Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2017 No. 160 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. and was Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. Perry Tech in December 2016 with a called to order by the Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I object to the vote on the certificate in information technology f ground that a quorum is not present and communication systems. and make the point of order that a Tyler has cerebral palsy and has PRAYER quorum is not present. overcome many challenges to obtain Reverend Timothy Kesicki, Jesuit The SPEAKER. Pursuant to clause 8, his certificate. He has served as a role Conference, Washington, DC, offered rule XX, further proceedings on this model and a leader among his class- the following prayer: question will be postponed. mates. God of all consolation, from whom The point of no quorum is considered Applying the resources and guidance human sadness is never hidden, we turn withdrawn. he received at Perry Tech, Tyler is cur- to You to be our strength this day. f rently employed with Continuant, a The psalmist proclaims that You are telecommunications service provider, close to the brokenhearted and that PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE where he is succeeding in advancing his You save those crushed in spirit. The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman career goals. His achievements are We pray that You lift the spirit of from California (Mr. PETERS) come for- commendable, and I wish him the best our Nation this day, and guide those ward and lead the House in the Pledge in his future endeavors. who represent and lead Your people. of Allegiance. Please join me in congratulating Help our leaders to find good counsel Mr. PETERS led the Pledge of Alle- Perry Technical Institute on their and give ear to Your holy words. The giance as follows: achievements as they continue to pro- Book of Proverbs teaches us that: ‘‘For I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the vide excellent education and job train- lack of counsel a nation fails, security United States of America, and to the Repub- ing to equip students just like Tyler lies with many advisers.’’ lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Andringa. May all who advise, guide, and help indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. to direct our government do so with f f selfless care. May they put the needs of TAX REFORM ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER others before their own cares and lift (Mr. PETERS asked and was given the burden of those who suffer most. The SPEAKER. The Chair will enter- permission to address the House for 1 Grant our leaders discerning minds tain up to five requests for 1-minute minute.) and hearts, so that ‘‘Your will be done’’ speeches on each side of the aisle. Mr. PETERS. Mr. Speaker, our tax today and every day with which You f system is broken and in desperate need bless us. of reform. We need a simpler Tax Code We pray this with great faith and RECOGNIZING PERRY TECHNICAL that is fiscally responsible, makes hope. INSTITUTE AND TYLER ANDRINGA Amen. American businesses more competitive, (Mr. NEWHOUSE asked and was and allows working families to prosper f given permission to address the House in a 21st century economy. THE JOURNAL for 1 minute and to revise and extend But the Ryan-McConnell tax proposal The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- his remarks.) would do the opposite and fails on the ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, I rise promises made by President Trump to ceedings and announces to the House today to recognize the Perry Technical boost the middle class. Middle class his approval thereof. Institute for receiving the Accrediting families would see an average tax in- Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- Commission of Career Schools and Col- crease of $1,290 per year. That is a 380 nal stands approved. leges’ 2017 School of Excellence Award. percent increase for an average family Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. Perry Tech has continually provided of four. Mr. Speaker, pursuant to clause 1, rule high-quality education and technical A new analysis from the nonpartisan I, I demand a vote on agreeing to the training for students in the Yakima Tax Policy Center said that the Ryan- Speaker’s approval of the Journal. Valley of central Washington, and this McConnell proposal would add $5.6 tril- The SPEAKER. The question is on award is well deserved. lion to the national debt, a 27 percent the Speaker’s approval of the Journal. On top of that, I would like to recog- increase from the current debt which is The question was taken; and the nize Tyler Andringa, who received the already too high. Speaker announced that the ayes ap- commission’s 2017 Outstanding Grad- Under this proposal, the increased peared to have it. uate Award. Tyler graduated from deficits will far outweigh the benefits

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:15 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC7.000 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H7846 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 5, 2017 of reductions, and economic growth Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to The Acting CHAIR. When the Com- and hardworking Americans will both stop wasting time and demand that a mittee of the Whole rose on Wednes- suffer. joint select committee be established day, October 4, 2017, amendment No. 2 Instead, we need forward-looking to combat gun violence and the bipar- printed in House Report 115–339 offered policies that are fiscally responsible tisan King-Thompson bill be brought to by the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. and create opportunities for families the floor for a vote. SCOTT) had been disposed of. and businesses in today’s economy. It is time that we had the moral AMENDMENT NO. 3 IN THE NATURE OF A That will only come from bipartisan courage to act. Our Nation can’t wait, SUBSTITUTE OFFERED BY MR. MCCLINTOCK negotiations where we can work to- and they shouldn’t. The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order gether to create the best possible tax f to consider amendment No. 3 printed in conditions for Americans. RECOGNIZING BRETT RUBIN OF House Report 115–339. Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Chairman, I f BUCKS COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA have an amendment at the desk. RECOGNIZING NATIONAL FARM TO (Mr. FITZPATRICK asked and was The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will SCHOOL MONTH given permission to address the House designate the amendment. (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania for 1 minute and to revise and extend The text of the amendment in the na- asked and was given permission to ad- his remarks.) ture of a substitute is as follows: dress the House for 1 minute and to re- Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I Strike all after the resolving clause and in- vise and extend his remarks.) rise today in recognition of a brave sert the following: Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. young man in Bucks County, Pennsyl- SECTION 1. CONCURRENT RESOLUTION ON THE Mr. Speaker, October is National Farm vania, Brett Rubin. BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018. to School Month. It is time when we A resident of Northampton, Brett’s (a) DECLARATION.—The Congress deter- celebrate food education, school gar- positive attitude and boundless energy mines and declares that this concurrent res- dens, and lunch trays filled with make him a promising young leader in olution establishes the budget for fiscal year healthy, local ingredients. our community. This is even more no- 2018 and sets forth appropriate budgetary Farm to School brings healthy foods table due to the challenges Brett faces levels for fiscal years 2019 through 2027. (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.—The table of con- from local farms to schoolchildren na- from type 1 diabetes. Despite these ob- tents for this concurrent resolution is as fol- tionwide. The program teaches stu- stacles, Brett has never allowed this lows: dents about the path from farm to fork illness to define him or hold him back. Sec. 1. Concurrent resolution on the budget and instills healthy eating habits that More amazing, Mr. Speaker, is that for fiscal year 2018. can last a lifetime by introducing chil- Brett has channeled his desire to cure TITLE I—RECOMMENDED LEVELS AND dren to real food. this illness and to help others. AMOUNTS At the same time, use of local Partnering with the Juvenile Diabetes Sec. 101. Recommended levels and amounts. produce in school meals and edu- Research Foundation, Brett and his Sec. 102. Major functional categories. cational activities provides a new di- mother, Sandy, have raised thousands TITLE II—RECONCILIATION rect market opportunity for family of dollars to combat type 1 diabetes. Sec. 201. Reconciliation in the house of rep- farmers in the area and lessens envi- Participating in foundation walks, the resentatives. ronmental impacts of transporting food Rubins join a close-knit group of fam- TITLE III—BUDGET ENFORCEMENT long distances. ily and friends, and they call them- Subtitle A—Budget Enforcement in the More than 31 million children eat a selves Brett’s Band, which is a fitting House of Representatives school lunch 5 days a week, 180 days a name honoring a teenager who marches Sec. 301. Point of order against increasing year. If school lunch can taste great to his own beat and steals the show long-term direct spending. and support the local community, ev- wherever he goes. Sec. 302. Allocation for Overseas Contin- erybody wins. In the early 1990s, there It is my honor to recognize this ex- gency Operations/Global War on were merely a few Farm to School pro- emplary young man. I know Brett’s fu- Terrorism. grams, and today there are thousands. ture will be bright and that type 1 dia- Sec. 303. Limitation on changes in certain mandatory programs. Mr. Speaker, as chairman of the Nu- betes will never interfere with his am- Sec. 304. GAO report. trition Subcommittee, it is encour- bitions or his aspirations. Sec. 305. Estimates of debt service costs. aging to see this program grow and our f Sec. 306. Fair-value credit estimates. schoolchildren’s diets improving. A Sec. 307. Estimates of major direct spending CONCURRENT RESOLUTION ON lifelong love of healthy, locally grown legislation. THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR food from your local farmer is some- Sec. 308. Estimates of macroeconomic ef- 2018 fects of major legislation. thing we can all support. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Sec. 309. Adjustments for improved control f of budgetary resources. NEWHOUSE). Pursuant to House Resolu- Sec. 310. Limitation on advance appropria- GUN VIOLENCE tion 553 and rule XVIII, the Chair de- tions. (Ms. ADAMS asked and was given clares the House in the Committee of Sec. 311. Scoring rule for Energy Savings permission to address the House for 1 the Whole House on the state of the Performance Contracts. minute.) Union for the further consideration of Sec. 312. Estimates of land conveyances. Ms. ADAMS. Mr. Speaker, 585, the the concurrent resolution, H. Con. Res. Sec. 313. Limitation on transfers from the general fund of the Treasury to number of people murdered and injured 71. the Highway Trust Fund. in Las Vegas on Sunday during the Will the gentleman from Idaho (Mr. Sec. 314. Prohibition on the use of guarantee deadliest mass shooting in U.S. his- SIMPSON) kindly take the chair. fees as an offset. tory. b 0911 Sec. 315. Prohibition on use of Federal Re- 477, the number of days since the pre- serve surpluses as an offset. vious deadliest mass shooting in U.S. IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Subtitle B—Other Provisions history in Orlando. Accordingly, the House resolved Sec. 321. Budgetary treatment of adminis- 521, the number of mass shootings itself into the Committee of the Whole trative expenses. since Orlando. House on the state of the Union for the Sec. 322. Application and effect of changes 91, the average number of Americans further consideration of the concurrent in allocations and aggregates. killed by gun violence every day. resolution (H. Con. Res. 71) estab- Sec. 323. Adjustments to reflect changes in lishing the congressional budget for concepts and definitions. 69, the number of homicides in Char- Sec. 324. Adjustments to reflect updated lotte in 2017. the United States Government for fis- budgetary estimates. Zero, the number of actions taken by cal year 2018 and setting forth the ap- Sec. 325. Adjustment for certain emergency Congress to address the gun violence propriate budgetary levels for fiscal designations. epidemic in our country. years 2019 through 2027, with Mr. SIMP- Sec. 326. Exercise of rulemaking powers. When is enough enough? What is it SON (Acting Chair) in the chair. TITLE IV—RESERVE FUNDS going to take for Congress to end gun The Clerk read the title of the con- Sec. 401. Reserve fund for the repeal of the violence? current resolution. 2010 health care laws.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:15 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0655 E:\CR\FM\K05OC7.002 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7847 Sec. 402. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for ad- Fiscal year 2018: $2,668,877,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: $17,774,272,000,000. ditional measures relating to Fiscal year 2019: $2,756,890,000,000. Fiscal year 2026: $17,922,572,000,000. the replacement of Obamacare. Fiscal year 2020: $2,850,457,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: $17,943,641,000,000. Sec. 403. Deficit-neutral reserve fund related Fiscal year 2021: $2,947,616,000,000. SEC. 102. MAJOR FUNCTIONAL CATEGORIES. to the Medicare provisions of Fiscal year 2022: $3,079,775,000,000. The Congress determines and declares that the 2010 health care laws. Fiscal year 2023: $3,210,906,000,000. the budgetary levels of new budget authority Sec. 404. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for re- Fiscal year 2024: $3,349,213,000,000. and outlays for fiscal years 2018 through 2027 forming the tax code. Fiscal year 2025: $3,502,499,000,000. for each major functional category are: Sec. 405. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for Fiscal year 2026: $3,672,058,000,000. (1) National Defense (050): trade agreements. Fiscal year 2027: $3,842,299,000,000. Fiscal year 2018: Sec. 406. Reserve fund for revenue measures. (B) The amounts by which the aggregate (A) New budget authority, $676,050,000,000. Sec. 407. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for in- levels of Federal revenues should be changed (B) Outlays, $652,657,000,000. frastructure reform. are as follows: Fiscal year 2019: Sec. 408. Deficit-neutral reserve fund to re- Fiscal year 2018: -$64,692,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $676,241,000,000. duce poverty and increase op- Fiscal year 2019: -$76,618,000,000. (B) Outlays, $651,644,000,000. portunity and upward mobility. Fiscal year 2020: -$100,119,000,000. Fiscal year 2020: Sec. 409. Implementation of a deficit and Fiscal year 2021: -$112,295,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $676,460,000,000. long-term debt reduction agree- Fiscal year 2022: -$103,141,000,000. (B) Outlays, $650,005,000,000. ment. Fiscal year 2023: -$107,010,000,000. Fiscal year 2021: Sec. 410. Deficit-neutral reserve account for Fiscal year 2024: -$113,215,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $674,719,000,000. reforming SNAP. Fiscal year 2025: -$119,679,000,000. (B) Outlays, $647,508,000,000. Sec. 411. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for So- Fiscal year 2026: -$117,320,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: cial Security Disability Insur- Fiscal year 2027: -$116,088,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $673,902,000,000. ance Reform. (2) NEW BUDGET AUTHORITY.—For purposes (B) Outlays, $660,780,000,000. Sec. 412. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for of the enforcement of this resolution, the ap- Fiscal year 2023: Federal retirement reform. propriate levels of total new budget author- (A) New budget authority, $688,039,000,000. Sec. 413. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for de- ity are as follows: (B) Outlays, $673,944,000,000. fense sequester replacement. Fiscal year 2018: $2,869,547,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: Sec. 414. Reserve fund for commercialization Fiscal year 2019: $2,894,948,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $702,217,000,000. of air traffic control. Fiscal year 2020: $2,895,989,000,000. (B) Outlays, $684,734,000,000. Fiscal year 2021: $2,925,467,000,000. TITLE V—POLICY STATEMENTS Fiscal year 2025: Fiscal year 2022: $3,056,667,000,000. Sec. 501. Policy statement on Obamacare re- Fiscal year 2023: $3,054,334,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $716,434,000,000. peal. Fiscal year 2024: $3,152,483,000,000. (B) Outlays, $703,603,000,000. Sec. 502. Policy statement on replacing Fiscal year 2025: $3,296,588,000,000. Fiscal year 2026: Obamacare. Fiscal year 2026: $3,397,043,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $732,456,000,000. Sec. 503. Policy statement on Medicare. Fiscal year 2027: $3,451,336,000,000. (B) Outlays, $719,347,000,000. Sec. 504. Policy statement on Medicaid Fiscal year 2027: (3) BUDGET OUTLAYS.—For purposes of the State flexibility block grants. (A) New budget authority, $747,635,000,000. Sec. 505. Policy statement on Social Secu- enforcement of this resolution, the appro- priate levels of total budget outlays are as (B) Outlays, $734,397,000,000. rity. (2) International Affairs (150): Sec. 506. Policy statement on means-tested follows: Fiscal year 2018: $2,809,440,000,000. Fiscal year 2018: welfare programs. (A) New budget authority, $23,236,000,000. Sec. 507. Policy statement on reform of the Fiscal year 2019: $2,876,701,000,000. Fiscal year 2020: $2,881,466,000,000. (B) Outlays, $24,424,000,000. Supplemental Nutrition Assist- Fiscal year 2019: ance Program. Fiscal year 2021: $2,955,056,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: $3,056,336,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $21,568,000,000. Sec. 508. Policy statement on work require- (B) Outlays, $22,103,000,000. ments. Fiscal year 2023: $3,039,746,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: $3,124,286,000,000. Fiscal year 2020: Sec. 509. Policy statement on a carbon tax. (A) New budget authority, $21,517,000,000. Sec. 510. Policy statement on economic Fiscal year 2025: $3,264,841,000,000. Fiscal year 2026: $3,380,506,000,000. (B) Outlays, $21,810,000,000. growth and job creation. Fiscal year 2021: Sec. 511. Policy statement on tax reform. Fiscal year 2027: $3,435,219,000,000. (4) DEFICITS.—For purposes of the enforce- (A) New budget authority, $21,508,000,000. Sec. 512. Policy statement on trade. (B) Outlays, $21,469,000,000. Sec. 513. Policy statement on energy produc- ment of this resolution, the amounts of the deficits are as follows: Fiscal year 2022: tion. (A) New budget authority, $20,270,000,000. Sec. 514. Policy statement on Federal regu- Fiscal year 2018: $140,563,000,000. Fiscal year 2019: $119,811,000,000. (B) Outlays, $20,485,000,000. latory budgeting and reform. Fiscal year 2023: Sec. 515. Policy statement on Federal fund- Fiscal year 2020: $31,009,000,000. Fiscal year 2021: $7,440,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $21,068,000,000. ing of abortion. (B) Outlays, $20,712,000,000. Sec. 516. Policy statement on transportation Fiscal year 2022: -$23,439,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: -$171,160,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: reform. Fiscal year 2024: -$224,927,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $21,881,000,000. Sec. 517. Policy statement on the Depart- Fiscal year 2025: -$237,658,000,000. (B) Outlays, $21,222,000,000. ment of Veterans Affairs. Fiscal year 2026: -$291,552,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: Sec. 518. Policy statement on reducing un- Fiscal year 2027: -$407,080,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $21,712,000,000. necessary, wasteful, and unau- (5) PUBLIC DEBT.—Pursuant to section (B) Outlays, $20,885,000,000. thorized spending. 