V o lu m e 'll



FINANCE & PLANNING (P lan n in g W in g ) DEPARTMENT 19 8 8 oub. National Systems Unu, National Institute of Educational Plannini? and A ministration 17-E ,Su A i-r bnido-Matg,hIewDelhi-1100ll6 DOC. . Date...... j j ^ L j . 2 ^ , Ci) STATISTICAL BATA


- 1 Heacis of Development - Outlay ■ and Expenditure 1-14 - 2 Development Schemes/Projects - Outlay and Expenditure * - li Agriculture and Allied Services 15-63 I I , Rural Development 64-67 I I I . Special Area Programmes ■ 68 IV. Irrigation and Flood Control 69-77 V. Energy 78-81 VI. Industry & Minerals 82-105 VII. Transport 106-108 VIII. Communications ** I IX* Science, Technology & Environment 109-111 X. General Economic Services 112-117 XI. Social Services 1. General Education , 116-140 2. Sports and Youth Services ’1^'^ 3» Technical Education 142-157 4, Art & Culture 158-164 5« Medical and Public Health " 165-197 6. Water Supply and Sanitation 198-200 7. Housing (including Police Housing) 201-202 8. Urban Development 203-207 9 t Information and Publicity 208-209 10. Welfare of SCs, STs and BCs 210-223 11. Labour & Employment 224-228 12. Social Security & Welfare 229-236 13. Nutrition 236 X II. General Services 237-240 - 3 Physical Targets & Achievements 241-289 or - 4 M.N.P. - Outlay and Expenditure 290 0^-5 Physical Targets & AchievementsrMNP 291-293 0)1-6 Centrally Sponsored Schemes - Outlay 29^326 and ExJjenditure SCP - 1 Special Component Plan for SCs 327-333 SCP - 2 Special Component Plan for SCs 334-348

(Contd,.ii..) Cii) E m S L M * TSP- -r-4 Iribal_3ub--Plaa -=.CutZaj &-jEspen

D*P. Districts Plans. ^04-403

ksvrlon DRAPT PL.iN 1989-90 - H E ^S OF DEVELOH'ffiNT- StQtcr.cnt -Gl'I-1 OUTLAY MW EXIEKDITURE • - ______God e No Major Head/Minor Seventh Eive Year 1987-83 1938-89 ^___ 1989-90 ______Hoads of Developnent Plar^( 1985-90) iiotual /ip-p£c V ed llntici- Proposed of which OuTlay ‘ Outlay Expdr. Outlay pated outlay capltal approved provided Expdr. CO ntcnt by rig. by state G-ov t . 2 3(a) 3(b) 4 5 6 7 8


2401 00 Crop Husbandry 649^.00 880^.00 1798.00 1702.^0 1700.00 1799.00 38.00

24 "^2 00 Soil and Water con servation 8-10^00 11 89.56 127.'""’ 1129 . 155.00 " 1 c;o 00 2403 00 -dlninal Husbandry 1680.00 2964. "^0 642.92 671.^0 6^8.96 697. "^0 ^ i I 2404 00 Dairy Dcvclop’^.ent^ 1 7 o, o ^ o 2979.00 wo.^^o 25^:.40 327.00 - J Y 0 0 2405 00 Pi sheri cs 21 /_ o ^ ^ n 3586.on 306.85 700.''^" 1320.00 592.60

2406 00 Forestry and l?ild life 657^.0^ 9600. 0^0 1070.49 1611.00 1611.00 1611.^0 50.00

2407 00 Ilantati ons — — — —— - -

. . . . contd..2 'S ' ;v oui'i^aY ^-Jju ^iSPL-JLILTT’ j

Seventh Eivc Year 'i987-oo . J98§rS9_..______1989-90 Code Ho. Major Head/Minor rian (1985-90) .. Ac'Mel ’■tIiTpr ov e^r " Tihti oi'- Pf'':iT'’os ^ of'TiujicF HG ad s 0 f D ev g1 o p no nt Ootlay .... Outlay Expendi■ outlay Dated o utla y capital approved provided tuie- ii^xpcndi- content by IIg. by State tur e. Connn. Govt. 1 3(a) 3 ( b ) 4 7 8

2408 00 J'ood, Storage and •warohousi ng 40.00 40.00 ,1 '■> no 40.00 4^.00

2415 00 ilgricultural Rosearcli and Education (ilP-AU) 74^^. 00 100^.00 175. on 2 "7 .00 213.00 309.00 112.45

2416 00 iigricultural Pinancial 236^.0^' 3275.00 395.65 /j_0'^,nn /j.0^,' 11.25 ! institutions I 2435 00 Other Agricultural ro . Progracr::es -

2435 "^1 (a)Marketing and quality •control 220.00 3n'^. rn 6.42 I2g.^cn 129. 129."^' 2435 60 (b)itbc-rs; / 2425 00 -Cooperation 310^.00 4925.0^ 514.54 6:^1. no 601 7 00. 26^\00

1^1 00 Total (I) 26770.^0 39829.00 5319.23 6368.00 6386.36 7472.00 1162.30 Statcnent - GlT-1 DR^PT ;ANm^Oj_xLilN „ia82-a0..-„HEiiDS_0P DEVEIOPMT-._ outl^q: ajid I xpei®I'IURe (Ps. lakhs)

Sevonfh Five Year 1987-88 988-89 1989-9^ Qod c No. Major Head/ffi nor Plan (1385-90) Actual Ap'pr ov"c3“ 5Tn 11 c i- Troposc^i ’cT" whicTT Heads of Dcvelopr.cnt Outlay"’ "Outlay Expendi­ outlay ^atcd jutiay capital approved provid cd ture. Expcndi- contcnt. by rig. by State tur o . Conp.n. Govt. /I 3(a) 3(b) ' r 6 7 8


102 25'-''1 00 Special progrrmne for rlurol i)GV clopT^CMlt ~

(a) Integrated Rural 92 13S?5.^C 2444. :-4 on 381 "'.83 . 3994.00 I 01 324:-. 3583.94 I ■ . .^sy 2l9P’':-Qnt IrotTr^p.’TD \>3 (IRDP) and /aiied pr ogr a rr.c s .

2501 02 (b) Drought prc ne area 24Y^,on 4125."'^ 52^."'5 6'"2 .0^ 602.^0 -602. 530.44 prograrrr^e (D P ^ )

2501 04 (c) Integrated Rural 2^.' 2 0 . 2 ' 2'^.' 2'^. 00 Energy pro^rar,r!o(PREP)

02 a5^5 00 Rural Eciploynent 2505 n-| (j,) National Rural Enploy- rxnt progrmne (M EP) 1135^ .Or> 1240^.^0 3499.^0 2531 .0^ 38^5.^'^ 5331 .-0 2505 60 (b) R.L.E.G.P

02 2506 00 Land Referns 440. 12'^.^'' 164.^0 939.02 State-cnt -GN-1 DR/.PT J 989-9::. - OP_DEVpOPIffilIT_-._

- ...... - - ouTL^Q Aiffi Exr-Ein)iTURE ,..■' ■ ' (Rs lakhs )

Scventli Five Year 1987-88 1908-8_9_ 1989--90 dc No . ^ Major Hcafl/Minor Plan (1985-9^) Actual XpprovcB.""'‘”“■'raTcT- 1^' 0 p"o s ed of which ' Hoads of Devclopccnt Outlay Outlay Expend i-. outlay pated outlay capital approv ed ^ provided ture. Expendi­ content by Pig. ’ by State ture

Comn . Govt. '1 , ' “2; - ■ 3(a) , 3(b) 4 5 6 7 '' 8

2515 no Othor Rural rGvelo-r'ment lr££^3r.c^s (a), Comnunity Dcvclop::2ent , and Panel ay ats' 1110. 0^ 14^.60 2 :.^ 0 2 r>f' ■ 20 0>

.. (bl* Cyclone Eholtcrs iir^.or 193.45 15"'."'^' 15^'."''"' 1500 10''.00

(c) Tclugu Granocna Kranti Pathan(T(?CP) 863.35 171.75 596,75 - (d) Crucial Palancing Invcstncnts (CBl) 430.83 2^'^'^. Of) 2^r>^ .'"■pi 2^^"'

1^2 o^r^o 00 T O M (II) 25730.0,0 8105.3 92'^B.75 11508.58 11356."^2 4242.44

...conti. 5 Statement GN-1 (Contd) dr;,FT ; nmu.>l ? l .n iq s q -qo hb ^d s of d evelq .^^aent OUTL/ Y - m EXx'ENDI TL-R E (Po. in lakhs)

Code Major Head/Minor Seventh Five Year 1987-88 No . Head of Develop­ Plan (1985-90) - >ctual 1988-89 ^ . 1989-1990 -Expendi­ ment Outlay ^tpprovf?d ."‘nticipated Proposed o^ which Outlay ture approved provided outlay expenditure outlay capital by Planning by State‘ •ontent Commission Govt,

( 1 ) (2) 3 (a) • . 3(b) (4) (5) . (6) (7) (8)

103 0000 00 II I .SPECIAL ohE/'v P^0GR..MMES- I I

(a) Godavary Valley -p Development 0,32 9.50 9.50 9.50 I-

(b) Shore '»rea Development 2,70 4.50 4.50 . 4.50

T0Tr,L (III) 3,02 14.00 14.00 14.00

Contd .. PR-.FT ..NMH/J, 1-L/.N 1QB9 -9 0 ' HE/DS OF DEVEL£)rMEN.T Statement (GN-1 (Contd) nUTI^ iY /.ND EX'i: ENDITURE (Rs. in lakhs)

Major Head/Iviinor Seventh Five Year Code Heads of Develop­ Plan (1985-90) •1987-88 1988-89 1989--90 -'ictual Nq , ment Outlay Outlay Expendi­ /approved of which provided /tnticipa- Proposed approved ture outlay ted Expen- Outlay Capital .by Planning by .State diture content Commission Govt.

3(a) 3(b) (1) (2) . (4) (5) . (6) . (7) (8)

IV. IRRIG..TION xJ'D FLOOD CONTROL 1 10^ 2701 00 Major and Medium I Irrigation 118230.00 163500.00 23530.76 25700.00 25700.00 29325 ,00 28325.00 CTi 2102 00 Minor Irrigation 14740.00 20000.00 2577.87 3200.00 3400 .00 4125.00 3520.00 1 2705 00 Command -^rea Development 11050.00 15000 .00 547,84 ■ 700.00 700 .00 - 800 ,00 591.50 2711 00 Flood Control 4790 JOO • 6500 .00 418.21 500 .00 500 .00 750 .09" 750.00

;lo4 oooo 00 TOT/.L (IV) 148810.00 205000.00 • 27074.68 301D0.00 30300.00 ■ 35000,00 33186 .00

Contd,. i« l>t.t3-oeitKgtgC‘ gi-*x t-OwFi s-CM"' ■ {Rs. in lakhs)

Major Head/Minor Seventh Five Year 1987-88 Code No. Heads of Eevelop~ Plan (1985-90) 1988--89 1989-90 ' ment /»ctual 6utlay Expendi­ Outlay ture -approved Anticipat­ Proposed of which approved provided outlay ed Expendi­ outlay Capital by Planning by State ture content Commission Govt.

(1) (2) 3 (a) 3(b) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)


105 280 L. O v " Power 110490.00 150000 .00 20602.00 21465 .00 24880.00 26500.00 26500 .00

2810 00 Non-Conventional lOO .uu 200 .00 35.00 35 .00 35.00 35 .00 Sources of Energy

105 0000 00 TOT/..L (V) 110590.00 150200 .00 20637 .00 21500.00 24915 .00 26535 .00 26500 .00

Contd. . Statoncnt GN-1( DR^PT 1S89-92 - £J'JDEVBLOPME|0___ - 0UTL.1Y i.KD EXI'EIIDITURE ' (fc lakhs)

Seventh Pivc Year 1987-88 ___1988-89 1989-9^______God e No. Major Hoad/Minor rian (1983-9") Actual l^pr 0 v'ed ' Anti ci- ir opo sed Heads of Devclopr?.cnt OutTay ” ~Uu^~ay Expcndi - outlay patcd outlay capi tal approved provided ture. Expendi- content by rig. by. State ture Gor^n. Govt. 2 3(a) 5(b) 4 5 6 7 8


1^6 2851 O'"' Village' and sr all i'ndustrlcs . -- . 9360.^^ 1270^.0':^ 1888.72 2183.00 2183.0.^' 2726.24 957,-10 ■■

2852 0"! Industries (other than village and s.Tall I industries) 1621'".^'^' 5^292.^:^ 268\5"' 29.1,9 ^ 2949.00 2911.0:^ 1.828. cj' 2353 ^2 Mining 5^1^ SC 1 "^6".00 1"}6''.00 106". 00 1035.00 }

106 -0 total (VI) 3124"."" 50692.^'^ 5618.82 6192.^'.' 6192. 6697.24 3 8 2 M ^ ‘

.... 00 nt-''. Statorment GF-I DR^FT £LM _ DEVELOIME®...... OUTLAY ../iI!D.EXPEl\T)ITURE,. ^ _ - - (Rs-lakhs)

Seventh ^’ivc Yep.r l9C7-r38 ____ _,1 9 p G -39„ ______1989-90 Code N' Major Head/Minor 11 an_ (1985-9") Actual ""TrTti cl - Pr”o posed of viHTcT^ Heads of Dcv£loprr.cnt Ciutlay Outlay Expencli- Outlay patcd Outlay capi tal aprroved provided ture. Expendi­ content by rig. by St-'^tc ture Gor;;p.n. Govt. 5(a) ■ 3(b)- 6 7 8

VII. tr m sio r t

1^7 3^51 Ports and light Houses 174.43 175. 175. 175.0 175.' 3-52 Shippi ng 1 5^53 0-' Oivil iiViation 1

1^7 3^54 O'' Roads and Bridges 892'^ 26^4.60 3'^25."'' 3C25.0^ 3^.25.00 2865.00 5055 Road Transport 17410 2340"'."?" 85^9. o:' 7035."':' 6725. 3239.00 3239.0­ o- 3-.55 Inland ‘iifator transport 12'- 17^'.^''^' 39.45 50.'-' 5“'. 50.0'-^

3-75 0- Other transport: Traffic cjntrcl 15%'^:' 47.43 6'- 6 11.55 (including nod or nisation of traffic signals)

107 OCO'" TOT^ (¥11) 2705^.^0 3671 “.■'■O 11374.91 1-345.^0 1":035.:^o 6549.0' 6 34 ■''.55 I'ilv .L'W*- J -2- ouiii'AT 5.:^ri3L. hike (.: I'kiia)

Seventh Pi VO Y^.^r 1937-88 1988-39 ... . ^ Code No. Major H e n d/ Mi n c r I’l?!?. (1903-9''' , ______-ictual Tppr ca’ e'2' ^ “JnTi ci K 3 o’? wbrcl^ Heads of Pcvclcpront Outlay OatFsy "Pxpendi- outlay natcd outlay cai'ito.l ar'''.rovGd pr'^vidod ture. 'E:r-endi- content Ly Ilg. by State tur e Corr'i ~ G-ovt. 2 3('^) - 3(b) 4 ci


IX. ^lEIlCE^T^CHNOLOGY I'll® * EJf/l'S0Ffffi:7]T~~

1 -g 3.- Scicntific Research 61^.' y .95 61 61 53.37 (iRcluding -Science and 0 TcGbnolcQ' and A.P. 1 Scicncc Centre) I

3425 Ec'’logy p.nd Pnvironr.ent 57^.'^" 137.% 14^."- 141 53.0':^ (including Koll.nru LaKo)

TO'T.iL (IX) 1'"3'".-^ 1665."' 16G.'^1 2C1 201 2'2 1 : 6.37

CO ntv1 2totcr:cnt GN-1 19£9r.92 - HEi^S OI’__DEVELOIMEp_ (Rs. in lakhs) OU^TLiiY .ilD EXPEMDITURE

Seventh Pi VO Year 1907-88 1980 -09 1989 - 97 Code No. Major Head/Minor Plan (1985-9"') Actual Approved Tnti cl - xTor-oscf^ o f whl^E Heads of Dovcloprxnt Outlay Outlay Expo nd i - outlay patcd Outlny capital approved provided turc Ejrponrl i- CO ntent by Pig. by State tur c Oo"nn. Govt. _ - ,-.- -- 1 2 " ■ 3(a) -3^b) ■ ^ ^r1 5 76 n 8

X. GENERAL IJCONOMIC SERVICES r\ 3451 SGcretariat Econonic 48'\--' 131.45 113.^^^ 185.37 24-;. ':"2 - . Servi ces.

3452 a Touri sr. 22-^-- '1^5.52 I"."'" 6-.9- , I 77 ^ 3454 '-'.0 Surveys and Statistics 35''.^" 40'\'^'' 6'.57 77 83."^ ~ ^

'0'^ ^ .-V 1 ". 1' r ' 1 ^' 3456 Civil -Supplies 0 • 58.'^^ 4.40 - 1 n 3475 Other Generval Econonic , 6.89 8."" C-) • 8.:,4'^ Services (>»Gights and Measures)

' TOT.IL (X ) 3~0.91 3'"8.^'' 38^.37 445.^2 6 .9" r3Ezl. DR^FT 1.5^9-91'. - H E ^S OP_DEVELOPMMT- OUTLiil iil® EXPE.MDITUEE lakhs) - . SevcntH PiVG Year 1988 - 89 1989'-9" Cod0 N-;. Mn j 0 r H c p cl /Mi n o:c H an (1985-9"') 1937-88 iip-'i cv ed Antici- opoGod cT ’;v>:'icF Heads of DGvcloprxnt “Outlay OutTay ■iictual outlay ■;;atcd outlay C''^":i tal appr 0 V od pr 0 v i d d Expendi­ ■^XT:'e n'^ i - contcnt by Pig. by Statc- ture. tur e C '^ n n . ^ovt. /I ■ - rj, • 1 - 2 ■ ' ■ 3(a) 3(B) ‘ r 5 ■ 6 p,

XI, s o c m SERVICES

221 22-'2 Gcner.'^.l Eduoaticn 181'^.^'^ 24457.^^ , 4497.31 55'^9.^: 5548.66 25485.61 5 '28.8''

Tochnical E^lucation 119^. 1615.''^ 422.4 1 5 ^^9.^:; 8 5-9.-'- 15'9.o- 46 9.

22^4 '''■ Sports and Youth Scrviccs - 12'''". 113.3^' 148.''-" 286.' 286 . ■' 15'\ ' ■' je^

22-5 Art ;! Culture 158^.'"'" 783.'^'^ 116.99 234/^8 224. ^'8 239. " 11 .52

'-Np> 2.'^87-.-.- 221 Si^b-Total(Educntion) s 20-55.^''' 515'".Ci 64 6567.66 27519.61 5659.32

222 221- Mci:iical and Public Health 1642'."^ 22236. 289^.57 34: 3711.37 4 9 9 5 . 13 841.25

223 2215 Ifatcr Supply and ■Sanit atio D 278^''/'"'' 445^"."" 6943.55 79''".0'^ 798 QSC'^r^: 70' - • rail’s OPJD^LOIMEro- , . OUTLlY_i..ip_^Erai®ITUp^ . _ . ... - (fis lakhs)

Seventh Pive Year 19Q7-08 1980-89 ______9'^ Code No. Major Head/Minor Plan (1985-9^) Actual XTrpr.ovecT ^ntici~- ' rT :'poscS"' ’gT~wETc!T Heads of Development Outlaj Outl'^y * Ex-pondl- outlay patcd Outlay capital ar-provod pro^^idcd ture. Expcn'’'. i- content by“rig. by State ture. Com’~in. Gnvt. ■ 1 - - -2...... ^ - , - - - - g - - 7 ' ’ 3

225 2216 Housing (including police housing) “ 2574^'.''^ 38923.'"'' 58^7.91 7497.7497.''^’ 032\44 1142.17

223 2217 "'" Urban Develorrent. (includ- 9'"""'.'^" 14772.^^ 2^51.11 2905.^" 332'.96 4312.5"' 3926.5“ ing State capital projcocts) i

224 222-' inf-r nation and Publi- 126^. 1717.'"^ 1"2.29 162."^ 342.'""' 377." 67.:^' - city. 225 2225 Welfare of ECs, STs and 2G96'".''0 393^''.'"'' 7622.25 8 4 9 4 ."" 9272.29 11 30.46 2725.12 i other BackwaJtd Classes

226 223'^ labour & E-ploynents 4^5'."'^ 5 4 9 4 563.36 § 1 1 £ 1 511i.ll 91S.51 53.^-^ (a) Labour &' Labour V/oIfare. 147".1994.269.36 3 " . ' " 3 618.51 53-^" (b) Spl.E'iployaent 253'. 3 5 ''.'^ 294.'" 3-'.^'- 2 '. "P 3 -^-- _ scher'os. 227 2235'" Social Security and 297".'' 1^312.'^" 12''3.68 16^:4."2 1535.09 1592.^5 3^1.'"7 Welfare 227 2236 Nutrition 536''.'"' 1327%"'' 290.59 447.''" 447.''^ 447."" - 228 2252 Other Social Services ' ------

2^' TOT^ (XI): 14243'.'"0 219226."? 52639.98 395"5.'" 41^93.37 6842^.7? 22515.43

cont"*... - 1'- Statcr.cnt -GN-1

DROT DEVELOKffiNT - ■ ■ gUTL^Y_AW_ EXPEpiTURE (Ps lakhs)

Seventh Five Year 1907-88 1988 - 89 1989-,9- jfle IT-. Majnr Hc--^cl/Minor Plan C1935-9")- ’ Actual' TpproveH Antici­ r r ^ 'i e d Of which Hoprls of DGvclopnont. uutTay Outlay Expendi- outlay pated outlay capi tal appr'^ved pr ovid cd tur c. Expendi­ contont by "Pig-, by State ture. CoPrn. Govt. - - 5 - r y - - ■ ■ 2 ■ ■ “ ...... 3(a) 3(b) ■ ■■ -1 '■ ■ ‘ 6 ■ ^ /

>V ^'•V: '■ XII.GEiraR^lL SERVICES

,42 2"'56 Jai-ls 97."'' 7.32 15.98 3.75 3.95 -.^-^ 2-.50 ^'■ Stotionc:c7 anc' Printing 22 2.45 15.''''" 15."^' 15."^ -

2'^59 Pabli0 7orks (including 5^5 682 9^3.9" 95'^.^" 971.81 - ■ Jails) 2^7~ Other ni str ativc Scr.viccs! . TaX T’rainin^ (institute 5.^7 15. i5 .«o: 21.63 ^ of iaai ni str '^;ti 0n) ( b ) Mp n'"' al Builr!i ni^s 23 " 5 26-^6. 26 6."' (c). Cor.’~’''^roial Taxes ■- - — 129.54 5".:'' 5' . '" 3 .61

'• - TOI>L (XII) 525^.^" 7217,r 1270.20 1545.90 1533.75 3668.39 2636.61

199 9999 99 GRiiiMD T O T ^ 52"''’'^''.^'"' 75'-''--^.0C '112523.14 125271.75 132559.43 166359.37 1'■"'57^7: STATEMENT GN-2 draft ANiJU\L PLAN 1989-90 - DEVELOR-^E-T SCHEMES - PROJECTS OUTLAY A^® EXPENDmBE. (Rs,.lakhs) 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 Code No, Nome of the Scheme/Project. Five Y--r Actual ------P i ’n Exor. Aooroved Anticipa- Proposed Of which (1985-90) outlay ted expr. outlay eaoital con- agreed tent. •utlay. 1. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6, 7. 8.

101 0000 00 I . agriculture a a l l ie d a c t i v i t i e s ; 101 2401 00 CROP HUSBANDRY; DIRECTOR OF AGRICULTURE; , 103 SEEDS ; a) H.Y.V. Pro-^ranvre in Rainfed. I Areas (Rs.2/- a Kg. Proqra- . Y' mme.) . ’ 25.89 16.26 b) Continuation of Seed T^?=;tir.g Lab. at Cuddapah. 5.27 5.00 5.00 6.00 c) Supply of Paddy Minikits* 6.25 15.00 24.00 15.00 d) Building of buffer stocks of seed (CSS 5 0 :5 0 ); 10.00 2.50 10.00

104 Afericultural Farcis; Sub-total; Sub-total; 37.41 30.00 47.76 31,00 Strengthening of Seed farms. «. - - - - '10.00‘ 105 IVi-^nures and Fertilisers; ” ' 5.00’ To! 00 "ioToo ■ 6.00

a) Strengthening of F.C.O. Lab. 8.05 7.00 7.00 7.00 b) Strengthening of F.C.O, Lab. at Visakhapatn-^m (Rents of building). Dral'0 Aiinxial i Ian lySv* S’*"''. * I'e vc l/ptrienV Schtjaea - p.rc.:ccVc nuolay aiid 'Expenait’are .^xatoriieut (■N’-.'! . , (Rs, lakhs)

1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 Code No, Name of the Scheme/pro Ject ^ar^P lan Actu al (1985-90), ejtpr, Approved Anticipated proiposed Of which agreed outlay. Expenditure, outlay capital outlay. content, 1. ' 2 . 5. 4. 5. 6. 7. . 8, .

c) National troject on Development - ‘ 8.20. ■■ 3.60 ‘ 3.60 - o: fertiliser use in low consu­ mption rainfed areas(CSS 50s50). d) Stren;_tbenint. of p'.C.O. lab. at Bant are ddy Dist. and ^nantspur . . , j (CSS 50:50). - - - ' , 5.60

■ - Sub-total; - 8.05 15.20 10,60 14.45 ' • ■ ' - - * ■ 107 !Plant Protection? , • a) Completion of Building for , .SIPP&PS. - - 4.97 5.00 , . 5-.00 ' 7.00 7.00 . ' - ^ • - ■ b) supply of P.p.Equipment, - 12.96 6.05 ' • •“ • • c) strent^thenini of pesticide • testing Labs (New Schemes), - - ■ - ^ • ^ ' 20.00 . . - d) Endemic Area programme for control of Rice pest complex, - 10.25 24..00 . U.40- 14.40 J.- e) Providing p.P.Cover to land Crops. 4.03 “ SciTienie integrated with other schemes

Sub-total; 52.2t 29.00 ^ 25.45 41*40 7.'30 , ■ ^.nhua3.’'plan 1989*-.^ - Development Schemes - projects Outlay and Expenditure Statement - t'N “ 2 ______,!______la^hs) 7th Five 1987-88 1988-89 T989^90 Code No, Naae of the SchemeA’ro Ject, Year plan ;Actual ------( 1985” 90) Expr, Approved Anticipa- Proposed Of which - aferedd outlay. ted expr. outlay.. Capital outlay, ^ content, 1 . 2. 5.'^ 4. ^ 5. • 6. 7. 8.

108. CommeTcial C^ops? a) SULarcane Development-Control of p©3ts and dieeaseg including bi0l0t_ical Control lab. at Nida(?ovolu. 0.56 0,57 Scheme .dropped b ) -Intensive Cotton Dev, Programme (CSS 50S50). 116.50 7iOO 2.00 2.00 c) Intensive Mesta Dev. Profcranime (50s50) , 48,81 - Scheme is~converted as’ C .S,S. ‘ (100^ funded by Govt, of ),

I Sub-totals 165,87 ; 7.00 2.57 2,00 ./ 109 Extension and Training; a) T & V Extension Proirammfe with World Health Assistance. 255.06 5^5.00 ■ 545.65 552.15 ' - ib) Demonstration & Field Trips, , 5.67 5.00 5.00 5.00 - c) Strengthening: of off-set press , located et SlPP^SiPS. - 5.00 5,00 6.00 , - d) Strent.thenin£ of publicity unit in Directorate and Estt^ of in­ Scheme integrated with formation and publicity wing in (c) above. the District. ^ 5.19 - - ■ ■ ■ e) Continuation of SPTCs @ Krijifshna, Vizianagaram and Cuddapah. 11.67 10,00 10.00 12,00 * sub-total: 275.59 565; 00 565.65 375.15 D raft Annual Plan. 1989'-90 - Development Sehemes - Projecta Oxatlay and Expenditure Statement GN“ 2

7th Pive" ?967^88 1988-89 1989-90 Code Name of the Scheme/project, year Plan Actual No. ■ (1985-90) Bxpr. ^^proved Ant ic ip a- Proposed” of "which' Aijree^ outlay. ted Expr. outlay. Capital content. outlay.. 1. 2. ' 5. 4. 6. 7. 8.

110 Crop insurance; Coiaprehensi»e Crop In^rance scheifle (CSS 50:50). 522.55 6.00 6.00 5.00 'I'l'l Afericulture Economics & Statiatics? Evaluati'on of Ai.ricultural Proferanme. 0.47 1.00 1.00 1.00 112 ' Development -of Tulses: National pulses Development proferamae (CSS 50 :5 0 ). . 19.88 22.00 18.12 20.00 113 Af ricultural Engineering• 00 a) Supply of improved Agricultural im- scheme inte^rEted with ■ I plemen'te Indry land farming. 1.59 - 800 (fe). b) Estt. of centres for de­ monstration and hiring of Ar,ril. implementes. 1 5 .1 5 , 16.00 16.00 16.00 c) Popularisation of seed-cum-fertiliser Scheme integrated with drill. 5.76 806(g). ■ -

Sub-total: 20.50 16.00 16.00 16.00

114- Development of oil seeds: National 0il seeds Development progra­ 185.8^ 210.00 208.06 210.00 mme (CSS 50s5 0 ). Di’alt Aui;ual plan 1989^90 Development schemes - projects Outlay and Expenditure Stcteraent - CW-2 (Es, leJihs)

7th Five 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 Code Name of the Sc heme/project Year Plan actual No. ( 1985t 90) Expr. Approved Anticip-ated proposed Of which Agreed outlay. Expenditure outlay capital outlay. content 1 . 2. 5. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

800 Other expenditure; a) Increasing productivity, in Tribal frria holdings in the assib^ed- lands • oi S.C. fanners. 21,>8

b) Dryland Trrrain^ in (2) villat:es a Mandal. 120,00 120,00 120.00 - c) Fertilisation of Dryland crops, 25.11 - integrated with(a) above, d) Rainfed farming project in R.B. Dist, with World Assistance, 128.25 80,00 80.00 100,00 e) Training, of ^'arniers in Dryland farming,. 2.20 "■ Integrated with (g) below f ) Development of Dryland farming in selected I Micro W- tersheds and outside the selected Micro VU ter Sheds including ICRISAT & ICAR f technology. 35.55 - Integrated with (g) below g) State lnt._^,ratcd Watershed D^^velopment programme, 7.50 150.00 150,00 150.00 “ h) national Watershed Dev, programme for E'c.infcd A. riculture (NVfiJiRAXcSS 50:50) 155.01 376.00 376.00 400,00 -

374.86 726.00 726.00 770,00 -

190 Investment in Public sector & other undertakini_,s; a) Errection of processing equipment and contribution of storage accommodation of 30.00 30.00 30,00 30,00 - /JSSDC^.. Draft iinnual Plan I989-9O - .Development Schemes - projects Outlay & Expenditure statement - gn-2 (RS, lakhs) 7th Pive 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 Code Name of the Scheme/project Year plan actual No. (1985-90)

30.00 94.80 94.80 90.00 Totcl (Director of Agriculture includ­ ing Dry land farming). 7000.00 1674-21 1552.00" 1550.00 1584.00 15.00

? StstGinant GM-2 Draft .Annual Plan Ina9-9C Development Schemes irojects Outlay and Expenditure (Rs.lj'.khs)

Code Naine of the Scheme/ Seventh Five 10C7-33 loss-39 1PS9-9C No. troject Year Flan Actual Antici­ troposed cf which (1035-90) Expdr# pated Outlay capital agreed outlay outl,ay Exp dr. content. Iv 2. 3. 4. 5 , 6, 7. 8.

101 2401 lie(t») Director of Horticulture;

Horticulture & Veritable Crcps; Onr:oin.-’ Schemes t Devolorment of Fruits: 1, iroduction of iedieTop fruit plents in departmental farms 166.60 13.38 lii . ^ 13.00 13. CC - 2, iack? ge irograrame on Fmiits 17.20 • 4 .6 9 q,CO 9.00 - i . General 2.8^ 5.00 5.00 ii. S.C.t. ^-.o7 3.00 3.00 iii. T.S.F. •• 1 . 0\^' 1.00 1 1 Ou 3 ; Tlegienal Coconut Nursery 1 5 .Co ■ 8.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 - 4, lackage programme on Coconut 15.0 o 2,66 4^00 4.0C 5 . oO - . i . General 2.66 3.75 4.75 — ^ ' i i . S.C.I-. 0 .2 5 C.25 ’ 5, Cashew Development Programme 160. ::0 29.45 27.00 6.73 - - 6. Dryland Horticulture 10.00 0.94, 3. Oo 3. L V/ i . General .0 .4 8 1.50 1.50 i i . S.C .P . D.46 1.50 1.50 7. Scheme for giving assistance to Coconut Growers to remove tatipaka disease affected palms with Coconut Development Board 1 O.Ol 1.13 1.13 2.00 -

i. General o . a w'.SB 1.75 i i • S •C. t « 0.25 0.25 - 3, Intensive Horticultural;- Development 120.50 9. Integrated ^est control on ‘ Coconut ' 14.^6 _ -' ... _ IS?eft Annual tlan lf^n-9C DeVig'liQpiH^nt Schemes^ p^;^ec;ts Gutlajr and Expenditure.- Sfeatemsnt GN-2 , _ (Rs, lakhs)

Cede No. Name o f the Scheme/ Seventh Five 1987-8S l'^8-8Q ln8Q-oc ■ B.rcject Year Plan actual ii)proved Antici- Frpcosed of' which (19B5-9C) Expdr. outlay pated Outlay capital Agreed outlay ■ Expdr. - - content. 1 . . 2. 3. 4 . 5. 6. 7. 8. ■ » m m

DEVBLOFMENT OF -VEGETABLES; < 1^. Estt. of Horticulture Service i Centres in Urban ereas. 17*00 1.97 , . 2.00 ... 2. O'J 3. oO , , 11, iackGg.e rrograinme on Vegetables "^9,00 2.00 4,60 ' 4.60 ’ 4,60 ' - 1. General 1.08 2,10 2.10 i i . S .C .I . 0.42 2.00 2.o0 iii. T.S.t. , 0.50 - , 0.50 0 • 5o . . 12. Mushro-om Cultivation 10.0" . ' 2.00 2,00 ‘ 2.00 ■ DEVEI.OirMFjI’ OF-FLORI CUL'TURF. 13. Dev. cr£ Fieri Culture 50.00 „ • _ • • . < « SCHEMES FOK THE BENEFIT OF SCs & STs. 14. Distribution of ilant Material, ru irlant 'irrotecticn equipment and ro Free distribution of Vegetable f rainikits to SC farmers,, ■ 225.^0 5.0 0 16.00 16.00 16.00 15. DistrilDution of plant material and free distribution of vege­ table "toinikits to Sffi farmers. 104.00 wO' 9. Ow • 00 9.00 OTHER 'SCHEMES: 16. Staff 'scheme tSK of Department of Horticulture including ItUd staff ■ 207.20 3Q.80 33.30 33.30 40.f>0 17. Estt.d'f Fruit & Vegetable growers Cooper- tive Societies. 45.50 5.C0. ■ 8.00 8 . -.0 ' 8 . 00 ’ - 13. Publicity and tropoganda, conduct . of exhibiticns shows and conduct /. of training/study tours of farmers - 1.47 . 1,40 -..... 1,40 ■ ■ 2 . o : . 19. Preparation of Horticulture Project report" in /ji'dhra Pradesh by '20OO AD'- — “ 3.00 ■ 3.00' - ^ 20. Construction of office building 10.00 - -- - - Sub - Tocal: 1377.45 115.45 145.43 125.21 128,50 - iTaft ijinual ir-lan IP09-90 Development Schemes Projects Outlay and Expenditure Statement GW-S

Code No, Name of the Scheme/ Seventh Five l W - 8 8 1088.-80 loSp-qO Project Year ilan Actual Approved Antici­ Proposed of whteh (lf«5-90) Expdr, outlay pated outlay capital agreed Outlay Expdr, content 1. 2. 3 , 4, 5. 6, 7. 8.

p i L S C H M S : §or!S§Si!urg® , 1 5 ,:: 22, Fl^^it Protection Measures against Mango Hopper^ ' . 5C • 00 7.00 23« Distribution of Vegetable Minikits to 1/eaker sections under housing programme ^ " ' Vide under item No. (11) 8.CC De’v .of Vegetables)

Sub Total: 5 j .: 3u. Ov

CENEiALLY - .-JD SCHEMES rON-GOING SCHEMES) m i Sta1?e ^ a r e ) 24, production and distTltsxilcm c£ TXD Hyfirid Coconut Seedlings, 17.45 1.275 3,00 25, Regional Coconut Nursery 26, assistance to Coconut Growere for irrigation facilities with Coconut Development Boprd, l..,cc 05 C.37 0.37 0,50 27, Estt.of Elite Coconut Seed gardens 14,25 2Q, Production of Mango and dtru5 grafts seedlings with the assistance or National Hort. Board, - 1,42 ,2i2C., 2, 2c ' - 29, Package programme on ,Cash-ewrmt 30,85 5,55 7,82 •* i,.General i r i T t i • ■ ii t.s'» 1,26 1.75 '.1.75 33, Oil Palm ■ demonstration-project , - . , . -■ . - 20,40 In.OO ' Sub Total: ■ 72»55 ■ 8,34 14,57 34.79 31,50 ' TOTAI^s (HORTICULTUHE) .1500*00 ■ 123*79 , i^o.oc lSc.o6 100*00 , ■ ♦ Draft Annual Plan ID89-90 Development Schemea Projects^Outlay and Exponditure statement Cfei'lakhs) Ciode No. Naine of the Scheme/ Seventh Jive 1937-88 ■ ln33_SQ ^ 1989-^0 troject' ‘ ' Ie«r Plan Actual Appro- Anticl- Proposed of which (1935-00) Expdr. vec vea pated Outlay capital Agreed Outlay­ outiay Expdr. content 1. 2, 's. 4. 6. 6. 7.

BOO Other Expenditure: ' (c ) AP AkTo todVPev.Corporationi 1. S.t.E.C.Ltd. 4.53 4.53 2. F.i .E.Anahtarajupet . 0.68 0.68 6.75 6.75 3. A.P.Bagasse iro^ucts Ltd. ; 2.69 2,6'9 4 . Recommissicning of Animal Feed plant S. GO 2. CO NEW SCHEIvlBS; . Promotic.n of Agro Ba-s.f: J Industries; 5. Establishment bi"-HiJ?om&:tie-& Medici^ ..nal Plant • m 6 .CO 6,00 6. Equity participation in M/s.Winery ' Alcohols. : 5 « Ou 5. CO 7 . Systematic land development Special Component Plan for 8. Scheduled Castes 1.50 1.50 3.75 3.75 9. Scheduled Tribes ' u'.GO ^^.60 1.5^ 1.5.,

Total: (Agro Ind.Dev. Corpn.) 100, CO 10.00 25. Oo 2 5 .0( lol 2401. >^0: Total (Crop Husbandry) OO'-,-. r- 1793.00 1702.00 1700,00 1799.00 38.00 Statement (3T-2 DR^?T 1 9 8 9 z 9 2 Z DEVJI,OFMT gCjffiMES/PROJECgS OUTL^Y_/iND_EXPmTDIOTHE__ ■ (H s .’ 1-akh^)

G'jde I'To. Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 Projects Five Year Actual ;\pprovcd iintici- Proposed of #iich Plan (1985-90) Expdr, ou tl ay pated outlay capital Agr?ied 'outlay Fxpdr.. content 1* 2 . ■ 3. 4. 5.' 6. 7. ■ 8. . 101 <402 00 SOIL & V/iilER CGNSETlVilTICN ( i)DiPrfCt;or,u;griculture •iL’1 (a)Soii survGy and testing 17.40 22.00 24.00 30.00 — (b)Strenf^thening of Soil Survey Organisation in the State 9.73 (scheme included with (a^ above

:02 Soil' Consainration works in ii?:ricultural lands 59.10 100.00 100.00 100.00 —

50otal(Dir.Agri) 1000.00 86.23 122.00 124.00 130.00 " fo ♦ V (ji)CLi':;5f Conservator of Forests:

Pilot Project Scheme in control 100.00 3.13 5.00 5.00 5.00 — of shifting cultivation.

T''tal(Soil & Water 1100.00 89.36 127.00 . 129.00 135.00 — Conservation) _ ANNU;.L_mN 1989-90 - SqiE|§]r^^OJEpTS_ GU'TLi^I_jUp_E^^£ITORE_. ' ' ■ ■ (Rs. la-'us)'

Codo No. ■No.’ic J.U tliG Scheme/ Seventh. 1987-88 1988-89 ______1989-90 P-cc ,1'2Ct Five Year ■ Actual Appro­ Antici­ Proposed of which Plan (1985­ Expdr. ved pated outlay capital 90) iigPGGd outlay Expdr, content outlay 2. 3. ■ 5V 6. 7. 8 . i01 PA03 00 AKIMAL HUSBAITDRY ABSTRACT Extension & Training 109 8.74 0.15 ^mmm __ 001 Idieotion & Administration 136.93 18.47 20.90 20.90 23.05 101 Vaty. riarvices & Animal Health 1090.84 268.58 276.77 204.73 253.75 — 102 Cattle & Buffaloe Development 425.68 72.89 83.26 83.26 111.-04 8 .0 0 ■'Oj Poultry Development 20.90 9.88 10.09 10.09 8.08 •■■tax 104 Sh.3ep Ss Wo cl Development 88.00 45.05 54.23 64.23 .6 5 .1 4 ----_ 105 Piggery Development 57. 5c 8.57 7.92 7.92 8 .6 4 - — 105 Other Livestock Development 24.60 105.16 __ 102.23 ■■ 102.23 115.25 107 Fodder Development 99.81 5.20 — — 6.00 113- Administr'^tive Investigation IL v J & Statistics 17.26 50.00 14.97 17.26 18.50 - f 800 0th_r Expenditure Veterinary Research 211.00 46.50 48.34 48.34 37.55 — Total■(Animal Husbandry) 2214.00 -95*42- 621.00 558.96 ~ 647,00 8.00

(details follows) Statement, & .:;:2 19QS^;90 - JDEYaOMl^T SCFZBSES/HROJS’CTS ' OUTL..T .iND EXPii^fDITUHE vLts* lakbs') ■ •

Oode iTo, Naiiu C't the Schene/ ScvGiith 1937-88 1968-89 -1989-90______P u je c t Five Year iicfcual ;ippr0- Antici- Proposed of w^iich Flan (190^?- Expdr, vcd poted outlay capital 90) .iigrcG.d outlay Fxpdr. content outlsj:- 1. 2. 3-. 5.' 6, 7. 101 2^03) oc; ^^USBimDRY: (a) Director of iinimal Husbandly' 109 E.vfcunsion Training. 'Jra ininj? ' irers onriil 8.74 0.15 . Sub-Totals 8.74 0.15

; Dire ction Sc iidminis tration 1} Strcngth'Gning of Directorate . of Ani.iiial Husbandry. 10.00 roI ^ otrenrfctiGning of Regional, --0 .ristrict and Field OffiCGS. 126.95 1-8.47 20.90 20.90 25.05 I . Sub-Total: 156.95 18,-47 20.90 20.90 25.05 V ..S' rviofcs & Animal Health • ’■ 3tx-ci-'g';licning gf Upgrading •'■nd Tiot'^blishmont of Vety, . - ' i:r;3i .\ •;"'tions. 902.84- 217.92 226.55 152.8^- 162,62 , ''.'’Tt; Dxiaument & Strengthsn- ^ .ii'ig Oi’ Jr'oly Clinics, . . 156.00 58.87 58.74 40.59 74.69 ' S’appiy of Foot & Mouth. Dise-

^ P3G V&ocinG* 10*00 ■ 6.00 ,6 .0 0 ' ' '6.00 6*00 ^i) E.P. Surveillance & -Gontaiii-’ ncnt Vacoination Programme, 5.Q0 ’ 0.51 0.45 0.45 0.55 3>) toima.T ■ Disease Surveillance;. ^ Scheme, 4.00 0.79 1.05 1.05 1.09 6) Systematic Control of Live­ stock Disv3ases of National Importance. 15.00 4.49 4.02 4,02 4b00 Statement GK~2 . 1^9^90 - DETOOHmT SCHJ^S/PR^ECTS_ OU'.JLi^Y /.HD SXPSTDITUHE ■ ' •' (Rs. lakhs-) Code i^'o, iv-of the Schsme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-8Q - _____ Prooect Five Year Actual rtppro- Antici- Proposed of which Plan (1985­ Exp dr. ved pa ted outlay capital 90) Ar^ve^d outlay Expdr. content outlay 1. 2. '3 . 4 . 6. 7. 8, 7) Establishment of State Vety. Council, — 8) Scheni.e for Disease Free Zone. — 9.) Hahbies Control Programme — 10.) otrengchening of Vety. Training Cc-ntre at iJtnoor, Adilabad District. — — — — 5.00 .— Sub-Total )90.84 268.58 276.77 204.73 253.75 — 102 Cattle & Buffaloe Development 1 )'Strengthening of Deoni Gattle Breeding Farm, Gudgarpally. 15.00 4.10 8.39 8.39 • — — ^ 2) Strengthening of Ongole Cattle IV) 00 Farm,'Hamathirtham and Other 1 Farms. •' • 57.30 3.205 — __ — — 3) Establishment Of Frozen Semen Bull Station, Banavasi. 51.00 9.27 :i9 .3 3 19.33 20.27 8.00 ^) ExtGnsion of Frozen Semen To-'" chnoloay to New Field Units " for c;ntire State coverage and . — — L .N , Pl^nt, Cuddapah. 45. 95: . . 15.81 4.27 4.27 5) Strengthening of existing - , j ' Frozen Semen Bull Stations & i * ■ ' Frozen Semen Organisations. , 73.20 8.74 f .6 9 9.69 9.42 ' — 5)' Strengthsning of Existing Livestock Farms and Composijfee Livestock F;rm, Chintaladevi. 17.71 17.55 17.55 44.47 ^ • I f * 7) Progeny Testing Programme. 10.00 4.32 6.98 6.98 7.11 — j U ;a-!

OUTLilY .ifID EXFSNDI-rUHE , (Hs , lakhs')

Code N q, I'Tani of the 'Scheme/ Sevent;h ■, 1987-88 ___ 1988-89 1989-90______Prc o’ect Five Year jictual ilppro- ilntici- Proposed of which Plan (1985- Exp dr. ved pated outlay capital ‘90) igroGd ouulay Expdr. content outlay 1. 2. ' 3.' . 5. 6. 7. ■ 8.

Q) iissistcnca to Gaushalas as , Grant}. 6.00 9) Indf,* cv;i£3 Project, Visakha- patnam, 10.00 ’> 2 . ^ 7.02 7.02 19.00 10) Ssi.:bilshme'nt of Rabbit _ Breeding Earms. ’ 4 . 18.50 3.46 4.03 4.03 4 .7 7 1 1 ) Distribution of Gross-bred Calvus. , 138.73 12; Improvement of Indigenous O.tlle azd Buffaloes. — 3.89 6.00 6.00 6.00

Sfb-Total 425.68 72.895' 83.26 ' 83.26 n 't . 04 8.00 Pou.l uPT Pevg 1 opment 1) Bat'.kyard Poultry Rearing IV) ■V.' onr: the Tribal & Poultry Conirlexes in S.C. Basties. 20,90 9.88 10.09 10.09 8.08 1C>t Suse.!:) Wool Development ' 1 ) Distribution of Breeding pLatns. 20.00 2) Management of Goat under Inte:isive System. 10.00 1 .3 2 1.40 1 .4 0 ­ 1 .5 2 3) Estaf-ishment of Intensive . Sh-jep Development Projects. 58.00 40.28 47.83 47.83 50 .57 4) Establishment of Mini-Slai- ghter house at Anantapur. — 3.-^5 5) Strengthening of Large Scale Sh< ep Breeding Farm, Mamidipally. ' — ■5.00 15.00 13 .0 5 Sub-Tot alf, 88.00 45.05 54 .23 64.23 65.14 atafceaient (21-2 ' DRAFO? iUMUiL PLAN o - sghsm es/ fr g jb g t s ^ ~ .■“ (Es., lakh's) ■ ■ iode No, Name of the Scheme/ Seventh. 1937-^8 1988-^89 - ■ 1989-90 Project Five Tear Actual Approved Antici- Proposed of which Plan (1985-90) Expdr. outlay pated outlay capital Agreed Outlay ' Exp dr. content 1. 2. 3. 5. 7. 8.

105 Piggery Development. 1) Establishment 'Of New Pig Breeding Stations. 40.00 4.12 4.12 4,47 . — 2) Strengthening of Piggery _ Development Project. — 1.48 1.41 1.41 1.53 — :>) Extension staff for Piggery Development Project. 2.55 2.59 2.39 2.64 — 4-) Importation of Pigs, 8.00 5; Infrastructure for taking-up Units under I.R.D.P. ‘ 9.50 ' — . ■■ — ‘ ——— Sub-Total; 57.50 8.57 7.92 7.92 8,6 4 — Other Livpstock Development I 1 ) Duck Extensicn Centres 15.00 — — -- — ■ — VJ<1 2) Strengthening of Publicity ? ■ .& Extension Wing in Animal ' Husbandry Department. . 9 .4 0 1.25 . 0.23 0.23 0,25 ■ — 5) Special Livestock Production ProgrEmme, ' _ ■ 103.9 1 ." 102.00 102.00 115.00 — Sub-Total: 24i60 105.16 102.25 102,23 115.25 107 Fodder Development 1 ) Fodder Deveicpment;by Dis­ tribution of MinikitG Fo­ « , dder Trees, Supply of Chaff.’ cutters, Silo-pits & Additi_ ■ onal staff fcr Fodder Deve­ lopment.' ■ 99.81 - 5.20 6.00 Sub-Total: 99.81 5.20 — — 6.00 — Statement (3T-2 DIUFT 1989^90 - Sq iEJ^^^O JEC TS^ " ; - ’ OUTL^Y_i*ND_EXPEKDI^M:_ ■ . ■ (Rs. lakhs) Code No, Narae of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 Prp.ject ’ ' Five Year Actual Appro­ Antici­ Proposed of wh ich Plan (1985­ Expdr. ved pated outlay capital 90) Agreed outlaj'- Expdr, content outlay 1. 2. 4. • ■ 5. 6. 7. • ■ 8,

113 -Administrative Investigations 8c Statistics. - 1) Survey & Assessment Unit. 4-8.00 11,59 ■ 13.15 13.15 14.11 - - 2) Asst. Director (Statistics) at Indo-Swiss Project, Visakhapatnam. 2.00 0.66 0.64 0.64 0.70 3) Integrated Sanple Survey Scheme. — 2. 72 3.47 3.47 3.69 — Sub-Total: 30.00 14.97 17.26 17.26 18.50 — .. § 00 Othfej? BcDonditure VETERIx^ilRY l^SgALCH - _ i3 Expansicn of Yety. Biological & _ SesQ^rch Insti tu;^^^^_Hjrderabad. • '90.00 2.81 8.10 8.10 ■ — __ VM idj Poultry Viral Vaccine. Unit^ 1 ' ^ Samalko-t._ • 18.00 3) Seroiogicai Diagnostic Lab. at Vety. Biological & Research ^ Institute, Hyderabad. ' ' . '1^,00 7.80 7.85 7.85 6.48 - 4) Upgrading of District Glinical Labs. , into Animal Health Centres 8U-.00 29.90 26.61 26.61 24.97 - 5) ICAR. Schjme to develop the Sy- ' stem for £'urv^lll-?m‘C'e''^'Monito- ring Important Animal diseases of National Importance, — “ 3.99 5.78 5.78 6.10

Sub-Totals. 211,00 46.50 48.34 48,34 37.55

' TOfABs i' 2 2 m : m 621.00 _558.^6 647.00 8.00 ( Ab iffl: al- - H us b • B* " jr • ■ ‘ V OTOJ.Y_A^^^ • • ■' CjJs^j. l. a k h s )

Code No. ■ 'Nam(i of th9 Scheme/ Seventh •:~.- 1987-^aB i=90. ■ Project ■' Five Year • Actual Approij- An tic 1- jProposed of which Plan (1985­ Exp dr. ved , pated outlay ; capital 90) ifgrssd outlay Scpdr, content outlay 1. 2. 3- 4. ' 5i. 6, 7. 8. ,

(b) A.P. STiTE ME/T & POULTRY DEVELOtR/IKTT GCSPORATION 190 Share Capital 100.00. 22,50 25.00 ^,5.00 ' 15.00 15.00 800 Other Expenditure: >' ■ Modem Abattoir 500.00 — ■ — 10,00 . 10 ,OD INFRASTHUCTURE PEYELQPMEIfT I 5O.OO. 103 Poultry Develo'ome'nt ■ 1. Monitoring to-weaker section . ■5 . 00' ‘ — ■ — — , 2. Strengthening of Feed'Analy­ tical Lab, R.R. Disti?ict, 6.50 3. Strengthening cf Pharmaceutical Un i t, R. H,..Di s t-ri c t, 2 .5 0 2,00 2,00 —— ' ' ■ — ' 4. Strengthening of Layer Hatchery I at R.R. Listrict, . - 6,00 ' 10,00 10 , 00' MacM — ■■ ‘ 5. Strengthening of Broiler Hatchery at R.R, .'District. .. ’ , 10,00 10.00 ■ - 6. Estt. of Mobile Marketing Centre at Hyderabad. 1.50 •1.50 ■ - — 7. Contn. of Layer, Broiler Breeder ' House. _, 9.00 9.00 8. Purchase of chicks - delivery van. — - 2.00 ,2 . 00. , . Purchase of Hatchery Machinery 9 _ ' __ ’ and Incubator* 2.40 ' 2.40 '10. Contn. of Fjed Ingredient Godown. 2,4 0 2.40 ■ 11. Purchase of Generator 63 KVA. - - 1,70 1.70 . Ill Meat Processing __ - 1. Strengthcni-ig of Model Piggery Unit, -i.50 mmmm ’' . • .. 2. Strengthening of Bacon Factory, G.annavaram 8,00 —, 6:.50\ 6,50 3. Strengthening of Animal Byproduct, ...... Kesar-apalli. . . 1 . 50 - 1 . 50' 1.50 ,1.00 ■ 1,00

Total (Meat & Poultry Dev. Gqrpn) O.OO 47.5^ 56 ,.00. 50.60. 50.. 00 ■ ' _-50.00 75 •i. ~ « - — — — — — — — — — — 69 7 .0 0 " " Total (AriMAL HUSBANnRY) pq64,,00 , 642.H.l Q2 II r. liitl r«l ,671.00 608, 96. . 58,00 Statement GgT-2

DRAFT 1989:::90 - DEVELOAIMT SGHME^PROJBOTS “ OUTLAY liD ^IxrEIIDTlURE “ - - (Rs. lakhs) lode Name of the Schema/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 No, Project , - Eive Year Actual Appro- Antici- JProposed of which Plan (1985-90) Expdr. ved pated Outlay capital , , iigreed Outlay outlay Expdr. content 1 • 2. 3. 4. 5* 6, 7. 8, ‘

2404 00 DAIRY ]3EVELQP^^EI]T 001 Direction & Administration, - 102 Operational Flood projects. Cattle'- cuci’-Diary Development projects. - 109 Extension & Training. - 190 Investments in public sector & other bodies, , , , , , , -

191 a s sista n c e to c o -o p e r a t iv e s & OTHER BODIES; , State Viide Schemes; , 1, Cost of sites to new dairy Units & peed Mixing plants in the State, 145*00 20.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - I 2. Keh centralised Technical inputs Pro­ gramme , . . . , , 25.00 2.00 1.00 ; 1.00 1,00 - 5. Special programme for inducting rural women in Dairying for income generation, 25.00 1 0.00 10.00 10.00 1.00 4. provision of tr^sport of cattle feed- Modernisation of cattle feed praduction and Delivery system, 5.00 4.20 4.20 1.00 5. Purchase of Cans and other facilities for handling Milk* 'c. ) Rural milk storage-cum-transport system (Milk cans). - 25.00 25.00 25.00 0 30,00 b) Milk transport system-Road Milk Tankers - 17.00 12.60 12.60 0 6. Rural Milk Testing System. , , - 15.00 14.00 14.00 4.00 7. Special assistance for generation of funds for implementation of Technical Inputs programme,' . 1562.00 - 1.00 1.00 1.00 8. special assistance for',/JDDQP io raairi- ‘ .* ' ,* • 1.00 tain prices for'^pro.(|ucera..A-.consuaker8.i: .r- : (J^ - 2 draft ANNJ/iL PLi^N 1989-90 - DEVh'LORTMT SGHF-DiS/^ROjrCTB 4—, I ”■ V*' ) . ()IT1'GAY^)IT1'GAY 'illD'ifD iXP?HDICi:iT^“ ‘ I. ii'-', .. cl i .-J J oae Kar’S .of the Scheme/ Seventh 1387-Si^ 1988-.89 .989-90 : 0. ^ Project Five Year Actual' Appro- Antic i- Pr op 03 e d of whi oh Plan (1985-90) Exp dr., ved pated Outlay capital Agreed Outlay outlay Expdr. content 2. 3* 4, 7... 8. B* District Schemes; 9. Creation/expansion of chilling/processing 575.00 facilities/distribution systems - bulk 25.00 68,00 66.00 66.00 6.00 vending machines, 10, Technical Inputs prograrame- Technical in­ puts servicers under Special Component, plan and Tribal Sub-plan, . 797.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 17.00 11, providing of subsidy to meet the operatio­ nal deficits for re-opening of closed Dairy Units in Tribal areas* ,- 1.00 -1.00 1.00 0 12, providing of subsidy to meet the operatic^ 0 126.00 nal deficits for re-opening of closed Dairy 0 Units in Non-tribal areas, ,, ,, 1.00, 7.20 7.20 0 13, WCDC-Integra-ted Dairy Projects - 30% C40vt. I share in respect of Khammam, v/arangal and Karim^nagar :districts, 74.40 90,00 f 14, Quarters for essential staff at Mother dairy, 10.00 10.00 10.00 1,00 15, Establishmen-t of Urea Molasses brick plant, 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 16, Renovation of 'E' Type staff quarters at old Hyderabad Dairy, , - “ - . 5.00 17, Strenf^thening of water supply & stabilisation of power to Chittoor MPT-for first stage ex-- pansion to 3^0,llpd capticity, - -- 21.00 18, 20fo i!]quity contribution to World Bank Schemes for construction ofGodowns through ^COP, - - ■ . 20,00

Total 2 (D^i^-i).evelopment), 2979.00 ‘00.00 180.00' 254.40 327.00

.. till llrM ik h 11. . t r . . 1 t 3tctogic.nt (ST-2 ^pHUAi_£l

Code No* ' ITanK; -of the Schsrae/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 • _ .4989-90 ' Pro^act Five-Year Actual' Apppc- Antici­ Proposed of ' "i - Plan (1985­ Exp dr. VGd pated - outlay Capital, ' 90) iisreed outlay Exp dr., content' . -outlay 2. 3. 4. . 8 . ; ■ A B S T R k 0 T 1 ■ i 1 G1 2406 00 I'orestr.y & Wild Xife* •

. -01 rorestry: 001 Direction & ^ft^dministration. 14.075 56.500 56.500 56.000 14,00. , 005 Survey & Utilisation of Forest ‘ ] Resources, .. .. ) 0.500 0*500 0.500 - ■ - 070 ConmuniCction & Buildings ) 1.610 21.000 21.000 40» 000 • , 101 Forest Conservation & Development. ) 59.764 121.000 i2ivaoo 154.000 UQiSk 794.322 1107.500 2 % m 102 Social & Farm Forestry. j 9,600.00 1107.500 950.000 109 Extension & Trainings. 1.400 10.000 10.000 10<000 ■ z * m 800 Other expenditure; ' ) ■ i ) Tribal Areas Sub-plan 127.610 182.000 182.000 260.000 ^ ii) other expenditure. 9.150 12.500 12.500 20^500 : . , f ■ 02 Environmental Poreatry & Wild life 110 Wild life preservation. 58.708 80.000 80.000 •100.000 111 Zoological larks. 25.868 40.000 40,000 60.000 5.0©

•aub. Nntionffl Systems Unrt Total: (Forests): _ 9,600.00 107C^^ 9 1611.000 1611.000 1611.000 5©.* 00 - «i» ^ „ JMticuK uf Educational . and Aministiation ; ■ Marg,NewDelhi-1100X*

______St~bemcnt (SS^2

' - OUTLi.Y .iNB iZ??KDI':UHE • ’ ■ , (R s . la k h s ) Gofc No, Name of the ,3chGine/ Seventh 1987-88 Project Five Year ^ /ictual Appro- Ant i d - ‘ Proposed “Of \vb ich Plan (1985­ Expdu, ved ■ ■ pated , outlay " , ) /igrGcd _ j 1 capital 90 outlay Escpdr, content outlay - 2 . . . . 3.' • 4, • 5.: ■ ^ 6, ’ ■ ' 7. 6.

1 01 2406 00 POEESTRY & WILD LIFE 9600,00 01 FORESTRY.: 00=i' Direction & ^Adaini at ration; 14.073 56.500 56..500 ‘ 56.000 1A.00 1. Internal luait Branch, 9.429 11.500 11.500 . 12.00 2. V it ilance cell. .. .. 4.644 4.000 4.000 ' 5.00 ■ 5. VehiolCE. .. .. — 10,000 10.000 12.00 12,00 4. I.a};.roveraent of Coumuhication System. H ' 2,000 . 2,000 ■ 2.00 ■ 2, 00 5, Forest settlement Works. — ’ 7.000 7.000 5.00 6, Integrated Forest Development 2^00 Authority, •• 7.' For st Conservation Act Call, M ■ ■ 2,000 2, 000 005 survey & Utilisation of Forest 1 ■ Resources; . 0.500 0.500 0,50 f ” 1. Setting up of Planning Evaluation & St; tistical C ell. 2, Survey of State Finance Resources. ) - - - • - - 5. Scheme for the use of Remote Sensing ) Technology, ) 4. Establishment of Mapping Unit...... - 0,500 0,500 0.50 070 Communication and Buildings; 1.610 21.000 21.000 40.000 20,00 1. Formed ion" of Roads , , 0.745 1,000 10,00 —. , 2. Conotruction of buildings. .. .. 0.865 20.000 20.000 50,00 .2 0 ,0 0 101 Forest Conservation & Development; 59.764 121.000 121.0CO' 154.00- . 7-. 00 1. survey & Settlement of Fgrest boundaries, 0.325 4*000 4,000 4.00 2, Flying Souad parties...... • . 8,448 17.00 17.000 20. 0c 5. Por-st irotection Torce .. ,, 20.995 55.00 55.000 5 5 .CO - *M t i l l I . if i I .. \ H' ' 'ix.. ^ 1^- : -^^9-32 J -i- 0 .iY OuTL • (Rs. lalihs) d^IN o • Nane of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 - 1988-89 •1989-90 ' Pro j c t . Five Year Actual Appro­ Antici­ Froposed of which Plan (1985- Expdr. ved. pated outlay capital 90) Agreed outlj.y Expdr. content outlay ' » ■ , _ - 2 . 5.'. 7. ' ■ 8. « % . « 4 . Development of Infrastructure for the • urotection of Porests from Biotic .. interference. .. ,, * , - 36,000 36.000 40.00 2.00 5. Mechanised Ilantations. . . • • — 26 .'000 26,000 20.00 5.00 — 6. .Di'ouLht rrone ^reaa programme, • • — — 10,00 - , 7. Industrial Ilantation Fund. • « 10T00 ■ 51000 5.000 5.00 ^ ' 102 Social & Farm Forestryj. 794.522 1107.500 1107.500 95C.OO 2.ce > 1. Rural Fuel Wood plantations. 100,067 100,000 . 100,000 90,00 2. C I D -A ...... • « 605,522 90c. 000 900,.000 700.00 2. CO 3. shelter Eelt .. • • 50.891 . ' ,000 50,000 80,00 4. Special Component IIan ,, • « 37.842 45.. OC'O 45.000 55.00 5. Silvipastural scheme ,, .. 12,500 _ 12,500 25.00 1

_ 1C9-Extension and Trainings 40,000 1-,400 10,000 '10,000 10., 00 2.00 ^ 1, Forest School, Yellandu. 1,400 1.3'^o 1,500 1.50 2. Establishment of Foresters School at Dulapally. ,, — 8,500 8,500 8,50 2,00 800 Other Fxpenditure• • Tribal Areas Sub-rlon; 5 2 5 .COG 127.610 ■ 182.000 182,000 260.00 ■}• Teak plantations. .. 117.066 133. OOC 13 3-. 000 170.00 2 . Quick c-rowinfc. Species, t . 6.503 ' 2.000 2,000 - 3. Minor Forest iroduce. .. * , . . - ■ ’ ' 4.041' 15.000 15.000 15.00 4. Reclothing, of I odu Areas & Develop­ ment of Eastern Ghate. — 32.000 32,000 ■ 75.00 fI) Other Expenditures . - - 45.000 9.130 12.500 12,500 20.50 1. Research, .. - . 4,894 8,0.00 8.000 8,00 2. Project Formulation Circle, • « 0.283 0,500 0,500 0,50 3. 1 ublicity Viing. , • • » 3.953 4.000 , 4.000 5,00 4. Aerial Seedin£. ■ ,. • « > ■ — — - . 2.00 5. Urban Forestry schene ri> p^lrp -lly. — — >- 5. C otateraenfc .2^~2

CRs * lakhs)

(JMe No. Nome of the--erne/ Seventh 1987-88 ;19e3--89 1989-90______Project Five Year ■ Actual Appro- Antici- Proposed of which Plan CI905- Expdr, ved pated outlay capital 90) Agreed outlay Expdr, content outlay 1. 2. 3 . 4. 6. 7 . 8.

C2 Environmental Forestry & Vjild L if e : 110 Wild lift Ire.servc'tion 55C. 00 58. 708 8 0 .COO 8 0 .COO IOC,CO 1. Grcr,b Indian rustard. 1. 709 r 2.000 2.000 3.00 2, J)cv, of rocharara. Sanctuary, ^ 2. OGC ■2. 000 ...-.2.000 3.00 3. Dev. of Eturnc£,arafti Sanctuary 3. 5GC 3.5 CO - 3.500 5.00 4. Dev. of Kc.wal ” 3. 005 ' 2.500 . 2.500 3.00 5. Dev. of' lulicat . " . 1. 75 c 2.500 :2.50C ,3.00 6. Devo of.Corinta , , " . r. 925 1.500 T.500 ' 3.00 7. Dev. of iapikonda " 1 . 850 ■ 2.500 2.500 3.00 8. Dev. of iiwaraca , " 1 . 000 . 1.000 ' 1.000 , 1.00 Dev. of Nolrpattu . •> . 1 . 000 3.00C' - 3 000 3.00 iH: H 1.500 : ■: :.5oo 3.00 Dev. of Manjira 1 . 9X9 ■ • I 11. Dev. of Srivenkateswara 2. 300 . 4.000 • 4.000 6. GO of Kolleru . - ^2.500 . 5.00 12. 2 972 2.500 I 15. X>ev. of I reject Tifeer 6,.927 . 13.000 13.000 17.00 14. Wild life Education & Exhibition 5^550 - 10.. 000 10.000 10.GO 15. Marine land-Cornplex ’ 9- 75c, 10.000 ' '1G,000 1C.00 16. Control of Elephants. 6, 500 8.000. 8.000 7.00 17. Compensation for Elephant Daaage 4. 000, 2. 000- 2,000- 5 .GO 18. ^ntipoac-hinfe .scheme ..... 4.0 0 0 4*OQ0 3.00 19. Development of paiihal Sanctuary i . 000 _ 1.500 -1.5^. • 2.00 2C. Development of Srilanka Malleswara Sanctuary 2.500 2.500 4.00 21. Dev. of I illajnari - Deer Park, Mahabubnafear -' 0.500 0,500 1,0 ,o L' c ^ n t 'Gj-'~i *~^

DMT J.989-90 - DEV£LO?i.I^;T 3CHSi^^Ri0jirCT3_ CUTLj^Y_;^D_EMNDm^_ (Rs, lakhs)

Code No, Name of the Scheme/ Seventh ■ 1987-88 1986-£9 1989-90 Prooect Five Year ■ /ictual iippro- Antici­ Proposed of which 1 Plan (1985­ Expdr, vod pated outlay capital 90) ;.GrQod outlay Exp dr. content outlay ( M 2 . 5. 4, 4 5.' 6. 7. • 8.

« Ill Zoological larJtG; 25.868 40,000 40.000 60,00 5.00

1. N ehru SooloLical 1-crk, Hyderabad, 15.CC7 13.000 13.000 15.00 2. Indira Gandhi Z003-0§;ical Park, Visakhapatnam 10.861 12,000■ * 12, 00c 20.00 3. Vonkateswara Zou lark, Tirupati, 15,000 15.000 25.00 5.00 I

Toms(rOEESTS)! 9 ,6 oC,OC 1070,49.• 1611,000 1611.000 . 1611,000 50.00 ce c c frc 101 2408 GO Pood Storage and ji r\i^j\ r\ r\r^ /Ir\ r\r\ Warehousing 300.00 ^L/#UU ^U#UU • U U 40.00 il-o.oo vi, f Stateinent GN-2 eo«te- l.^khs )_ Code Name o£ the Schem ^ seventh 198 7-88 ' '1 9 8 8 - 8 9 19 89-9 e No. Project Five Year Actual Appro- Anticl- Plan( 1985-9 C ) ‘ Expdr, P ropo^^ of w^ich Agreed Outlay ved pated outlay Expr. sed • capital outlay •ontent 1. 2. 3. 4 . 5. 6. 7 . 8 .

101 2415 0C» 8 ) AGRICULTURE, RESEARCH AND 'education (apau)

• 01 DIRECTOH_AND ADMINISTRATION: 1 Continuation of Engineering Wing. 5 0 . OC 7 .0 # 7 .0 C 2, Strengthening.of Staff " Admn.t Accounts Staff of all. Colleges. 10.or 2.00 3.0C , 3.00 3 .0 t 3 Infrastructural provision of physical facilities for Colleges & CQllege Farms', 1 5 .0 0 ,3 .0 0 3 .0 0 3 .0 § 3 .0 C 3 .0 t (3 Colleges). NEW SCHEiyE 4, strengthening c£ Hostel E s t a b lis h m e n t of 3 Campuses 4.00 2.5* ' 4.0C —

Sub-Tota.1: 7 5 .0 0 .1 5 .0 0 17.HI0 15.50 17.10 3:r«

004 RESEARCH: 5 . Continuation of Duck Unit, R-'nagai: 3 .0 0 0 .6 0 0 . 6 0 0 . 6 0 f . 6 0 6. Rabb it Production ■ f or' - .. at College of Veternary science Raj Ci ncranrgar and Tif'u’^ti ■ •5^.00 1.00 l.Ot I.CO 1.00 . . c on t d. Statement GN-2 (Rs.^lakhs^ Name of tha Sciieme/ Seventh 1937^^33 1938-89 1989-90 Code No, Project Five Year Actual. Approved A»tici> Propo- ’ of » M oh Pian(1985-90) Exp^di- out- pated sed capital ilireed Outlay ture lay E:q)dr, Outlay content l._ 3. 4.- 5. 6. 7. 8.

7. Scheme for Biological Centrol of Crops, Fests, with special emphasis on Grapes,

Cotton, Chillies, Rajandranagar 0.75 0.15 ■0.20 0.20 0.15 —

8. (a) R.-orgattiaation Development of Research Stations, including L.S.R. . , Stations, (b) jpjTOVisi<» of working facilities at x 40.00 3.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 all Rea.Stations including staff i quarters. I 9. Fisheries Sciences. 20.00 4.00 6.00 6.. 00 6.00 10. Establishment of Horticultural Researdi Station, Vijairai, & Strengthening of ID. 00 2.00 1.50 1.50 , 1.50 Fruit Research Station, Vijairai, W^G.Dist." f 11. (a) Strengthening of Agril.'Rws.Station, J[ VenkataTaaahagudem. I 10.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 (b) Strengthening of SPF, Venkataramanar j gttdam. > i 12. Strengthening of S r'|’ at Adigoppula^ arid 'Jangaiaaswara|>uram, Guntur Dist. 10.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 13. Vegetable Ra^arch Si-ation, R;g ^nderar 8.00 0.65 1.00 1.00 1.00 naga.r fc. ■ 1^* . planned Developm^t of Orchards at 10.00 1.00 1,00 1*00 1.00 Rajendranagar 15. Strengthaiing of Rgional Agricultural Rcsaarch Station, D\rsi 5.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 — 16, Estt.of Resear

17. Estt.of Horticultural Research Station in tho Tribal arua at DaBinap6t,Khanmiam ■ District 55.05 4.50 , 4.50 4,50 3.50 13. Estt;of Hortieulturdl R search siation * t , ■' i: 53.05 4.50 4.50 • 3.50 in the T;'ibal arsa at B 3 ll^ p a l]i at . [ 4.50 Aiilabad district. ^ : ( 19. scheme for intensification of stable R-search in A .t.a t A.riliRti^.Ir.ati.tute, - \ 5.-3Q 5i30 , 5,30 4.00 ' iA-Irs-nasar • . V - 20. Scheme for Mushroom C-ltivatlc« in A .i . ' i.oo' 0.50 0,50 0.50 — at A^R.I. Rf-o endranagar • I*

21. Estt,of Aromatic & Medicinal tiants — 1.90 1.50 1-50 - 1.50 — Garden at ARI Rajendranagar

22. Schejie for Floriculture.R^isearch at — 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.30 A .R .I ., Rajendranas'ar. 23. Schame for Pulses Iniprovement in paddy F lious in Krishna, Godavari Deltas. -- 1.00 ^ ; 2.00 2.00 2.00 . 24. Rese^ch in Blue Tonjue in Sheep at College of Vety.Science, Rav end ran agar, . 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 - NEW SCHEME

25. Livestock Research Station, Garividi, -w 16.00 ' 16.00 Vizianagaram District ______Sub-Total: 280.90 46.60 47.60 -47.60 59.05 21.00 St atamans GM-*8 . „ « . „ _(Rs._^in lakhs) Suventh 1937 - -33 _____ 1938-89 1969-90 Gode No. Naao 'of the Stvieiue/ Five Year Ai-tual Approved jUiticl- proposGd of which Froj ect Pian(1935-90) E -sndi™ Outlay pated outlay capital A ,reed outlay tura Expdr. content 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. S.

£0 - - ASSISTS! GE TO I .G..A.R. I iiG. Coordinatc'd & Othei- R ssaxch Schemes includin,^ Liv -stock, F-sheries .and H'Tiia Science Sch3m3s(25^ State share) 230.50

32. Improvement of Working/Teaching facili­ ties at 2 Vety.C:;li.-Ges, R'nagar and Tirupathi ' 3.00 1.60 0.60 0.60 0,60 0.60 33. Improveirent of OllniGal facilities at both Vety. Gollajes ai: R-,1‘ancrans.^^.sr 2.50 0.50 o:5o 0.50 0.50 Tirupathi Statament GM-»2

_____J[8s, in__lakhs_)_^ . , _ Seventh 1907-88 1938-89 ______1989-90 Code Nu. Ffoj act Fiv^ Year Actual Approved Aiiti ci- proposed Of v^ich plan(1985-90) Expendi- outlay pated outlay capital Agreed outlay ture Expdr. content 1, 2. 3. 4 . _ 5. 8. ■ 7. 8.

34. Providing working f aciliti iis( rep airs of sheds Building Irrigation Fncilities for Fodder production) all Livestock R::s. F. rms in the Colleges 9.00 1.30 , 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 35. Scheme for Quail i-roduction College of Vety. Science, Ruj endr anagar 2.00 0.40 ' 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 3 6 . Rural Ajricultural Work Experience r'rogramme 20.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 . 57. Estt.of 5 Nev A;ril./VDty.Colleges 100.00, 5.00 ,0.50 0.50 — — 33. Intarnship/Clinical F.cilities for B .V.Sc, Students. 9.00 1.30 1,00 1.00 1.00 -- 39. Replacement of furniture and fittings to Laboratories of both V.ty. Colleges 7.50 1.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 (R'nagar and Tirupathi) 40. Construction of 4 Class Rooms at Livestock Research lAstitute, R ;,1 endranagar 2.75 ■ 41. Development Centres for Rural Women in R;.,ional R^sseaTch Stations. 1.00 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 42. C:*ild CiiTa C.ntres at H/ i&rabai and Bapatla Hv.mti Science Colleges. 2.50 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 - w 43. College of Horn® Science, Hyderabad. 2.50 0.50 0.25 0.25 0.25 ■ — (Furniture and Equipment) 44. Improvement of Sports, Grmes Hostel and Student Amenities. 2.00 0.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 mmm 45. Scheme for Special Coaching S .C /S .T . 3.00 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 — students 46. N.C.G.Unit at Tirupati 5.00 1.00 0.05 0.05 -- Statement GN-2„ (Rs. in lakhs)

1939-90 Coda No. NaciG of tho Scheme/ Seventh 1937-88 ______1933-09 i-roj fcct Five Year Accual i\p proved Antici» iroposed Of which VI an (1985-90) E:^'aidi- outlay pat ad outlay capital A^reed outlay tui'e E>?)dr. content 1. 2. 5. 5. 6. . 7. 8.

47. E i^eritus Scxentist 3c:;eme 3.00 43. Library Facilities ^ 11.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 — 49. Strengthenin:^ of A;ril.Inrrormation and Cominuriication Centre and i-ress. 7.50 50 „ Stren.:,'thGning and Expansion of E-.E.Units at Regional R-saarch S’iations of A.i-.A.U. 20.00 _ - 51. St&rting of ,<\jricul-tural 'technic College, ralem, Mahaboobnagar dist. -- 31.00 26.00 52. Starting of New A,;ril.College,Etcherla, Srikakulam district. -w „ 55.00 40.00 ^ — _ - ^ „ - Sub-Tutalj 310.00 ' 43.70 33,00 33.00 123.05 71.55

OrriER EXi-ENDITUREs 55. Dsvelopmont viz.Roads, Water supply, and Drainage 75.00 15.00 7.50 7.50 8.50 3,50 54. Acquisition of Liv^d for Batter Farm Fac*. cities 20.00 2,10 5.00 5.00 5,00 5.00 55. Eqi-ilpiiient for Health C.ntres at R'nagar Tijapati and Bapatla 2.00 ■0.0 ■ 0.40 0.40 .0.40 0.40' 56. Appointment of Lady Doctors at '6 campuses 4.00 0.G3 1.00 1.00 .5 1,00 57. Imp'''ovem6nt to the Drainage system of the Lovi Lyisg areas at College G-ampus at ' ■ 2.00 0,£0 1.00 1»00 .. Bapatla ' 53. Str^^thening of Computer Centre,R'nagar ... . 2.50 1.50 1.50 1.60 1.50 Statement GN-2 (Es. in lakhs )

Seventh 1907-3B 1933-G9 193.9-90 Code No. Nanie, of tha Scheme/ Five Year 2;ctual proved jinticd.- proposed Of which project iraan(19a5-90) Bxp^di- outlay pated outlay capital ture Expdr. content 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8,

59. . rrDVision f .-r rrincipal's and Warden's Quarters at Home Sc.College, Bapatla 2.50 2.50 1.50 1.50 60. Construction of Girls Hostel at Tirupati 5.00 61. - Construction of Hostel for 100 Boys at Tirupati 4.00 4.00 62. Additional Dining Hall at Girls HostGl at Bspatla 2.50 2.50 SCHEi'lES ^ROirOSE^D FOR THE YEAR 193G-89 r 63. Workslaop &. Lab,Buildings for Agril.Engg. Gours'o at Bapatla, — 3.00 5.00 64. irocossing xlant of Dairy T ’chnology Course at Tirupati — 9.50 4.00

Sub: Totals 103.00 21.60 30.40 37,90 26.90 16.90

TOT^\L (Agricultural Research and 1000.00 175,00 207.00 213.00 309,00 112.45 Educ ation A,'t. A.U .) DPAFX J i.,.: i: pSViiLOPMil'iT SOHEMS/raojZCT.S^ ■ ~ (.,w. lakhs) ;89______Code Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988- 1989-90 intici- No, Prooect , Five Year iictual Appro­ Proposed of which , Plan (1985-90) Expdr. ved pated " Outlay Capital Agreed Outlay outlay Expdr. content 5. 5. 6 . 7. 8 . 1. 2 .

M m c T 1,01.2416,00-, STITUTIONST ■ 1C7 -issistar ceto Credit Cooperatives 3200.00 380.65 ■ 384,75 . 384,75 389.55 190 Assistanoe to public sector and other under-takings, . 75.00 15. ij u 15.00 15,00 11.25 11.25 800 Other Expenditure. - - 0,25 0.25 4,20 — — — — — — — —. — — — — — — ~ • a . . Total *2416.00 (i^gxl. Financial ^276.00 395.65 4v^0 *00 400,00 405,00 11.25 In s t s ;) 1 01 b 2488. GO -.COOPFJ^ATI ON: 001 Direction & Administration 232,50 18,10 25,90’ 25,96 25,00 003 Training 0^4 Research & Boaluation iOl Audit of Cooperatives 1C6 Inforinaticn & Publicity 22.50 3.70 4.00 4.00 10.00 - 106 Assistance to Multi purpose Rural Coops-. - — ~ — ■> T Q 107 Assistance tu Credit Cooperatives. 1836.00 78.11 .Ow 205.00 155.OC 4:,. 00 1.8 Assistance to Other Cooperatives; Ware housing & Marketing Coops 846.00 118.34 Qu. 95.00 . ^ 2o:,oc Processing Cooperatives l O C .0 0 4 , Oo ' 4.00 6.00 6.00 Consumers Cooperatives 41.11 75. v^O 11. , 14 . ^0 14 . 00 _ Housing Cooperatives 50.00 5,0-.' 5. oC r ' • - e) Farming Cooperatives \«/ # Iv.Uo f ) Labour Contract Cooperatives 76*00 Iv^ , vvj g) Weaker Section Cooperatives 150.00 6.00 m m n) Other Cooperatives 17.50 60.70 32.44 30,00 i) Special Component Plan 315.00 99.63 150.50 148.50 165*00 — — — — — — — •m m. m, m mm _ _ I. _ — . _ • ^ _ . Totals 108. 2175.00 302.58 385.20 530 * 90 415, :o 220^vC i — “ — Statement GN-P ' DIUFT 19^9-90 - B E m LO B lim ^ SOHME^EROJECTS_ OU^.L.ft-Y .IND EXPENDITURE . ' (Rs. dakhs) Qode Name of tb3 Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 ' __1989^-90 • • No, P r o j e c t Five Year>- - - Actual, Appro- AnticT^- i^ropo^eS --of v±iicE Plan (1985-90) Expdr. ved '.pated Outlay capital Agreed Outlay outlay ' .Expdr. content 1 . 2 . 5 . 4. ^ 6'. ' 7 . ; ■ 8 . 109 Agricultural Credit Stabilisation Fund 275.00 •'21S .00 ■25.00 i n - 25«UL 190 Asst, to Putrllc Sector and othef under- - ■ - • S / .. takings (SCO to AF' Stf?.te Coop.Rural Irrigati- . • ■ on Corpn.,--Hyderabad), " ' ■ 20.00 ' 5 w . ijO 0.10 - 0,10 796 Iribal Area Sub-Plan ■ ' 7 . . _ai5.00, 37.05 *60.50 60,0C>. .4 7 c other Expenditure ' ' , —- «» ' Total; 2425»00 4925.00 514. 54" •60l .00 • rx 7 O' O # Vy 0 26u.00

8200.00 91. .19 lOOl .o^O 1 r-'-, 1105.00 271.25 TOTAL* 2416 + 2425 r 1.01,2 416.'' j-AGRICULTURAL FINANCE INSTITUTIONS: 107 Assistance to Credit Cooperative's t cx: - a) Loans-to ArCCADB, Hyd, towards ' Ordinary Debentures. 2 5 ^ , uO 34.25 34.75 34.75 . -39^55 b) Loans to AtCCADB, Hyd, towards Special Debentures. 2950 « 00 M 6.40 350.00 35G.0-0 ' ■ 350. IPO Assistnnce to Public Sector undertakings. Investments in Graraeena Banks. (Fin. & Fig. (Plg.V/ing) Dept.) 75,OC’ 15.00 15.00 15.00 . •11.25 -li.2 5 800 Assistance towprds risk fund to Commercial Banks/Regional Rural Banks, , (Fin. & Fig.(Fig.Wing) Dept.) - :r.- - - • G.25 ©♦85 4.20

Total: 3275.00 395.65 4oO.00 « 400.00 , •405. Oo 11.25

1.01.2425.0:0-COOPERATION ^ OOl- Directdbpn & Administration: a) Cost of Vigilence Cell at Head office I j . O O 2.C7 2.30 2.80, 3 . GO b) Cost of Stenographers at Head office.' . 3 . v/0 0,10 0..90 0 . 90 0.75 .. Statement caT-2 DRAFT .'U'JlTU.'iL ELAN 1989-90 - DEAMLOEl-IMT JGHEMES/PROJECTS '

~ “ DU’iLrf eTp'StdiTuSe " ~ (Rs. lalchs)

Code . Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988--89 „...-1.989:-90 No,' Project Five Year Actual Appro- An tic i- Proposed of whi*h Plan C B 8 ^ 9 0 ) Exp dr, ved pated O u t l ^ capital Agreed Outlay outlay Expdr. • content 1 . 2 . 3- - • 5. 6. 7. 8, . c) Joint Registrar/Project Cell in 1,67 Heed Office. ' ", 5,0C l.Bc^ 1,38 2,00 - (2) Cost of Junior Inspectors to DlvL.. - CQop^Officors under "Rural DistriM .tionI of Consumer\^irtides." 7 0,0 U 4,43" 7.12 7,12 Q.OO - e) Cost, of additional tosts of Coop.Sub-

Hegistrars/Housing €.t Dist.Officcs. 1 , C 0 l,c2 1.15 1.15 1,25 - e f) Cost of staff in Dist.Coop.^udit Offices at Hyderabad & ¥izianagaram., 25 ,CO 2,45 4,lP 4,19 4,50 - g) Cost of Senior Investigatdirs at Dist.

offices, 25, GC/ 0,99 • l.lQ l.ln 2.25 - h) Sing^le V/iridow Cell in Head Of'fice, 5,18 5,43 5,43 2.25 i) Joint Registrar/Monitoring cell at

Hoad Office. .. . 15,0^ — 0,94 ■ - - ^ ' - CO* 3) Training _ f Intermediate & Senior • Officers, 2,50 , 0 .l9 0,30 1,30 1.00 - k). iurchase of ^nbassador Cars for * Regional,Joint Registrars, 5,50 —- — - - - 1) CoSt.of Additional Staff for Regional Joint Registrar's Offices, . 3C • 00 m m - - - tn) prosecution work •m 30,00 - - - n) Installr.tion of Telephones to residen­

ces to Dist,Coop,Officers. , 1,50 - - ^ - - - i32,50 la.i-o 25,90 25,06 25, oO -

003, Training:: , , ------1G5, InfbraiatioQ & t^ubllcii-tya _ ^ , a) Assistance to. Ai' St&te Cooperative Union Lt.^1,, Hy-d, towards''publicity ■ 1,0C 4,00 4 ,CO . ■ -‘S.DD - irropaganida. 3,00 Statement (3^1-2 D % i '^ -• SulIEMES* j.;’ O0 i?CTS “ . “ OUTL^iY 'ijSTD EXi^Ei-'D’M jR E ^ ‘ “' '' ' " (Rs. lakhs)

Co de Name of the Soho mo/ Seventh 19 87 - 8 8 1988-89 1-90 - ______m i No. Proje-ct Eive Year ■ Actual '* iippro- ilntici- Proposed of which Plan. 0985- 90) Exp dr . ved _ pate.d - Outlay Capital ilgreed Outlay outlay' . Expdr. content A, , 6 . 1. 2 . . 5. . 7. 8 b) Subsidy for construction of buildings to Coop. Training Centres. 7.50 c) Subsidy:for construction of Hostels to Cc'Op. Training Centres. 6,00 d) Subsidy for purchase of Proiaganda Vans 6.00 fis e) Assistance,,towards iniblicity(Research & DevoIopmentWing in Head Office. - 2.70

.Total: 3.70 4 .0 4 . 0 0 lo .

107 Credit Ccioperatives; a) Borrqwings froui NAB^D 185.00 60.00 40.00 * 40.00 ■ 40.00 4C.OO b) Assistance to Weak Cooperative Central ' Banks' towards Non-overdue cover ■ 300.00 45.00 165,00 1 vjO . 0 0 Oi (50^'State) Cj c) /4.I- .Agricultural Credit (Relief and Guarantee Fund) , 50.00 5.00 5 1 wO • “ 5.00 d) Assistance to Farmers Service Coop. Societies. 15.00 1.11 1.00 - e) Strengthening of ir*iCS - ^.00 - 1 f) Ke-organisation of Cooperatives under "SinglG Window Scheme". - 12.00 0.30 g) Interest rebate to Small farmers for prompt repaytffent _ , " _ 20.0.00 h) DovelOpinent of PACS (50% State) 600.00 1) Development of tACS State) 515.00 j) Emergency fund at PACS(5^^ State) 20.00

Sub. Total: 1885, v_> 7tj.ll iv;o .30 2o5.\^ 155.00 4^.00 Statement GN-2

DH^FT M|TOAL_Hi/:N 1989-90 - 3CH£ME^PROJEOTS_ OUTLiT_iND_iXPMDiro^_ (Rs. lakhs)

Code No, Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-.89 1989-90 Project Pive Year Actual Approved Antici- Proposed of which Plan (1985-90) Exp dr. outlay pated Outlay capital Agreod Exp dr. content 5. 8 1. 2 . 3 . 4. 5. 7. .

