UNITED NATIONS List of Participants

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UNITED NATIONS List of Participants HSP/WUF/5/ UNITED NATIONS HSP HSP/WUF/5/INF/5 Distr.: General 26 March 2010 English only Fifth session Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 22–26 March 2010 List of Participants 1 HSP/WUF/5/ GOVERNMENT ....................................................................................................3 LOCAL GOVERNMENT / MUNICIPALITY ........................................................55 NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS ...................................................138 PARLIAMENTARIANS.....................................................................................246 ACADEMIA / RESEARCH ...............................................................................251 PRIVATE SECTOR ..........................................................................................380 FOUNDATIONS................................................................................................439 MEDIA ..............................................................................................................451 INTER-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS.................................................480 UNITED NATIONS ...........................................................................................485 OTHERS...........................................................................................................511 2 HSP/WUF/5/ GOVERNMENT AFGHANISTAN Mr. Mohammad Yousaf PASHTUN Minister Mr. Temorshah ANWARYAR Ministry of Urban Development Municipal Affairs Director Independent Directorate of Local Governance Mr. Abdul Wasea RAHIM Director Dr. Quiamudin DJALLAZADAH Ministry of Urban Development Deputy Minister Ministry of Urban Development Mr. Mohammad Aryan SHAMS Office Manager Mr. Ghulam Sarwar HANIF Ministry of Urban Development Strategic Planning Advisor Icam ALBANIA Mr. Ahmad Shah HEMAT Project Manager Mrs. Eny Therezinha Da Motta AMADEU Ministry of Urban Development Supervisor Caixa Econômica Federal H.E. Sultan Husein HESARI Acting Minister of Urban Development Ministry of Urban Development, Opposite Azadi Press, Macroyan 3, Distr ANGOLA Mr. Eugnio Da Conceição ALEXANDRE Mr. Naimullah NAIMI CORREIA Senior Municipal Development Specialist Diretor Geral Icma Ministerio Do Urbanismo E Habitação Mr. Ghulam Rasul NAWABI Dr. Caetano Francisco BAIÃO Acting Team Leader Director Nacional Ministry of Urban Development Ministerio Do Urbanismo E Construção Eng. Mohammad Nadir OMAR Mrs. Madalena Domingos BERNARDO Project Manager Directora Provincial Do Urbanismo E Ambiente Ministry of Urban Development Governo Provincial Do Kwanza-sul/angola Mr. Mohammad Nadir OMAR Dr. Manuel António DA SILVA 26 Dalwa Project Manager Assessor Ministry of Urban Development Ministerio Do Urbanismo E Construção Mr. Said OSMAN Eng. Adriano João Dos Santos DA SILVA Director Inspector Geral Ministry of Urban Development Ministério Do Urbanismo E Construção 3 HSP/WUF/5/ Mr. Antonio Salvador DOMINGOS Arquitecto Governo Da Provincia De Luanda Prof. Jorge BLANCO Profesional Ministerio De Planificación Federal, Inversión Dr. Baltazar De Oliveira DOMINGOS Pública Y Servicios Director Ministerio Do Urbanismo E Construção Mr. Luis Alberto BONTEMPO Subsecretario De Desarrollo Urbano Y Vivienda Miss. Maria EUGENIA FEIJO SANTOS Ministerio De Planificación Federal, Inversión Ministra Pública Y Servicios Embaixada De Angola Lic. Pablo Ignacio CARUSO H.E. José Dos Santos Da Silva FERREIRA Responsable Proyecto Presupuesto Participativo Ministro Jefatura De Gabinete De Ministros Governo De Angola H.E. Daniel CHUBURU Mr. Antonio Pedro FILIPEBUNGA Ambassador and Permanent Representative to Jurista Un-habi Ministerio De Urbanismo Ministry of Foreign Affairs Prof. António Pereira GAMEIRO Eng. Claudia Marina COMESAÑA Assessor Responsable Operativo De UN-HABITAT Ministério Do Urbanismo E Construção Ministerio De Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Internacional Y Culto Dr. Adérito MOHAMED Director Eng. Gustavo DURAN Ministério Do Urbanismo E Habitação Presidente Consejo Nacional De La Vivienda Mr. Francisco TCHIQUENDJA Director Provincial - Lunda - Sul Mrs. Maria De La Paz GONZALEZ TOLEDO Ministério De Urbanismo E Construção Tecnica De Programa Rural Y Aborigen Ministerio De Planificacion Federal Dr. Manuel ZANGUI Director Nacional Lic. Malka HANCEVICH Ministerio Do Urbanismo E Construção Socióloga - Asistente Técnica Subsecretaría De Desarrollo Urbano Y Vivienda ARGENTINA Lic. Raquel Cecilia KISMER DE OLMOS Secretaria De Asuntos Municipales Lic. Roxana ABUD Ministerio Del Interior Coordinacion De Programa Subsecretaria De Desarrollo Urbano Y Vivienda Mrs. Erica LOPEZ Administración Lic. Marta AGUILAR Subsecretaria De Desarrollo Urbano Y Vivienda Jefa De Gabinete De Asesores Ministerio De