SAN JOSE MAYOR Official Notices TO OFFICIALLY PUir'CATIOH : J,:fAGUI Wnpn II \,.1~ In tim. t d rt' "nfly Ih t J.'\ L Imd i'~ na• OPEN KEGFEST Iton;,\ pr .... hklll \\ ,'r(' In! hte'I,,~d Il~ ConltnllnL~ls hpl':luS 01 a prote~1 allalnsl a resolulion fOI ~011ll Lechner b~ the Record 174 teams legislature. the PaciCic CiUzen regards thIS an to compete in 1961 PACIFIC CITIZEN opportune time to publish the three policy statements. of JACl tournament the Jllpllnese American Citizens ~engue contra all foreIgn IlY PIIlL IJ\ ruR !l1"nlolli!' ami pSJleciaH,' I'ommumsm F.dltor SAN JOSE. -A new r~cord ~n· Jol. 52 No. 9 125 Well er SI" Rm. :l02, Los Angeles 12, CA lif .• MA 6·4471 10 CENlS ! III of J 7.. >eam~ n~pft.." ~ ~ntlng 128 Friday, March 3, 190 I tnl'rt Lind 48 womt'n t('Am", [r'(\l1" • Ilnwall to\ will "Inri POLICY AGAINST COMMUNISM Hrlnl! nway In "UQ ~t of natlon,,1 t '1 Ih. F •• ,rth 8t.-nnlal '"lIonn.l JAt:l. CoO\','nll

'i 2-PACIFIC CITIZEN FrIday, Marc.h 3, 1961 Calif. FEPC rules By Henry Mori ...... '. , ' .... elf I •• , "A.~' on first formal PACIFIC CITIZEN hearing announced Los Angeles Pull I h It II t w£'-\:k of )'cnr. 1~5 Wiler 't Rm 3 ... 2: LU6 An~el,. 12. cohl.-.IA. 6-H7\ SACRAMENTO Th" li"t lor• mnl public hearlnll of the Call1o,""lo - NEWSLETTER f'alr Employmenl Practices Com· nl.... lon. held IA. t Jan 0-13 In 1.0' --- \nllele . h,,, re ulted in the order Ask Us Now or Ihe ant" F,' Il!ltlrolld to Free In(urma tioo "einslate NCM1"O cOleh cleanl' r I."en• Lechner Undeserving li~ Andrc\\ :\l t\.5 Bar!'ilo~ ' vard. 1JDfflft~ il ft a)' him lO,monlh. back pay and Bt.'caU!'>l' lht.· J AC[ wa:, on lh.... a chnm lHon of nn ~ r t Pcopit. 'romalt hIm at thl" lir. I oppor· Il erl when us A embly m an pro· luat don't change that quickl y. unity, it wa ,Innuunced herc tht, o ','<1 a citation (or D ~. John . ~c hn er 01 Los Angeles (or hi: " 1II0NGO GAKKO .~ Sumitomo Bank .. cek. 'Iong and dlstlngulsh .. d career Thl.!' commission fQund 58n1.\ Fe Our :on. Bennell and Duna. arc (OALIJI'OIU'IA) 'wit,' of two violation. feofusnl to 'due"tlong our ciUzen. a nd light· og the communl,t menace." tha t hE1>PLod In learning a smalterlng ;romot..- and SUbSloqul'nt Uring bl.."• 1! the J "panes!: Janguage Like In au«' ,( Wing " complnlnt with " ,olutlen woo voted down 3·2 by other (,mllles. we tend to caU «0 Montgomery St. FEPC 'he A.,sembly Rule. Committee re Ihem bv their Englllh nam.'_ Sao Francisco EX 2-1960 Whil,' thl. . wa ~ the IIr5t (ormnl cenlly until we get mad or Upset Then. 1carlnll. \lru",lI)" all complalnl 01 Dr Lechner Is Ihe executive dl· Irs Takao and Kenji! 101 S. Sao Pedro 'ndul 01' l'clhtioo" job dl~crimlno· rector o( the Amorlcanlsm Educa· Bennett has been at\endlng , Los Angeles MA 4-4911 "m inve ligated by ~'EPC durln~ tion League J apanese ochool to "recaU" some 1 P r )" r (pa,·"bl" In nd\"ancd t tirst l7-month!ot have bl'cn r~· Strangely enough sInce the aban· C'f the word< .. nd cxprciSlons b. LJ l o r llar. uh nptiOn (I' ".,.-tfllJ. 'Itlrcm) ..,Ivcd short o( public hearing. ionmcnt o( the resolution there 1400 - Fourth 51. used 10 rattle or! when he wa Sacramenlo GI 34611 Iter III Po:;I Olll"c. L.llI ,\neeics. CaUf. Thcfl· were a.qS cases on HIe ,lnd '10; been Oln undercurrent o( cnt· Ihree yuars old Dana was neve. 1:!7 huve been clOSl"I"r cltv' We just can't sce a man being _1-1.. e,cnt dn oddbJIl I hnve lived in HawaII (or the Pacific CitIzen. is an acceptable recognized (or what he actually i. Active JACLer Jim Higashi was theme, showin.c an American 'TIajorlt.v o( mv llIe where the named pre.ldent 01 the Japanese Tovl· woman and n Japanc:;c woman, Amerlc .. n custom. However. bold even though time has changed and Bllt thank .od thcre ar.:> in thj, CUlIl11! • oddballs like I ACL is non.e"istent. During my prinl, o( "Security through unity" American Jr Chamber o( Com. I~- each wllh J telephone supposed· his chances 10 race·bait I·sel and hIm. In n lI,t (rom thl' amc mJi'ldualislic cloth ,\ . ./. ,lay on the continental United IIlvcs (breigner., nnd unacqu'lnted Nisei citizens are no longer there merc" lor 1961. ,.ucceeoiing chartH ly 1.,lklng to each olher president Tamlo Katayama. at thc ISTUD10 States (or business and education. people Ihe Impression that tbere Yes. we believe It worlh • hort ColIlII·. John '1 hum3:. Charlie Bell. L. B Gec.