108 Assistance- to other Coonerativesj p<______lOB A) Warehousing & Marketing; CcctTerativos; a) Assistance to construcHcn of coop* storage godowns: (iJSubsidy (4 ^ State) 135.00 5.17 « (ii;Loan (62,5^ State share) 25. oO ;j,55 - - - - b) Share Capital Contribution to IFFCO and National level Institutions. 175.00 ■ - „ 10,00 - - - c) Share capital‘contribution to World Bank aided Godowns.(NCDC i-tiase II krograimne) (200 State) 375« 0 o 07,62 - - - - d) Stipends to Trainees under World Bank aided godowns. 5mOC • - ' - - - - e) Subsidy for construction of gqdowns under Nati..nal Grid Scheme (25^ State) 30« ^ - ■ - - • - - f ) S.C. C, to i^kCS for iirocurement opera­ -1 tions. .. - - - ' - - g) assistance to "FRESH" for setting up of Cooperative Vegetable Marketing m m i-roject(22.5^ State) - 15, O' - . ^ - ■ ■ h) World Bank aided Godowis (NCDC i'hase I I I Vrogramme) (20^ State) - - 80,00 95,00 # V-'sw- 2:.i

Q '• Sub Totals B45.0C 118.34 90,00 n5,00 C t 2Ci St.atosrent O^T-f

OUTL/.I i\ND_5XraDITOBE^ ‘ (Hs. lakhs Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 '■ CodeVrf SpA XNo. » >✓ 9 Name of the Scheme/ ' Prootct Five Year Actual Approved Antici- Proposed of whicb ?lan (i985-90) Expdr. Outlay . pated outlay capital ' ■ iiRreed Outl^ - . Expdr. content 2. ' ■' 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 • 8 •

10^»-J3. FrocegsinR Cooperativeg: a) Mana.;erial subsidy tc iTocessing Cooperatives. i c .c c ' — — — — b) Sharo capital contribution towards , IBlockjcost of processing units and Mocternisati^n of Ric©Mills( 2 6 State) 3 7 . 6 : , — 4 . 4 . 0 0 ,6 .0 0 I.- 0 C • uv.' c) car.ital contribution to Groundnut • , — . , oil seeds Growers. Coop.Societies. 2 .5 C „ — — W M ' — d) Share ^capital contribution to AJ Federa,- ■ ,tion of Ric© Mills,Hyd. (RICEFED) ' - — -- — — —

Ol Sub-Total: ■ ' . 1( )0 .0 0 — 4 . ■ 4 . 0 0 6 ..CO 6 .0 0 1JG. 0^ ■ GonsTaiaers Gcoperatives; • <%■ a) Org7inSsation & Stren*^thening^f Gonsutaer '■ ■ Coops. ' ■ , 5 9 .0 0 4 C . 7 5 6 C . 0 u 1 1 ,0 0 1 4 .0 0 , 1 4 . 0 0 b>-Managerial subsidy to Consumer Coops. i O 0 0 . 3 6 . 6 .0 0 - - - • c) Loans to Consumer Cooperatives for r' *\ construction of office buildings, ^0 • vv ^ - 1 . 0 'J " - •• .. - d) Subsidy, for construction of Godowns under NCDC scheme (4C^ State) 1 8 . QO - - - mm — . •• • m. m,' m.m. — mm _ _ _ _ ’ .... Sub-Twtal:' ' ' 9 - •J-'V 4 1 a i 7 5 .0 0 1 1 .uO ., 1 4 . 0 0 1 4 . 0 0 mm * *• • •• lOB. D) HoBBing Co'operatives? ...... a) Investment in A.t.Coop.Housing Societies Federation Limited, Hyderabad. 5 0 • V 0 - 5 . 0 0 5 .0 0 - - Sfcatemen': D%S’T ANNUAL_H;/.N 1989-90 - D E to OM M T SGMM:S/PROJ_EOrS_

OUTI-iil .W D EXPSKDI^TOHE ( .‘;{S , xaKlU

Code No. Name of tb<3 Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 19^-90 . Project Five Year . i\ctual Approved Antici- ■ Fropos5 of which Plan (1985-90) Expdr. Outlay pated OUfcl^' Capital Agreed Outlay Expdr, content r ^ 1. 2 . 3. 4. 5. 6. 8.

loa. B) Farming Cuoperstivesj • a) Investinents in Cooperative Farming Societies. • 50« 1..C 0 ’ —~

108. F') Labour Contract CooDerativos i a) Investments in Labour Contract Coop. Societies. 75.00 1 - - - — 100. G) V/oaker Section Cooperatives; a) Investments in Coods. for Women Headed •• Families. 1*00 - * •• b) Investments in Coops, for Backward Cn Classes, - 5.00 - - - •• c) Assistance to Weaker Sections Coops. 147.50 - - - • — d) Subsidy for election expenses to Weaker section coops. 2,50 •• m

Sub-Tc'tal: 150.00 6.00 - ' - • - -08, H, Other Schemes? a) Investments in #t.i-.Sahakara Vigyana Samithi Limited, Hyderabad. 3.00 1.^ jQ 15.00 b) Investments in Health Cooperatives. 7.50 r::.oo - c) Investments in Engineering coops. d) Investments in Vocatitjnal Educational & Training institutions. Statemont (3>f-2 1989^90 - ^EraOH'p^T SGHm^PHOJ20T3_ GUTLiiY AlSfD EKPMDITUEE ■ (Rs, lakhs)

Goda No, Narat of the Scheme/ Seventh 1 9 87 - 8 8 1968- 89 1 9 8 9 - 9 0 P r o je c t Five Year A c tu a l x\ppro~ ^ t i c i - Proposed of which P18J1 (1985­ E x p d r . ved p a t e d o u t la y c a p i t a l 90) AQrQQd o u tla y E x p d r . co n ten t outl^iiy 1 . 2. 3.- 4 . • 5 .' ■ 6 . ■ 7 . 8 .

e) Managerial Subsidy to APSVS,Hyderabad 7 ,o u 6 .o 0 6 ,0 0 -_ f) Financial Assistance for Integrated Coops. Development ]^roject(5C^ State) - 2 9 . 7w 1 1 ,4 4 3 u « _

’’i T . S o " " 6 3 , 7 o " ' 3 2 7 4 4 " s r T o : “

Special ComDoaent ily. for S.Cs.i Assistance^ isbance to -Sc Members of Credit Coops, for. dis-chnrgo of consumption loans, 1 • AO • • ' 3,0'.^ - -■ •w - b) Asst, to SC Members who are nonwilful defaulters for repayment of loans. 45C.0C 5 . C 0 - - - c) Loans to credit C^ops, for giving consumption loans to SCs. " 2 J ,0 0 6 .‘Go --- Subsidy to Firming Cooperatives, 6 ,0 0 '^,0*. 9 ,0 0 1 0 • o 0 _ Subsidy to Labour Contract Coops, 2 .1 C 4 , 5 0 4 . 5 0 5 . u o _ f) Investments in. labour Contract Coops.Societies, - l o . : . . i B . o . 1 8 . :o - . g) Investments in Coop.Farming Societies, . - ^ ' 1 O’ * Go 1 2 ,0 0 1 2 r 0 0 - - h) Investments in E,I,0,Coops.(SCC to Natural Resources Development Coop.SocietyLtd.Hyd,) - 5.G C - ~ - - . i) Investments in Weaker Sections Coops. - 5 . — — - j) Investments in Vegetable Growers Coops, for assistance to SCa. - 1 0 .0 0 3 6 .0 0 _ _ k) Loans to Labour Contract Coo;: .Societies, - 3,00 12.00 26,00 60.00 _ 1) Loans to Coop.F^rmin;e Societies - 33.00. 57,00 7 9 ,0 0 9 0 .0 0 m) Stipends to. SC Trainees, - 0 .6 3 2 ,0 0 - - - n) Emergency fund at i-ACS 66,00 ' - - - - - ^ _ — — _ . — ~ ______Sub -Totals sisrco 9 9 .6 3 1 6 0 , 5 0 143,50 165.00 - Statomont GN-2 DIU-PT AF3nj^Hj;.N l?8^SlO - SCHIilZS/^I^JEGT^ ^ ■ OUTLiiY_Ap_JiXrmrairuHE_ (Rs. laichs)

OodG No.. Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988.-89 . 1989-90 Project Five Year Actual i'ippro- Antici­ Proposed of v/hich Plan (19G5- Expdr. ved pated outlay capital 90) Asreod outlay Expdr, content outlay 1. 2. 3. 5. 5, 7. 8. loo. Agricultural Credit Stabilis^iticn Fund 275.00 25.:,'C , 25.00 T-L V* ^ V,< 25.00 Inc.. ijissistance to iublic Sector and ether • undertakings (SCO to Ai-SGHIC) 2w . ^ 5^ t U . 1 w o • lo -- 796. Tribal iirea Sub-tlanj g ) i^ssisttince tc ST Members of Credit Ccops fur discharge of consumivtion loans. 2. : 1 • 00 - - - - b) Grants towards discharge of overdues of non-wilful ST Defaulters, ,v w 3, - - - - ■ c) Loans to Credit Ccops. for issuing consum­ ption loans tc ST members. 4-^-« wC 2,00 --- • •* d) Investments in Farming Coop.Societies, 25,. w 0 5, i s .:o 40.00 - Cn e) Investments in LaDcur Contract Coops, cn Societies, ' ’ 2 5 ,uw 5, V. w n' • Nw'V-/ - ■ 2.. 0O - — .. f) Investments in Weaker Secticns Coops, 5>_, o u' 6. - -- -- s) Investments in Girijan Coop' , Coffee Dev , ■ Corporation Ltd. i-aderu. 35 ,oC - - - - - h) Cost of Departmental Staff in ITDiiS -'nd TEIICOR, Hyderabad. 15. o w — - — — — i) Investments in Vegetable Growers Coops. - 15, 36.00 - - - i ) Emergency Fund at iACS - ^ 15 , o V/ —— ~ - k) Stipends to ST Trainees. - 0 ..5 ^.50 - - - 1) 4sst. to Tribal Cv^operatives. ‘ Subsidy --- - io«cc - Loans. - ' ~ ~ “ 60.00 315.00 37. w5 6u, 50 60. Go 7'^ . 0 -

total C COOirERiiTrON) 4025,00 514,54 601.00 60I • J 7 O'j .,oO 26C,,0w ■Btatonon l (1^-2 ^iTTU^L_PM 198^90 r

. 0UTLjaY_iOT_2XPj^I)m^_ ' . ' ' (Rs. lakhs)'

\ ' Code No* Name of the-. Scheme/ ' Seventh . , 1937-88■ 1963-89 1989-90 ' .‘f • '■ Project ■ ' Pi'vG Year • ’ ilctual . Appro- - Antici- ..Proposed -- of which Plan (1985- Expdr. ved patcd outlay • capital ' 90) *^grecd outlay Expdr. content ’ outlay ■ p-' ■■

1. 2. , ,3. _ 5.' ' 6. 7. ■ 8'. l a . 2435.00.QTH$E>, Ai2i^IG.ULIVRiJt,Xli^lgR4itJSg.: . •'" ■ ‘ M^IKSTING ^.ND DUALITY CONTROLi 1. Ccnstructijn of Rural Godowns with 25$^^ . State and 25';'d C

6 . unit Office of Superintending Engineer, 6,lC 7. Croatian of enforcement cell. * 9.95 8. Strengthening of Unit Offices by providing ' uniform-staffing pattern. ‘ 13.69 3.00’ 3, CO 3.00

Total:(Marketing) 3; 6.42 120,00 I29v00 12o;oo Statem'^nt C3^J- DIUFT L M 4 ^ 9 ^ 9 0 - DEV]jIjOB>{^T ^CHEMES/PR0J2CTS_ OUTUY_iiND_EXPMDIJJ^_ ■- (Rs. lokhs) Code No. I'lame of fcho Jcheme/ Seventh. 1987-88 1988-89 •90 Project Five Year ■ Actual Approved Antici- PrSposef^' of which Plan (1985-90) Expdr* outlay pated outlay- capital Agreed Outlay Expdr. content 1, 2 . . 3. 5. 6. 7. 8 , ABSTRACT A. FISHERIES ■ . 1. Direction & Administration 81.00 5.799 7.50 7.50 11.50 2. Extension 8& Training 30,00 15.000 24.00 24.00 7.50 — Inland Fisheries (Intensive Fish Seed Production) 1327.00, 61.25 223.00 210.00 257.00 105.60 4. Estuarine/Brackish Water Fishtries 310.00 18.391 30.00 17.00 10.00 3 » Marine Fisheries 9 1 6 . ^ 95.860 115.00 128.00 111.00 49.00 6* Processing Preservation & Marketing 38.95 — 35.00 35-00 43.00 — t 7* Assistance to Public Sector and other I under takings 150.00 - 20.00 20.00 20.00 8* Assistance to shipping Development Ftmd -

B. SHORE AREA DEVELOPMMT '1. Direction and Administration 5.00 |2, Esturine/Brackish Water‘ 'fisheries _ — - 73.00 57.00 3. Marine E^shsries , — - — — 498.00 316.00 4. Fisheries Cooperative —— 22.00 5. Other Expenditure - - — 2.00 — ■

Total (i^iore Area Dev.) - - - - 600.00 373.00

Grand Total (A+B)i 3586,00 . 386.85 700.00 700.00 1320,00 592.60 Statement G3^~2 DIUPT ^989-90 z DETOOBMT - SCpMES/^OJECTS_^ ■ ■ 0U^4Y_AND_iXPMDITOj^_ (Rs. lakhg) ode N o, Name of fahe Schame/ Seventh 1987-88 _____1988^89 ...... ; -______128,9-90 ...... "Project Five Year - ictual Approved Antlci- Proposed cf which Plan (1985-90) Expdr. outlay pated' outlay c&pital iigreed Outlay ' Exp dr, content 1. 2v 3.' 5'. 6, 7. 8.

<0 - 101 2405 00 FisheriesJ Direction & Administration; 1. Sngineering Cell 38.00 3.269 7.00 7.00 • 11.00 2. Enfcrcament of Marine Act 20.00 ——— ___ 3. Eisht-ries Terminal Organisation 3«.00 0.530 0.50 •0.50 . 0.50 -

, 81.00 3.799 7.30 7.50 11.50 —

/■ Extension and trainings '■ 1. Fisheries [Training Institutes , and Fisheries Training Centres . 30.00 — 15.00 15.00 2.00 — 2. Seseaixih schemes 15.00 9.00 9.00 5.50 — VJ1 CD 30.00 . 15.00 24.00 24.00 7.30 — 1 Inland Fisheries? 1. Intensive Fish Seed Production i. Nafcionrl Fish Seed Farms0 636.00 1.158 127.00 127.00 85.00 56.60 i i . State Farms on-going 5

iii. Existirg Farms Q _ _ _ . m m 49.00 49.00 iv. Fish S( ed Farme NewJ 2, Developmert of Reservoir Fisheries* _ 300.00 11.372 14.00 • 14.00 14.00 — 3. Fish Farm€ rs Development Agencies 284.00 43.720 72.00 59.00 90.00 — . 4. Development of Air Breathing ^ Fish Culture 10.00 — " ■ ■“

5» Development of Fisheries in 1 Kolleru Irike 50.00 — 6. In13grated Fish P=3rming 20.00 — —•• 7. Fresh Walter Prawn Hatchery 27*00 — — ~ Statemsnt GI^-^2 DIUFT ^mU^L_HiXN 1989-90 ~ DEVaOHVl^NT SOTiiMS^PR0J20TS_ OuTLAl_iiND_EXjffiNDITO^_ (Rs» lakhs)

Code No, Name of the Scheme/ ^ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 Project Five lear • Actual Approved Antii^i- Proposed of which Plan (1985-90) Exp dr. outlay ^pated outlay capital Agreed Outlay ■ Expdr. content 1. 2 . 3 , - 4. ■ 5. 6. 7. 8'.

8. Intensive Fish Culture inclu­ ding Fresh Water, Prawn, cul­ ture and Ail 'breathing Fish Culture. - ' 10.00 10.00 19.00 Total: '1327.00 61.25 223.00 210.00 257*00 105.60 102 Estuarine/Brackish Dtater Fisharies 1, Development of Brackish I Water Pish FHrming 1 Area Development0 . a. 270.00 18.391 30.00 17.00 10.00 KD b. EPDA Q c. Hatcheries ...... -- 4».00

Totals 310.00 18.391 30.00 17.00 10.00 — 103 Marine Fisheries a) Lending and berthing facilities. 421.48 i) Harbours, 80.86 80’.00 60.00 45.00 40.00 ii) Jetties 10.00 — — 9.00 9.00 i i i ) Supply of Life seving appliances(Llfe Jackets) — 10.00 10.00 14.00 . iv) Coastal Guidelights - — 5.00 — 5.00 v) Sanctuaries in open sea — -- — • 8.00 — Vi) Near Inshore P.elegic survey _ — — — _ 10.00 — b) Mechanisation of fishing craft.. ' i) Beachlanding craffc.. ,350^00 . -- 10.00 43.00 10.00 — rjfcatGliioat (3:^-2 m A F T ^«iUAL_FLM - m T E L O m m % SCH2^^PR0JECTS_ OUTTiAY iiN'D’SXPaJDITaRS- (Rs. lakhs)'

■de No, Name of thu Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 ______1989-90 Project Five Year - Actual Approved Antici­ Proposed of wh;ch - Plan (1985-90) Exp dr. outlay pated outlay capital Agreed Outlay ' Exp dr. content 1. 2. ' - 3* 4. 5v - 6, 7. ■ 8 . ii. Equiping thi. existing Mechanised vessel with Kot ' N-azzal» ‘ .10.00 — iii^ Me-GhanisGtion of navas/, IVfot o r i s i o n of fishing craft 15.00 15.00 10.00 c) Off Shore — Pisbinp: ■ i) Diversified fishing Opera­ tion for Medium size trawlers. Subsidy, 100.00 d) DcOp Sea gishsri;^s c^ o Totals _ 916.48 - 95.86 115.00 128.00 -111,00 49.00

105 Processing Proservation & Marketing-. 1, Marketing 38.95 — ‘ 30.00 30.00 30.00 — ii. Fisheries Industrial Estates 5.00 5.00 13.00

38.95 ■ — 35.00 35.00 43.00' —

190 Assistance to PuMic Sector & other under takings« i. Assist-p.nce to Fish^iries Corporation ' 150.00 20,00 20.00 20.00 ______

150.00 — .2 0 ,0 0 20.00 20.00 — -

195 Assist:nee to Shipping Development — . — . Funds Committee and other Bodies. — . — - . . — . — Stabemi^nt OT—2

(Rs^ lakhs)

OodG No, Uame of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-86 ______1988-^9 _ 1 9 8 ^ 9 0 Prooect Pive Year Actnal Appjroired i^roposed of vrtilch Plan (1^5-90) £xpdr« Outlay pated outlay ^ capital Agreed OutlsQr ' Expdr* cont^t 2 , 5, 6.- 7- 8-. 220 FTSi-I^RI^S CSDDPmATIVKSi ■ A.ssistan ce to fisheries fi.00 Ccbpe rativea. 27.10 ia,qo_ 27. 40 45,29 i?.oo 6,00

300 Or^SBS -• 'BXPS^^^^ITTO^ i) Village Access Roa-’s 154.50 16.33 50.00 50,0"^ 70,00 65,00 ii) nesalination Plant for I5i.sheries 20,00 iii) incot c Tax to ^^aval A.rc''*it 2ct 0,67 iv) Con?!trTiction of bri^se at sail: creak I at Re verapaleia a\ v) gjshgrmen ?k ^n e fit Scheaes a) - v'^i. 1 b) T o'ar Acci-ient Insurance schenej 5.00 5.00' 10.00 10.00 10.00 • for ?ictive ^shermen t vi) I'sur^-nce of craft, Tackla an*^ . fishery Wsalth in tanks, 20,00 vii) Fationol 'Welfare i?un^. 10,00 3.10 . 21,50 21.50 6,00 viii) Treatment of catamaran (liaproveEient of 'i’ishin^: craft) 50.00 ix) Purchase of ^ectric Oype-writer x) Payment ■lues to chetana society xi) Relief cum savings scheme 5.00 12,00 12.00 12,00 xii) Provi'^in? of inter-corae system at Hea-^i office xiii) Cost of Hizamasa^ar ^oat 0 , 0 3 3 xiv) Pilot Scheme for /development of ' liussal culture ID.00 xv) Pilot scheme for oevelopmsnt of Turtile culture, ^ 10,00 xvi) Pilot scheme for Tevelopraent .of iiarin.e quit are, , lO.OO MatQffient QT-^

(Rs. lakhs) ■ Code No, Name of tbe Schefiie/ Seventh 1987^-88 1 9 8 ^ 9 Project Five Year • Actual Approvea Antici- Plan (1985-90) Ibqpdr. Outlay pated outlay capital AgVQed Outlay ’ Expenditure content ']* 2. ‘ 3-. • 4. 5.' ' ■ 6, 7. ■ ■ ' 8', • ■ ' xvii) Collection' of llarine fish lan-iin^s — — 5,00 5.00 5,00 — • xviii)Spl*component plan for Sche-’ule^ Castes 300,00 75,00 105,00 105,00 103,00 x iv ) T rib a l Su^b-Plan 110,00 40,00 42.00 42,00. 43.00 •—

, T o ta l: 705,17 145,263 245,50 245.50 254,0 0 65,00 . — - - - • ^ » — • — — — - — — — - — • - - - • Total (Fisheries) 3586 336,85 700,00 700,00 720,00 219,60

B. SKOa^-A^^A W ^ O P II^ IT - 1, Qirection & Administration . i) ’iJnforcejiiGnt of Marine fisheries Act 5.00

. ■ TOT.iOj* ' 5*00

2* Brackish W--tGr- Fish Faraint; - ■ , i) -rackish \jc:teT Fish Farmers nerelopne nt Agency \ 23*00 .21*00 iff ii) -^rackish Water Hatchery at Surya Lanka un'^er mil?] 45.00 45.00

tot;iL t - ' ■ 73.00 57*00

3, Muri^.e Fisheries . 1» lao>!in.; A' herthint; facilities i) Harbour (t'lev;- Krishnapatnan) 10,00 10,00 ii) tics - _ _ 25,0'^ 25,00 2, Supply of ^a c h Lan-’ina Craft ,to In'^-’ i'Tl'lual/ , ^roup of Fishgrnen on hire purchase (lO'^ ^ach 140,00 Lan'^in-: Craft) Improvarre nt to Catamaran Wr'o-’ treat nent plant an^ Supply of troate-^ Catmmrans to F i^e rm e n 20.0^ 272, Or> 254.00 Hn'^a”’ ."Ire Purchase • statement (3T-2 19'^^90 - I)E}^OBiI^T ^'2Rri_^/PH0JE0TS^ OUTLi-iY' Ml) EXPENDITURE' (Bs,- l-akiis')

Code No, Name of the Scheme/ Project Five Year ■ Actual ■ Approved Antici- Proposed . of which Plan (1985-90) . Expdr. outlay t>ated outlay . capital Agreed Outlay Expdr. content • • 2-. • ■ . • ■ 4. • . . 3.. , . ,' ' ■ 1. ■ •3'. *. . , 7 . 8

5, penculture in Pulicate Lake — — > 2.00 tf 6, Mussel Culture in Pulic-^.tc Lake an-^i Kakina^a Bay - — — — 2.00 • 7, Provi'lirji^ p-:sses "t ^^^;,vapaleIn 7. on ' ■ 7, on 8, SentariGs in Open Sea 20. O'^ 2n.0O

TOT.l; : ea ■» 493.-no 316.00

4. fisheries Co-operatives t (I^.C.n.G assiste-^ SQh;^r:cs - 1 CTi . . . „ i) Supplv of leach lan-^in.^ crafts subsi-^y mrnt 14. on —

— ______I ii) Ve’p making' olant at icakina^a -- — 3.50 J

5ubsi'=^y ““ 3.50 ^hre Capital lii) Ice plant a-^ Srikakulara g

Subsi'iy ------» — — 1.00 —

t » i » Total ------— • 0 » 22,00 — 5. Other Erie ri-^iture i)Relief to Fishermen against Eire Acci-’ent -» . — — less of craft an-i tackle etc. ’ — • 2,00 Total (Shore Area nev,) — — 600.0"^ 373,00 592.60 Tot al (A+B) 3586,00 3B6.85 70^,00 700.00 1320.00

Total I (Agriculture & Allied Services) 38829.00 5319.23 6368.00 6386.36 7^72.00 1162,30 statement a^-2 Biu-FT 1989-90 - DEVSLOaiMO? SCHEME^PEOJEGIS (Rs. laWis)

Code Nane of the Scheme/' Seventh 19a?i-88 1988-89 1<»89-90 No. . Project Five Year Actual Appro- Antici- Proposea of whi«h Plan (1985-90) Expdr. ved pated Outlay capital Agreed Outlay outlay Expdr,' content 1. 2. ■ 3 . 4. 5 . 6. ?. 8 .

02 OOQQ 00 I I RURAL m m n c m m T 02 2501 00 ■Special Pr3gj?aiaiaes for Rural Developnient 01 Integrated ilural Development

100 ( i ) IRjDiP (Main Programme) 001 Direction & Administration (including Block level Admn) 25.49 40.00 40.00 40.00 — 003 Training CTi • (i) TRYJ3M infrastructure 25.18 53.80 53.80 65.34 65.34 I (ii) Strengthening of SIRD 8.56 6.00 6.00 6.00 3.00 I 204 CRT & TGs • — 2 .0 0 2.00. 2.00

Total of 003 Training ■ ~ 33 . 7^ 61.80 61.80 73.34 68.34

101 Subsidy to DPtDils ( 1 ) IRIiP Main jt'rogramme 001 Direction & Admn^ 217.20 255.70 260.70 271.40 102 iigriculture • 217.20 255.40 260.70 271.40 271.40 lOgJ itoimal Husbandry 43^.40 470.80 521.40 542.80 542.80 104 Minor Irrigation 325.80 353.10 391.05 407.10 407,10 105 Village & Small Industries 651.60 706.20 782.10 814.20 814.20 i) Insurance 53.66 53.66 —— i i ) Infrastructural assistancje 108,60 117.40 130.35 135.70 135.70 iii) Others ...... 217.^6 235.'4-0 . 261.08 271.82 271.82

Sub-Total of.. IRDPMain prog. 2172.26 2354.00 2661.04 2768,08 2443.02 ;:;;:ru..L i W i9&v-90 - development s g h M'ZS-f r d j e c t s ' . - ^ - (Rs. lakhs) ' .- Namo ,or t h,e S Seventh 1^88-^89 Project^ r, " Actual ’• " 4|>pr;pii _ j?topose^^ of wrftich , „ . ^ pafce'd Outlay capitaO. ,, 't|C< y'--lti'S£d OafclT^ - - ■■ "putlay . Expdr, content 2*--"-—.:r.r.-S;:— •' ^ ■■ :_,,3.vv 5- " 6. 7. 8.- ■ - - ^ ~ “ -7."’ “ ^aIO '( ii) illied Prog^rames -of . ♦....

.14 518.OO'! 842.99 831.10 ,^31.10 .-■b) MinH^lts.. .t'-’i r.. • ■■ 20.60 74.00^ - %1.i7 50.00 50.00 'c; Lsnd Developinent 41,18 148.00' '14:3*45 /I35.8^-;>^,x4 ^ P - ' Sulj-TPetc 1 ot, FL^iA: 7^0.09j^|Qi7.59 >- ,-i016i3®>■'*;^'v>|©^©.§8■^-

'" "6.63- 10.20 20.40 30.60-.-- *30^0 , ^ • , ;,38.00 — 25;00 25. 00, . ( c ) s.^L.EP ' ' ■ .■■ - ov 800. Obbi^ 'Expe2id4^feu:^:^^:G' ' - “ VJ) i) Risk fund ': I • ^ lomvfey Goo^i^'061tiac3?6i,^ 1' ,H. 'ja r - 40.00 *•' • ^ .. ' v$-0,tal of ___ _ -♦--••. ■ ■ . T . ’ \ * • . 18875.00 frm44lo4 ’., 3244.00 3S10.8,3 ^ 3583-94 •Si”’*. ■:‘102 2501 02 *’-'3>ppougi;i^- ' . - ' ■•• ' .0u1.-> |)ire6tldn*'SS': 65.55 ^'54.39 ^ .1 5 , 63.50 -101 ^Minor IrrSgaiiiM >15^1*'^ . 155^05. *310 - '28.-'20 ■r: 28i2o ■307:l'^iA^^LM9^: 126.70 125i7Q LvSB ';, on .-120-;€5- 120.85 ’ 120.85 120,85 ■ 2 .4 0 , 10 3_ ’ r.*v Dewlopme:^' ‘ "'^DO' . , -3*1Q. .. ' 2.1.0 V" S.10- t08;r^5^ 105.60 105.60 } 4125-00 . ^ 602.00 602.00 602.00 C'C-’ 1* 520 0 Tinhn"* ) '• ri^'nP R- nP *\P ^ 2400Q.(£, ^.83 4596.00 4122.44 k'/- - w M k ,

— V*i. 1 C 2 0 l < 3 2 KJi:..H.P> ,,.______,, Fotcatij,,;, : (:} .^o-cx, :m 3*80

(l%':l;huol i'uildis&s' . 697.86 '■ ■"'.tf )''5^Pchayat .3hars'^_-^?^| .^,

' {e) 'l ;;c .P j ^ ; (i) lrvfras:^ijactiii:p;,to^^ v: (^1. ^nfx>^s-fcr«cS-^M«- ' so>-. . 1-' a\ ,'0^ f f ) -TMbal- Sub-Pl^r^* ,'-.■...... :-r . . . „ . (f ) ‘

' • . , 2:(i) % - G,. I.We U s , ...... V • ■ • \ • * • ^, V. ^“ •■• '' 306.CX) " ' C|-i:) Other works _.; ^ ., a,,...; •' • -'268f^"-^f^l73,45 2122,63 - 180,90 ,(n'' works vorks . ■ ■ ^ ^ 31^80 25.83

:,.-.;-i<.i.5l;:nent cher^s^--■ ;^;i|.-...r:- ^ f 323,12 ' 300^80 stt jOO

04 In tegrated Rui^sl <.• Energy Programfce' .’ 20;D0 -■^''--mw i i, 'i i ; i 11 ...... o 1 u \.%L\ . 1?89::9C i/PSDJZCT^ _ XP®TDia‘^ _ 2 ( PuS . lakhs) ' ■ .

Code Ho. Name of tnt .Scheme/ oQventh- 198a--8'J 1989-00 ' Project PivG Tonr ■ Actual Approved Antioi- i'roposed or v/hich

Plan (1985-90) SXpdr. outla,y patod outlay capitrl ’ /igroed Oatlay ■ Exp dr. content 1-. 5. 4. 5. 6. 7. • 8 . - 102 950600 L-ol Areo Survey 500.00 100.00 100.00 144.00 144.00 - . . Total :-(Land Reforms) 600.00 120.00 120,00 164.00 939.02 -

■ 102 25J"'00 Other Rurol Dove looms>nt Proqramrrie s . 1 . 800 Construction of cornmunity » Otbcr Exp-n"- cyclane snelters. 138.35 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

TiTuro _ 1500.00 o\ -o. 2. -do- Purchase of equip-ment 55.10 50.00 50.00 50.00 - J' I Total ;-(Cyclono Sheltois) 1500.00 193.45 150.00 J50.00 150.00 100.00 3, Coinraunifcy Dev, & i-anchayats. 15o0 14. 60 20»ij_' 20.00 ~ " ioToc ” 20. 00” 4, Telugu Gramesna Kranti Pathora Schoinc. 363.33 171.76 506.75 mm ^

5, Crucial Ecilaricing Investment Schemes. 43... 83 23;.0.Gw 23^ V, 23.,.0.00

^TOTilL:(II. HUryvL DEVELOPMENT) ;lv 5. 3C 92.^ii.75 11608. 5o 11366.02 4242,44 St.-fcem^-nf G'^~2

dI]TL.iY EXPELJDITJHZ • ' ‘ (Ra. lakhs)

Gode No. N 3ja.^^ of the 3 oh e me/ Seventh 1987-88 ____12.88-89 1'989~90 ._ ■Prcvl^cts Five .leai* iictual - ^ipp^oved Antici- Pi*oposed of which Pi:aii ( 1^)8> 90) Expdr, outlay pated outlay capital Agreed'outlay ' ■ 2xpdr. content o 1 2. . 5. 6. 7. U*

103 000000 SfSGIAL .IRSA pa0GRiM4ESt

257500 Ol^heJ Special Area fro(?ratnffiosj

60 Othors;

1, ■ Godavari Valloy Develppmont Authority - 0.32 9,50 9.50 9.50

2. Shore ilTda Dovelopraent Schanos - 2.70 4.50 4.50' • 4.50 a\ 0 TOTAL ; 3.02 14.00 14.00 14.00 1 I Statemunfc niUii'.L' 1^ 9-90 - 3uiil‘MES/PiiOJE'CTS ' ■ “ “* ■ ^UTLi Y M D ElPENQlfTJRE" ” (Hs; lakhs) Coda Siu Nanie of the Scheme/ Sevonth 1987^r,f^ 19^8-80 ■ I '" U V I r^r) Frojec b Five Year Actual Appro 7cd iUil j.<- 1, x'iv/poj5ed o-j- wji i«M Plan Cl98!;-90) Ii?x-pdr. outlay pated outlay capital Agreed Outlay Exp dr. content p 4.' 6. 1. ' 3>. ■ , 7 . 8.

104 OC* CC IV. IRRIGATIOM & FLOQI) CONTROl; •27SI 00 Ma.ior- & MedT'ar In?! at ion; ' Major irrit:;gi.ior: - Oorinercial; 1, 'iJla£,rr5uriasc^ar iTo ject 12500.00 233 00 15 0C-, 00 1500.00 2000, 00 2000.00 2 , Srircx'.afiC'toGr prodset 35000.00 35T 3^00 3500,00 3500,00 ^■500, 00 4 500,00 3r5 .;ailam Gelnal 20000.00 6?:-. 00 1400t 00 14Q0.00 3500,00 Srisailain B-nk Canal 7500.00 883.00 2000.00 2000.00 2000.00 2000.00 'j • TelutiU GPin^..r-. i’ro;iect ■ 40000,00 49CO.00 3500^ 00 3500.00 4000, 00 4000.00 Sor.aeila Tro .1 ect 8000.00 9f'^^,00 1000.00 1000. 00 500,00 500,00 0 G 0 d aV ar i B arr age I r u 0 e c t (S AC B ) 1443.CO 179<5.00 1000.00 1000.00 1400,00 1400.00 Vasasadhara i roject Staj^e^I. 1500.00 21 '.28 25C-.GO 250.00 250,00 250.OC CD 5: Neeraua Barrage v/ork’under Yansadhdra irooect Stafe.e'"II. 800. 00 30.51 1000.00 812.62 200.00 200. 00 9, T.E K.l.C. Stage-II, 1557.00 473.66 750.00 750.00 1000.00 1000, 00 10, Improyonients to Nlzamsagar 100.0('' 42.61 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 11, Yt^lv^ru Reservoir Scheme. 10300. 0c 3999.99 23 0 0.00 2300.00 1100,00 11 00. OC 12 Sin^^ur project... 2600.00 066.62 2000.00 2000,00 1500.00 1500. :o 13, Modernisation schemes includ­ ing Better VJater Manafcemont, , 100.00 1.95 150.00 150.00 225.00 225.00 14. lolavaran Barrage 100.00 — - — ' - »- 15. 4G00.00 1206,10 2000,00 2000,00 2500,00 2500.00 16. Field Channels loc.og " —— *—• — 17. jnchampalli project 100.00 —— —— 18. Bheetia project,. ■ . 50.00 — . — — _ — 19. lulichintala I reject 50.00 — — 100.00 100,00- 20. Sunkesula B’arrage , - - 2.04 100,00 60.30 500, 0c 500.00 21. Coapleted Major Scheme 1:600.00. 77*08 67. Complete:d Medium Schenes ( 14?4^G.OO 21654*76 225C a C 0 223:50.u ' 2^323.^0 25325.00 Statenient GS)I- -2 1 ^ 9 ^ 9 2 ~ deyMjOEmejjt scHap:3/PEWj^0Ts_ ' Ol)fLaT_MD_EXPaiDITO . (Rs. Xakhs)

Code N Name ,of., the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 _ - I- Project Five Xe ar A c tual Approved Antiftl- Proposed of which Plan (1985-90) Expdr. outlay pated outlay capital ikgreed Outlay Expdr. content 1. 2, 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. •

0 iEDIUM naiC ATIOtt-COMMERCIAL; 22 lot titaclda 1 rojoct ' 25.00 3.65 2.00 2.00 - - 23 f&ndavs Eoservoir scheme 400.00 25.31 30.00 30.00 30,00 • 30.00 24 lanpur. Canal Schcae 400.00 59.06 75.00 70.00 100,00 10c. 00 25 Csiidipalcm I-ro 5ec't 35. CO 19.64 6.00 11.00 • — 26 lulivendla Branch Canal including €hitrayathi Lals.nce Reservoir 715.00 43.86 100.00 100.00 IOO-bOC ' 100.00 27 fajuladinna iroject 1CC.CC 21.07 30,00 30,00 30.00 ^;:3o.oo 28 Cuntur, GhanEd.Sc heme 100.C0 , 4.20 2.00 2.00 — 29 Swarna. Pro jcct 200.00 8.66 5.00 5.00 “- 30 ®c.'. che.ttivagu iroject 55. cr 9.59 5.00’ 5.00 — -- o 31 T&ammileru Reservoir Iroject 50.00 9.52 20.00- 20.00 30.00 30.00 32 aw a da i i‘ o j e c t 5'00.00 71.95 50.00 50.00 50.00 50. Cv ■:)3 Jcnjhayati iroject 9C0.0C 69.07 125.00' 125.00 150.00 150.0.0 34 lonam I io ject 40,00 30.29 30.00 30,00 50.00 . 5C.00 35 leddankalam project 30. 0c 4.99 10.00 10.00 - - 56 , iadduvelasa Project 1235. 0c 63.54 150.00 300. 0c 300, 0c 300,00 57 fengalarayasagaram. 1000,00 80.21 150.00 150.00 250.00 250.00 38 Cheyyeru Iroject lo cc.o o 80.98 150.00 150. 00 200.00 200.00 39 Balluruvagu Project 2r , 00 14.02 5.00 5.00 - —— 40 Hulclcamamidi Project 20.00 5.03 5.00 5.00 . — ■■ ' — ^ttivagu project. 1000.00 79.51 150.00 150.00 200,00 200.00 41 10,00 I 42 B0(^- gulavafiu Pro ject 35,00 26.85 , , 10.00 ’ 45* ledderu Iroject Stage-I 200.00 22.61 10.00 10, 00 20,00■ 20.00 110c . 00 124.78 150.00 150, 00. 250,00. 250.00 44. ierrakalva irojcct — 45 Tengalaraya X I(K II) Scheme 20. 0c 26.94 15.00 15.00 46 irishnapuram Proje.ct 95.-00 54.10 15.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 47 *. Tar adar a jaswamigudi' pro j ect 600,00 24.10 150.00 150,00 2C0.00 200.00 o a ■> utj.t;ia j ,a:.i DIUPT i ‘909“90 - o; ^oum::r sxPiTNDiTUBE • (Rs. lakhs!

No. Name of -^he Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 ; ^989-90 _ i Project ' Pive Year Actual Approved Antici­ Proposed of which Plan 11985-90) Expdr. •outlay pated outlay capital iigreed Outlay Exp dr, content 1. 2. : 5. 4. ,5. 6. 7. 8.

Schemeg under Tribal SPt>'~Ilan: 46 ieddavagu irojoct _ 95.00 5.02 5.00 5.00 - 49 Taliperu lro 3>^ct 1200.00 42.14 150.00 f50,00 ^.0.00 300,0" 50 Gun'aiavr;^u Iroji.;Ct • ■ ■ 300,00 47.3^, 100.00 100, c>o ^00.00 100,00 51 Satnala iroject - ' 450.00 24.99 100.00 100.00 -00.0'( 100,00 52 Jallc-ru irb^jcct ' ’ ’ ■ ' • 120.00 36. 2^. '25.00 25.00 40,00 40.00 55 Maddi^-adda ( j.ddatee^ala)l roject 60.00 8.04 20. 00 20.00 30.00 30.00 MEW m m m i SCilEMES op VI IIA N ; 54 An dr a R‘j£ic‘rvoir a/c Champavati ICC.00 39.86 100.00 100.00 100.00 100,00 55 Eu^_, avanka Reservoir 1C0.00 40.84 100.00 100.00 150.00 150.00 56 Upper XaTJlasanala irojeot • 40,00 35.48 100,00 100.0'C 100.00 100.00' ■s 57 Maddileru Rtrservair' . ‘ ‘ 40.00 — — " — — — 58 Anicut, a/c Manzira . ' • 40.00 — —— 59 Reservoir ,a/c I alemvagu near Mallapuraiii 40.00 — 60 Reservoir across Bahuda near Boddapadu 40.00 Schemes under Tribal S^b^lan; 1 Reeervoir a/c Burtdrkalva 50.00 — - "- - 6 — 62 leddava^u near Ada(v) 50.00 . — •“ 63 leddavagu near Dasnapur ' 50.00 - — •- •" Modikuntnvagu near Krishnapuram ■ — — — 64 50.00 ■ ^ 65 ^halanalav^gu near IrJcapalli 50.00 50.00 50,00 100.00 ■ 100,00 66 Sileru Ijiveroion Scheme 50.00 . ** ^ ■ 67 Completed Medium Scheme " Tcf^al Medium Schemes: 12800.00 1263.42 2200,00 2350.00 3000.00 3000,00 .■■^J iCetliOnt. DRjiP'T AimU4L__PLM 1989-90 - DEVSI.OEMENTS “ ?!5TjTLAy” ~ Zakhs)

Ode No, Name of tbe Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 ___ m i- z ^ O :_____ ^ Project Five Year jlctual Approved Antici- rroposed of v^toich Plan (1985-90) Exp dr. outlay pated outlay - capital Agreed. Outlay Expdr, content

1. - 3. ' . 4. . . 6 . 7. 8. 00 GENERyj; , ■ l/atcr Dcvelopr.'ient; C01 C.D.0. . ' (T'l ii.M & CC.C'ell ■ 001 Df.Uv S;.;.f ety O jH CC1 Sx.l. TJtsign Cle. Hyd. ' 003 Stipend to trr.inees of Graduates & 3300.00 612.58 1000,00 1000.00 1000.00 ])ipioac holders. to 003 inserviec Training/Engrs. 004 Ilnnnirig and Research q 005 investitaxion Q TO Total (Major & Medium Irri^,ation); 163500,00 25530.76 25700.00 25700.00 29325.00 28325.00

10?^ 2702 00 Minor Irri^c-tion (Chief Enfeineer, Minor Irrigation)? 01 Surface.watpr . ;101 Water T^nks 0 103 Diversion Schemes 0 8525.00 1656.56 1943.40 "1943.40 2452.00 2452.00 102 I.I.Schemes 0 1.43 7.60 7.60 8.00 8.00 104 Ayacut Development 800 Other expenditure 1475.00 419.94 349-. 00 349.00 540.00 -

Total; 10000,00 2077.93 2300.00 2300*00 3000.00 2460,00 Sjvoljini':I, (iF-2

DRAFT MNU/L_m N 1989^90 - DEVEXOPMSmT aGHKMFS/Pi?O.TECTS_ CUTLAY M D EXPEiTDT TIJRE (Rn. ;ode Ko. Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 19^’>V rv'i 1o‘y» 'Y.) Project Five Year Actual Approved Aiitii-.-v tiwponed or v;hich Plan (19^-? 0'^> Ex.pdr. outlay pa ted outlay capital Agreed Outlay Exp dr. content 1. .2 , 5» 4. 5. 6. , 7. 8.

1 04 2702 00 MINOR IRRIGATION;

C'l Surface.; W£'tcr; 102 lift Irrigation Schemes 3505.85 112.00 331.845 331.845 500.00 500,00 200.000 02 C-round V/ater; 103 Tubiwells/Borevjells/IFWs* 3884.17 288.00 331.845 331.845 500.00 500,0-0 SpriJ^^klcr Irrigation. 58,50 00 GENERIS

005 Investigation' 681.50 G52 Machinery & Equipment 370.00 800 Other Expenditure;

Centrally Sponsored Schemes 30,31 20.31

8500.00 400,00 684,00 884.00 1000,00 1000.00 o/FIiaTjrom^

O'JTLAY AMD Li.PiriTDITNJ?E ' . ' . . (S r . lakhs)

Code JTo, 'Namo of--t lie Scheme/. Se- ve nth 1987-8S 1988-89 1989-90 Five Year ■' Actual Approved Antici­ Froposed of v/hicB Plan (1985-90) Expdr. outlay pated outlay capital Agreed Oatlay E::pdr,. content 1. 2. 3* 6» 7. 8.


1 C4 2 1 " r CO -n 'nor irriga-bions < -1. .-.-.-r - ......

^'2 Ground. 0£- %

CC5 Schij;:'? ■ -^or irivcsti^;ation end monitorin^.- of perc -la'oion Tanks 22,00 1,.50 1.50 2.00 ,^52 Scheiatt x'cr strenf^th'eninfe of groundwater ,. ■■• 8.0C 6.00 1C. 00 1C.CC orgrr'icition under. Centrally Sponsored ) Scbeci&r. for purohase of Machinery and ) EquipuU- t, ...... 9j>.C0 ) 105 p-hci:iw;. -’or construction of Exploratory-’' ; 54 ..94 50.00 5 0 .OC 50^00 cua’-pro .luctj on bore/tubewell and aain^ ; tennnp-; of Rife:s* . . .• .. 550,00 3C 0 Schcivq for upgradation of Camp Offices to District Offices rnd Dist, Offices to ^e^;iona?. Offices and strensthening of 12.50 15.CC Head Cl 'icQt '■ 83#OC 12.50 8C^0 Centraf.y Sponsored Scheme for strongth- eni'ag' of Ground water Department. 100,00 15.00 15*00 15.0C SCIT MT;S; ■ ■* OCC lnat;'il,.tion of pumpsets v;ith g.eneratqj* i .T tho oonefit of S.C. & S.Ts, " 1C5«0C OC 0 i) SahcP.c for str en^thenin^, of Diat» offices rnd upg^r.drtion of Camp , offieCoto Dist, Offices and Fog3on&l _ ) oif ices'i- ^ •) ii) Intencjif icf tion uf t.rouridwatcr sui-vey& s including „xtOiision service to Andhra \ Ii\:.icsb irrign, D^v, i''orpor

OUTLAY AND SXrlil^DlTUSE (Rs. .!-al:hr7)

OoiQ No. Name cf the Scheme/ Seventh 198'A-00 10P.." ^Yj i ^)P.‘) oo _ Project Five Yof-tr A.fctual Ap'pi-o- Antici- i'i'i>pO;;od 01 ‘wrjlr.!-' Flan ‘Rxi^rlr. vsd pated outlay capital Agreed outlay outlay E^cpdr. content 1. 2. 3. 4, ■ 5. 6. 7. 8.

JEii ) EJctenoion under cuBtomer service to be- ) nefit farniora. ) iv) schemo for conjunctive uec cf Surfnce ) and ground v;ater, ) 245.00 4.00 4.00 3.C;0 v) Fnforceniont of i^roundvjater J.egislation ) in the notified areas. ) vi) scheno for detailed studiec in proble- ) Liatic ar> a-s and over exploitation areas ) inclu'linf, studies of artificial recbar£e, ) fii) Schenc for i.-rants-in-aid to Universities, ) Total; 1000.00 54.94 71.00 10,00

1C4 2702 (.'(...Minor irrigation; CO General; 151 Minor IrriL.ntion (YR), 500.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 50.00 50.00 . ISO A.i .State Co-operative,Eural Irrigation Corporation, - - 100.00 lO'O.OC

Total(Minor Irrigation) 20000.00 2577.G7 5200,00 34 00.00 4125.00 3520.00 10| OCOO 00 IV Irri^:,atiQn & Flood Controlj 1C4 2705 OC Ccanand Area DevelOi.iaent; 001 Directioii and i^dministration; C.'.A.DtCoiriinissioner’ s Office, G.22 10,00 10.00 12.50 A''administrator’ B Tiistablishinont, 33.23 ,42.50_ _42.50_ 32.50 Total(OOI); 41..45 52.50 52.50 ^5.00 Statement:_ DRAFT iiITnU^L_PL/^ 1 ^ 9 z 9 P - SCEJIME^EROJEGTS^ Ou'fLaY i m ZXPEKDITURE • • ■ (Rs . laWiH)

No. N of the £cheme/ Seventh ■ ■ 908-89 • ' 00 _ I’roject Five Year Actual iippro- Antici- Proposed of v/hich Plan (1985-90) Expdr. ved pated ■outlay capital Agreed Outlay outlay Expdr. contont 2. •5. , 5.' , 6. 7 . 8 .

101 Cunstruction of field ch.?nnclp; F^ra-b:ndi 1.0C 1.00 2.50 Field Ciua'inels. 1,00 51.00 .50.00 50.00

Total(1C1)s 2.00 52.00 52.50 5 0 .OC

■*^2 LanJ Slr^appini: and le vei ling; Sopo^^ra.jfilcaT Survey & S’’-3perviGion, 165.27 150.00 100.00 100,00 Soil Su -vey, 2,44 3.0C 3.00 2.50 -

Total(102) 165.71 153.00 103.00 102.50 |K)0 Other L-^vpenditure; -o j^gficultural Extension. 9 .9 5 a Conjuctivc use of groundwater. 0.99 10.00 10.00 12.00 Strengthenine of Soil Testing laboratories. 1.16 1.50 1.50 1.50 jiya6ui; Poads. 172.45 200.00 200.00 ■ 200.00 2CC.C0 Water nnnagenent "Trg, & Bosearch Institute, 35.26 19.50 25.00 . 35,00 Building progranne. 3.00 3.00 3.00 3. CO VJater & land Management Trg, & Rec-arch Institute 29, o r ' " 40,00 34.50 50. OC 5C.C0 Infrastructure. VJater Manageinen+ Cell 1.66 - - Sriramsagar 3 reject & Srisailaia Right Branch Canal Ayacut Road Irogranme (World Bank) ^ 66.17 100.00 100.00 150.00 15C.0C /..t .Co'Jiposite-II Irrigation loan I reject (W/JIAMTJIRI) - 30.50 38.50 50.00 5C*0C National Water Manat enent i.roject ( W/iliiMTiiRI) — 30.00 30,00 25. ('0 25.00 U*S.Aid Irodect (W/a/*MT/JlI) *...... - 40.00 40,00 63.50 63.50 subsidy to Saall & Marginal Farraers, 5.75 ~ - - 1 reject Develovnient & Demonstration larm, Chelgal. 7.06 6.00 6.00 6. 00 cl t OliU-}-t :1989-90 - DSVELOHm^T SGHEMES/gROJECTS_ 0UTL^Y_^iND_5XPMDmPc^^ ■ ■ ■ (Es. lakhs) Code No, ■ Fame of the Scheme/ Seventh _ 1988-3^ ______m 2 r3.0 ...... , Project Five Yea-c* • iictual Appro- An tic i- Proposed .:f whicn PI p jj Expdr. ved pated outlay capital (;-o) Agreed ' oufclry Expdr, content outlay ■ 1. 2v 3'. ^ 4. 5. ■ 6. 7. e.

rilot I'roject Tractor 'Training Centre, _ -. / ' Chel^jnJ.. •■ ■ ■ 3.17 4.^0 4.00 .. 4.00 -

...... -Total(GOO) " 540.5G 492.50 _492.50 600.00 _ 541.50 ^

Total (CAD.): 15000,00 547«Q4 . 7.00,00 7 0 0 .OC 000.00 591.50 ■

1 04 2711 CO Flood Control & Drainage; ^ Implementing ilgcncy;110 Enfeineer-in-Qhief; 01 Flood Control Schemes 1500.00 45.21 125.00 125.00 150.00 150.00 * 02 Drainage Schemes ' 5000,00 575.00 375.00 575.00 600,00 600.00

Total(Plood Control & 0 6500,00 410,21 50C.00 500.00 750,00 750,00 Drainage) Q ------

TOT/X-IV:(IEPaC-ATIOII, FLOOD CONTROL & 205000,00 27074.68 50100,00 30300,00 55000,00 53186.00 C.A.D.); »^r 00:’lv Ab ...i.; -- - DEVELOa^NT £^ME^PR0JECT»3_ ■ OUTLi^/ EXPENDITURE ,KS. -lakhs)

,;ode No, Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 ,1988-89 _____ 1 2 89~9Q^...,______' Project Five Year Actual appro vod iintici- Proposed of which Plan (1985-90) Exp dr. outley pated outlay capital ilgreed Outlay Expdr. content 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7< 3.

1 06 COCO CO V ENERGY 1 \^5 2ool Jo rOV/Elx

-1 h yd el GENSIiaTIQN


0^1 DIRECTION & ADMINISTRii.TION 269.95 297.83 318.75 334.00 334.00

052 M&CHINEhY & EQUIrMENT 41.24 52.73 72,78 8C.00 80.00

80C OTHER EXrENDITUIiE 1051.81 1149.44 1103.47 1086.00 1086.00

TOTAL* 50oC. Co 1363.00 15 1500.00 1500.0 V.' 15C0.CO Statement (2T~2 1989-90 - SCHEMEJ/^OJEGTS^ Cjm4Y_MD_ESPMDITO^__ ■' ' • (Bs. lakhs)

Gode No, Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 198&-89 _____1289-90 Project Five Yeay ■ Actual Appro- Anticl- Proposed of which Plan (1935­ Exp dr. ved p ited outlay capital 90) Agreed outlay Expdr. , content outlay 1. 2 . ■ 5-. 4 . ■ 5'. 6. 7. 8.

050C0G 00 ?. ENERGY 052301 00 1-0WER: APSEB 01 Hydel Generation; Srisailam H.E.S.Stage-I (:4 x 110 M ) 30.'^0 15.00 ^ 5 , X 170 ^ 7: .00 \] Srisnilam H.E.S.Stage-II(3 x llOMW) 34.00 ■ 25.00 116*00 ISO .00 100.00 Nagarjunasagar Pumped Storage H ,E .S, Stage-II( 3 X lOO MW) ( “ ) f Oo 25,00 ?©.oo CO .00 50.00 i-ochampad H .E .S . (3 x n MW) 135.00 90.00 125.00 10.00 10.-00 Nagarjunasagar left Canal H.E.B(2.x.30 m ) 419,00 1400,00 1500.00 2050.00 2050.00 Nagw^nnasagar Right Canal H.E.S*(30 MW) 111.00 600.00 600.00 700.00 n r\ 0, -0 or''' tenna ihGbilam H .E .S. (2, x lo MW) 413.00 200.00 V- X-. • W 'w' 200.00 A.i-.Powor House at Ballmela(2 x 30 MW) 95.00 25.00 50.00 25.00 25.00 Upper Siloru H.E.S.Stoge-II(2x00 MW) —__ 10,00 10,00 Srisailam Left Bank H.E,S. (oxHC MW) mm 500.00 1 ..0 0 625.00 625.00 Mini/Small Hydel Schemes. 62.00 205.00 65.00 - - Sub Total: (01) 1341.00 3080,00 2745.00 3B40.00 3040,00 )2 Thermal Power Generation.s •• Vijayawp.da T*P.S. (Stage-I(2x210 MW) (-) 4.00 - - - ' - Vijayawada T.i ,S,Strge-II (2x210 MW) 8044.00 7500.00 11900.00 9000.00 o000,00 Muddanur T.P.S, (2x210 MW) (+ including 2Q.0O lovj'c . JO 1000.00 20c:.oo Sub Totals (02) VTS/III) 8069.00 8500.00 12000.00 11000,00 )4 Gas Power Goneratipn:

Gas based T .F .S. at Vijjeswaram(3x33 MW) - - 10^' O . VJ 250.0 325.Ow 325.00 Statement Oi-S DiUi'T 1989-90 - DE^2L0Rl£NT 3qiffMS/PR0JSCTS_ 0UTLiY_^ND_2D^MDmKE_ • • ■(Hs. lakhs)

Code No, Name of th3 S«heme/ Seventh 1987-83 1988-89 1989-90 Projes^t Pi-ve Year Actual Approved Antioi- ProposecI of which Plan (19S.5-90) Espdr, outlay pated outlay capital Agreed Outlay ' Expdr, content 1. 2. 5. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8, •

Mew Sgheines to t>e ao^iruvedt

v2 i ' 1) Vijayp.wada T.^ir.S.Stage-Ill(1x500 MW) * > Included in item. 02(3) I 2) Coast based ItS at Visakhapatnain(2x5v.C. • I . . . MW) ^ 1000,00 04 3) Ga^: , 1000400 3) Gas bfesed'TPS (3x100 MW) I ' . 4 , ’ ' w ' f Sub Total* (New Schemes) ’ n /-s r* O 10w ■ J • ■>

1) Ifcithagudera T.P.S. • ■ 777.00 250 , Oo 250.00 130,00 130.00 • -1 /••■ ,-N 2) Raraagundam T .P .S , • 170.00 50,00' -i- C ^ « V w .65.00 • 65.00 00 C Z r r\'■^ f' ^ 0 8) Nelloxe-T?S(To be approved) 3v»00 Ow » u o 100.00 •Vo 200.00 Total* Renovation, ' 977.00 350,00 450.00 3 05.00 3^5.00 •• Totals Generation(including Henovation). 1^375 f V, 0 1293o',00 16345,00' 1 16560.0.. 16560,00 05 Transmission & Distributiont \ " 1) Transmission I 2778.00 2300.00 2800.00 3000.00 3l/0i' .0 V 2) Distribution 2261.00 1800.00 I 3O0 . Oi^' 200'^. '-j 2000. Ox. t O.---' •- r . .[ ■ 3) System improvements I 2u83»u 1000jOO 1 Ovy'C . >J w 2v'0 w, vyO

Sub Total: (2 & 3) 4^14.00 23 00', 00 2300,00 4000.U--> . 4v,-\^'U’. oO

. ~ ~ . Total:(Transmission & Distribution) 7122.00 5600.CO 6600,00’ 7000.CO 7000.00' Statement G35T-^ dr^ft 1989-90 - m w w m m T sqizMES/^wscTs^ OUTL^I_^\ED_£X?MDITO^_ (Rs. lakhs)

Codi No, I'Juao of ■ I'l'ic iich 11210/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 Pro;jGct Pive Yoar Actual .-iPprovGd imtici- Proposed of w^i cfa Plan (1985-90) Exp dr. outlay patcd outlay capital ilgrobd Outlay Exp dr. content .1. 3- 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

1400.00 cO i, ^ SlectriflG.r'.G..u a: 1721.CvC 14u0.00 14 V' V/ . 1400.wO

1 ) SuT' ^.7 & Tr,Vv’Sti cion 21 • OC 35,00 35.00 40.00 ■ 4C.00 ‘, scorch mm

Total; G:;ncr''il 2 1 .c: 35 « V 0 35...0 40.0. ‘iv •'w'v..' f TOT..L J i'OWSii G. - f , S .E.B . ) 145C00.0G lo23q.C0 1 9 ^ 5 . 00 " 23380.^0 26000.00 * * *** mm

^ ‘lu i' n-(Tr.nvnnti<;nftl Sni » 2v 0 • L' 35.00 35.00 35. or 35.00 ,.■..'■1 a.) Dir'.ction li i;dministration G.63 8.63 1^,63 11.63 — C dv b) Shr.rGcapital 5.00 5.00 - - 1-^1 c) Nr.vti;nal x-roject on BioS'-^s Dev. Cji/IBr iJ'ii'IG* 21.37 21.37 21.37 23.37 -

lb c ^ 1 : 35.:,: 35. "0 35.00 35.-0 _ Z‘i 50cr.oo“ rOi?*j£:\0 BKEiiGY) 15020(^C)0 24915.00 ' 26555.00" '265C^0."'00

Inclu.:< the following schetncs: (a) Np.gerjunasagar iiaraped Storege H.E.Scheme? C-) Rs.lO.r'' inkhs (b) Nc'j^arjunasagar Right Ce.nal H.E.Sehoine * Rs. 7 , CO Icokhs Statement (3T~2 DxiAPT 1989-90 - DEVBLOHiH-IT S0HSME^^OJECTS_ OUTL^Y_jUp__MPMDITURS_, (Rs. lakhs)

Code No. Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 ______1-989--90 Project Five Year Actual Appro­ Antici­ Proposed of v\*ich Plan.(1985- Expdr. ved pated outlay capital 90) Agreed outlay Expdr, ■ content outlay 1. 2. 5. 4. 5 .’ • 6. 6.-


106 2851 00 Vlllap:e and Smll Scale Industries; 001 District Industries Centre(Estt) 460.00 133.10 155.00 155.00 160.00 (State share)

001 purchase of Vehicles to DICs 30.00 - . - . - - - 001 Providing addition^ facilities to DIG buildings ' 37.00 - 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.01 001 Dist. Informf jion Centres 55^00 - -- 2.20 - N>GO 001 Posting of SpeciEl officers for DEEPA programL^d 110.00 -- -- - 001 Posting of Grxamocaya officers for each block 141.00 6.63 28.00 28.00 25.00 - 001 Strengthening^ of State level 42.00 1.90 4.00 4.00 4.00 - Administratio-i. 003 Training of Educated unemployed in large mediuc^ scale indust­ 25.00 --- - - ries; 003 RurOil Techn ological Demonstra^ion- cum-Training Centre,S'angareddy. 12.00 1. 33 1.50 1. 50 2.50 - 003 Institute for conducting entre­ 55.00 ~ 2.00. ■ 2.00 10.00 — preneur development programme. 003 Market Intelligence Survey Train­ — 2.00 2.00 2.00 • ing fo r.Technocrat Entrepreneurs 003 Entreprsneur Development programme -- 2.00 2.00 2.-00 . ' - f9>^^new entrepincluding SaIt CRs. lakhs) Code No. Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 . 19B&-89 fl989-90 * Project Pivs Year • Actual Jlp pro­ Antici— ir'roposed Of which Pleoi (1985­ EXpdr. ved pated outlay capital 90) Jigreed outlay Expdr, content outlay 2. 1, 3. 4. ■ 6. 7. ■ 6.

004 Testing and Development laboratory for 15.40 4. 3-6 7. 75 7. 75 8.00 ■• - Diesel Engines & Engg.,producfcs, Vijayawada... '

004 Pield testrng sbabiorj'.for foundry & forged 2.50 - 6.00 6.00 - ' - products, “Sanatna^ar,Hyderabad.

004 Expansion pjOiiranime for tasting laboratory 12.50 -- - -- tit Hyderabad. . 004 Expnsion prngrame for besting Iboratory 10.00 - - - . - at Visakhapatnan. • • • • 004 Product Design Development & Service 213.00 - W CD C-entre. . • • ' •• 004 Research Development & Design centre 8,00 • T • for polytechnological *^rar.£fer centre ■ 004 C entral Food Technologicf1 Research 40.00 -.65 10 *00 10,00 24.00 24.00 Institute, .Hyderabad 004 Product Design & Development Centre for Graphite Crucibles at R ajfhmundry 43.00 * i.oo 004 Plastic Institute at Hyderabad 175.00 1.00 50.00 50.00 24.00 24.00 004 Salt Industry DeTelopr-)nt-Estt. of Field station and model ffrm. 11.00 - 2.00 3.00; - - 004 I nstitute for computerised numerical co-ntrols(Circ)Technolo<^y at Hyderabad - -- ■«- 1.00 «• (Eew Scheme) ' ' ■ 004 Estt. of Testing Laboratory-ISI-Hyd. - 1.00 r statement (2T~2 1 9 8 ^ 9 0 - d e PI jOHviett s o ie e e ^ ^ w e c t s ^ ------OUTLAY_MI)_MmDITU^_ ' ■ • ■ ■ (Rs. lakhs)

Code No, Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1968-8<^ . 1989-QO ' Project Five Year • ilctual Appro- Antici- Proposed of^ wfaich ■ Plan (1985- Expdr, ved pated outlay capital 90) Agreed outlay Expdr. content outlay ”1* 2* 5» ■ 5'» ' 7 # ...... 8*

I'4 Mulfci Discplined En^rineering Testing Iboritory at Vijayavvada( New scheme) - - - - 1.00 - >1 Esbt, of Growth Centre offices in S.G.areas. 20.00 - - - - - >1 Estfc.of Mini Industrial Estates under Special Component plan for SCs. - 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 ‘2. Adoption of Sick SSI units by la:ge & - - 2.00 2.00 2.00 - medium & healthy Seij,11 tcale Industries 2 Estt • of productivity cells for rural . « and small industries. - - 2,00 2,00 2.00 - cd A 2 Preparation of Project- profiles - 0.85 2.00 2.00 2.00 - 1 Margin money loan an d under Self 360.00 - _ « « . employment scheme • j Rural marketing-cum-service centres 176.00 - _ _ 1 Estt. of Rural Service Guilds 110.00 3»75 5.^0 5.00 5.00 “ • - (SCP) 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 » Grants to artisans under DIG 110.00 19.65 18.70 18.70 17.70 - prograome(State share) (SCp) 3.30 3.30 (SGP) 3.30 - (TSP) 1.00 > Lons to artisans under PIG programme (S tate share) ’ 220.00 22.71 - - - - ■ Margin money scheme fur revival of sick 25.00 - ” “ , ” S-mall seals unitsC State sharp') StPtement ^- 2 QIUPT .a-jMJ-CL V y i l 19of> C: -^ . SCSiJ^TS_ ------' .... (RSi lakhs) ■ - •

Code No. Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987—88 1968-89 ____ 1989-90 Project Five Yen-p ■ r.+vr,-r ■ ■ Statement GKi ~2 ■ ' (V -V - C-Rs» lakhs) Natae of the 'Scheme/ 3 No, Seventh' . 1968-89______■ ■" 1989-90 Prooect 1967-88 Five Year ictual Appro- Antici- J?J^posed ol' wh ich Plan (1985­ Exp dr. ved pated o u t l ^ capital 90) Agreed outlay Expdr, content outl?7 2, 5,- 6. 7 . ■ 8.

Loo-unirrf^ittion cell in' Commissionerate of Industrit^Pr— — ^ 10.00 1,-50 5.-00 5.00 2.00 'ntensive Indurfcria'l promotion — — ompi.gns including c'oi ferences, ublicity exhibitions, workshops,, 35.00 ” 4.61 IV. 00 17.00 yi.oo ^rks^iops,- i:inagemeub pro.graime, ■ ■udy toiirs of entrepreneurs and af'f -training. ^ ' olicity & Exhibitions 30.00

’se-hold .electrical appliances cnCO ifey’- control) B.5ifshirabad, Hyd, 3.60 5.00 5.00 6.00 lity Marking SoheFe 1,00 .. uct show-room AP/CE , ’ 100.00

TOTAL: 2698.00 260. 39 369.25 3e9. 25 371.70 92.00 Sta'tement (2iI-2

(Rs . lakhs)

No. Name of tihe Scheme/ Seventh 1987-8S 1968,89 1989-90______Prooect Five Xe^^r • Actual Appro- Antici- it^roposed of which' Plan (1'985- Expdr. ved pated outlay capital 90) .iigreed outlay Expdr, content outlay 2. 5 .' • • 5'. ■ 6, 7 . ■ ■ 8.

I ndustr>ial Cooperafeives: ohaie capital participation 10.00 10.00 11.00 (SOP. 10.00 ■ n ■(TSP. 12.00 Managerial assistance to Indl.Coops. 103.-£)'7 2. 35 7.65 7.65 8. 65 CP) 1. 35(SCP) 1. 35 (SCP) 1. 35 ■ ‘ (TSP) 1.00 Scheme for extending facilit.ies at 9. 50 0. 37 2.00 2.00 3. 30 concGSsional rate of inter-=^st to ■ (SCP) 0. 60 cff (TSP) 0. 10 OT Industrial Cooperatives. O Share capital 6c working capitci loan 23.00 1.88 2. 55 2.55 3.00 to Industrial Coops.including salt • (SCP)' Oi 45 0.4 5 (SCP) 0. 50 sooie'-.ies. , ' ) (TSP) 0,50 Share capital participation in indl. 23.00 2.38 3.4C 3. 40 cooperatives. ' ( SCP) 0.60 0.60 Reinbursenent of Sales-t^^x ^ 20.09 2.05 6.00 6.00 3..50 purchase tax. (SCP) 1.00 1.00 (TSPl 0.50 Addl.-Est-iblishnent of S. I s. for . 25. 24 liq_aidation work. ^ Sele'ction of Coop, staff for 10 12..20 growth centres Rural marketing-cun-service- centres 5.00 for Industrial Cooperatives

■ TOTAL: 222.00 9 .0 3 35.00 35,00 56.00 StattiaviiG UT-2 DiUi'I 1989^90. - SCHEME^PROJECTS, 1 ■, - ' ■ (Rs , lakhs)

Code No, Name of the Scheme/ Seventh ^987-88 1968-89 1989-90 Prcoect Five Year Actual ilp pro­ Antici­ Proposed of which *' . ' Plan (198>- Exp dr. ved pated outlay capital 90) Agreed ■ outlay Ei:pdr. content outlay 1. 2. • 3, ■ 4. ■ ■ 5-. ■ 6. 7. ■ • - 8, • ■ T Coir Indusbries: ' 1 106. Finuncia:^. assistance for purchase/ ■ 38. 75 3.11 2.40 2.40 6.50 nodornisabio'n of equipneno by Coir Coop.soci3ti6s(State sharo) ■106 Managerial assistance for Coopera­ tive soci 3t ies( State share) 13.98 - 0. 75 0.75 0.58 - 106 Share oafital and working capital 0.97 ** 0. 75 0.75 1.00 • • loan to Goir Coop.Societi es, ' • * ( State share) • ^ OD -vj • • 106 Share capital participation in Coir 3.50 * — - 9.00 * • • ssrvice cooperatives. 106 -- - - Construction of soaking tanks 6.00 ~ ? 106 Marketing outlets for sale of coir 2.00 — 0.60 0.60 1.80 % productsf'State share) , / 106 ■Subsidy towards.participation of pro­ 0.90 jects for establishment of coir- ■ based industries. 106 . ■'\ppointnent of Key personnel in ' 2.10 — - • - -- technical provincial etc. 106 Rebate on sale of coir pro ducts - - 0.25 0 .2 5 ■ ’0.25 - ( State share) • /"V •* 106 ■Survey of Coir Industries(State share).-______~ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ Z — — — _ 0 . 17_____ ■ Total; 68.0-0 3; 11 4. 75 4.75 19.80 ■ “ o u t l a y ..ND EXi^iil'JDITUHE (3s. lakhs) Code So. Nam-3 of the Scheme/ Seventh . . 198V-p>B --- Prcjvict PiAre Year Actual Aijpi.-oved i i.o>oooct oi wux,,! Plsn ( 198^;--90> Ky-pdr. outlciy . pated outlay Capital Agi'e2d'Outlay Expdr. content 1 . 2. '3. '5. 6. 7. 8.

24. Insurance sche ne for Tasar rearers - _

25. jEstt^. of nulberry cocoon testing centres - — — 26. 50^ jfeate sha. re towards ir.plenentation of T asar' project in A.r.(anount 'liverted towards addl, facilibies to seed farr:is/ silk reeling: units) - ;,oo - 27. Share capital contribution to Sericulture growers,ooop^ societie.'^', silk reelers and weavers coop, and tri i'al^ ta^sar rearer.s coop.societies federacipn of Seciculturists & silk weavers coop.society. 162.00 6. 00 5.53 5,53 7,50 28. Share capiijiO. loan to the Sericulture coop, societies. - 4.00 2. 52 2.52 2, 79 29. *Work shed house -to silk • handlooin weavers ftoop, society, - 2, 34 0, 75 0, 75 3,15 30. fhrift fund-cun-savings se,curity schone - 0,18 0,25 0,25 0,16 31. Modernisation of silk loons to silk weavers, coop.societies( loan & subsidy) 26.00 1. 50 0.60 , 0.60 32. Intore-stsubsidy on coop.central banks 26.00 1.60 1, 25 1. 25 1.90 ■ * \ ' 3 3 .aebate on sale of sil^c cloth 25.00 6.00 4,00 4,00 4, 50 34.1feinagerial subsidy to A.P .Federation, .of Sericulturists ,Hyderabpf^. 20.00 3 5 .Assistance to the proposec^ ser icultu-rre eooperatioii. - „ . - 85.00 36,3st:b. of Engineering .cell " '65.00 37. Schene " :for '-the subsidy on T'raduction of , i?aw silk in t he po-su reeling ,unit s. 57,00 t/dIi.!6Aj.t __Gi''. --‘c:. 1589-90 - T f ChEi£}i.;d/rxiv.^

(R s . l a t o s ) ' Code No. Name of tho Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 __ _ 1989-90^ Project Five I-ear ■ Actual A^roved IntTci^ Proposed of ^ whTcH Plan (198^90) Expdr. outla;>^ pated outlay Captfcal Agreed Outlay ' E.^q^dr, , content’ 2. 3- ■ ,3- 5. 6 . 7. 8.

SSiiSchene for raising of 60 hccfcs of feasar f )ocl plants for conducting t a a r r c a r i n/z s. 22.00 39-lstfe. ' tasar reelin' units in privat ■) sector. 40*^velopin;--int '^f tasar weaver in pvt.sector 41,5ulDsidy to federation of Seri culturists, for establishnent of eales enporiun. 13,00 42JSliare c^.pital investment in the federa- , tinn of Sericulfcuristo,Hyderabad. 28»,00, 43,Sstt, of Technical service centres 532.00, \C<1 >i:4^stt, of( 3) Hegional cra.ining centres 56,00 4.5L5w3stt. of variety mulberry farms for the 49.00 supply of leaf to the landless people I Totil for con tinuation schemes 3500,00 321.00 400,. 00 400.00 400.00 15. to II_^ .^ddl.wagos to existi ng di; lywage * .porkers asper with regulo-r enployeas per A .r .A .T . and High coi.:rt or ders. 45^^, are capital co atriouci on to new '^^_j^^iculturists grower s jooin societies. - 20.00 Ste ■ capital contribution to feder^.tion 47 20.00 *of ^ 5 riculturist^.“- - 43 K'rtii-^ ".^I’y/tasar tree plantation under " •‘■^^B-00 X sjcial . forestry. 'f'n VI - o 4-YT-r «• 4.00

A.L: ( Sc riculbure): - 3500.00 321.00 400.00 400.00 14 4.00 15.00 TOP Statement (3'f>-2 .1969:-90 - DEVM;OPMMT SqiME^/PROJSCTS^

OL^^xjaY ..KD EXPMUITQRi^ ' •. ' ■ (R s . lakhs)

Code Noc Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988''“89 Project Five Y,ear Actual Approved Antici­ Proposed of, which Plan (1985-90) E2q)dr, outlay pated outlay Capital ' Agreed Outlay Exp dr, content 1. 2. 3. 4. ■ 5. 6. 7. 8.

106 28'51.00 LIDCAP: 1. Roadside Buinks 65.00 - - - 5,00 -

2. Training programe , 55. 00, - 5.00 5. 00 10.00 , - , . . -3. Production'units ■ - 25.00 7,60 10.00 10.00 - 5.00 2.00 - 5.00 5.00 3.00 - . 4, Self ernploynent sche^^e 35.00 ' , - ^ 5. Raw :Iides o ollection-cun- ’ • curing centres. 58.00 • 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 — 6, Opening o±' Rawnaterial Depots. 28.40 - 10.00 10.00 5.00 • • • • 7. Modernisation of Tanneries . O and existing units. . - 61.60 7.40 5.00 5.00 5.00 3.00 9 - 8, Oonanon facility 0 enure 62.00 - - - - ~

9. Promoting Joint Ventures 55.00 - - - . - - 10. Mobile selling centres 55.00 -- - -- 11. Preparation of Project profiles for developnenfc of Leather' ' Industries and otbei!^ itpms connected ,in the preparation of - - - ■ - • 2.00 - ' Leather Industries in'the State. TOTAL :T,T DC AP. 500.00 25.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 5.0C .Uj 'i . '>U4ira acwu^l__plan a9B9-90 - m w L o m m T 3chemes/projects_ OUTLilY AiJD’EIPENDITUHE- ^ , '-fis, lakhs; >de No, Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-68 1988-89 1989-90 Project FiVe Tear Actual Approved Antlci- Proposed of whiA Plan (1985-90) Exp dr, outlay pated outlay Capital Agreed Outlay Exp dr, content 1. 2. 5,. 4, ■ 5. 6, 7. ■ 6, . - .P .K h adi & Villa,g,e Industri as: ■ 1.Khadi Granodyog MhhaYidyai.aya ' Rajendranagar,GrpRT7ion of infrastru­ ctural facilities and inprove training 7.00 - 1,00 1,00 1,00 l.OC fac ilities. 2. publicity and prop'^gandf. 21. 55 1.00 1.72 1.72 3.00 3.Rebate on retail sales of Khadi 102.80 19.00 , 21.00 21.00 28.06 - - S. Q. 3. T. PRQgRAI.O/lF: . 4 ,Infrastructure facilities(worksheds) 99^00 8.58 8.58 8.58 8.^8 8. 58 for thebenefit . of 'IC/ST. / 5 .Vehicles for *:he recovery of Boards vO dues & for the deyelopmentalactivities. 8.94 -. - - . - 6. Staff salaries for .'Ooop. .S ngineering Statistical,Recovery cells. 10.74 - - - - ■ - 7 . Revival of Defunct units ^ - - 3.00 3.00 - — .Marketing outlets for the ■ products 8 - of KVIC. 87.50 - 3, 36 3. 36 - 9.Strsngthening of Coop.Cell etc, -14.47

lO.Infrastructure facilities (worksheds ) - ’ for weaker sections. ■ 78.00 1.98 1.98/ '

TOTAL;(A.P .Khadi & Villa ge Industries) 400.00 28^60 40,64 40.64 40.64 9,58 G 0 S'igRCE A ^:.PORT p.^OIIOTIOW,; - Expenditure. • 8.25 8. 25 8.25 - 00 Cbnnirceaad "Export Promotion 200,00 OUTIi.Y iiND EXPENDITURE ' (-£?3. i;^khs) dBe Ko. Ramci of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 . 1988-.89 1,989-90 Project Five 13ar Actual -±pprovQd Anticl- Px-o loosed oi' wbich Plan (1985-90) Expdr. outlay patea outlay Capital Agreed Outlay Ei'Cpdr, content 2. 4. !>• 6. 7. 8. — ~ ^ — — — — ... - - - „ _ 0SS851 00 YxIlGfce <‘.c Snail Industries: OS' Ilaadlo'"'! I ndustri^es. u j nt in ■; i n.a; s c h- e l. g s 1. State participat iuri in Coop.S pg.Mills 1220.00 250.00 350.00 350-.00 800^00 8*0.00 i 2. ssisi;dnce to A.p .Strte Pedn. of Coop. c:piiining mills. 20. 00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.0G 3. s'. G.Loins f '' r adnission of weavers into C ooperal'ive fcld 75.00 1.00 l.;00 1.00. (f 1.00 • • 4. S. contribution <^o pry W.C.Ss. 350.00 25.00 5.00 5,00 5.CO 5. 00 • • 5.:"ioier-'isation/replacenenb of looms 8 3.00 25.49 16.60 16. 60 16.60 vO • • 6.‘-1 "teiQst: sul).si^y to - 216.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 70.00 V * Coop. Central schene 7.Thrift 'fund-cun-savings and secvirity schene 75.00 7.92 20.00 20.00 15.00 S.Workshed-ouTi-housin ^ 9 5.00 62.07 65. JO 65.00 65.00 9. jissi stance for appointment of paid secrstsries 90.00 • 15.00 15.00 15. CO 0. 01 ■ 10. Rebate schene 800.00 250.00 200,00 200. CO 200.00 11. I'raining progranne. to weavers ' 35.00 2. 79 12.00 12.00 10. 0© 12. S.O .contribution to Apco. 300,00 - 1.00 1.00 0.01 o.ei 13. S. G. contribution to Disc.wool wcav(irs coop.socs, '■ - . - 0.01 O.i/1 0.01 0 , , 0 1 14. S. C. contribution 1 0 pi ocessi'hg units 100.00 . 4.eo 3.00 3. 00 5.00 5. CO Qoatt-^nant Qu'-.? Z ^GHZp^THa"-SGT3_

. OUTL^Y_lND_EyPMDI^"HS__ ' __^ ■ (Rs.' lakhs) - ide No. Name of the Scheae/ Seventh 1.98 7-ea ' 1988^89 • Project .. . 1989-QO Five Year Actual iip proved Sntici- Proposed of which Plan (1985-90) Ej^dr, outlay pated outlay Capital igreed Outlay Ecpdr, 1. 2. content , 3. 4. 5. 5.' 7. 8. 1 ^ a r k e t i pro:.]ot;ional p rocess i n,'7 schene i|Openinr- & re novation of sales depots" by Apco . 66. 25 — 8,00 8.00 8.00 8.00 l|Constru ction of (;oiov^rs { >ublicii;y und ex nib it ions 25 .00 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.01 - ld,.ait)sidy to Janathc. sarees and Sfcoties ’ to Green card holders - ■420.15 400.00 400.00 400.00 . -- l7-fecanisational exp^^nses^ Staff salaries, , vehicles etc) ' 100 .00 6.05 11.80 11.80 29.00 0.31 0. 35 0.35 0 .3 5 I8.afcipend to traineds of IIIIT,Salem 1.00 'W a 9 J ^ C .0 .t o r ry,for construction of vO , ^do-wns jhowroonsC'^'OTiC schenes) - ' ■ - 2.50 2.50 2. 50 2.50 CO Ifcp schemes;

20Jfccenfcrlised trainiu;- for HI.weavers mm 5.00 8.00 5.00 21Jhtnker sevak schene - , - .1.80 4 .8 0 1.80 22Jfeb&tlishnent of IIHT - - _ 34.00 34.00 34.00 23^rn sutsidy schene 100. 00 - 0.01 0.01 o.ei . 24^ren.'^theriing of suiDervisory staff . 75 __ 0.01 0.01 O.Ol m cc'is ■ ‘ 18 ' 25JKDPS 105. 00 — 0.01 o.'oi 0.01 26Jfedical assistance to weavers- 25. 00 — 0,01 0.01 0.01 5.00 27 ^ .C .O .t o ^PSTDO - ~ 5.00 5.00 5.00 28* Sites to III,weavers for construction of ; -workshed-cun-houses. ' 0.01 0.01 ‘0.01 ■ --- , - 0.01 3o..row!:ii{iiOoras 100.'CO 30. 58 3.00 3.00 3.00 ^000 .00 1160.36 12 20.11 1220,11 1381,35 825.52 .-i DEVELOm^'TT 3C^ZgE;S/PH^ZC'TS_ -■■■' .

OUTLAY__iiID_lXPMDITO^_ ■ ~ (Hs. lakhs) •de Wo. Name of: thb Scheme/ Seventh ' 1987-88 _____1988-89 ______1983r90 Project Five Year Actual .Ippro ve d in t i c i- Plan (1985-90) Expdr. Proposed ofl^bTch outlay pated outlay Capital Agreed Outlay ■ Expdr, 2* 3. 4. > content 6. 7. 6. 107. SEEIGULTURS; 1 ,Cp ibinuation of staff sanctioned Uii^er’ nor:.'-al plnn i. e. Spl. Conpo- 1076.00 145.78 219. 77 219. 77 236.00 nent plan & Tr^-lal Sub plan (includin']: wages,Ti-*, and contin-

gGicies) . 2,Continuation of staff sanctioned i^der including wages TA and contin­ 80.00 13. 14 15.00 15.00 15.00 gencies)'- . 3,Mai-itenance of seed farEs,silk reeling ij.nits,'-rainages chawkie rearing units \o docoon markets,technical services etc. 150.00 25.52 72.82 72.82 89. 25 15.00 •• 4 ,''i?r Dcurenent of mulberry reeling ' cocoons fron SeriJultur^sts for conversion into ra’V silk in the deparfcnental reeling urits 150.00 34. 63 65.50 65.50 6 5.50 5,Procurenent of nulbery sefed cocoons for prepa ration oi“ OBDILs in the Departnental grainages,- 20.00 15,45 3.00 3.00 5.00 6, procurement of Tasar seed cocoons for supply of tasar Ic/in fs to tasar rearers. 102.00 4. 66 6.00 5.00 7.00 7, 'Free supply of mulberry cuttings to 25.00 4.98 new cultivators 8, Subsidy to private silk reeling units 141.00 5.63 a. participation in fairs- & Exhibitions 0.16 0. 25

10 V payi-ient- of stipends . and, otjao.r allowar hgs. ,. , " -.v,. 26.00

.A'■ m m r sea;

■ OUTL^Y_ML_OT£NDITORS:__ . (Bs . lakhs) lode No, Name of the Scheme/ Seventh n,p. Project . Five Year' , Actual Approved Antxci-- ^ ^ ux wux.-.n Plan (1985-00) Expdr, outlay pated outlay . Capital Agreed Outlay , Expdr, Content 2. 3, 5. 6. 7. . 8.

11. Special incentives to seec'. rearers 150.00 14. 71 3. to 3.0 0 12. Esfct. of P I Seed fnrns 307.00 18.26 13. Sstt. of Voluntary. cLawkio: reariHf^: unit 28.00 14. Workin^-^ capital for purchase of Tasar reeling cocoons. 30.00 Sstt. of derionstration-cur.1-seed supply stations ' 49.00 1.98 16, Uzifly eradication profrramt;. 3.91 2.00 17, Maintenance ob raie-ing of tasar food plants under ISTP. 0.49 •vO Oi 18, Estt, of tasar basi c seed farn dulapalli 19..fe,5/-per Kg incentive on production of biveltine cocoons. 1. 73 20. Consultancy fee to agricultural Finance Gorpn. ,:^onbay for -p-re’Daration of project report ur,d er World Bank project. 1.20 211 Free supply of uzicide and resharjkeet oushad to control uzifly nennce and silkworn diseases 1.27 22. Crop insurance to bivyltine rearers 2.81 23, Cost of Mo^efn equipnent such as Elecfc- renic type writ^-.r^Zerox nachine in 'lirectDrate of Sericulture iiP,IIyd. ■ i.ob (23. i,kh3)

Code No, Nams of the Scheme/ Seventh '198V-P.R Pro jsict Five Tesj? Actual Approved A n tio i- i.'rop<')sea or VVKioIrj Plsn (198!;-90) i'xpdr, outla;7 pated outlay Capital, Agreed'Outlay Exp dr. content 1. 2. 5.- ■ 5. 6. 7. 8.

24.- Insurance sche ae for 't'asar rearers 2.5. yEstf:. of nulberry cocoon testing centres 26. oOfo 5t'.:ito sha re frowards irapleneiitation of T asar project in A.r. (anount 'Uverte.'l towards a ddl,fac ilities to seed farns/ ■ silk reeling; units) . 2. 00.

27. Share capital contribution to Sericulture ' ■ groiwers,coop. societieF , silk, reelers and . ‘wenvcrs coop, and trii.'Hl tasar ' rearers • cOop. sociables federation of Sesciculturists 7, 50 • • & .silk weavers coop. soci<^ty, 162. 00 6.00 5.53 5.53 • • 28. Sh-^ire Gaptttil loan to the Sericulture'

coop.societies- - 4.0 0 2.52 2.52 2, 79 •« 29. '¥/ork shed house to silk handloon weavers ’ coop,society. 2. 34 0. 75 0. 75 3. 15

30. Thrift fund-pun-savings security scheme - 0. 18 0.25 0,25 0. 16 - ,31. llodernisafcion of ■ siLk loons to silk Weavers coop.societies(loan & subsidy) 26.00 1.50 ' 0.60 0.60 _

312. Intore-stsubsidy on eoop,<.;entral banks 25.00 1.60 1.25 1,25 1.90 -

33.aebate on sale of silx cloth 25.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 4. 50 - 34.Managerial subsidy to A,? .Federation of Sericulturists ,Kyderabpr^, ‘ 20^00 - ~ - - - 35. Assistance to the proposed ser icultu»-re cooperation. 86.00 — -- - —

36,Sstt. of Engineering cell 65.00 , . - -- - 37.Schene for the subsidy on, production of,, raw silk in t- po&G •re^^l’ing uiii.t s. 57.00 ' • ^ • • ^ . ' ^ • « 1 9 8 3 -9 2 z SOi; j3i itc^nsnt (i—2

CRs. lakhs) Code No. Name of th^ Scheme/ Seventh I98y~p.p. _ iqee-f^o Project 1'JfiO oo Five Year - Actual Approved Antlci- 1'L‘oxjoaed >)L wuicn Plan (198>-90) Expdr. outlay pated outlay Capital Agreed Outlay ■ Exp dr,. content 1. 2 . 3. ■ ■ 5. 6. 7. ' 8.

3 8 .ScheniG .fr.r raising of 60 hects of fcasar ,food plants for , conducting ts ar ,rearing s. . 22. 00 39,Estfc. *o.f tasar reelinj units i.n ' privat? sector. - 40. Develo]Dn.2nt o-f tasar \voavor in-pvt. sector - 41.Sul3sidy to federation of Seri culturists, for esW*blishnent of calos■enporiun. 13.00 4 2 ,Share c:;pital investment in. the federa-. ti m of ’Sericulturisto,Hyderabad, 28 . 00 m 43,'5stt. of Technical service centres 532 .00 sD ;4::4',Ssbt. "of( 3) Regional Graining centres 56 .00 4t5,3stt. of variety nulbe.rry fai-ns for the 49 .00 supply.of leaf to the landless people I Totgl for con tinuation schenes 3500.00 321.00 400.00 400,00 400.00 15. 00 ■ /-VI _ -« T T * 1 - __l. ___ *1.__ a '-.s per A .r.A .T . and High coi.rt or ders. 5h are canital co jitriouci on to i-iew 3 g^^

48 n n i L ,".

AL:( So riculture); 3500.00 321.00 400.00 400.00 444.00 15.00 TOP DB^FT sckeme^ k o j s g t s _^ (Ss, lakhs) jode No, Name of ths Scheme/ fJa th l^ey-na 1 9 8 ^ 9 ■ ^ ... 1989-90 ____ _ Project Five Actual Approved An tic i- Proposed of vifeicTS Pl;m (19^^ifv> Ii^iCp/l■C, outlay Capital j^greed Outlay sScpdr. content' 1. 2 . ■ 3. 5. 6, 7. 8.

104 . Han'?.ic rafts Industriess ( A .p . Handicrafts Devp''/^-onient Gorpn. ) , , .* l. rraiining of Artisans ia vari'ftus .. handicrafts. ■ ■ 3.75 0.83. 1. 50 1. 50 0,25 2.Workln2 capital/share c'^pifcrl lo-'^ns 3.50 0. 63 0,20 0.20 1.00 3.Managerial Assistance/subSldy for': T’odls n.rid Equipnent. . 0.25 0.41 0,10 0.10 0. 25 4.Construction of Comon facility'centre ■ 2.30 U 9 9 1.50 1.50 3.00 ' vO 5,.R8sidence-cun-worksheds for , 00 Handicrafts artisans. ' 10.00 ■ . ’ 3,00 3.00 0.50 6, Rural c.rafts museuns . I.'30 • - ■ 0»10 0 , 10 - 7. Share cap-ital partioipatic.n of Govt^ 2.00 ■3. 00 3.00 3.00 5.00^ ' in a .P.H. D.C, Ltd« ■ . . , ,&*Publioity, conducting o-^ exhibit io'ns, 9 .7 5 ^ 3.65 6,20 6,20 0.2t printing of brochur&sjpartici pation in Trade fairs etc . . 9 ,Organisation of procurr”ient centres 38.25 ■ '■ • 26. 70 7.00 7.00 10.00 ■0* 10.Subsidy on sale of languishing crafts 1. 75 - 0.10 0.10 - - ll.;j]]ett. of ITew Enporia 2, 20- 3,21 2.5^ 2.50 2.'"0 1^,^Construction of New Erporia 2.00 11.92 6.00 6.00 5.00 Statement ffl-? DH^FT ANiro^L_EI;i.N 19§9z90 - D E m O R ^ T Sqiilp:;S/PR0J^CT3 OI TL^iY AND SXPMDI TORE' ■ (Rs. lakhs) God© No, Fame of th3 Scbeme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-8q ■' Project FivG Year 1969~00 Actual Approved Antici­ Proposed of whi^ Plan (198,5-90) E3q)dr, ■ outlay pated outlay Capital ’ Agreed uutiay Outlay . Expdr. ■ content 2« 3. 4, ■ 5. s. 7» '8 ,

13,Welfire funds for Artisans Group Insurance. 3..,75 1, 50 1.50 14 .InbeasivG Dov.of selected crafts. 1.25 0.10 0.10 ISJilanagerial assistance bo HDC ' 14.00 “ ~ - 16.Assistance to prodUTtion unit (Nirnar Industry), •' 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 17* x t 3nsion of designs in selected crafts 0,50 0.81 0. 10 0.10 0.25 18 .Deputation of arti s laais v :! alrudx tour. 0.25 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.20 19.Esfct.of . rawmat-jiiGl ' depots(new scheme) 0.20 ' - - 3. 15 '2Q-, Supply o f rawmaterial on subsidied ra t e s( New _ sc hene) - ' - • - ' 0.^-

■ ■ ' ■ TOTAL(Handicrafts 100.00 56.24 35.00 35.00 35.00

To^ai'j Villaqo' & 'Su.ail saale ' i)fchor Industries ' 12700,00 1888.72 2183.00 . 2183,00 2726.24 957.10

. :>) a tat:, .genfc iM ~2. DE^PT 1989^90 - DiiViCLOHlliaTT SGHZp;S/?ii:OJZ(^'S__

CUTL.iY MB EXPL^wLiraSE (Rs . lalchs)

Code Wom Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1Q88-8Q -1989-‘^0 Project Five Year Actual Jipproved i\ntici- Prbpo s G d ot wh i ch Plan (1985-90) J^dr, outlay pated outlay Capital Agreed Outlay ■ Espdr, content 4. 5. 6. 1, 2. • 5. • 7. 8,

106 » 2 0 0 INDUSTRIES (OTHER T Fj/iN V . & . S . I . ) Commissioner of Industries fnfr Incentives for Indusirial promo- tion(investment subsidy) 123.50 200,. 00 200.00 250.00 tfD Tribal Area Sub-Plan(lncentives) 15.00 24.00 24.00 10.00 * 0 Interest Free Sales-Tax loan. 116.50 71.00 71.00 50.00 VO Incentives for SC entrepreneurs, 20.00 65.00 65.00 10.00 n o Bstt. of Growth Centres. 9.00 9.00 10.00 10.00. lAD Incentives for quali+y certification 6372.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 iDi istt. of Mini Industrial Estates

ipnder SC Plan for SC entrepreneurs, 30.00 — — — — no Estt. of Match implex Coop.Society *v

—— for SC entrepreneurs. ' 20.00 «»«

106 '®0000 Industry 8. Mindrals 6372.00 325.00 3 7 C JX : 370.00 332.00 10.00 80 General ; ttO dther Expenditure A*P.Industrial Infrastructure Corporation Limited. '' 2000.00 — 55.00 55.00 55 .00 55.00 106 flB200 Medium and.Large I ndustries flP General • ■ S D Other Expenditure v A.P*State Financial Corporation 660.00 660.00 660.00 1 Ordinary share capital 19f0.00 550.00 550 .00 il Special share’##apita 1 87.00 110.00 110.00

1950.00 747.00 660.00 660.00 660.00 660.00 ■)'> y . ‘fn V 1

Code Ko, NaBi y.rv;,:itL: ' 1907-G3 -1989-90 P:rooaci; S'l'’-3 Isar victual ■■ ■ jlpproved., -iuitici- .Proposed , of whicE Plan ( I 985-.9O) E^dPr outlay • pptod' . putlay Capital igreed Outlay . • Expdr. content 1. 2< ■ 3. 4. - ■ 5. 6„ 7 , ■ 8.. A*P,Industrial DeveloDment Corporation Ltd.(APIDC) , 8000,00 ^ 500.00 525.00 525.00 525.00 525.00 - 4 (including a PEDC) A*P.Hlectronic Development Corporation Ltd.(APEL) — -175.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 106 28^200 Industries(OxhGr than V&SI) ■ 80 General . 800 Other Expenditure Institute of Public enterprise Grantr-in-aid 150-.00 13.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 8.00

Detailed Outlays S. ^ • « Expenditure /1989~90) H*• • irExparTsTorT of Library & additional class rooms ~ Matching coiitribution R of ICSSEU . , i • 8.00 8.00 :: 2 ,Additional Faculty anc’ revision of U5C scales and State Government pay scales and enhanced DA. . 7.00 150.00 13.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 8.00

ANRICH 300.00 7.50 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 OU^L^Y__i'iFl__EXimDimRE_ (3s. lakhs)

1>3 No,. Name of the Schoiae/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89______1989-90 • Project Five Ye,?j? ■ iictual Approved Intici- Proposed” of'which Plan (1985-90) Expdr. outlay pated outlay Capital Agreed Outlay ■ Expdr, content 1. 2. . 3... ^ , 5. 6. 7. 8.

