f ,these safes have ■ bren sold...... in H a ;s W. Uharter, Piggott, the fete Mr.^ Gilvester T COUNTER COTTAGE 1EDENCE, England andiWales. I 30Ui. So faj as Hastings is concerned, it as an instance of great military abili^, md districts Write for illustra(ied price list Hnmnioiid nnd Mabel Smori v cldse to village, ontaining two 'Ption,__ , „rix mav be said that the Recruiting Commit­ Horne’s succtosor at WMtefield's 1 Central (ficnlt ;|oooi3 pMiietr Agent to the leading E ira Life Aetddent, being combined wth political sagacity, red inspect the str>"k.—Henry Cousins, 8, Church, London, was chartotprised by intel­ bed and dressing-rooms. Ipxtchen] etc.; garden J O H N B B A l Plate Glass, land Burglary Insurance Com­ tee is dealinlg with Lord Derby’s appeal but the evidences are all to the tontraty, ylaremont, Hastings. Fireproof Deed Boxes. and orchard.' stible and ooaehlhouse, fowl- panies. ' I. in a businesslike manner. .All the un lectual and spiritual forep. )For d:pe snae# hou^. etc. Rent £80 jier annum. (ESTABLISHED Ififil.) H. C. HOmAN, and it is clear that in political foresight MADAME CLARA BUTT COMING.—The of forty minutes he held the attentiqn of bis |SHIPPIN, ST. and their re liies to the canvassers -wilf ever uo again as prosperous - as fsh© had lardn, at tllreei o’clock on Tutoday, the 9th SUSSEX. LAND. ESTATE and HOUSE AGENT. Co ." "Nelsdn." "Leyland."] “White Star,' be entered onrthe cards and communicated 'iovember. , Wounded soldiers and- aailora j t To (he Editor of t’ae 0]) etween Hastiings' and Wihchelsea. "American,'! "White ; S w - Dominion.' lONARDSl been.” If statesmen, men who spend 13. SOUTH COLONNADE, to Lord Dbrfi;Jty. Two questions seem to their lives in' conskructive efftot, who fill j bp admitted half-price to the repervto Brail—In his propoiaU for m^f Allan,” “ bana^an PAclfic," “ Cimard,"i ta a t tod poncerts, and Madame Clan) Butt P 'i ' 10 BE LET,LEW UNFURNISHED, capital ST. LEONARDS-ON-SBA. "Royal." and other, lineal. VAIUATIONS FOR be affecting toe canvass. First, there is have to deal with the intricate probleme inou« cost of the great War, it OBATB- ; th e difficufi experienced by employers auxiiDusJto meet them. Kind-hearted people ibis oaiiS his net very wide. If small COUNTRY RE8TUENCE; Som- Tslephcne Haalinge, No. 813. of diplomacy, of fiscal policy, di the re- »n therefore give the poor fellows a] treat, ■;S| rising: Five pedrooms, H reception- through grttihg rid' of valuable men, and latfons of' commerce and labojir. and sis a|re >adopted, by Parliamei Stables and oiithoi (TeCegiama * 'H'rayi Sb LeonardB-on-Sea."; BOARDING ANH APART! NT h o u se s second there i« the posmon of maiTied 'here should' be a big audience. Madame tondf who kara rot Wtoertoi .1 garden civil „ government; . to the_ _genera welfare lllara. Butt iracently had a tremendo: wel- J. GRIFFrrH$ (nenme Tax 14)11 become liable orchard, etc., in all abput < ' And at N . 0 1 AH f o e 'd is p o s a l . men. With| i!egard- to the first of these____ of the State, are rentrietto in ability to T \7 0 ACRES. oome. at Hud#refield, where alsoMff. H. ill, he assessed upon a new ball 5, DEVONSmiRE PLACE, BEXHILL. SucesBor to Meeme. Rri is and Son. questiona i t ' as already been etated that- iforecaet events, or to ahape current cir- IqUire. thp I famous 'cellist, and Mr. aitra The only bphthalmictopti tajns by toe question of what are Indoor sanitaHoii ; water supply from welL under Lord troy’s scheme every possible ^umstance according, to their dosii’e, w.iat S Rent, C3S per annum. (Estabjiffiied neaiCy Century.) iyde, the ibrilliant operatic tenor,------tool part, ’ ffronts." The assessjaents fib Special Listo.of .H O U S^, with details, in considerationti< irill .be given to the netoa ground is topre for assuiniptioh tjhat men t they will do at St. Leonards with he.her Con- appointmerjt Ito , | ^ tat< baviny already been m4' Agents! Mess w, Woodhans, Son and loe -with the requirements from well ADAKS & W;I|TT Parks, as above. aoco;icorwii YCTIOgEEB,JFMiUER._BURVOT of employers,,1 and we know that the Re- who have had, no anch tralninj whose irtiParty. At Huddersfield MadameIClara THE BUQHANAf IhOSPITAL, wt exasuns tbeir noticespf si kept Office Register. -Best Map of the __ HOUS, AND ^ ^ A T B_ ag _ e_ n t_: UCHOJj NEERS. VALUISBS, HOUSE cruitingOffleeL,piia------at Hastings------have in- „.„„jmany ■work has 'been devoted entirel; to toe ntt and Mr- Ubaries Sykes generonfflV pro* I ^ a t they are correctly a; ’ Borough. HOTEL ANH p u b l ic HOUSEHO BROKER E S T A ^ AND BUSINESS instances coifolaUed the wishes and con­ ided for toe attendance of about 70 wounded WlU not get .tbs celjl _ AGENTS. science of war '.would succeed better? THE HOMCOPAT to* Art* afford, ’ 1 BROOiIOEOVE, ORE. in s u r a n c e s . R ra, Lifm Accident. Glam, VALUATION FOB PROBATE Ai venience off employers, and allowed men The simple fact is’that altooug! the im- ildier*. A proportion of the praceedo of all SARY Clerks. Aanstenta. Workmen, and ffCCBSSION DUTIES. CERTiriOAT 26. li-LVELOdK ROAD, HASTINGS, to return to their' work for a. period, long portance of conducting the war a sue. lordame Cla/a Butt’s ooncerte is devoM to Your* truly, I Domestic Servants. AYLIFF, a g e n t TO THE LONDON the Fund she has raised' to provide employ- OBVERAL PIEC OS OF GARDEN GROUND f Ancticn Sales Conducted. Valwttotta fojr enough to Jehtole the employers to make ceasful issue transcends, at this lOur, all , I r n s INCOME TAX RECK aSSURANCB COHFORAiTION. FIRE ANI •11 purposes. Rents cdflaet bth^ affrangehteiite. Tbe problem of lent for mkny artistes adversely aflert^ by 58a, HIGH S'i'REBT, TO LET. AGENT FOB THE I»B. AND S C. £■, ' Lira.i . _ Rents _cdUaefa d. - LiFoitoriee else, it is impossible to conduct h e War Wgr. [A; plan of, the Hell and tick XBBIANTS) taken ajud checked. Insnra:'UWa.df all dee- the difficulty experienced by employers is, - except in relation t® 'tbe Sta-tt If we b A S U N G S ftiUriSiliiBod hanwL Boa. BAILWAX. I, Enveloek Road, Haatingi. —iptioa k TelepIuiM M . of coune. lux i m an uuta ta maanlaetu*- the conceit are available at Mensrs. ' : lost the wax, to the extent of b«j hope- tat ’s.i BobeTffou-*trcet and Grand-u'' I • o

n ASTIN0S AND ST. LEO’NARD3 OBSEBYERt SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30. 1t ww GE minutes, fiotatoe* tor the same time, b ^ r e ■ Ne.'t.''’' ’ti’l be pioseiUedjby a first-class eoui- sugjfcellett th a t anothari moJh who w orkw fo r Dow tilte wool fair pUr to S t Leonards? placdng iujihe. hay box where they will! con­ A meeting of the Hastings Education Com- :aotIiing should do it initeudJ Hosiiitals were tinue to book in their o'wn heat nnbil re­ oft-HaTOB, j p a n y enib.-aoiug ^ a:’ti--t., s, ciioras Wnd s]h.- sufferij^gi very much from the state of affairs, WILL NOT «AVI HALT Dwid bw pUyed a t H h^inaa the whole FOR iceea aopne^ ! Jiautie".. The royuo will be lxrforn|ieo< king iilan lor Mark Ham- to reshi-iet them ;'el'es .as fur as poesi-hlo for TNIV WI>L«AVC A U now, u ^uring the aunimer, the r a t e m y ^ qf 'The DWTe tie bo* is used the tightet^ fhe Others present inciiidcd : Aldenrian J . Stace the very iv-rious case.j nniong th e pooi- for bay will tiecoiie and the more tie neat will VJ': on Sun* bourg's visit on Tth 'iS'ovehiboi- is now open at (V icj-thairm uni. tlitj Mayor tAhicrma'li E. A.’ tbo latter place are to have'the whole benefit ■road, Bioh< *1,0 Pier, Pier. : i whichIttieie was no pifovi.-im. rOURMALWORR n Of tire mnsical amngeoente mod*'by the be kept. in. tor users of gas looker^ the Whiah, for- Coufleilllor Mannin-gtou f.;vmallj eeconded Corjiorarion. Tbit, to my: mind, io maui- saving ia bnormons; and for thosi who cook ardo. H o i FUEXCH a u c t i o n fTKA.-A novelty tho .v.-pefifljnent. { ARD AliOOOtUOi on a mtohbn lEmge the economy in timfi and to bo .ia-tiodncejiat the ^Queen's Hotel ne: feaUy unfair. 0 on Thuio- Couiicillor I’crrins supprrted the amcml- If th* Corporotion had 'fiecidsd that St. attention is c luaRy great as th 3 tood can feturday alternoon—a 1 tench Auctiion ment. ■ He alwa.’* s;o()d up for the children OFF THE OOAl RILL be prepared quite early and once in thq bay tery, wheroi •Tickets, at 3s. eadi, to be obtai Leanardk I'ier wa* an nntaToorable placo, *an d . Tho ,, ... S ' Manuington.'tlio and the sehooLs. but nt tliai Jrarticulnr time, box can bp left to take owe Very Eev. prococds_ai\> to be giyen^toiyarde the inainteninten- Bunilisfcr, T. It. .Mann, l>r. W. E. TRYASAM I>LEI a long .journey if 1 wish to hear the Dr- - a rickenham), people! he did not thi)ik th» proposal oiipor- frerii handful from time to time; as it (unks anceci Our TVou )ded ttoblh rs’ Rest a rj Re. ■ Oiaudy, Mr,!. Strickland. THss Ruth Ren von ■ tune. H)3 coiilil not coiireive th at children obc*tra„iincInding a trip to aea, or el>3e jour­ down, will be quite sufficient. >, and Ifr. creation R.ooms. Tea w)dl be served a t •! and the-BcAretaiy t.\lr. I'hilip O. BuswclR. ’ ney th* other way to Bexbill. the latfet Bannatine Would witlk fi om Ore'and f.li- .’ V.ile tr> Sf. DURABLE. The main tiling is to well line the to The Underskirt having' again | e’ciock, fcllowcd by an auction sale of a Leonards to have their teeth attended to. being, I think, a littl* nearer. well cover [the saucepans and to dllow p)enty 0. Mr. afNf yarirty of gifts. The sal> will be conducted 1 stul hop* that aome arrangement may be Uheeemaii, •hC A.ItE-APPOINTMENT. ' Councillor Morgan—Not when their teeth WELL SCREENED, of time for the actual cooking. ^ tlie Mayor (J.UHrman E. A. Hockingi, are aching? com* t)4f wheraby tXi* p e o ^ of fit Leonardjs A chicken vas plocetl in the ta; box at HANDY SIZE, may be able to on joy *ome mnaic during tb^ Colonel Johnson, Colonel, TVhittlc, and Cap- Airs. Strickland and Mias R uth Kenyon Couneillo;- Petrins — N 1 : they wntild be 10 a-m. At 1 p.m. it wia d; up for become a necessity owing » t i n ? wn« lain Barlow. were re-ui)pointcd on the Mental Beticiency more ir.<|liued to stay at liome.’ Councillor BROWN A S F . winter Without having to make anch a Joup- lunch perfectly cookod. » O re Wee- , ST.'-TblTN’S, irpt>ER,FT. LEOn Lt r d S.- Committee. l*errirs added that b-- would have mipported uey. The Pavilion at Hasting* being out at sr pi««id«d The Festival of AR Saints’ is to be oelo- the motion rather than adi root negative, but 43, King’* Bid., Bt. Leonai da and SM render* it a rather awkward idaoe to the present vogue for short GRATITUDE. reach during'tbe rough weather we may ex­ H B. Salt brated at St. J^infa, Ufppcr St. Leonards, this wps only for it to be h tld over. Taking Tra^ Junction. SilverhilL t-' aoh. ap p r^ it altogether, the .solietne w is very good, and Phon* 4T. pect in rtbe winter memttui, and I think it by a series of special services, commencing Several letters of thanks were entered on would havenave been a* well if a home for thg c h a m p To n -s h o r t h o r n ^ fo ri « enrdled. |o-nicrrcnT„ when tliQ Rewt Canon H. 1). Jones the minutew. reflect^ credit cn those who brought ip for­ SUSSEK. eostume ^irts, he , is , , andered aa ' will w'eaoh at th., 6,30 Postal Even.spng. On w ard. I V Winter Oi'cheetra had been found on shore. Miaioh " Jlondsy there wi ll Ibo Choral Eucharist at The Chairman—One writes a letter of Mr. placer IVrigbt «aid that perbapn eoirve- Yours truly. ' To - the Editor of th* Observer. r A. Befio; sJevea o’clock, w:tk tho Kev.'Cahoh Frewor thanks because he had a letter of thanks. thi-ngimlght be said on both sides it9nop of Ijewos wdljl occuot poning mahere until the cud of tho War, to Miss Kfitiyon, Dr. Grandy, .llderman Cous- St. Leonards. IViUiaBi Duti lie’s, of Colly nie, great p e ra ^ e " (Aonhor), jhe pulpit. The i uohdescon of Hastings.hviH' - THE NETV ZEAUT-ND FLAG. his mind there could be nothing morn abso- ociis: and Councillor Pernns- [W ill 'itbi* oorrespondemt say where the eiioTthorn auution sole on Tne^ay, tb0 2 th at evensonig on Thursday, : and on. duitely absurd. (Hear, bca-.) If good teeth Agiiiust (4): Alderman Chesterfield and Band can be accommodated other than ait iiujt., and there purchased thd’ finest W l which are unrivalled for value, unday, 7th Noiondber, Canon___ f _____ Jones,V 135 ii te . The School Management Sub-Committee re- were essential to good benHh, and b;id teeth Cour cillor* Mcaigan, J- N. C illins and I. E, sold 'this year, and possibly the best aorrtande** Man, lingtou. the fit. Leonards Pier or the Hastiiun X’ierp p^reaoh aA Matin* JIJ o’clock), raid tiro Rci^ that the Flag from Hastings, Hawke promoted coniinued'bad lealth, did they We know of no place.—Bn.] 1 for many yeais. Uisname i* " Prince of|ths >r A, Beiris. 6 , Eden King a t jPa^ital Eveneong a t 6.30. Bay, Now Zealand, had been won for the cur­ menn to tell him that th > oonBtitiitioh of The awcndinent was then curried as a enb- Manor," and it was not nntif I bid 1(256 made of the new soft moored BRAPHT 4a TO-DAT'S CAI'B OHkN’rANTt?.—In con­ rent quarter by St. Mary Staivof-tho-Sea childneh'loueht to be endangered by permit- stani'.ve motion. Councilhr 'JTannington guineas that i. was able to call him my oten. •via lA e ting tjheita to continue to inffer. ''Because voted against it. In additiion 1 bought some fine bp-ws Btndla nection with to-d ly’s Russian Flag pay cele­ Jlixed School, such Department having ob­ bration two cafe < hantanis are to be given at tained the highest pereentng© of average at­ tlwsre is a w B r" would br^ a b ^ te r Tenson To! tho Editor of the Observer.' ! and heifer oJves, at th* dispbrw sal* of waterepline, latest cut, perfect fit - 'r the Grand Hotel Restaurant this afternoon. tendance (94) at the Elementaiy Schools of ■why ■tbo next generation Hiould be in the EVENING GLASS FOR IbSTEUCTION. the late Mr.- lohn Marr, also some magnifi­ ® A -~ Th* l)e-t possible condition. (Hear, behr.) He Sib ,—w ill you. allow me to express, throngii cent young .lieifess.on W edn^ay at th© loeimd Or- Tbe first conuneioe* a i S.lS, and will last rile borough for tho three months ended 29th IN SPANISH n hour, and the second will be from t-30 to September, 1915. did apt know that tbey bad bo ■many dental your columns, my hearty approval of, and great pedigre > shorthorn sal© Irn Aberdten. «r to-ni»ht f experte oh the Education Committee. (Laugh Amongst opw« and heifers bought, the folliow- and guaranteed for durability, at 9 a t 7.331a. ,30. The artisteji.. wibo - r e giving their ser- The report was adopted, with congratula­ I’liK Higher .Education Sul-Committee re­ agreemerrt with, the cauxe for St. Ireonards Wices include;—iliss:Ev)a Garden, Mi.ss Cory ter.) j At'one cHmo'of Ilia V'*fe ho bad some ported that thep had considered the question Bo justly ^ d spiritedly set out by Mr. Faarojv ing great strains areirepiresented:—Rosemitry, Kied. T h i tions to the School. p prectileal exwricnee o|f dbili: Ten, and in ttiOBe Princes* Roys I, Orange Bloseoih, and Lutrer*. d f th a Tuppenney, ,Mr. Vrohibhld TVinter CorpoiH of Cl itablishing a Class for in.vtruction in in his letter to you of last week? Is St. Lei^ Sharman (a wounded t«ldier), M1S5 JIadge -Alderman Staco emphasiaed' that the scho- ilay,s ■ithe man who siigfcs-tisl that, a child’s Spank3h at one <>f tho Evenirig Schools, they nards always to bow to the apparent mthleete T thought it inight interest some of iQi* areiooifinj mrs came from a w-ider area than any other tooth flboints, z- „ . - SJ 1. EDGE. and the Nurses, and the. m atter had become mittee or nien and women jdwoting them­ desire !to make os to the appreciation 4f Gallop s Hoi lestead, hreatened to miTdetr her, and had pushed selves to enecial work Ithev migli.t fometimM 8s. 6(1. per hour. 2. That in pUe event of a( f ser, and she had to ged tho nasi-stauco of the pressiug owing to the receipt of a communi. siiitatde teachef being available, a further music in [St. Leonards. Many of your readefs — , _ Ditchling, Snseex, cation from tJie East Sussex Hospital draw­ come to itlio conclusion that; those men and will remember th at the dffioers attached to |a 83tb OotobCT, 1915. Bolice to re-enter hef hjouse.—Dafendant wae women ijndea-stoocl rather i(ior“ than some fidvei tirsement be issued aBtl ua those who are POUJonnd over for six moiitlm in his own recog- ing attention to the larq;o numlier of casen willing to attend the Cla^j pegnlarly and Regiment until recently billetefi in this towjn who did not iserve;• fillon,that I AII 'M- Snh-Pora'mittee. stayed at the Greeba Hotel. A* t* customary, ^sances, and wif li t W sureties of £20 each. sent to that institution, an<| stating V.oped 't| would punc'uaVly to notify their niupes and postal th at they would be reluctant to follow If that ■^eve postponed, he addnsses to the Secretary Iprthwith. 3. A BEREAVEMENT.1-The death of Mrs. bo on 6o|me sounder argunir at than [that »h heing| large, ssreraJ hundred’JipyBons being present. plan to my recently published " History of ST. LEONARDS. The husband, thej Jikscs TVinifred- and not'undertaken at the Hospital.I but only CounciHoi’ .T. N. rdljnfi'Rv pnoTted, the jn*'- comrnenced a t an early date. P w Sub-Corn’ Moreover, the seating accommodation ^ink Salehnrst," and I am, I think Jfamiliar Wth Kellie Rutland (ia|nguter8), Mr. and Mrs. extractions, and this their Dentist w-as un­ .tien,'since for that iTfr-a/-)lehily small sum m itt^ pointed out th a t the CJovernmen scanty, teagerness was displayed in obtaining all the printed sources for snen a volume.>- -L Banter (sod-in-lair and dauiaughter), Airs. Put- willing to ^lo, inasmuch an he felt that the: thcT would enve manv clii'drfn the abemiue- rant Would' bo obtained in ) espaet of the seate'ltmg before the bandimeii arrived, i should, however. . be exteemeUr grateful to land (sister), Mr, And Mrs. Taylor (brother teeth should be saved wherever possible. In ble pain of toof-Wache and preserve the teeth, Hanses, and that this, with tlio fe*s, would If oi>4 band, ivithout adverrisement, and any of your readers who could fnrnisU me nd sister-in-law), Mrs EuBscll (.sister), and addition to tho cases treated nt tho'Hospital, which were a great ass-et to .a child He make them practically sel^-suppofting.—■ apparently desire, can acoompliBh this, th w with any hitherto nnpnblishedjmatter relat­ Hr. Gallop. There were a large number of Dr. Tui-ner liadloccasionally extracted teeth. hoped to live to see State-aided hospitals for Entered on the minutes. surely kan another, always provided the ing to the history of this small bat intereat- rk)i Potter . loral tribute*. '?h* funeral .arrangemerii 14ng parish. The loan of any ol ’ documents tan^ in r » - ' The Sub-Commiatee had been in com'munica-i the Imneflt of all mankind. (Hear, hwr.) management eecure the service of a goojd were entrusted ;o B n ’aiii and Sons, t5, tion with the .School Medical Officer (who iSi Comieillor Mannington-asked if any eifort I BOOT FUND TRUST. and reputable band. lattezB, newspapers,' pedigrees or a c ^ n n t Dueen’s-road, an 1 9D, I ErTnuind-road, Clive books, etc., rm ating to bygone i eratiohs of PACKHAM, at present op Tyap eervioe), and had also cb-: hflfi bwTil mftdo tr» a*c(»rtnin views of the Yours truly, vale, and gave e ery satisfaction. tained from the .School Nurses statistics Board of Education upon such extension* The following report was presented :--”In Udimore pieople. would be espe 31y helpfnl, EXPKKT OHIBO^OpisirS at Tlie Uaiioii Ben. speeting the nujmlier of dental cases brought pon^^rally. He with 3Tr. Mac^r Wri^rht accordance with tho terms of the Trust exe-l (fHARLER EDMUND JENNINGS. and would enable me to add nch to the tlio LaiBwt slid Balrdiewins Itooma on th at wliwi a report came from a Subcom ­ 103, Marina, St. Iioonard*. , hnman interest of the data I hava a lm d y Ladies* Tailor^ Court D ressm akers^ ^nd d id : DM a t . Jhe' ■ Bonth ■ Coaat.T 26I), Onnd Tande, Bt. Leo- to the Clinics during the year 1914, the ma­ cuted on the U th January, 1 ^ , we xMiort: collected. eft ousted, ttid.*. jority of which [were referred to tho Hospital mittee which had given thought to it that the whole of the intereetj derived fi'om they should in the ordinary way support it. the investment of the sum of ^340 in the' Tonr* truly, dinsatetea CL-ARK’S PAM:OUS LONDON COLLEGE, fpr treatment. /The total at Hastings Clinic LEONARD J. iHODSON. —Clark's College is now repieeented in the was about lOO/ 'and at St. Leonards Clinic The Rev- J. Llovd Davies said th at a yonim Canadian Pacific Railway peiwtual four iwr Milliners^ ' i 'ii' ■ ijr" n p ^ ie d at alwit 80. Tho Sfib-Committee had also con­ medieall man who had! been staying with him cent] coDEoUdatod debenture st ock (X12 It s. To the Editor of the Observer. Robertebridge, Sussex. I • te n a s b y district at 113, Stoi)eficld-road, Hastings, per annum) has been ezpendei I in the piar- ahirodwad, where nil inforn atiqn[ :mily , be obtained by sulted Dr. 'Turner as to the selection of a had'been engaged examining reemits, and SiB,--jA* a- frequent visitor to St. Leonardi, 1 addrossing Clark 3 College, there. ^ The boys suitable dentist In the event of ,ihe matter he tbld him that'from the point of view of chasf of boots for uecessiloua children a.