GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH V o lu m e 'll STATISTICAL DATA -:o{- FINANCE & PLANNING (P lan n in g W in g ) DEPARTMENT HYDERABAD 19 8 8 oub. National Systems Unu, National Institute of Educational Plannini? and A ministration 17-E ,Su A i-r bnido-Matg,hIewDelhi-1100ll6 DOC. Date...............j j ^ L j . 2 ^ , Ci) STATISTICAL BATA GQNTMIS Page No. - 1 Heacis of Development - Outlay ■ and Expenditure 1-14 - 2 Development Schemes/Projects - Outlay and Expenditure * - li Agriculture and Allied Services 15-63 I I , Rural Development 64-67 I I I . Special Area Programmes ■ 68 IV. Irrigation and Flood Control 69-77 V. Energy 78-81 VI. Industry & Minerals 82-105 VII. Transport 106-108 VIII. Communications ** I IX* Science, Technology & Environment 109-111 X. General Economic Services 112-117 XI. Social Services 1. General Education , 116-140 2. Sports and Youth Services ’1^'^ 3» Technical Education 142-157 4, Art & Culture 158-164 5« Medical and Public Health " 165-197 6. Water Supply and Sanitation 198-200 7. Housing (including Police Housing) 201-202 8. Urban Development 203-207 9 t Information and Publicity 208-209 10. Welfare of SCs, STs and BCs 210-223 11. Labour & Employment 224-228 12. Social Security & Welfare 229-236 13. Nutrition 236 X II. General Services 237-240 - 3 Physical Targets & Achievements 241-289 or - 4 M.N.P. - Outlay and Expenditure 290 0^-5 Physical Targets & AchievementsrMNP 291-293 0)1-6 Centrally Sponsored Schemes - Outlay 29^326 and ExJjenditure SCP - 1 Special Component Plan for SCs 327-333 SCP - 2 Special Component Plan for SCs 334-348 (Contd,.ii..) Cii) E m S L M * TSP- -r-4 Iribal_3ub--Plaa -=.CutZaj &-jEspen<ii4;iire 349-353 TSP - 2 Tribal Sub Plan Physipal Targets and Achievements 554-362 MF - 1 Employnient content of Sectoral ‘ Programmes - Outlay 8o Expenditure 563 EMP - 2 Employment content of Sectoral Programmes - Targets 8c Achievements 364 EAP Externally Aided Projectg , 365*376. WS - 1 Water Supply aad Sanitation <• Sector ^ Scheme-wise details of Urban Water Supply/Sanitation 377-586 WS - 2 Water Supply and Sanitatiai Sector •• . Details of R\jral Water Supply 387-583 TPP - 1 Twenty Point Programme Outlay and Expenditure 389-394 TPP - 2 Twenty Point Programme • Physical Targets and Achievement 395-403 D*P. Districts Plans. ^04-403 ksvrlon DRAPT PL.iN 1989-90 - H E ^S OF DEVELOH'ffiNT- StQtcr.cnt -Gl'I-1 OUTLAY MW EXIEKDITURE • - ______ God e No Major Head/Minor Seventh Eive Year 1987-83 1938-89 ^___ 1989-90 ____ _____ Hoads of Developnent Plar^( 1985-90) iiotual /ip-p£c V ed llntici- Proposed of which OuTlay ‘ Outlay Expdr. Outlay pated outlay capltal approved provided Expdr. CO ntcnt by rig. by state G-ov t . 