1 C6‘ 2052 OG Industries (Other than M & S I ) ; , ; 80 General; . ■ 4 • ore other Kxijenditure contribution to other Go-yt. Companies: i . Hyderabad-Allwyn •& Allwyn _i;riss*ah. i i . Eepublic lore Company f inited. ■ i i i . A.r.Scooters liraited. ‘ 55CC.CC 45C.CG 5V9.CC 5 7 9 .CC 579.CC iv . A .l - .Minorities Corporat*ion liiriited,, V, Coda’s/ari fe r t ilis e r s Chemicals* Ltd. ;:t DRIFT ALWU;a,_.K^T .. ' /mJES/F'^00 ECTG ■ • • Ou tla y ;1KD S/:,PB':vn?u.L.: (Rs. lakhs) ■Name of the Scheme/ Seventh Naw 1987-88 198B~8<^ ^ ___ 1989-90 _ Project Five Year Actual Approved Antic Proposed ' of which Plan (1985-90) Exp dr. outlay pated outlay Capital Agreed Outlay Expdr,, content 1. 2. 5. 5. 6. 7. • 8.

GB CONSUMER INDUSTRIES; 2Gfl Miz-Am Sufecr Factory Limited; €tontinuin£ Sd^cmes.; 1* Hationalisr.tion of Bobbili and see'thanataram Units (Discharge of pre-tf’Jce over lia^ M l l t ie s ), 369-60 U 5 C 0.50 1.00 1.00 2» Integrated Development of plantation farms, 20*00 new Schemos* 3. Kew Sutar Unit ‘at Medals^ . • -475. CC 272*00 2^00 23.00 4. Hodernisation/fehabilitation of .Bobbili and o Seothana£cram su^ar units (setting up of new U) su^ar unit of 25Ct TCD), ' 155^00 ^ 0 0 '1.00 15.00 15.00 5m Ifcdernisation/expansion of Metpally Unit C125Cr250e TCD). .. .. ' • .. 1.50 1.50 6* Modernisation/expansion of Shakarnatar unit (350C - 425c TCDO . •• •• 1,20 1.20 7. Modernisation/expansion of Madhunat,ar Unit (2CC0 - 2500 tcD)-^ ^ ,. 1,0C 1.00 Qm lollution Cu.xtrol for Distilleries at Shakar- nai c.T and Chat^'allu,- ■ . . G-5C 0.50 29.00 29.00 9, New Distillery in M^'dak District, C.10 146, OC Vi-6.CC TO*.Revival of Plantation Farms, Shc.karnafe,ar, ^5-00 75. 0c 5 .00 5. 0c 11. Revival of Hindupur Su^ar Unit. 10C.0C ■ 1CC.C0 12, Expansion jf NSF~II, Shokarnaiar( 25CC"-35CC TCD) 0.10 0.10 0.10 13* Expansion of NSF'-III Madhunatc.r (1500-20CC TCD) . -0.10 0.10 0,10 14. Ilrn-t for menufacturint. potable liquor at . Shakarnagar* 0.10 0.10 0.10 1020.00 272.00 20c. 00 200.00 200. OC 200.00 t/ ^ Ij mi'T -: jqiK^FROJSOTS^ oijxL:\y ,:.n d s::F:iNDiiuRi: (H3, lakhs)

Code No* Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 -_____ 1989-90 Pro 0 e c.t Five Year ' Actual Approved Antici­ Proposed of which Plan (1985-90) Exp dr, outlay pated outlay capital Agresd Outlay Exp dr. content 1. 2. 3.' 4, ■ 5'. ■ 6. 7. ■ 6 .-

1 06 2C52 CO INI)USTRIF,S; (other than Village & Small Scale Industries) 08 Consumer Industries, 201 Sugar,

1, Share Capital contribution to Co-op, factories•

a. For rehabilitation. 700,00 — - — b. Tor mod'-:;rnisation/expansion. 500.00 — 75.00 75.00 ) 130,00 130.00 c. p\jr setting up of new Co-op, SugarPactoriea^ €Cl ,OC — . 25.00 25.00 ) d. For setting up of paper plant & distilleries. 160,00 — — — - - • • 2, loans to Co-op, Sugar Factories for Sugarcane development; 750.00 6.00 30.00 30,00 - - 5. loans to Sugar Factories in lieu of purchase of t cXX, , , ,* -'-a, ,» ,* 200,00 — — -- 4. Staff ,.o , , . . ,. 110.0C - — — - Transport subsidy to Co-op, sugar Factories, 3 5 .0(, 5. "

3000,00 41.00 130.00 130,00 130,00 130. oc

Steel riant, Visakhapatnam, 2000,00 GO. 00 00,00 00,00 00,00 — Ogrdriance Factory project, Medak, - 30.00 30.00 30,00 30,00 30< 00 Railv/ay Carriage Workshop, Renigunta, *- 40,00 4C.00 40^ oc 40,00 - 'Ou >>xo

IT 0 c. ■„ :,e Lein-,me/ oeveath '1987-88 1988--89 1989-90 Five Year Actual Appro ved .antici­ i'roposed of vvhich Plaii (1985-90) Expdr. outlay pated outlay Capital ilgreed Outlay Ecpdr. content • '■' 3« 5 . 6, 7 . 8. .

a) Wf'tor Supply Scheme to NPCI & FCI —- 52.00 ■ 52.00 52.00 — b) Ind'aatries & Com’.icrce Department. - — 3.00 3.00 3.00 -

TOT/a:,; ( EnjITSTRESCOTHER m S I ) :■ 30292.00 2600,50 2949.00 . 2949.00 2911*00 1028.00

0 2855 C2 Mining, Non-Ferrous Mining and MctallurtiCGl Industries: '.C2 Regulation and Dev* of Mines: \ CC1 Direction•and Administration, 0 ■ 5.53 18.45 ia.45 15.00 — C04 Research ' 0 . 120,00 0.51 1.99 1.99 1.00 " c 102 Mineral-Exploration Q - 3.56 4.56 4.56 9. 00 120.00 14.60 25. oo 25.00 25. 0c -

A--X .i^ineral Development Corporation Limited. ■ 530.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 r.c The Sin^arcni Collieries Company • limited. 7050.00 1000.0C 1000.00 lOOO.O^C 1000.00 1C 00.00

Total Mining-; 7700.0(. 1049.60 1060.00 1060.00 ' 1060.00 1035.00

'i'OT/,.L(VI„ Industries & Mint-rals)s 50692,00 5610.02 6192.00 6192.00 6697.24 3020.10 . . . }:Ty-Ti^^u.:‘svPE Ic

0^ - . 'I ocl_- le/ Seventh 1987-SS '^938-8^- .jGCt P^ive Yesr ‘ictual .;vpproV0G Fr-opo;,: ed Plan ( 1935-90) Expdr. ou.tla,y pated out: ay-■ capital i.irreea Outlay ■ Expdr. con t:ent 6. 8. ^ 5 . 5 ‘ 7 .

.7 VII, TIli^NStOliT

7 3051 O v . iOKTS AND LIGHT HOUSES: olo.or '02 MI NO it tOnlS ..01 BIRECTION .aKD i,.DMINISTiu^TION

•.y O Investigation; 4 «00 4 .5 0 4 .5 0 16.00 16.00 i:a tonstrnction and repairs, 9 2 .4 0 126.5:. 126.50 1 1 6 .0 ' 11 6 .0 ­ 1.-2 tort Management (Bstt.) 16.90) I'^i.uC IQ.OO 1 8 .0 0 18.00 1C3 Dredging and Surveying., 4 4 .7 9 4 .0 0 4 . oC 104 iiloting 5. >^3 3 .0 0 3 .0 c 5 . CO 5.0 0 I 105 Dock Yard and dry docking m 106 Stevedoring o 107 Ferry Services m* mm cn Other Expenditure 1 0 .6 3 1 8.00 lei . yjw 20.00 2l' . O - J I

Total: (Minor i'orts) O-i- - 1 7 4 .4 3 175..;.. 175.00 ' 175.... 175.00

:7 bofyiu... uO«.DS AND BuIDGBS; Ta) C ,E ., Roads.:. :.52 Machinery and Equipment 2 2 5 .vO ' 6 .3 3 60.00 6 0 . 00 60.00 «•> Dirocticn and Adjninistrati'.,n 6 7 5 .:o 6b. 31 loU • 1... ,o;_' 1.-..0C 33']' Other roads including; State share 01 E&I and CI^ Schemes 4 ,7 2 5 . :.0 1207.07 14n5..:0 1 4 0 5 .0 0 1405.0-.^ 1405.0: 337 Fisheries - IloRdj; i^jo.of: 3 2 .2 5 24. 5C: 2 4 . 5 j 2 4 .5C^ 24.50 337 Tribal - Ronds 5 4 0 .: 0 5-'.04 1 3 5 ,CO 135.00 135.0..' 135.00 337 SuLjyr Gpnc t^reas^ 45v, t ^ 7 5 .4 0 . 144.00 1 4 4 .CO 144 .0 0 144«00 1...2 Sridgo >A!-:;rr:; trJron or fr,:!n Toll- coss Incli' LiiDj sun ;vi3 ion 201.41 log.O.; 1^2,0. 102.00 I , Vie C-; 1 i ”''T' '■ • ■ 'r i 72^,0... ‘>,'1 '■ 02 337 f-1^ ncr' " I ^ “ • ’v-- <"-j 5 ,0 v. 1 7 8 .6 6 240. O': 24-..00 &iO , 31; g t J Tii Q J11 Gp-'i pRiiFT iiWliAL_'PL.U. 1.989"90 - DEVJI;0PMg£T_j90HIlffi Ot'TLAl iND EZPMDITUHE (Ed., lakhs)

Code No. Name of the Scheme/ . Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 1989-co Project Five Year Actual Appro­ Antici~ Proposed of which Plan (1985-90) Exp dr. ved pated outlay capital Agreed outlay outlay Ex-pdr. ; on tent r~ 1. 2.- 3. ■ '5 . 6. ^ • ■ 8-. ■ ;

E .3 .I . Schemes State Share 50...O.. — 004 Research -;nd Development Planning and Rt;S€.arch Schemes. — ^.50. 0,50 S .50 9,6 l

Total; (CoE. Roads,) o:oc.oo ln7Q.60 24vjvj t j\. 2400.0. 240;., 00 2240....

toads & BrldRC-s; District & OtFier Reads: 337 (b) Sugarcane Hoads.^DMA) iv.,0 *oo 10.00 19.00 lo.^O 19.00 iQ.v.*. (c) Sugarcane Roads.(CE*, PR) Q ^ ^ ft o w' 10 6 .Ov 106.00 106.00 106r:r> - .:o ' l0 6 .00 U) ' MF Hoads. (CE., PR) 2400.00 Ov'v-' « V'"p. o 5uC.OO 5. 0.00 „ \ Total:(Hoads & Bridges) 12100.00 2604.60 3025.00 3025.00 3025.0:: 2865.00 I 3055oo ROAD TRANSPORT APSRTC. 23480,00 3500.00 7035.00 6725.00 3230.00 3239.00 ( 305600 INLAND Water tr^insport 1 7 0 .oO 3Q,45 50. oO 50.00 50.00 50.0^ ( 3w’550v_' TRAFFIC CONTROL! • ('a) TransDort Commissioner: - 1. Driving Schools(5) 20.35 23.00 2S.00 - 30,00 4.00 2. F.G.Testing Stations(5) 16.65 17.56 17.56 16.95 6.55 3, Vigilance and Enforcement 1,80 2.00 2.00 3.55 - 4 , Heat Lamination System for issue of D.Ls* 4 . v_' 0 1.50 1.50 4.50 -

5, Comguterisation of records in twin cities. 3.54 7.44 7.44 4.00 1.00 Statement (3^T~2 1.989-90 - DEVELOBIMT SCH£ME^IrXOJECTS_ OUTLAY M D EXPE-NDITURS ' ' ' (R3» lakhs)

Code No 1968-89 Project Five Year Actual Appro­ Antici­ Proposed of which Plan (1985-90) Expdr. ved pated outlay capital Agreed outlay outlay Expdr. content 6. ■ ■ 8. 1. ‘ 2. , 3. 5. ■ 7 .

Purchase cf Anti Pollution equipment. ♦ 2.50 2r50 - -

Totnl j 150.00 46.43 50,00 50,00 1^.00 11.55 Comtnissioner of iolice (Modernisation

of Traffic Signals): 1.00 . 1.00 1.00 1.00 -

Total: (!Eraffic Control) 150.00 47.43 60.00 60.00 60.00 11.55

TOTAL:(VII. TRANSPORT) 36710.00 11374.91 10345.00 10035.00 6549.00 6340.55

— NIL— V I I I , COMMUNICATIONS. —NIL— 19ns-9^' - 0’' • (fs Takh'^:' jde rr' rj-r zr ■ Sch. ‘’v:/ S( 19B7-38 *~.o f- r. 0 • j?roi ct Pi VO Ye-I ictaal Approve^' .'inti ci - ?ro-;"03cd Of -;hich P ian d 935-90) -i^xpc ndi - Outlay 0 i" ^ Outlay caT)l tal. A^rcerl Outl-'ny ture . Sx’^dr. content 1 ' 3 4 5 6 7 8

00 0000 .00 u , SCISITCI]. •I-TiCKl'GLOGY & ■ SriVIROKinDl^T: J9 3425 CO OtlTcr Sci'^ntific Recearch ' 60 OTHERSi ' 800 S ClEN® & jr;CE NOLOGTj (iPCOST^ §aT f)eil and Society for coneer’«7ation cf Energy in A.P) 1 .Srtnbli sn!~>;Cnt chargers (including ct S&'T cell . ■ “ Secretariat) ' ■ 2,CaT-,ital chargea.. J.Peooa.rch. & Eevelopnent ‘ (inc.Iucin," the sch ernes of the sooicty for conservation of 850.00 25.05 51.0c' 51.00 51.00 on erf;? in A.P) ' 4 .Su-p-j'ort for Scientific Orranieations ' 5 .Sci encc: popularisation

o .Sr'^i ni H'-, programces for Science -'':clinolo67;y ^ ,Tr anefer of Technolo.7^' , trandala Abhyudaya -r-rliVr (SMilP) ^ • . -it: f':o-n?i'nr:r "technelo.ey Statement a.;-2 ^ \ J A L _ V L m 1989^90 - DETOLOHy^T 3CT^Jp:^ER^ECTS_ (Rs, lakhs)

Code No Seventh 1988-89 Prooect Five lear iiotual Approved ikntici- rroposed of which Plan (1985-90) Expenditure outlay pated outlay Capital Agreed Outlay E?pdr. Content 1. 2, 3-. 4. 5. 6. 7. • 8.

1 C9 COOO 00. IX SCIENCE, 'i'ECHNOIOGY & ENVIRONMENT: 3425 CO Ecoloe^y & Environment*. Environmental Irogrammes: a» Eco'-Bevelopment of Eastern Ghats. 0 ' 9,00 0*00 0.00 0.00 0,00 b. Snvironmcntal ^;wareness Programme, 0 390,00 5. GO 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 c* Krishna ancl Godavari Bssin S'tucliea* 0 10,00 10*00 10.00 10. ot 10. OC d. Eundinfe for Environmental Cells in the Universities of A.J. and Envi­ ronmental Research programmes, . 20.00 20.00 20,00 20.000 e. Joint Effluent Treatment 1 lants. 10,00. 10.00 10 . OC lo.ocO 3 o'. 00 !

Total(Environmental Prog rammes)j 390*00 54.00 53iOO 53.00 53.00 53.00

2. Grant-in-aid to A.P.Pollution Control Board, 100,00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 -

04 prevention & control of pollution 3. Kolleru lake* 000 Other expenditure - ELD. 3.06 7.00 7.00 0,00 4. ii.I .Science Centre: 1, Or£anisine of Science Irogrannes. (Expenditure on Honoraria, TA & DA» prizes conveyance, purchase of aaterials and other expr, on prograniaes* Inno'- vation competition for hi^h school teachers; Yoimg Scientists competition for hi^h, school students; etc. 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.30 Mini-MuseuQ-Oun-Leboratory; The expr, of Rs*1,6C lakhs is on staff salaries, pur­ chase of, glassware equipment,^ad^etg etc, — 2.00 1.90 1.90 1,6o _ Stjats'lnsnt GN—2 EIUFT i 9 8 ^ 9 0 - DEViiLOPM&^T SCHME;S/PRajSCT3_ 0U^L^Y_MD_£3CPENDmH2_ ■ • (.Hs, lakbs) code No, Narae of th3 Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 19 891-90 Project Five Y^ar ■ Victual /ipproved ilntici- Proposed of Plan (1985-90) Exp dr, outlay pated outlay Capital Agreed outlay ■ Expdr, content 1* 2 . - ■ 3. ■ ‘ 4. ■ 5 . - 6. • 8 .

5. Office Expr. & Contingencies; W'a^.es, C0nve.yF.nce5 pos.t^e, telephones, print­ ing & stetionery, b.oks and ,etc.. .. «. - C.55 0.55 0,60 *- 4. Computer on Wheels. • — 0.10 — -- - 5. Building: Rent, Vfater & Electricity Charges. >- 1.30 1.35 1.35 1:35 6. Screening of Science Filcis» .» .. ' *• 2.CC 2.00 1.45 O.GO 7. Establishnent of•of 3 Dist, Science Centres in Andhra irf.desh a. recurring Expr. for-three Dist. Science Centre^' of 19G0-09* - - 2*20 2..20 2.70 1.57

iEotalj 265.00 ■ 5.90 10.00 10.00 10,00 i 2.3 7

TOTALS(IX SCIENCE, TECHNOLOC-Y AND’ IGjOeCC 1665.CO 160.01 201.00 , 202.00 106.37 ■ ENVIRONMENT^. _ — — — . ~ « _ . ^ _ » _ _ ^ _ _ ~ ^ » ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ D%PT' 1989-90 - T dCp’ME^PROJECTS_ OITLAY AWD SXEEIiDIITUIiE ■ (Rs. lakhs)

Seventh 1987-88 198&-89 *de No. Name of the Scheme/ . j , ______1,989-90^^ ^ Project Five Year - Actual Approved Anticl- Proposed of v/hich Plan (1985-90) E xp ^» outlay pated outlay Capital Agreed'Outlay * Expdr. content 1* 2 . 3.- 5. 6. 7. 8 , >

10 oaon X, ^CO^^ailG S^’hVIC^Sj 10 3451 0'^ 315€H^TAI\IAT ’^COFOMIC S^R’/IGES-: “ 000 1, 3':r*snKtheain.?, I I on it or ins an-^ ^^eviewin^i* ' 0.75 - 1.15 1.15 1.15 092 2. Public 'Enterprises llanaaenejit ?oar^ 5-.00 4.07 5.00 5.00 . 5.00 , 101 3. Research Schemes. 150.00][ 15.00 15.00 15.00 - 14.97 101 4, -'^atchin.^ 'irants to C.'^i.S^S - K 7.00 7.00 7.00 - 102 5. Inpr^venent of Information System in the State an^'^ "district A'^irdni- stration - ilaintenance of Computer Cells. 60^00 3, 93 10. 00 10.00 10.00 ” to •Jo^avari Valley nevelopnent . Authority. 10.%25 Scheme t ransferre-’ to Special Area Proaramne. 7. A.r. Shore Are^. levelopnent .Authority 3^00. Scheme t ransferre'^ to Special Area -iame. V^2 'nlS^iIC T II.\C'TP"ElYi 9, (a) 'Strengthening of Pl-r!'’iin«i ^^achinery at district level. i) director, B,E,(^cS, X 2 ^ 0 0 93.58 52. 72 113.00 125.00 - ii^ CO-:.':issifiorer, PR^rRT X 1m 56 1.45 2.-67 3. 16 - (b) gtre n-ithenin=z of ?lanning ^%chincry at the an-^ nis+rict levels for fornHtion of Pl"-.ns-, ^^onitorina: review an^ ev2luation of Pl-n ?ro- ^raniines (G^S.S./St te Share) t i) director, Rireau of Economics ^ St atistics (oist,. Level) ” 2, 00 6.90 16.68 • - - ... j-.,— T.evel'i ■=■ 0.97 DRAi';T - DEVELOmSN-T 3GHM S/PH0J^CTS_ . CJTL/iY AND EXPENDITURE j. x.K.^ * .J_ C s iV i.i k

Code No. Name of the Schtmo/ Seventh 'OQy~p.n 1980- -B9 1984--90 _____ jero ject Five Year Actual Api> roved Antici­ Proposed Of v/hion Plan (1985-90) Expdr, outlay pated outlay Capital Agreed'Outlay Exp dr. contenl; • 1. 2 . 5. 5 . 6, 7 . 8. ^c) Stren-^thenin? of in f'orr::/:ition an^ con^u- - ' nic^.tion svsteos for II"' fornulation 75,00 5 . ^4 5. 6’"^ 5,6^ 7,00 installation of lexos ’',istrict he a-^quarters. - 9) 3^--T^ sh'.re of itc \7el opr^ent "oar^, 3 , 00 «» - »■ -- 2 :1 ratio between C- ’ t': 10) Computer is at ion in -^.rc :s like pension _ - - - 40.00 - . payments, cor;’-) il at ion of accounts of a .3 V ■' an-^ expr. in 70-+, ""ro • n'i.'f'ias an-i in \7 iLI \c ct s. jr. -=> al s o t;, c' it.ip art t rainin^ 1 10 3475 00 ^GOTOLIC S^'riC^S: 190':U) In vestments in ,Technolo-iy 'Services L t , cr..' )•) 7.50 5,00 5,0^ 5.0^^ 5 .0 0 3 42 2070 00 OTH^'a An; -11'• I3T?. >TIV^ aoe. ' • - 12)'^tu-^ies on Ti}conomic con^i'^ions an-^ pro^ra- - - ■■.00 ■\00 6.75 - s of i ii no rit ie 3 (.i.r.IIinorities Corporation, i.A.n.)

Total (Sectt. '^co. Services) 65' 131.45 113,:)!' 1 37 - '

110 3452 Tourism 01. Tourist Infrastructure. 101, "^ourist Centres. 1, Construction of Re^-ional Tourist Ir.for” nation buil^ina at "‘irupathi ■ 2. 13 T- - 2.0'-' 2, i rovi-^in^ "^ourist facilities at ^himrriammamarrimanu, " 1.07 1.5^ 1.5^ , 3, Tourist Information Counter at ‘^a-^ras, 0 .10 '"',40 .1 r^Gciional Tourist Information ’^ureau - - ^ , 5 ^- n.50 at Vijayawada, statement ffl'T-2 mFT 1^9:i90 - .^G;iMES/PI^EOTS_ OU TL.iY_i,NU_i2l H n DI TORE_ ■ ' (Rs. lakhs)

God.0 I'i 0, Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 1989--90 Project Five Year-' Actual Approved Antici- Pro posed o±' v/hich Plan (1985-90) Expdr, butljiy pated outl.oy capital Agreed Outlay ■ Exp dr. ■ content 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

, 5, -ourist Ir.forr.iai'icn Counters Khazipo c an-’ Walt air .Railway sta+^ions. 0.60 0, 60 6, "^'oui'ist Infornation GcunteT' at Vi.-]a= y?.wa'Va ;ir.:Llv?-y Sta-ion, 0.5^ 0.50 102 •'ourist ■16.00 1, Cons’: ructio n of Tourist :-test”nouse at Kan^iuraiayopalli. . 1,00 1. ^-^0 1. 0^. 2, Cons" Tuct lo n '^^ovinst rest-house at a .an asana^- h "’k ona. 2.?7 1.0^ 0,00 3, Cons'" rucfio n '^^ourisv lest "’louse at Kakina-^a. 1. 6.”^ I-* 4. Cons'^ruct ion T^ourist. lest-House at ®aruva :^.0' 2, 00 5. nova-'- io n an^ impro ve ne nt s t o, t he ^ourist ■S on RostSOS. ■ n. 1 ? 3.00 6. Cons’’"ruction o^ ^eri'.itaries at "Sfchipothala, 1.00 103 Tourist Transport SeTvice; 2.00 190 .-Issis" ance to luhlac Soctor an-’ other " ' un-=?ert akin ^s. '00 01ho V :.a 2, Tourist S - .istica Call, , n .50 2.O0 l.SO

Tot?l (nir. of ■:^ourisa) ion,00 12. "^7. ir;.no 1.0r nr DEAFT M|TUAL_FLM J.989-90 ~ I S^rFME’S/FKOJ £0TS OUTLAY AND EXFEK'DI'TL'SE ■ (Rs. lakhs)

Gode No, Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 1989--90 Project Five Year ■ Actual Approved Antici- troposed of which Plan (1985-90) jExpdr, outlay pated outlay capital Agreed Outlso’- ■ Expdr,. content

1. 2 , 5. 6. - -7^ _ « 8 . T0URI5I n^V.GO-LN. Oi infrastructure - 190 Assist -■nee to Vubllc Sector an-^ other un-^’artakinss. 1. , V lolcon^a 0Q3T cc City '’ourism) 3 0 .0~^ 30.0"' 3 0 .0 0 3 0 .1'0 4.O0 4, 00 2. , r'Sa:ar (Worl’’ lU'^^hist Centre) 1 .^ 1 5.-0 5.0 0 3. Beach Aesort Visakhapatn.aii'i 5hc e rru nip at nam 1.00 5'.0^ 5 ,0 ^ 10 .00 A "■J: t War'tt:,':?!, Hanuraakon-la u Hanappa Temples & t-* L'i:e ’^c-’oi'vjosnt 200,00 0. 32 o ,00 5. 00 2,00 ^9 - - Ul 5. Tirupathi-Tirumala an^ for Yatrik Nivas oc 'aoa-^ Tevelopaent “ ” 6. Ilarketin? & i-'ublicity 3 2 ,0 2 ” 7, Joint Venture assistance to Private I'arties - — ■ — " . v^, r\r\ 40. 00 30,00 . at ‘ • Staff 'x Trainina: 20. ■= *■ * 9. Art ’i3llery 1 . 0,1'aseums of Fhototjraphs - 9 ,0 0 T nPi 10. 4 .2 1 ■ • ■ - Hotels tm 11. Aui^nentation I.Lprovernent of fleet " an R» 12. ^ is t , Excursion centre , 13. Souveniers, etc.3 - " W 14. 4, 74 SIC, '^havanipuran Island at ‘'ri;^ayawa<^a ^ m- m tm - - - - ’ „ . o • _ „ ^ ^5.00 55 .00 02 .0 5 '5 .^ 0 Total (AV^T'iC) 200, O'^ - -

inr. ^ lO^.O"' 60.90 Total (TOiniail) .qno.o*^ 105.52 St 0 ti 811161'. ” k'-i ---t d r if t 198^90 - DEViX0mM2 3CHEp:S/PR0JECTS OUTLAY AID EXPENDITURE (Hs. lakbs) Code No, Name of the Gchfcirie/ SeTenth 1987-88 .1988-89 ^ _ ____ 1989-9Q . Project Five Year Actual Plan (1985-90) Expdr» outlay pated outlay capital A^veea Outlay Exp dr. 1, content 2. 3. 4-. 6. 7. ■ 8. 1 10 34540^ Sm^nVB

Su’T'-t ot al 72.00 2. 34 30 7.50 7.50

=^0"^ ” Other ~P]xpG"'^iture; 1, Con-^uct of l"th Ouinquinnial Live stock census. 12,^'^ 1. ^9 ^ 1.70 1.70 2.00 2. Stat0 share of expr, on the scheme I-* ''■:^ir:;ely Reportin^.' of A 'r l. St';tistics". no. 00 •!.22 ^.40 =5.'30 ■ 9.50 C\ 3. State of expr. on the scheme "strengthening?; of Supervision of .Irea 6.00 7. >30 ^ Yiel-^ Surveys". 17.00 5.02 5.60 4. "^stt. of technic::! cell at Hoa-iquarters of the ’■•■reau for collection of -^ata o q'1 relatin.--; to S. Cs. a S.Ts. 15.00 . O j: 3.00 3.0 0 3.50 5. State share of expr. on the scheme "Conprehensive Crop Insurance ^ Strene"?- thenin,: of fiel^ a.--ency for conductint: an'^' supervision of crop cutting experi” nents". " ^G.76 30, 00 -c?.00 4^.00 4^5.0^ 6. State share of expr. on Worl-^ /l-rl. Census 10.00

Sub"total 17 0.7 6 55.37 66.70 67.50 70.'30

- - ” Te ch nol 0 ic "1 ^mpro ve ae nt s ♦ 237.24 -

110/ ,‘^45 40 o 112 " T^cononic A-^^vice Statistics i 1.00 2.5^ a) St re n^thenino: ■ of Inservice-"Unit. ~ 0. 25 1.00 .1.^0 2. 20 -I’^'1 ,,of co-ar^ln‘’tiQn”Cun-^esi40 unit.,. . - III itiii ...... 1 Stateracn.t GIT-2 - DEVaOK'^TT SC£iliMJi^i^0J£CT3_ ClTTL/iY M D EXPENDITUEi^ (Rs. lakhs)

Code No. Name of the Scheme/ Se-vcnth 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 Project Five Year ii /approved ilntici- Proposed ■ of which Plan (1985-90) Exp dr. outlay pated ' outlay Capital Agreed Outlay Ecpdr, content 1. 2. 3. 4. ' 5. 6, 7. 8, c)Vrintin»J of statisticej. ihstract. " c 0.31 - - o» -’I Co;:ipute r-isation of 35th loun'^ of SES flat a tn 1..95 - — — *** e)llaintenance of Hain-:ui.^^e in the ^ists. tmi 0.95 *• ***

Total (^co.A'-ivico 3t:^:tistics^ 4^0, ■ 60.57 .7,7.00 77.00 -13.00 llO ?475 00 Other "sneroL Ec'onorrdc Services ■;.oo ;?.0O lie^zulation of IHI ^ CM ^ «> w m w s.' Total 70,00 6 . -ST •’..on ^.00 ‘^oo •o.

A . rcr^a'L ^coi’oiiic 1 10 3 ’56 Civil SuDDlies S'^.OO 5.^0 5.00 5.00 a) Ouo.litv Control Cell, Regional f^.xtension Service Centre for _____ ^5,00 ^ . 5.00_ - 5*00 ^ II •'=iern 11 ice Milling, ______• , „ „ „ - 4*48^ ^ ■TV w , as. — 4.4^5 10.00 10. 0'^ f TOT 'Oj : 5^.00 10.00 “ - “ = - » M on 60,90 ^OT:j., (X< • CO. s n .) 155'.^^ 30 1.91 . 37 445.0 2 Stateiiien DR45'1 4MUAL_ELAN 1989-90 - DEVm.0BI5NT SqiF:HE^FROJECTS_ OUTLAY M D EXPENDITURE • (Rs. lakhs)

Code' No. Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 Project Five Year Actual Approved Antici- Proposed of w^ich Plan (1985-90) Expdr. outlay pated outlay Capital Agreed'Outlay . Expdr. content 1. ■ • 2 . - 4. ■ 5 . 6. 7 . ' 8.

200000000 XI SOCIAL SERVICES; 221000000 EDUGiiTION 221220200 GEiTERAL EDUCATIQATs 01 ..jILEME£TTARY EHJCATIONs 001 DIRECTION AND ADialNlSTRATIOFt Continuance of 4 Dist. Educational Offi­ cers and 4- Deputy Educational Officers sanctioned during 1986-87 f*r Tribal ,

Districts. 1 3 .1 9 1 3 « 1 9 1 3 . 1 9 Bifurcation of tae Office of the Dist. Educational Officer, Hyderabad City CD aloiigwith supporting staff (with One •

— section and 2 Attenders 1 .2 5 1 .2 5 1 , 2 8 Continuance of "2 Vigilance Officers with

supporting staff in the Directorate. — 2.!?0 2.‘•o' > . *».■> 0jj^2 E Q U IH M T ' Supply of Raw-material and equipment for 7 5 .0 0 Schools @ Rs.500/~ per School under Operation

Black Board, - (15,000 Schools) 500X6,352 87-885 500x 9,600 8 8 - 8 9 0 ■ - Supply of Audio Visual Equipment to Primary ■ Schools in S,C. area under S .I.E .T ,, Programme and also in S.T. area. . 1 0 1 . 0 0 ^ 5 0 .0 0 1 8 0 . 0 0

Purchase of Plain Copier to the Directorate. 0 .9 7 -- —

Introduction of Audio Visual Techniques in 1 7 1 .9 9 1 0 0 . 0 0 1 0 0 . 0 0 2 3 7 0 .0 0 Classes-I to V in Primary Schools and supply DiUJl 198^9C ~ DEVmjOBm^iT § C d Ii^ ^ m g J F C T S _

OUTjjAY_MD_]iXPMm;mRE_ ' ' (Rs. lakhs) lode No, Name oi' toe Scheme/ Seventh 1937-88 ■ 1988-8^ Project Five Te-,r Actual 1989-90 Approved An tic i- Xreposed of i,^ich PI £-01 ( 1985-90) Expdr, ouulay Psted Agreed Outlay outlay CaDital 1. Expar. 4. content 5. 6. 7. 8. NEW SCHEMES? . Supply of Physical .T^duc.-jtion Kits to Upper Primary Schools. (Chief Puinister's Scheme) 15.00 055 MAMTENMCE OF BUILDO.GSi Upgradation of Stanaards of administrations Construction of Primary Schools Buildings under YIII Finance CommiEsion Grants for 900 Buildings during 1985-85'’, 104-0 in 1986-87 and IO52 in 1987-88. PIO.O'j 116.80 116.80 — Construction of 526 Primg.ry School Buildings in S.C. area under V III I'inance Commission Grants during 1987-88. '(187 Buildings in '■D 1986-87) 00 Construction of School Buildings and Supply of Raw-material and equipment for School @ E s .500/- vmdor Optraticn Black Board. (S.C.P.) 170.50 170.50 Construction of School Buildings and Supply of Raw-material and equipment for Schools @ Rs.500/- per School under Operaticn Black Board. 126.50 106.50 - Construction of School Buildings in Panchayat Samithies with U.K. Assistance. 119.93 45.00 45.00 12S2.(X1 1069- 053 NEW SCHEIiIESi Construction of Primary School Buildings under IXth Finance Commission during 1989-90. (Constru­ ction for Upgradetion Rs. ) ,2415.75 2415.75 Construction of number of Technical Training Work­ shops at Mandal High Schcols.(Vocational; during ^989-90 end including supply of furniture and equipment. Statement GI'J-2 ^m^LJPLiiN 1909^90 - SCHjiMES/mOJEOTiSL. (Rs. lakhs)

Code No, Name of tho Scheme/ Sev..nth 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 Project PivG Year iiccual a'\p proved Antici- Proposed of v?A^ich Plan (1985-90) Expdr. outlay patp'd outlay Capital Agreed Outlay Ebq)dr. content 1. 2. 3. 5 . 6. 7. 8 . 101 GO?'T. PRMARY SGHOCLSs ContixLuanco of 100C. SGBT posts sanctioned during 198>-86 in the regular scale of pay foi* strengthening of existing Primary Schools to nicit th£ targets of additional inrolm^^nt. 14J.20 1 5 2 .0 0 1 5 2 .0 0 1 5 2 .0 0 ContinuancG of 513 Sp-Cial Language Pandits posts (Other than Hindi) on a consolidated pay of Rs ,5 9 8 /- pti* month per post, sanctioned during 1985-86 for strengthening of U.P, Schools. ' 2 0 .1 2 24.50 2 4 .5 0 24.^0 to 0 Continuance of'4 Sanskrit Pandits posts created during 1 9 8 /- 8 6 . • 0.58 0,80 0.80 0 .7 0 Continuance of 90 B .E d ., Posts in U.P, Schools sancti ned during 1985-85 . 1 7 .2 2 18.56 18.56 18.56 Continuance of 100C Primary Schpols in School-less habit-^tions sancticned during I986-87 , 14-0.47 1 5 2 .0 0 152.00 152.00 St'rengthsning of Upper Primary Schools by opening of VII Glass 135/ prcviding 90 B.Ed,, posts and 90 Grrde-II Telufu Pandits posts sanctioned during 1986-87. 2 5 .7 5 2 9 .7 2 2 9 .7 2 2 9 .7 2 Continuance of 100- Urdu Medium Primary Schools open^-d during 1 98 8- 89• _ — — 1 9 .5 0 NEW SGHEIviESs Creation of 1571 SGBI posts for opening of the _ . . . Schools in Tribal Ir e a ,' _ 184.00 Ore: tion of New Urdu Te.ich-^r SGBT posts (Urdu Mf-'r" I'T c-^ 2 - --- . • 1' i«" Statement GM-2

OUTUY_.\KD_EXmDI10;^__ ■ • (Rs. lakhs) ■ '.ode No. Name of the Scheme/ Seven th 1987-88 1988-89 . __■1989-.9Q______Project iUvb Year Actual .ipproved xintici- Proposed of whioh PlcXL (1985-90) Expdr. outlay pated outlay Capital Agreed Outlay __ Expdr. 1. 2. content 3. 4. . 6. 7. 8. 102 ASSISTANCE TO NON GOVERNMENT PRIMARY SCHOOLS^ • Grant in aid to Primary Schools (Aided) -■ 36.83 • Grant in aid to Primary Schools. (Aided) (To be admitted) ~ 46^.07 103 assist^jmge to local bodies eor primary EDUCATION i ■ Continuance of 30C0 posts of Special Teachers appointed during 195,5-86 for opening of ' new schoois in eohocl-less habitations on a consolidat^id pa.y ;f Rs#398/- p.m. per post. - 119 o8 <'13.28 14-3.28 180.00 Continuance of 750 3GBT ViJomen Teachers posts INJ created during 198'^J—83 v/ith Central Assistance H- in the r-'.tio of 20:60 20,79 22.70 22.70 Continuance of 7&3 additional posts of Special Teachers for opening of Schools in School-less habitf, M.ons sancticned during 1983—86 on a consolld-'.ted of Rs,398/- per month 28.33 36.43 36.45 Continuance of 337 S'oecial Teachers posts on consolidated pay of xts.398/-- p.m. sanctioned during 1983-86 for opening of Schools in ^ School-less habitations.. 16.12 17.05 17.05 21.4^ Continuance of 100 SGBT posts sanctioned during 1983-86 for strengtuening of existing Primary Schools, 13.39 15. 1; 13. 1^ 15.12 Continuance of 30 SGBT Women Teachers sanctioned during 1983-86 for strengthening of existing ^ Prim-^ry Schools. 6.97 7.36 7.36 7.56 Continu'^jice of 313 SGBT- posts of neu Primary Schools ^ opened during 1983-86. 29.30 34.34 54.54 54.54 xlC DtcAFT lS§9-90 - DEViLOmE^T SCHS^j^g/PEOJKJTS^ , WTTL*.y iHD iaPMDilUEJi: (Hs, lakhs) :.ode- No. Name of the SchQine/ oeventh 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 Pro ,1 tot Five Year -Actual Approved Antici- Proposed of which iPlan (1985-90) Exp dr, outlay pateS outlay Capital Agreed Outlay Exp dr. 1. 2. content 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

NaW SCHEMES Strengthening of BOv) Existing Primary Schools and Opening of -4-00 Primary Schools by cre^-tion of 1200 SGBT posts in S.C. area. 140.40 104 INSPECTIONSs NEW SCHEMES Greition of 253 M .E .O s ., posts in the cn.dre of I^. I .O .S . 77.01 103 NON EdBlVUL EDUCATION i tsi Continuation of 157398 NFE (Primary) @ the fs3 cost of Rs.4 ,150/- per each. I 6S.05 200.86 200.86 319.51 Continuation of 6,202 (ie. 5>190 + 1,012) Centres for Girls (Rs.4,150/-) (10s90 State and Centre respectively) 1.96 1.96 25.74 Continur.tion of 2800 NEE Centres (Middle Level @ Rs.7,980/- each) 50s50 State and Centre each. _ 22.104 56.75 36.75 111.86 Continur.tion of 244 Project Officers, with supporting st?ff including Motor Cycle, Petrol, Lubricnnt and Contingencies, and T.A. , D .A ., to the Pro;ject Officers. 165.21 208.00 208.00 104.19 Continuation of certain posts. Joint Director of School Education and Staff, Driver, One Professor, Lecturers aJid supporting staff alongwith T.A. , and D.A. , 5.51 6.00 6.00 7.30 Continuation of Assistant Directors (NFE) in the Office of the DEO's in the State with • 'I I »:■ I I I I I • q 9.29 S i;■ateiiioui; DH^FT jlS89::90 - DEVEXOeviS^'T oCHi!£jiS/PROJEGTS_

, Ou^iiT_i\ND_Il2PE^'ra , (Hs . lakhs) ■ ■ •

Code No, Name of tho Schome/- ■ Sevinth 1937-88 1988-89 1989-90 ■ Project Five loar ctual iipproved i\ntici- ■ Proposed of which Plm (1985'*90) Exp dr. outlay pated outlay Capital Agraid Outlay Expdr. content 1. • 2 . • 3. ' 5. 6. 7. • ■ 8. StorngG chnrgus for departmental Oo'dovms (1 ) iinnojiguda (2 ) Ghittoor. 3.9?-' ■ 4.50 if-. 30 4.50 Freight and Lnb'^ur Charges for Distribution of NFE Books. 0.79 5.00 3 . CO 3.00 106 TEiCHER iND O'JHEj:^ SER’^ICESs Continuance of Population Educational C3ll in SCERT. , Hyi. 0.32 1.03 1.03 0.60 107 TEiiGHERS TRiilNING . draining Programsa of Elementary Education to CDnducted by SCE.KT ~ -— 10.00 u> Providing Yoga Training to all the Primary Sohools Teachers in the State for imparting Yoga at Primary School Stage. 1.61 2.00 ■ 20,00 108 TEXT BOOKS: ‘ ~ NIL . 109 SOHOLiRoHiPS .IN'H TNGM TIVESj supply of Uniforms ^,nc: Text Books for the children of Glasses I to III. (General) 8O5.23 617.73 617 .73 1226.60 ' Supply of Uniforms anc Text Books to the children of Green Care Holders studying in Glasses I to III, (S.G.,.'P.) 331.CO 331.00 411.11 , Supply of Uniforms and"Text Books to the Children .of’Greer) Card Holders studying in . Glasses I to III. (T.8.P.) 124.00 124.00 166.78 110 EXiiMINiiTIONS ■ -NIL - Stfc(fcuKianl (2^-2

DR^ET MUilL^aiiN 1989;:90 - m Y E w m m T schemes/projects_

gjTLAY_iiKD__MPMDITORE_ (R s . lakhs)

)de No, Name of the Sen erne/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 1989-.90 Project . Five Year Actual Approved Antici­ r^roposed of whicB Plan (1985-90) Expdr; ■■ outlay pated outlay Capital Agreed Outlay Expdr, content 1. 2. , 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 . 8.

800 OTHER EXPENDITURE.*' Grnnt to National Foundation for Teachers Welfare. 0.50 0.88 0.88 ______0.88 ' Total: 5215*030 2577.46 3046.79 3046.79 10828.89 3>483.13 02 SECONDiiRY EDUGi.JIONs. 001 DIRECTION i\ND i\DiVIINISTR:.TION; ' Continuance of iidministr.?,tion Cell in the Directorate for ■ Vocation^.l Educ-^tion. 2.68 2.50 2.50 2.30 ts) Gontinuanco of 2 Vigilance Officers with supporting staff in the Directorate. Creation of Minority Cell in the Officer of Director of School Education, ;i,P. , Hycerabad. 1.84 00^ RE3E/.RCH TRilMINGt Setting Up of Di.jt. Centres to try 1.78 3.40 ^■.40 6.41 out Correspondence cum contract Course for tsacners of English and strengthvsning of ELTO Centres arid ■payment of , & . to the ".participants as per the APTA Rules. UlSriCEE PrograniiTie i n , S. C, E. R. T. 0.6; Maintenance of Manded Technical (4,8) Workshops (Vocationrl) during 1987-88 ■99'iOO 100.00 • 100.00 165.00 and 1988-89. 052 EOIJIPMMT statement # ^U A L _P L M 1989:i90 ~ DEVELUrf-li^i.-'iT SCHEMES/PROJECTS^ OUTL^Y_^^Jj_ E X P M D ™ ^ ^ - - (Rs. lakhs)

3ode No. Name of the Schem.3/ Seventh 1987--88 1988-89 __ 1989-90 Project Five Year Actual ’'ipproved Antici- Proposed”^ of whioh Plan (1985-90) Expdr. outlay pated outlay Capital ...... Agreed Outlay Expdr. content 1. 2, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8,

Supply of i'iudio visual and Viceo equipment for 105 Vocational Traini^ig Centres. ^.00 ~ _ _ Supply of Science Equipmsnt and Furniture to High Schools under Government and Zilla Parishads. 10,^4 5-X 5»00 5.00 NEW SCHEME? , ' Supply of Physical Sducatijn Kits to High School under all Managements in State @ Rs.200/- per school. (4600). - - - 23»00 Equiping the Committee Hall with furniture, air conditioning Putlic address system etc. , w in the buildings. • , - - -■ 5*00 Equiping the DSE’s Room (New Buildings). - - - 0.50 055 M.nNTEIf;iNCE OF BUILDINGS? ' . , Constructior of Hostel Building in SCERT 12.00 - - - • Construction of Buildings nt Nimmakur. - _ 110.00 110.0> NEW SCHEME; Construction of No. of Technicfl Training ' Workshops at Mandal High Schools. (Vocational) during 1989-90 and including supply of furnitu3?e,^ ' • and equipment. - 1111.00 1010.00 Buildings Grsnt to A.P.R.E.I.S. for a construction • of Buildings* ^ ~ _ 2^5»,00 225.00 Construction of Buildings to Gcvt. /aided and local ^ body High -Schools. 53‘ ^-^O - - - Statement GN-2 DR^i'T 19B9::;90 ::: D^VELOH^ji/i'T SCHHM£^PR0J£CTS_ GUTLIT .WL EXPMDIT0RE „ ” (Rs, lakhs) Code No, Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-BB 1 9 8 a jy . - 19.8Q-9C Project Five Year Actual Approved Antici- Proposed of v/hiah Plan (1985-90) Expdr. outlay pated outlay Capital .Agreed Outlay ■ Expdr, content 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 101 INSPSCIIONS? NEW SCHEivIEi Groation of Audit Cell in the O/o Director of SchDol Education, , Hyderabad ' 11.73 103 NON EORHUL EDUC'iTIQN? . -NIL- ‘ 104 TEaCfiERS. iVi'ID OmSR SETOGESt. ' Gontinu^ce of Academic Cell in r>m?Rf? wILIj ■ One Professor* (Vocational) 0.56 1.76 1.76 Sports activities in Colleges of Physical Educsti^n and Colleges ^f Education. £ .0 . 2.00 2.00 NEf SCHEME t ' , Introduction of Nevj Voci bional Courses in o\ 48 Mandal Workshops. 35.42 Strengthening of Computor Cell in SCERT. 4,00 105 TEACHERS TRiVININGt Providing Computer Educa+'ion in Secondary Schools.^Improvement Science & Mathematics for Higher Skill Development) towards salaries for thu staff in SCERT. , p,cn Providing in Service training to teacheis under National Policy on Education. 1 5 .0 0 15.00 15.00 Continuance of Assistant Lectuers for Urdu Medium Soction in Govt. Teacher Training Institutes, Guntur, Kumool & Vikarabad, , 5»00 3 .0 0 3.50 Continuance of 2 T .T .I s ., opened during - 1986-87 at Araku of Visakhapatnau. and Marlavai of Adilabad Districts* . 7.25 6.20 6.20 ' 7.05 In Sarvic.e Training Programme f or Secondary School Teachers 4.97 NEW SCHEMES S. Orientation Programme at State and District Lsv^ (Vocational Edn.) ^ 1939 ,9c ~ LifvJirvi. 4';^-'^ a-HEMii^PROTECTS Statement G3^~2

£uTI^y_.iND__jj2'tTORE _ " (Rs. lakhs) Code No. Namo of tjo Scheme/ SQvonth 1987-88 Project 1988-89 1989-QO Five Year Actual xipppoved Antici- Plan (1985-90) Expdr, Proposed of which outlay pated outlay Capital Agreed Outlay ' Expdr. 1 2. ■ content 3. 4. ,5. 6. 7 . 8.

' In-Sarvioe training programme at GTE/ I.dSE state Expenditure towards T.A. , D.ii. , lor 5 C^'llegos, 1.4-5 106 TEXT BOOKS; NEW .SCHEME ' Preparation of Text Books.(Voct?.tional) 1.00 107 SCHOL.^RSHIPS ■ ' Merit awards to (Telugu Vignana Pari- tho.shikam) Ohildrca VII Class Exami­ nation & studying VII Class, IX Class and X Class^ (noth Iresh and Renewals). ^ I-* 3.67 3^.75 3^.75 53.00 CO 108 £}UMIN..Tia[^S? ■ . -4 . -NIL-* 109 GOVEMMa^T SECC.iJl.iRY SCHOOLS: Continuance of 20 B.ld.', ?osts and 13 Language Par; "its posts for upgradation of U.P. Schoi.'Li;- sanctioned during 1985-86. 1.90 1.90 1.90 a) Under ■-ovomment. Gr?nt to .i.P» Re^Liider tial Educational Insti- , ' tutions Society for continuance of iidditional staff etc. , * 101.50 115.00 115.00 115.00 Continuance of Residsntial Schools (Urdu Medium; started during I986-87. 8.28 9.11 9.11 12.73 . Continuance of £G High Schools in Mandals Headqu­ arters opened during 19867-87* 17«70 30.25 30.25 30.25 Maintenance,of VIII, IX and X Classes in 50 iiShram Schobls open( d during 1985-86, 1986-87 and. 1987“‘88i ■ • ■ ...... 29.82 81.25 81.25 93»^5 Continuance of 11 Residential Schools opened during 1985--86 in I.T.D.A.-, Districts, 118.60 13^.00 13^:rOO 13^,00. Statcaoni: Gl:T-2 DIUi’T 1939-90 - DSVELOBmVl SCHii|p:S/KiOJEOTS__

OU^L^Y_^iHD_SGrmDira (Rs . lakhs) cods No, Namo of the Schemo/ Seventh 1987-88 1988--89 1989-90 Proj'oct Five Year - iiCtual Appro vGd ilntici- Proposed of which Plan (1985-90) Exp dr. oufclay patcd outlay Capital iigroGd Outlay ■ Expdr, contont 1. 2. 3. . 4, 5 . 6. 7. 8.

Continuance of VIII, IX ,and X Glasses ' (3^5 Schools) opene^l during 1984—85, 1985-86 and 1986-87. (Vocational Educ a t i on) . 4^.06 80.00 80.00 192.00 Continuance of Residential Schools (Urdu ]^edium) at Niaamabnd, Kumool and Guntur opened during ■1988-89. - - — 22.20 110 ilSSISlVJ^GE TO NON G O V E m M T SECmP.lRY SCHOOLS Grant in aid to SoConJ- ry Schools (^,ided), - — 34-1.29 Grant in aid to Oriental Secondary Schools. - —— 7.63 ro Grant in aid ,\ided Second; ry Schools. C3 (iidditional Sections) - — — 3.53 NE'^/ SCHEME Grnnt in aid to Oriencal Secondary Schools (To be admitted) v : - — — 54.01 Grant in aid to «ided Secondary Schools (Additional Sections) ' — — — 240,59 Grant in aid to Oriental (iiided) Sec. Schools. (/idditiona.l Sections) —— 102.24 Gr:nt-in-aid to Secondary Schools (To be admitted) (aided) “ — — 1342.68 191 .-3SIoT^NGE TO LOC^L BODIES FOR SECONDaRY EDUC. T M ? ■ Confc'inu:mce of 20 B.Td. , posts and 13 Language Pandits pos'cs 7-29 5.15 6.15 6.15 Grant in aid tD Zilla Praja Parishad and Municipal Sec. Schools-, 5^»11 —— 1355.00 mv! oGHiiME Grant in aid to Z .P .P . Secondary Schools. (Schools to be admitted),' . - —— 2327.00 Grant-in-aid to Z.P.P. Secondary School. (i'iddltional Sections to;be admitted). - —— 352.00 ' Statement Gj ~2 DEAFT 1989-90 - DEVJlOmHTT oCHEMES/PROJEGTS^

■ OUTL.AY E'XPENDITUHE (R s . l a k b o '

Code. No. Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 ^989-90 * Project Five Year Actual Approved . Antici- Froposed of v^tiicti Plan (1985-90) Expdr, outlay pated outlay capital' Agreed'Outlay ■ Expdr, content' 1. 2. 3- 5. 5. 7. S.

BOO QIHER EX'FEMDITbi^^; Grant to~ A.P. Hindi i.cademy, Hyderabad 9 .5 0 3.00 3.00 3.00 Grant to Bharat 3couts and Guides, 15.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Grant to SainiV Schccl, Korukonda, 15.00 10.00 10*00 13.20 Participation of Hontingencies in National G^:mys, - 1 .0 0 1.00 ■ 2,00 Grant-in-aid to A.-c'. Residential Educa­ tional Institution.g Society, School at Nimmakur. ■ _ 61,32 Main ten anc o \:f p Mobile Vans — 2 .0 0 2 .0 0 - NEV/ SCHEME; Grant to Sanskrit Ace doray. ——— 0.35 Grant to Voluntary Organisations. — — 4 .0 0 C Grant to A .P. Assocation of Mathematics Teachers. — — 0.25 Grant to Bharat bcouts and Guides, — —— 5.00 Scheme relating to Physical Education in ■ High Schools. — 0 , 70.- Purchase of One Auto for D.S.E's Office, — - ■ 0, ‘^O TotalJ 7284.970 654, 73' 654.75 8687.37 Total (School Education): 13500.000 195: jr>.ro ■St&temGrif: ^ DxQFT r DL^ELOpMmr gqiH'Mtr^tRAT^gCjr.S OUTLiiY i^TD SXPii'NDITUKE ■ , (Rs. lakha)

Code No, Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 988-89 Project .-.-1989-2.0______Five Year ictual fVpproved Antioi- ose-d of which Plan (1985-90) Exp dr. outlay pated outlay Capital Agreed Outla;>’- ■ Expdr. content 1. 2 .' 3.- 4-. 5. 6. ' Q, 69S.'60 P.V^T-I 3376,00 56G.00 f59B.l^ 693.10 ^227,68 385,96 550.26^ 637.57 365,46 63, 70 PART'III.. - 1437. 35 21.66 217.64 167,64 tipi's. 25 r n .30 :■ «? e< 165,00 SRA'^n ^061, nn ?74.52 1466.0 0 1503.31 5477.31

?020;'^ ^ y t c ;TIO" 001 oi'^^^cTior v ^ . . —- nircctor I* ion H’ CQr^I--Tnr; W 1) S'at'o sw'^.f'-Ts to Uni^’orsity 5.'^0 1.00 1.^^' 1,00 l.- O toaohcrs (-" ot al aicar’^s 52) 2) Trant “ in-ai-’ to ?,iiathjna- ics association 0,05 0. 10 0. 10 0. lO 3) (Jreation o^"* posts of Joint '^iroct or ari'^ ny, 0 ire ct o r for Voc at io n -il :■ o hs. 4) GoniaissionoriiU:; "l^hcr E-^Iuoatidn 5.00 102** 5) Jrants to IJr.ive-sities ;-361.00 363. i-3 500,00 500,00 SOn.O''^ (9 Universities, in the State) 6) T5stablishrient of ^ ^ l a -m Chair in Ila'^^hurai University 3, 00 3,00 O..HO SGIIOL.VI SHIP 3 (CO^^TI^!Uly' i 7) T^:lu--'u vi:^nana Parit oshikan 77*42 74.00 74,0 0 74.00 (Inter ’600 stu-^ents '^-ss.750/- each, for no .3150 stu-’ents '^Rs.lOO^/- each) S) i.^:lfa-e' of SC/S^’ other ^.Cs. 120,00 120,00 12^.00 ■^V.? 3 ch ol ar ship s

stu-^ents i^rill be bene fit te^^) to-p' 'jrtnc 'T? C9.9 -lO .,-Qa 'O 6OE fnO o n■; u\-t= -A ~ jDi^SLOHiKf^TiBilNi T SCHSCHSMES/PRaT_^CTS___ ' OUTLAI .L^D EXfeTDIlTJI^ ( Us . 1 ■;} kh s j Codo No. Name- of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 __ 1988-89 1989- Project Five liar /iCtual ^ip proved /intici- Proposed of which Plan (1985-90) Expdr* outlay pated outlay capital iigreed Outlay Expdr. Gontcnt 1. 2. 5. 5. 6. 7. 8. VAriT-II ooi cor^^iruir-i sct^'L -s oiTTi.jg{ 9) Continuation of posts, for -^i.rilenee sane- 2.75 tionC'=t ■’urin.- (One Accounts Officer 2.50 2,50 4 3j nior antg •.*'.•=» 1 TJ. n. '5tono) 59.15 9) a) S^ate Couacil of "'^ucntion 102 Grant s tc IJni rsir le s .• ^ 10)National Service ‘ 44 .42 7n.on 60,00 75.0'^ (State sh^re (S)tho ra+io cf 7;5 ie,, Central aii'i S'T. tG sh 're) (Rn --il- 92,50''' Speci'’! Camp in-? s pro:^ 46,250 stu-’ents) ' i03^^0^ni;R!^inpT c o u ^ :^ i?''s^iTUTior5i 11) Continuation of '^oc'tional Secsl as per C ■ it tee s-^.ct ione^ ^urin^ 4 6 5 ,7 9 31 .00 100,56 100.56 111 .00 1935■’B6 {J7r;i,i67, Sr. Instructors ^^9, Mechanics 22, La’i. Atten^ers 1B9, Tot-1 f.'joov s 427) 12) Continuation of 61 posts of JJlOi, - for Ur-^u Ile-^ium Sections sanctione-^? ^urin^ 1935 6 in 9 ioTrt, Colle?.es. 4.. 40 10,00 10.00 12.r^0 37.50 12) a) Opening of S.C. Satyavee^u, - 1 7 ,8 0 2)'7. C.U^;,'ulapuran •'^) l , 0. C. Karevetina.^ari 4)'}, 0. C.Kappam . 5) G. 0. C.lachillapalen. ' l-*^) Introduction of restructure^ course 31. 0 '^ 1.*^) a) Continuation of Science courses in i.T.Cs, sanctione'^ '’urinti l9-^3-"39 i) 7.">.C,Yer:irni.-^anur II 1 5 ^4 0 2) i.n.C.'finukon^a 3) .t.C.ilo4)'i.n.C. o^avarikhani 5)''t.C.Fal^on-’a, , ' St at omen t

D R I i m iiNI'IUAL ELilN 1989-90 - DEVEL0HiMT_3CKM^ER^JGTS_. ------^ - . (Hs. lekhs)

Code No. Name of the Scacme/ Seventh 1987-88 ...... 1988-89 .. 1989-90 Project ■■ Five Year Actual Approved Antici­ Proposed Of v/hich Plan (1985-90) Exp dr. outlay pated outl?;>" capital xlgreed Outlay Exp dr. content 6. 1. 2.. 3. 5. 7. 8.

14) Cria+ion of Vnc-.tion-a Cell mm - - - ■> 15) centinui'^-ion of i .J .C . sanctione-i •^urini 19^6“'^,7 (, 13 non'-teachins: i^) 2.6^ 5.4'' 5. i:' 5,72 c n 16) C’': "T-iouation of 3 ;.J .c . + l open a-iiuission colle = e sanctioned -^urin’ i9'>6“ -^7 i) rere>i- cherla ii) ^’a-»i;;u-■'o:' iii) cha-.:allu iv)'>har- na^ieu'=?e;u v) o Colla=:e 21.-^ 21. O^'- 23.1-' ■ 17) Co (it i nu at ion of i t , J , C ?. s an ct io ne -^lu ri r..? s 19 5 7-3•? i)Vape^upot ii)Kalaka^a iii)A4ilal»^ - 36,61 45.^3 iv)Yanarjana:'an'^ra vVie^^ane v i)’^ev^rakon^a vii)vanaparthi viii)K y’ikacharla (total W teaching ^7, nontc '.chia-^ 112 posts) to 15) Gontinua+ion of 5 p'ls'^s of A-’ninist rative Officers s^nctione-^ '’urin-: l9^5-96 i) ?.t r . r^'^ 1.65 l.Sf 1, 2. G.O. C.’^iza-> ii) i.n.c.Tanulai iii)'"r.n,C. Vlr^Vol i^O C. 5untakal v)C.T).C.Siikalalaaati, 19) a) Cont inuation .of r.'i. Courses in T.^.Cs. i)''7.’^,C.':^air,hDun-^rv with II. Con, course ii) 11. 1^.0^ 10,^0 11. n.^c. "Electronics ’t) Const i mat ion of o .'t. Courses un'=»er O.TJ.C'^n'rol i) 'i.''.C.liahabuhna.-?ar with I'.Con. :<(: II, ,U 2n,r>' 2 ,7 4 l-.OO 10, n^"'' 11. Science) ii) T.^.C.ral^on^ia x^ith Com, & 1., A. ■^n^lisb iiiy'T .n.c.^'irual with II. A.'iln^lish, total posts teachin-.' 6, non-teaching 21 posts,

20) Continuation of ^ . I,Courses in r.o.C, Khaniingr. 3.32 4. 2 ^ s a act io no -'»u ri l9-s ^-39 h II, A«'3o r.o; ic s II. Com, teachine: 6, Non-teachin:^ s^aff 5) 21) Continuation of 7 ■l.’^.Cs. sanctione-^’ ^^urin’ 1^.59 36. li 36.14 39.34 l9^7“^i i) i.n.C.YanaLianchlLi ii)’^ellaapalli iii) ,1' rsharaQ iv) ^^O'^-^epalli v) Chint -^lapu^i Vi'^iluru vii)IIin'’upur for voiaeri. i^tot^' o JO. ju'J' g;.' 1 J9z90 - DEVELOPMJ'TT SCHEME^PROJECTS_ OUTLAY_AND_.IiXPMDITORE_ (Rs. lakhs)

Code No. Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-<89 1989-9,0...______Project Five Year ■ Actual Approve d An t i c i- Proposed of which Plan (1985-90) Expdr. outlay pated ’ outlay capital Agreed■Outlet ■ Eq)dr, content 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3.

21) a) Continuation of Sc;ic;-cj Sections in Fenukon-^a sanctione'=» ■^urin=? 19 3^„.^Q 'To-chin^2 3, P. T. s ta ff-6) '.14 .9.00 22) .vrovision of A-^-’l. equipuent to 'inCs. 22) a) I set ion of Vocational courses in 40.81 existing j.J,Gs. with Computer courses etc.,, (Co il'.' S-Jorscre-^) ' - . 23) Continuation of 4 T.'^.Cs. sanctione-=» ^urin^ 1 ^5 - ‘3^ i ) '1. “S, Cs. ■'•et apa-^u ii) Srikalahasti 15, 34 17. =?5 iii)Bich"kon'=?a iv)Pathikon'^a (Teachin.t? 32 I’on-te achin? 12 posts) U» ca 2 r) Cont inuat ion of P'} 6 'jurq;c£; rirmal 7.50 sanc t ione '=1 ,|(^rin=^ l98 “^9 104 AS SI. S T\^VEfOr )Q^ryy^ "I j--T COILB INSTITOTES; 24) Continuation of Residential Jr. Collie™cs 25.00 25 53.25 5 3.59 at “ i i s octione'^1 -^urins]: 19S7-83 ■ 25) .rran^ “i n-ai'^ to 4 I rivate ne^ree Colle=:es 30.25 CQ 40.53 sanctiono'^ ^nrin^ i9^7=>33 i) l e ree Colle >e , Anaoart h i , ii) “■^0“ 3U'=ivel iii) Jf'uliven'=!ula iv) -..:^o-’ Vel.?0'=»'? 26) ir' nt“in-ai'^ co Private Jr, Collates sanctione-d 49.00 50,99 •^urin=? 19 5 3 9 i)'r^3R ('c 3AR Jr. Colle-'e, Kollur ii)jr . College, Velcro-^o iii)3t,liary;'s Jr. Colloi^e, Kurnool iv)MV3R Jr. eolleee, Chaaalamarri ^7)lrant“in-ai^ to SCH c*?: MGHR College-, Guntur 6.25 ^8)lrant-in“ai'l to:K^m 8c KTJR Colle

Code No. Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 1988-89 Pro^ 3ct Five Year Actual Approved Antici­ ■ Proposed of which Plan (1985-90) Expdr, outlay pated outlay capital Agreed Outlay Expdr, content 1. 2. 3. 4-. 5. 6. 7. 8.

^00)0TK5R EXP^r’nlTTJR^ Or lOIrG SC-T'^I^St 2S)a)"3ook bank schema for SC/S"^ stu'^’ents - 7.0A 7.0'". 7.50 - 29)inclU'^in=? re vili-^ations (226 Jr. Colleges ne,7-'’3e Colleges are covere-^^) b)Speci-l coachin' t o 9C stu'^ents for''appear" 230.0^ 0.94 1.20 1. 20 2.00 - in^: entrance test in l!nijineerin.2 '^“He'^icJL courses (120 SC stu-’ents henefifte'^' " c) Special coachin-? for'SCs. stu-^ents stu'^yin^ - _ i.-o 1. 30 1.^0 2.50 I I yea-'’ Inter ^130 stu-’ents benefitte-^) •'^'^)Con'<'inuation of ^2 'Vocational courses in 3C 455.86 17.13 33.0^ 33.0 0 33.26 - area, sanctione-^ -^urin.^ l9'-?5-S6 r s , P2, Sr.^nstructors ^2, Lab. Atten’^ers*32, Total 03 296, 60C0 SG stu-^^erits benefitte-^) 796 TRlB/iL 5U? ?L if 31) Continuation of 'l.n.c.?a^eru(3T areaj^ ' 3.00 5*50 S . 50 6.00 sanctione-=» ^urin.-^ (Teaching 15 an-^ Ton»teaching staff 6 posts) 32) Continuation of 3 ;;ie si'=«ential Jr. Colleges 36,56 60.0^ 60,0^' 66. 00 sanctione^^^ -Marine? 1^35-36 SlM 19’36“^7 i) Chin^ apelli i i ) ’'(ha'=’rachalairi iii)Utnoor, 4202 C:;?IT,IL OUTLAY; 33)Hatchin^ sh^re to avail UTC assistance 1500.00 94.55 74.00 25.00 53.70 5^.70 (20 1,’^.Cs. 34) Const ruction of buil^in/ to i) 1. J. C. (0)Kin'=!upur - 3.00 10. 10.^0 5,00 5.00

Total 3227.65 3'^5. 96 A _ 5 5 0 .26_ 637.57 ?65.46_ 63, 70 Statement OT-2 ^1,989-90 - DEV5IiOH5MT SCMEIffiS/PROJEOT 0U2L^Y_Ap_£XI^TDiroRE_ (Rs. lakhs)

Code No. Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 Project Pive Year Actual Approved Antici­ Proposed of whici Plan (1985-90) Expdr. outlay pated outlay capital Agreed Outlay Expdr. cont(5nt 1. 2, 4. 5. 6. 7. ' ■ 8 . r.iHT I I I TT^w s a r in s m'vr^r^3iTY iro ^nuc’.'^iOT’ 001 iiR^cTiOT" * AoiiiFisrvi'^ior 35. iDplenientation of U’^C pay scales - - -- - to Lecturers in i.T.C. v/.e.f. i-i->56 (with 20"^ '5ovt. sh■2re) 36. Creation of i post of electrician an-^i - - - — 3 atten'^iers in’ ''■.Il.’^.Office 37. ^or institute o^" i rofessional Stu'^ios 1^0.00 33. Creation of ny. director alon<^vdth st'aff to 1. 6 4 1 .6 4 1. H* W 3. C,?.Schemes . (J1 39. St re n=:the nin^ of 3i : a 1 liachinerv in O.K.3 . Off ice ■' no 40. In service teachers training pro^^rarrie an-’ 100,00 l.^'O l.C Orient?.tion pro^ranraes-by the Gollei^iate cell an^'maintenance of na:hinery an-^ oquipnent. 41. Constitute of Au-iit "oar-=* in Office 1 .2 5 42. Great,.ion of staff for ir;plorant \tion of Tolugu Vi^nana I-arit oshikan in n,"T.'].Of f ice 43. Purchase of .'vehicle-s in the 'T-Tll's office 4 .0 - 1.S3 44. ijg* ablishnient of Tis'rict set up 34.^5 45. "^st ahlishnent of ? R ,J . ’^.Office an-’ sanction 60.0^^ 11. •53 of a-^-^itional posts to the l.J.n .O ffices. 46. S"v rs n.-zthe nin^ of Science "^•^uca---ion in r ,o ^ Training Tro^ir'^.nime ' 63,90 47. Stu’io in for Au^i6 ’^sual courses. 102 ASSlST.irCTi] TO UFI^^^rtSITIlSSt ■ . 50.00 ‘■B, Computer applicat,ion-courses, in fl.n.-Gs, Statement 0^-2 DI^FT 1989-90 £ DEXEXOBilSI'TT SGHimS/PROJECTS^^ OUTL^Y_AND_BXPmiTO^_- ' ■ (Rs. lakhs') •

Code No. Kame of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 Prooect.. . Five Year Actual Approved Antici- Proposed of which Plan (1985-90) Expdr. outlay pated outlay capital Agreed Outlay ■ Expdr. content 1. 2. ■■ ' ' ■ 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ■ • 8.

103 \Q'^^inYnV? COLLE^'iHS AI^") irsTITOTlOrS i 19) Creation of 273 a-^i^itioml 1 5 0 .7 7 S'^) Creation of a'^-^itional posts of J.^js. in 1^^"^, 00 3^,3^ esistiricj ;.J.Cs, ’^Dl'stro'^uction of Vocation^J. courses in axis- - _ tin2 Jr. Colle20s(Ccntrally Sponsore-*? Scheme” ’ State share for non-reciirrin’? expr, for i.T.Cs.(®of pe^ college) \ 52)Craation of ions-l posts for "irt s sections “ 1.25 H* U) in exiptin^^ Cs. Ot 53)S^artin^ o^ '^.J.C. a+ ’^turir" ,'arara - 5.05 54)0cenin“ of 6 Science Secs, , in existifi=; '’JCs. “ 3.02 xH'^'-^^aohc.aavagrgri) Qv^intalapu'’ iii)Pe'^ana iv)yan?xiana.-;an^la ' , 55) C’’'..—t ion of J .I . pos + s for llr'^u me-^ium Secs., - 1.33 in t he; e xist in.r' ';, J , C r,, 56)0penin-: of ■■}.n. C. (VJ)isakhapatnarn - ^.15 P7)Creation of 95 .l-^-’l , posts of ? . n,ft Librarians 1,40.0' 0*0 o 4. 95 5o)Sanction of" '’on-racurrin' aniount to the New li.25 no ree CollGt'es starte'^ •larint' l‘5.s7-'=!S an'=i

193:5-39 ■ . 104 Assistance to Non iovt« Colleges an-=< Institutions 59) )rant-in-a.i'=? to ne^ree Collec-es on ose behalf 20.93 5ovt, have .alrea-=!y issue•=? a-^mittin

£jra.Ar_AND_£XPsrairjRS_ (Rs ., lakhs)

Code No. Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 198Q-qO______Project Five Year Actual Approved Antici­ i^roposed of which Plan (1985-90) Expdr, outlay pated outlay capital Agreed Outlay Expdr, content 1. 2» 3. 5. 6. 7. ' 8 .

62) irant-in“ai^ to ’^earee Colleovt, fcase^ on the or'=’ers issue-^ hy the "li^h" Court. 315,94 64) Trnnt'in^ai-i to Vrivate J r. Colleges to be ' a^nitte'i as per Court or-’ers. 65)'irant“ln"ai'^ to iriv-^.te Jr. Colleges_which have" - 244,0^ Gon:plete^ the stipulate'^ perio-^ of existence an'^ lu lfille ’^ all the con-=»itions to be a-^nitte'i cu int 0 1 rant "in i»ai'^, _ -4 66) ".rant-’in “ai'=5 to ‘i-riv'ts Jr. Colleges which have ' - 310. 2':'- coi-.plete^ existence of 5/3 years but not fulfille'^ the contritions.- .■ 67)0^'jnife of Resi-’ential Jr. College for .^,ifls at “■ 31^:,50 1I‘ r.: Cu'^t’apah an^ up^ri'^iog of Residential Ki_h School into Jr. College, Ko^i^enaballi 49,50 65) Croat ion of 3 Resi'^ontial Jr. College at R. J, , " 4F.0O 45.00 . OT~-IBR ^lanta-^ur jizaraobad (SC Area) 40,0.0 40.00 69) Co nstruct ion of P j/oe-zree hostels for SC/ST students " 40,-0 (for ?■') hoctel .O.on for ne^ree hostel 20. no (p^ hostel in C-ntre Kavali) (p-J Extension centre Srikakulam ?, }. Ce ntre an'’ University of Kyderate?) ne^.ree College: i) .\rnalapuran i i )^ u r u iii) nanuniakon^’ a, Mahabubna^ar statement (2T-2 DIUPT J969i :90 - SqiME^PROJEGTS^ • OU^AY_.WD_rxmDITORE_ (Rs. lakhs)

Code No, Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 Project Five Year ■ Actual Approved Antici~ Proposed of which Plan (1985-90) Ejq)dr. outlay pated outlay Capital " iigreed Outlay ' Expdr. content 1. 2. ■3.' • 4. 5.- 6. 7. 8.

30.00 30.00 30.00 7 1 )^ ir t in 5 of ’Vocational courses in SC ^32,50 15.00 15.0^ 15.00 i) U CL.r''l-:on'=»a an-^ Jamalraa^u^’u iii)'3oys, Utnoor, AchaLipet, Bha'=irach3lBjn, llaiu--:u, nevarakon-^’a,, Ichapurairi, RanpachO'^avaram, I nl-j.v-ran (JLs.20, S . Instructors lO, lab*Atten'==' floor in the exist in.? office) - 75.) Construct ion of buil^itit.' to i.J.C« Che valla •• 21.60 76) Construction of buil^in.: for the Resi'^ential 66.30 J':*. CollGh^e, l^linnakur- " 66.30 15.00 15.00 77) Construct ion of extension centre for “ ^-''rrc at i^alcina^’a ' , 7B)Construction of 'juil'=^in=z at ?,l.Courses " 20.00 20.00 ^'izanaba'1 an^ A'2raharan 79) Construction of Cclle^e buil-^’in.^s for 22 lovt, “ netjree Celle^es((^he rate of 10,00 lakhs for each colle=ie as propose-i in C,^*s ineetin^) 101.30^ ?ART II I >OT'iL 1457.35 21.66 217.64 167.64 3916.25 5477,,, 31„ 165.00 o ./toiabii j 'jA—g.

•1 .1 — — - - ^ M E L O m m ^ 3CHEp:S/PRWECTS_ OUTLiiY i^ND EXPMDITURE • • (Rs. lakhs)

Code No. Name of the Schome/ Sevtsnth 1987-88 1988-89 Project Yc-ar Actual Approved Antici­ ProposGd of v;hich (1985-90) Exp dr. outlay pated outlay capital Gd'Outlay Exp dr. conts^nt 1. 2. 3. ■ 4. • ■ 6. 7.- ■ ■ 8.

221 2202 04 AI)UI.T EDUCATION 001 Direction & Aclminigtration; 1. State level Adnn. Continuance of staff in Directorate. 5.95 7.00 7.00 13.05 2. Dist. level Admn. continuance of staff in DD

Total (Adult Education)s 2500.00 240.50 290.00 290.00 444.57 _ _ - 2 21 2202 00 00 General GOO 5't'hers - (RCf istrar of lublications) : 1. Constitution of Reference library and strenithening of the office of the

Re£:istrar of Publications. 11.00 i '1. 1.15 0.50 2.00 1.0C 2 . Construction of building to hoube the reference library and office of the Re£.istrar of lublications. 12.00 5.12 5.00 8,(.C - -

Total(Re£., of rublica- 23.00 5.12 6.15 0.50 2,00 1.0( tions) Statement (aT--2 draft 1989-90 - B M E L O m m T SCeigES/H?OJEGTS_ OUTLi,Y M D EXPENDITURE (Rs. lakhs)'

Code No, Name of tho Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 1989--90 Project Five Year ■ /iCtual Approved Antici­ Proposed of which Plan (1985-90) Exp dr. outlay pated outlay capital Agreed Outlay Expdr. content 1. 2, ■ ■ ' 3'. 4. ' ' 5 . 6. 7. ■ ■ ■ 8, ■ '

000 Others - (Jawahar Bal Bhavan); 1, Grant“ in-aid to Dist, Bal Bhavans formed by upgrading the Bal Kendras in 1905'-06 to 1900-09 and grant-in-aid for assistance during. 1909-90, 9.50 1.07 3.00 3.00 2.50 2, Opening of Bal Ktndrcs in Mandal headquar­ ters in selected districts and assistance to Bal Kendras opened at Mandal quarters during 1909-9G. 11,50 1.33 1.00 1,00 2.00 5. Model children Iibrary-book material & non­ book material etc, 5. CO 0.031 0.05 4. F.eplenishment of ^rts & Crafts in Jnwabar O Bc.l. Bhavan, Hyderabad, 2,0C 5, Developraent of Indira tr iyt^darshini Auditorium, 1,00 0.033 0.10 0.10 0,10 6, Development of State Children's Museum at Jawahar Bf^l Bhavm, Hyderabad, 2, OC- 0.032 - - 0,10 7. lro£ramae Development pilm sh jws, theatre festivals etc, ,. ' .. ,, 5 . CO 0.10 0.10 0,2$ G, Additional staff Qt Directorate Level, . 5.00 9. I revision of Children ’s dornitory in Jawahar Bal Bhfvan, Hyderabad, ■ 4. CO

TotalCJawahar Bal'Bhavsn): 43.00 3.30 5.00 5.00 5.00

Andhra Fradesh Text Book press, oc.oo 15.95 15.31 15.31 14.67 14.67 N,C.C. .* • . a. 250.00 16.67 25.00 25.00 25.00

t o t a l gei^eral educations 24457.00 4497 .31 Statement CTf~2 xi-v.:s i-i ff 1989-90 - DEVKLOFMMT SGHEMITS/PROJSCTS OUTLiiY M D EXPMDITURE (Rs. lakhs)

Code Wo, Name oT the £.chame/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 Project Pive Year Actual .ipp roved /intici- Proposed of which Plan (1985-90) 2xpdr, outlay pated outlay capital i’igrecd Outlay Exp dr. contont 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

2 21 22C4 Sports & Youth Services; 1C4 Sports & C-aincs, 600.CC 65.30 9 0 .CO 90. 00 90. 00 50.00 (i i ) Youth Services. 325. CC 12. CO 14.00 14.00 14.00 — ( iil ) yuvashakthi Training, irogranne, 275.CC 36.00 36.00 17^r.00 100.00

T otal (Sports & Youth Services); 1200,00 113.30 140.00 206.0 0 150.00 ;^ROj"SC2;3 otcotonert G- ¥ OUTLAYS <'.1CD EXPELIDlTLmE ' (fi?. lakhs)

____ j 988-89 . . ..1989-90._ Code Name of the Schetse/ Seventh 1987-88 Approved Xnti ci' Ff 0 “?b"s o T .....b f wHi ch ¥o. Pro3 ect' Five year" i.Gtual Outlaj^ 'Dated Outlay capital Plan(1985-90) Expdr. Expdr . content Agreed Outlay 1~ 3 ■ 4 5 ■ 6 7 8

221 2 20 qj MICAL £D^CATI a\^'

1 . 0_01 d i r e c t i o n ?^.APMINIS'^xATICN 1. t:6ntTnuanc™7of'■ fTon-P’owor' Asse ssment T rain ­ 40.00 1 6 . 79 7 3 .0 0 3. 00 5. C 0 ing 'j,nd Placcm-nt Industry Liaision Cv-11 ?-t .Dir ^.ctorato o . * Continuance of sch-_m-^ of Strengthening of 0 4 . 0 0 4 . 0 0 6 .0 0 ,, intern-"il A u d it Wing at D ir e c t o r a t e 0

3. Cont_nuanc- of Additional Post- of^ov-- ! 3 .0 0 3. 00 3.5^: lopm_nt Officer ^tc. , at Dire c tor ^ ro 1 4. Continuance of Upgraded Post of Deputy 0 1. 00 1.00 • 1.00 Dir^-ctor( T^;ch.) dur inql9 8 9 - 9 0 ‘ ' 0 NE W__ ■ 0 5. Strengthening of Directorate by crcation ^ 1.00 1.00 1 .5 0 one post of Addl .Dirv^ctorwith minimum supp-0 orting s t a f f 0

6. Z.stt. of State. Wide Central E ducational . { Film Library cum-Audio Cell at Director a’^ e 0 3 .0 0 3 .0 0 3 .0 0 _

Su b- to tal 4g.og__ 16. 797 15.00 .15^00. 20.00 00 3 Training ' J8.00 0 004 scacarch 2 8 .0 0 i 101 Inspection 1^ Continuing Schemes ' 1 .Continuance of Sch-me of I st-ablishment • "i ■n.-- ^^^r-ional Offices at Kalcihad^yKumool included- ■ 10. CO 1 0 ,0 0 18. CO V...1 . ,1 , , . 1.1-*^ ^ U A L _ a i i N 1.989r90 ~ DEVEXOHMT SCHEME^mOJECTS.

OUTLilY M D SXEE'NDITURE ■ • (Rs . lokhs)

Code No, Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 198Q-90______Project Five Year ' Actual Appro­ /antici­ Proposed of Vi!^ich Plan (1985­ Exp dr. ved pated Outlay capital 90) /igre^-d outlay Exp dr. content outlay 1. 2. 3'. 4. ■5.' ■ 6. 7. ■ ■ 8; ■ 2) New Schemes: 2. Strengthening of Regional Offices^by creation of one post Deputy Director (Non-Tech.) at three Regional Offices with minimum supporting st^'^ff. 1.00 1=00 1.00

11.00 11.00 19.00 lOR . 102 ASSISTANCE TO UNIVSRSITIES/TECHNICAL EDUCATION 1) Continuing: Schemes; 1. Conduct of Part-time Degree Course in w University Engineering Colleges. 26.14, 46,00 46.00 50.00 2. Sanction of matching grants to Jawharlal Nehru Technological University against University Grants Cominission grants al­ ■ 135.00 ready released and to Andhra University X for conduct of Part-time B.Pharm Degree 20.00 20.00 25.00 Course for Diploma holders. 2) New Scheme3j ' sT Introduction o f.5 year psrt-time course (B.^ch.) for Diploma holders (LAa ) at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University College of Fine Arts & Architecture,Hyd. 1.00 1.00 1.00 4. JucKaharlal Nehru Technological University,Hyd, Employees of the hostel r.ttached to the con­ stituent colleges of J.N .T .U . Absorption into University service in regular scale of pay. 12.00 ' Sfeafeement (^-2 ^NNU^L PLAN 1989-‘^0 - _g:^EI|,OF^NT SOHEMES/HIOJECTS^ OUTLiiY .^11® EXEENDITUM__ ------. . lakhs)

Code Wo, Name cf the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 1989i-90 Project . Five Year Actual Appro- Antici- PrbposGd of vA'i i ch Plan (1 9 8 > Expdr. ved pated Outlay capital 90) Agreed outlay Expdr. content outlay 6. ■ 6.' 1. 2. 5. 4, 5. • 7^

5. Release of matching grants to Jawaharle.1 Nehru Technological TJnivers-ity for esta- blishraent of Computer Centres, f 8.88 6 , Release of matching grant: to Jawaharla Nehru TechnologicDl University for settling up of Micro Computer Lab. at Collegos of Engg. Kakinada, iinnnthapur ^^.nd Hyd. - 5.00 7. Conduct of 4 year F,T, Degree in Mstallurgy in university. - 0.50 0.50 8, . Release cf matching grants to Jawaharlal Nehru Technclogical University for additional buildings f.c J .N.'.r,U.College. - 40.00

Total: 135.00 26.140 07.50 67.50 141,88 104 ASSISTivNCE TO NOM>GOVERNHRNT TgGHNICi.T. roLLP.aER INSTITUTES» Continuing Schemes ; 1. GrEQts to Regional Engg. Gc.liege, VJarangal. lOrOO 10 8-00 15.00 NEVf SCHEMES: 2. Jntrcduction of 4 year P^rt-time degree course in Chemical Engg. at Regi..nal Engg. College V/arangal. 1.00 3 . Introduction of 4 y.:ars part-time Degree course in Metallurgy for Diploma holders in REC Warangal 1.00

10.00 lo.oo 17.00 Statement OT-2 D%i'T 1989-90 - DEpxOH!M T SCHEME^EaOJECTS__ OUTL^Y_jiND_E^^DlW^_ ' ' (Rs . lakhs)'

Code No. Name of the Jbcheme/ Scvc-nth 1987-88 1989-90______Prooect JivG Year victual i^pp ro­ iintici- Proposed , ol“ which Plan (1985­ Expdr. ved pated Outlay capital 90) /agreed outlay Expdr. contcnt outlay 1, 2. • 3.' 4 , ■ 5. 6. 7. 8.

1 0 5 POLYl ^ntinuing Schemes: 1 . Continuation of second, and third yeai' component of staff at Gooerntnent Institute of Electronics, Secunderabad. - 6.00 6.00 10.00 2 . Continuation of Second Year Component of staff ac G.Fulla Reddy, Govt. Institute of Pharmacy,Kurnool. - 3,00 3.00 5,00 3 . Continuation of Second and .Final Year Component of Staff at Sri Sanjay Gandhi Memorial Govt. Polytechnic, Vanasthalipuram. - 6.50 6.50 6,50 4 . Continuation of Second Year Component of Staff of Govt.PolytechnicjKothegudcm durjng IgSPi-QQ - 2.50 2,50 4.00 5 .Continuation of Final Year Component cf Staff ot Govt, Polytechnic, Vizianagaram. - 3.00 3,00 5,00 6 . Continuation of Final Year Component of St?,ff at Govt.Polytechnic,Zaheerabad and Govt.Polytechnic,Siricilla. 3,00 3.00 5.00 7 . Continuation of Third Yeat Component of Staff for 2 f Year Sandwich diploma Course in fetellurgy at Govt, Polytechnic, Visakhapatnam. - 0,50 0.50 0,75 8 . Continuation of Second Year Component of staff at Govt, Polytechnic for V/omen, Nellore. - 3.00 3,00 4,00 9 .Continuance of Second Year and Final Year Component cf staff at Govt. Polytechnic for Women,Bheemunipatnam. - 5,00 5.00 6,50 1 0 .Continuance cf Additional Posts sanctioned at Govt. Polytechnic for Women, Warangal. - 0.75 0.75 1,00 1 1 .Continuance of Second Year and Final Year Component of staff at Govt. Model Residential Polyt. Paderu. 10.00 10.00 15.00 Statement (3!T~2 DHAFT 1989^92 ” DEVELOH^nT SCpMSS/PROJ^OTS_, CSs . lakhs)

Code No* Name of the Scheme/ Soventh 1987~’88 1988-89 1989-90 Project Five Yeeo' Actual iipproved i,nfcici- Proposed of vih Ich Pl^m (1985-90) lixpdr^ outlay pated outla^^ Capital Jtgreed Outlay Expdr, content ' 8* 1. 2. 3. 5. ■ 7* ■

• 12. Continuance of First, Second & Final lear Ccanponent of Staff at Government polytechnic for. Women, lalamanQru 10.00 1C. 00 15.00 13. Continuance of First, Second & Final Year Compo­ nent of Staff at Government polytechnic for VJomen, Cuddapah 10.00 10.00 15.00 14. Continuance of First,Second & Final Year Compo­ nent of Staff Government lolytechnic, for Women Nizam abad 10.00 10,00 15.00 15. Continuance of L.E ...n ,E.Course at Government o\

Polytechnic, praddatux, Mahatutoagar & Ki?;emabad 6.00 6.00 8.00 16. Continuance of State-wide Model Residential Poly- technic, Bhadr achal ajn 10.00 ■ 10.00 20.00 — 17. Continuance of Advanced Technician Course, at Hyd©^- ' rabai,Tirupathi and Vispkhapatnoir. , 10.00' 10.00 18.00 18. Continuance of LEGE Course at Governmeiit polytechnic Warangal, Warangal and. Naiidyal 6:00 6.00 8.00 19. Continuance of LAS Gourde at Andhra P-l^'lechnic, Kaloi- nada and LSGE Course Government PoJytedrinic, Anantpur 2.00 2.00 3 , ■) 0 ■ » 20. Continuance of Coraputar En.^\lnesring Course at Govern­

ment Polytechnic, Hyd -.rabad 2.00 2.00 4.00 - 21. Continuance of LEGE CoursG at Government Polytechnic, for VJomen, Warangal end Nel.Iore 6.00 6.00 8.00 — 22. Continuance of Posts of Administrative Officers in salocted Polytechnics during 1989-90 7.00 7.00 10.00 ••••

23. : . . . . Continuance of Quli Qutubshah Government Polytechnie . .W ■. i e.'- infold City, Hyderabad ' Statement 0^~2 DIUFT ^U ^ L _F L ;iH - W E L O H I M ,§CHL|ffiS/PHOJECTS_ OU^^I_ilND_EXPMDITO^^ (Rs. lakhs)

Code No . Name of the Scheme/ Seventh .1937-88 1988-■89 1989-90 Pro.iect Five Ysar iiCtual xlp proved iintici- Proposed of which Plan (1985-90) j£xpdr. ouulay pated outlay capital

A g r e i id Outlay ' ■ Sxpdr, content 1 . 2. 3. 4. ■ 5. 6. 7. 8.

24. Continuanco of Model Residential Polytaohxiic at Srisailam during 1989-90 10.00 10.00 20.00 25. Continuance of Government Polytechnic at Narsi- patnam in Visakhapatnam District 15.00 15.00 20.00 — 26. Continuance of Government poiytechnic for Women, . Hindupur 15.00 15.00 20.00 27, Continuance of LECE Course at Government foly- technic for Women, Hindupur 3.00 3.00 6.00 28. Continuance of State wide Institute of Textile technology, Guntur 10.00 10.00 12.00 — I-*

29. Continuanco of State-vdde Institute of Ceramic ■« Technology, Gudur 10.00 10.00 12.00

30. .Continuance of Government polytechnic for V l m m , Kodak during 1989-90 15.00 15,00 20.00 31, ; Continuance of Government Polytechnic for Women, Ethamukkala during 1989-90 £ttid Creation of Final Year Component of Staff 15.00 15.00 20,00 — 32. Continuance of Government Model Residential Poly­ technics for Scheduled Castes at Raj ahnamdry and Madanapallo and Creation of final year Component of staff . . 15,00 15.00 40.00 33. Continuanc3 of Scheme for Establishment of Govem- mont Polytochnic, Suryapet and Creation of Second year Component of Staff 5.00 5.00 25.00 34. Continuance of 3~ y e^ diploma "Food Tech­ nology" at j-;N.Goverrwua»t i^oly-technic, Ramanthapur and creation of Ilnd year Staff 2.00 2.00 6.00 — 35. Continuance of the Scheme of Careet guidance and

Councpilling Cells in Polytschnics 2.00 2.00 3.00 ^ . • • Qtafeement: ®I-2 OBIFT 1989-9G ~ m TELpm m ^g SCH0ffi^PROTC|Sp— ^ -- OUOILiir M D EXPENDITURE (Rs, lakbs)

Code No, Name of th-^ Schtme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988>-89______1989-90*' Project live Year Actual Approved An tic i- Proposed of which Plan CB85-90) Exp dr, outlay pated outlay capital iigroed Outlay Expdr. content 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. - ■ 8.