\- I was Very much interested in reading Mr. •40, Robertson St., He|s'tlnasi and girls of the nation must be thoroughly being takeq up by tho Committee, and_in financial! benefit it would bW a benefit, and tendmg th© Elementar'y schtol* in tire eonnty Farrowj's letter in the previou* issue of you^ N O ,- O n teain^ to_take thiir places in the commercial cordanco With his suggestion______Mr. P. E. if Bitch Work had boon undertaken ten years borongit of Hastings. From 'Jctolrer, 1908. IN THE COUNTY COUR t Mrtea of ^World—only ’ ' can the pu.rincsa of lielyarr (L.D.S., Eng.y, of. 38, Wellington- ago the Treasuiry would have saved hundreds to the Sffth September, 1915, 2,154 pear* ot seme year* past fH* Corporation have Soibodl o f ' (ountry b() efficii ntly carried on, and the oquare, Hastings, had been interviewed, and of pounds'. The great majority of rserudte booti; have been provided out or tlje amount themselves entirely to the improve- 4th Orenadiei G April. hatlon maintain its’presefat proud commer- had visiteii th'C »t. Leonards Clinio.with the sent hack wore sent back heoanse of Wid received in connection with the investnient Hasting*. and the amuseinents foy COUNTY NOTES. went to France in Boer ’ R r l n ^ ? ^ tial position. T i Hii* erid (Jlork’s College, Secretai'y. Estimates for the necessary equip­ teetli. Tfbero wore "5 out of 120 in one day. and the sum placed at tl\e disposal of. the kation for the hi^er qiipointments in busi- Tho Sub-Confmittee recommended :-sl. That penditure down. Pofhaps peopdp thought it those who are interested in tno well-being, Mtunna, and ia the winter it has contributte^ fore his Honour Jndge*Mackani'!eB. formerly M-P. for Brighton, attained his- nnod va« i one CHnio (that a t " P a rk View,” Upper of tlio children to the benefit* of the Fuad, of Mr, Charles Ebdien, teSs and the Civx. . SoryioA. to Ji'ie^pport of a Winter Orchestra, whiyh; i)4lii ’nirfbday on M onday. ' r paste pot Park-road. St..Letmards) be fitted up for den­ DID NOT MA'tiTEB MUCH not only in the matter of tho] health and has '«vlfajis bean, well eupported by the reei-i JUDGMENT SUMMON! iES, near Hastings. M ich th* '/ V’OLUNTBER T iillhN G CORPS.— tal work, theooet of the necessary equipment comllort of the scholars, but also from an denhs ajia visitors. Now one hears that evfinj i ‘ ■) 1 ■ ' _ i n l i ^ i a a ' Orders ton fob 4Drills —Mbnday: Nos. 1 and Z and apparatu/3 being about ^40. 2: T hat Mr. cduc|ational _ix)int of view by enaMjng many Sandorides and Co.i Ltd., v. Ac amsonl (A3), Platoons, to a minister, but it did. With regard to thie pirtyitege is to be denied to St. I«onarda[ ^ado doara.: “ 8. Halatherh y Road Drill H all; No. 3 P. R. Helyar be engaged to' carry out the hospita'le, no profession—not even the cleri- boys! and girls to attend sohooll wh^n they 'The yteitors to St. Leonards should not bd committed' 8 days, siifspended on paym*nt of li n o ^ i3w Plateon . Gro Jrove lltad jDrii: Hall; No. 4 Pla- dental ti'eatment of necoesitous school chil­ migllt otherwise be kept at.honte in conee- dependent on Hastings for their amusemente,’ 5s. month., ; l| ■' The Duke and Duchess o| Norfolk have ■ toon, Eock-acNore 'Drill oal---riU Ball, 8 p.m. . Thurs- the required records respecting the cases ceived and acknowledged by the Hon. Secre.- WhenJo-UO oousider* that the St. Leonards, taxation.—Mr. Harold Glenistir, soiifitor, ' Nutley ia loeing ite eateemed vicar, the as to pro- ’ dny i ^ u a d Drill, BignaUiiig . and Ambu* ing 0# tire amendment) 1 ■ tarv]and utilised in extending thejgood work dealt With, and givS all possible assistance in Alderman Chesterfield said he was glad residente contributing two-thirds of the, Hastings, represented defendant. — [This Rev. C. Neill, who ha* decided to return toeettew''of m em b en d f the ont- la i^ . Hatheirley Hoad Dr^l Hall. 8.15 p.m. the wQtk- The Sub-Committee pointed out wdi’idh is being done.” —Entered on! the minu­ rate* tolthc- Hastings borough, it is surpris-, arose ont of a High Court action, with a to: Liakeard^ tmd resume the curacy which y. all the Friday: Nos. 1 a id 2 Pliaitoons, Hatherley they had had that discussion. ' It was all- lutnafe bold that, subject to satisfactory arrangements important that they would get half their tes. I ing thai th paying. Your correspondent, •ySr. Pearson (of M««rs. Meaid6v(s, 'IT'jrpe, The death occurred in a nursing home c *01) atiftTfc rhntoday. PALESTTNE AND TUB WAR. — The Sub-Committee drew attention to the fact Councillor Reed moved another amend­ mittee’s year, Alderman Cherterfimd inoved ment, oi which he had: given notice, "That Mr Farrow, is b© cpngratulnted on taking and Menneer, eoldcitore, Hastings), for tire at Horsham on Saturday, a* t^ result Mra. 6t i & « u ^ (< and •OUINBA • annual sermons Joii behalf of the So­ that during the five months ended 31sJ that]they place on record their ap^ciation- th e leadl in’ adv‘'bi'ati,M? th e rig h ts of th e St, plaintiffs,,,cdtod a decision by Baron Pollock. of a motor accident, of Mr. WilliAia Naab was suppoirted by ciety for \ the Cpniversion of the Jews August 1915, a saving of £l34 had been Paragraphs 1 and 2 bo altereil so that they of the valuable services of their Ohainnan. .Leonar(ii rreideilti'. Hie eugges]ion that St., —jHi* Honour quoted another deoisioii by vision on include both Glinics.” He did! not think No Committee of the Town Council had a Skillicorne. Mayor of Cheltenriam, twry), Them C r.Fiedk. were preached in : most local churches on effected on the estimate for the Sehool Mene, and it is to bo h o p ^ nnfortiinatoly, bis recollection of the Bar • • • lonas, 8A enWijiisiastic Chairman of any Cojmmittee. SiiricktoiMi; a;ad many on in ;v\arrioT Square mesbyterian Lecture Hall year. to Incluile the Clinic at H'alton in the pro­ tlin): be vill receive their whole-hearted sup­ went back a long way, and liepreraemlered gists. ' ' ' I ■ J i ? ■ , w MondaC n ftern ^ii. Tho Rev. C. Mf visions. I t would bo quite’ iniTetkonabl© to (Annlause.) , olt, wortt. Connrillbr Morgan, moving the adoption of The Mayor, seconding, spoke of the Chair- port. ' Baron Buddicaton as one of th* highest au­ The princess Eoyal, who spent th* I t wa* iqpbrted th at during ;ainst Dr. , prwddM. Others present in- exT^t littlo children a| Ore to travel to St. thorities on matters of pre(ctioe. — His menthei seveiial drawtogigoam •luddd.: jTli© li©vs. S. Langtdu (general sec- tho report, recalled that cn one occasion a Leiquardn. A great proportion of tho chilil- maif as a sincere worker. .Tours truly. j week-end at her Brighton residence, took irhooott- denttet fold him of a mutual friend who was Tlie Chairman, responding, said Ihe, took A V ISITO R. ipter- keen personal interest in the celebration bsaa.. held i to su' ‘ I farm fit . K'btry' of I tho Society, wiho preached at reu in t ie Ore district were the oliildrcn of ao- Women''* Hospital fit. Mary-in-theCaWo on Sunday), Watney, seeing tojiis teem because he 3vas poor parjents who could;nbt afford tram fare. groa.t interest rn the work, and always would [This oorreupondent is wrong in stating of "Our Day” on Saturday,, visiting idsor. and take interest in it. _ , Sup iem* her), wbiob nave m of th s C. Askwirij, J. Wtebster, R. Talbot, Sbolto ABOUT TO MABBT A Very important paragraph pointed out that that tire 'WiiitOT- OrcheSti'a has " always bem Court. ' , " gever^ of the street stalls kept by ladies. Serbia, the*e' wholly r danu^ies Newm^L R, G. Foirel, and J. Awdry Jamie- half the expenditure would be found by the well sup [K>r+©d by th© feadente raid vjsitote ; : I- ' • , • ' ' • • public meeting, held I ca8o''saa mn. Tt was reported mat the amount raised —(laughter)—and, as the dentist said, he was Tnwaurt . The whole; expenditure in the Lack of support whilst the Bana" was at the ON|..MI.UIAR,Y the Mayor ini the St. 'Leoil 811*3 P ie r ie th e so1« rm son for mov­ . Selm aa, ' in Hastings and StJ Leonard* during tie past getting rid of one trouble before taking ano­ fb-at inslance would he only j684. Ih view of (WtlemAn Cadet Thoinaa Frinice, son was addressed bF Mito Burke, :had|beeifi r £7 in a year wav V>“tit .£254 The Rev. Langston ther. (Renewed laughter.) Without sub­ the impirtance of this, let them ^consider. MLL£TTINQ OF TROO'S. ing i t < 0 another place.—E ».] Webster Jones v. Twiss (£5 pr^eesional ser- wrorking to these hospitails, and D-gaTs • # ris term s . dealt eabecially With th* difficulties of scribing to that somewhat cynical view, they The Tcmarka of the Rev. Lloyd DaWies were vioes).—Mj. Pearch, solicitor. H astily , re­ of Mr. and Mrs. J . 8. Prince of " ’Wood- toterestiiig desmiptiqn clf the worl 'done a% | rao a pro- ; ■ the members of Jevrish families when they would all agree that bad teeth were a great very much to th e point. If the Cjommittee presented niaintifl, and Mr. F.]W. ^ ;gan. side/’ ’UckSeld, has paased out of Sand- of the presSine need tor lmere heh for .£34 I declared themsClvee Christians, He gave in- trouble, particularly to ohildfen. They all did not feel able to sanction the expenditure solicitor, Haatings, [ defended.-riMr.' Piiarch burati and been given a commission as and oemforta for the .Wounded, ten weeks, •tanoes of threatened persecution in Tunis, had witched and sympathised with n child on tevo Clinics, it might be lowered by SURREY YEOMANRY COMING TO TG PAHENTS a n d YOUTHS said the amount of £5 was holanoe for saoonid-lieutenant. He has been gazetted aey. wlm premded oa:thiaooo«8t_ —Plaintiff, a Hastmgs eolioitorj was a lieu hen.-^His Oven to the extent of ithreatening the lives of suffering from i toothache, and they had high giving otie half day to each CHinic.lbut con. HASTINGS. Tc the Editor oJ tie Observer, to ^ 2nd Boyal Sussex Regiment. t^ ta bed. provided 1^ the looal thoas wh<^ were baptised.—The Rev. 'Watney authority for' the statement that " There ridering the very modest expenditure and the tenant prevented from attending by {ail Itarv should be the ontoome [of the It on ths g ig —There seems to bo a wrong duties, add the was evelntiudly a'd- is also on fave th* gratifying intelligence that the War never yet wa* a philosopher who could en­ beuefite, he thought the Committw wcmld ressioB in the minds of eom* parents the oonies of mz wWekW a was >nt costs, hod affected only tprS im portant Missions in dure the toothache patiently-” Perhaps agree. I ' ■ | jouimed [ I jaoeed f CJouncillor Mannington of ctir senior mam'bers has volunteers narda, and Mrs. Williams, of Peewit Hill, what was N apoleop'schem e. The downfall suitable.! He personally - did not mind ■recent -meefiirig of th© Executive ooneidered from tho caiM handed! to him that Felixstowe. of waste of food H . Arm. Couneillor Morgan, tho view taken by the whether lit was at Halton or St. lieonards. to^Fipervise. We think many parents will it woe Mrs., Tanner, Plaintiff admitted w rit­ onssed, and the ind afteiw ef tho 'Turkish Emjpit|p would lead to Pales- Hospital Authorities was that the Committee National Federation of Health and Holiday be ohlv too pleased to haw© their son* Aldemnan Stooe eSid that St. Leonards Resorts th© following information relnttec ing, to MrL Tanner to the effeot .th a t tlie be sent to the P.W.l Cemetery. tino Iming handed |ov©r to tho Jews. •had power to do what was now proposed, and onld bel no farther 4, ' " ' Bodafto’d with youths of similw a««s^ in con­ B task is tthat they should not throw the work on the would be! no farther tiiap the Hospital, coins to the 'billeting question was giveir:"- balance mjiat he ret need, and tnat ho w >uld " T o th e Psirlii : War YOUNG lPBOPLE'8 GUILD.—A conoept across titlethIe town. , | " “'rlia main bilsiuc.ss of the meetinc •was to nection with ns. 'w* shall b« glad to givr be pleased:! to supply goods for loash on de mffttee, 13; Downii fomingr,** was given, under tfie direction of Mr. Geo. Hospital, and the Hospital Dentist evidently Courioillilor Reed steid he must make it tlieii aiy additional information. 'Th' Byery.—Ml*. Morgai 'jaaid th at ^ ain tilf had Lady Idina Wallace; tvife of Capttain D. " From a gjenerL. io( widow, thought the preferable course was to stop a 'deal Urith matters connected with lillsting. •riniioo ft»' those under 21 ia only 5s., Foster in tlhe Lectijme IHalh Clive -Valo Con- quite clehr that he thought the two'Clinics A Deputation appointed at the previo i* meet­ intimated in th at 1( if ’ , to Mr. ITanner that Euaii Wallace, 2nd Life Guards, gave and St. Lesfiaida'B: of tl i; (8 1 ^ ) , ? gfegtutioriall Church], qn Tuesday, in 'a id of tooth and make it 'fit for future use, rather ,n [bo pidd! half-yearly if desired. birth! to ^ son on Saturday at 7. Chester- held a t tbei Saffi Club. eu tenant, than extract it. When one looked at the ought to'be providecl. He would bppoe© St. ing liad rnterviqwed Brigadier-GenenJ Bond he could not snpplirthim with Imore ex copt the Young People’slGiiild connected with the Lennarda children coming to Halton. who stated that the War Office word f.n ful Tours truly,. for cash. ;He prMUCed subsequent inv iices fleld-graidena, Mayfair. Lady Idina is Thursday, Oe( . lM5i (hrdtherw church. There waji a,largo and verj- appre­ Medical Officer’s report ope could see it was to Mrs. G. Tanner.'—By Mr. Paaroh: l^iat the elder daughter of Muriel Countess "Sir*,—Wd. in oomnum [. Burton a big question. Th© percentage of 49 per Councillor Pendns thought it preposterous sympathy with the policy of the Feierstipn. QBO. HOLDER. ciative audicoco. The chair was occupied by that children from tho Old Town and Haltpn and would be glad ivilh due regard to mili­ was Mre. Tanner’s Christian ,n go to St. Leonard tary exigencies, to oontinu© the pnetic© of Honour: li was at Iter iiequest.- His Ho lour Braeaey. bVi every Flowers with a pianoforte dhet, " Capnee Hongrojae*' Councillor Reed hit| the right m il on the biile'iing whereaer possible during tie ensu­ Y.M.C-A quoted tha letter from plaintiff to Mr. ' Dan- power. We J wish,. therefore, iaugfhter, . (Ketterer). J The ?axon Ladies’ Choir fol­ thi)3 time the Army Authorities refused those head. ing sinter moii'tUs, but th at troops which B aitings. ner, " ’Till yon hay* paid ” ofi a cons der- atroogly agi the daily W' 9. Lieut.. low^ wjitn “ ViMng Song” (Coleridge whoso teeth were no| Bopnd. They bail had The Chair-man said that movinj; the den­ will be billeted this^winter will generally h'lt I able' parj: of tbe ba^ce.—Plato' iff said ihat food to the ildiere’ [campe in [.C,. and Taylor) in m very [spirited manner. This a queetionmf the two Clinics, but they de­ not ' ulrvays, be mobile formations grouper! | was because be had just had an order I rom Yotit pamphlet (*H< to Save 'B ; ' M. cided to recommend one at present. Having tist’* chair each tiino wa* tho real diffi­ A marriege wRl ebortly take place be­ wasifollowed by a song, " Where my caravan culty in regard to using the sane flttingu. tor* itrategical reasons in particular jdaici Mr. Tanner which Ite did not fee inolinen to tween . Captohi B .. G. Thompson, 8th The urges everyone to ’ less meat! and|Mrs, bns re.sted” (Lohr);. by Miss Susie Pearce. regard to the'health of the children, he and distriots. so that little,latitude is poci-' APTlilENOON SERVICES AT OT. execute.—His Honour said it a ipeared levt- the shortage of m. and the ein. Miss Vera W illett then rendered' the oharee- hopeel tho report would be sanctioned even at I t would cost more than having tiro Olinice. Queen’s Royal West fiuir^ Regiment, In reply to Councillor Cox. it np[iearc(i sible in their location. ConsiddraW e differ­ LEONARDS CHURCHES. dent that plaintiff looked to Mr. Tanner aa youngeeteon ol tbe late Mr. 8. W. Tbomp. the milk enpply.' majori rof wdmeifi n, Sister tcr. skt-ti-b from:. "David Copprrfleld,” pre.sent. ence of opinion existed between members of hie debtor at that time. Later it was ad­ are iveoessarily pronr| ing leee tor their [. % h e s that the Dentist wa* quite willin r to go to To t^;e F w.as enepre-.i, when ehe gav.i “ A kiss on the nble amount of bil’.etinjr was likely to take Siij,—i ehvwld be glad if you would allow Jthat did not refer to the old aoe lunt.—Judg­ eldest daughter Of Mr. and Mrs Arthur cheese and milk, a»e Carer, thneaitea ried ont.; stairs." M'ss Ivy Linidridge contributed .Alderman Cliesterfield said iiiat his friend Aidemian Chesterfield a.sfced tin capaoltv Clayton, Dyke Lodge. Dyke-road-avenue, to beooipe dearor st ’ . Wo hav< had anticiiKited. ar.d rightly antieiim t‘d, of Halton (Tiinic, because he ui'u'errtotel *i't place this winter, but 1 tliiflk it tniiy b© taken m© to driiw afttention to th© fact that though ment for the plaintiff against the male daen oonaideV oodJ and " Lot me dm-.'im agiiin'” (Sullivan) in capit.il th a t'th e present hutments will be used as fi ve .'hur^hes m-e within a i hour’s walk of dant, and judgment for the. lat)ratli.et.',qu(o S m.Da. wvil 1)0 huilt-,^that men will not be kept un­ c.av. iiat me o* them as far as I am aware indignation the th' iwing array I eatable Mr. George t'nsioi-]g|ive " Invc’s Melody” of ti'.o War. tvilh t.iis iiece-sity oi .comiilying hour or two a week when the*c w ere'not arranged witli w h^lip might itei-iu ( lie demands oi^ many children there. der c;\nvn> during tlie winter; and that the provides ail afternoon service on Sundays A P.ARTNEBSHIP IN IHGS. meat and other good 'rod m cam] ruidei! the (Oliver), in (''ip'i.al .'swlo. An en.s.ro ivas sarptus to ba billeted will largely depend except tor childreii. An engagement ie aiinounced between admfnrWtration of a ’ iv6rb.roen,t ipartiB|(mt> ids Free higher ^ithoriLics, ■would cay that K ('onneillor Bc.avicy iaid that tin e.rtra ex \y© have had befoi lei in con- g;:inod bv His.s Liujy "ra.ylor fo r" 'D ie f-un- shuaid. at lea-,t. ceaso from jaking on’ any peiulihire • I uixni how recruits come in ; and tnnt vriiere ■\Vlicn I livi'd ixere some twenty ye.irs ago, (Chapman V. Chapman (£16 6e, .—Mr. Rj.H. Caplaio Arthur F. P. Wehner, R.G.A. l?e f t , ’' ■ letiiig)'r*. V n ih eld F.hino oi your sinjlef” (Ra.v). Mr. ILirvy nieu are quartered in towns such a.'s this the at bJ)th >(. Marr'iJ and St. .Toliii’s Evenmn;.’ Galby. (solicitoii Hastings. rcpr*i anted plAin- only,son Of Air. and Airs. Wehner, of liable evidence of th m g destrtoial innoViii ion' which meaii| matcria'iy ini're:\fed COUr.P BE REDUCED of good food In cant I, the m< .iw v ^ n e. VVffl(leyan Ilammoiul gavo " '.(ylikn my ships come sail­ expenditure per rainuni ;il 'sucli :> sorn IVar Office preferred to take larg? empty wii.a paid at three or tour o'clock p.m.. imi tiffi.—Plaintiff said it waa tori rooms iq a Eastbourne, and Phyllis, elder daughter ing home ■’;(0’iUel). and in the second hal.f hmus^a rather tliau billet in small mimber§. proljfibl.y wa© ctL.reentinned - *' i hojise-iu Behetain-ro.ad. He t r i ^ to get Irid of which women coul not cover the ; dayievenr time, lie mcAu-d: "'riiat the i-oo-iderat' bv making ono Clinic subsidiary. of Lieutenant-Colonel' R. Holyoake. of rigid economy in f< >nt of ths " .A I)inder '''niiii.3ll'ip.” (Cojitos). eiiigir-g as The 'finestiou of the bi.lleting rate ■was the licarftitv e! worshippers, Now with uai'keucd defendant, but defendant wo tld not go.— We me at his ciieuio " Rar.soij and ms.” The second of the matter ’up deferred uhiil after peaca Dr. Oi'amiy Ruppoiited Councillor Reed’i) «ubjel.li of mur-U discussion, t.’nder the now Kainptee. India, and Airs. Holyoake, of urge, therefore, that ne mea-ne be tekeA to the J com- { has lx's)) (ie-.'I'arcd.’’ 'Hint was the rea: n. street' tltrmigli tue winter, and in a town I^vintiff ainiitted having had dealing*! in pai't oiiciied wHii ‘I Hc.TuteoM.s Yforn ” (Gei'- amcndm-Hit. and adtjccd with CouncUlor Army Order this rat* is 2s. 6d. fon the first gri fiPeffncitcd bv tbc aged and delictte a.< pigs with defendant.—Defendauf argued tliat AVest Ealing, and granddaughter of the ohock this waste. I’ isiR i^ter and ijrncticali.v the <'n!y reason, why hi lataslt-j- la: to tho h.lsiiital. He Ihoiight i man pud 2s. 3d. tor all others. sum is late Major-General J. W. L. Bird, Bengal "Signed (oil bCh.al of the ;) Jlfiim dp with m:m),.by tin) StixonjLadies’ I’.art-Song Clio.r, ' oi’iHi.vvl rl'.e iep(>rt. He was ecjuallv w tb i', it k snrclv not too mac'll to a'‘k that plaintiff |iai|.owed him monev ih that respret, wh ) ivoire eucojred, janpl gave ‘'R c 't ihco on more satj'H’actoi'y to h.-ivc Clinics i,t cadi end made up:—Sleeping accommodation u1iH one ’r.nt the’many eliurehes fbocld pto- which set off th© rent.—The , parties rtere Army. E. Steickland, Chairman, of Coi mitteei** derM by I ‘the- 'Cilieirman of t’co ,Sub-C)onimittoe of, (lus town, and lie enygested that eii'tli' general atitendanoe: 1st man S)d.; iur every I Meaktn, t ’lii- '.nij'.'sv I ;);(teiv ” (Smart). M;s.-. Lth (he imi-v.-tanlce of eonnd'teolii. vido a ■3Pivice of tlie nopaW Lvetieong typo father and flon.—By his Htmouli: There Jvas U’i.sd.-'ait'jniliwHd w. i'th...... /'B'rel iid r / ’Love D ivii - '' I tl e in C'iui.c sliouhl h-fve one day a wepk- o'>.her 6d.: bteakl'ast 5d.; dinner 1». Id.; sup. toonrl. C3!-. a t 8t. Peter's. Bouynemoi;th. an account (with regand to pig«i There had musical ll.Tcyiloii-M'ood), a n d tiu 'J a-- o n I'.nc.-rc " ^'i(> , vh'- -.sional vnth’jfli;:.sin 1-1 do_ The Mliyor uDo si'iipoitisl. Ho thought it per 3 1. 1 or tbiect was to he under.; oorl that toot that ot sover-ol eburehes tbo Mr. Beed ;>ae .jo .save a nvith. l ;■ a boon to tho jiarenls. It is a been a partnership. Iffaintiff ctntended that v:uul..-i h! do.vi) (lie monnlain «ido” (CUiv). I !'.^“t_ ‘'^'ih' . [*® at least 111), oi meat waste be provided. The Eveijsnng Service is badly attended. Which defendant Bad had his share and plaintiff's A marriage has been arranged between ORIGINAL >lio meet- Mr. Di.'.l'Mi.).ai.'.i' Mi.t. CVov<;eCirov<;;> l-'loslerl''|os!ei. thenthe: .-.anir " S'ais it was a -crioiis step when an ins'siciu.- ■( Counciilor Mannington said tlie[CommiUce gcneital opinion was that only- in ex.'eplional will 1)0 the first to rise to wr.r f'l'i- dedl eugs beitix riudo ' ot tiiily tP nnd';rt,ako*no naiv of t|iom too. (Laughter.)—Defendant Wte tn*t I Sir Leonard Lucas-Tooth , Bart., C)an>tain, ------[to.:- n 't ’ (' SiuiiijivT Ni.iriit' (lit ” (X'.'wto(X'.'Wton'i. wliich was was 'niiitiin'c away with itse'f. (Laughter.) caaes wnuid this rate of .pay leave any profit nopeswitileJ. and give tbe timid; a. chance to [if his father owed him money he teurt, bring very ;■ i'lthly pppiocijated.■ ■■Miss Vera M’illf'tl e.xi'Ciiditiu-.-, Init even f t rton work that 1 H.e had Jisteuetl wit1|, great 'interest'to the to the hou.se'aoUler. Eventn.ally if was re- woi-sbip: ., H entp ix>ib-c. 'Plus would Ix) a nnuc^ial cxpciidj- roprosenting the Fetlerated^ lieeorts tOi-co- Bega, N.S.’W., son of the lat* Sir Robert irr,') vi'-namded' wiTjh ]“ Ba'oy Bi!].'’) Afi,-s which had not Ix-cn said, iLaughter.) 'Pliu I'ciir truly. io Chain. -Velly Suraenit, who made her first impoariince tniv, but: it would not eVop. X’otio of th n r object of tho C'hnio ivas not to extract teetOi. oper.