2 3(a) 3(b) 4 5 6 7 8 I. AGRICULTURE AND ALLIED AOTIVITISSs 2401 00 Crop Husbandry 649^.00 880^.00 1798.00 1702.^0 1700.00 1799.00 38.00 24 "^2 00 Soil and Water con servation 8-10^00 11 89.56 127.'""’ 1129 . 155.00 " 1 c;o 00 2403 00 -dlninal Husbandry 1680.00 2964. "^0 642.92 671.^0 6^8.96 697. "^0 ^ i I 2404 00 Dairy Dcvclop’^.ent^ 1 7 o, o ^ o 2979.00 wo.^^o 25^:.40 327.00 - J Y 0 0 2405 00 Pi sheri cs 21 /_ o ^ ^ n 3586.on 306.85 700.''^" 1320.00 592.60 2406 00 Forestry and l?ild life 657^.0^ 9600. 0^0 1070.49 1611.00 1611.00 1611.^0 50.00 2407 00 Ilantati ons — — — —— - - . contd..2 'S ' ;v oui'i^aY ^-Jju ^iSPL-JLILTT’ j Seventh Eivc Year 'i987-oo . J98§rS9_.._ ______ 1989-90 Code Ho. Major Head/Minor rian (1985-90) .. Ac'Mel ’■tIiTpr ov e^r " Tihti oi'- Pf'':iT'’os ^ of'TiujicF HG ad s 0 f D ev g1 o p no nt Ootlay .... Outlay Expendi■ outlay Dated o utla y capital approved provided tuie- ii^xpcndi- content by IIg. by State tur e. Connn. Govt. 1 3(a) 3 ( b ) 4 7 8 2408 00 J'ood, Storage and •warohousi ng 40.00 40.00 ,1 '■> no 40.00 4^.00 2415 00 ilgricultural Rosearcli and Education (ilP-AU) 74^^. 00 100^.00 175. on 2 "7 .00 213.00 309.00 112.45 2416 00 iigricultural Pinancial 236^.0^' 3275.00 395.65 /j_0'^,nn /j.0^,' 11.25 ! institutions I 2435 00 Other Agricultural ro . Progracr::es - 2435 "^1 (a)Marketing and quality •control 220.00 3n'^. rn 6.42 I2g.^cn 129. 129."^' 2435 60 (b)itbc-rs; / 2425 00 -Cooperation 310^.00 4925.0^ 514.54 6:^1. no 601 7 00. 26^\00 1^1 00 Total (I) 26770.^0 39829.00 5319.23 6368.00 6386.36 7472.00 1162.30 Statcnent - GlT-1 DR^PT ;ANm^Oj_xLilN „ia82-a0..-„HEiiDS_0P DEVEIOPMT-._ outl^q: ajid I xpei®I'IURe (Ps. lakhs) Sevonfh Five Year 1987-88 988-89 1989-9^ Qod c No. Major Head/ffi nor Plan (1385-90) Actual Ap'pr ov"c3“ 5Tn 11 c i- Troposc^i ’cT" whicTT Heads of Dcvelopr.cnt Outlay"’ "Outlay Expendi­ outlay ^atcd jutiay capital approved provid cd ture. Expcndi- contcnt. by rig. by State tur o . Conp.n. Govt. /I 3(a) 3(b) ' r 6 7 8 I I , RlIRili DSV^LOPI EIMT 102 25'-''1 00 Special progrrmne for rlurol i)GV clopT^CMlt ~ (a) Integrated Rural 92 13S?5.^C 2444. :-4 on 381 "'.83 . 3994.00 I 01 324:-. 3583.94 I ■ . .^sy 2l9P’':-Qnt IrotTr^p.’TD \>3 (IRDP) and /aiied pr ogr a rr.c s . 2501 02 (b) Drought prc ne area 24Y^,on 4125."'^ 52^."'5 6'"2 .0^ 602.^0 -602. 530.44 prograrrr^e (D P ^ ) 2501 04 (c) Integrated Rural 2^.' 2 0 . 2 ' 2'^.' 2'^. 00 Energy pro^rar,r!o(PREP) 02 a5^5 00 Rural Eciploynent 2505 n-| (j,) National Rural Enploy- rxnt progrmne (M EP) 1135^ .Or> 1240^.^0 3499.^0 2531 .0^ 38^5.^'^ 5331 .-0 2505 60 (b) R.L.E.G.P 02 2506 00 Land Referns 440. 12'^.^'' 164.^0 939.02 State-cnt -GN-1 DR/.PT J 989-9::. - OP_DEVpOPIffilIT_-._ - ....... - - ouTL^Q Aiffi Exr-Ein)iTURE ,..■' ■ ' (Rs lakhs ) Scventli Five Year 1987-88 1908-8_9_ 1989--90 dc No . ^ Major Hcafl/Minor Plan (1985-9^) Actual XpprovcB.""'