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قائمة المندوبين والمراقبين 代表和观察员名单






主 席 Chairperson : Mr Le Mamea Ropati Mualia (Samoa) Président Председатель Presidente

نواب الرئيس 副主席 : Sr. Claudio Javier Rozencwaig (Argentina) Vice-Chairpersons : M. Serge Tomasi (France) Vice-présidents Заместители Председателя : Mr Majid Dehghan-Shoar (Islamic Republic of Iran) Vicepresidentes

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Head of Delegation Chef de délégation Mr Asadullah ZAMIR M. Abdelkader KADI Minister for Agriculture, Irrigation Ministre de l'agriculture et du développement and Livestock rural Kabul Alger رئيس الوفد السيد عبد القادر قاضي (Alternate(s وزير الفالحة والتنمية الريفية Ms Sohaila NOORI Chargé d'Affaires and Acting Ambassador الجزائر Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Rome Suppléant(s) M. Rachid MARIF Mr Abdul Razak AYAZI Ambassadeur Agriculture Attaché Représentant permanent auprès de la FAO Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome مناوب )مناوبون( Rome السيد رشيد معاريف السفير Mr Mohammad Hamed KHURASANI الممثل الدائم لدى المنظمة Third Secretary روما Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome M. Mohamed Seghir NOUAL Mr Payam AZIZ Directeur général des Forêts Senior Advisor to the Minister Ministère de l’agriculture et du Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation développement rural and Livestock Alger السيد محمد الصغير Kabul مدير عام الغابات وزارة الفالحة والتنمية الريفية Mr Shakir MAJEEDI Strategic Planning Advisor الجزائر Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation

and Livestock M. Toufik DJOUAMA Kabul Sous-directeur de la programmation de la

coopération avec les fonds, programmes et ALBANIA - ALBANIE Institutions spécialisées du Système des

Nations Unies Head of Delegation Ministère des Affaires étrangères Mr Neritan CEKA Alger Ambassador السيد توفيق دجواما Permanent Representative to FAO نائب مدير البرمجة التعاون مع الصناديق والبرامج Rome والمؤسسات المتخصصة التابعة لمنظومة األمم المتحدة وزارة الخارجية الجزائر 2 C 2015

Mme Fatiha BAGHOUS ANDORRA - ANDORRE Chargée d’études et de synthèse Ministère de l’agriculture Chef de délégation et du développement rural M. Landry RIBA Alger Directeur de l'Agriculture ,Ministère de l'environnement السيدة فتيحة باجوص de l'agriculture et de la durabilité مسؤولة عن الدراسات والمؤلفات Andorre-la-Vieille وزارة الزراعة والتنمية الريفية مدينة الجزائر Suppléant(s) Mme Meritxell ROQUET M. Abdelhakim AMMOUCHE Chef du Service des exploitations et des Ministre Conseiller structures agricoles Représentant permanent adjoint auprès de Ministère de l'environnement, la FAO de l'agriculture et de la durabilité Rome Andorre-la-Vieille السيد عبد الحكيم عماموش

ANGOLA مستشار الوزير الممثل الدائم لدى المنظمة Chef de délégation روما M. Afonso Pedro CANGA M. Mohamed MELLAH Ministre de l'agriculture Ministre Plénipotentiaire Luanda Représentant permanent suppléant auprès de la FAO Suppléant(s) Rome M. Florêncio DE CONCEIÇÃO E ALMEIDA السيد محمد مالح Ambassadeur الوزير المفوض Représentant permanent auprès de la FAO الممثل الدائم المناوب لدى المنظمة Rome روما

Mme Karima BOUBEKEUR M. David TUNGA Secrétaire Directeur du Cabinet de Sécurité Alimentaire Représentant permanent suppléant auprès de Ministère de l’agriculture la FAO Luanda Rome M. Tomás CAETANO السيدة كريمة بوبكر Directeur général السكرتير Institut des forêts الممثل الدائم المناوب لدى المنظمة Ministère de l’agriculture Luanda روما

M. Abdelkader KHELIFA Mme Dulce GOMES Chargé d'études Ministre Conseiller Ministère de l'agriculture Représentant Permanent Suppléant auprès de et du développement rural la FAO Alger Rome السيد عبد القادر خليفة M. Carlos Alberto AMARAL مسؤول عن الدراسات Conseiller وزارة الفالحة والتنمية الريفية Représentant Permanent Suppléant auprès de الجزائر la FAO Rome

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M. Joaquim GUSTAVO Sra. Norma MADEO Conseiller de presse Subsecretaría de Comunicación Institucional Ministère de l'agriculture Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca Luanda Buenos Aires

Mme Stella MONTEIRO Sr. Roberto A. SALAFIA Technique Director Nacional de Negociaciones Cabinet des relations internationales Económicas Multilaterales Ministère de l'agriculture Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto Luanda Buenos Aires

M. Luis BORGES Sra. Veronica CARIDE Assistant du Ministre Directora Nacional Ministère de l'agriculture Relaciones Agroalimentarias Internacionales Luanda Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca Buenos Aires M. Noé CALVINO Assistant Sr. Roberto BILLARD Ambassade de la République d'Angola Coordinador Rome Unidad Ministro Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca ARGENTINA - ARGENTINE Buenos Aires

Jefe de Delegación Sra. Liliana ROCHE Sra. Cristina FERNÁNDEZ DE KIRCHNER Directora de Tratados Presidenta de la República Argentina Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto Buenos Aires Suplente(s) Sr. Héctor TIMERMAN Sr. Gustavo INFANTE Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto Ministro Plenipotenciario Buenos Aires Representante Permanente Adjunto ante la FAO Sr. Carlos CASAMIQUELA Roma Ministro de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca Buenos Aires Sra. Andrea S. REPETTI Consejera Sr. Javier L. RODRIGUEZ Representante Permanente Alterna ante Secretario de Coordinación Político- la FAO Institucional y Emergencia Agropecuaria Roma Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca Buenos Aires Sr. Manrique Lucio ALTAVISTA Secretario de Embajada Sr. Claudio J. ROZENCWAIG Representante Permanente Alterno ante Embajador la FAO Representante Permanente ante la FAO Roma Roma Sr. Nazareno C. MONTANI CAZABAT Sr. Héctor ESPINA Secretario de Embajada Jefe de Gabinete Representante Permanente Alterno ante Unidad Ministro la FAO Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca Roma Buenos Aires Sra. Norma PENSEL Sra. Carla SEAIN Asesora Subsecretaría de Coordinación Politica Jefatura de Gabinete Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca Buenos Aires Buenos Aires 4 C 2015

Sr. Lucas CANDIA Ms Rosemary NAVARRETE Dirección de Negociaciones Multilaterales Adviser (Agriculture) Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca Embassy of Australia Buenos Aires Rome

Sr. Pablo J. RODRIGUEZ BRIZUELA Mr Guy SUMMERS Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto Director Buenos Aires Multilateral Policy Section Department of Agriculture ARMENIA - ARMÉNIE Canberra

Head of Delegation Ms Monica ALLAMI Mr Sergo KARAPETYAN Assistant Director Minister for Agriculture Multilateral Policy Sections Yerevan Department of Agriculture Canberra Alternate(s) Mr Andranik PETROSYAN Mr Samuel BEEVER Deputy Minister for Agriculture Counsellor (Development) Yerevan Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Mr Sargis GHAZARYAN Ambassador Extraordinary and Ms Amelia FYFIELD Plenipotentiary Representative Embassy of Armenia Victoria State Rome AUSTRIA - AUTRICHE Mr Arman HOVHANNISYAN Second Secretary Head of Delegation Embassy of Armenia Mr Andrä RUPPRECHTER Rome Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management AUSTRALIA - AUSTRALIE Vienna

Head of Delegation Alternate(s) Ms Jo EVANS Mr Maximilian HENNIG Deputy Secretary Cabinet of the Federal Minister Department of Agriculture Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Canberra Environment and Water Management Vienna Alternate(s) Mr Mike RANN Ms Magdalena RAUSCHER-WEBER Ambassador Cabinet of the Federal Minister Permanent Representative to FAO Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Rome Environment and Water Management Vienna Mr Matthew WORRELL Minister Counsellor (Agriculture) Ms Natalie FEISTRITZER Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Counsellor (Agricultural Affairs) Rome Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Mr John Anthony Gerard MC CARTHY Ambassador Ms Ursula SCHWARTZ Embassy of Australia to the Holy See International Agricultural and Trade Policy Rome Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Vienna C 2015 5

AZERBAIJAN - AZERBAÏDJAN - BANGLADESH AZERBAIYÁN Head of Delegation Head of Delegation Mr Qamrul ISLAM Mr Heydar ASADOV Minister for Food Minister for Agriculture Dhaka Baku Alternate(s) Alternate(s) Mr Shahdat HOSSAIN Mr Vaqif SADIQOV Ambassador Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Rome Mr Mafizur RAHMAN Mr Zaur GADIMALIYEV Counsellor (Economic Affairs) Second Secretary Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Rome Mr Mohammad Rafiqul ALAM Mr Rufat RUSTAMZADE Counsellor Chief of State Services Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Agricultural Projects and Loans Management Rome Services Ministry of Agriculture Mr Ashadul ISLAM Baku Additional Secretary Embassy of the People's Republic of Mr Rashad MAJIDOV Bangladesh Head Rome International Cooperation Department Ministry of Agriculture BARBADOS - BARBADE Baku Head of Delegation Mr Elshan ALIYEV Mr David ESTWICK Assistant to the Minister for Agriculture Minister for Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Baku Water Resource Management Bridgetown BAHAMAS Alternate(s) Head of Delegation Mr Lennox CHANDLER Mr Godfrey ENEAS Deputy Permanent Secretary Ambassador Ministry of Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Permanent Representative to FAO Water Resource Management Geneva Bridgetown


Head of Delegation Head of Delegation Mr Hussain ALMAHMOOD Ms Lyudmila NIZHEVICH Chargé d'Affaires a.i. Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Food Bahrain Embassy Minsk Paris (Alternate(s رئيس الوفد Mr Evgeny SHESTAKOV السيد حسين المحمود Ambassador القائم باألعمال بالنيابة Permanent Representative to FAO سفارة البحرين Rome باريس 6 C 2015

Mr Evgeny SOBOLEVSKY BENIN - BÉNIN First Counsellor Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Chef de délégation Rome M. Azizou EL-HADJ ISSA Ministre de l'agriculture, de l'élevage et de la Mr Vladimir KORONETS pêche First Secretary Cotonou Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Suppléant(s) Mme Rosemonde YAKOUBOU Mr Aleg YERMALOVICH Ambassadeur Director Représentant permanent auprès de la FAO Directorate for Economic Cooperation Rome and Sustainable Development Ministry of Foreign Affairs M. Joel AGOSSOU Minsk Premier Secrétaire Représentant permanent suppléant auprès de Ms Svetlana SKALABAN la FAO Head Rome Finance and Accounting Department Ministry of Agriculture and Food Mme Adjiri Emilienne AGOSSA Minsk Attaché Représentante permanente suppléante auprès BELGIUM - BELGIQUE - BÉLGICA de la FAO Rome Chef de délégation M. Guy BERINGHS M. Assogba HODONOU Ministre Conseiller Directeur de la programmation et de la Représentant permanent adjoint auprès de la prospective FAO Ministère de l'agriculture, de l'élevage et de la Rome pêche Cotonou Suppléant(s) Mme Catherine GIGANTE BHUTAN - BHOUTAN - BHUTÁN Attachée Direction générale Coopération au Head of Delegation Développement et Aide Humanitaire Mr Daw PENJO Bruxelles Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Mme Lieselot GERMONPREZ Geneva Attachée Ambassade de Belgique BOLIVIA (PLURINATIONAL STATE OF) - Rome BOLIVIE (ÉTAT PLURINATIONAL DE) - BOLIVIA (ESTADO PLURINACIONAL DE) BELIZE - BELICE Jefe de Delegación Head of Delegation Sra. Nemesia ACHACOLLO TOLA Ms Perla PERDOMO Ministra de Desarrollo Rural y Tierras High Commissioner of Belize to the United La Paz Kingdom London Suplente(s) Sr. Antolin AYAVIRI GOMEZ Embajador Representante Permanente ante la FAO Roma

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Sra. Roxana OLLER CATOIRA Alternate(s) Segundo Secretario Ms Oemetse Sally NKOANE Representante Permanente Alterno ante Deputy Permanent Secretary la FAO Ministry of Agriculture Roma Gaborone

Sr. Luis SÁNCHEZ GÓMEZ Mr Michael MANOWE Encargato de Negocios a.i. Agriculture Attaché Embajada del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia Permanent Mission of the Republic of Roma Botswana to the United Nations Geneva Sr. Ramiro VILLARPANDO Director General de Planificación - BRÉSIL - BRASIL Ministerio de Desarrollo Rural y Tierras La Paz Head of Delegation Mr Mauro Luiz LECKER VIEIRA Sr. Carlos PEÑA Minister for External Relations Funcionario de la Oficina de Prensa de la Brasilia Ministra de Desarrollo Rural y Tierras La Paz Alternate(s) Mr Personal de apoyo Minister for Fisheries and Aquaculture Sr. Erick FUENTES FIGUEREDO Brasilia Auxiliar Administrativo Embajada del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia Ms Tereza GABRIELLI BARRETO Roma CAMPELLO Minister for Social Development and Fight Sra. María Eugenia GAZAUI Against Hunger Asistente Brasilia Embajada del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia Roma Ms Kátia Regina DE ABREU Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Food BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA - Supply BOSNIE-HERZÉGOVINE - Brasilia BOSNIA Y HERZEGOVINA Mr DE SOUZA Head of Delegation Minister for Agrarian Development Mr Nerkez ARIFHODZIC Brasilia Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Mr Aroldo CEDRAZ Rome President of the Federal Court of Accounts Brasilia Alternate(s) Ms Vesela PLANINIC Ms Maria Laura DA ROCHA Minister Conselor Ambassador Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Rome

Mr Antonio Otávio SÁ RICARTE BOTSWANA Minister Counsellor

Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Head of Delegation Rome Mr Patrick Pule RALOTSIA Minister for Agriculture Mr Denis FONTES DE SOUZA PINTO Gaborone Ambassador Embassy of Brazil to the Holy See Rome 8 C 2015

Mr Márcio Florencio NUNES CAMBRAIA Mr Sergio PODGORNIK ABRAMOVICI Consul-General of Brazil Attaché Rome Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Mr Ricardo NEIVA TAVARES Ambassador Ms Claudia BORBA MACIEL Embassy of Brazil to the Republic of Italy Head Rome International Office Ministry of Social Development and Fight Mr Olyntho VIEIRA Against Hunger Minister Brasilia Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Ms Cristina TIMPONI CAMBIAGHI Head Mr Luiz Maria PIO CORREA International Affairs and Trade Promotion Counsellor Office Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Ministry of Agrarian Development Rome Brasilia

Ms Larissa Maria LIMA COSTA Mr Arnoldo CAMPOS Third Secretary Secretary Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Food and Nutrition Security Rome Ministry of Social Development and Fight Against Hunger Ms Candice VIANNA Brasilia Secretary Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Mr Thiago POGGIO PADUA Rome First Secretary Ministry of External Relations Mr Marcio BEZERRA DOS SANTOS Brasilia Secretary Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Mr Fabio HAZIN Rome National Secretary for Fisheries Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture Ms Roberta Maria LIMA FERREIRA Brasilia Secretary Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Mr Leandro ZENNI ESTEVÃO Rome Counsellor Embassy of Brazil Ms Fernanda MANSUR TANSINI Rome Secretary Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Mr Daniel MACHADO DA FONSECA Rome First Secretary Embassy of Brazil Ms Maria Helena LOPES ZEREDO Rome Attaché Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Mr Gustavo CUNHA WESTMANN Rome Secretary Embassy of Brazil Ms Leila MAGARINOS TORRES Rome TAVARES Attaché Mr Junnius MARQUES ARIFA Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Secretary Rome Environmental Affairs Federal Court of Accounts Brasilia

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Ms Tatiana PALERMO Alternate(s) Secretary Mr Lubomir IVANOV International Relations for Agribusiness Ambassador Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Permanent Representative to FAO Supply Rome Brasilia Mr Dimitar FILIPOV Mr André SOUZA MACHADO CORTEZ Director Secretary Human Rights Directorate Embassy of Brazil Ministry of Foreign Affairs Rome Sofia

Ms Sonia Maria RIBEIRO BALEOTTI Ms Silvia GEORGIEVA Attaché Head of Monitoring, Coordination and Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Control Rome Paying Agency Directorate Ministry of Agriculture and Food Mr Marco Aurelio LOPES FILHO Sofia Advisor Humanitarian International Cooperation Ms Petya STELIYANOVA Ministry for External Relations Head of International Relations Department Brasilia European Coordination and International Relations Directorate Mr Norberto MORETTI Ministry of Agriculture and Food Ministry of External Relations Sofia Brasilia BURKINA FASO Mr Caio Flávio NORONHA E RAIMUNDO Secretary Chef de délégation Embassy of Brazil M. François d'Assise YAMEOGO Rome Consul général Milan Mr Marco SPARANO Secretary Suppléant(s) Embassy of Brazil Mme Alice Gisèle SIDIBE-ANAGO Rome Chef du département de l'economie rural et de l’environnement au Premier Ministère Mr João Paulo TAVARES FERNANDEZ Ouagadougou Secretary Embassy of Brazil Mme Aoua TOURE-SAKO Rome Premier Conseiller Représentante permanente suppléante auprès Ms Cynthia VARGAS BUGANÉ de la FAO Minister Rome Embassy of Brazil Rome BURUNDI