-iltc in nn effort to obtain a lla rate oL Lucae-Tooth, Bart., and of Lady Lucas. (A Reminiscence of Itionnie Nnit Biiy, Jersey). . Edward on tho conc’Cr, plollform. gav,- Liza I.r'-i- e.vocnditure'idid ftoii. Tiicy umioi-took w> bat to pyeservo them, and be underalood it 2s. fid. tor billeting in place of ilie : eduction AN OLD EESIDENT. Tooth, of 1, Que&n’s-gatei S.W., and IRosa with th s mcT-n’..: " Bte's (Tinp Day.” 'J"ni: v.,s f..!- which nxtcndo-1 until -t-ilx-canu' a r.wal b was necessary to let a tooth go on ncliiiig fori o a time—tlaughtcg-i—ami tlvat vhe swelling .will 'be remeralwred th a t tiie.se tigirca enu- Hon. Mrs. Bovill, Smeeth Paddocks. _Thie fair and bear iteons scene. sent had to'ur.v Educ Observer. In soft enduoement g rew th i souleuui rave and <1 tiire. TIc,.3iv.v Hiere wa.- a -avinr of. £1 of four, ratiici than walk to the oilier part of CoitiriWi br'M-’isata. Cb«nc«l)e, Hj-esail OoliAray, Whille Nature wtors glad anrtol*. snt;' i>v (he Lad:C:’ [Choir. which was r ’n- these day?, when every .v ^rari.an Tliat ami many moro co;rinss would b? tho t()W.n! The ca^ had lieeii overdone. The ’SiB.—In IrfNjnaitii High guardian cliff's lof verdant in* Silyester nniiEsl to liicwt Ui” hn-'mcial ix-i-'rion. 10 j wii-.,M. course would be to .'ulojit the rciKirt 4' keen' on economy, your reading public will £ take place very quietly, on account of Beside the ei’.vorn'bay; U.iDiraan'l .iprl M.al cl Sm.nll wc.-e very pro- THE TRAMS. i I kn-Dw’of liiiy Ivox c«t(kiiig. mourning, on November 6th, at Holy Central ficiona cci-moa’iirt-.' I>araor.-i'ih i-i-i'ciTCil to (ho I'ur.so- njidci-tnk tt I ii'siood, and see how' it wor'sed. ( be glad to A«»mblr Xloonk and Arvado . — U- 6i to Their bloom^ap’d CBrete with halcyon view' Hio w.ov'k. tllcre no Hini-t t o Uio P"'s ft y-m I an find a .space in the ‘'Observer” B- atp •I v —* 'tonkl B •» ” Slia.'xwf ...... 10« to Trinity Chui'ch, Tunbridge Welle, between by intcl. ■0 ( Mr. Mai'er V.'iighi, huraovonsly replying to Bwp'iftyV Binik‘“A" Siiiiif* i fuUr IH id .. 7ii to Outstretching far :away; ' I he spoes hiii'ic.'. or rc-i«o's-ibilitic,s o ' the niirV's^? , foi- t'-e j)i rticnlars wiiich 1 enclose you will "HI. Mtv::iniUJn to Hugh Bevill Sweet-Escott, Royal En­ 'These gay sweet Ihoneysnckle d! ,v ) a remark by ( onneibor Manninlpton. “aid itvour and helping the RD.Tbiil Water «Eid tia* 10 p*r , . on of his Thev ’ico)it bisi))ia'T work on ilicni, wh Iv' [ wliiMi he had a i|ain in liis elti'diio'od li-;. THK 'TVCKITS FIOrriKi?. l-.i. ixmlorrni; JifiiiiU Wrttftr ami »ja» 7 i»"r coot. Miu iiuum 7} t<» gines, 153; St. JohiPa-road, Tunbridge -And carpet way J>f springing Inisinstio wculd nic-in that v-m-v soon (here wouhl mitiOu in one of its mapy needs- iCtii>tt3l Slid BruiK ; . 19,- to Welli, second son ,cY t.-ent. K.(3,M.G., G o v en i^ of Fiji and High With reefs of rggtod mien; arid vic’iiUv w. '’Ic ('O-mretiiiatml t ’-p C< nj nil! iltF’’ ol r iweenv”’-** see t lie 1 i.y box at work and have any in- Oia-TerttHl Stock ...... 79 to The mftly lapping tidal flow Cbminitiec siwiall.v eonttil i'osl to c.arry'oiit Trauf'di e (:.u.j'iti.y, t ih’'r v.-.-h (Id r ’t's*'’ rtiVipB/l-sl cent, Commissioner and^fl^suI-General for the mit’.fe'r.n Imving nut the refort i-n the m eerlain duV.es presentjmt a report, Ihut ropori \uHi tb’ f'orr’’‘eJM ik*i; ><1 ;ui>i your :i.-p aj ptiHivid;-' formatiiim tbey require. and {ft. Loonnrds Gab 5 per Western ’ Pacific, and Lilian, wungegt And yonder glassy taheen; To the Editojriof the Obseivcr. favouivhh. hriit. '■'•nt C'o cnlhii-’i.af'm of Yours triilv, Su'‘k ...... 78 ti and granddaughter of, the late Rev. T. ■han en.u I'isiijct veiw. wide. Ii these proio]-- .A-sJrenv r-h it us m.v.te itie. TTrspital i ...... r.:u Lo-D nrA T^cf-cArdA t»fW( 4 pet C’cm. ■ A sparrows cheery note, * I re.r.'si. M (.II'TV on he ■ t oumMlpr Mp•;Ean^ tiiough in-i symi'aiby '•''•tjl.r.! ij' ...... :-4,!>‘6 8,?’ ' 3.323 ''.14^ Wolli ton-tqnai'e, Afadtfoott Brown, Af.A., Orpont Canon and as * voice from wood* anifli. »l3 are adopted, by [Parliament miinv tiion- .mtjiorit'ies wniiM with tho ami.n'.iinenl of ■ < ioi’.iu i'ljlor ^ lioed, ’*.58? 3.:?4 Hretings. I>»bentHr'' ^tock ...... tf pnds wbo &.aT« tu t 'fiitherip been' li.-ibl-o t-i work. TTc w.ni incl'iicd to rvon.lrr whot .\T - 6.01S 3.026 1.7.-. HaptiDTA and t>irtTi(*t Ttbiiis ,4v i>#t Preb^dary of Chichester Cathedral. The cnckoo’s call afloat.: agrei'd that jf w-onid b ftoHer to es^.ablit.ih the 39.307 3.398 1.64.’ c^at. 'h»iMf.. . —Stock...... - 60 to The murm'nlng lew of summeT-eea Incnras 'Tax will botqme-liab'e, aii i fa-.-mci:_a there was .any po-.sible iT.lt’.e attachad to til tho exie)i.sioii later id bi’*trict EKctrio TromA p Pfct l t d ;. ont-p.at''nt'« letter. (TTcar. he.ar.) ono Cliaie and dc IS.A'n ].:6l i.5rrt _ Are all attnned talhnshfni kr^ ril! be assesfed upon u new basis. Then there ...... 16,067 4.074 1.C8,! on. 1 \0 to Councillor Bcaslcv soid that there wa<, no on.. |t was th■^ aoemp■nlation pi fipall items T;:«irKi:iv P34tt'ti5». Pier N- CtC' . . 57/6 to to/- Tbongh o'er the blueithe shores Fran It the qceswnj .of what are called ‘'’War wlii'eh' made the cxpoi[i(iifure ris.t. 'J.'lie argn HAY BOX rOOKI-tur. e-tinao Cr*ttAg« ImproTftmont Societ .. « 15 to 17 jVotits.'' The! aif) asments for the currciit undert.iliinr that the Hospital would tr:.at 'trotal ...... jSl.-S.Tj 43,'‘56 P.513 Ha©i 7 ' Captain Eric Frank Penn,’ 4th Grena­ Appear in ontline dim. - , any ore ease with an ins(iaticnt's or out- 'merit as to the L.xehcq)irr was very faliaeious Proem! woed'eu packing case about 2ft. L ipl—I'.on'? OrdlnaiV - ...... - 10/3 to 10/9 dier Guards, who has been killed, Am thenoe the natieb’s wide ex! inse Har...... having . al I «>been...... tuadc.. Taxpayers...... bebau.sc they all bad to keep tho Eicho,qner long by 15 inches wide and deep, with loose Bank ...... -i 21 to pust examiife their lotices of charge to a«cer- pa'tient'a letter, ''Fer instaree. those ir.su-ad London. Citr. and Midland Bi'uk . 7i to jnaa ' bom in 1878 and educated To China’s eastern;rim, . Wn. that they lare sqrrectly assessed, otlior- wlio could b? treated bv their erfett tf ndi. ENAMELS. tioD, ‘ its cost « bcn new ig Jtli.' COUNCIL IN COMMITTEE OUR ROLL OF H0NOUR. 0 PAIN Mt'SEL.VI .ASSOCIATION’S NEW SERlEB THE DEATH OF " W.G.” tOL'^Vi 1I.U)R HARRIS s i i e a i :t |v l i r D ^ The, following intei'c>biing .Nolfi i> l oitri- ifIXErTKiN. I OF LECTFRES.- IN f UR KNEE! bnbed l>y Mr. Henry t'oii.suiR: "I Jiave t ikeii eome ‘ sporting chunces ’ in my time, iom I .! On Thursda.v afternoon the first of the M pstl; aCpute at onejspot on spelling bees to biilloon flights, from (iro>s AlTKNUtNi IS (>1 ‘ iipcond seric.s of lectures a t the Ifrassi’y Ip th e i i jW side ot the joint— country steeplechases to tx>.\ing tournum ‘nts. *,^(11 ate. iimlet the iiuupicos of tin- H astings Warm Winter but the nanr.owesi escape from a big sl^imp yoir will\ ei sily find it w ith ( iiiid St. J.eonBrds .Museum Assoeiiation, w«s was when 1 took the risk upon myself in 'Enam eli 1 the Ibi--.; Tnuii Cniiii' il , given Ijy M.ijor f. Daveniiprt, on the_^tip‘ oif : September of 1877 to promote a three < ays’ A m r 'Amoligsr, the- audience lyas the -May ore are a necessity with the sudden chajnges cricket match between the I’nitccl .South of Jii ri>r.iiiiii.<>f» WII- lielH u, I Tiiv.ii jlail m •o rxtr»nel{y sensitive when England Eleven v. Eighteen of Hastings and yestei'day ri'iiduvi iiireruoon. j J.Mr.e. Artuilage Hocking). .After oome! technical rem arks Iconcernitag the weather, and you now hajye he to u ch ed — y District.^ W. G. Grace, then only 29 years .Tile nirnibfr.-, picicut w.'ie: Th" Mayor to rise after i itting, and it hurts of age, was Captain of the I'niled. It caihe 41a.-s iinjl the varied: methods of cplouring it about in this way. The game was then at a (.tiderm an E. .Vrmitag'k llucking), the Dcpiil} (iiid fusing it|o n toTt metal grounjj, the ilec- opportunity to secure your W inter Gbstun^e. you A||l^en y< lu begin, to walk. Mayor (.Mdcimaii G. Iliitchings. J.P.). AJ- tiirer gave a .resume of the history | of low ebb in Hastings, and some drastic inea- dermen H. It. VV. Tied .I.P.. S. T. Weston, Ji' enre was wanted to reviye it. I called a art enaiueLs,as far us it is at prt.sent known. Goat or Sports Goat at what in r^ard jto m ^ in g of the leading men and lovern of J.P .. A. W. Gbesterfieldl J.P ., R. \V. M 'tcli II, ' '1 he oariiist enamels are Greek andt Etraschn, cricket a t the Queen’s lioti!.' which was well J.P ., .1. Staedw ick, W. ,Ceiis^en=, i '. U. lilali. : they arc small, ia gold, opaque, and used in .present values are attended, when I propofed tl.at n.s all the and J. Stace. fouucilhirs \V. C, T. !!ia>i(.;,, ! jew^oHery. 'they were m ade about pix hun­ coimty matches had Ix'cn pl.aved, and ‘.W.G.' H. N. Collins. J. N. (follius. J.l’., C. C«v, ! dred years licfore the birth of Christ, and being a t tlio^zenith of hi's lame, his SouGi H. T. Diglitoii, -I.P„ (!«. R. Evcriit. W. J. f Fellows.'Dr. G. G. Gra.t, J.P.. G. Gipner, , from that time until the present enamels, WiCm Ttonbk. Try it! of England team slioiild be engaged agsipst have Iieen more or ietss continually miado BARGAIN PRICES■!’? ^ h te e n of Hasting.s iiudi district, inclupiug H. Groome, H. W llinU, ('. Hill. \V. .1. in Europe. 'I’lie earliest n(eiitioii oS enanhe’ji Harry Phillips, then th« popular Suese-v LaTcombe, J. E; Manrtingtnn, AS'. A. Mai- | fadvanped 20th October, thewu, \V. .Meads, F. i\V. .Aloigau. .1. IVl- | occurs In -the leones of ' pliilostratus, a wicket keeper and n local man, both wytild Greek w’riter of the ’I’hird C'entuiy| A.n. He will m 3/«, ky "post 3/4 be suro to draw. The result of this meeting ham, J.P.. \V. PeTiii)^, C. G. flidgua.v. .1. We have just purchased the complete'ranges Shoesraith, U. Sam-on; J.l’.. Strickiaml. j says thiijt •'Hie Barljarians who live by ,the 6/n .. 6/4 w ^ that about a do7,en of those present cere sea |K)ur ciddui-a on to lidated hjass, and of Models of three celebrated designeRj un^ei 12/-, M .. 12/6 wiliUng to guarantee a guinea each agiinst and II. .A. ’Pildv.-ley, toger’ner wliti.itlu* Towii they adliere, become as hpril as etrine, and lose througli bad weatbcir. Such a resuft. I Clerk (Mr. Percy Idle) .Tjod oilier officitih. preserve, the design.s made on theni.'’ '^liis said was hopeless, and 1 dwided to tak« the Exceptionally advantageous' conditions, 'as a t be Fresh fromJ ,r C'Ol'Nt 1L1/)1! llAKRlS’sj reference is eiipposed to allude to the British, whole responsibijiiy upon BSy ownj:hpuldor8. RE- and in the British .Museum iiiayi be ^en ^ T H , C h e m i s t , opened communication with ‘ W.G..’land a p p e a r Xn c e . several objecbi of bronxe or bras:^ largely owing to the difficulty in obtaining .suital^le LOMBARD I my object in writing this note ts to confirm horse ot ' war trappings, that qlite bear I Road, St. Leonards, the expressions of journalists and well-kr own -A.fterTlie bii-ine-,5 hpd heeo coinuienccd- pm. Philosfrntiis’ Philosfi account. Many jof them materials they could not be repThduceid, cdljeogues of the champion that tho wo-Id’s Councillor H arris (\vho[ has b>eii s/nt home have been ffound in ., Yorkshire, snomcLsiK enguno graetost crickeWr- was ever aeady io d< all ill from the Dardanelle.s) cam:' into the pomewer, aand Norfolk; ' Roman enamels Over 500 garments representing th^ lat^t in hie power to .rariee ejUthiihiasm where the Council Chamlx’r, and was reci-ived wirh madolhilEngland■ 1 (Englaj aregenerall.v smalll In the game had becoihe slack and required great joud cheering. Looking pale amt decidedly Fourth (,'enturv(,'entur, a.p . Constantins the Great phase of Fashion, in the serft fe e jquality lonal fadllftlee are efforts to resusciltate. I explained in m> ap­ ill, he piLssed tp his seat (where he wa.s iwii- founded the Eastern Empire at By|r.i of Offkere in iHsNi plication to bun the iiosition of the gime, vldotl w ith a cushion.; 'Illie .Mayor came materials that* are noAv almost uhobt|inab^e, and ;liis reply th a t lio knew H astings and Bysantiim art was cla»ical art modified by tsotliatBomeand in anb 3ctsam. down froin liis chair, jand'vvnriuly(greeted « s.i-Mpg« I'm D h? Oriental influence, I’ersiaii and liked it well; Hb was'willing to arrange the the Councillor w ith ll^lTt.v hand-fliaking. i tiie Bank'8 F r e ^ A: match, and could btiing a first-class team to Syi-i.i’i particularly, and was also C hristian, beautifully made, lined and finished as iis play an eighteeni of the district, namingl the Hia AV’orship assured fouiiciUor ftarris that it li.'eame graduaUj- one of tlie strongest and during Ills absence on active service he had most far reaching of thoi great Arf move- e-xpected kt Philpot’s, at prices thkt me«in lM sbank FRANGDU RUSSIAN FLAG D AY. cash;h down fee, uthicli was forthcoming. JHis never been out of their jliouglitsi. 'riie.v wore team included liii brother'G. F. Grace, ifid- men’is of tl^e world, aaid is even now' very Hae Mfloes In ITiis is tike last oi the Flag Days ia Mast- wiinter (from tliei Antipodes), C. "J, Sliovei’s,' glad to «« him. I back, and trusted that he siToiig in Riieaia. A notable charatteriOTic real economy. i Ings for thecrm-ent year. To-day the Mayor- CJiariwQpd (the slaeliiiig Sus.se.'c Tmt’) R. ■w'ould soon be restored Ito perfect health. o'f Bytantine art in all its manifestations i|s (2^ Avenue de to m css and Iier army ol uasietants will be in the Humphre}-. Jupp, Pooley, James Lilly white Councillor H arris (w-hp spoke whilst seatea, ,ii n <'0-Ci>T' pova U W . TT<^adlo.r,.dior, "+h TloyAl 55ussc*^. ly wounded near Ix»s on the 18tli BIAIRBITZ anil streets uf Hastings and tit. Leonai'ds selling the Sussex bowler). C. M. Kennedy (anoihey t the fieeire of the Mayor) said lie deeply Oliiv ton IM . apd [loadlev, 1)5 a, ]U ihvan •road,*\Ha8tinRs. 2.*-i*rivato J. HXGNTFICE9CB OF COLOUB, The range of styles, prices and materijals meet emUems in y-toud, 'A.—Uxtvaie \. i'c^fcrK 2 nd Royali Sussex. SiiKhtly wF)unded. NTow A haul the Tenth and Elevontli CenturjeA ■work. I Uaye, in ] tevious issues, d ^ c rib ^ Eighteen included tte brothers Harry, Ja nes, him. deferring to hi« fexperiehces in GalU- rfluch fine enamel work was done in Irelapdi -every requirement. ] i this splendid work, and there is zu> need to and Albert riiillips, J. AV. Noble, A. H. P^i, he said nobodj^ who had not been at tire Front, of Mi^. V jriber, 58^ JPercy^renej Are. 4.—P rivate T . fJack> *ulai|to onilt now. Hy object in writing this Osjj.'Itiicrp. Ist tilouce-iiter KT'^imeut. eiiic? So\iember 7th, 1914. S mi of Mr. and tile .Ardogh cup is one of the finriiit examples, Stra^oixi: E. O. Howie. J, Burfield, J. W. there could hare the slightest idea of the and there Is also splendid wo>-k done on ■I ' ■ Note is to iemiiul Observer ’* readers of the Tutt; Draper, and others. -A .liewspipej state of things. During the mCuUis he had Mi\s[; OsfTatbori)^ 84, C'liuruh-sti'eft, Oro. f>.—P rjvate H[. King, 1st Battfvlio^A B^ford'Iiive fact that ilus is Russian Flag Day. I am kilkcl AvLilH doiuff his duty OIL May 5th, 1915 G as^ d on 60. Consiii bookhindinge made by Iriiil) craftsmen living writer of ,the time says: ' Thanks ;to the en- been there ho had witn^^sed much. It wue 86, abroad, In England Anglo-Saxon enamels of certain that, ine weather, the Mayor- terprise of Mr. Henry Cousins, the local veiry different from eerving* in Frano^. In o f ?!r. alriR; (.’Ik l.-ondcTi-Toad, St. E^m rds. 6.'—Private AV. Campany ess will b(i able to i-ecord another reiT sue- Mai.-ljiue Gunu?r, 2nd Royal K illed in: action on September 2.';th, 1915.—Sou of uitioh importai were made, notiDl.v the MILUNERY NOTIcIe. partlzan^ of thef iioblo game have on this ^ e Pcniiisala tl^y je'cre continually under Alfred Jewel at Oxford, and the Dow- ij* Bi i oessfiil saie, ' occasion eujoyedithe ra re trea t of (seeing the fire day and'iiig^htl. T\> iu w hat waa colled Mrs. ( ‘i.mpaiiY, 39. Capibridge-gardirfjs, H astings. Sate Hill Brooch at the Britisli Aluseniu. j-At W e find it desirable to inform our [patrons H the play of one of tlie beet elevens th a t have 1 leen a rest comp was ten thoTisand time® worse lami in France, from the ’rtvelftli itntil pnt into the cricket field anywliere this than being in o trench.| The mem in GaJii- the Eighteenth Oenturiee iwriicilarly, tlicre OU » DESERVING CA8 season, and he di to be congratulated on the poll, very many ofwhomlliadjaid down theif that our Millinery Departm ent is, fe d ! h^s success that attended his efiorts. It must be livge atfeiulancc. -erving that he lielieved Frctt'ih). thit united scholars and the various are also found sometimes lyitli underlays eff Fonjjs sang prettily and'gave their Hastings ’rile aiinortiicemeiit in the AVar uew.4 be forwarded to Councillor Harris. more were present fliaii ho had ev.->r seen gold or silver foil, known as P(villette6. l>efoio a t llibir ealo of work. Speaking of Mu/acal Fei.tival pieces.CCS. Of the sdoisits. M. ’The Fine Style, J530 to 1580. 'Die coppi ,THE RECRUITING CAMPAIGN. this paper last Saturday that. All*. AVi si^u Ta.’^lor s62Ln;r a n ^ exprot sively. and joined M tlrewd.son is po)w a».s»-ttng at a tem itoialy iRBCRUmNG. llic object of the sale, ho remarked that St. now' use to know more about it, to lead and tile Eotl of liJerby upon the matter of ip considered! the best. 3. .After 1580 the abt ' ’’ all Recruiting. The latter appealed to Town cottage.s W-ero sub-let. and only on the previa (ihowed awcet voices'■ iu songs; and D. Bates o,f Limoges dost its • eminence, aithough A CHANGE ! ff[T ST. JO HN’S, was practically completed on 'I’hursday. No an e.xcclleiit article o n B ritish Women! at oiia day he visited a poor woman, once in good -and II. !>l.v, er they . ♦<> the Commttee’s appeal in this respect lias, eqii.nlly hippy, aithoiigh r|iiito differo-m. them)(clve.;, aiioth .sides; lint the-olpctofs ; Jid wero doing th eir bc'st they needed help, 'jbe- Boi'dier, learnt this new art from Touti St. Leonards, which he has hel' 11 1 Councillor Harris seconded with the ble during the AVa; Church in aid of tlie Altssion and Church sincel 1871 tile Goramittec nooiu l>etween and in nurses all declare the *P tie g >od fending to the stalls, the rev. gentleman (said Jfiss Claik’a repo and carried it to perfection. Th«y boili fund* and was opened ou 'Tuesday by Airs. (forming a local redonlj, j^d wF I go to] Chi- the moruiug, and 3 and 7 in the afternoon. patients and hiave men. One iiiinsh told me mark: " I hope .you Iiave already sent- all (ft recorded an worked_ at the Courts of Charles I. and qf The fright D«net, tin the you'Dg men aw ay.” | their i>alrolls could bu.v anything from n, tin \V. ulowes Pritchard. Chester as Canon inireiddencs. ional Chnreh ., P that, tliev were all ’geiiUemen,' iind v try IN’fTEASE Louis XIA’. Tiirqugt de Mazerne. chqmist ,’lhia wa.s agreed to. and the various names of pfa soup to an aeroplane (pointing to a OF NCMnEEt. Amongst others present were: The Jlcvs: It is now announceii tliat he ill be sne- I- ioiinal] iaed as such on amuMitg Imt in quite another w9y from iitir iiindel ilvimr imiohiue over one of the fttalhs). t'.harles I., helped Petitot with hisjexpe: ceeded by the Rev. G. Eden Kip . whoisincs menJ- The British soldier plays wjth sitia- w:ere selected. ’I’liei Ma.vor, Deputy-AJavorl and 1110*0 was slill accoinniologised for th e ab- where,___ ho- ___was- Prebendary______‘V as long ;pgo as 1S91-. i3 jjialtor htteto^tod iss R asking them to join. Some of tlio writer* of the case of a nurse, oue of tlie best and ki id- go awtaaway. She went to St. AndTOvvAs, in Shet­ land,(where she spent ayery niqa and happy lieni on, ti e stout ng of new Societies,^ par- India enamels have been highly estee; ned fi sencer of the Mayor, b u t vreWomed the A fter fifty years* cibntiimi :hial;work '-wna-'-dih' .teMOartiging' stt the lettws accuse I the Chairman, she picked him tip in her nr ns (Laiighter,) Except in so far a« he had W n way. -At Damascus ctiriously hajimcrell Uaste a few -wdll-cbosen tfa Mr.: Blackman, in the aI>F/ence of Mr. F i-opper ii; ornam ented w ith very tflec(iv1 Churcli for greatest support. Tlie amount fessional beggars ' who periodically Iwovkec tice, but was instructed to send the letter to and laid him. inarticulate and shocked, an .VnT:NDANCES OF AtEMBERS. James (his tirother ChuicLwardenl moved a liscipliped by two of his own daughters— - ootei th e >irs. Tubbs, and re­ irenew'ed' id lighter)—he had not much per- was' ,-SlOO. and for the general excliequer of from Brighton, aiid vere -most und^rytng f e t h e ; (torn uietriot of tbb Con: have died sinca the National Ilegistw- was his own and as prouijttly transferred h ’.rile follow iiig reoord of the atlendaiires of m ark^ upon that Indy's d&scrved popularity lonjl experjience of girls. These wag « re- Eupiand, cast work is similarly adorn ;d. A r. Jdeeii'h .Ohborhe, B pTWared, men w'lip have been rejected as back to it. Ever after, -when he saw il is memlters at CoiiTicil and Committee meetings the present day there are several high! thetohureh they hoped to be able to raise objects of cbarity-4-it ia scarcely n ectary to and her many services to the towTi. :napkable pctu.re, a.nd still more remarkable ^.'>9. m aking Uie total sum required jejoO. He say ho i.s himoelr d racst kind-heaned man— wiitih a ehq^ additoe in b unfit, and othens. Tho Chairman, of the nurse come near him, lie put out protesti ag from l.'f. (k-tolter, 1914, !n 30th, Septemlior, Jetierprel;;. in that classic. "Punch.” 'Two •ikill^ exponente of the ancient art o| g r a t n l a ^ i ^ HaiMmin.l < Recruiting Committee wix>tp to some o f the haudis to ward her off, .md vowed that at was- 191.J, was-( irciilnted. nmongsl the membeis Mr. jC. AY. (■’rocker seconded the niotioti. dnamelling on metal. Among these may hi thanked all who had Helped m a variety of and so well were th e finances; offSfc. .Tohn’s which was carried by acvlainatioii, and briefly yiio appeared to belong to -the race called w ays.M r. F. AY. Ups'tnT-or a donation of £2 organised that during tho 37 years Or Canon [ubk ill i f tt m a new :imni8 men w-hp tuaiik letters of protest, but has not ‘ Incroyable! I'nc femme ne._doit pna etro si hifeligan ” were in the -iiosirion of teacher mentioned Sir Henry (htnyngjiame, K.C.B. . Baiafibe thought HaHal found time u> conimunicats with all. He ~ forte! Elle me fait peur!’ On the otter acknowledged Tty Mrs, 'I'liblje. the Ranee of Sarawak, Fernand Thestoar o: 2s.. Afiss P o rte r £2, and her companion 10s., Jones’ ministry tljere has never bebn a de­ ■T-l mi , . Fosjib!--'. .Aetna] J(Ud disciple, and the result of (he instruction thus giving a good start to the sale. There ficit. This is the nioDi praisewortby since it IfU of keen (epieita. Tbfreet Jtopes this explapiation will satisfy them, or hand, men have told me that they neter Tl’e U'glil AAot-liipfiil i,)ie Mr. AValter Mayo, in cordia'i terms, moved vns that thU -teacher, speaking (o the pupil, Paris, Tortrup of Christiania, Hammer o: ja-dhurob waewIteledicaihM •tt an.Y rate save him from receiving more knew w:hat it was to'be ill comfortably tin :il ■Mayor (Alderman Hocking, a vot a of thanks to the ladv workers and Bergen, Harold Stabler, Alex. Fisher, Mrs ■was a 1k)X jn the room ^n which gifts for the will be remembered that he had to re-eom- vho b.ad a f.T-e of blank vacuity, soldiers and sailor? copld be put. and the struct the church after th* formw structure - Ijtiil, Thjere wteid eo many j WtiWs on the subject. they were nursed by British women. Ai o- ...... cx-officto. stall Ifoldrt-.s, a-'iid tlfla was seconded by Af.r. raid.: “ I tc|H yo:i over.vlRing I know, arid prison Dawson, and Mrs. Hart Partiiilge. lews/'[land ehtoitaiiied- ther bone of oontention between iiiurseo a id .AldprmiinH-a.il ...... ).-,7 Mitchell and carried. ’ content^ would be given to the Mayoress to had been destroyed, by fire, aird Canon Jen* rou, don’t viiow nothing (I./aughter.) j The lecture was illustrated by a be lutifir fortvAird. , A was largeHy jhstrnme:ital in rafsibg or m docl■ itrinaiifsi--- y W b ^l patients at the beginning of the lYar was ( ae .. <'lioterficld. J.P .... 11(1 •Appemled is a lis t of the stallholders. «|erie» of coloured lan tern elides, imd q te Leo Whsllwa open window, for no self-respecting muse ,. Cone-ieiis ...... Kti; Te could not imagine any one of the glris -The Alayoress (Air.?. Armitage Hocking) said £12,(X)0 for the erectio:in of the ni Fancy AVork.—Mis. Buclianan, Mr.s. Day, jefotro him ever having a face of blank turer also exhibited a representative eiries ol m £h« iTHE RA tEPA Y fepS’ ASSO.CIATION aJows her ward to become ’stuffy,’’ aid ,. Hutching.-;, J .P ...... in.-, 131 she wna very pleased to be .able to take the AVben he starfed at fi. John’s ho h ^ as hE Mrs. Fowell. Miss Mastefman, 'Mrs. Smith “aeiiilv. (Lii ughter.) He supposed that the lodepn enam els, several of _,them be ng bit bane of operations! a liec© of land and eomf he AND THE MAYORALTY. many Frenchmen preferred the Warmtli Alitchell. M.A..J.P. Davis,'ami Mrs. .Shuttlewood. ■Mayor’s place, an d ^welcome Alr.sj Clowes which laortlers on suffocation to anything an- .. Stocp ...... IfW. ' teiii r.f jirizes and the reverfic—(laughter) Iwn work. Pritchard, whic^ name -was a household word subscriptions. Frqm time to tim th e prfa ; ,, Slredwick ...... i2t P lain AVork.—Mrs. B lackm an, Mr? Ink- iOuld neve c(>ase. Some regarded prizes as sent church h/is bsen Eh* Bov. J . yff DiavilM, obair intehtiion wSBito say no more about the preaching a draught. B ut an obvious ie.si It tieti, and Mt.s. Llovd Jones. a. ilCcp.iiarv -'vil among ail Nonconformists, and whose pre­ m ypralty, becauiso. as I stated last week, it of active servicb .md modern hospital regu­ I Tree. .1.1’...... ir.l . . Ho was not going to enter sence alwavB ensured a happy send off and .a KlCRLr BlfAUTlFlED, Flowers and F ru it.—Mr.s. .lames. Mi's. Hn(o (hat. ItiK th e reward of all work, all iu aottHedy and- i t is a- waste of tim e and lations is that which now shows tlie Fretu-h ’ ., ' Weston. J.F .- ... .. 112 Slonei-( .Mr.s. ’riirk, M bs ('iKNaterfield. Miss successful result of any sale of wqik, and it was now one of the handsoifest in tbs fP»ke,i •“*27 tiT to alter the arrangement agreed soldier a.s a lover of fresh -oir apown Madd'ijk, .Miss Mayo. Mi.ss Case, and Mi*s. 'iDlSTlNGUISHED LECTURER BEFORE ought jto realise that. yoUng men who had no ii diiipMMiple fe iitS to 'ai -hare madfi up their minds'on the races, so th a t they mav .sitend their nigh|ts .. Dlghton, J.I>. Griffiths. ■ ' Vijvant ontne.s virgines, iacili-s, formosae, congregation whore tews m ight onite::a&«d under the stars.” „ l-]venitf ...... NATUg.AL HISTORY SOCIETY. Teiigidus ideas before bad now. through the tho majority. ThU ik surely a ire :: aura»r, and that la the end of iti.But cerfuin ■(V'ool Stall.—Miss la’a, Mrs. AA'itherbv. and V'ivant ©t millieres. dttU-!';; et amahiles, stress |of war, come to look at Hje serious side ' i^vgnd tto 'f o llo f d tt i ,, Fell-0 w,s tact of the clergyl as well as olr iCUmtei m; to . hlim;. illpstiratiiiff wl re ^ k a by spuakein at tho meeting of the Mrs. w.aton. ^ Boiiae, laborhtsae.” of thi-h-gs. and the Church ought to ho an Ratepayere’ Aaapcittooii on Monday &1'1 for .,, Dr. Gray j . r . Advelrti(ivnient StaP..—Mrs. Payton, goodwill of their lie. / (--■■st'; n wero .dtiBirous 1 Thus il wmtlil not ho one of the least fruitfi attraction for them when they ratumed. d ha l^^xplaiiatiOD.fif <>mj to remove a mnappre- BY TH E yVAY. „ ‘ Giniier ... TilladnlmS, and Aliss E. Aloi'gaii. they )iad| replied by tho go(«l fortune to be j On TtieMlay evening Atr. I'red Canon Jones is [ elshm an, .nfit e Odteili Groome ■u--..Mrs. I Pritchardt ’’ then declared the sale open, eloquence which h a tu ra i tc- t t c t ^ tSOta, it wbnld 1 JiUnmoB, ,1(100(3 th p t in replying to a qfic»- On tjliei second day the attendance wli.. (liert' 111 (SU';I surroundings and under such p.L.S., F.E.S!, the vve.l-knowp entom l ^ a t w;otild bo the position if Alder- Tlie local Rcs ruitiiig rom uiitt^ still h,ys a ,, Haa'diug affeclcdi by the exceedingly lioisterdiis w<dioiil to tho ('haiianan, and referred tends back to a efirtey at »t. Johi’^ King* j posed the Council' would have to Fleet a new Hon. Secretary, at the Cosumittco Room, 8, from th a t lad.v saving liow' mneli tdie ^ (o r|ho tro-uiciulims inlorest ho took in the riou> fdr 1915—1(1. The President (J Ir. 'T. ley. Airs. F. Wordlty. Miss Boddy, and Miss , find hbpefm acts of tit Jla^r. Another sppker asked; “ Would the ITaicmont, -Ilastittgs. ,, T.nicoml)e ...... :.... gictted lliifii'g unable to fulfil liei- dfi-ty owiiil t-h-lmol. Parkin, AI.;\., F.L.S.), occupied the chair. Pariiell. A nother Fancy AVork S tall: Airs. ston-on-Hull, in 18G5i67, and at St, Gahriel, I M«re titeOfi tehen tit hap] ilalMal party insist on nominating nnotlier, ,, Maiiniugton ...... he members of the Socie(y turning |up in Pimlico, in tho twb following years. He was to illneh-s. She enclosed a subscription. i)i|:|l ‘Tbo Ch.sir nail, rosponding, said he was Cliftoi, Mrs. Rees, Mrs. Stockton. Airs, Ittir CteOroh was forsakenrby so^ •n d petffiape not ^ good a man as Alderman ,, Alattlicw.s r...i...... wished the efton every eucceea. lu the ail| (.n1,v too pies: large numbers. ■WnrdJ and. the Misae« Teverson. Plain afterwards at Aljicrtoon, Glamd rganshire, ’-m, Oxford, In 1891, and M d . had called into, le mi.A 1__ a.l •••■ and Sub-Com'miffees and Distress Cbrnniittee Air. Alayo (Proposed a vole of (hanks to! use hink. M.A. in 1895, hew;is ordained de neceesar.v. The i hangejln tho Alayoralty for t lie'collvalescent men of tho ,5tli Royal Ro',-.?ov. IV.IR.| G. j-o«t Fowoll. which was serondtidlly Collijns, P. . Ronwick, E. AyrCs, M. found in Bucktoh’'s “ B ritish Aphie,” yjol. i.| D uring tlie evening concert? -were arranged I b it oil their owii. • t uH s ^ings in g s ISis entiilBl.v,entiial.v, opposed to tlie spirit Sus.ser. 'omes. (he following note from and Snb-Committeoe nro included iu tlie Bumistead, liiid R Reeks. Honest Endea- pip. 49, 59. Fortunately Nature had provide and priest in 1894. He filled _ _ >ck I “WtU b u ild / above figtire.s. The total num ber of meetings M r. .1. Ayitlirrhy. vour: T. Callow, by Miss Madeline. Phillips and Air H. S. Windiior. Ald©rsh. .Tezzard. K. Y)avenport, which destroyed these Green Flies, njkd He will have as h s cblleague the |fov. 0. ' mitteas excludiiqj tlio Local Pension and ladies, on the pvopositioii of Air. <’. L. AVickerson. tl. Phillips, pianoforte and Violin solos; Miss Heelop. who has been a senior ourato an Brfemng to tho^ar. titellipeakt • few local politlei ms that a Liberal shall (owards the funds for the Recreation Boons Crocker,, secondesl hv Air. *1. AA’attoitson. Jarrett, and D; Pliilips. kept them Ircm, unduo increase; tlougl Eletc'her, songs; Alias M. Cooper and Attss v take the place of a Ccinservatire. - However, for the men. of the 5th Sussex Regiment, Ed-ucatioii Committees anil tlieir Snlj-fom- ii-'-ieuce: M. H ard -M. Greene, and D. PonJ. imder favourable eircunistancps they 4o a precentor at C hatlu mv and was formerly the Chdrtm'ti^uld/Be* to it tha •IS I have previously femarkefl, no marier m ittces, was 430, and ino.I'iiding those C’cm- In spite of a vorv wot da.v on 'Tini.rsda.v, K. AVhite.violin duet; Mias Bloekman. songs; 'Truro. St. John’sfCpurch has been noted fa jtets'tite last w ar/bnt another memory of Sergt. .1. H. Barrett. “ A “ Co Sale proved a distinol sue'-pss. (ho gro's ( Alatltomatie 'heoterfleld. A. Edwards, iminenBe amount of injury to the hop crops. Mi?? Taylor recitetions: Aliss M. Cooper, what is said or wri|tten on this Kubjec.t. tho paiiy, wlio .died of wounds r ^ i r e d a t Bielie- mitte.-'s und Siib-Comniiftecf, 564. Latin : IC. ., ones. I'rent-li: K. .Stevens, H Air Enoch sh o w ^ some coloured' lanteriil ite muisic. Bast threfitmed'i he instanced ths[ ing,s to’' tlio tivo ilayo. inolmlipg 5uhso.'|i|) ■Slv. Ili.-tor Af. violiul Solo: Miss AI. Eldf.dge. recitation.?: of a aalitotMt a(as*, a m givM :in itself i,. a most de.sirabl-e aUvaction, as no to Corporal Shoeing Smith Nunn (ibtli li»ivi.s- cious, but beneficial insect, then gave place life, " My aim ’ls to do {he will of THORPS ion 69th Brigade, R.F.A., of 11 e British .V knowledge of pltotogr.apliy is cisentin -■VI tliequav erlv ueotiiig of the Association tq one of the smaDest w inged iiirecta know;n, grstefol xelii from tjboit raeUnk the'mihistprf ai^hing of'his jmore coimortabh or eomniodious apartment pariieulijrlv' of snapshot work. held on AYoduesda; it v.-iis decided to hold tortaooa paii which oantt sOw Mediterranean Expeditionary Fon ei. A man VIZ.: A “Fairy Fly,” 'one eigUty-Sftlh of an POSTAL FACILITIES, . I , have . .1 coiisecratcohsecrated myself ito tto |e held Fly, with upper -wings tJhaped ;like battle- COAIING REDUCTION IN LOCAL rdM . For old . ipi* and attilist«i,l Bell’t Colonel AVh 111!,’. Major Ludlow. Cap ain Bar.. T.AINMENT.—The Hastings and St. 'lieo- 12.9. ill December. t» Il yon. 1%'tiio n )w liiste im p hn the first -wrek doors, j Air Knock, concludea ihi$ lecture by . , SERVICE. SclVene ia |( partioifiar boon, t • id see.’’ ‘ I want {o see the ehurc i-'iv.. and o net's, a., c: w-ii,im luv;- promised Yiards H abitation of the P rim ro e I,eia?iie It ii, hoped bv iifxt W'cek to announce the COALS have airranged to liold a jiatriotii medbing FRA1IK SHARj ILL, e x '^ mite Cham- • i d Ivbelitwe it itcill be^ because . Iloj bo pte-e-il. the .Mayue^; tetls sure of •amount collected f ir the ambulance car and pien, Hama 1 Cyidlag Qab, __ •-oilcctiirg ar< 'and her ihe dito of all lias- at tlis Royal Concert Hall on AVedne^lay, lint for the Scouts at the Front. ■ ifioi'k .devoted to prayer.” u -i November lOtii, at 3 t,.iu. .Arringemleiits TH E >i\VORD A.ND THF- ( R U b ii.-n iii In coiuicction with the AVar. aid owing that he har /( Md SstOeiM byl/arfthe ting; social and -chai-ifahlc jSablic'. Many Ti(e R.auge. for t lib will lx‘ open on Wed- seconded by Mr. Henry King, a vote of motl egettiii Smbraeution. gi.'j:; ii.ive already been donated for the aiic- The BEST. The CHEAPEST. have been made for Mr. Kennedy Elli^ the is the title of au address -to b? given toJ' nciday and 'I'litirse! a.v for Scouts at 7 .^ .' :o depletion of staff, the following curtail- Jiroprietor of the . Grand Hotel,'F amun. to morrow (.Sundav) a( the Bi-otherliCKid inor; thanks was passed i,with applause, to the lec­ ent of P?>stal arrangements will it Jco effect thoroughly fi oue after la i|a. n'ud-if stands to reason that an affair Central Troop.-r'uo.sdav-AYolf Cubs. 5.30; tu rer, and Air. Enjock, in returreing thanks, exertion, ifHaU fnuntef this magijitiide will be as eiijoypbie as it Direct from the Collieries at first cos give his personal experiences of th« Invi^ion iTi,g, Robsi-t.-jon Street-Congregatioual Churi ' rnop Night. ( p.ii .: DriU. 7.15 -Ambiiiance. and after Monday, tho 8th proximo. cf Belgium, aud how 1i© tuanagei to dross mentioned how much be was i‘ndcbt-'»i to Air. the best teecdftefi poistbU -BIU’iTH HOC D a n n u a l AD w'.t; b,. evm ffub ;A doncertfinimposed of tlA Toy Mr. J. Macer AYvigb-t. J.P., commenci!(|'J 7.:W: Dismiss; 1 Jrn io rs, 8.30; Ambulance, Alfred Aliles for the able way ift! whicQi he The town deliveries will be reAi(»d from over the German lines to secure so iie papers a t threjn (I'cloi'k. -All nieii and women at K r. F'ranl Vididle r prefiided a t ' i V cry best ,tal(’n t available, ai)d a delicious tea Seniors, 8.45. AVednicsday—See Board. Tlturs. had shown the colour,ed lantern IsUdes. ive to three, and will be timed toUoOBinaenoe ® eetiiig; th* Ha(tiMgri Brotl to file strains o| ilu exc'ellent orchestra, Sole Agents for the from his hotel wSvile the German : went in invited dav—Firing dt cut a of Bm u’s ixissessiou, .A series of renilarkabieifilms and 'itgp. 7.30. Fi-idav—AA’olf t.mt, 12 noon, and 6 p.m., both Has- Saavagfi w r-d o n 't £fiory St: t Ihsi ituto op T hiirs^ ul themselves to the comidetion of this E.Mit SUSSEX HO.SPTT.AL.-\Veok en Cltlw. 5.si) Tl S'ight. 7 P.njt.; D riil. 7.15; fmgs onq St. Leonards. was er; Coses a;lm itted. !); nuiu'oe|i' Thia cdlleotions from tho town sub-offices W A 0W ^"; houito I*. YYajr *ffiectedfjhe n inlciviiig ihe conviilescent 'boys a good send and the Genuine (Original MOUNT PLIIAS.ANT SISTERHOOD.-The biiildinjts licing bombarded,' Avithc itic ance- ill TlosAital, C:V: number of out-patients pt letter boxes will be reduced to six in ^ I l / u , (ident ft he Hot. J . Llo before they retfirn to thp Ih-on^that -the scribed-for. 315. 'rite C'ommiWec acknowledge Sisterhood held thejlast meeting cf fhe second '.fijid tit* ;__...... - -. . I’acreation Rooms iife foi otheri wounded EliREJKA COALS. dotes of Adolphe Max, Hurgolna'stc • of Brus­ |um ^r Ion week-days, and the amended L •» 4 t»n.. ■.Sc'l'rrfarito: fM ri.. .U sels, and 6f General Leman, the gallant Bel­ with t'rJank.s file following subscription.s anfi .year of its existence on Monday c\i,}ning, and jof clearance will be shown on th e K th i\ 'fifitrick and Gouncillor A. Stri nisn of this Regiintmt. who will come to Has- donatioiis:-vEwhui^st Paris-li Cliiirt-h. .£.1 1 “ THE sFNpA) AT HOME. "—The illus- as it watt also 'tlio occateon of Uieiquarteriy •■tiiahi i n Affie*.'- ind’ iherfi w*w tiiigs to reu.i!llierate. tiie movdment is in fact gian General, will T>e related.. Tie second pla-tes of tho respective boxes. The i t N M . BEST GAS COKE. BLOCK FUEL, jiart of the ptograipme 10.11 coi!l.sist a 4tV.: St. M.aik's. Ewlutl-.st. i;! 12=.; SundUiir; tiat' thapkfully rboeived by th^ Mayorea* Offices;— I s patriotic address, and api>eal for iinit^ sup­ Smith. .£1 Is.: Air. .11. Brautul, 1 0 s. 6d.: fi. humour of ou etldiers and sailors): and Pfeciated. Mr. AVood gave a short address, ..—.worn Jlovembeti'ad-ta (Mrs. .lArmitoigo H iking), at 40, Quten's-road; 17, King’a-road, St. Leonards. port and action at the present peiipd offthe and S.AY. Bank. .Jil Is.; Coulsou Kernahai /’Thirtocn Tea Constantiuopl'>le," by an on how he cam® to possess a gold m edal which dUltionliirill-1 e open fr<'te n) •r by Madame'/d'Orange, at the ' Hotel Great War. The Band of tho 5ih Royal pus- English womai I’h© fiction inclu' ___ cnrtaiilments, such “g ttta e s d a y j^ tir 4S, Robertson St., Hastings. lOs. fid. ; Alessre. Gaze, K ane, and Co., i!l Is udos a lAng had been presented -by the King ;of the Bel­ described, are now general tlrbngh, 82* Rfiib^jfeh fricket-s are aUo av^abfe at titaje two ad- sex Regiment will march! from tne* .Albert the Miises CVites, Jil Is.; Bernard Ellis, „* instalm ent of t le new serial. ".As By F ire.” gians.; Airs. Greene gave a realistic account ffSLdl •re.sses. the ;price -be^ng 3j. each. I under- it thq {jountry. and foic.eome time pastl thov ffider n a « ^ ' ifA CIURLKS L. GLENISTEP. Memorial aii't play in the plall iro|u 2.f 9 to 2s.; M i's Davidson. .C2 2s.; Mis? F. CrosV. and no fewer tl five complete stories. Full of her experiences as a miseinnarv in India H A i latond -that ao» of ihe' aiticlej to be offered 3 o'clock. .Admiss-Oii will (he free to e'.ery- UtVi-inghain Olinvch. F;3 3s.; Rfv Ilf insight ar.c b ivejbeein in force^at the majority ot towns. g)i. TliefadJn^ «8 S8 and 331.- General Manager. ttmour is the articfie by Monday the,meeting, being the first £Ai6tiDpr%H a* ■*“ and St. Leonardarha^ been fortun* lot the sale ia • fiyie cunan, preeented br Mrs. 1' one. Peats; can bo reserved at AlesArs. King Ottley, k2 2s.; Airs. Rareuhill, lbs. 6d. ; lihilb, Canon Longbridge on “How to Grow AToung one offjthe Sisterhood New Year, w-ill be of a Cff'ffth wi^M iB Broe.’ library on pajment! of 6d. l Angvlo Lewlv. .JBl U( 03 You OU. •Decaat cboMictir. i { iff teuviB the IqU facilitiei.oontinaed p» -.r V I'


serves. ' T SAD STOET FROM THE OLD TOWN. PATRIOTIC SPEECH BY MJB. O. M. The ’ateb Committee at Eastboi e bate GOOD EBCOEJ! OP SUSSEX SOLDIERS' ; svis tad Hrltad Inn tacuciw fat week separation allowance and since her hus­ hq w4s the founder of om* Navv. why A. E. White, of the Gaiety band had been away she had paid .thb rent, that in view of the Wair the , „ , f« his capital coUeq- is our Navy so supremely importan to us? dates oD posting for Christmas and I i». 6d. a week, and something Edlfor. Ceiolane Spice, of Waterloo-plaee, wife of guns have vastly changed since the aya of Uoation of tliq Weekly Notes pf tlie Fund; iiLE\ 'BB. W ritiW to his wife a t AddlesWneJ hCRriy to the Weekly Suhsoribern, and to all who National Keiservist, and a eister-m-Iaw of Nelsop. Then they were oomporati I sniaU Pte. G'ofHrcy, Isr Guards’ Brigade, ehys - tna! ]|>ESfEOTASI.B I>AD mated.—Ibe -On Mrs. Winbome, said she was sent for on wooden ships moved by ^ ils ; no ey are have kimHy's 3 it gifte of cigarettes, and to •Lb ftebOritaa-etnet. Haatiask when one of the companies got in a GermW thiwe who.havi coHecled such splendid quan- IRlMl-MjeAWSLAB. IM?; ______Tuesday mot-ning, and she found the child enormous masses of iron moved steam._____ trench tlioy found a whip with 1 leatijet On Hie inorning of Tuesday last, October Xt, tekebMtt tad dtttnri illn is ot ooi.—Hovstr. was dead.., Since M-rs. Wiinbome’s .husbaud Then they Imd crews of a tew huntlndi-men; .1 : riticsof the sai lo; to Councillor Hairding and MorehtU StteiT. golkMteaa i , —«M thongs with which • the H un officers {used ty I'Mr. H. J, Ki] w for tho use of, offices fori 28th, a moat interesting discovery was made was called up at the beginning of ^ e War now some hove thoiKsniids for taei: crew. thrash the men. by the workmen, employed in formdnjr a cut­ TBSsfeot, “For^^Btood la ibe Lite.’* she had been olono witli the children. The Then a ship cost a few hundredal l ow the ! meetings; anC AleBBrs. A. W. "Chesterfield Ax AP ctjUn iiiutmn i —. ting for the Lewes and Brighton Railway Mentser, mother was kind to h^r children, and did largest cost two millions. Then Ithe guns Addtosmng a recruiting meeting .It and H. Itobell icc kindly auditing the ac­ through the grouijd formerly oocapied by the counts. It is, rf course, impoarible tp name KSMAHT iI>AD lot offlot work maleff iinmedlttolr i all She oould for them. fired ealiinon balls a few hundi'od yards; now (Uapton 'Orient Football Qrbuni gtoHt Clunioo Priory (of Saint Fanoros, at p;o«i>Ktii tor one tbtt win faukt hintuU WHEN Y0I| ARE George A rthur Lamkih, Sohobl Attendance they tlireiw shells weighing several .tons as Horatifli Bottomley stated th at the all those who have helped in other ways, Lewes.^ I t is well Imbwn th at the of-iginal teetin—Avplj n once BexbiU Water end Uea Cota- Offioer, saad th a t the little b ^ attended far as 21 miles. But Derby confidently isnticipated that e^g; by book cm leoting, taking caniKtere, etc.; [ founders in 1078 Tjrei-o Wiiiiapi De Warronue. ynr-' { i - Waterloo Place Infante* School. When he end of November )io would have ed but the Coinw ttee is deeply saiusjbto of the Earl of Surrey, of. a great iNormnn. family, ^ 0 end o'Sdii ._.—AKhiteot eaid Burreror work dnnO by eaoh and all, and oarnestly hM B ramnor for. a vtiLedaaettd lad deniiont od With any dya ta Impura b^ao«l wee absiuit, {witness went to the liouse, and IHB BMEIT or THK MZN sufficient recruits to supply all the i|;quijet and his wife Guudred; the dauglitor of WiL enteiiu {tUt sioteBdoa.—Apstr Heair Wj Canedbe,. •ueh aa Ce«anta« SoroWilat Sourwyt Bail Mrs. Winboime told him the boy was not' meute :jf the Army. taunts tliat thi r efforts wiU nibt bo leloxed, liom the Oonquerpx, fiist<}aeea MatHda; A-ttJJ-k l 9,: O«mtndse,rota. TTtttmsA 1i —all MfiSf Abseeaeeei U|ear«i» QIanaular was the same, and Uie same coiirato -e-hic.h •welllnff«9 BoMb* RmplaatSoraaof any well. He called several times, and each time but increased in the months to come for chat' they p u lM dq'>cn, an old wooden ■uiT'AN'jiSD, ghoB tad Ptrwl; BOT.