36. Continuance of Schcimo. for Introduction cf yaar post Diploma Course in Computer Applicat- irns at Govt.P lytechnic for Women, Gulitur 3.00 3.00 3.00 37. Continuation of schema of Establishment of Govt. Modal Residential Polytechnic for Scheduled castes

at Gtizwel and Creation cf Second year staff 4.00 4.00 18.00 — 38. Continuance of 4-year Part-time diploma Course in Metallurgy at Govt .polytechnic, Ramanthapur & Govt. . Polytochnic, Visakhapatnaift 1.00 1.00 1.00 39. Continuance of one pest of Dofaonstrator in Biology for diplcma for diplcma course in pharmacy at Sri o Padmavathi Women's P®lytyciinic, Tirupathi 0.50 0.50 0.55 40. Continuanco of Addl.Fost lafcr diploma course in Catering & Food Tech. and Electronics and Communi­ cation Engineering at Sri Padmavathi Women's polytechnic, Tirupathi 0.50 0.50 0.50 41. Construction of permanent buildings for Metallurgy and Chianical Engineering Courses at Jawaharlal Nehru Govt.polytechnic, Ramanthapur, Hyderabad 5.00 5.00 1.00 . 1.00 42. ContinuatLon of pemanent buildings for S.R.R.S.Govt. Polytechnic, Sircilla 5.00 5.00 24.50 24.50 43. Construction of permanent buildings for S.G.Govt. Polytechnic, Adilabad 5.00 5.00 24.50 24.50 44. Construction of permanijnt buildings for Government polytechnic, Nfllgonda 5.00 5.00 19.67 19.67 45. Ccnstruction of permanant buildings for Government polytechnic for Women, Bheemunipatnam - 5.00 5.00 24.20 24.20 46. Construction of permanent buildings for Govt.po|^- . ■ StatemGnt GN'~2 DI,iFT #NUAL_FL;iIl 1.9S9r:90 - DETELOHIST Sqi2ME^Fi?0JECTS_ OUTLET iiND EXM DITURE ■ (Rs, lakhs)

Code No. Name of bhe Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 . 1989-90. . Projecu Five Year Actual Approved Antici­ Proposed of which Flan (1985-90) Expdr, outlay pated outlay capital Agreed Outlay Expdr, content

1 . 2-. ■ 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ■ 8. ;

47. Construction of permanent buildings for Govt. 24.36 Polyt echnic,Vanasthalipuram,Rangareddy Di st , 5.00 5.00 24.36 48. C' istruction of permanent buildings for Govt, Polytechnic for Women, Nfill ore 5.00 5.00 24.42 24.42 49. Construction of permanent buildings for Govt, polytechnic, Vizianagaram 5.00 5.00 25.47 25.47 50. Construction of pormanent buildings for D.A. Govt. Polytochnic, Ongole 5.00 5.00 26.47 26.47 51. Construction of permanent buildings for A.F.Govt. Institute of printing Technology, Socunderabad 5.00 5.00 22.97 22.97 52. Creation of permanent buildings for A.P.Govt, Institute of Leather Technology, Hyderabad 5.00 5.00 27.97 27.97 53. Construction of permanent buildings for Govt. Polytechnic for Women, Hindupur 7.00 7.00 18.00 18.00 54. Conversion of Existing 2-year diploma in DGCP into Computer Engineei'ing diploma at Govt. Polytechnic for Women, Hindupur 0.25 0.25 2.00 55. Continuation of scheme for.establishment of Dr. N.T.Rama Rao Govt,Poly.for Women, Nandigama and creation of II year Component of Staff 15.00 56. Modernisation T Laboratory Equipment 100.00

NEW SCHEI'ffiS 57. Establishment of Govt.Polytechnic for Women, Srikakulam 5.00 5.00 10.00 58. Establishment of Govt.Polytechnic for Women at Kareemnagar 5.00 5.00 10.00 Statem ent

l e ^ F T i 4 W U A ^ - ^ ^ l :J5.o3::90 , DEYZLOmMT SCHEMES/PKOTECTS__ . , ■ . , , 0UTLAY_MD_5X F m iM E (Rs. l a k h s )

Code No. Name of the Scheme/ Seven. Ki ■1987-38 1988- 89 1989- •90 Project Five Y e a r Actual Approved Antici­ ir’ropose'd of urhich Plan (1985-90) Exp dr . o u tla y pated outl ay c a p i t a l - Agreed outlay E xp d r. co ntent

1 . 2 . 3. 4. 5*' 6 . '?* 8 .

59. Creation of post of Driversvehicle) for the vohiclss already purchased , 1.00 1.00 2.00 — 60. Creation of Training-cam-Leave reserve in polytechnics (STAR) Scheme 3.00 3.00 3.00 61. Introduction-of post Dip.course in certain disci­ plines for D.C.C.P.holders at certain Polytechnics 8.00 8.00 10.00 62. Introduction of "Earn whild you Learn" scheme in Polytochnics for the benefit of students 5.00 5.00 C.GO — 65. Conversion of D.R.M.Art Gallary and school as 4.00 4.00 6.00 -- R D.R.M.School of Arts and Grafts, Raj ahmundry cn o 64. Introduction of year post Dip.Course in Computer i'ipplications at Govt.Instt. of Electronics, Secunderabad 4.00 4.00 3.00 65. Establishment of Govt. Polytechnic for Women at Secunderabad' (By. converaion of Domestic Science 2.00 2.00 10.00 — Training College) " 66. Establishiaent of' a Govt, p^dytechnic in West Godavari district 1.00 1 00 10.00 — 67. Establishment of - 3 Model Residential Polytech-> nics for BC’ s and tlaree Regions of Jindhra, \ ^ d Rayalasoeraa areas . 5,00 5,00 20.00 68. Cremation of posts of Heads of General Sections ' by conversion of Lecturers in Mathematics in certain Polytechnics — 3.00

69. Students Welfare-Strengthening for Hostel establishment in Polytechnics — 6.00 -;i.,i..w

Code I;o. Name of tl:.e Soncme/ 1 ^2 7-’38 _____JiiiS:;.39______Pro 3 e ct ]i’:l-v3 i'oai ' ■ /ictual ipprcVeli " ilntTci'- ir’roposed of which Plan (1985-90; Expdr« outlay pated outlay Capital Agi'eed Outlay ■ Expdr, content 2« 5., 4. 5. 6. 7. S.

70. Intr-oduction of 3 year Dip.course in Ccmpu- tor S.V.Govt .Poly. Tirupathi and Andhr' Eoly. Kakinada 2.00 2.00 8.00 71. taymant of grant in aid to Private Poly­ technics for New SchemGs/Cr^ursG 8.00 72. StrengthuElng of staff structure in Older Polytechnics 5.00 73. Creation of Hostel staff at Govt. Poly­ technic for Women, Bheomunipatnam 0.75 0.75 1.00 74. Creation of Associate Lecturcsr in Erigg. and Maths in Polys, whero mere than. on 3 courses are offer ad 3.00 75. Construction of Hostel building for Govt. Poly, for Women Suryapet 5.00 5.00 76. Construction of Hostd building for Govt. Instt. of Textile Technology, Guntur 5.00 5.00

77. Construction of Hostel building for Govt. Polytechnic for Women, Hihdupur 5.00 5.00

78. Construction of Permanent buildings for Govt.Polytechnic . jr VJomen, I' i.l'V'-V*cru. 5.00 5.00

... contd.. Statement (2T-2 DRAFT 1989^90 - DEVELOPmT SCHiSIE'^H^^ICTS_ OUTLxiY ixND JiXPEKDITURE (Rs. lalchs) \

■ No, Name of the Sftheme/ SQ'venth 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 Project Five Year ■ Actual Approved A n t i c i ­ Proposed of which Plan (1985-90) Exp dr. outlay pated outlay Capital Agreed Outlay l ^ d r , content I. 2. 3. 4. 5.' ■ 6. 7. 8,

Construction of Fermandnt building for Government polytciciinic for Womon, Cuddeipah 5.00 5.00

Construction of periaanjat building for Govt, Poly, for Womon, Nizamabad — — 5.00 5.0 0

» Construction of perraanent building for Govt, polytechnic, Narsipatnam 5.00 5.00 Ln Construction of paritvanont building for ro Govt,poly.for Womai, Medak ___ 5.00 5.00

• Creation of posts of Librarian and Phy­ sical Direct; r in Gwt. Instt. of Electro­ nics, Secunderabad and J.N.Govt, p;>lytech- nic, Hyderabad 2.00

• Construction of Hostel buildings for Govt, poly, for Woman, Palamaneru — -w 5.00 5.00

• Construction of Hostel buildings for Government pclytechnic for Womeai, Nizamabad 5.00 5.00

• Construction of Hostel Buildings for Govt. Institute of Leather Technology, Hyderabad. 5.00 5.00

. . . contd,. r< t f ’ 1/ f,: i :h -2 D£Li?T 1989^90 - DEVELCPMT iCHZiSS/RiOJECTo^ OUTLiiY ivl^D EXPSNDIITTRE xs, lakas)

Code No, Nama of thu Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-^89 1989-■90 Project Five Year Actual Approved Anfcici- Proposed of which Plan (1985-90) Exp dr. outlay pated outlay capital Agreed outlay ■ Expdr, content 1 , 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. ■ 8.

87. Creation of posts of Computer i-rograramer and Computer Instructor in each i'clytech- 2.00 2.00 3.00 — ricoffering D.C.C.i.Course 88. Construction of permanent buildings for Govt, i-oly.for Woman, Ethamukkala — -- 5.00 5.00 89. Construction of i'ormanant buildings for Dr.N.T.Rama Rao Govt.i oly.for Women, — — 5.00 5.00 N andigama 90. Construction of iermanent buildings for Govt.Instt.of Textile Technology, Guntur — — 5.00 5.00 H’ 91. Construction of i ermanent buildings for U1 Govt.i-oly.for Women, Suryapet — 5.00 5.00 ^ 92, Construction of i-ermanent buildings for Instt.of Ceramic Technology, Gudur for Workshops/ Labs. — — 5,00 5.00 93. Construction of Hostel buildings for Govt. rolytechnic for Women, Bheeinunipatnam — — 5.00 5.00 94. Construction of Hostel buildings for Govt. toly.for Women, Kakinada — 10.00 10.00

95. Construction of Hostel buildings for — — 10.00 10.00 Govt .j-oly,for Women, Guntar ■ 96. Construction of Hostel for Govt. io3^,for Women, Ethpmukkala ~ - 5.00 5.00 -_tbpent GN-2 DH^FT 1.989::90 - 3CK,ii||E^FH0J2CT3__ OUTL^Y__AHD_£XPHTCITOHE__ • (Rs. lakhs)'

'de No. Name of ttie Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89______1989-90 Project Five lear Actual Approved Antici- Proposed of which Plan (1985-90) Expdr. outlay pated outlay capital ilgreod'outlay ' Sxpdr. content 1. 2. • 3. ■ ' 5. 6, 7. ■ ■ 8-

97. Construction of Hostel hiildings for Dr. N .T.R.Govt.i cly.f-.r WomGn, Nandigama — — 5.00 5.00

98. Construction of Hostel Baildings for Govt. i,-cly.for Women, Kodak - - 5.00 5.00 99. Construction of Hostol Buildings for Govt, ioly.for Women, Nellore - 5.00 5.00 100. Construction of Hostel Buildings for Govt. ioly. for Women, Cuddapah -- 5.00 5.00 101. Construction of Hcstd buildings for u-i Govt, i-oly. for V/omon, Warangal — — 5.00 5.00 102. Construction of Hostol Buildings for Govt, i-olytechnic, Vizianagaram mm • — 5.00 5.00 103. Construction of Hostel Buildings for Govt, rolytechnic, Narsipatnam — — 5.00 5.00 104. Construction of Hostel Buildings for D.A.Govt, iclytechnic, Ongcle — — 5.00 5.00

105. Constiuction of Hostel Buildings for Govt, iolytechnic, Nalgonda — - 5.00 5.00 106. Construction of Hostel Buildings for 5.00 5.00 3.R.R.S. Govt, lolytechnic, Sircilla - - 107. Construction of Hostel Buildings for — 5.00 5.00 Govt, lolytechnic, Zahoerabad — 108. Construction of Hostel Buildings for 5.00 5.00 S. G.Govt, polytechnic, Adilabad b':aoement GN-2


Code No, Name of the Scheme/ Sevanta 1967'"88 1988-89 ^989-00 Project PivG Year Actual Approved imtici- Proposed ** of viilch Plan (1985-90) Expdr, outlay pated outlay capital Agr-aed outlay Expdr, content 1. 2. 2 , . 4. 5. 6. 7- ' 8 , ,

109. Construction of Hostel buildings for S.G.M.Govt. i-oly.' Vanasthalipuraia 5.00 5.00 110. Constracticn of Common Hostol Buildings for Govt.Instt.of Electronics and Govt.Ingtt.of Training Technology, Secunderabad 5.00 5.00 111. Construction of Hostel buildings for Govt. Instt.of Ceramic Tochnology, Gudur 5.00 5.00 H E , Establishment of Govt.roly. at Bell amp ally in Adilabad dist. 10.00 113. Creation of Ilnd phase pests of AdCiini3tra“- h'- ui tive Officers in iolytechnics Ul 114. Establishment of a Instt.of Film & T.V.Technology in Colloboration with A.t. Film Developmont Corpn , and Dept.of I & i-.R. 10.00 at Hyderabad. 115. Starting of Agricultural iolytechnic at i alem at Mahaboobnagar dist. 21.52 116. Conduct of Science & Tedinclogy E?d::ibition 0.25 0.25 117. Introduction uf D.C.G.lX- ursG at Govt,v^'dol Residential i-rderu. Srisailanij Mad an apally & Raj aiimundiy 5.00 5.00 —

TOTilL: 105 i-OLYIECffinCS. 1174.00 295.126 387.50 387.50 1197,62 468.00 Statement (3)T~2 LHuFT mmALjrljIxN 1989~90 - DEVffLORO'iT SCHEMES/ER0JEGT3__ OWiLLY lND EXPENDITUHS (Rs. lakhs)

No, Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 Project PivG Year Actual Approved Antici- Proposed of which Plan (1985-90) Exp dr. outlay patod outlay capital iigreed outlay Expdr, content 1. 2. 5* 4. 5. 6, 7. 8.

106 BOOK i-ROMOTION 20.00 5.00 5.00 15.00

TOTAL; 20.00 5.00 5,00 15.00 —

* Expenditure is includad under 105 i-olytechnics.

107 scHOLimaiiiS 15.00 * 5.00 5.00 10.00 -

TOT/iL j 15.00 5,00 5.00 10.00 —

* Expendituro is included under 105 xolytechnics. C\ — 21 2203 108 E X M l ^ m m S -- - —


1. Establishment of Gcvt. Engineering College J, - - — 40.00 — in Mahaboobnagaj Dist. J fc. Establishment of Govt. Engineering Ccllege ! 20.00 — ~ 4 0 .0 0 in Kareemnagar dist, | — —

TOTAL.* 20.00 -- — 80.00 — gtatemont (2T-2 ^9 0 ~ D M L O M a'IT 3CtiEMZS/PR0JECTS_ OUTLu^Y M D EXPENDITaRE • • (Rs. lakhs)

Code No, Name of tho Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 Project Five Yesx ' Actual Appro­ Antici­ Proposed of which Plan (1985-90) Expdr, ved pated outlay capital Agreed Outlay o u t la y Expdr. c o ntent 6 . 1 . . - 2. 3 . . 5.' 7. 8.


1, Continuance of additional staff sancticnod at 158.00 64.347 1.00 1.00 \ 2.00 __ Girls Vocational Institute, V/arangal

2. Continuance of Additional pests at D .S .T .k . 2. 2.00 2.00 3.50 -w - Secunderabad and Govt.Vocational Institute Warangal and Hyderabad. - 3, Construction of i'ermanent ’ouildings for ■ D .S .T .e ., Secunderabad 5.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 New Schemes: 4. Conduct of Science & Technology ESShibition 2.00 _____ < 1

158.00 84.347 8.00 8,00 8.50 1.00

* The provision is included in 105 polytechnics Total. ** Includes an expenditure of 82.99 on Buildings.

469.00 TOTAL (TECHNICAL EUJCi’O'ION) : 1615.00 422.41 509.00 509.00 1509.00

- - - _ - - — _ ------~ “ Statement (2J-2 DIUFT 1989^90 - DEVJLOMMT - 3CHEMES/PR0JECTS_ OU^LAY_ikND_ECfENDIT^_ - (Rs. lakhs)

Oodo No, Name of thc Schcmo/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90______Project Five loar iictual iipproved Antici- Proposed of which Plan (1985-90) Exp dr. outlay pated outlay capital iigre-ed Outlay Exp dr. content 1. 2. 5. 4. ■ 6. 7. 8.

2 21 2205 ART AI^ CUlTTTtE; 104 a) DIRECTOR GENERyj, OF STATE /JlCHZg^TESs 85.00 - 11,05 Continuing Schemes: . 1. Developmental Archival Conservation laboratory, purchase of Analytical Balance, Water Distill action ilant, ' IR microscope and other conservation material* .. *. ». tt 0.95 0.95 0.95 2. Development cf Film Archives - iurchase of old Historical'Films, storaige equip- ■ nent, furniture and visits to Film /jr- chieves Centres etc. 1,0C 1.00 1.00 a 3. Computerisation of cataloguing and in-- dexing of records of A.F.State Archieves, purchase of Accessories and equipment etc. •• •• •* •• .. 2,40 2.40 2.40 4. separation and transfer of records of Andhra Districts from T?.mil Nadu Archie­ ves to Andhra Iradesh State Archieves - I ayment ^.f clue salaries of sp>ecial staff to Tamil Nadu Covernment. ,, 0.55 0.55 0.35 5. Construction of second floor of stack area of State Archicves (taken capital uutlay)...... 0.01 0,01 0.01 6. Continuation of Research Fellowships Schemes Monoiraph Series Schemes and lectures irogrammes payment of full-time and part-time fellowships etc, 0.01 , 0,01 0.01 7. Continuation of a Last grade employee at Regional Office of State Archieves at Visakhapatnam. , . , , , . ,. 0.12 0.12 0,12 o ■» a ^ fiuiia j 'jA —g. Z DEYSljOMj^TT SCHE|^S/FR0J_£CT3__ OUTLAY AND EXPENDITURE- • '' (Rs. lakhs) CodJ No, Name of tho Scheme/ S&vonth 1987-88 1988-89 -____1989-90______Project Five Year Actual Appro- ilntici- Proposed of which Plan (igs^- Exodr. VGd ' pated Outlay capital 90) Aerccd outlay E>:pdr. contcnt outlay 1. 2. 3.' ' 4. 5. 6. 7. 6.

G, /icquisition and Centralisation j f Dist, Coilectorr-te Records at Regional Office of State Apchieves. , . , .. . . Visr.khapatnan r Travel Expenses. .. • C.10 0.15 0.15 — 9. lurchase of preservation material and equipment for Re^.ioiial Of-tice of State Archleves, Visakhrpatnan, - C435 0.35 0.35 — 1C. 1 ayment of rent for accommodation for r et.ional Oi-ice of State Archieves, Visakhapatnam. ,, ,, •• 0.50 0,50 O'. 50 — 11 Construction of a permanent functional (SI archieval building, complex for Regional \D Office of State Archieves at Tirupathi (Capital token outlay)...... 0.C1 0,01 0.01 — NEW SCUEMESi HE ADQUARTERS OFF ICE; - Microfilming uf old Telu^:u Newspapers and journals of Historical values — purchase of Microfilm reels, chemical etc. 0,4-C 0, 4c 0.40 — 2. Microfilm ini', cf imj^;ortant -irchieval ma“ terial available at Tanjavur I:ibrary and acquisition of Microfilms and f r.pcr, C-ijies of Hj'derabcd, Residency Records from the India Office Library,London. 0.45 0.45 0.45 —- 3. Development Archieval Library - inrchasp of books, furniture*^card catalogue cabinet — books, f urniture* t card c; 0,66 Oj 66 0.66 steel racks and /^Inirahs etc, 4. development stack area of the _aain . office and interim repository at Secretariat pur 1.25 1.25 1.25 — chase of storage equipment etc. Statement (2J~2 DH^l'T 1989-90 ~ DlTEXOPMZtTT SOiEMES/PROJECTS^ OUTLAY_;iND_IXPENDITOR^ (Rs. lakhs)

lode No, Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-83 1988-89 ~ 1989-90 Projoct Five Year • Actual Appro­ Antici­ Proposed of which Plan (1985­ Exp dr. ved pated Outlay capital 90) .igreed outlay Expdr, content outlay 1. 2. ■ 3. • 5. 6. '7. 8*

5» Modernisation of the reproferaphy-wint of the State Archiev-s ~ lurchsse of equipment. G.6C 0,6G 0.60 6. installation of Fire Alarm System in the main Office repository, 0,01 0,01 0,01 — 7. Creation of a post of Chemist for Archieval Conservation laboratory. - - - — 0. necord ManaeOuent Training Scheme - Salaries of the special staff...... 0,01 0,01 0,01 — 9. Creation of a post of pro^raaae operator for

— , •— Computer Wiiir ...... CTi 1C, I reparation of a iuide to the source of Asian ■ * Q History - Staff 'for the implementation of UNESCO sutc.ested project, , , —— — . — 11• Regional Historical Records Survey Committee iurchase of manuscripts and documents and ce­ lebration of i'lrchicves Week, ,. .. 0,55 0,55 ■ 0.55 12. central Assistance Scheme - State Share of @ 25% to Central ^Assistance - State share for Central Assistance for Development of Reposi­ tories of State Archieves, . . . . 0,01 0,01 0,01 ''— Acquisition of Microfilm copies and papers of Hyderabad Residency Records from Itxdia Office Library, London, - - - — i4« iublication of Monographs on Archieves Piecords Management, MUghal documents, indices and £uides to District Records Administration & Justice under — Nizam, ,, ...... •• 1.60 1.60 1,60 ■5. Appointment of three language experts on consoli^ •-^1 dated remuneration, •, », .. •• 0,33 0.33 0,3^ 6. Creation of post of Asst. Director for ReLionsil O O',. ,' — O ff3nr .of State ArcJbievea at rim— .. — , Cl O'i . 0 01 Statement (3^-2 DI^FT 1989-90 - DEVSLOHvIMT SGOTES/mOJECTS_ OUTLiiY M D r.ailDITURE (Bs. lakhs)

Code Wo. Ilame of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987^88 1988-89 1989-90 ■ Iroject Five Year iiCtual iippro- Antici­ Proposed of which Plan (1985­ Expdr. ved pated Outlay capital 90) iigreed outlay Expdr, content outlay r 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. o„ 7. 8.

17. Stren^ithenin£ of staff of the Regional Office of State Az'chieves, Visakhapatnaci, 0.01 0.01 0.01 10. Establishment of Re{. ional Office of State 4i-chievea at Waranf-al, Guntur and Ancntapur Districts* 19. I ayment o f ‘compensation to the special staff appoin­ ted fur Rccional Office of State Archieves, Visa- khapatnan, .. •• .. — Total (^Archieves): 03.00 11.05 11.74 11.74 11.74

105 lUBLIC LIHRi^IES; as 1. Opening of new Branch libraries. 107^00 55.73 95.20 06.61 95.20 2. Stren^theninL of Directorate, 15.00 0,95 1.95 1.60 1.95 5. Continuance of SIlilBT, , , ,, — 0,10 1.10 0.00 1.10 iurchase of Furniture & equipment. 4. - 5. Strengthening: of Re^^ional libraries .. 10.50 0.33 1.30 0.05 1.30 6. CreatiriL of post of librarians in S*C .I. 10.00 — 0.45 0.14 0.45 7. Iurchase of furniture to Rej^ional libraries -16.50 — 0. Continurtion uf building,s under ii Zilla (irandhalaya Samsthas. 102.00 - - - - -^ —* — *“ 9. Construction of buildinf: under Regional libraries. 25.00 - '' c. Construction uf buildini-s to Directorates .. 10.00 — •— — ^ ^ ^ _ — — — — fc- ^ ^ Total (I'ublic libraries): 296.00 57. IS 100.00 90. oc 100,00

1C3 /a CHAEOIOGY: • 1. Development" u'f"' Hyderabad Regional District and' Site Museums. 30.00 6.39 10.71 10.71 10.49 7.50 - 0,20 — 2. Iurchase of Arts and Antiquities.' .. «. •• 5.00 0.15 0.15- — 3. survey, exploration & Conservation of monuments. 10.00 0,00 - 0.93 0.93 1.51 s tatement (2T~2

Code No. Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 Pro^jact Five Year Actual Appi^o- Antici­ Pro­ of \’i^ich Plan (1985­ Expdr. ved pated posed capital 90) Agreed outlay Expdr. OTJlt- content ‘ . outlay lay 2. 1. ' . 3.- 4. 5. 5. 7. 8.

4* Develo;nent of Conserve tion Ir.boratory l ottery and modelling sections. • ,i...... 5.00 ■ 0,55 0.50 0.50 - 5. :>evelo,ment of Historical Ports. 15.00 - 0.50 0.50 2.00 5. Tjevelor rnent of Qutub Shahi Tonbs and Cardens. 5.0C , 0.45 0.50 0.50 1.24 7. Conservation of Ancient teajjles and other religious e'dificcs. vt ...... 10.00 ■ 0.40 0,50 0.50 5.00

0. T^evclo] mcnt of Archaoolo^sical Xibi'aries • « 4.00 0.13 0.10 0.10 0.20 9. Villa, e-wisc survey and preparation of Directory of cionunents and Kesearcb Cell* 6.0 0 1.00 . 1.51 1.51 1.56 V-* 15.00 15.00 20. 0€ 7.5C 0^ Total (Archaeology) 90.00 9.94 to OCC 0THE:R EXLENIjITni,^:? 75.00 Director of Oriental Manuscripts Library and Re search Institute; Continuing Schemes; 1, S’cheae for cieveiox-nient of Micro film, Xerox q and offset Win^,. ‘ 2.70 4.00 4.00 4.00 2t Conservation laboratory Schemev 5* Developinent of Auniinistrative Vlini,. 0 4. Develo-pnent uf Urdu, Arabic & P ersian VJin^ • 5. scheme for the develoi r.ient of regional Br­ anches. 6. Survey and collection of Manuscripts. 7. lublications. .. .. •• •• 0* Construction of a buildin£. for the manuacri*- pts museum and Auditorium in the City. .. ' Total (O.M.I & ia)j : 75.00 2.70 4.00 4,00 4.00 Statement (2T~2



Code No. Naniti of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 Project Five Year Actual Approved Antici­ P'roposed of v/hich Plan C1985-90) Expdr. outlay pated outlay Capital Agreisd Outlay Expdr, content 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

2 CO OOOC 00 XI Social services! 2 21 0000 00 Education; 2 21 2205 GO ilrt & Culture: G^ir. of cultural Affaire) . 101 t-ovt, MUsic Collejie, 29.00 0,20 0.90 0.90 0.90 ' — 101 Assistance to private aided Music- Collegea, 24.00 - 0.01 0,01 0,01 - 102 Assistrnce to irivate cultural in­ stitutions. 50.00 1.00 1. 00 1,00 - 101 20.00 — Directorate of cultural affairs. 9.03 01.25 01.25 01,25 (Ti 102 Assistance to indigent Artistes and CJ Men of letters.. . 50.00 1.50 7.00 7.00 7.00 — Assistance to Theatre Vjork Shop. 5.00 - - -- - 102 Assistance to Iropa^ation of Telu^u Culture out-side the State. 7.50 1,00 1.50 1.50 1.50 - 102 Errection of statues of renowed per­ sonalities connected with Arts and Development of ^Andhra Pradesh, 10.00 22.00 1.00 1.00 1.C0 ■- 102 Auditoriums — — 1.00 1. 00 1.00 — ooc Capital outlay. , 20.00 0,02 0.02 0.02 0.02

Totals 231.50 33.01 101.76 101,76 101,76 0.02 aTiaLenieni} DE^FT Z. SCnSMES/EROJECTS. CUTLiiY M D EXPENDITURE (Rsi lakhs)

Code No, Nam.e of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90______Project Five Year - /ictual ilpproved Antici- Proposed of which Plan (1985-90) Expr. outlay pated outlay Capital igreed Outlay ■ Expdr, content 1. 2. 3. 4 .' 5. 6. 7. ■ 8.

2 21 22C5 CO Art & Cul'.ure; Iromotion of iirt & C"ulture; . Assis.tance to A.P*3aalala Akademl^ Hyd, Cultural Talent Search Gonpetitions, ) Exhibition 'of Child A rt Books. Institute of Children's literature* ■

E Cue ft ion R e s o u r c e -Centre, — 1 7.50 2.50 1.50 1.50 ' 1.50 Institute cf Children’s I,iterature(PCl), Disc Albua (Iroduction of pre-recorded cassettes). Children’ s Film Bani, o\

7.50 2.50 1.50 ' 1.50 1.50 ■ - ^ mmm Total (Cultural affiars): 259 . 00 36.11 103.26 105.26 105.26 0.02

Total (Art & Culture): 703-.00 116,99 234 ,00 224 .00 239.00 11.52 Total (Efin, Sports, ^irts & i055.00 5150.01 6400 .00 6567 .66 27519.61 5659.32 Culture) DRAFT MITUAL ELM 1989-90 - DEV'iijJbffiNT SCHEMES/PRQJ±:CTS Statement GN-2 ____ OUTLAY M D EKPENDITaRj? TR s 7 iakhsj

Code No. Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 ...1.989-90 ' Project Five Year Actual Appro-!-- Antic i- Proposed of whici Plan (1985-90) Ixpdr, ved pated Outlay Capital Agreed Outlay Outlay E2cpdr. content 1. 2. 5. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

2 22 2210 00 Medical and Public Health 01 Urban Health Services - Allopathy 110 Hospitals and^Dispensaries • DirectsF of Medical Education Teaching; Hos'pitds & Medical Colle^es- On-p:oin°: Scheme&t I.Govt. Maty.Hl.Tii-apati, Creation of one post of Electricj-m & One post of . Plumbsr, ^ — ‘ 0.30 0.30 0.30 — 2.0.G .H .H y d - creation of 3 posts of Bradma Printing Machine Operator. — 0 . 45- 0.43 0.43 ___ 3.0.G .H .H yd - Estt.of Traumatalogy Unit. — ; — 3.00 3.00 3.00 — ^.O.G.H.Hyd - Staff for Incenerator Plant.—•' - 0.52 0.32 0.32 — 5-G. G.H.Kumool-Est t, of Tramatelogy Unit — 3.00 3.00 3.00 6. G. G.H.Kumool-Estt. of Bumsward with * o-> 20 beds-Recurring "^pdr. Diet and \T1 Drugs R s.61,250/- — 2.83 2.83 2.83 7.K. Traumatology Unit — 5.00 3.00 3.00 — 8.K.G.H.Vizag-Cardiology Ward with 30 beds snd ICC Unit-Recurring Expdr. Drugs & Diet Rs.96,25C/- — — , 9.30 9.30 9.50 — 9.SVRR HI. Tirupati- Sstt. of Traumato­ logy Unit — — 3.00 3.00 3.00 ' lO.S^/RRHl, Tirupati - Estt. of Cardiology v/ara with 4 beds ICC Unit-Recurring __ ■ — Expdr. Drugs & Diet Rs.3*28 — 7.13 7.13 7.15 11.MGM HI Warangal-Increase of 100 beds. — — 21.28 21.28 21.28 — 12. Govt .Maty.Hl.Hannraakorda-Creation of Addl.Unit in 8. Gynaecology. — — 1.13 1.13 1.13 — 15» Govt .HI.for Mental c re, Hyd- Creation of Two R.M 0 . Posts* — — 0.75 0.73 0.73 — 14.IIn d Unit of Neurolo, , CMG/OGH Hyd- — 1.22 1.22 1.22 — HU.Sultanbazar,Hyd-Creation * of one post of C .A .S. Paediatrics, — 0.33 0.33 0.35 DRA?T ilOTUAL P L M 1969-90"- DE¥EL0tii5MT S0HEMSS/ERCUECTS _ _ OUTLAY AMD EXEEITDlTlJRt ‘ i T code N o / Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 1988^^6^ 1 ^ 6 ^ 9 0 Project Five Year 1^a?r88 Appro­ Antici­ Proposec of which ?lan (1985-90) Actual ved pated Outlay Capital Agreed Outlay Ex^dr. Outlay Exp dr. content 1. 2* 3» 5. 6. 7. 8 ,

16.M .N .J. Canner Hl.&K.I.Hyi- sanction of 100 beds. — — 21.00 21.00 21.00 — 17»Yardsticlt deficiancies of Nursing Categories in Teaching H I .129 posts of Staff tfOrses. — - — . ^•23 25.25 25.25 — 18.0, G.H.Hy'l.Deptt. of gastroenterology Creation fif In tensive liver care unit.

— — 1.80 1.80 - 2.01 — 19.3VHR HI.Tiruptti - Estt.of Cobalt The^^apy unit staff. —— 1.90 1-90 1.90 ______20.Yardstick Deficiencies of Asst. Profs 8s Profs, in certain Teaching

Hospitals & Medical Colleges. -A — S.E.T.<»4 clubbed. — 24.90 24.90 24.90 — cr» 21.Estt. Of Microbiolcgy Deptt in Niloufer HI.Hyd-Fever Hl.Hyd and SD Sj7e Hl.Hyd. — 1.t 8 1.28 1.28 — 22.TB.H1/0MC Hyd. Estt of one unit . of Orthopaedics. — — 0.43 0.43 0.43 — 23. Gandhi H1. Sec unde rEbad-OCIC Hyd- Estt.of 2nd Urology Unit — — -1.. 1.15 1.15 1.15 — 24.Yardstick deficiencies in all Categories of Para-Medical Staff and Class IV Categories in Teaching Hospls.— — 10.50 10.50 10.50 — 25.A.MiC.Vizag ^ Creation of One Unit of Endbcrinology Unit (1Prof.&2 Asst.Profs)— — 1.15 1.15 1.15 — 26.R.M^C,Kakinada-C3?e£tion of One unit of Neurology (1 Prcf.&2 Asst. Profs) — — 1.15 1.15 1.15 — 27.K,MLC.Kumool- Crestion of One unit of Endocrinology (1 Prof.&2 Asst.Profs)— — 1.15 1.15 1.15 — 2 8 .G.xMi.C.Guntur - Crestion of one unit of Gastroenterology (1 Prof.&2 Asst.Profs)— v 1.15 1.15 1,15 — 29.GMC/GGH Guntur-Crestion of On© Unit of Ti?auai.atQlo^* ; , ...... , -- . - . -<• 4.25 4.25 M-.25 — ■ r i ■*' t - - , p . j . ..I— o / Statement (2Tt-2 . ______(ris. lakhs)

Code No. Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 Project Year Actual Appro­ Antici­ Proposed of which (1985-90) Expdr. ved pated Outlay Capital 2d Outlay Outlay Expdr, content 1.' 2. 3. 4, 5 . 6. 7 . 8.

31, Creation of .8 posts of Asst. Profs of Radio Therapy in the Medical Colleges. — — 2.80 2.80 2,80 — ■ 32. Creation of 1 post of Asst.Prof. of Pathology and 1 post of G.AS at Govt. Maty .H ospi t -51, Sul fc anbazar,Hyd/OMC .Hyd. — — 0.70 0.70 0.70 — 33* Govt.Mental Hl»Hyd-Creaticn of one post of C .l .S . ■ — . — 0.35 0.35 0.35 — 3^. Creation of 5 posts of Staff Nurses in C.G.H.Hydii and 5 posts in Niloufer Hl.Hyd. — 2.00 2.00 2.00 — 33» Increase of Pupil Nurses at Gandhi H I. Secunderabad Posts) M.G.M.Hl.Warangal (10 Posts). & G(5I,Ku3?nool (5 Posts). Recurring SXpdr. Rs.53»136/~ 1.60 1.60 1.60 a^ 36. Schemes for the benefit of S.Cs & S.Ts -Cl Medical Students., — 1.00 1.00 1,00 37. Creetion of certain posts of Asst. Profs. __ 4.00 4.00 4,00 38. Oreobion. of 50 posts of Staff Nurses in various Teaching H o spitals,. — - . — 11.25 11.25 11,25 — 39« Creation of 3'.posts of Asst.Profs, of Microbiology at Niloufsr Hl.Hyd/ Fever Hl^Hyd.& SD Hl.Hyd, — ■ — 1.10 1.10 1,10 — 40. Creation of teaching staff to Nephrolog;^^, Unit and J)ialysis at K .G .H . Vizag.^^; and equipmentsRs.2.00 (S.l.T.68 clubbed/# — ~ 7.90 7.90 ■ 7.90 — 41* EMGf Warang^/MG^jI HI.Waranga 1-Creation One unit of Cardiotherasic Surgery. (1 Prof, Si 2 Asst. Profs) —— . 1.15 1.15 1,15 — 42. Creation of 7 Dental Hygenists’ & 7 dental Technicians in the teaching hospitals. — ■ — 2,20 2.20 2,20 — 43. Rural Health Centre, G. Memidads attached to HMC Kakinada - section of 15 beds- &■ ■ Addl. staff. Recurring Estpdr. Drugs & — Rs.7^»b38/- . — 2.50 2.50 2.50 44. R.H.C.Simhachalaai, attached to A^M.C, Vizag- >.'*V sanction of 10 beds id d l, ^staff. ' Reeuri^ing .. Expdr, Rs ,7>^35/- ' .. 1.75 . 1.75 1.75 -V'- - -s ■ -Sfcatement B%FT 1 ^ 9 -9 0 - (Rs, lakhs)

■ « No. Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-^9 - ___ m ± i ^ Q______Project • Year Actual ipprovGd Antici­ Proposed of whi«b Plan (198>90) Expdr* outlay pated outlay Capital Agreed Outlay Ejcpdr. content 1, 2 . 3. 4. ■ 5. ■ 6* 7 . 8 .

4 5 . A.xl.C« Vizag-Creation of One unit I5f Opthalmology (1 Prof.&2 Asst.Profs) • 1.15 1.15 1.15 4 6 .-K.G.H. Vizsg- 6 VIP rooms in the Cordiology Depfc, Drugs & Dist/Equipment. • 0.50 0.50 0.50 4 7 . K.G.H. Vizag-Dept. of Nuclear Medicine­ . creation of one post of Prof. of Nuclear Medicine. - 0.45 0.45 0.45 Creation of One post of Prof. of Orthopaedics in each of the ^ fcuaching Hospitals in the ITcwly sfinctionad traumatolo^ Units. ■ 2.15 2.15 2.15 49<. Ore-’tion of 5 posts of Licticians in ‘ cerwrrvin specialist Hospitals. - 1.75 1.75 1.75 CTi 5 0 . Gandhi Hosyital, Secunderabad - Creation CO of OnG post of Nursing Tutor. - 0.35 0.35 0.35 5 1 . Deficiencies in 'Teacning Hospitals certain posts of asst. Profs. & Staff Nurses. - 6.85 6.85 6.85 5 2 . O .G .H. Hyd- Augmentation of Staff for the Nurstis 'fJavd in che leptt of Plastic Surgery. ' - 3.75 3.75 3.75 53* Cancer Hli & R.I.Hyc! - Creation of One Addl. Prof. Raajo Therapy 8s S .V .M .C ./ SVRE HI. Tirupati- Creation of 2 Asst, V Profs, of Orthopaedies. . - 1.85 1.85 1.85 5 4 . Niloufer Hl.Hyd/OMC Hyd. Acute Medical Care Unit - crrsation of 2 Asst. Profs, paediatric airgery and 2 Asst. Profs, of Orthopaedics. ’ 1.40 1.40; 1.40 5 5 ..0MO/OGH, Hyd, & EMC/SGE akinada - Creation of Cardio-thoracic Surgery Units (2 Profs & 4 Asst.Profs)* - 2.50 2.50 2.30 56.. 1 Uftil Ne^ro ■ p V. - - JJi u J i . O^r. H.lAb/ r'KUd EG I'S O m 'L A J AND EX.r^MDITURE lakhs)

GocIT ' Fame; ci the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 ” Pro.jeci; iictual Approved Antici­- Approved of -which 1985t 90) Expdr, outlay pated outlay Capital Outlay Expdr, content 1. 2. 3 . 4, 5 . 6. 7 . 8.

57. T.B. H I. Hanumakonda-Purchase of 1 Imbulance — — 0.20 0.20 1.10 — 58. CJJH/GuLi ,Guntur-Greation of 1 Unit of Glinioal Phar'imacclogy (1 Prof. & 2. /isst .Profs) — — 1.15 1.15 1,15 — !?9‘ T.B.HUIyd/OMC Hyd- Creation of 1 mit of Cardiology (1 Prof. & 2 as i;► Profs)sRecurring EXpdr, Hs*30, 000/- ' — — 1.15 1.15 1.15 — 60, Ganutii Hospital, 3ec’ bad/CTMC Hyd. Cr3?r,ion o f '] Unit of Gastro Enterology. — — 1.15 1.15 1.15 — -1. Sanction of 2 r*W2Units to OGSi Hyd/ ""-nah3 HI, Sec^oad- B.ecurring „:pdr,.. Drugs & 'niet L s.1 ,S 8 — 13.55 13.55 13.55 li. 0/Vi ''.t;oria H I, for Women 8s Children, CT; vC Tizag- Creation of One Addl. Prof, of Aiaes^-issia - sanctioned. — 0.90 0.90 0.90 63.. G "re. HI. Gultanbazar, Hyd- sanction or' E? ood Bank-- Ee..10,000/-- Remijneration to Guy Blood Dorxors B: Other Expdr. — — 1.35 1.35 ---- ■64, 0,G.K. Kurnool - Cre« tionof 3 posts of s 'a f f Kurses to the newly constructed Nephrology Unit- clubbed with SET No.20 65. Estt.. of 2 Cobalt Therapy Units, one at ‘"»G«H. Vizag, another at^GGH Kakinada.. 56., oapitsl Spifl over arid other con^ruction work. Directorate Buildings R s.10.00 lakhs — 16.75 16.75 16.75 — Hospitals «. 4,00. " i» Golleges .. 2.75 If Tatal. Rs.16.7^ 67. Gandhi HI. Sec’bad- sanctionlf Endocrinology Unit-sanction of staff. 9.50 9.50 2.50 Statement DRAFT iUOT/iL ELiW 1989-90 DEVELOPMENT SGHEMES/IlROJECTS (.Rs. lakhs I ■' OFTL.'iY A m EXPENDITURE ode Bo. Name of tfie Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 ____ 1989-90 Project Five Year Actual Approved Antici­ Apprt)ved of '^^lich Plan (1985-90) Expdr. outlay pated cutl.-ay Capital ^'igreed Outlay Expdr, can tent 1. 2. 3« 5. 6. 7. 8. 68. Vizag- Noijhrology Unit- Purchase 01' Gquipment-clubbed with SJf'T No»40 69* Ganahi HI. Sec’baa sanction of addl* staff for Neurc Surgery- Intensive Unit, car- Unit or sanction of Addl, Staff for K.G. HI, Vizag Neurology Dej^t. 2.24 70, i) Recof^nition of Nursmg Golleee, ' Kurnool, Sanction 01 Addl.Posts. 2.07 2,07 3.29 N ew Schemas ii) Dllegs of'Tlursing, Soiaaoiguda, liyd- Greet ion p,f Two Posts of House Keeper Gr-I and Two posts cf Wardens» 0.56 i l l ) ("kAl.O., Hyd- Proposi-ls for sanction of V'ardin f:- Deputy Warden to the Boys 311 d Girls H os I,els. 0.56 iv) P;coposals for Creation of Dental Dy. Civil Surgeon post in MGJVj Hospital, Warangal, - 0.40 v) Estt. of Cardie Thorasic S^rger^^., OMC/ O.G.Hl.Hyd- Asst. Prof. of Cardio- Q:'norasic Surgtry (On.e Post) 0.40 vi) Creation of Building Section for ■ Directorates On'i Supdt, One Sr. Asst, and One Typist. 0.51

Sub-Totals 114.51 275*00 275.00 275.00 New Schemes 71. Out-standing bills numbsring (33) in various teaching institutioris to clear off pending bills - under I 5O- c. ja:eiaent 0)T~2 HLM 1989-90 : ^DEVELOPMENT SCHEMES/PROJECTS (Rs. lakhs) OUILAY M D EXPENDITURE Code No, Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1.988-89 1989-90 Projj ct Pive Year Actual Approved Ant id - Approved of wh ich Plan (198>-90) Expdr. outlay pated outlay Capital Agreed Outlay- Expdr. content 1. 2. 5. 4 . 5. 6. 7. 8.

1. K,G. Hospital, Visalnapatnam 12.36 2. Govt.. Victoria Hospital fcr Women & Ghildron, ¥izag. 3.09 3- R.C.D. Hospital, Vizag. 0.09 4-. Govt. Genl.Hospital, Kakinada 6.30 5. Govt. Genl. Hospital, CJuntur , 2.81 6. SVER Hospital, Tirupathi 2.65 7. Govt. Maternity Hospital, Tirupathi. 0.57 8. Govt. Genl. Hospital, Kum ool. 26.68 9- M(3*^ Hospital, VVarangal ■­ 9.49 10. Osmania Genl. Hospital, Hyd. 54.30 1T. Gondhi Hospital, Sec’ bad. 8.87 12. S.D. Eye Hospital, Hyd. ' 9.?5 13. Gancsr Hospital, Hyd« 1.40 14. Mental Hospital, Hyderabad 7.00 13, Govt., Maternity Hospital, Afzalgunj, Hyd. 3.66 16. Govt. Maternity Hospital, Sultanbazar, Hyd. 0.45 17. Ros& Institute for Trcpicel Diseases, Hyd. 5.76 18. B^TT Hospital, Hyderabad. 1.57 19* Osmania Medl. College, Hyd. 2.91 20. Gandhi Medl. Colle£-e, Hyd. 0 .1 8 21. Dental College, Hyderdbad. 0.56 22. Andhra Medl. Colloge, Viz£g. ^ 1.20 25 . Rangaraya Medical College, Kakinada. 0 .6 7 24, Guntirr Medl. College, Guntur. 1,70 23. SV Medical Gollegvj, Tix'upsthi. 2.07 26, Kakatiya Medl, Collage, Wsrangal. 0.56 27* College of Nursing, Kumocl, • _ 0.15 ^cL» Installation of 18 gtneiacors in the various teaching institutions including one generator for Directorate. 47.00 1. SV Medical College, Tirupethi 3.45 2. Govt. Genl. Hoi^ital, Guntur. 8.00 3* Govt. Mty. Hospital, Tirupathi. 3.10 Statement CT DRAFT _AIIljyAL PL^^1989-90_I!EVEL0PMENT_S_CI^EMBS - PROJECTS - 2 ■ OUTLAY AND L-fl3>ENDITUEE ' • ( Rs. lakhs) Code Ho, Fame of bhe soheme/project; Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 Five Year Actual Appro­ Antlci- Proposed of which P la n (1985-90) Expdr, ved pated outlay capital Agreed outlay outlay Expdr, content, 3 4 5 7 8

2UT Hospital, Hyderabad . 5.00 5. Govt» Hospital, Mental Gare, Hyd* 0.17 6* Govt, Genl, Hospital, Kumool, 2.40 7* Nilbufar Hospital * Hyd. 4 .2 2 8, Govt* Mty. Hospital, Sultanbazar. 3.50 9. M J Cancer Hospital, Hyd» . 4.00 10*. S. B. ii;ye Hospital, Hyderabad. 4 .3 6 11, Govt. Maternity Hospital, Nayapul,. Hyd, 3.00 12< Maternity Hospital, Hanamkonda , GKM Maternity Hospital D 1.52 ( i i ) TB Hospital, Hanamkond.a.Q ' 13* Osmanla General Hospital, Hyderabad* 0.22 One G-snerator for EME Office 4.05 73* of equipment in various teaching medical institutions, 1. K.G.- Hospital, Yisakhapatnem, 1.88 2. Govt. Genl. Hospital, Kurnool, 4.75 3. Govt. Genl. Hospital, Eum ool, 3.89 Govt. Genl*. Hospital, Kakinada. _ 2.75 • 5* Govt. Maternity Hospital, Afzalgunj,. : Hyderabad. 13.58 6* Govt^ Dental Oollege, Hyderabad. 12.00 7* Osmania Genl* Hospital, Hyd. 0.37 ' 8» OsTnania Ganl. Hospital, Hyd. 10.00 ■. OONSTEUGTIOI. 3 CAPITAL SPILL OVEB. 7^. MiTJ G- lie r EX m H^derabadr-ProOttromen'f of O .T . from Govt*' of provision of facility of Water supply 4.61 8c, Electricity. Installation of Cobalt Therapy Units 75. 15.00 DRAFT HlIUUaL_PLAH 1989-90 - DEY^LOptENT SCIIEJffiS-PSOJBCT’ Sfcatement; GN-2 OFrLAY AIIB EXPEHLITURE

Code I'Jo. Nane of the scheme/project SevenfcH 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 Eive Year Actual A p p ro ­ p“ e?" Pioposed i t wbu Plan( 1985-90) Expdr. ved outlay cap it Agreed outlay outlay Expdr. contv ■ 1 3 4 5 6 7 ft

yS. Installation o±' Cobalt Therapy Unit at r.SfJ Cancer HI. Hyderabad for S'lectricity 1 5 . 00 & Water purpose. — 77* Installation of. Cobalt Therapy Unit at • J/E\rj G.^aicer H I. Hyderabad. . . ■ ,

i . <• « 45.00 78, S.D. Eye Hospital, Hyd- Silver Jubilee Block 1. Lift Sa.5.00 lakhs 2. Furniture for Library & Other apjenities to the . 14-. 00 patients, P. G.Hostel & Lecture Hall. Hs.3*00 lakhs 3. Matcuing grant Ea.G.OO 'V 79* Construction of 3^d Floor- Release of • Matching Grant, K.G.Hl*Vizag. 9.00 80. Construction of Children’s W?rd- Adran.aojiction _ Matching grant, M .G .M .Hl, War eng al. 8.00 81. Ranal Transplantation -- Expenditure on Trrnsplantation & Dialysis-Recurring expenditure, OOiL. Hyd. 20.00 82. jlddl. staff & Non-Recurring. R.E. HI, Vizag. 28.31 83. Yardstick deficiencies in various Medical Institutions in the State including Matching 22.78 grant of ,Rs.5«00 lakhs for QQDC. .

Sub-Totals — 4-3>.96 —

Total (D ,M .e) ' Statement flU-g .-iKWUAX, _PLaN 1989«90 - _I)EVEI^PMENT_SCH|LIES;PRO JECTS ■ OUTLAY AITS EXPE'I,DIT-UKE ~ (Rs. lakhs) lode IIo, iJame of the sche n e/Project JSevenbh 1987-88 ______1988-89” ~ 1989-90 Five Year Actual Appro- Antici- Proposed Of W Plan( 1985-90) Expdr. ved pfeed outlay capi' Agreed oufclay outlay Expdr. cont^ 3 4 5 6 7 >i

222 2210 00 Medical & P.H. 01 Urban Health Services - Allopath.y . 110 Hospitals -and Dis-pensaries i.f’. University of Health Sciences 17^.38 150.00 3^1.11 392.46 20: 2 NIMS 01 Urban Healtb Services - UlODatby 110 Hospital & Dispensaries The Nizam*s Institute of Medical Sciences W .14 100.00 225.00 225.00 22S 2 22 2210 00 Madical & Pu~blic Health 01 Urban Health Services 110 Hospitals and Dispensaries VBidya Vidhana Parisrird I . Ongoing Schemes (a) (Taluk Hospitals & Dispensaries 1. Staff continuance for 6 bedded ward and O.F. Block to Tq.Hosp. , Medak. 1 .5 0 1.5 0 1.65 2. Staff continuance for 6 bedded Eye Ward to Tq. HospitalI Tandur, 0 .7 5 0 .7 5 0.82 5. Staff continuance for 20 "bedded ward to Tq, Hospital, Narayankhed, Medak Dist. 3.50 5.50 3 .e .5 4. Staff continuance for 10 badded ward to To,Hospital, Anakapally, Visak Dist. 2.00 2.00 2.20 5- Staff continuance for 10 bedded ward to Tq.iiosp. 5 Mangalagiri, Guntur Dist. 3.50 3.50 3.85 6, Staff continuance for 10 bedded ward to. Govt, fiosp. Pal as a, Srlkakul?.m Dist* 2.0 0 . 2.00 2.20 7, Staff continuance for 18 bedded ward to Govt, H o sp ,, Takkali, Srikakulam Dist* 3.00 3.00 3.30 8 . Staff continuance for 14 bedded ward to 2 .2 5 2 .2 5 2 ,4 5 n S L :'. r j ^ W- .• ... Sfcafcenenfc GN-2 a^AFT_AIjKyiiL PLAN_l989-90_-5EVE-L0rME'NT^SClIELIES .3PR0JECT


Code No. Name of the schene/projeot Sevenbh 1987-88 1988-89 1989-■90 Five Year Actual Appro- Anticl- Proposed of which Plan Expdr. ved pabed outlay capital (1985-90) outlay Expdr. content Agreed outlay. • 4. 5 6 ' 7 8 1 2 ■ . .

9. Staff continuance for 45 bedded ward to Govt. Hosp. , Gudiwada, Krishna Dist. ’ 7.00 7.00 7.70 10. Maintenance of Ambulances vehicles to Tq.Hosps. 6 vehicles of 1985-86, 5 * vehicles of 86-87 Sz' 3 vehicles of 87-88. , 6.00 6.00 6.60 11. St^ff continuance for 50 bedded Tq.Hosps. Marpally, R.R. District. 4.95 5.95 5.45 12. Continuance of one post of Head Nurse at Tq.Hosp. , Mahabubabad, Warang^l Dist. 0.27- 0.27 0.29 13. Continuance of staff for 5 Blood Banks 5 Tq. Hosps, 2.72 2. 72. 3.00 14. Continuance of staff for 10 bedded Maternity Ward at Tq.Hosp., Kadiri, Anantapur Dist. 2.90 2.90 3.17 15. Upgradation of X-Ray Plants in Tq. Hospitals. 2.00 2.00 2.00 16. Continuation of staff for 30 sddl. beds in Tq. Hosp., Hindupur, Anantapur Dist. 0.01 5.19 6.60 '?• Establishment of staff and materials & Supplies for Blood Banks in five Tq. Hospitals, 4.00 4.00 4.00 i8. Staff & materials & supplies for 16 bedded ward to Tq. Hosp., Eajanpet, Cuddapah Dist. 2.82 2.82 3.09 Sub-Totals 51.17 56.35 62.22 (b) DIST. HOBS. HOSPITALSS 19. Staff continuance for additional ^ beds at Dist. Hqrs.Hospital, Adilabad. --- 8.00 8.00 8.80 AmTUAL_PLAN 1989^90 ^-rEVEXjOPJIENT _SCIIpIE ■ S-£RO JECXS Stabement; GN-2

‘ ' ■ , OUTIuiY_ AND EIjDlTraE ' ( Rs. lakhs)

Code No, irpno of the schene/project Seventh , 198 7-88 1988-89 Pive Year Accuai Appro­ Antici­ Plan( 1985-90). '.'xpdr. Proposed Agreed outlay ved pated outlay Expdr. outlay capital content. 3 4 ’ 5 6 7 8 20, Staff continuance for addl. 50 beds at . Maternity Hasp., Nellore. —— 6.00 6.00 6.60 21. Cofitinuance of 2 posts of wttohman at Dist. Hqrs, 'Hosp. , Ongole. — 0.29 0.29 0,31 2 2 * .Continuation of staff for 1G bedded Isolation ward at Dist. Hqrs. Hosp., Siikakulam. — 2.11 2.11 2,31 23. Continuation of staff for 10 bedded ICC Unit at,.Dist. Hqrs.Hosp. , Anantapur. — ' 3.30 . 5.50 3.85 24. Oontlnuation of staff for 100 addl. beds at Dist. Hqrs, Hospl. Sangareddy. — 13.00 13.00 14.30 25. Continuation of one post of Typist at Dist. Hqrs. Hospital, Vizianagaram — 0.20 0,20 . 0,22 26. Continuation of staff for Blo^^d Benk at Dist. Hqrs. Hospl., Ongole, . — 1.80 1.80 2.00 27. Continuation of-10 posts of Dieticians in Dist. Hqrs,Hosp. — ‘ 3.00 3.00 ■ 3.30 28. Continuation of staff for 22 casuslity Departments (ie . 17 Dist.Hqrs.Hosps. and 5 City Hosps.) in . Dist. ' ‘ • • 25.16 25,16 27.66 . Continuation of 6 posts of Civil Surgeon 29 3.80 (Anaesthesia) in DistiiHqrs.Hcsps.& City Hosps. .— 3.80 3.80 . Second Phase of 13 Posts of C .3. Inqesthesia 30 — • • in Dist.HqRS Hospitals & City. — — 7.00 31. Nursing TrainijTg Programme at Dist. Hqrs. Hospitals, Anantapur, Ghittocr, Nizamabad, 5.00 Karimnagar & Khammam. ^ — 3.50 3.50 3 2 . Continuation of staff. Material & '

Supplies for 30 addl. beds at Dist.Hqrs.Hosp., __ Ongole. 0,01 5.96 8.90 33* Continuation, of staff for 30 addl. beds at Statement - GN-2 Braft ^3Q9^90 - Development Scheme/project *- outlay & Expenditure (Rb # lakbs)

Cpde No, Name of the Scb€me/pro;}ect 7th rive 1 9 0 7 ^ 1900-<39 1909-90 Year plan ( 19Q5-9C) Expr, Approved Anticipa- Iroposed Of which A g r e ed outlay, ted expr, outlay* capital outlay, content. I- ______2 . 3 .' 4. 5.

34 Oonfcinuation of sfeaff for 30 adcLL* beds in Dist. H ^ s . Eosps. Mahaboolmagar, — — 6.95 11.86 35 Provision of Generators to Certain Dist, Hqrs, Hospitals, — — 10,00 10.00 ' Sul>*totalJ 70,38 99.37 125.21

(c) CITY HOSPI^PALS & DISPENSARIESt 36 Continuation of mini dispensaries in tbe Highoourt. 1.27 1.27 1.39 -A. 2,35 2,35 2,57 -v3 37 Continuation of Dist, at Bagb Amberpet. -0 38 Continuation of ont> post of Dark Room Attender at SBBB Mptemity Hosp., Hyd, 0,15 0,15 0.16 39 Cohtinuiation of one post of Watchman 0,16. at Nampally Hospital, Hyd, ■ 0,15 0.15 40 Continuation of staff for 20 addl, beds at Malakpet Hospital, Hyd, 7.00 7.00 . 7.70 - 41 ’ Continuation of 6 Satelite Disperseries 12,00 12.00 13.20 in the Twin Cities* 42 Continuation of one post of staff Nurse 0.27 at Secretariat Dispensery, Hyd, 0.25 0.25 45 Continuation of addl. staff at . 2.00 2,00 2.20 ' Golkonda Hospital. 44 Continuation of '3 Posts of Civil Surgeon 1.65 . (Paediatrics) in tbti Oity Hospitals, 1.50 1,50 45 Setting up of 2 Mini Dispensaries in the premises of Heads of Departments in tb© 2,50 2.50 2.50 City, 29i17 31.80 . sub-Total* 29.17 - 150.72 184.89 ”219.23 Statement - GIT~2 Draft Annual Plan 1909-90 ** Levelopment Scheme/5?r6ject - O'^tlay & Expenditure (Rs. lakhs) 7th Five 1987-08 1908-09 1909-90 Code No. Name of the SehemeA’Ki ^ect Year Plan ^Actual (1905-90) Expr, Approved Anticipa- proposed Of which Agreed out­ outlay* ted ejcpr. Outlay. capital lay. content, 1., • •• 2. 2 . 5* . 6. 7* 0.

' ■ a 1 '• TA‘£tjK .HOgPITAIj% Additionality requirements • j • . ■ ' '' 4 6 * -:0aactiQn of. Addl. Staff & Eg^uipment to . ■ T4;Eospl., Siddipat wbere building, is ' - ■. . coming ;up for another 50 beds* 0.01 10.00 47. /San^’tic5n’’.of staff and Equipment to Tq. Hofcpital, Kothapet. o ’. 01 0.50 46. Sanction-of Addl. staff -8c Equipment for . upgfadjjig Tq.Hosp., GuJiwada from 95 to ; /1'OG- beds. .. / 0.01 5.0 0 49. Upending Tq,Hosp*, Chixals, Prakasam Disti troiii ^8 beds to 100 beds to make it an 00 •fer^a'^Hosp.. 0.01 10.00 10.00 ^ g : Upgrading' 'Iq.Hosp.,, Jagtial, Keriimagar Di^t. , from 50 beds to 100 beds. 0.01 10.00 10.00 51. Sanction cf Addl. Staff & Equipment for . upgrr?diQg- Tq.Hospital, Ghanpur. ' 0.01 5 2 . Upgrading Tq.Hospital, Bhainsa, Adilabad ‘ i)i&t* from- 50 beds to 60 'beds. ; ’ 0,01 5 . 00. 5 .0 0 5 5 . Saiietxdn. of Addl. Staff & Equipment for upgrading 'iq.Hospital, Nirmal , Adilabad Dist. . 0.01 m X m , ■■ ■ 54. Ssnction of •ad(fG.,. Staff & Equipment for _ upigi'Vdiiig;- ^q>Hospital, .Banswada, ,Nizamabad Dist< 0.0 1 „ 3 . 5 0 ' • tb ):’'iiisimios h^^adquartei^s hospitalst . ■.'^dditioAali ty requi.reir'^nts• . - 55* Upgrading Mst.Hqrs.Hosp. Bluru from . 15^00 :1:5*oo ■ , 5 4 0 beds to 500 beds. 0.0.1 5 6 . Upgrading Dist.Hqrs.Hosp. Guddapab'from 350 15.00 , ...15.00 : ■ beds' to 5 0 0 beds. 0.01 STA!TEME?iT - GN’>»2 Draft i^nnual rlan 1909-90 - Development Scheme/project - Outlay & Expemliture (Rs. lakhs)

'de No. Name of the SchemeA’roject 7th Pive 1907-00 1900-09 1909-90 Year plan J.ctual (lb/05-90) expr. Approved Anticipa- iroposed Of which Agreed out outlay, ted expr. outlay. . capital. lay. ' content,’ 1, 2. 5 . 4 . 5. 6. 7 . 0.

Upgrading Dist.Hqrs Jiosp. , Nizamabad ' from 302 beds to ^ O t beds* " ' 0.01 15.00 15.00 Upgrading Dist. Hqrs. Hosp., Srikakulam " from 350 b3ds to 500 beds. 0.01 15-00 15.00 Renewal of T.B. Ward Appan?pally under Mah?;bubne.gar Dist.Hqrs.Hosp. , and ' « increase of 20 beds, staff & Equipmeni;. 10.50 4.50 Dist. Hqrs. Hosp., Vizianagaram Sanction of 70 addl. beds, staff & Iquipment to ■o utilise the new buildings (Non-Rec, \£> R s .7.00 lakhs, Rec.'Rsi17,C0 lakhs) : 1 6 .50 Dist. Hqrs. 'Hosp. , Chrt'toor - construction of New Hospital block sanctioned in G.O. Ms^N0.253 HMScFWCC-l) dated* 28-3-87 (Estimate Rs.100,00 lakhs) , 50.50 50.50 Increase of 30. beds in Dist, Hqrs*Hosp., ' Mahnbubnagar. ■ ’ ' 10.50

SUB-T05AL*. 190.00 140.00

TOTALS — 120.85 150.85 219.23 . 409.23 140.00 (APin/P) JDMT^OTUAI 90S-90_I3EVElOrMT_^HSVffiS/pR0J5CTg STATMEHT GN^2

O m L A Y M W EXPWDITUHE ‘ (RS ,i nlaSihs) Code No. Name pf the Schene/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89. 1989-90 J^rojact, Five 'Year' Actual IpproTe^ j^nt ici- i'rbposed of which PI and 985-90) Ixpdr. Outlay pated Outlay Capital /.greec! outlay, ■pbcpdr. content, 1. . 3 5 6 7 8

221w CO Medical.and Public Henlth 01 urban D^cUTHealtti ilealth^^ervices. iJervices. - AAllopathy, lie Hospitals and Dispensaries, Direetor of H^ialth — Non-teaching;

, Spill over Works^ 40.00 3o *,vj V 30.00 TmJK EbsmnLS M D PlSPENSnHlES; aW-GQINg; : Ciovt,Dispensary 'Ot Jinnaram, Mcdak Dtst, 0*78 0.88 0.96 , 10 beclded Hospit^ at Raghavendranagar, Visakhapatnam m st • 3.00 3.61 3 .‘^ , Govt,DispensarySankarampet, Medak Dist. 1,27 i . s r i . c a 00 C , Govt,Dispensary, Jagadevpur, Medak Dist, 1.63 1,63 1 .7 b , ’Govt,Dispensary, Kanagnnapally, Ananthapur Dist. 2.16 2.61 2.87 , 10 bedded Hospital at Raraayamptst, Medak Dist, 2.97 3.58 3.03 s Gcvt,M:mi.Disp., at Jatnigolvapally,Krishna Dist, 1.13 1.34 1.47 Gcvt.Disp, Lonisara, i*dilabad District. 1.41 1.71 1.88 ► Govt.Disp. Chinthalacheruvu, Medak Dist, 2.17 2.61 2,87 . Govt^ 10 boddeci Hospital at Pamarru, Krishna Dt, 3,06 3.66 3,00 ; Gcvt, 10-20 bed'ded Hospital at Puttur, Chitt&or Dt, 1.41 1.68 1,84 , Govt,Da:sp,, at'Dronadula, Prakasara Dist, 1.65 2.02 2,22 , Upgra-pticn of .Dispi into 15 beds Gcvt, iiLsp, Jammikuhta, Kafiranagar Dist. 1 .6Q 1,98 2.17 , Gcvt.Disp.,Yeiramarru, Krishna Idst. 2.17 2,61 2.87 , Govt.Disp. ,Komrg:*agiri, East Godavari Dist, 2.17 2,61 2.87 , 10 bedded Hospital at Mandapakala, Krishna Dt, 2 , m 3,6G 4.23 ; Govt. 10 bedded, Hospital,Mandapeta, East Godavari ,District. 0.87 0.97 1.06 Govt. 10 bedded Hospital at Basanthanagar, Karimnagar District. 2.97 3.58 3.93 schemes i PROJECTS_ 0UTLAY_ANDJ)XP;WDITOP_. 0X3iX3"m>^m'- x s s f '^ e . ode No, Name of the Scheme/ 7th Five 1907-88 1908-89 1989-90 Prc jcc-t. Year P l a n ..... - Act^iai • iipprov-Gd ■^mtici- Prop.osGd. Of which (1985-90) Expdr. Outlay. pated Outlay. Capital Agreed Outlay. .... ' Expdr, . c o n t G n t . i. , 3 4 5 6 7 8

GcVt.Disp. at Sampara, Go:’avari Dist*. 1.31 - 1.55 . 1.70 Gcvt-.Disp, at Thitiiuiasasiiurlrain, Prakasam Dlst* 1.28 1.52 1.72 ;5»-. ttcldl.Staff to Govt.Disp.. at Badcpally, 1'fe.ha- bc^bnag’ r fr; m 6 to 16 bqdg. 2).96 ' 1.10 1.21 filoo!^ Bank et Govt.Hosp, ,KothagUdem,JKhamiEam Dt. ' 0.67 ■ 0.85 • 0,93 •A•■» • Upgra!ati n of Guvt.Disp, into 10 bt.dded Hospital, Paclerir, Visf\khap£jtnam D|st. 1.78 2.18 2.3P -5. Upgrac-ati-yn Govt.HoSp., Zaheerabad, Medak Dist. from 26 to 36 b^jds ( i d U . lC,beds> 0.88 1.02 1.12 “ ‘f UpgPcd<-’T:icn of GoVt.Hcsp, Tadepalligudem, V/est ' Gociavari Dist. from IC. to 30 beds. 2,58 . 2.07 , 3.26 7 . Upgradativ.n jf Gcvt.Hosp., Chlhthalapudi, ’ West Gadr.vsri Dist. from 8 to 30 bee’s. 2,91 . 3.28 3.6C Upgradenion of G.vt.Hosp., Mai*kapur, Prakasam Dist, fEom 8 to 3w bdds. . 2.56 2.01 3.20 ^9. Estt. D’f G.padu, West Godavari Dist. 0.36 0,36 0,40 Estt. of Govt. Disp., at Pulimeru, E.G.District. 2.15 2.15 2,5Q *1 • Sanction of'X-Ray Plant with staff at Govt.Hosp. Venkatagiri, Nelloro Dist. 0.45 1.65 0,60 5. Upgra>.ti n of Govt.Hosp., Somapeta, Srikakulam ' Dist, from 8 to 30 beds. 3.45 3.46 3.80 Estt.of Govt,Disp., ^'t Nagulapally village,E.G.Dist. 1.24 C.60 1.51 ; T '/ V , V...... v;,..-. V



1988-89 j No.e liJanie the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 ____ 1989-90 * Project. E'ive Year Actual Proposed “ n tic i- Proposed DTlvE':" >• Plan (1985-90) Expenditure Outlay. pated Outlay Cspit:: Agreed Outlay, Expdr. conten . 3 4 5 6 7 8

Sanction of pos^s of Radiographer & Dark- Room-iisst. at Gpvt.Hosp,, Raghavendranagar, Visakhapatnain Dist. 0.40 0.10 0.50 Ujigradation froia 1C to 30 beds Govt*Tq,Hosp, Prathipadu, East Godavari Dist, 5.65 3.40 3.50 Dp gradation cnd^ sanction of Staft and equip­ ment for S bedded ward at Gcvt^Hosp., Dharmavaram, ^anthapur Dist. , 3.10 2,30 1.80 Upgradaticn of Jjc;vt?.,Disp,, K!ota^ Nellore Dist, -A into 20 be c'r-Gd Hospital. , '3 .5 8 1.74 3.30 a Estt. of 1C bedded Hesp,, at Janamp€t,Khammam Dist, 2.34, 1.00 • 3.50 Sanction of StaJTf Equipment of 14 oedded ward at .Gcvt.Hosp, jCtievella, R.R.Dist. - Dpgradation from 6 to 20 bads. 2.9C 1,05 1,50 Sanction of Staff for 6 bedded Maternity Ward at Govt.Hosp., irajapath^nagaraoi,Vi2ianagaram Dist. 1.00 0,50 C.7C Upgraciatiqn of J3^avt.Hosp,Ifethagudem, Khammam last, from 6 to. 26 beds. - 3.40 3 .7 0 Dpgradation of .Govt.Hosp,,Uravakonda,^anthapur Dist., from 18 .to 30 beds, Utnoor 2,80 •a.80 Sanction of X-Ray Plant to Govt.Hosp/Adilabad Dist. - 1,60 Cteation of 2 posts of staff Nurses at Govt.Hosp. Nid&davole, West Godavari Dist. - ’ 0.16 0,50

Sub Total: 86,32 Q5.12 107.52 DRAFT MNUAL PLAN 1Q8Q~90 - DEVELOPMENT SCHEMES - PROJECTS -G-N-2


Nano of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 i Project Five Year Actual l ^ r o V e d Antici­ Pr 0 p 0 s e’S' o f"wHi cF Plan(1985-90) Expendi­ outlay pated outlay capital Agreed Outlay ture . Expdr. content 3 - - — 4 - ' 5' ' 7 8

New Schemes^ 48» Estt.of Mini Disp..iKtaBfiEU: at Kossara, Kurnc^ol Dist. 1 ,»-'0 49. UpgradPti'jn of Govt*Disp,,Atinakur, Karnool Dist. into 10 beddod He. spital, 1 Ir C O 5^:, Estt.of Guvt.Disp, Veldurthy, Kurnool Dist. C.50 1 ^G-v .51, Esct.of Govt.DLsp. Kamanpur, Karimnag-r Di&t. 0,5 0 1,00 52. Estt.of G.vt^Disp, Kocl-urauru, Kurnool Dist^ ,50 1 ,0 0 53, Estt.of 3^ b&dded Hosp, at Pachipenta, , Vizainagaraiir^ Dist. 1,50 1.0 0 5 1 . Bstt^of 1./ bedded HoSp, at Bikkavole, Efifit G(>d^'*Vc-ni Dist. 1,0 0 -L • 55*. Esfet.of Iv. be^.s Hosp, rt Penugonda, West Gcdeverit Dist-. . 1,00 1 , 0 0 56, Esct.of Govt,|lLsp, at Seethanagaram, Vizi ani; gar am j)i st • o , 5v> 1,50 57, Sanction of ..nd equifjinent of lo bedded - ward :-.t Govt.Hcsp,, Armur, Nizamabad. Dist, 1,00 1 ,0 0 58, Estt,of Govt.Disp^ at CJiittedu, Nellore Dist, 1 ,0 0 l .c - 5q . Bstt«of Govt,Mini Disp. at Vemulapudi, Visskhapatnam Dist^ . 0.50 63, Upgro.f'^ation of GcVt^Hosp^,_Amadalavalsa, Srikakulain Dist. 1,00 1 ,0 0 61, Bstt.of 1' bodded Hosp, ^t Samalkot, E.G.DiSt. 1,45 l.C C 62, Bstt.of Gcvt.Disp. Annasaiiiudrain, Pr^asam Dist, 1,28 63, Provision of medical facilities by V .I.P s , in A.P.Guest Houso, Now Delhi* 1,11 r ,5 5 DRAFT, ANNU_AL PIAN_ 198?^-90 - DEpiOpMElJT SCHEIffiS-PROJ^ECTS Siiajbeiaent" GIT-2' gUTIAY. M D ^EZPE-5d ITURE (Rs. lakhs) iode No. Kame’’'of the scheiue/pro ject Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 Five-Year , Actual Appro- 1989-90 ■ Plan( 1985-90) Expdr. • Antici­ Agreed outlay )dr. pated Proposed Of which Expdr. outlay capital contc-nt 6 7 8

1 * Upgra.dE tion of- ,Gpvt. Ho sp, , iilmpur, boo bnagar ‘ _ iast, from 2 2 -tQ 3^ beds. ’ 2,19 2,90 1.60 - Upgraciaticn-of« Govt.Disp, Butchireddypj5lem, KGlloro Dist* -intd 2w bedded Hospital 1,00 1.80 3.50 Esttvof GovtiMni Disp. Kondupalli, K.\ Qist* - - 0.50 1.20 /. Sanction of st'aff equipment etc. for pathological , Lab in New KL^ Qrs.Disp,Hyderabad, ■ - IT/ ^>.20 • * Upgrad-ticn cf- for Govt.Hosp. into 30 beds at Pecldapurain, Tadipatri,Sadasivapet & Parkal. 1,70 1.20 1 • Upgredaticn of- Tq.Hosp, which are under 00 ■ construction provision for staff and equipment 38.00 - 40.00,

• Sub Tot&lj • S7.y3 7.15 60.30 '

)• Construction of Sheds for Post-Morthem in PHCs* 30,00 30.00 30.00 -30,00 PIT Y HOSPII^S- DISPENSmi'ES-t ON-GOING Schemes ; - . Cont'inuation of lO bedr’ed Govt.Hosp,, Vanasthall^ puraini Ranga Reddy Dist. 2.26 2.25 2,67 2.87 - •:» Continueti-n of 30 beds Hospital at Barkas,Hyderabad, 6 ,0 0 6. CO. 7.07 7.78 - 1;= Continue.civ n of upgradacion from 8 to 30 bedded Govt.Hosp., at-Dabeerpura, Hyderabad. 3,25 3.25 3.74 4.05

mm m » ^ mm mm Sub Total: 11.50 11,50 13,48 14,70 ' I ' I M M LE^LOPilEWT ^SCIIBilESg^ROJECTS

OUTL.i:i' \ND I aPMDIIUKE (R s . lakhs)

'6 No. Narie of the schene/projecfc Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 Five Year Actual Appro- Antici- Plan Expdr. ved pated proposed of which outlay capital (1985-90) outlay Expdr. iigreed content. outlay 3 4 7 8.

Special ProRramine in Medl9al 1. Special Programme in Medical Care, 180.00 - - -

UNICSF Assistance Programmes lOiOO 10.00 10. cc - Special Cdmponent Plan for School Health in Upper Primary Schools. 18.60 18.60 18.60 -ji 03 - Sub Totals 28.60 2 8 .6C 28.60 Vn

Total: (IJcn-teaching) 6868.00 141.69 424.15 204.36 271.12 6C.GC

22210 OC Medical and Public Health: 01 Urban Health Service^ - Allcpathy 110 Hospltols cyd ilispensariest Director of Health • NormVi Public ijealth Schemest 1 . Continuation of Twc wgtchman Posts in NSR Unit. 0.30 §.40 2. 2 Poses in Drivers in MCH & POL, 1.00 0.93 1.00 - 3. Monitoring Colls in Directorate. 14.00 2.48 10.00 - 4 . Mini Dispensary in Directorate 1.30 0.60 1 .^5 - 5. Three Dy. IM 6c HQ's Posts in Tribal i*reas. ■ 2.20 2.20 2.60 • Sfcatemenb GN-2 SCHEIilSS-PROJE CTS (Rs. lakhs) ' , ■- OUTMY ..i'TD EXPENKTUHE V

,|. Code No, ' no* of the scl;ieine/pi’o jecfc Seventh 1987-88., 1988-89 ' 1989 -90 Five Yef .xctual . Appro- • Antici- Plan ' Proposed of which Expdr. ved . pated . ■■ ’ outlay capital ( 1985-9C ') outlay Expdr. ■ Agreed content. outlay

3 _ _ 4 ______5_ _ _ 6 ______7______. ______6. Four ^ddl,Po*sts & HO»*S In'^'Iribal Areas. 2.50 3.00 •3.50

7 * CbntitiuatiQiT -of Gcit-re Schema ■ 1,00 -. - . ■ 1 .0 0 - ^ mm ■ 8^ Four posts■ Drivers in M.C.B* - ' , . 3-..00 1,00 ■

&* Cohfelauatiiciia of Staff S I • G ,, Vijayawada Sm 50 6.60 • 6.00.. -

10. Strengtheniffg of V.S,Organisation ‘ ... * 6.50 ' ■ ' 6.50 ■ . . 7,65

11. School Hcaltrii Frosraraincs. - : 70,00 : 70.00 „70,00„. .

T-^tal; (lOrraal P.H,Schemes) “ *12.88 105,00 ■ 92,51 1 0 5 .O O "'" 222'221000 :^edi:oal Public Healtl/Q6 P.-Hr - ' - -■ — CO 101 Prevention &--- C^ntroi------of.------Diseases------Director 0^ . 5Q%,'Sfabe ^jh-are on C.S.Sehemes ■ . UaiJianr. 1 • • M a l ^ E r a d i c a ’fiion Programme . ■ .Urban' & Rural* . ^ 592,22 575,00 575.00 - 575,00 _ ■ , ■ “ • 2, National’ Kilaria Control Programme ,7.CO 15,00 '9 ,0 0 . 15.00 • 3. Naticnal T .3 , Control Programme* , ' 27.18 55.00 45.00 55.00 ■ ■ 4 . Training and Employment of Multipurpose V/or'iiers, ' 8,13 5.00 .5.00 5,00 -

Toualjestate Share on C.S.S.) 3180,00 634,63 650.00 634,00. 6 5 0 ,00-- i'PliAN 19S9-90 -]3S?BI,0P-1IEN5 SCIIEMBS-PBO JECTS

' q m j j A Y AlTD EpElTDlTURE (Rs. lakha) »-T .^ode ?Jo. Hame of the scheme/projecfe Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 Five Year Actual Appro- Anticl- Proposed of which Plan' Expdr. ved pated outlay capital (1985-90) outlay Expdr. content Agreed outlay 5 6 7 8. 1 2 3

03 Rural Health Services - ^lopathv: 93 P.rlmBry Hoaltii Centres -(MNP) Director of Health; 1, Spillover Capital works 2C0.00 150.00 2C0.00 200,00 2, -Continuaticn schemes for 25 Primary Health Centres Sa-rnctioned in 1PS6JB6 51.40 56.54 74,26 3, C('ntinu: tion of subsidiaTy Health Centres saacti .ned in 1985-86 25,00 27.50 34,98 4 , Continustion of 4 Upgraded Primary Health Centres sanctioned in 1984-85 and 2 Upgradefl Primary Health Centres sanctioned in 1086-87. 15.00 16.50 31,97 5, Continuation of 451 Mandal Primary , Health Centres, 850.23 885.25 907.31 6, Continuatijn of Sweeping, Cleaning and Water­ ing charges for 400 Primary Health Centres, 9,60 Q.60 9.60 7, Continu-;t:i..n of 2 A.N.M*Training Schools in Tribal areas* 10,00 11.00 11.00 8, Continuati n of. 10 Mobile Medical Units in Tribal areas. 8,06 10.00 12,75 9, Continuation of Sweepi^, cleaning and Materin^ charges for 461 Mandal Primary Health Centres, 10.82 10.82 10,82 10. Upgradation of Primary Health Centres, 24,39 20.00 55,00 I»raft AnnuaJ- Plan 19Q9“ 90 ~ Development Schemei/froject -■ Outlesy & Expenditure ST-ATEMENT ~ GN'2

(Rs. lakhs)

7th Five 1907-0Q 190G-09 1909-90 Code N-o. Nnag of the Scheme/froject Year rian Actual (1905'*90) Expr.

^ALreed out*- . outlay* ted Expr, outlay. capital lay. content. 2 . 5. 4 . 5. 6. . 7. 0.

11,- eontinuabion of 100 posts of Civil Surgeon . ■ in*.;Obmt!iunfty Health Centres. 2.00 — 2.00 12,\Gontinui^ti6n of Mobile launch service at Kolleru, in Krishna District. 1 .5 0 -- 1 ,5 0 13 , ebritlii\JatiQn of 6 Primary Health Centres . san:cti. ne(3 in 1987-88, 10,00 25.00 30.00 14, Grant-sin-aid for Z.Ps for spill ever • »* . . onstT.uctioh* works. • . 15.00 5.00 15.00 15, ContinustioD of l94 Primary H-ealth -i. 00 . . Ce-atres sanctioned in 1987-88. — 180.00 330.00 . 03 16’i'Continuation of Additional staff to 52 L.P.- Disponsarios, ' -r? 5 .7 9 4 5 .0 0 »» ■ NSW SCHEMES: 17. Conversion of Govt.Disp. Hatnoor and ■ ■Jinnaratn in Me dak District into Primary Healtti Centres. _ 0.33* . 18. Post-of Civil Surgeon Specialist in 15 Community Health Centres. - 8.00 19.'of ^fcbile Launch Service at Pallamkurru. E.G. District. • ' . - 1 .5 0

• * * M M Total:(M.N.P.) ' 1039.56 1233,00 " 1 4 1 3 . 0 0 1781.06 200.00 — — — — — — — — — — - — — — — — — — - — — — STATEMENT ~ GN^2 •Draft Annual Plan 1909~90 - development ScheneAroject - ’Outlay & Expenditure (Rs, lakha) 7th Five 1907-00 1900-09 1909-90 Code No. Nanie of the Scheiae/Iroject year plan Actual (1905-90) Expr. Approved Anticipa­ i roposed Of which ca­ Agreed out- outlay* ted Expr. outlay. pital content, 1. 2 , 3 . 4 . 5, 6. 7. 0.

02 Urban Health Sorvices! Other Systems of Medicinet 02 HOMOEOPi.THY: 1. Direction and Adifldinistration 2.640 3.210 3.210 2.550 __ 2. Regional Offices 9.880 lg,400 12.400 17,843 __ 3. Ayurveciic Hospitals & Dispensaries. 41.800 55.652 55.652 85.187 —> 4. Drug Mpnufaeture(Ayur.) 0.350 2.450 2.450 1.216 — 5. HotnoGO Hospitals and Dispensaries, 48.720 59.341 59.341 87.486 0.2C 6. Unani Hospitals and. Dispensaries. 1 7 . ^ 0 20.2Q2 20.202 31.213 O' 7. Drug Manufacture (Unani) 0.350 1,250 1.250 0.933 — u- 8. Ayurvedic Colleges. 3.820 10,665 10.665 33,034 15.00 o. Hom^jeopatihic ,Colleges. 6.230 12.136 12.136 19.315 0.05 10. Unani Colleges ' 1,640 3,982 3.982 7.310 — * SPECIAL COMPONENT PLiiN FOR S.CS.: 11. i*yurve.^’ic Hosp. and Dispensarie's. 9.150 12.588 12,588 19.170 12. Homoec Hospitals & Dispensaries. 5,350 6.815 6.815 11.430 ww 13. Unani Hospitals cc Dispensaries. . 2.400 2.029 2.020 3.144 14. Ayurvedic C..lieges I Stipends to S.C, 0,400 0.400 0.400 0.600 15. Hornoeopatjiy Colleges? students. 0.400 0.400 0,400 0.600 •• TRIB^-SUB i'-M 13. Ayur.Hospitals & Dispensaries 6,660 7.800 7.800 10. 9l0 -- 17. HouiOQO Hosp. 6c Dispensaries. 3,950 4.240 4,240 6.310 18. Unani Hospitals & Dispensaries. 1,210 1.241 1.2A1 1.744 -- 19. Capital Expenditure 2,000 2.200 2.200 — —_ 20. Grant to A.t.Yogadhyayana Parishad, 15.000 — - — — • Mi Total: (. I M & H) 1000,00 179,850 220.000 220.000 340.000 15,25 Statement GN--2 pRAPT AMUAI;_PLAN 1989-90-^D| VELO-Pl.ffiNT SCHEpS-PROJECTS ■ . OUTL/i Y ANT) . EXPEND I TUBE . . (R s . lakhs)

Code'No, Narnd" of the schene/project Seventh. ia87-88 1988-89 1989-90 . Five Year Actual Appr.o- .vnt ici- Proposed of which vea . pated outlay- Agreed outlay Expdr, capital content outlay ' 2 3 4 6 7 ' 8 .

2',22;2^l0; pc I^DICAL & lUBLIC lElALTH; riat)Xic Health; 1C4 Control; X'rui: Control Depar-tment; on goinfe Schemes; . T* Establlshracnt of one Regional Office with . othor mihieterial staff at Hyderabad* 2.25 2.25 '■ V 2, 50.' 2. Str(^n'£thenint of Administration •• «• 0.65 *0.65 . 0.70 , 3 . Mreh£.thenin^ of Laboratory at Headquarters, 0.65 e.63 4. 42. 4. Sti'enttbenin^- of Enforcement staff. - •• 3 .1 2 3 .1 2 : 3^45 5.• Recurrin£. expenditure on T.A.Office expenses etc* ^ •♦r •• •• •• •• •• ••• . 8.00 ‘ 0.00 9.03 64 Creation of three posts of Drivers, ^ .0,45 , 0.43 0,50 - 7* Capital outlay for constrtiction of the buil'dinfe, 5.70 5.70 , ■" ■ 0* Establishment, cl Regional Drugs Control Labo- ’ ratory at V.ijayawada# . . . . • . • • • 3.27 3*27 5.65 • ^ 9. Stf'enttbcnirjfe of pei;,ional Drugs Control labo*" rato'ry -at: Yijayawac'a. •. *. ••• .i).73 0.73 0.75 . -

Sub-Total; 24.02 24.02 27.00 - Sfeafeesent; ^ GlT - 2 -:)S-:PT ._iliNU._.L_PLaH _1989-30_DEVBL0PMENT_SGIIEMES_-PEqJECTS_

, ■■ * OUTLiVY a WD EXPEKIDITUHE ,(Ss, lakhs) ‘

Codo Ijc , of the scheme/project jgvenfch 1987-88 1988-89______1989-90 a v e Year P la n Actual Appro- A n tic i­ Proposed of whic-h f1905-90) Expdr. ved pated outlay capital Agreed outlay ■^xpdr. content.. outlay 3 5 8


10, Strenfthenin£ of laboratory at Headquar­ ters, with Joint Dru^s Gontroller (lab o r a to ry )...... 0.6c 0.65 •r>, :::xe3tion of one Cosmetics Section with one Junior Scientific Qfiicer, two Junior Anal;; st& and one Laboratory Attendant at , \ H- a dq uart er s, ...... , 1.15 1 .5 0 12. Strt ii^ thenin£ of Administration at Head- quartf^rs with one Assistant Director (Non- reehni-crl), ...... , 0.45 ?,.59 15. gtren^thenin£ of Laboratory at Headquarters i^ith five j^mior Analysts ,, «, • 1.06 14. 3tren tthenint of Enforcetaent with four ctrufes ln£pectors with ancillary staff ■ ■ . j.uniQr Ass^cum-T^xjists and one At tender each. 2.21

Sub-Tojiftal: r.. 2 .1 0 5 .7 2

T otal(Drufes Control): 160.00 14.07127.20 2 4 .0 2 5 2 .7 2 Stafceaenfc GB-2 aPT AmmAL_PLAlT _ 1989-90_ nSVELOHffll'T'T SCHEMES ^PHOJEGTS

■ e ;:;peio)it u h e . (Rs, lakhs)

Codo Eo, iTa'RG of bhe schenes/projeeb Seventh 1987-88 1^88-89 1989-90 Five Year Actual Appro­ Plan(1985-90) Expar. Antici­ Proposed of which ved ' .igreed outlay pated outlay capital outlay. Expdr. content. y 3. - 4 5 ■ . 6 7 . ■ 8 01 102 pir.Gct4)r of Insurance ■ ' i'\fedicaJ- ’ S G r v x c o s (E S I Schom j ) ' . ■ ■

■ •yglT-SQimTCHEMES r ■ ■ • , 1 , / S^in4iii'D.n of supporting staff to. the - . ' . ./ D)|f‘Di?o'et6¥- of jngur^ncG MGcllcal Services, ^ . : ,Vij ^yawada apd Cudd^Tpah. • . . • . 0.313 0.313 Q,313 0.727 •'2. limplGiftcnt-ition- of Family WolfcrG PrograminG '

and' Jjfimuni^^ation PrpgrammG. . • . Q.127 . 0,125 . 0,125 0 ,i5 4 3 / Sartctlon of: 3. posts of Drivers for vohicles • ' ons' oa-4h-.DrovidGd to tfiG R c g l.A .M .O ’ s . 0.065 0,063 - 0.0:63 0 ,085 4, Sanction of staff to ESI Dis'OGnsaryjYorraguntla — . 0.125 0,125 0,305 , Cudd^rpah. district. ' ' 5-,. Sa-riction of staff to Mini ESI Oispensar/jKotnur 0.130 0 .1 2 5 ' 0.125 0.172 6, Sanction of staff to ESI DispGnsary,,jGGdiniG-tla. 0 .160 • 0.156 0,156 0 ,3 0 6 T. Sanction of staff to ESI DispensaryVPadugupadu. 0.161 0,156 0,156 0.306- 8. Sanction of staff to ESI Dispensary,Mahcnerial. 0.123 0,125 0,125 0,241 9 . Sa.nction o£. staff to ESI Dispensary»Nandyal 0.218 0,156 0,156, 0,305 10.S=’notio‘n o^ staff to ESI Dispons-ary,Kothur 0 .2 9 0 •0.188 • 0,188 ■ 0,383 ’11*Ssnotion Oi staff to ESI Dispensary,Bapulapadu 0.198 . 0.156 0.156 0,275 I2.Sanctio,n of staff to ESI Dispensary,Nidadavolu(Mini) 0.128 0.125 0,125 0,172 13,Sanction os staff to ESI Dispensary,Bollarum. 0 .230 0.188 0.188 0.305 14.Sanction o^ staff t' ESI Disponsary,Bhongir. 0.178 0.156 0,156 0,172 15-.Sanction ot staff to ESI Dispensary ,Anantap.ur Town ■0,227 0.125 0,125 0,211 16.Sanction qt staff to Mini ESI Dispensary,Bangarupalem Oii28 0.125 0,125 ■ 0 ,1 7 2 17.Sanction ot staff to Mini ESI Dispensary,Nawabpet 0,128 0 ,125 0,125 0,172 IB^Sanctiofi of staff to SSI Dlsponsaxy, Kattedan. - 0.188 0,125 0,125 0,189 19,.Sanction of staff to ESI Dispensary, Medchal 0 .178 0,125 0.125 0.183 Strafceme nF'"®-2 DBAFT AOTjUAI^PLAN _^19b9-90-I)_^EYEippi.ENT SGIjEMES-PRgJECTS^ OUTLAY AICD EITEIIDI'rUKli: ( Rs. lakhs)

:ode No. name of the scheme/project Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 Five Year Actual 19 89-90 Appro- Anticipated Plan( 1985-90) Sxpdr. Proposed of which Agreed oufcly ved Expdr. outlay- outlay capital content 4 5 6 7 8 0 .Sanction of staff to ESI Dispenoary ,Golconda 0.126 0.063 0.063 0.149 1 .Sanction of f to ESI Dispensary,RGnigunta 0.066 0.063 0.063 0.135 Sanction of staff to ESI Dispensary ,Guntakal 0 .0 4 0 0.031 0.031 0.053 3 .Sanction of staff to ESI Dis'^ensary,Chiral=i 0.042 0.038 0.038 0.079 4 ,Sanction of staff to ESI Dispensary,Balanagar-I 0.178 0.113 0.113 0.186 .Sanction of staff to certain ESI Eispensarics in twin citic?s of Hyder-^bnd &, Secunderabad. 0.227 0.125 0.125 0 .600 6 .Sanction of st^'ff to ESI Dispensary ,Kakinada. 0.106 0.063 0.063 0.124 7 .Sanction of staff to ESI Dispensary,Proddatur 0.039 0.036 0.036 0.053 8 .Sanction of staff to ESI Dispensaiy,Kareomabad. 0.065 0.063 0.063 0.126 9, Sanction of st-ff to ESI Dispensary,Tanuku ' 0 .0 4 0 6.038 0.038 0 .069 3. Sanction of stnff to ESI Dispensary,Mahabubnaqar. 0.034 0.031 0.031 n.053 1 .Sanction of staff to ESI Dispensaiy,Soethampat(Rjy) 0.178 0.125 0.125 0.273 2 .Sanction of staff to ESI Dispensary,Gunadala and lyl-. P .F . Vij ayawrsda . 0 .240 0.188 0,188 0.390 3,Sanction of 10 posts of Medical Officers one each to cortain ESI Dispensaries. 0 .230 0.125 0.125 0.629 'I.Sanction of staff to ESI Disoensary,Tirupati - 0.052 0.050 0.050 0.114 5 .Sanction of st^ff to ESI Dispensary,Kurnool 0.058 0 .056 0.056 0.114 6 .Sanction of staff to ESI Hospital,Hajahmundry 1.430 1. 1.125 3,044 7 .Sanction of staff to ESI Hospital,Ramachandrapuram 2.008 2.000 2.000 2.688 7A.Sanction of staff to ESI Hosnital,Ramachandrapuram 0.138 0.095 0.095 0.156 S.Sanction of staff to T.B.Ward ESI Hospital,Vizag 0 .4 3 0 . 0.375 0.375 0.583 9.S''’nction of staff to ESI Hospitals in the-State. 0.548!, 0.443 0,443 1.440 3 .Sanction of. 3 oosts of Civil Surge-on Specialistt (Anoesthesia) one each.for Ebl Hospital,Adoni, Warangal, and Sirpurkagaznagar. 0.180 0.125 0.125 0.247 Sfaafcenenfa GN-2 TkH.ii’T Ain'TU.xL 1989-90-.DEVEL0PMENT SCIIEI/ras/rROJECTS (Rs* lakhs) - OUTLAY aND E:,;PENDITURE' 1987-88 ______od3 No. Hane of the schane/project Seventh 1988-89 19 89-90 Jive Year Actual Antici- Plan - proposed of which ved pated outlay capital )) zigreed outlay Ex'pdr. content outlay 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8

^1. HsttA. of • Single Doctor Dispensary,Gajuwaka 0,190 0.188 0.188 0,204 ^2. Sstt, of Single Doctor Disoenrary^Gopalapatnam 0.190 0.188 ■ 0.188 . 0.189 13. 'Estt. of Single Doctor D-? spensary ,Sarpav?ran) 0.228 0.125 0.125 0,346 ^ /i Bstt.-of SingLle Doctor Dispensary,Lalacheru 0.158 0.125 0.125 . 0,204 « ' 15. Bstt, of sinJlQ Dggtor Dispensary,Sathen.ioilly 0.243 0.240 0,240 0,213 16,' astt. of Single Doctor Dispensary,SadasivapGt 0.256 0^253 o;,253 . 0,213 17. Hstt. o f , S in ^ e Doctor Dispensajjy,Kukatpally 0.288 0^284 0,284 0,199 18, Est,t.-of Single DQctor Dispens :''ry:,Tada . - 0.175 0.175 . 0.195 - 19. Estt^ of. Single Doctor Dispensary,at Isnapur 8. Rudraram _ 0,150 0.150 . 0,450 ; 'X) >0. Other’s. — 0^120 0,120 — -

Sub-Total: 11.18 10.000 10.000 . 18.353 - pRAI'T i_anjUAI_PLAl\T 1989;90-_d:SVEL0PMENT_SCIIEI'®S-PE0JECTS OUTLAY AND EIPEKDITURE (Ss. Ikhs)

■rCode- No. Nano '®f the schene/project Seventh ’ 198 7-88 1988-89 1989-90 Five Year Actual Appro^ Ancioi- proposed Of which Plan i:xpdr. ved > pfated outlay capital ( 1935-JO) outlay. Expdr. Agreed conpent, outlay 1. 2 ’ 3 ' 5 6 7

•;^V/. '3CHEMES : . • _ 51 TTurcKf|p'“gf ono Ultra $ound Sccnncr to ESI ' H£.s-pitai:»/'s'-hathn ' "i- 1.313 52fParchisQ ’’of ohb -/-iutomntic Xerox Me chine fo3)r '. use in-'tha.' Dlroctor' s J3ff,ice ♦ ' 0.125 .53‘; ESI -Dispensary at. Bhim-’Varam & ' . ^Afost .(Jodavari district. • ' - 0.222 54.Estt^D.fESI Dispc-ns^:ry at Bonthapc. lly ,Modak dist. - 0.3J50 '55-.Esttiaf ESI Dispensary at .bevapur,Adilabad dist. - 0.222 ■5-6-.Estt^of- ESI Dispensary c''.t-:Prtighanapur,Med3k dist. - 0 .350 '57.E.stt,of ESI DisDonsary at * Peddapuram & Samalkpt,EG'Dt .0 .3 5 0 VJ1 58. ,'EsttVaJ.ESI bisoonsary .at-Shabhasl" pally ,Medak dist. - Q.227 59.Estt-.<#'.ES'I Dis'')jnsary at'Tenali, Guntur dist. - 0,222 . 60...HH-tucif 'ESI Dispensary at Kadiam,E;.G.Dist. - 0.227 61 ;t-st.t:',.’of.£sl Dispensary at Porecharla & Nellaodu s . ; , ’ Guntur dist. - 0.227 62,.EsttiQf.ESI Di.soc'nsary at Vadlamuc’i , Guntur dist, - 0.195 ESI Dispens-'ry at Ongole, Prakasam dist. - 0.195

Sub-Total: -- - 4.^25 -

TOTAL: (I.M .S.): 52.00 11.18 10.00 10.00 22.58 - p ! * p i O r M 2 I £RfiJSCTS_ STilT]MNT-GH-2 OUTJLiT mD EXH5NDITUES

Code No. Karne of the Scheire/ Seventh 1907-80 1908-89 1989-90“ " ' Actual Ipproved IHTIci- "of wliicli Project. Five Year Proposed PI an( 1985-90) Expdr. outlp^ pated Outlay, Capitrl Agreed outlay* Expdri CD ntent. 1. 3 . 4 5 6 8

06 lublic jiealth; Ixistitvrbc- of preventive Medicine; On feoinj Schemes; 1C2 l^.even-bion of Pood Adulterationi 1. Sanction of Ministerial Staff for inplemen- tation of Licencing Rules. 4.20 0.92 0.95 0,95' 0.90 — 2. Additional staff for strenttbeninfe of Pood laboratory. , , , , •• ...... 10,50 2,66 5.20 5.20 ' 5.00 3. iurch£!s"c tjf publicity material under IPA* 5.CG 0.70 1,00 1.00 1.50 V. 4. Et>sec?c]3 & Ijevelopment sehenic under iPA* •• 0,00 1.65 1.05 1.05 • 2,00 c. 5. Sanction of le^al cell under I,PA •• •• 1,50 0.29 C.6o 0.50 0.60 6. T.Jit etc* •• •• •• •• •• 8,00 €.75 0.96 0.96 2.50 - 7» Pour posts of Attenders to Plying Squad •• 0.57 0.5C 0.5C 0.55 ' ^ 1C6 Manufac*ture of Sera and vaccine t 0, Diatnogiiic Ycrolo£,y Unit, *, ...... 20, 20 4.55 4.90 4.90 ' 5.65 9. :.iai,nagH.ic Hepatitis U n i t ...... • 24.75 5.64 5.7C 5.70 5.00 10. ACditional Staff for stren£.tbenini of Direc" toxate '•A-xiinistration. • • • • . . •• 15.00 1.09 1.40 1.40 1,60 11. CreFtio-n; of post of Accounts Officer . • •• 0.56 — 0.55 - 12. F.tren^t+ienint of aRV U n i t ...... — — 4.00 4.00 5.00 — 13• Stren^ t-honinL of T.T.Unit ...... — - 5.00 5.00 5.00 — 14. Stren;^^ t-henini of /.CV Block, Nacbaran and pur­ chase o^ equipaent. .. *. •• •• •• _ — 0.00; 0.00 5.00 15. Strent t-henint of Diagnostic Virolo£iy Unit — — 5.00 5.00 2.00 — 16. Esteblishment of Anti-Snake Venom Unit •• 1.00 t.oo 1.00 10? lublic Health laboratories!.> • .• 17. Strengthening of F.eteional i’ublic Health p;a 70 .. . / c.c, -r m •7 AC, *-n r-*; ■' , . Sfeatrement gU-g DBAjT.AOTpl PI*AN_ 1989>SO^I^mOPMENT ^SCIIEI^E S^-PROJECT3

OUTIuvY iiNT EXPEBDITUKE ■y" ( Rs. lakhs) • 1987-88 2e Uo. Kane of the scheme/project ^ Seventh 1D88-89 1989-90 Five Year iiOtual Appr An^lci- ’ Plan Expdr, ved ' proposed of which . . t ( 1985-JO) pated outlay outlay capital Agreed Expdr. content. outlay 2 3 4 5 6 7 8.

