500 Songs That Shaped Rock
500 Songs That Shaped Rock James Henke, chief curator for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, with the help of music writers and critics, selected 500 songs (not only rock songs) that they belie e ha e been most influential in shaping rock and roll! "he list is alphabetical by artist! A AC/DC, #$ack in $lack% AC/DC, #Highway to Hell% Roy Acuff and the Smoky Mountain Boys, #&abash 'annonball% Aerosmith, #(ream )n% Aerosmith, #"oys in the *ttic% Afrika Bambaataa, #+lanet Rock% The Allman Brothers Band, #Ramblin, -an% The Allman Brothers Band, #&hipping +ost% The Animals, #"he House of the Rising .un% The Animals, #&e /otta /et )ut of "his +lace% Louis Armstrong, #&est 0nd $lues% Arrested De elo!ment, #"ennessee% B The B"#$%s, #Rock 1obster% 1 of 19 The B-#$%s La&ern Baker, #Jim (andy% 'ank Ballard and the Midnighters, #&ork &ith -e *nnie% The Band, #"he 2ight "hey (ro e )ld (i3ie (own% The Band, #"he &eight% Beach Boys, #'alifornia /irls% Beach Boys, #(on,t &orry $aby% Beach Boys, #/od )nly 4nows% Beach Boys, #/ood 5ibrations% Beach Boys, #.urfin, 6!.!*!% The Beastie Boys, #(7ou /otta) Fight for 7our Right (to +arty)% The Beatles, #* (ay in the 1ife% The Beatles, #Help8% The Beatles, #Hey Jude% The Beatles, #9 &ant to Hold 7our Hand% The Beatles, #2orwegian &ood% The Beatles, #.trawberry Fields Fore er% The Beatles, #7esterday% The Beau Brummels, #1augh 1augh% Beck, #1oser% (eff Beck )rou!, #+lynth (&ater (own the (rain)% The Bee )ees, #.tayin, *li e% Archie Bell and the Drells, #"ighten 6p% Chuck Berry, #Johnny $! /oode% 2 of 19 Chuck Berry, #-aybelline% Chuck Berry, #Rock and Roll -usic% The Big Bo!!er, #'hantilly 1ace% Big Brother and the 'olding Com!any, #+iece of -y Heart% Big Star, #.eptember /urls% Black Sabbath, #9ron -an% Black Sabbath, #+aranoid% Bobby Blue Bland, #"urn )n 7our 1o e 1ight% Blondie, #Heart of /lass% *urtis Blo+, #"he $reaks% )ary ,-S- Bonds, #:uarter to "hree% Booker T- .
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