301(a)(5) of the Congressional Budget Act of Fiscal year 2026: Sec. 519. Policy statement on a balanced 1974 (2 U.S.C. 632(a)(5)), the appropriate levels (A) New budget authority, $23,636,000,000. budget amendment. of the public debt are as follows: (B) Outlays, $21,669,000,000. Sec. 520. Policy statement on deficit reduc- Fiscal year 2018: $20,705,790,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: tion through the cancellation Fiscal year 2019: $21,342,481,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $23,168,000,000. of unobligated balances. Fiscal year 2020: $21,881,784,000,000. (B) Outlays, $22,148,000,000. Sec. 521. Policy statement on reforming the Fiscal year 2021: $22,365,586,000,000. (3) General Science, Space, and Technology congressional budget process. Fiscal year 2022: $22,732,612,000,000. (250): Sec. 522. Policy statement on Federal ac- Fiscal year 2023: $22,971,856,000,000. Fiscal year 2018: counting. Fiscal year 2024: $ 23,180,660,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $22,308,000,000. Sec. 523. Policy statement on agency fees Fiscal year 2025: $23,283,603,000,000. (B) Outlays, $23,519,000,000. and spending. Fiscal year 2026: $23,324,552,000,000. Fiscal year 2019: TITLE I—RECOMMENDED LEVELS AND Fiscal year 2027: $23,082,487,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $22,775,000,000. AMOUNTS (6) DEBT HELD BY THE PUBLIC.—The appro- (B) Outlays, $22,977,000,000. SEC. 101. RECOMMENDED LEVELS AND priate levels of debt held by the public are as Fiscal year 2020: AMOUNTS. follows: (A) New budget authority, $23,253,000,000. The following budgetary levels are appro- Fiscal year 2018: $15,046,000,000,000. (B) Outlays, $22,986,000,000. priate for each of fiscal years 2018 through Fiscal year 2019: $15,593,666,000,000. Fiscal year 2021: 2027: Fiscal year 2020: $16,095,547,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $23,767,000,000. (1) FEDERAL REVENUES.—For purposes of Fiscal year 2021: $16,568,776,000,000. (B) Outlays, $23,276,000,000. the enforcement of this resolution: Fiscal year 2022: $16,984,250,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: (A) The recommended levels of Federal Fiscal year 2023: $17,277,258,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $24,304,000,000. revenues are as follows: Fiscal year 2024: $17,552,761,000,000. (B) Outlays, $23,709,000,000.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:15 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC7.001 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H7848 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 5, 2017 Fiscal year 2023: Fiscal year 2021: Fiscal year 2019: (A) New budget authority, $24,844,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $6,276,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $3,014,000,000. (B) Outlays, $24,141,000,000. (B) Outlays, $6,084,000,000. (B) Outlays, $12,275,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: Fiscal year 2022: Fiscal year 2020: (A) New budget authority, $25,393,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $7,061,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $3,020,000,000. (B) Outlays, $24,567,000,000. (B) Outlays, $6,864,000,000. (B) Outlays, $8,434,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: Fiscal year 2023: Fiscal year 2021: (A) New budget authority, $25,979,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $7,335,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $3,058,000,000. (B) Outlays, $25,050,000,000. (B) Outlays, $7,157,000,000. (B) Outlays, $6,715,000,000. Fiscal year 2026: Fiscal year 2024: Fiscal year 2022: (A) New budget authority, $26,573,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $7,647,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $3,206,000,000. (B) Outlays, $25,549,000,000. (B) Outlays, $7,424,000,000. (B) Outlays, $4,562,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: Fiscal year 2025: Fiscal year 2023: (A) New budget authority, $27,172,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $8,077,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $3,197,000,000. (B) Outlays, $26,041,000,000. (B) Outlays, $7,817,000,000. (B) Outlays, $3,751,000,000. (4) Energy (270): Fiscal year 2026: Fiscal year 2024: Fiscal year 2018: (A) New budget authority, $8,397,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $3,232,000,000. (A) New budget authority, -$8,602,000,000. (B) Outlays, $8,139,000,000. (B) Outlays, $3,282,000,000. (B) Outlays, -$2,530,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: Fiscal year 2025: Fiscal year 2019: (A) New budget authority, $8,968,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $3,337,000,000. (A) New budget authority, -$4,244,000,000. (B) Outlays, $8,702,000,000. (B) Outlays, $3,275,000,000. (B) Outlays, -$5,977,000,000. (7) Commerce and Housing Credit (370): Fiscal year 2026: Fiscal year 2020: Fiscal year 2018: (A) New budget authority, $3,463,000,000. (A) New budget authority, -$16,964,000,000. (A) New budget authority, -$8,186,000,000. (B) Outlays, $3,278,000,000. (B) Outlays, -$17,686,000,000. (B) Outlays, -$22,020,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: Fiscal year 2021: Fiscal year 2019: (A) New budget authority, $3,336,000,000. (A) New budget authority, -$3,169,000,000. (A) New budget authority, -$9,217,000,000. (B) Outlays, $3,239,000,000. (B) Outlays, -$4,702,000,000. (B) Outlays, -$19,316,000,000. (10) Education, Training, Employment, and Fiscal year 2022: Fiscal year 2020: Social Services (500): (A) New budget authority, -$3,537,000,000. (A) New budget authority, -$12,865,000,000. Fiscal year 2018: (B) Outlays, -$5,190,000,000. (B) Outlays, -$22,514,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $48,903,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: Fiscal year 2021: (B) Outlays, $62,454,000,000. (A) New budget authority, -$4,421,000,000. (A) New budget authority, -$15,782,000,000. Fiscal year 2019: (B) Outlays, -$5,716,000,000. (B) Outlays, -$25,946,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $53,383,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: Fiscal year 2022: (B) Outlays, $54,945,000,000. (A) New budget authority, -$4,734,000,000. (A) New budget authority, -$14,917,000,000. Fiscal year 2020: (B) Outlays, -$5,847,000,000. (B) Outlays, -$26,024,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $51,158,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: Fiscal year 2023: (B) Outlays, $51,683,000,000. (A) New budget authority, -$5,297,000,000. (A) New budget authority, -$14,287,000,000. Fiscal year 2021: (B) Outlays, -$6,261,000,000. (B) Outlays, -$26,184,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $50,256,000,000. Fiscal year 2026: Fiscal year 2024: (B) Outlays, $50,598,000,000. (A) New budget authority, -$3,080,000,000. (A) New budget authority, -$12,818,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: (B) Outlays, -$4,096,000,000. (B) Outlays, -$26,083,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $48,825,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: Fiscal year 2025: (B) Outlays, $49,530,000,000. (A) New budget authority, -$3,103,000,000. (A) New budget authority, -$11,941,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: (B) Outlays, -$4,023,000,000. (B) Outlays, -$26,606,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $50,483,000,000. (5) Natural Resources and Environment Fiscal year 2026: (B) Outlays, $50,228,000,000. (300): (A) New budget authority, -$12,981,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: Fiscal year 2018: (B) Outlays, -$27,462,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $49,941,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $25,767,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: (B) Outlays, $50,665,000,000. (B) Outlays, $28,952,000,000. (A) New budget authority, -$13,895,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: Fiscal year 2019: (B) Outlays, -$28,552,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $49,334,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $25,537,000,000. (8) Transportation (400): (B) Outlays, $50,210,000,000. (B) Outlays, $27,056,000,000. Fiscal year 2018: Fiscal year 2026: Fiscal year 2020: (A) New budget authority, $83,577,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $49,170,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $26,593,000,000. (B) Outlays, $87,088,000,000. (B) Outlays, $50,141,000,000. (B) Outlays, $26,854,000,000. Fiscal year 2019: Fiscal year 2027: Fiscal year 2021: (A) New budget authority, $84,185,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $49,302,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $25,691,000,000. (B) Outlays, $85,804,000,000. (B) Outlays, $50,344,000,000. (B) Outlays, $25,651,000,000. Fiscal year 2020: (11) Health (550): Fiscal year 2022: (A) New budget authority, $78,240,000,000. Fiscal year 2018: (A) New budget authority, $26,868,000,000. (B) Outlays, $85,577,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $454,509,000,000. (B) Outlays, $26,566,000,000. Fiscal year 2021: (B) Outlays, $432,501,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: (A) New budget authority, $34,883,000,000. Fiscal year 2019: (A) New budget authority, $26,593,000,000. (B) Outlays, $73,156,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $435,341,000,000. (B) Outlays, $26,211,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: (B) Outlays, $439,994,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: (A) New budget authority, $61,918,000,000. Fiscal year 2020: (A) New budget authority, $26,062,000,000. (B) Outlays, $60,185,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $457,516,000,000. (B) Outlays, $25,672,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: (B) Outlays, $448,856,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: (A) New budget authority, $62,040,000,000. Fiscal year 2021: (A) New budget authority, $26,353,000,000. (B) Outlays, $63,708,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $450,448,000,000. (B) Outlays, $25,908,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: (B) Outlays, $455,861,000,000. Fiscal year 2026: (A) New budget authority, $62,551,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: (A) New budget authority, $26,671,000,000. (B) Outlays, $64,529,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $456,758,000,000. (B) Outlays, $26,184,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: (B) Outlays, $461,189,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: (A) New budget authority, $63,337,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: (A) New budget authority, $26,910,000,000. (B) Outlays, $63,885,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $465,309,000,000. (B) Outlays, $26,423,000,000. Fiscal year 2026: (B) Outlays, $466,743,000,000. (6) Agriculture (350): (A) New budget authority, $64,366,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: Fiscal year 2018: (B) Outlays, $63,747,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $473,437,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $14,107,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: (B) Outlays, $471,674,000,000. (B) Outlays, $13,344,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $65,450,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: Fiscal year 2019: (B) Outlays, $64,337,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $479,987,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $9,013,000,000. (9) Community and Regional Development (B) Outlays, $476,960,000,000. (B) Outlays, $8,632,000,000. (450): Fiscal year 2026: Fiscal year 2020: Fiscal year 2018: (A) New budget authority, $484,487,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $9,551,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $3,198,000,000. (B) Outlays, $481,009,000,000. (B) Outlays, $9,313,000,000. (B) Outlays, $13,646,000,000. Fiscal year 2027:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:15 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC7.001 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7849 (A) New budget authority, $483,275,000,000. (B) Outlays, $66,388,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: (B) Outlays, $485,571,000,000. Fiscal year 2026: (A) New budget authority, $19,274,000,000. (12) Medicare (570): (A) New budget authority, $70,871,000,000. (B) Outlays, $19,140,000,000. Fiscal year 2018: (B) Outlays, $70,871,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: (A) New budget authority, $591,229,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: (A) New budget authority, $18,930,000,000. (B) Outlays, $590,967,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $75,473,000,000. (B) Outlays, $18,796,000,000. Fiscal year 2019: (B) Outlays, $75,473,000,000. Fiscal year 2026: (A) New budget authority, $650,283,000,000. (15) Veterans Benefits and Services (700): (A) New budget authority, $18,518,000,000. (B) Outlays, $650,040,000,000. Fiscal year 2018: (B) Outlays, $18,400,000,000. Fiscal year 2020: (A) New budget authority, $176,704,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: (A) New budget authority, $674,221,000,000. (B) Outlays, $178,038,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $18,035,000,000. (B) Outlays, $674,017,000,000. Fiscal year 2019: (B) Outlays, $17,942,000,000. Fiscal year 2021: (A) New budget authority, $191,507,000,000. (18) Net Interest (900): (A) New budget authority, $707,798,000,000. (B) Outlays, $190,235,000,000. Fiscal year 2018: (B) Outlays, $707,601,000,000. Fiscal year 2020: (A) New budget authority, $373,956,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: (A) New budget authority, $194,930,000,000. (B) Outlays, $373,956,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $778,613,000,000. (B) Outlays, $193,931,000,000. Fiscal year 2019: (B) Outlays, $778,407,000,000. Fiscal year 2021: (A) New budget authority, $399,575,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: (A) New budget authority, $199,751,000,000. (B) Outlays, $399,575,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $774,353,000,000. (B) Outlays, $197,856,000,000. Fiscal year 2020: (B) Outlays, $774,163,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: (A) New budget authority, $432,397,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: (A) New budget authority, $215,442,000,000. (B) Outlays, $432,397,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $774,204,000,000. (B) Outlays, $213,337,000,000. Fiscal year 2021: (B) Outlays, $774,007,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: (A) New budget authority, $464,410,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: (A) New budget authority, $212,567,000,000. (B) Outlays, $464,410,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $842,125,000,000. (B) Outlays, $210,444,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: (B) Outlays, $841,909,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: (A) New budget authority, $492,279,000,000. Fiscal year 2026: (A) New budget authority, $209,943,000,000. (B) Outlays, $492,279,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $924,327,000,000. (B) Outlays, $207,908,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: (B) Outlays, $924,102,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: (A) New budget authority, $516,440,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: (A) New budget authority, $227,991,000,000. (B) Outlays, $516,440,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $989,487,000,000. (B) Outlays, $225,820,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: (B) Outlays, $989,265,000,000. Fiscal year 2026: (A) New budget authority, $532,410,000,000. (13) Income Security (600): (A) New budget authority, $234,947,000,000. (B) Outlays, $532,410,000,000. Fiscal year 2018: (B) Outlays, $232,660,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: (A) New budget authority, $472,681,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: (A) New budget authority, $544,916,000,000. (B) Outlays, $458,878,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $243,718,000,000. (B) Outlays, $544,916,000,000. Fiscal year 2019: (B) Outlays, $241,501,000,000. Fiscal year 2026: (A) New budget authority, $427,283,000,000. (16) Administration of Justice (750): (A) New budget authority, $555,256,000,000. (B) Outlays, $418,415,000,000. Fiscal year 2018: (B) Outlays, $555,256,000,000. Fiscal year 2020: (A) New budget authority, $49,987,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: (A) New budget authority, $433,650,000,000. (B) Outlays, $59,438,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $554,858,000,000. (B) Outlays, $424,439,000,000. Fiscal year 2019: (B) Outlays, $554,969,000,000. Fiscal year 2021: (A) New budget authority, $56,597,000,000. (19) Allowances (920): (A) New budget authority, $438,723,000,000. (B) Outlays, $57,202,000,000. Fiscal year 2018: (B) Outlays, $430,323,000,000. Fiscal year 2020: (A) New budget authority, -$103,895,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: (A) New budget authority, $58,054,000,000. (B) Outlays, -$139,536,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $442,003,000,000. (B) Outlays, $58,361,000,000. Fiscal year 2019: (B) Outlays, $439,172,000,000. Fiscal year 2021: (A) New budget authority, -$122,471,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: (A) New budget authority, $59,354,000,000. (B) Outlays, -$113,004,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $421,768,000,000. (B) Outlays, $59,249,000,000. Fiscal year 2020: (B) Outlays, $415,075,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: (A) New budget authority, -$192,059,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: (A) New budget authority, $60,365,000,000. (B) Outlays, -$164,127,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $428,653,000,000. (B) Outlays, $60,203,000,000. Fiscal year 2021: (B) Outlays, $417,101,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: (A) New budget authority, -$192,585,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: (A) New budget authority, $61,908,000,000. (B) Outlays, -$160,271,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $434,146,000,000. (B) Outlays, $61,705,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: (B) Outlays, $423,466,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: (A) New budget authority, -$213,001,000,000. Fiscal year 2026: (A) New budget authority, $63,488,000,000. (B) Outlays, -$185,944,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $441,856,000,000. (B) Outlays, $63,252,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: (B) Outlays, $436,970,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: (A) New budget authority, -$239,872,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: (A) New budget authority, $65,105,000,000. (B) Outlays, -$219,297,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $448,955,000,000. (B) Outlays, $64,669,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: (B) Outlays, $443,434,000,000. Fiscal year 2026: (A) New budget authority, -$186,688,000,000. (14) Social Security (650): (A) New budget authority, $68,048,000,000. (B) Outlays, -$167,764,000,000. Fiscal year 2018: (B) Outlays, $68,333,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: (A) New budget authority, $39,475,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: (A) New budget authority, -$165,184,000,000. (B) Outlays, $39,475,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $68,351,000,000. (B) Outlays, -$150,710,000,000. Fiscal year 2019: (B) Outlays, $67,818,000,000. Fiscal year 2026: (A) New budget authority, $43,016,000,000. (17) General Government (800): (A) New budget authority, -$201,905,000,000. (B) Outlays, $43,016,000,000. Fiscal year 2018: (B) Outlays, -$176,558,000,000. Fiscal year 2020: (A) New budget authority, $17,757,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: (A) New budget authority, $46,287,000,000. (B) Outlays, $17,400,000,000. (A) New budget authority, -$237,951,000,000. (B) Outlays, $46,287,000,000. Fiscal year 2019: (B) Outlays, -$216,002,000,000. Fiscal year 2021: (A) New budget authority, $17,972,000,000. (20) Undistributed Offsetting Receipts (950): (A) New budget authority, $49,748,000,000. (B) Outlays, $17,497,000,000. Fiscal year 2018: (B) Outlays, $49,748,000,000. Fiscal year 2020: (A) New budget authority, -$83,212,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: (A) New budget authority, $17,346,000,000. (B) Outlays, -$83,212,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $53,392,000,000. (B) Outlays, $17,159,000,000. Fiscal year 2019: (B) Outlays, $53,392,000,000. Fiscal year 2021: (A) New budget authority, -$86,409,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: (A) New budget authority, $16,959,000,000. (B) Outlays, -$86,409,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $57,378,000,000. (B) Outlays, $16,817,000,000. Fiscal year 2020: (B) Outlays, $57,378,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: (A) New budget authority, -$86,316,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: (A) New budget authority, $16,488,000,000. (B) Outlays, -$86,316,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $61,764,000,000. (B) Outlays, $16,407,000,000. Fiscal year 2021: (B) Outlays, $61,764,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: (A) New budget authority, -$90,347,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: (A) New budget authority, $19,594,000,000. (B) Outlays, -$90,347,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $66,388,000,000. (B) Outlays, $19,325,000,000. Fiscal year 2022:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:15 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC7.001 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H7850 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 5, 2017 (A) New budget authority, -$93,573,000,000. mit changes in laws within its jurisdiction any of the 4 consecutive 10-fiscal year peri- (B) Outlays, -$93,573,000,000. sufficient to reduce the deficit by ods beginning with the first fiscal year that Fiscal year 2023: $154,083,000,000 for the period of fiscal years is 10 fiscal years after the budget year pro- (A) New budget authority, -$100,001,000,000. 