<'ge Creillhton. local man· I h·we discovered lhe establish· "3. board o( director.' elecLion me"t· 318 East F irst Str.., ager (or Pacmc Telephone. said .till exists wholesale Inequities in every bit o( trouble 10 S top a mar. Allan II mter • orman Thomas. to name a few 'TIent 01 th~ Japanese American Ing this week. thnl ," (ar a.' he can determIne the Unikd St'Jtes agalnsl Japanese Irom getting somelhlng he docsn't Los Angeles 12 to Ihcc men the faith we now have in the :i tizem; League, an Qrganizu lion This IS nol true Look to Congress· deserve. And, Dr Lecbner. in our Higa,hi. who work. r"r a whole. this was the only time a cov.!r 'ale drug !irm. has been director MA 6-5681 contest was held. Miss Kosnka ,rimnrtly (or Japnnese affairs. in man Dan Inouye. estimation, hasn't lived up to whal pro c e of d frel" .0Ul't)' Thc 'upport they ga\'e th every principal ell) where there Plea$C promole Americanism and o( Chrlstma.< Cheer. He wl\1 be "as pre,en\ed three shnres o( Ihe Assembly resolution suggest> a.sisted on the JCC board by 'Isel dUTlng th!.' p 'nod of c\anl8tkn and relol'ahon help- lelephone company stock as part is a concentration or Japanese. the J apanese thrOUj!h Ihe (reedom or implies. Future citations of an) No doubt there arc deeds per· o( the press. Ther" are enough Kcnjl Nak4mur:t, Jun Morl. Bob Wt' possibilil~ 01 the prize. sort would be worthless II the TomQc. V.p._ Dave Yokoz.ekt. slate dl. ~od P11~ ed to de Ipall' th' k(pllel'm lelt about the (ormed b)' the J ACL that I, de· publications in the United States rc."Clor; Sam Nteda. lrc:.... ; CeorlC Fu· " 10 Eat recipient's value o( human dlgnlt, Nooa 10 MJdnlrb1 of JII tiel' m "3 \\ lute man's demoaacy " serving o( high pI'alse. However, 10 the contrary. and understanding is not all there. ,Ila. as.t. treal.. (wao KolLumt. Mlko I would question Ihe present need lUCHARD Y. OK ITA Yamano. cont: Mike Yamane. C. Fu· While pr( \ IIIclahsm put the :\i el behind Ihe barbed HARRY MATSUKANE'S SON We firmly feel that even iJ HlQ. Cnkl KJncya. Frl"Ci T.,omae. T.1rnJo (Closed Tueadl)') to publicize such motlos as "Se· Honolulu. lIa wali Frank F. Cbuman, O'Jr nati,nal KaLtyarna. Aklyo,hl Yamada. bd "Ire of .\n l'rlca's fir l concentration l'amp White pro· curlty through Unity". Perhaps JACL president. (ails to accomplish memb ElECTED STUDENT MAYOR :'dr;. Jean White was n .. m"d LEM'S CAFE unit,)· was required durinll the anything else during his secona nnclah m l' tabh.,hed the ":\3tlonal Origins Principle" in PLACE:'oITIA -Melvin Matsu• period o( World War II and shortt) Idaho Falls JAY parents head 01 the women' Auxiliary lI.EAL CD.lNC8& DISm:. kane. eldest pin~ Centcr I.ltiort5. \ hlch pl.'rmit Ihe , isei 10 join their ranks. These J ACLers here. GUts - M3i:_l.tnCS 4 Record. Idaho Falls JACL Newslelter. Ta· the NAACP but the recent action the .responsibility o( action. be· Jon was lis led among straighl organllallOn" arc almost exclusively white and predominant· keo Haga, Mrs. Fumi Tanaka and against Dr J ohn Lechner has me havior and the conduct o( the FUJIMOTO & CO. A students in the seventh grade THE YOROZU 302-306 SO. 4TJf WEST I. Protest nt for a ITUIIOrll} wluch is hell· bent on securing NeWSletter Editor Mrs. Aki Tokita troubled. youth organization here is in the at Central School. compiled the inlormation. hands ol J ACL. then the Idaho Wbolesale and RetaU SALT LAKE CITY 4. UTAH status J It,(- i 1'1 are. ml'mbclship In these grollps is incon· 1 am sure that the degradation Listings onelude the name and o( Dr. Leebner. however "bigoled Falls chapter has Ihe right to in· 322 "0" St., Sacramento 11 TEL EMplIe 4-8279 lro er'lbh.' e\l{jen.~ In their own mmds. that they have address o( Ihe parents, mother', sist on membership if they so de· U,c. Japanese Alumni racist, a nd rabble·rousing" his ac· Prompt 1>1all Serolce be~om maiden name. name and birthdate lion, has gained Ihe Japanese sire, . "a. imllated' into the \\ hile communlly. o( each Sansei child In the (amlly elects Dr. T, T. Hayashi nothing but Ihe satisfaction o( reo At this time. I should I1ke to EUGENE 6: BA.ROLO OKADA I u peet Ihat mucb'l.lI tne blame for Ihc reccnt defeat The directory is being sold at Sl venge. Moreover. I s uspect th'al commend the Idaho Falls J ACl BERKELEY -Arter a lapse o( with proceeds going toward equip• un red b~ Ihe .'1 t:i in the state of Washington on the Ibe J ACL Intervention has reo membership lor approving admis !O years, Ihe Un;". of California ment and supplies needed by the sion of youths Irom Rexburg te rapanese Alumni Associallon has alJen I nd Ia referendum can be attributed to the Nisei'~ opened old wounds. In venture, Newsletter such as Ihe Lechner case, a lew the Idaho Falls JAYs. We welcom, leen reactivaled with Dr. Terry Toyo Printing Co. mug a sumptujn of "aett'planee," ba ed on their having The direelory may be obtained true allies ar e gained but the Ihe Rexburg youths to Idah" Falll r. Hayashi as president. 