—Apply at » a.m. fclnd|Rla»»Weocl l^al»an|llliaumati»mt the child was lying on a couch dressed. The won Tijafalgar for Nelson will win] our sea A German plot has been discovered the Sussex lai s will need all the comfort churdh. to rejrieiee it by, a stone onoi TV MenJir I, Derombire-rdJ, HaetSiti. i: —oM battles to-day for Jeliicoe. Now I lYailt you and riioeir wo - on give them this 'wintco-. IXTANTlitai a O EU itl LAD.-Applr B. Qoutf ate^ didn’t waste your ^ e and money mother Md not say anything about a cold, United Statew apparently -to destrov ishi and that afterl their deatha in 1085 Vy__ew.li; Oaj Qhienaont. Haettose . ______on buocs and ointments which cannot get but said he oould not stand. He advised her to ask j-ourselves what 'has th'is fltot done carryiig munitions. A Lieutenant Tho fdllowii g list shows tbi* number of and 1688, they wrte quxied an the Chapter below the surface of the skin. What you want for us in this war. and ■why are w . House of th'eir own FrioryJ So' effectual, TXTANTED, a LAD tor tb« bonw-tninleMrs nfflrn, b a medicine tl^at wiU thoroughly the blood three times to get a doctor, but she skid she Qermaa Army and his brother-tn-Ii cigarettes sent from ilarch 9th up to Ootobcu iVr ode.;Juet left-tchnol rrofexred.~ADP(r |IW. Holdo of the poisonous matter whi£ alone is the true did not^w!^ to call oim in. Witneto sug­ of it? I t Ijas done four distinct thitilgsr Isl, whose- possession’ explosive^ and Uth, 19L5:—Lo.-ai m ea in "Howe" Battalion however, was the desteuction .of the build- cause of aU your sufferini^. Clarke's Bto^ gested that she should to to the Town Hall it has saved us from irivaeion. Toiihave all charts of Now York harbour wore [*uid, (Dardanenes). >50; loral men "COUingwood' lug? in' 1537, by -toe {^lesiiimical' Commis­ Mixture is just such amedlcina It b composed and get a bpo^ by which the wives of men heard of the horriora committed p>y tlio have been orresteii. sioners of Henry iVIII-l, th at {the very site of of ingredieDU which qblckly expel 6om the Germans in Belgium and France—old men, Battalion-J in t raed in Holland (also socks on-service ietaim the services of the nearest and hnudkierc liefs), 1,550 ; 2nd H.C. Field the church baa been uncertain, and there has \XTAlrtSf) at ooee, emart blood all Impurities, from whatever cause doctor. She said i-t was a long why off. women and children murdered, bsaiifiiful old long been hotning visible the ruins but iVV for til dar: alao box bi arising, and by rendering It dean and pur«^ to'wne burnt to ashes, thousands ofl fields Eobe.^'t ,Georgo_Lelgh, postal clerk, 1 whs Company Ebyi 1 Engineers, Ifljl.SOO; 2nd Bat- Witmaas called lost Monday, and was' shown *t Liverpool on Tuesday,uesday. sent to priso; I w io n Royal I ussox Eegiraent, 129,500; 5th a cqnfused .mass of -broken walls and arches Biirtonia Iilbitir. t3, Wonata-i can be relied on to effect a lasting cura the boy Ijtog on a couch, and the Inother swept of -their crops. All this happened only a half buried' under tJie W b The hold intru- W {T-hfUmndt ^ Usf/mtHimka few miles away—less (Usance than ^nilon 18 month’s for stoaling parcels adqresaad Battalion Roy d Sussex Regiment. 108,500; ANTED(ood morett once, to aalUbleiIntellinnt appUcaat—Apnir r. LOYD DAVIES. said, a fortnight ago the boy came in crying. S Committee Is Ocun- >aoe our great possessione in the far East, Sergiapt CTain, 7th Bast Surreys, who tras ci^llor J. hi. Co line; tho Hon. Treasurer Mies' It is obvious, :frem the {lengfib- of'I'lheM iwritea, qmck i _ . He eat down and 'was all right after a little, jndia and %yi>t and Burma and all th< rest. struck dumb whilst in action in France, has receptacles •that toeir meslhad been tranA- [ledw ot bookflitcq>iaf.~Wxit«s aUtias expwjAoot. aM» SSOB. but tttien he 'had a fit of screaming. He indi­ Hard.v ■ M E CTsficad-papoo; and the Hon - jOl:- Tiird. it has enabled ships from all partsqf roooycj od his speech in a rem irki hie Mie« Gertnide Adams, at the samt fenred to them from >me ipteviouis tombs, iixMl AaiaxTi laatUnd, SK; ** ioi&o«i Tte Bsm cated that his ear hurt him. "He wont off to 10 world to bring food- and other tnii n to maunc'. He went for a walk on JiVcliffs and it is not dijffiouH snppoae that ths Folkflrtoca! ’ 1 '!, I I-t . " ^ 6 B. sleep, and witness had to wake him to send OSlERF~Sd ago in th* EECEIVES A NEW MINISTISt. bgland, and to take goods hack from F)hg- at Bntledgh. Salterton, on Friday; and < wr­ Ghnntar HOobee, hot b ling „ binlt a t the time qulred. J|00<1 wiuidoir dranar i. D. Jonei him home. The boy woe as clean as the l|nd. If the Germans oould destroy our ing the night he dreamt that he was fating The baJn^ i^heet shows receipts JE299; of thollr death*, the founders were buried HBxlJWDCY fDC .ffifdubl* ■mftQ.’-Appln VM «U or of Upper average boy in his class of life., avy, and command th e seas, they could over tl 10-cliff a t tho place he had visiivl. Rtarught for-; eUewbe]'e;ubtil its oompletiqn, and that the Jap« aog, GeDt^MByen^a DutKtttre.yirihMrtQ~ Id since 1871 Mr. E. A, Baker, surgeon,. said death wa.s rve us into submission in a fortnighi. The ra id . On th« expenses side £1 8s. 6d. was' bodies were (then found so deicayed th a t their TteSBOVSfis' -VTAKTED for ftoririul due to syncope following pneumonia -and Tho frg h t riiadu him scream, and the nrise ' SubTBteiiOM; HMD eli^pble ^ ^ l 11 go to Chi- ’ The Rev. J. Wright Davies, the new Hail- lin part of what you apd T eat every . lay is attracted the attention of the night nurse, ipmd for cigai rites and comforts in Howe bones only lemained for roiiiaval tq a mere pericarditis. 'The boy woiud have hod a Irought from America, Aiwtralia,- Rasria, iBattahen and CoUingwoorl (Holland). ,£44 Os distni^aishoa sitnatiop, and 'were on that t;oo DFDd inert ftpply: prefeiMOD gifpa.to. Aam Congregational Church Pastor, was cough, and witness thought he would have- to whom he was able to tell with -lompiete di6i» or MElom or lada-torer It; ai will be eno- lotmally Tecognisdd as suclt on Wednesday: franco. Denmark, lyidia,! and many other distinciness of his experience. iio ' Company R.E.. jB50 occasibn pieced in t h ^ very leaden cheats, i mouoff.-F.v 85Ai “ObuefTgi** Ofloe. g, who since bwn in paip. I t -was very [difficult to say epuntriee Hundre ' Ipd- 2nd Battalion Royal .Suesex Roei- A rebulldjinJr of the 'Priory Church waa be-i an or Lad waDt«ORTi;B.rt-}Mii]pot and Som r«qttlk a yroff or were latw transferred to the Stoyning Union, A uot jRlivthl,) lor iQ[!Ut«r|r: aarrt6«s m Foinr; tmr ago as 1891. previous pastor has acted as Moderator). have in th e same way, ejnabled us to grit iwhat had be»ri ill for some time pr.st, .and Ijiid a slighteft do'libt. I t iS locallyl notorious th at bouDLo-ApplY |C|B,|5|t, Mtirma, miuiuus o>. IioaBaidii. I o80 where they remained until the tgian was heart attack a week ago. He appeared to the hTiickj ma'rMp slab wh'icq formerly oov- ocnial woijr . . encouraging attendance o called up*. Mrs. Winbome and the children is called the raw mateHal.Jsurih as cottori, on QAWTt^K vkn^M'for DuKlleb and inalra tfanbar it time tc ehurcU members, and the choir, under Mr. w hich our manufacturers depend. Of cdurse. ^improv i, but he ■ was again taken illf end BREEDING OF CATTLE. «red thp i-etoain© of GundrejUi, beautifuily . rbQn^sL'H’Appl.v. wifb alt partlaQlara« at oaea. ta came back to Hastings. He thouglht Mrs. earveil-nnn Ibordered {with nine latiu rerses Frant Daym Kud Co.,, Aahford. i I tU the charge • A rthur jGrecu waS also in attendance, and Winborne was a good mother. • He called at II we oould not get these niaterials, wje tonld passed awry o.s thc-resnlt of, heart failure m.i*to.-» rii . sang very finely tffe anthem " Blessing and not make tho nrHcles we sell to [foreign et his Teaiden< e, Fairmorint, Mottinilinm, in her bopeiur cut in'Hie rimi and down the SAOri-Kasli-Wiintydr'i eoo4 OeiMM Htiwl. t the house bn 16th October,(and deoeased was middle, IrSB diecovetod in 1778 in - Tsfield O Aiatalr:;|oHD.abl« to ottmd froot abot; a , 6nds scope, f Honoiirj Jllory and Power." playing with some of the i ^ e r pnildiren. nations, and with which wfe pay for toeffood Eltban), Dr, Grace had reached hig 68tb FAEiMERS TO BE ENCOURAGED. to a miubla nua.—Apply ^ " if note that we buy from tho.?e foreign tnationsl You iJ-ear. Chiirob, itosappropriated as ! a tombstone AfiAford, Kroti ' ICr, E. J, Hamii|on '.(LeWee), hon. secretary The Coroner, summing irp,| said that Mrs. :o Upper St. ■Winborne had no fewer tl^an eight dhildren; & -e, therefore, what an enormous debt we owe over one Cr the Shitlev family, and by .the ^TQHTB-^A rood. ijaMiar . . ___ it many pro- , si the East SusseK County Cohgiegatioiial t> our sailors, and | j Mr'. Welter Long. President of the I local care of SirlWilUam Burrell removed to tlje ______kmh, Ooaobbnildm aid WhaalailiHH Union^ made,a fewlwdl-choseii remarks, web the eldest twelve and ths youngest fifteen {^OaIb d o f BatiK 9xmt£\ ■ -.'I' • ' 'T •••• al»:- ^ y workec months. There were people iwhq advocated Govern Ehlent Board, has addressed a cirtularIriMilAr. AGRICULTURE SCHEME. ohurch of-1: Sowthbver immediately ■adjoining Leonard", : wming the new- miniater. The Secretary of WHT TVS AM CStiSRATINa letter to town, borough,.and district ccriiicils, the ruins ol the Priory. It is; -very singnlp "anAin^t)^ S ifw aaaateaer t«a fO04t#L ’ the ^Lstern Distriot of the ,-County Union Urge families, b u t they geneirallT hod none la«!if|bla mian praftneA^AppIjr nndeserviuK themselves or wore single ^jeople. The stating th at there are a t tliiS| moment a th at now, ter an interval of eighty vea», WMaanfatftin'y llroamwi^s Pom. ^ necessary to . (the Eev. Joseph Ohimne.-from Beznill) fob o ir Trafalgar Day. W hat can we dri to khow very Urge number of men who cobl|d be [The scheme her very nes phonld be brought to tlto uwed wiith a shorlt address in happy vein. woman bad 30s. a week, but it was not a very •which has been inaugurated slrted man— munificent sum to have if' there had not oir gratitude? A sailor'p life is hard, al- spared from their present ocoujiatioris] and bji the Board of -Agriculture And Fisheries some dhni under the sunerintendence pf S St. John's Be congratulated ihe Eailsbam Church on been any ohildreu at all. It seemed to him t loUghi a glorious onej Dpy after itay, night suggesting' the appointment within tael next fotithe encourteing of farmers in'thV^iitieT the Rev. r. Bcobell! anxious to preserve - . - -L ■ their pluck in gettihg a new n^nister in war- after night, when tho icy wind ig blowing them from profa'ne hpdiing. It is undeii- T ir^ ^B D , tiater isUm snA euteia-^ irs of Canon that it was rather more a caRo for sympathy fourteen days of a committee whokejduty is likely to Uwcll VV am. am, axMriauMsxMriaBM sbtaiS wismwarn neslML nmlNl, te (te n te •Jjbeen a de- tiine. and saia he {thought Hmlshom a fine than blame. It was only recently Mr. Win­ and the icy sea dashirngi over them] our it shal; be to do all in their power t. to have a beneficial effect on stood thn^ these highjlr curious rielsos ar* Btsom;mi Ban MlUa. Ttw Baaln. Exafat. . i :»sa rthy since it town fnU of keen epirlts. Thq secret of suc­ borne had been able to get-ihis sife 90s. a stilore have been keepin^wateb for us over the local recruiting authorities in destined ip due time thlerre to undeTgol a third IJITBD11 ta madtatafn o ~ fl&aTffs IiM cess in a church waswholedieartedness—self­ JiIiL d «*ftle, especially at a time burial Un|dsr Gundtni^a’s marble slab, but BAIBOXrrTBB - - - • - - ■ d to re-con- tie Germans. Not a-moinent muM-they lie these laen for the Army. *0 ‘ ffroat and increasing scarcity ler stmotuie committal. There jweto so mapv people who Tho inry returned a verdict of "death from c ireless. The German fleet is wjaitiM to oM U kinds 0 live stock. ■w-aio;!,/ that they will bo, exhibited to the carious for dooral.-Apelrj iatattnt kild "views," an^ entertaiuM "ideas-"— o yep out some dark -night; eidimarine seme time in order to toiee n cum sufficient briSm. Bcataxi _ Canon Jones natural causes," and attached no blame to The toneral of Mr. William IVanois Hile, p i e induce! lente offered’ to breeder* are TX7ANnD. iiafiahl* ioMa to aaalak to •sjising over .they -were doctrinaires. Whole-heartednesg anyone. diving about ready to blow them ,to i ' oxtravaga it, but are considerable, and tached to such eminent personagee. TV do S' imnd: 'nart be aa.d to ... ___ njew church, ms what was wanted, especially in such The Coroner concurred. n ines.ore drifting about them; lair of Little Bayham, Lamherhurst (clerk of ntmaes.aa mrsiOi bewaaqr sad aabiiatr maoliad; nod ■trenuoiis times. In conclasioi:(, th e rev..gen. a re flying over them. Nel^n's famous works his duty," is being nobly obeyed bf at Fra it, on Mpnday, the Eev. B. 50 8 0 , lOaetfted^ JXTiSSSSS\ 81 jlors. I want you boys to remember chapleiln to the Marquis Camden, ifidnot- DAYS. maktiri, SI The Bev. J. Lloyd Davies, ahiirman of the SPORT. AND RECREATION. ing tbd heaven, and came to seek-adn ittance from Thursday, November 11th, at The White olelsea. We want you tq contributo landloite {are pursuing this oonr The H a i i b : — Thuioday.. sriow xijf slsstod to Itak stlw s 'M oem ssd tosks Hart, Guestling. t l ing. however small, to buy them comfi nomnte nts sire oeing handed to Mr iValter The ^istante will take the form of finan- X j klnsrtt uaalBti dead Sma to to educated ft. Eeter at the Gate; it woultf not be tact Monday, November 15th, at Borelbam Street. cia] help for t le provision of high-class bulls h a w k : IT — Wednesday. Jamaa iXlieistoB. Poat-OSeq ilways echo- to make any ellusiotts to cocks. (Laughter.) ai d, believe me, it is mot {merely th© things Iyong^Pr«ident of the Local Gov ment at Lne samo 1< w leea as are usually paid for f i AXT8B i wytet,- rlulliM Thursday, November 18th, a t QueetUng themselves they value, biit still morel the Board, and it is expected that the ivern- H O B ^ o : >EN — Wednesieiy. V-/ qaiisd ; eoUass sad, a always been Continuing, th e speaker said thatj they the -1^ of a!h uiferior type of aire, oareer es- Green. re ninder th a t they are not forgotten at hrime, ment v-illIdeal ■with the matter by short HYTHE {Wednesday-I AMuj-oia otoiiBist FstW. _ mrs there to set the seal on ons of the\most Each day a t 11 o’-olock. hi t that amid their perilh sind discomforts Bill to be introduced at an early _ The u-T !lI* lefi by the conditions attach^ ihn’e. King- fly jthe Itevel ipment Commissioners to the LYDD ednesday. I St, Gabriel, Memn and hopeful acts of the Church. El iglish hearts a t homo are! beating in u) mnasurs wtill be in charge of Mr. «- : 'IheTe' -were times -when it happened th at wi th their hearts. *1“!**,, . ■ Vpossible, the provision MAIDS' — iVedneaday. irs. He was their Church was fofsakon by some of its big CRICKET. of tmlls is to be made through the msdiuin fiUWlIAM. m s d ^ «aatod,l(cs(lieotttvy, or be able updet existing eircnmstances to ob­ U D nii >BB — Thniaday. posscHses a t> - 39 22.8 tain. I t is te lognised in some distriote th at ' ohurches often in tpe teeth o f opposition, Overton ... .. 7 114 employ: sd on neceesary war services, In the w a d ; EST — Wedneiday. well known aad they had to runt it after it was built so Smith 1 203 68 11.08 area of hte-diocese 40,700 recruits a i been *r “{?y P®r "* possible nt once to form Sooile- tip Tiflnpa'ii I' BMkrs “ during ^his I' ftat they grew to think of the church as Clark ..w..... 16 1 65 14* 4.78 Many people in Rye were sorry to hear of enrolled,I. * 1heif the total for the ■ lole jof hesjfor thh p irision of bulls, and where this iStTitoa, Archdeacon 17 8 the death, in LondeUi of Sir George Clenient IS fdund to be the case grants may be oflei^ ia0lllNt9% HMBBpMIBKiMt'■ I : dependent oil their efforts. But {he would re. Hughes . . 4 0 ' Ireland, paid to mad M t laMisaaas—Asphr t John’s. A mind them that the Church was nothing Duiham .. 13 1 47 1.3* 8.97 Be:-tram, ex-Bailiff of Jersey. • r to indtvidnal breeders who are willing -to Old Hall. ghlw^A. soar WmmA. n 1891, and ttcy had called into being; they could not Honey ...... 13 0 46 19 i 3.53 Sir George was well known in Eye. He P'ST.^PPto’'®'' bolls at the disposal of their ckroft Barker. >f Sydenham House; con in 1892, res: ded for about seven ykars a t Grove Cot- Speaking at a commemoration s^jrice of neighbours. Dr. Jan it oh their own. ' Christ said: " On -Uiis Stevons ... .. 14 1 43 H 3.30 Chcshuit College, Cambridge, on Tiesday, Hull, t; e well-kpqwh fcigby footteill piayeri curacies at 9 2 21 10 ' 3 tag i, and he and Lady Bertram were mbeh I t is nor inj e n d ^ , however, th at the offer -\T7ASTED. SBSiRa toss 'ss_05' il’s, Chester, Book I will build My Church” —• not Davenport Visooiuit Bryce said dhristonity; hai done who I played for Yo|rl isnice Rugby tor chiirrh, b u t " My ” Church, Ad.um^n .. 13 I 32 7 2.75 eshiemed in thq town, '['he state of Sir of g rants to i; idividnals for the provision nf and fi Hull end ESast Sidling, a:nd- .\Iao foi W mto| otenatto--S. B. Alta, teaaaiate natomt. > Eev. G. P. Gecn^e's health preoluded his taking much less th in ho had,hoped to prewent strife bull I shall be continued for so long a-pertod Reeves .... 7 2 IS 4 2.6 between nations. Never in . the world’s Bdinb UniVersite, on Satnrday, ini •WAWT8D. QiilffHB...eo>ld .aaiplat . J a s d j R r curate and Eefcrring to ths War, the speaker said that • SigiiifiCfl not out. par; in public life, and he usually wini as t tot of| gra ito to Societies. outrage, jouied formerly at the Cjittrcti should see to it th at th is war history before had the atrocious Boctrine fluenoei, 'b y .— the - Cavell tho BOWIJNG. abiiad. For some time he had been a been i reached iu a Cliristia-n natipa th at Royal :Jvavy as a naval surgeon. ^ pglgSiSi! a a - m noted foi Was tile last war, but.onother war in the O. M. R. W. Avge. froi a Rye, He was Bailiff of Jersey fi CO]'Nv biRSrON: OP SCHEME INTO 'n/A lN nii; a MatM Mas aa OAnffEk-.ipoed aettom East threateiicd: he instanced the experience all norail responsibility to Gew and W laadltaidao elota to staU a-A p p to ^ T IK Rabv ...... 125 26 428 43 9.95 1881 to 1898, and was knighted in ^ 5 . hiimanite* was to be subjected to the inte- dYS''STfJ:M I )P M)ANS AFTER 1918-19. BeUotfl.'■Btkpan: CS l; , .alto ■ of a missionary in China, who found that 8 308 2? 11.61 Oeo^e was born at St. Helier, Jersey. the young men were devoting 50 per cent, of Smith ... 84.1 reste of the State. Ho had seenjit sug­ TX/AffTkl), (MbTe B, iMd to pail woik: food om7 King ...... 37.3 5 126 8 15.75 1841, and was educated at Sherborne, ra| gested 'in anger that we should imii^ito the The Dev'clop ment Commissioners wish it to A prdtest against the{ increased toxes on W :ia*a tod paidaa: food aases to saltwUa asm.' their earnings to -what is known os the 119 13 377 25 1.5.16 gueiitly taking his degree at Trinity Coll^ the ne^sities of life through the Bndgef B. Tidlar. Qraat PaU. teadSiit 1 -o lli Chinese'Salvation Fund, with which to euj>- Stevens detestable methods of the enemy. That be understood that the scheme will be con­ Huf^ios ... 42.3 4 151 9 16.67 Car (bridge. A barrieter ' in 1865,,, he ■Bxrald^ 'be coiitrary to our honopr and vert ed a t tho arid of 1918-19 into a system of and agipnst tha lowering of. the inoome-tax -IxrAMTKD,. WA(M4U bB'." ooa that {aaiiialanC ply the Chines^ Government with the money Soli ritor-General for Jersey in 1879-80, TV iploBililBt as* *Sto«tati noWaio sad Honey ... 44 1 U2 8 17.75 nationi d traditions. loans tq Societ ies, unless it then appears that limitTnto been eent to tjhe Chancellor of the elosai sock forhor.-Klat. Bhas pans. Btost, t o buy munitions arid equip themselves . t o Atta raey-General from 1880 to 1884. the purpose i i view has not been attained, Exchtoner by the Exelcutive of the Bailj Beat r______' 11. '■ ■ ■ 1 against Japan. This was the result 'of HOCKEY. Bertram has long been; ailsociated riith ■way CHrks’ Associatiqn. The Exeoativi I I V^inesp indignation a t the term s of the In tie great history ^of cricket thfre has and that pH 8 •ants or loans for future years ANTED, Oenaml JABODBEB (aaanlad i Baal! On Saturday tlie St. Helen’s Secondary Y.W .C.A. work, and both Sir George and LMy are subject to the general conditions (a) that suggests that a larger proportion ot thi am to 1p to, laad to all- tana woikj abls to di |.‘riJ4pan Treaty. ' Bertram were mnch attached to the neigh- been im iirocession of ^eat cricketeis quite th© working "f the scheme is satisfactory; revenuel ought to he secured by hea'vier taza W aettass-AppIr School hockey team played Ancastei- House, Uko that which followed the body of Dr. rffiSSSSfluVHIIOClU, " t o t o . __ ^ “ The Chairman said that once the new Bexhil'l. Th© result of the match was: Au- boui hood of Rye, and fond of horticalture. (b) (hat in thi opinion of the Commissioners tion of ^ ealth and property. especiaUy land 'TT7i}iTffD. Toaai B tats to domneaal wok «a tana minister g-ained the confidence of the people During Sir George’s residenee at Rye' a W. G. Grace to the grave in Elmev’s End caster House, 11 goals; Hastings, 6, The St. Sir|COTeUty on Tuesda^afteraoon. Itjseemed tho financial position of the Development values and of 'war proflte. TV Oomaalli Ilya la: «arewtasoadi he would thank God he had been sen t to Helen’s team ■w.ne a.s follows: J. Beney. M. sligl t fire broke out on one occasion. Sir i' ------rr, '* . - — . , " W. G. s " last Fur d warran s the expenditure. raoaat lataiaocca laqalnd.-i-dnplr Caitar, HailsUum. Then^ tu n in g to the -Rev. J. George, whose physical health prevent^ him 'a super-teim Bcpf out to St. MSrtla. iHelatoa. Gammon. P. .Tezzard, A. Ohesterfield, IV. ______Lord Hawke, ro- •Ix/ANTEIk Daoaial LABbtnSB (manled Weight Davies, he said. “ We -welcome you, frorrT actively helping tjo extinguish IHie r«**12nii LIVI . abla to do Dennis. D. Bentwood, M. Greene. K. Daven- flamyc, was ■■“ as cooloooLa* a cucumber " in ^his^__ preren^ng the M.C.C.