BULGARIA - BULGARIE Chef de délégation M. Justine NISUBIRE Head of Delegation Ambassadeur Mr Vassil GROUDEV Représentant permanent auprès de la FAO Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Food Rome Sofia

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Suppléant(s) Mr So Khan RITHYKUN M. Jean Bosco NDINDURUVUGO General Directorate of Agriculture Premier Conseiller Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Représentant permanent suppléant auprès de Fisheries la FAO Phnom Penh Rome CAMEROON - CAMEROUN - CAMERÚN CABO VERDE Chef de délégation Chef de délégation M. Menye ESSIMI Mme Eva Verona Teixera ANDRADE Ministre de l'agriculture et du développement ORTET rural Ministre du Développement Rural Yaoundé Praia Suppléant(s) Suppléant(s) M. Dominique AWONO ESSAMA Mme Sónia MARTINS LOPES Ambassadeur Conseillère Représentant permanent auprès de la FAO Représentante permanente adjointe auprès Rome de la FAO Rome M. Moungui MÉDI Deuxième conseiller Mme Carla Helena MARQUES TAVARES Représentant permanent adjoint auprès de Directrice générale de l'agriculture et du la FAO développement rural Rome Ministère du développement rural Praia Mme Sylvie ONANA BILOUNGA Chargée d'études M. Clarimundo DE PINA GONÇALVES Services du Premier Ministre Directeur général dela planification, du Yaoundé budget et de gestion Ministère du développement rural M. Patrick MVONDO NNA Praia Directeur des études, des programmes et de la coopération CAMBODIA - CAMBODGE - CAMBOYA Ministère de l'agriculture et du développement rural Head of Delegation Yaoundé Mr Ouk RABUN

Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Mme Renée De Grace WEULASSAGOU Fisheries Chef de division Phnom Penh Ministère de l'élevage, des pêches et des Alternate(s) industries animales Mr Mam AM NOT Yaoundé Secretary of State Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries CANADA - CANADÁ Phnom Penh Head of Delegation Mr Eang SOPHALLETH Mr Frédéric SEPPEY Under Secretary of State Director-General Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Trade Agreements and Negotiations Phnom Penh Directorate Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Mr Rany VIREAK Ottawa Deputy Director Department of International Cooperation Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Phnom Penh C 2015 11

Alternate(s) CHAD - TCHAD Mr Peter MC GOVERN Ambassador Chef de délégation Permanent Representative to FAO M. Patcha OUMAR Rome Inspecteur Général Représentant de la Ministre de l'agriculture et Ms Mi NGUYEN de l'environnement Counsellor N'Djaména Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Suppléant(s) M. Kakiang LAGNABA Mr Eric ROBINSON Secrétaire Général Adjoint Counsellor (Agricultural Affairs) Ministère de l'agriculture et de Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO l'environnement Rome N'Djaména

Mr Daryl NEARING M. Koye DJONDANG Deputy Director Directeur général Multilateral Relations Division Institut tchadien de recherche agronomique Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada pour le développement (ITRAD) Ottawa N'Djaména

Ms Hilary ROBINSON M. Mahamat Abdoulaye ALI Senior Medical Consultant Directeur national Health Security Infrastructure Branch Office national de développement rural Public Health Agency (ONDR) Ottawa N'Djaména

Ms Courtney HOOD CHILE - CHILI Programme Officer Canadian Embassy Jefe de Delegación Rome Sr. Carlos FURCHE Ministro de Agricultura Mr Chris MC EWEN Santiago Junior Officer Canadian Embassy Suplente(s) Rome Sr. Fernando AYALA Embajador CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC - Representante Permanente ante la FAO RÉPUBLIQUE CENTRAFRICAINE - Roma REPÚBLICA CENTROAFRICANA Sra. Alejandra GUERRA Chef de délégation Consejero M. David BANZOKOU Representante Permanente Adjunto ante Ministre du développement rural la FAO Bangui Roma

Suppléant(s) Sr. Antonio BAYAS M. Mahamat TAIB YACOUB Encargado de Organismos Económicos Ministre Délégué à l'élevage Internacionales Bangui Dirección de Política Multilateral Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores M. Désiré YASSIGAO Santiago Directeur de Cabinet Bangui

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Sra. Bárbara GUTIERREZ Mr LI Ruiyu Directora Ambassador Fundación de Comunicaciones, Capacitación Embassy of the People’s Republic of China y Cultura del Agro Rome Ministerio de Agricultura 李瑞宇先生 Santiago 中国驻意大利大使 罗马 Sra. Loreto MERY

Subdirectora Comisión Nacional de Riego Mr NIU Dun Ambassador Ministerio de Agricultura Permanent Representative to FAO Santiago Rome Sr. Alex BARRIL 牛盾先生 Asesor del Ministro de Agricultura en 常驻粮农组织代表 Cooperación Internacional 大使 Santiago 罗马

Sra. Margarita VIGNEAUX Mr GUO Wei Asesora (Materias Agrícolas y Comerciales) Director-General Embajada de Chile State Council Roma Beijing

郭玮先生 CHINA – CHINE – 中国 国务院 Head of Delegation 司长 Mr WANG Yang 北京 Vice Premier Beijing Mr WU Xiangren 代表团团长 Vice Director-General 汪洋先生 State Council 副总理 Beijing 北京 吴相仁先生 国务院 Alternate(s) 副司长 Mr HAN Changfu 北京 Minister for Agriculture Beijing Mr LI Xiangchun 代表团成员 Secretary to the Vice Premier 韩长赋先生 Beijing 农业部部长 李相春先生 北京 副总理秘书 北京 Mr WANG Chao Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr CHEN Guoyou Beijing Vice Director-General 王超先生 European Affairs Department 外交部副部长 Ministry of Foreign Affairs 北京 Beijing 陈国友先生 Mr Jinglin HU 外交部欧洲司 Vice Minister for Finance 副司长 Beijing 北京 胡静林先生

财政部副部长 北京 C 2015 13

Mr QU Sixi Mr WANG Lianhai Vice Director-General Director Department of International Cooperation State Council Ministry of Agriculture Beijing Beijing 汪连海先生 屈四喜先生 国务院 农业部 处长 国际合作司 北京 副司长 北京 Ms LIU Yuanyuan Deputy Director of Protocol Ms YAN Jiarong Ministry of Foreign Affairs Counsellor of Information Beijing Ministry of Foreign Affairs 刘原媛女士 Beijing 外交部礼宾司 严家蓉女士 副处长 外交部 北京 新闻司参赞 北京 Ms WEN Xinna Third Secretary of Protocol Mr ZHANG Wei Minister of Foreign Affairs Counsellor of Protocol Beijing Ministry of Foreign Affairs 文欣娜女士 Beijing 外交部礼宾司 张卫先生 三秘 外交部 北京 礼宾司参赞 北京 Mr KONG Lingzhu Director Mr ZHANG Jiangbo Central Security Bureau Director Beijing State Council 孔令柱先生 Beijing 中央警卫局 张江波先生 处长 国务院 北京 处长 北京 Mr LIU Junyong Secretary to Minister for Agriculture Ms LI Yun Beijing Director of European Affairs 刘均勇先生 Ministry of Foreign Affairs 农业部秘书 Beijing 北京 李昀女士 外交部 Mr LI Xiaoyong 欧洲处处长 First Secretary 北京 Embassy of the People's Republic of China Rome 李小勇 中华人民共和国大使馆 一秘 罗马

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Mr ZHU Xiahan Mr LUO Ming Attaché Division Chief Embassy of the People's Republic of China Department of International Cooperation Rome Ministry of Agriculture 朱夏寒先生 Beijing 中华人民共和国大使馆 罗鸣先生 随员 农业部国际合作司 罗马 处长 北京 Mr ZHANG Chi Counsellor Mr ZHAO Lijun Embassy of the People's Republic of China Deputy Division Chief Rome Department of International Cooperation 张弛先生 Ministry of Agriculture 中华人民共和国大使馆 Beijing 赵立军先生 参赞 农业部国际合作司 罗马 副处长 Mr ZHU Huaxi 北京 Third Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr TANG Kuancheng Beijing Second Secretary Department of International Economic 祝华希先生 Affairs 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs 三秘 Beijing 北京 唐宽城先生 外交部国际经济司 Mr ZHANG Hongfei 二秘 Attaché 北京 Embassy of the People's Republic of China Rome Mr FU Liheng 张鸿飞先生 Officer 中华人民共和国大使馆 Department of Agriculture 随员 Ministry of Finance 罗马 Beijing 傅丽衡先生 Mr LIU Qi 财政部农业司 Secretary to the Ambassador 官员 Embassy of the People's Republic to China 北京 Rome

刘琦先生 Mr NIE Chuang 中华人民共和国大使馆 First Secretary 大使秘书 Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO 罗马 Rome 聂闯先生 Mr XIE Jianmin 常驻粮农组织代表处 Counsellor 一秘 Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO 罗马 Rome

谢建民先生 常驻粮农组织副代表 参赞 罗马 C 2015 15

Ms SHEN Liping Sr. Felipe STEINER FRASER First Secretary Primer Secretario Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Representante Permanente Alterno ante Rome la FAO 沈立萍女士 Roma 常驻粮农组织代表处 一秘 Sra. Wanda VARGAS Pasante 罗马 Embajada de la República de Colombia

Roma Mr LU Daguang First Secretary CONGO Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Chef de délégation 路大光先生 M. Rigobert MABOUNDOU 常驻粮农组织代表处 Ministre de l'agriculture et de l'élevage 一秘 Brazzaville 罗马 Suppléant(s) Mr XU Yubo M. Mamadou KAMARA DEKAMO Second Secretary Ambassadeur Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Représentant permanent auprès de la FAO Rome Rome 徐玉波先生 M. Marc MANKOUSSOU 常驻粮农组织代表处 Conseiller 二秘 Représentant permanent suppléant auprès de 罗马 la FAO Rome Ms TIAN Jiani Third Secretary M. Joseph OSSIBI Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Directeur des études et du financement des Rome projets au Fonds de soutien à l'agriculture 田佳妮女士 Brazzaville 常驻粮农组织代表处 三秘 M. David MASSAMBA 罗马 Premier Secrétaire Ambassade de la République du Congo COLOMBIA - COLOMBIE Rome

Jefe de Delegación Mme Marthe NDOT DENGUET Sr. Hernán Miguel ROMÁN CALDERÓN Attaché Viceministro de Asuntos Agropecuarios Cabinet du Président de la République Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural Brazzaville Bogotá M. Ghislain Maulier MAYINDOU Suplente(s) Attaché Sr. Juan Sebastián BETANCUR Relations Publiques Embajador Ministère de l'agriculture et de l'élevage Representante Permanente ante la FAO Brazzaville Roma M. Alphonse IKONGA ITOUA Sr. Juan Carlos SARMIENTO UMBARILA Attaché de Presse Ministro Consejero Ministère de l'agriculture et de l'élevage Representante Permanente Adjunto ante Brazzaville la FAO Roma 16 C 2015

M. Rufin BIDOUNGA Mme Marie-Hortense GUEI SEKOUET Conseiller Technique Chargée d'études Cabinet du Chef d’Etat Ambassade de la République de Côte d'Ivoire Brazzaville Rome

COOK ISLANDS – ÎLES COOK – Mme Mireille M'BAYIA ISLAS COOK Chef de cabinet Ministère de l'Agriculture Head of Delegation Abidjan Mr William WIGMORE Director of Research M. Seydou CISSÉ Ministry of Agriculture Conseiller Rarotonga Représentant permanent adjoint auprès de la FAO COSTA RICA Rome

Jefe de Delegación M. Kouame KANGA Sr. José Joaquín SALAZAR ROJAS Conseiller Viceministro de Agricultura y Ganadería Représentant permanent adjoint auprès de San José la FAO Rome Suplente(s) Sr. Marco Vinicio VARGAS PERERIRA Mme Wrolly Danielle SEPE SERY Embajador Conseiller Representante Permanente ante la FAO Représentant permanent suppléant auprès de Roma la FAO Rome Sra. Estela BLANCO SOLIS Ministra Consejera M. Brédoumy S.T. KOUASSI Representante Permanente Adjunto ante Directeur général de la Production et de la la FAO Sécurité Alimentaire Roma Ministère de l'Agriculture Abidjan Sr. Luis Fernando CECILIANO PIEDRA Consejero M. Kouadio Jean YAO Representante Permanente Alterno ante Conseiller Technique la FAO Communication et des Relations Publiques Roma Abidjan

CÔTE D'IVOIRE M. Amani George Lopez KOFFI Chargé de Communication Chef de délégation Ministère des Ressources animales et M. Mamadou Sangafowa COULIBALY halieutiques Ministre de l'Agriculture Abidjan Abidjan CROATIA - CROATIE - CROACIA Suppléant(s) M. Kouassi A. KOBENAN Head of Delegation Ministre des Ressources animales et Mr Ilija ZELALIC halieutiques Minister Counsellor Abidjan Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Mme Janine TAGLIANTE-SARACINO Ambassadeur Représentante permanente auprès de la FAO Rome C 2015 17

Alternate(s) Alternate(s) Mr Domagoj LIVLJANIC Mr George POULIDES Third Secretary Ambassador Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Rome

CUBA Mr Spyridon ELLINAS Agricultural Attaché Jefe de Delegación Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Sr. Gustavo RODRÍGUEZ ROLLERO Rome Ministro de Agricultura La Habana CZECH REPUBLIC - RÉPUBLIQUE TCHÈQUE - REPÚBLICA CHECA Suplente(s) Sra. Alba Beatriz SOTO PIMENTEL Head of Delegation Embajadora Ms Jaroslava BENES SPALKOVA Representante Permanente ante la FAO Deputy Minister for Agriculture Roma Prague

Sra. Maricela DIAZ RODRIGUEZ Alternate(s) Directora de Ciencia en Innovación Mr Jozef SPANIK Ministerio de la Agricultura Counsellor La Habana Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Sr. Idalberto CAPOTE HURTADO Director de Colaboración Internacional Mr Petr JEZEK Ministerio de Agricultura Director-General La Habana Ministry of Agriculture Prague Sr. Frank CASTAÑEDA Director de Cultivos Varios Ms Hana SEVCIKOVA Ministerio de Agricultura Director La Habana Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid Department Sra. Silvia Maria ALVAREZ ROSSELL Ministry of Foreign Affairs Primer Secretario Prague Representante Permanente Adjunto ante la FAO Mr Michal KULÍK Roma Expert Trade and International Cooperation Sr. Luís Alberto MARIN LLANES Department Tercer Secretario Ministry of Agriculture Representante Permanente Alterno ante Prague la FAO Roma DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF KOREA - RÉPUBLIQUE POPULAIRE CYPRUS - CHYPRE - CHIPRE DÉMOCRATIQUE DE CORÉE - REPÚBLICA POPULAR DEMOCRÁTICA Head of Delegation DE COREA Mr Nicos KOUYIALIS Minister for Environment and Rural Head of Delegation Development Mr Chun Guk KIM Nicosia Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Rome

18 C 2015

Alternate(s) Alternate(s) Mr Kwang Hyok PANG Mr Birger RIIS-JORGENSEN Counsellor Ambassador Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Rome

Mr Jong Hyok KIM Ms Vibeke Gram MORTENSEN Second Secretary Counsellor Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Rome

Mr Tae Song HAN Mr Mogens KJØRUP Deputy Director-General Minister Counsellor International Organizations Department Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Ministry of Foreign Affairs Copenhagen Pyongyang

Ms Charlotte Raae TEODONIO Mr Chol Min KIM Economic Attaché Coordinator Embassy of Denmark National Committee for FAO Rome Rome

DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE Ms Simone Gundtoft SIMONSEN CONGO - RÉPUBLIQUE Multilateral Intern DÉMOCRATIQUE DU CONGO - Embassy of Denmark REPÚBLICA DEMOCRÁTICA DEL Rome CONGO جيبوتي - DJIBOUTI Chef de délégation M. Isidore KABWE MWEHU Chef de délégation Ministre de l'agriculture, pêche et élevage M. Abdoulkader KAMIL MOHAMED Kinshasa-Gombe Premier Ministre Djibouti Suppléant(s) رئيس الوفد M. Louis Paulin LUBINGO KHOJI A السيد عبد القادر كامل محمد KASANGA رئيس الوزراء Ministre Conseiller جيبوتي .Chargé d'Affaires a.i Ambassade de la République démocratique du Congo M. Mohamed Ahmed AWALEH Rome Ministre de l'agriculture, de l'élevage, de la pêche, de l'eau et des ressources halieutiques M. Marcel KAPAMBWE NYOMBO Djibouti السيد محمد أحمد عوالة Directeur adjoint du Cabinet du Ministre وزير الزراعة والثروة الحيوانية والصيد البحري Ministère de l'agriculture, pêche et élevage والمياه Kinshasa-Gombe جيبوتي DENMARK - DANEMARK - DINAMARCA

Suppléant(s) Head of Delegation M. Naguib ABDALLAH MOHAMED Mr Ib Byrge SØRENSEN Secrétaire Général du Premier Ministre Permanent Secretary Djibouti Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries مناوب )مناوبون( Copenhagen السيد نجيب عبدهللا محمد األمين العام لرئيس الوزراء جيبوتي C 2015 19