'rom Mrs. Tokila. 350 ESt., Idaho and look forward to the shariol The group \\'as first organized Ollset • LetterpreSI particlpaltd In parades wcarin~ some silly headgear. and enemy becomes a more bilter and Linotyping "a Us ; Bud Sakaguchi. Rt. 5 Box vigorous monsler. o( mutual (ellowship and acquaint n 1924 but became inactive with t30. Idaho FaUs; or Mrs. Fumi their un" IJlInJnt: to Jeopardize that acceptance by gelling You may tblnk that I. residtnl! ances. LEO HOSODA he outbreak o( World War 11 and I 309 S. San Pedro M. ranaka. Rl. I. Shelley. Idaho. funcUoning informally since then mlo an all·out fight, whIch would serve to set apart the in Halyail, should not be concerned Idaho 'Falls JACL. Los AI\/:eles - MA 6-8lS3 about a case In California but the . periodically at Big Game ?mc T~l'111TY un A ccmENT co . i! el a raL"lally dlstmct from other clltzens. lACL represents to approximately I Foregoing comments were pub· NQn-\.:., ceJ.ble ~u . ;n·:m.t~d r"ne..... ~ I abJe dt ab ility Inc.1Hf. (> pbns. Hl'member now th) allCl('nt benefactors in the days of JACl REPRESENTED ON 170,000,000 people their closest con· lished in the chapler newsletter.! -LIt- tnsurnnce- tact to Japanese behal·lor. The KF'I SCHl\UDT ynur lon rvaltve middle years. The time may yel com!' CITY YOUTH AUTHORITY majority of us in Hawaii are proud , When in Elko I Bn~ 4:!17. Bt ,. td P)"I 44:"'U when the lOgIc VOKC of an oddball wJll be more comfort· SAN FRANCISCO. -Two new to be born 01 Japanese parentage Japanese population board members were appointed and will cootinue 10 crusade for . Stop at the Friendlv Stockmen's I~ Ing lhan all the adolescent mumbo·jumbo of your fraternal this week 10 Ihe Adult Advisory h d wider recognition of our Constltu.' In Uta ecreases ~~.'*tttI brother Ccuncil o( the San Francisco lional Rights through unorganized. SALT LAKE CITY - The United Youlh Association. a cily·wlde individual deeds that oare indicative· Statcs Census Bureau reports Ihe CAFE - BAR - CASINO ~ 'inancial Industrial Fund you I h organization lor high d AmerIcanism. 11960 Ulah population lVas 890,627, A Mutual FUnd school students. Appointed were Geor~";] lna~ .. k~~t9t (t U-.nt. The transmissJon o( JapAnese o( which 4.371 were Japa nese Stockmen's, Elko, Nev. ( O I ~tTl~' :'hmu:.~" Able Hick, o( Ihe Un Iv. o( San Community news through the me· There were 4,452 J apanese at tllC 110 N. Sot" Pedro r ~!, MA R..... 681 FrancISCo And Marie Kurihara, dia o( the press, particularly tile 1950 counting. .J{tkawaga San Francisco JACL board mem• Flowef"ll (ar Any QcrasJon U'L TOKIO CENTER rOR lAPANEliE CONTJ:CTIOIOlllY ber and Jr. JACL adviser Flower \"iew GardeD3 Th" aduil council i:' chaired by Each Deposit In sured Up To $'0,000 "Jembe,. fTD 244 E, lit St" - Los Angel.. - MA 1-4935 Art lto (13th Yr lOOOcr) Stephan Zellerbach; Thvma. E Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ~H9 1.01 F.lIz Sh·d. NO 3.,,148 Row~. executive director fmp'er;a' Gardens ' Jr. JACL delegate. to Ihe SUlCI 'aki\ Restaurant Fuji Rexall Dru1!s SFYA arc P~ul f'uJil. David Prescription SpeclaUm H.ra, Sandy Ina and MargaTllt 8225 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood - OL 6-1750 STEPS£.'I B . OKA'I.'.\~A Kal. the 300 E. First St. - !itA 8'5197 TOM SAKAI PRODUCE CO WELCOME JACLERS -- YOUR HOST: GEORGE FURUTA. 1000E/l Quality Coachella Valley Vegetables Chicago Nisei wins $l,SOO newsPQper contest prize P,O. Bolt' 415 Telephones EAGLE:. PRODUCE DR ROY M. NISHIKAWA Indio, Calif. CHICAGO. -Dr Sam Snsamolo. way for S.•• t.JlIli09 10 COIlt."lct Ltn," Diamond 7·3046, 01 7·2361 a Chlca~o Bollrd o( Health dentl.t. Honded CommIssion ftterobanla 234 S. 0.10:' (4) DU 4_1400 hit tho jackpot thl. po t week Wboles.le FruIt Ind Ve,etlblee ~~ ...... ~ when It Wll Announced Ihat he you Sacramento Subscribe to Japan's only won 51.500 in "Find Ihe Rlllht .lob" 929·943 S. San Pedro St. MA 7-66.. ('ont",t spon ored by the SlIn· Architectural Journal In Englilh Tim.· H,' corr"rllv mat~hed ('N" lOI Angol .. 15 wllh jobs In all 10 pu"le' which to Nisei Owned .,pp,·Jred in Ihe new.paper for City Center Motel lhr(',. week • . .. NK 12th & D SIs. - GI 3·7478 Dr. Sa.omoto ,aid Ihut the prill Sv.imnllnq Pt"('1 Roo"1 PhClnfi Pro .(I·I(:ed and prlnt,·d In Jilpan and moncy will b,· u. cd (or medlc"1 save .. , Elllpi .. e PL'jntin6 CO. Rd,lgmlrd AI,· C... dltlo"loq ,.,1 h d In P.nllli h, The J,,",on Archll""l bill baby clothe , (urnlture and BY I:n£HIh .nd JIlIHIO Ttlnl)IOn other ex""n ,·s. The Saaam<>to. ex. I p~d ehr eet II) Y""' Thlt cxclt• COMM!:IWIAL aad SOCIAL PRlNTINO In'" r )vnthl), ",a':117In( showl how YOII p<:ct Iheir fir.t baby next Srptem. "1- ~l o\\'ers tor All OC'cl'tslona·· bf.