September 2013  Working for the How to contact us Isle of Dogs Conservatives 2 Blyth Close London E14 3DU intouch ISLAND GARDENS BUILDING PLANS - WITHDRAWN! ■ The threat of development on Island Gardens park has been defeated - thanks to your Isle of Dogs Conservative councillors and objections from residents across the Island. In our last In Touch we kept you informed about a proposal to build a community centre in a Portakabin on this historic park, risking damaging the view of Hospital across the river. Following action from your local Conservative councillors and the setting up of the Friends of Island Gardens, the plans have been withdrawn. But the risk to local parks has not been defeated. Respect-backed Mayor, Lutfur Rahman, has implemented a commercialisation strategy for parks which has resulted in commercial events being held in Sir John McDougall Gardens and Park. Commenting, Conservative councillor for Cllr Gloria Thienel said “I am delighted the developers have seen sense and withdrawn their plan to build a Portakabin on our park.” “Rahman’s plans to commercialise our parks have led to tents and marquees on Sir John McDougall Gardens off Westferry Road, and now proposals to build on our historic Island Gardens park. “It is the Labour-dominated Tower Hamlets Development Committee that would have finally decided on this. Isle of Dogs Conservative councillors Peter Golds “Residents know our parks are not safe with Labour or the Respect- and Gloria Thienel in Island Gardens park. The backed Mayor. Only local Conservatives are standing up for our threat of development has been beaten back here borough’s green lungs.” LABOUR AND INDEPENDENTS VOTE THROUGH ISLAND POINT DEVELOPMENT ■ Island Conservatives have slammed committee voted against it. Labour and Independent members of Commenting Conservative councillor for Tower Hamlets top planning committee, Cubitt Town Cllr Peter Golds said “With after they voted to build a 173-unit our schools, doctors’ surgeries, buses housing scheme at Island Point. and the DLR already bursting at the The proposed development would fill a seams, the addition of hundreds of new site on Westferry Road, but has come housing units to our corner of the Isle of with no plans to improve local Dogs has been voted through with no infrastructure—such as buses, schools, consideration to building new and doctors surgeries–which are al- infrastructure. ready at bursting point. “It’s clear neither Labour nor Lutfur The plans were voted for by two Labour Rahman care about the Isle of Dogs. Above: Island Point site on Westferry Road. councillors and two Respect-backed Population density here is now higher Labour and Independent councillors voted to Independent councillors. Both than Hong Kong, yet they just keep on put nearly 200 more housing units here. Conservative councillors on the piling more buildings in.”

Printed and promoted by Poplar and Conservative Association, of 2 Blyth Close, London E14 3DU. intouch

Printed and promoted by Poplar and Limehouse Conservative KEEPING IN TOUCH Association of 2 Blyth Close, London E14 3DU.

Name Please raise any issue or problem of OVER-DEVELOPMENT concern you would like help with. On the front page we kept you up to date Address on the Island Point development, voted through by Labour and Independents. Do you support development without infrastructure being put in place?

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ROADS UPDATE RAHMAN’S CLEAN - UP CLAIM - Manchester Road (below) has WHAT A LOAD OF RUBBISH! been far better for all road users Your local Conservative councillors since Isle of Dogs Conservative have slammed Respect-backed councillor Cllr Gloria Thienel got Mayor Lutfur Rahman's claims that improvements and maintenance secured. Cllr Thienel has worked our streets are clean - and have with residents for two years to get called for better street cleaning this work done. and an end to bulk waste charges. Says Gloria “Manchester Road Millwall Conservative councillor Cllr was becoming more dangerous as David Snowdon said "Bulk waste more traffic was diverted here. charges are leading to fly-tipping Councillors Peter Golds and David Snowdon with This work makes our road safer across the Island. Labour and mattresses and rubbish at Montrose House and for both drivers and pedestrians.” Independent councillors voted Montcalm House on the Kingsbridge Estate against our proposals to get rid of them. “Lutfur Rahman is now spending thousands of pounds of taxpayers’ money on yet another propaganda campaign, this time telling us how our streets are clean. Anyone who walks round the Isle of Dogs knows this is just rubbish.” MEET YOUR LOCAL CONSERVATIVE COUNCILLORS FOR THE ISLE OF DOGS CLLR TIM ARCHER CLLR PETER GOLDS CLLR GLORIA THIENEL BLACKWALL & CUBITT TOWN BLACKWALL & CUBITT TOWN BLACKWALL & CUBITT TOWN 020 7364 4747 020 7364 4747 07771 108314 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

CLLR DAVID SNOWDON CLLR ZARA DAVIS Your Island councillors hold surgeries MILLWALL MILLWALL every Saturday 12.30-1.30pm at the Barkantine Polyclinic and 2-3pm at 07751 729585 07745 219712 Cubitt Town Library, and the first [email protected] [email protected] Friday of the month 6-7pm, East End Homes Office, 137 Manchester Road WORKING FOR THE ISLE OF DOGS - ALL YEAR ROUND