M. Ayed MOUSSEID YAHYA ECUADOR - ÉQUATEUR Ambassadeur Représentant Permanent auprès de la FAO Jefe de Delegación Rome Sr. Javier PONCE ,Ministro de Agricultura, Ganadería السيد عيد موسعيد يحيى Acuacultura y Pesca السفير Quito والممثل الدائم لدى المنظمة

(Suplente(s روما Sr. Juan F. HOLGUIN M. Djama Mahamoud DOUALEH Embajador Conseiller Technique du Ministre Representante Permanente ante la FAO Djibouti Roma السيد جاما محمد دواله Sr. José Antonio CARRANZA المستشار الفني للوزير Consejero جيبوتي Representante Permanente Alterno ante M. Ibrahim Elmi MOHAMED la FAO Conseiller Technique du Ministre Roma Djibouti Sra. Fazzia MOREIRA السيد ابراهيم علمي مخم Directora de Preinversión y Cooperación المستشار الفني للوزير Nacional e Internacional ,Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería جيبوتي Acuicultura y Pesca DOMINICAN REPUBLIC - RÉPUBLIQUE Quito DOMINICAINE - REPÚBLICA DOMINICANA Sr. Carlos VALLEJO Asesor del Vicepresidente de la República Jefe de Delegación Quito Sr. Mario ARVELO CAAMAÑO مصر - Embajador EGYPT - ÉGYPTE – EGIPTO Representante Permanente ante la FAO Roma Head of Delegation Mr Salah El Din HELAL Suplente(s) Minister for Agriculture and Land Sra. Julia VICIOSO VARELAS Reclamation Minsitra Consejera Cairo رئيس الوفد Representante Permanente Alterna ante السيد صالح الدين هالل la FAO Roma وزير الزراعة واستصالح األراضي

القاهرة Sr. Rawell Salomon TAVERAS ARBAJE Consejero Alternate(s) Representante Permanente Alterno ante Mr Adel LABIB la FAO Minister for Local Development Roma Cairo

مناوب )مناوبون( Sra. Maria Cristina LAUREANO PEÑA السيد عادل لبيب Primera Secretaria وزير التنمية المحلية Representante Permanente Alterna ante القاهرة la FAO Roma

20 C 2015

Mr Amr Mostafa Kamal HELMY Mr Mohey KADAH Ambassador Advisor Permanent Representative to FAO Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation Rome Cairo السيد محيي قداح السيد عمر كمال حلمي استشاري السفير بوزارة الزراعة واستصالح األراضي الممثل الدائم لدى المنظمة القاهرة روما

Mr Ahmed SHALABY Ms Dalia SADEK Counsellor Advisor Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation Rome Cairo السيدة داليا صديق السيد أحمد شلبي مشرف المستشار بوزارة الزراعة واستصالح األراضي نائب الممثل الدائم لدى منظمة األغذية والزراعة القاهرة روما

Mr Khaled Mohamed EL TAWEEL EL SALVADOR First Secretary Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Jefe de Delegación Rome Sr. Orestes FREDSMAN ORTÉZ ANDRADE Ministro de Agricultura y Ganadería السيد خالد محمد الطويل San Salvador سكرتير أول الممثل الدائم المناوب لدى منظمة األغذية والزراعة (Suplente(s روما Sra. Aida Luz SANTOS DE ESCOBAR Mr Anas SHADI Embajadora Second Secretary Representante Permanente ante la FAO Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Roma Rome Sra. María Eulalia JIMÉNEZ السيد أنس شادي Ministro Consejero سكرتير ثاني Representante Permanente Adjunto ante الممثل الدائم المناوب لدى منظمة األغذية والزراعة la FAO روم Roma Ms Reem EL DAHSHAN Third Secretary EQUATORIAL GUINEA - GUINÉE Ministry of Foreign Affairs ÉQUATORIALE - GUINEA ECUATORIAL Cairo Jefe de Delegación السيدة ريم الدهشان Sr. Francisco MBA OLO BAHAMONDE سكرتير ثالث Ministro de Agricultura y Bosques وزارة الخارجية Malabo القاهرة

Ms Dina EL KHISHIN Suplente(s) Supervisor Sr. Crisantos OBAMA ONDO Foreign Agricultural Relations Department Embajador Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation Representante Permanente ante la FAO Cairo Roma السيدة دينا الخشن Sr. José-Juan NDONG TOM مشرف Director General de Agricultura بدائرة العالقات الزراعية الخارجية Ministerio de Agricultura y Bosques وزارة الزراعة واستصالح األراضي Malabo القاهرة C 2015 21

Sr. Mateo NSOGO NGUERE MICUE Mr Abreha Ghebrai ASEFFA Funcionario Administrativo Minister Plenipotentiary Representación Permanente ante la FAO Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Roma Rome

ERITREA - ÉRYTHRÉE Mr Henok Habtegerial GEBREWOLD Minister Counsellor Head of Delegation Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic Mr Fessahazion PIETROS of Ethiopia Ambassador Rome Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Mr Tarekegn Tsegie HAILE Minister Counsellor Alternate(s) Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Mr Yohannes TENSUE Rome First Secretary Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Mr Newayechristos Gebreab BIADGILLIGN Rome Economic Advisor to the Prime Minister Addis Abeba ESTONIA - ESTONIE Mr Kassa Tasissa BUSHAN Head of Delegation Counsellor Mr Ants NOOT Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic Secretary General of Ethiopia Ministry of Agriculture Rome Tallinn Ms Mahlet Hailu GUADEY Alternate(s) Director of Protocol and Foreign Relations Mr Siim TIIDEMANN Addis Abeba Minister Counsellor Permanent Representative to FAO EUROPEAN UNION (MEMBER Rome ORGANIZATION) - UNION EUROPÉENNE (ORGANISATION MEMBRE) - UNIÓN ETHIOPIA - ÉTHIOPIE - ETIOPÍA EUROPEA (ORGANIZACIÓN MIEMBRO)

Head of Delegation Head of Delegation Mr Hailemariam DESSALEGN Ms Laurence ARGIMON PISTRE Prime Minister Ambassador Addis Ababa Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Mr Tefera DERBEW Minister for Agriculture Alternate(s) Addis Ababa Mr Willem OLTHOF First Counsellor Alternate(s) Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Mr Getachew Reda KAHSAY Rome State Minister Addis Ababa Ms Florence BUCHHOLZER Minister Counsellor Mr Surafiel Mhereteab ABED Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO State Minister Rome Addis Ababa Mr Jan Artur SIENCZEWSKI Mr Mulugeta Alemseged GESSESE Minister Counsellor Ambassador Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Rome 22 C 2015

Mr Bernard REY Ms Eloise ZERILLI Deputy Head of Unit - "Sustainable Intern Agriculture" Sector Delegation of the European Union to the Directorate General for Development and Holy See, to the Order of Malta and to the Cooperation UN Agencies in Rome EuropeAid Rome Brussels FIJI - FIDJI Mr Javier ALCAZAR SIRVENT International Relations Officer Head of Delegation Directorate-General for Agriculture Mr Ratu Josaia Voreqe BAINIMARAMA Brussels Prime Minister Suva Mr José Manuel CAPITAN ROMERO Attaché Alternate(s) Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Mr Inia Batikoto SERUIRATU Rome Minister for Agriculture, Rural and Maritime Development and National Disaster Ms Ana Margarita FRAILE VASALLO Management Advisor Suva Delegation of the European Union to the Holy See, to the Order of Malta and to the Mr Deo SARAN UN Agencies in Rome Ambassador Rome Embassy of the Republic of Fiji Brussels Ms Lourdes MAGAÑA DE LARRIVA Advisor Mr Mesake LEDUA Delegation of the European Union to the First Secretary Holy See, to the Order of Malta and to the Embassy of the Republic of Fiji UN Agencies in Rome Brussels Rome Mr Osea RATUYAWA Support Staff Principal Economic Planning Officer Ms Belinda BERGAMASCHI Ministry of Agriculture Administrative Assistant for Protocol Affairs Suva Delegation of the European Union to the Holy See, to the Order of Malta and to the Mr Ratu Isireli TAGIVAKATINI UN Agencies in Rome Personal Staff Officer for the Prime Minister Rome Suva

Ms Federica VAGHETTI FINLAND - FINLANDE - FINLANDIA Intern Delegation of the European Union to the Head of Delegation Holy See, to the Order of Malta and to the Ms Aulikki HULMI UN Agencies in Rome Director of International Affairs Rome Ministry of Agriculture and Foresty Helsinki Ms Alessia Maria D'APUZZO Intern Alternate(s) Delegation of the European Union to the Ms Merja SUNDBERG Holy See, to the Order of Malta and to the Permanent Representative to FAO UN Agencies in Rome Rome Rome Ms Eeva-Liisa MYLLYMAKI Counsellor Ministry of Foreign Affairs Helsinki C 2015 23

Ms Tanja RAJAMÄKI Mme Laetitia TREMEL Programme Officer Rédactrice Embassy of Finland Sous-direction de la santé, de l'alimentation et Rome du développement humain Paris Mr Juha RUIPPO Director of International and EU Affairs Mme Isabelle OUILLON The Central Union of Agricultural Producers Chargée de Mission and Forest Owners Organisations Internationales Helsinki Ministère de l'Agriculture Paris Ms Anna SANTALA Ministerial Adviser Mme Maryline DARMAUN Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Chargée de mission Helsinki Représentation permanente auprès de la FAO Rome FRANCE - FRANCIA M. Alexandre AVRIL Chef de délégation Chargé de Mission M. Serge TOMASI Représentation permanente auprès de la FAO Ambassadeur Rome Représentant permanent auprès de la FAO Rome Mme Laetitia GREFFET Chargée de Mission Suppléant(s) Représentation permanente auprès de la FAO Mme Donatienne HISSARD Rome Conseillère Représentante permanente adjointe auprès de GABON - GABÓN la FAO Rome Chef de délégation M. Daniel ONA ONDO Mme Ségolène HALLEY DES FONTAINES Premier Ministre Conseillère Libreville Représentante permanente suppléante auprès de la FAO M. Luc OYOUBI Rome Ministre de l'agriculture, de l'élevage, de la pêche et de la sécurité alimentaire Mme Dominique LEGROS Libreville Secrétaire général Comité interministériel de l'Agriculture et de Suppléant(s) l'Alimentation M. Charles ESSONGHE Paris Ambassadeur Représentant permanent auprès de la FAO M. Jean-Jacques SOULA Rome Rédacteur Elevage, risques sanitaires et phytosanitaires Méditerranée M. Firmin MBOUTSOU Paris Ambassadeur auprès du Saint Siège Rome Mme Valérie VION Chef du Bureau Mme Clarisse Lingombé PONGA SIENO Relations Internationales Directeur Général du développement rural Ministère de l'Agriculture Ministère de l'agriculture, de l'élevage, de la Paris pêche et de la sécurité alimentaire Libreville

24 C 2015

M. André BIBIGA Mr Francesco CRISTINA Conseiller Chargé du Protocole Minister Counsellor and Consul General Libreville Milan

M. Bernard BOUTSIKA NGAVET Mr Ebrima JAWARA Conseiller du Ministre de l'agriculture, de Permanent Secretary l'élevage, de la pêche et de la sécurité Office of the President alimentaire Banjul Libreville GEORGIA - GÉORGIE M. Jean-Lucien DOUMBENENY Conseiller du Ministre de l'agriculture, de Head of Delegation l'élevage, de la pêche et de la sécurité Mr Otar DANELIA alimentaire Minister for Agriculture Libreville Tbilisi

M. Voga MOUDOUBOU Alternate(s) Secrétaire général permanent de la Mr Levan DAVITASHVILI Commission Nationale de la FAO Deputy Minister for Agriculture Libreville Tbilisi

M. Jean Robert MOUTSINGA Mr Karlo SIKHARULIDZE Conseiller en Communication Ambassador Libreville Permanent Representative to FAO Rome M. Loic Frank ONDO ONA Conseiller Adjoint à la Primature Mr Davit BAZERASHVILI Libreville Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome GAMBIA - GAMBIE Support Staff Head of Delegation Ms Nana CHINCHILAKASHVILI Mr Abdoulie BOJANG Speaker of the National Assembly Mr Irakli KIPIANI Banjul GERMANY - ALLEMAGNE - ALEMANIA Alternate(s) Mr Omar SEY Head of Delegation Minister for Health and Social Welfare Mr Christian SCHMIDT Banjul Federal Minister for Food and Agriculture Berlin Mr Lamin NYABALLY Minister of Presidential Affairs and Fisheries Mr Thomas WRIESSNIG Secretary General and Head of the Civil Ambassador Service Permanent Representative to FAO Banjul Rome

Alternate(s) Mr Solomon OWENS Mr Heiner THOFERN Former Minister for Agriculture Minister Banjul Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO

Rome Mr Lang YABOU

Ambassador Mr Friedrich WACKER Permanent Representative to FAO Head of Sub-Department 62 Madrid Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture

Berlin C 2015 25

Mr Klaus KEHREIN Alternate(s) Head of Division 622 Mr Alexios Marios LYBEROPOULOS Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture Minister Cousellor Berlin Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Mr Bernd CHRISTIANSEN Deputy Head of Division 622 Ms Olympia KOUZI Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture Attaché Berlin Embassy of Greece Rome Mr Eckard HEIN Co-Director Mr Sarantis ANDRICOPOULOS Institute for International Political Economy Special Advisor (IPE) Embassy of Greece Berlin School of Economics and Law Rome Berlin GRENADA - GRENADE - GRANADA

GHANA Head of Delegation

Mr Angus E. FRIDAY Head of Delegation Ambassador of Grenada to the United States Mr Ahmed Yakubu ALHASSAN of America and Mexico Deputy Minister for Food and Agriculture Washington D.C. Accra GUATEMALA Alternate(s) Ms Molly ANIM ADDO Jefe de Delegación Ambassador Sra. Stephanie HOCHSTETTER SKINNER- Permanent Representative to FAO KLÉE Rome Embajadora Representante Permanente ante la FAO Mr Nii QUAYE-KUMAH Roma Minister Counsellor Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Suplente(s) Rome Sra. Sylvia WOHLERS DE MEIE Ministro Consejero Mr Joseph BOAMAH Representante Permanente Adjunto ante Chief Director la FAO Ministry of Food and Agriculture Roma Accra Sr. Nelson OLIVERO GARCIA Ms Angela DANNSON Primer Secretario y Cónsul Director Representante Permanente Alterno ante Projects Coordinating Unit la FAO Ministry of Food and Agriculture Roma Accra GUINEA - GUINÉE GREECE - GRÈCE - GRECIA Chef de délégation Head of Delegation Mme Jacqueline SULTAN Mr Themistoklis DEMIRIS Ministre de l'Agriculture Ambassador Conakry Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Suppléant(s) M. Mohamed Cherif DIALLO Ambassadeur Représentant permanent auprès de la FAO Rome 26 C 2015

M. Abdoulaye TRAORE M. Jean Bony ALEXANDRE Conseiller économique Ministre Conseiller Représentant permanent adjoint auprès de Représentant permanent suppléant auprès de la FAO la FAO Rome Rome

M. Mohamed Nassir CAMARA M. Yves THÉODORE Conseiller Conseiller Représentant permanent suppléant auprès de Représentant permanent suppléant auprès de la FAO la FAO Rome Rome

M. Sidiki DIALLO Mme Marie Laurence DURAND Attaché de Cabinet Premier Secrétaire Conakry Représentante permanent suppléant auprès de la FAO M. Mohamed DIOUMESSI Rome Conseiller Technique Ministère de l’Agriculture Mme Colette BLANCHET Conakry Directrice de la coopération externe Ministère de l'agriculture des ressources GUINEA-BISSAU - GUINÉE-BISSAU naturelles et du développement rural Port-au-Prince Chef de délégation Mr Domingos Simões PEREIRA Mme Lenide JOSEPH Premier Ministre Ministère de l'agriculture, des ressources Bissau naturelles et du développement rural Port-au-Prince M. João Anibal PEREIRA Ministre de l'agriculture et du développement M. Alain THERMIL rural Cabinet du Ministre de l'Agriculture Bissau Port-au-Prince

Suppléant(s) HONDURAS Mr Carlos TAVARES DE AMARANTE Directeur de l’agriculture Jefe de Delegación Ministre de l'agriculture et du développement Sr. Jacobo PAZ BODDEN rural Secretario de Estado en el Despacho de Bissau Agricultura y Ganadería Tegucigalpa HAITI - HAÏTI - HAITÍ Suplente(s) Chef de délégation Sr. Giampaolo RIZZO- ALVARADO M. Fresner DORCIN Embajador Ministre de l'agriculture, des ressources Encargado de Negocios a.i. naturelles et du développement rural Representante Permanente Adjunto ante las Port-au-Prince Naciones Unidas Ginebra Suppléant(s) M. Emmanuel CHARLES HUNGARY - HONGRIE - HUNGRÍA Ministre Conseiller, Chargé d'affaires a.i. Représentant permanent adjoint auprès de Head of Delegation la FAO Mr Sándor FAZEKAS Rome Minister for Agriculture Budapest