·r tan UJ ll'h Ynllr htJme, J(ardcn, decur ... l'vIAI L 11 .. Weller 5t" Los Angeles 12 MA 8-7060 East acramento ahtlra Arid lUlU ual tC'JuC'hca to your Nursery and Florist hrm ApprcJ" 1IIIJ J,ln'f tir cnbJn~ 581h & Folsom Blvd. GL 5-8298 pJ 't rl(1I fhmr fJI,an. UtH." hi r;II1M" Veterans charter flight J,~pUnf'!f· CHlc..M;O. ·NI 1'1 VIlIN In IInrt nl,'"1 f dltrlrwll nn ,tlrOL'". I with d ebts Royal Florist (h ErlJrlY fill ",hIll' iJnd dl j·U. lon~ (.. mIU,· plnnnl,,\! In Iltlimd the "Wlum U'~ be-It $D Id . Y (lowett ~f,wl "' J .Iptftl·, ~ l In ('ooll'rnJ,ltJlury urch. Vr.ll-ran Hcunfon In HUNt"l with h eavy payments v l\ w ith our . Junr 1/)·17 m"y ,,,In Ih,· Chlcrollo r..jl· Inth Sf C I :t1fit· noy III,:.. 'hlnc Iltcl'tr with many small payments NI'"I p" t lI8:1 ch.,rlured IIlllht b)' TROUBLED! : .Hllln\{ (nr dl'lnll. (rom .Joe 5". wll h any kind of Money ']'1 utimr Wah'h Shop tl,mt, 11:18 N. Clan·ndl)• . Ch 1011 1:" ( .11 I *,1 h '''{j n. .. I:",*" "'", "I• Iloublt", VJ '1\1('p.Jtl . ... ", , \ I l :; t $10 . 011,1. '''I'Y $1,25 -.~ I 'r d . 'J- p'jd \J }::I~J I '1111. N II loR " , \I' jill. tt -il .. It" I lJ ' lf1!t e. r ~'''''II.II .'J':(OIlI1I:I ~ .;; Ancestral Society NA'IIONA JAPANESE AMERI AN PORT/ .... ND ... new jfrnup. Ihe WAK O·URA the japan architect 64 Suttor 61rool, Snn Fronclsco 20, Callfornl CITIZENS LEAGUE CREDIT UNION ~III . i\ ;,1, 1 c'huJ' SU"\" J"J,#anl' I.' Ancl'slrul Soch·tYt Wn O( I~ U M~n\ 1 I ,."~ ( ' ll~ - I'hijn~ . 11 \ l l Opt, 52, 1170 ~'OadN/li" NEW YORK I, N.Y. orllnnlud In t monlh with Tom It!1 11'. It. olllh, Slllt I, tull IU"lu ;,.l;!lJU ~~1"1 ij f 61~1 S. T ,ml ,I u O'\eclcd I'" Ident. tOS ..... ortn , . IlO SO. SAN 'CDlO - lOU, 5t. - GI ~ 3-PACIPIC CITIZE N Fri day, March 3, 1961 j lnouye bills to aid Long Beach JACL in firm bid fo invife Anti-bias bill in Hawaii victims ot U.S, ., Maryland legisl a tur~ I shellfire on Dec. 7, 1941 By Lorry Taiiri Nat'l JACL bowling tournament in 1963 WASHINOTON.-A new att.empl to gel 10ng'50ught damages lor twn LO:'llG BEACH - _ lnny Southern lila beillil headL', l) IJ1 S h Sonoma County board of The Army has recommended h d a J. n .ngle IQr 00 ycar! mtln," as wen a the cnormou.·l\· inll will be provldt' KAna I hi!. T.uruko Kobayn:h!. Joint commlltee pitching 10.' the J.lck Sou I GOIO SUluki) ;lnd Rdko Vetorans Memorial BuildIng. now IIrc Irom an American gun, Inouye ue';ss totcroa\l""ally 01 C!~lb~rl '63 tournament In Southern CalHor· juvenile delinquency saId. ~Ilkad~. Sa to. undor c<'llstructlon :uI 'uW, n's "Thc One Bnlll Nisei "ppolnlce. are aellve In conjunction with Pollce Silt. 3 th e" as th huberL's prodllc ...... 1 d • \\ IIh the 100.,1 American Legion Stanley Uno's talk on Juvenile In r "The Ge n" "h."h sl.;rre \ 'lORE rcel'nt dewlopment ha Ill» I "lid ils county·wlde orl(anI7.1l· CITY COUNCILMAN JOINS WEST L.A. JACL Delinquency next Friday. 10, J m • T PO"'rs In 1~13 p,)\\ er . 'n 'h, Imi>Orlln' 01 J.1panl Bowling award fete tlon. These appointment.' mark the LOS ANGELES JAPANESE CASUALTY ~d".l La. Angelt·' City Councilman Karl Rundbcrg (scated) receives hi. ,It th e West Lo$ Angele, JACL lalcr tarred In n<. th r r"\,Ul perlormcn; lor TV nnd nillht· first time thnt NI~el here hnve public meeting at the WI,A Bud· INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ~ctaeulnrs" m .. mbcrship curd In Ihe West Los Angoles JACL from chaptcr pre· -tompltIAI lnwronu Pr oltcllo ~ rcvI 01 01 Ih, show III 1(132 Dnd "'ub .. It started been ,,'cognized lor lhelr nallve sident Akiru Ohno while Eddic Okuda, public relotlOns chairman, dhlsl Church, a 111m and speaker the pro:lucuon was "',.. a RIO whcn StC\'c Purk"r broullht over outslandlng event ot Icader.hlp In community arralrs. on na rcotics will be prcsanted. n the .urn,,"-cr th alu wcuil num~r loks 011. The councilman is the chapter', Ilrsl Caucasian momber n of Japanese J'X'r(ormcrs Bolh arc also active with the expres~ed Alpha Iota PhI. Nisei campu. AIHARA IN S. AGY. AI~ara-O"",uu·Kaki la ~ars ~or this yeuT, Ohno pleasure thnt Mr. Rundbcrg hus joined 'h l\J1 0, ,ra s eral Kabuki trouoes bave played banquet chairman, the program The S5OO .0OO development wlll in· It donation of S10 was made In Council, this six·week series Ica· uperto lor SO car iWe hs,,, .·c,,· York and other major cities for the evening wlU be as follows: MA 9- 1425 , NO 5'6791 clude a garden hotel conWnlng J anuary to Girl Scoul Troop 923, -.- ~ , seen I performed ID ollC"a houses ".th succcsS. The In test was a 6:00-No·ho.d cocktaU hour tures speakers (rom the Los An· .