2018 through 2027. vided for in the most recently agreed to con- (B) Outlays, -$100,001,000,000. (6) COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY.— current resolution on the budget in the Fiscal year 2024: The Committee on Homeland Security shall House of Representatives, for each bill or (A) New budget authority, -$105,371,000,000. submit changes in laws within its jurisdic- joint resolution other than an appropriation (B) Outlays, -$105,371,000,000. tion sufficient to reduce the deficit by measure and any amendment thereto or con- Fiscal year 2025: $24,689,000,000 for the period of fiscal years ference report thereon. (A) New budget authority, -$115,139,000,000. 2018 through 2027. (b) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in (B) Outlays, -$115,139,000,000. (7) COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY.—The order in the House of Representatives to con- Fiscal year 2026: Committee on the Judiciary shall submit sider any bill or joint resolution, or amend- (A) New budget authority, -$117,033,000,000. changes in laws within its jurisdiction suffi- ment thereto or conference report thereon, (B) Outlays, -$117,033,000,000. cient to reduce the deficit by $67,178,000,000 that would cause a net increase in direct Fiscal year 2027: for the period of fiscal years 2018 through spending in excess of $5,000,000,000 in any of (A) New budget authority, -$127,808,000,000. 2027. the 4 consecutive 10-fiscal year periods de- (B) Outlays, -$127,808,000,000. (8) COMMITTEE ON NATURAL RESOURCES.— scribed in subsection (a). (21) Overseas Contingency Operations/Glob- The Committee on Natural Resources shall (c) LIMITATION.—In the House of Represent- al War on Terrorism (970): submit changes in laws within its jurisdic- atives, the provisions of this section shall Fiscal year 2018: tion sufficient to reduce the deficit by not apply to any bills or joint resolutions, or (A) New budget authority, $0. $59,302,000,000 for the period of fiscal years amendments thereto or conference reports (B) Outlays, $0. 2018 through 2027. thereon, for which the chair of the Com- Fiscal year 2019: (9) COMMITTEE ON OVERSIGHT AND GOVERN- mittee on the Budget has made adjustments (A) New budget authority, $0. MENT REFORM.—The Committee on Oversight to the allocations, levels, or limits contained (B) Outlays, $0. and Government Reform shall submit in this concurrent resolution pursuant to Fiscal year 2020: changes in laws within its jurisdiction suffi- section 401. (A) New budget authority, $0. cient to reduce the deficit by $447,960,000,000 (d) DETERMINATIONS OF BUDGET LEVELS.— (B) Outlays, $0. for the period of fiscal years 2018 through For purposes of this section, the levels of net Fiscal year 2021: 2027. increases in direct spending shall be deter- (A) New budget authority, $0. (10) COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION AND IN- mined on the basis of estimates provided by (B) Outlays, $0. FRASTRUCTURE.—The Committee on Trans- the chair of the Committee on the Budget of Fiscal year 2022: portation and Infrastructure shall submit the House of Representatives. (A) New budget authority, $0. changes in laws within its jurisdiction suffi- SEC. 302. ALLOCATION FOR OVERSEAS CONTIN- (B) Outlays, $0. cient to reduce the deficit by $5,561,000,000 GENCY OPERATIONS/GLOBAL WAR Fiscal year 2023: for the period of fiscal years 2018 through ON TERRORISM. (A) New budget authority, $0. 2027. (a) SEPARATE ALLOCATION FOR OVERSEAS CONTINGENCY OPERATIONS/GLOBAL WAR ON (B) Outlays, $0. (11) COMMITTEE ON VETERANS’ AFFAIRS.— Fiscal year 2024: The Committee on Veterans’ Affairs shall TERRORISM.—In the House of Representa- (A) New budget authority, $0. submit changes in laws within its jurisdic- tives, there shall be a separate allocation of (B) Outlays, $0. tion sufficient to reduce the deficit by new budget authority and outlays provided Fiscal year 2025: $49,022,000,000 for the period of fiscal years to the Committee on Appropriations for the (A) New budget authority, $0. 2018 through 2027. purposes of Overseas Contingency Oper- ations/Global War on Terrorism, which shall (B) Outlays, $0. (12) COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS.—The Fiscal year 2026: Committee on Ways and Means shall submit be deemed to be an allocation under section (A) New budget authority, $0. changes in laws within its jurisdiction suffi- 302(a) of the Congressional Budget Act of (B) Outlays, $0. cient to reduce the deficit by 1974. Section 302(a)(3) of such Act shall not Fiscal year 2027: $1,417,836,000,000 for the period of fiscal years apply to such separate allocation. (b) 302 ALLOCATIONS.—The separate alloca- (A) New budget authority, $0. 2018 through 2027. tion referred to in subsection (a) shall be the (B) Outlays, $0. (c) REVISION OF BUDGETARY LEVELS.— exclusive allocation for Overseas Contin- TITLE II—RECONCILIATION (1) IN GENERAL.—In the House of Represent- atives, the chair of the Committee on the gency Operations/Global War on Terrorism SEC. 201. RECONCILIATION IN THE HOUSE OF under section 302(b) of the Congressional REPRESENTATIVES. Budget may file appropriately revised alloca- tions, aggregates, and functional levels upon Budget Act of 1974. The Committee on Ap- (a) SUBMISSION PROVIDING FOR DEFICIT RE- the consideration of a reconciliation meas- propriations of the House of Representatives DUCTION.—Not later than 90 days after the may provide suballocations of such separate adoption of this resolution, the committees ure under section 310 of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 or amendment thereto, or allocation under such section 302(b). named in subsection (b) shall submit their PPLICATION.—For purposes of enforc- the submission of a conference report to the (c) A recommendations on changes in laws within ing the separate allocation referred to in House of Representatives pursuant to this their jurisdictions to the Committee on the subsection (a) under section 302(f) of the Con- section, if it is in compliance with the rec- Budget that would achieve the specified re- gressional Budget Act of 1974, the ‘‘first fis- onciliation directives by virtue of section duction in the deficit for the period of fiscal cal year’’ and the ‘‘total of fiscal years’’ 310(c) of the Congressional Budget Act of years 2018 through 2027. shall be deemed to refer to fiscal year 2018. 1974. (b) INSTRUCTIONS.— Section 302(c) of such Act shall not apply to (1) COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE.—The Com- (2) REVISION.—Allocations and aggregates revised pursuant to this subsection shall be such separate allocation. mittee on Agriculture shall submit changes (d) DESIGNATIONS.—New budget authority considered to be the allocations and aggre- in laws within its jurisdiction sufficient to or outlays shall only be counted toward the gates established by this concurrent resolu- reduce the deficit by $327,704,000,000 for the allocation referred to in subsection (a) if des- tion on the budget pursuant to section 301 of period of fiscal years 2018 through 2027. ignated pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(ii) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974. (2) COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES.—The the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit (d) PURPOSE OF RECONCILIATION INSTRUC- Committee on Armed Services shall submit Control Act of 1985. TIONS.—It is the policy of this resolution changes in laws within its jurisdiction suffi- (e) ADJUSTMENTS.—For purposes of sub- that the reconciliation instructions provided cient to reduce the deficit by $32,601,000,000 section (a) for fiscal year 2018, no adjustment pursuant to this section are to be used for— for the period of fiscal years 2018 through shall be made under section 314(a) of the (1) enacting the mandatory spending re- 2027. Congressional Budget Act of 1974 if any ad- forms recommended by this resolution; and (3) COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND THE WORK- justment would be made under section (2) enacting comprehensive tax reform. FORCE.—The Committee on Education and 251(b)(2)(A)(ii) of the Balanced Budget and the Workforce shall submit changes in laws TITLE III—BUDGET ENFORCEMENT Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. within its jurisdiction sufficient to reduce Subtitle A—Budget Enforcement in the (f) ADJUSTMENTS TO FUND OVERSEAS CON- the deficit by $441,015,000,000 for the period of House of Representatives TINGENCY OPERATIONS/GLOBAL WAR ON TER- fiscal years 2018 through 2027. SEC. 301. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST INCREASING RORISM.—In the House of Representatives, (4) COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND COMMERCE.— LONG-TERM DIRECT SPENDING. the chair of the Committee on the Budget The Committee on Energy and Commerce (a) CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE ANAL- may adjust the allocations, aggregates, and shall submit changes in laws within its juris- YSIS OF PROPOSALS.—The Director of the other appropriate budgetary levels related to diction sufficient to reduce the deficit by Congressional Budget Office shall, to the ex- Overseas Contingency Operations/Global War $2,665,188,000,000 for the period of fiscal years tent practicable, prepare an estimate of on Terrorism or the allocation under section 2018 through 2027. whether a measure would cause a net in- 302(a) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 (5) COMMITTEE ON FINANCIAL SERVICES.—The crease in direct spending in the House of to the Committee on Appropriations set Committee on Financial Services shall sub- Representatives, in excess of $5,000,000,000 in forth in the report or joint explanatory

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:15 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC7.001 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7851 statement of managers, as applicable, ac- ment of such Act, the Rules of the House of gressional Budget Act of 1974 and that causes companying this concurrent resolution to Representatives, or this concurrent resolu- a gross budgetary effect (before incor- account for new information. tion. This section shall not apply to author- porating macroeconomic effects and not in- SEC. 303. LIMITATION ON CHANGES IN CERTAIN izations of discretionary programs or to ap- cluding timing shifts) in a fiscal year in the MANDATORY PROGRAMS. propriation measures, but shall apply to period of years of the most recently agreed (a) DEFINITION.—In this section, the term changes in the authorization level of appro- to concurrent resolution on the budget equal ‘‘change in mandatory programs’’ means a priated entitlements. to or greater than 0.25 percent of the current provision that— SEC. 306. FAIR-VALUE CREDIT ESTIMATES. projected gross domestic product of the (1) would have been estimated as affecting (a) ALL CREDIT PROGRAMS.—Whenever the United States for that fiscal year; or direct spending or receipts under section 252 Director of the Congressional Budget Office (B) designated as such by— of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Def- provides an estimate of any measure that es- (i) the chair of the Committee on the Budg- icit Control Act of 1985 (as in effect prior to tablishes or modifies any program providing et of the House of Representatives for all di- September 30, 2002) if the provision was in- loans or loan guarantees, the Director shall, rect spending and revenue legislation; or cluded in legislation other than appropria- to the extent practicable, provide a supple- (ii) the Member who is Chairman or Vice tion Acts; and mental fair-value estimate of any loan or Chairman of the Joint Committee on Tax- (2) results in a net decrease in budget au- loan guarantee program if requested by the ation for revenue legislation. thority in the budget year, but does not re- chair of the Committee on the Budget. (2) BUDGETARY EFFECTS.—The term ‘‘budg- sult in a net decrease in outlays over the pe- (b) STUDENT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AND etary effects’’ means changes in revenues, di- riod of the total of the current year, the HOUSING PROGRAMS.—The Director of the rect spending outlays, and deficits. budget year, and all fiscal years covered Congressional Budget Office shall provide a (3) TIMING SHIFTS.—The term ‘‘timing under the most recently agreed to concur- supplemental fair-value estimate as part of shifts’’ means— rent resolution on the budget. any estimate for any measure establishing or (A) provisions that cause a delay of the (b) POINT OF ORDER IN THE HOUSE OF REP- modifying a program providing loans or loan date on which outlays flowing from direct RESENTATIVES.— guarantees for student financial assistance spending would otherwise occur from one fis- (1) IN GENERAL.—A provision in a bill or or housing (including residential mortgage). cal year to the next fiscal year; or joint resolution making appropriations for a (c) BASELINE ESTIMATES.—The Congres- (B) provisions that cause an acceleration of full fiscal year that proposes a change in sional Budget Office shall include estimates, the date on which revenues would otherwise mandatory programs that, if enacted, would on a fair-value and credit reform basis, of occur from one fiscal year to the prior fiscal cause the absolute value of the total budget loan and loan guarantee programs for stu- year. authority of all such change in mandatory dent financial assistance, housing (including SEC. 309. ADJUSTMENTS FOR IMPROVED CON- programs enacted in relation to a full fiscal residential mortgage), and such other major TROL OF BUDGETARY RESOURCES. year to be more than the amount specified in loan and loan guarantee programs, as prac- (a) ADJUSTMENTS OF DISCRETIONARY AND paragraph (3), shall not be in order in the ticable, in its Budget and Economic Outlook: DIRECT SPENDING LEVELS.—In the House of House of Representatives. 2018 to 2027. Representatives, if a committee (other than the Committee on Appropriations) reports a (2) AMENDMENTS AND CONFERENCE RE- SEC. 307. ESTIMATES OF MAJOR DIRECT SPEND- PORTS.—It shall not be in order in the House ING LEGISLATION. bill or joint resolution, or any amendment of Representatives to consider an amend- The Congressional Budget Office shall pre- thereto is offered or any conference report ment to, or a conference report on, a bill or pare, to the extent practicable, an estimate thereon is submitted, providing for a de- joint resolution making appropriations for a of the outlay changes during the second and crease in direct spending (budget authority full fiscal year if such amendment thereto or third decade of enactment for any direct and outlays flowing therefrom) for any fiscal conference report thereon proposes a change spending legislative provision— year and also provides for an authorization in mandatory programs that, if enacted, (1) that proposes a change or changes to of appropriations for the same purpose, upon would cause the absolute value of the total law that the Congressional Budget Office de- the enactment of such measure, the chair of the Committee on the Budget may decrease budget authority of all such change in man- termines has an outlay impact in excess of the allocation to such committee and in- datory programs enacted in relation to a full 0.25 percent of the gross domestic product of crease the allocation of discretionary spend- fiscal year to be more than the amount spec- the United States during the first decade or ing (budget authority and outlays flowing ified in paragraph (3). in the tenth year; or therefrom) to the Committee on Appropria- (3) AMOUNT.—The amount specified in this (2) for which the chair of the Committee on tions for fiscal year 2018 by an amount equal paragraph is— the Budget of the House of Representatives to the new budget authority (and outlays (A) for fiscal year 2018, $17,000,000,000; requests such an estimate. (B) for fiscal year 2019, $15,000,000,000; and flowing therefrom) provided for in a bill or SEC. 308. ESTIMATES OF MACROECONOMIC EF- joint resolution making appropriations for (C) for fiscal year 2020, $13,000,000,000. FECTS OF MAJOR LEGISLATION. ETERMINATION the same purpose. (c) D .—For purposes of this (a) CBO AND JCT ESTIMATES.—During the section, budgetary levels shall be determined (b) DETERMINATIONS.—In the House of Rep- 114th and 115th Congresses, any estimate pro- resentatives, for purposes of enforcing this on the basis of estimates provided by the vided by the Congressional Budget Office chair of the Committee on the Budget. concurrent resolution, the allocations and under section 402 of the Congressional Budg- aggregate levels of new budget authority, SEC. 304. GAO REPORT. et Act of 1974 or by the Joint Committee on outlays, direct spending, revenues, deficits, (a) GAO SUBMISSION.—At a date specified Taxation to the Congressional Budget Office and surpluses for fiscal year 2018 and the pe- by the chair of the Committee on the Budget under section 201(f) of such Act for major riod of fiscal years 2018 through 2027 shall be of the House of Representatives, the Comp- legislation considered in the House of Rep- determined on the basis of estimates made troller General, in consultation with the resentatives shall, to the extent practicable, by the chair of the Committee on the Budget chair, the Director of the Congressional incorporate the budgetary effects of changes and such chair may adjust the applicable lev- Budget Office, and the Director of the Office in economic output, employment, capital els in this concurrent resolution. of Management and Budget, shall submit to stock, and other macroeconomic variables SEC. 310. LIMITATION ON ADVANCE APPROPRIA- the chair a comprehensive list of all current resulting from such major legislation. TIONS. direct spending programs of the Government. (b) CONTENTS.—Any estimate referred to in (a) IN GENERAL.—In the House of Rep- (b) PUBLICATION.—The chair of the Com- subsection (a) shall, to the extent prac- resentatives, except as provided for in sub- mittee on the Budget shall cause to be print- ticable, include— section (b), any bill or joint resolution, or ed in the Congressional Record the list sub- (1) a qualitative assessment of the budg- amendment thereto or conference report mitted under subsection (a). The chair shall etary effects (including macroeconomic vari- thereon, making a general appropriation or publish such list on the Committee’s public ables described in subsection (a)) of major continuing appropriation may not provide Web site. Such publication shall be search- legislation in the 20-fiscal year period begin- advance appropriations. able, sortable, and downloadable. ning after the last fiscal year of the most re- (b) EXCEPTIONS.—An advance appropriation SEC. 305. ESTIMATES OF DEBT SERVICE COSTS. cently agreed to concurrent resolution on may be provided for programs, projects, ac- In the House of Representatives, the chair the budget that sets forth budgetary levels tivities, or accounts identified in the report of the Committee on the Budget may direct required under section 301 of the Congres- or the joint explanatory statement of man- the Congressional Budget Office to include in sional Budget Act of 1974; and agers, as applicable, accompanying this con- any estimate prepared under section 402 of (2) an identification of the critical assump- current resolution under the heading— the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 with re- tions and the source of data underlying that (1) GENERAL.—‘‘Accounts Identified for Ad- spect to any bill or joint resolution, or an es- estimate. vance Appropriations’’. timate of an amendment thereto or con- (c) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: (2) VETERANS.—‘‘Veterans Accounts Identi- ference report thereon, an estimate of any (1) MAJOR LEGISLATION.—The term ‘‘major fied for Advance Appropriations’’. change in debt service costs (if any) result- legislation’’ means a bill or joint resolution, (c) LIMITATIONS.—The aggregate level of ing from carrying out such bill or resolution. or amendment thereto or conference report advance appropriations shall not exceed— Any estimate of debt servicing costs pro- thereon— (1) GENERAL.—$28,852,000,000 in new budget vided under this section shall be advisory (A) for which an estimate is required to be authority for all programs identified pursu- and shall not be used for purposes of enforce- prepared pursuant to section 402 of the Con- ant to subsection (b)(1).