C 2015 27

Alternate(s) Mr Vimlendra SHARAN Mr Zoltán KÁLMÁN Minister (Agricultural Affairs) Counsellor Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Rome Mr Rajbir SHARMA Mr Bálint ILLÉS Attaché Head of FAO Affairs and Development Embassy of the Republic of India Projects Unit Rome Department of EU and FAO Affairs Ministry of Agriculture Mr Sanjay R. BHOOSREDDY Budapest Joint Secretary Government of India Ms Ágnes DÚS New Delhi Coordinator Department of EU and FAO Affairs Mr U.K.S. CHAUHAN Ministry of Agriculture Joint Secretary Budapest Government of India New Delhi Ms Dóra EGRI Assistant to the Permanent Representative Mr Siraj HUSSAIN Embassy of Hungary Joint Secretary Rome Government of India New Delhi

Mr Attila István SIMON Mr Deepak Shri KUMAR State Secretary for Public Administration Joint Secretary Budapest Government of India

New Delhi ICELAND - ISLANDE - ISLANDIA Mr Rajesh Kumar SINGH Head of Delegation Joint Secretary Mr Jón Erlingur JÓNASSON Government of India Minister Plenipotentiary New Delhi Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Mr Gajendra SINGH Private Secretary to the Minister for Alternate(s) Agriculture Mr Benedikt HOSKULDSSON New Delhi Director of Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs Support Staff Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr K.F. BIJU Reykjavik Administrative Staff Embassy of the Republic of India INDIA - INDE Rome

Head of Delegation INDONESIA - INDONÉSIE Mr Radha Mohan SINGH Minister for Agriculture Head of Delegation New Delhi Mr Amran SULAIMAN Minister for Agriculture Alternate(s) Jakarta Mr Basant K. GUPTA Ambassador Alternate(s) Permanent Representative to FAO Mr August PARENGKUAN Rome Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Rome 28 C 2015

Mr Des ALWI Mr Mei R. DARMAWIREDJA Minister Secretary Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Food Security Agency Rome Ministry of Agriculture Jakarta Mr Tazwin HANIF Minister Counsellor Mr Arief Rahmat HIDAYAT Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Staff Rome Ministry of Agriculture Jakarta Mr Royhan N. WAHAB First Secretary Ms Yurika Arianti PERMANASARI Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Staff Rome Ministry of Agriculture Jakarta Mr Yusral TAHIR Agricultural Attaché IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) - Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO IRAN (RÉPUBLIQUE ISLAMIQUE D') - Rome IRÁN (REPÚBLICA ISLÁMICA DEL)

Mr Irwan BAHARUDDIN Head of Delegation Adviser to the Minister for Agriculture Mr Mahmoud HOJJATI Jakarta Minister for Jihad-e-Agriculture Mr Hari PRIYONO Tehran Secretary General Ministry of Agriculture Alternate(s) Jakarta Mr Habib BROUMAND DASHGHAPOU Member of the Islamic Parliament Ms Sagung Mirah RATNA DEWI Tehran Head of Multilateral Division Ministry of Agriculture Mr Abdolmahdi BAKHSHANDEH Jakarta Deputy Minister Programme and Economic Affairs Mr Mesah TARIGAN Ministry of Jihad-e-Agriculture Head Tehran Center for External Cooperation Ministry of Agriculture Mr Eskandar ZAND Jakarta Deputy Minister Head of Agriculture Research, Education and Mr Winny Dian WIBAWA Extension Organization Head Ministry of Jihad-e-Agriculture Food Security Agency Tehran Ministry of Agriculture Jakarta Mr Majid DHEGHAN SHOAR Ambassador Ms Nita YULIANIS Permanent Representative to FAO Head Rome Cooperation Section Ministry of Agriculture Mr Hooman FATHI Jakarta Director-General International Affairs and Specialized Ms Dinar H. SINURAT Agencies Director Ministry for Jihad-e-Agriculture Trade, Industry and Intellectual Property Tehran Rights Ministry of Foreign Affairs Jakarta C 2015 29

Mr Alireza MOHAJER Mr Faisal RASHID NASIR Attaché Counsellor Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Ministry of Agriculture Rome Baghdad السيد فيصل رشيد ناصر المستشار Mr Ali FEREYDONI وزارة الزراعة Attaché بغداد Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome

Ms Aghadir AL NAKIB Mr Ali ABBASSI First Secretary Attendant Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Ministry of Jihad-e-Agriculture Rome Tehran السيدة أغادير النقيب

سكرتير اول Mr Meysam ASLANI نائب الممثل الدائم لدى المنظمة Attendant روما Ministry of Jihad-e-Agriculture Tehran Mr Francis ORAHA JANNO Mr Mohammad KESHAVARZ ZADE Assistant Director Permanent Representation to FAO Ministry of Agriculture Rome Baghdad السيد فرانسيس أوراها جانو مساعد مدير العراق - IRAQ وزارة الزراعة بغداد Head of Delegation Mr Falah ZAIDAN Minister for Agriculture Ms Manar HARFOUSH Baghdad Assistant Embassy of the Republic of Iraq رئيس الوفد Rome السيد فالح زيدان السيدة منار حرفوش وزير الزراعة مساعد بغداد سفارة جمهورية العراق روما (Alternate(s Mr Saywan BARZANI Ambassador Mr Amjed AL RIFAIE Permanent Representative to FAO Assistant Rome Embassy of the Republic of Iraq Rome مناوب )مناوبون( السيد مجيد الرفاعي السيد صايوان بارازاني مساعد السفير سفارة جمهورية العراق الممثل الدائم لدى المنظمة روما روما

Mr Hassan JANABI Mr Abdul Kareem AL HAIBI Ambassador, Head of the Department of Minister Assistant Human Rights Embassy of the Republic of Iraq Ministry of Foreign Affairs Rome السيد عبد الكريم الحيبي Baghdad مساعد الوزير السيد حسن جنابي سفارة جمهورية العراق السفير، رئيس قسم حقق االنسان روما وزارة الخارجية بغداد 30 C 2015

Mr Muntasser ASSAF Ms Tamar ZIV Assistant of the Minister of Agriculture Minister Counsellor Baghdad Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Rome السيد منتصر عساف مساعد وزير الزراعة Ms Giovanna Elisabetta LA ROCCA بغداد Embassy of the State of Israel IRELAND - IRLANDE - IRLANDA Rome

Head of Delegation ITALY - ITALIE - ITALIA Mr Tom HAYES Minister of State for Food, Horticulture and Head of Delegation Food Safety Mr Maurizio MARTINA Department of Agriculture, Food and the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry Marine Policies Dublin Rome

Alternate(s) Alternate(s) Mr Bobby MC DONAGH Mr Andrea OLIVERO Ambassador Vice-Minister for Agriculture, Food and Permanent Representative to FAO Forestry Policies Rome Rome

Mr Damien KELLY Mr Giuseppe CASTIGLIONE First Secretary Under-Secretary of State Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Rome Policies Rome Mr Paul MC NALLY Private Secretary to Minister Mr Felice ASSENZA Department of Agriculture, Food and the Director-General for European Union and Marine International Policies Dublin Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies ISRAEL - ISRAËL Rome

Head of Delegation Mr Pierfrancesco SACCO Mr Itzhak BEN DAVID Ambassador Deputy Director-General Permanent Representative to FAO Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Rome Development Tel Aviv Mr Giampaolo CANTINI Director-General for Development Alternate(s) Cooperation Mr David OPATOWSKI Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Minister Counsellor (Agricultural Affairs) Cooperation Permanent Mission to the United Nations Rome Geneva Mr Fabio CASSESE Mr Avi GRANOT Deputy Director-General for Development Ambassador, Deputy Director-General and Cooperation Head of the Africa Division Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Ministry of Foreign Affairs Cooperation Tel Aviv Rome

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Mr Luca FRATINI Ms Jessyama FORLINI Minister Counsellor Office II Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Directorate General for Development Rome Cooperation Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Mr Andrea SILVESTRI Cooperation Diplomatic Counsellor to the Minister for Rome Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies Rome Mr Giovanni PIGNATIELLO Office of the Diplomatic Counsellor Mr Luca ZELIOLI Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Head of Office II Policies Directorate General for Development Rome Cooperation Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Ms Silvia NICOLI Cooperation Office of International Relations Rome Directorate General for European Union and International Policies Ms Caterina PERNICONI Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Head of the Press Office Policies Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Rome Policies Rome Ms Elisabetta LANZELLOTTO International Relations Mr Giacomo FILIBECK Directorate General for European Union and Head of Office for International Relations International Policies Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies Policies Rome Rome

Ms Graziella ROMITO Mr Filiberto ANTONELLI Head Permanent Representation of Italy to FAO Office for International Relations Rome Directorate General for European Union and International Policies Ms Elisa MIRABELLO Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Permanent Mission of Italy to FAO Policies Rome Rome Ms Erika GROSSI Ms Daniela MARINO Permanent Representation of Italy to FAO Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea Rome Rome JAMAICA - JAMAÏQUE Ms Giusella MOSCATO Office III Head of Delegation Directorate General for Communication Mr Donovan STANBERRY European and International Relations Permanent Secretary Ministry of Health Ministry of Agriculture Rome Kingston

Ms Roberta BIANCO Alternate(s) Attaché Mr Wayne MC COOK Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Ambassador Rome Permanent Representative to FAO Geneva

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Ms Patrice LAIRD-GRANT Mr Hiroaki KINOSHITA Minister-Counsellor Deputy Director Permanent Mission to FAO International Cooperation Division Geneva International Affairs Department Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries JAPAN - JAPON - JAPÓN Tokyo

Head of Delegation Mr Yoji MATSUI Mr Hisao HARIHARA Deputy Director Vice-Minister for International Affairs International Cooperation Division Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and International Affairs Department Fisheries Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Tokyo Tokyo

Alternate(s) Mr Fumiya MISAKA Mr Kazuyoshi UMEMOTO Deputy Director Ambassador International Cooperation Division Permanent Representative to FAO International Affairs Department Rome Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Tokyo Mr Osamu KUBOTA Minister Counsellor Ms Akiko NAKANO Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Deputy Director Rome Economic Security Division Economic Affairs Bureau Mr Ryo OMORI Ministry of Foreign Affairs First Secretary Tokyo Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Ms Makiko UEMOTO Deputy Director Mr Yuji KOZAKI International Cooperation Division Second Secretary International Affairs Department Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Minister's Secretariat Rome Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Tokyo Mr Osamu HASHIRAMOTO Director of International Cooperation Division Mr Takaaki UMEDA International Affairs Department Deputy Director Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Fish Ranching and Aquaculture Division Tokyo Resources Enhancement Promotion Department Mr Yoshihide ENDO Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Director of International Agricultural Tokyo Organizations International Cooperation Division Ms Michiko NISHIKAWA Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Section Chief Tokyo International Cooperation Division International Affairs Department Mr Kenichiro MATSUBAYASHI Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Director of Economic Security Division Tokyo Ministry of Foreign Affairs Tokyo

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Ms Yukiko SAWA Alternate(s) Section Chief Mr Andrian YELEMESSOV International Cooperation Division Ambassador International Affairs Department Permanent Representative to FAO Minister's Secretariat Rome Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Tokyo Mr Nurlan KHASSEN Counsellor Mr Toru HISAZOME Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Special Assistant to Vice Minister Rome International Affairs Department Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Mr Nurlan ZHALGASBAYEV Tokyo Counsellor Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome JORDAN - JORDANIE – JORDANIA - Mr Abat TULEUOV األردن Second Secretary Head of Delegation Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Mr Akef AL ZU'BI Rome Minister for Agriculture Amman Mr Askar TAZHIYEV Ambassador-at-Large رئيس الوفد Ministry of Foreign Affairs السيد عاكف الزعبي Astana وزير الزراعة

Ms Dina SATTYBAYEVA عمان Head of Division Alternate(s) Ministry of Agriculture Mr Zaid AL-LOZI Astana Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO KENYA Rome Head of Delegation مناوب )مناوبون( Ms Josephine Wangari GAITA السيد زيد اللوزي Ambassador السفير Permanent Representative to FAO الممثل الدائم لدى المنظمة Rome روما

Alternate(s) Mr Fiesal AL ARGAN Mr Fabian Sumba MUYA Agricultural Attaché Agricultural Attaché Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Rome السيد فيصل أرجان Ms Lucy OBUNGU الملحق الزراعي Deputy Director of Fisheries نائب الممثل الدائم لدى منظمة األغذية والزراعة Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and روما Fisheries KAZAKHSTAN - KAZAJSTÁN Nairobi

Head of Delegation KIRIBATI Ms Gulmira ISSAYEVA Vice-Minister for Agriculture Head of Delegation Astana Mr Baraniko BAARO First Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Nations New York 34 C 2015

Mr Faisal AL HASAWI الكويت - KUWAIT – KOWEÏT Deputy Director General Head of Delegation FisheriesPublic Authority for Agriculture Ms Nabilah AL KHALIL Affairs and Fish Resources Minister of the Public Authority for Kuwait City السيد فيصل الحصاوي Agriculture Affairs and Fish Resources نائب المدير العام Kuwait City الهيئة العامة لشؤون الزراعة والثروة السمكية رئيس الوفد مدينة الكويت السيدة نبيلة الخليل وزير الهيئة العامة لشؤون الزراعة والثروة السمكية Mr Mutlaq ALZAYED مدينة الكويت Chief Executive Officer Alternate(s) Kuwait Flour Mills & Bakeries Co Mr Yousef JHAIL Kuwait City السيد مطلق الزايد Counsellor الرئيس التنفيذي Permanent Representative to FAO شركة مطاحن الدقيق والمخابز الكويتية Rome مدينة الكويت مناوب )مناوبون( السيد يوسف جهيل Mr Salah AL BAZZAZ المستشار Technical Advisor الممثل الدائم لدى المنظمة Permanent Representation of the State روما of Kuwait to FAO Ms Manar AL SABAH Rome السيد صالح البزاز Attaché مستشار فني Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO ممثل دائم لدى المنظمة Rome روما السيدة منار الصباح ملحق Mr Mohamad AL-HAJRI نائب الممثل الدائم لدى المنظمة Permanent Representation of the State روما of Kuwait to FAO Mr Shaker AWADH Rome السيد محمد الهاجري Director of Public Relations الممثل الدائم لدى المنظمة Public Authority for Agriculture Affairs روما and Fish Resources Kuwait City - KYRGYZSTAN - KIRGHIZISTAN السيد شاكر عواد KIRGUISTÁN مدير العالقات العامة الهيئة العامة لشؤون الزراعة والثروة السمكية Head of Delegation مدينة الكويت Mr Rysbek APASOV Mr Walid AL ADWANI Head Director of Marketing and Investment Investments and Foreign Relations Public Authority for Agriculture Affairs Departments and Fish Resources Ministry of Agriculture and Amelioration Kuwait City Bishkek السيد وليد العدواني مدير التسويق واالستثمار الهيئة العامة لشؤون الزراعة والثروة السمكية مدينة الكويت

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LAO PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC Ms Elina GRINPAUKA REPUBLIC - RÉPUBLIQUE Attaché (Agricultural Affairs) DÉMOCRATIQUE POPULAIRE LAO - Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO REPÚBLICA DEMOCRÁTICA POPULAR Rome LAO Ms Elina DAMBEKALNE Head of Delegation Senior Officer Mr Vilayvanh PHOMKHE International Relations Division Minister for Agriculture and Forestry International Relations and Strategy Analysis Vientiane Department Ministry of Agriculture Alternate(s) Riga Mr Phouang Parisak PRAVONGVIENGKHAM Ms Aija VIGNERE Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Forestry Head Vientiane International Relations Division Ministry of Agriculture Mr Xaypladeth CHOULAMANY Riga Director-General Department of Planning and Cooperation Ms Liva GRAPE Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Deputy Head Vientiane International Relations Division Ministry of Agriculture Mr Maykong PHONEPHOMMAVONG Riga Director-General Irrigation Department Mr Robert DAUTZENBERG Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Political Administrator Vientiane Council of the European Union General Secretariat Mr Khuanchai SIPHAKANLAYA Brussels President Lao Consulting Group لبنان - Vientiane LEBANON - LIBAN – LÍBANO

Mr Bounsy NANTHAPHONE Chef de délégation Deputy Director M. Akram CHEHAYEB Soum Son Seun Jai Programme Ministre de l'agriculture FAO Coordinator Beyrouth رئيس الوفد Vientiane السيد أكرام شهيب وزير الزراعة Mr Khamfeua SIRIVONGS بيروت Secretary to Minister Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Vientiane Suppléant(s) M. Karim KHALIL LATVIA - LETTONIE - LETONIA Conseiller Représentant permanent suppléant auprès de Head of Delegation la FAO Mr Janis DUKLAVS Rome مناوب )مناوبون( Minister for Agriculture السيد كريم خليل Riga المستشار Alternate(s) الممثل الدائم المناوب لدى المنظمة Mr Artis BERTULIS روما Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Rome 36 C 2015