- walked togeth >r, and STOCK OFFICERS. VV ; am to to to, aaad to afi laim track; aU in the name of Je.susXMirist; we welcome yon nort. M. CoUins, K. Chesterfield, and H. close tohind came____ Mr. John _ S hutir on 1 Public No^ce. harSlcint; ^^ottasa—Appir BMeto BaBUb to this county. We pray that God will bless Bumstead I J episode. He afterwards expressed Mr DID. G. Leveson-Gower, of Surrty; Mr Li to Stock Officers, attached to selected Raitawood, otto foil in your ministry hero.” . se of tho kindness and honesty of the agri cultural nstitutione, have been ap- ' A shown by the fact that altlioiigli plate C. B. Green, of Essex; arid Mr. E. I. Bush Replying, Mr. Davies said: " I desire, first and Nr. J. A. Bush, of Glouceste The poil ted, and ' hey will be primarily res^n- luables were hurriedly brought out of sib l) for the local promotion and adimnis- 8t leomtda of all, to express my thanks, and the thanks Jam ol Nawanogar ("Ranjl”) wrs in khaki; P r i m r o s e L iEa g u e , of inv people, and the visitors, w the Rev. J. and placed in tha open air, not a so were Captain P. P. 'Warner and Lieu­ tratton of th i Live 'Stock Scheme in the article wan missed.^ areas for^hii h they are appointed. HASTIirOS AND' BT. LEOXABDS HABITATION, Lloyd Davies, the predchcr pf this afternoon, tenant A. 0. Maolaren. SITUATIONS VACANT-FSMALE. nis wolds were most Ihelpful." Ho then re- funeral took place jon Tuesday after- Nol 452. len-crl to the good fueling th a t existed be- A C O A L The first part qf tho service was in GR. iNTS FOR BULLS. A GRAND TOJJNJ aiBIi itonlnd tea booaaPtirik.-T'Appl, twwii the congregation and him.sclf, and said Irish Church. The Vicar (tbe R«v. A. I t WI 18 officially announced on Monday th at ■litook«-reaa,_lfiiau)pa. i I ' -cSs the trial was concluded on Fridre lasrlat the G rants for b ills will be made preferably tq QENEBAL BEBTAtffl'waaMir'fOod tsISnaaai ves) conducted the service, and read P a t r i o t i c M ^ e e t i n g tbraai la faodly-—Applp Doaaalda,' Dot THAT HAS BEEN USED «son. The Bishdp of Barking (bro- Old Bailey, before Mr. Justice Darlii Society wh cb has been formed for the rea j YHll be Md In AH n tto a i^ l ______do I BY THE SAME CUSTOMERS -law of tho deceased) asnisted. Mr. Jnstico Avory, and Mr. Justice Bowls purrose of ttis scheme, provided it adopts 1 THE ROYAIi COXOEllT HALL. TABUS UIBL vaaM at oso > torc apsrt- tlMc kcpti tmiwvement i n the breeding of cattle by th© BO Irtibinria _ . ... - |0o4 lioina sad Ubaiaj intltoa.—id «lT«a* ■ycu the 'whole counfol of God.b and I feel MUST HAVE coffin was brought from London in a tiou concerning His Majesty's mditer, H&i ISVS8IOX OF BKI.CirSt rffbted AHolnwslale-sttdoiiB,e-atcdoiiB, Biatincs. I —o30-o » Tenatioa Bd works, and munitions, _ and thq^ pro rision of hi ;h-class bulls or ie prepared to T MK. KF.K-vuny „ Baatlnsil or 8t. , tl-at woods me if I preach not th e Gospel. hearse. On it werei tho benntiiul tri­ PropririiT of th© (jnincl -ni;!©!, Kii^ur. illiKlmteS liy'A'aBNOT.-|^ MaisttaTt. Soatti Oioffi Thatoidsa _ _ ingl tt As.to the method 1 shall adopt. I can only EXCEPTIONAL Ql^^LITIES. ll' white flowers from raembere of the Majesty's Allies, which iiiformation do I io. A Svp it will be. because I have the THAT IS THE mouiners came by train. _ counts. He was sentenced to he ket ber , or by a: ranging ■with the owner qf a nwT lx* h<«VSa at hlewie. Kii'S Br05.’.,I4hn»rl«e. onliit Uui trade taon- IdA-P.:; H. Caabridm cdsl jHaaUn d’voted to prayer.'' Ml', P. Q. Smith (Churchwarden) and Mr. penal »rvitudb for lifb. such sentence being bill —whether he be a member of the ^ ie ty Boekinrl ,Fot. 6d- A FEW] PT.EKK8, afthor «ox. botli taaoc sad ox- RECORD OF R. liilwm (as Deputt-Wandeto attended, subjec; to th e prisoner’s right of nijpi al to or 1 lot—to pla< e a bull at the disposal of the perimaad, wanted antll 01ufatmaB| ip iaaUilr ipar- the C. tayate bmo airaamoMot.—Mra^lbaia mailo.on tjhe fillowing conditions:— If you see the Ijlaina. ■ > ______u f t the funeral. _ ’ , . . , The SecTCtar.v of the W ar Office iisucd ir.ent2,, 8. Nelnoa-yoad.' flnatiBaa i -a ll i-rd., 9t T>oDordal . . { ■RniVl’lIERHOOD annualmeeting .- 'fho Nunc Dimittis wim chanted, and Mr. tJirong i the lyeas Bureau on Tuesflaf tho Ultoifliia-eatteliabnd BEUISTBX I S ~8trtaato' ’TTOMETSdioal tot Bora aadId Obit';OMtl' eoSiplala V.r.' I r.inV V idler prN'-ded a t the annual KIBBLES, (1.) No g ant exceeding .£12 ancnni ' Coolo,; llwWWjV {Dook-jenerale, u V* to istf A Houaamiatite, A t/f UMIPIIHa, G Oaiaar'' f f p m l ^ P ~ v ^ AA ^ymiial adaoatfoB,—lUttoa CoUam. Dbtar. Bpiigg IVa-lker played the "D ead Alarch.'’ following official statem ent^ The publi? are nn»» : laatml. sad Otrlabroofce-rd although the 'V.’iT afffrted the membership. oircutats) will not be sent forward to nentrst Society. T- tiaa, btstotloonneollont mod Eamato alwtyo raaiad, sad verv impressive and touching in its sim- (2.) The full annual grant per bull of on it, it is jk Til* Di'csident' (the llev. J, Lloyd Davies) pliclly . ■ Enromnn countries unless pOstc-* < iroct «B. oitoa 1>« mttod !n a lev boms.—EsaaV Ceatiu Be- /M'd *l:e br>n. Secretar'ies CMr. T. R. Kirk* from’ tjl'® o|fce of publishers or ueO'ttagents9 sen £12 to in< ividuals and 2215 to Societies GOO^ ^HEFIflELU MAIj E ARTICLB. CKtryidOIte.{07. Bobeitaoa-atroot loppoalU Plmmaara), will not b« continued for more than four Memortal, |njatima ' " li-'iyrii-k and Couucillef A. G. ^rieW and) re- W R K M T & who have pmadned permission from iho W tat t flPboi S\Tmilan’ir . Aftaor. 141, Saekyillt- Vi'.iiii in office, ;niid there were very few Offioo for this purpose. Persons di iriiig to, years in tl e caso of individuals and five A reGd,iBe{ab]II-on' -. al^Urm |i r an.oloaato IMTIDV ebanro of woakl hkt osn cliJiiij^i:: on tlie Committee. , PRICE OF BF,aAD TO RISE.—ijVe are send newspapers, etc., to neutral r< .pean years pn t is case of Societies. nt reltablo{BC ,ote; often onited ia a favl leans lUaa ct ivo otbin tovloia for > and T alktit infei mod tb a t the leading bakers fif the towu^ (9.) Grai its are only to be made to in'- I'oo Late for Clas^Wola a o n . llarnt reqne , alt oommanuiaiioaa to boiiddtoaiwd to diat letaona Jf raQNfied.-'Applr »•« 2^14, Ob#eTcr>* oountH ^ ^ o u l d ’ therefore give thei r , olfders I'erasnl ;o; avrld delay fbrouidi mMakad tob {OSes BeildO. . f e a s t SUSS’EX ARTS CLU B.-^e mem­ have decided to. raise the price cf bread one' to publishers or nowsa rents . dividujals ' rben the Live Stock Officer in T AOT KEI^ rtQtUnd daOf for littlVfirl (f«or ^ w/sf; bers of the EaM Sue.scK Arts Club hold their pour y per galloii from Monday next.; for exjpcution the area o mcerned is satisfied after full 1L C. ri^ARCE. SaiTOon • Dentkt, SO. KifiN**- fiBOWIIOBotoii^rnaiit aenant « t itad, who have obtairiea _ such permission. Fnb- It!., 6t. Leosjarii*. from Qloeen'ti-ra., Ha«tiai» v t faTaijr. itft.—Apply “Dailer.’* StatloaSt id. Ad ojpeiiasrMd,'■* capabla ** «f. ' “ ebin^f * tF«d;FB annul oxTi.ibihian nt their gal'.ery in Stoi»- M<)TOR ACCIDENT. — A Sapper! of the li.shers rind newsageute desirous of qbtainiag inquiry th it it is not possible to form a KnglHh ijid AmoFj'caa Dentiritry i|t modemto charrm; f10(jE-<|ENlEEAi. wanted' fortaiaJI temijrLoied'faii Vtaan-Applr m 8&N0Dj St, Sbrian* ftfso*?. eld-road from Novenibar 2nd is 16th. The 187(L local Engineers, named R-olfe, had a Iroublc- permisteion to send ' newspapers, [etc , to Bull Socie !t for a district in which the Iiatjentf. wlGijOirt «tr» cbafiTA. AdTtti» fr«?c. A-f, parttcnlnn. a«. zi&t, «exhibitioa will be open from 10 a.m. till, Trtnl rided .vreia. wasos-ilm. Loo, CaBWdja- ■jrAt5T~dSi5f5«r* «*"OOMPAmBN Sftt« PtfiVA 60m< accident a few morninga ago. He was places■ on the Continent should comtuns'eateifun provision < f a good bull Is necessary, i i d k FS: to BizknrA, wnicor* ^FnstAr tad Hostman, ..Ll ottiidtaltd HbA.ll. and K.O.Ifrij Tlcitn. inWI {iquo; p.m. On next Tneedaiy afternoon there will run ever hy a motor oar a.t I'he Memorial, he War Office, stating whetheT|.tliey (4.) No I ran t is to be made to ah.v iii- Xw aiIX < . all other SewiDir XLriiin^>-Darker, 9, HUM- I^HlLIlREN B NCRSK or Motbar’a RHp r i ^ r '^ MklaHr^ brirtt; U reaw* axpwiaarA, - fMTil be a foniinl oi>oiiing by the Mavor and dividnal i i roqieot ot a boll owned by HMtlnii (OM Toirp). Ow tbtrl|< ypara at this >ddff»m .rsrvthl mFriouto «>xpi*r(pRce; ikept.-*Applr abibtd.- '51^- “ OlMmrror’l Offlif IT* .M Jiyevc-js (Alderman E. Armjtage Hocking I 26. HAVELOCK RD. ond his thigh was su.biiequent'ly fmind-.tqibe have txisting orders for the dispafafh of rs iiCBCLANCE COATS, «d; «pi«adf/ Mur. VnorT«aT<‘Bpe. H»-t.aat. • broken. He waa taken to' the East! Sns^x .newspapers, etc., to neutral countries and I him before this scheme comes into opero- ditr: akoi ScottV' Boo^ |"^05K**015NKHiVTi fr.nfttf.f1, bn«tnefiH bonso; bmiMiniS? and 'Hocking). The admission fee from ’Phone 660. tkm unlesi the Iflire Btock Officer is satio- lid.->finntnr Bron, SriutY^titeti EMtino. Sy I kQit; aoc<} foferiMif)0L—MriL Wwt, Psndo. Oaa- Kovcnjhcr 2nd to 6th will be sixpence, and Ho^ litel in- tho car and yesterday (^I-ridhy) the average quantity {which they attport | he y as progreasing faveiwably. ^:eeUj| under tiheae ordijra fled that ii return for tha grant the bdll i •-oW ttA m *! : i (Cl intlnufd' on -PFaf - iro n jUm stir to tb« ICtk tkrMpenoa. . f j y m '1 ■ L " ■. • - •.. > . .•. 1 t HASTING? AND i T . L E O N A R t S O B S lEv: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 19li

g g f f i i p N y ^ m a l l

DI MESTIC PETS AND CAGE BIRDS. jMESSRtS. CHENNELLS, DYER AND Oooden luw-acwmiw^ *«1,1 or ^ G/^LLAWAY’S STOCK ANO^HARE LIST. xj'V JiNLt M.ABKED EOX TEKHIEB lX)g JPupsTT -■jUi-: M uiMi. «*- a O , ' \R . a ^ztoni M paring G., **OUiemt*’ E lJ^FlT TEID, Sell<'oniained FLATS to let on Sea very aharp ;aml idtelligeni} ^wen by opporto* eiholMnani, or At til* Put ^ . •Front, containing two reception, two bedroouw, P a n A iw 1 4 4 1* n « i e m n n t Offlc*, BexhllL __ ^ i______^ MiF«CONTAiNBDUraei P a rt [two floora, in b sto (h. and o-U oi&cea: all on one io o r; rent d40 ^ E ssirs. CHENNELL9 told UALIAWAY lhare [ toent-^Dunorlan, Southwater-rot^. UAUK, .lunisr • la r^ honae than aba fodniiaa, S Hareloak-road; two reeeptii ibiaa, one very ITA io r gaw A* tbo moment:—£120 Haatinto G:e i T?OB-SALE, a nair of anJeedid ian ^ U teb^ and f ov j^edroo^ to r cenrtoienea} intiaaive: ow Aker in attendance. — Apply Chennella. for Sale ct the moment:—£120 Uaatinga G:e |: T?OB-SAl,E, a pair of antendid Chocolate Pom PpP* A ri^ te to j#t tba larga )Di«mar>room (with bafoony}* D^er Mfl Oal] sway. 38,. HArelock-rd., H aattoga. —te t pei Cent. Oohrerted Stock a t 91, £200 Ji-p e r Centj 1 >«-I -T PIES, .15 weeke oku" weU trained; good house comfc rtably ftiniab^ aa bed-aitting^oooa, y r i t L _____ d32 inoinaiTe.*-Bohan, li . ord.. H a rtijg i >enture ditto ;at 79, 20 Queen'a Hotel Bhatea at £2 5L«.,.f.'C^patoona; iMaliby, dean: modepite to good hom^-^ iCbinjMtny' pi raOM AB' BOAD.->Ke-deoorated, tollf* AO T^var ItrrM' iKw no. Vr^forAnMt ikt. 9fWC OH . I A9 TL(,.r»*.>-fArw.*<«a 1Ta.ctinc^a —iar*BE81DENC£ or Beil> 1, pown'a-rd., Baetingfc i ni8 MS, BoliemiB-ri^ St. I.«8ttara» o30 B ixna for sentleman. good cooking, bath EI iIGBEE ■ l>EKlK(fE8S ^tlP . nBik, < ieapal*o (h, anl c.): terin* moderate,^Lotiwr, 12a*.,¥rbite Bock, STAINES AND FLATS WANTED. P targe piece of O a rd ^ fo r .chickejn ^ temping* H aatiagt. ______i______0 al$ FINANCIAL, ETC. free hf^retani lor looking .nfter a fchicken daily.— u a J'oH TA BIeY , homely] BdardBealdeiioei neat Oan* 7, ST. LEONARDS ROAD, I Apply 1, Albert-road;- Hastinj^.^ HRS. FRIED SI M uster? S^r J o h n P. ROLLl$STpM/ M Pi HFUBNIS iED FLAT, four or fire rooms or part C tral Statica: moderato: iecomBwided.^GIenIee,” B E ^ h i l L o n - s e a . •nf. hmMA rAfiniwBwl >.« _j ___.T_* \jroK £Y .—To thOM'reouiiing emldl odTaniito-fA S ,^ ^ io a l^ w ife -h a l^ torriOT ■ ■VTABDKO] IE DE 85, Oil remoBVid., .rakeeton*i4- .. - - JT«» ;r f hoiMe r^ iiire d bjr'tiro Ik U'm : letfl and oeiitni Beaufort^r^ cumFinance ivw Caw^td.,vw.'^ 4, Trinityet., -_™ padiai**, •frolw .awl heiHhr, n t j «harp, E5TS for all aTaildble Fum: pofitioh and Nee neighbourhood; motoxate in^wiVe m Sireptor of EsaminiLtieas > FU a, a^ a LE HOMSj ii oflered in prirato ) I and[UnlQmiahed liVe f teW nat: *«en IV aptMuntmrat^ is* pile* to M9, Q U E EN 'S : lOAD. H i I nit. bnaineia lady orltantlaman: central} HOGBEB to be Let or Bokl; I hata. map, rei^t.—Addresa p . 178. “ Obeenrei** Offloe. HflAttog*. dSO i l f U N E T from iPMIlAQO.—AnypM ie « u ir l^ oou^7, Londoa-id., St. Leonard* —n* The R t. Hon. Sir W m . H A R T - D j^YKE. Bt.. P C m . a ; moderite.-»AX.. 63, MUinr^rd., Haetinga. guide gratia.—Xelegminai BexhiH." 4AA porary X,oaas esn have aame a t fair rate of; i .nd Chi yeiCPnoBe W a ______too f ^ r i F l G A T E D M aternity KTTBfiB leoaiTto piitienia M : aMo b ilk |of sale arranged. —Aip ^ to _ UOQiM P ubtic Ij^oGc l e t , a well l u i ^ e d COTTAji : 'i-BlAL -BOLICITEO.I . CO'PTAGB ,OTer Stable »1 te. pUr week in*' atamp..-..jf*. Btadw, fa, Es*t Paniii*, Hiatina*. aUbf. aiaui talbbiac. • '//kF':]Manager—Mr.' H. BOT j ^ ^ ’-—.?*!**-***^ only lio en s^ noxwe in ' ta ll aortal OI lo a n la i'* . oidar* I , BesidcPt M anater—Mrl C. I >UTAB1j£ HOKIS for . lady requinog! kind clUMTe—Apply Pickford'e, 27c,lUaTeidck'id.. Hea- T.41ige, good iicommodatlun, atabiing, piggeriee, about o30 MBS. nl5 8 a ;ros bf ^FFIC E E B and ell profesaiemai men requiring ] ipeiyiaion- in hooae of m im e; checrfol !com* ^ w ; under popular brewew. Small Conn* of and gentleinea|a o^kid gloves for Itb-DAY {SATCBDAY5. J ^ E M T f ar Court ol|thii~ Guild deiiret publicly to Badly that yanii } n ^ . ^ a 9. St. niom aaV rd., '< HiQ try Beer ] ingoing anont £25 to £50; Uo ageoto V cial Anietance ehould write to H. J. Steve i jbBDBOBE DSALEBL GUBDuk: vnj,A CTcry care; 'htAest refeieboea; moderate. HaiUngA, >nipg! soldiers waistocato to be e^nt to the. front ITiB BOAl). trr. LEO aNAu DB will - • ^ a n d 7.15, LAlST P £ B £ m M A 2 -W, HiU, 8t - ^ 6 r o < ^ acullery, etc.; montLlyf 8to. a&d taxes.- —ApplyI J. ^ and Bon. Vaiuere, Lew^. nl2e- oonntant, 8. Pyeonaprd., llaiMgate. AH commnnl cationi W Apply at Bo. u. next door. strictly cenfld^nGal. to '' gratefully received and acknowledged if tient pnoei for all kinife of Ladies', GentleUenV. < -.'dBtitled'' ' ■ .n T \0 , K.—Taoudea tot Natal aai- MtUtair (M a m .— iway HOTELTTttUy licenHi^ for iid* lenis ' 4 »» M r. J. W ATSOI^, LENT for to _per______m onth on all kinds______of Jewel*__ le Hail/'Hobnesdale Gardens, Hastings —o30 LEFT-OFF WEABINO APP a KEI, of JJ yalUndos < HoiMib: Boudiac £*M)UdtMBt, U t , foniiBiMii, at. H 5 E * t7 fine position, extensive atabling, £ W sciiptioo—rV E ONLY ONE J — dion, four bedioiDma, bath .. . two meadows and good gardensi •kry. Watches, Silver and Piated Goods, an i every W. FUBLEY ia still able to execute orders with • . i I ^ I ■ • L lto tp m .______^______■ ______loM description of valoaUe property.^Bose and BatesJ Bawn* Jwhich be may be favoured, and wfll be glad to PLEA SE NOTE—All cmnmuniDatioaf LODUINO for <^e or ~ tito S 5 yonng ___ __ ’ loea, garden and WMbhonae acoonunodation; free for tones and direct to Gordon Villa, Batt'a-roac CM6 iM M e ii A. O. 8 P B T / B. S. I ' t 4 . Queen* iRoadL Hast{n^% aen front.—Apply aa abovcb opportunity tor catering; eix mikB briers, 45, LdudoHji., St. Lwaanto '3 tell bear from any of his friends; bo isi'alBO prepared to' w n; teima atrictly zdcderate.-24, Edg^r^, collect; debts or rants o r any busineag eommtmiOB en- Ordeii by post promptly aGeod^. SH A Y lO B . P L E T, 3, Be^ozid*road« three licence in village; low rent; ingoiug jp R A HASTINGS and ST. LEONARDS per cent/ .objeetb'* Veiled Company,:„in4lr*'“|1 Iding . lodern .^nd fuli inventory.—Apply Chen* converted Gas Stock,toct for saJe_atsale at 79.+Ap79.-4-Apply ' to him,—Addxesa 21, Lindan*rd.,: Bexhill. teb iu^iaauic aea.i briafat. booKlr BOARD* T t^ption. bath (hJ atid c.): THE OBEAT ML^ c u i : Sa'i7nt''pai>e3 the preicribeif exaffllhanoo .» epiici and ti^M estm g. W been orBoteO aapect: back garden; rent Otof A26 linsr year.- Dyer, aodjGallaway. Hotel Brokers, Beaun^u. —tto Meeiiia. Ginner and Olcnktej!,!, Stock and Share Brokers, ' B. F 0 8 T E B , la te ooUector and i , under' ■'jflBAIi 8CH.W ILLEB , i n ^ " " m _ t£NCE. liberal table, eteir «omfoxti ehel* r>o50 appsala for reduction of ralea and for the Itml po^OBi lioin Ut. M.—U n. Nbinmr, 10, ' ^ Old Londontoied, H aatii eA I —nJ5 *~pM^’-Ljoe8led House, WoolpAck, Brootland,"lftcm- 87, Boberttonto* HaHinga. 1- fhe Diploma of efficiency and the ri^ t io utp the) affix P«3aM »0«-|' He, ii therefore I noy Maraqt free for spinte; low rental; amall j p pt and Cpwaida ____ _ [qt^ LENT te Ban^ond pi Abatement of incom e ta& — Offices 4, fifO^TDAY. NOVEMBER —S i:: B ' e*c*nti : -______r ______‘ •' - tb, P BLAOSSMITHB.^T o let, oldjeSeWnheTlBlack. F lilieqELLANEOUS ARtiCLl I aznith’a basiooGi: tbionsh dei tU: goodThoose and vs’m i o n ; goedj meadow; fowl house plggerim aitd Civil Bbrvice Clerlas, t^radeameb, F an n en , Clergy Matinee ’Batu^oy at ^econuBesded a* competent to prracribe glauei lor chrreciing jptical [del^cii oi,the cy^^ UtiBg in FliAT 'foold like to aliate>it Ivitb T lod|te; pD maixi road between Lrdd and Itye; suitable and Ladies and Oentlemen, wHhont seonriiy; post dated lot. bale.—74 h p^ B r i t i ^ TlMXDpspn H ouston' Strong Attrwclir.n. o t genttemaB ; oratottoM o; o ^ . rent £25 per ennuxo^. PPly W. G o i^ fpedaU F yoTMaum 1 o29e lor a k)oker o i ehepberd: good chicken m o.—AlAefl L e ^ e d - O a ll or todtsTin eDofid^oee, w Iti^fle ld , " only !n use a .few weekb. £25; also on# FABCICAL (O H E Ii the .teiine Ite.' iiielUij[^-^£.H., SIO. liFcpy sM Co.jl Limtied.. Dover. ______' 28. 8t. Morgaret*»st.i Canterbury. .. ______2^ volts, £9; In ezbeilsni condition.—Can. . U b tlO N HOOKfl^ 1 2 ,: O a t 1 be let. nntomiabed, N a 15, : Psiiddicat fiaiM heU OLKlESTONE.-Notod PUBLIC. taldlis* f3,*7b beeeen a t p . T . W o rd l^ s, 88, NorziisD*rd., St. Leonards. . eaa be teoeito^by tesUetromaa tor m ter; . , reeeptio' ^ _ lo»h three bedrooma, ,______teb O h . I I S i lia.^ 6d.' par week . Inctnaire.—Apt iy ; Bd I re^ly; onbimon* profit*: prod stabUns.-Hebden r^' llttia(4ooni aad.BtedioQii, oSered,riii.p> Be— Phillips I and Sop, Valnerg. Dover. _____ nl3 c a r r i a g e s , c a r If s , BATHCHAIRS, Ij^AitUUAXE.—AIU**’ Bwtaunmt. 5, ^ b * l—Dhmm tlu w AeMreie «t FalMaa, Oy rd., Htotinffl- abaQlito sale.—For tsnw apply to II i c e n s e d E017BE8 to Let.—^FuIly*UcezMed H ow s, ;____ - . _ i i ______' MiniiAm* modATStAlmoderatei ehsmAl:charges!;'open oTMn 'all all davday gter, 47. B d b e rk w st.t- Ajastjaas LET in Hollington, Six-spon ed Cottagi: gas and ET C.g FOR SAL^ AND WANTE0.| tc245 o Y r a wqter lato on; rent 7a. 6d. iPe^ week inclusive} L t free for < pwits; good trade: popular South (joast BuhdaB AH'iiQUB ^ ou»; Fui^nuB: equirod about £200: also genuine old neiit Building 'EHION THEim E, tFour*room ilffTearly^Apply Frank M anager,. 17,4 [Continued Ifr^in Page 9.] W AM ED lit Widow m.. aged),' aitaation .. ... r £15. Small Lioansed .House, uic^ »V Hacd«arta...M. M otefei. llaXitbii*/ - i i ? . " 2k:rd.,.'H —wtia8ia':-'...... - tofit TT B_lOQsekeeper o r ------^in ---- workingfuiaD*#‘ homO^lno yonag ______je c a a a gtaticiH* bUtt mod,, rent £ 1 2 : ingoing £125.—Foy I ehildreni: local} eooDomical: reliable; obstatoer; amall B t Lanttarda.' ; '. Hn4 the aboTO write or call, stating n* IFEKAMitULATOB for a .. lanbe siaa,; gpod c ____ JOB A4 55a.—Apply Keid, Cla: n^. Tieehurat^.^^ . .»b*-^aa*t',_____ aalim .—Apply oy letter ^ e o f l l t e M ., 23, Oaria* in~ tiie bonab.of -a' iniei L. Gardener, Tahaer, 69, Caatle>stre0tj C k f OM be*. pHoaa la btocAe-toad; BA leopards. ; !■ ______ta plewMit. KVfU one B a.. ______I______—' for SALE, new year, just rn-tyn " M beELLA N EO U r ii^JlTtC LEfe FOIt •tCaj.'.nL. _ _ ...... ___ to all let to good temp ! will Hell with praml wbite detachable UDinallDr gad 8a*m 4L SiM M t el^Qvrlo treatm ent apeoiaUi OUNG LADY re«iu^ * «.to« •*. LGE IN N . averaging aix baireW where maid ia kept, th .htogain.—Aq h o o ^ i also white canopy; 35s., or neorert ofler.—Apply IJUJ * a d ______Warrior Sanare.'Bt. ' „ gaattott, . ■ free spiorit trade. Only changed ones 27. Mbnor*roae*plaoei1 Bt. J!.tonMrdS; ...diilJSL*? 1 I T i? . ^ . booM. largel F U B N IT D B B tiiL ObMrrPT**! fifflcp HMihrM oAO I .counter, or wooid not Oojeet to offloe work: amait, chnnhai, totot e and taxes: priito Fw bol 1, , A]i^-Ohen*' (full)* Dover: su it greeugrooer efleeto, Advaaesa totoa « S S t— V55S!SLl”®ceLA*FW------SS wllUng; Hmittnga or Bt. ?ee^^TMa, dburoheaj and tnune:, I O I*BT,’ IConntry Cottage: xniddli one htee; six B K lD Q E 'g ______il rooms, largo garden; rent £14; pA JpsiD E In n . n to r FoIke«tone~, 7 acres P a ii ^ r e :. Ike outdoor or indoor employzdeat, trostworthy, ■■X.,. BindteiMro. Viaa-ed. T [tuate Everslcy,* I renjt £50. ^fo^^houee, W a lm w ,,f m for all but aato l ^ t Tanner COLT, lisiBg three, unbiof itte. <7 Mi.. dZ IM.. « end with exo^lent referenceii} m uaicai: good a t flgaiiea, .. su it . or lady_ and— gentle------m wilh redueM R kwoior «M 'lit **tia •walawW______oommendDg at the BecU^ iONABDS. — Be*t [pM t f*olng VQoIt liquors, real £25.. Qne at Sandwich, rent £20; ■T ^^BaihflT xignttanda, Frantw —n writing^ anl needlework, etc.~2t, Albany*rd.i BexhiU. e.—ParticQj Owner, 408, ‘M)bserret** OIBoe, Has* Casa for either £l60. Another in Bre^ Bent £ 18, free oo*» lltw 8M. LoiMoiMd.i 8 tl -afMmueau'ywvw, di. Leonardi: private um* inute from Pier: lu ^ bright -r-jdZ r SALE,! D*«vuB.attong COBpHarness^ XAWUUIM, MMAand A»eU«Dehvery '^aii. ~ n tb and 0.},I large garden;. botoMesidiBnoe for spiifts; valoation £220.—Agent, F. V^ckendMi, 16. 'fir-^iea Cfax. Ltd. 'W-F^l-street, Hastings. ww1- }.-^4haIU,: of AmWiiu* j u m leieone to Prenob, Spanlah, and ItaUani EngUab I L et b 1TO)ALOW , G iiiey k i l l leaaoiia for fow gbemi r : reauced redneed fenzMti _____ darm______g war. ^ 4 R A A A SEBTA N Tg la e tJ p eate, ihroofb Good- moderatei every comfort 'and attention Chnyh»^. Ash^rd. > nSO wto and ■boas, 1, t , and S t BexbiU, at nominal rtot of 8to per------w<^ daring T^OB. BALE, ^oung while Sussex Sow, with six pigs v ith doable.