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the capability to center investigationsmuch more on the mon­ etary background. . . . The 1aJi1ndering of the dirty money should be fought much harder.'1 On May 26, the Russian gcbvernment paper Izvestia re­ High stakes in killing vealed that Falcone had been pivotal in a joint probe into the tracks of Soviet Communist Partycapital flightinto and of 's Falcone other parts of Europe, working with a special squad set up by the Russian government. Falcone planned to travel to Russia either in late May or tarly June to work on this. by Mark Burdman and Umberto Pascali Izvestia reported the suspicion in Moscow, that "mafia chan­ nels" in Italy had been being used as conduits. As the Milan The May 23 murder of Sicilian Judge in­ daily Corriere della Sera paraphrased Izvestia, "It is not to volves far more than a "mafia revenge hit," as implied by be excluded that the channel of this money is into the hidden some. The massacre that killed Falcone, his wife and four structures of Italy, and that Part!of it has been in the form of others, and critically wounded 12, was set off by a ton of bribes, as well as from illegal traffickingin gold and precious dynamite placed under the highway, at a point that the magis­ stones. " (In Italy, "hidden structUres"often refers to secretive trate's car had to pass on the way from the airport of Punta masonic networks.) Raisi to nearby . In a May 26 article, the Rome daily L' Unita compared Moro parallel, 'strategy bftension' the sophisticated military methods used to kill Falcone to Many in Italy are drawing theparallel between the killing the killing of Deutsche Bank chief Alfred Herrhausen in of Falcone and the 1978 kidnap-lmurder of ex-PrimeMinister November 1989. Both were killed by a laser-guided device, Aldo Moro, much on the public mind since the March 11 capable of operating with the precision of a few hundredths killing of Sicilian politician satvo Lima. Antonio Cipriani, of a second to detonate a bomb against a car moving at 100 writing in L' Unita last March 19, likened current events to miles an hour. These are classic terrorist, irregular warfare the "strategy of tension" that iafflicted the country in the methods. 1970s. Other sources recalled the charge of Moro's widow Falcone's assassination eliminates one of the world's top and others, that Henry Kissinger had help finger Moro for experts on that nexus of activities and individuals which elimination. brings together the organized crime families, shady political Germany's Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung wrote May dealings, international intelligence service operations, mon­ 25: "The importance of the tenorist hit [against Falcone} is ey laundering, drug trafficking,terrorism, and obscure politi­ coming close to that of the abduction and assassination of cal-masonic arrangements. Aldo Moro, which was nevelt sufficiently clarified," and There are numerous European media reports that Falcone added: "A crucial moment was chosen in which the state is was on the trail of big Swiss banking connections to Italy's paralyzed in a double sense. nere is no acting President­ "Milanogate" scandal, which implicated political figures of [Francesco] Cossiga has resighed-and neither is there a all parties, as well as top businessmen in illicit financial designated prime minister." activities. The day after the atrocity, Judge Carlo Palermo, The comparison with the Moro crime is key, not just Italy's best-known investigator into money laundering, because Moro was abducted during a political "power vacu­ drugs, and arms dealing, stated: "To discover what is going um," but also because after Mo�o's capture, u.s. and British on in the Swiss banks would bring down the whole system. anti-terror specialists hustled t� Italy as part of an offer of It is not by chance that Falcone was killed at the moment "help" from Washington and LOndon, took over the investi­ the Milan inquiry moved to Switzerland, just as it was no gations, and are considered today responsible for the "incom­ coincidence that [Falcone's] failed assassination in 1989 petence" in the investigations that led to missing or misinter­ came just as he was collaborating closely with his Swiss preting any clue until it was too11ate, and Moro was a corpse. colleagues. The dynamite was found after two Swiss magis­ Over the Memorial Day weekend, U. S. Ambassador Pe­ trates had left Falcone after asking about the role of Swiss ter Secchia contacted FBI Director William Sessions, the bank accounts. I myself felt under close surveillance when head of the Drug Enforcement Administration, Robert following leads into the sanctuaries of high finance." (Paler­ Bonner, and Attorney General William Barr, who offered mo had escaped a car-bomb attempt a few miles from where immediate "help," according to a Roman newspaper: "to Falcone was killed.) send teams of specialists like those that, through the financial Falcone himself said, in a last interview published post­ intervention of presidential caqdidate Ross Perot, were sent humously on May 26 in Germany's Die Welt: "It is my to Italy during the kidnaping Of NATO General Dozier" in personal view that the most important step would be to cut 1981. On May 26, the three anti-crime leaders held a summit down the economic power of the criminals. One should have in Washington to discuss the Palermo massacre.