NEW SCHEMES: ' 106 Manufacture of Sera-& Vaccines 19. Creation of the post of Asst* Birectior (LW 6b I E ) ...... — 0.50 0.35 20, iurcbase of Generator set 4C KVA for 3IM., Narayanafiuda , , ...... — 3.00 21, . Sanction of staff for environmental >X! H ealth Unit...... — n cc 22, Others...... 113,15 10,61 1.51

Total: 209.00 43-03 55.00 52.35 55.00 1.0C

TOTAL;(ME!DICiiL & XUBLIC HE/iTH): 22206.00 2890.57 3400,CC 3711.37 4995.13 041.25 Draft ^ n u a l i Ian 1909-90 - Development SchemesArojects Statem ent ~ G N - 2 (Rs, ^akh s)

« 7th rive 1907-00 1900-09 1909-90 Code No, -Naine«of the SchemeAroject Year Plan Actual “ — ■ ■ ' (1905-90) Ext;r. Approved Ant ic ip a- proposed Of which Agreed outlay. ted Expr. outlay. capital outlay^ content. T • ■ . 2. , 3 . 4* 5. 6. 7. 0.

2 23 22T5 00- SUiiLY ,^*NL SANITATION: • 01 , writer Supply; Ohief Engineer (public Health): C01 . I'/irection and Administration. 155.00 46.24 37.00 62.00 02 .00 - Tr c'. inin^i» ...... 10.00 - 2.00 2.00 5 .0 0 - CC4 Eesearch, .. 5.00 — - —— — 005 ^ r v e y and Investii_ at ioti. - 3 .6 0 5 .0 0 2.00 5. 0c — 052 I^Tachinery and Equipment ♦. 10.00 — —— — — 1(-3 Turban Uater, Supply programme. 7320.00 1497.77 1006.00 1054.10 1735.00 1300.00 02 'i-iyv/Qra^e and Sani'tationj CC1 jiirection and Artministratxon. 733.90 24. 20. 3 5 .0 0 41.00 50.00 — OC.3 air P in lilt; r»e'seorcb , CO5 aurvcy and Investigation ) 052 Hachinery and Equipment ) 1C5 S£initp.tion Services — Urban Low Cojst sanitation. 5266.C2 451.55 515.CC 430.02 515.00 - 107 S^wera^;^ 3ervices* 500.00 - ^ -

' . Total(C^F«, r,H.)! 12000.00 2023.16 2400,00 2400.00 2400.OC 1300.00 Cl Viffeter SU]j; l y ; C^jief Engineer \ liyderabad Metro Water VJorks; 1C1 urban Water Supply Proferamme; m W J t N T O i . PUN_^ r 5EVELQPLTE1'IT s c h e m e s -p h o j e c t s OUTLAY /ITD EiP'^lIDITUBE ~ ~ (Rs, J,akhs) Code No, I'lane of the scheme/project Sevenbh 198V-8.B 1988-89 . 1989-90 Five, Yes Actual Appro- Antic i- I',>Ian( xyod-90)ir Sxpdr, ve'd pafced Proposed ' of WTiic^ Agreed outlay oublay Expdr. outlay capital content 4 5 6 7 8

Spill over VJater Supply Schecies; n Extension & Inprovement of V7.S# 450.00 53.54 4 7 .0 0 47.00 47. cc 47. CO V/.S. to slums...... 50. 00 10,00 10. 0( 10. CO 10.00 10,00 2. Liversion of surplus water from Himayat satar to Qsnan sagar. *. ... 24c. 00 53.95 10.00 10.00 25. 0c 25.00 5. Manzira W.S.Scheme rhase-II, 250.00 10.40 32-50 32.50 44. CO 44.00 40.00 40.00 50.96 4. Eenodcllin{ ;.;f distribution System, 0 500,00 9S.05 50,96 5. v/.S. to Or dance Eactory .... 0 5.36 3 . CO 3 .0 0 ■3.OC 3.CC 6. Manjira VJ.S.Scheme 1 hase~III including establishment charges .... 5600.00 152^.32 1920.00 1920.00 2 7 75.OC 2775,00 7, Ilesearch and Levelopment. 10. OQ 0.4'9 0 .5 0 0.50 1, 0a. 1,00 0 . Autnentation of y .S . to Twin Cities from Krishna (Na^arjunasa^sar) ...... 400.00 ■ 9.96 3 7 .0 0 3 7 .cc 152,00 ‘ 152,00

. ’ Total: 7500.00 1774.45 2100.00 '■'21 CO. 00 3107.96 3107.96 SE’.?jE/,GE; - E anodeH in t uf existing Sewerage System in Hyderabatl and Secunderabad. •••••• 162-94 400.00 . 400,00 • 392.04 392,04

■ Total: ^ ^7500.00^ ^ ^1937.09_ 2500.00^ 2500.00 3500_j.00 350.0,00 Cl VJater Supply; C.E., (R.W»S>): CCI Direction and Ac’iministration. 0 CC5 Training ...... 1 Cc 4 iceseafch (for water testing’ analysis) 20000.00 2532.50 2600.00 2600.00 2600.00 — OC.195 Survey and jnvesti^iation 052 Machinery and Equipment .. _ 1 02 Rural Water. Supj.'ly irci'rntines-:

1 1 . Non^M.N.l* i i i . Operation & Maintenance(Ml®p) Total: 20000,00 2502.50 2600.00 2600.00 2600.00 Statement GN - 2 DRAFT ANlTUiiL PLAN 1989-90 - : DEVELOPMENT SCEEMS - PROJECT ( Rs. lakhs) - - - ...... OUTLAY AND ' EXPEIJDITURE

Code Ho, Name of , thd scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 ____ 1989-90_ project. Five 'Year Actual Appro- Antici* proposed of which' Plan (1985-90) Expdr. ved pated outlay capital Agreed Outlay outlay Expdr. content. ’ 1 ; 2 3 .4 5 6. 8.


001 Direction and Administration 005 Training 004 Research 005 Survey ancl investigation. 5000,00 400.00 400.00 400,00 400, 00 400,00 C52 Machinery e>nd Equipment, 105 Snnitation Service (puural low cost Sa n itatio n ).

■ ■ ■ ' . - -.Total (R .W .S .) 25000',00 , 2902,50 3000,00 5000.00 5000;00 5000,00 * * •

T o t a l’ (Water Supply and 0 44500,00 6945.55 7900,00 7900,00 0900,00 7000,00 Sanitation) 0 S t; a t: em e n'fe 'Ijl« 2 DRAFT ACTUAL _PLA1I -19^2-^*^- 2 y S T S W m m i SCpuES-PROJEGTS O m A Y AND _ii^PSi^DITUp_ (Rs. 1 akhs)

Code IIo, Nane of the scheme/project Seventh 1987-88 1988-■ 89 P ive Year Actual a.989 -90 Appro­ Propose d Of wRlcV Plan( 1985-90) Expdr. Antici­ Agreed outlay ved pated outlay capital outlay Expdr. content, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 • 8

2 23 221600 Housinq (incl.Police Housinq) 103 ^") P. Ho using Bo-'.rd 3000.00 350.00 350.00 3 jO.OO 590.00 590.00

Total ;(Housino Board) 3000.00 350.00 350.00 350.00 590.00 590.00

i^oriT!'':! Plan 1. R j 3 id 0 n t i 1 a c commod a t i o n 19.00 40 .00 40.00 40.00 - 2.R'nt-^l .Housing schemos 131.00 110.00 110.00 110,00

, T o tal: 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 -

(b) Upgradation of Administration 1.Upgradation of standards of Judicial Administration, 135.62 124.39 124.39 22.27 2.Upgradaticn of standards of Jail Administration. 5 4 .00 80.61 80.61 30.25 3.Modical & Health Administration 60.38 45 .00 45 .00 178.75

Total: (Upgradatinn): 250.00 250.00 250.00 231.27

Total: (C.E., BUILDIN3L) 1500.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 381.27 03 Rural Housinq: 102 Provision of House sites to tl:o landlass. (Houso-sitas DSW) 6000.00 843.62 300.00 300.00 800.00

.../ Stafcemenfa GK-2 _AimUAL PLAn_a:989-90 - DEVELOPIfflNT^SCtMlES-PRO^CTS ” ~ ~ OUTLAY AND "e XPEOI'HIRE (Rs. lakhs) Code I-io. .Imne of the scheme/project Seventh 1987-88 19 88-89 _ 1989-90 ______Pive Year Actual Appro- rintiCl-" Proposed Of which Plan(p85-90} Expdr. ved pated outlay capital outlay Expdr. Agreed outlay content 3 4 5 6

03 Rural Housing 800 Othbr B)^ponditure YJoakor Sections Housing Prcgramme. i) St^tQ GovornraGnt subsidy in the proj(jct■ cost of WSHP. 20,305.50 2667.00 4697.97 4697.97 4697,97 ii) Managerial subsidy to n.P.State . Housing Corpn.Ltd.,Hyderabad, 1,659.50 295.00 294.78 294.78 294.78 iii) Cost^of staff of Director,Weaker Sections Housing ProgramP3. 35,00 3.29 4.25 4.25 4,25 iv) Provision for LIC/GIC loans to APSHu for imDlementation of WSHP. 4,000.00 999.00 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 .w . Totar:(WoakQr Section Housing Programme)) 26,000.00 3964.29 5997.00 5997.00 5997.00

XI SOCL\L SERVICES 223 2216C0 Housing ^ j ovt ^tosidontial Buildings IP7 Pollco Hous'ing ( Pi) NornTal Plan - 1 , 000.00 250.00 450.00 450.00 450.00 450.00 (b) UpgTadation of standards of Admn, - - - 102.17 102.17

To tal: 1,000.00 250.00 450.00 450.00 552.17 552.17

H.U.D.,..- 600.00 enu* VI Sikh t n am. "I/ ► D'. .1' Vi j ■' y ->v' /' " ' .V.- / .d) 400.00

Total: (Housing); 38,923.00 5807.91 7497.00 7497.00 8320.44 1142.17 -aA.raiS'-uj-air "k. ’ (Rs. lakhs)

- No, Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 198^*88 1988»89______Project Five Year Actual Approved Antici- t^op'oT e f wfaleh' Plan (1985-90) Exp

DEVELOPMENT: (a) A ..Q 9 m % T 7 2217 03 Integrated Development of. Small & Medium Tovms. 650.00 72.20 100,00 100.00 100,00 50.00 - 2217 05 ■ ■ 001 Direetdon and Addinistrstion staff scheme & Aeriel Survey. 160.00 38.00 40,00 40.00 40.00 - - 2217 05 191 ikssistance to Municipalities for * - ' Implementation of Master Plans. 430.00 30.00 60,00 60.00 60*00 m

' Total: (Director, Town & Caimtry Planning) 1S40.00 140.20 200,00 200.00 200.00 50.00

(b) Direct or, iteniaiis^ Adfljailstofcipnt^ 04 ^u m -Area Improvement 2500.00 228,00 251.00 251.00 251.00 251.00 m 830.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 9l A s s i s f e ^ lo^Eccal .Boai^s, Gorpn. Ur ban Dev. Authoritios, Town Improvement- Boards etc.

Lon of School buildings. 1000.00 174,60 1 7 P. 00 17^.00 17Q.00 17^.00 ^ Assistance to Local Bodies,Corpn. UDAs Town l^TGVement Boards etc. , m G m m b k i • alilcgional Officos • 70.00 18,00 30.00 30.00 30,00 30.00 bjRegional Centre ofEnvironmental studies,Hyd, 20.00 4.00 2,00 2.00 2.00 2,00 , c)Urban Basic Service scb0me(HHA & UD Dept.) 12,97 . 15.00 17,50 17,50 17iS0

TOTAL: (Director, Municipal; Ad«tnistrationj) 44SO.OO44S0.00 562.57 602.00 604.50 604,50 604.50 Sfcafcement (3T-2 DSAW 1989*90 - (Rs. lakhs)' _ OUK^Y_AND_:^ do No. I'T-^.me’ o'P tfiv. Scheme/ SevQiifefe -}987-88 _ J i 8 S = 8 2 _ 1989-90 Appi^Dved . AatiGi- !ft?Gposed of which ' i^roj'3ct ictu&l an Cl9$5-eO) gxpcb?, , outlay pated outlay Capital igreea 0^1%^ sScpdr, content 4-. 6a 8', 1, ■ ■ •2.. ■ 3-., . •5 ‘. 7.

223 7 00 UBBAN DS¥g.LOPMENT i l9l Municiapl Corporation of J HyderabadtKuni^i^pl £.)i'vtn cities IXvelopraerit 2273.00 485.00 685.00 685.00 710>00 7"''.0*0G b^EnvlrontnQntal Improvement scl 840*00 340.00 673.46 9i0,00 ^ 0 , 0 0 &)Urban Cominunity Development. 60.00 ■15.00 1 5 .0 0 15. 00 15.00 15.00 * ■». m Total.: ( M C H) 3173.00 500.00 1040.00 137®.46 1665.00 1665.00 s 2217 00 URBAN DEVELOBMENTi Assistance ta L o c ^ Bodiersi .fjcilit^es"and dev. of green belts: 1)ConstructiQn of cprapo'und walls and l^v. of , open spaced* • ., 9.13 9.13 17.30 17.30 2)B|autiflca-tion^ play ecjuipement, Avenue ‘ 3.03 3,03 0.45 ,0.45 3) later Sup'plyi • ‘ ■ 3}Waier supply to ^Dit Singh Nagar, Prakasamnagar ®te. 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 4)Laying pipe, line in unserved areas. . 6.41 6.41 ■» Inage 5)Suliage'7trver4ion scheme of the old tovnci. 15,00 15.00 8.62 8.62 6)Out fall drains ... 51.25 51.25 Traffic rmprovements: 7)Service Roads * 0.42 0.42 3,6^ 3.68 8 ;Traffic Islands 3.73 3.73 4.9Q 4,99 9)Ror.d v'idenihgs 40. P4 . 40.94 24.08 24.08 lOJLink Roads ’ 10. 90 10, QO ’ 2.02 . 2.02 115Bridges - 45,44 45.44 15.21 15.21 l2)Budameru flood protection work (Formation of Bund). 6.50 6.50

Tot all ( C .y c j ' ^ 0 , 0 0 7 5 ^ 150*00 150.00 iso.oo 150.00 <9 «• «» l989-9t ^ DSVS^pMT SCHMES/^OJECTS_ OUTLilY iJ^D EXPENDITURE (Rs. lakhs) ode No, Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 19 87-88 1988-89 1989-90 Project Five Year ictual Approved ^ Ant ici- Proposed of wh ich Plan (1985-90) Expdr. outlay pated outlay Capital Agreed Outlay Expdr. content 1. 2, 3 . 4. 5. 6. B.

23 2217 04 . • l9l M C V ODA Scheme 400.00 400.00 : 23 2217 SO ' / ' ' ‘ 190 Municipal Corporati^VjVisakhapatnam. 500.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 600.00 100.00 200.00 200*00 600.00 600.00 23 2217 05 l9l Assistanefe~tD-Bddles. UMs, HUM ■ ■ - a) Establishment ” 316', 00 60.00 “ -80.00 ’BC.OO 90,00" b) Planning & Dev, Oriented Studies, 180.00 6.00^, lo • 00 10.00_ .... 10,00 c) jev. of Green Belt, Urban Forestry, Approach Hoads, etc., ' ■ 3C .00 20,00 2 ,0v ■ 2,00 5.00 5 .::' d) Master Plan & Zonal Dev .‘Plans Preparation & Revision. - ‘ 20.00 5-. 00 5,00 5.00 5,00 5,00 e) Urban Cc^nservati :n • lij .oC 5', vjoi - - _ f) Traffic Improvement . , _ 140.00 ----- g )i. Inner Ring Road. 600.00 26.00 20.00 20.0 U 10.00 ' o.OO i i . Inner Rigg Road, Special grant. - - -- 200,00 180.00 h) Truck Terminals & Parking Lots. 160.00 10 . L C 5, Oo 5.00 5 • • V' 5.0C i) Urban Water Su^pply to HUD4 Coloni-ee, 49.00 - - . - -- j) Buddhapurniina Project. 50.00 - 8.0 J 8 .Uo 5.0 j 5.0 V k) E.I.Schemes ^ 1 5 0 .x - - - -- 1) Dredging of Hussainsagar lake - - - ICO.00 - w M w H a » •M a •• a w , • V • • ^ mm tm • -V ' • M • • * ^ — Total; ' 169^,00 130.00 13C.OO 1 3 0 .OC 430.'>C 2''9.0 Statement aT~2 DRAFT ELAN 1989r;90 - SCHE^S/^OJEOTS^ OU^AY_MC_J^MDITORE_, (R s . lakhs)

Nsme of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 Project Five Year Actual Approved Antic i- Proposed" ' ox vThich Plan (1985-90) Exp dr. outlay pated outTay Capital Agreed Outlay ■ Expdr. '‘ content^ 2. 4. 5 * ' 6 .' .7; 8.

TUB SHAH URBAI'^ DBVELOPM^T AUTHORITY. 7 ^’0 ( i f ’lloads & BPidgos • 100.00 206, 0( 200.00 285,00 285,00 (2) kiildings & Equipments. • 65.00 1 5 . 0^ 15.00 35.00 35.00 Urdu Hesidential School for Girls, 25.00 25.00 Sports & Gamos. 10.00 20.00 go, 00 (3) Hospitals & Dispensaries,. i ... 5v* 00 50,00 50,00 _ (4) Seworfige & S?nitation(low Cost)* 105,,00 20,00 '■ 4 0 ,0 0 4 0 ,0 0 Other Urban Development Schemes & Establishment charges, ' 12j . 0 165,00 165,00' '• 4 5 .0 0 '45.00

■ Total: 1000.00 450, 00 45 0,00 450,v-'I^ ' 45 0, o'J 45 0,00 ro .7 00 URBM developmemt o 06 other Urban Dev, 1 9I Vizaina^ar. Guntur^ Tenall UDAs; Remunerative Schemestn^Sites & Services 5,ov,‘' ' 5,00 5,00 Non-rc-munerative Schemes i a) Estt. charges 15,00 1 5 .00 15,00 b) Formation of Master Plan Roads. 15, U 0 1 5 ,0 0 ■ '■ 15.00 c) Afforestation & Beautification oi' Parks 1 0 ,o : 7 1 P. - of Parks/ Total;CVGT UDAs.) 700.00 25, 00 4 5 ,0 0 45,00 4 5 .0 0

Visakhapatnam UDA, 995.00 2S, do 45.0,0 45,;0C_ 45;,go i f S o O Statement OlT~2 MUAL^i^AN 1989^90 - DEVELOMMT SCHEgE^mOJEGTS_

• OUTLAY AND EXPMDITQIS ' ' ■ ■■ CRs , lakhs)

Jo. Name of the Scheme/ Seventh .1987-88 1988-89 - ______1989^190 Project Five Tear • Actual Approved Antici- froposed of which Plan (1985-90) Exp dr. GUtlay -pated outlay capital Agreed'Outlay Bcpdr. content 2 . 3. 4. 5 . 6, 7. ■ 8.

2217 00 Urban Dev. /iTei 05 U’fcTTernTR'lj^TT "PI" ^ KAKi>TIYA URBAN DEVT, AUTHORITY. WAR AN GAL t 1. Establishmefit . • ■ 15.00 - 2, Provision’for vir;!ening of RoadsCincludli new master-plQn roads) ’ ' . ' 410.00 25. OC 45. OC 45.00 15.00 15.00 3, Parks etc,., (including Social Forestry) 1 0 . 00 4. Sites cc Services. 5.00 5 .

T6tal: (Kakatiya UDA) .. . 410.CC 25.00 45.00 45.00 . 45.00 1 . :?1 Tirupati UDA: . ■A . « “ W W M «• M mm M w , » a )""Eirabl'ish]ne^nt • 24.00 24.00 24.00 ' 24.00 b) Sitos & Services Programme 5.0^ 5.00 12,. 00 1 2 .0'v.' V/idening & Formaticn Roads. ■■ ■ 10.00' 10. OC 7.00 7.00 Ccmmercial Complex. 4.00^ 4.00 e> Parks a Avenue’ Plantations. 2.,00 ■ 2.00 2.00 2.00

* Total:(Tirupati UDA) 280.00 ’ 2 5 .l O ■' "4 3 . CO 45.00 ” 45.00 45.00

)1 Formation of Nel^^ U-.D.A8 - - 33.00 33.00 . 33.00 33-00 ^ OT M . TOTAL:(URBAN DEVELOPMENT) 4772.00 ” '-2057.77 ■ 2985. Ov-' 3320.P6 4312.50 3P26.50 Draft Annual I Ian 1909-90 - Development sciienesArojects Outlay & Expenditure STAPiMEHT GN-2 (Es, lekhs) 7th PivB 1907-00 1900-09 1909-90 Code No* Name oY the Scheme/Project m Year ilan Actual (1985-9G) Expr, Approved Anti,- proposed Of which agreed outlay, outlay. ■ expr, , outlay capital ■ content. 1, 2, 3. 4, 5. 6. 7. 0.

2 24 222C GC DJPOLMAT ION AND lUHLICITY; ■ ' 6C Qtl{ers; CC1 direction h Aclninistration, 0.50 0.50 .0.50 C05 EoEKinrch & Training in Mass communication* 2»50 0.27 0,50 0.50 0.50 1C1 /advertising & Visual Tublicity Exhibitions. 12.0C 2.17 3,00 3.00 4.00 1C1 Comunity Video lublioity irotramme* 100.00 60.00 « ' *“ - Sub“Total( 1C1): 12, 00 2.t7 3.00 103.00 64.00 ro o • - GO 102 Infiornation Cen tres. 12.00 ' 4.-69 ' ' 16,00 '10,00 10.00 103 Irass infornation Services (press tours), 6 .0 0 '• 1 .9 1 .. 2.00 2.00 4.00 OCC Ceiitification of cinematographic films public exhibition (Purchase of A.V. • equipment), 30.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1C6 Field lublicity; , i. Salaries, 97.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 5,00 - ii. Motor vehicles 39.00 3.00 3.00 10.00 107 Sont & Drama Services, 26.50 4.03 6.00 6.00 10,00 109 Ihoto Services, ,., 7.CC 2.57 3.00 3 .0 0 10.00 110 lublications, ...... 10.00 1.74 4 .0 0 ' 4.00 19.00 111 O .K . rroiramine, ...... 27.00 2.44 4.00 4.00 4.00 Ill Corauunity Television Programme 70.00 ' 3.01 7.00 7.00 9,00 Others; Tribal Areas Sub-Jlan, 21.00 1.70 4.00 ^ 4.00 5.00 Total(information & Publicity): 560.00 30, 29' 62.00 242*00 17-0,00 (R3* lakhs) 7^h“pive 190'’-80' 1900-09 1989-90" Year Plan Actual Code No. N;.ii:ic of the Scheme/E’roject, '1935-9C) expr. Approved Anticipa- Iroposed Of which agreed outlay ted expr. outlay capital outlay, content, 1. 2. 4. - 5. 6. 7. 0.

80C Other Expenditure; A.r*State I'ilm Development Corpor.ation Lim ited:______1557.00 I'.D.C. complex. 72»00 09. 00.. 09.00 67,00 67,00 loana for construction of Cinema theatres. *• •• 10,00 10. CO 40,00 - 5) subsidy to Cinema thestres under TCKV Scheme, . . - .. ,. 15.00 - 4) loans to iafrastructural units 20.00 - IV) 60.00 - 5 ) Incentives to low-budget Telu^^u films. 8 6) I'ilm /krchives. . . ^ , , 5 .0 0 - 7) Tilm Festivals & Export of Telueu 1,00 1.00 , 2,00 - f ilms• • , .• ••

Total: 1357.00 72,00. 100.00 100,00 207.00 67,00

Tot^C information & publicity) '717.00 '.02.29 162.0C 542,00 577,00 67.00 Sfcategient (2T-2 - JSVMjOHJMT §G^ip:,g/;PR^IOTS_ OUTLAY_i^I)_MOTDiroSE_ • (Ss. lakhs)

Code No, Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-^88 1988-89 1989-90 _ Prooect Five Year Actual Approved Antici- Proposed of whi«h Plan (1985-90) Expdr. outlay pated outlay Capital Agreed Outlay Expdr. content 1. 2 . 3*‘ 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 .

225 222500 WEBFAHE OF SGHEUJLED CASTES, SCHEDULED TKPBES & OTHER BACKWARD CLASSES______Q1 IjEI^ARE OF SCHEIULED CASTBSa 001 I . Jlcinlnistration: 55G.00 ^ .1 9 130.00 157.00 ' 140.00 78.00 I I . Waintanance aad Oponing of Naw Govorn- «Gnt Hostols 2200,00 202.69 580.00 621.00 690.00 * 277 III t 1. S / ^ p s and stipends to IT I students 300.00 31.87 48.00- 48.00 48,00 2. S/dhips to the students in MD,MS MB ’and other post-graduate courses IjO.OO 1.26 ’ 3.00 3.00 3.00 3. S/sM ps to students in H i to Xth class 900.00 106.57 110.00 110.00 UO.OO 4. S/sM ps to students in 1st and Ilnd class 600.00 surrendered -w __ 5. Scholarships to Research Scholars 100.00' 14.39 40.00 40.00 40.00 6. Full mess charges t^ Post-matric students in” attached hostels 500.00 39.45 55.00 215.00 215.00 7. RoiSibursemont of tuition fees in reputed scfiools 50.00 **“ 8, IncSntivas and othor moaSur3S for Universal onfolment -- — 9. Schclarships t c Bright students ■ — 25.00 — 22.00

' Totsa*. 2460.00 193.54 - 28-1.00 416.00 459.00

IV. Otlier Educati in-1 Facilities to "S.C.students 1. Supply of N.T.Books 300.00 54.58 72.00 118.00 72.00 2. Siipply of N.T.Bcoks to the students of * Non-Telugu media 5»00 Included in S.No. 2.00 2.00 2.00 1 & 4 .«1 n ^ rt mm 3 . Transport charges of N,T.Books 5 0 ,CIO ^ .. /..ff . m P T J IA N 1989-90 - D m L O m M T SCHEMES/FROJTCTS^ a^^AY_MD_HCPENDm^_ (Rs. lakhs)

Code No, Name of the Scb&me/ Seventh 1987-88 198&->89 i2§a Project Five Year Actual Approved ilntici- F r oio@ed ^ e oiT Plan (1985-90) Expdr* outlay pated outlay CapttSl Exp dr. content 1 . 2 . 3 . 5- Oft 7 . 8 .

4. banks to medical aad Engineoring gtudonts 75.00 17.64 ID.OO 10.00 10.00 5. Books and instruments to students in J>oly- tochnic and IH s . 100.00 8.84 10.00 10.00 10.00 6. Sipply of instruments and calculators to Engineering students 50.00 22.22' 6.00 6.00 6.00 7. Coaching in 3pokan English 5.00 0,65 2.00 2.00 2.00 8. Fing(pcial Assistance to rofarred Medical - and Enginooring students 10.00 0.59 2.00 2.00 2.00 9. Financial Assistance to SG Advocates and Traiu- ing in /idrainistratiDn of Justice 50.00 2.14 5.00 5.00 6.00 3 D . Rssidaitial Cantrallsod Schools end construct­ 754.56 804.00 1585.00 ion of school buildii^s 4400.00 804.00 fo 11. Supply of Drosses to Hostel Boarders 150.00 28.28 40.00 40.00 52.00 12. Coaching fa d lite s to SC students for staff recruitment examiniatian 25.00 _ 10.00 10.00 10.00 13. Resea?^ch Training Centre 50.00 ■■ - ■ 1.00 1.00 5.00 14. Sdiolardiips and utiier educational facilities t-' the chldren of those ong^ed in unclean occupations 125.00 33.12 40.00 69.00 69.00 15. Scouting & Girl guiding to hostel boarders . 20,00 5,00 5.00 5.00 5.00 16. Opening ;f Libraries in Harijanawaiaa 30.00 3,76 . 2.00 . 2.00 12.00 17. Res. rolytochnics and I.T.Ts. 1851.25 100.00 150.00 150.00 300.00 IJB. Study tour and excursions 50.00 -- -- 19. Library facilities in Hostels - ^ 0.88 5.00 5.00 5.00 20. Medical aid to hostel boarders 'S.-S5 5.00 5.00 5.00 21. Supply of games and sports material in Government Hostels 0.64 5.00 5.00 5.00 22. Pre-examination Training Centre 50.00 a.oo ID.OO 10.00 10.00 Statement (3!T-2 D%FT 1989^90 z CUT^Y^D_HCi^DI2UM_ (Rs. lakiis)

Code ITo. Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 Project Five Year Actual Approved Antici­ Proposed of which Plan (1985-90) Escpdr. outlay pated outlay Capital Agreed Outlay • r Ixpdr. content 1 . 2 . 3. . 4. • 5. 6. 7* 8.

23. Monetary'A.3sistanco to students for abroad studios ' . — ■ . — 2.00 2,00 2.00 2,00 24. Essential Text books for SCs, C oX l^e studaats • in professional courses • — 26*00 40.00 40.00 40.00 25. Development of iafrastructursl facilities - — 1.00 1.00 1.00 • • » ' Total* 7596,25 1054.31 1239.00 1314.00 2226.00 2.00

V . Sch'olarships and Educational facili­ ties to Hari.ian Christians s ro 1. Supply-of N.T.Books 5.00 -surraadered -' 1.00 1.00 1.00 t\j 2. to Govt. 2. Supply*of books and instruments to I.T .I. students • r , 5.00 . 0.38 1.00 1.00 1.00 3. Sanfction of post-matric s/ships and fu31 mess charges 20.OC 1.79 4.00 4.00 4.00 4. Reimbursement of.tuition fees 5 .0 0 Surremd^ed 1.00 1.00 1.00 to Govt. 5. S/ships and stipends to students in Poly- ; ^ technies and ITI students 10.00 1.51 ...2.00.... . 2.00 2.00 6 , Fre-Eia€ric s/ships frcan Ilird to X classes 30.00 Surrendered 5.00 5.00 5.00 to Govt.

7. S/ships and incentives to studmts in 1st 10.00 Surrendared 2,00 2.00 2.00 and Ilnd classcs to Govt,...

Totals 85.00 3.68 16.00 16.00 16.00 , — 19^9r90 - DETOOpMT SCHMS/PROTEC^S_ (Rs. lakhs)

No Project Five Year Actual Approved Antici­ Jb^roposed ot which Plan (1985-90) Exp dr. outlay pated outlay Capital Agreed Outlay Expdr, content 1. 2. 3. 4 . 5. 6. 7. 8.

VI.TraLoiriK Prosrarames: 1. Training progranmes 75.00 7.64 20.00 20.00 20.00 2, Gammt productim ContrQS 100.00 9.26 12.00 12.00 13.00 ’ Toteai 175.00 16.90 32.00 32.00 33.00

•< V II. public Health and Other proeranmess 1, Community Services 200.00 26.62 25.00 25.00 25.00 Z, Altomative Occupati

Totall 435.00 55.75 54.00 54.00 54.00

02 Vni .Economic Dovelooment Schemes! 1, Sconomic Support S’Chames 25.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 2. Loans for Employment Abroad - - 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3. Development of Identified Vulnerable groups among S^Cs. 50.00 — 5.00 - 5.00

Total* 75.00 5.00 9.00 2.00 9.00 2.00 Stateaiant (a?-2 DR^FT 1 5 ^ 9 - 9 0 3 SC ■’ - 0J^AY_^D_J2PM£ITORI_ (Bs* lakhs) jd e N o , Name Of the' Scheme/ Seventh 1 987- 88 19 88 - 8 9 1989--QO , P r o j e c t l i v e Yeai? A c t u a l Antfci-> I^roposed o f w hich . Plan (1985-90)- E x p d r , o u t l a y p a t e d o u t l a y C a p i t a l - ■ Agreed Outlay l ^ d r * Con ten t 1« . 2 . 5* 6 . 7 . 8-. ,

IX.Irrigation -aiid Other Developia®it Schaness 1. Irrigation and allied activities in the lands of SCs. — 713,57 200.00 200.00 200.00 2. Other Dovelppment Schemes -- Qofvt. sanction 10,00 •w , not received

■ ; Total* — 715.57 210.00 200.00 200,00

190 X.A.P.SC.COOt>INMCE CORPORATIONJ 1. DevelopiiKait' of Surplus lands iSG.OO 91.00 91.00 91.00 91.00 2. Majidgerial [subsidy 150.00 25,00 50.00 50,00 60.00 60,00 _ r 3 . InvQstmsnt in APSCFG. ‘ 4088.75 , 348.00 469.00 459.00 612.00 612,00 : 4. Loans to /irSCCFC for construction of hostel buildings ''or Boys and Girls 3000.00 250.00 350*00 350.00 450.00 450.00 ' 5. a) Loans for repaynient of Bank Loans obtainodj for coristruction of hostel buildings. J 75.00 68,00 70.00 70.00 1.00 1.00 b) For sericulture Programmes J 54.00 54.00 6. Loans for -i'epayment of Bank Loans for creating irrigation facilities 190.00 190.00 95,00 95,00 7. Loans t ^ SCs for purchase of Agricul-ture lands 50i00 5. 0a 5 .0 0 ’ 5.00 5,00 5.00 8. Financial fissistance tj APSCFC for Development of assignc'/i lands anc digging of Irilgation Wells 100,00 iii.18 .2S.00 25.00 25,00

9. Loans to subsidised rata of interest 100.00' 1.00 1.00 1,00 10. Investment in APSCFG for margin money 6o:oo 2.00 1.00 i.od 1,00 '

r?i7rfT nc 1277 00 989“ 90_IEVIL0?]p:NT_ SCHEMES/PROJECT s j m m STAMjNT-GNj;2 • il OUTIAY AND EXIMDITURE

_ iR^ -IruLsklisJi Code No, Nc-^e of . the Scheme/ Seventh M 967-88 1988-89 ^ Proj'Gct, Eive Year Actual Approved Anticipated 1989-90. Plan (1985-90) Expdr. Outlay Expdr, i'roposed w h i- Agreed outlay. outlay. Capit; ' I c ontc nr, 1 2 4 5 6 7 0

XI. SOCIisL INTEGRATION; 1. Special Crimnal C:urts 100.00 40.83 38.00 38.00 38.00 2, Coastructl-n of coinraunity halls(promoticn -f Intjr Casto marriages) 150,00 34.53 50.00 50.00 100.00

3ub-total; 250.00 75.36 88.00 88.00 138.00

T ;tal(WQlfare of Scheduled Castes); 21400.00 3251.61 3>4ol..i>0 41A’2 *0,0 5340.00 1359.00

02 WELF.uE OF S€HEIULED TRIBES* 001 AD14IMI3TRATI0WJ 1. Headquarters Office J . I 2. District Office J I 3. Legal Aid to tribals J 260.00 J 15.99 18.00 18.00 19.80 4. Tribal Welfare Complex | I 0.10 0.10 2.00

260.00 15.99 18.10 18.10 '21.80

2.25 2225.07.277 ErCCAlIOi^: 1. Incentives to ST pre-niatric students 524.33 95.16 124.14 108.05 118.52 2. Award of Pre-matric scholarships 554.24 57.23 105.8« 105.80 141.28 3 . post-matric scholarships 22.76 31.69 3.40 3.40 30.00 4. Residential schools 433.82 23.10 27.27 Z7.ZI 27.27 5, Maintaiance and opening Hostels 765.02 115,78 192.21 169.96 234.51 6 . Ashram Schools 89.06 148.00 125.48 260.35 > . . contd.. m P T _/.M U 7;L P L M 1989-90 XfETPIOPM ^ SCHlMES / PROJECTS STATm sm - * OUTLAY iiND T^XMDl^URP ( Rs . in IsMif Code No, N'eme o^f the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-09 ^ 1989-90 - Project. ^ive Year’ Actual approved -^ntici- Prarposed of which Plafi( 1985-90) Expdr. outlay pated Outlay capital iigreed Outlay, Expdr, content. 1. 3 4 . 5. 6 . 7. 8.


7. Construction of hostela 8. Constraction of I.T.boildirgs 9.. Construction of TTI bjildirgs 2137.56 1046.92 863.48 773.33 780.59 780.59 10. Construction of girls Hostel buildings 11. pre-examination Training Centre 34.50 6.16 4.50 4.50 5.00 12. Scouting 21.20 1.20 1.75 1.20 1.20 13. Repayment of Bank lo£*is 50.00 7.87 4.63 4.63 12.S7 14. Share of TiD for Residentiel ITIs —. 57.84 46.50 46.50 46.50 ' •• 15. Opening, of ITDA public schools .la — 10.00 - - — fV) 16. Single JTaacher schools for chendius — — . 9.56 14.34 -A 17. IntonsLve coaching to lOth failed ST candi­ dates in T3P area ^ - 15.00 ... 5.98 •• 18. Payraont of arrears under best available schools - — 27.97 — Loan scholarships to ST students persuing professional courses — 3.00 — — 19. Enhancoment of enumera'tj-on to the tutors from Rs.50/- to Rs.lOO/-. p.m. >- — 7.54 7.69

4543.43 1512.00 1549.68 1415.19 1685.60 780.59 -• ■> ------2.25.2225.02.102. SCQjOMI C lEVELOPt'iENT SCHEMESi 1. Training prograjimo 21.30 6.90 5.00 5.00 5.00 2. Multipurpose Extension programme 2.00 2.00 2.00 3 . Engineering Establishiflent 457 .40 I 95.00 115.71 115.71 121.63 4. podu aiginearing Wir.g DRi^FT m m iiL PLAN 1909-90 DW^LOPMi^T SC H ^^S / rR0j;2CTS_0IJTLAY_Aira JXr^DI'TORJ ST/.MSNT- GN.2 (Rs. in lakhs Code Wo. Name of -fche Scheme/ Se V e nth 1987-08 _____1988-89 ______--4989-90 Project, ^'ive Year Ac tual Approved "In i icrpafed “ " “ Plan (1985-90) Expdr. outl^ Kxpar/ /.greed 0-Qtlay. ^'ontent, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

5. Revanue Establishment 12.51 5.01 3.03 3.03 3.33 6. Staff under Fodu 179.16 16.78 24.00 24.00 26.07 7. Monitoring units • 3.80 1.50 1.65 1.65 1.82 8, Coffee Dev.staff scheme 141.20 1 22.05 18.75 18.75 13.75 9. Maintenance of existing co’fee guardans I - 16.68 16.68_ 30.00 10. MaintencOica charges for M T G s — — — 9.91 11 ^Finaneiai Assistance to TPICOR 1800.00 161.80 161.80 161.80 168.00 12. Rahabilitaticn of Yanadis — 50.00 20.00 20..^0 20.00 13. Rehabilitation of Chencus , 184,39 60.00 40.00 30.44 35.00 14. GilRT irrogrginme - 0.05 0.05 — 15. Special Compact j\rea Prograams — 13.22 13.22 _ ~ 16. Minor Irrigation Schema in TSP area 50.00 30.00 30.00 200.00

S ( ^ ^ ; * 17. State shar'e for implaueD+in^ ?odu scheme 1.00 1.00

2799.66 469.04 452.89 429.06 . 641.51 . - _ « - - - _ - « - .IV. Repaymait of cost of opei Heart surgery I 1,00 — — 5jp 0 Hearing Aid ( 1.00

5.00 2.00 — — ER/iFT 4MUAL P I M 19^9-90 JEVPlOrM]^ T SCHT^IES / FROJ'PCTS ■’ ouTLiY ------ST/iW m _GN-_2 ______(_Rs^ In _la k h s^______1988-89 _ 1989-90 ^ . Code No. Name of the ^liem e/ Seventh 1987-88 Project. Approved . An'tioipatea J’roposed of wEic] Five Year Actual Outlay. Edpif. outlay Gapital Plan (1985-90) Expdr. CO ntent. Agreed outlay. 2. 3. 5. 5. 6. 7. 8.

2.25.;2225.0?,.283. V . H0U3INGs 1, Housing for staff 100.00 40.00 37.67 . 37.67 40.00 2. SeciiT-pomansait nousing

100400 ■ 40.00 37.67 37.67 40.00 •. 2.25.2225.02.196. ii^SISTjilMCE TO iU3LIC SECTOR ' - UNDSRTiKINGSi 143.15 89.25 88 . 25 ' 88.25 92.08 1, Financial assistance to G.6.C. (•' 2. Loans to G.C.C. — 22.28 22.28 3. Managerial subs-dy tc TRICOR. 84.46 16.50 18.63 18.63 20.94 " 4. Writing off loans 22.28 22.28

227.61 128.03 129.16 151.44 113.02

V II. ilSSISTAMCS TO VOUJNTiiRY ORGANISATIONS J 2.25 . 2225.02.800 VIII. OTHER EXfMBirUREJ 1. Impact Money 25.00 4.90 10.00 15.00 15.00 2. TGR & TI. 38.40 12.93 11.00 11.00 15.00 3 . Drou™lit - — 16^00 — 4. Infrastructure facilities -W — 1.00 — -W 5. Schoraes under Art. 275(i) -W — — - 156.33 200.00

63,40 17.62 22.00 198.33 230.00 DRAFT ^NU^L_PL/»N 1909^90 E B V ^ r M T S C H M S / PROTECTS, ST/.TEMENT-GN-2

CUTLilY i\ND EXPENDITURT7’. ______1g No .* N?jno ol the Bcheme/ Seventh • 1987-88 1988^89 _ 1989-90 Project, 'Five Year ' iictual ^^"pproved AritTn;i- Proposed oI whlcH Plan (1985-90) Expdr. Outlay pated Outlay Capital Agreed outlay Expdr. CO ntent. 3 ■ 4 5 6 T 8

2.25.4225,02.190. OTHERS

Sheixe capital subsidy to TRICOR. 0.90 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.53 0.53

0.90 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.55 0.53

TOT;\L ( Welfare of Scheduled Tribes): 8000.00 2183.40 2212.00 225C. iQ 2752.46 781.12 DRaPT_j^BmAL 1 989-90_IJ2T^L0PMWT_^H2M£Sj |_PR0JI;C ts

m s WTZAY M D BXP1!:NDITURE odt No, Name.of the Scheme/ Seven-tti 198 7-88 198S-89 1989-90 Project. Five Year A* u t al approved In,-t Ic i- ■‘•reposed of which Plan(1986-90) Expdr, outlay. pated Outlay Capital Agreed Outlay. Etpdr. content. 1. 3 4 5 6 7 8

?3 S225 003 I . WELEARS OF BA(2^WARD CLASaESt 001 i) Direction and Administration 115.00 20.37 22.50 22.50 32.00 w •--* A ^ Total* 115.00 20.37 22.50 22.50 32.00

II. EDUCATI® J 1) Maintenance & Opening of Govemment Hostels 1040.00 400.31 500.00 75i.oa 735.00 ro 2) Con^tiuction of Hostel buildings 1903.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 60.00 60.00 pj 3) Repfiyment of Bank loan 20.00 — ?. — -« — c 4) Asbram School hostels for Fishermen 63.00 18.86 25.00 25.00 50.00 — 5) Supply of Nationalised Text Books 128.00 16.21 25.00 25.00 25.00 6) Pre-matric Scholarships 750.00 92.91 100.00 100.00 100.00 — 7) Post-matric Scholarships 1951.00 550.00 558.00 558.00 600.00 8) Stipends to I.T.I.students 25.50 8.51 10.00 10.00’ 15.00 9) Short Term Training Programmes 60.00 12.79 15.50 15.50 10.00 — 10) Fellowships to M.Phil, & Ph.D.students 40.90 22.00' 22.00 22.00 30.00 — 11) Special Coa«hing to IAS & IPS. 20.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 12) Spl.coaching to VII & Xth class students 114,00 . 13.38 25.00 25.00 25.00 13) Special libraries 25.00 4.23 5.00 5.00 10.00 — 14) Residential High School-cum-vJr.Colleges iiM. ■ 132.04 800.00 200.00 300.00 — 15) Reimbursement of tuition fees and special fees to Private Engineering Colleges, Polytechnics etc. - 92.98 100.00 328.00 230.00 _iUINTJAL ?I>AN19R9-90 - ^lEVELOPMSljT^ SCIffiLlES-PROJ-ECT

OUTL/Y^AIJD^EXPSNpiTUHB . (Rs . lakhs)

Code ];o. Fane of ~iiq schene/projecb Sevenbh 1987-88 1988-89 1989 90 Five Year p^iisiToTTiEloh Plan( 1985-90) Dxpdr ved pated outlay cafifcai Agreed outlay outlay '3xpdr. contrenfc. 1 2 3 ■ 4 5 6 8

16) IncontivGS and othor moaaures for achieve* | Hiunts of universal enrolmont in classaa I 5.00 5.00 &.00 I to y of B .C .Girls. 1 Sub-TotalI 6159.50 1469.22 1695.50 2174.50 2201.00 V $0.00

102 III . aCONOI-lIC DEVELOPMENT SCHlMBSi - 1) EconoiTiic Bettennait Schemes 2750.00 552.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 , 500.00 110.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 25.00 2) K.-jneg.jrial subsidy to A.P.B.C.F.C. I 3) Inv-. stnitjrit in A.P.Washemai Coop,Societies FcdGr'ition : 125.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 4) Manivgerial subsidy to A.f.Washomen Coop. Sociotics i-’odaration Ltd. 15.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 *

TotalI 3000.00 600.00 548.00 548.00 , 554.00 585.00

282 17. K 2 ;a .m — - — — .. — 285 ?. HUiJSr’G -- — — — —- 190 VI TO PUBUC SECTOR AND — OTii^il U . jRTiKINGS. . - - - ~ — 800 V I I . OT:-;.R Cr:DITOREt Ij Civic ai'ijnitiee ~ Ifcobighats 375.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 2) Fiiianciid assistanca to Washenuaa and Hair Dr os 30 rs 25.00 10,00 10.00 10.00 10.00 1 ' • * »» 5EV3a?t3^lE-WKrS^IIS -^>*00 JO'OO -■^*..

. OML._;YjaJD_E:iPENDiruRE^^ ' " " ~ ' ■' ' ~ „ ■ _ „ Si)*1:0-. _ _ ^*_9b___ OO’OO yO'OC |0‘®0S . k lJoa'‘y..

/'■='• "! X'Wl^Oj.Ot JfjrieL ' ’ ^87-88 Igsslag ~ ~ ' m w ^ o ~ ' . ' ■ ■ ~ . ' Plan( 19.&5-9D) Appro^,, AnfcicII proposed -Of.which - ' - .. - - ;.„ ,j>sree^ outlay 5?Pa^- outlay , o a p l t ^

... z - — 3 — 4- ' 5 " ,6 ■-■ - 7 -..-.8^

-,-,^v.-,- i i-,.,, ?^’ 00 'on ?.'^Subsiay_tQ B-.Gr.myfi^^es ------^ — , .: ^.e.od’^ - 6.00 .- , to 'j'f;'—.:.;; ^ « C'i) Socig'Bgonqruicf-Sli-i^ey S’ fX) S'CK; '00 23,70 ■^*00 " _ jwjr- C-0 — ::;*;^.-- < * *. ' 350.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 — ’ • 9 ■ 1- . » '00 ;ig*p(; CtO "•■■ ' ■ Ni'^Ov' ?•*;/; >■- / i' .<• ' to professional B.Gs. „ 62,66 25.00 25,00 •25.00 ■ . 10.00 — D S2'0C * “J-00- '4io- - -:^?»oe _ - i7V-'>Ci. - .-, .“ T-'“ ^ — —^“* '-0 — ”• — -■■ ?00*00 JifiiSO*00 ‘^l'?s*00'= *(;?.j ■ rr(;.i.'128,0Q;,-~«;j •.■•.>3A^-00 :0yr^^_ v ix i. sta te sfiare tow.\rds o . s Vs . ' ' - " -: ■ ' . , « • 1) '• ^^^'-^ktfrrc^#CaDCCupintd*SS TG55*t^0‘ STA-}*5?0 lD.eeoT‘ 00^ -’vD • oj- r vr-

- j ■ ■■'. ;X. 1) Invastffiont in A. v ,Nai-Brahmin Coop. • ■ Socxotics F-idaratiuii. ■ -w : — 5.00 .5 ,0 0 10,00 ^— - « w ^ Jr ^ ^ or ^ -i.*' -i“ j r ^ .«i. — -Ur ^ ^ jgr ^ Jc JO" J0- £T ijsr JS' ' -^' •'• - • ■ *• •-* - .- .'•: j p ’ ,?.• „•• - ,;„• ^ . ?■) M'*»agerial subsidy to A.PSN«l-Bratani^ q ' ^ :■: g _ _ , . * ' ' j . Coop.SocioUi;^.|^clssJ5&tion orfv> --v x r a i ~ . J . , ■ ., 1-00 ’ 1 *0P ; ^ . ■;. 3) xo-' '^urrr??^* V. - h

/' y,-'. P i^-ggTotSplq.;^.-y ; . ' , ' ' ''^ ’ "^*9^. . ." P - ^ ' : '^:.t> J;'T;,i-'?

^ r ...contd., i-UiiL PLi^H. ’ 1989*-90 - I5ElinGL0Pl!!^lJT . SGIIEJffiS-PRO'JBGTS Sfcafcement: GN~2_ ’ OUTLAY_iip_EpMH,TlJBE_ >■ • ■ ** * " (R s . l a k h s ) ', lTame:>‘bf the sclleme/projecji 5 •-? Seventh 1987-88 1988..89 ' IQSQ-Qn Piv:;e ?; opoa;a~oF v.hloh Ag'r^lr ottCla} £ ? outlay capital ouclay Exprtr.^ ^ ■ content y\\ .3 4 5 6 • 7 8 -in-

X. NTilW SGMEI-iESt. V * "1) Opea ng of Residential fo ly ■Bchxiics 40.00 i f • Construction of ^ofSaiihrt7'Halls ■ 10.00 — , \ ' r- ^ 3) Stipm d'tp^ B;c.cjndi4«ite6,Jii«iQP-fe(tng ■*’ '%raini^'-iA Flying Cluks „ ^ - - ; 2.00 ^ — ^• ro rv) " , . V . - • Totali-^ •sr ' 52,00 — . V>J

Total j(WyJ.llar« of >Ba«kwiard Classes)3es)j t - .9900,00 _ „ 2iSX.a4 - 2401.00 " 2880.00 2966,00 585.00

J r • ■ TOTALOF SiGs.V S.Ts.,'-’^d i' , 59Sd0:00 '8494.00 9272,29 11038,46 2725.12

_ — ...... : " s t a t e m e n t - (3t- 2 Lraft-Annual llaxi 1909^90 - Development Sehemes/proaects - Outlay & E^q^enditure ...... ■ • - - ...... -(Rs. laM b s) - ......

Code No♦ Name of the Selaecie^^aroject 7tb Pi-^ . ‘1907-00 ■ 190b"05 -1909-90 . Y@KT rian Actual - -^4 ^ - - - - ^ ^ . C'J905*’90) Exp2*« Approved Anticipa- iri^posed of which 4^eed outlay, ted Expr. Outlay*:/, capital outXay. * content, 1. .2. . ■ ■ 3v ...... 4*' ^ - "5i- " ' -6 i - - • • - -7 ;- - " - -o;- ■' - •*' ”* **■ *"i.T tr *“ "TT' r* •" *-• •- » 2 26 225 c GC LADOm ANL EMl'IiOYMENT4 t - Y.- 1G1 iTirexj^ion anc iiCkiinistra^ion* - i45.®2J &1.29 .51.29 60, ^ ♦ -- 1C3 aenerai I,Dbo-ur =W<3lfare^ _ jm^25 0.25 6. Cl 6.CI "6i3& ' ■ ----- 4;- - * ,•* . .i- ' ., Tota3^ 194.00 51.27 57. 5c 57.50 67.5T - — j*- ■; 4m •• ^ • ' QCG- 0^^hers: (goctoriea) ; . ' tu 1, T?jaforeement uf >qr;fety standards- in Industrial EstabllsbBssnlt^ ■ 2* Streni.’then info of iurect orate, 3 . Monitorin',, and control' of 'Hazarda ill Indust:Hial f stablishiaent ( sett­ 12.CC a 2, 00 ing up oi' industrial Hygi«n©)liabo’" 12.06 |I2 ratory), • ■ 4^ -Firi? sof ' ty control system in _ KviZ£*riiious Industriu^ • ■■ - ji. Enl’orccrnont .. f Safety Standards in * Induatrifl ‘'istpblishment, ■ ' 3*< 5 .0 0 5.00 0^ EMIIOIM;a;NT: .. .. IjEiplcyRient Scheirier; •. ♦ r Spt'CLalist.;. s'^rvicVa for ses./STs.j 1.51 1 > Cfir.;ci' Sxiidy Centrv, at Directorate, . 9 * m .Tr73 2*50 2r50 2m 2f I *r'11»' S“-irvio*\; a ■ - . 22,50 0.50 0*50 0.50 '.;T 1989-90 .Mraori-^T SCH?MT?5 / PROJECTS. Statement - GN-2

Li.X ANI Eri?-RNDITUEE. •M -(-Rst 4-ia-lslcfes^

Gode'I^c Nrne Scheme/ Project Seventh 1987-88 •______19^r;89_ , ______i2§9::20_ ' Five Year Ac taal Approved JmHci- ' Propos-.-d^' o f “wFicit Plan 5985-90) Exp dr V Outlay ’ pated "’ Outlay'.' Capital Agreed outlay Expdr. ■* content. 5 4 5 ■ 6 7 8

1C1 , 1 •> Cvnpul.c.^-!., of Registretion and uiist rl-u , rT, Enplo^rment Exchanges, 9,6c 0,2C •■C.50 0.5C 10. OC ?.» Job 1 V.VL I r ; ’-.t Unit, at Cud8.apah, 5* CO 1.10 2.CC 2, CC • -2,20 5,. Si -cir;: Ll IV ior Self-Eaployment at L .E ^E s, 3-u li^n:w;iam, Sanfcareddy, C.IO *C.2C • C.2C 0,20 ’ NFW SCIEI-SSS; ' ' ■ .. 1C1 if. Coi:T.Li-iM.ris-tion of Eaploymeni Exch'anges \'/itti th^ cs&intance of ti.O.I. extension to one uore Emr/lo^ment Exchan^ie,^ 4.. CO • >.00 ;6;5C 5. s m i y of oar:. lnd.ex Cabinet to foin* more , Eailc-yint-nt excnantes as second phase, C.30 '.0,30 q ':qq 6^ Supgily of i.Uv io-Vi^ual equipment to

Euployntnt Exchantjes* ■ , , cj;20 ■ 0,20 . ' m 7, iBvl-.racntatiuin of staffing formula as per rt.visc(:^ staff int^ format. 1902, ♦. ■ «. C.5C Q.50

40, OC Traininj^ Scheme; 3.21 10.70 •23.00; ■ Cl ].qrbctii. n end Administration; Strc-n/theiiint of liirectorate, . 5 ,oc 0,77 1.C0 1.00 1.0C Cr-,-ti' > jf Examination Cell in the ].,IE and ,;uuit Section, 1.91 2.0C ■ 2,CC 3,00 yUili__LiL Craftsmen & Supervisors 4.0C 4.0C ■ TripTiITj 1:~ o F 's^af'f; (j 1 3-'if-l Training Institutes• 1, L».vi' ; : St'ffin<_. pattern as per NCVT. 35.0C 0,65 1,00 1. 0c 1,50^ — ; 2. M Jf’er'.icf tiun of -IT-Is, - ■ 17,00 2,00 1, 0c 1. 0c 1.00 . — 3. 1 art--ti c classes for Industrial _ . - workers, 1G.00 0,69 1. OC 1, 0c 1,00 — - *’* 4 . lieplacement ui outmoded'equipment ft purchase of deficit equipment, 160.00 66,00 7.00 7,00 15,00 - 5* Strent-henine of libraries. 5*00 r ■ 13 r\v_/ C c.r.^ V C ii. T; t - lEAFT iaTKUiL ILIJ 1989-90 MygI>OPM!I! SGHMgS / gROJ'EO'gS. STATBMMT - GN- 2

. OUTL/iY AKB MIENDIKIBE. • _ _ ^ fc• ^in Iskhs) iode Ifo* Name of the Scheme, Seventh. 1987-88 > - 12§ §r^______, 1989- 9 0 ____ frojact-. Five Ifear' iiCtual Paln( 1985-90) Expar. Approved Afitici- Proposed of which Agreed outlay. ’ outlay, pated oullay Capital 1. 2. 3. 4, c Expr. content, 6 . 7. 8.

6. Sub-llGH for SCs./STs, 234;00 25,64 23.00 23.00 30.00 7. Bstablishiaent of Girls IT Is. 120,00 0^50 12.00 12.00 12.00 2-00 0, introduction of Ntw trades. 60.00 5..07 5.-0C 5,00 • 7.00 - 9. Training, o'f displaced persons in the n o t i f i ^ ' ' « trades of Vizag Steel llant. ..5v63 4.50 4.50 f,0 0 — 10. Establishrrfent of ITI at i attancheruvu . . 250»00 Q.32 6,50 6,50 10.00 — 11. Sanction oT po-sts for social studies ... 6*00 1.63 2.00 2.00 3 .0 0 — 12. Establishment of RITI at Araku. •• — 6.53 4..00 4.00 7*00 — 13. Establishment of RU'I at Mannanur. — 6,43 4.00 4.00 7 .0 0 - • Introduction of Service Technician Coiirse at t ITI M•pally, Nellore, Anantapur under Ihase-I - and fibre rcinforced plastic certificate course at . ’ .1 -Mallepally, Hyderabad^ - 1.65 2,00 2 ,0 0 . 2.00 i- €\ 15. Establishnent of JTI for girls at Warangal. 2.75 4.00 4.00 5.00 1.00 16. Introduction of service Technician Course at ITIjVi^fyawada and ITlAiCTC Musheerabad under Ihase-Il. ... ••• .»... — 0.50 0.50 0.5G - 17. i lastic p3:ocessin._ operator trade'at H I ' Mallepally,- Hiclcrabrd ...... — - • 5.50 5.50 2.50 — 10. F.-rm Mechrnic Gouret' at ITI Tenali — - 1.0G, 1.00 2.50 — rj. Esxablishnent of tirls ITI at Old City, Hyderabad, - — . ■ 11.00 1.00 2C. Ettcblishraent of ^ iris ITI at Chittedu. — ' *' ■ — 6.CC 6,00 6,00 1.00 21, Computerisation ox emissions & Exadns. at ITI, Mallci ally, Hyderabr.d . - — 0.50 0.50 0.50 - 22, llf£itic i'rocesBin£' Opt-rator trade at Vizag (Old) and lval^ina> ici« • *« ...... • . ■ — — - 10.00 10.00 1.00 — 23. Introduction of one Additional Unit of Electrician trade at ITI. ICurnoo] ...... - — -- 0 .5 0 - 02 Ap pr e n t i c e s h i]:■ T i a in in ; Construction of hostel for Apprentices^ 40*00 Signet ion uf staff for implement at lo-^i r- gftatemigir j •••• (FuS. laksh) ii" — >_ 7th Eive 1907-00 I9OO-O9 1909-90 ■ ode No. Name of the SchemeA^o;iect, year plan Actual (1905^90) Expr. ^proved i|,nticipated proposed Of which Agreed outlay, Expenditure Outlay, capital ■ay. con tent. 2. • 5. 6. 7. 0.

Basic training fav^ilities for new trades under App.. Training I'ro^.raiiurie^ , , 40.00 - - - - - EstaiOlishment Qf offices at On^ole & ^ Waranfeal, , , . . . . ~ — - - 2.00 *“ i GCC Other Expenditi^re; ' Spill Over Scheme« 3,03 10.00 10.00 10.00 10,00 Construction of permanent buildings for HSs* 130.00 0,42 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 Conatruction of Hostels for SCs*/STs* ' 100.00 25,70 7.00 7.00 0.00 0,00 Construction of Quai'xers for principals# 20.00 - 1.00 1.00 1,00 1.00 1 w NEW oOIiBMES; ■ • » N1 001 Vxrection and Administration^ jeroocct Mf'.naLcment unit at Directorate(SBIU) CSS ^t j50 a* «• •• •• «• »• - - - 2-00 - lOT Industrial Train inf Institute^ ‘ Modernisation ui' equipLiont in ITIs. CSS'5C;50. ... 200.00 New 'jonen ITIsA 'in fs — — , 15.00 2.00 Pl-istic lrocedsi..H. Operation trade at iTI Chi- ttoor (CSS)• •• «a —— 5.50 - Introduction of sLrvice teebnieiari course at ITI Nizanabad an... Vi:ja/_' {O ld ). - 1.G0 Est^.bliahnent of KTilW E l s , for S^Cs, - 37.00

Total: 1327.00 179.07^ ■ 142.00 142.00 43f^.00 53.00 a. Rehabilitation oJ bonded Labour* 300.00 0 0 b. Supplementary assist-.nce for rehabilitation 0 30.56 0 75.00 75.00 75.00 of Bonded L:.;«our, 1' _ ____ i — ...... 75. 0c 7 5 .00 Total: 400.00 30.56 Pj»00 _____75.0C__ ^ p .O O _____ *-4 •-* ■ ' SCT.ATEHENI - GN-2 "(Bs, lafchs)

:jQde No, Naae of the Schene^roject Ictye^ ______1909-90^ ______.' (19Q5.9C) Eipr* . ^proved Anticipa- Proposed Of which ^Agreed . outlay ted Expf* outlay. capital content. *1 • 2i. 4» 5* 6# ‘ Y* Q*

. . t OCC OTHER EXl E Nl; ITmS: ? ■ ' Sr-cial Employaent scheme, ■ 5500*00 294*00 300*00 20C«0G 300.00 - ■

\ . -

Total(labour & Eio^loyment)j 54’94-.00 563»?6 600.00 500^00 9ia^51 53*00 m 4FT 4NI5 J 4L PLZN _19B9-90_j]KV2L0rMWN T_/?ROJ T S_ STilTEMENT GN-2 OUTLAY /iND EXPTTNDITURE . c Code i^oT Nano cf the Sclieme/ Vllth 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 Projcct, Five Year Actual Plan (1985-90) Expdr. Approvcf^ Antici­ Proposed Of wiitmJi Approved Outlgy Outl ay. pated Outlay. Capital Expdr, CO ntent.'"' 1. • 3 . 4 5 ‘ 6 • 7 . 8

-:272235 * 2, ")oci 'l •"ol" tv:; ' l''l ifelfaro of ^ivcappe-i 7,on 1, TT0p^ Oilors 'o'’ ^ ico _ 29, -55 . -1.96 ' • ' 30. .*50 , 0 0 2. nist ■ fia.s. ' 133, . I ' . i ^ • schools for haft'^icappeW ■ =. , 2 5 ,on , • 25 iO^ 25. on .•^0.0'^ mm 7.0'^ 7,0^ • Sols'll^ ^ ^ic'ippe-^, student s _ * 9 .no - ... 7.00 ■5. ...ssis"^ ' no.'2 '' "T-.ouinloye^ haM-icappe4f ~ . ’ - 1 0 .on 10., on in.nn ^ 10.00 30,00 30 .00 30,00 '30. E c. • "i.iio 1 h . :xliv a^ion of ViaO'^icappe-1, ' ‘ 345,00 V* 30,00 . 3 0 .on 30,00 7. Li">r, a"'.-’ supply of Vrosthetic li-^s 15 ■^. 20 30,00 • ' * 0;'-; i- - of Kew I^OGTisrls* . - 220,00 25.00 30 . 0 0 30.00 30, 00 Supply of ''ext'"ool's to rTe“inatric stu'ients 9.30 ■ 0,75 1.00 1.00 1. 00 10. '^ooi: in hoiiGs •'■i hostels* ‘ ' 2,'00 . 0 ,3 " 0,2 5 ■ 0,25 0.25 . 2.00 1 1 . ■ HxcM.i-'i.-n? '•'^ ■"os'^-1 inmates. • "■ 23.00 0.29- 2.00 2,00 Ktt 12. 5' 1 • • ■ -■ -oks to hostel inmates. 6,35 1.17 I'.OO . 1.00 1.00 13. :-io i..ibutsoi .j r,’. ■ of *uition fees to ?re-uatric ' 0.50 stuv;.,,ts. . ■ ■ 12. 50 0,09 0.50 0.50 V In r-noi'^n-r ’-'VLtion fees to post !■-. 1.00 U;v: ric s'liu ""o n': p.’ - lO.OO l.OO 1.00 ' 1.00 l.on 1.00 1. 75 I f . 3"^ :-shi’>s*^n i. Chil-’ ren • 15.00 l.l'^ 0.50 0.50 loh-1'■:-‘^I'i’ s ro'sJ'’rch scholars,^ ^ * - ^ ,7 0 0.4 5 0.50 '0 ■B B 17. "TLacployiii'n aliawaace to P .T . Students. 34,50 ;ooks -a^ I ' yt r*'.. on’t’s to IT I <4 rolytechnic 0.50 0.50 1 ^ 0 2.30 0.3^ 0 .5 0 stU'^ents. ' ; 0.50 0,5 0 2.30 0 .1 7 0,50 10 r . ci 1 ■^•■-•sis'i.ance to Hao'^’icappe-’ ,\-^vocates. 4M U ^_P L*’iN 1989:^90 p T O O p t ^ i m

• * m m m m - 1 ^ ' ^ -i- ^ _ia. ialshs)

Code No, Name of Smtenief •'; 198>*88 # 9 8 8 ^9 1989-90 ' Pro3e«t^ J&eae. Plan Appro va< Proposed of whicH |Wff-90> Ejcpa?* Outlay^ ,pate^ Outlays Gapital content. outlay. iKpar.

. 2 ' ■ 8 1 5 4 5 r 6 7

20,. Co'.cjhi'.- for Coir.petitive Typewriting % an^ Shorthati'’ exams.- 4.60 ■ 1.0U. 1.00 1^00 2 U S’lppljr of I'Usic^l Instruments- to ^ofessiocrals 2mM) 0«36 o.5t) 6,50 0*50 ■3 22., I ’-'centive Awar-^s for the Marriages bet^jeen

•» ■^’isa'-'le'^ ^ norm?! persons, ' .4.60 5,0 0 ’ a, no 5^00 5,00

23.' ii’i'- -i:i 7i«:«is>- .-rtce Voluntary Orizanisie^iona/ • • Associatiofts woT'lcin=' for the cause of • . han-^icappe > * ■ 2#30 - 0.50 0,50 0,50 21. liG^ical +0 nse^y han-^icappe-i,* ’ ^ 0 0 > »«■ — t m m - ' • • • M ' 25, CeleH-r*at iocs of the nay of the ^isaMe'i .1*25 4,on 4*00 4,00 - fv> 26. ">iscre ionary ? “"s . • 5.^00 1*00 1^00 1.00 1»00 - VM 3,00 „ o 27. '?oun'’ Library. ■ io*(>n ■ a, 00 3,00 2:-. T?r^ills : resa. i0.,no 7,05 6.00 6,00 6,00 ^.00 ^»oo , li-'- l-'3uHsi^y to i?VCC* . 20^00 1% 75 ?,00 30. i-' i 7:. cherg ^'cainint? Centre of 3,00 3,00 - ’^isu-^lly hao'^ic^-ppe'^, • 2,00 3i^00 31. Invest as fit's in irVCC. 40,00 1:0,00 40,00 40,00 ■ ”

32, . Co'^st met ion of buil'^inas for Tio :.3 VK^st-3ls/ Schools for- han-^’ic^.ppe'^. 50., on 17.95 25.00 15^3^ 17,00 17^00 33. Loans for ?ocial Security an^ i-;e,lfare

^oci?l H .1 ■ ■ ,. " Other’ loans - Scbemes •inclu-’o^ i'T ;.l\- ri n-3IT(06) Loans to Ilan'^icrppG^ po-sons for their economic 25.00 <^e^T0iop..'.on’ • 113*-00 25,00 25,00 25^0" schem es" / p h o t e c t s _ o u t l a y _ and_ e^ e n d it u r e STJTMENT CT-2

' r- Ooclc 1'^: Kane jf tho- Scherae/: 7th i*ive 1987-00 1988-G9 _ 1989-90 ' ^rojeotV ‘ ■ year Plan /.ctuol Approved TnWIEipalGl Proposed Of wEfcli'^ (1,9^5-90) Expdr. Outlay. Expdr. Outlay Capital ' Agreed Outlay c 0 nte nt." 1. 2 .: 3 . 4 3 6 7 0 ' 4, raction ov' -"iil’ iri^s fo r ' ’^i'-ectorate •• arP Cor no O^^to^ vs, „ 1^*00 _ 4 ,0 0 “ “ ' 3,00 3.00 ' TOTXLs 1600,00 277.01 ■300,00 200.63 300.00 20.00

SOGI-li 31CU tI""'i 1. Sooi ^ V^olfar'; -ryi ■ 50.00 5.94 10.00 13. 00 IS.O''^ 2, it ;bahil i' ■?tion o^’ ~>0^;/ars. 40,00 3. 74 -<.00 ;^.oo ^.00 m 3. . 01 ^ A-; ' c ■*' G " s i 0 .1 s. .^0 \oo 22.^1 P2. 00 32.00 32.00

T’ot a l: .*^^0.00 ?^2. 10 50. 0<^' 53.00 53,00 -

-'o’v ,, chil'’ Tv; n honios (^or orphana^res) 500.00 6^-. 76 l.'=^o , 00 10 ^'^.00 I0-\oo b) Coris''' 'ictior ’iiil^in=’s for children C9 -- SS T. 42.00 Houios (Orpbaiia os) ^:2,0"-^ ••

otal: 50"",00 64. 76 150,0 0 l-f^o, - 1-2.0^' WT r. ■:■ - ^ - ■ “■ i’Gnsion •’-q l,an^l:;s? A;’ rL cultural vorteT-g 5 ,0 0 0 ,no •■^49.57 ,*500,0 0 30 0, on .'^00,00 lickshaw Tulle3che. 3

— — a) Ot-; . 'O'lT’ kicks'^- w ^c’"eime 500.00 50, 0"^ 50 .00 23.00 b) Supply 0^ ■’r.'ii.ickshaw Pullers, SB » » - - 120.00 120.00 120.00

■» » 113.00 Total; 500,00 170.00 170.00

\3hahili''ation o^" Jo.-'-ln Women an-’ 'Tome for =o-'in ’’■/onen. 40.23 50.00 50.00 50. 00 * Oo clr * Out! n7- pfff Oufcloy/- Oapj t.^1 m-'oar: C-C--- :■ / ' c3n,t:;nL, 7 .. 3

J . SCCI...L 2'' ;.■■______

* *^2 Social Wol"- ■" . ■!.0o Cf»‘-’O ''t. ^.oa CJ-; p -.I.. ’. is) ,

a'^ r ; 1 rs^ i t : ' ■ ' >' “ r\. c’*"'ional 3e ^vices 26.00 14 -.50 ■ ^.r^5 0^41 •• b )‘ C::ll at :o'^ nr. -rors"Office . ■ S«DO 0. 72 .1.00 2.50 ' - rxl-j "'o:.?. "av Cu4-»apah •. 60.00 14.21 :.‘i? ,00 15.77 17,77 - IV> sa^-’v .1 j '>n " /: - '^oys, I'urnool R5»00 p;45 ‘s;oo 4,73 5 ,5 6 ’ - — e) Voca«i6nr.l ‘?ra ’.ni. ' : to^tanine, • ■2-‘=^.00 1,0.2 i ; qo l..-^0 1.10 •0 •;il'^in=;s for Juvenile T . "orxj ^ V ' " ' =■„ ■ 120,00 7. 2.^^ 7. 25 7.25 10 , 6*1 10,6-^ -., . n- - ^ Vis akhap at n m 125,00 2*42 ,1 0.00 . n 9.31 " _ * h) i .. i-r; X 't' a ••■’ xroba' ion Office at ' Ch i o 0 r • . ,'5 . on 0i-3B ■ 1.00 ’ '■ 1,20 1.20^ - ■■:. ■'j 0 ’ 'icer) ir.II a' Visakhapatnam 22,00 0. 16 0,42 0.52 0.52

.V i n l’c "! ’.'c' ■.a.;.a:-’ ’or Juvenile Institutions., 20»00 - ' 5*00 - . " :. - ■

« . -i . ■ ” _ - ■ k)-.:ouP-’ i-:.uti-;a ~ra- -,..le 'Wfelfare Boards an-’ Courts „ f . 2.^60 ,

I)?:-;/, t ' :;.(s itutirfn appointment o.f ^ r ,r ■■ ;

G c- -v:_ f Ghat ion Officer ir.II ,i. -^.ta . to ■■ 2.50 “ for i ’a" "I’o f : .' B,00

03 ;a) te^a-^-aa or - t . ; , ■ ilitat ion an^ \fter»care Cell ' ‘ ‘ » 3 «P m ■ - ' 0.00 in nca-^i quarto as office.* ...... , ,., . _ .. -■ - V , -r in,: of .xacount s-'Branch in Tiea-’ - • ..a „ , ■ tm. • ... « '1»H. . «.. , (Rs. lakhs)

®o* Name of tho Scheme/ Seventh ■ 1987-88 1988-89______1989-.90 _ rrQ:;-3ct Five Year- Actual Approved Antici- Proposed of whiob’,- , Plan ("985-90) ExpcU?* . outlay pated outlay Oapltai Agreed Outlay . ' Expdr., . ■ (jontenti * 5. . 5 »*- • 6 ^ ^ TW- Btf^' ■ ~=

'^tren t'v. >iin < o? existing certifie'^ schools 20,00 - * “ • • ' lt'ter'='c-Li^o '003S, 5 ^ ^ - - ' • . * - )‘'on-uroriar’.s for part-time S p ec if Probation •m Ofi'icarSf _ i.^2^- - - - ^ • . a • • ~ ______I - _ - . Tr>tcl (correetion^ ser,)li of Prisons 537«;00 3=i.73 .55.02 . 40.02 67,05 19,63 Other Soci'il Security ^ ^ I f a r e iTOgfaiiae ro qf.rv5n thenln^ of ’‘yirent orate ol-.' 2P0 Other Schemes Sainiik Wo If are by creatine an , GP.ployiTiGn’t Call. , 0,66 1.0O 1.00 1*10 Orcatin^^ of now Zilla Sainik Welfare 4, Offices an-» coritinaation of Zilli Sainik Vfclfare Offices in the State. . 4^12 ■ =5,00 ^.00 ■ q.OO Mil rroiaotion of golf'^luplbyment ventures, • • mm- for Bx-servicooen an'^ their wi-’ows • . . . Supply of Iietal Bunks, 0^65 1.00 1.00 . 1.00 Fil - : preoarin^ ■njx-servicemen for Self- cnployinent‘ . 1.^3 a, no 3.00 2.0^ _ 3^00 3.00 3.0^ 3*00 Construction of Sainik ^havans in the '^tate. ril - - -- Totalt 7.16 16, 00 16,00 1 6 ^ 0 3.00 r' 22?^ CO S'^ci'd ,5'^- 'Pity l^^lfare 0w2 ^'■>ci.-d V 102 Chll^ - '^ir‘3ctr^T pt' T'To^ion Chll-^ Welfare 102 Creches (labile) 131.95 9 .3 6 14.22 14.22 14#22 ■» Balaviharas Sfcatenent GN-2 ■j 1969-90-^DEVEL0PHENT SdlIEas*ES-PROJEC'BS (H s. lakhs) K r ' : *•--•- ■• . . 0U-TLlT7nrD-E.^PETOTUrffi

Gode Hq,• of ;-tho ochene/pro jecb Seventh 1387-88 1988-89 1OQq_90 Five Year *ippro- Anfciei^ Actual Proposed, of which Sxpd^r, yed • pated' outlay capital |M §5- 90) outlay Expdr. Agreed, content. outs lay "

1 2 -A'. 3 4 5 6 .*■ ■ 7 a, .

Children ” ':'nGs ( Jen)^ . ' ' ' ' 1Z %2 5 ^ ■ 4.02-*, ^ 11. 7=^.. 1 1 .7 9 ' ' • Ghil'=r^jT\' TToEia§(3.C.s1 - , > - ’ 1 .9 0 ' 7 . 2-‘^ ■ 7i23 ' 7 .2 3 - 5» Ghil-^run no^‘:»s (3 T ) . - ' ' - 4 .5 7 7^-23 7.2 3 7.2 3 - 6. - ' “ • “ . ■ “ ■ . m - ts •= ' m 7, I.0;n,.3. ^ ■' ■ ' . ■ . ' « oction 50,0 0 • - , : , ■ . . “ , - ■ "uT*vices^ ifi iiea;’ ,of Care• an^ ?rot ■ ■( ' ro „ tTM Sishuvihafs ■-... - • - - - -• - .. i q ;;. arv»' <3fh;i T f ' vol fare • ce ptr.esjLSCsTj ' '^7B,26 ' 1 5 . IS 1 5 .1 3 15. IB 11, yi oEs n a n ’ ■eH'il*'’ ' vt31 fare ..po nt rest^ T s ) x . / 5 .0 < . 5 .1 ^ ' ‘ 5 ;9 3 ■- i/ • —* - 1.2. ''r'.irin- in 0'>’iontc.-'=’ Courses,' 50 , DO „ m ^ ■■ ■ “ ^ ■ ■» ;■ 1ft •» ^ IB ins-Ghil^ Welfare's ' ' '^ ' 5 3 ^ .4 6 61. 61 61.61 . 6 1 .6 1 - ’ t ■ ' e» _ m o> mm ^ »» o» >?* e» ■■ - ' }4j .■wn’ s T^l f'.re ; , . 1 . •.' 1.0 8 , “ ^ 1-. '■ca^' :Quar-ers Of^ico -•5 s 12 0 .5 0 1 .2 1 1 .2 1 ' 2, i. ■do -a! ' "■ " ■" - - 10.19 ' •• 4.46 , 4.46 ■■ 4.46 ^ “ 3. ‘“sis ■ 0 ■’ " ic-.:- r . 3 .^ 6 . 3.-10 ' 3 ,4 0 V 3 .4 0 - .1^'4 Voca';ion:u. " ■ i .i. ^ i , m -• n . ^0^ ^ . 4 9 ' r: C'" — . :jG > vice Ifor.^^S' • ,

■ r-v' es' ' ^ - Wyiiss n"* s Wcl ‘’arc. ' .;?n"iGhes 1. . . ^

.■' .■■■ ■■' " 7 . OB , , 5 .0 0 ' 4 .4 7 , • 7 . St.a^e 'Tones - -' X ‘;: "^r- 2..39 . ■- • . *?• -w. - • -s ; _ . o/. r,r..^ - Mi.?!!.-.. •... ,. • n T-T. V fr?-» :.t:ba. v.n^-a.o — — — .- T Stat:^nGnt; GN-2 ^HAFT ..HKILiL PLAN 1989-90- ITETELOPI/IEFP SCJiEIi^S-P^OJECTS (Rs. lakhs) OUTIAY AIVD- EXPSNOTTUR’^.

Fo. Nano .of the schane/projecb Seventh 1987-88 ______1988-89 1989-90 Five Year .Actual .vppro- Anfcicx- rian Expdr. ved .paced proposed of which ( 1985-30) ouf;lay capital Agreed outly Expdr. , content. outlay 4 5 6 . 7 8. 1 3

10. Es'*^ ahlishmen''' of Working Women Hostels .^,0 ,0 0 7. 36' . 10.31 9 .0 0 1 0 ,3 1 11. rtv-scue Hoiaes 0. 66. 0 .6 7 0 ,6 7 12. Wone n' s Te ch nic al T rai n i I nst it ute, 0.18. • 1.51 1 .5 1 1.51 rs9 13. Craft '^rainin: CentresCinilu-’ in? n ist. Craft ■'^rainia' Cg d ’T o s ) 31. 02 . 2.ct=^' • 3. 29 3 .2 9 3.2 0 14. E .L .G . for A^niit VJonen as 15. . Scheaes ^or set-ins up of Women’ s '^r2 , Centres/Institutions for tha Hahabili” t^'tiori of WoKBn in •^is^'rcss. 15.0 0 ■ 2.41 ' 2.50 .2.43 ■2. .'^O VJI 03 Wo ri'G n» s Wei are (Go nt ) ♦ * 16, ,'^rilorin? Cent res (^.^^.Gs) 1.13 1 .1 6 1 .1 6 1.16 • 17. '^’pcnin-’ o"' Clinic at w . C W Complex Itne a rp at , iiy ra b.a-i, 1^. Emergency '^un-^ 1^>. :lssista-ce to A. ?. W. C.C. ('l.I. i.) 112.00 T O ,00 119,00, 16 2.9 7 80. Investu-ents in ^t.l‘.W .C *E .C . ( }en) j| ■250.00 ■ 1 5 ,7 7 ' 6.00 .. 6.00 ■6.00 21. I nvestir.ants in i. r .W, C, t*. G. (SC) | lo’.oo ■ 9 ,0 0 9 .0 0 9 .0 0 22. Investnants in 1.: •V/.C.l^’.G. CST) I 3.03 . . 5.00 5.00- 5 .0 0 2-*^. Buil'^inc^s inclu'=»in=i Buil-^in^s for 'J\3lu.m ’lala 11 h ila i r''-:athi Pran^anajnjj 6 2 0 .0 0 ■ , 206,36 _ .260.36 260.36 2 1 6 .3 9 24. Incentive Schemes in Mahila lA-jn^ala ' 5 6 ,9 3

2 1 6 .3 9 I I . TOT.Uj 103 Wome n• s Vfelfare: 1400,54 _ 354,31 t^l. 3B _ 414.35 „ 45l.39_ » •» 00 216.39 TOTAL I + I I Wk cm.A'?B.; - 2235 .00 305, 513,00 506. 44 51 3 .0 0 Draft Annuel lie "i. 19^9^90 - LcveloyLKgit SchuaesA ro;1ec1>s Q-utlgy & Exi-onditurc ■ -Z- , . (Rs, lakhs)

7th rive 1907-00 1900-09 1909-90 Code Ho. Name of the scheme/pro ject, Year Plan actual (1985-90) Expr* approved Anticipa­ Iroposed of which Agr'eed Outlay ted Expr. Outlay, capital outlay. Content, 1. 2. 5 . 4 . 5, 6. 7. 0. otal (Social Security an-^ Welfare) 10^12.00 1203,6-i 1604.02 ' 1535.09 1592.05 301,07

27 2236 no Nutrition ' 02' distribution of 1'Tutritious foo'^ an-’ 5670,00^ bever?<>.:es I d Special Nutrition iTOjraEmes: a)S*P .?. in ICnsC.ven). - 4 5 .72 109.61 109,61 109.61 b S.E.?. in ICDS (SC). . > . B3. "7 85.77 95,77 85,77 S .S ,r in IGDS CST) . . ■ .2 ^ .6 3 ^ . _ -12^62 _ - . 22^62 . . 32^.63 . Total Srr in- ICnSi ' • 153, 42^ 229,00 228,00 228.00 ru » rm • • »e. — * VN C\ b) Wheat base-^i Nut.( 'ren) S9.05 107.43 107,43 107, M WhBtit hase'^* T!ut(3Gs) 15.65 25.54 25,54 25,53 ^haat base'll !'^‘it(5T) 5.99 7.03 _ _ __ 7 ,0 3 ^ ^ 7 ,0 3 total \’h3,Vntt 110.^72 140,00 140.00 „ 140.00_

c) Assist ance t o ricul turol women L^-bourers ( le n) 2 7 ,22 6 2 ,4 1 62. 41 62,41 Assistance to Agricultural Wonicn Labourers(SCs) 5 .1 6 11. 35 ‘11.85 11.85 Aissistance to Agricultural Women Labourers(3?) 2.07 ■4.74 4. 74 4, 74 3 4, 45 79,00 79.00 79,00

Su’j-total ClOl) .000^ 29^.S9_ ^ „447^00'^_ M 447,00 «» M * «» 02 U±^^r..y IIe?als

Code No. ■^’'ame of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 . 19.88-89 1989-90 ...... Projects Five Year Actual ,^pprove(i " Antici­ ' Proposed pf which

_ Plan (1985-90) Exp dr. outlay pated '• outlay ca||Ltal Agreed outlay Expdr. caHtent 1, 2 . 3. 4 . • 5. 6, . 7* - 8.

300000000 XII GENSm SERVICES 34 2 205600 J/J:LS( I.G ,o f j-risons) Continuinr-': Schetaes-t 101 (a) Financial Assistaacu to the fgciilies of indi.^oat prisoners, 25,00 5.03 6.00 ■- — - 102 (b) irintiai Unit at Central i-rison, Warangal 54.00. - 1,46 2.66 2.80 2.85 . — MEW SCHEMES ' ' ' 101 (c) Vocational Trainin,v ?ro;'rarame 0.83 • 2.00 0.95 1.10 101 (d) Intro'-tacinc Cooking Gas system in j aiife ro „ _ and institutions , . ' .. 5.83 ' ' -<3 - (o) iViult Education in Central i-‘i‘ison ' , 11.50 - - -- M

(f) Audio Visual education in Contral i-rison 1.50 - - * ’ - - / > - ■*> (s) Material assist an ea to- Ex-of f endorg/' 5,00 - - - - -

Tctal ( Jails irisons); 97^m 7.52 15.98 •3.75 3,95' - *. 54 2 205300 Stationery & f-rinting , ' ' Continuing Schemes' 1 ■ 1 ■ 001 Spl.Staff provided to Director at H.Qrs. i 0,55 1.30 0.33 0.50 - 0ffice(Dy,Director Admn.,Senior Consult^t J V U.D.Steno etc.) J 103(i) Special staff for operating New Machines i - at G.C.P..Hyderabad - planning Cell I 0.90 1,50 0,78 1.30 (ii) Special staff for operating modem machi­ 1.90 nes at Govt, Regl. Press, Kumool 300,00 1,00 2,20 2.01 (iii) Addl.staff for introducing second shift - in 0ffa®'t printing at Govt,Central Press 3.00 2.34 9.30 Hyderaoafl. Q Statomont GN~2

DRAFT 1989-90 Di>]^LOPt^T SCKZME'^/rROJiTCTS^ ■ OUILiY M D 2Xf>i3\T£,iTUBE • (Rs. lakhs)

Code No, Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 Prodects Five Year Actual Approved Antici­ Proposed of which 'Plan (1985-90) Expdr. outlay pated outlay capital Agreed outlay E3cpdr. content

1. 2 . ^ 5 . ■ 4 . ■ 6. 8. ^ ------

(iv) Special staff for operating Offset J machines at Govt.Regl.Press,Kurnool J 0,40 1.45 (vj .Special staff for operating Offset i

machines at Govt.Regl. Press, | - 0,14 0.55 , ■ - Vijayawada I (vi) purchase of machines to Secretariat J pressI ^7.00 9.00 - -

'Total(Stationery & Printing) j ' 3 o 0 , : 0 0 2.45 15.00 -15.00 15.00


542 205900 :pub£le Worics - ^ . 60 Buildings ' • 151 ...Other constructions 1. Court Byildings , : ' 35.00 55.00 35.00 ;;2. ^fire Stations ' 25.00 25.00 . 25.00 - 3» fC^anmercial t'ax Department 40.00 40.00 4C.00 - 4. IBs. 'rnspdction Bungalows ... 20.00 SO.OO - 20.00 - 5, (Rayenue jDep^tment " 82.00 82.P10 82.00 - 6 / legislature. Department' , 44.00, 44.00 44.00 - 7. Education department ‘ 10,00 10.00 10.^0 8'. ' juiimal R u s b ^ d ^ y \ ' S .00 5.00 5.00 - 9. St ationery ^i-rPrintihg ’ " ■ 2.CO 2. CO 2,C0 -

10. Secret ariat-Buildiriffs '90,00 90.00 90.00 ...... - H i ' R *& ' a - Departnient 15.00 15.00 15.00 -

12. Jail departiiient 15.00 15.00 15.00 — Statement (3^-2

DBIFT OTUAL__FLM 1.989^90 - m jE L O m m T SGHjME3/PR0JECTS_ C Rs. 1 akh s ) OUOILAY A m EXPHNT'DITaRE: ......