—Uowuila Bioa., 1 V enoogh'e extenlslve aerranta agency winter geaaon.—10, Maae HllL J - eiix week* okt—T e riill,» Constable Farm , Barn* tiPAI^BH.—QuahfledanoBxpifted an^^xperienegsl natire teacher yearly, which fact speaks for ilf; good selection sent r'a abtonee abroad; four bi brooms, twi sitting- hOrn*Yd . /‘Vimmytm ^ O , gitoa priTate leasbas: terme moderate.*~A.O.&, 2liy, ■j^HSjp.bBLlNGHA^ room Utohen, eto., garden and. tvwum e n ^ 1 toi^«^Ami ppry u * ^ ,______L litto Ckwnmon._ i -o30b by retuhi.i Branches ptacGeallr all parts.—Apply Head GfAly rituated} adlolnlitf T^ABY'S LUNG CLOTHES; 88 . - . **^^beerfer** OCto. Hastings. Office, 45,' Bonvsrie*rd*, Folkestbna- -TeL • 442. j,j5 ker. West Ootowa. GsBer aill. BexhiU Olij' Sale, baiadtomebaiadecnne brownbl pony. 13 bands, rising Sent* tteds^ & i » Central BtaSw f A t L S no LET AND WANTED. 6 y -LP b^ingly btomiful; perfect work: Q ^A N l^B . the) coming Commercial Idonguage: private p l e t ; 18^ louttotsRaeo, btr, orwhx kin, F years; good action.!fast and sbowy.-^Mrs. ^rcy none bargain; Insteht approval.—Mto Max, r o u s Ev s-|O f FUBNCTUHB w auxplnb loto O 'kw m e givenonmotoi___ iemte ' terms.—Write “Aprender,'* ___ QRDE^. 1 tings Ori^Det Field, five ----- ^oon*^ tbrw rccai Hobgen,k Mill Farm . Earhfey. Chioheeter.______p29e blase, N ^tin g h am: n l9e I.flood prices rivso fari3 tlq » ’ .888;>.**Obi4ryer** Pflice; Hastinga, —oSO cei iforts oan ba obtain^ for roouto kitohen, aeuliefy. good t*i t e l l faBiw fiiat. ; TTse of ’ i Lower P U B L IC H A L L for MseCingii *O OB ^ e , cTos^brto COW, very heavy milker, iood ^^oa, china, eto. Send poateaid er saU ei WestelffiT HoQM.TFippilitr«A. Mle ST A"ND s u n s , the Well-known New GHOBTHAND . and: TYPEWBITING.—Ifiss Bthel seselDC.—Apply 144, Qaeen'a-roto • iBaaUaiiu ei -— ..butter V**" QOw; a v only M i j vuluscad vuon mvo;uuwiiaocourit viof kj givink-uii ..^jndhand Complete House'Furniahen; Qnei k. D ro t., 59, 79, mod 80. ” APARTMENTS WANTED. v^dvinr^Td.. Croydon. tiion 120.—A f . Adaina and Watt. Estate Agenta, keepingrMmlnv iwwoows,—To_TV. V*be se e n !a t mtv.iH ilb id* v Waldron. ..v.... o29e ' 78. Koimaalid.. 0 1 Monk (heldto of Pitman^s Teaohsiu' OertifloaM re> 'avelock-id.. [actings. Tele. No. 8R. ______^18 irtL, Haktings. This week we thonld like to draw •eivto•eitoi ppnpik n ^ ^ for private tnilUon In above snb88 Quecn*s*iA, Hastinga. GGBOOl^MASTEtB, ^Ired, seeks mor Jug or aftnoon •ons; Aiate.—Oildeialeeve. Metrbpole, Has* ^ enntommitl m PB IV A TE a TUT )E to bopft o r Hastings or St.______Leonards;____ tmnw very moderate.—GM., LADY wantft a Quiet Besttnl HOME as Paying Bolerstridge. \ X o50 X S O D D E D Ths Cafe. IL 8ea*rd, BexhilL A UNDEBCLIFF, St. Leonaida,f-Free] old, with toSS ^ B y I n T AND SONS.^-^A ftim i^ qf th e value we girls re i^ rio g to lt'o tt a t home; tesU.iiOBitoi and ^ l L _ Gnwt fox several mmoatba, oi...... with peopld residing nn eight bed and dreFsing, three reospt: on, south ■pO U B thick*s4t povrerfuli CA ST H ORSES and m r ta . -AP. ate still able to offer you: in s ite of the high n d ~ larencea.—Alfrto Barker, 8, St. John'e-ro&d, St* BeoDvda. ^^tUSjNU^ .young ______TEi B E E wiaheal to _have . or near the South C-oast:Mst; willWill pay_£8pay liI a month.*4> and thousekeep^ rooms, large cltll gUrden.-For price A $ jto 9 years old, 15i to 17 h a n ^ , su it farmera, prltos now rrwaiUng. We bought 1 rery heavily^^—* Bedroom or attio and breakfast, for small weekly ^vendiih Nursing Aasociatitj^ 2, Wimpd^-et.,pcds*et., Loiu'Lo^on, »nt, apply w . T. Smith and i So u ,! B ye —n ir CMl merobanta, contractorsl; all are quiet good workers, very early,Ally, at. low i^pottoab bash prices. A Complete 8 q pay; in addition she would give Frenoib leesona or ill —n reliable all_ gears, road and i land, ^a fts and chainsi can T T I ^ 'X B LAIS. indepeiid^t. desire de^ lecona de TOWEB^OITTH b o a d . fiTlrtfrin Mcelfent r«- ‘ ...... ^ rOoni eiuie, upholster^ in toit_pegamdid leatbeiv ^ oonvei^iou francaloc, one shilling bar heure.— , piano.—W.» _ . 291, Observer”------lOfflSe,------Hmtin^a.w- ______o30--- >U61^E8SL biriaibB~ UJ!«A'i'ij£jiLflirv GENTLEMAN ivquinw requires• I ^Boardouoxu auui and) p air; six rooms, etc-r im^luolve rent or other* ^*“^7 work, any trialaUowed; jrit oak fra nee. only £4 17a td. .The bigpest bargain to W Ut,at£l& „r Eerhres, WelUngtos, 861,T"Qbderver'' Office, Bastings. TTASTINOS.-CBOWHT7B6T.-4'Beqnired by f lady for B lodging ,in St. Leom ads; plede. St. Leoriards. ,_____ cart colts to ' break to this Autumn.—Apply Owner on bwart of y t ; l_ ] ' / _ —cS8 I AA winter months, a confined Boom, sunny aspect, —o50 OUlfDLA' NrefuUy end: prmnptlr: jpB Y ^N T AND 80N8.-*^qther bargmn;^ A eempleta TXT’ANTEDi Daily GOVERNESS-COMPANION for I t» ^®t^.l»ouse; slight eooking' and sttendanoe.—Miss F.a 373, **UbserYer" Office, Hastings .—Pretty semi^etaohed reride 70T,Tjr*R (Upper) Street Farm, Til^ord, Surrey; toteMtog: pur* -4 . s«r" Office, HlasUnga m Unga I **1Y7ANTED 1 ^ ANTED by a lady,l a ^ , & or 14:4 nl^onlto unfurnished BO( iMS, v A oh nvs teruto t o . Herr];, H erald" pfflos, Folke* 4 badrooms, bathroom, e tc .; small garden; liioe neigh* y2S6 dressing obest with fine centre swing minor and hanfr r ' 7 -iaseao I w VV districts West HiU.l Hill,! Bohe Boheaka, or SUrerh'n).— . __.Jood.—Key with Ginner and Gleniateii Eri?rte M O T O l^ EPAIRS and Beplaeemebte: proles ouse for aale, 6 yeiiis blA about 16 handsTwar* ms sMe mirrors an a 4 targe draweim under, wash* and!. Cara; * work ohly: leaioBable charges; ^TOTING [Lady desires post NTTBSERY I Moule,_5, Oaroline|*pbc^ Hastings. o30 "a S i will for morbing servicea pay avciitts. BoborteoQ-ri.. Hariinga. , !_____ n6 • tantto adund, open -to iveterinary togpeetiohi can xodL ifith toarbla top, tile bock, and]cupboard under, estinal frae: cU atorage % M otor Cyoleb : eyllpders Hto knd triyd hy appofAtnlwnt.— Oliver, BredA o38 re1 rall,^B^htar, only £6.12a 6d. t t o lot. (tall ana A OOVEBNEr'ESR dhilv;[It ; very fond of dhildran and I ANTED ot once, larle unfnmiahed BOOM ae 4 CO] ifortabla homi—write A., Q] _ er*^ Office, 'f Q to secure an excellent Eight per Cent. In- decail »ed (by < gan procesai: valves re-faised, groond B A by^O N ET glren lot OB OOMC Lcated.;|-Writ6 K. 317, ‘‘Observer Ofloe, Has* I «v bed-sitting-room, or too small rooms, in nelgh- I? o30b |[ vcstme^•rt.—Freehold T hB IM is . cGorhVfMl o ra v W _ pnmP 0 1 lK rxlW g K R6 fnrlo r u**le.—BMojauan, U __wiL^tmon : to' aeVBla suite: over aixty complete sultea :to ecwdltfon: laifit er imalT qua ' Bsxhlll. €_ _ ^ ** 8*1 ’erhin. let and iidji . _ „jetos cleaned and edjnried: toelueire ...tik Kftdy fot deUvexy at onea CaUland look roond H ______B15 I bourhood of Clive Vale; rent nc4 axoe^ing Sa. or to— or F lat with! to Old standing tenant.—Apply Cave, Austii and Cov rate: - V«|V^ Lodge. The GiWd. 81 Leonards. 1^0 |M ri|^;di!amoi^ ADY would like share suitable HOUS------^ - . Btoela t a . r twins, 15s.•^^H.M.H. M dter Worka, •nrtw j- ■ I- o30-' Ba^ , '4L, :Ltaidott*Td.. ^ ^ L e o n a ifia D u____ n g U^y, teajeher .,^ je r ofof~r)ancing,^ Dancing, oflera.^era. toto^ help W rite E cnar, 814, “ Observer}' Ofllto. — dings. o30 . wntlewoman; tonna i to ▼ ' Houee Agents, 16, Grand-^ade, St Leonardo. !50. lnj’lah«u-ri Inext Darlington Arch), FonrastoDe. I(ffl.< ^ e v ^ SusBCz ^iSHTjfer fw salo-^App’y-feeed*, referable with one doing war work, ___ _ _ —o50 ■ i Meres Fawn* Five i A ib i^ *^hlSe DAK too bosbeia, on laU.-^. lETH. Old Jeweltanr, Ourioi^i gmierally in a fidiool, slight knowledge of kinder- j '|^A N T E D , Unfurni^ed, two goi size BOOMS and Incluaivi of board: preferableT.. - with - one -■ doini ' — o3ot» ra n T M P H . H h.p.,i n e e ei&glBe,lB. and B P Timber Merchant. Hawkbmat. . o30 D and xhi^o: mutual terms—M.B.* 306. “ Obser- 1 W small kitchen, or a small.self-small seif-contailnsd FLartT. by ^ m e kk id.—Bex, “ Observed* Office. Bexhill. freehold modem Mran|iUy*hripk*buijt HODflK £ S I 7 oarhiwettor. Palmer cord tyrsB, MiUar lamp, 3,;ia Wsanyer for sale; also sown, to pim to fanow bonftoi; -reltable. Prices; Vidue- wsi'*i Office, Hastingil o30 a homely couple in St. Leonards or Hastings.—SenS full ^ • ^ 1 5 in^ two^self^oOTtaln^' tota: vfwidfn- coTTm lete. tool kit} anA all aooaesorles. ; ^ v ^ u a 'd a t e s —L ^ ta ^ Gower, BilvcrhiU b^eold_this_Wmter.-Tbte [vantage of this o f : Locoek, 200 and 1201, Qneen' ‘^ d t T N u XTeneb lady would like, moinings’ work tor larticui^s to J. Wallin, 143, JClapham Paik*rd., London, few stepa Christ C h n r^ . Orel: old intbriantial EXCELSIOR, 4 h.p*. Amao Icartmrettor. Bttutiful Fuxa by^eaay tents for STdry* TlTOfeNCnr. - Lidies’ A email' consideiuion: teaches English, French, J.W. n6 produelnv £2A—Owner, 255, Londin-rd.. 6k 1 3 1 HlllMen ignition, Dnalop belt» - body frJ ______38a* to 30_ guloeSa a set. No/extra chaWb tor tJ4J . wanted for immsdlats.iiumedtots- acash: nnisery rhymeb; speciniitv: abo underiake other HOUtES AND BUSINESSES (TS LEI o !f tor tps road. erpdit. Large stock to:setact fcoDi, csl, Black and bpebs, etc. I bny every descrlptioi drrtiae: doniMfJoqt^:______' o meals unless desired.—N.N. 292, LTEBT l EA SlUM R, t h.p .: K a tu im F o x , S k tin k ,. B m laaft dihtoi sklsa.—Call i or meita: all goods dtaepproved retr~ ** O bst^er" Office. Hi Mngs. —o30 AND R S A L E . sntly toerbauled: B and B. ______‘^t% ,T be Fnr Stores, 28, 8tf Margaret „ (tanterbitry Htrry W rita^jlarshat.,^Ashford, Court, Potagate.' ..I029e Ifljrrt fiqort, or lU , jifeayB-fti, Lepden.1 K APARTMENTS TO LET. HOUSES AND BUSINESSES WANTEE ,______j new Bineeen oell; new Dm^lop belt; , exobl* ^intE*BB:ro » m a IfAmrSD, small posable Pb., am: 11 oonvenient H O nS B t o j e i to a shelteito piwi' lent m n n in r cAndltton. bloweiis; to working ordOTt C H ATER l e a side cut, .eoiieh hntU one; realMnitole pitee.—“ Odtlynosk” ___ tic u near sea front.—For key and all paxtioulan TXOUSB, Unfuraiah^, wanted. HariingA St. L er* £__ 5 ^ , , mon, IBexhfll,! ! ______ODtatwo cw t.; toeapy^A . B p a ^ \NTED. A PA R TM EN TS, oOmlortal^ly fom isbed; good cooking body. de door, apron, eta., Hloibelin tyres. .p ul, OiifflO), aicbaid*. Ltd.. U*. Bigli*t., H**tuw. A-L nards, Bexhill; two reception, three bedroome, eftitTlets with all fltttovs. auH tothchnta, or, and attendance: facing sea; osatral position.—e, . h.c.; kitcbea, no> bafiement garden]^ Moderate'll — lK t JKia 8Moa4*hand PL W est-terraoe. Foi kestoita. K b i^ e n tr garden: riodeiata |^A[THOBPB JDNIGR, llsht-welght. twowpeeds. 1914; , , ,,— kit cart, OT would let out for hlro cheap fox the' A DVEIilTSEB woolil be glad of any kind of 81 A L L freehold HO,USB to ilet or for sale. 6 cluri' e re n t; near a—Apply Faykes, Brnge Honto, LJ smarti appemnee:appem tyres in excellent condition; w in t^ ; no deedea.—Write Pony. 8UT, “ Observer” lOffloe,: piloas ftasn; .elm pianos _ . XL' NEEDLEWORKiTeitbtf repairing or at CueAi<'«jU'£ABLE BEDUOUM to let, suit burinees A rouna;. centiallv'aituat^ on the level; rent 30a. : Lend Do-roRd. Deak ______^~nl3 machine to good„— ’unning’uiunning order; £23. Hastihgs.W • ^ .. i-:o30"-:- distmtoe i»o ebjset; nroinpi Lone or ladicF own staideBee — £,F,6., **0baairar** lady ox genttamon; tenns moderate; groitod floor. and toxBs: price £280.—Furtiiei particulaia Tyler, 4ia, ” peek, W arner A — % , o30 LNTED, to purshase HOUSE, with tan to twelve tbejibove oa i be men at the 'H.M.H. Motor Worka, QHOBTHORN CALVES, Offles. J ^ ti p g a / tob —F., 6, Cambridge-gardene. ; H as^ga ______^ n lo cBobcrto nyrty Hayings. W r>oms, not near wsa, detaohed, no b&fement. and ^nPdhall^.. Fo^keetone. __ te ft? quotations tota your j nsanst 'S to iiw a ^I^B^SMAKTjSTG py yiy kind of Ncyllewoi^ iroted a p a r t m e n t s , Fumishek or Unfurnished; wat^r A NI Compact little HODSE to Let, West Hill, pref« rahly. at St. Leonards; price not morb than £800 ^O fiD S” ln stotkl touring oar, £135: Lsndantett^ Littklofl, Obester. sttd eanitary arraugemonts on cams fioor; very Hastings, cintm ^g five room, toto ;^ thorenghl]^ freehold or £508 leasehold.—D.L.M., 132, p* Observer.” by th e day o r vteck a t lady’s own bou£e; moderate L special bodY.bodY, £210:£210; box van. spi^lal bodv.bodv, £185.—£185.- TT b E F U |p »Bus M A B E , Iftged, for sale: vtoed fto all ' tormo.—A,, 394. ^Ofaeerver’* Office, H osting. —o30 moderate terms.—St. Onge, 38, Victirage*r6ad, H aritogsr Cons ujupl; rent "11#. week • ini• • ■—,ve.—Key^and further pat r»fnf*e. KRstlnga. _____ . f n6 Dgriforth, Ford Agent, SilverhiU, St: I^o n ard a in street,. H aetiagft. — AJ I form work; wanted, Bough Hay or Litter.^Long- ^XPEnUBNCED NEEDLEWOMAN; good local I ticutana I TVler. 41a, B* riANTED, a detacheddetached Country AGE, w't^ le 958. hurwtj Bmith*a Farm, Sediesooqibe Bond 8octb» 8tl Leo^ ___ lefeswoes: work at homo or out; repaitak ifsova-1 A LBION" S T ^ E f a Awnn*, B a tt^ T eoitfortablas'double sarden. eontainiitg sitting>-roonu k tdhan, and ADY’S Prem ier CYCLE fnr Sa’e ; two-epeert geer; naids. ^ — Hons, atterattona; underwear.—Pleos* write MjP,, oara h3 l f n n t ^ to be ito ; four rboma ; rent 5s. [tbrsaj bedrooms.—Addreasg stating partienli rs, ip.O.B., L • «ood condtHon; cheap.—To be eoea at 119, West of Mra. f ^ k , Pelham*cxa>oent, Hastincs. oBQ 6d. pgrjw eek, to( Inc itatos aad taxta-^Bobun, [ 11. ‘ Sufsex Express,’^ Levss. meat.—Maltoanw Hoosej Hav^oe >rd., Haati L, i _ 0» ^ilT ^T O D'by a Laundress, one or tiro families* tings. Vt W A SHIN G : evegy care taken with flanoris; good FAI TfllENII aOUBE Mr fllVOrtfl;, t m t t i t ; fl.it grou^—'Ms. £. Smith, 15, Adetaide-rd., ^PABTM BNTS, .unfuruis]------t or l u „ AW~*w. tegICfc poutenentywilIMfliWM.Vr wayiWJ m li* •rww *•*» #—•* ,**— » » -o 5 0 rooms to let, beet IKirt oi iHuttp,.,; oaokUt and two bedwoms; bsdhyoom sM bassaeat ; vissat tor iisw •ttractaBoe; elOM _.hop* uul .ithtiOB; wiiwior tenant: adftftissr leavisr toe town.—Apply,, by Ittteii hoiiM; lotleii.—Uatros, 333,33, ^ UbMivei* O i& e. B a rtin n . fiw tjto aB*« c(o Kto^aMbiiary. 8A Leouards. —o30 ______1 ■ , -030 MUSICAL. ETC. A PABX3IENICS.—two .pwKoiu Tuiaidrod B O O ils'w a . groond floor; liaiina; .u^i l*dy irod paticovu: peraonA attebdance; goto <^kinc; extra isnoking an& LIVE STOCK. CATTLE, ETC., WANTED. e . F. O.- PAPVTOBTH, ProfM.i B tol AM-J - a .. » , KenUworUi-i-' D i , W eat«m-td., ft.. L eonard.; i l n Coach. AJTM*D BABB1T3, .boat 4 dote, matey C, ,ad EiigU.h''io 1 XPECBOOa to' let,______ot X.dtoom'i booH. ^bUnt, an d lam woikebop.—Apply on'promiie. W p. Tnrnill, Fork Batobar, 41, Lndon'iS., poy H ^ o i . ------Mfc HMtlm. toU I " aoonv with OoOh . mwio.. withont osmiuvit;attaatiOa; anww ' ■or B. I *Mb, 143, HanSdrirt, iHasOn;;*.______nl3 COSb , iLE.0.0., TMt, «a^ 1 Ol^BO Gap O o tt^ 5 SS k *’ iABI ABt.—PlMboU tttnM, W, Highwt., EtestinM AimiRACITE.' TT7A!k TBD pood wand OABT HOBSGB and m a^C ' oitan, thMir, 10, id. 1 -o30b H wi h Ion» tardea, lot ate, 1 leeeptioa, 4 bedroons aw TJfx I j Ty^**.om fciur^to#4.nw Pa sev^------yean^ qldHSUuMiSk tax St. i sob Ptom aottM aafl fiigti- i T> EX HELL.—To OtBoero ot Othena— F u n i.b 5 t kilaben and eenUeiy, lodeconted thrap^te^; JM [al ______^ ^ ______^ 'rtow- teniui £tp , per ‘ tonm _ , 'neept an tp w .^oydon, and '____ _ BexhiU rtaftod.—IT, wel- " Apartment.; dining, iwo ibtoooiq.: 5D, Freeh calved and Down Crivtog^ereey ^vsb*; Stones or Ftinfi, w . 'teV l lei----- wlntoi;- or b ,— it, BefSittinp-torm: BedSittl ‘ nilible ‘ for two partlipdl a o( GAS. Hpifesa or. young Cows.—IioniaiunrtL Bmith’e SOIBMASTER leoniied at Uonnt ladies; bath HTerr oontenlent’-F ,. 42, 8tettoia-rd. -o3(lb Asbes a a J Clinkers mixed. Coarse ana l I! Sedlwcbrnbe Boajd Soutor St. Lephards. —oto t o ^ aadj ,rpathmaking:______te. Pea, . Bean,____ , ___ X- • - l l f tlonal. Chnrcb, Hasttn».-rAP- /^OIUVE'XABLS Front SlIIlKU-4u.'M . witb one I4TED/ A giicd staunch trotttog: VAN HOH8E, Bw oh, fine and coarse Oompo Sea BandC 'ale, may be tent, to Albert |> ^ auiaiAbedioana; nod eooUat'and dttmidaaoe.— wished and Dnfurnistod ttifiM f o ^ r a : fiTiL HOCBE8 to be Let or Sold . >not under 16 hands, 7 t>r 8; y ea n oM ; open to Peat. Mom, asd Cow Manure, Spent 5 5 b. ^ ' ’ - n i I Mtea PM.— Fr t arter,t t i W J t 21, AA, Lin C B i I iV/ ^net; bath (h and o); atao amal front bathroon; sditMle tor mrtmsnta} . and quantity; g < ^ prices.* HOV®?^NBBI)6 g B W E I l ^ 1 .1 s t a t e GABPENTjcB wuts situation oarpentiy. i . w------, r - , t- j Beagles. Gfaad Paode, Bt Leona Aehfor^ 4s 6d. Any of the above oar. paid. C ^ p kinds* k$ O H E 8 T E ® .. ^ ^ ^ertwrhertwrtiht, rtth t, lepidiiM,TOialii»», pstetinp,iwtnHnr. and glamninhlamnrVelo. etc.; : I bedroom orer; enlt, I tedj Post freta—H. J* Qasson, Government Contractor, k uu in last place; good referenee—Apply T. Bar- tenni.-7Applr 5. Atohenit-rd.. ______. VAUtiAGE PLANT&.—Flower of Spring, Eraly Ufien* . 2p I Bnape Qpttages, Wadhnnst.______—afie i^OMFOETABLE BED-SiraiNO-BQOM with use o f' ( C4 ham Early Kainbow. Enfield] Market, Eitily Drum* EfllOlATES n n . l^ K M lA T i - •V/ back kitctoo, to let to basesnent; Furnished bead, 2s. 6d. i>er 1,000;, quantitioi 10,000 and drer, Be. t trlGHlcLASSl ______Beectodhnad and Antique - F U ^IT U M /^ A B D E N E S rib e a d i or slsgle-toxtoed], 29 ‘ years* ex* toscullery, terr, ncmtooteit.neandesosat, CT«yUiin«ev« . forlor uee;nw; near etation,wtetipn, i(i^ 7 , BANK IDGS-&.*'VV«P ** ww,55, oHIGH m w m SM ET, HASTINGS. XX always on view; several good _ ^ pexleaoe,^« abstainer, no family.—72, Viotoris-av.. I not; smt lady with limited means or business lodleu.— per 1,00^ cash with order,—Thda. GreenflelA K n ^ ibureaua, china oahtoeta, wararobea etaJu _ 1 Apply i 1^4 Gambridgo-gardm#,.. Hastln&i. —030 sea, shop); 8a 4d.. eekly.4-Prit< * udfl * 3p" “Fioepect ■ Cbt* Farm, West Chiltingtoh, l^borpugh. toe Maggata. .1. : ■ , o29e ibedroton suitsa ^"tpg and diawtog*toom furutturei aM U WfllMd '<«D At WV tlM bt At- ORTABLK l a ^ front alttlng-rom&p bedroom, tsceSi lel ud Mall, 'Whitetable. ^ABI^AGE■ » Wto PLANTSi gqO(^ iBg AntoffiD tioitn. ^ H o u r s P R O G H l i staadi and bedding, oaipets, elifna end g te ; ptanpl .p e te tm A n i tab floor (stteitoaiioe and cooking). 12ft. per week, Ofletinam.Ofletinam, TalimbMTaiieman. Bnfteid ______Dnuuheadand_ l - r ^ Linest Stock always at BaevsftVtM Bobs, 43, or BoaM-fesidenoe, 2"-q^ung ladies, sharing room,. 16s. Fiatpole, Ba 4d. por 1,008 ; o rd en oviar lOAOO, fk, per Lff»i — ~ ~ w I M , , 0 . n • V , ^AbCvOtlVj^^* i8t., andiftidOld Town Hall, opW ia ;______r=to2® . (Bilet Hems:— Write tosuhnist Park, Croeadn-Hand. Sosiex. o2w , per______week each.—40,-______St. Mary*a-ter., BCastinga.. ' o39 a^ w rth e r^ .—W. Biames, Piaht Grower, eta, Wfsl MOTOR CARS, BICYCLES, ETC. Chilttogton, Pitiborough; | ______..^^se TTAB'HSU8'''Kl!I*6srtGBT. — Batata wareboMint ESFECTABLB aC m *^ks“ siTDATIoT“^S ^ |^OMFpfiTABLB APARTMENTS near Warrior-sq. /^A ST U ! HILL BOAD. 4 tpoms, bathzodm, garden, J lX 7(Sir lurnitnr^ »i™y» tebj ‘ Mpidt?; 7 ImSteFs DO>ter«a tiS l WwittiBg-ioonte. ateo, aitUnp-room. with on,_ o FI pATS T O t E T . 'iila to'be stored; my new ^pjritoiy of 100^ K 7 y e n .' tV/ £30 per annum: Stohefleld-ioadi 6 rooms, 8«. ' T h e T * ^ u m p e '^ j ( ppUdter, ag, 44, married, mwe bedrrouis, with or without attoodanee: terms very 8UN-VILL1EU8, 24 h.p. 2atroke latest teat oapscHy is fitted with i___ date xtodern appUanoeo* ppUahw, ag, 44, married, exoeltest refSencea, good -- J---te_.------av----w. _,_aL_---- weekly inclusive: Whitefrian*ro^ 4 moment rooms, 1 9 1 ^ model; quite new. £ 2 610s...... a bargdio. —n6 apPWahoA irilUag aqd obligrog.—C. B.ll,iCaxtoa Cob- 9s 6d.6iL we kly InclmInclusiva.—Apply ‘ Harold O. King, Estate Ji'LAT, 86, St. Georgo*s*roadp Haetlnta: two rooms, in cludioklrit;jg lift; eatimates fr^ ' > W alter ?. Holdoway, 2)3; tag, FrlDoe*-rdi,_OMr______I oiO ______n 2 ^ Agent. "■ 75:, High-st- Hastings. A n>H» of ••cul'Cry end garden; 4e. incmflive; or extra ENT’S HUMBER CYCLE, 3-speed geat, naw tyres, Queen*#*I'lda BIrtIto, M arriages, and O e a t i M i . (Ib I lofyi .F u t0 , IT DBNlSUhD Sittlag*room« fsoing South, and Bed* amall Bedroom, 4a. 4d. inoluslve.4*Apply George Fryer^ Brodkft' saddle, *><» 10s.' — ^ t —d6 nfie OL1}liuWo WAY*8 A p. 285, a U E E N ’S-EOAD (next tiffU A TIO N Fantod'.by Lad to driro Fora Hotor Car; JC TO . . .. G room, use tdtebra and rbatbrocm it leqnlrsd; ffssnngs- 1 _____ -^>30 irA D Y * S « e O * ^ N T R Y ROYAL.** 2lta, 'fraxito, 8«peed 'C'OB S A ^, large quantity ofiM leta from Cook*# H Cricketicket Grt—Ground), ------H&sUngH.—Se^tul*hdDd,.^tmea - — ------—c- o can :do luual nimius repaiw.—H. ^Haddoa. 2A ABAFT e D FSQK THE DHj Bomria Walt, iH ^ lto ______| leaned home, with or without atiendaoM; |firitabta_lor LA T to le t; eeU^oontaine^* e itu a M 135a, Em* —«4*4 6^**gear: UUVn ot tiuueu ridden AW100 UUiCM. miles.^£5, Mp vwa*oost'£8 8s^: ftsverul —^ ^ celebrated u u x v te u x»nD.ifarm] «cat urptjOrpington.—Apply Qimeu*# paina Grimson Serge C nrtaina three y a ^ lon^, 60 IflcbM. Bmirteb jUHBaWa, D u M Hr Hilinaliii KoHm jM ■ I one or two lim ea—Addrsis’A.G., L200, ” Obeetrer” Office, manuel-roed i three looma ind seoitery*, a 6si 6d. a lady*a and gent*# cycles from SOs. to good conditio%— Steam Laundry, Weet Si. Leonard wM«, teTSl, pUtT Centro OttMoaB, iratout.fraB», i»ir| Jtu try lO Ira iS B ^ and Katato'AfrentJ.-..AdrertiM>T tr,Al.,te{va—Aiwnlw TojWflVi -o30 o lim t la 4ft ft GEO. B./ 8018. BszhiH. . '__ ■ \ T _ -o50b lOTEE.-0FFICB.VrrLXJtlt, ClVWMM Btnrt, DUV7II. BiMfltrt BVW4*floor, ^A»40tV F««k iinolusive.—A p p ly ! bt. M an V Upton Bros. 134, Loadctt*rd.. St. lisonarda —na etttled, >nly 9b. ^ ' > 1 . not sUgible military s< )oitac^, Uasting!^_ —nJ3 k ^ E .— Orpington" ikerris; true brebd O L I W A F ’S.-Second-band C*ne A rkclteir,. 4a, 44b; like to hesr pf engagement. —- House,HoIiI?‘^ 410 S ”aOb.Xia 'eiA ^aS^Pouiiabed rttUBfloom andtadi^^ D ' lOttg asar Market Bqnara.—Apply Lensy, Dover Light Hoadster. Budge*6tur^r*. tl . •A azuioolobr: andoololOT: AnrilApril and Ma* itched 1915; price 8 *K THE HEIABT Pf • : ’ I *X ’ also combined room: attendance; new ehnreto. 