----~------...... about 15 rooms and a fine arts wh ich the Auxiliary sponsors, The geles Count~· Human Relations in San FrancISCO and. City company from the Knbuki·za in 7 :OO-Dlnuer shop. It wlll be owned by F uji ~Ietro­ Tok\'O whIch concluded a succcss· 1 tS-Awurd presentations and intro· money Was used to purchase prinl· Committee. The discussion group KADO'S and, lasl Janul1I'Y. al t.bC duction or CUesl$ Gardens. Inc., composed 01 local lng equipment lor the troop', pohllln Opera .0 ,'ew YorI< In the (ul three weeks' engagement at meets on W<:dnesday evenings a nd Complete LIDo of ort.n"'l Foover project Irom 1960 I ned by Ja n Ao nma "ith The dinner co.t 01 S6 per person restaurant wlU feature J apanese, Ale FenkeU Ave. - UN ~ R~fUlL.) T aldi 5 Cbo-Cho-San,) preSenL1ltions might have played in Inouye represented the members Is that of makIng rag dolls. The will Include dancing to OrIn Blatt· Chinese, E ast Indian and American at tbe International House Party ladies a re planning to dona Ie the 315 E . First 51., Los AnJ1lles 1% S e " c r II I /l!m vers.ons 01 the past to limited audiences. Detroit, Mich. ner's 12-piccc orchestra in a nother 'ood held at the Beverly Hills Hotel. dolls to' hospitalized children at a lilA 5-8S93 "M dall\ ButterD)" have been modern science is helping make . M~t 01 the restaurant will be the thealer a universal art. portion 01 the building. For those The event was presented by the late date. m do, mcludJng t ...? v the planning to attend the dance only, devoted to J apanese style dining ltal. lIS. HoI vv. rna:! a drama· International Student Center. which Plans for the March 20 meeting At C,ty Cenler members of the il wlll be S3. SO couples or stag. facilities. was the recipient o( the funds are (or a favorite recipe nIght. Ask for, •• tlc \'el'l'. l1-li0: th opera-ba ck .n a udience wcr~ provided with Inns· Reservations can be made with The hotel. too, will be opera ted CHICKIE'S BEAUTY SALON 1932 wt·.h yh. _.dn">, n3 a up• raised by the Auxiliary's beneW The Auxiliary will meet at the Islor sets and earphones. While Norman Mineta CY 5-3960, Phil in authentic J apanese la.hion. It dance last fall. .nd-almUli: actor ngmcd. C n I' ) residence of Miss Suki Uyeno with 'Cherry Brand' 730 E. 1ST ST., LONG BEAtH. CALii'. the spoken language onstage was Matsumura CI 8-1400 a nd Wayne will have no conventional beds but P reparing lor their lourth year their recipes and samples. Grant. Japanes.... an immed.ate Iranslation Kaoemoto CY 7-3707. instead wlll be equipped with fold· II10luai SuPPl7 Co, HE. 1>-0724 • In English was provided. The ex· Tickets have been distributed to ing m attresses placed on the floor. 200 Davis st. 'WHE.' the mov.cs came to the periment was an instant success other areas in Northern California E ach room will have a sunken San Francisco EVENINGS BY lPP'T. llIeD-sJeepy '\Jburb caUod 11.110" and has set a pallern (or otber and can be purchased from the bath. Wives of West L.A. JACL pasl presidents wood b ck belore World War I. loreign·lalllzuage presenla lions des· (oUowing: Makino said initial construction among the IIr t star. deVeloped tined lor the :-lew York theater. Tak TsuJlta, Sacramento: Sam Kits· will start nbout March 1. Plans = by lbe new Il,ckcr.s-th . harlow. An off·Broadway theater. in New ba.n5hl. Contro Co~ta. Louis lto. F'10· call for the arts shop to open earn life membership honors in PTA on a screcn---were S - :Ie Haya• York's Greenwich Village. i. pre· rm. John YUUlnOlO, San Frnnclsco about three months later and the - Cal-Vita Produce Co., Inc.- Nullona) Rcudquarters: Ceorge Saba It lOa, oniy recently that Na· I daughter Joan pInned the pin. and Bonded Comrnlulon lofercl1aDta loa and r~ru Aok. II IS a senting a program billed as "Three Stockton; KcnJI f'ujU. Eden Township: restaurant to open in the fa ll. remarkable lact that bo are still Jaoonese Plays." Unlike the Ka· Dennis Nunh.a, San Benu.o County; The cnlli'e development is expected tional J AC L President Frank Chu· just then her sisters Mrs. Edith Frulto - Veg."'bl.. Harrv Vagi, WatSton\"l11e: PaUl Jchlujl In (.Im H;l\akaw3 aller hI• buki which represents the tradi· to be completed by winter . man had mentioned that the Nlse. Yamamoto and Mrs. Mary l.hi· 174 S. Central Ave. - Wholesale Terminal MarUI :\tonlt'rcy. Edwin Ohkl, Sonoma Coun· were "invisible Americans:' Yes. zuka walked in with their mo\.ber trcmendo cnme~ck a th Jap~· tlonal Jnp.,ncse theater. the,;e C) Frank '\'ama~ld, Berkele.y; HJ All of the wood rrame buil dings, Lot Angeles MA 2.8595, MA 7-7038. MA 3-04504 n command,mt In "Th Brld~c play. represent the mo:lern .JaPH · AkilRI. Alameda: Klyo Hirano, 5.J Unas; which wlU fratul-e a n extensive u.e they may be inv.sible but they Mrs. K. NishI. bc~n .Inl'!