The Genesis of Healing takes audiences back in time for a fascinating look into the origins of holistic and natural remedies and why they work. A show that travels the world in search of answers and keys to a good health.

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101: Ayurveda The holistic system of medicine known as Ayurveda originated in India thousands of years ago, and this individualized approach to achieving good health continues to gain popularity today. Join host Alastair Greener as he traces the history of this time-honored science of life.

102: Homeopathy People all over the world practice homeopathic medicine. Proponents of this time-honored treatment maintain that patients can be cured of disease, by ingesting dilute forms of the disease itself, and noteworthy individuals ranging from Mark Twain to the Queen of England have embraced the practice. But what was the inspiration for this holistic healing method? Join Alastair Greener as he explores the life of Homeopathy’s founding father, Samuel Hahnemann.

103 : Bach Flowers The beautiful landscape of the United Kingdom was the playground for one of the most imaginative physicians of our time, Dr. Edward Bach, whose 38 flower remedies have treated the world for more than 70 years. Host Alastair Greener tracks the life of this fascinating man who turned his back on orthodox medicine to create techniques for healing using nature as his guide.

104: Leeches and Maggots Once thought of as primitive by some, the use of leeches and maggots to aid in modern medical procedures has become increasingly accepted. Though originally employed as a tool for bloodletting, the leech has found new work assisting micro surgeons. And the maggot has gained new respect as an efficient, organic scalpel. Join Alastair Greener as he examines the history of leech and maggot therapies, and reviews their place in contemporary medicine.

105 : Yoga More than just a workout fad, yoga is the art, and science of physical and mental development. The positions, or asanas, employed by yoga enthusiasts have a distinguished history as a means to improve circulation, increase strength, and reduce stress. Join host Alastair Greener as he examines the origins, and continued popularity of this celebrated fitness regime.

106 : Bronner Magic Soap Master soap-maker and self-styled philosopher Emanuel Bronner had a vision of global unity to share with mankind. Combining passion and profession, he turned the labels for his distinctive products into an enduring plea for world peace. Join host Alastair Greener as he examines the life and times of this inspirational entrepreneur.

107 : From ancient Egypt to modern France, the powerful essential oils of flowers have been used as a tool to stimulate healing. Aromatherapy harnesses the therapeutic affect of their inherent scents, and offers a highly effective, integrative treatment capable of acting simultaneously on both body and mind. Join host Alastair Greener as he examines this natural, non-invasive system to achieve wellbeing. 108 : Iridology Eyes may be more than a window to the soul. With the use of iridology, they can be used as a magnifying glass to identify disease. Alastair Greener studies the use of iridology in ancient and contemporary medicine, and profiles the life of Bernard Jensen, one of its leading proponents.

109 : Acupuncture and Acupressure Developed in China thousands of years ago, acupuncture and acupressure have survived as highly regarded techniques for achieving good health. Designed to enhance the flow of life force known as Qi, both systems enjoy recognition the world over. Join host Alastair Greener as he travels across the globe to uncover the secrets of these ancient healing arts.


110 : Apitherapy The by-products of bees are thought to provide a host of curative benefits. Bee pollen is considered an excellent nutrient, honey a remarkable salve, and bee stings themselves are often referred to as acupuncture with a bang. Join host Alastair Greener as he traces the history of what we now know as apitherapy.

111 : Reflexology uses precisely targeted thumb and finger pressure to stimulate reflex points on the feet and hands, and encourage healing throughout the body. Whether it’s to relieve muscle tension, or stimulate healing, this ancient art offers a variety of health benefits. Host Alastair Greener documents the development of this increasingly popular adjunctive therapy.

112 : Created in the late 1800’s by self-taught healer D.D. Palmer, chiropractic treatment touts a healthy nervous system as the key to a healthy life. But despite its popularity, the history of this alternative health care method is shadowed by controversy. Host Alastair Greener examines the history and continuing development of chiropractic care.