44 International EIR June 5, 1992

© 1992 EIR News Service Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. Rudolph Giuliani, the former New York U.S. Attorney and Bush-backed candidate for mayor in New York, gave an unofficial account of what these "Greeks bearing gifts" may offer Italy: "What is needed is the army, the death penalty. We would need a series of exemplary executions, special laws, confiscationof mafiaassets, mass arrests, asuperpolice like our FBI." Giuliani also outlined a plan for the military OAS is an enforcer occupation of Sicily. As in March 1978, the issue is whether Italy will pursue for one-world order a policy of real independence and European integration, or will remain a pawn in the Yalta system, updated as Bush's by Valerie Rush new world order. Various senior Anglo-American operatives have said recently that the focus of NATO is shifting south­ ward, with Rome emerging as the critical center of NATO Under Bush administration pres�ures, the Organization of operations. Italy was recently being pushed to take the lead American States is being recast as an enforcement agency in an Anglo-American war against Libya, abandoning its for the Anglo-American one-world order. No longer merely natural role of bridge between Europe and Middle East and a rubber stamp for Washington's neo-colonial interventions Africa to act as a gendarme against these economic partners. into Ibero-America, the OAS is now slated to become a regional adjunct·of the United Nations' "collective security" A return to the 'commissars' doctrine, tested to such great eff¢ct in "Desert Storm." As The murder is also intended to further a process of de­ the fires of popular resistance to InternationalMonetary Fund struction of Italy's state institutions, to pave the way for a austerity and Bush "democracy" spread across the continent, new corporatist structure mimicking the Fascist state of the the OAS will now be the instrument wielded by the Anglo­ 1920s. Outgoing Christian Democratic Party head Arnaldo American establishment to stamp those fires out. Forlani reacted: "What is the aim? To prove that the country Argentine foreign minister and Bush stooge Guido di is ungovernable? So that people start saying that it would be Tella was explicit at the May 18-21 assembly of OAS foreign better to have another Mussolini?" Since the April 5 national ministers in Nassau, Bahamas, wilen he insisted that endow­ elections, in which the traditional parties hemorrhaged votes ment of the OAS with "intrusive powers" would enable that to regionalist parties like the Lombard League, Italy has organization to achieve collectively what the United States been under pressure to set up a "government of experts," or could only do unilaterally in, slf,y, Panama in December "technicians," a regime of International MonetaryFund debt 1989-i.e., invade. Di Tella argued that the theory that the collectors. The Swiss financial gnomes are banking on the OAS has served as "an agent of penetration by the United clout of European Community's Maastricht Treaty, once it States into Latin America is mistaken and surpassed by the is ratified by the participating European nations, to force this times. . . . If the OAS had had powers it did not have at the change on Italy. time but could have now, the U.S. invasion of Panama would The choice of Oscar Luigi Scalfaro as new President not have happened." could set this scheme back. On May 24 Chamber of Deputies chairman Scalfaro rejected the "mafia theory" for Falcone's OAS 'reform' murder, saying: "Would the Mafia alone have done that? Or With the explicit backing of the Argentine and other gov­ would this not be, rather, the mark of terrorism, this act of ernments, U.S. Ambassador to �e OAS Luigi Einaudi or­ war?" He mooted that certain people were trying to "condi­ chestrated the drive to "reform" the OAS charter, to redefine tion" political life in Italy, or even to revive a "strategy of the concept of "hemispheric security" as collective defense tension." The next day he was elected President, ending two of democracy, free trade, and the, environment-as defined weeks of political stalemate, as the PDS (the non-Stalinist by the overlords in Washington. Einaudi argued that such a wing of the former communist party) banded with other forc­ concept "would set an exemplary precedent" and was "an es to give him a two-thirds majority. The French daily Le impressive proposal for the post-(::old War era that, doubt­ Monde May 26 said that Scalfaro had spoken out loud, what less, represents a significant contribution not only to the secu­ many leading Italian figures were saying in private. rity of the Americas, but to the en�ire world." Scalfaro represents Rome's "governissimo" group, Should there be any doubt as to whence comes the inspira­ which seeks to forge a strong cross-party and legislative­ tion for this "exemplary precedent," one needn't look further executive arrangement, to avoid a regime of fascist-like than the April 25, 1991 address :by former U.S. Defense "commissars." He is a strong Catholic, with close ties to the Secretary Robert Strange McNamara, on his "vision of the Vatican, and, at the same time, has a Moro-like policy of post-Cold War world." Said McNamara, author of the opening to the communists. "McNamara Doctrine," which urges the elimination of na-

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