~. Kurt Ollt, 5an MAteo: ~lnd Roy Endo. arc there pitching in the back· Another mother thal has been "" Ih Riy" K II," IJ,.. n .e Two an' by thc no,'elist Oilklnnd of j:! lass, will be air conditioned . blJ y In H 11 ,-d. O. fIr hi, .md playwri~ht. Yukio lIIishima. Most or the fi xtures in the stt· uc· ground. T wo aclive West Los An· helping out at the Nora Sterry Tournament co-chnlrmen J oe geles nJ pthcrs received Lifo Mem· Elementary School for about 12 lat' rok "d th I nl tlUl pir.,lc and nrc modernizations, in Eng· Tenma and Asa Yonemura arc tures will be impor ll.'l.t'. Sa\ e 15": on a round·trip trall .~ Pacific ticket when you fly "'0 decodes 01 this ccntury Isome presidenl 11 0 !'fis O't.Qwa, Minoru - MA 9,3232 - ;\fg~~'I;uJ:~;::." .!cW:m~:.:&¥~·,·~ LIJ Ire stUl residents hcrel. the DC-8C Jet Couriers of Japan Air Lines. ee your travel . _ Takagakl ·and Ken Ogawn. also 111 \\'U h l r ~ B h' d" L o~ An~e t n 17 agenl or J AL oWce in major U.S. ciUes, 3lId fly amid . , • Hln.. ca and May KU1".JIU.kl. ae~ive (Corner Wilshire: nnd Flower) Y. CLIFFORD TANAKA T hurlt1 ay. March 9 J ACLers here. The troop has a group 01 50 boys. Res. Phone : AN 1-4.\22 S .• le and Anal; ,: "Rm_-Mcn' TC"':'Im. 12::10 p,m.-Women'. TCDm. Blue Cross applications Other J ACLers active with the )1) p.m.-Men'a D ouble~M •• On.,. Listed Securill('s and Un listed Securities 10 p_m .-Women', Doubles - Tul:. \1'ONL'EREY.-Ncw members may troop are Sei 'Dyo, Dr. Joe Abc Ochttanl And Sachl Inouye. le enroDed In Monterey P enInsula and Harvard Yuki. Mutual i" und~ I' rldlll", ' lII r c:: h 10 1230 o.m. ·3rd SQuad Men'. Double JACL', Biue Cross program not 8:11) a mUh &quod Men's Double. ater than April 1. i961, according l\lISSING PERSON SHEARSON, HAMMill & CO. 83.0 a,m.-Women's Doublt_ o Kaz Oka and Harry Menda. Ex-JACL queen in Japan 7:45 pm-Men'. SlnaJe...-Frdnk 53· Wont. In(onnoUon on Wherenbouts of :halrmen. June Kawai 01 Pasadena com· M, n.b- f (,.. York Stock Enhange and other k~m,.~t°j, . m _Women'!'J Slngl f"1 - K:u' P arents were reminded that chll· Leadln\! Security and CCimmoclily Exchange. plelely fooled Japan Air Lines UMETARO KOYAMA <;ak:'\moto. Kuml Sallo. and Kny Tahl· iren reaching theIr 19th bIrthday offiCials. who wanted a girl speak ban•. this year musl be re-enrolled at or his holrs.. He ILved III Colfax 33Z4 Wilshire Blvd" Los Angeles 5, Ca lif. StUurdar. !\larch J 1 Ing with an accent as a hostess County, New Mexico In the towns 8 1$ A.m,-Mcn's lCc. Women's Single. the full rate as a nyone 18 li nd for a travelogue It plans to !lim of Koehler, Brllllont... Swnsllka ond 0-'1 30 p.rn -Awrtrd banquet. mder arc oniy Included in the IJU 1·~la:;5 Cit 1-2244 SY 5·9!lDl O:30-2;.."lO H_m._Doncc. In Japan. The 1948 JACL Convcn· ~~r'r~J~~ ~~nt~~l>t:~pd~~ ~~~, ~~ 'bapter'. lamlly plan. Ratc. are 26·'5, Houslon I, Texas. 1l 0 .~8 tion queen, aIter some study, for male, single; 513. 71 (or handled the scrIpt like a .. ecent (emalc, si ngle. ~~ Four AJAs on board of arrivat Irom Jopan. A (nshion --...... ------mDdel lodoy, she is now In .Japon WANTED Pel entry from Hawaii SALT LAKE CITY -New nppi!· on a 7 lo IO·day fllm aSSignment. INTRODUCING oat.ono for membership In the Farmers Co·Op 401'l0LULU - Four Jnponeo. Salt Lake J ACL Blue C,·oss·Blue MANAGER \ml·rlcnn. have been named l.9 Shield HospItal plan are being Ihe board or director' o( the IIq· Attbrney Yasaki feted B\" Cortez Grower's Aun., Turlock. ROMA LI ND COSMETICS aecepted through Mar 10 I instead cillll, One of the oldest, oulshmdln. ,.,oil Islandcr.· In the Pacific Coast 01 the 15th., Mrs. Doris Matsuura, More thnn GO (rlends honored I Ut"mors co·op .pcolaU.lJoa In gl'''PCS, peuehcs, ulmonds. Mcmbtrahtp or Ja· of HOllYWOOD Sa'cball League. They were' chalrmJn, has announced. (statel deputy nttornC)' genuI',,1 State Sen. Lawrencr Kunlhl.a. Joe Yasnkl and his wile JessIe PO~~~:~ltn;,~ri~~~rCllnendgr~~~~'~~:ilh JAPAN AIR LINES DC-8C JET COURIER frl'" 6ro,.IIIIT" t"()-t)wnr'r and manager 0' thr at a (arewell dinner lost week 'lural Red Sox of the HaY{oll ~~~\~~~u~~p:~~~~u~~ .~ r h:~~~~~11~ WrjJ-chal .. m,·n Chit... Lts. Koln a ho scrvl'! Kurihara IIr~ Threc CJlnpter eYents arc on tap local Women's Garden Club rlowt'r rOf better Anll:ricans. We are being called 10. fight a.nd part,(~lfJoWd ".,.chulrm~n or Ihe class. for March, noled Klg\lchl. 'l'lll show. welcoming ships Irom Japall Mrs. Frld Ochl In strive with other .