113 : Pilates The story of Pilates is far more than the simple profile of a popular health regime. It’s the history of a man driven by a passion for excellence, and the mark he left on the world. Host Alastair Greener traces the triumphs and tragedies of Joseph Pilates, and the impact of his influential exercise regime.

201 : Traditional Chinese Medicine China’s rapid growth and ever-increasing significance on the world political stage sometimes overshadow the achievements of its distant ancestors. Traditional Chinese medicine practices, ranging from acupuncture to the use of herbal remedies, have long been successfully used as a way of keeping the population free from disease. Join host Alastair Greener as he travels the Chinese countryside exploring the origins of this ancient healing tradition.

202 : Orthomelecular Medicine Two-time Nobel prize-winning scientist Linus Pauling bucked the medical mainstream by advancing the theory that substances already found in the body, like vitamins and minerals could be used to treat disease. Alastair Greener explores the origins of this cutting edge theory, known as Orthomolecular medicine.

203 : Throughout the generations, countless sufferers of disease have relied on the power of nature to stimulate healing. These nature cures, including hydrotherapy, homeopathy, and herbal medicine all combine to form the holistic health care system known as naturopathy. Join Host Alastair Greener as he traces the history and development of these whole earth remedies.

204 : Kinesiology The practice of applied kinesiology offers a noninvasive method for identifying disease through the use of muscle testing. Developed by Dr. George Goodheart, this innovative practice allows health care providers to initiate a dialog with the body, capable of providing valuable diagnostic insights. Host Alastair Greener examines the history and continuing development of this groundbreaking technique.


205 : Allergies While allergies to household items like dust and pet hair may be common, food allergies and chemical sensitivities are also a growing concern worldwide. Join host Alastair Greener as he explores the world of allergic reactions.

206 : Feldnkrais Feldenkrais / Noted physicist and engineer Moshe Feldenkrais believed that re-educating the body could help focus the mind. Host Alastair Greener profiles the life of this extraordinary innovator, and the system that bears his name.

207 : Macrobiotics More than just a diet, the macrobiotic way of life revolves around a set of principles advocating positive and peaceful interactions with your environment. Join host Alastair Greener as he traces the history of this popular path to good health.

208 : Euell Gibbons Long before his days as a Grape-Nuts cereal salesman, Euell Gibbons used his vast knowledge of wild edibles to survive off the land. Having lived as everything from a cowboy to a hobo, this charismatic American icon helped popularize the art of foraging through his colorfully written books and newspaper articles. Host Alastair Greener looks back at the storied life of this famed naturalist and author.

209 : Music Therapy Music may have the power to sooth the savage beast, but can it also help to heal the human body? Using good vibrations as a tool to rehabilitate the sick is an idea that’s striking a cord with caregivers all over the world. Join host Alastair Greener as he tunes in to the curative frequency of music therapy, and explores its growing popularity.

210 : Hauser Davis Celebrity health guru Gayelord Hauser saw proper nutrition as a roadmap to the fountain of youth. Having healed his own tuberculosis using the power of food, he had a passion to share his discoveries with the rest of the world. Dietitian and author Adelle Davis helped introduce similar ideas to the medical mainstream, and led an early crusade against the evils of processed foods. Join host Alastair Greener as he explores the life and times of these two health food pioneers.

211 : Osteopathy and CranioSacral Therapy Developed in the latter half of 19th Century, Osteopathy was founded by Dr. Andrew Taylor Still on the belief that the body has the ability to heal itself if it is given the proper assistance. An offshoot of Osteopathy is the practice of CranioSacral Therapy, which involves the manipulation of the bones of the head and neck. Join host Alastair Greener as he explores the origins of these healing therapies.

212 : Power and Light Man has been interested in the healing power of light for centuries, and with the inventions that allowed electricity to be harnessed, new ways of healing were discovered. Join host Alastair Greener as he explores the origins of Power & Light as a healing tool.

213 : Graham Kellogg While Graham crackers are best known today as a commonly enjoyed snack food, they were originally created as a part of the strict dietary regimen promoted 4