M. Louis LAHOUD LIBERIA - LIBÉRIA Directeur général Ministère de l'Agriculture Head of Delegation Beyrouth Ms Florence T. CHENOWETH Minister for Agriculture السيد لويس لحود Monrovia مدير عام وزارة الزراعة (Alternate(s بيروت Mr Mohammed SHERIFF M. Anwar DAOU Minister Plenipotentiary Ancien Directeur général Permanent Representative to FAO Cooperative des Employés d’Etat Rome Beyrouth Mr A. Haruana-Rashid KROMAH السيد أنور ضو Attaché المدير العام السابق Embassy of the Republic of Liberia Rome تعاونية موظفي الدولة بيروت Ms Paola TRIPODO Mme Gloria ABOU ZEID Administrative Secretary Directeur général des cooperative a.i. Embassy of the Republic of Liberia Ministère de l'Agriculture Rome Beyrouth LIBYA - LIBYE - LIBIA السيدة جلوريا أبو زيد مدير عام تعاونية موظفي الدولة باالنابة Head of Delegation وزارة الزراعة Mr Mahmud K. AL-TELLISI بيروت Ambassador Mme Rihab ABOU ZEIN Permanent Representative to FAO Premier Secrétaire Rome رئيس الوفد Représentant permanent suppléant auprès de السيد محمود التليسي la FAO السفير Rome الممثل الدائم لدى المنظمة السيدة رحاب أبو زين روما سكرتير أول الممثل الدائم المناوب لدى منظمة األغذية والزراعة (Alternate(s روما Mr Elhadi E.E ELZANATI LESOTHO Counsellor Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Head of Delegation Rome مناوب )مناوبون( Mr Joseph Sempe LEJAHA السيد الهادي الزناتي Ambassador المستشار Permanent Representative to FAO نائب الممثل الدائم لدى منظمة األغذية والزراعة Rome روما Alternate(s) Ms Malikopo Patricia RAKOOTJE Mr Salem HAROUN First Secretary Agricultural Counsellor Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Rome السيد سالم هارون المستشار الزراعي الممثل الدائم المناوب لدى منظمة األغذية والزراعة روما C 2015 37

LITHUANIA - LITUANIE - LITUANIA M. Solofo Théophile RANDRIANANTOANDRO Head of Delegation Chargé d'Affaires a.i. Mr Vilius MARTUSEVICIUS Ambassade de la République de Madagascar Vice-Minister for Agriculture Rome Vilnius MALAWI Alternate(s) Mr Kestutis TARNAUSKAS Head of Delegation Agricultural Attaché Mr Allan James CHIYEMBEKEZA Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Minister for Agriculture, Irrigation Rome and Water Development Lilongwe Ms Ieva ULCICKAITE Head of the Division Alternate(s) European Union Affairs Coordination Mr Memory Doice CHIBWANA Vilnius Counsellor Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO LUXEMBOURG - LUXEMBURGO Brussels

Chef de délégation Ms Erica MAGANGA Mme Janine FINCK Secretary for Agriculture, Irrigation and Ambassadeur Water Development Représentante permanente auprès de la FAO Lilongwe Rome Mr Readwell MUSOPOLE M. Michel GRETHEN Coordinator Premier Secrétaire Agriculture Sector Wide Approach Représentant permanent adjoint auprès de Lilongwe la FAO Rome MALAYSIA - MALAISIE - MALASIA

Mme Mirella SENATORE Head of Delegation Attachée Mr Ismail Sabri YAAKOB Ambassade du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg Minister for Agriculture and Agro-Based Rome Industry Putrajaya MADAGASCAR Alternate(s) Chef de délégation Mr Ahmad Fahmi BIN AHMAD SARKAWI M. Pierrot Serge RANDRIANARITIANA Counsellor Secrétaire général Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Ministère de l'Agriculture Rome Antananarivo Mr Amir Hamzah HARUN Suppléant(s) Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO M. Suzelin RATOHIARIJAONA Rome Conseiller Représentant permanent adjoint auprès de Mr Mohd Arif AB RAHMAN la FAO Secretary-General Rome Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry M. Jean Jacques RASAMOEL Putrajaya Secrétaire général Ministère de la Pêche et des Ressources Halieutiques Antananarivo 38 C 2015

Ms Nor Nazimah HASHIM M. Bah KONIPO Senior Private Secretary to the Minister Deuxième Conseiller Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-Based Représentant permanent adjoint auprès de Industry la FAO Putrajaya Rome

Ms Azulita binti SALIM M. Oumar DAO Agricultural Attaché Chef Embassy of Malaysia État-Major Particulier du Président de Rome la République Bamako Ms Siti Afzan BAHARUDIN Special Officer to the Secretary-General M. Mamadou Bocary DIARRA Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-Based Médecin du Président de la République Industry Bamako Putrajaya M. Sabane MAHALMOUDOU Mr Nasrul Haqiim MOHD NASIR Chargé de Mission Principal Assistant Secretary Attaché de Cabinet du Président de la Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-Based République Industry Bamako Putrajaya M. Bakary Bocar MAIGA MALDIVES - MALDIVAS Ambassadeur Directeur du Protocole de la République Head of Delegation Bamako Mr Mohamed SHAINEE Minister for Fisheries and Agriculture M. Mahmadou NIMAGA Malé Ambassadeur Conseiller Diplomatique du Président de la Alternate(s) République Ms Aminath SHAFIA Bamako Director-General Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture M. Ibrahim NOMOKO Malé Aide de Camp du Président de la République Bamako Mr Hussain SINAN Director M. Mahamadou SIDORO Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture Direction du Protocole de la République Malé Bamako

MALI - MALÍ M. Bakary TOGOLA Président Chef de délégation Assemblée Permanente des Chambres M. Ibrahim Boubacar KEITA d'Agriculture Président de la République Bamako Bamako MALTA - MALTE M. Bokary TRETA Ministre du développement rural Head of Delegation Bamako Mr Roderick GALDES Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture, Suppléant(s) Fisheries and Animal Rights M. Bruno MAIGA Ministry of Sustainable Development, the Ambassadeur Environment and Climate Change Représentant permanent auprès de la FAO St Venera Rome C 2015 39

Alternate(s) M. Diye Mohamed TEYIB Mr Justin ZAHRA Deuxième Conseiller Director Représentant permanent suppléant auprès de Ministry of Sustainable Development, the la FAO Environment and Climate Change Rome السيد ضيا محمد طيب St Venera المستشار الثاني الممثل الدائم المناوب لدى المنظمة Ms Mary Grace BUGEJA CORSO روما Private Secretary to the Parliamentary Ministry of Sustainable Development, the Environment and Climate Change MAURITIUS - MAURICE – MAURICIO St Venera Head of Delegation MARSHALL ISLANDS – ÎLES MARSHALL Mr Vishnu GONDEEA – ISLAS MARSHALL Permanent Secretary Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security Head of Delegation Port Louis Mr Thomas D. KIJINER Ambassador MEXICO - MEXIQUE - MÉXICO Embassy of the Republic of the Marshall Islands to Japan Jefe de Delegación Tokyo Sr. Enrique MARTINEZ Y MARTINEZ Secretario de Agricultura, Ganadería, Alternate(s) Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentación Ms Annette NOTE Ciudad de México Deputy Chief of Mission Embassy of the Republic of the Marshall Suplente(s) Islands to Japan Sr. Miguel RUIZ-CABAÑAS IZQUIERDO Tokyo Embajador Representante Permanente ante la FAO Roma موريتانيا - MAURITANIA – MAURITANIE

Chef de délégation Sra. Perla CARVALHO Mme Meriem AOUFFA Embajadora Ambassadeur Representante Permanente Alterna ante Représentante permanente auprès de la FAO la FAO Rome Roma رئيس الوفد Sr. Raul URTEAGA TRANI السيدة مريم بنت أوفي Coordinador General de Asuntos السفير Internacionales والممثل الدائم لدى المنظمة Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, روما Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentación

Ciudad de México Suppléant(s)

M. Sidi Mahmoud DOUSSOU Sr. Abraham CEPEDA IZAGUIRRE Chargé de Mission au niveau du Cabinet Director General de la Comisión Nacional de du Ministre las Zonas Áridas (CONAZA) Nouakchott Saltillo مناوب )مناوبون( Sra. Ligia Noemi OSORIO MAGAÑA السيد سيد محمد دوسو Directora General المسؤول عن البعثة على مستوي ديوان الوزير INCA Rural نواكشوط Mexico D.F.

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Sr. Santiago Elias CASTRO ESCOBEDO Sr. René VILLARREAL ARRAMBIDE Asesor del Secretario Coordinador General de Planeación Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Estratégica Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentación Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Ciudad de México Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentación Ciudad de México Sr. José Luis MORENO AGUIRRE Asesor del Secretario MICRONESIA, FEDERATED STATES OF - Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, MICRONÉSIA, ÉTATS FÉDÉRÉS DE - Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentación MICRONESIA, ESTADOS FEDERADOS DE Ciudad de México Head of Delegation Sr. Jorge RUEDA SOUSA Ms Jane J. CHIGIYAL Ministro Consejero Agropecuario Ambassador Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Permanent Representative to the United Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentación Nations Ciudad de México New York

Sr. Miguel NARVAEZ MONACO - MÓNACO Consejero Agropecuario Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Chef de délégation Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentación M. Robert FILLON Ciudad de México Ambassadeur Représentant permanent auprès de la FAO Sr. Benito JIMENEZ SAUMA Rome Segundo Secretario Representante Permanente Alterno ante Suppléant(s) la FAO M. Jean-Philippe BERTANI Roma Représentant permanent adjoint auprès de la FAO Sr. Elias REYES BRAVO Rome Subdirector de Enlace con Instituciones Internacionales Mme Martine GARCIA Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Troisième Secrétaire Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentación Représentante permanente adjointe auprès de Ciudad de México la FAO Rome Sr. Jorge RESCALA PEREZ Director General de la Comisión Nacional MONGOLIA - MONGOLIE Forestal Zapopan Head of Delegation Mr Shijeekuu ODONBAATAR Sr. Jose Francisco QUIROZ ACOSTA Ambassador Unidad de Asuntos Internacionales y Permanent Representative to FAO Fomento Financiero Rome Comision Nacional Forestal Zapopan Alternate(s) Mr Budbazar ENKHBAYAR Sr. José Armando ALANIS DE LA ROSA Counsellor Director de Cooperación Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Comisión Nacional Forestal Rome Zapopan Mr Choi-Ish LKHASUREN Sr. Mauricio MENDOZA BRISEÑO Director-General Coordinador de Asesores Strategy Policy and Planning Department Comisión Nacional Forestal Ministry of Food and Agriculture Zapopan Ulaanbaatar C 2015 41


Head of Delegation Head of Delegation Mr Aleksandar DRLJEVIC Mr José PACHECO First Counsellor Minister for Agriculture and Food Security Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Maputo Rome Alternate(s) MOROCCO - MAROC – MARRUECOS - Ms Carla Elisa Luis MUCAVI Ambassador المغرب Permanent Representative to FAO Chef de délégation Rome M. Hassan ABOUYOUB Ambassadeur Mr Inácio Tomás MUZIME Représentant permanent auprès de la FAO First Secretary Rome Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome رئيس الوفد السيد حسن أبو أيوب Mr Mahomed VALA السفير National Director of Agrarian Services الممثل الدائم لدى المنظمة Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security Maputo روما

Suppléant(s) Ms Neide XERINDA M. Mostafa NAHI Executive Director Ministre plénipotentiaire Agricultural Development Fund Représentant permanent adjoint auprès de la Maputo FAO Rome Ms Marcela LIBOMBO Executive Secretary مناوب )مناوبون( Secretariat of Food Security and Nutrition السيد مصطفى ناهي Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security الوزيرالمفوض Maputo الممثل الدائم المناوب لدى منظمة األغذية والزراعة روما Ms Gertudes MUCHAVE Mme Sara EL HABTI Head of the Department of International Conseiller Cooperation Représentante permanente adjoint auprès de Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security la FAO Maputo Rome Ms Inês CATINE السيدة سارة حابتي Press Officer المستشار Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security الممثل الدائم المناوب لدى منظمة األغذية والزراعة Maputo روما MYANMAR M. Mohammed SADIKI Secrétaire général Head of Delegation Ministère de l’agriculture et de la pêche Mr U Myint HLAING maritime Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Rabat Chellah Nay Pyi Taw السيد محمد صدقي (Alternate(s سكرتير عام Mr Myint NAUNG وزارة الزراعة والصيد البحري Ambassador الرباط - شياله Permanent Representative to FAO Rome 42 C 2015

Ms Kay Thi SOE NEPAL - NÉPAL Minister Counsellor Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Head of Delegation Rome Mr Hari Prasad PARAJULI Minister for Agricultural Development Ms May Thazin TUN Kathmandu Second Secretary Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Alternate(s) Rome Ms Sabnam SHIVAKOTI Joint Secretary Mr Tin HTUT Ministry of Agricultural Development Director-General Kathmandu Agricultural Planning Department Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation Mr Sudip KHATIWADA Nay Pyi Taw Agriculture Officer Ministry of Agricultural Development Mr U Kyaw Myint HLAING Kathmandu Director-General NETHERLANDS - PAYS-BAS - PAÍSES Water Resources Management Department BAJOS Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation

Nay Pyi Taw Head of Delegation Ms Sharon DIJKSMA Mr Aung KYI Minister for Agriculture Director of Irrigation Department The Hague Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation Nay Pyi Taw Alternate(s) Ms Gerda VERBURG NAMIBIA - NAMIBIE Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Head of Delegation Rome Ms Frieda Nangula ITHETE Ambassador Mr Wierish RAMSOEKH Permanent Representative to FAO Counsellor Paris Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Alternate(s) Mr Samuel Felix AMPORO Mr Merijn NOPPERS First Secretary Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Multilateral Affairs Rome Embassy of the Republic of Namibia Paris Ms Ilse VAN DIJL Alternate Permanent Representative of the Mr Joseph Shaamu HAILWA Kingdom of the Netherlands to the UN Director of Forestry Organizations for Food and Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry Rome Windhoek Mr Hans HOOGEVEEN NAURU Director-General Agro and Nature Ministry of Economic Affairs Head of Delegation The Hague Ms Margo DEIYE Third Secretary Mr Bart VAN ZWIETEN Permanent Mission to the United Nations Policy Coordinator New York Multilateral Organizations and Human Rights Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs The Hague C 2015 43

Mr Hans BRAND Ms Claudia GROSSO Policy Coordinator Policy Adviser European Agricultural Policy and Food Embassy of New Zealand Security Department Rome Ministry of Economic Affairs The Hague Mr Djordje ANDRIJASEVIC Assistant Policy Adviser Mr Caspar ITZ Embassy of New Zealand Communication Advisor Rome Communications Department Ministry of Economic Affairs Mr Bill DE LA MARE The Hague Ministerial Advisor Ministry of Primary Industries Mr Christiaan DUIJST Wellington Intern Permanent Representation of the Kingdom of NICARAGUA the Netherlands to the UN Organizations for Food and Agriculture Jefe de Delegación Rome Sra. Verónica ROJAS BERRIOS Vice Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores NEW ZEALAND - NOUVELLE-ZÉLANDE - Managua NUEVA ZELANDIA Suplente(s) Head of Delegation Sra. Mónica ROBELO RAFFONE Mr Nathan GUY Embajadora Minister for Primary Industries Representante Permanente ante la FAO Wellington Roma

Alternate(s) Sr. Junior ESCOBAR FONSECA Mr Patrick RATA Agregado Ambassador Representante Permanente Alterno ante Permanent Representative to FAO la FAO Rome Roma

Mr Chris CARSON NIGER - NÍGER Director International Policy Chef de délégation Ministry of Primary Industries M. Brigi RAFINI Wellington Premier Ministre Chef du Government Ms Anthe CRAWLEY Niamey Deputy Head of Mission Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Suppléant(s) Wellington M. Maidagi ALLAMBEYE Ministre d'Etat, Mr Matthew HOOPER Ministre de l’agriculture Counsellor (Primary Industries) Niamey Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Rome M. Amadou TOURÉ Ambassadeur Mr Raj RAJASEKAR Représentant permanent auprès de la FAO Senior Programme Manager Rome Ministry of Primary Industries Wellington Mme Rekiatou Christelle Jackou KAFFA Ministre Déléguée à l'intégration africaine Niamey 44 C 2015

M. Oumani Attou ABDOU M. Martin Nworie EZE Directeur général de l’agriculture Counsellor Ministère de l'agriculture Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Niamey Nigeria to the United Nations Geneva M. Mahaman Sani ABDOU Directeur des études et de la programmation NIUE - NIOUÉ Ministère de l'agriculture Niamey Head of Delegation Ms Tauveve O'Love JACOBSEN M. Almoustapha ELH. IBRAHIM High Commissioner to New Zealand Chef du Cabinet du Premier Ministre Wellington Niamey NORWAY - NORVÈGE - NORUEGA M. Gado MAHAMADOU Directeur de Cabinet du Premier Ministre Head of Delegation Niamey Ms Sylvi LISTHAUG Minister for Agriculture and Food M. Wandeyba BOTOROU Oslo Haut Commissaire à l’Initiative « 3N » Ministère de l’agriculture Alternate(s) Niamey Mr Jostein LEIRO Ambassador M. Yabilan MAMAN Permanent Representative to FAO Coordinnateur Rome Cellule Crise Alimentaire et gestion des catastrophes Ms Margot SKARPETEIG Niamey Counsellor Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO M. Aboubacar MOHAMADOU Rome Premier Conseiller Représentant permanent adjoint auprès de Mr Ottar LØVIK la FAO Director of Communication Rome Ministry of Agriculture and Food Oslo M. Daouda Amadou TRAORE Attaché de Presse Mr Henrik EINEVOLL Cabinet du Premier Ministre Director Niamey Ministry of Agriculture and Food Oslo NIGERIA - NIGÉRIA Mr Johan WILLIAMS Head of Delegation Policy Director Mr Yaya Adisa Olaitan OLANIRAN Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries Minister Oslo Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Ms Bodil BLAKER Policy Director Alternate(s) Ministry of Health and Care Services Mr Peters Sunday Omologbe EMUZE Oslo Minister Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Mr Aksel NÆRSTAD Nigeria to the United Nations Senior Advisor Geneva The Development Fund Oslo