\mericalUi to :tbolish the prejudIce and tn· Crenshaw A.C" 2501 W. Vernon, that dock at the port or Rl'<'Jwood a panel teo, fie Southwe.t DistrIct Council. to secure ali-lime publication, will provide porI of CaUf. ' A rull tw members In early February away (romnlJ tire convention facUlties of tbe Issei Story chairman {or clippings and photos of pan that D.C. SDOW was flls.ko SalIal'; Sheraton-W~ st SEATI'LE. - Response to the chapter aclivities for the Sorap.. Hotel being turned VENICE. - The Venice-<:ulver over to the Southwest Los Angeles moll and telepbone campaign to book. Yoshio Sakaue, new D.C. boord JACL board, meeting at the home member alld News Notelegaws wUt continue dues (rom $3.50 to S5 for single NIsh Kumnr:'lt. John A ~kf. Pllul To· scheduled this weekend in Frankfurt, Germany. CONTRA COSTA MEETING mila and MnJ, Ruth NUtS'Uo. .JACL-member s ub sc rl~e1"l , duptl• tb"ir deliberations at the Terrace and the $9 per couple member• SEBASTOPOL. - The Sonoma RtCIiMOND - "Income Tax and ships_ D~C~eID~~~~r.m Iwab. T. Kamo cation o( Pacific CItizen Issues • Room. The twapter will expllin recent reVisIons and chairman Kay Nakaglrl o( San War Memorial l1all to honor aU was stressed by Shimomura who additions to social security. Fernando. The entire affair Is be• Issei parents is being co-sponsored said help ",Ill be needed wIth the Living with JACL: by Saburo Kido Slated to begin at 130 p.m., Ing hosted by the Southwest Los by the Sacramen10 JACL and National JACL Convention In 1962 the meeting wJlJ be aimed at all Angeles JACL. Women's Auxiliary. and the legislative program. espe• sect.ions of the Japanese American Movies of the 1960 nation a:! con· cially the onti-allen land law com community, especially the Issei An April 9 "rain date" was also mittee work. William Waki will chaIr the dis· Hamatani, who covered the event For the Nise' Women cU5sion and Interpret In Japanese Chapter scholarship with his camera. Door prizes and A leature 01 the evening w1l1 be a games are also planned, according The PC editor and I were talk· qucsUon and answer period. to Gladys Masaki, Auxiliary presl· the i r citizensbip, regardless 01 had writl'eo that Sumn was "given Yosh Sakahara head Ing aboul locating the lormer Miss whom they marry or when they ~hat A vl'ry short busine" mecting dent. an ovation has never bean applications mailed he bad som e materinl about her marry or wbere they reside. She given. lor any American-born bOy will precede the program, and re· Sally Taketa, event chalrman, trIp to Washington, D.C., in 1931 reported that the House was ready (rCJ:hmcnu wlll be served. wUl be as5'isted by: . or girl". Whlle in New York, Ille SEBASTOPOL. - Applications for Snake River Valley to lobby tor the Cable Act amend· to take favorable action. same repQrter added, she "mllde Sumio Yoshil. program chairman the third annual Sonoma County So1~r.S '{} . '!j.~~~~~~~"" ~~~: s~I~~~·~Y mj!Ilt. We tlnally located her and The San Francisco JACL had :I very fnvot:1ble impressioh on the lor the chapter, will be in charge J ACL P ioneer Memorial Scholar· BY VlRGIN'lA HIRAI of arrang~ments lor the evening. ~~:::3LI1£~~~t:~~~~!C;; ~~~;r~1~ wben 1 phoned her. I snld: "Pardon con t act s with Congresswoman men and womeD of tbe oldt!r sbip from high school students 01 ONTARIO. Ore. - The part played me if I am mistaken. but do Florence Kahn on tbe same amend• generation $d assured th.e.m 01 this county are now being ac.cept. rekda. Grnce Mltsull>ml. S. FujII. tele· phont. by members of the J apanese Amer· you happen to be the Cormer Miss ment. I believe Suma met her the hopeful luture of American• cd. ------ican Citizens League In combatting Suma Sug!!" I felt I had the right while in WaShington. The League born J:ll>II.(Iese in Ctllilomla. ~od San Benito County JACL Dr. RDy Okamoto, chapter presl. discrimination and in helpIng other party (rom tbe voice which an· of Women Volers and the YWCA especially those in Southern Cali· card party proves success dent, announced the forms have DELANO JACL COMUNITY minority groups with their prob• swered the phone and It turned were also active in this campaign. fornlo". been mailed to all hI gh schools. lems was stressed by Mas Satow, out my intuitlon had not betrayed bolh at the notional and local When sbe returned to Los AII• BY TAK KADANI Deadline Cor appllcatlons has been PICNIC SET MARCH 26 Nntlonal Director, at the instala- me. levels. geles, a banquet was given In bn SAN JUAN BAUTlSfA. -Annua: set lor Saturday, April 22. 1ion banquet of the Sanke River honor at the :l'IIlJld:lrin Cafe wilh The a ward Is open to all high DELANO.