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No Code ENGLISH Present Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran Scopus, Index Copernicus، SID, Magiran 2 1 EMBASE, Scopus,ProQuest, Excerpta Medica, Index Medicus for the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region, Elsevier, Index 2 3 Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences Co, Scopus, SID, Magiran, Iranmedex, Open J-Gate. ISI, SCOPUS, CAS, IPA, EMBASE,ProQuest, BIOSIS, IMEMR, NAPRALERT, CABI, Index Co, Global Health, DOAJ, Free 3 9 DARU Medical Journals, and EBSCO 4 14 Urology Journal ISI ,MedLine,Pub med,Cinahl ,CABI ,Doaj ,CSA ,SID , Google Scholar,Iranmedex ,Scopus ,EMRO, ProQuest Medline, EMBASE , SCOPUS , Global Health Database , CABI,Index Co, CAS, Excerpta Medica, Abstract Journals ,Ulrich´s 5 15 Acta Medica Iranica AMI Periodicals Directory , EMRO,Doaj , SID, Index Academicu, Magiran, Cochrane, google Scholar,iranmedex 6 16 Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine EMBASE, Scopus, EBSCO, Index Co, EMRO, SID, IranMedex ,Magiran. 7 27 Journal of Research in Medical Sciences ISI, Scopus, Sciences Citation Index Expandad ,CAS, CINAHL, EMRO, Doaj, Journal Citation Report, EMBASE,Index PubMed\MEDLINE,ISI,Co,SID, ProQuest Scopus, EMBASE,ExtraMED,Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA),CAS,CABI,Index 8 36 Iranian Biomedical Journal(IBJ) Co,Doaj,EMRO,Magiran.Iranmedex,IranDOC,ParsMedline ,SID, ProQuest 9 38 Archives of Iranian Medicine PubMed/MEDLINE, ISI , EMBASE, SCOPUS,ProQuest, CINHAL, PASCAL, CSA, SID ISI, EMRO,Index Co, Cambridge Scientific Abstract ,EMBASE,Scopus ,ProQuest, Magiran,SID,Iranmedex,Regional 10 41 Yakhteh Information Center for Sciences
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