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(2) VETERANS.—$70,699,313,000 in new budget or offsetting collections resulting from such (1) apply while that measure is under con- authority for programs in the Department of conveyance; sideration; Veterans Affairs identified pursuant to sub- (3) if requested by the chair of the Com- (2) take effect upon the enactment of that section (b)(2). mittee on the Budget, any information pro- measure; and (d) DEFINITION.—The term ‘‘advance appro- vided by the Bureau of Land Management or (3) be published in the Congressional priation’’ means any new discretionary budg- other applicable Federal agency, including Record as soon as practicable. et authority provided in a bill or joint reso- the source and date of such information, (b) EFFECT OF CHANGED ALLOCATIONS AND lution, or any amendment thereto or con- that supports the estimate of any change in AGGREGATES.—Revised allocations and ag- ference report thereon, making general ap- revenue, offsetting receipts, or offsetting gregates resulting from these adjustments propriations or continuing appropriations, collections; shall be considered for the purposes of the for the fiscal year following fiscal year 2018. (4) a description of any efforts to independ- Congressional Budget Act of 1974 as the allo- SEC. 311. SCORING RULE FOR ENERGY SAVINGS ently verify such agency estimate; and cations and aggregates contained in this con- PERFORMANCE CONTRACTS. (5) a statement of the assumptions under- current resolution. (a) IN GENERAL.—The Director of the Con- lying the estimate of the budgetary effects (c) BUDGET COMMITTEE DETERMINATIONS.— gressional Budget Office shall estimate pro- that would be generated by such parcel in For purposes of this concurrent resolution, visions of any bill or joint resolution, or CBO’s baseline projections as of the most re- the budgetary levels for a fiscal year or pe- amendment thereto or conference report cent publication or update. riod of fiscal years shall be determined on thereon that affects the use of any covered SEC. 313. LIMITATION ON TRANSFERS FROM THE the basis of estimates made by the chair of energy savings contract on a net present GENERAL FUND OF THE TREASURY the Committee on the Budget of the House of value basis. TO THE HIGHWAY TRUST FUND. Representatives. (b) NPV CALCULATIONS.—The net present In the House of Representatives, for pur- (d) AGGREGATES, ALLOCATIONS AND APPLI- value of any covered energy savings contract poses of the Congressional Budget Act of CATION.—In the House of Representatives, for shall be calculated as follows: 1974, the Balanced Budget and Emergency purposes of this concurrent resolution and (1) The discount rate shall reflect market Deficit Control Act of 1985, and the rules or budget enforcement, the consideration of risk. orders of the House of Representatives, a bill any bill or joint resolution, or amendment (2) The cash flows shall include, whether or joint resolution, or an amendment thereto thereto or conference report thereon, for classified as mandatory or discretionary, or conference report thereon, that transfers which the chair of the Committee on the payments to contractors under the terms of funds from the general fund of the Treasury Budget makes adjustments or revisions in their contracts, payments to contractors for to the Highway Trust Fund shall be counted the allocations, aggregates, and other budg- other services, and direct savings in energy as new budget authority and outlays equal to etary levels of this concurrent resolution and energy-related costs. the amount of the transfer in the fiscal year shall not be subject to the points of order set (3) The stream of payments shall cover the the transfer occurs. forth in clause 10 of rule XXI of the Rules of period covered by the contracts but not to SEC. 314. PROHIBITION ON THE USE OF GUAR- the House of Representatives or section 301 exceed 25 years. ANTEE FEES AS AN OFFSET. of this concurrent resolution. (c) DEFINITION.—As used in this section, In the House of Representatives, any provi- SEC. 323. ADJUSTMENTS TO REFLECT CHANGES the term ‘‘covered energy savings contract’’ sion of a bill or joint resolution, or amend- IN CONCEPTS AND DEFINITIONS. means— ment thereto or conference report thereon, In the House of Representatives, the chair (1) an energy savings performance contract that increases, or extends the increase of, of the Committee on the Budget may adjust authorized under section 801 of the National any guarantee fees of the Federal National the appropriate aggregates, allocations, and Energy Conservation Policy Act; or Mortgage Association or the Federal Home other budgetary levels in this concurrent (2) a utility energy service contract, as de- Loan Mortgage Corporation shall not be resolution for any change in budgetary con- scribed in the Office of Management and counted for purposes of enforcing the Con- cepts and definitions in accordance with sec- Budget Memorandum on Federal use of en- gressional Budget Act of 1974, this concur- tion 251(b)(1) of the Balanced Budget and ergy savings performance contracting, dated rent resolution, or clause 10 of rule XXI of Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. July 25, 1998 (M–98–13), and the Office of Man- the Rules of the House of Representatives. SEC. 324. ADJUSTMENTS TO REFLECT UPDATED agement and Budget Memorandum on the SEC. 315. PROHIBITION ON USE OF FEDERAL RE- BUDGETARY ESTIMATES. Federal use of energy saving performance SERVE SURPLUSES AS AN OFFSET. In the House of Representatives, the chair contracts and utility energy service con- In the House of Representatives, any provi- of the Committee on the Budget may revise sion of a bill or joint resolution, or amend- tracts, dated September 28, 2012 (M–12–21), or the appropriate aggregates, allocations, and ment thereto or conference report thereon, any successor to either memorandum. other budgetary levels in this concurrent that transfers any portion of the net surplus (d) ENFORCEMENT IN THE HOUSE OF REP- resolution to reflect any adjustments to the of the Federal Reserve System to the general RESENTATIVES.—In the House of Representa- baseline made by the Congressional Budget fund of the Treasury shall not be counted for tives, if any present value calculated under Office. subsection (b) results in a net savings, then purposes of enforcing the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, this concurrent resolu- SEC. 325. ADJUSTMENT FOR CERTAIN EMER- such savings may not be used as an offset for GENCY DESIGNATIONS. tion, or clause 10 of rule XXI of the Rules of purposes of budget enforcement. In the House of Representatives, the chair (e) CLASSIFICATION OF SPENDING.—For pur- the House of Representatives. of the Committee on the Budget may adjust poses of budget enforcement, the estimated Subtitle B—Other Provisions the appropriate aggregates, allocations, and net present value of the budget authority SEC. 321. BUDGETARY TREATMENT OF ADMINIS- other budgetary levels for any bill or joint provided by the measure, and outlays flow- TRATIVE EXPENSES. resolution, or amendment thereto or con- ing therefrom, shall be classified as direct (a) IN GENERAL.—In the House of Rep- ference report thereon, that designates an spending. resentatives, notwithstanding section emergency under section 4(g)(2) of the Statu- (f) SENSE OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTA- 302(a)(1) of the Congressional Budget Act of tory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010. TIVES.—It is the sense of the House of Rep- 1974, section 13301 of the Budget Enforcement SEC. 326. EXERCISE OF RULEMAKING POWERS. resentatives that— Act of 1990, and section 2009a of title 39, (1) the Director of the Office of Manage- The House of Representatives adopts the United States Code, the report or the joint provisions of this title, title II, and title ment and Budget, in consultation with the explanatory statement, as applicable, ac- Director of the Congressional Budget Office, VII— companying this concurrent resolution shall (1) as an exercise of the rulemaking power should separately identify the cash flows include in its allocation under section 302(a) under subsection (b)(2) and include such in- of the House of Representatives, and as such of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to they shall be considered as part of the rules formation in the President’s annual budget the Committee on Appropriations amounts submission under section 1105(a) of title 31, of the House of Representatives, and such for the discretionary administrative ex- rules shall supersede other rules only to the United States Code; and penses of the Social Security Administration (2) the scoring method used in this section extent that they are inconsistent with such and the United States Postal Service. other rules; and should not be used to score any contracts (b) SPECIAL RULE.—In the House of Rep- (2) with full recognition of the constitu- other than covered energy savings contracts. resentatives, for purposes of enforcing sec- tional right of the House of Representatives SEC. 312. ESTIMATES OF LAND CONVEYANCES. tion 302(f) of the Congressional Budget Act of to change those rules at any time, in the In the House of Representatives, the Direc- 1974, estimates of the level of total new budg- same manner, and to the same extent as is tor of the Congressional Budget Office shall et authority and total outlays provided by a the case of any other rule of the House of include in any estimate prepared under sec- measure shall include any discretionary Representatives. tion 402 of the Congressional Budget Act of amounts described in subsection (a). 1974 with respect to any measure that con- SEC. 322. APPLICATION AND EFFECT OF TITLE IV—RESERVE FUNDS veys Federal land to any non-Federal enti- CHANGES IN ALLOCATIONS AND AG- SEC. 401. RESERVE FUND FOR THE REPEAL OF ty— GREGATES. THE 2010 HEALTH CARE LAWS. (1) the methodology used to calculate such (a) APPLICATION.—In the House of Rep- In the House, the chair of the Committee estimate; resentatives, any adjustments of allocations on the Budget may revise the allocations, (2) a detailed justification of its estimate and aggregates made pursuant to this con- aggregates, and other appropriate levels in of any change in revenue, offsetting receipts, current resolution shall— this concurrent resolution for the budgetary

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:15 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC7.001 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7853 effects of any bill or joint resolution, or tion, or amendment thereto or conference re- forms, by the amount provided for these pur- amendment thereto or conference report port thereon, if such measure reforms the poses, but only if such measure would not in- thereon, that only consists of a full repeal Federal infrastructure funding system, but crease the deficit (without counting any net the Patient Protection and Affordable Care only if such measure would not increase the revenue increases in that measure) over the Act and the health care-related provisions of deficit over the period of fiscal years 2018 period of fiscal years 2018 through 2027. the Health Care and Education Reconcili- through 2027. SEC. 414. RESERVE FUND FOR COMMERCIALIZA- ation Act of 2010. SEC. 408. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND TO TION OF AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL. SEC. 402. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND FOR REDUCE POVERTY AND INCREASE (a) IN GENERAL.—In the House of Rep- ADDITIONAL MEASURES RELATING OPPORTUNITY AND UPWARD MOBIL- resentatives, the chair of the Committee on TO THE REPLACEMENT OF ITY. the Budget may adjust, at a time the chair OBAMACARE. In the House, the chair of the Committee deems appropriate, the section 302(a) alloca- In the House, the chair of the Committee on the Budget may revise the allocations, tion to the Committee on Transportation on the Budget may revise the allocations, aggregates, and other appropriate levels in and Infrastructure and other applicable com- aggregates, and other appropriate levels in this resolution for any bill or joint resolu- mittees of the House of Representatives, ag- this concurrent resolution for the budgetary tion, or amendment thereto or conference re- gregates, and other appropriate levels estab- effects of any bill or joint resolution, or port thereon, if such measure reforms poli- lished in this concurrent resolution for a bill amendment thereto or conference report cies and programs to reduce poverty and in- or joint resolution, or amendment thereto or thereon, that repeals or replaces provisions crease opportunity and upward mobility, but conference report thereon, that commer- of the Patient Protection and Affordable only if such measure would neither adversely cializes the operations of the air traffic con- Care Act or the Health Care and Education impact job creation nor increase the deficit trol system if such measure reduces the dis- Reconciliation Act of 2010, if such measure over the period of fiscal years 2018 through cretionary spending limits in section 251(c) would not increase the deficit for the period 2027. of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Def- icit Control Act of 1985 by the amount that of fiscal years 2018 through 2027. SEC. 409. IMPLEMENTATION OF A DEFICIT AND LONG-TERM DEBT REDUCTION would otherwise be appropriated to the Fed- SEC. 403. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RE- eral Aviation Administration for air traffic LATED TO THE MEDICARE PROVI- AGREEMENT. SIONS OF THE 2010 HEALTH CARE In the House, the chair of the Committee control. Adjustments to the section 302(a) al- LAWS. on the Budget may revise the allocations, location to the Committee on Appropria- In the House, the chair of the Committee aggregates, and other appropriate levels in tions, consistent with the adjustments to the on the Budget may revise the allocations, this concurrent resolution to accommodate discretionary spending limits under such sec- aggregates, and other appropriate levels in the enactment of a deficit and long-term tion 251(c), shall only be made upon enact- this concurrent resolution for the budgetary debt reduction agreement if it includes per- ment of such measure. (b) DEFINITION.—For purposes of this sec- effects of any bill or joint resolution, or manent spending reductions and reforms to tion, a measure that commercializes the op- amendment thereto or conference report direct spending program, and does not in- erations of the air traffic control system thereon, that repeals all or part of the de- crease outlays in any fiscal year. shall be a measure that establishes a feder- creases in Medicare spending included in the SEC. 410. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE ACCOUNT ally chartered, not-for-profit corporation Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act FOR REFORMING SNAP. In the House, the chair of the Committee that— or the Health Care and Education Reconcili- (1) is authorized to provide air traffic con- ation Act of 2010, if such measure would not on the Budget may revise the allocations, aggregates, and other appropriate levels in trol services within the United States air- increase the deficit for the period of fiscal space; years 2018 through 2027. this concurrent resolution for the budgetary effects of any bill or joint resolution, or (2) sets user fees to finance its operations; SEC. 404. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND FOR (3) may borrow from private capital mar- REFORMING THE TAX CODE. amendment thereto or conference report thereon, that reforms the supplemental nu- kets to finance improvements; In the House, if the Committee on Ways (4) is governed by a board of directors com- and Means reports a bill or joint resolution trition assistance program (SNAP), but only if such measure would not increase the def- posed of a CEO and directors whose fiduciary that reforms the Internal Revenue Code of duty is to the entity; and 1986, the chair of the Committee on the icit for the period of fiscal years 2018 through 2027. (5) becomes the employer of those employ- Budget may revise the allocations, aggre- ees directly connected to providing air traf- SEC. 411. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND FOR gates, and other appropriate levels in this fic control services and who the Secretary concurrent resolution for the budgetary ef- SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY IN- SURANCE REFORM. transfers from the Federal Government. fects of any such bill or joint resolution, or In the House, the chair of the Committee TITLE V—POLICY STATEMENTS amendment thereto or conference report on the Budget may revise the allocations, thereon, if such measure would not increase SEC. 501. POLICY STATEMENT ON OBAMACARE aggregates, and other appropriate levels in REPEAL. the deficit for the period of fiscal years 2018 this concurrent resolution for the budgetary It is the policy of this resolution that the through 2027 when the macroeconomic ef- effects of any bill or joint resolution, or Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act fects of such reforms are taken into account. amendment thereto or conference report (Public Law 111–148), and the Health Care SEC. 405. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND FOR thereon, that reforms the Social Security and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 TRADE AGREEMENTS. Disability Insurance program under title II (Public Law 111–152) should be repealed. In the House, the chair of the Committee of the Social Security Act, but only if such SEC. 502. POLICY STATEMENT ON REPLACING on the Budget may revise the allocations, measure would not increase the deficit for OBAMACARE. aggregates, and other appropriate levels in the period of fiscal years 2018 through 2027. (a) FINDINGS.—The House finds the fol- this concurrent resolution for the budgetary SEC. 412. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND FOR lowing: effects of any bill or joint resolution re- FEDERAL RETIREMENT REFORM. (1) Obamacare put Washington’s priorities ported by the Committee on Ways and In the House, the chair of the Committee before those of patients’. The Affordable Means, or amendment thereto or conference on the Budget may revise the allocations, Care Act (ACA) has failed to reduce health report thereon, that such chair determines aggregates, and other budgetary levels in care premiums as promised. Instead, the law are necessary to implement a trade agree- this concurrent resolution for any bill or mandated benefits and coverage levels, deny- ment, and the budgetary levels for any com- joint resolution, or amendment thereto or ing patients the opportunity to choose the panion measure that offsets such trade meas- conference report thereon, if such measure type of coverage that best suits their health ure, if the combined cost of each measure reforms, improves and updates the Federal needs and driving up health coverage costs. would not increase the deficit over the pe- retirement system, as determined by such A typical family’s health care premiums riod of fiscal years 2018 through 2027. chair, but only if such measure would not in- were supposed to decline by $2,500; instead, SEC. 406. RESERVE FUND FOR REVENUE MEAS- crease the deficit over the period of fiscal average premiums have increased 105 per- URES. years 2018 through 2027. cent. A study conducted by the nonpartisan In the House, the chair of the Committee SEC. 413. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND FOR Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated on the Budget may revise the allocations, DEFENSE SEQUESTER REPLACE- premiums to continue rising over the next aggregates, and other appropriate levels in MENT. decade, projecting an average increase of 8 this concurrent resolution for the budgetary The chair of the Committee on the Budget percent per year between 2016 and 2018, and effects of any bill or joint resolution re- may revise the allocations, aggregates, and increasing by nearly 60 percent by 2026. ported by the Committee on Ways and other budgetary levels in this concurrent (2) President Obama pledged, ‘‘If you like Means, or amendment thereto or conference resolution for any bill or joint resolution, or your health care plan, you can keep your report thereon, that decreases revenue. amendment thereto or conference report health care plan.’’ Instead, CBO now esti- SEC. 407. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND FOR thereon, if such measure supports the fol- mated 7 million Americans will lose employ- INFRASTRUCTURE REFORM. lowing activities: Department of Defense ment-based health coverage due to the In the House, the chair of the Committee training and maintenance associated with health care law, further limiting patient on the Budget may revise the allocations, combat readiness, modernization of equip- choice. aggregates, and other appropriate levels in ment, auditability of financial statements, (3) Then-Speaker of the House Pelosi stat- this resolution for any bill or joint resolu- or military compensation and benefit re- ed that the President’s health care law