C 2015 45

Mr Inge NORDANG Mr Abdulghaffar AL-BULUSHI Senior Advisor Minister Plenipotentiary Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Oslo Rome السيد عبدالغفار البلوشي الوزير المفوض Ms Nina MOSSEBY الممثل الدائم المناوب لدى منظمة األغذية والزراعة Senior Advisor روما Ministry of Agriculture and Food Oslo Mr Ya’qub Badar AL-RUQEISHI Ms Bente WILHELMS Counsellor Senior Advisor Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Ministry of Agriculture and Food Rome السيد يعقوب بدر القريشي Oslo

المستشار Ms Anne WETLESEN الممثل الدائم المناوب لدى منظمة األغذية والزراعة Senior Advisor روما Norwegian Agency for International Development Cooperation Oslo Mr Saoud AL-BADDAI Head Mr Lars Joakim HANSSEN Office of the Minister Political Advisor Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Ministry of Agriculture and Food Muscat السيد سعود البادي Oslo رئيس مكتب الوزير وزارة الزراعة والثروة السمكية Ms Anna Boye KOLDAAS مسقط Trainee Royal Norwegian Embassy Rome Mr Sayed Mohamed AL-BUSAIDI Director-General Administration Department عمان - OMAN – OMÁN Muscat السيد سيد محمد البوسيدي Head of Delegation مدير عام Mr Fuad AL-SAJWANI القسم اإلداري Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries مسقط Muscat رئيس الوفد Mr Alawi AL-HAFIDH السيد فؤاد جعفر بن محمد الساجواني Director-General وزير الزراعة والثروة السمكية Fisheries Dhofar Governorate مسقط Muscat السيد علوي الحافظ (Alternate(s مدير عام Mr Ahmed BAOMAR محافظة ظفار السمكية Ambassador مسقط Permanent Representative to FAO Rome مناوب )مناوبون( السيد أحمد باعمر السفير الممثل الدائم لدى المنظمة روما

46 C 2015

Mr Hamoud AL-HASANI Mr Ahmad FAROOQ Director-General Counsellor Agriculture and Livestock Research Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Department Rome Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Muscat Mr Ishtiak Ahmed AKIL Counsellor السيد محمود الحساني Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO مدير عام Rome إدارة بحوث الثروة الحيوانية والزراعة وزارة الزراعة والثروة السمكية Mr Amir SAEED مسقط Second Secretary

Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Mr Yaqoub Mansour AL-RUQAISHI Rome Director-General

Animal Wealth Department Mr Khalid MEHBOOB Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Advisor Muscat Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO السيد يعقوب منصور الرقيشي Rome مدير عام PALAU - PALAOS ادارة الثروة الحيوانية وزارة الزراعة والثروة السمكية Head of Delegation مسقط Mr Otto CALEB Mr Yaquoob AL-RAHBI Ambassador Senior Coordinator Permanent Representative to the United Office of the Minister Nations Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries New York Muscat PANAMA - PANAMÁ السيد يعقوب الرحبي المنسق األول Jefe de Delegación مكتب وزير Sr. Jorge ARANGO ARIAS وزارة الزراعة والثروة السمكية Ministro de Desarrollo Agropecuario مسقط Panamá

Mr Rasmi Mahmoud Abdul QADIR Suplente(s) Technical Coordinator with International Sr. Gerardo VEGA Organizations Embajada de la República de Panamá Rome Roma السيد رامسي محمد عبد القادر

Sra. Margarita QUIÑONEZ المنسق الفني مع المنظمات الدولية Agregada Comercial روما Representante Permanente Alterna ante PAKISTAN - PAKISTÁN la FAO Roma Head of Delegation Mr Sikander Hayat Khan BOSAN PAPUA NEW GUINEA - PAPOUASIE- Minister for National Food Security and NOUVELLE-GUINÉE - PAPUA NUEVA Research GUINEA Islamabad Head of Delegation Alternate(s) Mr Tommy TOMSCOLL Ms Tehmina JANJUA Minister for Agriculture and Livestock Ambassador Waigani Permanent Representative to FAO Rome C 2015 47

Alternate(s) PHILIPPINES - FILIPINAS Mr Joshua R. KALINOE Ambassador Head of Delegation Brussels Mr Domingo NOLASCO Ambassador Mr Brown KONABE Permanent Representative to FAO Director Rome Food Security Branch Department of Agriculture and Livestock Alternate(s) Waigani Mr Lupino jr. LAZARO Agricultural Attaché PARAGUAY Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Jefe de Delegación Sr. Jose Ramon MOLINAS VEGA Mr Enrique Voltaire PINGOL Ministro Secretario Ejecutivo First Secretary Secretaría Técnica de Planificación de Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Desarrollo Económico y Social Rome Asunción

Suplente(s) Mr Marion REYES Sr. Mirko SOTO SAPRIZA Attaché Consejero Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines Representante Permanente Alterno ante Rome la FAO Rome Ms Maria Luisa GAVINO Agricultural Assistant PERU - PÉROU - PERÚ Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines Rome Jefe de Delegación Sra. Eda RIVAS FRANCHINI POLAND - POLOGNE - POLONIA Embajadora Representante Permanente ante la FAO Head of Delegation Roma Mr Tadeusz NALEWAJK Undersecretary of State Suplente(s) Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Sr. Pedro REÁTEGUI GAMARRA Development Ministro Warsaw Representante Permanente Adjunto ante la FAO Alternate(s) Roma Mr Andrzej HALASIEWICZ Minister Counsellor Sra. Stella CHIRINOS LLERENA Permanent Representative to FAO Consejera Rome Representante Permanente Alterna ante la FAO PORTUGAL Roma Head of Delegation Sr. Julio Armando REINOSO CALDERÓN Ms Assunção CRISTAS Consejero Minister for Agriculture and Sea Representante Permanente Alterno ante Lisbon la FAO Roma Alternate(s) Mr Manuel LOBO ANTUNES Sra. Alexandra TONSMANN FOPPIANI Ambassador Primera Secretaria Permanent Representative to FAO Representante Permanente Alterna ante la FAO Rome Roma 48 C 2015

Mr Luis PESSOA DE AMORIM DURÃO Mr Akeel HATOOR Counsellor Expert of UN Agencies Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Embassy of the State of Qatar Rome Rome السيد عقيل هاتور خبير وكاالت األمم المتحدة Mr Duarte ALVES سفارة دولة قطر Diplomatic Adviser to the Minister for روما Agriculture and Sea Lisbon REPUBLIC OF KOREA - RÉPUBLIQUE Mr Luís COELHO-SILVA DE CORÉE - REPÚBLICA DE COREA Adviser Ministry of Foreign Affairs Head of Delegation Lisbon Mr Dong-Phil LEE Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Mr António CERCA MIGUEL Affairs Adviser Sejong-si Ministry of Agriculture and Sea Lisbon Alternate(s) Ms Eun Jeong LEE Counsellor قطر - QATAR First Secretary Head of Delegation Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Mr Ahmad Amer AL-HUMAIDI Rome Minister for the Environment Mr Duk-Ho KIM Doha Director-General رئيس الوفد International Cooperation Bureau Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural السيد أحمد بن عامر الحميدي Affairs وزير البيئة Sejong-si الدوحة

Alternate(s) Mr Kwang-suk OH Mr Abdulaziz AL MALKI Director Ambassador International Cooperation Division Permanent Representative to FAO Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries Rome Seoul مناوب )مناوبون( Ms Yeon-suk LEE السيد عبد العزيز المالكي Deputy Director السفير General Division of International Cooperation الممثل الدائم لدى المنظمة Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural روما Affairs

Sejong-si Mr Abdulla BAYAT AL-ASEERI Office of the Minister Mr Un-shik YANG Ministry of the Environment Deputy Director Doha General Division of International Cooperation Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural السيد عبدهللا بايات العسيري Affairs مكتب الوزير Sejong-si وزارة البيئة الدوحة Mr Jae-Kyung KIM Assistant Secretary of the Minister Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Sejong-si C 2015 49

Ms Jung-eun PARK REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA - Assistant Director REPUBLIQUE DE MOLDOVA - General Division of International Cooperation REPÚBLICA DE MOLDOVA Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Head of Delegation Sejong-si Mr Vlad LOGHIN Deputy Minister for Agriculture Mr In-deuk KIM and Food Industry Assistant Director Chisinau Public Relations Division Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Alternate(s) Affairs Ms Stela STINGACI Sejong-si Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Mr Yong-kyu CHOI Rome Chairperson of the Korea FAO Association Seoul Mr Tudor VASILICA Counsellor Ms Ji-yeon LEE Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Interpreter Rome General Division of International Cooperation Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural ROMANIA - ROUMANIE - RUMANIA Affairs Sejong-si Chef de délégation Mr Daniel CONSTANTIN Ms Jung-re KIM Minister for Agriculture and Rural Interpreter Development Distant Water Fisheries Division Bucharest Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries Seoul Suppléant(s) Ms Dana Manuela CONSTANTINESCU Mr Hyeong-Tae KIM Ambassador Manager Permanent Representative to FAO Korea FAO Association Rome Seoul Ms Alina POPESCU Ms Yoon-kyung JO First Secretary Assistant Manager Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Korea FAO Association Rome Seoul Mr Vlad MUSTACIOSU Ms Hyun-jeong KIM Directeur de Cabinet Assistant Manager Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Korea FAO Association Development Seoul Bucharest

Ms So-hyun KIM Mr Florentin MILEA Policy Analyst Counsellor for European Affairs Overseas Fisheries Cooperation Agency Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Seoul Development Bucharest

50 C 2015


Head of Delegation Г-н Виктор ФЕДОРИНОВ Mr Gennadiy GATILOV первый секретарь Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs Постоянного представительства при ФАО, Moscow Рим

Глава делегации Mr Kirill ANTYUKHIN Г-н Геннадий ГАТИЛОВ Second Secretary Заместитель министра иностранных дел Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Москва Rome

Alternate(s) Г-н Кирилл АНТЮХИН Заместители второй секретарь Mr Alexander GORBAN Постоянного представительства при ФАО, Ambassador Рим

Permanent Representative to FAO Mr Alexander OKHANOV Rome Advisor

Г-н Александр ГОРБАНЬ Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Посол Rome

Постоянный представитель при ФАО, Г-н Александр ОХАНОВ Рим советник

Постоянного представительства при ФАО, Mr Vladimir KUZNETSOV Рим Minister Counsellor

Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Ms Eugenia DENISOVA Rome Attaché

Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Г-н Владимир КУЗНЕЦОВ Rome Советник-посланник

заместитель Постоянного представителя Г-жа Евгения ДЕНИСОВА при ФАО, атташе Рим Постоянного представительства при ФАО,

Рим Mr Vladimir NAVARA

Counsellor Mr Ivan KONSTANTINOPOLSKIY Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Attaché Rome Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO

Rome Г-н Владимир НАВАРА

советник Г-н Иван КОНСТАНТИНОПОЛЬСКИЙ Постоянного представительства при ФАО, атташе Рим Постоянного представительства при ФАО,


Counsellor Mr Denis ZHOKIN Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Attaché Rome Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO

Rome Г-н Олег КОБЯКОВ

советник Г-н Денис ЖОКИН Постоянного представительства при ФАО, атташе Рим Постоянного представительства при ФАО, Рим C 2015 51

Ms Inna ROMANCHENKO SAMOA First Secretary Department of International Organizations Head of Delegation Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr Le Mamea Ropati MUALIA Moscow Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries Apia Г-жа Инна РОМАНЕНКО первый секретарь Alternate(s) Департамент международных Mr Pa'olelei LUTERU организаций, Ambassador Министерство иностранных дел Embassy of Samoa Москва Brussels

RWANDA Ms Elisa LE MAMEA MUALIA Good Lady Chef de délégation Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries M. Jacques KABALE NYANGEZI Apia Ambassadeur Représentant permanent auprès de la FAO Mr Giovanni P. CAFFARELLI Paris Honorary Consul General


Mr Laumata Leota PELESA Head of Delegation Assistant CEO Mr Alistair EDWARDS Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Permanent Secretary Apia Ministry of Agriculture


SAINT LUCIA - SAINTE-LUCIE - SANTA Head of Delegation LUCÍA Ms Antonella MULARONI Head of Delegation Minister for Territory and Environment, Mr Ernest HILAIRE Agriculture, Telecommunications, Civil Ambassador Protection and Relations with the Public High Commissioner to the UK Works, State Corporation with responsibility Permanent Representative to FAO for International Economic Cooperation London San Marino

SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES - Alternate(s) SAINT-VINCENT-ET-LES GRENADINES - Ms Daniela ROTONDARO SAN VICENTE Y LAS GRANADINAS Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Head of Delegation Rome Mr Ralph E. GONSALVES Prime Minister Ms Marina EMILIANI Kingstown Counsellor Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Alternate(s) Rome Mr Saboto CAESAR Minister for Agriculture, Industry, Forestry, Fisheries and Rural Transformation Kingstown

Mr Cenio LEWIS High Commissioner London 52 C 2015

SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE – Mr Fahad bin Abdallah AL HARBI SAO TOMÉ-ET-PRINCIPE – Director-General SANTO TOMÉ Y PRÍNCIPE International Cooperation Department Ministry of Agriculture Chef de délégation Riyadh السيد فهد بن عبدهللا الحربي M. Teodorico DE CAMPOS Ministre de l'agriculture et du développement مدير عام rural ادارة التعاون الدولي Sao Tomé وزارة الزراعة الرياض (Suppléant(s M. Argentino PIRES DOS SANTOS Directeur général Mr Bandar Abdelmuhsin bin SHALHOOB Ministère de l’agriculture Minister Plenipotentiary et du développement rural Permanent Representative to FAO Sao Tomé Rome السيد بندر عبدالمحسن بن شلهوب M. Nilton Garrido SOUSA PONTES الوزير المفوض Directeur de planification agricole الممثل الدائم لدى المنظمة Ministère de l’agriculture et du développement روما rural Sao Tomé

SAUDI ARABIA - ARABIE SAOUDITE - Mr Tareq ALDRIWEESH First Secretary المملكة العربية السعودية -ARABIA SAUDITA Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Head of Delegation Rome السيد طارق آل درويش Mr Abdulrahman bin Abdulmohsen سكرتير أول AL-FADHLI الممثل الدائم المناوب لدى المنظمة Minister for Agriculture روما Riyadh رئيس الوفد SENEGAL - SÉNÉGAL السيد عبد الرحمن بن عبدالمحسن الفضلي وزير الزراعة Chef de délégation الرياض M. Papa Abdoulaye SECK Alternate(s) Ministre de l'agriculture et de l'équipement Mr Mishal bin Abdallah AL SHETRI rural Director-General of the Minister's Office Dakar Ministry of Agriculture Riyadh Suppléant(s) M. Mamadou Saliou DIOUF مناوب )مناوبون( Ambassadeur السيد مشعل بن عبدهللا الشيتري Représentant permanent auprès de la FAO مدير عام مكتب الوزير Rome وزارة الزراعة الرياض M. Ngouda KANE Mr Saad bin Abdallah KHALIL Premier Secrétaire Director-General Représentant permanent adjoint auprès de General Department of International la FAO Cooperation and Agricultural Investment Rome Abroad Riyadh M. Mohamed Bassirou NIANG Représentant permanent suppléant auprès de السيد سعد بن عبدهللا خليل la FAO مدير عام Rome اإلدارة العامة للتعاون الدولي واالستثمار الزراعي في الخارج الرياض C 2015 53


Head of Delegation Head of Delegation Ms Ana HRUSTANOVIC Mr Mohamad Maliki BIN OSMAN Ambassador Minister of State Permanent Representative to FAO Ministry of National Development Rome Singapore

Alternate(s) Ms Poh Hong TAN Mr Marko RAKIC Chief Executive Officer Attaché Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Singapore Rome Alternate(s) SEYCHELLES Mr Chung Fee LIM Senior Assistant Director, Infrastructure Head of Delegation Ministry of National Development Mr Wallace COSGROW Singapore Minister for Fisheries And Agriculture Victoria Ms Lee Kim TAN Deputy Chief Executive Officer Alternate(s) Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority Mr Bernard Francis SHAMLAYE Singapore Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Ms Bee Ling POH Paris Director Horticulture Technology Ms Sara ESTICO CALDERIN Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority Economist Singapore Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture Victoria Mr Melvin CHOW Director Mr Antoine Marie MOUSTACHE Food Supply Policy and Planning Special Advisor Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture Singapore Victoria Mr Marcus ONG SIERRA LEONE - SIERRA LEONA Senior Executive Manager International Relations Head of Delegation Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority Mr Joseph Sam SESAY Singapore Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Food Security Ms Cherin HOON Freetown Senior Executive Manager Strategic Planning Alternate(s) Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority Mr Festus TARAWALIE Singapore Liaison Officer (UN Offices) Consulate General of Sierra Leone SLOVAKIA - SLOVAQUIE - ESLOVAQUIA Rome Head of Delegation Ms Magdalena LACKO-BARTOSOVA State Secretary Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Bratislava 54 C 2015

Alternate(s) Ms Snejana POPOVI Ms Marieta OKENKOVÁ Secretary Counsellor EU Coordination and International Affairs Permanent Representative to FAO Department Rome Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Ljubljana Ms Dagmara PAGACOVA Head of Division SOLOMON ISLANDS - ÎLES SALOMON - Bilateral Cooperation and International ISLAS SALOMÓN Organizations Bratislava Head of Delegation Mr Moses Kouni MOSE Ms Zora WEBEROVA Ambassador National Coordinator for FAO Embassy of the Solomon Islands Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Brussels Development Bratislava SOMALIA - SOMALIE

