An Engagement with the Trinitarian Epistemology of Tf Torrance

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An Engagement with the Trinitarian Epistemology of Tf Torrance Durham E-Theses PARTICIPATING IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD: AN ENGAGEMENT WITH THE TRINITARIAN EPISTEMOLOGY OF T. F. TORRANCE MILLER, KRIS,ALLEN How to cite: MILLER, KRIS,ALLEN (2013) PARTICIPATING IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD: AN ENGAGEMENT WITH THE TRINITARIAN EPISTEMOLOGY OF T. F. TORRANCE, Durham theses, Durham University. Available at Durham E-Theses Online: Use policy This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication 1.0 (CC0) Academic Support Oce, Durham University, University Oce, Old Elvet, Durham DH1 3HP e-mail: [email protected] Tel: +44 0191 334 6107 2 PARTICIPATING IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD: AN ENGAGEMENT WITH THE TRINITARIAN EPISTEMOLOGY OF T. F. TORRANCE A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF THEOLOGY AND RELIGION IN CANDIDACY FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY BY KRIS A. MILLER DURHAM UNIVERSITY MAY 2013 ABSTRACT PARTICIPATING IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD: AN ENGAGEMENT WITH THE TRINITARIAN EPISTEMOLOGY OF T. F. TORRANCE KRIS A. MILLER The overall aim of this thesis is to assess the viability of a particular understanding of participation in the knowledge of God for the postmodern, scientific context in which it is now located. Through a critical engagement of the Trinitarian epistemology of T. F. Torrance, this thesis provides a more holistic, complex vision of participation in the knowledge of God that moves beyond the problems of reductionist accounts. Part I of the thesis identifies and defines the modern problem of reductionist accounts of theological epistemology. To overcome these problems, this thesis proposes a complex vision of the knowledge of God through an engagement and expansion of Torrance’s Trinitarian epistemology. Part II delineates and analyzes seven general dynamics which comprise the nature of the knowledge of God for Torrance. Before moving to the center of his theological epistemology, this section provides an introduction and assessment of the general dynamics at work throughout his discussions of the knowledge of God. Part III goes to the heart of Torrance’s epistemology, the Triune God. This section begins by examining how the persons and relations of the ontological Trinity exercise a governing influence upon Torrance’s theological epistemology. From this Trinitarian framework, this section then turns to expand and appraise three epistemological dynamics which consequently become centrally important: knowledge of God as personal, relational, and participatory. This section contends that these forms of knowledge involve the whole person and a way of life. This vision of participation extends the Trinitarian epistemology of Torrance with priorities to which his theological writings clearly point but which he himself did not develop. Part IV concludes the thesis by drawing together the assessments made along the way concerning knowledge of God in a postmodern, scientific age and proposing an epistemological model that moves beyond the problems of reductionism. ii STATEMENT OF COPYRIGHT The copyright of this thesis rests with the author. No quotation from it should be published in any format, including electronic, without the author’s prior written consent. All information derived from this thesis must be acknowledged appropriately. iii DECLARATION This work has been submitted to the University of Durham in accordance with the regulations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. It is my own work, and none of it has been previously submitted to the University of Durham or in any other university for a degree. iv CONTENTS Abstract ........................................................................................................................ ii Statement of Copyright ............................................................................................... iii Declaration .................................................................................................................. iv Table of Contents ......................................................................................................... v Acknowledgements .................................................................................................... vii Abbreviations ............................................................................................................ viii Part I: Introduction 1. Theological Epistemology and Modernity’s Reductionist Accounts of Knowledge: The Problem and a Complex Proposal................................................................... 1 1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 1 1.2 The modern problem of reductionism for the knowledge of God ............. 2 1.2.1 Karl Barth and the problem of reductionism for the knowledge of God .......................................................................... 7 1.2.2 Hans Urs von Balthasar and the problem of reductionism for the knowledge of God ............................................................ 14 1.2.3 Other Christian theologians and the problem of reductionism for the knowledge of God ............................................................ 20 1.2.4 Summary of the problem and a complex solution ....................... 24 1.3 T. F. Torrance and participation in the knowledge of God ...................... 30 1.3.1 Contributions to historical, global discussions of knowledge of God .......................................................................................... 33 1.3.2 Contributions to Charismatic-Evangelical and Reformed Theology ...................................................................................... 34 1.3.3 Contributions to scholarship on T.F. Torrance ............................ 35 1.4 The goal and moves of this work ............................................................. 38 Part II: Epistemological Survey 2 Dynamics of the Knowledge of God in the Theology of T.F. Torrance ............ 41 2.1 Introduction .............................................................................................. 41 2.2 Scientific .................................................................................................. 44 2.3 Ontologically-determined ........................................................................ 61 2.4 Trinitarian ................................................................................................ 70 2.5 Creation-situated ...................................................................................... 76 2.6 Essentially Rational and Conceptual ....................................................... 85 2.7 Transcendent ............................................................................................ 92 2.8 “Truly Realist” ......................................................................................... 98 2.9 Review ................................................................................................... 108 Part III: Trinitarian Epistemology 3 A Supreme Dynamic for the Knowledge of God: The Ontological Trinity ...... 110 3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................ 110 3.2 The stratified structure of knowledge and the supremacy of the ontological Trinity ....................................................................... 111 3.3 Onto-Relations within the immanent Trinity ......................................... 125 3.4 Assessment ............................................................................................. 134 3.5 Review ................................................................................................... 138 v 4 Knowledge of God as Personal and Relational.................................................. 140 4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................ 140 4.2 An onto-relational order ......................................................................... 140 4.3 Knowledge of God as personal knowledge ........................................... 143 4.3.1 The Trinity and personal knowledge ......................................... 143 4.3.2 Personal knowledge and the postmodern, scientific age ........... 148 4.4 Knowledge of God as relational knowledge .......................................... 155 4.4.1 The Trinity and relational knowledge ........................................ 155 4.4.2 Relational knowledge and the postmodern, scientific age ......... 163 5 Knowledge of God as Participatory ................................................................... 169 5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................ 169 5.2 Knowledge of God is participatory ........................................................ 169 5.2.1 Knowledge of God as participation in the self-knowledge of the Trinity .............................................................................. 170 Participation in the self-knowledge of the Trinity is realized through the incarnation ..................... 173 Participation in the self-knowledge of the Trinity is enabled by the Spirit....................................... 175 Soteriological participation ............................................ 177 5.3 Participation in the knowledge of God involves the whole person ....... 178 5.3.1 Theological and scientific perspectives ..................................... 179 5.3.2 The framework encompassing Torrance’s emphasis on
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