5 ijiOOD Furniehed or UnfUrtoshod F iAT, conoid* H •It »«)d Painted Ohaktei Dtawen,St I t M.. ISA All H asting^ i ______[^ 7 —ni3 u27 VA iiih. tyres; acoeBsorles: owner Joined up; fltot each, on would exchsM# for te W yandbm , Wiift w .; 13a. 4d.. 14a.; 4A, ISa, e d T ^ rh ; 311 I B iw iia b ^ b e - mins, ataiion and aea; tenna modsrate.—! Payns, isg of welt fitted Idtoben, sitting, md two bed* /ifler n t a appofntmeiiJt; nplendid tomdltion.,—Gomto, Laghom«i Cockerele o r PuUata of sam u e age aixd vaiueJ bdiikiM la*.** IK ' . 8 « u ia r p H E H ^ . BECBEHABV Soldtairs and |Railons Help 27. D ev o n sh ire r^ b Best pari of Presnsnads. This \a y Cleat In aplendid ’ebuditiook 35a.;. 5R. Wunnt — 4 doubta Houss, smtosntly suitable i good viewa; moderate ro^; eepatate gas.—27, 148# Edmnnd'road, Hastings. ^ i —niS F.^-Kltioit, 42^ Stati6n*rd.,:-Bexhill. •**K>S0 flBt fltetonM CBHtaiBdm.iu* bMidl»«..iiw*t:.to tadooil ■ A Sooisty, Haatings (18. lloliuo^ale-gardeus; recom­ iagdaten-road, St. Leonards. 1 —nl3 hnlonii T. 85s. 1 withn*ito.'tod;'aMteaa el' Ato«iil4to •*^BTHELV8 NEW id b : s mends dMoharged eoldier u«i gardener, caretaker, sorter t T a s toINOS.—WtlMurntaheff^S beihtly aB f ]a ^ t n e n t s , for a flrsbdass Boarding EgtabUab* i l e iTBlOYCljE CABRIBB lor Mte, . .. and 8ECTION81 la any quote .kill ^ O L q OWAY*8.—8e«)nd*hapd ^f^doain #pl«didj*k| A n owe 4\iA I__ »wJai.__._ * X X healtl Bp piano: gi boiM for J JV B B S lF lE L D ,29b, Priory- itoeh*«, tth:.:fAdd'«N* A.fa."i5r6'idT.S,. HrI‘H lM l'tO N E .^n October 21st, 19i5,lat Beaconerotl, einga .| . ______' - ki80 1 •* Marin^plaradB, Hasttogs; good coating; m«oru* J l bnsine . death ' ' oauee of - sale; mmeni tb(9 , i? sant-rbsde Hastlneft. \ Mbie Btoken -BnXlSB to hold one doaea iwoqd rocktogk — H, Hoatinga, Beatrice alanett, — l|- pulous bleanlineis: IGa. sitttor^ tOs. bedroom) tree c ^ B arid B; good’ ler; £9 lOe.—BL Bo^,. Standan, roomed hotse^ bath,' gaidsnp stabling gretaffious^ eto. il^FLAT, best iDtial TpoeiUOD,IVU, fourAV Biddsndeo, Kent. 030 A* atto: no packing leanitedil.bteato^ abeohrtely Chair, ISs'vid.p -aaOtirer . i burr walnut Jie Uto Major* ynuopW« q&.tdrl | waaahC j n ; — . OMaiaabteJOfBU a t F ; J ; dretofigiPtar, w itr gqod .9ery massivO,. k ^ r e a Stafl/ Corpef gefsrenota.~y.E..UVEBTISEB 26. - tibservor” seeks quiot Offloe- post H^ings. os naefol COll* ’^I'C EI , Otoiiortabie bioanllneta; HBDBOOM Ita. sitttor; • 6 7 Kta tat. bedroom] With use tree of .Mw.fittini. implements, aod stock, £l8A*:W^enoaft and two w.c^’a, front and ;ade» eati hces, one H-P*.ROVER: _fair_order; £7 10*.- I'aiaolw, Ltd-.fl4. Oterwaonti Hai ffnpg' . la i a 'bsigaiilriat £4 Ifls. 4d. mahogany Stsi^^u* Biddenden, Kent_ frozns easy PIC IO ifiLL .—bo October 20th,^ 1915, a t Pi^IO N in Btaatmga or country near; good ' ' '■ '------___ —bSObSons, snslf ass Tranrter A ;^ ta Tunbridge Welle ~o3^ fioOTT^sgantly dMontoA ^eotiio Ueht.—Ho) , K to rta TJuU;i.'li..+ lABFLUiKOBS tor aale: AtoS'fSt "pna^ fxaito oqvohj.in ]eatoer:R Hjwtings, Mary Ann, the beloved of; Edward llrOAt NEXT!-’ nL,‘ . S t Lsoilonaids. * —n6 OR. BAT JAP: spring fipme througboot; a iMt.-TTF, Ji Hidb, Jotnery-Ww Im, TTaitebaih. Into t chto to! Itatiier, ohesF. 4 th e 8ii Floiiss-stgp intiM.'-V-' ...... ,______ShepbeS Picknell, pate^ peacefuHyj awiftf, .'alter a •ENLAT to ist, fumisbsd,_Jaotog iea; central IpOritioi^ £16 10b:—H . B w , Standen, Biddeutoe ULLETS, 1915 or lil4 hakbed. teytep. 3a. eanbi Sto>' lo^g pnd ita^nful illness. Aged 74 ywjrs. X nmdeiate t em w .*^, y sstatai:.A F o lkeston^ r-o5Q " A fitoJGS iBBCW DHEro Co., P di^an: ifitloketo, i fhien iaen fto (fid.* !Aa.. doatf 9^; an the ritas' (estabUsbsd tTp finished; or finlvsishei, W let, brnwalTi^ b-P- H U M B E B L O B B Y : very strong spring,. ilit freg4didilim eli?8l^^d. 84*7.. Qnssn’osda-^Lekthor tritok, in Igood condition; WHI8H.—On October 17a. forhSed bi T h e S i l e n t M r i ,-!rp»£ , — . an -IbxokUtoft little 20;into ’' xoaxoanglCy almokt new, , of the 'Chnrch, «t 15. Fiiar’e Stile. Richmond, W:' U. who will be happy to fonraiA ~ Itat fret F? Hastings;, fonr roona; -i^OTy. Uthy and : X O _scMpt £25 quick sale.>—H.. Bodv,. l^^en . ipULLETS, ffli *to^^86a.r:doMi^ by post: every asristanoe gialia. te tt! r gardsns.—Apply 19, 'I , or 17» Bfddenden; Kent. 050- _ _ a _ t i37a. 6d. ; lito o h gaidsnisn. rotjer;* raiy 21s*: Serrey, Marion Tbeiee*. widow of ..ye Thoihas seleot] A list ;frood speois k- and 'OoiBk,' -fOn.^. ; 4iu. aih bedroni^sQitep ootoprisinfi.[w«^obe, with ihatd6*on^S6a. (DBAMA IN TWO TAX I j j r B teB H O L D S.^Pgir BiM; Mmi-detaelud iduteoneirt Uobi —n4 1 O A i S 15-2(rh.p. Stalls fiveweatar. irito “ if*, ‘ - .:..o W i. Wlibh, of Little ChiddingEtane. St. o30 Hummella!. Stratford, TsllBd glam ^door, dreasing cheri,. waahstand and 2 H . i r . .. LLAS to fine poison on high ind, iiebr ______iHED FLAT.*-tBest posiiIon Parade; b e a u tify ___ hood sereeQ. one .h e a d .__ sod Ia in , 'ToaiAt Itunpa; to good running order; priM £1( |jO (i .rtiH t.-yiood Iptte* ; fieeii . for la in , Toaiil kixa, giiii.; cheap sit^g-room suitolto saddle ha» ,1» W»nl4r*.k« oatire', ohM*o ot an old lady; 1 QAV.g^L ByOIK, Sldley Station, 7 tooidb, 2 w.im, bay wii I, gaidebs [M e view; five n o a u r nearly decorated;;^ bath; | two F t a b l e ^W LS^ateo Ganwl BabbHa^.«tiid pottj nimt, o a ^ £8: excellent two*maiwat hmmonhixn, AND EIGHT OTHIi ■Apply Brtte H ill front and rsai^ frontage 50 feet, depth 170 f e ^ to th e paiil} »;one witb six rooms—Brown •and Woodley’s Library, Martini box van, price £7& — . . . . ------... .._-j them.and pay oMhi IK MEMOBIAH. rol«eac«.-ipplT- B* 1 S L . lie^roiU ll, card and ,ont tnotok [to 18 stjpps, pedto or habd*blown* sUitaUs for haH 11. BeihlU. -o30b let to excellent weekly...... tenants bniroduoing £62 10s. yeailyv _^White Bock. H aatin^i. • i —oSO ;-T I ^ yolMei and ■■■■ • tcb. school, a unique bargnln at; £1A. We are expecting no trouble; tamuta sm d rent* bargain, price i^725 ^ §teederd.tondeiMte, o^pljto w ith^^ o!d S h m o r d s '____ f la. 4d. ___bead and one tail lamp; B^nor wiM ; in Eioadpn._____ : •' ._____ ]_____ ' , • \ —n2b' F eooktog rangeu copper, si pood rnmilng order; price fltSO. A ^n]tiy lipioa ebeniea '-'-'lU be offering some iM tatoltoa 'Note the sign; N< tem ber 2nd. 1912, a t 60. Uount*r4 iD^M A IN FOUB FA)t L e ons& ok ad^boaxlModjlnot v^*55S S ,—flL ‘LJEto^ABOS>-^^ w wiM ' OI; la 2i h.p. J^Ha, twO«ps6d,'freo’sngiBS, £H. 1 BateatteA' tran Beiteleif t i Honaa* to S '- ^ o rr^ li Im I i«r FlMhek aa d C o r ■- tow ** Obsei!v^*- Ofllok,' Hastiaeft. f O. o^toctably famished H em ; sowto'a tbiea to tet.1 torniAid is ___ _ hi izlvata CHEEP Thpuo: 3. l6lt. ISft. ten*Iona ami 3nda bolted ~feat, ' Spatial Une D tat^ in patriotic ~@ iEBW ^NUBSEHflkD,T]rrti^. ntrir rite;. ■ve^’^rooderate.-Write B^T., Obaer- ABHgnBNHAX BOAD 10, throe rooaa . room, stoalsto.; 4 h.p. BBADBUBYa two^speefi, Iree O 8sa d(tei ian paid, 8.E.B.—Hida Aahfoid. G'MA u HINES toe aalc ; and eecond,- AND SEVEN. OTHER ^ond ^ 'cbildiea.T-Addiau' .Lovedar,' | wax Omce, Hitetipite,—. ^..! _ - o S » _ OAinJXB BpAD OUT oitnatedi mbdt._- highest TStetonoas OBiniMb' £^* clwtp,-inolndln, Bennett, m G ■ Jit r i-rood, CUve^ O a r^ F . f. Tdrtont, L td,‘ , (toiiniianf, mihon. sBolt. — r_» " * ^ » -: OT. j[.EoyABD8.-WeU-tnrbMndjEOIIABDS.-WeU-tnrliMicd quM ^ ______a p S k t - BAUISLOfr BOAD Sd.—Foil putitoten^br . in fltst SAXON Car, fweater, as now, afty trial, npUUNIPS.-txoeltent.. white _ tips: what offers _ -n t3 ^i.iB L, 1§, rednire. lUHt... mmn* t.iu, . , , m □__i- — I O ■ IXX8. near ■ae,, atntion. : s a d a e w : 6ontb DE CHAM BOAD ______Beta.” 0.0. ‘’ Cboatto t" ( _ B szhU t £100 ' ABGE OnoBtlty of 8ATVDUBT, i3d., p4r bat, to! ira- puat aa 5WU1R LodT’a o r B eninr 1 ko of New Maohinss supplied; Old SbciblBes X fob. 3 t(in lote ono rail.—J. jColeman, Hapleedsri X dattngt. h a : lath (b. aw c.); cookjooi>liini and artaiidanoe; ItllBHED FLATr atoatpto lug rottn, Tlcehnrrt. I T ■' ' o29f7 liate clearance.—Frank Oaria and Co., Ai^Iord. taken in riart payment for new. j L______^ ___ L_l_i^_nl5" tintn or ;nrj ill kiltoi FOXO* AND CO., Motor Cyoto Depot. <)^tloaip^ npoM A T O E S land jAP:PLEB.—Sp Tomstore packejd W~ « ektflW t r utabam. O letl 2 unfurnisbed BO O M S,!dear^ki rent very JUX0 XvBt ' JBAJAXS A*eatei»«tetetetea,«a«tea. a I, $ n______o s U m lfU iti jX in IZlb. b lH k e %8da ^ per lb.; lest appl% packed in FO.STo. . . . »U„ aHeaV-A-- s e!*arance.—Apply m ^ e ra te;^A pply IBOe, Qpaea*sqd., HastingB. *-n4 flPBlNanXU] BDAOI ______Wgriior Qar Csatsibi V t o u SB] EES b TTT anperJoi trorkiiia^BiBBi aa all T i: food Jotoli^.- ^otor_Cj;pIiste.-T^pm'» of ^ kind* Oiroles 4oib. t»a«ki^ Id. .paf lb. ; cash bidor.—Kent’s Fruu : Dayla and Co., Timber Marehante, Atofcrd. ■ .T ' n4' MilOES AS USUAL: 64., .land a., 31, (Laftns-rd„ 1 Staepboda Bnah. " oTLET, two Unfmnitoed.ii'OGIfS; watef ktid on;- ^ a « , ana Cycle ICua': ro'borinig, bnehiug, general overiiauUngi itorket.: i^dsrohej tc28^ E o2e T Mt^ C. Selhw, 37, Midmetstreei, aftwings. Ttatoiia-aveoaSa Ore.* »ll*o6ntained. roanameUito magnetos overhauM: ^ImMea '9tee: a m o AljTUM^ PLANTERS.—lOd.OOO Hedging FlastA Villow F otteni W ftB E. «to .; ehbiee lot, behia ffte r 8 vaa. T X d Y rj^rta"Be-«ni^^ as MANAGERESS of O L ET, unfumishada one la^ dr twe amiU BOOMS UUKELL BOAD, ns ro -Station; (___ oopper, dresser, kHchenjer, every ooDvsnistaes, num ber of sseond*baird maobiifteo always to stock.— |X oruamsntal stoubs, tores, fnfit trees; also bfalbi, sold at low pricca; aptendid oandition! abm a fbw high-eitastas Apartment H o im or Houses; experienoe - * 1 lato^ihreto*orea^t; Mllwam*cr qu' part; no «h|ldreo.*j^.p H 'roomed Bdtws with mad gaidsn ; tooltalvg, Flat, W w t Hill, sell* Poxon*a Motor G^ole Depot, Cistleirt., Caotorbu^. to250 tojing bedding and herbsosbus Pl^ta; ths finest quality Frinta;—C. Dyke, .43, i London-rd, St. Leonards, .UEBS F O k PBOB aTE edar““^^*“ I ’ .nort — “ .satiefaetpry referenoea;. abriainer. — I *’ Observer’* Offics, rated toiontoOQt; root 4a. par wssk tool^ ., fiva rooms to d bathro(toa, scuUeWt ’ufi oft toe most liberal terms.—w ite for catalogue. Or bL: 917.1'' ' I- : ■ ic? ivsnisBos, isi inclukiwe.—Oyner, 2S5, Ltodon^ ^^L z.______I “Observer** Office. P exhill.______teb I |rp ^W W O O 'large llarge u nuufi to n ito e d ^ ^ O M S to let on sa 11, Havelock*rd^ liter j fflil vleijr obr stock; Grit lGk*s Nurseries, Ha:f* i Kd :OSS COATS for w inter wearir from 27s. 6d,; BSE reqtores SITUATION In familv Brigh* X binding; 4Il ^ekly.—Carter, 106, Moui Fleassnt* . — I—To lat, toisii___, whole or part of ) srd i H eath ______# 2 7 ^ 1 toe_'*Newy Winter Felt Hailat ^ " Scott’a,” & ■ ton profexrod; excellent references.—Nurse, a^ . 1 rF ! Trinity-str^a liEIGHTajJ, AXD ogt; two toinroa.—7a l l a r i a ,^ sr^ two, .tilre^ o f fonr kooms; lenta 5s. i.to i|-strtet. H artto^ BurioD;m;bam»rd..______Brighton. __ ___ rpOl let.Iflif, ..... BtaBed-sitting BOOM, jgrouad .fioo^ ;soutb« hfi Hythta —n4 w On>ttendeDwi4. TQwer«road W eto Si. L e o n a rd —n4 EjUNEBAL ;H18H£B^ ann ENBALUEIIB iiAiL'Hrjkr. teelu^a—Enquire on pieptiiesp or B. Denj H O U S E O , e t c ., t o l e t AND WAITED. >O^T Tsquireid'------_ Shorthand TiTiAt. snd Book*keeper T trsju route.ite. , fim cooktogf .. and attaodahos;. - quiet - A genuiaa A^ H O U SE: , '^ ^ D , labSaiT Tfralto HsHtos MILK dailK4 ^ ~J8BObCHEA* have the omce jn St. I^oaarda or Hastinw; exp ' home.—G:L;, 9.I, Vaie*id..V ei^id.. SitverhiH,'SitveshUt^ St* LsOaaxds.Leonards. —n6 potitton: weU s a d __ tialiy furnltiwd; ■ H astings______| _ _ a l.______Heath, 11,^86. Petertawtreeti,[C anterbury. — 1 . ______to fiouto of Bfi!ngltnd; wa hm . ih'- & 45. queo: s ! < :p » t IjtMer^nces.—Apply M., o28, •• Oljsetw* letL fumitoed BEDBOOMfi, ftuit^ls for butii m ansat lets. pays #a ontgotoi present hands 18 i JT1NG8.—^so modigu self*contaiiMd FLATS, A!n^LE.—STABLING to Let. oloes to station.—Ap­ jiXTA^EDr^cgular Winter i Summer Supply^ e Orest Broosh fit every Begiment In Britito Afmy;i I______I______Bw X psrtopsrtons: m : alio Bed-titting...... ,jro^—Apply ...... 45, Devon* svsrjfthing . practically as tt^ taade, to full wmltia lOontainins two leeefition, foui bedrooms. bathi*~; B ply Wm.. j : Baoeom, 23. HaTelock'Xd., Bastings. :W genuine New lAid Eg^; __prices given any gut. lAftjmaaci^ lA, is. ^ 2i. j o d fu , %m i d . im HIBlTiON OF AN enler; price £375: part dow ^and remainder Mcbai k and scullery (all on oris floor); evety cOQvei .™wfetoSi* 8yo JWhiniad llnot satisfied.; |pr{Tato AfUiafia: GISUATION wanted. Lady BOOK*R£EP£B or ledgm toire-rd. [ (Aide door). BsxhlU. I _ *^^30h quantity.—G. Collins, 269, London 1., S t Leonards.—638 .Ooe,5 FClkerton^rHa uorar. i_____ ■ fo rj^ li hoose.*-TyIsr, 4la. iwt, Hastingy. < tooat. 'first m.x llm.... fiat, w._a rtot---V— £50---- grtoad fl< m H R EB Single ioo^p GARAGES to let in Cambridge ♦•^ ' clejt 4 i-eatt’ «xpeiienoe.-Write D.P.H., 745. npo ieTtomished or unfutnisb^ or three BOOMS. ru t £48; vacant Beptamher qnartar; oIqm t o ------fi0otowater*ro.. St. Leoaardsi.______—o30 rI X with or witooni attendanoe.—A)pply .The — Haven.----- 43, X Mews, Priory4it« Hastings.—For particulars apply M oak Sawtart Sat aaK-Apntri ntPOBTAKT TO SIOCSTAKIIIO. >1 aM oea.^Fori turthar pattiouiais, apply# Cheunell ^ F. Dovis and Oo., Atolord. Kent.. 1 o30 At HASTDfGS STATIOi r QITPATIOX wonted 8# COOK-GENERAL to a unall C ^ w a llrid .. Be2ttll*Ott*8ea. ^ —o3Qb TOT in d QallgwsTv 3S. Havstook-rA. Hsstings. -<-tc4l J . T . hlitoxf How&ra ^ t a t e Offlue, 23, Bavelook*rd., FARMS F O R s a l e . T |) l e t A N D H arttoas. U l L STAPESTKY ______OUKTAINB, 3i~yaial Tto!4a aiYi/*4,aquota reasonableteaaoAa»klw i lequiM from rastanraut adjoiptag; accommooatio I J leaeed__ or sold:______modem______residsoM,, _ eottage_ and,a ~S(> ^ ^ Bl^WBlQHTS. etu: — OMnttfy good AI tospectieg the vebicies, and [the M wnro^Monnt1l.ia Court, Holxrtrtrtfiaa, 8 in ii o30 T nnttndldtaga! taraa acre, oiduida. {two aaipa aiobla, tti LLOES for sale, OOTermnent iSfsetlons, 2)iB. IStbnefield Road, ___ ^ ______.______o30 to Memtaial.—Write F.L.. er** OfilOT, for olienta itoo would oare to avail, theoweivea of somprises 2 sittioga 4 bedrooms, bislh room (h and c., iiesp fOT immediate cleatanee:—Frank. Davis and 'tt b# given te tbo iitol ior itrovuitog Q JTj TUATIO'Mu a CTO^ MQyired,ttQoiredi u troofi COOK.flEJTEEAL. tings. o30 •arviosa. ind klteheu.—A ^ y Hr* Baker, BjOuss Agsntfl^lb Verti faoindar giaasIMd and woodlaiida—ArolT AUiad Dnnk. ~'lway Troops eerrmg witi^ tb3 aa all JpriTot. tam^y. wbero onotber kept, H a rtin n sm-plkce. St. Lsonardi. ' ! ley. Qlytlwiah B^arm. Burwaah. o79a ___^ ^ \retephmfe f-i79 S O ~LET, ^furnisbed. a epfun ions F ro n t B oom . MU$ICAL INSTRUMENTS, hAgY* MS so Pistiy:—8eod for one of our Besfmntal St;: I* ^ a r* I preferred: di«ata*ed Norember Sth; 01^ shop; newly decorated: sunny SRpeot; quiet ~ F on the Looh*Ont few a really btodiiome, eomfortablel T , M O R A N T A N D C 0 „ ^PIN CUSHIONS; ws make tbe crest of any rto letter dnV:r good jntierenoe.—A.'Aser. 23a, Grand Parode, 1 neigbboi^rhv^:^*eiuitab1e for widow or aingls ! la^y.— and modernised______drairiDg*i6om F1 tX T .ssee 92, London itw n stq h : 2#.. 8a. id .,'s o d Se^: po stlfres; postagt SI. l.eCN iT ^.__ii.______A o30 Apply 75r Vicarage-road, Harti_ngs._ . __ .l*-oi0 into, nber Ge Sensingnainr Oeidena;Gardena; openo] views; son all dayi ^ B U A N ' for Bala, in seed oondition, £4, o LAND TO LET, FO R ^LE AND «, SEA ROADp BEXHILL. gas; w.e. an# A-y- offeri—Apply A. Gloiier. 280, Eriory-rd., Hnstinga snta: cash retooed if sot satlsjled.— le qi^ed i^jly as Coo^eoOTal where m o LET, Front Bed-SUtinfMOom; cieoo howey sutta- utting*out verandah;indto; {eleotriototatrie light and . . WANTED.! Folkestone*rtL, Dover. ■ ______, d25 .a dinners; 9s. or I X hV for rest and quietude;Ot w.c.^onw.c. ;on isamq«omq floor;___ _ Afld at CBOTDUN. iparate bathroom.;: plenty of hot] water: heated lln< TiCB IS HEREBY Ita* i? iHtatinge; _?ood references; ags 26,— | aigp conGortablc lodrinsulo p e^ uo expft^ Bpared; inci^ve £50i —OSO O^^SCROSCOPISTSi and Scientist.—Very fine on in o0csu>ationi—A.P., ■|?OB all tl. b«t .TaUabte Tnialebed and Unfnrnii h«i IANO, jin Walnut caw, new maker, gnuailtaad..::?! I______U—- Iwhoiq. it inav cohc6rn r . Hawardeh House, 42}, All Salnte —nl3 pwliH______FLA'T___ to ....Irt, nnfntniej______,___ _ four rotune P Mills. 62. Hytlro-rd.. Ashford. KantT oU CUS3EX.-;X.—47 aorro grass, Tw^th ^ i i r house aad bnild f Bi: iCG^r, with aeSMSotin end -aboht 900 objects URJANS^^.oi .No. il2, ila rillt. a O HOUSES^ettam a: Ifloiiot, AnotiooMr, ] l“ii T \ l flVf'n.'fikli'TT^ _..L_a_te I\n ft^.- insN:ingM: rent £^;~ in to W aboitof £209. £! -o30 — «mhin4f:eabinthe Im...... periai...... Ixkstitnte,...... cost tiw ______—c30 1 O ,L let.- v^via:. hi«bly*reo(»nmetided------ntortable b ill T ib 38A Lncal BaprentiitiTei;. Bomeflndeni. t ;b ticullejy, g « fitting. Cornice polo*, blitidfe, etc. IANOFOUTE. Ap'endid ronditon; room wanted: £8 £l?i'C; to Jie sold than ha’f:| can be oeen la -S fla , WO R1STFB8 seek pest tepether as Useful Bslps in irauM' stcp at dopr;. rent lOft. per week, no taxes.—App^r _____ 1(K*^1<3, Moun; Fleru*ant-rnatnre land, with' you ('ah obtain a higb*clees machine jfor £8 7s. 6d. ions b r engagem ent withoi^t’t l » 4>. to . Weekly inclnelre; 102, Mnuor-id., shop and be use kitchen.—To view, apply to Careta1;or, Norwirod H oimU E^#gc 'and itahle.-For further panicutais apply- tb J. r.^JStubbetfleld, Ixonziicnger, Hajlsham. Large e r ^ l consent' of tiie undev>igny 10a wetoir innlaitre; 14a. HUwaid-id., capital loei-ur ' ’ tc48 SlnvMt at. Vidlfir, Eotate Agent. Cinque Ports-st.; Bye. ■eg of tl ’'fit and parte: repairs a specitiity. a27tae a o p , 7a. weeklr inenw»a.r-£«tar» mauafto, rente col QEIA>C(>NTAINBD FLAT, 1 s ttlnp. 2 bedroome >ii^tited by the eaid Court. u ; It Ml, m J— rALUE.*rImpoTtoot secondhand single 0 o n i diamond l;c te f-A p p ly II. and J . Tailor, 4. S t Andrew'. «q., ^ kitchen, and bathroom; fitted electric light and a1 I lllNOjweifhe nearly 4| carats (gnmnteed], 'War , > d r ; ,Dl TAN HjOETE?' T T N F D H X IS H E P nOOHH t® let in i Hotntyo-toa'TE».’w)>tk Cookinc er Cieani"ii; tbna or four TtUFUBNISHED 5 or — let,' healthy\al7?i!te""w.iL po^ OM mila front Fareneay, lidlcnlbaa low rent for six to.t^N:hr' " St. LEONAEDS.-L« ly*# well furni-hH ) South of Eogtacd.—3. Hermitage t Half*Per«uan GAT strayed.—AMly SO, A m herst^ “ ‘ Sweet ■Wiluamib Pfctotei Kb. a>, Molenstraat, The Hague 9 I » ’ ■ V' /’■.•VI OT hnlMTT*Ijmlf-dTT* %wkiv: '.efMHl wnker:worker; rater.refer*J I V/^ tion, near nest Bt. Bti Matthew*#. M i water Itiden.** or nloa montlte.T.Cnaav 14, jH lgbtet. Tnnbn’d n R ella ^ ee!j[*contained F la t; two reoepi on., four bed, ftatt] |on*st.,'nastinge;“ and...... 26 and < St. I hbreiia, ritoclta, l.njfina; s' r r j. I8r Stonefiewl-roatl. Ha^tinga. —q^q 1 Apply (privatSL door),. S t JtPooJU^ kiioh^, every convenience; south aspect; cloeo Se ^ B exhia. J oSf doi,, 4a> p«r IW,—Loatat Octo^r,T915i -H>S0 X > T E (in Tillage, 2 miltei Iftnnl.—Detaolied _ IvoruE rent 55s. wcokly.—Birch am 1 Company, 74, Nni ■&tANO iPLATEBlS, aCTcrol. ira n tly tiWaj OSTJ lOn. Bevrardi Gold and IPeOTl. Beait^h^ti “ M artini ■A ^ *?•? ^A-itrD. ftltu»rion hs]HOil^;,T^M.UD or Hor'r»*)r*nNrd. Off* 21. 5 reftiA’ rcterence; £18*22• I T T N P v ^ N B B S D ROOMS to! Iste teWr , :ae; J * COTP.'AGE,, contmnlng ' S Irodrpom .eitSbe.r X ohengjft, tram £15 to clear.*^. H erm itace j L FtBOOF COVERS. , r • •*M« on ItexhUl.—F.A.. 50. A l^-terrace,se, Bilvei^BiVftf^ I ^Vi etotral — p Mitlon.—Applyif**— »— *_ ato^aifider.^ i ai_.v»„ —■*- King and ^ n . £18"—Appl/'tolBftriMB] Q F.tiK I s t a i n e d f l a t s . 1. latotoo-crweent. lOi 30. RohertapDwt., H astings; and 26 and 28. 8t. lllrapta «nNrfU. _.-nlj I Hntoli«i*, n . W eB ihaton^aea, |B|a»HnBa T i*«4 and Colyer, Anctloneert, B vA o50r l y and 12a. 6d. incliw v#: hemsea ftcsn Ift. Inolusivei rd.. Bexhlfl. ^ ^half-irroira BUrk Perafah^tten;—&. 92a. (A.; and an OBt fnad ctovenitot poaitlon: large premUm , suit worka, garagH T T H riO W wmild jglri OTrrice» io rHuro bem et I t rN FO EN lB l ! b AFAH'___ _ to_____ let, _____ largs'____ plea- XifWflRS. T. E. HARDl^iind Cc^ Auctibneeri and T Y T A N T m GRAM OPHONE, with recordsj in good on returning him to 43.1 Btaw^ock*ro^ [to 4d.rpofktet ptediew'rk. or would look after I ^ «toi «x attendance I g ^ it dMlredt bath* H o ftin n , Itavc the Placaj Hartiniea. n6| I r ^ fianria, road*'to m aiae,^ fa. gd. p* ' teYv'd* eapsbet welbrecommended.—K 27, **Obeerv«r** ypom 0 0 1- “-“ loor; tenge very ^^DOfisrata—it, Eireisle^ foUowtog pnmerties to le t:—' xtooe to A P. 313/ ** Observer” Office. H aslingil o30 T |hS; REW,FBD.~Loai— ------_ bn ^ — 17th,Va doubly _ , HsAttosS. rad.. ~BasUlL -rojaS) I------f a i 'Qt7EEN*8 Q UEEN ’S .ROAD;------oapltol shop with ionse' rjpW pi Superior ftelf-containW FI iSkio to let, unfor Avr chain;hain Gold,Gold. Curb Rmccl^Rmcclet, a valnatde rntai chtoto kinda kept—H. J. naaaoiij Goaa%nea> J - v X # _ o v e r; re s t £45. t . X , bifdiefT. each containing two reception, three bed owner, J^we^D Haatinge Pier Parifioirstaf 46,' Quc.-.„ ■rotcL■»?* . _ ___ ■ -1 . • - aM ViifAIiTElf. alfrtaatiea oa MAID or Xnne Attendant: n tK N T * . roOTiwl batln kitchei>: good ennny ik sition* St. Leoaerdfj y>i "iMdie oato: Cniam nnl^t Cbnrch of Eoglaod.— 1 2 0 . BOHEJHA BO^D, batcher’s shop and. h(^ road. Wboerer 'will return the samelto the above addk^ Ib yfiia. LARCH i 5«rto llrt.: riawt IM. i t _ ^ - rent £35. i to rd e i: i>0 rhiMren.—Further par ;icnlftT». apply CfVp PERSONAL, will teiefere the! nbuve reward. ‘ fur sale.*^F. Dari# and Oo., Aiihfoifi. Kwfrf Apply, to HaaUay. Baitfadahiro Connlescent Hosna atiOT^toea—ttirvaaterbnrr-td.: MOXJJ^ ROApejDU- garry.l EltaMlsa*rd.. -St. Lecnarde._ —o30 ■ 84. rl.ssvnaida' y ., . i-i'.- _ —.30 capital { loi Jt-upl jtoSnBEWAHD.^Lcst.. on F r^ i. October 22ndj at „ ■ . . ; ' #9Q


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