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:15 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC7.001 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H7854 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 5, 2017 would create 4 million jobs over the life of adequate health security and younger gen- benefits provide will face benefit cuts of up the law and almost 400,000 jobs immediately. erations burdened with enormous debt to pay to 11 percent in 2023, devastating individuals Instead, CBO estimated that by 2025 for spending levels that cannot be sustained. who need assistance the most. Obamacare will reduce the number of hours (b) POLICY ON MEDICARE REFORM.—It is the (5) Americans deserve action by the Presi- worked by approximately 2 million full-time policy of this resolution to protect those in dent, the House, and the Senate to preserve equivalent workers, compared with what or near retirement from any disruptions to and strengthen Social Security. It is critical would have occurred in the absence of the their Medicare benefits due to the program’s that action be taken to address the looming law. Additionally, a study by the Mercatus impending bankruptcy, and instead offer insolvency of Social Security. Center at George Mason University esti- beneficiaries more options, better care, with (b) POLICY ON SOCIAL SECURITY.—It is the mated that Obamacare will reduce employ- reduced costs for both benficiaries and the policy of this resolution that Congress ment by up to 3 percent, or about 4 million Federal Government, by modernizing Medi- should work to make Social Security full-time equivalent workers. care. (4) Since the ACA was signed into law, the (c) ASSUMPTIONS.—This resolution assumes sustainably solvent. This resolution assumes Obama administration repeatedly failed to reform of the Medicare program such that: these reforms will include the following poli- implement it as written. President Obama’s (1) Medicare is preserved for current and cies, based upon the Social Security Reform unilateral actions resulted in numerous future beneficiaries. Act: changes, delays, and exemptions. President (2) Medicare is reformed to provide a pre- (1) Adoption of a more accurate measure Obama signed into law another 24 changes mium support payment and a selection of for calculating cost of living adjustments. made by Congress. The Supreme Court guaranteed health coverage options from (2) Adoption of adjustments to the full re- struck down the forced expansion of Med- which recipients can choose a plan that best tirement age to reflect longevity. icaid; ruled the individual ‘‘mandate’’ could suits their needs. (3) Makes Social Security benefits more only be characterized as a tax to remain con- (3) Medicare will maintain traditional fee- progressive over the long term, providing stitutional; and rejected the requirement for-service as an option. those most in need with a safety net in re- that closely held companies provide health (4) Medicare will provide additional assist- tirement. insurance to their employees even if it vio- ance for lower-income beneficiaries and (c) POLICY ON DISABILITY INSURANCE.—It is lates the companies’ religious beliefs. More those with greater health risks. the policy of this resolution that Congress than 7 years after enactment, the courts con- (5) Medicare spending is put on a sustain- and the President should enact legislation on tinue to evaluate the legality of how Presi- able path and the Medicare program becomes a bipartisan basis to reform the Disability dent Obama’s administration implemented solvent over the long-term. Insurance program prior to its insolvency in the law. All of these changes prove the folly (6) The Medicare eligibility age is gradu- 2016 and should not raid the Social Security of the underlying law; health care in the ally increased to keep pace with increases in retirement system without reforms to the United States cannot be run from a central- longevity. Disability Insurance system. This resolu- ized bureaucracy. (7) Medicare is simplified by combining tions assumes that reforms to the Disability (5) Obamacare is unaffordable, intrusive, parts A and B and reforms to Medigap plans Insurance program will include— overreaching, destructive, and unworkable. are implemented. (1) encouraging work; Its complex structure of subsidies, mandates, SEC. 504. POLICY STATEMENT ON MEDICAID (2) updates of the eligibility rules; and penalties perversely impact individuals, STATE FLEXIBILITY BLOCK GRANTS. (3) reducing fraud and abuse; It is the policy of this resolution that Med- married couples, and families. Those who (4) enactment of H.R. 2031, the Social Secu- icaid and the Children’s Health Insurance previously had insurance along with those rity Disability Insurance and Unemployment Program (CHIP) should be block granted to who did not have been funneled into a new Benefits Double Dip Elimination Act, to pro- system that is providing less access to doc- the States in a manner prescribed by the State Health Flexibility Act. hibit individuals from drawing benefits from tors and treatments. Millions of Americans both programs at the same time; and have been added to a broken Medicaid sys- SEC. 505. POLICY STATEMENT ON SOCIAL SECU- (5) enactment of H.R. 1540, the Social Secu- tem that is incapable of providing the care RITY. rity Disability Insurance Return to Work promised. Cuts made to Medicare to fund a (a) FINDINGS.—The House finds the fol- Act, to allow the award of time-limited bene- new entitlement are undermining the health lowing: fits for applicants whose medical recovery is security of seniors. Taxes and mandates are (1) More than 55 million retirees, individ- anticipated in order to create new opportuni- distorting the insurance market and harm- uals with disabilities, and survivors depend ties for beneficiaries. ing the broader economy, resulting in fewer on Social Security. Since enactment, Social jobs and less opportunity. By design, Security has served as a vital leg on the SEC. 506. POLICY STATEMENT ON MEANS-TESTED Obamacare put Washington at the center of ‘‘three-legged stool’’ of retirement security, WELFARE PROGRAMS. our health care system, at the expense of pa- which includes employer provided benefits as (a) FINDINGS.—The House finds that: tients, families, physicians, and businesses. well as personal savings. (2) The Social Security Trustees Report (1) Too many people are trapped at the bot- The ACA should be fully repealed, allowing tom rungs of the economic ladder, and every for real patient-centered health care reform has repeatedly recommended that Social Se- curity’s long-term financial challenges be citizen should have the opportunity to rise, that puts patients first, not Washington. escape from poverty, and achieve their own (b) POLICY ON REPLACING OBAMACARE.—It is addressed soon. Each year without reform, potential. the policy of this resolution that Obamacare the financial condition of Social Security be- must not only be repealed, but also replaced comes more precarious and the threat to sen- (2) In 1996, President Bill Clinton and con- by enacting the American Health Care Re- iors and those receiving Social Security dis- gressional Republicans enacted reforms that form Act. ability benefits becomes more pronounced: have moved families off of Federal programs and enabled them to provide for themselves. SEC. 503. POLICY STATEMENT ON MEDICARE. (A) In 2022, the Disability Insurance Trust (3) Today, there are approximately 92 Fed- (a) FINDINGS.—The House finds the fol- Fund will be exhausted and program reve- lowing: nues will be unable to pay scheduled bene- eral programs on which Government at the (1) More than 50 million Americans depend fits. Federal and State level spend more than $1 on Medicare for their health security. (B) In 2034, the combined Old-Age and Sur- trillion annually that provide benefits spe- (2) The Medicare Trustees Report has re- vivors and Disability Trust Funds will be ex- cifically to poor and low-income Americans. peatedly recommended that Medicare’s long- hausted, and program revenues will be un- (4) It should be the goal of welfare pro- term financial challenges be addressed soon. able to pay scheduled benefits. grams to encourage work and put people on Each year without reform, the financial con- (C) With the exhaustion of the Trust Funds a path to self-reliance. dition of Medicare becomes more precarious in 2034, benefits will be cut nearly 25 percent (b) POLICY ON MEANS-TESTED WELFARE PRO- and the threat to those in or near retirement across the board, devastating those cur- GRAMS.—It is the policy of this resolution becomes more pronounced. According to the rently in or near retirement and those who that— Medicare Trustees Report— rely on Social Security the most. (1) the welfare system should be reformed (A) the Hospital Insurance Trust Fund will (3) The Disability Insurance program pro- to give states flexibility to implement and be exhausted in 2028 and unable to pay sched- vides an income safety net for those with improve safety net programs and that to be uled benefits; disabilities and their families. However, the eligible for benefits, able bodied adults with- (B) Medicare enrollment is expected to in- program is in serious financial trouble. The out dependents should be required to work or crease by over 50 percent in the next two number of beneficiaries has skyrocketed be preparing for work, including enrolling in decades, as 10,000 baby boomers reach retire- from 2.7 million in 1970 to 10.6 million in 2016. educational or job training programs, con- ment age each day; At the same time, the labor force participa- tributing community service, or partici- (C) current workers’ payroll contributions tion rate has now fallen to the lowest levels pating in a supervised job search; and pay for current beneficiaries; and since the 1970s. As a result, the Social Secu- (2) the President’s budget should disclose, (D) most Medicare beneficiaries receive rity Actuary now projects that the Dis- in a clear and transparent manner, the ag- about three dollars in Medicare benefits for ability Insurance Trust Fund will be de- gregate amount of Federal welfare expendi- every one dollar paid into the program. pleted in 2023. tures, as well as an estimate of State and (3) Failing to address this problem will (4) If this program is not reformed, fami- local spending for this purpose, over the next leave millions of American seniors without lies who rely on the lifeline that disability ten years.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:15 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC7.001 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7855 SEC. 507. POLICY STATEMENT ON REFORM OF (8) A stronger economy is vital to lowering (2) Collapses the current seven brackets for THE SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRITION AS- deficit levels and eventually balancing the individuals into just three, with a top rate of SISTANCE PROGRAM. budget. According to CBO, if annual real no more than 33 percent. (a) SNAP.—It is the policy of the resolu- GDP growth is just 0.1 percentage point (3) Simplifies the tax code to ensure that tion that the Supplemental Nutrition Assist- higher over the budget window, deficits fewer Americans will be required to itemize ance Program be reformed so that: would be reduced by $273 billion. deductions. (1) Nutrition assistance funds should be (9) This budget resolution therefore em- (4) Gives equal tax treatment to individual distributed to the states as a block grant braces pro-growth policies, such as funda- and employer healthcare expenditures mod- with funding subject to the annual discre- mental tax reform, that will help foster a eled on the American Health Care Reform tionary appropriations process. stronger economy, greater opportunities and Act. (2) Funds from the grant must be used by more job creation. (5) Encourages charitable giving. the states to establish and maintain a work (b) POLICY ON ECONOMIC GROWTH AND JOB (6) Repeals the Death Tax. activation program for able-bodied adults CREATION.—It is the policy of this resolution (7) Eliminates marriage penalties. without dependents. to promote faster economic growth and job (8) Provides tax-free universal savings ac- (3) It is the goal of this proposal to move creation. By putting the budget on a sustain- counts to reward saving. those in need off of the assistance rolls and able path, this resolution ends the debt- (9) Repeals the alternative minimum tax. back into the workforce and towards self-suf- fueled uncertainty holding back job creators. (10) Reduces double taxation by lowering ficiency. Reforms to the tax code will put American the top corporate rate to no more than 20 (b) ASSUMPTIONS.—This resolution assumes businesses and workers in a better position percent. that, pending the enactment of reforms de- to compete and thrive in the 21st century (11) Reduces the rate for capital gains and scribed in (a), the conversion of the Supple- global economy. This resolution targets the dividends. mental Nutrition Assistance Program into a regulatory red tape and cronyism that stack (12) Encourages net investment, savings, flexible State allotment tailored to meet the deck in favor of special interests. All of and entrepreneurial activity, including full each State’s needs. the reforms in this resolution serve as means expensing. SEC. 508. POLICY STATEMENT ON WORK RE- to the larger end of helping the economy (13) Moves to a competitive territorial sys- QUIREMENTS. grow and expanding opportunity for all tem of international taxation. It is the policy of this resolution that all Americans. (14) Ends distortionary special interest means-tested welfare programs should in- giveaways, such as the Wind Production Tax clude work activation requirements for able- SEC. 511. POLICY STATEMENT ON TAX REFORM. Credit. bodied adults. (a) FINDINGS.—The House finds the fol- SEC. 512. POLICY STATEMENT ON TRADE. SEC. 509. POLICY STATEMENT ON A CARBON TAX. lowing: (a) FINDINGS.—The House finds the fol- It is the policy of this resolution that a (1) A reformed tax code should be simple, lowing: carbon tax would be detrimental to Amer- fair, and promote (rather than impede) eco- (1) Opening foreign markets to American ican families and businesses, and is not in nomic growth. The United States tax code exports is vital to the United States econ- the best interest of the United States. fails on all 3 counts: it is complex, unfair, omy and beneficial to American workers and SEC. 510. POLICY STATEMENT ON ECONOMIC and inefficient. The tax code’s complexity consumers. GROWTH AND JOB CREATION. distorts decisions to work, save, and invest, (2) The United States can increase eco- (a) FINDINGS.—The House finds the fol- which leads to slower economic growth, nomic opportunities for American workers lowing: lower wages, and less job creation. and businesses through the elimination of (1) Across the Nation, too many Americans (2) High marginal tax rates lessen the in- foreign trade barriers to United States goods are struggling to make ends meet. The slow- centives to work, save, and invest, which re- and services. ly falling unemployment rate has masked an duces economic output and job creation. (3) American businesses and workers have underlying crisis as millions of Americans (3) The United States corporate income tax shown that, on a level playing field, they can have abandoned the work force and wages rate is the highest rate in the industrialized excel and surpass international competition. have stagnated. The labor force participation world. Tax rates this high suppress wages, (b) POLICY ON TRADE.—It is the policy of rate has plummeted to levels not seen since discourage investment and job creation, dis- this concurrent resolution— the Carter presidency. tort business activity, and put American (1) to pursue international trade, global (2) Looking ahead, CBO expects the econ- businesses at a competitive disadvantage commerce, and a modern and competitive omy to grow by an average of just 1.9 percent with foreign competitors. tax system to promote domestic job cre- over the next 10 years. That level of eco- (4) The ‘‘world-wide’’ structure of United ation; nomic growth is simply unacceptable and in- States international taxation essentially (2) that the United States should continue sufficient to expand opportunities and the taxes earnings of United States firms twice, to seek increased economic opportunities for incomes of millions of middle-income Ameri- putting them at a significant competitive American workers and businesses through cans. disadvantage with competitors that have high-standard trade agreements that satisfy (3) Sluggish economic growth has also con- more competitive international tax systems. negotiating objectives, including— tributed to the country’s fiscal woes. Subpar (5) The tax code imposes costs on American (A) the expansion of trade opportunities; growth means that revenue levels are lower workers through lower wages, consumers in (B) adherence to trade agreements and than they would otherwise be while govern- higher prices, and investors in diminished re- rules by the United States and its trading ment spending (e.g. welfare and income-sup- turns. partners, and port programs) is higher. (6) Closing tax loopholes to finance higher (C) the elimination of foreign trade bar- (4) The unsustainable fiscal trajectory has spending does not constitute fundamental riers to United States goods and services by cast a shadow on the country’s economic tax reform. opening new markets and enforcing United outlook. investors and businesses make deci- (7) Tax reform should curb or eliminate States rights; and sions on a forward-looking basis. they know loopholes and use those savings to lower tax (3) that any trade agreement entered into that today’s large debt levels are simply to- rates across the board, not to fund more on behalf of the United States should reflect morrow’s tax hikes, interest rate increases, wasteful Government spending. Washington the negotiating objectives and adhere to the or inflation and they act accordingly. This has a spending problem, not a revenue prob- provisions requiring improved consultation debt overhang, and the uncertainty it gen- lem. with Congress. erates, can weigh on growth, investment, (8) Many economists believe that funda- SEC. 513. POLICY STATEMENT ON ENERGY PRO- and job creation. mental tax reform, including a broader tax DUCTION. (5) Nearly all economists, including those base and lower tax rates, would lead to It is the policy of this resolution that the at the CBO, conclude that reducing budget greater labor supply and increased invest- Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) and deficits (thereby bending the curve on debt ment, which would have a positive impact on currently unavailable areas of the Outer levels) is a net positive for economic growth total national output. Continental Shelf (OCS) should be open for over time. (b) POLICY ON TAX REFORM.—It is the pol- energy exploration and production. (6) If the Government remains on the cur- icy of this resolution that Congress should SEC. 514. POLICY STATEMENT ON FEDERAL REG- rent fiscal path, future generations will face enact legislation that provides for a com- ULATORY BUDGETING AND REFORM. ever-higher debt service costs, a decline in prehensive reform of the United States tax (a) FINDINGS.—The House finds the fol- national savings, and a ‘‘crowding out’’ of code to promote economic growth, create lowing: private investment. This dynamic will even- American jobs, increase wages, and benefit (1) Excessive Federal regulation— tually lead to a decline in economic output American consumers, investors, and workers (A) has hurt job creation, investment, and a diminution in our country’s standard through fundamental tax reform that is rev- wages, competition, and economic growth, of living. enue-neutral on a dynamic basis that pro- slowing the Nation’s recovery from the eco- (7) The key economic challenge is deter- vides for the following: nomic recession and harming American mining how to expand the economic pie, not (1) Targets revenue neutrality based on a households; how best to divide up and re-distribute a dynamic score that takes into account the (B) operates as a regressive tax on poor and shrinking pie. macroeconomic effects of reform. lower-income households;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:15 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC7.001 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H7856 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 5, 2017 (C) displaces workers into long-term unem- SEC. 515. POLICY STATEMENT ON FEDERAL (4) Federal agencies reported an estimated ployment or lower-paying jobs; FUNDING OF ABORTION. $137 billion in improper payments in fiscal (D) adversely affects small businesses, the It is the policy of this resolution that no year 2015. primary source of new jobs; and taxpayer dollars shall go to any entity that (5) Under clause 2 of rule XI of the Rules of (E) impedes economic growth. provides abortion services. the House of Representatives, each standing (2) Federal agencies routinely fail to iden- SEC. 516. POLICY STATEMENT ON TRANSPOR- committee must hold at least one hearing TATION REFORM. tify and eliminate, minimize, or mitigate ex- during each 120-day period following its es- It is the policy of this resolution that tablishment on waste, fraud, abuse, or mis- cess regulatory costs through post-imple- State and local officials are in a much better mentation assessments of their regulations. management in Government programs. position to understand the needs of local (6) Clause 2(a)(1) of rule XXI of the House (3) The United States Code of Federal Reg- commuters, not bureaucrats in Washington. of Representatives prohibits an appropria- ulations now contains over 185,000 pages of Federal funding for transportation should be tion for an expenditure not previously au- regulations in 242 volumes. phased down and limited to core Federal du- thorized by law. Despite this longstanding (4) Notwithstanding the size and growth of ties, including the interstate highway sys- prohibition, more than $310 billion has been Federal regulations, Congress lacks an effec- tem, transportation infrastructure on Fed- tive mechanism to manage the level of new eral land, responding to emergencies, and re- appropriated for unauthorized programs in Federal regulatory costs imposed each year. search. As the level of Federal responsibility fiscal year 2016, spanning 256 separate laws. Other nations, meanwhile, have successfully for transportation is reduced, Congress (7) The findings resulting from congres- implemented the use of regulatory budgeting should also concurrently reduce the Federal sional oversight of Federal Government pro- grams should result in programmatic to control excess regulation and regulatory gas tax. changes in both authorizing statutes and costs. SEC. 517. POLICY STATEMENT ON THE DEPART- program funding levels. (5) Implementation of the Affordable Care MENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. (b) POLICY ON REDUCING UNNECESSARY, Act has resulted in more than 177.9 million (a) FINDINGS.—The House finds the fol- WASTEFUL, AND UNAUTHORIZED SPENDING.— annual hours of regulatory compliance pa- lowing: (1) Each authorizing committee annually perwork, $37.1 billion of regulatory compli- (1) For years, there has been serious con- should include in its Views and Estimates ance costs on the private sector, and $13 bil- cern regarding the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) bureaucratic mismanagement letter required under section 301(d) of the lion in regulatory compliance costs on the and continuous failure to provide veterans Congressional Budget Act of 1974 rec- States. timely access to health care. ommendations to the Committee on the (6) Agencies impose costly regulations (2) In 2015, for the first time, VA health Budget of programs within the jurisdiction without relying on sound science through care was added to Government Account- of such committee whose funding should be the use of judicial consent decrees and set- ability Office’s (GAO) ‘‘high-risk’’ list, due to reduced or eliminated. tlement agreements and the abuse of interim mismanagement and oversight failures, (2) Committees of jurisdiction should re- compliance costs imposed on regulated enti- which have resulted in untimely and ineffi- view all unauthorized programs funded ties that bring legal challenges against cient health care. According to GAO, ‘‘the through annual appropriations to determine newly promulgated regulations. absence of care and delays in providing care if the programs are operating efficiently and (b) POLICY ON FEDERAL REGULATORY BUDG- have harmed veterans.’’. effectively. ETING AND REFORM.