Code No. Name of the Scheme/ Seventh 1987-86 1988-89 1989-90 Projects Five Year Actual Approved A n tic i­ Proposed of Trttiich Plan (1985-90) Expdr, outlay pated outlay capital Agreed 6utlay Expdr. content 1. 2, 5. 4. ■ 5. 6. 7. 6.

13. Other Departmont • 209.00 209.00 209.00 14. Directions & Administration 10.00 10.00 10.00 -

Total (Normal Plan) t 600.87 600.00 600.00 600.00

Buildings under Upgradation of standards of administrations • - 15. Upgradation of standards of Judicial 150.00 70.80 230.80 Admini strat ion ' •» 16. Upgredation of standajds of Training 24.00 14.61 29.41 Admini st ration - 17. Upgradation of stamdards of Jail Adso, 150.00 230.66 12.96 18. Upgradaticai of standards of Treasuries ft* and Accounts A

Total (Upgradation) i 303.05 350.00 350.00- 371.81

Total ( C .E ., Buildings)? 6820.00 903.90 950.00 950.00 971.81 Ou'TL.'iY .U'iD 01 ^-i (Rs. lakhs)

1987-88 . 198S-89 i98q-qo Code lo, - Name of th3 Scheme/ ' ' Seventh ' ' Pro.jects Five Year ' Actual. , Approved Antici- Proposed of wiiich Plan (1985-90) Expdr. ' outla^^' ‘ pnted outlay capital Agreed Outlay Escpdr, content 4. . 6. • ' ' 8. 1 . -■ . 2. ' 5. ' 7-

34E 4fl59001 M>ndal BuiiSih^s; ’ ■■

(i.) Engineer (Buildings) _ - 30,00 a)0.00 200.00 1000.00 1 0 0 0 - 0 0

(ii)'CMef a:gineer (panch^ati Rej) - 200.00 3p0,00 300.00 1606.00 l (,C 6 '0 0 ' . J .'

--Totai (Mafidal Buildings)'}'' » 250.00 500.00, 500,00 2606.00

ComiT)‘rcial Taxes V ■ , ru 4^ o Othe>» Mmn,Services G,T/ Press I 13,56. . . 13.56 13.56 Integrated Check Posts (I Phase) o4 I i ■ - - - 6 .0 0 6,00' 6.00 1 30.6^ Intc'^rate.d. Check Posts (II phase) 30.44 ■ 3 0 .4 4 30.44 1 _____ 120.54 . Total -50.00 50.00 • ' -50.00 "0 .6 1 Institute of administration 6.07 15.00 '1 5 .0 0 " '21 ,.6 3 "

.. .iJTA L rXII. GENERA L SERVICES) 7 2 1 7 .Co i? ' 8 .PS 1545,98 1533,75 3668139 36.. 61

IRANB TOTA L: ' -. 7600. 0 .CO i:-25JS*14 ■-125271.75,, : 1^^350.37 10'0570. v'O . 132559,43 X — ' •- - - - ... .. - nmvi /\^n^AL PLAN 1989^90 xW SICAL T/va3STS AND AaiIi:VEMS>JrS ST.vTS^^^^T GM-a STATt/U.T.

Seventh Annual Annual Plan 1908-89 Annual Plan Plan Plan “ - 1989-90 SI* (1935-90) 1987-88 Item Unit Target Anticipated Target Nb» Targets ^ Achieve­ Achievements pronosed ments I. X 3. . 4^ 5 . 6. 7. 8 .


iSro^tion ot f ood grplns-*

Bt-ra^tor of Mr^vil±^*

M. Irtlgated | ^OOOtounes 45. I g ^ i g a t s a I 4 9 ^ 7069 8360 9070 ^ 6 0

2 . 'imep.t - ) . • JrMgj^ted UnlriJigated • Sota^i ^ 60 10 14 10

3* Jfowar

i T T i g ^ ^ I ■©alirigatedf 6099 1032 1260 1t50 I 4* ^ ajra

Irr j^grted I fntrrlgated / 260 Sotai 1971 170 #60 257 Wu\FT ANNUAL PLAN 1989-90 -rHYSlG^L TARGETS A>JD A^^fl^V'^MSNrS ST, G^J~3 s t a t h / u .t .

Annual Seventh Annual Plan 1988-89 Plan Plan Annual Plan e m Unit (1985-90) 1987-88. 1989-90 Nb. . Target Anticipated T grge'm 1 : Targets Achieve­ ments Achievements proposed 2 . 3. 4 . 5. 6. 7. S. i iaiae

irrigated ' tnirrigrted n 660 559 G20 iotal 2822 485

6- ^t)ier cere«as - 1 Irrigated J ; K) Inirrigated \ " n 0 t 286 270 53c 500 5o-tal ^ i 26S1 i 7 * Pulses ' ■ ■■ . Irrigntrd Bnfrrigfito(3 700 H 644 650 670 Total , 1 3001

- Total loodOTains. •: « Irr lgatr:d Unirrigated 12400 II 64892 96 90 11470 12151 Total 1

Commercial Crops t^ilseeds Mnlor oilsego’s 1! _170p 20-, 1989 jS' , Groundmt. 5209 Da\JT AKWAL PLAN 1989-90 .W S IC A L TARGETS A!\Q ACHIEVHMEf'TS ST .TEMBKT GN-3 STATE/U.T.

Seventh Annual Annual Plan 1988-89 Annual Plan Plan Plan - 1989-90 (185-90) 1987-88 I t G rr Unit Target Anticipated proposed Targets Achieve­ Achievements Target ments tL 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

n 73 3*-«astorseed 337 58 91 IQ n 21 3b .41 45 t % SeB cimum-. 208 n ' — ■- - - WSapeseed & Mustara /' tt IS^irlsced 9 754 n 1787 1903 2129 2107 I , Toial .m N> -Ci oilseeds CX> I II ' - . flfc^yalteran If 4'^ 4 0 " 93 Sanflower 1 ti 2?.- 46 13 1 m Sulf ower i l ' 1) 60 .86 • 81 dipt al 270 V 2161 I u 1847 1989 2210' Tdtal oilseeds 10024 . j ^ - - 12060 15000 69600 10566 14000 -flL S»|garcane (cane) 512.. 1073 ■ 1228 ■ 1500 • •®; Qotton . •000' 8509 ■ bales n 865 585 750 WJwte &■ Mestgr , 5536 505

IS Proauction 'under Major Horticulture urops DFAFT ANNUhL PLAN 1989-90 IHYSICAL TARGETS A^JD ACHISVSMSMTS STATEMENfT GN-3 ‘ STATE/U.T.

Seventh Annual Annual ~>lan 1988-89 /Annual Plan Plan Plan 1989-90 'item Unit (1985-90) 1987-88 Targets Anticipated Target Targets Achieve­ Ac hievement proDosed ments 3. 4. 5 . 6. / 7. 8. !tipa^oved seeds « • ^ Production ol saede. '•

20^ Cereal »Q00 52.033 •. 53.840 !)3'.840 50.890 " tonnes . ai* iHilses . n *v> 4.747 i , 4.800 ^ 4.80O 4.'860 22, Oilseeds ' n ; , ■ - ' ' 21.876 ' 2^.950 ‘ 24.9?0 . 23.615 , »ooo 25» Oottan ; j 0 .8 3 3 ­ 0*860 0.860 0 .8 2 0 ^ 24* Jute & Mesta { bnles*^ Total It - 79.489 84.450 84.4?0 90.185 1 Dietribution of seeds

25* Oerenls *000 , 20,0 .31*095 37.768 37.768 41.020 ' tonnes* < 26. ifulses H 4.130 - 4 .5 3.041 3.973 3.973 27* Oilseeds‘ n 85 20.650 21.461 21.461 22.777 28. 6otton 1 n 3.5 0.520 0.551 0.551 0.600 29* «)'ute & Mesta 1 { • ^otal M 55.306 63.753 63.753 68.527 . .- Chemical fertilisers. 30. )^itrogenous(N) ti 4777 620 1050 855 900 31. Piiosphatic (P) . *» 2386 270 525 354 375 ■ « 32. Potas3ic(K) M 95 ido •^otal (filK) tj It 7956 967 m e 1304 1375 DRAFT ANMmL 1989-90 mVSICAL TARGETS AND ACHI£VSMEM~S STATSM£NT GN-3 STATE/U.T.

Seventh Annual Annual Plan 1988-89 Annual Plan Plan Plan (1985-90) 1987-88 s u Item Unit Target Anticipated Target >Ja. Taxgets Achiave- Achiovements proposed . ments i- ' 2. 3 . ' 4 . 5. 6, 7 . 8 .

protection ‘ le'stic idee consiunption , ^000 tonnes 8.86 1 3 .0 0 13.QQ 14 • i(T-^hnical grade raRterial) 1 3t».'lrea covefrge on single treatment lirSGd.. ’ ( ) Hect. - 1!?500 155 155 1600C

■ A m TJWDERt N> ‘ 5 ^ Tert il iser 38000 - - -- M U5 Jesticides- ' It 75000 ■ B j ^ yielding Ntarieties(HYy) — - yfim Rice - '^otal area cropped w mm , 31-2!- 59L Area under HYV • # ^ n 196 2 5 2519 3575 3575 3625 - 39m Wheat - Total area cropped/ » - 12 - - n Area under HYV 108 11 27 27 27

. — id’wajp - Total area cropped » 1572 — ■ - 4-2^ Area under HYV w 3275 . 448 680 680 79^ 43L Bajra - Total area xropped'^ n' — 325 4.4* JBc4^a area under HYV H 2050 253 420 420 430 n 4 % Maize - Total area cropped _ 296 — _ — JJ aiae Area under HYV ^ « 700 187 150 150 160 n T3ftn^ ar''a Under, the above 5 cereals - 5328 - ' -- n (ttrtli HYV &.lTo.n-HYV) • ' ' ' ' 25758 3418 4852 4852 4947 D^AFT Ar'JMUAL .^L\N 1989-90 IWSICAL TARGETS AND ,^CriI5V^:MEK^S ST/'TEME^^' GN-3 s t -xtb/ uTt T™"

Savarth Annual Annual Plan 1988-89 Annual Plan Plan Plan 1989-90 3 1 . Item Unit (1985-90) 1987-88 Anticipated No, Target Tar^ot Targets Achieve­ Achievements proposed . monts 1 . 2. 3. 4- 5^ 6,. 7 . ■8 .

Xtryytalof e d f nrminp ; , r


47^..%* wntcrsheds taken up Nos. 29# 255 - 132 132 132 108,88 I 48." M ca Covered under wntorshod ^000 H=e**» 600 144.43 145 H 100 59*09 I 49» £iea under lan-d development . ( • ^ • (I ■50, G'^-nstruction of water h a r v e s t in g No&, ■ 600 264 264' ‘264 N) ‘ '■ fegG structures' J( • w ON cfvercd outside the selected^OOO hect. 48.00 48.00 48..00 1 Watersheds by dry farming prac, tices 25OO 720 iSo^t Ion jf dry farming practices ' and outside the seleci;e? watersheds^“

52^ Pistribution of seed cum fert« drills Nos. 15 2099 1000 1000 1000 tribution of other improved agricultural implements M 15 4771 39600 39600 39600 54. distribution cf Ghe.Perts. Tonnes 1500 7^00 7200 7200 55. I>istribution cf improved/ drought rc3isteant seeds^ ir 100 32.50 11500 11500 11500 56. Seedlings planted under affores- 1 at ion. M h . 57. irca covered under special i j s . Icrostry, «000 Ha D-iYbTGAL ^a : ^ E ' o / md /.a n ‘>1.'. K j '.~ ^ ji^i'.—3 ST^T^/U.T.

Seventh Annual Annual Plan 19&S-89 Annual Plan ■ Plan .' Ian ... - 1989-9C/ SS. Item Unit (1985-90) 1987-80 Targei- Anticipated Targets m Tarjots Ajhiove- ^ ■ ,'.chiovenients DEo^osod msnts. u 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8,

stock la-provemGrit £

5$» Reelnfflct ion of iilkaline nrens x »000 Ha. 5 ReClamritior of saline areas I Ce» Developnent of culturalle wa.ito !1 ’■ 13 land anJ old frllo'vV land for I productive us©©. I St, Davelopment of flood-prone/coastal N) _ saline area. GC. Soil coap^rvation - Area coverage ! (Cumulative) 60-- 60 60 C2a, Agriciiltar al land • 200 60,849 6 Forest land 64* Others (sracify) - •. C51 Cropped '-rea (cumulative) It ti C-ra,-;.. Dl^.FT ANNU\L PLAN 1989-90 ii^lYSICAL TARGETS AND ACHIEVE^E^]TS STATEMENT GN-3 STATE/U.T.

Seventh Annual Annual Plan 1988-89 Annual Plan Plan Plan ------^---- 1989-90 SI. Item Unit (1985-90) 1987-88 No, Target Anticipated Target Targets Achieve­ Achievement proposed ments i . 2. 3. 4 . 5. 6. 7. 8 t

Production, under major Horticulture »000 5718 5013 Pruits and. Veg'^tablc s» 343 343 362 Tonnes.

Morketlnig:?' Qualtty control.

1. Total No. of Markets at Mandal 892 683 LeVeZ. CO 2* Pegulated Marketr. 233 3. Su'b-Market. 808 4*. Sub-Market yar^s developed* 40

Sto|?age and Warohousing MIS of 2.50 Godown lakh MTS 96,000 MTS 0.75l»akh MTS 0.50 CapQcity, lakh MTS* DFAFT Af-NUAL PLAN 1989-90 IW SICAL TARGETS A^D ACHEVSMEMTS STATSMEy GN-3 STATE/U.T.

Seventh Annual Annual Plan 1988-89 Annual Plan SI. Plan Plan ■ 1989-90 Item Unit (1985-90) 1987-88 No, Target Anticipated Target Targets Achieve*- Achi2vements proposed ments 1 . 2. 3. 4 . 5. 6, 7. 8.

15-Animal FnsTjandrv & Dairying Products,

i. Milk ■*000 tonnes 3250 2980 3200 3200 3400 i i , ■Bggs^ Millions, 3600 3100 3200 3200 3300 i i i . Wool. lakh Kgs. 28.60 28,50 28.60 28.60 28.70

16-Aniaal Husbandry Programme,

i. Intensive Caiile Development projeotg. Nos, (Cum) i i . No, ol Prozen Semen (Bull) . ^ Stations. ' '" ' 1 iii,N o . of Inseminations performed In lakhs, 18. 00 12,21 16.50 13.20 18.00 with exotic Bull Semen. iv.No.of Cross-bred /inimals(Pemales) ” 0,60 0,50 0,75 0.66 0.90 v.Estpblishorntn df Sheep Breeding Farms, .. Nos, ( Cum) - vi,Sheep & Wool Extension Centres, 107­ vii.Intensive Sheep Development Projects'. 7 Viii.Intensive E^g & Poultry Production -cum-Mnrketing Centres, ix.Establishment of Fodder Seed Pro­ , duction Farns, t! X,Veterinary Hospitals. 1f xi.Vexerincry DispensaJtlrs« 1600 DRAJ T AM'JU/'vL PLAN 1989-90 iW SICAL TARGETS AND ACHIEVSMEMTS STATEMbNT GN-3 “ s t a t e / u *t .

’ ” “Seventh” "Annual Annual Plan 1988-89 Annual Plan Plan Plan SI. Item Unit (1985-90) 1987-88 No. Target Anticipated Targets Targets Achieve- Achievements proposed ^ ments 1 . 2, 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

A.P.Meat & Poultry pGVelopmegt Corporation

1, Egg Sales ■ Nos. 61 ,7 5 ,0 0 ,0 0 0 ,68 ,00 ,000 13,00,00,000 1.5,68 ,0 0,00 0 2, Sale of Dresred Chicken Kgs. 18,23,000 3,60,854 5,60 *500 5 .60,500 3 ,73,750 3. Sale of Pork&Beef. Kgs. 59,15,000 5 ,0 9 ,0 0 0 4 ,25 .000 ^25^,000 4:^4^4.,0i20 4. Peed Production, Mts. 1,80,000 25,334 32 ,350 32,350 40,000 5. Peed Sales. . Mts. 1,87,000 27,209 30 ,740 30,740 44,850 6 • Sale of Medicines. Rs. 1,0 5 ,1 5 ,0 0 0 15 ,68,707 23 ,92 ,0 0 0 ^ ,9 2,000 20 ,0 0 ,0 0 0 K) cn 7. Vaccination & Debeaking. Nos. 5 ,5 1 ,8 9 ,6 7 0 56 ,35,620 98 ,44 ,000 38,44,000 . 1,44 ,3 3 ,6 0 0 O 8. Production & Sale of layer & Brio- ler Chiks. Nos. 29,69,400 3 ,72,1 13 11 ,06 , 00011 ,0 6 ,0 0 0 19-p-0,000 9. layer, Broilers to "be reared. Nos, 5,98,000 77,032 2 ,11 ,000 2 ,1 1,00 0 2 ,2 0,00 0 10, -do- -c’o-Perents maintained. Nos. 40,145 23,016 14.,000 14,000 20,000 11«Production -of Eggs Nos. 2,,50,00 ,500 25 ,99,863 24 ,00 ,00021 ,0 0 ,0 0 0 12,Quail parents. 70,.00,000 Nos. 24,500 000 13. Rabbit parents. 2, 2,000 3,000 Nos, 3,300 500 500 500 500 14 • Product i:n Feed Add it ivies. Kgs. 41,500 4 ,648 10 l5»I'To.of M g s Slaughtered. ,OGD ■10,000 16,208 Kos. mm M ■2i,500 3,500 16.No. of Buffal'^s handled No s. 1 , 50,000 3,500 3^ 500 3,500 3,500 17.Mineral Mixture It s . ?r500 589 760 760 798 18.Refined Tallow Mts. - 50 11 8 8 8 • 19.No.of Carcases handled. N os. — 279 450 450 490 ANT’tXJ 1,1 rii.11'i 1 ...>^9-9-) PHYSIC/L TAIiG^TS ^ND STiJ^3MT GN.3 3T/aTE/U.T. ai.No, It era,,. Unit. Seventh -^"nnual I nnual Plan 1938-89 ■^nnual ■»»' *■ PI an ’■ PI a n ' target Anticipated Plan (1985-90) 1987-88 Achievements, 1989-90 Targets, AchievGaents, Target 1. 2. ■ ... 6 . proposed, . 3. 4. ■ 5. _ 7. 8. • .j , Hides. Nos. ^ 1. .1:^500 • 273 ■ ^400 - . ^00 ",420 - Ho, of Piglet Born. Nos. 3,500 861 428 428 428 100 _?igs supplied for Breeding.• ■ Nos. • 590 229 100 100 - Sterli so d Me at-cum-BoneMc al. _ Mts. — 67 ^ 75- 75 78 ..■Ko'^of Breedings Sows Mtnd. Nos. ■ — ■- 38 ■ 30 30 30 .^-Average No.ofPiglet per Bow. ! ' per annun. •mrnm — 19 15'^ 15 "19 I'>J ■ T .pROGR-iim^ES: • h- • i) Fluid Milk plants C. I (including composit'^ and ?eeder/'bal.ancing nilk • plants) in operation.

■ I>Lstrict Dairies/Chilling/ » Cooling centres. ‘ Nos. 5 69 34 • % M ) MilK Products Pactcriec - - 6 - in operation. (. 0 -Bairy Cooperative Unions/ . * t 8 Bistricts ^nions.. i‘5 14 . 3 . I]|IAFT ;:ICTUJ.L ILJT 1969-90 - PHY SIC i,L TARGijTS AND IClU-^T^ri^^TS, STa?-^.1ENT- GM.3 s t ;.te/ u . t .

SQ.,Ko. Item Unit Seventh Plan /innual Plan ■‘^nnual Plan 1988-89 (1985-90) 198T-88 imnual Plan 1989-90 Targets Achieve­ Target Anticipated Target pro­ ments. Achievements posed. 1. , ’ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 . 7. 8. 1 , 19. Forestry. ■i. i)3con:raic & Gommerci nl Elantations. Hec. 17500 3998-20 4018 4018*^ 4800 xi)Social Forestry Plantations ” 8G000 8478.00 13473 13473 15621

. Cooperation^ 1. Short Terin” Credit Rs.incro-• 400 279.43 300.00 300.00 400.00 2. Medium 0?erm Credit. 15(100)* 11.86 10.00 10.00 10.00 NJ cn (V) 3. Icng Tern Credit *' 100(570)* 65* 76 95.00 95.00 95.00 4 • -Sat'a i l . ’ of Port 11 ieer s. ” 250 4 9 .0 0 90.00 90. W5 150r00 5 . iSarketifig o£ /agricultural Pro- ' ’ dnce.' ^ ” 250 98,20 100.00 100,00 150*00 .6* Retail sale of ■ consumers Et goods in Urban areas. " 100 94.91 72.00 72.00 00.00

7 • • *■ Eetrrril sale of consuwcj^s goods ■ 4-5.00 in Rural areas. ” 50 ■ 34»98 40.00 40.00 8 , Storage capacity with Coopera-Lalch Met- g q q ’ 1,01 7.50 - 7.50 8 .0 0 _ tives (CuHulativel ric tonn- * ‘ G s. - 9« Processing Units Nurat)ers . .

a) *^rganised w — ' ^ - - '

>} Installed. . mm -

J C , ^ ^ . ... . ■••■T,...... * The",fi/mres i *'' ‘" ii 7 DRAFT m W 'l X ritJT 198. 1^0 I'HYSICAL TiJ{G5?[TS AKD ;.CHISF"M^:-*T3 GN-3 _ _ _ . _ _ _ ------^ . , STaTS / ut — ~

"lljfe* Item Unit . Seventh Plan Annual Plan -Annual Plan 1988-89

. targets.^ ^ i:cnievements. . ilchj-evenents. Target ^ ' '', ... ■ ■ proposed. ^ . f ' ‘ ' ■■ ■ ' : % -2^ 3^ 4. . 5L 6^ 7. 8. . ------. • ■ =? • '

A>mrERiES. .. ’

impish production tonnes - . ' . . , ; ; *000 * a) Inland ‘ 200.00 121^106 190 190 =200 l>) Marine 200,00 - 136.4“56 'l 90 190 ' .200 - Total 400.00 257.562 380 580 ^ 4OO ^

• ■ ■ . ’ • IS> ii> Mechanised. Boats . Number Cumular 2000 ' 1294 • 1500 1500 '2000 ^ ' • tive^ . • ■ ; : i - ' I iiil Xteep;^ see ^'ishing ’ , _ Vessels , ' " ” * . — - Pish seed Production ■ I . . . 1>-Pry. .. .. , Million 400 - . 2&1.369 360 360 4QO _ STATEMENT GI\T«3 DRiJ^’T iJINUAL PLAN loS9-90 PHYSIG..L TARGETS AND ACHIEVEMENTS STATE/D.T.

7th Plan Aimuai t'xan Sl.Ho. Item Unit (1985-90) 1987-88 Target Anticipated 1989-90 Target Achievements Achievements Target proposed 1 . 2. 3 , 4 . 6 . 6 . 7 . 8 .

H . RIBAI. DFYEL01I4EM: (SPl. IKQGS. FOR R D ); 20, Integrated Rural Developmentrrogrammei i) Beneficiaries identified ' a)Old NO. 0 12, 00,000 - ' - - b)New No, 0 ii) Beneficiaries assisted; a)Old. No. 50,697 04,620 , §20 10 ,00,000 04 2, 26, 000 b;New No. 2 , 12,G6^ ■ 1, 54; 664 1,15;B 64

iii) S.C.Beneficiaries: NiD.. 5, 00,.000 04,656 77,552 77,552 1,10, COO S.T*Beneficiaries No.. 1, 00, 000 24.055 15,466 15,466 ■ 22, OOC N) oi -P- iv) Beneficiaries assisted under ' Industries No.. 5 ,0 0 ,0 0 0 54,590 54,500 54,500 55 ,000 v) Youth trained, bein£ trained . under TRYSEM...... No. 66,000 11,502 1 15, 200 15,200 15,200 vi) Scheme for strengthening of ■ C- ' -■.»v . A<3mn* a) No, of posts sanctioned No.- 00 ‘ 95 95 b) No. of posts filled up 70- ■>) " ■ 02 VII) DWCRA. No. of ■ groups. 2,130 200 200 200' 40c VIIl) lAShA: j^)j^inor Irrigation No.of Ha. 25,100 24, 020 70, 000 70, 000 ■ 70,000 m b)Minikits Nos. 4,55,500 1,95,5 02 1,55,171 1,55,171 1,55,171 c)Iend Develo} ment NO,of Ha. 2 ,6 4 ,0 0 0 5,'510 '1.7,000 17,000 17,000 IX) r.l/.G.S. No.of wells . 4,000 ' 446 - _ 1,0C0 1,GC0 1, GOO •1. N.R.E.1 «; ■ . a) Emi^loj^ment generated l;--kh man days '* 159.96 I05o 24 1.55« 00 155,24 b) Details of phyf:ical assets Ccreatedj v;itn doscrii tive notees i) Social Forestry:

(1) ^ e a covGied Kos. 26486,21 (2) No,of trees planted 698,662 i i ) Socio-Econotnic Gomtnunity Welfare ^.ssets.

(1) i^rovision of drinking water wells Nos* 2<334

(2) Rural Hoads Kin. 3217,064 Formation: 1970.878 Gravelling 712.335 hetalling 528,45 B.T. 5.4 (3) School Buildings Nos. 2788 ^1) Development of house sites Nos, 4015 (5) Construction of Houses Nos, '201Q (6) Fanchayat Ghars Nos, 887 (7) Mahila Mandals Nos* 80 (S) Construction of Buildings Nos, 618 (Q) Construction of Sanitary latrines Ncs, 8043 (1 0 )Community Halls Nos. 145 (11)Culverts Nos, ■ 50 (12)Side drains KM 7.7Q8 , (13)Solar Plants Nos. . 1

PJjRP-l 1, P.R, Sector. Sqho.ol Bildings 633 ',Hoads 483.34 KI'l Road formed 685,37 KM Road gr?.veiled 1473,86 KM Road Metalled 14 ,30 KM Road B,T, U 9 7 Nos, C,D.Works, 2, P,W,Works 19 Road works, 14 Buildings 36 M,I,Works. , 3. S.C.Plan. 20 School Buildings, ' 10083 C.I.Wells. 4 , 12832 Houses. 5. Rural Sanitation 7402 Sanitary Latrines 6. Social Forestry: 22180 Hects. area covered (both under S.C. 50,000,00 Plants raised and plan and I.W,Works) planted.


7th Plan Annual Plan Annnnl Plan 1^88-89 Amiiial Plan S I. No, Item Unit (1985-90) 1987-88 Targets Anticipated 1 <^8 q-90 Targets iichievements Achievements Target proposed 1 . 2. ; 3. 4 . 5. . 6. 7. . . 8. *':k 2i Drovi^ht ironc Areas Irograanie; J 1 Blocks covered • No^ 69 blocks 69 blocks 69 blocks 69 blocks 69 blockg' i i Minor Irri: ation No^of Ha. 5 G ,000 9, 402. , -10,000 10,000 ■ 10,000 iii> Soil & vjV-tcr Coriservation- -do*• 7 5 , COG 12,715 , 12,500 12,500 -•12,5C'( > if ore station ^ . -do-- 25,CCO 4 ,0 1 0 0 iv ■V 5,0CO 5, 000 . 5,000 ff y ] c;sture l)cvelopincnt - 5 ,000 941 0 vi' genefici'aries identified.; > Nos. v ii Benefici'aries assisted , ■ . Nos. i, I i VII Transport; A.i .S.r^T.C^s j" ...1 Yehiclea: i_ % I i) Augmentation & ro Ex]- ansion^ 5,101 i;9 7 0 i;ioo . OOG- ;■ ■ 700 o ii) Rcplncements ' 4 ,660 629 1,200 1 , c 9 0 C ^ 20 I iii) Others, 70 60 ■ Total4 7,761 2, 679 2,300 2, O&C ■ 1,600

l.W.ROADS; 1, New fornrtion of Roads & Missin^^, links, : K.M. 194 •35 .40 155 40 2 . Metallin^_ • K.M, 500 103 124 324 . =124 strengthening & Improvements to road crust, ,, K.M, 942 169 203 174 '■'203 4, Minur C.l>, Works. ,, . .. Nos. 1,125 202 2^2 214 242 5* Minor Bridjos . . . . Nos, 250 41 42 ■■ 4^ 6* Major Bridges, . Nos, 21 4 DR/FT AI^tU^L ?LAN 1989-90 I^ii^SICAL TAi^’^TS AND ACKIPV^^MHNri'S ST.\TEMH\rr GN-3 STATE/U-T.

Seventh Annual Annual Plan 1988-89 Annual Plan aOL. Item Unit Plan Plan 1989-90 m . (1985-90)' 1987-88 , Target Anticipated T arget Targets Achieve­ Achievements proposed ments i . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. . 8..

IRRIG-ATIOI-J & Fl'OOr COHTaOL » -MINOR IRRTaA^IOr' ( i) &HOOIT-) (a)potGnfcial ■ 000 Ila, 3 8 . 115_ 11 „ 76 5.875 5.875 6. 323 (b)Ufcilisatirn 73. 586 26«47 48.06 48,. 06 52.800 tii) SIIRgxiCS WATER: ‘000 Ila, fa)Potrenfcial 77.084 2 „ 78 5.875 7.898 6. 323 ro (ji ( b) U c ilis :i,tlon 57.813 18. 9 5 32.21 34, 23 38.9 7

Minor I r r j g;at;iori ij) Groundwater •

a.)pofcent;ial 1000 ha. 400 2o. 6 69 48. 500 60.000 • b) Ut: il l gab ion 1000 ha. 26.669 48.500 60.000 S.Minor Irrigation(pV/D) ‘ M. I .P l a n Scne-nes: ii)SU RR.GE a ) Potential 000 Ha, 70.00(new.) 9.69 2(new) 12.00(new) 12.00(Wew) 11.00(new) Stab. 14.34 5.00 5.00 ( Stablisa- ( Stab) 5.00(S tab.) ■tion) DRi^lT ANNUAL ?LvN 1989-90 ^^^YSIC.L T,\R;~^t:TS AND Aail^^V^MENnS ST,aTE,\4EOT GN-3 s t a t e / u .t .

f Seventh" annual Annual Plan 1988-89 .'Hnnual Plan I t e m Unit Plan.. Pla^n. ■ — — — — 1989-90 No. ' . , (1985-90) 19a7-88 Target Anticipated Target ■ i ;i-' "Cl • Targets . Achieve- /'..chievements oroposed me nt s• ^ 1'. ' 3. 4 . 6. 7. 8 . .

26. Major *iRd Eodiun Irr^’in; . ' • ♦* ■

i) Potent?,csjeo.ted ',.000 Ha. 345.0.42 ■ 19.^3 35’ 33.415 , 33.415 -40 .=-823^ » ii) Ubiria'j'^iorr " W. A J5S/034- 33.800 33.800 N. A. ■y ■ 1 ■ 9

■'xirea p^eyi^ 3cS: with

ilprat ■'c1?i^ n , ‘ , 1G.206 3.9 4.00 4 .0 • .4.0 26. ^.T'^ijor Irii.^atlon rrQ.iecfcp; ro (ji :: 1. a r'3 unes4,2;n r. P r o j ec t T.l-la. 8 0 .0 0 "•6; 786- 11.500 00 ; 2. Srira|ig,9;rt'ir--:

262. 240 8.781 20.00 20.00 28.500

^I • Ow^oinp; ot:her jhajor projecfcs: 1 .YansadiOfcira brpject sbage-I '8 .0 0 1. 488 1.488 3. 137 2.T. B. i'. h. L. stage-Il' ’5 .4 5 0 .4 1 4 1. 324 1. 324 .1.000 3.Iaprover:ients to Nizansagar ^'ro ject 4,Yeleru Heserypir project 5. Singur pro jec't G.Yansadhara sfcage-II . 13.45 0 ,4 1 4 2.812 9 .812 r- 4 .1 3 7

Total of Major Projcots:-' 2 7 ’o 769 0 9 .1 9 5 22.812 ?.2^S12 32. 637 DR/>FT ANNUAL PLh N J989 - 90 .-1-IYSICAL TA.SGETS .J’D ACHI-V3MEHTS ST/\THM2fJT GN-3 STATS/U.T,

Seventh Annual Annual Plan 1988-89 Annual Plan* SI. Plan Plan 1980—00 I t e m Na. Unit (1985-90) 1987-88 . Targets Anticipated Target Targets ■ Achieve- • Achievements proDOsed ments,. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. .6. 7. 8.

III.Meliur! Irrl ati^n rrri-^ofcs; ^ ^ S p ill V e r Sc hen e s. '

1. V o fc t i G d d project ^ Ha,. 2. Thand:-iva pro ject ti 0.200 o.uoo • — 0. 600 3. Kan up ur Can-il M ' 7.540 0. 344 0 ,500 0 .5 0 0 ■ 0.500 4.Gandipalem project II 1.215 ' 1.21-5 — — 5.1 ulivei.dala canal t1 11.5S0 1. 200 1.500 1. 500 1.000 6. Ga jul?".dinne project- 2.900 0.237 - — - II V.r-untur Ohannel Schec^ . — —— N) n - 0 .0 2 1 - - ■ - cn S.Swarna project vO 9 . Ool:achQbbyvaru project fi — — — -— lO.Thar.nileru Reservoir ^chene ir 0.236

22.220 3.917 3.215 2.000 2. 33G

b) 0 n?o 1 nn: Mediui~ Schereof VI ? I a n . _ l.Iiaiwada project . • 11 2*400 !l S.Janjavathi project 3.000 . — - -- M S.Konan project 1. 581 1.620 2.9 58 2.9 58 - 4.reddankai_QQ project II —— — 5.1/Iadduvalasa project n 3.000 _ - ' - 1. 2Q0 '3. Ven/^alaraya Sagaran II 5.720 1.620 1. 230 1. 230 .1.400 7,Cheyyeru project II 3. 200 --- - 8 .Malluruva./^u project It 0. 520 —- - — t) — j . i.iukkaiTianid i pro j g c b 0. 300 -- IT —- 0 .8 0 0 10-Yc 11 ivagu project 4.800 - 11.Bo,^/;>:ulavagu project M 0. 500 0.262 -- “ 12.redderu project stag^-I ' tl 1. 270 0 .064 0.800 0 .8 0 0 - DIAFT ANF^JU^^L PLAN 1989-90 IHYSICAL TARGETS AMD ACHISVPM5MTS ST.\TEMEMT GN~3 s t a t e / u . t . Seventh Annual Annual Plan 1988-89 Annual Plan Plan SI. Unit Plan 1989-90 Item (1985-90) 1987-88 Nb. Target Anticipated Target Targets Achieve­ ments Achievements proposed, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 . 6. 7. 8.

13. Ycrrakravt* RGservoir T.Ha, 5.500 1. 214 1. 214 II 14. Ye ray" I . I . s c heme 15.Krislmapuraa piojecfc _ - 0. IJO 0.020 le.A/aradarajt-swani Gudi I'roject ft 1.480 33.4G1 3. 606 6. 202 6. 202 3.400

Schenes ur^er ribal _Sub-plan. fV.-peddavagu project: T.Ha. 0 .0 3 1 0. 31? <— - - n M IS.Taliperu -nrooGct 6.000 1. 160 0 .8 5 7 0 .8 5 7 0,850 ON 19.Gundala Vagu !l 0 .1 6 0 _ . — o 20 .Maddigedda 0.400 ■ — 0.-074 0 .0 7 4 — El.Jalleru project ir 1.400 0. 120 0. 250 0. 250 0.800 ?2=Sat;nala project ff 5.600 1. 620 1. 250 1. 250 0 .8 0 0

Total of - I l l ( b ) : 4 7 .1 3 2 6.823 8.603 8.603 5.850

Total o f -III(a+b): ‘ 6J.3 5 2 ~ ~10.740 " '10.603 ~ " ~10.603 ~ ' ” 8.186 “ ■ " “

aSAiTD u^OTi^L (MixJ OH & M E D IIM ): 345.042 19.9 35 33.415 33.415 40.823

-Flood Control ;.rea provided with prot'ction T.ila. 16. 206 3.90 4 .0 0 4 .0 0 4.00 Conriand Area Devel opnent Pro/^ramne l)Area covered by Field channels. 000 ha, 6 ,2 5 ,0 0 0 8 ,1 2 7 50 i, 000 26,000 . 35,5ao II ii).irea covered byl'md levellin.c. 2 ,5 8 ,0 0 0 14,926 20,000 16,000 20,000 DIUFT i^MMJAL PLAN .1989-90 I^^YSIC/aL Ty^RGHTS AND AailEVcKCNTS STATE^^^^^^ GM-3 STAT5/U.T.

Seventh Annual Annual Plan 1988-89 Annual Plan Plan Plan » (1985-90) 1989-90 Item Unit 1987-88 Anticipated Targets No, Targets. Targets ' Achieve­ ^chiev'aments . oroposod. ments , 3. 4 . 5 6. 7. 1 , 2. .

V, Jz'Oi/EH X . k. . i'j m B, l.Inatallcf^ o.ipacifcy . : ■. ' LIW 8 38. 5 1.3. 79 ' 576 V-lainulat: ive IM 3C15 3615 3615 419 1

2,Electricity'generated M W II 180 63 ' 13852 14274 14465 15400 (f or 89-30) + 166 3 + 20 72 +- 2265 + 30 70 (rurohase) (purchase) (purchase) (purchase) I 3,.'Blecbricifcy Sold MKWH 15248 12090 12501 12800 14245 ro (for 89-90)

4.Transmission lines(220KV) . Ckt.KIVIs 1049 ’ 2 3 / 569 413 400 . Gunulative 11 4280 4849 469 3 509 3

5 .Sural Electrificf.fcion - a)VillagGP Elect±xfied rios. 4367 10 70 1200 1200 750 £ Junulf tive Nos. 2576 3 26966 269 66 27716 blpuapsefcs energised by Electricity1 I'lOS. 35000Q 110 71;. , 70000 82000 70000 .. cjTubewells energised + 6523 * + 12000 ** . Cumulative Nos, '■ ' 945577 102757.7 1027577 10S.7577

£ 350 with solarpriQels. 400 air eady e le c trifie d witli solar panels are propose d to be converte d to 0 onventional electrific ation. * Co-operat ives1. ** U nder Eic e Thrust prop-ranres. Oa\FT ANNUAL PLAN 1969-90 H^YSIG\L TARGETS AND ACHIEVEMEMrS STATEMENr GN-3 s t a t e / u .t .

Seventh Annual Annual Plan Annual Plan 1988-89 SI, Plan Plan 1989-90 Item unit (i9g5_9o) 1987-88 No, Ta rget Anticipated* Targets. Abhieve- Achiavetnents proposed. ments. !• 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 . 7, 8 .

,VI>Industry -ind M in e r als: '■ 2?*V3J.1 age_and Snail Scale i^t^es: a) Units funci'ioniitg Nos. 4' 66,534 73,000 74,200 81,000 ( cunulafcive) t)) production (fe in crores) 1,681 1,998 2,173 2,350 c) Persons Gnpi.o,yec(Additi^nnl Nos. 4 59 ,4 73 51,728 52,000 55,000 1 gtolr In d u stry;- onplcynent) ro ON a) production of Pitre in tonnes 3,619.15 4,000 4,000 4,500 i^j SSr sector 1 b) product;ion oX yarn,products in Coop, societies. Rs. lakhs 5. 6^6 6.00 6.00 6, 5 c) Sjplc'yneut jf^enorafced Nos. 289 6 3200 3200 3500 ( cuinulat ive)

1)ladustriol Esbates/areas: 800.00 —- 55.00

?i)Estatv.^s/.ire^ functioning - - - ^ 53.00 b)^Bo. of units - -- 5578.00 ejproduction 5i|Snploynent ’ 5578.00 DJIAFT ANIJUAL PLAN 1989-90 fflYSICAL TARGETS AND a CHU VEMEI-JTS STATEMEMT GN-3 STATE/U.T.

Seventh Annual Annual"Plan 1988-89 Annual Plan , . Plan Plan ” Item ------1989-90 unit (1985-90) 1987-88 Targets Anticipated Targets Targets Achieve­ _ Ac hievements proposed ' ments'; 2. 3.- 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

) .Village Sr. Snail Industries .SERI'CULTUuB ' Wornal Plan , ------. 2083 2500 a)p.roducfcion raw silk '000 K gs 2500 • 1737 ■ 2083 (capacity at the snil'of VII Plan)

25 25 25 b)Snploy:-ient n o :' 0.00( cun) ^ 150- 25 . I :o ■ (both Direct and indirect) On OJ Externally aided project I (World Bank Iroject) a)Hul'berry accreage Acres 25000 5000 l3)Enployrient ...... N o .' 000 125 25 ( cun)

Handicrafts Dewelopnent' Corporation. • 1,Production 69 40 1500 1500 1500 1500 2;.EQployr.ient 2,00,000 1,60,000 1,60.,000 1,60,000 1 ,6 0 ,0 0 0 (persons) (Persons) (persons) (Persons) (Persons) DRAFT ANMJAL PLAN 1989-90 FHYSICAL TARGETS A^E) ACHIEVEMEKTS STATE.¥£I\T. GNf-3 STATE/U.T.

Seventh Annual Annual Plan 1988-89 Annual T. Plan Plan • ------Pla n Item Unit (1985-90) 1987-88 Targets Anticipated 1989-90 Targets. Achieve­ Achievements. Targets ments. proposed 2. 3. 4 . 5. 6. ■ 7 . 8 .

Khadl & Tillapie I ndusbrles Boar^. )Wibhin the purview of KVIC: iypioducbion lakhs 10310.00 7966.00 9455.72 10401.29 10 783.94 x)B3plo’ynenfc • No.»000(cun) 281 122 200 220 221

)Ou^:side the purview of KVIC x)Jroducfcion Fs,in lakhs. | i) Bnploynent: No, *0dt>( tun):{

A.p.Industrial Bevelopnent 4800.00 1416.18 525.00 725.00 525.00 Corporabion Xta.(i-PIDC) ( including AP EDO) Goot>.SUf;ar Factories;

OOjj^nised . . N o .o f Coop 5 Sugar Factories, ■ )ln3t ailed -do- 5

ndustry & Minerals; Capital participation schene 149 M«rVetlng assi-stance schene 590 10 10 10 4 Margin noney for SG/St 212 5 5 5 6 Entiepreneurs Developnent progrannes 190 Preparation of feasllr 530 3 PrAFT. ANNUAL PLAN 1989-90 fHYSIQ\L T.-.RGHTS AMD ACHIEWEMEMTS STATEf'^EKT GN-3 ' STATE/U.T.

_ Seventh Annual Annual Plan 1988-89 "Annual Plan' 5XL T + ^ IT.,*4. Plan Plan 1989-QO * Item Unit (1985-9O) 1987-88 Targets Anticipated Targets Targets, Abhieve- Achiovements ■ oroposed. * _ ments. •• ‘ 3- 4. 5. 6. 7 . . 8.

SBonnon f^cllibj centres at: Vizag 1 - * - _ ' _ ■lodernisribion cf producbion units 1 - ' - _ • ]_ leneral p^onotional activities - - - - ' . » jansfer of Technology - - - - . “ hfornatiop & Docunentation - , . " ” . “ l^aerJinars 15' 3 3 3 . - ISlarket Survey ■, iSiiJevolving fund to repay IRBI “ " “ T I I^Jbnnon facility for MSCs - ' “ . - ' ~ 1 N) OS c;i 23 23 ■ 23 16 I

ither Industries Developneht * ‘ cporatlcn. of A .P .(L ID C A P ):

.aJlManufac^urin#? of Pootwear and leather .ifld liOather Goods. - - 120v21 200.00 42.28 200.00 ■ Per .annun as on 30.9.88,. • Plnlshln, ofleathe. - < .SB._

. 192.76 370.00 77.72 370.00

SJngar'eni Collieries Co. ,Itd. , _ lfc)dtiction. • ■ 1000 Tonnes 10.000 16,401 20000 19,290 22,000 ■^loyees 1000 ITos. 119 98 103 102 106 Dj^\FT Ai'JNUAL r’L \M 1989-90 ?HYS i c ; l ta r g ets AND AQII^^VE^^ZMTS s t a t ;^MEMT GN-3 STATE/U.T.

. a Seventh Annual Annual Plan 1988-89 Annual • Plan Plan Plan ' 5 Item Unit (1985-90) 1987-88 1989-90 Targets Anticipated Targets Achieve­ ■ i Achievements. ments . proposed ‘ . 2. 3. 4. 5, 6. 7 . 8.

industry -ani linerals:

c. Production - M illion 600 444 577.80 577.80 600 I t s . % Empl oyn e nt Nq-. 0 00 5 ’ . -

Year Loons fco be Direct ND act ivised, Enploynent. O' O' 1985-86 40-, 000 1 ,00,0 00 1986-87 20,000 50.000 1987-88 20^000 50.000 1988-89 20^,000 50.000 1989-90 20,000 50.000

1^20^000 • 3,00,000 b .A>^:r;B!TT G-N..3 DRAFT ANMJiiL PLAN lrSP-90 IH^SICAL T/.RGETS aKD ^ACHIEVEMENTS SrrTE/U..Tr'”^’

7th ilan Annual tlan Annual Flan l9S8-8p Annual Plan Sl»1h> Item Unit (1985-90) 1987-88 Targeget Anticipated 1080-90 Targets Achievements Achievements Target proposed 1 . 2, 3. 4 , 6. 6. 7. S,

3 l _ * B t o R _ 1 0 ^ : TKAPI IC HAND1E3j(1 ORTWISE’) : Kakinada iort Tonnes, 15, 00, coo 6»99»170 10, 00, 000 0, 00, 000 10, 00,-000 ■blBachilipatnan I cr'l» ” 5, OCL COG — IjOC.COO lioo, COG c/IriBhnapctnam 1 ort ” 1,00^0^0 — 1 ,01,0 00 1j 00, 000 52 fPmiSM; J _ ij Inti rnational Tourist arrivals No, 2,16 0*.40 0.40 0.20 0,51 iiB Domestic Tovrist arrivals. No, 425.* CO 04.02 yc*6i 45i75 97'. 06 l 3 § Accommodation available* No# of rooms/No.df beds^ No, 0 ,4 2 / 0,71 0,00/0,71 Oi09/0,15 0 ,1 0 /0 ,1 6 V m TEANSl PET; ro 52 « TOLTiISM: O' m i) International Tourist ■ ?irrivals. - •, No, 2.16 0,40 0,40 0,20 0,! ii> Jyomestic To-urist arrivals No, 425 04,02 90.61 45.75 97.06­ i i i j ACcomnodatidn available No, C i42/0.71 0 ,0 0 /0 .1 4 0,09/0.15 0 ,1 0 /0 ,1 6 i) international Tourist arrivals,. . No, - 0.C2 0,02 0,05 ii^ Domestic Tourist arrivals No, - 3 ,5 7 '5 .4 2 4 ;5 0 i i i ) Accommodation available,^ No, 172 rooms 176 250- ROALS; •: - Other District Roadsr , ' surfaced (Su^iajrcane Roads-DMA) KMs, 1705 557 557 557 557 3TATSMENT GN-3 Dm*FT ANNUAL FLa M 1989-90 PHYSICAL TARGETS AND ACHIEVEMENTS STAT^:/U. T. 7th Pla .n Annual Flan Annual Plan 1988-.89 Annual Plan SJ-.PQ., . It6m '■ Unit (l986-9a)' lq87-88 Target Anticipated 1089-90 Target ’ Achievements Achievements Target proposed f • * 1 . ' ^8^ ' 3, ■ 4 . _ . '• 6 . 7 . ' 8.

Social ari'^ Contiunit'^^ Services . ■Sfucat ion, ^ ' 33. Ele. E-^ucatlon; ' i ) ' clasge s I "’V .Ta ' • -^rbup S ^H ) Tot.31 ■'Snrolment: ■ ' 000 5254 4205 r 23 46.23 49.23 Boys . . . n •'i ‘ 'i . Jifl’s •,» ■ ^3713 364B 36.77 36.77 3>i.77 ■ • Tatal . . . S772 7453 *83.0':' ■^3,00 53.00 ii ) Percentage to a.'-e b^roup ’Boys • 5 iiirls Ni Tot rO. - O CO b) Enrolment of Scho-^ule4 C'.stes« 000 Boys airls Tota - ■ ■ ?erce-n^a=?e to a,?e .eroupr Boys.. - ■■ ■ - ' 'liris' . • Tct^L- ' . c) .^■^nrolinent of gche'^ule-^ T^ubes,: ' Boys - “ ■ " ' . . - ;-iris" • Total Percenta.zG of a^e ,--'roup Boys U rls Total 'iaNNUi.L PLi^K 1939-90 PHYSICiU. IVAGETS AND ACKIET/EKENTS • ’ sf«i'S/ui .•-

’ 7th Plan Annual Plan Annual Plan 1 q88-8q Annual~Plan " " -Mfte Item . Unit (1985-90) • 1987-88Target Anticipated 1^89-90 Target -.Achievements . Achievements Target proposed 1 ^ ^ _2* r> a-,s-:as VI ^ T O (4.T0 «oup n- 13) 135S jagS 1532 ' ’ ' irolment 000 1001 ^ ;^g3 .ays •• ■ • ^53^ ■ • 1514. 2129 2129 2395 SifJ. s . ' i . ■ yotal-_ - ‘ -'--lercente^^e to a^e jroupj •-»iys"' ' ' • .

4 r l s " fistal ' ■ Usrolment of Sche'^ule-^ Castes 1 lays ^ • N> lEiTi s ON f»tal MD " ^ ”rcent to group , I ^ y s ■ •Idris

, - - ■ '■^rolrrB'n^ of-Scbe'^ule-i C

" * ■ '

.. ■ To*-al

- ■^~con>^arv ^'^uc-=?-tion r- . i | d asses ” VIII' ‘'O. :<.■'■ ' ■■ ■ ' ■ ■ ■ .nno - 9,01,302

' " - 4,62,02^ S- f " l.?,66,=30 I2UFT PL^ I 089-9O PHYSIG^J:. Ti^GfiTS AND ACHIEVEMENTS

7th Plan Annual Plan Annual Plan 1988-89 Annual Plan _Nn. Item U n * (1985-90) 1087-88 Target Anticipated 1989-90 Target Achievements Achievements Target proposed I - 2 . • 3 . 4 . 6. 6. 7, 8.

)Gl'sr?es XI~XII: ('UfOral G1'sses) 3nrolment» If Bcys IT }irls II Total If ^rolaent in Voc-^tional Courses« ) Post -eleme n" ary st a^e lumbers 4 1 ,5 ^ ^ 45 ,000 43,000 Total'.'. n 16,S95 Jills It • Fost Hi Sc’-nol T o t - H ' i» » Jirlg \> ^nrcqiaenit in ron-yoraal? jfparC Tiiae/gontimation)C3.asses It 5 , ^ , 5 2 0 6,50,300 » i^:s*“^roup 6-1-1 . Total II 2»72,100 2,34,.*^20 2,00,500 ?irls . Tc Webers 8 Vpriaary Classes I - V It 97,543 5,943 5,943 2,^06 »Iii^-CLe Classes ^rt-TIII It 42,362 1S9 )Secon-1 ary Clasps IX-X ft 74,022 /mlLt ^niOCATIOr :wiiber of participants 900 \We ^roup.Khs. 15-??5X in lakhs 2^ 90 4,9fS5 .460 Total i'rojects 100 State* 26 01^ 24 New Central* 26 01 24 Few ST^*TEMENT GN-3 draft annual plan 1989-90 PHYSICAL TARGETS AND ACHIEVEMENTS s t *:te7u . t .

7th Plan Annual Plan ______Annual Plan 1988-89 Anrtua:! Plan Item Unit (1Q85-90) 1Q87-88 Target Anticipated 1989-90 Target Ach.ieveraents Achievements Target proposed 1 . 2, 4« 5» 6» 7. 8. 2) No. 0 C ce ntros npene^ u.n"!ar: Central irojraimne No. 6711 7^00 7^0^’ 15 00 " b/ 'it- t e ’ s V rOc'raame Ho.No. • 46^nn 7S-'^6 7-00 7-^'00 150^- c) Voluntary .'U'sncies Other Proc'ranries I'^O. Nil 33, Health hardly Welfare, i) Ho spit '1 s a) Urban. 2 ^os. , Teachin>^ Hospitals a" t ache^ to ‘^i^-^ar-’ha Ile-^ical College, Vijayawada. " " - b) aural, ii) '^ispe Ts5.rres. a) Urban. ... r

- - b) -iural. . . . " i-ii) le-^s^ a) urban "■ospit^s ri nispe ns^ries 5'^2 . b) lur?l HosDit'’ls nispensaries .. -- c) I obula''ion ratio. i v) -'bi rse ' ('c oct o r R at io. “ " ‘ ’ 5T) '10ct o.r p opul H*- in n rat io , " ” sri):-e-3lth Gen':rG Sij ‘'iUb-Centre ’0 tHG 2 (Rural Health Centres) c). '3ub”He?l^h Centres...... '1-); GDiimiuhity Health Co.vtres. "*' VI. (ll.w.r.) ’director of Health lOOO 1000. a) 3ub-°Gentres. No. ' 4000 900 20^ 200 200 b) ?;.lI.Cs. Nn. 1150 200 ts> e) gubsi-’iary Health Centres. . 40 40 455 Conmunity Health Centres. 1*^0 15 a'eAT:3M3'i:r n'^• < 1 /’T, '" . •v.ytat c!i i ■ t t .bi‘-X < 1— Ljv:'** ! •' ?j ' ■'A.; SJ.uj.:.J AWD ACniLVEMi.:

it «» «• L0 W r-> «'« • M» «a K.I •» HB M K» U*! **> Vth Ple,n Annual Plan Anmial Pln.n l9S8->-89___ _ Annual Plan Item Unit (1985-90) 1987-38 , Target An'cifiipated 1989-90 Targets Achievements Achievements Target proposed 1 . 2. 3c 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8.

3.W W SU' vlY S.IIHT 'VTION 'lE -i Ti-r. C0-;''7iiGL Q !' TTH Gi E F ' II " 'VUHLIC I-P5 'Oj TH : su/r-LY Urb an VJate 'r Supply t CorpovcLVion Towns; 3chcme s c overe ^ - Nos 2 1 ?opul:^.tion covers-^i Lakhs 0,4-1 -- Other Towns; . Ori^’inal Schemes: "^owns ccvere-=) Fos. 10 2 ? opul at ion cove re ^ Lakhs .•^.79 r^,60 ■iu jme nt at ion'^ Schemes t 2 Towns covere-^ ' _ Wos, 45 12 4 2 2.65 ‘‘^opul?-tion coverG'^ Lakhs 2 ^ .2 2 4. ^3 4, 60 1.95 URT3.1N 3iriTJkT10N; Corporation Towns (Town size) 2 covero’^ Nos. r 2 ^^artly) (Partly) Popula-^ion covered Lakhs 1.43 1.43 (i artly) OTT-I^t T O W S ; Original Schemes; ^"os. L-^khs. Au ^me nt at io n Scheme s ; Nos. Lakhs SGIIEllES: Nos.. S||TEM^T^GN-3 DRAlT,-*.JiJTOAL FL/.K 1989-90 PHYSI.C/j:. TARGETS aWD. ACHIEVEMSI'^TS

...... 7th Plan Annual plan Annual Plan ln83~89 Annual Plan 3 1 .No. Item Unit (1905-00) Target Sntlclpat'o'd l9Bo~90 Target Achievements * Achievements Target proposed 1. 2. \ 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

a.G nt ‘ t i 0 ti S cfee aa s; fos. at Lakhs GOFv^iSlor 'M 25 a. owns c'^'*Gr3-^ ■ -M^OS.' - 74 4.1 ■57 (rartlv) (?artly) (r-rtly) (Partly) b. ?opulation coycrc^ Lakhs 7. -^7 1 . 1 '’ 11. 5'3 11 .56 1 1 .41 t;. U'^ U " l o w C0 3^ L at iiQG s CO nst cte ’^^os. 11 (few Co;-struct ion) f a., Govero^ -.-O (V) - B7 ** b. Popul'ition covere*'^ • Lakhs. 6. '' I w G. Hiir .U. w 'e r Supply _ Cumulative 12'n i) Triniii'n::'; FjG s '. ror--''irinie (3t ".te gcotor) 7917 511 12'^’" 12"^ a, i'ip3'' Wi'Or 'Supply , 150 15^ . o'fi.'.l ’ ;. r covscrj^ , Fumher IL^l 155 15^' I ■ 0 p' :i 1 a'^: i. o n c o ve ve ^ lakhs 23,'^2 b, i'owar i Ui:ip. TubQwells- 16^ 75^ ; ill 3^-0 s CO Vi rg i 1997 312 16^ 'i'"’pnlation Govere-^ ' lakhs 254 78 G, II an => - ■■ u&p TiJv bev/ell s - ■■ '?90 2'^'^ 7111 a _c ;:j .. 4:^23 . . -41 • - * :?ppul "I'ion cove re'’ '■ lakhs ’ ' , ' ? 9 an it a^'y W^^llB *■'1 . ■ . ... !H£fa^e,s ,Numbe r ■ ' ^ . . > i .v’''-ii(iL^-tion!^cQ.veraS ■l3»khs. - - . Q, 0"'3^ab VJ-lls ■ , ■. ’ ■ •. ■ ■ ’ village s'GO vere'^" ‘ T^umber • lopulation coverfe-^^ lakhs STATEMENT . G M DRAFT ANMJiiL PLAN 1Q89-90 PHYSICAL Ti.BGBTS iJlD iiOHlEVEMENTS ‘^ST^.TK/U. T.

7th Flan Annual Plan Annual Plan 1988-89 Annual Plan SI.No. Item Unit (1986-90) 1987-88 Target AntTcipatc'd""”' lyS^-90 Targets Achievements Achievements Target propo- 1 . 2. 3 . 4# ' 5, 6. 7. 8* * no. Central Sector (.tAWSF) 7917 2G2.9 13 0^^ 13 no. ®-) Water Supply irilla'es covGrG-^ Number 1151 165 2'0 2i0 35^ p opul at io n lakhs 2 3 .0 2 ) { aan '^ubGwc'lls vill"-'os Govero-^ Hunber 171? 200 30 300 650 p opul it ion G0 ve rc lakhs 2 ^,7 :< II n "D u ran T' ’ :-owel 1 s vlllo..r.s QO^reve^ ' ' FuKibe r 5"^ 47 2264 720 720 p op ul -it io n CO ve re^ lakhs 3^, 0"^ ,ry walls - V iL 1 '-t yc. s c 0 ve re ' dumber p op \xL 0,": ion c o ve re •=> lakhs Onen nui W .:lls vill s c "ve ro ' ’'■'unbe V p op ul At in n c0 vG re ■=> lakhs i 0'' V;O- t^urail W^-tor SUDnly ?ro2ranne a) I'iDG-^? vxoter Supply v illa ■•eg c o ve r e ■=! '' ' Nuruber p op ul at ion c o va ve ^ lakhs b) i'owc/r TiucD Tubewellss villa.'3s co^Tere-^ Humber popul :ition cove re^ lakhs c ) I I a n-=? “i'u np t u be we 11 s ■ . . - villages covere-^ Number . population covere-^ lakhs. STATEMENT GN-3 dr a ft /^NNU«L P L ^ 1989-90 PHYSICAL TARGETS AND ACHIEVEMENTS s t a t e a j . t . 7th Plan Annual Plan Annual Flan 1988-89 Annual Flan SI.N o. Item Unit (1985-90) 1987-88 Target Anticipated ■ 1 q89-90 Targets Achievements Achievements Target proposed 1 . 2. 3. 4 . 5 . 6 , 7 . 8.

'1) Sa.nit ary wolls villages covere'^ ^funber population covere'^ la-khs e) Open Wells v ill s c ove re ^ Number p opul at io n co vero -=< lakhs f) Others, if any ■- vill^. /es covered' " Number popula-*-ion cove re l.akhs

” n I 1) Coiununity I'ltrines construction Number to ii) iiouse-Hoilatrines contracted WMmher Ol iii)Vill.^es covue^ ^ lakhs ic) p opul io n co ve re -=i lakhs DR/ FT /\NNUAL PLAN 1989-90 FtlYSICAL TARGETS AffD AGHICVEMElNn’S STATEM^MT GN~3 ■ ' ■' ■ ■■-• - STATH/U.T.

Seventh Annual Annual Plan 1988-89 Annual Plan S I . . Plan ------J989-90 ^Jo] ..Item Unit U985-QO) i987~88 Targets Anticipated Target largets Achieve- Adhievements proDosed rfiGnts , 1. 2, 3. 4. 5. 6^- 7, 8,

1,. Venkcr Sections IiOusir.g Programmj. IJo.of 7.00 lakh 0,56 1,45 1.45 1.45 houses housob. in l->khs Lr.nd acquisition for house sites fNlo.of 8,50,000 143453 Decretal ch-rges and c^rr/ over ‘ benafici- . instalments. aries(families) Socird & Community' S e r v ices 41 -K u s V q ■ ' ,

: l;Po...^'c^ ..-.jjsing No,of 21,32b 4 ,5 0 0 Construction Completion- of"^8000^ntrc (ii)Urban Housing quarters of spillover of spillover . ? c>. - grounded „ worKs. works. o? sSll ove^ ' works. M, a ■ Ur^^^i Developn >rrb r) Financial assistance to local bc',c]ies?Roliiunerative Schemes : 7)' ‘^hops ? Maarket Yards. ^ ■ ■ 1} Truck parking Lot.Moosaoet ~ Truck Infrastru- Completion Partly dave- Completion. ‘ terminal cture partly , looed inade- ^ ■ developmod ' quato finances u) Non-Ramuner^tivG schemes i) Construction of roads. km 52 km 6 km 6 km Partly done due 6 kms. Inner Ring''. Road. to inadequate ii) Tov;n 8. Regional Planning(HUDA) funds. aT~^stdii? Plans prepared No. Revision Basic data Draft In progress Completion, b) Regional Plans prepared ,,27 3 7 7 '8 DR\FI y\NNU\L . PLAN 1989-90 IHYSIG^L TARGETS AND ACHlEVEfVEixrTS ST/aEMH^TT GN-3 "STATB/U.T.

Seventh Annual Annual Plan 1988~P9 Annual Plan Plan. Plan Item Ulit (1985-90) 1987-88 Target Anticipated 1989-90 TARGETS Achieve­ Achievements Target . inents. proposed 2. 3 . < 4^ 5. • 6. 7. 8.

■Lferfean De;^elpErnent jp i^l ^TEnj^Troraiep+^-'l, Im^royement of_slums£Ml;^) *l^r~ons"1oe:'iefitted. Nos- 10,00^000 3^09,602 83,666 83.666 83.666 0 Special Comporent Plan. Nos. 2,00,000 41,673 . 41,666 41.666 41.666 b)^tol^-RGm^uno^'^tivc iSch^mos__ • ISDnsTrlTcfion o7 i cITool Jbuildings. Mos« ' 588 107 100 100 100 Soeial Services Labour ~and LaoQUr Welfare I ro aJCraftsmah Trainir g ^heme m ■ .1* No.of ,T:;Tiis. 11 2 2 2 6 2^ Intake c.ajaasiity 1560 180» 180 180 600 3« ffo.Df oersons undergoing training 14467 14447 • 14447 15247 4* Out turr: sooo 800 0 , 800 0 b)Apprenticoship Training -S^eme 1. Traininc Places located _ 4300 120 140 140 140 2. Apprentices-trained 5071 6000 6000 6000 '• bour & Labour Welfare t Labour; I )s-txeng'ihening of Administrative Nb^of 1,25,000­ 25,682 24,64^^ ■ 25,000 24,640 s ,93ttive implementation of minimum wages undar Agriculture No.of 3,75,00,000 persons benefitted No.of Agri. labour di- 3,86l,034 73^,94 3,86,034 rectly bene­ 7 3 ,9 4 fitted No^of per­ sons indi­ 7 7 ,4 7 ,8 0 0 rectly be­ 7 7 ,4 7 ,8 0 0 ne fitted rrr Ar-.-|TT ______l i l G k L TART:3TS______A;^D ACKIGVEiVIfii-rrs b 1A1 iHii'it'.',!x G M’~3 ' ■ SiATH/U^T. *

‘ Seventh Annual Annual Plan 1988-89*” ~ ~ ~ ~ Annual” ~ " SI. Item Unit PJ-an Plan ------‘ Nfo. (1985-90) 1987-88 Target * Anticipated 1989-90 -Targets A chie’.'e- Achiev-wients Target mentso proposed 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.,,.. 7. . 8.

2,1 .L .O . Comprehensive Ppniily VJelfare ' Edac:)tion Programme for the Vtor- kers under organised bection with the assistance of UNFPA. ' 2 1 .^minars (Sr .Govt .Officials) 2- . a^SeminarslIndustfialalists) - 15 - ■ aaiiddle level Management ^Seminars 29 5 4,Trade Bn^on Leaders Samiriars 10 7 5*lorkers Motivators training Plant level 50 5 N) '■> .Courses -J 6.Population*Edracation Officers Training 10 5 ^ CD 7.Para-Medical Staff Training Courses 4 2 4 3 , IV. Labour Welfare ■ No .of 49,000 10,165 4,625 625 7,650 Bene-" ' IV.^Special Emoloyment Schemes ficia- ' (-Demand No .XXlV-Social Welfare) ries.; . I . Administration Sta^f ^ Staff scheme scheme II. Education . ' Maintenrnce and Opening of New Hostels * aOO 281 281 281 281 Government Hostels (continuing 55 New Hos-tls) III, Schelarships to S.C.stuc’ents 1. Scholarships and stipends to H I .students. Studsmts 35^713 4 ,040 5,714: ,5,714 5,714' . ^ ' T .. ■ _ " ' S;->holarships to i,tudonts in ME), •' - *•.* •r » , . . ‘ .MS., J/IE• and otha. r' P ,.G , coui ses, 5ta:lGnts 454 127 300 3 . Scholarships to.^tuaQnt-i, jn -III V- 1 tD X C.1‘ S?C<^. I •' :R-.I6::,35 1 ,6 9 ,2 3 0 .... . i I ii lliiii :kii: Si:^TLME.v.i: GN-3 STATSAI.T. DRAFT ANTTOAL PLAN loS9-90 PHYSICAL TARGT^TS uND AGHIEVEMEKTS

7th Plan Annual Plan Annual Plan 1988-89 Annual Plan SI •Sew Item Unit (1985-90) 1987-88 Target Anticipated 1989-90 Targets Achievements Achievements Target proposed 1 . 2. 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 , 7. 8 .

4jS«4®alatships to students in I and II dfcisses Students 12,00,000 5 )"S«lsaiarshlps to Rose arch Scholars Students 923 137 601 601 601 6)FttIBirfess charges to Pf»st-motric st®fe^ts in attached hcstels Students 25,000 3,269 2,446 2,446 2,446 New TP, HFsnips to Bright Students -do- 460 750 IV* Piifer Educational facilities to oduled Caste students; 1 )S b^ H % of N«T.Books ■ Students 19,83,750 1 ,25,2 33 2 ,4 6 ,6 6 6 2 ,46,6 66 2 ,4 6 ,6 6 6 2)Sup^ of Books to students to o f ®n-Telugu Media Students 10,000 349 6,666 6,666 6,666 vO 3)Traffl5port Charges of N.T,Books ' I Banks to Medical & Enginee- rirnf -itudents-. Book sets 1,500 196 200 200 200 5>Boolte and Instruments to students in Ifejytechnics and I . l . I . s Students 44,444 3,408 4,444 4,444 4,444 of instruments and calcu- latic^ to Engineering stuients Students 33,335 1,20C)0 1,200 1,200 ?yo&^i^ing in Spoken English Universities 3 6 6 6 8)FirraBReaidential CGntr.-'lisec’ 3chool No .of aiW-construction of school, schools 68 68 ■ 68 bt^idings. 68 ll)Suaply of dresses to hostel No. of t>o5*cders boarders 5,50,,0C0 40,000 4 0 ,COO 52,non Universities DHAI'T pii‘, :v.!.'.«i J\D ..CnIIiiVT.iMENTS

#>a 7ti'i Plan Anivual Plan Aiinviiul Plan SioNo. Iteo Unit (i plan Target Anticipated 1 a«;. T€.rget3 I 9SV -^v5 Achievements Target Achieve­ proposed ment s 1 . 2. 4, 5. 6. 7 , 8c 12)Coaching facilities for staff recruitment e5 17)Residential Polytechnics No. of CD i . r . i . s / o Polytechnics. 3 3 /2 3 /2 3/2 iB^Library facilities in hostals No^of Hcstls. 2,000 2,000 2,000 19'Medio3l aid to hostel boarders -do- 2,300 2,000 2,000 2,000 20)supply of Games and Sports _ • materials in Govt« hostels -do- 2,300 2,000 2,000 21) Pre-Examination Training Centre Centres 6 3 4 4 3 22)Monetary assistance to No.of students for studies abroad Candidates 10 10 10 23)Essential text books for-co- ^ liege students in Professio- . ' nal croutses ' s-tydents 1,424 - 2,660 2,666 2,666 24)DGv.of infrastrural facilities — V, Scholarships to Educational facilities to Hari.lan Christi-gns ; 1 . Supply Qf N.T,Books . Stu'dents 3 ,3 3 ,3 3 3 3,333 3,333 3,333 2 , Supply of Books and Instru- monts to I.T.I. students Students 2,221 308 244 244 244 STi,TEMEKT GN-3 T'" ^ annual ir'LiiN l9&^-t)0 irHYSlCAL TiiRGETS ij\D i^CHIBVEMEl^TS ~STATE/U.T,

7th Plan Annual Plan Annual Plan 1 o88~8q Annual Plan Unit (1Q86-90) 1087-88 Target Anticipated 1985 Targets Achievements Achievements Target 3 . 6# 6. 7 . 8. 3- a»ction fost-inatric schular- anc: 1 11 mess charges, Stufieats 700 i200 200 200 II ^4,. iii»l^rsemei. J .f tuticn fees. 1666 333 333 333 5.- apolarships anO stipends to lents In Polytechnics and dtudents-* ,lloo 196 230 230 230 -tiatrie' scholarships from , %o 1 Classes. 4546 Surrendered to ,76^2 7602 7602 )lershlps and incentives ia I & GovernraeOt, Classes, 20000 ' -do^ 6666 - ♦ 6666 6666 fining Pro .gramme s i . Ining pro gram'me s. N;., of candidates 4000 4000 4000 N> rment Pr duction centres. Centres. 130 10 . 10 10 10 00 2- . V l & Aealth gnr. Housing Programmes: 1* »Q'.nunity Services. "No. of Hari- oanavadas. 1-000 120 175 175 175 2m. ILittrnative occupations to Wo. of 1^'ple cngs.ged in unclean cccu- ... fa^miiies- 2000 ^07 350 350 350 3* IfeiAon^Facilities in Harijanawadas No. of ^ localities 500 ^1 133 133 133 4^ Jfcd^cal relief for undergoing by- No. of be- Surrendered psss surgery...... neficiaries. — to Govt. 10 10 10

VIJlb4. Economic Development Schemes -do- — mrnm Lo-ns fur Smplcymc-nt Abroad., .-do- — 20 20 20 - 3i Developraent of Identified vul- ' ncrrble groups among SGs. -do- -• loo families i x « e k ation & Other Develocment Schemes 8 XfcMrig" tion & allied activities in No, of fami- — 2o00 2o j O 200;'V 20C0 finds of SGs. lie s . 2*»‘®ier Development Schemes. No* g^f benefi- — Govt, sanction not recdived* Claries. STATEMhINT GM-3 DRAFT *LNKUAL i'UK 19&9-Q0' i^HYSlCAL T^ItGE3S AND ACHIEVEMENTS STATE/ U.T.

Seventh Annual Annual Plan 1^8-89 Annual Plan SI.No, Item Unit Plan ‘ Plan = Target Anticipated 1989-90 (1OS5-90) 1987-83 Achievements Target Targets Achieve­ proposed ment s 1 . 2, a. 4 , 6 . 6 . 7. 8 .

X, A .t-.S.G.C«F.C« Limited: 1^ Lo.:,ns to A i SGCFC for coastruction Build- — 141 141 141 hostel biAildings f .r boys & girls^ ings. 2, Investlacnt in LtSCCFC for margin Benefi­ m^ney...... ciaries 615056 176675 1200C0 120000 150000 Social Intfegrati^a; 1. Special Criminal Courts. No. of courts. 76 17 6 6 23 2. Construction of community halLs No.of (p-^Gmotion of inter-qeste ma rriages) Halls. 75 47 66 66 125 / f 5 No.Beneficiar* ries. 42000J 525j 00 1365 ( 13650C 157500 b) Balwadies -do- - c) Creches -do- 5520 3240 2) Vtomen W elfare: a ) Traini ng-cum-Prc du ction Dnit^ ' Regional Tailoring Centres, No.of bene ficiaries. 150 Craft Training Centres 160 210 b)HcstGls for Working Women " 560 500 pR.\rT" ANNIXaL PL..J^ 1Q8Q-^90 nr/3IC.’,L I:\HGETS and ACHIEV^MHNT3 STATcA^ENrr statr/u.'t . ievenxn Annual Annual Plan 1988-89 S i. Plan p7q^ Annual Item Unit (1985-90) 1937-88 Plan Targets Achieve­ Targets Anticipated 1989-90 ments , Achievements, Target 2. 3. 4 . 5. proposed 6. 7 . 8 , %. District Offices. -'It Govt* Security Schools for Dtfectives^ Schools. 5 ■ Jk Scholarships to handicapped. Students 3022 3022 3022 •2400 %r issistancQ tD Unemployed handicapped- Persons. 1667 1667 1667 1700 Sb fiehabilitation & supply of Prosthetic /ids. Aids. 1 ,05,000 13340 —— __ JBconomic Rehabilitation of 1 Handicapped^ Persons. 25,000 1150 1G00 1000 1000 N3 ft Maintenance and Opening of CO New Hostels^ Hostels 50 10 5 Supply of I'exfe Bcoks to Pre- 1 matric students. Students. 18,600 4713 6663 6563 7000 — Jt Book Banks to Homes/Hostels Hostels 25 2 5 ■Wk Supply of Note Bcoks to hostel inmctes. Students 23000 2791 3000 3000 3000 ‘|S> Excursions to hostel inmates. Students 23000 1800 aooo 2000 3000 n b Keimbursemeiit of tuition fees to pre-matric students. Students 25000 55 70 70 70 ■»!. Beimbursemant of tuition fees to post Matric students. Students 20000 200 200 200 2(00 Scholarships go Mentally Retarded Children, Students 15000 148 150 150 150 IBH Scholarships to research Scholars. Students 14 5 5 'Vk Special Unemployment allowance to P.G. Students. Students —— — -— Books & Instruments to ITI and . Polytechnic Students, Students 1600 126 130 130 150 IK Financial Assistince to Advocates, Advocates 1232 1 2 2 5 i#. Coaching fcr competitive, Tysjo- writing an^ shorthand .Exsrainaticn , Persons, 1700 250 350 3.^0 3^0 ■OmFT A W A L PLAN 1989-90 fflYSICAL TARGETS AND ACH.IqVEME^^^S STATSMEr^rr GN-3 STATE/U.T.

S^^'enth Annual Annual Plan 1988-89 Annual 31. Plan . Plan ------Plan Item No. ’ Unit (1985-90) 1987-88 Targets Anticipated ' ■ 1989-90 Targets Achieve- Achievements- Targets ments, « proposed 1. 2, 3. • 4. 5 . 6. 8.

20. Supply of Musical Instruments to Prcfessionals. Persons, 25000 36 36 36 50 21 . Incentive 4warcs for the Marriages bet’/z-ien disabled and Normal Persons n 15000 162 167 .16? 167 m . 22. Financial issistance to voluntary Organisations working for the cause of handicapped. Associa­ tions 10 2 5 * Constructijn of buildings for CD Directorate and Corporation. 1 1 1 1 1 24. ConstruetLcn of Hostel buildings Buildings 25 5 5 5 7 I. Direction Administration 1. Head quart-ers office • Staff '' staff Staff 2. District Office Staff scheme 3. Legal.Aid to S.Ts II. EducaHon i. Incentives to ST students, Students Books to '51^7 Day Sch- 107^15 107415 bo- 1-1’5479 Day a) Supply of text books, 124378 & olars 11575 boarders- rders, scholars, notes books and dresses Note Books boarders 88747 Day day -23000 to ST pre-inatric students. & Dresses 2510 residen- scholars, scholars, boarders. to 272578 tial school' students, students 30 students. b) Post-grt.duate Engg. & students. Medical Students. -do~ 155 30 students. 50 stu­ 50 stu- 55 dents dents c) Sanction of Bank grants It & Instruments to graduate -do- 200 200 students 300 " 300 315 students. students, l» II If -t .■=^r,ak-.errnnts Si Instruments -do- 505 376 606 " 576 606 N.n non » 787 If 827 tl nRAFT ANNUAL PLAN 1989-90 PHYSICAL TARGETS AND A G II5VP^iEN^S STATEME^J^ GN-3 STATE/U.T.

Seventh Annual Annual Plan 1988-89 * Annual Plan Plan Plan • Item Uriit (1985-90) 1987-88 Targets Anticipated 1989-90 Targets^ Achieve- 1 Achievements Targets monts. proposed ■ 2 . ► 3 . 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Award of Pre-matric Scholarships Day scholars -Students i55516 25575 students 120100 Students 120100 I 26IO5 Studentii' Students Public School students -do- 100 S' .. 35 ” 35 " 47 " •y IT I students -do~ 302 ■ 207 ” ^47 " 447 " 469, " dj Best school students —do^ 5250 1759 " 2759 ” 4069 " .4009,'’ S.K.vidyaliya students -do- 6 ” 50 " 50 " 75 " Hostels au Continuation of staff 5 continued Staff 52 staff 52 Hostels cc sitaff V Maint. of boarders 21 New girls 6725 students 9967 9967 Hostels & students students 16 Boys Hostel cw Additional strength Hostels A- 2330 " 2550 " 2500 ” d. Opening of New Hostels 10 New Hostels e* Bifurcation of Hostels 15 Hostels 157 157 Hostels ft Hostels )

JT, Oollege Boys Hostels 2 attached 3 attached hostels. hostels g. Medical aid to ST for colleges. for -colleges Hostel ’Boarders, A^ram Schools ^ Maintenan'cci • of b o orders 15 Ash.Schools — 7^70 boarders, b. Continuation, of staff Ash. 16 Ash.Schools, c; Additional strength schools. 2375 boarders. DI^.FT ANNUAL PLAN 1989-90 fflYSICAL TARGETS ANO AGHIHVEMENTTS SWEMEIxrr 3N-3 s t a t e / u . t .

Seventh Annual Annual Plan 1988-89 Annual SI. Item Unit Plan Flan ------Plan No. (1985-90) 1987-88 Targets Anticipa- 1989-90 Targets Achieve­ ted Achieve- Target ments. ments, .. proposed 1. - 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

d. N g?; Ash. Schools, s. ;\dditional posts of teachj Ps Staff schome f.‘ Medical-aid to ish. School bostderS. 3. Post Matric Scholarships Students 2313 1757 students 186 students185 students 1633 students 6^ Scouting Units 960 ^53 units units 4-4^ units .7. P.E.T.G. Centres 2500 centres 4 centres 4 centres 5- centres I NJ students 00 8. Res.Schools. Students • — 8 schools 1000 Benf. 1000. jgensf. J^O students o^ 720 Students 720' students. one school | 9. Eopaymcnt of Bank loans. 3 ’, Sharo'of PWD to Res. ITls. Universlisation of girls edue-tion. 2^ Opening of 2 ITDA Public Schccls. 3«- Inccnoivfc coaching to iOth failed • ST Cr^ndidites. , ■ Loan scholarships to SIS pursuing • •' profassioaal courses. 5*

7th Plan Annual Plan Annual Plan 1988-89 Annual Plan SUfe. Item Unit (1985-90) 1987-83 Target Anticipated 198Q-90 Targets ilchieveinents Achievemonts Target proposed !• 2. 3„ 4 , 5. 6. 7» St

i n Economic Development Schemes.

t^Trainlng Programme Trainee; trainees 25 trainees 25 trainees ZJffultipurpose Exr.Training. -do- 20 Progi-amnei 20 Programmes 20 Programmes, 3i.Bngg. Estal'. Staff Staff scheme 4«J?o-au Engineering Wing. n II ^fie\^enue Sstt. H II n u 6^ Siafi under Podu 7»Staff share for implementation n podu schemes «■ It w BJIonitoring iinits II »1 M 9jp,CJoilee Development Scheme OD ^®Ex:pansion programme of Cofiee 50,000 henf. 5 0 ,0 0 0 benef. 5 0 ,00 0 benef 1E. Financial Asst, to'3?!RIC0R. 8 families 1000 fanili- 1000 famili- Rehall il it at ion of Yanadies 420 f?ti«lies 1000 -do-* 1000 -c!o- Reh il it it ion of P TG-s. 1200 -do-

m 'CART PRCJRAmffiS . ' t Spl.Compact Area Programme Minor Irrigation & A.P.I.T.C.6. Sux-- X HEALTH % O o s t of open heart survery ^Oonstn.of Medical Oificers quarters - -q IfcHearing aid to STs. ^ Strengthening of, Medical Institutions ■ - STATEMENT GN-3 mj^FT ;IKNUaL p m l9S9--90 PHYSICAL TARGETS aND ACHIEVEMEMTS STATE/D.T.

7th Plan Annual Plan Annual Plan 1P88-8Q _ Annual Plan SI.No. Item Unit (l98§-oo) 1987 *-88 Target Targets Achievements Anticipated 1089-90 Achievements Target proposed 1. 2, 3. 4 . 6 . 7. 8 .

V, HOUSING: 1. Ho-using for stnff 2-, Coastn. of Ooazunity V/ells

V I . Assistance to'Putlic sector under tokings. 1,- I’inaacial ^'issistn.nce staff to GOG 353 DR Depts -353 D-R.T'eP’ta. 553 I>R Depts,. 353 DK depts. 2, GIZ towr^rds Benefi­ Beneficiaries. ro ciaries of cotton. CD 3, Manageriol subsidy to TRIGOR. STAFF SGHT5ME. CO 4 . Writ i ng off, 1 oans Fnnil ies. Benefic iaries. V I I . Assistance to Voluntary Org an is'’t ions..

V I I I , Other oxpenditux’e.. 1. rrpact aoney ftaff Staff Staff 2. TGR & TI f^taff Staff scheme 4 . Drought IX-. Other-Capital outlay 1. Share Capital subsidy , • to TRIGOR. Beneficiaries. 90,000 50,000 50,000 52,800 benef. et) Beneficiaries of Bonded i benef. labour, x b) Suppienentary assistance ^-*of for Rehabilitation of jBeneficia- Bonded ^abour. f ries. 1,300 1,200 1,200 PL.,;: 0 ir^ir-.I.C^', T..R''’H: . -.11 j. V: /I :.

, 7 '■•‘1 P-'i un Annual I-lari Sl.No> xowiP i::^2_____i---aal Plan l; r^9St^'jO) 19:.7'»C3 I'orgec iuini. i.j :.-.c-;i ' I orc^-oq Taiget3 Achioverants Aj'-' ’. ■;v-;_.;ifjn i.,2 Tcirgct pi*orjosed 1 . 1^. A 3 . — O 5, 6 , 7. ' 8 , ‘

Rehabilitr>-cion of Jrgir V/praen. Nc. of Bereficinrics. ■^^00 800 000 a , Gin y^nr Rkckshnw Khene for Reckshnw puller's. Nc. of Benef ic iaries.-r ‘ 3,333 3,333 1,466 b . Sbpply of c;rGSS to Rickshc.w Poller s. No.d of Beneficiaries.- 2,30,000 2,30,000 2, 30,000 Pension to lap.aiess Agriculturol wnrters, No. of pensioners - .

Social Security Schemes; 1. Social W'-If are Fund No. of Toluntary . organisations. - 2 . Bphahilitptio.a. of "beggers ^'.nd construction of buildings for diildren hones (for -children beggers) No. of hones - 3 8 8 8 3 . (Sd age pensions. No.of pensions- 6,525 13,888 13,888 13,888 Statement (2I~4 StateAfnion Territory DIUS’T i^WUj\L_HjAN 1989-90 - MTNimU NEEDS PROGEAMIE OUTL/iY jlND EKPELIDITUEE (Rs, lakhs)

Name ofc the Programme Seventh 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 Plan Actual iip proved Anticipated Proposed Of which i' (1985-90) Expdr. Outlay Expenditure O utlay• capital f igreed content Outlay ( 1 ) ( 2) (3) (4) (5) ( 6) (7)

1 . Rural Euelwood . 100.07 90.00 100.00 90.00 — 2 . Rural Roads 2400.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 5. Elementary Education 9600.00 2577*46 2475.00 3046.79 10828.89 3483.13 4. idult Education 2050.00 248.50 300.00 290.00 444.57 — 5 . Rural Health 6739.00 1039.56 1450.00 1413.00 1781.06 200.00 6. Rural ivater Supply ^ 2582.50 3000.00 2600.00 2600.00 . 2600.00 I 14000.00 400.00 400.00 ro 7. Rural Sanitation 0 400.00 400.00 ^-00.00

TOTilL: 64699.00 12912.07 15540.00 16153.25 25614.52 8899.13 statement DRAFT mmM P M 'J 1989^90 - physical Targets aLid 'lievements - M«N.^

Seventh Aiditionai in the Annual Head of 1979-80 Five Plan/Year ____ plan Developruent Unit level Year 1987-88 1968-89 1989-90 rlan Acbi. Target iUit- proposed Target Ac>hi. Target (1985-90) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 .

1. Rural Electri- £ication______Villages electri­ fied Nc,

2. Rural Fuel wood i) plantation Hect. - 18,730 2278 4100 4100 2900 ii) Seedling distribution Lakhs iii) Area affore­ sted Mi 11.Hect.

3) Rural Roads a) Length Kms. 33375 1300 275 275 275 275 b) Total Number of Villages No. 27355 407 in the State/ UT ®) Vi>lla;?ec connected i) With a po^.-:l<:..lori of 1500 and above No. 3615 306. 72 72 . 72 72 ii) With a p'ijpulation between 1000-1500 No. 3060 41 iii) With a popula- No. 10173 tion below 1000

iv) Tribal Coastal and Desert area No.

4. Elementary Education a) Classes-I-V(Age group 6-11 years) ^OOOs 8772 7453 83000 83.00 88.00 enrolment b) Classes VI-VIII (age group 11-14 " 1597 1544 2129 2129 2395 years) enrolment 5 .Adult Education aliiumber of rartici-(in lakhs) ■ 23.90 4.33 4.68 4.61 9.00 pants(15-35 years) b) No.of Centres i)Centre No. 49800 6714 7800 7720 15.000 ii)State No. 46800 7636 7800 7686 15.000 iii)Voluntaiy Agen­ cies, No. 450 iv)0ther Prog-

-163- Stnteuieiyc GIi 5 (Contci^,)

Herd of Unit 1979-80■ Seventh ' in -innuol Develooraent ■ le-y^el Five the ll'^n/Yoor Plnn 1987-StT 1 9 £ ^ '89' 1989-90 -chi. T’-’r- \nt, Propose -•et "chi. Tnrrret (1905-90:

1. o . 6, 7. 8.

6, -aUP^l 'TSuij Gnmtres i!0-. 3992 4000 900 1000 1000 900 b)PHGS Ho. ■120 1150 200 200 200 200 c) Suta s id i c ry H e 11 h CentrGs, Ho,. - - - - - d) Gomr.iunity Hanlth

Gentros Ko. 6 100 15 ■10 40 40 e)PilCs covered under VillQ'^e Health Guides scheme iiO.

Wgter SuT)r)ly l.^t_-te Sector a) i-'robleiii V ill t r js IIos, 7917 511 1200 1^00 1200 b)Population 0 0 0 ‘ s 2302 c)Other villages Ho. - - - - - d)Populrtio n 000 ' - - -- e ) Viila res covered by: i)Piped ter i^uiopiy Ko 155 1'50 150 150' ii)D u 2 Wells ‘ i-!o. - - — — — 1i i) Ha nd-p uKp Tub e ,1 ’ v;ells Ho. 890 890 200 iv)Po’ ^er pump tube- " wells Ho. - 312 160 ISO 750 v)Others (specify) Ho.

f ) Tot.q Kuinber o_f. Sche.riie^s i)?ipdd_V/.-'ter Sun^oly Ko, 155 150 .150 250 li)Hohd i-unip tubewells Ho, 1509 890 890 200 iii)Power puinp Tubewells Ho. - - 312 160 160 750 iv)Du[. wells Ho. - - - - - v) Others ( Specify )Ho. - — •• —

11 • Centr al Sector (nH'/SP) oJProbleni villnpes Ho. 2629 1300 _ 1300 b)i-'opul3tion 0 0 0 's - - - - - c)Other villni-'es Ho. - - - - d ) Pop ul ■! t io n 000 ’ s - -- - — e)Vili'ir?es covered by: i)l'iped I/,:ter supply Ho, - M' 165 ,280, .. 280- 350 ii)Dun:wells Ho'. - — — — iii)H,:nd purap Tube- Wells Ho. - 2261 720 720 300 iv)Po:;er i-?ur:,p Tube- »' Wells Ho, 200 300 300 650 V)Others (Specify) Ho. - - — - - i;[utibeji .* Dl'iped U.-'ter Suprii^r i;q , - 165 280 280 350 ii)H,jnd puQ-o Tube- , VJells Ho. _ ■1571 720 720 300 iii)Power 'QuniD Tube wells Ho. - ■ - 200 300 300 650 iv)Duf'wells i'o. - - - - - v) Others (Sri^cify) Ho, ..

Go ntd, w* w rw ^ • ..09 ■ m Head of Unit 1979-80 Se ve rxt h ’ ^ d i t i b m l in" " ‘.nnu-l Ifevelopraeni l e \ 'e l Five t he PI ^ri/Ye-nr T'l n Ye nr ■l987~88 1988-89 19BC^-^?0 ^ Pl.-^n .chi. -^ro^cso Tnr ^-:et ;fTqt' nchi. •■, j , - a {- (ID35-90) 1, 2. 3.; /I » 5. 7. 8.

8. ■ n^CoiiiMunity, Latrines Ho, S250 325 400 400 iOO b) constructed b)House M'-ld Latrines constructed Ho, 25000 13000 150Q0 15000 1500C c)7illrr-0S covered Ko, 12500 650 650 6o0 5o0 d)Po-DUlrtion covered in lakhs - 130.20 1.21 1,50. 1.50 1.5'')

S. 5urai,.

■illotment■.of Sites Ho.. 119400., 850000 i:;3453 Construction assistance (in Iskhs) - 7,00 1 0.56 1.U5 1. '1.45

10.,, SinyIrQJii^ie4LLU.-i:::pi:o3^riLeaiL Q f -Sluh's ( DM-'i)

o)Citios covered Ho*, 112 9 5 112 112' 11 b)Persons benefited Ho'. 1200000 309602 5.2673S 125333 T'

:11. •b)Bn7)eficl.'^reis under S d 0c i a 1^ Huti'i t io n ppoPT-^nirfie in ICBS

Ghilclre«n. 0-6 000 ’ s 340 425 110 110 85 ^’foneri 000' s 80 ' 1*^ 26 ,26 O'""

'b)3,aneficiaries under Special Hutrition Pro^^r.-^hufle outside ICDB. -

Shi3idre:n 0-6 000' s 680 ,3‘40 &40 170

Women ' 000's 160 SO ■ :80 ■10

Boneficiories^under 000’ s - Hiddny Me-Is i’rosrnmne ®.iternity Assistance OOO’ s - 202

i)0ons1;ruction of godowhs .Ho* ii)Purchase of Trucks ' r .Jeeps •' . :^Icr. Iii)ii,'.-'b6r:i'li'gries for- ' T1 i t y' Co nt ro 1 No',, r' ,: c i v )F.-^ir Price Shor) Gt)ened

Ho. b) Urban-! Ho. c) Total' Ho.