-Committcemen for the The (ormer Miss Sugi is now Frankl,)' speaking, we w ere card party .ponrored by the Sar Valley JACL held at the East Mrs. Harry Yokotake, working lor "babes in the woods" then as tnr 40 present. SusIe Andow. chapl"r school seniors and Is not limited annual Delano JACL community Side CaCe here F eb. 18. Ben Ito County JACL Chaptel pIcnic, to be held on Sunday, Mar. the Los Angeles Board 01 Edu",,• as legislative movements were con· vice-president. W1ls mastl!r of Ct!r~ proved to be a huge sueces. with to those 01 J apanese ancestry. New officers Inslalled were: monJes. Frank Oda is scholarship chair· 26, were appointed this past week lion. cerned. J ACL was not able to be more than 100 people enjoying an An April 9"raln dale" was also Yosh Sakahora, pres.; J im F\,jlto, included in the council DC groups Those ot us in San Francisco e,'enlng. Prizes lor the game. were man, anlsted by Ed Ohld, secre· 1st v.p.: Aklra Wakasugl, 2nd v.p.; Since the information requeslcd were watching the actions 01 thIs t all thost tournament with the Delano Spar• A check for S200 was presented a one-man lobbyist In 1933. was decided something should be responslbl", lor th", SucceJl ot the tans. Mrs. Dressen and her group No doubt, during those days 01 RMu Shimpo, PresIdent Hoover ALAMEDA JACL PASSES the PresbyterIan Nursing Home by signed the amendment on Mar. 3 dtme to iMorm the chapters. card party, put on demonstration. P~rtlelpanls Abe Saito. outgoing preSident, duro Ule 1930s, the job oC Influencin:: One everling. T~motsu :lluraY:l• and it W1lS to go Into e!Iect as Plam lor the annuol chapter LAST YEAR MEMBERSHIP and guests were served a buCfet Ing Ihe ovcnlng's program. legisl~tors was most dllClcult. not ma happened to come to my bo-.... Une nlllbt undH lh" direction supper by tlTe chapter. only becnuse or the anti-Japan~ .. soon as the e"ecutlve order was livln~ ALAMEDA. - Surpa,slng last Also on the program. for which Issued. home. I w:ls then at 1G23 01 Sho Nakamllll>, chapter bowling year', mark ot 141, the Alnmeda Last Sunday, the local chapter Joe SaIto, was toastmaster, wa' atmosp\lere but (ew had nny ,)"". Wl'bster SL, San FranCISco. We ten m c.lplaln, arc being (or. 101nN! with other cIvic IIroups In lhe invocation by the Rev. Gcorj!C Dathv tor an Ol'lenlnl or uod~ r· Subsequent reports indicated thnt talked aboUt the great work Suma JACL hOM .Iflned up 155 mem• lhe House and Senate hnd gone matoted Date and plRce NIII b, bers lor 1001 In n current mem• soliciting for the Henrt Fund. Uycmura, mlnlsler of the Commu· standIng 01 tJ,e younger J"ei who had done ()l' the wellore of N Isel announced In th~ near tutUrt· nlty MethodIs t Church; the wei· won led to be n pnrt 01 Am"l'lc~ into ctinCcrcnee on tbe amend. women. W~ lelt that It chapters benhlp cnmpulgn, necnrdlng to wa~ G('orrc U~hIJlma. chnlrmon or come by Abc SaIto as president and not wanting to return to Ja ment. One 01 the conI"rces In Southern Calirornia weren'! ia• or the Snoke Rlv~r Valley chop• pan. It was dltlloilit to bl,l",v" the Inte Sen. Hiram John"On 01 icrcsted In: her story. she • houk! lhp chnot('r memb('rshlp commll• C:rl!Cornin. Since he helped to have Basketball tourney for \<' •. 01 tel'; muslcnl nllmbers by Mary Ann that thore were porson, of J .lP:\· be Invited 10 visit the chnpters 01 thl, number 21 arc I Bcl Detroit cabinet ulI.,nlmnu· aPI)roval oC the Joint Ofllurallu·d cltl7pn~. Wakosugi and AlIce NI.hllanl, and nese BnCeSlry willing to give up Norlhol'n C:dICol'nla. Pa1adena scouts slated AppllcnllonA (or mombcrshJp In a Japanese dnnae by Mal'y J ean theIr mother cOllntry and b"coml commlllee. Suma concl"ded that Tamotsu being a mon 01 acllon PA"."Df-:'1A -Thr Pa ad"na ,TAC'L Kuga. nnlllrnll ~c d U.S. citizens. U.e CaUtornlan was not n anti· immcdlotely took to the telephone th,' locol nrgonl701tion will be positions filled Japanese ns mnny believed, ,'111 flOn 'or It Ifr.t onnllnl basket• accepted through M,trch. U ~ hl­ nnd bellan calling the various DETROIT. - The de.lgnatldlo\e schedulps lor Blitch Tamur" And Kd .:Ioflkurlvo torI. n""", Imuru, Tal,./) Imura, "1'0 hI Shlmourn. cor. 'oc ; Yo. hlko JACL HJll to lenrn how to mnko Prom the newspl)pcr nccounts, coml'. 1 presume it wos the t,csl and al/t'tled to vIsit the chapleo-s. rn loorOllmt'nl C"G-ch .• lrmrn. n,p Dr nol"nd Knd"nGl(U, JOlin No• Inouye, rcc. ~ec.; ScI. u FuJioka, Rt'mbC!i (rice cukc!t) from Kuzuko Sumo Su,l fl'l)()rl<'ur. I1m.n,', Ya Yama.hllu and MIn 0""0, IfI/)() Club, ond Mury• will be Mo.v O,awo, Irellc Solo un amcndm~nt provl'lIn~ Amrrl Nation's Capitol. chapters were concerned, nument'. "ml}$! valuoble pluyer". Yonckuru. aol, pub, and Jdu OJIBWa.. can·bol·n womcn need not lose The Ralu Shhnpo correspondent lTo' 13e ConUnut!d)

4 '"'