—It is the policy of this (3) The VA’s failure to provide timely and (3) Committees should reauthorize those concurrent resolution that the House should, accessible health care to our veterans is un- programs that in the committees’ judgment acceptable. While Congress has done its part should continue to receive funding. in consultation with the public, consider leg- for more than a decade by providing suffi- (4) For those programs not reauthorized by islation that— cient funding for the VA, the administration committees, the House of Representatives (1) promotes— has mismanaged these resources, resulting in should enforce the limitations on funding (A) economic growth, job creation, higher proven adverse effects on veterans and their such unauthorized programs in the House wages, and increased investment by elimi- families. rules. nating unnecessary red tape and stream- (b) POLICY ON THE DEPARTMENT OF VET- SEC. 519. POLICY STATEMENT ON A BALANCED lining, simplifying and lowering the costs of ERANS AFFAIRS.—It is the policy of this con- BUDGET AMENDMENT. Federal regulations; and current resolution that— (a) FINDINGS.—The House finds the fol- (B) the adoption of least-cost regulatory (1) the House Committee on Veterans’ Af- lowing: alternatives to meet the objectives of Fed- fairs continue its oversight efforts to ensure (1) The Government will collect approxi- eral regulatory statutes; the VA reassesses its core mission, includ- mately $3.4 trillion in taxes, but spend near- ing— (2) protects— ly $4 trillion to maintain its operations, bor- (A) reducing the number of bureaucratic (A) the poor and lower-income households rowing 14 cents of every Federal dollar spent. layers; from the regressive effects of excessive regu- (2) As of March 16, 2017, the national debt (B) reducing the number of senior and mid- lation; and of the Unites States was nearly $20 trillion. dle managers; (B) workers against the unnecessary elimi- (3) A majority of States have petitioned (C) improving performance measure nation of jobs and loss or reduction of wages; the Government to hold a constitutional metrics; (3) requires— convention to adopt a balanced budget (D) strengthening the administration and (A) an annual, congressional regulatory amendment to the Constitution. oversight of contractors; and budget that establishes annual costs of regu- (4) Forty nine States have fiscal limita- lations and allocates these costs amongst (E) supporting opportunities for veterans to pursue other viable options for their tions in their State constitutions, including Federal regulatory agencies; the requirement to annually balance the (B) cost-benefit and regulatory impact health care needs; and (2) the House Committee on Veterans’ Af- budget. analysis for new regulations proposed and (5) Five States, including Arizona, Georgia, promulgated by all Federal regulatory agen- fairs and the Committee on the Budget should continue to closely monitor the VA’s Alaska, Mississippi, and North Dakota, have cies; agreed to the Compact for a Balanced Budg- (C) advance notice of proposed rulemaking progress to ensure VA resources are suffi- cient and efficiently provided to veterans. et, which is seeking to amend the Constitu- and makes evidentiary hearings available for tion to require a balanced budget through an critical disputed issues in the development SEC. 518. POLICY STATEMENT ON REDUCING UN- NECESSARY, WASTEFUL, AND UNAU- Article V convention by April 12, 2021. of new major regulations; and THORIZED SPENDING. (b) POLICY ON A BALANCED BUDGET CON- (D) congressional approval of all new (a) FINDINGS.—The House finds the fol- STITUTIONAL AMENDMENT.—It is the policy of major regulations before the regulations can lowing: this concurrent resolution that Congress become effective, ensuring that Congress can (1) The Government Accountability Office should propose a balanced budget constitu- better prevent the imposition of unsound (GAO) is required by law to identify exam- tional amendment for ratification by the costly new regulations; ples of waste, duplication, and overlap in States. (4) reduces— Federal programs, and has so identified doz- SEC. 520. POLICY STATEMENT ON DEFICIT RE- (A) regulatory barriers to entry into mar- ens of such examples. DUCTION THROUGH THE CANCELLA- kets and other regulatory impediments to (2) In its report to Congress on Govern- TION OF UNOBLIGATED BALANCES. competition and innovation; and ment Efficiency and Effectiveness, the (a) FINDINGS.—The House finds the fol- (B) the imposition of new Federal regula- Comptroller General has stated that address- lowing: tion that duplicates, overlaps or conflicts ing the identified waste, duplication, and (1) According to the most recent estimate with State, local, and Tribal regulation or overlap in Federal programs could ‘‘lead to from the Office of Management and Budget, that impose unfunded mandates on State, tens of billions of dollars of additional sav- Federal agencies held $921 billion in unobli- local, and Tribal governments; and ings.’’ gated balances at the end of fiscal year 2017. (5) eliminates the abuse of guidance to (3) In 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and (2) These funds comprise both discre- evade legal requirements applicable to the 2017, the GAO issued reports showing exces- tionary appropriations and authorizations of development and promulgation of new regu- sive duplication and redundancy in Federal mandatory spending that remain available lations. programs. for expenditure.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:15 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC7.001 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7857

(3) In many cases, agencies are provided budget actions before the start of the new (b) POLICY ON FEDERAL ACCOUNTING METH- appropriations that remain indefinitely fiscal year; ODOLOGIES.—It is the policy of this concur- available for obligation. (7) provide access to the best analysis of rent resolution that the House should, in (4) The Congressional Budget Act of 1974 economic conditions available and increase consultation with CBO and other appropriate requires the Office of Management and Budg- awareness of how fiscal policy directly im- stakeholders, reform government-wide budg- et to make funds available to agencies for pacts economic growth and job creation; and et and accounting practices so Members and obligation and prohibits the administration (8) eliminate the complexity of the budget the public can better understand the fiscal from withholding or cancelling unobligated process and the biases that favor higher situation of the United States and the op- funds unless approved by an Act of Congress. spending. tions best suited to improving it. (b) POLICY ON DEFICIT REDUCTION THROUGH (c) LEGISLATION.—The Committee on the SEC. 523. POLICY STATEMENT ON AGENCY FEES THE CANCELLATION OF UNOBLIGATED BAL- Budget of the House should draft legislation AND SPENDING. ANCES.—It is the policy of this concurrent during the 115th Congress that rewrites the (a) FINDINGS.—Congress finds the fol- resolution that— Congressional Budget and Impoundment lowing: (1) greater congressional oversight is re- Control Act of 1974 to fulfill the goals of (1) A number of Federal agencies and orga- quired to review and identify potential sav- making the congressional budget process nizations have permanent authority to col- ings from canceling unobligated balances of more effective in ensuring taxpayers’ dollars lect fees and other offsetting collections and funds that are no longer needed; are spent wisely and efficiently. Such legis- to spend these collected funds. (2) the appropriate committees in the lation shall— (2) The total amount of offsetting fees and House should identify and review accounts (1) attain greater simplicity without sacri- offsetting collections is estimated by the Of- with unobligated balances and rescind such ficing the rigor required to address— fice of Management and Budget to be $513 balances that would not impede or disrupt (A) the complex issues of the domestic and billion in fiscal year 2017. the fulfillment of important Federal com- world economy; (3) Agency budget justifications are, in mitments; (B) national security responsibilities; and some cases, not fully transparent about the (3) the House, with the assistance of the (C) the appropriate roles of rulemaking and amount of program activity funded through Government Accountability Office, the In- statutory enforcement mechanisms; offsetting collections or fees. This lack of spectors General, and appropriate agencies, (2) establish a new structure that assures transparency prevents effective and account- should continue to review unobligated bal- the congressional role in the budget process able government. ances and identify savings for deficit reduc- is applied consistently without reliance on (b) POLICY ON AGENCY FEES AND SPEND- tion; and reactive legislating; ING.—It is the policy of this resolution that (4) unobligated balances in dormant ac- (3) improve the elements of the current Congress must reassert its constitutional counts should not be used to finance in- budget process that have fulfilled the origi- prerogative to control spending and conduct creases in spending. nal purposes of the Congressional Budget Act oversight. To do so, Congress should enact legislation requiring programs that are fund- SEC. 521. POLICY STATEMENT ON REFORMING of 1974; and (4) rebuild the foundation of the budget ed through fees, offsetting receipts, or offset- THE CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET ting collections to be allocated new budget PROCESS. process to provide a solid basis from which authority annually. Such allocation may additional reforms may be developed. (a) FINDINGS.—The House finds the fol- arise from— lowing: SEC. 522. POLICY STATEMENT ON FEDERAL AC- (1) legislation originating from the author- (1) Enactment of the Congressional Budget COUNTING. izing committee of jurisdiction for the agen- and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 was (a) FINDINGS.—The House finds the fol- cy or program; or the first step toward restoring constitu- lowing: (2) fee and account specific allocations in- tionally endowed legislative responsibility (1) Current accounting methods fail to cap- cluded in annual appropriation Acts. over fundamental budget decision making. ture and present in a compelling manner the (2) However, the congressional budget proc- full scope of the Government and its fiscal The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to ess has neither constrained spending nor in- situation. House Resolution 553, the gentleman hibited the expansion of Government. The (2) Most fiscal analyses produced by the from California (Mr. MCCLINTOCK) and growth of the Government, primarily Congressional Budget Office (CBO) are con- a Member opposed each will control 15 through a multiplicity of mandatory pro- ducted over a 10-year time horizon. The use minutes. grams and other forms of direct spending, of generational accounting or a longer time The Chair recognizes the gentleman has largely been financed through borrowing horizon would provide a more complete pic- from California. and high tax rates. ture of the Government’s fiscal situation. Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Chairman, I (3) The enforcement of the current budget (3) The Federal budget currently accounts yield myself 31⁄2 minutes. process, including congressional points of for most programs on a cash accounting Mr. Chairman, I am pleased to order and statutory spending limits, have basis, which records revenue and expenses been too often waived or circumvented. This when cash is actually paid or received. How- present the Republican Study Commit- contributes to a lack of accountability, ever, it accounts for loan and loan guarantee tee’s 2018 budget, Securing America’s which has led to broad agreement that re- programs on an accrual basis, which records Future Economy. forming the system is a high necessity. revenue when earned and expenses when in- This proposal combines savings that (b) POLICY ON REFORMING THE CONGRES- curred. have been proposed by the Congres- SIONAL BUDGET PROCESS.—It is the policy of (4) The Government Accountability Office sional Budget Office, many RSC mem- this concurrent resolution that Congress has advised that accrual accounting may bers, and public policy think tanks, in- should— provide a more accurate estimate of the Gov- cluding The Heritage Foundation, Citi- (1) restructure the fundamental procedures ernment’s liabilities than cash accounting zens Against Government Waste, and of budget decision making; for some programs, specifically insurance (2) reassert congressional power over programs. the National Taxpayers Union. It is spending and revenue, restore the balance of (5) Accrual accounting under the Federal based on a simple principle that gov- power between Congress and the President as Credit Reform Act of 1990 (FCRA) under- ernment should spend its money as the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 in- states the risk and thus the true cost of carefully as families spend what they tended, and attain the maximum level of ac- some Federal programs, including loans and have left after they have paid their countability for budget decisions through ef- loan guarantees. taxes. ficient and rigorous enforcement of budget (6) Fair value accounting better reflects By restraining the growth of spend- rules; the risk associated with Federal loan and ing and refocusing resources on core (3) improve incentives for lawmakers to loan guarantee programs by using a market government responsibilities, adopting budget as intended by the Congressional based discount rate. CBO, for example, uses Budget Act of 1974, especially by adopting an fair value accounting to measure the cost of commonsense reforms, and placing annual budget resolution; Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Medicare and Social Security back on (4) encourage more effective control over (7) In comparing fair value accounting to sound financial footing, we believe spending, especially currently uncontrolled FCRA, CBO has concluded that ‘‘adopting a there is still time to save this country direct spending; fair-value approach would provide a more from financial and economic ruin. But (5) revise the methodology used in devel- comprehensive way to measure the costs of time is running out. oping the baseline, which is intended to re- Federal credit programs and would permit On our current course, the Congres- flect an objective projection of the budg- more level comparisons between those costs sional Budget Office warns that, within etary effects of current laws and policies for and the costs of other forms of Federal as- 4 years, our deficits will balloon to $1 future fiscal years, by removing any tend- sistance’’. ency toward assuming higher spending lev- (8) This concurrent resolution directs CBO trillion annually, adding about $8,000 a els; to estimate the costs of credit programs on year to an average family’s debt that (6) promote efficient and timely budget ac- a fair value basis to fully capture the risk as- they will have to pay off in future tions to ensure lawmakers complete their sociated with Federal credit programs. taxes. Two years after that, interest on

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:40 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC7.001 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H7858 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 5, 2017 the national debt will reach $654 bil- To its credit, the RSC tells us where in New York with so much potential, lion. That is more than we currently those cuts will come from, rather than that is $62,000. In fact, it is more than spend for the entire defense establish- leaving large amounts unspecified or the median American family brings ment. using matching asterisks or phony eco- home in an entire year. Let me repeat that so it sinks in. Six nomic assumptions to reduce spending. Our debt continues to mount, even as years from now, we will spend more The RSC budget cuts Social Security, Federal reserves reach record highs. than our current defense budget ac- Medicare, and Medicaid. It cuts pro- This leads to an undeniable conclusion, complishing nothing but renting the grams that ensure basic living stand- even from Captain Obvious: the Federal money that we have already borrowed ards, protect the environment, and Government has a spending problem. and spent. Three years later, Medicare help families afford college. The growing Federal Government has will collapse. Six years after that—if For 2018, the RSC budget matches the significant negative consequences for we get that far—Social Security runs President’s level for defense, including the country and its people. The large out of money. war funding. But for nondefense discre- Federal debt reduces investment, pro- This approaching crisis can be de- tionary spending, the RSC budget pro- ductivity, and wages, while Federal scribed with just three numbers: 26, 35, vides $394 billion, which is $122 billion, interventions in the economy reduce and 49. Once you understand those or 24 percent, below the austerity cap. the incentive to work, resulting in a three numbers—26, 35, and 49—you can There is no way this House or any shrinking labor market. plainly see the root of our problems. House would approve an appropriations The debt can have dangerous implica- Twenty-six percent is the combined bill that inflicted a 24 percent cut on tions for our national security, re- population and inflation growth over all government operations. If just two cently causing a bipartisan group of the past 10 years. Thirty-five percent is programs—veterans’ programs and NIH leading national security officials to the growth in Federal revenues. Clear- funding—were excluded from those write that ‘‘our long-term debt is the ly, this is not a revenue problem. The cuts, everything else would be cut by single greatest threat to our national problem is that third number. Forty- more than 55 percent. security.’’ nine percent is the growth in spend- So yes, this budget claims to reach Most fundamentally, when the Fed- ing—nearly twice the rate of inflation balance, but it would achieve it by eral Government is too big and too in- trusive, it interferes with our and population combined. making cuts that would be cata- unalienable rights to life, liberty, and We are about to hear about the dra- strophic. Not even Congress is that conian cuts from the opposition. Let the pursuit of happiness. self-destructive. Eleven months ago, the American me emphasize, the RSC budget con- I contend that the two Republican people voted to give Republicans uni- tinues to grow the Federal Government budgets actually show how dismissing every year. I repeat, the RSC budget fied control of government. Now it is the notion that revenues must be a time to follow through and implement spends more every year. part of any solution to restrain deficits Over the decade, we have provided for the policy agenda that Congress and and debt, compounded with the flawed the President were elected on. more than $1 trillion of government notion that balance must be achieved growth. Only in Washington can that As the calendar moves into fall, the in the short term, will inflict intoler- grade of the 115th Congress will be de- be described as a cut. The RSC budget able hardship on the American people. merely restrains the growth of spend- livered on whether we can reform our While totally unintentional, they inefficient Tax Code. This process ing over the next decade to give fami- make a pretty compelling case that for lies the time and room to catch up. starts with the budget. Along with re- Congress to responsibly address our pealing ObamaCare and securing our b 0915 debts and deficits, while funding the border, the Republican Study Com- By doing so, we can arrest the ruin- Federal programs and investments that mittee budget allows us to fulfill these ous spiral of debt and interest costs the American people want and expect, promises, and more. that now threaten the very solvency of raising revenues has to be part of the This fiscal year 2018 RSC budget en- our Nation. equation. sures a strong national security, robust This budget gores a lot of sacred One of the things that amuses me, in economic growth, equal opportunity cows, because we want to point out the a very kind of dark way, is that I re- for all, a sustainable social safety net, wide range of savings available to member so well, in 2010, when Repub- and a return to constitutionally lim- achieve. But I would ask the opponents licans actually rode to victory in the ited government, all with a goal of se- of this budget to consider one thing as House by claiming that we Democrats curing America’s future economy. we race toward the looming fiscal cri- were going to cut $750 billion out of Instead of a future of high debt and sis just 4 years down the road: you can- Medicare. That wasn’t true, but they low growth, the RSC budget proposes a not provide for the common defense or claimed it. positive blueprint for success and op- general welfare or do all of the other Now, in this Republican Study Com- portunity. Our budget focuses on things our government is called upon mittee budget, they have doubled down progrowth, profamily policies that will to do if you cannot pay for them. Our on that. It is not exactly double, but boost America’s economy and provide a mountainous debt, driven by out-of- they are going to cut it by $898 billion. strong fiscal foundation for genera- control spending, now threatens our I don’t think America’s seniors and the tions to come. ability to do so. disabled population would feel very Mr. Chairman, in closing, I would Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance good about that. like to thank my friend, Mr. MCCLIN- of my time. I would like to thank my colleagues TOCK, for his leadership of the RSC Mr. YARMUTH. Mr. Chairman, I for bringing that important issue to budget task force, as well as all the claim the time in opposition to the the debate. members of the Republican Study amendment. Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance Committee who participated in this ef- The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman of my time. fort. from Kentucky is recognized for 15 Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Chairman, I With this budget, we have accom- minutes. yield 3 minutes to the gentleman from plished our goals of detailing the vari- Mr. YARMUTH. Mr. Chairman, I North Carolina (Mr. WALKER), the ety of bold policy solutions, as well as yield myself such time as I may con- chairman of the Republican Study helping to influence the balanced budg- sume. Committee. et offered by my friend, Chairman Mr. Chairman, I am going to cut to Mr. WALKER. Mr. Chairman, $20.2 BLACK, to include meaningful, enforce- the chase: the Republican Study Com- trillion. Our national debt is more than able, reconciliation targets, as the RSC mittee budget is so extreme, it cannot $20.2 trillion. budget does, so that we can begin the be taken seriously. It cuts spending by Let’s put it this way: each Ameri- essential task of implementing these $10 trillion over 10 years, which is $4 can’s share of the national debt is policies into law. trillion more than the already irre- $62,000. From the retiree in North Caro- My fellow Members, when will our sponsible spending cuts in Chairman lina who has already done so much to debt matter? Next year? The year BLACK’s budget. serve the country, to the newborn child after?