-etis- STiiT'jlSITT GIT.6

A:TU ^ PL^I_1339-^j:3;iTI5^LJiy_S£QF30R3r)„^^3S_ (Outlays r: 3x^s:iditure linger C3:i-!'.r..l ‘Srctor cnly)' “

' ■ . laJihs

Tane cf th.e Scli3::'e Pattern of Seventh' Actual ' 1933-39 1939-90 sharlno Plan 3z:.dr, ------proposdd^ expenditure Outlay 1937-33. Allocation^ AXiti. Outlay, (i.e.SOiSO (1935-90) ‘ - : :;x.dri . ■ - - 100;retc.) 1. 2» 3« ‘x,- 5» S» 'V«


CROP ?IU3^iAi:DRYi On ■';jin^*:

1. In'censive Cotton Dev.Progra'^iie 50:50 ' 213.50 1,96,. 3.70 2 .0 0 2.00

2, Intensive Hesta Dev.prcrranne ’ 3 0 ,0 0 3.45''' - Converted in to Central Sector • - 3che:;ie(100^iG0I Share) 3 , I3ndenic''Area pror;ra:'Tie for • i35,00. 11,35 24.00 14.40 14,40 control of Rice pest conplex

4* IT£tio:ic-,l Pulses Dev«Pro_'jra::ne ■15,39 ' 21.00 21.3jO 25.00

5. i;:ti:,of A\ro Service centres for d3::onjtr£,tion and hiring of AC-1. 30^00 15.15 16.00 - 16»00 15.00 in;leriont3 S* I'S.tional Oilseeds ^ev.Prorrame 133,340 ) 233,33 233*33 235.00

7 , Conprehensive Crop insurance schene II .. 6.00 -:®*00 3,00

3* Duildin-- of 'uffer stocks of seeds II 2 0 0iOO 2<50 ai.*50 10,00

9, iTational Project on Dev,of fe r ti­ lizers use in low cons'onption rain- t 8.20 . -3.S9 3.60 <=•'•0 3 =! f ' /r^T‘r’1 chcTfi O'^ ■ - cp"* II I + 3ii20- +S,60 +3,50 V -iV-^ • ' j— -I- — I. b ,

1 . 2. 3 , 4 . 5. ‘ o. 7. ■■ i t NEW SCrT3iaS %

10. Streiigtheninc of FCO la^^s 50,50 3*60 » e at Rangareddy cc AnanthaPur DRZLAKD PARimJG "l O n goin-)

11. popularisation of seed cur^ Integrated wi' fertiliser drill 11 100.00 ' 3 .7 6 - * schene Mci33

12• Hational Watershed deve- lornent proGranne in 11 156,42 376.00 376.00 400.00 Rainfed agriculture

■ - Total (50:50) 391.32 704.48 679.14 716.20


13* O.RP on Integrated control 100^ 2 0 .0 0 . 4.48 5.00 5.00 5.00 on rice pest at 100^ I Warangal and Medchal in RR D'-strict.

14. Berionstration of Maize 11 7.00 0 .7 9 3 .6 7 3 .6 7 3.67 cultivation in SC/3T Areas 15. Expanded Minikits II 60.00 7 .1 4 7.145 7.145 7. iTx5

1®» Expanded Millet Minilcits M 20.00 2.03 10.30 10.80 10.80 17. Multiplication of Blue Green Algae under National Project on Dev,of use of Dio- " - 0 .3 3 2 .9 6 2 .9 6 2 .9 6 fertilizer

13. Oilseeds production thrust II 201.84 437.70 437.70 437.70 prog-rai'iine

19* Special Jute Dev,progranra 11 - - 7 4 .2 5 7 4 .2 5 7'1.25

CO:, i; ( lakhs)

1* 2 . 3 . 4 . 5. 6." ■ ” V.”

20.. Thrust pror-rar-r-e for increa- sine Hie3 Production 100% 316.20 306.80 315.20

ITEiJ SCIIHIiZlS ' . p 21* StrenGthaninr of FC€ lah S. 50 d t Vis akha p a tnan 22. Schene for oponinr; of' addl. retail -fcjrtiliser outlets 15.60

SOIL CQVSl,7CJ:Jill(yU 23, R.y.Ps in llizanSagar and Pochai'.iPad Proj g g ts 1262.00 47.99 50.00 50.00 50.00

Total(lOO^) 264.60' 905,72 398,32 928,32

Total(Dir,of 655.92 1611.20 1577.46 1645.02 lo

, Agriculture) ------•g KOaTlCULTJriJ I

1. Productini aaid distrr.ution. 50;50 17.45 1.275 4.00 4.00 - 3 ,00 of TxD :ly. rid Coconut je.-3dlin;;3 2, aPsistanctj to Coconut ^'^o^^r- GES for irripation facili­ ty s s I'/J. t.Q C • 3 ♦ _j , 10.00 '0 .0 9 5 0 .3 7 0 .3 7 0.50

3, Production of Maair-o and Cit­ rus ''.rafts soedlinrs vatn -50:50 1.420 2.20 2.20 the assistance of

4 . Packaco procrai:i::e on cashav/nut 56f50 30 .35 5.550 7.32 7.P2 9.00

5. Ilstt.of Hite Coconut Seod " 14.25 1 , . - ‘ ■■ 2 . 3. ■ ‘ 4 . 5. . 6 . . 7 , * N3W SCH31IE ..." r

Oil Pain OGmonstration Projoct in A.P.With--the assistance fron G .G .I , 50:50 - ■ m 20 .40 2 0 .4 0 19.00 (

Total 72.55. S .S 4 ' ■ 34.79 - 3 4 .7 9 .... 31.50 (Horticulture) - > — -

AKlilAL HUSB.J'DRY f- - 1 1* 3pecM ,'Lives'toclc Production 50j50 - 103.91 102.00“ 100.00 ' 115.00 progr'g-Aie * < * 2. Kinderpost^Surveillance contain­ It ment Vaccination Pror'ranoe 3 .0 0 0 ,5 1 • 0 .4 5 ‘ 0 .4 5 * 0 .3 5 3# Aninal Uisease Surveillance Schene IT 4,00 0 .7 9 1.03 1.09 1,09 y 4* Systenatic Controlof Livestock II Diseases of National Inportanc^g It 15.00 ,4 .4 9 4.02' 4.08, 4.00 ■ ,

s « 5* Supply; o^f Eodit C: Mouth Disease 25s85:50 10.00 ‘*2 .0 0 2.00 2.00 2.00 Vaccine

6* IntfScrated SBT-iple'Survey Sch^:ie 50:50 - 2 .7 2 • .. 3.47 3 ,4 7 ^ 3 ,6 9

7* Strengthening of-L-3SI3F,Manidi^ally II M - 5.00 15,00 13,05 3. Inprovenent of^Indigenous iree4 of, tt Cattle at Govt,livestock Farn ■ r- 5.385 . , 6,00. . $.00 6^00 ... 9* 3-stt*. of Uackyard Poultry Unit , 100^ ' 0 .7 5 2,3 0 " 2,30^ ' 0 .8 0 for, Un-enploynent woneii in Back­ ward u Tribal areas

■fc*. Co-ordinated Cattle Ureedihr-: Pro- II 1.20,. 8.10 7 ,5 8 6,70 Jects Snail Field Prs^'ehy ^Tes-tinr_“ , FroGi;;ai-.Ti'iG for production 5f'‘ ■: f Pr3y.3n Bulls - ■ (Rs. in laldis)

1-, 3« 4» 5* 6* 7#

11. Assistance to selected Gaushals - ' for .jroduction of Hi^h quality . indi^eiiDus cross-.:red h.ei'’;ers 100^ - 0*45 - 1.26

12. Silvi-pasture devaloijnent on nar,!|inal farners oOfs - - 7.12

Total (A.II.) . 32.00 .122.205 134,37 150.29 152.63

. 4 . -FI SHARPS

, I. Direct!:>n Adrilnistration -• V*' ■----- UIL ------n , Sx tons ton and Trainin." i) 0vt3r-&'e?LS study tour 100'^ 9*77 .0*174 1*00 I.OO 4.00

I I i) notional Fish Sead parn 70^(loan) 126.00 - - M ■ * to ii) :Dev* of Reservc>lf Fishery 50^ 300.00 " - - _ . - ^ iii) F.F.'D.A . -Grant ^ 50^ . 169,85 17*51 23.00 20.00 37.00 ' Loan 50J^ - .6,00 6*00 6*00 ■ . t ■ ■ ■ ■ ♦ ■ iv) 3ov, of air "jresthing fish . 50,^ 10,00 - culture V ‘ ... v) MV,. , of inland Fisheries loO;^ 0*75 1*345 2.50 2*50 2.70 Statist ic S i: ^ ^ _ _ _ _ , ^ _ Totalj 606*60 25,355 36.^ 36»50 39,70

_ ____ IV. Brackish water pisheries. ' ' Dev,: of Wkter pish ■ _ , Farning including Drackish ' \ao a.c\ 4. _ , Water Fish Farniinr; including -- : Brackish water prawn Hatcheries 50fo 4 0 «W 16.366 30.00 17*00 JL,^‘i^O and F.F .3 «A s, — ~ — . Totals :222*'60' 16,366 30*01D 17.00 14,30 II I II II-! * I I . 1 ; 1- j . . , .. 2 #- 3. 4 . 5. 6. 7 .

-•niiiG Fisheries - J, V ' Lfindm-r.. .u ..;j-3r thi-r*'; Eaollllie s 80.85 8 0 ,oo' 60.00 45,00 •-) Harbour 50% 1 ^ 1 , 0 0 10.375 r» 9 .0 0 I)

Be ach Landin. - .craft - mm - - - Mschaiii satioa/Hotorisation of 50

Fisheries -Industrial Estates 50^ - . - 5.00 5 ,0 0 13.00

T'^tal;’ 556,00 101.235 100,00 80,00 ■ 77.00

PR0C3SSIIIG PRI!iS3RV..TI0H :.IJD 1-LIHQ3TIITG I -O Assistance to Pul'lic. Sector - -- I and Undertaking

Fisherios c^*^Peratives{Sul"sidy) 50^/^ - 9 ,150 63,35 68,35 sa.oo (Share Capital) 47 .091 7 .0 0 7,00 3.00 - (Loan) 41,553 92,00 92.00 60.00

Totals - 97.799 167.35 167.35 92.00

aXP3IDlTUM a) Fishermen Accident and benefit Sc han ds-exgr a t i a

1) Groui-' Accident Insurance Sch^ene 50^^ 5 .0 0 4,950 10.00 10.00 . 10.00 2) insurance of craft and tackle - 25,00 and Fishery WealtJi

'-orfcdi . (Rs. in laldis)

1. V'- , . 2 . ■ 3. ' 4 . 5. ■- 6, 7.

3) national Fund 50;^ 10,00 5.40 21.50 21.50 6.00

4) Fae to Ilaval Architect 100^ 1.00 - 5) i/ooder; Hull Trawler 100^ 30.00 10.00 1 - - 1.00 21.70

6) Techno Sj c I o 3cononic Survey Inp: lOQfo 1.52 - Dvanent to cntana’^ans 50^^ 50.00

7) Introduction of Internediate ' ' ' ' " technolo;;y r

Totals 1227.52 ” 42.05 3 1 .5 o ” “s L s o " ” ”l 7 .0 0 " “

Total(Pisheries) 1513.49 232.979 -366.35 333.35 244.00

J .- SH0R3 :XLV3L0PIBIIT ^ I* ,>^igiiisTR.,TioiT g l.Enf orc^nent of Marine Fisheries - - ITIL.. - - ’ »ct

Tot^al . Nil II. ^a..CICISH "/..T.uR FI3II F.lHilIi:a 1, Jracl-iish "Jqter FFDAL - - Nil 2. Brackish 'i?.ter Hatchery at ^ Suryo. LGnlT£>; under U I ^ - ilil

Itl. FISSlHEc,- !• Landin': c"c ijerthin;: -i?acilities a) Harbcur(New ICrishnapatnan) - • ' - Fil- b) Jetties - » Nil ( Its, in;3 )

1. 3. 5.

2* of Beach Landin:; Graft to ‘ individual and Group of Fishernen on hire purchase(100 ;>each land­ ing crafts) 3 , Inprovonent to catai^iar'in wood treatneiat plant and supply of of treatment to catanaranas of FIL fishernon under Hire Purchase 4, Marine □evelopnant Centres .NIL 5, Pen-culture in Pullcate Lal^e . K IL 6, Mursel culture in Pulicate. Lake 7 , Sectuartuaries in Open Seas * w n

FisHiLRi:js-ao.Q?3:i..Tre3 - .■...- . •• o. i) Supply of B*L,Cs ^ - r Subsidy Share Capital Loans - - 56«00 ii) Net nalcinrj plant at Kakinada £,ubsidy Share Capital Loans . 32.00

Totalj •; 33,00 V* Other expenses

Total ('Shore /irea -B-av..) - 32.00

T-tal , 1513,'>9 ?32,979 ■'3So'.35 -.333.35 332.00 - ■ •' (Rs*in lakhs)

,X». _ 2* 3 ‘* . - ‘ 5»..... 6* - 7» ....

EiaHSgtfiY C:..v;IL:) LIF.3 . -state Centfr£.l- .. .. . ^

1, Social c: Farn’Fo-res.try .5 0 ' « SO- - - ' " K>0'tp6'S: . ’'jpO.OOO “lOO.OOO • aO.OOa ...... •W*? •) ■ ' """ 2i“ survey of J’orest ?iesaurces50 ■ s 60- - -- _ .6 .0 1 0 • 0,5 0

3 WHd. Lifo 50 »50 .. • ■ - > > \ \ v v - > (on certain scKeTi^S) ' i2'S,812 .35^000. 35,000 85,00 4,. Jeoe&tr._'.llsed nurseries - 100 - - - -11.000.. 10,000 60,00

5. :)e'vel.3:.n5nt of Infrastru- ‘50 j 50 * cture for the protecti^'n of For.eBts fron jiotio (on certain itens) - - *' 36*000 36,000 40,000* Intorfercnce’ . •

6, 3ilivip:.stural‘Scliene 50 -s SO - - 12,500 12,500 ■ 25,00^ liQIL..:: y..Tyn C'1TSZHV..T10K - -

' - 10? ' ' - ' 53,917-' 60.00Q 60.000 60,00 - • ■' . (Central) ... - .

Totals ' 135,797 -254,510 253,500' 360,00


i ■' i CXistruction of Godowns 25s^5j50 12,5.00- I 1.42 105,00 105,00 105,00 vdth 25p Sttvte share ,

contd, I ' » « 7 ,

■STI3S1 A, CI^BJIT Cj.0F3R..TI72:3 ,

1, x^cricultural Credit 3tj.’'llisation ■ ^ fund (100^: GOI) a) Subsidy (75^ CGI) 225.00 45.00 150.00 150.00 150,00 ’:) Loan (25;^ EOI) 75.00 15.00 50,00 50,00 50,00

2, Loans t: ^ireak Go.operative Central (50j; COI) 300.00 45.00 165,00 100.00 Banks towards ]i;.n- '-verdue ccver

3, A.?,A;::ri(iultural credit Relief a-*d (dOf. CGI) 50.00 - - - Gu-rantet Fuad

4 , Enarrjency at P.»CS (oO'l GDI) (50^ GOI) 100,00 - - mm

{65p to SGs+I6;j to STs +20,6 Others)1

• 5, :3ev8lopnent Df P.A.Cs (50,^ GOI) SOO.OO - —

S* Javelcpnent -f P.A.L.Ds. _ (SOf,(50?^ Gd)GCI) 515.00 - ^ - - - w 7. Assistance to sxtens’.on of traininr V* to i.iemVers of PAC3(100;^ GOI) ( 1 0 0 ^ 01) 5 0 .00 —

3 . Ints';rated Co. or.'err.tiva .levelop- nent Project a) su^sidj^ (501 IIC.IC) - 1.02 29.70 11.44 30 .00 ’■0> S .C .C . (loos’ i:c3C) - - 59.40 22.83 6 0 .0 0 c) Lc^an (100> ^CDC) . - 79.20 40.00 30.00

Total(A) 1915.00 61.02 413.30 439.32 470,00

B. W^_H3 HOUSIITG ITG CO. 0P37u.Tr/T^S 1) S.c* CO. operative Markatin-, ^ Societies '(lOO^j i^C.^C) 1^90.00 - 125,00 125.00 125.00

2) S»C .C .for constr ::ction. of :od':.vn3(25;1rc3C) 463,75 122.03 - - - nndor "0 ^ ^ II ^jorld -^ank .^id id (Rs. ill lakhs) GN-VI

i* 2» 3 . o, S» 7«

3) Loans for construction of (60^ rC'iC) 1^10*00 rorn.'.l rodowns 4) .su’-sidy to PAC5 for opening (100:1l!C:€) 132.00 - - of retail outlets 5) Margin Money to Co.oi:er£tive(1005filC:;G)1650.00 ?ar;.iers Service Centres S) Subsidy for Construction • (25;^ c-Ol) 3 0 .0 0 - ' of 'jodjwns under 'national Grid 'Scher.s 7) L-ans to »FR33K» Co.operative (70oi-C:)C) - 7,63 56.00 56*00 Marketin." S:.'ciQty,?Iyd8ra’ ad

3) S .C .C * f :r for construction of (25;^ State) 100.00- 218.75 350.00 30do-wns under rc:)c-lll J'/orM Bank aided codovrns "rojact ------^---- ^ Total(J) 4350.75 129.56 231.00 399.75 475.00

GG^PR0(SS3I?G ^P I^(S ;S3I?G CC0,0?El.iTI^/3S 0 ,0?Sl.iTI^/SS ■ 1)_ -.issistonce. . - towar*3^s . ’'Icclc cost(65;T TG^IC) 162,'i _ ;lo^ oO 10.00 15.00 of .Pr-^cessinr; Units/Modorni- sation of Rice Hills

2) Su’-sidy for preparation :)f (100,1 '."C3C) 1.75 - - . - 2,50 Techno-econemic feasi'-ility reports Total(c) 154.25 - 10.00 10.00 17.50 s ) ccHSUMiaiis CO.o?sp,:ti7bs l.Oeveldpinent of cons’mersCGovt.of Indi? schenas)

a) ilssistancs to Consimers CO,DPS.under 1) 3u':sidy " 8 0 ^ GOT 25.00 0,04 2,00 24,15 30.00 il) SCC OO;^ GDI 500#00 0.30 29.60 iii) Loan GO," G.D.I 252,00 0.02 15,30 j Gontd. £, “ ' '^ - - - - r " 3. 7^

2. BeveloDnent of Gons'iners (IIC3C Schenes)

Assistance .to Rural C^nsursrs imcler ' IIGDC Sehene . ■ . ■ 1) Su’-sidy 30;1 IICDC 10.30 7,73 3 r20 i i ) see * 20,J ITCJC 54,60 3.G5 16,65 ill) laan SO;^ EC3C 33.10 39,89 10.75

Total (D) 375,00 101,83 78,00

3 . OTIISH CC.OPSruiTIVBS 1. Rural Blectrific 100;^t?bc 195,00 - 60,00 CO*op,Societies 2* Assistance to A .P.Sahakara loo^jrcic . ; Vi-cyana Sanithi Limited ■ '

a) Su’-sidy 100/J HC^C - .0. 0 ,6 ,6 2 ,1 .2 0 1 .2 0 - ’ ' L) Share capital loo:, IICDC - ^ . - - - « ' w Contri: ution ‘ c) Loan lOO^i HCiiG - 8 ,0 4 9,00 ^-^0 3. Asst* to A*P.i.e.R.I.C.,Hyderabad GOI 4 0 ,00 -

Total(B) ’ . 195,00 43,66 70,20

^ W ■* M F. SPECIAL 3GHEU4B FOR SCHEDULBj CASTESCS.CS) 1) grants to. S.Cs for purcliase .*»f X005^ GfOl 200,00 - 20,00 ^ Shares 2) S .C .C . to PAC3 having majority ^ ■ lO'J,) Jul 100.00 ^ 5,00 ■ 5.00 1.50 S.Cs

3) llanacerial assiatance to credit lOO;! GOI -aa ' 2,50 2,50 1,00 Societies -for appoititnent of staff

Tctal(F) . . 3^0,00 _ - ' " 27.502 7 .5 0 27.50 32,50

ccjntd,, (R s. in -lakfes)■ &N-VI- A 1. 2 . 3. 5 ,. 6 . ? • *,;


1) Grants to-g,Ts for purchase of Shares (100,1 GO I) 50,00 15,00 15,00 13,00 •V 2) S.G.C.tb PACS havinr Majority of . S.Ts ' ' ' ■ (1001 GOI) 25.00 4 .0 0 .4,00 -l.QO

3) Managerial assistance to Credit fi90;1 GDI) .1,00 1,00 1,00 Societies^+"1 iic' for-Pr-, Y» app^intnent'I n r*i ofrv-P StaffCJ*hQ-p-^

Total(G) 75,00 20,00 2 0.00 20.0'0

Tital (Central Sector/Centrally 7375,00 341,17 900,00 1020.00 1155.00 sponsored Schenes) 1R3P ;.l l ie d progiljimes ■ I w 1, Direction c: Adi'-iinistration inclu-, 50i50 7,00 7.00 7.Q0 0 cr> dinr; block, level adnini strati on internal^ 1 audit cellcc Dloc^c level adr^in, renainin:’ by S'cat e only) 2 , Trainin-^ i) Trysen infrastructure 50:50 10 3,00 29.72 6 5 ,3 4 65.34 65.34 ii) Strengthening of SIRD 50 s 50 50,00 3.00 3 .0 0 5.00 iH) Composite Rural Training Tech^ centres (CRTTBs) 50 s 50 3.00 3.00 3.00

3 . Sm^ Y TO DRJAs 2461.04 i) IRDP Main Pror^ra^t':® 50;50 6600,00 2372,264 2461,04 2768,03

ii) 50:50 4125.00 643-17 1027,59 1027.50 1016,98

iii) P/rcs '5Q^S0 1000.00 40.00 38,00 38.00 25,00 r-, « I. i. j J ------i------1 ^ "> • ut o 9 ->:• ' ?" i-; n


iv) MCRA 30 l/3j66 2/3 250.00 12.12 ^40.40 40,40 40,40 V) S.L.P.P. 50s50 200*00 - - - -

4 . Q..t];iQr e x a e y i f U iILaw....2rp-ip ss4) i) Risk fund on consuQiption of 50:50 - - - « 40*00 loan ’Dy Co,op corr.ercial'i'cRRBs

(Total :f IRDP <^:Allied 12325*0 0 3097.274^^^^^ 3650.37 3975.30 prO:3rar.ines)

5. 2501 02 C'j) Drou^'iht Prone Areas Prof^rame i) Direction Tc Adninifftration 50;50 , 300,00 65.94 54,39 60.15 63.50 i i ) IRBP (towards staff) lOOf, - - 3. 74 3.74 3.74 ^ IIREP 50s50 - 3353.4'! 3345.00 3345.00 3331.00^ ? +1^6g^34 • + '8^|^^3(FG)

2. R.L.S.G.?, lOO; 4397.97+5325.00+5325.00 ^ 5325.00+ 1301^32^ 736.92(FG)736.92(FG)336.92(FG) eS^yilBR EXPBIIDMRE 50:50 2287.50 454.50 547.61 541.35

Total D.P.A.P. 2537.50 520,44 602,00 602.00 602.00

GR^illD TOTAL(iRDPuDPAP) 14912.50 3617.714 4252,37 425^.37 ' 4577,30

FG :Food Grains cost-’jeinn supplied free of cost. ( B s .i n lalchs) GN-VI

1.= 2. 3 . 4 , 5 . 6 . 7 . centrally Sponsored Schumos 1-Lower Silcru Upper Sileru-Baliraela 433.86* 154.00@ 100.0i 117.06 ** 162.86 (upto Sp Bord-ir)with Bay extensions) V < A^^^Portion)

* Sanctioned by Planning Coimiission vide Lr.iqo.I. 22( 3)/85-t’SE, dt. 31. 7 . 19'86. i ** Govt.of India was requested to provide ,an amount of Rs. 117.00 lakhs In 198S-B9 ,

(a) fi reimbur'serrent of R s,54,C0 la>uis was released vide Lr N o.2 i V ’S/SS-Tirans ,D t. 7.9 ,88 of Ministry of Energy^ Govt,of India for bhc year 1987-88 spent in the 1987-83, over ;:ind bove Rs.lQ'C.CO lakhs released. c:> 00 I

contd. ( Rs, in Ip.khs) g N-VI

1. 2. 3. ■ 4. 5. 6. 7.

A.p.state Irrigation Dov.Ccbrporation 1» Implcmcntatic^i of sprinkler 25% 58,5 0 5 8 . 5C 5 8 .5 # - Irrigation ' . Subsidy from G .O .I

Under borewelIs/TubG wolis 25% 58.5t 5 8 . 5C 5 8 . 5« of APSIDC Ltd. subsidy from G .O , -■ 1 A.P. 5 0% - 1 1 7 .oe from Instill7,Co- 1 1 7 .* 0 - tutional M n a n c c Total: 234.00 - 2 3 4 .CO 2 3 4 .iO

COI 2, Stren:^hn.ning of Ground , 50% from C ' Water (MI) Crganisation Govt^of^ . 20.31 - 2t. 31 20.31 in^ rcspc;et of Equipments India only 5C??5 from ’ „ . 20.31 2f, 31 Govt.of A.P.

Total: 40.62 - 4C .62 4 » .6 2 - .

Ground watox Scheme for Strengthening of State Share 93,CO 9 .9 9 8 8 .«e 8.C0 10.00 groundwater under Centrally 50% Sponsored. Sjeheme central Shar§9 3 fco 9 .9 9 8 8 .0 0 8. 00 ic.eo ' i. ■ ■e

con td. ( lakhs) GN-VI

1. 2. 3. ^ 4. 5. 6. 7.

COI'ii^ND AREA DE'v® LOPME.NT ( Coii'iinuing Schi^m-s) 50:5 0 7,*2f 0=i#0 4) '^’o^cSVraphici:!' 5 f :5 # i 0 * C G 163.^7^^- is f'S b * 1 00 .0 0 100.00 II ii) Soil Survey _ '2.44 3 . 0 0 3.00, 2.50 i ii) ^di-ftftiistratc^t^ E^st’ablishmcnt II _ o 'i « 33.^3^^' 4'2ife0 42.50 32.50 iv) Warabandi l» _ c ; - 1.00 1 .0 0 2.50 M 10.00 12.5C.,* v) ^

' viX Construc-Eion~'of Field Channels " •i.^0 -'5 1 .0 0 5OVD0 : . ‘vii) Sgub'^idy fe#*s%all and Marginal 'iC • 3Y - t' farmers II 5 .7 5 —

v iii) ct B^.vcglopinsnt and 5 f "d'^monstration ?arm,Chelgal II 7 . ^ 5 "' 6.^0 6.00 * 6.*0 COI H ix T P'iro-tr FrojcTc-eTrlactor "Training II ....:3-^l=} - 4^t)0 ■ 4 .0 0 4.00 0 'ij-t'tC) ■ C h ^ g a l •§ .- 2 1 - - - - 7 ,2 # 0 .0 0 22 3.14 217.50 210.00 ------_ _ • -■ - . - ---- ‘41) APCOST -:(State Ent®rpronours r ' - Development Programmes - - 2.23 5 .00 5.00 .5 , to

2) Society for Conservation of Slr>ftirca%i in /WP*c« Tra^'ining and Extension 100/ ■ 14.00 14.00 50.00 -int: GIJ.6. D.UPT 1^3j~Q0 - UEnr^..LLY SPONSO^E? RHEMES ( - o» 3-3^ 1-^khs) (Outlays and expenditure under Central Sector only)

SI* Ifaae of the scher.^e Pattern of Seventh Actual 1980-89 1989-90 o Wn T' i m J sharing plan out- Expendi­ Alloca­ ixntx. propo sed expenditure lay ture tion. expendi­ ( i. e .50;50 ( lj85-90) 1387-83 ture. outlay. 100^ etc.) 1 3 4 8. 14-L { C> I r^o U S T R fKS.' M S SI 0^^5 ' 0 f ^ I C T I n 3:

fGentral Si are) 50:50 4 30.00 8-. 00 8 8 .00 88.00 83.00 ft.-ijoans. to artisans und^r LlC. pror/rai:ine( Cent ral share) 50:50 220.00 22. 71 a* ~ Grants to artisans ■ under DIO. 19.65 22.00 P^o^rf^nne' Central share) 50:50 110.00 22.00 22.00V (Xent-rsl luvestnent subsidy for Indl; unirs. 100^ 5000.00 — - IL Sanple Su^vey-cun-Cenaus of SSI.' ( unit s. 100^^ 25,00 6, G6 10.00 '10loo 2 0 .00 i Margin noaey .loan serenes-for , afeiiYal o;: Sick SSI units. 5 0 ;5G ' r^s.od -- i. % F l‘astic I istitu te 50:50 100.00 ■ - - - f|,incentives for q.ualifc7 certificate 5 0 :50 - - - 2.00 Sfcatenent.GH.6

1. 2. . 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

coin SCIIEMES-, 9. Financial assistrace for purchase/ no-iernisafcion of equirirent-by Q©ir 5Q;50 33.75 • - 2.40 2.40 9 .0 3 Ccop.Societies- . . 0.'Mana,^erial assistance to Coir Coop. ' Societies. 50:50 13.35, — 0 .4 8 0.48. 0 .4 7 1,S.G. anri. to Coir iervioe ;■ Co op era tive.s. 50:50 0 .9 7 _ 0.75 0. 75 ■ 1.00 :'2;Marketing outlets for sale of Coir proclucts. 5 0 :50 _ 0.60 0,6 0 1.80 , 3.Rebate on sale of Coir products 5 0:50 - - 0 .2 5 0 .2 5 0 .2 5

, 4 ,Survey of Coir Industries 50; 50 - - ^ -■ - 0 .1 7

Total 5963.67 114.31 124.48 124.48 144.72' lo DO I COiailSSIO.^®!? o f : IIAI^DLOOMS

1.State participation in Coop, 20:25 " 1220.00 144.00 300.00 300.00 720.00 Spinning Hills. ;(NC.CC.) 2 . S. for admission of outside -weavers in Coop. fold. 50:50 75.00 10.00 5.00 5 .0 0 5.00 3. S. C. co ntr ibution to pl’inaries ; . 50: 50 . ■'350.00 25-0'0,; 50^. 00 5 0 .0 0 25.00 4.Modernisation /replacener.t o f loons. 50:50 ^ 83.00 55.80 16.60 16.60 33.20 5 ,Thrift fund-cun-savixv?s end Security schene -50:50 75.00 9 .0 7 3 15.00 liD.OO 15.00 •J . u

1. x;. ■ 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

6, W 0 rkshed- cun- ho usinr. 50:50 9 5.00 70.83 65. 00 65.00 65.00 7»Paii Secretaries 50:50 .90.00 - 0 .0 1 0 .0 1 0.0 1 .8,iieb3,t7e Scliene 50: 50 800.00 ■407.40- 200.00 200.00 300 . 00 9.Trainirif'^ pro•'^ra::ine to weavers 50:50 35.00 - 0 .0 1 0 .0 1 0 .0 1 1 0. "::,'rire capital contribution to .iTCO . 50: 50 3C3.00 3.06 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 l.Marketin,:: pronotion Sche"o: a) Opening, of IIL. Houses Sale Depots 25: 75 223.80 25 .05 10.00 10.00 . 10.00 etc. b)publicity & Exihltion enc. 50:50 25.00 - 0 .0 1 0 .0 1 0 .0 1 12.3. to processing uni’^s 100 - 55. 71 0 .0 2 0 .0 2 0 .0 2 13.’5staV.lishnent of Mini Dye anil's 100 150.00 - - - - (jO 14,Subsidy to Janata cloth 100 3000.00 1504.93 1100.00 1100.00 1100.00 Itt* CO '15.Share capits^ contribution t^ I V.P3TDG 50: 50 _ 5.00 5.00 5.00 16.11 I D P S 50:50 19 5.00 - 0.02 0.02 0.02 1?.Subsidy for yarn supply 50:50 100.00 - 0 .0 1 0 .0 1 0 .0 1 18.Medical assis-tance to w<^,avers 50:50 25.00 - 0 .0 1 0 .0 1 0 .0 1 1 3 .Assistance for C CBs for string- tJienin;^: staff 50:50 37.50 — 0 .0 1 0 .0 1 0 .0 1 20.Assistance to ApCO for Teclmical 100 - 1. 396 1. 50 1. 50 1. 50 Cell. NO DC 21.0rganisat io nal expenses 100 100.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 ( Enforce­ ment staff)

2 2 .Construction of Godowns showrooiv: 25: 75 - - 7.40 7.40 7.4 0 by prinary W.0 .societies. (NCDC) tr e n e n t G-K. 6.

1. 2. ^ 3. 4 5 6 7 8.

23.'Estt.-'.I.I.Ii. 331,3:66 2/3 - - 44.00 44.00 41.00

24.Census for Uandlooos 100 - 14.8 79 10.00 . 10.00 ■ 0 .0 1 25.Census of power loons 100 - - -- 0 .0 1

TOL-L ~69 79 . io” 2327. 131 185o 760 1^50.60 2 3 4 9 .22" • SERICULTUREt ^' Plan: 1. lobate on gaig of silk cloth 50:50 25.00 6.00 8. 75 ,8. 75 4.50 2. Thrift fundcijrisavings security scheoe. 50:50 - 0. 171 O’.-43 0 .4 3 0, 16 3.7ork shed to silk weavers Coop.. S icieties.' 50:50 - - 7.29 5 7.29 5 3. 15 4,M3dernisafcion/replacenenc of silk looag by silk weave :s • ' Jjop.Societies. 50:50 26.00^ 2,244 4. 10 4.10 5 .U zifly c-radication ' 50:50 - 3.9155 - ^ 2.00

i)xt .. rnsXlv. pro necb: • fTTorTd'sniFl? rooeoT) a)'7ibh DI.l? ,IH “1 ,ccITDA x*sbi.-stance - - - - - 208 . 34 b) ./Ithout Dr.'.r,IH">r ci IT^'a sssis taiice. - - - , - ~ 4 69.67 'TAMaHaF :B7EL0rMSNT COluO^.ATIOH. . .

1. ■■■'!j;orkin'? capital/Share capital ' „ ^ ^ on a oa -t ah lo^ns 50:50 3.50 0.63 0,20 0.20 1.00

2. -lana -ze r ia 1 a ssi sfcanc e/S ub sidj for Tools an-^ ;^quipnenfe. 50:50 0.25 0.41 0.10 0.10 0.25 S.Oonnon Facility Centres 50 : 50 2 . 30 1.99 1.50 1.50 3.00 Stafcenenb GIT. 6.

1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6, 7,' 8.

4. rubliciby,3 xhibibions,Printing of Brouchers etc. 50:50 6, 75 3.65 8.00 8 ,0 0 0 .2 0 5. Esfcablishiuenfc of Hew Emporia 50:50 3, 20 3.22 2. 50 2.50 2 .0 0 6» Consbruction/Iienovafcion of New Enporia 50:50 13.00 11,92 6.00 6.00 5 .0 0

Total: 2 9 .0 0 21.82 18. 30 18, 30 11.45

SITTGAR3KI COLLIEHIES GOMTAWY I I'D.. 100^ 7 0 5 0 ,0 0 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 INLAND WATEIi ?3ANSrOR!P ?or purchase of aophlsfcicafced equipnent 50:50 27,37 4 .0 0 4 .0 0 38.00 .mRECrOn BUEEAtJ 01? EOONOIG JS ;iw STATISTICS. M cn I 1. World It^ricultural Census Scheme 100^ 55. 73 24,87 14.13 7 .5 1 7.80 2. Tinely reporting of ..griculturul Sfeatistics 50fo 36,80 8. 22 8.40 8.4 0 9. 50 3. Sbren.fibheni-n't o.f Supe-rvision of ..r-en- r.arl Y ie li Survey 5oyo 26.40 5.98 5.60 5, 60 7.80 i. Rafcionalisntion of Minor Irrigacior. Sfcatigtics ••— 10.01 6.jJ 8.00 5. Crop Esfcinatrion Surveys on Fruit’s Yegetables and other minor crops. lOOfo ■15. 6J 3.9 5 5.00 5.00 5. 15 6. Specia Conponenb i?Ian for Schef^ulea Caste Agricultural Census, lOOfc 8. 33 1,62 2.74 1,59 1,58 Compreliensivs Crop Insurance schece 1 Strengtheninf of for . 48.00 48.00 * COnducbirig'and supervision, of crop 50fo 130,00 30,00 4 8 .00 cutrfeing experinonts. Conduct of 14tR Quinqulnnial-live OrOl stock cans IAS," TO?AIj; 272.95 , 74.64 9 3,89 8 3.09 s i .83 (iisi Inkhs)

7 8 .X

-KIAT ECONOMIC SSIVIG :S; fchenin^ of Monitoririj" end Eeview, 2 :1 1.50 0 .4 4 0.44- 0 .4 4 0^44 /V'.''ing. I, ECONOMIC SEM IOES: efcariafc Econoniic Serviods. ne-'fcheninr of plsniiin£ r.'-’ohiiiery the State and 'lisfcrict levels fori.':Ulafexon of plans ,Ivionifcoring low and evaluafcion'-of plan rai nes( 0. S. S. Central share) jllanning DepartnentC State lev( 1) 2 :1 1.9 3 4. 76 ireau of Eoononics and,, r r 1stics,(Dist. level). 5 0:50 6.90 16.58 o> I '^ctal: 8 .8 3 21. 34 DH*’1FT NKUriL ILAN 1^89-oq - CENTRALLt SPONSORED SCHEMES STATEMENT - GN.6 (OUTLAYS ^ND E:CFEWDITURE UNDER CENTRAL SECTOR ONLY) CRS4 In lakhs) Name cf the Sche-me Pattern of Seventh Actual :,.l2SS*aQ— 1989-^^0 sharing expen- Flan Expen- Alio- Antici- proposed diture (i.e. outlay diture ca- pated outlay 50|50, 100^ etc.) (1985-QQ) 87-88 ticn Expen­ diture 1. 3* 4* 5* 6, 7» 7.862 0.367 . 0^367 School Education Vth All India Educational Survey.

NON FO.iI-:a L EDUCATION 1 . Continuance of 15,398 NFE Centres (primary) the cost of Rs,4,l50/- per each I 50 S 50 319.51

2 . Constitution of 6202 (i.e . 51o0 + 1012) Centres for Girls (@ Rs.4150/- (10‘x90 State and Centres respectively) I 1 0 .;Q 0 231 .'64

3.Continuation of 2800 NFE Centres (Middle Level) I I (& Rs,7950/- each) ; I 50 50 111.86

4 *Continuation of 244 Project Officers, with ■ :supp> rting staff including Motor Cycle, Petrol, I Lubricant and Contingencies and T.A.-, D.A. to I thei-ro;ject Officers 5 0 ; 50 234.761 307.600 92.48 i 307.600 ■ i 5 ,Continuation of certain posts, Joint Director of I School Education and staff, Driver, One professor, Lecturers and supportinej staff alongifvrith T.A* ■ and D .A .,. 2,00 I i 6.Continuation of A sslstant DlreGtor, (NFE) in the Office of the QiSt, Educational Officers in the State supporting staff and T*A., D*A., and , Office Contingencies Rs.500/-. 5b ; 50 8.90 ST**j?EI--h1NT - GK-- (■Rs* in lakhs)

1 . 3 . 4 , 5. 6. 7.

7,€fcmtinuance of Production Centre at State Uastltute of Educational Technology for staff m d allocations etc,, — : 100^ 26.248 68*150 68,150 68.15

8*€bntinuance of Ea.strict Centre for English laK^age-Training started during los6-87, Gfeittoor. — : — 1.9160 4.100 4.100 4,50

' Q.Qtaatinuence of Integrated Education for the Plastically Handicapped for the deaf children — t 100^ 0.490 0,4.90 2,00 io.Qsotinuance of 1827 SGBT posts in the scale of lfcJ.QlO-1800 and 5943 posts proposed for sanction dttring 1Q88-89 undei''30^' operation blapk board. — : 100^ a) 1987-88 - 1330 X 12 X 1827 ' = 291.510 lakhs 78,074 712.420 712.420 1218.62 b) 1^88-89 - 1300 X 5^13 X 12 qa7->H0 lakhs 00 :i2l8.620 lakhs I

c) Supply of Teaching and Learnin.g material to 13,002 Schools 875.140 4 ll,K^)enditure on staff and other contingencies iiteluding prograinines and T *A ., and D .A s ,, for proposed DIETS & CTEilASE -- t 100^ 528,250 525;250 364.17

. , • TOTAL-CONTINUING SCHEMES 348,'861,1621.377 1621.377 3298.97

Contd. . . . STATEMENT GK - 6 tris. in lakhs) DitiJi’T /iNNUAL hLAN 1 ^8^-90 CENTIu'J.LY SPONSORED SCHEMES ...... i - 1. 2. 3, 4, 5. 6, 7,

Higher gducntion

On fL-oing scheme 1, National Service Scheme Central Share t ^ m c oo c oo and State share) 7:5 - 62.19 115.38 115.38 ^8.00 ratio 2, Intr._ductiGn of vocational courses existiag in G.J.C. (Central and State share) 50% & — — — 67,57 74.32 75%

3, Strengthening of Science Courses in existing GJC ('Central Share) lOO^o — -- 09.25 10Q.17

62.19 115.38 ' 28,2.20 281.40

Coned..., H I C' ■'*• ( “ ’■ T.' •■ ■ • ‘ -L . J-t- :. ■'■ « Ui- • ' • i -i I' ■-> ) v l j ; ■■ .... .:: , ■‘^;: . mi >) (OUTLAY EXi ]sNLij]U..£ uiv C. . Gh^-ir^ui., JR O M ;

1, 2. 3. 4. 5. 6, 7,


Directicn and Administration

1, State level Administration ^ ^ Salsriss + Ta X 1C'7«327 0^22 7,00 7«00 iSoOO Salaries + TA I 9.81 30,00 30.00 25,00

2, District level Administration ^ r a l Fljnetional Literpcy i rogrammo

3, Frojcct level Administration 100^ 17f0»00 219..17 3Q0.00 3P0.00 750.00

4 , Bost Literacy and Followup i Pro r’amme. 100^ 2L 7.481 25.053 ' 56.83 56.83 184.'’0 w :) l,(^ntinuing Education I <*rana Sikshana Nilayains)

Totals ~ ” 20^^,808 260.253 483.83 483.83 074.10

Assistance to Sports Authority 50^ 82,922 26.858 62.47 30.61 11.71 - ■> ' n

Cont d. . . GK.6 (Rs. in lakhs) DuiJ'T ^JJNUa L plan 1Q89-90 - CENTKa LLY SrONSOliED SCHEi'iES: (OUTLAY AND EXPENDITURE UNDEll GENTiiAL SECTOR ONLY)

/I 6 , 1. 2.» 3. • , 5. • 7, Medical & Public Health j • % * . l.National Malaria Eradication Prograraine 5Q2.32 575,00 Urban and Iiural 50 50 I 575,00 575,00 I 2 ,National Filaria Gonr.rol Programme 50 j 50 I • 7.00 15.00 n.OO 15.00 3 .National T.B.Control PrograinLiie 50 ; 50 3180 .00 27,18 55.00 45,00 55,00

4 ,Training and Employment of Multipurpose : 1 , ii/^riiors 50 : 50 I :..13 5.00 5.00 5.00

Sub-Totals 3180 .00- 63 4 .6 3 .650.00 - 631.00 650*00

5 ,National Leprosy Control Prog,raffitiie 100$^ 375.81 230.00 384,56 230,00'

3,88 I 6 ,National V.D.Control Programme 100% 1.78' 3,30 3,30 03 PO l-J 7 . National Trochoiiie Control Programme 100,^; 25.00 50,00 50,00 50,00 t (National Programme for Control of Blindness)

S.uuinos s/arm Eradication Programme lOO/i 2,00 2,00 2 ,0 0

9»Naticnal Goitre Control Programme 100^ 0.33 1.00 1 ,0 0 1 ,0 0 ------Sub-Total? 402•9^ 286,30 441.44 286,30

Total (Medical & Health) : 3180. 00 ■ 1037.55 936.30 1075,44 936,30

Coned,. . . I iiU ..i_i ± t^O ^ .,y ^ O j . &i‘- a j - J 3Cfiii/-^"S^ (OUTL**Yti EXi -Ox rUiiE CEi::T^..,L SlCTOit OhLY)

1, 2. 3. 4 . 5. 6. 7.

PAHILY mLFJ^iE l*!lirr';ining and Eraployment of Multi­ purpose Health W crkors (Male) ICQfo lO'.lS 12.31 12.31 -13.54

2,HealLh, Guide SchetuG 100% 338 ,48' 406,38 ' 406.33 406.38

3,Parily Welfare (excluding Training and ' Employment of Multipurpose Health Workers (Male) and Health Guide Scheme) loofo 4135.35 30 69 .68 3069 .68 4720,25

Total; (Family V/elfare) 4484.01 4388.37 4388.37 5140.17,

IKDIAN Ml^lDIGINES AND HOMEOt ATHY DEIARTMT j l.F .G ,T rain in g and ^lesearch Department In AyurvG-la. 100% 36.56 7.859 ' 6 .5 0 ' 6 .5 0 7.00 L 2*P.G,Training and Kg search Department in Unani 100% 4 3 .04 6.002 6.50 6.50 7.00 I

* 3*bevelopment of Indian S-ystem of Medicine 1.05 ■ Pharmacy including Drug Testing Laboratory lOOfo » . 0.45 0.45 1.50

Total: 108.60 14.101 1 3 .4 5 1 3 .4 5 15.50

Contd. Draft -Annual plan 1989~90 -- GentrallySponsored Schemes STiiTSvCDNT GN.6 (outlay and expenditure under .Central Sector only) (Rs,iakhs) pattern of 7th plan Actual ‘l 988-89 1989-50 SI,No. Name of the Scheme di aring expr. ou tLay Exor, proposed (i.e. 5'0:50 (1985-50). 1987-88 i511oca- i'i n t i 0 ly -11 e d o u tl ay, 100^ e t c ,) tion, expr.' ■ 1.. 2. ■ 5.; 4.- 5v 6;.- 7 # ------f;- '' -Ghief Engineer (Public Health) ■ 50^56 t* •iow cost -sanitation schanes under' ' sca­ venging elimination programme.. -e tl grant + '50?^ State ;|oan. ^ 5 . 5 4 5 f 'jT. ' 1. Yeinmigannur. ■ C 8 .Of • #f^00 2. Jagitial ( 2.0#: 2\00 3. ifloni. 18,00 “ 18.00 2'^t0'3 4. Bobbili 14.5i . ^4.50 11.2.15 Mandapet 22.00 '■ 2^.00 24.200 '1- Jang can; 3 3 , ^ 1 ^ 10,-03e , _ I TotaliJC.E., PH) 535.345 97.70 9 7..70 . 69.520 ghief Snginoer (R.W. S. ) ; decelerated Ruial Water Supply. 1009^ 2493.05 2 502.00 2502.00 2600.00

't , -Di3:cctor of Tov',n & Country Plannlng;- ■ S 'I. Intcgrat ed ■OevGlonmont of'Small &■ Medium Towns. 50; .. 650,00 . 61.20 100.0'^ 100,00 ioo.'oo Urba n Ba si c e i ce PiD grTiimo: ? H.M.-— - & '“ u:t Department). . . . G-. 0 . 1. 20?fe 12.83 15.00 15.00 15^00 State Govt.. 2Df^ UBS Mc^l. Towns.'.. 2D70 UFICEF.. 40?S DIRECTOR OP TRIE.iI WOTz^RE: 1. Post iviat-'’ic Scholarships, ■ • : 100^ 250.00 - - 5.10 5.10 . 5. 101 2. Pre-Sxamn. 'Ire. Centre., 5ofo 34.50 8.92 . 4.50 4i50 5.000 3. Girls Hostels. ■ 5 0 ^ 61.61 140. ao. 140.15 140.150 4. TOR & TI 50fo 34.50 0.54... — 15.0:1 > 5. aionitoring Units of iTn^a. 50^‘> 3.80 1.6-5 1.65 1.815 6. Podu Rehabilitation. 100fo 2000.00 132.914 100.00 100. DO- 100;00 7. Si^l. Gen-^r^ to P~G & I M . 100^0 5000.00 974.109 1079.29 1079.29 1079.29 8. Ar, S-hoolvv. IDo?^ — — 38.20 38.20 38.20 St^teiTient G N .6 (R s. la]

S.NO. Naine of the Scheme Pattern of 7th Plan Actual 19 8 8- 89 19 89 -9 • sharing expr,' outlay E:^pr, ------propos^-d (ie., 50:50 ( 19 85-90) 19 8 7-88. Alloca- Anticipa- outlay. 100% ate.) t io n . ted sxpr^ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

9 . MCDC sponsored sch .-[nes ( 50% loan 25% Subsidy. 75% —— 116.63 116.63 ■ 116.63 10. f'ericu Iture form (in Srikakulam Dist.) 100% — 9-00 •f- — — Jl. Roads, .. ..^ .. ...• 100% — 29. 2C 13^55 13.55 •13.55 12. Margin money to TRICOR . . .. • . 100% - 69 .00 128.67 128.-6 7 128 ..67 13. Shifting cultivation. *. .. .. , • 27.*0 27, «0 27;«0 14. Loans, cor constn. of D.R.Depots.. 233.25 233.25 233t25

f T o t a l: 1887.99 1887.99 1903.655 welfare of S.Cs,: - - i’ - ^ r- — — — ______1. Post-matric scholarships. 1©C% lCOt.00 735.86 - 4f3.‘51 483.51 ,4 8 3 .5 0 CJ 2. Book Banks to SC students in Medical & .. ■Lngineorinq Colleges...... ,^'l ; 50 75,00 17.64 1 0 . to 11.00 10.00 I

3. Pre-matric s8holarshios to the children ^ ri '■ of those engaged in uncl^an-occupation. 5C;50 '■ 125.00 S.62 40il0 ’ ■ 4«:.*0 ■ 4 , Construction of Girls hostels buildings. ^50;5C —- 1 5 0 .io 15tf.C0 15C>00 5. Pre-examination Centre...... ;50‘:5C 50.iO . 8.10 10.00 ifvfco 10.10 6.* Rc.-s-^arch and Training ,. .. .. 5Q;5C 5e;-€0 - 1 % C 0 5 * 0 0 7. PCR Act Sc Estt. of Spl. Criminal Ccurts. 5t; 50 10 O'. CO 4.35 39ti0 3s:ta ‘ 3^;^l0- 8. Rehabilitation of Bonded Labour ...... 50:5® 4 0 0 .«0 39 . 10 75 .ilC 75.00 75'.f0

9 . Develonment of Central Assistance for Scs . . 100% 7500.00 . 1444.00 14^9^*36 ''l4 39 .36 15QQ*.00 1C. ')-velo.oment of Surplus lands...... 50; 5C 15C.00 91.50 91^410 ■ 9 1. CO 9 1 .* 0 11. Investment of APSCCFC...... 5t£5G 459 0.00 348.00 459.%0 4 5 9 .to 13. Managerial subsidy in APSCCFC 50;5C 250.00 25.00 5C..00 50.00 60;^0

T O til; 15 29 0.00 2721.^7 2866,86 2866.'86 3078.50 Employment and Training; 1. Replacement of outmoded equipment and pur­ & - chase of deficit equipment...... 5 0 :5 0 132.00 — 14.00 •14.«Q Stat.:iment GN-6 ^Rs,_lakhs^ Pattern of 7th Plan Annual 1933-89 19 89-9# S.No. nane of the Schcme, sharing oxor, outlay -xpr. proposed ( i.- . 50:50, ( 1985-90) 19 87-88 A1loca­ Anticipa­ outlay, 100% tion . ted .,-xpr. a 1. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. 7.

If 0% 2. Introduction of SorviCw T-.chnician Course at Non - ir cur r i n g ( Recurr- ■''lallCDally, Anantaour snd Nellorc dur­ ing t’hasc-l...... exor, by Cen­ ( ing tral Govt, and (ex;)r. r e c urr i ng o r . (has to b<: oartly by State, (borne by and Central. 1,65 2.iO 2.00 2.00(State G©v1 3. Introduction of Scrvico Technician Course at 1C0% central 0.50 0.50 0.50 IT I V ija y a w a d a ' ITI/ d LTC Mushearabad for •^irls during ?hase-ii. . .. ,, Plastic Processing Ooerator Trade at ITI Mall : o a lly , H y d e ra b a d . ^ ...... 60: 40 5.50 5.50 0,50 Est.ab lish-ncnt of Girls ITI at 8hittedu, 6.00 6. 00 6,00 Ncllore district. //Centrpl' • 6. Plastic Processing Operator Trade at ITls(Old) ^Assist- ■ 10.00 10.00 V iz a g and K a k i n ^ d a ...... 60:40 7 a nee o f ' ■ 7. Introduction of additional unit of Electronic . , '.P s . 2 . 0 0 -...... Tr , at ITT Kurnool. 1. 39 1. 39 S. Modernisation of oquioment in ITls. 50:50 200 00 9 . Ncv/ 'Wo^non I T l s / w i n g s ; ...... 50:50 9 .nr vid^a-fte- 10. P r o j e c t i'4anagement ^at D ir e c t o r a t e 50: 50 * > equip.- 11. PlaEcic -^roc-ssing 0perat6i Trade at ITI 5^5oW.ient. _ C h it t o o r . 60:40 _ _ -it:_ _ Total: 133,65 39 . 39 39,39 248,00 welfare of Handicap pod; 1, Sanction of scholarships 'to h; iitudents 35.00 45.00 45,00 4 5,00 steadying IX and ebov-- classes • • 100% 2, Maint'-nance of school for pari ChiIdreh Hyderabad, , , , ... 100% . 6,28 7.54 6, 28 7,54

51.28 52,54 T o ta l: ■ ... 41,28 52,54 Stat->Ticnt - GN-6 (R s .■laKhs)

SJK), Name of the Schcrn- Pattern of 7th Plan Actual 19 888-89 8-89 19 3.5-9C sharing ^^xpr, outlay Expr. ------_ ^ _ Proooscd (i,c, 50:50, ( 1985-90) 1987-88, Alloca- Anticioa- Outlay. 100% - tc,) > tion. t-d c-xor, 1. 2. 3, 4. -5. 6'. 7.

ficniicn and C h ild W-Ifar^-: IJWomcn training Centres for Rehabi lita- tion o£ Wom^n in distress . • • • « 50:50 5 .0 0 2..41 2.50 2.42 ’2.50 ■ 2J.C.D.S...... • • • • 100% 10 80. 60 610,9 3 1059.81 1059.81 115’‘3 .9 9 3JServic-s for childr-n in ni )f care and prot^ctiou, • • • • 50:50 5 0,00 4.I.C.D.S.- (Tribal). • • • • 100% — 14 7.9 2 18 6.'29 18 6. 29 204*10 ' m • • • « 100% - 364.00 1008S00 1 0 0 8 .CO 9 6 3.90 I T otal 1135.60 2256.60 2256.52 2324.49 OJ K) Sainik Welfare; O' 1,. Strengthening of Directorate of Sainik W^-lfare, central Outlay Hyderabad by creating an ^^mployment Cell-, . . Govt. not fixod 0 .5 6 1.00 1.00 1. 10 I 2^ Creation of Ncv/ ^illa Sainik Welfare Offic-S and continuation of ZillaSainik Welfare Offices inthestat'—. «. .. .. «• «« .• 50% — do— 4. 12 8 . CO 8.00 8.90 3^ FfEXSEM - Preparing Ex-Servici-men for solf- crnploymont • •• «• «• .. «. .. 50% -do- 1 .83 3.00 3.00 2.00 4 , Construction of Sainik Ihav^an in the State. 50% -do- — ■ 3.00 3.00 ■ 3.00 • Total • t 6.51 15.00 15.00 15.00

Rehabilitation of bonded Labour 5 0 :5 0 400.00 39 . 10 75.00 7 5.00 75.00 Institute of Administration. 5 0:50 - — 10.77 10.77 10.77 ' S.C.l, 1 , . DRAFT ANNUAI I M N 1909^90 - STATE ILAN - OUTIAY UNDER S i B C M C0KL03MEWT FOR SCHEDUIED CASTES (fe. lakhs)

Si. Seventh plan 190?“ 90 AniavPi Pl-an 19ii57*^0. .^nual plan 1S00-09 ^ ^ n u a l . Flan 1909- No. Head of Dev*"elopment — --- ^n;tici£ated _Outl^_prop;ose^ Agreed Flow to %age State '"pTow ^age • • *- State* TT - fXow g,-ta-t>e ^age' laow ^ g e State Special to the i Ian to to the l-lan to to rlan to to I Ian Component Total Outla^^ Special Outlay S.C. total Outlay S.c. total Outlay llan Outlay Conipo- Total i Ian outlay . ’.•I - plan outl;, ' nent Outlay ,

I i l ' 1 " I L2LV_V_‘_V0r_"_"L4a _V .‘£5i '-■(«)" ^T9ljjicrjiir_-_(12X- • A^rlcuirure db Allied Services;

1 . Crop Husbandry a (a) 'director of Agriculture

1. Normal Crop Husbandry 3CCC.GC 245.0C 8.20 1540.Q7 195-63 U -6 94G.CC 15C.CC 15.0 964.CO 152.50 15 i i . Dry Canal Faraint 4CC0.CC 1 3 3 4 .^c 2 3 .4 0 ' ' ' 606.CC G3.CC 13.7 .65C.CC 9 2 .CC

b) Director of Horticulture -ISCC.CC '275.C( 10.3 1 23 . 79 2C,CC 23.C 16 0.0 0 24.75 15^5 190.CC 29.25 T5.'.

c) A.I=State Ltro In d .iev . Corpn. 30c,CC 45.00 15.0 *- 1C.0C 1.50 15.0 25.CC 3.75 15^ '

2. Soil £~n:l y/ater Cunservation

a) Director of Agriculture 1CCC.0C 300,00- ^C.O 59.10 12.97 22.0 ICC.00 15.00 1 5 .C 1C0.0C 15.00 15.

3 . Anicirl Husbandry

a) Director of Animal Husbandry • 2214.CC 4.00.54 .10.0 595.42 95.37 16.1 550.96 75.51 13.5 647. CC 104.00 16. , b) A.nstat|^Heat^&_Ioultry 5O.CO 7.5C 15.C 50.CC '7 .5 0 15.C (25'O.C 4. A.p.Dairy Lev.Coop. Federation 2979.00 119.54 15.0 200.00 3.75 1.9 100.00 3.75 2.1 327.00 2.55 G*8 6* 0 . 2. 3 . 4 . 5. 7. 9. 10, 11, 12. 13. 14 •

liill^ttor of Fisheries 3506.00 531-*0C 14.0 306.05 75.00 19.4 700.00 105.00 15.015,0 1320,CO 1G8wGC r

Irl.Chief Conservator of Poresta, 9600.00 205.00 107Ct 49 37.04 3.5 1511.00 45.00 2.0 1611.CC 55.00 At,rl .research & Educa­ tion 100 0.00 3.00 0,3 175.00 0.53 C.3 215,CG CM 0.30.3- 309t CC 0.93 Cooperation: Other Cooper at iveSchemGs4-925?rOO 015.00 16.5 422.53 99.63 23.6 701.00 .1 4 0 .5 0 21.2 700.oc 165. or

Rural jjevelopEient 2 1719.00 1. i.r • i>«i • Y550-f0 4C .O 2444.04 A 0.3- 3244.00 1435.CC 44.2 »994.00

2. D«1 ‘A.i . 4125.00 ■— ( 520.04 60.20 13.1 ^02.00 ■ 96.50 16.0 502,00 00. GO 3 . C .D .& i£-nchayats 1500.00 — - 14.60 9.49 65.0 20. OC 13.00 . 65.0 20.00 10.0C 4. N.R.E.-'. 12400.00 4426.50 39.0 3499.00 . 1364.60 39.0 2501,CO 1006.5? 39.0 Spl.Areas Lev.lrofcrannie

Irrigation-Minor irri- fcnticn C.E^ Minor Irri£,ation (rWD) 10000.00 150C.OO 15.0 1900,00 4C'.00 23 00,00 100,00 4.3 3000. OC 65.00 A.i .State Irrigation Dev.Corpn. 05CC ,00 1275.00 15.0 4G0»0t 74.00 10.5 004. OC 102.60 11.6

C.B.panchayat Raj(Genl) 500.00 75.00 15.0 45.00 6:. 75 15.0 ■ /t5.00 6,75 15,0 50,00 7.50 1? 1000,00 150,00 7.50 71.00 l i r . Ground Water Dept. 15.0 44-90 1 16.7 V- 10,65 15.0 Energy ii.i. State Electricity 2 , 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1 4 ,

Industries; ) Commissioner of Industries. » Village & Saiall 4-5C.OC 15 .0 272.53 0 07.2- 14.6 4 0 9 .0 0 0 ■116,20 ' 14.9 .,47.C0^ 60.7.^ 7., 0 0 9 0 6 .OC 15.0 325.000 370.00 0 5 3 2 .COO

1(. (0*C(. 15C.CC 15 .0 25.00 3 .7 5 1 5 .c 25. CC 5.75 15. c 25. CC 4 .5 0 10.

J.I.lJ . O.Jl.i . 5CC.(C 5C( .CC 1CC.C ' 25 .00 ■ 25.CO 1C( .0 45«00 4 5 .0 0 100.0 4 5 .0 0 4 5 .00 IOC/

•Khscli & Villc.^-S BoarcU ^^wC<.OC . 6 9 .CC 1 5 .c 20. CC 5.9^ 25.7 ■ 4C.64 5.§4 14.6 40.64' 5.94 ' -V

C oio:nr. o f H & T « 4 C > OC 0 2 C ,C C 5 3 .0 1160.36 30.3'' 2.6 1220.11 27.10 2 .2 1601.35 35. 1C ■ 2

I)i.Tector of Seri­ culture 625. CC 10.c 321.01 G2c60 25.0 4CC.C0 65,00 16.5 4 4 4 .CO 6 5 .CC 1/ ^‘..i’.Hrndicrafts Dev, Corpn. -'fG^CC ■;.25 9 .2 10. CO 1.0C 1C.C 3 5 .0 0 14.00 4C. 0 • 3 5 .CC 14.7C 4.-

X.j; .State Pinenoe Cprpn. 195C.CC 550,00 16.9 6 6 0 ,CC 49 9 .6 2 75 .7 660.Cl 1CC.0C .5 .2 660,00 ICC .00 1L

A . r . I . I . C . 2CCC.(,C 3CG.0C 15 .0 - — - -55.00 *— *- 55.00 0,25 1^'

I.TRANSIORT; • Rural Roads; C .P. I .R.TGenl. ) 240C,GC 45 7.50 19.1 i3500.00 100,00 20 ,0 500.00 100,00 20 .0 500,00 ICO.CO 2C 1. ^ _ 2. 5. _ 4. 5* ^6, 7. _ 0^ 9. , 1C. 1 % 12. 15. ■ 14.-


A.I.State Council of Science & Technology. 850.CO — - 24.65 — — 51.00 7.65 15.0 51.(0 7.65 15.C


Survey aiid Statistics L i r . B.e . & s . 400.00 15.00 5.1 60.57 2.00 5.5. 77.00 5.00, 5,9 O5.OO ,5 .5 0 4 .2

e d u c a t i o n , SiORTS, ART k ClTL.TTmE-.

. General E due at ion

Dir. of school EO.ucation 155CO.OO 2025.00 15.0 5 225 . 25 5 47.67 10.0 5701.54 541.25 1 4 . 6 1 9516 . 26 IC45.61 ■ 5.4 D i r , .01 Higher Education UC61.CO 220,00 2.7 974.-52 116.55 11.9 1466.CO 174.64 11.9 5477.51 181.56 3.3: . »• i. Director of Adult Education 2500.CC 5 96.5 0 25 . 9 251.65 6 ^ , 2 6 - 25.5 29C.00 02.00 20.6 444.57 126,52 20.^;

Sports and Youth S e r v ic e s ; Dir.of YouthServices 60( .00 50,15 O.4 42.00 2 . 1C 5 .0 5O.OC 2.10 4 .2 I0c3.00 15.20 7.0 Dir.of Sports. 600.00 — “* 65.50 — 90.00 1.50 1.5 90.00 1.50 1.5

^^^EHucatiL^^^‘^^^°^-^l6l5.00 242.25 15.0 422.41. ,65.56 15.0 509.00 76.55 15.0 1509.OC 226.55 15.0 Art and Culture; Dir.ccf Public - • ^ _ X4J3'"’^iea. 296.00 44,40 15.0 55«55 15.OC 15.0 10C.00 15.00 15.0 1 . 2 ^ ______5 _.______4 .______5_. __ __ 6 ,______7 .______G.______3 . ______1 C . ______1J*_ _ j 2 . ______12._‘ _ t | .

XI. health t. Rural Health- - Uir.of Health 72CC.CC %080,CC 15^0 1039.56 197.2G 19,0 1413.0C 197.29 K.O 1701.C6 354.04 2e.fc. ( ^ 2, Dir,Indian Medi- ’ .. cine & Homoeopathy tCCC.OC 11C.0C 11,0 179.05 17.70 9.0 22C,C0 1C.5 34C,0C 3-3.T4 .S*;. xil* v/ater Supply & . .. sanitation a) C.E. iublic Health 12000.C^ U 7 3 . B O 12.5 942.02 2G2.71 21.5 24CC.00 515.00 21.5 2^00,CC 5l5.CC. g ) Hyderabad Metro - • water Wurks 75CO.CC 50.CC 0,7 2700.CO 10.00 C.4 25CC.00 10.CC C.4^%^50C.0C 14.CC c) 0»E.Rural Wi.ter Supply ’ ■ i) lurrl water Supply 2C0(C.00 3000.00 15.0 2502.50 57^.00 *22,2 26CC.CC 502.CC 22.4 2600.CC 502.CC^Vv ii> Sfinitation . 5000,00 750.00 15.0 400.00 1CC.CC 25.0 4CG.00 4CC.0C 2 5 .C 4CC.CC IC O .C C ^r'^

2.. Housing;; 'Z13'' “) iUi .Housing 3oard 3CCC.C0 450.00 15.0 35C.OC 52.50' 15.C 350.CO 52.50 15.0 590.00 00.5c'l5*c

D) Rural House Sites 60CG.CC 3C00.CC 50.0 043.62 421.01 5C.0 3CC.CC 150.CC 50.0 OCC.CC 4CjQ»(iC'.%^C

I’ Social Violfare :) Dir.Weaker SGCtions26(CO.CC 13C0C#CC 50.C 3964.29 1151*‘C 29.0 5997.(^0 2551.75 42,2 5997.CC 2551.75 Houeing irogranme j. Urban Developpent; Environmental Impro-- ’wetnent of Slums, ■) Dir.of Munioipal . , Addinistration 442G«C< ■|&»0 340.60 69«72 2C,0 604*50 125.00 20.7 604.5C 125»C0,^^ ^ _2. ______5. _ ^ i- „ _ 5.^ i ^ J:. ______''£•______‘'J*______

^^unicipal Corpora- “ ' . tion of Hyderabad. 3175.CO 43C.55 15.0 637*4C 95.51 15#C 1575.46 206.CC t5#V 1665*0C 25G.CC 15*

Municipal Corpn, . . . . , Vijpyawada. — — — 75.CC 1,50 2.C 22.CC 5.CC 22.7 22.0C 5.CC22.-

I. Jiiforniation & lublicit.v*

Commr., ini oriHat ion and lublic Eels.t_on 360.00 54.00 15,0 • 50.29 4.54 15.0 242.00 • 36.50 . 15.0 170,00 . 13.OC .7

State Film I)c-v. Corpn» 1357.00 77.60 5.7 72.00 2.72 5.0 100.00 6.0C 6.0 207.CO 10.CC 0

.welfare of S.Cs,S.Ts.& B.Cs ______

* . \ »■ VJGlfareof 214CC.Cf>^1515.00 99.6 52 51 .61 5247.95 99.9 4142.00 4126.00 99,6 5540.00 5524,CC S-

Labour end Labour Welfare______CoaQissioner of Labour 194.CC 20.56 15.0 51.27 “ 7.69 15.0 57.50 0.6C'- 15.0 67,51 10.15-13.

Director of Empoynient& Training, * ‘ Craftsaan trainine 1527.00 4 0 2 ,6 4 50.5 1 79.07 4 2.85 24.0 142,00 22.00 15.5 450.CO 65.50 1-, ;

Rehabilitation of Bonded Labour~Dir. Of Social VJelfare 40 0,00 5 0 0 .0 0 7 5 .0 50.96- 22.92 75.0 75.00 . 56.25 75.0 .75.0 56.25 75^- Special Baploynent ' Schemes 5500.CC 144O.QC 4 1 .I 294.OC 117.60 40.0 200.CC 00.0 40.0 5 OC.OO ■ 05.00 20.;> 1. 3 . 4 . 5. 6 . 7. 0. 9. 1C. 11. 12. 13. 14.

I• Social Welfare & Nutrition;______


Dir.of Social welfare Rikshah rullers Scheme Assistance for pur- 5CC.00 250.00 50.0je 50,CC 25.00 5C.C0 25 . 00 11.5 0 6^;a6’e of Rickshabs

Supply of dresses to Rikshah lullers — — 120.00 60.00 5 0.00 1 20.00 60.00 5'' ^

I pension to landless Agricultural Labou- rera 50C0.CO 3333.33 66.7 349.57 233.C5 66.7 300.00 200.00 66.7 300.00 200.00 6 b . ) Rehabilitation of VI omen 40.23 30.17 75.0- 50.00 37.50 75.0 50.00 37.50 75. ) Dir. of Women & Child welfare £k Nutrition 7905.00 2494.CO 31.5 692.20 103.04 15.0 960.00 154.57 16.1 960.00 200.57 3(..

State Plan Total 750000.00 112520.14 132559.43 16S359.37

Flow to S .c .P . 06637.22 11.6 11090.70 1 0.57 11963.12 9.02 17691.04 % 0 ^ S.C.P. 2 DRAFT ANNUAI- PLM 1989-90 - SPECIAL COMPONENT' PLAN - PHYSICAL TARGETS

Seventh SI. Unit Five Year 1987-68 1988-09 1989-90 Achieve­ Mo. Item ( No. of Plan Target Ahti. Proposed families) 1985-90 ments Aohi. Targets targets 1. Z. 3 . 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


1. CROP HUSBANDRY (a) Director of Agricultare 1. Danonstrations and field trips DesDon st r at ion s Nos. 2500 781 800 800 800 Supply of plant protection Sqoip- ment to S.C.Farmers PPEs Nos. 8000 3155 Scheme discontinued Stigareane Development - Control of . pests and diseases Area Hects. 10000 465 Scheme discontinued oi H .Y.V.Programme in rainfed areas (Rs.2/“ a Kg.programme) 1) Seeds M.Ts. 20000 240.120 Scheme merged with other schane 2) Area Hects 200000 6474 Increasing productivity in the eissign^ lands of Area Hects ioooo 5705 Scheme discontinued Supply Paddy minikits to S.C . farmers Minikits Nos. 55555 12916 10000 10000 10000 Supply of improved Agril.implements Implements Nos. j[ in Dryland farming Har4 tools Nos. i 12500 252 Scheme discontinued Intensive Hesta Development programme Retting Tanks Nos. 2 1 Scheme continued as Central Tr«iining programme Nos. 4 1 Sector scheme (lOO^ G.O.I.) Demonst rations Nos. 500 1 Intensive Cotton Development Programme(CSS)

Demonstr ations Hects. - — S5 35 35 statement ~~T.s.P - 2

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1 , 2 . • 8.

10. Eradication of JPasts and doseases(CSS) a) B.P.H. on Rice Area He«ts 50000 5190 \ 10000 10000 10000 b) Hispa on Rice Area Hects 25000 2711 \ 11. National pulses Developmejit programme 1) Demonstrations Nos. 10000 - 660 660 660 2) Minikits Nos. - 330 330 330 330 3) Block demos.® Rs.20/- Hact.each Nos. - - 33 33 33 4) Seed Subsidy Prog.® 2 2 0 /' a Qtl. - - 528 528 528 5)= Farmers Trg. Camps © 2 per cluster Nos. Nos. — -- 66 66 66

12. 3stt.o.- Agro service centras for Demos. ^ d hiring of Agril. Implemdnts(CSS) 1) Implements Nos. — 1050 5120 5120 5120 2) Hand tools Nos. —- 11 2780 2780 2780 13. National Oilseeds Development irogramm8(CSS) 1) Inputs Kits Nos. — 2394 6500 6500 6500 2) P .f.E s Nos. — 1004 4473 4473 4473 V>! 3) L.S.Demos. Nos. — 21 970 970 970 V.‘.' 4) Improved Farm Iraplements Nos. 1820. 2098 2098 209i VJl 15. Dryland farming, in (2) villdgas al'iandal. Area Coverage Hects. -- 24800 , 24800 24800


16. Fertilisation of Dryland Crops Area Hects. - 6669 Scheme merged with other s^.eme 17. Rainfed farming project in R.R.Dist. with World Bank assistance ------18. Training of farmers in Dryland crops Farmers Nos. - 3322 Scheme discontimaei Trg. 19. Providing p.P.Cover to dryland crops Area Hects 50000 4409 Scheme discontinued 20. Development of Dryland farming in selected Micro Watersheds and Outside the selected Micro Watershed including ICRISAT/lCAR Area Hects 18800 6468 Scheane merged with other scheane Technology. f 3. 4. 5. 6. 8»

k 21. Integrated. Wat-ejsl|.ed Devalopment Area Hects. : 1470 1470 147? Programme, . ‘ ■ ■-i'" 22. National Watershed Developiient Area Hects. 3569 7801 7801 7801 progracuna for r-ainfed Agril. 23. FQ,pularis^tion of Sead-cuxn-Fertiliser Drills Nos. 99 1 Drills. Demons. Nos. - 99 1 Scheme discontinued


Dir a ctor qf_ .Agri ail tu_:^ 24. Soil Con^iarVbtion works in Agril.lands Area Hects. - 3205 3000 3000 3000 (bV HOTKLCULTURE 1. Schema for padcage programme on Veg.

a) D'tlots Nos. las 220 220 220 b) F .P .E . ^ ,Nos. 10 40 40 40 •e) Area ’Ha. 198 280 280 280 ^ 2. Scheme for package progranune on Fruits a) D'plots Nos. 163 200 200 200 . b) Nos. 46 462i- 4 6 ^ 4ecj^ c) P.P.M Ha. 348 90 90 50

d) Area ooverage Ha. . 37 50 50 50 3.- Scheme for the-Welfare of 3.G.fa_iuars a) Banefici a3*ies Nos,. 87S 1200 1200 1200 b) PPE ■ Mos. 371 533 553 533 c) Veg. Minikits 3820 10,000 10,000 10,000

4. Dryland horticulture Area coverage Ha. 50 120 120. 120 5 . Scheme for padcage prograciiae on Coconut D'plots Nos. 45 50 50 50 6 . Scheme for assistance to Coconut Growers Palms Nos. r 446 446 446 to remove tatipaka diseased Film 7. CSS for subsidised plantation of Cashew in Non-departmental' areas Wirea coverage Ha. 414 ,443 443 . 44S f . . 7 2

1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7.


8 . Scheme for PP raeasuras on Mango Area cover^e Ha. 1060 9. Schema for I9.stributioa of Veg.Minikits to Weaker Sections under Rural Housing Programraes Veg. Minikits Nos. 8000 g. Soil and V/ater Conservationj Pirsctor of Apiriculturs 10. Soil conservaticMi in S.C.lands He at. 3205 3000 3000 3000

5 . ANIM.1L h u s b andry (a) Director of /mimal Husbandry;

1. F o o t & Mouth Disease Vaccine Doses 94,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 £, Fodder Developmant Minikits Minikits Nos. 7,400 — 3. Livestock Supervisory Units in Hariianwadas Nos. 158 (50 Continued 4 . Digia DSVELO^MEilT Wo,of S.C.boneficiaries Nos. 4000 5000 5000 5000 - 5. FISHERIES , Ntoabar of Faailies 21,000 3000 4000 4000 4opO 6 .FORESTRY & WILD IIFE Social & Farm Forestry Special consonant Plan Hundreds 12.50 2.90 3.00 3.00 3.20 7 . COOPERATION A.„Flow o f _ C r ^ t to^Sj^CjMenitosj.

a) S .T . and M ,T. Credit Q «?ores 234.75 19.88 46.50 46.Si 61.6# b) li.T. credit 67,60 1.24 14.25 46.50 14.25 S.C.P - g

1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 .


i ) IRDP main programme Nos. 5.00.000 84,656 77,332 77,332 1,10,000 i i) Pi\SMA‘ Nos. 5.00.000 1,01,833 1,16,500 1,16,500 1,16,500 i i i ) DWCRA No.of groups 1,065 140 100 100 200 Drought prone Area PROGRAMME 24 , 000 3» N cHtE .P . m-D 54.58 37.69 47.80 44.62 I I I . IRRIGAXIQH ^?NQR IIiayATlON_(jPWD) a) Chief Engineer, Minor Irrigation(PWD) b) Chief Engineer, Pant3hayati Ra3(G%nl.) Hecf. 584 33 135 135 150 MINOR IRRIGATION PLAN SGHS^SS UNDER s p e c ia l GOMPONE^JT PLAN. Nos, 3000 80 250 250 130 (b) .Director of Groind VJatar Vj3 1. Construction of E::pioratory~oum-predaction No.of 750 . 144 70/5 70/5 92/6 o bor q/ t ub ewoi j- s borewells/ tubewells IV . ENERGY (a) A.P.St^tu Elfec^iicity

- 1. Distribution and, i^ral Elact^ification 1, H arij anawadac Nos. 9,575 1,016 HWs ,1000 HWs lOOO HWs 1000 HWs 636 W.S 1000 y,s . 1000 W .S. 2000 W.S coloni es colonies 'coljoiiies colonies 2. Agrl. Pumpsets Nos. 25,000 10,065 2000 2000 1000 V. M J s m i a - ' . r* v' ' ' . (a) Cdmmlfiisioner of Industries i ) Large & Medium Scale ladustiiss" Noe. 3800 I ii) Village & angll scale Industries Incliicatng I 3426 3140 3140 3450 -Coir Indl. Goops. N os. 9000 I (b) A.P.S.S.I.D.C. Msffgin Money for SC candidates Unit: 1?9 1 2 2 _ 3 1. 2> " 4^ 5.^ €. 7. 8. *" "00 i

Manufacturing of Footwar Leather goods 20.80 120.21 200,00 42.28 200.00 lakhs

' ' Ci ■ Finishing o f‘'Leather 72.5S 170.00 25;44 170*00

192.70 370.4>0 67.72 370.00

(d) A,P.Khad£ & Industrias. Board (a s 1 Nos. 91 9 9 9 9 (woric-sheds) . (e) Dire^tcr_of H^dlooms & Textilos 1. S.C.Loans for admission of Weavers Ho.of SC in Cooperative fold : _ weaver^! 2900 • 25 45 45 45 2. Investment in shares of V/eavers No.of SC 15 20 2 05 Cooperative Societies societies 2 2 V>' 3 . Modornisati-en/Rtiplacainent of Iq m s No.df'^ 1800 140 350 150 150 U3 looms 4 . Thrift Fund Cum~savings © Seiurity scheme No.of S.C 7S00 556 25a 2S0 250 veavors 5. Training programme to Weavers -do- 400 3 75 75 — 6 . Workshed“ Cum-Housiag Scheme -do- 750 60 60 GO 7. Assistance for appointmtyxt of Paid Noicer Secretaries Socs. 10 3 10 10 10

1 , 8. Share tapital Contribution to 1 processing units -do* 1 • . ■ ■lo ■■ 1 a 1 (f) Sericulture: '■it" 1. Area under mulberry 6775 500 800 800 1000 S.«-P - 2

2, 5. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


Medium and large industries plots 467 . 820

i Sheds 42 — — . 17

(ii) A.P.Stats Financial Corporation

No.of 750 574 300 . z6b 300 families V I. TRANSPORT . 1. MNP Roada Km's’.'" 247 '54 54 54 54

VII.EroCAnON . (a) Directorate of Higher Education V>j 1. Book Bank schema for Nos, . No targets No targets are fixefi were fixed Junior Colleges covgred 325 325 colleges were -benefitted 2, Spl. coaching fqr oatfeasco ' No.of SC ‘Madical & Engiu^ring courses * , students -do- 120 120 5. ,Spl*coaching for II year Intermediate ’ ISO 180 -do- 4, C&fcii^^ation of 32 Vocational courses' 0'.’ san«tioned during 85-86 (S-.C.area) ' , .- .p tadOw" -do- 60Q0 6000 -do- 5. Starting, of Vocational Sections in SC area Nos. -do- ';r— — 7 — 6.'Provic^.©g'’^:6f lAfrastrU’o^ral facilities Nos. •-•-doi- — — 4 '%o'',e:^;ating GJC (S.C.area)

..Gontd.,» S.C»F - Z

2. s. 4. 5. e : ' ' ‘ 7. 8.

(b) Dlra^t£r_of Adult EducalAon 1, No,of participants Nos. 8.694 1.30_ 1.51 1 .5 1 1.5'f • ,/•» 2. No^of Centres . a) Under Central No. 14,940 2014 2520 2520 4500 b) Unddr Stata No. 14,0^,, 22S(0c( 252(5^ 2520 4500

(c) Director ofy Youth aefvlcQs YuvashatetM Training 'progfamme St 137 137 400

(d) T ed ^ical Bc^c_ation I) Polytechnics for S.C.Itud^is a) Institutions Nos. 5 2 1 b) Intaks Nos. 360 120. 378 378 183 II) Engineering Colicges v>i Intake SC studeat^. (e) B^rejctoi^of Li to ail To open 100 Braffob'Librari'es-in'S.Ci^ Nos. 87 13 13 13 _ lation areas causing onployiaQnt potentials ! to 200 persons V I I I . HEALTH

Indian Medicine & Homiaopathyt

1, Indian System and Honioeo Dispensaries Nos. 62. Continuance Continuance 2. Allowances to SvC. stud^ts - Nos. 1000. aoo. 200 200 — 200 IX> WATER SUt'FLY AND SAIjlTATICSf 'Z' a) The Chief Engineer, Public Health TiU Low Cost Sanitation schemes'' 7.27 2.55 U .5 6 2.58 11.47 p^sg&H b)' Chief Btigineer, Hyd, Metro Watsr Wcacks S . C. P - 2

2. 3. 4. 5. 6 . 7. 8.

(li) Chief Engineer, Hyd. Metro Persons 16,000 6,100 3000 1700 1300 ’ V/ater Works

Urban Water Supply and Sewerage No.of 61 16 9 5 slums (c) Chief Engineer, Rural Water supply

Rural Water Supply No.of 11910 794 1200 1200 1200 localities.. Rural Sanitation 000’ s population 1963 40 40 40 40

X, HOUSING; A.P.Housing. Board S Each house 1379 111 45 45 113 Land Acquisition of House Sites No.of beneficiaries 8,50,000 71,726 Decrtal charges and carry over instalments N)

W.S.H.P. no.of houses in lakhs 3.50 ' 0.24 0.66 0.66 0.66

X I. UP3AN DEySLOPMEMT( a) Dir .Munica.pal Admn. Environmental Improveniont Scheme- _ \ Nos. 2,00,000 41,673 41,666 41,666 41,666

(b) Vij ayawada Municipal Corporation Laying of Roads in 3 .0 .localities Kms. 1.200 1.200 1.200

X II. information & PUBLICITY (a) ^oramis^ionarj, k Public Relations 400 800 1, Song & Drgima Programmes 400 400 400 2, Exhibitions organised 400 400 400 150 3, C.R. Sets 20 20

4, C.T.V. Sets. 30 30 40 S.G.P - 2

1 . 2. 3 . • 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

(b) A.2,.Stato Film jjevelopmait Corpor_§tionj

Loans to Cinama theatres Nos, 28 1 2 2 , 8 X n i . WELFARE OF SGHBEULED CASTES

I. Edacatdon; Maintonance of Opening of New Government Hostels Hostels (continuing) 400 281 281 281 281 Now Hostels 400 55 V>1 n i. _Si±cl^shi£s_to 3.0.students ' v. ■ -F^ 1. Scholarships stipends to I, T.I'.students students 35,713 4,040 5,714 5,714 5,714 2. Sohclarships to students in MD, MS & ME and other P.G.Courses Students 454 127 300 300 500 3. Scholarships to students in III to X classes Students 15,16,^1 .5 1,69,230 1,69,230 1,69,250 4. Scholarships to students in 1st and Ilnd classes Students I 2, 00,i .• — Surrendered to Government 5 . Scholarships to Rasoarch scholars Students 923 137 601 601 601 6. Full mess charges to post-matric students in attached hostels Sludents . 25,000 3,269 2,446 2,446 2,445 7. New Schemes* Scholarships to Bright students -do- 460 750

IV , Other Edxcational facilities to SC students 1» Supply of N.t.Books Students 19,83,750 1,25, 233 2,46,666 2,46,666 2,46,666 5.G.f - 2

1. z. 3. 4 , 5. 6.

2. Supply of K.T.Books to students of Non~Telugu Media Students 10,000 349 6,666 6,666 6,666 3 . Trangport Charges of N.I.Books 4. Boolt Banks to Medical & Engineering Book studsnts sets 1,500 196 200 20Q 200 5. Books and Instrum«ants to students in folytechnics and 1,1.1 s. students 44,444 3,400 4,444 4,444 4,444 6. Supply of instruments & calculators to Engg. students students 10,'©00 1,200 1,200 1,200 7. Coaching in Spoken English Universities. 6 6 6 8. Financial Assisteice to referred: Medical & Eaginaerlng stud^ts Students 309 17 60 60 60

9. Financial Assistanc(d to Advocates and No.of Training in Administration of Justice Ad,ocates 540 62 58 58^ 58 10, Residential ContraliBed schools and No. of construction of school buildings schools 68 68 66 68 11.Supply of dresses to hostel' boarders No, of 5,50,000 40,000 40,000 52,000 boarders 12. Coaching facilities for staff Universi- recruitment examins,tions sities 5 6 6 6 13. Research and Training Centre Institute 1 1 centre 1 1 1 14. Scholarships & Other educational students facilities tu the children of thoso engaged in unclean oceapaticns students 7,183 1,53£ 1,587 1,587 1,587 1 Scoutir/j axid Qxxl guiding to hosta-1 boarders 150 loO 1^0 , S.C.P - 2

1.- 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

' - 16. Opaning of Libraries in Harij anawadas No. of 75 93 93 93 116 Libraries 17. Residential folytechnics & ITIs No. IT Is / — - 3 /2 3 /2 3 /2 3 /2 Polytechnics

18. Library facilities in hostels' Hostels — 2,300 2,000 2,000 2,000

19. Medical aid-to hostel boarders Hogtelg -- 2,300 2,000 . 2,000 2,000 ■ 20. Supply of Games euid Sports material in Hostels 2,300 2,000 2,000 2,000 Government hostels 21. Pre-examination Training Centre No.of Centres 6 3 3 4 4 22. Monetary assistance to SC students No.of mmmm for studies abroad candidates 10 10 10 10 V>3 23. Essential text bocks for College students No.of 1424 2,666 2,666 2,666 VI in professional courses s t u d e n t s 24. Development of infrastructural facilities — - — —— V. Scholarships and Educational Facilities to HCs. 1, Supply of N.T.Books Students 3,33,333 — — 2, Supply of books and instruments to ITI students students 2,221 __ 3, Sanction of post-matiic scholarships and full mess charges students 700 __ .. 4 . Reimbursement of tuition fees students 1,666 - — - — 5. S9holarships and stipends to students iii Pdlytechnics and ITI students studaits 1,190 — __

6, proHnatric scholarships of III to X classes students 20,000 - , — •— --

7, Scholarships and incaitives to students in 1st & Ilnd classas stud^ts 20,000 •Mb 5.C.P -2

1. . 2. 3. 4 . 5. 6. 7. 8.

V I, TraLniiiR froj^rammox 1. Training prograrames No.of — . 4,000 4,000 4,000 didates

2. Garmant production centres centres 130 10 ’ 10 10 10

V I I » and Housing programme 1, Commnity Services No.of 1,000 120 175 175 175 Harij anawadas 2, Alternative occapations to people No.of engaged in unclean occupations families 2,000 207 350 350 350 3 , Common facilities in Harij ana-wadas No.of localities 500 51 133; '133 66 v>] 4 , Medical relief for undegoing bypass surgery" No.of cn beneficiaries — ’ '1(5 10 10 ■ vnx. 1. Economic development scheme No.of beneficiaries 2, Loans for employment abroad -do- 20 20 20 3. Development of identified vulnerable -do- — 100 families groups IX . Irrigation & Other Development Schemes

1. Irrigation and allied activities in lands No.of 2,000 of S.C s. f and lies 2,000 2,000 • 2,000 ' • A>P.S.C.C.F,C,Limited 1. Loans to APSCCFG for construction of hostel No.of • • buildings for boys and girls buildings — 2. Investment in APSCCFG for Margin monsy-loans Beneficia­ ries 6,15,056 ■ 1,76,675 1,20,000 1,20,00? 1,50,000 S.C f - 2

1. 2. 3. 4. 5 . 6 . 7 . 8.

XI. Social Intogrationt 1 . Spacial CriBiinai. Couribs No,of courts 76 17 6 6 6 2 , Cortstiuction of Comnunity H alls (promotion No. of . of inter-caste marriages) halls 75 47 66 66 125

~Xiy. XABQUR &. rABQUR WELFABE s (a) ‘CRAFTSMHI TMIHING SCHEME: , 1, Establishiaent of R.I.T.Iav for S.Cs. at MagaTjunaaagar Daft, Cuddapah and Mahaboctnagar fop Girls Seats 450 300 500 500 300 2, Construction of Hostals of SC & STs. Beneficiaries 500 100 200 200 200 3 , Introduction of Farm Mediaalc course , at liT.I., T m a K Seats 20 20 20 20 Rehabilitation of Bonded LabiXir ( i i ) Supplefoentajy assistance for R ^atdlitatio n No.of of Bonded Labour, beneficiaries 800 800 800

(c) Special Employment Scheme l^.-.of (Demand XXIV- Social Welfare) liQliefi ci ari eS 19,600 2,499 1,265 1,265 3,G60 XV. SOCIAL WELFARE & NUTRITION 1. Ponsions to landless Agri.workers No.of 55,558 55,558 69,000 Pensioners 2. Jiitteraticn, Rehabilitation and Economic No.of Development of Jogin Women beneficiaries 600 600 600 3» Assistanco to Ri'^'shaw' gUlleit^ a) Own your Ridcshaw schtana for Ridcshaw No.of ■ pullers b

1, E. 5.- .. ■ - 4 . 5. 6. 7. 8.

4 . Director o f WcmSn &'<'0hild''Waif are I. Schemes Exclusively: fdr SiCs.

. Childranfs Homes " ' Nos. mi* “ 4 4 4 4 - e - ■ (continuing) (continuing)(continuing dcheme)

- - ■_ beneficiarieti 360 240 , 240 . 240 240 .^ScaaQn & Child Wclfaxe Centres ♦ Nos. 33 33 33 33 Beneficiaries 41C^ 1980 1980 1980 1980

Share Capitcol tc A.P.Woiaen's Cooparative Nos. — —

Finance CorporatlQn . . BaneficiarjLes EOOO 1800 1800 1800

Nutrition PiK>grfflnme v , • r ■ Nos, •»Wtt -- — — Beneficiaries — 100000 ' lOOpOO 100000 192475

I I . SGhemos undsr which SCs are being benefitted , •• Vocation^:: Training Oentras Nos. Bonefi'cd arias 19 State Homes’ h ‘ 6 Home for Collegiate girls B 13 Working Women' s Hostess 10 Rahabilitati :n of Womja^^iii distress n 138 C«T.Cs including DC^TCs n 10 Regional Tailoring Centres n 10 Mobile Crechos n 690 Chilf’TGH Hoifas ■ n 237 Nutrition, n 69679 Tslugu Bala Mahila Pr.agathi praiiganam . ■■ n 540 ■:. : 01 y

^ ^^h i e a l SU5-T ■ Jis. ir.. lakhG'' "I 988-89 ' ' " ■' 989“90~ S e vpiith Plan 1 ^85-90 .JJ&J "^ „ ' U i £ t u G l s _ Anti I'-x 0 en,. P'-Opr-3 r. (j Of, ’> < SI, Head od Dovelopm^^.i l- Flov.' tc % boq Stace to /o '^ge " tat No State Piov W a"e c Plow > C Plan Tribal (o TrilDa;^ Tctal Plan tc i'o Plan •f; 0 to Outlay Sub-Plan Total Sub-Plan Plan OutlayTribs.1 Total 0,^t- TribalTotai Outlay - lay Sub- Plan lay Plan T^lan Outlay PI an outlay

1. 3. A 5. 6 . 6 7. > • 10 . 11 . 1 ? • f 14.