Ms Maria BIRESOVA Head of Delegation Assistant Ahmed Hassan GABOBE Agriculture and Fisheries Department Minister for Agriculture Permanent Representation of the Slovak Mogadishu رئيس الوفد Republic to the EU السيد أحمد حسن جابوب Brussels وزير الزراعة SLOVENIA - SLOVÉNIE - ESLOVENIA مقديشيو

Head of Delegation Mr Dejan ZIDAN Alternate(s) Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Food Mr Ibrahim Hagi ABDULKADIR Ljubljana Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Alternate(s) Rome مناوب )مناوبون( Mr Iztok MIROSIC السيد ابراهيم هاجي عبد القادر Ambassador السفير Permanent Representative to FAO الممثل الدائم لدى المنظمة Rome روما Mr Boris ANTOLIC Minister Plenipotentiary Ms Kadigia ALI MOHAMUD Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Permanent Representation of Federal Rome Republic of Somalia to FAO Rome السيدة خديجة على محمود Mr Luka KOEVAR الممثلية الدائمة لجمهورية الصومال االتحادية لدى Head of Public Relations and Promotion المنظمة Service Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food روما Ljubljana


EU Coordination and International Affairs Head of Delegation Department Mr Bhekokwakhe CELE Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Ljubljana Fisheries

Pretoria C 2015 55

Alternate(s) Ms Muriel Nomathamsanqa MAKANA Ms Nomatemba TAMBO Personal Assistant to the Director-General Ambassador Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Permanent Representative to FAO Fisheries Rome Pretoria

Mr Nthutang Khumoetsile Martin SELEKA SOUTH SUDAN - SOUDAN DU SUD - Director SUDÁN DEL SUR Humanitarian Affairs Directorate Department of International Relations and Chef de délégation Cooperation Mr Ajing Adiang MARIK Pretoria Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Ms Edith Veronica VRIES Rome Director-General Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Suppléant(s) Fisheries Mr Anthony Utong Nykalo AKARO Pretoria Counsellor Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Mr Marc JURGENS Rome Counsellor Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Ms Angela Jacinto Lee SAJDAK Rome Second Secretary Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Ms Moshibudi Priscilla RAMPEDI Rome Counsellor (Agricultural Affairs) Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO SPAIN - ESPAGNE - ESPAÑA Rome Jefe de Delegación Mr Mmaphaka Ephraim TAU Sr. Francisco Javier ELORZA CAVENGT Acting Deputy Director-General Embajador Forestry and Natural Resources Management Representante Permanente ante la FAO Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Roma Fisheries Pretoria Sr. Jaime HADDAD SÁNCHEZ DE CUETO Subsecretario Ms Pumeza Nwabisa NKHWASHU Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Chief Director Medio Ambiente Forestry Development and Regulation Madrid Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Suplente(s) Pretoria Sr. Gonzalo EIRIZ GERVÁS Subdirector General de Relaciones Ms Nonkululeko MBATHA Internacionales y Asuntos Comunitarios Chief Director Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Deputy Minister's Office Medio Ambiente Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Madrid Fisheries Pretoria Sr. Santiago MENENDEZ DE LUARCA Consejero Mr Trevor ABRAHAMS Representante Permanente Adjunto ante Secretary-General la FAO XIV World Forestry Congress Roma Durban

56 C 2015

السودان - Sr. Francisco CAPOTE YEREGUI SUDAN - SOUDAN – SUDÁN Primer Secretario Representación Permanente de España ante Head of Delegation la FAO Ms Amira GORNASS Roma Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Sra. Amparo RAMBLA GIL Rome Consejera de Agricultura, Alimentación y رئيس الوفد Medio Ambiente السيدة أميرة قورناص Embajada de España السفير Roma الممثل الدائم لدى المنظمة روما Sr. Elías GUIA LÓPEZ Agregado Agrícola Representante Permanente Alterno ante Alternate(s) la FAO Mr Mohamed ELAMIN HASSAN EL-AMIN Roma Director General Planning and Agricultural Economics General Sra. Ángela GUTIÉRREZ Directorate Asistente Técnico Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation Representación Permanente de España ante Khartoum مناوب )مناوبون( la FAO السيد محمد األمين حسن األمين Roma مدير عام التخطيط واالقتصاد الزراعي Sra. María VELÁZQUEZ وزارة الزراعة والري Asistente Técnico الخرطوم Representación permanente de España ante la FAO Roma Ms Abla MALIK OSMAN MALIK Agricultural Counsellor SRI LANKA Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome السيدة عبلة مالك عثمان مالك Head of Delegation Mr Duminda DISSANAYAKE المستشار الزراعي Minister for Irrigation and Agriculture الممثل الدائم المناوب لدى المنظمة Colombo روما Alternate(s) Mr Poshitha PERERA Mr Faisal ABDELAZIM SALIM Minister Counsellor MOHAMED Chargé d'Affaires a.i. First Secretary Permanent Representative to FAO Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Rome السيد فيصل عبدالعظيم سالم محمد سكرتير أول Mr Dolugala Watte JINADASA الممثل الدائم المناوب لدى المنظمة (Minister (Commercial Affairs روما Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Rome SURINAME

Ms Kethma RAJAPAKSHA YAPA Head of Delegation Second Secretary Mr Henry Leonard MAC DONALD Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Ambassador Rome Permanent Representative to the UN New York

C 2015 57

SWAZILAND - SWAZILANDIA Mr Andreas DAVELID Trade Policy Analyst Head of Delegation Swedish Board of Agriculture Mr Moses VILAKATI Jönköping Minister for Agriculture Mbabane Ms Maja BRÄNNVALL Political Adviser Alternate(s) Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation Mr Bongani MASUKU Stockholm Director Agriculture and Extension Services Ms Margareta ARNESSON-CIOTTI Ministry of Agriculture Programme Officer Mbabane Embassy of Sweden Rome SWEDEN - SUÈDE - SUECIA Ms Liselott SCHWEITZ FELICI Head of Delegation Clerical Officer Mr Sven-Erik BUCHT Embassy of Sweden Minister for Rural Affairs Rome Stockholm Ms Angelica JOHANSSON Alternate(s) Intern Ms Cecilia NORDIN VAN GANSBERGHE Embassy of Sweden Ambassador Rome Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Mr Anders MALMER Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Ms Mathilda ÅBERG Uppsala Senior Adviser Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation Ms Ingela NILSSON Stockholm Press Secretary Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation Ms Johanna JANSSON Stockholm Deputy Director Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation SWITZERLAND - SUISSE - SUIZA Stockholm Chef de délégation Ms Kristina YNGWE M. Adrian AEBI Member of Parliament Directeur Général Adjoint Committee on Environment and Agriculture Office fédéral de l'agriculture The Swedish Riksdag Berne Stockholm M. Bernard LEHMANN Mr Isak FROM Secrétaire d'Etat Member of Parliament Directeur Committee on Environment and Agriculture Office fédéral de l'agriculture The Swedish Riksdag Berne Stockholm Suppléant(s) Mr Jacob LUNDBERG Mme Christina GRIEDER Head Ministre Development and Policy Représentante permanente auprès de la FAO WeEffect Rome Stockholm

58 C 2015

M. François PYTHOUD Mr Chantanon WANNAKEJOHN Responsable Assistant Secretary-General Secteur Agriculture durable internationale National FAO Committee Office fédéral de l'agriculture Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives Berne Bangkok

M. Alwin KOPSE Ms Suchada CHAYAMPORN Collaborateur scientifique Attaché to the Minister Secteur Agriculture durable internationale Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives Office fédéral de l'agriculture Bangkok Berne Mr Pavich KESAVEWONG M. Martijn SONNEVELT Senior Environmentalist Collaborateur Scientifique Office of the Permanent Secretary Unité de direction Affaires internationales Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives Office fédéral de l'agriculture Bangkok Berne Ms Siriporn THANARATCHATAPHOOM Mme Christina BLANK Senior Policy and Plan Analyst Conseillère Bureau of Foreign Agricultural Affairs Représentante permanente adjointe auprès de Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives la FAO Bangkok Rome Ms Narumon WIANGWANG TAJIKISTAN - TADJIKISTAN - Counsellor (Agriculture) TAYIKISTÁN Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO

Rome Head of Delegation

Mr Davlatali HOTAMOV Ms Jirapa INTHISANG TROCHIM Deputy Minister for Agriculture First Secretary Alternate Permanent Dushanbe Representative to FAO

Rome Alternate(s)

Mr Kadriddin AKRAMOV Mr Krit HANSAWARD Head Senior Policy and Plan Analyst International Department Bureau of Foreign Agricultural Affairs Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives Dushanbe Bangkok


Senior Policy and Plan Analyst Head of Delegation Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives Mr Petipong PUNGBUN NA AYUDHYA Bangkok Minister for Agriculture and Cooperatives

Bangkok Ms Thitichayahn TEERACHAYARWAT

Senior Public Relations Officer Alternate(s) Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives Ms Doojduan SASANAVIN Bangkok Inspector-General and Secretary-General

National FAO Committee Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives Bangkok

Mr Sompong NIMCHUAR Minister (Agriculture) Permanent Representative to FAO Rome C 2015 59

THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF Suppléant(s) MACEDONIA – L'EX-RÉPUBLIQUE Mme Pakponedong ALI-TILOH SOLITOKE YOUGOSLAVE DE MACÉDOINE – Première Secrétarie LA EX REPÚBLICA YUGOSLAVA DE Chargée des Dossiers de la FAO MACEDONIA Ambassade de la République togolaise Paris Head of Delegation Mr Mihail CVETKOV M. Anana Kodjogan KPADENOU Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Water Chef Economy Division des cultures de rente et de Skopje diversification Lomé Alternate(s) Ms Elisaveta PANOVSKA M. Essoidéina PETCHEZI Chargé d'affaires a.i. Directeur de la communication et de First Secretary l'information Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Lomé Rome M. Madadozi TEZIKE Ms Lidija CADIKOVSKA Chargé d'études au Secrétariat Général Head Ministère de l'agriculture International Cooperation Department Lomé National Focal Point for FAO Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water M. Akela-Esso TONAGA Economy Chargé du Protocole Skopje Ambassade de la République togolaise Paris TIMOR-LESTE M. Kwami TEDJI Head of Delegation Directeur de Protocole du Président de la Mr Orlando SARMENTO République Second Secretary Lomé Chargé d'Affaires a.i. Embassy of the Democratic Republic TONGA of Timor-Leste to the Holy See Rome Alternate(s) Mr Sione Sonata TUPOU TOGO First Secretary Chargé d'Affaires a.i. Chef de délégation Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO M. Faure Essozimna GNASSINGBÉ London Président de la République togolaise Lomé TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO – TRINITÉ-ET-TOBAGO – M. Ouro-Koura AGADAZI TRINIDAD Y TABAGO Ministre de l'agriculture, de l'élevage et de la pêche Head of Delegation Lomé Ms Desdra BASSCOMBE Permanent Secretary M. Calixte Batossie MADJOULBA Ministry of Food Production Ambassadeur Port of Spain Représentant Permanent auprès de la FAO Paris Alternate(s) Mr John SANDY Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Geneva 60 C 2015

Mr Hershael RAMESAR M. Hafedh KHLIF Advisor to the Minister for Food Production Directeur de la coopération internationale Ministry of Food Production Ministère de l'agriculture Port of Spain Tunis السيد حافظ خليف مدير التعاون الدولي Ms Anesa ALI-RODRIGUEZ وزارة الفالحة First Secretary تونس Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Geneva M. Ridha BEN MOSBAH Conseiller du Chef du Gouvernement تونس - TUNISIA - TUNISIE – TÚNEZ Chargé des questions économiques Chef de délégation Tunis السيد رضا بن مصباح M. Habib ESSID مستشار لدى رئيس الحكومة Premier Ministre المكلف بالشؤون االقتصادية Tunis تونس رئيس الوفد السيد حبيب سيدي M. Elyes GHARIANI وزير أول Conseiller du Chef du Gouvernement تونس Chargé des affaires diplomatiques Suppléant(s) Tunis السيد الياس غرياني M. Saâd SEDDIK مستشار لدى رئيس الحكومة Ministre de l'agriculture, des ressources المكلف باألعمال الدبلوماسية hydrauliques et de la pêche تونس Tunis M. Kamel JOUANI مناوب )مناوبون( Conseiller de presse auprès du Chef du السيد سعد صديق Gouvernement وزير الزراعة والمياه والثروة السمكية Tunis تونس السيد كامل جواني مستشار صحفي لدى رئيس الحكومة M. Naceur MESTIRI تونس Ambassadeur Représentant permanent auprès de la FAO Rome TURKEY - TURQUIE - TURQUÍA السيد ناصر ميستيري Head of Delegation السفير Mr Aydin Adnan SEZGIN الممثل الدائم لدى المنظمة Ambassador روما Permanent Representative to FAO Mme Hazar SASSI NEILI Rome Conseiller Représentant permanent suppléant auprès de Alternate(s) la FAO Mr Hilmi Ergin DEDEOGLU Rome Counsellor (Agriculture) Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO السيدة هزار ساسي نايلي Rome المستشار الممثل الدائم المناوب لدى المنظمة Ms Sinem MINGAN روما Counsellor Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome

C 2015 61

Mr Sefa OZTURK UKRAINE - UCRANIA Second Secretary Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Head of Delegation Rome Mr Yevhen PERELYGIN Ambassador Ms U. Burcu SERIN Permanent Representative to FAO Directorate of EU and Foreign Relations Rome Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock Ankara Alternate(s) Mr Oleksandr KAPUSTIN TURKMENISTAN - TURKMÉNISTAN - First Secretary TURKMENISTÁN Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Head of Delegation Mr Tchary NIAZOV UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary ÉMIRATS ARABES UNIS - Paris EMIRATOS ÁRABES UNIDOS - االمارات العربية المتحدة TUVALU

Head of Delegation Head of Delegation Ms Sheikha Lubna AL QASIMI Ms Sunema Pie SIMATI Minister for Development and International Permanent Representative to the UN Cooperation New York Abu Dhabi

رئيس الوفد UGANDA - OUGANDA الشيخة لبني القاسمي وزير التنمية والتعاون الدولي Head of Delegation أبو ظبي Mr Vincent SSEMPIJJA State Minister for Agriculture Kampala Alternate(s) Mr Saqer Nasser ALRAISI Alternate(s) Ambassador Ms Dinah Grace AKELLO Permanent Representative to FAO Ambassador Rome مناوب )مناوبون( Permanent Representative to FAO السيد صقر ناصر الراسي Rome السفير الممثل الدائم لدى المنظمة Mr Robert SABIITI روم First Secretary Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Mr Hamad ALNUAIMI

Attaché Mr Balaam MWASA Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Senior Accountant Rome Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and السيد حمد النعيمي Fisheries ملحق Entebbe الممثل الدائم املناوب لدى المنظمة روما Ms Mary NINSIIMA KABEHO Senior Human Resource Officer Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries Entebbe

62 C 2015

Mr Mirghani Hassan OBEID ALI UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA – Coordinator RÉPUBLIQUE-UNIE DE TANZANIE – Relations with UN Agencies for Food and REPÚBLICA UNIDA DE TANZANÍA Agriculture Embassy of the United Arab Emirates Head of Delegation Rome Mr Gofrey Weston ZAMBI Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Food السيد ميرغني حسن عبيد علي Security and Cooperatives المنسق Dar-es-Salaam العالقات مع وكاالت األمم المتحدة لألغذية والزراعة اإلمارات العربية المتحدة Alternate(s) Mr Yohana BUDEBA Mr Fahad AL MUBARAK Permanent Secretary Partnerships Division Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Ministry of Development and International Development Cooperation Dar-es-Salaam Dubai

السيد فهد المبارك Mr Omar AMIR Deputy Permanent Secretary قسم الشراكات Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries وزارة التنمية والتعاون الدولي Development دبي Dar-es-Salaam UNITED KINGDOM – ROYAUME-UNI – REINO UNIDO Mr James MSEKELA Ambassador Head of Delegation Permanent Representative to FAO Mr Neil BRISCOE Rome Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Ms Catherine DANGAT Rome Director of Policy and Planning Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Alternate(s) Development Ms Elizabeth NASSKAU Dar-es-Salaam First Secretary Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Mr Hosea Gonza MBILINYI Rome Director of Fisheries Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Mr Neil PATRICK Development First Secretary Dar-es-Salaam Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Ms Annunciata NJOMBE Director of Animal Production Mr Lorenzo DE SANTIS Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Multilateral Policy Officer Development Permanent Representation of the United Dar-es-Salaam Kingdom to FAO Rome Mr Tawlib T. MMBAGA Assistant to the Deputy Minister Ms Fiona PRYCE Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Information Manager Cooperatives Programme Support Dar-es-Salaam Permanent Representation of the United Kingdom to FAO Mr Karim Ibrahim MSEMO Rome Counsellor Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome C 2015 63

Mr Ayoub MNDEME Mr George DOUVELIS Agricultural Attaché Senior Advisor Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Office of Agreements and Scientific Affairs Rome Foreign Agricultural Service U.S. Department of Agriculture UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Washington, D.C. ÉTATS-UNIS D'AMÉRIQUE - ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMÉRICA Ms Mary Blanca RIOS Senior Advisor Head of Delegation Bureau of International Organizations Affairs Ms Krysta HARDEN U.S. Department of State Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Washington, D.C. U.S. Department of Agriculture Washington, D.C. Ms Elle O'FLAHERTY Senior Trade Advisor Alternate(s) Foreign Agricultural Service Mr David LANE U.S. Department of Agriculture Ambassador Washington, D.C. Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Mr John TUMINARO Senior Food Security Advisor Ms Natalie Eugenia BROWN Bureau of International Organization Affairs Counsellor U.S. Department of State Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Washington, D.C. Rome Ms Molly RIVERA-OLDS Ms April COHEN Food Security Advisor First Secretary Bureau of International Organization Affairs Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO U.S. Department of State Rome Washington, D.C.