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:15 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K05OC7.004 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7859 In 6 years, we are projected to spend over 10 years, and they are going to be were created, and more revenue was more than $650 billion on interest alone paid for by this renewal of economic created for the Federal Government. on our debt. activity. But history tells us that is Mr. Chairman, the Federal Govern- The Acting CHAIR. The time of the not what happens. Not only history ment doesn’t have a revenue problem. gentleman has expired. tells us that, but virtually all the It has a spending problem. That is Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Chairman, I economists in the country tell us that, what we tackle with the Republican yield an additional 1 minute to the too. Study Committee budget. gentleman from North Carolina. Goldman Sachs, Steve Mnuchin’s pre- I thank Mr. MCCLINTOCK for his in- Mr. WALKER. What will it take for vious employer, says that the tax cuts credible and insightful leadership in our friends on the left to stop hijacking outlined last week would maybe create generating the FY 2018 RSC budget the American Dream for our children an additional 0.2 percent of growth in that we are now considering. and grandchildren? Is it not a moral in- the economy. The House Budget Committee’s budg- justice to leave this level of debt to the CBO and the Federal Reserve say tax et proposals continue to benefit from next generation? cuts don’t pay for themselves. Even the framework of the RSC budget by Mr. Chairman, we have been making Bruce Bartlett, the author of ‘‘Reagan- including meaningful, enforceable rec- this argument in the House for years. omics,’’ says this whole notion that tax onciliation targets, as our budget does. Today, it is time to make a difference. cuts pay for themselves is nonsense. He The House budget will begin the essen- Mr. YARMUTH. Mr. Chairman, I actually said bull, which is half of what tial task of implementing these poli- yield myself such time as I may con- he said, but you get the idea. cies into law. sume. This is not easy. We can speak in the Other instances where the RSC-led Mr. Chairman, it is fascinating to darkest terms of how we are imposing budget proposals have historically wound up being adopted in the larger have this debate and speaking in such this debt on our grandchildren and try House budget include the following: high-principled ways about the need to to use emotional arguments. But the First, balancing the budget within a reduce deficits and debt. I don’t think fact is, we are dealing with a very real- any Democrat would argue that we 10-year budget window. istic, pragmatic dilemma, and that is: Two, including policies to ensure the need to do something to reduce deficits how to do what the American people solvency of entitlement programs, such and debt. We face a very dire, long- expect us to do without making the fu- as Social Security, Medicare, and also term fiscal future. ture impossible. Medicaid. But we also lose sight of the fact that It is not done by the Republican Number three, providing the nec- the American people expect something budgets. We think it is helped along by essary funding and resources for a ro- from their government. They expect the Democratic alternative, and we bust national security. our government to keep them safe, but look forward to having that debate just Number four, fully repealing they also expect their government to a little bit later this morning. ObamaCare. protect their drinking water, protect Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance Number five, establishing a pathway their air, to make sure that the food of my time. to progrowth tax reform that will they eat is not dangerous, to provide Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Chairman, I jump-start our economy and help hard- law enforcement and help local law en- yield myself such time as I may con- working American families take home forcement to do many things. sume. more of their paychecks. The budget, as well as Chairman Mr. Chairman, I would remind my I was humbled to serve as the chair- BLACK’s committee budget, would deci- friend from Kentucky that Ronald man of the RSC during the 114th Con- mate all of those services that the Reagan reduced the Federal income tax gress. At that time, we generated a American people expect from the Fed- rate from 70 percent down to 28 per- new budget for fiscal year 2017, called eral Government. cent, and income tax revenues doubled. the Blueprint for a Balanced Budget I think only about what is going on He is correct that we expect things 2.0. It was written and released in the right now with Houston, Florida, Puer- from our government. We have seen a spring of 2016. to Rico, and the Virgin Islands and the 49 percent increase in spending in the Like the current RSC budget, it pro- enormous cost that the Federal Gov- last decade. Have we seen a 49 percent vided a robust agenda of conservative ernment is going to have to bear to increase in the quality of education or policies to show the American people help restore those communities and a 49 percent increase in our infrastruc- our vision for this Nation. those territories to some degree of nor- ture or our defense capability? The Acting CHAIR. The time of the malcy. That is what they expect the What we have seen is a 49 percent in- gentleman has expired. American Government to do. These crease in bureaucracy and government. Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Chairman, I budgets would make that all but im- I would remind the gentleman that yield an additional 30 seconds to the possible. when we squander the people’s money, gentleman from Texas. So we look at it both ways. Later, we we rob them of the means to meet the Mr. FLORES. In the tradition of The will propose a Democratic alternative disasters and unforeseen circumstances Heritage Foundation’s 1980 mandate for that actually makes those kind of in- that confront our country. leadership that provided a policy agen- da for the incoming Reagan adminis- vestments and makes sure that the no- Mr. Chairman, I yield 21⁄2 minutes to tration, our Blueprint for a Balanced tion of American security is not just a the gentleman from Texas (Mr. FLO- Budget 2.0 for the new President and huge military, but is a foundation of RES), my friend and former chairman of investment in human capital and re- the Republican Study Committee. his administration set forth an agenda search and infrastructure that will Mr. FLORES. Mr. Chairman, I thank for governing in 2017. allow this economy to grow. We do it the gentleman for yielding. b 0930 with keeping debt at the same percent- Mr. Chairman, I want to go off script By all accounts, the RSC budget has age of the economy, as it is now, be- for a little bit and echo the comments proven successful in achieving this cause we are willing to raise revenues. the gentleman was making. goal, with President Trump basing On the other hand, Republican budg- He talked about the Reagan tax cuts many of the policies for his fiscal 2018 ets, both the Republican Study Com- and what they did to stimulate the budget request on the RSC’s fiscal 2017 mittee budget and the chairman’s economy and to grow tax revenues and budget. budget, anticipate enormous tax cuts to allow hardworking American fami- I am pleased to see that many RSC- for the wealthiest Americans and cor- lies to keep more of their paychecks. led proposals are included in both the porations—tax cuts that have been I would also go on to remind the gen- President’s budget and the House budg- proven to do exactly the opposite of tleman from Kentucky, to disabuse et that we will consider later today. what many on the other side claim him about his views of tax reform, and In the coming years, I look forward they do, which is to stimulate eco- remind him that President John F. to continuing to see the RSC putting nomic growth. Kennedy, a Democrat, reduced the top forth and leading on many conserv- We will hear claims that, yes, we can marginal rates from 93 percent to 73 ative, sound policy ideas for our budg- cut taxes by $2 trillion or $3 trillion percent. The economy grew, more jobs etary process.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:15 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K05OC7.006 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H7860 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 5, 2017 Mr. Chairman, I urge all our col- ing the Affordable Care Act, gutting ernment, they ought to at least do leagues to vote ‘‘yes’’ on the RSC budg- Medicaid, and proposing even deeper some work. et and to vote ‘‘yes’’ on the House GOP cuts to low-income nondefense discre- Mr. YARMUTH. Mr. Chairman, I budget. tionary spending. It undermines access yield 3 minutes to the gentleman from Mr. YARMUTH. Mr. Chairman, I feel to critical reproductive healthcare, in- Vermont (Mr. WELCH), a distinguished like I have to be Paul Harvey for a sec- cluding no copay birth control, for mil- member of the Energy and Commerce ond and talk about the rest of the lions of women.’’ Committee. story. The women of America are watching. Mr. WELCH. Mr. Chairman, I want to Because while what Mr. MCCLINTOCK This budget is a particular disaster for state to my colleagues on this budget said was true about the initial phases them, for us. that there are two fundamental as- of the Reagan administration, at the Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Chairman, I sumptions that are being made that end of the Reagan administration, the yield 21⁄2 minutes to the gentleman need to be challenged. national debt had almost tripled, and from Alabama (Mr. PALMER). One, you are saying that we have a he had been forced to raise taxes a cou- Mr. PALMER. Mr. Chairman, Article spending problem, not a revenue prob- ple of times in the interim. I, section 9 of the Constitution grants lem. This country is spending on do- So, again, we can argue about how Congress the power of the purse. This mestic priorities and defense at a level positive cutting taxes were in the assigns to Congress the role of final ar- that existed when the President of the Reagan administration, but the end re- biter of the use of public funds. United States was Dwight D. Eisen- hower, and that was before Medicaid sult wasn’t particularly good for the Despite this clear declaration of power, the Office of Management and and Medicare. American economy. We have a significant issue about Budget estimates that agencies col- Mr. Chairman, I yield 3 minutes to how we are going to meet the needs of lected over $513 billion in fines, fees, the gentlewoman from Illinois (Ms. the people of this country, both on de- penalties, and other offsetting collec- SCHAKOWSKY), a distinguished member fense, where we need some help, but tions and receipts in fiscal year 2017. of the Budget Committee. definitely on the domestic side as well. Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Mr. Chairman, Allowing agencies to have slush funds The second assumption that you are who wins in the Republican budget? outside of the normal appropriations making—and it is an assertion that is Same old same old; millionaires, bil- process is a recipe for bad acting. made over and over again—is that tax lionaires, large corporations. The Re- The RSC budget calls for imple- cuts will pay for themselves. That is publican budget paves the way for their menting the Agency Accountability the theology of your budget: tax cuts plan, which gives 80 percent of its tax Act, which directs that all fines, fees, pay for themselves. cuts to the top 1 percent of Americans, and settlements go to the Treasury, You know, why not go to zero, and while 30 percent of middle class house- making them subject to the normal ap- we will all be rich? holds making between $50,000 and propriations process. This would end That is essentially what is being said $150,000 a year would actually see a tax the agencies’ ability to operate inde- here. But the tax cuts are always at increase. This is according to the non- pendently and outside of the oversight the high end of the income spectrum, partisan Tax Policy Center. of Congress. More importantly, it which is exacerbating inequality and It slashes $1.5 trillion from Medicare would allow Congress to fully account creating a problem for us to meet es- and Medicaid, even worse than for how much money the government sential needs in this country. TrumpCare, and it ends the guarantee actually collects and where that money So this question of tax cuts paying of Medicare benefits for American sen- is coming from. for themselves and fiscal responsi- iors. I am also pleased that the RSC budg- bility, let’s have a little bit of history It attacks women’s health by et does what is increasingly becoming here. This was the theology of George defunding, of course, Planned Parent- an impossible task: it balances the Bush when he passed the tax cuts when hood, once again. It slashes SNAP— budget, all while prioritizing defense he became President. They did not pay SNAP, the Food Stamp program—by spending to keep this country secure. for themselves. We went from the Clin- $154 billion, taking nutrition assistance This budget sets forth the bold ideas ton-era surpluses to the Bush-era defi- away from up to 7 million households. necessary to put the country back on a cits, and in another fiscally, grossly ir- Did you really come to Congress to path of fiscal responsibility. responsible move, he put the war on take food out of the mouths of hungry The Congressional Budget Office re- the credit card. children? ports that if we stay on the current ir- The war was on the credit card. We Now we are considering the Repub- responsible fiscal path we are on, by had unpaid-for tax cuts and we had an lican Study Committee budget, which 2047, in 30 years, our debt to GDP will unpaid-for war. And this is not just fis- includes even deeper cuts for children be 150 percent. Stated more simply, our cal responsibility; this is govern- and families and seniors while giving debt will be 50 percent greater than our mental, personal, congressional irre- sponsibility. You have got to pay for tax cuts to the wealthy. entire gross domestic product. My Democratic colleagues and I offer We must put our Nation back on a things. Whether it is the war or it is food stamps or it is any program that A Better Deal for America. The United path of fiscal responsibility, and the you want to pick, you have got to pay States is the richest country in the RSC budget does exactly that. As for it. world at the richest time in history. former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of You don’t pay for it by the magic as- We can have quality healthcare, afford- Staff Michael Mullin warned, our na- terisk of saying, ‘‘the tax cuts that we able childcare, debt-free college, secure tional debt is the greatest threat to propose,’’ when we are going to spend retirement, and world-class infrastruc- our national security. By putting our by cutting taxes or going into a war ture, but not if we give massive tax Nation on a sensible fiscal path of bal- that we don’t pay for, $1 trillion, it cuts to the wealthiest individuals and ancing the budget, we reduce the ex- doesn’t work. And that is why we are corporations. tremely heavy burden that a bloated in this path that is very dangerous So I urge my colleagues to reject the Federal Government places on Amer- with respect to the long-term debt. RSC budget, reject the Republican ica’s working families, allowing them I believe in that. We have got to pay budget, and to support the Democratic to prosper and making the government our bills. When we had the majority, alternative. Americans deserve a budg- less intrusive in their lives. we had a doctrine that said: Pay as you et that grows our middle class and in- I would also like to add extempo- go. vests in our future. raneously in regard to what we are If any Democrat, the budget chair, or I want to read just one paragraph of doing on SNAP benefits. What we are me wanted to propose some spending, a letter from that doing is imposing work requirements we either had to come up with the rev- says: ‘‘The House Budget Resolution on able-bodied adults with no children. enue or we had to cut somewhere else. proposes cuts that would be disastrous I want to repeat: able-bodied adults I believe in that. for women, men, and young people with no children. I think most Ameri- But I don’t believe in unpaid-for tax Planned Parenthood sees every day. It cans would agree that if they are get- cuts paying for themselves. I don’t be- sacrifices access to healthcare, repeal- ting payments from the Federal Gov- lieve that more spending pays for itself

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:15 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K05OC7.008 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7861 and we can just put it on the credit paves the way for historic tax reform. port of the Republican Study Com- card. It unlocks the reconciliation process. mittee budget from the Committee for Now, we have got some problems and We need to pass this budget so that we a Responsible Federal Budget, the challenges in this country. We have got can deliver real relief for middle-in- Council for Citizens Against Govern- an opportunity problem. come families across this country. We ment Waste, FreedomWorks, and Herit- The Acting CHAIR. The time of the need to pass this budget for the people age Action for America. gentleman has expired. who are living paycheck to paycheck in Mr. YARMUTH. Mr. Chairman, I COMMITTEE FOR A RESPONSIBLE America, who are trying to juggle it FEDERAL BUDGET, yield an additional 1 minute to the all. They are looking to get under a September 8, 2017. gentleman from Vermont. hopelessly broken Tax Code. Hon. MARK WALKER, Mr. WELCH. Mr. Chairman, kids We haven’t reformed this tax system Washington, DC. going to school get out with a debt the since 1986. We need to pass this budget DEAR REPRESENTATIVE WALKER: I am writ- size of a mortgage. We have got an in- so that we can help bring more jobs, ing you to express our appreciation for the equality problem. It has never been fairer taxes, and bigger paychecks for fiscally responsible budget released by the worse. It goes back to the Great De- people across this country. The time Republican Study Committee. pression, when we had this divide be- for this is now, and the opportunity is Your budget would make important tween what hardworking people made right in front of us. progress by putting debt on a downward path and what the top 1 percent made. I want to especially commend Chair- as a share of GDP, reducing it from 77 per- We have got a healthcare afford- man BLACK for her commitment to this cent today to 56 percent by 2027—instead of ability problem, but you don’t solve vision. I want to especially commend letting it rise to 89 percent as under current that by slashing access to healthcare the members of the Budget Committee law. and throwing 24 million people off of for their steadfast commitment to this By calling for spending cuts and entitle- healthcare. We have got an infrastruc- vision. We would not be in a position ment reforms, your budget helps to keep the ture problem that we are totally ne- today to pass this budget without her national debt on a sustainable path. glecting. It is not addressed in this tireless leadership and the leadership We applaud the Republican Study Com- budget. of her members of the committee. mittee for your serious contribution to the We have got a DREAMer problem. It is so encouraging that the Senate ongoing budget debate. How is it that, in this Congress, we has passed their budget out of com- Sincerely, are literally not allowing 800,000 young mittee. They are on the track, too. MAYA MACGUINEAS, people who came here, through no fault That means we look forward to work- President, Committee for a Responsible of their own, not voluntarily, and we ing with the Senate to take the next Federal Budget. are going to give them the hook and step. deport them? We have an opportunity to make COUNCIL FOR CITIZENS AGAINST It is outrageous? right by our fellow countrymen. We GOVERNMENT WASTE, We have got a rural America prob- have an opportunity to make right by Washington, DC, October 4, 2017. lem. Rural America has been left be- the people we represent. We have an HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, hind. The inequality in this country is Washington, DC. opportunity to actually restore pros- really hitting hard on rural America, perity in this country. DEAR REPRESENTATIVE: You will soon vote in parts of Vermont, and in all parts of on several different budget proposals for fis- this country. And there is nothing in b 0945 cal year (FY) 2018. On behalf of the more this budget that says: We are going to We haven’t seen that kind of eco- than one million members and supporters of give hope to rural America by invest- nomic potential in this country in at the Council for Citizens Against Government ing in them. least a decade. We can fix that this Waste (CCAGW), I urge you to support the Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Chairman, I year. budget resolution as reported by the House yield 1 minute to the gentleman from We know a debt crisis is coming. We Budget Committee and the Republican Study Committee’s (RSC) budget resolution, both Wisconsin (Mr. RYAN), the Speaker of know if we do nothing, the next gen- of which would put the nation back on the the House. eration will be worse off. We can stop path to fiscal sanity and pave the way for Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Chair- that, fix this, and make them better comprehensive, pro-growth tax reform. man, I rise to urge the whole House to off. support this Republican budget, H. That is what this budget paves the Under the leadership of Chairman Diane Black (R–Tenn.), H. Con. Res. 71, as reported Con. Res. 71. way for, and that is why I urge all of Let me just say a few things. by the House Budget Committee, would re- my colleagues to support this budget. duce spending by $6.5 trillion over 10 years First, this is a budget that reflects I thank the chair for her steadfast and balance the budget by 2027. H. Con. Res. our first principles: freedom, freedom support. I thank the Members for get- 71 provides reconciliation instructions for enterprise, a government accountable ting us to where we are today, and I fundamental tax reform that, if enacted, will to the people it serves. really look forward to the day where allow Americans to keep more of their It is a budget that will help grow our we can look at this moment as when money, simplify the filing of taxes, and economy, and it is a budget that will we got the country on the right track. allow small businesses to boost wages and help rein in our debt. It strengthens Mr. YARMUTH. Mr. Chairman, in create jobs. While H. Con. Res. 71 would in- our national defense. It supports our closing, I would just say that we need crease defense spending above Budget Con- men and women in uniform. It elimi- to cut right to the chase. trol Act mandated cap levels, this legislation nate mindless, endless spending, and it It is unlikely that either the Repub- also calls for $203 billion in spending cuts maximizes American’s tax dollars. It lican Study Committee budget or the across various programs and a $700 billion re- duction in improper payments. reforms Medicaid. It strengthens Medi- Republican Budget Committee budget care. could pass this House. It certainly The RSC budget enacts many of the same This is a budget that keeps our re- couldn’t pass the Congress. reforms as the House Budget Committee’s sponsibilities to our children and our This is all about moving the ball for- plan, but it proposes to reduce government grandchildren. Remember, we have a ward so we can push through a massive spending by $10 trillion over 10 years and achieves balance in six years. The RSC plan responsibility here, each and every tax cut to the wealthiest Americans, creates a pathway for tax reform; repeals generation, each and every Member: with 51 votes in the Senate. That is and replaces Obamacare; makes Social Secu- leave the country better off so your what this day is about, and that is rity solvent; rescues Medicare and disability kids and your grandkids can prosper. what this process is about. insurance; and decreases FY 2018 non-discre- That American legacy is seriously at Mr. Chairman, I urge my colleagues tionary spending to $394 billion. risk because of our growing deterio- to reject both the Republican Study Tax reform presents an historic oppor- rating budget situation, because of the Committee budget and the Republican tunity to unleash the economic potential of coming debt crisis. This budget tackles Budget Committee budget, and I yield the American people. While Congress is well- that. back the balance of my time. positioned to enact tax reform, that cannot There is one more thing that this Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Chairman, I occur until a budget resolution with rec- budget does that is so important. It include in the RECORD letters of sup- onciliation instructions is adopted. I urge