I . AGPTmttvmtj;;-^ SERVIG5S;

' G ?" 0 p- liu s b an d ry ■a) I>ir. of iigri culture i) including Dryland 7000.00 560.00 5.14 1340.07 72.67 5.44 1554.00 82.25 5.29 1614.00 85.50 5.30 ^ far'nlng vO b) Dirpctor of i ■ h-orti culture 1500.00 -HO.43 7.36 1?3.79 10-50 8.4& 160.00 10.50 6.56 190.00 12.30 6.47 c) Failed V/ell subsidy (Gcn-ar. PR & RB) 1000.00 100.00 10.00 38.00 3-80 10.00 25.00 2.50 10.00

d) ;.ISAID0 300.00 6.00 2.00 10.00 0.60 6.0C 25.00 1.50 6.00 2. Goil and ? ater Con.'^ervati on i a) Director of -Igri culture 1000.00 200.00 20.00 59. 10 14.30 24 .20 100.00 17.00 17.00 100.00 20.00 20.00

^ ♦ Animal Husbgndy;

inlial'teCandry t ^214.00 175.45 7.92 595.42 25.01 4.20 558.96 19.01 3.40 647.0032.50 5,02 A.V. State Meat md ""oultry .Development Corporation 750.00 12.50 1.67 ' 50.00 2,50 5.00 50.00 2.50 5.00 50.00 2.50 5.00 ( Rs. in Lnkhs)

1. 2. 3. 4 . 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. . 11 . 12i, 13. 14. .

0,•Q3- Dairy Develo-pinent (.^DDC) 4. ^ 2979.00 47.82 1.61 200.00 1.50 0.75 180.00 1.50 ' 327.00 1.02 0.31 5. i'isheri es 3586.00 110.00 3.07 386.8 5 40 .00 10.34 700.00 42.00 G'.CC 1320.00 43.00 3.26 6. Foresttc 9600.00 525*00-. 5.47' 1070.49 127.61 11 .92 1611.00 182.0011.30 1611,00 260 .00 16.14 7. Storage and Ware Housing 300.00 -- — 40 .00 2.40 6.00 40.00 2.40 6.00 40.00 2.40 6.00 8. Ap. ri cu 1 tu r e R eF e 1 r ch Ed n. 1000.00 159.15 15.92 175.00 13.50 7.71 207.00 13.50 6.52 309.00 11.00 3.56 9. Marketing. 300.00 90.00 30 .00 6.42 4.98 7.75 129.00 10.00 7.75 129.00 10.00 7.75 10. InvePtment in A^ricuJtural Financial Institn.tiors 3275.00 ^ — — 410.65 __ __ 400.00 -- -- 405.00 -- 11. Cooperation 4925.00 315.00 6.40 514.54 37.05 7.20 600.00 60.00 10.00 700.00 70.00 10.00


1 . I .R.D.P. 17875.00 1430 .00 7.58 2444.04 183.07 7.49 3810.83 281.00 7.37 3994.00 342. 70 8.58

__ 2. D.P... .P. 4125.00 __ -- 523.21 -- 602.00 -- 602.00 --

3. K.K.E.P. 11350.00 794.50 7.00 3499.00 268.70 7.68 2581 .00 528.63 20 . 48 3331.00 541.0016.2^

.1 -t * C D 3nd Panchayats 1500.00 49.05 3.27 14 .60 ■ 0.88 6.00 20.00 1.20 6.00 20.00 1 .20 6 .0c 5. Land Rei'orTH 600.00 500.00 83.^ 3 120.00 100.00 83.33 164.00 144.00 87.80 939.02 144. 00 15 .3< III 2^ 1. Medium Irrigc i? on 12800 .00 19.73 1263.42 163.71 12.95 2200^00 450.00 20.45 3000.00 670.0022.33 2 . Minor Irrigation? a) 03 M PF^ 1000.00 600.00 6.00 2077.93 66.00 3.17 2300.00 134.00 5.83 3000.00 149.00 4,96 b) i.F.S.I.D.C. 8500.00 510.00 6.00 400.00 56.50 14.13 684.00 41.04 6.00 1000.00 60.00 6.0C c) C. r . Pan chay a :i Ra j 500.00 48.65 9.73 45.00 4.50 10.00 45.00 a, 50 10,00 50.00 5.0010.0C d) Director, GWD 1000.00 60.00 6.00 44.90 3.00 6.68 71.00 4.25 5.99 75.00 4.50 6.0C -|^ 2, 3. 4-. 5. 6. 7. 8- 9. 10. 11. 12. 13- 14.

I T . 'IDN 3RGY1 a) APSEB - (Distribution 56000.00 3810.00 5.80 3873.42 700.00 18.07 3200.00 700.00 16.67 3400.00 700.00 12.96 aiid REC)^ V. m U 3 TRi:^Ss 1) Village & Small Scale Ir.d.uP tri es s

3000.00 158.88 5.30 272.53 15.^0 5.50 409.00 24.00 5.87 447.00 25.10 5.62 • '-b) iJP . S . 3 .1 . D . C . 100C.00 39.00 3.90 25.00 .1.50 6.00 25.00 1 .50 6.00 25.00 1 .50 6.00 c) ii.P.S.I.I.D.O. 2000.00 48.00 2.40 — -- -- 55.00 -- 55.00 3.30 6.00 &) Khadi & Vi llage Ind .Board .400 .00 30 .00 7.50 20.00 1 .20 6.00 40.64 2.4 4 6.00 /lO .64 2.44 6.00 e) Di r . c.i o eri cu 1 ture 3500.00 300.OC 8.57 321.74 46.57 14.47 400.00 5 4 .58 13.65 444.00 56.00 12.61 Large & Kediti.m Inds , 2) Ul a) CoTimr. of Industrie' 6372.00 382.32 — 325.00 -- -- 370.00 - ^ — 332.00 ■b) Com'rir. of Sugars 3000.00 -- — 4U 0C ' -- 130.00 - - 130 .00 c) iiPSPC 1950.00 -- — 660.00 31..75 §.81 660,00 40. ao 6'. 06 6 60 .ao TO.(TO ■'ija.'isi VI. TRF^SPCnTs

n) C.’i. Road? 9000.00 540.00 5.40 1979.60 106,90 5.40 2400,00 135.00 5.63 2400.00, 135.00 5.63 b) 0.-^. P.R. Rural Hoads 2-100.00 298.80 12.45 500.00 62,25 12.45 500.00 (MKP) 62.25 5.45 500.00 62.25 12.45 VII., Science, Technology 51.00 and environment 8 30.00 — ^ _ 4 ■ ■ 16.65 3.06 6.00 51 .00 3.06 6.00 1 12. 2. 3 . 4 . 5. 6. 7 8 9. 10 11 . 13. 14.

V III. SOCI..L S3Rv ig ::s ;

1. General Education*, a) Dt’^ecotor of School : 6.00 3233.25 376.00' 11.63 3701.54 739.76, 19.99 19516.26 1225.09 6. 28 "b) Dir. of Higher ildn. 1.86 974.52 68.00 6.98 1466.00 100.50 6.86 5477.31 109.50 2.00 c) Dir. ..ault education 2500.00 193.52 7.74 27.60 10.97- 27.60 9.52 444.57 42.11 9.4-7 .251'.6 290.C(:

2. Youth Services. ' «- Director of Youth Servicec- 3.34 42.00 0.8 4 2.00 ■ 50.00 0 .84 1 .68 188 .00 5.28 2.81 i 509.00 40 .00 7.86 1509.00 90.54 6.00 ;3. Technical Education 6.00 422.41 42.641(3009 4. Public Libraries 296.00 ^ 18.00 6.08 55.55 4.80 8.64 100.00 6.00 6.00 100.00 6.00 6.00 5. Health? w Rural Health Ol ro a) Dir. of Health (Fr 5.61 1129.31 66.35 5.88 H13.00 84.06 5.95 1781.06 132.84 7.45 b) Indian >'edicine & 240. CC Honeopathy 1000.00 60.00 5.00 179.85 11 .72 6,51 220.00 13.29 6.04 18.97 5-58 5. Sewerage aiid v/ater Supoly; a) Rural '.at-r Sun’-ly 20( 6.0-' 2532.50 179.00 6.93 2600 .00 130.00 5.00 26"0.00 130.00 5.00 b) Rura], Sanitation ; 6.00 400.00 40 .00 10 ,00 400.00 40.00 10.00 400 .00 40.00 10.00 7. Housing a) A.P. Houping '-"card 30( 6..00 350.00 21.00 6.00 350.00 21 .00 6.00 590.00 35.40 6.00 D.) of Sections housing 260( 7.81 3964.29 480.00 12.11 5997.00 468.00 7.80 5997-00 463.00 7.00 8 . Inf or’^p ti on and Publi ci ty; a) Carr’ir., I <2: p R 36C 5.00 30.29 1.70 5.61 242.00 14.52 6.00 170.00 5.00 2.94 b) ^.P. State Filn De . Coraor^'ti n'■ 1351 4.13 72.00 0.71 0.99 100 .00- 2.00 2.00 207.00 12.00 5.79 2. 3. 4‘. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1-'[.

9,' laTjour and Labour ^'elfare a) Dir-ector of Smployrient and 'Iraining 1327.00 74.22 5.59 186.00 21.47 11 .54 142.00 17.00 11 .&7 438.00 26.00 5.94 b) Special Smployinent Scheme 3500.00 350.00 10.00 294.00 29.40 10.00 200.00 20.00 10.00 300.00 21 .30 7.10

10. Director, Ti-ibal -elfare! 8000.00 «00.0053.75 2iS3.40 1657.55 75 .91 2250 . 29 ' ' gp273g 4615'<5 I'cfi i ' •1 1 . M r . y

STA'E iLAN TDTAL -- 0() 750000.00 3.42 5255.05 132559.43 4.72 7496.34 PLOW I'O T .S . a . 0 ‘ 25639.09 112520.14 4.67 6260,60 166359.37 4c51 i

------oiCO CO T .S .P .2 Draft Annual Plan 1989-90 - Tribal Sub-Plan - Physical Targets/Achievements AGHlGULTUHij: & iiLLIED SERVICES

Nv/. Itom Unit 1979-80 Seventh 1987-^8 1988-89 1989-90 1 f Level Plan Achieve­ Target Ant. Target 1985-90 ment Achi Proposed Target

• • 2 . 5. '4 . 5. 6. 7. 8 . 9.

.') Director of Agriculture 1. CROP HUSBANDRY 1. Demons11*31ions & fis ld trips including prizes & awards. DGmoris N os. 4000 679 400 - 400 2. Supply of PPEs tc ST Psrttisrs PPEs os. 6660 1845 Scheme discontiijued. 3. MYV Programms in r'^.infed areas (Rs.2/- a KG) Area Hect. 80000 -do- Seed MTs 8000 26 .026 (J1CO 4. Increasing Productivity in -p^ Tribal Farm holdings. Demons. ( 0 ,8 H a; Hect. 20000 3604 -do- 5. Supply of paddy minikits Minikits Nos. 5000 5000 5000 6. Supply cf improved Agril. Implem-nts in Dry land f arraing 1 . Implsmen ts Nos. 119 Scheme discontinued 2. Hand tools Nos. 7. I.C.D.P. Demons. Nos. 12 12 12 8. In Gensive Mes ta Devp. Programme (CSS) 1. Retting tank Nos. Scheme converted as CSS 2. Training prograraire Nos, (100% Cr.O.I.) 3. Demons Hect. 1000 9. National Pulses Dev.Prcgramme (OSS) 2!J0 Demons.(Area) Hect. 2 0 0 2 ^ 250 ■- State/Union Territory

DSAi^’i' ■iNNjJAi: j IN 1989- 90 'i' .ilEAL SUB~PL,'u^‘ H^YSIC^J- TARG-dTS/ACIiIi:m.ilNTS 2. ' 3...' 5. 6. 7 „ . 8 . Q. Estt. of Agro.aervioe centres fdr demons, and'hiring of A^ril, implements* 1. Implamsnts Nos. 3330 500 2 . Hand tools., - N .O .D .P v 1. Demons L .3 . Kos. 2 1120 1120 1120 2. Inputs kits ... Nos. 932 '■• ■3 . Iinpvd. Agril.,- Nos. JL 425& 4236 4256 ' 4. PPEs Nos. '■ 3010 3010 3010 EQ-dmic area programme, for Qontrol' of Rice Pest complex. Demons., Hect. —— 4166 4166 4166 Dryland farming in 2 villages a mandal. ~ — 7800 7800 7800 URY LAND FABMIHGt m Fertilisation of dry Irnd crops ^\rea Hect. 4-780 3045 Scheme discontinued. (jj ' Providing P.P, cover to dryland crops* Ul -do- U1 Av^:=a-- I 066O 4337 Training of farmer^'. _n dryland farmmg. -do- * .Farmers to be trsin:,d Nos. - • 594 Dev^-1'opfn'ant of dryiand f arming f. . - c t 2910 —do— int 3gr.qtod v;at'ep.-shed D-vp. Irogi^^fhroe undd? lano use bo.-ad TDroAr^mra©. S ,:A-sa ‘ H s c t. wauersha-d D'.vp. prcgramme for .\grU. (OSS) — 636 0 6000 6000 ~ Drop riianagement (Block demons« ; Hect. * - _ A ^ '2„ Lafid management (graded ’bunding) noct.- • SOIL t^QNSERVATIOK ' * Soil conservation works in i g r i l . lands. Staff r • ~ '■ . * iimoun'Cs prcvided under scheme^ No. -'19 & 21 . given towards list of I'lDR Sub—DivQe, State/Union Territoiy Statemsnt - TiSP~2, DRi*F!T iJ^KU^L E L ^ 1989-90 - THIB^L SUB-ELi^ - PHYSICAL TvlRGETS/ACHIEVEFJH TS

2, 3. 4* 5. 6* 7. 8 . 9. ilT*ector of Horticulture , Scheme for package programme on vegeta­ bles (Plan) a. D*plots ( «) (los) — 200 45 45 45 b. PPE Kos — 128 10 10 10 10 Hec 500 - 90 90 ^ 0 Q« • Area coa rage * 50 ■ % Scheme package programme on fruits (Plan) a# D'plots Nos* ~ 500 50 ' 50 ‘ 50 . 50' b- VPE No. 100 24 24 24 24 c. PEM No. — 300 165 165 16!? *16!J d. Jlrea covarage Hect* 170 .24 24 24 24 Scheme for the 7/elf are of the S. T* Farmers “

a* Beneficiaries No 6500 1000 1000 1000 1000 b« Vegetable Minikits distribution No -^25000 5000 5000 5000 5000 -m SCHEMES 1 jf,P, Measures on mango Iti 'iirea coverage Hect* — 420 30,000 30,000 30,000 50,000 6. Livestock Farms* Nos* 1 —— —~— — 7* Distribution of Lams* Nos* 60 — 8» Distribution of Breeding Bulls* Nos* 112 — ■— - ***** b) DAIRY DEV1^T.0HMT APDDGF LCPD. * . . N o ,'o f ben-ificiaries Nos. 1000 1000 1000 ^ 0 0 FISHERIF^ 3S .■m ■ * ,3000 5000 3500 State/Union Territory Statement - TSP-2, DRJiFT .m U A L PL.U'T 1989-90 TRIB/iL SUB-ELiiN HiYSICiiL T.1RGETS//»GHIEVMENT3

1. 2. 3- 4 . 5 . 6. 7 . 8. 9.

FORSSTS 1. Forestry and Wild Life Tribal Areas Sub-Plan Plantations Ha. 5^60 17500 3998.20 4018 4018 4800 3 Storege & V/areh ous ing MTS Nil -— Nil 3000 2000 2000 6 Marketing 1. Establishment of Tribal Markets No. — 18 1 2 2 a OOOPER.-^TION iT. W o w of Credit to S^T« members-? a) 3*T.""& M.T. credit - - . Rs. in Grs. 75.07 93.90 18.60 18.60 24.60 b) L.T. Credit -do- 2.00 27.00 5.70 18.60 5.70 ^ B, Departmental iissistance t0‘ Members * - ■i, floans for consumption credit to S^Ts. @ Rs.50,0/- per merxbar* Number' — 8,000 The amounts — — — 2. Grant (59%) ^"0^ discharge of are drawn and OJ consumption loans given to kept in TRICGR cn S-Ts @ R s .250/- per member. -do— 8,000 Hyderabad. 3* Grant towards discharge of over- dues of non-wilful S*T. dafavIters - @ R s.2,000/- . pbr member^ ' -do- 4,500 — - - 4. Grsnts to S»Ts. for purchase of shares @ Rs.100/- per me:nber, -do- 50 -- 5 . Farming Cooperatives Ko. of 1 1 1 1 6 . Labour Contract Cooperatives Societies -do- _ 1 1 1 1 - 7« Vegetable Growers Coops, -dc^ s1 1 1 II.. RUR..L DEVKLOEMM^T fa) IHDt^ jiNLf^iLLIED PROG^lMMES i ; IRl5i^ Main- No. of families 1,00,000 24,833 15,'466 15,466 22,000 i i ) P.iSM.\ ■ No. of families 1,00,000 26,355 23,300 23,300 23,300 i i i ) BWCEA No. of groups 215 28 20 20 , 40 (b) N.R.E.P. Employment lakh mandays •— , 10 .74 10,77 2 1.1 5 ‘ 21,64 Land Reformss 1, Tribal Survey Work (Sub-division) i\crs. 133547^ 110550 267094 196043 26709^ State/Union Territoi'y Statement - 0:Sr-2, DR..FT 1989-90 -- TRIB.IL SUB-HjilN - HiYSICia T.aRGETS/iiCH ISVEMa^IS

2. 3. 4, 5 . 6l 7 . 8. ■9.

1^ IRRIGi^TIONi 1. Medium Irrigation 1. Peddavagu Project •O'OO Ha, A O.O3I 0.317 tr 2. — 6.000 1.160 o7i57 0.857 ■ 0.850 3. Gundlav3gu Project « 0.160 — __ 4. Maddigedda Project If _ ■ 0.400 _ 0.074 0.074 __ 5. Jalleru Project n — 1.400 0.120 0.250 Q.250 . .8:x: n 6. Satnala Project — ■ 5.600 1.620 1.250 1.250 0,800

TOTilL TRIBili SUB~PL/iN8 13.591 3 .2 17 2.431 2.431 2.45

2. MH^OR IRRIG.\TION a. O.E. , Minor irrgfi. (PVD) *000 Ha. 0.500 5-100 0.730 0.450 0.450 0.250 b. APSIDC • Families "benefitted No. 805 8500 97^ 684 684 1000 ,c. 0*E., PR 1 1,P. Created Hect. 21 ^1256 120 90 90 100 d. Director of. Ground Water Dept. , w 1- Detailed surveys to delineate Area in CD potential Zones for Ground Sq.Kms, *— 5000 400 30a 300 300 1 Water Development. 2, Short term investigation to Uo, of — 4500 859 800 800 800.. select sites f^r construction sites of wells Exploratory-cum—production No. of __ 150 52 38 38 38/2 we31 construction borewells/ tubewe11s IV. iUP,3.E.B. !U Dis'frrEution ana Rurrl Electrifi- cntion 1. Tribal villages electrified Nos. '965 3810 1002 1133 1133 350 30C0 2, iigricultural Pumpsets N o s .. 828 12000. 14215 2000 2000 V. iC^DUSTRISg a. Comraissioner of Industries I , Lc.rge and Medium ocale Industries-IT os, 265- *263 275 II. Village and Small.’3cale Industries '■ 18800 225 185 185 200 III, Coir Industries., 20 20 2^ IV. Indusfcri-31 Coops. . |QO .,.19,0^ 200 ’ ■ ■ 2.»b al ■» '18800“' 2 /5 660 660 700 • i li I Inil ii I tl I til I - 1 0—C.i-j 'ii;HGETS/iiCHIEVEllffiNTS

2 , 5. 4. 5. 6. 7 . 8. 9*

0 A.P.S.S«I.D.C. 1. Miargin Money for ST Candidates Beneficiaries ~ 9 1 1 ) Dire'ctor of Sericulture i] I, re a undar Mulberry -Acres 150 4000 1536 500 500 500 2. Tassar Cocoon Production Lakh Nos. 44.50 350.00 37-00 100.00 100,00 350.00 ) ii.P.I.I.C, "Tndustrial Estates» Plots 187 — —— 328 Sheds — 17 7 ) iiNDHR^ PR2DESH ST.1TE ?INiUICIAL' • GORPORiiOJlON Bsnef ici^iries No. 57 100 100 100 < aj C.E., P.R. 1, M .W .P . Roads KMs 20 155 58 38 38 1 I. Science, Technology & ;ijAivironment i» Science Popularisation — '7 10 10 18 20 20 20 CJ1 . 2. Si'IiiP. vO I IT-,^ Social Services Gener^.l Education I v r. d)- Director of School Education . Enrolment (a ) Glasses I-V AQe Group 6-11 years ’ 000 I (b) Classes Yl-VJl (^iM'e group 11-15 yesrs) •000 0 b) Director of Higher Education 1. Grant-in-aid to Resicential DHE Jr. .College sanctioned during ;,.p. Hyd. — No Physical 3 Residential __ 1985-86 targets fixed Jr, Colleges 3 Residential __ were opened Jr. Colleges to the benefit • for S. Ts of St. Students. 2 . Continuation of posts -do- -do- Tea-ehing 15 and Teaching. 15 and sanctioned to GDO Non-teach ing-6 JN on-teach m g . Paderu, (S .T , iirea) 6 Posts, ' 5, Opening Resi. Jr. College -do­ -do- — 1 Res.Jr.College ts. T.area) at Maredumilli Providing of infrastructural facilities. ■ -do- — 4 GJCS.1 Paderu StateAJnion Territory Statement - TSP~2, DR^iFT .U'iNU.'L PL.iK 1989-90 - TRIBilL SUB-PL/iN - HiYSIC/iL TiRGETS/ilCHIEVBMMTS

1. 2. 5 . 4. 5. 6. . 7. 8. 9. 2.Pallavancha 5.Rampachodavaram 4.Utnoor. ;■) Dire,etor of Adult Educatient 1, No. of Participants lakhs ■ - 2,898 4 .5 5 5.04 4.68 9.00 2-. No. of Centres opened Under I a) Central Programme No. 4,980 6714 6400 7800 15,000 b) State Programme No. — 4,680 7656 8400 7800 15,000 2. Sports and Youth Servicc^s ifuvashakathi Persons Trained No. — — — — 110 3. Technical Education. POLYTECHNICS. a) Institutions Nos. N il 2 b) Intake Nos. Nil 240 12 60 60 c) Out Turn % N il ENGINEERING COLLEGES C*) hm — a) Institutions Nos. — o b} Intake Nos. - 22 Director of Public Librariast 4. Public iibraries No, 5 . RURi.L HE.\LTH Director of Health (:^)Minimum Needs Programmes (Tribal) No. Not available 15 15 b) INDIi>N 'xMEDIGINjSg & HOMOlTOPiiQiY DEPARTMENO? Continuance of Indian System of Medicine and Homoeopathy Dispens£>ries. No. 50 55 Conti- Conti­ nuance nuance 6, Sewerage & Water Supply. G.E.. (RWS) a. Rural Water Supply 680 1560 1560 1550 Localities covered No. ~ 9058 b. .Rural Sanitation 16 16 16 Population covered *000 — 781 10 7* HOUSING 186 .v‘5; ^957 111 111 111 TT aTPT Housing Board Each Hoiase State/Union Territory ..MUAL ELiiN 1989-90 - TlilBAL SUB-PL;J!J - HiYSICiL TARGETS/..;iCHIEVEM|['TTS^”^"^^‘^ ~ 2. 5. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

HOUSH'TG Housing/v/aaker Sections Housing No. of 0.70 0.07 0.12 0.12 0.12 Programme h ous es in Lakhs Information and Publicity a. Information & Public Relations 1. Song 8s Drama Programmes 160 160 160 300 2. Exhibitions 80 80 80 300 b* ii>P. State Pilm Dev, Cor?oration 1. Loans to Cinema Theatras Nos. 5 LiiBOUR & L.1BOUR \^F.::RE: ii. Director of Employment rnd Training ^ ORIETSIVIEN TR.'ilNING SCHERIES 1. Estt. of R.I.T.Is. for Scheduled Tribes. Seats 250 180 180 180 180 100 200 200 200 2. Construction of Hostels, for t.Ts 500 Cl) 3 . Establishment of R.I.T.I. at ON Araku. ^ Seats 100 100 100 100 4. Establishment of R.I.T^I. at Mannanur. Seats 100 100 100 100 ■ 750 4S0 580 580 580

B. Special Employment Scheme No. of • 4900 471 147 147 765 Benefi- caries Statement-TSP-2.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 .“ " 9 . — — — Nos. 225 30(new) 10 (new) 235 contd . Maintenance of ) 235 hostels. 2. y^shram Schools Nos. 332 30(new) 8 (new) - 340 contd . Maintenance of 332 (contd) 340 schools 3. Residential Schools Nos. - 8 “ 8 contd . Maintenance of 8 Res.Schools, 4. Incentives to ST students(dress, No.of ST 0.69 1.00 0.73 0^74 0.736 0,737 students b loks etc.) . benef. in lakhs * 5. Pre~matric scholars!ios No.of ST 0.22 0.50 0*35 0.45 0.45 0.50 lakh stu­ benef. in dents . lakhs. 6« Construction of educational b u i l d i n g s . Nos. 197 200 il3 115 100 buildings. 7, Coffee Plantations-. Acs. 1650 750 470 674 Maintenance of CO 3074 Acs. o\ 8 ,A d d l .Teacher posts. Nos. - —— 512 teachers. ro Womeia & lle]^f^re_ i Nutrijtion. A a)Children Homes -"’Homt s continued No. 67 4 4 4 Beneficiaries No. - 240 240 240 240 b) Wo men 8, Child We If are Centres. Centres continued No. 13 13 13 13 BenGficiaires. No. “ 2640 2640 2640 2640 c)'’lomen’ s Cooo.Finance Corooration Bonefj cinries. No . 1200 1000 1000 lOnri d)Nutrition - Projects. No. 79 76960 Beroficiaries. No. - 39970(old) 39970(old)-39970(old) +3 6990 (nQ\N) -3 6990 (new) aVEP-1 DRii'T JiNlTOj® PLiN 1989-90 MPLOIilENT CONTENT OP SliKTOR/lL PR0GR6MES. - OUTLAY JSND EXPENDITURE . - '' (^Rs, la jchg )

'Outlay aua Expefi(Uture Fame of the, sector. Seve^Bth '^l987-88;.-'- - 1988-89 . 1989-90 p iW • ift^ual. • ” -Anticipated proposed -(1S?b5-90) Expen- ^^Sxpeijditure '■ outlay igreed , diture outlay , \ 5. 4. 1. 3 ." -f- '

I please, refer Gk*-1. 'Statement o\ CO. I 2 -Draft --innual plan 1989-90 - i5nr)lo:,:.-or]t GoRtent of Seotoral PD'ograamea-- I'argetg and i's^^ieveiients ■

Se-ventTi'plan ^taitional % rect Eiapp'loyment 19,89‘-90 Target Name of the Sector (1985-90) Generated (Nos*) 'proposed

- - ^ 1987“88 -^Gtual 1988^9 -Anticipated Oonstr'uc~ Oontin^t* Construe- Gontinu------— ------tion tion (per- ing Construe" Contlnu- OD,nstru#~‘Continu- (person son days^ (person tion Ing tion (Per- ing days) ^ '' 1 }-hr :/ear (Person dayj)(person son days) (Person in lakhs “ - ‘ ' in lalchs year) in igkhs year) i . " " ' 5/ ~ 8 . ^ 9 .

1 . Agricultural and Allied 147*57 38,95 33,31 34.14 Services I I , Hural Developiaent 1147%8^, ■^46,13 399*93 3,79*57 in ,S p e cia l irea p iDgraiime5 t (j) T7» Irrigation and I'lood 4§37,41 687.16 1023*3*9 1109.?4 Control • I ^,.]5nergy . - 121^41 28*84 29*89 30.40 yi,Industry and Minerals - 29*68 5*41 4..^l'4■ 1*22 VII,Transport and Comuiunica- ' ' ' • ' tions ■ 510.03 9D«7r 107,44 103*8? IX. Science end Teohnolbgy ^ and ronment „ - X. General S^nomic Services ■ “ XI. Social SeWoes 2576;61 5S3.-77 611.43 667.25 XII*General Services _ .*■ • ' 1 ~ " " Grand Tot a,1; W 0 . 5 l ’ ..1591^05 ' * 2209. 69' * ' 2325V44 * * -ho Estiraates are imder compilat ion. WiiPr ..MILiL riuiJ U83-J0 T> J.-'* -1 • i ♦ ;e:: "EPiF.iLIY ^ IDE^ rROffSCTS (^'S. in lakhs).

SI. Sector Source Nane of the pro.lecb Tcrr-iinal Extension Credit Total • Expendi- 7fch Five Ho. Gredifc 3Sane T;abe' of date date ifany. Conpo- cost ture upto Year Plan No. agree- (Original) nent (latest) the VII outlay nent. (latest) Five Year Plan(Dur­ ing 71 PY?) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 -

r.AG:ncuLTnji?i\i e x t e n s io n ' trojisct 1. Agriculture I^D.A 1213-xAT 2.5.82 3 1 .3 ,8 8 31.3.89 G ni] lion 782.00 ■ 281.083 1000.00 dollars . •• ' ARAM w atershed: ■ . 2. A.'^riculture I.D.A 1424-IH 8.2.84 31.12.91 Likely to be Rs. iO7,40 Fs. 582.00^,11.529 582.002 continued ( 70fc of upto 1994, total ^ t cost) ‘ ' ti> o fOB-^JIUDA V aTEuSIIED T 3 . /. ^riculture- I.D .A 8 .2 .8 4 Yet to be 700.00 Rs. 1000,..00- - 1000.00 — fixed (70% of total cost)

1. ?'0IiE3I!RY Canadian. - CII]Li 23.3,84 31.3.88 proposal Grant 3984 312.160 4248.270 :,id Aided Social . subi-itted Forestry pro- to GovernE.ent Oecfe in A.p. ' of In d i“;for extension upto 31.3.90 D ..3 1D.4L !£..¥ * • i • ix^'rnvILly . l^e'1: prooecfjs ■(f:. 1-khs)

31. -Sector____ ljP5-8g______^ _ l:iP3-B7__ ig87^ag 1988.8;j Percent a.xre 1^88-89 198J-90 No. Oufcl'-.y Expen'TI OuFlay Sxpdr, Oiflay WpTi. “Oufclay ■gxpclr.. cor.pleted Ta r;"e"" proposed ture. ( antici­ in pijysi- percen­ outl-y pated) cul terns tage of up to , conple~ March'88. tion. 13 14 15 16 1? 18 vl9 20 21' 22 23.

‘ ■ (A) A. I .aQI ICUT.roimL E.LDMSIQIT ; raOJBCT _ 1.u,^ricultur3 200.000 193.720 220.000 211.808 200.000 2.;»0.348 '220.000 220.000 190.000 . . . aP .M. PaOJBC? 2.;.g r i. 5u.3J 5J.214 84.529 'lg4.'00 128.20 30 . 00 1 30 . 00 l);.rable l-^nd 42fo 50^/b 100.00 2)Non-arable Ind. ' 37^ &&fo

(Q V7.. ^EaSIiBDS

- os t l.FORESrivY 705.000 585.420 810.000 75;.230 800.000 605.522 900.(D0 900.000 45.999 21.186 'ZjOO.OOO ..NIJU L TLxJJ 1989-90 X* xtcinall;; .iided project

SI. Sector Source Naae of the pioject Tarni. Exten- Credit Total Bxpdr. Vth Five No. Credit Name Date of nal ’ sion conponent cost upto year plan No. xigree- date date if (latest) (latest) the outlay. nent (origi. any. 6th Five nal) • year plan Xv- . 8 \ 11 12. _ ■I'u ______- - -• l.Irri^a- I.H. Gr.1665-IN 3ecord t ion. Andhra 28.5.86 30,6.94 •CreditlT. S .$ JJ.s A Nil Rs. 500. Ocrores I.S .R . P. - p rade sh 140. M 475.8 M ' (for S. Vi. B.C. & Ln 2S62-n Irriga­ • ■ (Rs. 1820.0IJ5) (te.6lS5.10M) S. S. sub-pro­ tion Loan TJ.S'.^^ jects for Bank project 131.0 M and Non-Bank < (Sx?BC & fe.l70 3.0_M • ' works.V SRS sub- Total U.S.$ 271.OM project) (fe.3523.0 M) I CJ o\ 2.1rri-^n. I. P./.. 177Q-IN X.W.M.P. .i.i. Rs. 1 4 8 .2crQreis' „ ,.q no ( 114.0 M,US $) Nil Rs. l.OOcrores State works 12.5.87 31. 3.94 - ^ . •> ' crores I ccnprisin^ fe.6 8 .72crores of eight ( .P^ conponent) sub-projects vizJJ.R. p. S. 2^Mylavaran 3;Niznsa/?ar 4)Selected areas under TBP,LLC 5)Selected are-a under ■■ E.G . canal S)'Nagar juna- st.gar Hight caaal. 7) Ngar juna sagar Left canal : 8)fhandava Reservoir pro ject. ..I’LU,] ^ L.N U3JI-J0

■Sxt.'rmlly x . ic'e.-'' projects

SI. Sect: or 1^85-86 1^8C.87 1387-88 1^88-89 Percentage 1988-89 1989-90 Soe, ou,F-'"Expen~ Out- jilxpd'i. - EXpdr. OuE$Iy Expdr, conpletion Targetted proposed I'-y. diture lay. lay (approved) {jinbici- in physi­ percentage outlay pafced*) cal terns of 'Conple­ upto tion-. March,’88, 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22 i 23.

Utrri.^ation Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil SRBO ;PiS. 13.00crores Works are pro­ SPiBC: 35. OOcrore for Bank works out ® posed to be 69S(.'ipprox) Nil Nil of a total of 14.0 grounded in crores earlier November,88 earmarked and likely onlyi SRSr :45.00crore to be increaed to Rs.22.0crores for Bank .nd Non-Bank work % 2-irrigation Nil Nil Nil ^U1 Nil Nil 1 .50crores 1*50 Sorks are propo-^, crores sed to be gro- crnrPsMi 7Q CO unded under c ,-nWr,v, crores is the •3iv * IDw S 4- CT i. ^ ^ t ^ i-v ^ 2i25 during 88-89. , g^.appraisal crores report which (B fb O O has been taken into Criteria ^ Crores-- work ingout ■••SRSP^s#21^50 CxQ.for t;jjg percentage. Bank work- out of « rs21#5|0 total 35 ep@ e.^ilea? ©rores earmarited lively to be iaaereaaed to . - ls^O,©0 ^ 01^ s foi* .IMUAI PIAJI 1983-90 Exterry Ai<^ad Projects (F; lakhs)

SI. Sector Source Nane of ohe project lerninal E xten- Credi' Totul Expdr. 7th Five K 0. Credifc Name Site of d a t e ,if sion conpo- cost upto year plan No. agreenen*: any. if any nent ^ a t e s t ) the year outlayi (latest) 6th Five year plan. 8 9 10 11 12.

EE<^ aided l.ilinor Irri EEC > ■ t^ation Fin-^r Irr. 8.3.85 7.3.89 Requested 30I.IECU 30MECU Nil B5C agreenont tank pro­ $ 1 sector of iTo.NA/ upto 3/90 or or ject ( supply Irrigation 8 4 /1 0 . f’s. 33.9 3 33.9 3 ■A of fertili­ I T* & C. . D, crores^ crores sers 1^84 Pept. ofii. X. and counter part funding I of related developnent v£> projects) - v; I J pavER SFD 1/38 S?'udl fi nd 2 .6 .7 7 31. 10.86 conclu­ 350.442 fe.40426 Fs. 29 , 300. 3 5000.00 for devrlop- ded n illio n neni^, 1 os n Saudi { revised aas-i-stance riyals project to Srisi ilam ( final estinate and Sa^rr jxina-^. ■ reinijurSe. aspre- sa^ar power nerit con- pared pro^ cts. treat tre« in’ 84) at-:d 'TPO-s closed) estinate is fur*-her being revised. a . , I i'O

1j '-7-8'3_____ 1^33-83____^ rerGenfc .ge 1J88-89 y-JO r Cutl..y Expdr. Bxpdr. .ppd. -.ctjual ..ppd. “ ..nFI- coiriplefeion Target tad proposed outiay Expr. oanlay cipa- in physical percsrifc :ige outlay. ted tei:ns upfco of Gonple- "Dxpr. Ma r ch , 88 . tion, 13 li 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23. l.MifK)r Irri- Tribion 156,00 314.00 203.00 BOO.O 800.00 16. 40.04^ 860.00 ssalroi^ of Irci /;’: .bicn oc C.-i^D.Dopt. of Only b'l-Lnce 1500,00 1500.00 100^ I 0\7S2 1000.00 84J.91 154^.G7 1510.68 1500.00 1363 Givil works ( i. e. 'ill the of den and 1500.00 First four protection units were to flunks comnissioned) etc.are in T^rOi^ress .ilTm.L ?L..N 1389-90 -!->•TT- ‘i*.. X » l^xfcirnr.lly ..iut?d Projects

31. Sector Source Uo!.i:ie of the px’oject Terninal Exten- Credit Total Expdr. 7th Five year No. Credit Nane ~ Date of date sion conpc cost upto the plan ouulay No. a^'reeinent (Original) date nentent (latest) 6th Five ^--- T—rr>— if any ( latest) year pl.n '■PP"- ip‘- 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Co’~'nn. 12. 12b.

1 . r Ov! jxi Ojii U.K./Indian a i 4 . ::i/ . _.f?r Nagarjuna- ,..20.3.87-) 31.3.^90” 2,9 0 3,'6 30 s “i'' ■ hr TJ K .power pro jsct' . * ' ’ ■ ■ . : M’ ■%ianfc 198^j--5 ' C * ^ ■■ •. OTATj'. * \0O 1- -K V ' ' • p)Nagar3unasa,"ar ieft Canal ilES 4955 112 439 6 4169

J .: b);Nagaa;)Jlmasa/:^a'i: Sight: Canal IIES ;;i622,: 105 1416 ^^""1437 CO' y , ' .JQ>00 , ' a ^ ■ Ti ■>1 OEGP¥li.§43 ' "^saiiau ■ • ' Japan • Left Bank ' power 1 0 . 2. 88' 10.2.93 - ■ 26,101 MY; 41800 ~ ■ Hause " *- ~ ~ '■ ~ - • ■ - - or - ~ ..... 51000- * ------_ ^ 25,00b (latest) lakhs rL.N as:;-90 Extern-lly i-:l0d project;

§1 . Secbor IJ85-86. JL386-87 _ ; lj^8r69 : E€':^Geiata^e ii?8a*8^. j 198»-9-G no. S u t n y Expdr.t^uti-^-y ®'‘ 1 - i«7icpnplei5rc>a ouclay * K® outlay pafcetf in physi- pe£oen- ■ o^tlay-i lixpar. Expdr.' o^l fcerns cage of upfco March conple- 1388 tion» 13 14 15 le a? 18 19 20 21 2A . f ... 1. a.Nar'^^.rjun^.- 33.e,ST Left Civil 2050 CanalllES 330 101 340 £>£. 600 - '1400 1500 Civil - >•" •E' & M E « M b.-Na^ar junai . sagar Ilic%ib i- Civil Civil ♦ 70D Canal IIESv: 25 IV 100 9 400 I ll J 600 600 V -S'- & M & M ;. iri

2.P0Y/Eil 500 IQ 625 ■rr » .1!’ • -■'ir .r : t m - C-'. i ;\- Uj'.xi rUiL'i —- GF:i\LI” ^(lDEn rR0."”FCT3 (Rs,in laldis)

SI »Noo Sector Source Name of the pixjic:-.': ■ lermiual H'xtui ii>iori . j Credit Total Ixpenditnre S-iV enth ______- Data, Dai. 3, if Coaipon" Cost upto the Sixth Five Year Credit Name Date of (Original) any (latest)Five Year Plan, plan II . . No. iigreement (latest) Outlay 1 . 2, 3. 4, 5. 6,' 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Edacatica . Overseas Develop Primary SAools for a period ^f ^even 7426.50 21.69 1584.00, msnt AdminiiStra- Project with years from lfc39~90 (From 1,1,1985 tion of United xhe assictance to 1995-96 to 31.3.1985) Kingdom ' of United urban Watvjr gupply & Bewer age

Chief Engine or, Hyd,Metro Water Wortes O) i) tvan csities Manjira Manjira JI.S*Scheme 1000.00 7500.00 Ol of Hyd, adcKBS: and river fhasQ-III(Singoor i-roject) Seouaderabad Stage.I & I I

E) of I^rove- existing Sewerage system in twin cdt- ’1125.00 ies of Hyderabad existing and Secunderabad Sewerage SjJst am . - 3) Slum impr overfi-jnt Slim Improvement ir'rojjQt vdth ,ODA i'roject with 0DA(UK) (UK) assistance Assistance

a) Municipal Corporp+ion -do- 840.00 of Hyderabad J' b) Mundpal Corp®ration Visakhapatnam -do- * CO. (Rs. in iakhs)

lt)86—'37 iso7-ao li) J-.J—39 ierc&niage of l^c:j-3Q 1^09-90 completion in Targetted proposed Outlay Bxpan- Outlay Expen~ Outlay E:^<3n Out-Szpon- physical teims parccsntsge outlay cJiture diture diture lay

Edacation 110.00 73.63 69.00 56.56 150.00 111,94 43,00 43.00 100^ -84 primaiy 30 Teablsiers 1252,00 School buildings Contres,bui in tha project Idings are dists.of RR.Dlst undsr constn. Madak,Nalgonda thr;xigh pmcha Kh£BBmam,ilQaQtapur yat Raj,Engg,Dept Cuddapah,Chittoor rrogress report Kurnool,Vij ayar awaited* ■ nagaram,Visakha- pataam &Srlkakulam wore ccaistructed Urban Water Supply L CO 1) tvdn cities 1200.00 1252.413 2000.f0 1661. 2100.000 1774* 2100.814^.000 20^'- 3107.360 of Hjjkd.& S&c» bad 53 458 t>OC 2) Rtamodolling cf 2.370 2.870 165. 400.000 162. 400. 400.00 29^ 36^ 392.040 uJSisting savor ago 140 946 • 000 systom in twin cities of Hyd ftSscundorobad 3) ^um Improvemont f-ro- ject with ODAflJK) ■ assistanco a) Miinicipal Corpora- - ^ .0 0 673,46 940.00 tion of Hydorabad

b) Municipal ccrpcri- ticn of Visakha- - 400.00 pa’tftam DiL..£“r iiHMLiL ILiiN Jii. . i • Externally .\ided Projects (r.5 in lakhs) Sector source Na::ie of the pronect Ternlnal Exten- Credit Total ?xpr. 7th~five , ... Date of Sion compo- cost upto the year plan a

uoy.i NIL rrovLdim; sff^ dri-pg , . , IJethe rlands nkliic; water t4 IVl ..ot 600 1 1 .55crorss 1,227.605 Gove rnnent flu®rid3 affc^cted , ^ --rise scribed revised villar'Tes ii ^'iP7 -da- NII Tiarsi OF'^S sc'hene extpnsion tc 30 9.4.86 -do- -do- NIL -2.92crores Not arise addlk villa/5€ s in (Ent i- prakasa..! pi£ t . of xip, rely tl ,{?,rant) c>JD -do- NIL PWS schene to parchur & :tsi 69 other villages in 20.7^87 ^do- -do- -do- 7.356 " ■ -do-- If p raka san di et. in ..P. -do- NIL Providir '2 CIWS schene- to 62 villages in 20.7,87 -do- -do^ NI] •do- Kurnool AP, ^3. -do- NIL providing ClwS schene to 64 v>.lla£.es in isledak disfc.of .tP. 20.7.8 7 -do- -do- WIL 6.40 '' -do- vS. -do- ML Providiiig GIWS sch-ne to Ghinranaioor & 35 other villages in 20. 7.87 -do-., -do- NIL 4. 326 " •d 0- other villages in Mahabutn'igai- disfc.of AP. D.Vxli?? ..iV-:vU,T ‘l L.,.: ■■'xt'-rn ;lly .11 ;ri projaots (Rs in 1 ikhs)

1^86-87 ___li}3 7~88 P 88-89 Tercentage 1J88-89 ‘1- Sector 1J85-83 1989-90 OUfr-.y- '■'EYpdr. Outlay Expdr. ^xppd. .xctual -'PP

175.00 17 j. k./ 30.0 3 69. 3438 j; 30.8337 .ilnost NIL - conpleted 75.00 Rot Not I 1^6.5563 1I 145.44368 80^ conpleted 20^0 - .-.rise arise j

'nil j1 215.00 NIL 33. 33fo - 623.00 [1020.00 « .IM. NIL j 314. 58 NIL 33. 33 ^ ON - a Nil 230.00 NIL 33. 33-7^ I OTL -■ 221.20 NIL 33. 33fo iJ^NUAL. irLAK 1989-90 - WuTER SUi'iLY i»ND SANITATION SECTOR SCHEME-WISE STATEMENT W .S.l DETAILS-OF URBAN WATEh SUt i LY/SMIT*»TIGN (Rupees In lakhs) Name of the Scope Total Estimated Cost and Funding TIME FRAME fotal Outlay Actual fro^ect/ of the Fattern(Agency-wise v iz ., Statens during during Expd. Scheme. tToject/ Budgetary provision, external assi­ Date Target Expd, 7th during Scheme stance, L» I, C,, Local Bodit, other of Date incurr­ Flan 1987-88 Beneficiaries contribution etc. Star­ of ed upto (Agency- (Agency- yrider VIMUKTHI PROGRAMME ~ ting. Comp­ 31,3.87 wise) wise) Estimate Stete 50^ HUDCo” letion (Agency* (1085- Cost, Grant Loan, wise) l 9 9 C ) 2. 3. 4. _ 5. - 6^ - • ' • ■7." ' 8. 9 . 10.


NIZ**MAB.*D Improvement ■143.700 71.85 71.850 July,85 July 89 25.50 71.850 - C / . w V.' of Urban Sanitation N^LGOND** 179-190 89*595 ■89,5Q5 April85 April 89 14,37 89* 595 20,00 KaR EE^^N^iG;J^ ■ 99.630 4 ^ 7 6 5 49,765 II II 19.52 49,765 1 , Oo MiiLKAJGIRI 78,480 39, mO 39.240 II It 18 , \J0 39,240 BO DtiAN l04»5\jo 52.250 52,250 •'86 II 90 9,38 52*250 lOiOO W It k a d ir i SO'.lOO 4o . v^SO 40,050 "86 90 10,0:; ^ 0 # wOU 15,00 •-4 NUZUVID lw5.24 52.620 52.620 "86 II 90 10,00 52,620 — SALDIi 7w.66 35.33w 35,330 "85 It 89 10,47 35,330 — VIJAYaWAD^ 338.00 16 q* 0>^ j "86 II 90 68,66 137.715 VISa KH^U ^TI'IAM 579.00 289.5. j 289,5 j 0 Sep.86 Sept, 90 QC.OO 28Q.S00 20.'^^ ivAKINADii 539.610 269.8^5 269,805 Sep.86 Sept, 90 4 w. 0\.. 269,805 2 5 .vO chirala 163.680 81.840 81.84^ " 86 It 90 10.00 48,085 N ELlOiriE 363.780 I8l.890 181.8n0 " 86 11 90 30.00 - Cl0^ V... , 'v/ CUDDAi^AH 288.480 144.240 144.240 " 86 II 90 30.00 mm In . 715 * SIRiUR T38.810 69*405 6 q .4.^5 " 86 11 q: 9.075 - 20. or HINDUi’UR 223,470 111.735 111,735 " 86 It 9j 1 0 .o: 5-,?:' 2 " . CO KUKATi^LY 81.410 4>^i. 705 40.705 April87 April 9l 3.45 - 3.17 KAtR^ 21.170 10.585 lu.585 " 87 ti 9l 2 *o::- - 2.75 • aLWAL 25.630 12.815 12.815 " 87 II 9l 2.01 - 2.75 QUTUBULL^aUR 53.6w'i-' 26,800 26,8 :o " 87 It 9l 2.0 o — II 9M 2,00 2.75 HAJENIl.AK^*GAri ^27.750 _ 13,875 13.875 " 87 _ f M- • ^ > t o t a l *. 3705,79’ “ ”1852,895 " 1852;895" 416.425 233.885 tiicely froposea jrhysicaX expenditure . Outlay po~ . L ^ e ly ^ during (1 c>88-8 for ‘'*3488 during ' &i^n g ' Remsrks (Agency-wise) (Agency-wise) l'^S-8Q lC®p«.QO 1 . 2 . 12. 1^3, ■14. - ' IS . 16. ' 17. 1 1 . -L V 26 .35v- 2S50 4316 4316 2 . 5 . C/iy 45.225 - 87^5 3260 3260 3 . 10 . 0 o 10.245 g2<^Q 2820 2S21 4 . 5 m wG 11.240 12) 1753 1753 2o.0'J 12.870 17 5 j grtQO 29GO 5 .0 0 lij • C5vj 2012 2912 7 . 15 . u j 22*620 768 1604 1604 8. 24.860 1062 1062 O'- ' 9. # o 20.34 ^ a£76 .B184 1C« 6vJ. .-0 :^Q»-5oo 2625 8671 8671 11. 5\j .ui.'0 811 778 12» 3 » 3>^ .0 v'^' 1735 1735 1 3 . 2u.000 3067 3067 ' r\r-'\ 14. 2 , Vj W 22S6 2256 15. 26.225 5:>a 16. 3 .:c 3&. - >_'0 -20 403 17. 10,00 9.15Gi 1 3 5 8 1358 8 . 2.S36 10 ID I 3. u6'5 181 5.00 3,050 983 3,51 -3.S16 353 ' t>364 -• "A*'- ■« T o m t 234.51 480 *^^4 50020 'S0D22 a. 3- 4. 6, 1. 8. Q. i : . 11

0 TJNDSh S. ONSQuED SCHEMES; (a) Ongoing Schemes ( Gcvt,Loan/Govt .of Indi?i Grant)

ADOMI 83.81 41, o ;5 4 1 . q : 5

BOBSILI 51,43 25.715 25.715

M^iND^ET ^•^2 #4v^ 4 6 .2 .^ 46,2.::. •WF,W SCHEKBSr:

JjiNGAOK 6 3.12 .34.C6 34; 06

TOT^^; 295.76 ’*1.47,88 ’ 14V.-B3

G M D TOT*J.; 4./J1.55 2; 00.775 2oo ^.775 416.425 223*885 CO -4 vp i. 2. ; 12. 13. 14, IS, 16. 17. « . - ^ - - - - . »

1, 41 #906 - •• *5." ' • —

2, 25.715 - - 2432.

3* 46.20 - - 5772 NBtf SaiBMSSi 1. - 34,06 -

fOTAL 113782 34706 "lio97 " 12469 2610

(28®D TOT,*Ls 348.33 515.00 15097 62479 52632


Scope of Total estimated cost Time frame Total expr, outlay the and funding pattern . S.No, Name of the Iroject/Scheme incurred during Iroject/ (Aeency-wise viz. Date of Target upto 7th Schemes, Stete^s budgetary pro­ start- date of 31-05-1907 plan vision, external ass­ in^e comple­ (Agency-wise) ( agency istance, X-IC. Local tion. wise), Body, Other Beneficia­ ries contribution etc, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6, 7, 0. /VVD- neTfZOPOL/TAH ON GOING SCHEl'ffiS?

1(a) Extension & Improvement of Water supply to Grant-in-aid This is a continuous Wcter Gupply, Tvin Cities 'of from the Govt, process, 53,543 45C,X->© Hyd, & Sec.bad,, of A .r. including Remo­ delling Sewera­ ('b) VI.S, to Slums, ge System, -do*- 1 1C,000 50.00 2 Diversion of surplus water from ' ff*sa^.ar to 0 ’ Se{,ar, 1904-05 1900 53.955 2^0,00 3)Man3ii a vr.S.S. i hase-Il, 1972-03 Completed 10,406 25C.00 4-)Remodellint: of ];istribution System, 1972-7? 1990 0 99.-045 0 5CC,00 5)W .S. to Ordance Eactory, 1905-06 1900 0 5,350 0 •6 jM&njira W.S.S, i hase-HI, 1970-79 1991 1524,321 5600.00 7 jReanarch & Development, 0.490 10,00 8 ;Au£m-jntation of V5,S« from river . Krishna prsaiar), - - 9.967 400,00 9 )Remodellint^ of uxisting drainage System in the Twin Ci'ties, 1906 1990 16.2.946 . 1123.00 statement - W.S.1 (Contd.) (Rs. lakhs) Likely i roposed Actual ihysical progress Expr. ex^-r. outlay Rc

1. 9. 10, 11. 12. 13. 15.

1 55.545 47.000 47.00 This is a continuous process. Extension of pipe line 1G.OOG 1G.C00 ■;: 10.00 to un-servod and ill-served ares, 2. 53.955 10.C0 10,00 T he works conaplcted. For installation of new punpset. 5 . IQ.406 32.500 .32*50 For payments to the land Acquisition char£es and clains under '.Arbitration, 4- 99.C45 4C,0CC 40;00 ■ The works identified in the project report prepared by M/s» Tcta Consulting Engineers, 03 55^ works coapleted. Balance work is in progress. CO 3.000 to 6, 1524.321 1920,000 1920.00 G.490 0,500 • 0.50 0 , 9.967 37.000- 37^00 T 0 take preliainarj work to acquired lands during 1909-90. 9. 162.946 400.000 400,00 Vork is in proferess^ £> '■ i. •r. s, -I.' rn ev fS9 ta »• . ?t > 1. N&mo of the Scop3 of Hbtal estiaiatod ccs't- jame rrame OLitle’/ durine: Sdi euie the project/ & funding patter-'^ Date Tar^a't ex pen Govtr x t g — '^ tEi scherne(lakli ^ C4^-''cy vise)_ Tots of datf.2 of di cure srant I.oan gallons per Go’^ r ' LXC 'mpI. strr- comple--=. incurr­ &y) f'psn't Loan ing ticn eel upto butio’^ 31,3087 2 , *0 • • 4 . 5 - be f * 8, -K 10„ H r 12 : i5. = cs -=»•■» w =r» » i^s sirf c j ’ V- c» aa «» «3 =7 t B3 . j S-« 0 » TiJ —• K* CT t-» 1=^ r j —J .E. GOnS^StiliEMi^S:- W-TEd SUPPLY ' 5C 0 '82 108''! 153.88 201*62 4 6 .4 0 218, PS.. 0 Nalgonda 25.00 414 r 06 86,50 .60 » Qag->le 33. 00 302,10 12^.17 431,2':’ •83 1080 80.27 243.00 I2'ni7 372.17 _ . Guntakal 10.00 218.60 104.85 •323.45 '81 1090 51-63 31.00 75.05 206;q5... +15.00MC • Machilipatnam 34.00 363.08 141.80 504.88 »83 looo 202 . 37 221.00 141.80 362.go • Gunturfwith Icpishna river as source) 100.00 1Q59.30 200.00 224Q.30 '81 1002 ' 603.51 1101.53 180.00 12S1.5T .Phase,I of Master Plan Water Supply Schemes in 4^ Municipalities 2658.50 t9 1041.50 4600.00 ‘ 87= '80^00 - “ ' W NEW SiiTEH SUPPLY SCHEMES! .88 CO. lb renovate ■ ISO be deposited with iVs the depleted •88-80 25.00 25.00 '88= APliC L t a ,, per the source of 8Q decision trJien in the i^PIIC Ltd., ffl^eting held on 4 /7 /8 8 in for giving the chanibers of Principal W£ter supply Secretary to Govt. 5idu=. to Cuddapahr stries ci Commerce Deptt,, tovm. ■ ' m. D a» K9 rt> 23 :b 0 w «» err ro a CO :•? ca tr» » ,* CO r- ■» S3 as m e * C>B7B>0E3C7a^GSIB9a^ tn T'j ^ S=» _w tli f-- «B» S» « n . /-ctuc.1 expenditure Likely expenditure Proposed outlay ;i 1 _ Physd csl prop.ri-SS HO u CU.r3.ijgn v« T 1 oO *7 Qoc C.^ uui1 T> *TXXi^ Y\C7 '88- 89 (Agency I Oi XT OlA upto Liteiy Flamed Bemarl-rs . .. wise^ f Af'encwise^ 31-3-88 auring auring Govt. Lie Obtal Govt, Lie Ibtel grant ^88=89 '89=90 Loan grant Loan I . 1 4 . 1 5 . 1 6 , 1 7 , 1 8 . 1 9 . 20. ■ 2i; * ‘ 22; ■ 23. 2 4 . ■ - V x» » . » sa w » c=3 JP » m => B» » CB «• 9 S> m 1e» TO 3» » =» *»' =5 ca ts S>at9 B» B9 £=> .TT ea at> o D eai

1, 106.37 1 2 .8 8 m 12.88 3» 52^ 48^ 10^.73 120.00 3Q.17 150.17 sa - - ' . 44^ 56% 3, 45.05 “ - -73.17 4,1« 85 115.02 30^ 30% 40^ A 73.88 5.00 «» ,5^00 ,78.00 76.80 154.80 56^ 14^ 31^

1 ^ 171.69 208.12 ,208.12 i2r.oe 121*00 242 . 00 34^ 9^ 11^ 1 OJ 401.29 1000.00 - 1000.00 620 . 00 9% 43^ CO ^ 0 . 0 0 - 48^ 4^ / ^ 25.00 as 25.00 _ 100^ 1 89 0 79 S9S> 1 3, 4 . 5. 6. 8. 10 , ■ ' n ; ■ ■ 12.' ■ 13.

Vis#tep&tnam WS IS (with Rai.- ■E) give Wfcd*l|. Yeleru systems as Addl,supply sotian^ of 160 lakh 9.30 23.36 32.66 88»8q ^1-92 356^,85 gls. day to ihe people of Vizag*

PriiB^y s-chetnes in 5 towns aKj^r discassians with C.M, augment in newly rons tituted the 88=, 8'^ oi„q2 MiJaifcibalitres & in other existing pr*»ity towns) W.S. syslietns. a> 1, 14. 15. IS. 17* 18. IQ, 20, 21, 22. 23, 24,

8. ^ - 116,83 115.83 I I 442,83 160,35 603,18 5 9, . 204.36 323.82 328,18 fl 0

,s b o tm w0 o 1575,36 278,82 1854*18 1335,00 400.00 ' 1735. Oo

u> a\CO Annut.“r' Plan 1989-90 Supply & Sanit'Ltion Sector D^;;tiils of Rural Water Supply

S3s:, Modi of Water ^ up ply Physical Target /aGhiovom^nt (NO,of Revenue villages & Population in lakhs) N o . Total NO.of Tfeeget Actual Anticioat'--d P r o p o s e d Villages yet for achievement achievement target for to be covered the during during 19 8 ^ 8 9 as on 1.4.85 Seventh 1987- 88 19 83-89 P l a n (19 8Z-90) ; To Of Total Of “fotal'o'f Total o£ T o t a l ~ 0 l t a l which whi ch w h ic h v/hich whi?>h PVs. 1 - 2- 3- 4 . 5 . 6. 7. 8 . 9 . 10. 1 1 . 12 .


1, Piped Water Supply 1151 i 1151 1151 1151 155 155 15C 150 15C 250 0 1 2. TubewGlis with power 00 19 37 19 37 19 37 312 312 160 160 200 750 (i CO pumps 19 37 3. Tubewe 11s with h a n d . 1 '4:C 89 0 89 0 8 50 pu.mps 4829 4329 4829 4829 44 200 4. Sanitary wells ------S. Oth..r (Spc^cify) r yC" ■ X.t Ki e s t t . charg s etc., - — - — - — — — T o tal ( m P 7917 7917 7917 7917 511 511^ 1200 1200 120C 1200

B . Cent ra 1 _Se^ctor( ARWSP) 1.Piped Wat^r Supply 1151 1151 1151 1151 165 165t 280 180 15 C 35C ^ 2, Tube wells with power 1719 1719 1719 1719 200 200 300 300 275 65 0 5) punps 5047 22 64 3. Tube wells with hand 5047 5047 5C47 2264 720 92C 875 300 0 punps 4. Sanitary veils - - — — — * “ - 0 5. Others (Specify) - - - - — — — — - k

TotaK ARWSP) 7917 7917 7917 7917 2629 2629 1300 1300 1300 1300 Total(A+B) " 1 5 8 ^ 4 ' ~lia^4"lS834“ 3140"3140 2500 2500" 2500 2500 -Z- STATE.MBNT No.WS 2 ( contd)

Si. NO. Hodeoi W ater Outlay /Expenditure (Rs.ln Ia)

A. State Sector(MS!B) T'- 1 .P i p e d Water supply 08000.0 2C90.5 2133.0 2133.0 2133.0 2TTuJDe Wells v/lth power pumps'^

3. Tube wellt with hand puirps 12000.0 276.0 , 222.f 222,0 222.0

4. Sanitary wells - ^ ~ > - S.Oth^r (Spocifv) cfitt.charges ^ ^le.O . 245,G 245.C 245.0

Total(iMNP) 2 0 C C 0 .I _ _ 258 2 ^ ? __260 0.0 _____26C0.C _ _ _2600.0 ______■ I B .Central- Sector( ARWSP) w 00 TTPiped W ate r Spppiy No indi - r - - CO 2. Tube wells w ith power cation • 2493.05 25'02,0 2502.0 2502-0- GO™. 3. Tube wells \^-ith hand of - - - — pu;nps India 4 . Santtarv^ wells c, - - - - 5. Orhers( Spc;cif y) - - - -

Total(ARWSP) 2493.05 ^ 2502. 2502.0 2502.0

Total(A+B) 20,000.00 5075.55 3102,0 5102.0 5102.00 DRAFT ArJI^UAL PLAN - 19BQ~Qr 20 Ppi>?r PROGR.\xMiC - OUTLAYS AND EXPENDITURE -- .... . - .. -. . U^S-. -cr-ores} P t . seventh 1987-8^'' 19 88-8^ _ 19 89-9,0 N o . Plan Actual O u t l a y . pr<3PC£C. Outlay Expendi- Anticipated ( 1985-9C). ture. expenditu re« 'p ... 5 . - 6 : .. '1' y ,


6o .CO •21.72 2.35 2.36 2.77

b) K.2.3.:?. 113.50 34.99 25.81 ' 38.45 33.3I

c) it Small-scale Induatriss ■ ' 1.61 r.D5 1.07 1.07 . 1.14

d) Handlooms ; 2 >i • bO C .75 8.02 8.62 8.74

e) Sericulture "25.00 3.21 4.00 4.00 4.00! » : > f) lhadi tk Villgge IridustriBS 4.00 ‘ ' 0.2G 0.41 0.41 0.4l'

02. sraAia&Y Fc:^ iarj Tjuur-S

a) Ery Lan^i fanaias 40.00 5^69 12.02 12.02 12.80’ h ) Brought Protie ^ e a progxaiaaa 14.05 3tl47 4.00 4,06 4.05

c) toought belief 2roGr£S2ine 0.44 — —

1, mTBIx TJS3 c? i;.i^GjeXCI;j

a) Major t Medium Irrigation 1335.00 2i55.3i'‘ 257.00 289j37 ‘293/ s r

b) Minor Irz-igatioc '2 d1>.00^ 05.78 32.00 34.00 4 1 . ^ q) fioBmand ijrea Developasect 130.00' 6.48' (*) 7.00 (*) 7.00 (*) 8.0fi‘

d) flood Control ■ " 35.DO 4.18 5.00 5. DO 7.50'" .2r« ’ Draft Am yAU. pian;-~ 2o .poim'' PRQg'i^..igc >- :> ‘S-E--L_Z._j: , .-•■: • ■' j I‘-''Mr.'t.N!'* ;; ■ir ‘ . . n t' V ■ Cti^*^Crores) -T < * f ^ »'»■. • ? f, •■’ ^. 1W- - - 1 , ...... pt .- ; ''•• I fc. ft jiTi .Si - r •;•/-' .^ seventh -1’9 8.7-98 -•■■•,-jj ,, ' l9 89»_9-t N o . '^‘-' ' ^ l a n - '< Actual ' j.i r "* r a_ • j X. T ~Prooose r ' v-l r -■ O u tla y Expend!-,.. .. A n t ic ip a t e d Cl9 35-:i.O^^: ■ ture... expenditure.'" -^y* 2, 3 '' - 4 5. - S'- 7 • -r;

04. t • ' ' •o - a) G32cicil^ife’‘:?2?o'dtM;tici ?rc3::c;3as- 3.36 3.36 3«38

fc) iiaticiaal’'Oil saeds devsl o :,i::e c^c progFaime-^ 21^ 2S-.-; 5.6y 8.80 a.Gp 8.83 i c ) Dey3jl 6 ;c3 eat' cf fuip e s_ l ^ . z 0 . 35 ' 0.39 0.39 0.45 v/ ' • . , ■ - ■ ■''' . '

d) aoy-ticulture . I i); Frui'b tsropfc' ' CO. s ' O ' \ ■'■ 15.90 ^ 1.00 1..60 f' ■ ;''ii) V^retssl& e.roj& 1.90 ^ ■ ■; V ^ :r.'.'J'.: J 8 > * -1 ■ e) Cituy^fea apdJ/rre.liQusi-ngv! •.- 3,D0 -0-.40 0.40 0^40 0.40 ” V .'o T f) igpiCAilture Hsr'^iipG:* 3.09 ■

~) .^6iH^il H i i s ''pQi^;i^:Zsve), c xiebt 22,14 5.95 6.21, S .59 6.47

p.02 ' 2.78- h) fisheries ------.v ’" »*.25 2.98 2-.08 - i) . -- ;■ 1...... 43.25 ■ ' — 1 •; -r-i 05., Si'FlMSE'K? ' 5.45\ ;.i- ANNTJijI. I L M - iq8Q-qc 2C_i giNT_1-^GR^ME_-^Oyl‘I Ais_MD ITUEE* ^ ^

(Rg. crores)

I t e a D seventh 1987-88 ______^1288-89 1989-9c" “ way ExpSi- outlay^ ^tioipatcd’ ., . ( 1985-9C) tv>re. expenditure, o^^lay- 2 ______2______3^ ^ _ _ 4 5_ _ 6 7

06. SEiCIiiL PBOGRAJ^St’E Fci LilBO^.

a) Scheme for eDforceaent of iiininHan wages for rural labour 1.82

b) Sehabilitation of bonded lebour 4.00 0.31 0.75 0.75 0.75

c) Grantw-in-aid to Voluntary i.gencies — — — — — 03 ? OU. CLEi^’ JINKING I

a) Burr.l’7ater Supply ( State Sector ) 200.00 25.83 26.00 26.00 26.00

b) Rural Spjiitation ( State Sector ) 50.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00

08 HSiLTH PC3_A_L_L_

a) ?.ura Hedth — 12*35 12,35 12*35 12#33

b) Prograniae for control of coamunicablo diseases 3,00 6*35 6*50 6.50 6#50

09. TWO CHn.D _ N ^

c) I. C. D. S. I gg ^ gg J2.46 12.46 13.58 d) Angiiiwadies - 136^-9 G ■ ^.:. ■ l.-LX_r_;i rOIKT IROGE^ME - 0U2L^S / m D E>iENDriT;:raii. 1 (Rb ,. cro'roa). xt. I t e in s Seventh ■ 1987-38 ______i28§-a9_ ...______1989-9C No. i Ian ActtreJ- Outplay. anticipated iroposed Outlay , Expendi- outlay. ( 1985-90) t-ure. expenditure. 1 5 4 ^ 5 5


A. General 3d'Jcc,tio^ ,

i) Element ary .3due ation 62.15 25.77 30 .47 30-47 • 108.29

ii) Adult Education 25.00 2.49 2.90 2.90 - 4.48

11 JUSTIC3 ?0_3^3s 3* J s 03 6.12 % a) Progranmc for welfare of S.Cs 40.89 3.48 4.59 4.59 I

b) Programs for welfare of S. Ts 50.00 22.03 11.79 11.79 12.82

12 EQUITY _ m 'SOffil'j

a) j^ssistaace for setting up cf Women'e Trg. centres 0.02 0.02 0.02

b) Institutions of rehabilitation of voaen in diotress 0.18 0.02 0.02 0.02

c) Training - cun - Production cfc»itres 0.34 0.01 0.01 0.01

d) Wonen Devolopiacnt Corporations 2.50 0.15 0.18 0.15 IR/JT IL/N 1969-90 T r 1 - I 20 I QUIT I ROGR^J'IME - OUTLAYS /J'JD EXLEMjlTHRE (RsV crores) i t , Items seventh ’ 1987-88 __ 19§8~6S 1989-90 Ho. (1985-90). tSre. expenditure, • 5 4 5 6 ' 7

13 ^ «P?Ga3!Ui«TIfiS F(S YOOTH


14 ‘ tidffiiNG FOrf fflE ?E®^_

i W d Housing 389.23 64.81 79.10 79.10 79.10 6) Uifbc» Housi ng

15 BffBOV^NT ^_oLvMS_

Sutfirottnent&l in^jroroaent of Urban s I j q s 25,00 353.00 376.00 376.00

16' _STB^^Y _F^;_ PO^HY_

Forestry 9'7.50 6.50 - 6.50 6.50 ■"8 *50 O . I - I 20 ^ OOfMlSS A M HXt'EHDITffiE ‘ (Rs* crores) i t , I t e a s I: ' o : > seventh ,;4987-'^ - ______M28§“89 ______1989-9C NO. Ilan ^ctiaal V, , mpendi- outlay. ^tiolpeted ( 1985^90) tSre. expenfllture. ° 1 ' 2 .35 , , . ” ~ ”■ 17 PSarECTION CF THiB EmaCNbEh^ 5.70

18 ccr_CM m } TIB co^sw^3:

• Givil Supplies 3.58

19 r ‘ L a) Rural BlectrifieatioD J5.55 17 .21 14.00 14.00 14.00 t

b) Nationeai Prp^raania for Bio-

c) I . j,. 3', J . _ Q*as


P t . Items 7th- Plan 1987-88 198§-§9 " I5'85-5»~ “ NO, 1979 - Target , i*' A c h ie v e - Target, 19 85-9 •. ■inent. Target Achievement Unit 8a - „ anticipated, level 3, 8. 9. - 4. -

91. Lckh 1.09 IJ.JO 2.64 2.30 3.2J ^ I,i;^2.P. (Old & ifew ) a. 00 f csailies-

b) N.E.3.P; enplojrac'Dfc geDercted Lakh 1240.OJ 30D.55 342.55 342.55 342.55 Mondtys

c) B.L.B.Q.P. - dc - —do*- 329.24 262.48 262.48 262.48 ■&

d) HaPdloosn - Vd ue of protSuction .► Rs lakhs 3220.00 18000.00 6660.85 14300.00 1430J.00 18000.vO ( Co-op. fold ) Handier lift a Value of produbtion -do- n.a . N.ik. N«tk. KA.

f ) K h a d i -do- 1031^.00 118.21 148.00 148.00 165.J0

g) Villege Indistries 9307.72 9307.72 10783.84

h) S .S .I. usiits set up Kos. 44470 11230 • 10,000 1J,000 11,000

i) Sericulture (Multery cultivetiofi) ilrea 33,360 25;000« 5(^0 5 ,j00 5,000 5r000 in Acres PftkFT ANNUAli PtAM - 19^9-90 ...... • ■ -- - ■ ' 'I' .9 tp — 2 ' 0 Poiai PROGRAMWfe ~ TAR G ETS ^nl> .A g ^ X g g B ld fr S " ^

Pt. I t c: m £ " 7th Plan 1987-88 1988-89 " 1989-9i' No. * _ Target Achieve- 7 ~ “Tarqct.- * Unit 80 ■ i9 8&-9n m^nt- . toicj^msnt ■ ^ level ^ a n t ic ip a t e d . 1 a .4.. . G. 7* Oi . 3. - . • I • • I 6

0?, %yJ xA ^ , • :. • ■

i) i-icrD,'’ vctc-rshocs Hos. — . 25G 255 132 132 132

i i ) Laiii;: Ha. -- 57QjJQ 5907 49DOO 490^0 5Qj;iC

,,iii) Inp:'cro? ' ins. — h.... --7770 29D3 290J^ ' 33D0

iy) :.istri :uticx. oi .ai^ja-yioldiiig ’ 130 scvfi? iitls. — — 303.71 293.00 2S3.00 233.JO i)

v)-t)*lo lanis —' • •'*""• .JCci coverad » J.O _ 1000. J. 72J.00 1400.00 14^0.30 1400,00 iia. yieldiJig soecs '000 sttls — , ~ — _

U'**“/ -> •* 13 • ifc*• ■ - _X ' • ^ ' i) ..rsr. utjicr soil rjid iioisttire *030 " ®oiasG:;'vt!.t.ioCi Ha. — 75*00 ' ‘" ^ * 7 1 12.50 12.50 . 12.50

ii'' -J irrirrtici:: potor.tirj. -do— ~ 50.vO, 9.40 10.00 10.00 ' . 10.00

111;. . ■ \ ..xioreotr.jti-::.- ~ ^ , . . „ ^ \ t p. f pasturee -do- — 30.00 4» .5 &.00 5.00 5.00 - ■) 969-9 0 I r I '- 2 20.10PIT - i JTiTSxC./X T/J{ClETS AND ACHIE-VFJ-^EHTS

I t e m Tth liar- l 9 8 7 '- Q 8 ______1986-62______1989-90 lD7d-fio ^osf-go Target, ^.chieveaent ^srget* level " “ anticipated* i 2 3, 6. V. fe. ©.

; B8rr^jjS£_^q

iryiR^-^io» i) Irr.i nation potoDtial '000 Ha, 1401.73 735.35 1,14.63 227.58 142.38 157 .24 * Exclusive ofC il) Uljilisatioa of potef^ial fMinor cret/oed -d*- 1C1.91 217.63 180.00 180.00 Irripa- tlnn) lii) Conan&'iJ Area Dcvslopraent — and ground water Depts. 1) Field chaiiDelt: .. _do~ 8.13 350.00

2) LanJ Icveiling -do- 14.93 5.03

3) Warabaftdi ~dor £50.01 272.00 i L Catcfc^.ent ggCAa

'■ i) a oil conservation Acres

. i i ) J d i rresta;fcioD 2C. 1 Q iijg,

i-t. I t e n s ?th i>idR No. 1070- Ta3?§it

04. BIaG3?._%»VB3To

^ Production of — i) 2ice •OuQ ToBttes TO69 - 8360 9070 9 2 6 0

ii) Cil seeds 1 » 4 7 1989 2210 2165

iii) Pulses 348 a#4 650 670 700

Laldi iv) Eorticulture 40.45 57.18 5 0 . 1 3 53.54 53.54 56.97 toanes v) Livestock — Milk •000 tonnes 32S© 2^0 3200 3200 34i)0 lo

Eggs Million i'Jos. mm 3100 3200 3200 3300

’'?ool Lakh Kgs 28.60 28.50 23.60 28.80 28.70

Vi) Fish Lakh tonnes 40 J 2 S 0 .4 5 380 380 400

V. vii) i.c:dl. stor^e faci­ lities Tonnes 0*50 0.50 0.5Q 0.50

05 3IjF0_C3iaNr

i) Land Z^ecords cas^ilatiori i

7th ila n I t , Items 1987-88 ______1 2 8 § ~ 8 9 ______1 9 8 9 - 9 0 Achieve­ No. 1979^0 Target Target. Achievement Target, 1985-90^ ment. Unit level anticipated. 3. 4. 6, 7. 8. 9.

05 m F Q E jp ^ a m _ ( coatd.)

iii) Swrplas l^c’ distribute-’ Ac. 24131 35000 10,000 10,000

iv) iirea distribute?? to S.Gs/o.Ts /ic. 10742

v) Persons benefittcd .. Nos. 20270

06 S P S C ^ ?ca

a) Bonded labour — i) Released .. Nos. ii) itehabilitatec . . Nos. 10000 2697 3000 1200 12u0

07 CLa.N Dram NG

^ i) Villag'JS coverod Nos, 15834 4772 4000 4000 2500

I ii) Population covered Lakh Nos. 157.48 38.27 22.00 22.00 18-75

iii) S.C. / G.T. pppulatioD -do- 29.84 8.69 5.37 5.37 3.35 covered

08 H3/Jjra Y t S i J L L

i) G. H. Cs Nos. 17 40

ii) P. H. Cs Nos. 500 200 200 iii) Sub-csQtrcs Nos. 2000 loao -f cQ I'oirn^iuommm - siEoift pt. Items 7tb riaE 1987-68 ______t i ^ ^ 9 ' ^ 1989-90 N o, TT ^get a ^ e t ...... - ■ 197 - t) miernrnent' Umt " lovel antio j|>ated, 2 3. 4. B, Q. 7. 9. ’ ’ 9.

Oil ( :oatd.) LaWi iv) Imnuaisation cf chii'^.ren Nos. 12.14 12.46 12.46 12,46

v) 3urel Sgpitation - Latrinet >ios. ^^43 9302 12750 iOOOO vi) Hohabilitatioti of ha*niic epj^Gd Nos. SS90Q 979 1000 1600 1000 ^

I 09 r?0 2 g-iIL5 _NOM' , '

i) Sterilisations Nos.: 4,49,810 6,00;900 4.50.000 4.50.000 \ I ii) Equivalence of Sterilisations — Nos. 8,93,000 1,17,000 1.17.000 1.17.000 ( lUD, CC & OP userQ) f * i (Not yet iii) I.3.D.3. Elocl® Nos. las- 13 — ai>proved by Govt, of I ndia) iv) ilnganftadies Nos. S253; 1625 -do-

10 Bjqpansion of Bdtcatioa

A. 31eiaeat£yv Eterolneut (Cum ulative) i) Toteil .. Lakh Nos. 103.69 - 8^f97 104.29- 104.29 111.95 ii) Girls -do- iii) S.CS / S .DS -do- PHAT'T AlWiil I L M - 1989-90 T I I - 2 2C iODJT IROGRAMME - IH Y S IC ^ T/JIGETS AND ACHIEmffiNTS

I t . 7th ilan 1987-88 I t e n s. 197 - ______1 9 1 8 -8 2 ______1989-90 No. Target Achieve- Target. Unit 80 1985-90 aent. ‘ Target. Achievement level anticipated. 1 2 3, 4. 5. '6 . 7,

10 EXPANSION ^JS3DC/JI0N_ ( contd.)

B. />dult Liter spy Lakh Nos. 4.23 i) Total 28.98 4 .f8 4.68 6,84 \i)

. iii) S.Cs / S.Ts

11 JUSTIC2 _TG S.C3_&_S.Ts 3.00 2.60 i) S.C. fm ilics assisted Lafab Nos. 6.15 2.30 2.30

ii) S.T. ^senilics assisted -do-. 2.70 1.18 0.54 0.54 0.54

^lii) BistributioD of s\irplus 1 a»d ^rei^ 10742

No*of fetBi> 9094 lies iv) Bclfea^ of Central share Bs laldis / ■ 2 BQUALli Y F© ' ii. i);Saralmc^ of girls in schools Lakh 4.48 a. 89 3.89 3.83 (;.dditional) Nos. ii) l^oaen in Adult asses »». 1.37- 2.34 2.34 3.42 iii) ^^ompn in Technical losifaitutloEs »K iv) Pcmdle mortality »> ^-T9Q9-9 c I L P .- 2 2CiOIMT i]

.ai*; < • » -•»•.«(•■;■ «« pt. Items, 7tfe ilan 1 9 Q ? * ^ 8 ______128§“§9______1989*^0 W o . 1 7p- target Unit 00 t985-90 Target, ^Phievement level • anttQipated, 1 3, 4. 5* G* 7 • # 13 im CPPO^MTHIS FCB YOOTK 1) N. S. S. Nts. 2) N. S. V. S. Nos. 3) N.C. C. Nos. 4 ) Nehru Yuvak Seodras Nos*. 14

14 Hwsim FOB 'P^aa

Lm I u r a 1 h i) ProvisioD of house sites lies. 1,19,400 8,50,000 2,46,647 90,000 90,000 90.000

ii) CcDstructioD aasistaocc tos. 7,QD,900 1,27,831 i,25,OOU l,25,03j 1,25,000

iii) IndirQ iiwaas Yojana for O.Ca/lFI.Ts: 1 os. 13,742 13,140 13,140 10,0JO ** E, Urban i| S.W.S. hOttsi% host 9,593 l^iQm 10,3^0 10.000

i i ) Ii.I.G. Houses Nos. r i*895 i,5Ja 1,530 1,500

iiiy Houses constructed for S .G s ^ .T s Nos. '2.^8 —

16 gipaevas^

l^um population covered 'nith S«-ven basic cni^Dities of p^nsons 1 ^ 0 3.51 1.25 2.30 1.25 Dxi.U''T I I . - 198Q-qo T I- 1 - 2 20 lOINT XRQLtRAMME - llgSICAL T^.frETS ACHIE-VEMENTS

Pt," I t e ra s. 7tb ilen 1987-88 ______1928^82 ______1989-90 No, 197 - Target Achieve­ Ucit Target, AchlevGment level 1985-90 ment , antic ip eted. 1 2 a. 7. 9. 16 STR.raY JGi Lalli ■i) Tree plantation , . Ncs. 3051.33 3Q00.D0 30000.00 3J00.00 ii) Survival rate Porcejrfc age 90 rii) WasteJ Itind rcclairaed Ha. 15513 + -24 ^ 8 iv) Coastal vogetatian 290 + 33 ms 18 COrSaN For: TiS c c ^ w .^ _ I

. i) >few Pair Price shops opeoed Ncs. 357 108 220 100 ji) Ration Cards issued Lr."* Noa. V 19 ■ ENSIGY JCr. TH3^VIL^'^3S

i) Villnges electrifiod No. 16,435 4,42Q 1,514 1,200 1,200 750 '"') ii) Punpssts energised Wes. 3,08,292 3,50,DDj 1,16,794 82, JJO 82,000 70,000 iii) laprovod chullahs l^os. - 5,5D,00J 1,51,748 1 ,j 0,J3J 1,0J,0.0 1,50,000

iv) iio-gas plants Kcs. s:>,po, jjj 11,516 15,jJD 15,000 2 5 ,-jO y) I.,a. i.?. Wo.of mandals — a 8 I3raft i*nrmal ilan - District ilons Dir- l^khs)

SI. Head of 7th 1985-QO "lQ87^i8^ " 1088-SQ Agpro'^ed 1 0 8 8 -8 0 A n t i c i - loSP-oc ™o. , Development Outlay State ^ Ms*- Outlay pated Escpdr, Proposed Outlay S t a t e Dis- T o t a l ^3^3-c^ &tate ^ms- Total State Ms- Jbtal State Total trict fc3?icfc t r i c t Let ' . 2, 3. 4 . 5. 6 . 7. 8. 10. 11. 12, w . 14. 15. 16, 17. .ANE) ^ L IE D SSIiVIGES

I . Crop Husbandry 1560 72i0 8800 6o 172Q l7f^S 85 1617 1702 85 i5l5 1700 102 16^7 l?oo tIE llCO IlOO - 89 89 - 127 127 - l 2o l 2n - 135 135

3v Animal Husbandry 837 2127 2064 47 596 643 54 617 671 54 555 60'- 45 652 G'^7 4 . Dairy Development 1583 1306 95 105 2j O 84 I 06 IS^ 119 135 254 1§4 173 327 5. Fisheries 210 3376 3586 17 370 387 61 630 700 61 630 700 50 1261 132" 6. Forests 17 0583 0600 19- 1051 1070 53 1558 1611 53 1558 1611 55 1556 1611 7 . Foo(3, Storage & Ware - SCO . 3»0 - 40 .40 40 40 - 40 40 - 4C 40 Housing * 8. A grl. Research ^ d i L- ’ w - - 1 ^ 0 175 m 175 207 - -207 213 - 213 300 - 300 Education (' APATTt^ •« I 9. A grl.Ftnano^ 3200 75 3275 396 3c€ 400 400 400 - 400 405 - 405 Instittitions 10.. Ma rketing 16 284 3v-v - 6 6 - 129 129 - ■ 129 120 - 129 129

II.. Co.operation 1348 3577 4-^5 -J236 279 615 70 601 79 622 601 160 6iC 7.:;0 .m • mm ' mt «» 1 12. Tbtal (l ^ G h L * & 9771 38829 4^5 5310 1023 5345 6 ^ 8 5322 6386 1280 6183 7472 A :LLIED SmVICSS) 29058 1054 "1064


1. I.R.D.P. (including mm 18B75 1S875 - '.r. W - 3S44 ' m m 3S11 3811 - 30f\4 3004 fallod well

2. n-v*iLt'- - 4,XQR.vx.'n .602-.,.602.. ural't Annupl .JIan - District flans Dx (is, lal^hs) ... 1088-80 Antidi- laSQ-OC: SI. Head of 7th H a n loss -QO lpe7-SS Actuals 1088-80 Approved No, DevelopiTJent Outlay State Dis­ Total uuLiay peted Expdr, jx-upoBea * State . Ibtal trict State Total State Di!s- Total State «a?- trict trict tri( 14, 15. 16. 17. 1. 2. 3, 4 . 5. 6 . 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13

3 • X »li a B* P • - - - - 20 20 - 20 20 _ 20 20 - ■ 2C 2:r _

- 124C... 3400 3400 - - 124 :c - 2581 2581 3845 3846 - 333i 3331 6, (Excess

non wage component) - ---- m - - « mm w 6. Land Reforms(incl. - "'- 6 C C 6 C ^ . - 12v 12C - 120 120 - 164 164 030 - QS'T — Tribal Survey)

7 *Cyclone Shelters - 150^ 1600 - 103 193 - 150 150 - 150 15; - 15: 16;. iSv^o - S* C.D#Panchayats - 15.iO - 15 15 2.. 20 - 20 20 2. ■2:. r

9» Telugu Orameenp Kranthi S63 863 172 172 507 507 f Patham 1 1C•Crucial Balancing - - - 4il Investments '4 3 i 2300 2300 2300 23&C - 2300 23 Ot

TOTA l (i i ,iit®.;l d e v .) “ 3SC 00 38000 - 8106 8105 - 9200 ^20© - 11509 11500 - 31356 11356 ” lil.Special Area Dev. Programme _ . ' d 4 3 14 _ 14 14 _ 14 14 14"^ IV.IRRIfiilTION & PT.OOD - . . - CONTROL . . «•;> 1. Majcr & Medium Irrig - 1542c: ^3G0 1635CC 22267 1263 23530 23500 2 2 :r 257:" 23360 2350 2570 C 26326 3000 2032s ^ ation

2. Minor Irrigation 286 - 20 424 2154 2673 465 2735 3200 465. 2035 moo 559 3566 4 1 ^ ; “ 19716 3. Command ^ rea Deve~ 1500 C 548 548 ' 7 0 70 7 : 7 0 8-..: 8.>o ‘ 15. •Draft ^nu&l irlan 1 o b^>-90 - I>is|rict l-lans Dt' Ois» lakhs)

SI* Head of i^ian 1985-PC 1 98'^~88 1 Q88-89 Approved lo88-8<^ Antici- Ioso^qq No. Development ______Outlay ilalS Out3:ay pated Expdr» t^roposed Outlay ffitiate Dis- Total tflct State Dis- fetal tfliate Di's- fotal State Dis- Total trict trict trict trict 1, 2, 3o 4, .. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II.' 12, 13. 14. 15. 16^ 17,

4 . flood cont:uo>. , ...... ■ and Drainage • - 6500 • 6500 - 418 418'' 5€>0 500 - 500 501 - 75' 70C

CCNIROL)^''^^^^'' 154QS5 5C515 20500^ 226^1 4^B3 27u74' 23965 6135 3010 0 23815 6486 303 1 26384 8li6 35: :0 MR* » ft «« «» M M I Vs. Bner^y b"2'^j Ij.OCO 15020; 16590 4047 2:637 I'y26d 4235 21,500 1^962 4953 24^15 21276 ■ 5259 20535

VI.INDUSTRY & MIWIilluiLS i T ^ l l n g e & Sm.dl 3212 -^^83 127CC 606 1283 1839 o71 1512 ^ 3 3 671 1512 2183 763 1 P63 2706 industries 2 , La rge & Medium ’ 24£0 ' 6092 30292 2358 322 2630 27#9 200 2Q49 2749 200 2^40 2701 213 2pil o 3 . Mining 7700 - 7700 47 1 j 03 106.^ 10 1050 1060 10 1350 106^ 10 1060 IC^'.C

TotalCVI.Ind'&MineralS) 3 i30 2762 619-2 3430 2762 6lc^2 3i74 3223 35112 15580__ 506^2 3011 260B 66">7 ' VlI.THAMSirOET ' ~ ...... l.Minrr Ports ccLight ~ 810 810 174 174 If* 175 175 175 175 175 1"’5 Houses 2 , Roeds & BriOges - I3IOO ^2100 «" . 1^605 26C@ ■ 9 3025 3025 - -3025 3025 3025 3:25 3 # a.F•S*H,T-*C. 23480 - 23480 8509 8 5 0 ^ 7v,35 M 7035 67JB5 - 6725 323^ - 3239 :»■ 4 . Inland Water 170 170 3^^ 39 .. * . 50 50 50 50 .. . - 50 5-^ Transport T- ■ 5. Traffic Control 150 150 - 47 47 60 - 60 60 - 60 60 - 6^

Total(VII,Transport) 23630 13C80 36710 8556 2818 11374 70^5 3250 10345 6785 3250 10035 32-^' 3260 664o Draft tiTinual jt'lan lnSQ-9C - District i-lans' ■ DF ( R s , lakhs)

SI. Head of 7th Plan l035-g0 1 987-88 Actuals l^B8-8o Approved los8.-89 Antici- InRq-on No. Development Outlay______state tDotal Outlay pated Expdr.______tropcsed'Outsly ^ ~ State Dis- Total ^rict State pis- Total State Dls- Total State Dls- tr:.ct titct trict trict 1 . 2. 3 , 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1C. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.~

IX. Science,Technoloo & ■l66^ — 1665 I 6G. 16G 199 2 2 201 199 2 201-^^^19^ 3 2or_j

X. General Economic Ser,vices 050 120 1550 109 120 309 177 151 500 211 169 500 241 204 445- . •.. I'»- XI. Social Services - General Education 527 25939 24457 13;- 4364 4497 90 5411 5509 IOC 5449 5549 400 25070 2. Sports & Youth Services 36 c 040 12C0 47 . 66 113 55 95 140 156 130 206 156 130 ■2or-| 1 5. Technical Education 454 1161 1615 17 405 422 . 26 .405 509 26 405 509 39 1470 Art & Culture 101 420 355 703 42 75 117 44 ... 190 - ^ 4 45 224 1 190 % Total;(Edn.Sports, Art & Culture) 1769 26206 '20055 ^ 9 4911 5150 223 61.77 6400 525 6245 6560 652 2606G 2 1 ^ S - Z ^ 41^'" «-

5. Medical & public Hea th ■ 1669 2C617_ §2206 005 2006 2091 631 2769 5400- 957 2754 3711 1496 5499 493s : : 6. Water Supply & Sanitation 75C0 5700c 44500 1930 5006 6944 2500 5400 7900- 2500 5400 7900 3500 5#0C

7 r Housing( Inc .police 7497 1375 6947 Unncjl njT^ 1A7, ^0100 30q25 850 4950 5000 1050 6450 7500 1050 6447 Draft Annup.l ilfin InB^-oC - Discrict iians Di M tm am » am ' mm «f «v «■ Ml .iia»; ■ mt mm ' m /■k* - -ijMi.''.''' « H mm . mm m» «• S I. Plead of 7th Plan 1935-90 1^37-S8 Q itppro¥6d untici- 198Q-90 No • Development Outlay______dVate _ . QiJtlcor pated Bxp3r. ^ro-posGd Outlay State ^Dis- Total ^ ' IS.S- "■ ^ t ? ^ Stal^ fes- I^o'tal State Dist- Total trict trict ! ■ triet rlct 1. 2. 3. 4 . • 5, 6. 7. 8. 9. 10^ 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

0, Urban Development 4691 - 14772' 166 1092 2050 190 2795 2905 ' ^ 196 '''5125 5521 449 5064 4515 9. information and Publicity 1557 100 1717 02 20 1u2 125 - 57 162 505, 57 542 519 ■ ! 50 377 -4i

; 1 t6.Welfare of SGs,STs —— 59500 59500 ■ —— ■ 7622 7622 0494 ^0494 — 9272 9272 — 11050 11C50 and 3 .0 s .

11.Labour & Employment 220 5266 5494 67 496 ,56|.. 524 600 76 424 500 ' 09 029 910 12.Social security & welfare 944 9965 10012 169 1055 1204 170 1426 1604 169 1566 1555 170 1414 1592 8 15.Nutrition — 15270 15270 — 299 299 - .447 447 - 447 447 - 447 447 14. Total(Social Ser­ vices) 19001 200145 219226 4516 20564 52640 4975 54552 59505 5570 55515 41095 0056 60565 60421

XII,Genera Services 500 6020 7217 157 1141 1278 00-• 1466 1546 00 1454 1554 07 5501 5660

454910 56712 H^2C 67065 61150. 152559 101540 yi'" 295002 750000 ...... ,5.5016 -.:.--.. 50207 ":. j_2§2i2 -- ■7'1421 ... 64019 . 166559 Systems Unit, ilfcstitute of Educational and Aministration uibindo MargiNewDelhi-llOOW