Ms Sharon KETCHUM Mr Phil KARSTING Second Secretary Administrator Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Foreign Agricultural Service Rome U.S. Department of Agriculture Washington, D.C. Mr Juan Manuel CAMMARANO Second Secretary Ms Suzanne PALMIERI Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Associate Administrator Rome Foreign Agricultural Service U.S. Department of Agriculture Mr Christopher SHEPHERD-PRATT Washington, D.C. Development Attaché Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Mr Robert MACKE Rome Acting Deputy Administrator Foreign Agriculture Service Mr John NORRIS U.S. Department of Agriculture Minister Counselor Washington, D.C. Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Ms Karla THIEMAN Chief of Staff to Deputy Secretary Harden Ms Maria Adelaide D'ARCANGELO Office of the Secretary Agricultural Specialist U.S. Department of Agriculture United States Mission to the United Nations Washington, D.C. Agencies Rome 64 C 2015

Support Staff Sr. Ernesto MESSANO Ms Silvia GIOVANAZZI Segundo Secretario Program Assistant Representante Permanente Alterno ante la FAO United States Mission to the United Nations Roma Agencies Rome Sr. Mario MONDELLI Director Ms Ann WISE Oficina de Programación y Política Public Affairs Assistant Agropecuaria United States Mission to the United Nations Ministerio de Agricultra, Ganadería y Pesca Agencies Montevideo Rome UZBEKISTAN - OUZBÉKISTAN - Ms Maura CORREALE UZBEKISTÁN Political-Economic Assistant United States Mission to the United Nations Head of Delegation Agencies Mr Shukhrat TESHAYEV Rome Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources Tashkent Mr Stefano MIFSUD Office Manager Alternate(s) United States Mission to the United Nations Mr Akram ARIPOV Agencies First Deputy Minister Rome Agriculture Technology Issues Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources Ms Megan WALDROP Tashkent Agriculture Intern United States Mission to the United Nations Mr Ravshanbek DUSCHANOV Agencies Chargé d'affaires Rome Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Ms Caroline WEGNER Political-Economic Intern Mr Muhammadjon KOSIMOV United States Mission to the United Nations Head Agencies Economic Analysis and Forecasting Rome of Agricultural Production Development Deputy Head URUGUAY Economic Reforms Complex Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources Jefe de Delegación Tashkent Sr. Tabaré AGUERRE Ministro de Ganadería, Agricultura y Pesca Mr Rustam KAYUMOV Montevideo First Secretary Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Suplente(s) Rome Sra. Gabriela CHIFFLET Ministra VANUATU Representante Permanente Adjunto ante la FAO Head of Delegation Roma Mr David Tosul BUTULSO Minister for Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Sr. Oscar PIÑEYRO Fisheries and Biosecurity Consejero Port Vila Representante Permanente Alterno ante la FAO Roma

C 2015 65

Alternate(s) Sra. Marilyn DI LUCA Mr Roy Mickey JOY Presidenta Ambassador to the European Union, the Instituto Nacional de Nutrición Kingdom of Belgium, French Republic Caracas High Commissioner to the United Kingdom and Court of St James Sr. Giancarlo DI MARTINO Brussels Consul General de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela Mr Howard ARU Milán Director-General Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries Sra. Verónica GARCÍA and Biosecurity Analista Port Vila Despacho Móvil Ministerio del Poder Popular para Relaciones VENEZUELA (BOLIVARIAN REPUBLIC Exteriores OF) – VENEZUELA (RÉPUBLIQUE Caracas BOLIVARIENNE DU) – VENEZUELA (REPÚBLICA BOLIVARIANA DE) Sra. Amarilis GUTIÉRREZ Consulado General de la República Jefe de Delegación Bolivariana de Venezuela Sr. Jorge ARREAZA Nápoles Vicepresidente de la República Caracas Sra. Marnoglia HERNANDEZ Consul Suplente(s) Consulado General de la República Sra. Gladys F. URBANEJA DURÁN Bolivariana de Venezuela Embajadora Nápoles Representante Permanente ante la FAO Roma Sr. Luis MARTÍNEZ Consul Sr. Isaías RODRÍGUEZ Consulado General de la República Embajador de la República Bolivariana de Bolivariana Venezuela Milán Roma Sr. Aquiles MORENO Sr. Luis ALVAREZ FERMIN Administrador de Proyectos Ministro Consejero Instituto Nacional de Nutrición Representación Permanente ante la FAO Roma Sr. German MUNDARAIN Embajador Sr. Hendrick BARRETO SANCHEZ República Bolivariana de Venezuela ante la Primer Secretario Santa Sede Representación Permanente ante la FAO Roma Roma Sr. Calixto ORTEGA Sra. Myriam CASTELLANOS Viceministro para Europa Coordinadora de Ceremonial Ministerio del Poder Popular para Relaciones Ministerio del Poder Popular para Relaciones Exteriores Exteriores Caracas Caracas Sra. Alexandra PAEZ Sr. Manuel E. CLAROS OVIEDO Directora de Comunicación en Alimentación Segundo Secretario y Nutrición Representación Permanente ante la FAO Instituto Nacional de Nutrición Roma Caracas

66 C 2015

Sr. Heli PULGAR Alternate(s) Director de Seguimiento, Análisis, Mr Haytham Abdulmomen SHOJA' AADIN Asesoría y Proyectos Internacionales Counsellor Ministerio del Poder Popular para Relaciones Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Exteriores Rome مناوب )مناوبون( Caracas السيد هيثم عبدالمؤمن شجاع الدين المستشار VIET NAM نائب الممثل الدائم لدى المنظمة روما Head of Delegation Mr Tuan Cong HA

Vice Minister for Planning and Investment Mr Ali Abdullah GUNID Hanoi Director General

Planning and Monitoring Alternate(s) Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation Mr Hoang Long NGUYEN Sana’a Ambassador السيد علي عبدهللا جونيد Permanent Representative to FAO مدير عام Rome التخطيط والرصد وزارة الزراعة والري Ms Thi Thuy Hang NGUYEN صنعاء Counsellor Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Mr Abdullah Na'ami AL-NA' AMI Second Secretary Mr Minh Anh NGUYEN Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Deputy Director-General Rome السيد عبدهللا نعامي النعامي Ministry of Planning and Investment سكرتير ثاني Hanoi الممثل الدائم المناوب لدى المنظمة روما Mr Kien Do TRIEU Senior Official

Ministry of Planning and Investment Mr Mahmoud AL-ASHWAL Hanoi Third Secretary

Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Mr Manh Cuong DOAN Rome Programme Officer السيد محمود األشول Ministry of Planning and Investment سكرتير ثالث Hanoi الممثل الدائم المناوب لدى المنظمة روما اليمن - YEMEN – YÉMEN

Mr Tariq M.H. HATEM Head of Delegation Attaché Mr Abdulmalik Kasem AL-THAWR Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Rome Irrigation السيد طارق حاتم Sana’a الملحق رئيس الوفد الممثل الدائم المناوب لدى المنظمة السيد عبدالمالك قاسم الثور روما نائب وزير الزراعة والري ss صنعاء

C 2015 67

ZAMBIA - ZAMBIE Ms Irene BOSHA Counsellor Head of Delegation Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Mr Given LUBINDA Rome Minister for Agriculture and Livestock Lusaka Ms Placida Shuvai CHIVANDIRE Counsellor Alternate(s) Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Mr Stansilous CHISAKUTA Rome Deputy Director for Agriculture Lusaka Mr Clemence BWENJE Director Mr Clifford HAVULA LAMBE Economics and Markets First Secretary Ministry of Agriculture, Mechanisation Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO and Irrigation Development Rome Harare

Mr Kayoya MASUHWA Mr Ringson CHITSIKO First Secretary Permanent Secretary Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Ministry of Agriculture, Mechanization Rome and Irrigation Development Harare Ms Victoria MUSHIBWE Counsellor Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome

Mr Cosmore MWAANGA Chief Policy Analyst Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Lusaka

Mr George OKECH FAO Representative Lusaka


Head of Delegation Mr Paddy ZHANDA Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Mechanization and Irrigation Development Harare

Alternate(s) Mr Godfrey MAGWENZI Ambassador Permanent Representative to FAO Rome

Mr Shephard Shingirai GWENZI Minister Counsellor Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome

68 C 2015

الكرسي الرسولي 教 廷 HOLY SEE SAINT-SIÈGE СВЯТОЙ ПРЕСТОЛ SANTA SEDE M. Fernando CHICA ARELLANO Observateur Permanent du Saint-Siège auprès de la FAO Cité du Vatican

M. Vincenzo BUONOMO Bureau de l'Observateur Permanent du Saint-Siège auprès de la FAO Cité du Vatican

M. Salvatore CAVALLO Bureau de l'Observateur Permanent du Saint-Siège auprès de la FAO Cité du Vatican جماعة فرسان مالطة 马耳他自治社 SOVEREIGN ORDER OF MALTA ORDRE SOUVERAIN DE MALTE СУВЕРЕННЫЙ МАЛЬТИЙСКИЙ ОРДЕН SOBERANA ORDEN DE MALTA M. Giuseppe BONANNO DI LINGUAGLOSSA Observateur Permanent du Souverain Ordre de Malte auprès de la FAO Rome

Mme Claude FORTHOMME Observateur Adjoint du Souverain Ordre de Malte auprès de la FAO Rome فلسطين 巴勒斯坦 PALESTINE ПАЛЕСТИНА PALESTINA Mr Shawqi ISSA Minister for Agriculture Ramallah السيد شوقي عيسى وزير الزراعة رام هللا Ms Mai ALKAILA Ambassador Observer to FAO Rome السيدة مي الكيالي السفير المراقب لدى المنظمة روما Mr Ibrahim QTISHAT Director-General for Rural Development Ministry of Agriculture Ramallah السيد ابراهيم قطيشات مدير عام التنمية الريفية وزارة الزراعة رام هللا C 39 69



Ms Monica LOMENA-GELIS Project Coordinator Liaison - Land, Security and Resilience Bonn

Mr Sven WALTER Programme Officer Liaison - Land, Security and Resilience Bonn

Ms Luisa VANDERWEGEN Intern Liaison - Land, Security and Resilience Bonn


Mr Qu LIANG Director Joint FAO-IAEA Division Vienna


Mr Kanayo F. NWANZE President International Fund for Agricultural Development Rome

Ms Josefina STUBBS Associate Vice-President and Chief Development Strategist Rome

70 C 2015

Mr John MCINTIRE Associate Vice-President Programme Department Rome

Mr Jinkang WU Chief Asia Region Special Adviser to the President Rome

Mr Fabrizio BRESCIANI Officer-in-Charge Asia and the Pacific Divison Rome

Ms Silvia GIACHETTI Member States Liaison Rome

Mr Tarek KOTB Country Programme Manager Rome

Mr Matteo MARCHISIO Country Programme Manager Rome

Mr Paolo SILVERI Country Programme Manager Rome

Ms Helen TERRY Officer-in-Charge Member States Liaison and Protocol Office Rome

Ms Véronique PASSETCHNIK Protocol Assistant Rome

Ms Sandra REYES Associate Assistant Rome

Mr Rasit PERTEV Secretary Rome

Mr Abdalla KHABBAB Rome

C 2015 71


Ms Ertharin COUSIN Executive Director Rome

Mr Manoj JUNEJA Assistant Executive Director Chief Financial Officer Resource Management Department Rome

Mr Arif HUSAIN Director Chief Economist Programme and Policy Division Operations Services Department Rome

Ms Mihoko TAMAMURA Director Rome-based Agencies and CFS Partnership, Governance, and Advocacy Services Department Rome

Mr George HEYMELL Director Purchase for Progress Unit Policy and Programme Rome

Mr Chris KAYE Director Performance Management and Reporting Resource Management Department Rome

Mr Stanlake SAMKANGE Director Programme and Policy Division Operations Services Department Rome

Ms Laura SANTUCCI Director Office of the Executive Director Rome

Ms Harriet SPANOS Director Executive Board Secretariat Partnership, Governance, and Advocacy Services Department Rome 72 C 2015

Mr Phillip YOUNG Executive Administrative Officer Office of the Executive Director Rome

Mr Jim HARVEY Chief of Staff Office of the Executive Director Rome

Ms Nehal HEGAZY Liaison Officer Office of the Executive Director Rome

Mr Yasir ANWAR Donor and Private Sector Relations Officer Word Food Programme Country Office Pakistan Rome

Mr Alix LORISTON Senior Donor Relations Officer Government Partnerships Division Partnership, Governance and Advocacy Department Rome

Mr Andrey SHIRKOV Donor & Private Sector Relations Officer Rome

Ms Siva JAMAL AZIZ Policy Officer Rome-based Agency and CFS Partnership, Governance, and Advocacy Services Department Rome

Ms Rina MANZO Protocol and Cerimonial Officer Management Services Division Rome

Mr Chad MARTINO Programme Adviser Performance Management and Reporting Resource Management Department Rome

Ms Bahar ZOROFI Programme Adviser Word Food Programme Representative to joint CFS Secretariat Rome

C 2015 73

Mr Enrico PIANO External Relations Consultant Rome-based Agency and CFS Partnership, Governance, and Advocacy Services Department Rome

Ms Daria CIPRIANI Assistant Word Food Programme Protocol Office Management Services Division Rome

Mr Giulio D'ADAMO Photographer and Assistant Communications Division Partnership, Governance, and Advocacy Services Department Rome

Mme Valerie OLIVIER Liaison Assistant Operations Management Support Unit Operations Services Department Rome

Ms Poobalan PRAEMEENAH Voluntary Assistant Rome-based Agency and CFS Partnership, Governance, and Advocacy Services Department Rome

Ms Chiara RATZENBERG Voluntary Assistant Rome-based Agency and CFS Partnership, Governance, and Advocacy Services Department Rome

Ms Gwen IFILL Rome

Ms Connie JACKSON Rome

74 C 2015



Mr Patrick GOMES Secretary General

Mr Michael HAILU Director CTA


Mr Martin BWALYA Head Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Development Programme

Mr Inge Herman RYDLAND Co-Chair Climate Smart Agriculture


M. Emile ESSEMA Secrétaire Exécutif


Ms. Anna BUTS Department Director

Mr Andrei DRABYSHEUSKI Deputy Chief Agricultural Policy Division


Mr Haladou SALHA AU-NEPAD Senior Technical Advisor


Mr Adriano José TIMOSSI Senior Programme Officer

C 2015 75


Mr Fahad AL-SHANFARI Head Protocol Unit

Mr Shalan EDAN Head Studies Department

Mr Mohamed ELZAIN Head Agricultural Investment Department

Mr Mohammed ALMAZROOEI Chiarman of AAAID

Mr Larbi HAMDI Economic Advisor


Mme Faouzia CHAKIRI Food Security Direction


Ms Mariam ELMASRY Third Secretary Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome


M. Ibrahim Lumumba IDDI ISSA Comité permanent inter états de lutte contre la sécheresse dans le Sahel



Ms Alberta GUERRA Food Policy Advisor Rome


Ms Hayriye Berat Arzu IRGE Vice President Chair of United Nations Representative Committee

Ms Cristina GORAJSKI Permanent Representative to FAO Rome


Ms Carmen SEOANE Responsible for Institutional Relations Madrid


Mr Marco FOSCHINI Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome


Mr Paolo MENESATTI Director Agricultural Engineering Research Unit Council for Agricultural Research and Economics Liège


Mr Seok Ju KANG Agricultural Advisor Geneva

C 2015 77


Ms Nanda NOBILE Permanent Representative to FAO Rome


Mr Nico VAN BELZEN Director-General Brussels


Ms Cristina GRANDI Chief Food Security Campaigner Rome


Ms María ELVERDIN President Rome

Ms Norma CHIAPPARRONE Secretary-General Rome

Ms Marisa ZUCCOLILLO Associate Rome

Ms Luciana DELFINI Rome


Mr Jorge Stanley ICAZA Food Sovereignty Programme Consultant San Francisco

78 C 2015


Mr Antonio ONORATI International Focalpoint for Institutional Relations Rome

Mr Mauro CONTI Advocacy and Policy Officer Rome


Mr Luca CHINOTTI Policy Advisor Rome


Mr Gaetano CARBONI Rome



Mr Marco Claudio RANDONE Permanent Representative to FAO Rome

Mr Antonio LICO Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome


Ms Liliana MOSCA Permanent Representative to FAO Rome


Sr Rodolfo Enrique GONZALEZ GRECO Member of Small Farmer Organisation

C 2015 79


Ms Bruna MAGNANI LOMAZZI Permanent Representative to FAO Rome


Mr Auxtin ORTIZ Director Arkaute (Araba) Spain

Mr José ZEBERIO Executive Secretary Development Association Arkaute (Araba) Spain

Ms Laura LORENZO Agronomic Engineer Arkaute (Araba) Spain


Mr Richard COTTREL Director General London


Ms Alessia TRONI Permanent Representative to FAO Rome