Planificación Federal, Inversión Pública Y Servicios Lic. Lydia Mabel MARTINEZ DE JIMENEZ Socióloga/directora Nacional De Políticas Habitaci Mrs. Marcela Ines BARBOZA Subsecretaria De Desarrollo Urbano Y Vivienda Subcoordinadora Subsecretaria De Desarrollo Urbano Y Vivienda 4 HSP/WUF/5/ Mr. Guillermo MARZIONI Arquitecto Comision Nacional De Tierras Para El Habitat Social BAHRAIN Mr. Abdalla ABBAS HAMAD HAMZA Lic. Amelia MESA Advisor Subsecretaria Prime Minister Court Ministerio De Infraestructura De La Provincia De Buenos Aires Mr. Hasan ABDULMAJEED HASAN ALSHEHABI Employee Lic. Mercedes Juliana MUR Prime Minister Court Socióloga - Asistente Técnica Subsecretaría De Desarrollo Urbano Y Vivienda Mr. Hasan ABDULMAJEED HASAN ALSHEHABI Employee Dr. Patricia Edith PALENQUE Prime Minister Court Coordinadora Ejecutiva Subsecretaria De Desarrollo Urbano Y Vivienda Mr. Mohamed AHMED Manger, Minister’s Office Mr. Carlos RODRIGUEZ Ministry of Municipalities & Agriculture Affairs Subsecretario De Urbanismo Ministerio De Infraestructura De La Provincia De Buenos Aires Mr. Masoud AL HERMI Consultant Court of Hrh the Prime Minister Lic. Natalia Jimena SAA Sociologa/asistente Tecnica Subsecretaria De Desarrollo Urbano Y Vivienda Mr. Sh. Khalifa Bin Isa AL KHALIFA General Director Ministry of Municipalities & Agriculture Affairs Lic. Sandra SOSA Coordinacion De Programa Subsecretaria De Desarrolo Urbano Y Vivienda Eng. Khalid ALANSARI Director Ministry of Municipalities & Agriculture Affairs Lic. Nora Viviana STEINBRUN Socióloga - Asistente Técnico Subsecretaría De Desarrollo Urbano Y Vivienda Dr. Abdulhay ALAWADHI Undersecretary Ministry of Health Mrs. Laura Isabel VELASQUEZ Adido Consular Ministerio De Relaciones Exteriores De La Mr. Talal ALI HASAN EBRAHIM HUSAIN ALBAL Republica Argentina Secretary Prime Minister Court ARMENIA Dr. Juma AL-KAABI Minister Mr. Sargis BAGHINYAN Ministry of Municipalities & Agriculture Affairs Assistant to Minister Ministry of Urban Development of the Republic of Armenia H.E. Ebrahim AL-KHALIFA Minister of Housing Ministry of Housing H.E. Vardan VARDANYAN Minister Ministry of Urban Development of the Republic of Mr. Adel ALMARZOOQ Armenia Head, Public Relation and Information 5 HSP/WUF/5/ Ministry of Municipalities & Agriculture Affairs Mr. Fazle KABIR Additional Secretary Finance Division, Ministry of Finance Mr. Ebrahim ALNAWAKHTHA Director Ministry of Health BELARUS Eng. Abduljalil ALSEBEA Mr. Anatoly NICHKASOV Acting Director Housing Policies and Strategic Deputy Minister Pla Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Ministry of Housing Republic of Belarus Mr. Johan BETH Advisor to H.e. the Minister of Housing Ministry of Housing BELGIUM Dr. Joris SCHEERS Mr. Howard Martin KING Head of Dept. Consultant Flemish Regional Authority Prime Minister Court Mr. Yousif MAHMOUD BENIN Head of Corporate & Public Affairs Prime Minister Court Mr. David Toudonou HOUSSOU Point Focal Onu-habitat Au Bénin Et Coordinateur D Eng. Dana MUDHAFAR Task-force D'appui Au Ministère De L'urbanisme, Civil Engineer De L'habitat, De La Ré Ministry of Works Mr. Sevérin Koffi N'SIA Mr. Mohamed Yaqoob YUSUF AHMED Directeur ALQAOOD Delegation A L'amenagement Du Territoire Mr. Robert Servais OROU YOROUBA BANGLADESH Directeur Maison Des Collectivites Locales Eng. Ali AHMED Government Service Urban Partnerships for Poverty Reduction Project BRAZIL Dr. Shirin Sharmin CHAUDHURY Mr. Carlos ABRANTES DE SOUZA E SILVA State Minister Arquteto - Supervisor De Assistência Técnica Ministry of Women and Children Affairs Caixa Econômica Federal Eng. Md. Abdul HAKIM Miss. Silvana ACCURSO Deputy Project Director Assessora Urban Partnerships for Poverty Reduction Project Cbtu - Companhia Brasileira De Trens Urbanos Mr. Monzur HOSSAIN Mr. Hércules Lopes AGOSTINHO Secretary Autonomo Ministry of Local Government, Rural União Nacional Por Moradia Popular Development & Cooperatives Dr. Paulo AGUIAR 6 HSP/WUF/5/ Coordenador Assessora Técnica Secretaria De Estado De Obras Ministério Do Desenvolvimento Social E Combate À Fome - Mds Mrs. Aline ALBUQUERQUE Arquiteta Mrs. Zilneide ALVES DE SANT ANA Ministério Das Cidades Conselheira Ministerio Das Cidades Mr. Antonio Leonidas ALBUQUERQUE NETO Assessor De Comunicação Mrs. Fernanda AMADO Presidência Da República Assessora Secretaria Do Patrimonio Da Uniao Mrs. Isabella Christina ALBUQUERQUE PINTO DA COSTA Mrs. Simone AMARO Técnica De Nível Superior Coordenadora De Comercialização Ministério Do Planejamento - Secretaria Do Ministério Do Desenvolvimento Social E Patrimônio Da União Combate A Fome Mr. Jânio ALCÂNTARA Eng. Tatiana AMBRÓSIO BATISTA Economista Engenheira Ministério Das Cidades Secretaria Do Patrimônio Da União - Spu/mg Mr. Aurelio Lino De ALMEIDA Dr. Celso AMORIM Gerente De Segmento Ministro Caixa Economica Federal Ministério Das Relações Exteriores Mr. Matheus ALMEIDA CASSIANO
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