‘”“■'raTcT- 1^' 0 p"o s ed of which ' Hoads of Devclopccnt Outlay Outlay Expend i-. outlay pated outlay capital approv ed ^ provided ture. Expendi­ content by Pig. ’ by State ture Comn . Govt. '1 , ' “2; - ■ 3(a) , 3(b) 4 5 6 7 '' 8 2515 no Othor Rural rGvelo-r'ment lr££^3r.c^s (a), Comnunity Dcvclop::2ent , and Panel ay ats' 1110. 0^ 14^.60 2 :.^ 0 2 r>f' ■ 20 0> .. (bl* Cyclone Eholtcrs iir^.or 193.45 15"'."'^' 15^'."''"' 1500 10''.00 (c) Tclugu Granocna Kranti Pathan(T(?CP) 863.35 171.75 596,75 - (d) Crucial Palancing Invcstncnts (CBl) 430.83 2^'^'^. Of) 2^r>^ .'"■pi 2^^"' 1^2 o^r^o 00 T O M (II) 25730.0,0 8105.3 92'^B.75 11508.58 11356."^2 4242.44 ...conti. 5 Statement GN-1 (Contd) dr;,FT ; nmu.>l ? l .n iq s q -qo hb ^d s of d evelq .^^aent OUTL/ Y - m EXx'ENDI TL-R E (Po. in lakhs) Code Major Head/Minor Seventh Five Year 1987-88 No . Head of Develop­ Plan (1985-90) - >ctual 1988-89 ^ . 1989-1990 -Expendi­ ment Outlay ^tpprovf?d ."‘nticipated Proposed o^ which Outlay ture approved provided outlay expenditure outlay capital by Planning by State‘ •ontent Commission Govt, ( 1 ) (2) 3 (a) • . 3(b) (4) (5) . (6) (7) (8) 103 0000 00 II I .SPECIAL ohE/'v P^0GR..MMES- I I (a) Godavary Valley -p Development 0,32 9.50 9.50 9.50 I- (b) Shore '»rea Development 2,70 4.50 4.50 . 4.50 T0Tr,L (III) 3,02 14.00 14.00 14.00 Contd .. PR-.FT ..NMH/J, 1-L/.N 1QB9 -9 0 ' HE/DS OF DEVEL£)rMEN.T Statement (GN-1 (Contd) nUTI^ iY /.ND EX'i: ENDITURE (Rs. in lakhs) Major Head/Iviinor Seventh Five Year Code Heads of Develop­ Plan (1985-90) •1987-88 1988-89 1989--90 -'ictual Nq , ment Outlay Outlay Expendi­ /approved of which provided /tnticipa- Proposed approved ture outlay ted Expen- Outlay Capital .by Planning by .State diture content Commission Govt. 3(a) 3(b) (1) (2) . (4) (5) . (6) . (7) (8) IV. IRRIG..TION xJ'D FLOOD CONTROL 1 10^ 2701 00 Major and Medium I Irrigation 118230.00 163500.00 23530.76 25700.00 25700.00 29325 ,00 28325.00 CTi 2102 00 Minor Irrigation 14740.00 20000.00 2577.87 3200.00 3400 .00 4125.00 3520.00 1 2705 00 Command -^rea Development 11050.00 15000 .00 547,84 ■ 700.00 700 .00 - 800 ,00 591.50 2711 00 Flood Control 4790 JOO • 6500 .00 418.21 500 .00 500 .00 750 .09" 750.00 ;lo4 oooo 00 TOT/.L (IV) 148810.00 205000.00 • 27074.68 301D0.00 30300.00 ■ 35000,00 33186 .00 Contd,. i« l>t.t3-oeitKgtgC‘ gi<i>-*x t-OwFi s-CM"' ■ {Rs. in lakhs) Major Head/Minor Seventh Five Year 1987-88 Code No. Heads of Eevelop~ Plan (1985-90) 1988--89 1989-90 ' ment /»ctual 6utlay Expendi­ Outlay ture -approved Anticipat­ Proposed of which approved provided outlay ed Expendi­ outlay Capital by Planning by State ture content Commission Govt.
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