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:40 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K05OC7.009 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H7862 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 5, 2017 you to support both the House Budget Com- and replace Obamacare, repeal Dodd-Frank as Jefferson addressed his first inau- mittee’s FY 2018 budget resolution as re- by implementing the Financial CHOICE Act, gural address. After listing all of the ported and the RSC’s FY 2018 budget resolu- reform entitlement programs, and finally, blessings that our country enjoys, he tion. All votes on the FY 2018 budget resolu- enact pro-growth tax reform. If passed, the asked what more do we need to main- tions will be among those considered in RSC’s budget would give lawmakers a seri- CCAGW’s 2017 Congressional Ratings. ous conservative blueprint for reform. tain a happy and prosperous society. Sincerely, Pro-Growth Tax Reform. Republicans cam- He said: ‘‘Still one thing more, fellow TOM SCHATZ, paigned and promised to fix America’s bro- citizens. A wise and frugal government, President, CCAGW. ken tax code. The current code has become a which shall restrain men from injuring significant obstacle to economic growth, job one another, shall leave them other- [From FreedomWorks, Oct. 4, 2017] creation and higher wages for American wise free to regulate their own pursuits KEY VOTE YES ON THE MCCLINTOCK workers. The RSC budget would fulfill the of industry and improvement, and shall AMENDMENT TO H. CON. RES. 71 Republican campaign promise by enacting not take from the mouth of labor the tax reform that cuts taxes for families, On behalf of FreedomWorks’ activist com- makes American businesses competitive bread it has earned. This is the sum of munity, I urge you to contact your rep- around the globe, ends double taxation, and good government. . . .’’ resentative and ask him or her to vote YES simplifies the code. We have it within our power to re- on the amendment offered by Rep. Tom Repealing Obamacare. Republicans owe store that wise and frugal government McClintock (R–Calif.) to H. Con. Res. 71, the their majorities to their unwavering opposi- and the prosperity and happiness that budget resolution for FY 2018. The amend- tion to Obamacare, a reality that is reflected free societies always produce the mo- ment, which includes reconciliation instruc- in the RSC’s budget. The budget remains tions for fundamental tax reform, is the Re- ment we summon the political will to committed to fully repealing the law despite do so. The Republican Study Com- publican Study Committee’s FY 2018 budget recent Republican failures, and sends a sig- alternative. nal to the American people that conserv- mittee seeks that shining city on a hill The Republican Study Committee’s (RSC) atives will continue to push for free-market, and today offers this map to get us FY 2018 budget would reduce federal spend- patient-centered health care reforms. there. ing by more than $10 trillion over the ten- Funding Defense. Although the Budget Mr. Chairman, I yield back the bal- year budget window, bringing the budget Control Act of 2011 has put significant pres- ance of my time. into balance in FY 2023. The RSC’s budget sure on our military, a conservative budget The Acting CHAIR. The question is would repeal ObamaCare and enact other pa- would align military spending with strategic tient-centered health insurance reforms, on the amendment in the nature of a priorities by breaking the firewall. The substitute offered by the gentleman make Social Security and Medicare solvent, RSC’s budget does not rely on the much-dis- and reform federal welfare programs. It also from California (Mr. MCCLINTOCK). cussed OCO gimmick, but increases defense The question was taken; and the Act- promotes free trade, regulatory reform, and spending to a total of $668 billion in FY18, other free market, limited government prin- which is $119 billion above the current de- ing Chair announced that the ayes ap- ciples. fense cap. Importantly, that cost is offset by peared to have it. The current text of H. Con. Res. 71 and the lowering non-defense discretionary spending RECORDED VOTE McClintock amendment include language to $394 billion in FY18, which is $122 billion Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Chairman, I that allows the House Ways and Means Com- below the cap. mittee to produce legislation to reform the demand a recorded vote. Reforming Entitlements. The RSC’s budget A recorded vote was ordered. tax code. Riddled with loopholes and special maintains the Medicare premium support re- interest deductions, America’s tax code has The vote was taken by electronic de- forms, which are widely established and vice, and there were—ayes 139, noes 281, become far too complex. According to the broadly supported. In addition, the budget Tax Foundation, Americans spent 8.9 billion lays down bold markers on Social Security, not voting 13, as follows: hours and $409 billion complying with the Social Security Disability Insurance and [Roll No. 555] more than 74,000-page tax code. Medicaid. It takes a similarly aggressive ap- AYES—139 It has been more than 30 years since Con- proach on mandatory program spending like gress passed fundamental tax reform. Con- Abraham Gosar Mullin food stamps (Supplemental Nutrition Assist- Allen Gowdy Newhouse gress has a generational opportunity to re- ance Program, or SNAP) and Temporary As- Amash Graves (GA) Norman form the tax code by consolidating and low- sistance for Needy Families (TANF) by Amodei Graves (LA) Olson ering tax rates, broadening the tax base, and building on the success of the 1996 welfare re- Arrington Graves (MO) Palmer promoting job creation and international forms and enacting work requirements as Babin Grothman Perry competitiveness for American businesses. Banks (IN) Guthrie Pittenger outlined in the Welfare Reform and Upward Barr Handel Poe (TX) This will make the tax code fairer and sim- Mobility Act (H.R. 2832/S. 1290) and the Sup- plify the filing process, allowing the vast Barton Harper Posey plemental Nutrition Assistance Program Re- Bergman Harris Ratcliffe majority of Americans to file their taxes on form Act (H.R. 2996). Biggs Hensarling Renacci a postcard. Other important items in the budget in- Bishop (MI) Hice, Jody B. Rice (SC) FreedomWorks will count the vote on the clude: Enacting the Financial CHOICE Act, Bishop (UT) Higgins (LA) Rohrabacher McClintock amendment to H. Con. Res. 71 on eliminating the Consumer Financial Protec- Black Hill Rokita our 2017 Congressional Scorecard. The score- Blackburn Holding Rooney, Francis tion Bureau (CFPB), holding federal agencies Brady (TX) Hollingsworth Rooney, Thomas card is used to determine eligibility for the accountable, reducing funding for the Envi- FreedomFighter Award, which recognizes Brat Hudson J. ronmental Protection Agency (EPA), sepa- Brooks (AL) Huizenga Ross Members of the House and Senate who con- rating food stamps and farm programs, end- Buck Hultgren Rouzer sistently vote to support economic freedom ing commodity subsidy programs, reforming Bucshon Jenkins (KS) Sanford and individual liberty. crop insurance, ending unconstitutional am- Budd Johnson (LA) Scalise Sincerely, nesty for illegal immigrants, enforcing exist- Burgess Johnson, Sam Schweikert Byrne Jordan Scott, Austin ADAM BRANDON, ing immigration laws, securing our borders, President, FreedomWorks. Calvert Joyce (OH) Sensenbrenner delegating elementary and secondary edu- Carter (GA) Kelly (MS) Sessions cation to states and localities modeled after Chabot Kelly (PA) Shimkus [From Heritage Action for America, Oct. 3, the Academic Partnership Leads us to Suc- Coffman Kustoff (TN) Smith (MO) 2017] cess (A-PLUS) Act, reforming Higher Edu- Cole Labrador Smith (NE) ‘‘YES’’ ON THE RSC’S BUDGET: SECURING cation by passing the Higher Education Re- Collins (GA) LaHood Smith (TX) Comer LaMalfa Smucker AMERICA’S FUTURE ECONOMY form and Opportunity (HERO) Act, elimi- Conaway Lamborn Stewart (By Andrea Palermo) nating Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, return- Culberson Latta Taylor On Thursday, the House will vote on the ing transportation and infrastructure policy Davidson Lewis (MN) Tipton Fiscal Year 2018 (FY18) Budget offered by the to the states, reorganizing the executive DesJarlais Long Walberg Dunn Loudermilk Walker Republican Study Committee (RSC) as an branch, and protecting the life of the unborn. Taken as a whole, the RSC’s ‘‘Securing Emmer Love Walorski amendment to the committee-approved FY18 America’s Future Economy’’ demonstrates a Estes (KS) Marchant Walters, Mimi budget resolution. The RSC’s Budget: Secur- seriousness of purpose when it comes to gov- Farenthold Massie Weber (TX) ing America’s Future Economy, introduced Ferguson McCaul Webster (FL) erning. If passed, this budget would provide a by RSC Budget and Spending Task Force Fleischmann McClintock Wenstrup fiscally responsible path forward for our na- Chairman Tom McClintock (R–Calif.), would Flores McHenry Westerman tion, limit the size and scope of our bloated balance in 2023, reduce non-defense discre- Franks (AZ) McMorris Williams federal government, and unleash economic Gaetz Rodgers Wilson (SC) tionary spending, reestablish national de- prosperity for all Americans. Garrett Meadows Woodall fense spending to support the military, break Gibbs Messer Yoder the ‘‘firewall’’ between defense and non- Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Chairman, Gohmert Mitchell Yoho defense discretionary spending, fully repeal Just a few steps from this Hall, Thom- Goodlatte Moolenaar Zeldin

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:52 Jan 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD17\OCTOBER\H05OC7.REC H05OC7 October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7863 NOES—281 NOT VOTING—13 Sec. 207. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for in- Adams Gallego Norcross Bridenstine Kihuen Sarbanes creasing energy independence Aderholt Garamendi Nunes DeSantis Murphy (PA) Titus and security. Aguilar Gianforte O’Halleran Doyle, Michael Napolitano Walz TITLE III—ENFORCEMENT PROVISIONS F. Rosen Bacon Gomez O’Rourke Young (AK) Sec. 301. Point of order against advance ap- Barletta Gonzalez (TX) Palazzo Frelinghuysen Roybal-Allard propriations. Barraga´ n Gottheimer Pallone b 1011 Bass Granger Panetta Sec. 302. Adjustments to discretionary Beatty Green, Al Pascrell Ms. STEFANIK, Messrs. DUNCAN of spending limits. Bera Green, Gene Paulsen South Carolina, CLEAVER, DENHAM, Sec. 303. Costs of emergency needs, overseas Beyer Griffith Payne NORCROSS, CONYERS, CUMMINGS, contingency operations, and Bilirakis Grijalva Pearce disaster relief. Bishop (GA) Gutie´rrez Pelosi RUTHERFORD, BACON, and Ms. Sec. 304. Budgetary treatment of certain dis- Blum Hanabusa Perlmutter SLAUGHTER changed their vote from cretionary administrative ex- Blumenauer Hartzler Peters ‘‘aye’’ to ‘‘no.’’ penses. Blunt Rochester Hastings Peterson Messrs. WEBSTER of Florida, SES- Sec. 305. Application and effect of changes Bonamici Heck Pingree in allocations and aggregates. Bost Herrera Beutler Pocan SIONS, Mrs. MCMORRIS RODGERS, Sec. 306. Adjustments for changes in the Boyle, Brendan Higgins (NY) Poliquin and Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania F. Himes Polis changed their vote from ‘‘no’’ to ‘‘aye.’’ baseline. Brady (PA) Hoyer Price (NC) So the amendment in the nature of a Sec. 307. Reinstatement of Pay-As-You-Go. Sec. 308. Exercise of rulemaking powers. Brooks (IN) Huffman Quigley substitute was rejected. Brown (MD) Hunter Raskin TITLE IV—POLICY STATEMENTS Brownley (CA) Hurd Reed The result of the vote was announced Sec. 401. Policy of the House on affordable Buchanan Issa Reichert as above recorded. Bustos Jackson Lee Rice (NY) Stated against: health care coverage for work- Butterfield Jayapal Richmond Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Mr. Chair, I was un- ing families. Sec. 402. Policy of the House on tax reform Capuano Jeffries Roby avoidably detained. Had I been present, I Carbajal Jenkins (WV) Roe (TN) that provides support and relief Ca´ rdenas Johnson (GA) Rogers (AL) would have voted ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall No. 555. to hardworking American fami- Carson (IN) Johnson (OH) Rogers (KY) PERSONAL EXPLANATION lies. Carter (TX) Johnson, E. B. Ros-Lehtinen Mrs. NAPOLITANO. Mr. Chair, I was absent Sec. 403. Policy of the House on defense and Cartwright Jones Roskam nondefense funding increases. Castor (FL) Kaptur Rothfus during roll call votes No. 553 through 555 due to my spouse’s health situation in California. Sec. 404. Policy of the House on immigration Castro (TX) Katko Royce (CA) reform. Cheney Keating Ruiz Had I been present, I would have voted aye Sec. 405. Policy of the House on Social Secu- Chu, Judy Kelly (IL) Ruppersberger on the Grijalva of Arizona Substitute Amend- Cicilline Kennedy Rush rity. Clark (MA) Khanna Russell ment No. 1, aye on the Scott of Virginia Sub- Sec. 406. Policy of the House on protecting Clarke (NY) Kildee Rutherford stitute Amendment No. 2, and no on the the Medicare guarantee for sen- Clay Kilmer Ryan (OH) McClintock of California Substitute Amend- iors and persons with disabil- Cleaver Kind Sa´ nchez ment No. 3. ities. Clyburn King (IA) Schakowsky AMENDMENT NO 4 IN THE NATURE OF A Sec. 407. Policy of the House on financial Cohen King (NY) Schiff . SUBSTITUTE OFFERED BY MR. YARMUTH stability and consumer protec- Collins (NY) Kinzinger Schneider tion. Comstock Knight Schrader The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order Sec. 408. Policy of the House on women’s Connolly Krishnamoorthi Scott (VA) to consider amendment No. 4 printed in economic empowerment. Conyers Kuster (NH) Scott, David House Report 115–339. Cook Lance Serrano Sec. 409. Policy of the House on national se- Cooper Langevin Sewell (AL) Mr. YARMUTH. Mr. Chair, I have an curity. Correa Larsen (WA) Shea-Porter amendment at the desk. Sec. 410. Policy of the House on Veterans Af- Costa Larson (CT) Sherman The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will fairs. Costello (PA) Lawrence Shuster designate the amendment. Sec. 411. Policy of the House on disaster re- Courtney Lawson (FL) Simpson The text of the amendment in the na- sponse funding. Cramer Lee Sinema Sec. 412. Policy of the House on the Federal Crawford ture of a substitute is as follows: Levin Sires workforce. Crist Lewis (GA) Slaughter Strike all after the resolving clause and in- Sec. 413. Policy of the House on climate Crowley Lieu, Ted Smith (NJ) sert the following: Cuellar Lipinski Smith (WA) change science. Cummings LoBiondo Soto SECTION 1. CONCURRENT RESOLUTION ON THE Sec. 414. Policy of the House on increased ef- Curbelo (FL) Loebsack Speier BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018. ficiency and eliminating waste. Davis (CA) Lofgren Stefanik (a) DECLARATION.—Congress declares that Sec. 415. Policy of the House on the inves- Davis, Danny Lowenthal Stivers this resolution is the concurrent resolution tigation of Russian interference Davis, Rodney Lowey Suozzi on the budget for fiscal year 2018 and that in the 2016 U.S. presidential DeFazio Lucas Swalwell (CA) this resolution sets forth the appropriate election. DeGette Luetkemeyer Takano budgetary levels for fiscal years 2019 through TITLE I—RECOMMENDED LEVELS AND Delaney Lujan Grisham, Tenney 2027. DeLauro M. Thompson (CA) AMOUNTS (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.—The table of con- DelBene Luja´ n, Ben Ray Thompson (MS) tents for this concurrent resolution is as fol- SEC. 101. RECOMMENDED LEVELS AND Demings Lynch Thompson (PA) AMOUNTS. Denham lows: MacArthur Thornberry The following budgetary levels are appro- Dent Maloney, Tiberi Sec. 1. Concurrent resolution on the budget priate for each of fiscal years 2018 through DeSaulnier Carolyn B. Tonko for fiscal year 2018. Deutch Maloney, Sean 2027: Torres TITLE I—RECOMMENDED LEVELS AND Diaz-Balart Marino Trott (1) FEDERAL REVENUES.—For purposes of Dingell Marshall Tsongas AMOUNTS the enforcement of this resolution: Doggett Mast Turner Sec. 101. Recommended levels and amounts. (A) The recommended levels of Federal Donovan Matsui Upton Sec. 102. Major functional categories. revenues are as follows: Duffy McCarthy Valadao TITLE II—RESERVE FUNDS Fiscal year 2018: $2,844,981,000,000. Duncan (SC) McCollum Vargas Fiscal year 2019: $2,964,383,000,000. Duncan (TN) McEachin Sec. 201. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for Veasey Fiscal year 2020: $3,113,506,000,000. Ellison McGovern Vela struggling families. Engel McKinley Vela´ zquez Sec. 202. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for Fiscal year 2021: $3,241,213,000,000. Eshoo McNerney Visclosky health care improvements. Fiscal year 2022: $3,423,444,000,000. Espaillat McSally Wagner Sec. 203. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for job Fiscal year 2023: $3,597,540,000,000. Esty (CT) Meehan Walden creation through infrastructure Fiscal year 2024: $3,764,139,000,000. Evans Meeks Wasserman and other investments and in- Fiscal year 2025: $3,953,862,000,000. Faso Meng Schultz centives. Fiscal year 2026: $4,207,243,000,000. Fitzpatrick Mooney (WV) Waters, Maxine Sec. 204. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for Fiscal year 2027: $4,452,763,000,000. Fortenberry Moore Watson Coleman education. (B) The amounts by which the aggregate Foster Moulton Welch levels of Federal revenues should be changed Foxx Murphy (FL) Wilson (FL) Sec. 205. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for Frankel (FL) Nadler Wittman America’s veterans and service are as follows: Fudge Neal Womack members. Fiscal year 2018: $111,412,000,000. Gabbard Noem Yarmuth Sec. 206. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for re- Fiscal year 2019: $130,875,000,000. Gallagher Nolan Young (IA) tirement security. Fiscal year 2020: $162,930,000,000.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:17 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC7.002 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H7864 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 5, 2017 Fiscal year 2021: $181,302,000,000. Fiscal year 2020: Fiscal year 2018: Fiscal year 2022: $240,528,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $637,442,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $4,873,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: $279,624,000,000. (B) Outlays, $624,735,000,000. (B) Outlays, $2,963,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: $301,711,000,000. Fiscal year 2021: Fiscal year 2019: Fiscal year 2025: $331,684,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $650,661,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $5,341,000,000. Fiscal year 2026: $417,865,000,000. (B) Outlays, $635,887,000,000. (B) Outlays, $3,411,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: $494,376,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: Fiscal year 2020: (2) NEW BUDGET AUTHORITY.—For purposes (A) New budget authority, $663,854,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $5,742,000,000. of the enforcement of this resolution, the ap- (B) Outlays, $652,771,000,000. (B) Outlays, $4,074,000,000. propriate levels of total new budget author- Fiscal year 2023: Fiscal year 2021: ity are as follows: (A) New budget authority, $678,004,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $5,858,000,000. Fiscal year 2018: $3,367,297,000,000. (B) Outlays, $661,070,000,000. (B) Outlays, $4,334,000,000. Fiscal year 2019: $3,461,508,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: Fiscal year 2022: Fiscal year 2020: $3,629,655,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $692,193,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $5,789,000,000. Fiscal year 2021: $3,799,113,000,000. (B) Outlays, $669,803,000,000. (B) Outlays, $4,346,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: $4,033,996,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: Fiscal year 2023: Fiscal year 2023: $4,174,442,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $706,422,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $4,807,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: $4,306,821,000,000. (B) Outlays, $688,324,000,000. (B) Outlays, $3,471,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: $4,541,077,000,000. Fiscal year 2026: Fiscal year 2024: Fiscal year 2026: $4,777,428,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $722,450,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $4,270,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: $4,981,428,000,000. (B) Outlays, $703,659,000,000. (B) Outlays, $3,003,000,000. (3) BUDGET OUTLAYS.—For purposes of the Fiscal year 2027: Fiscal year 2025: enforcement of this resolution, the appro- (A) New budget authority, $737,634,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $4,166,000,000. priate levels of total budget outlays are as (B) Outlays, $718,554,000,000. (B) Outlays, $3,021,000,000. follows: (2) International Affairs (150): Fiscal year 2026: Fiscal year 2018: $3,298,502,000,000. Fiscal year 2018: (A) New budget authority, $6,423,000,000. Fiscal year 2019: $3,458,000,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $52,701,000,000. (B) Outlays, $5,297,000,000. Fiscal year 2020: $3,600,937,000,000. (B) Outlays, $50,093,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: Fiscal year 2021: $3,772,732,000,000. Fiscal year 2019: (A) New budget authority, $6,515,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: $4,013,050,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $52,067,000,000. (B) Outlays, $5,459,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: $4,138,267,000,000. (B) Outlays, $50,535,000,000. (5) Natural Resources and Environment Fiscal year 2024: $4,256,084,000,000. Fiscal year 2020: (300): Fiscal year 2025: $4,494,045,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $51,871,000,000. Fiscal year 2018: Fiscal year 2026: $4,734,200,000,000. (B) Outlays, $50,799,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $44,095,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: $4,939,221,000,000. Fiscal year 2021: (B) Outlays, $44,593,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $51,619,000,000. Fiscal year 2019: (4) DEFICITS.—For purposes of the enforce- (B) Outlays, $50,165,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $45,009,000,000. ment of this resolution, the amounts of the Fiscal year 2022: (B) Outlays, $45,350,000,000. deficits are as follows: (A) New budget authority, $50,398,000,000. Fiscal year 2020: Fiscal year 2018: $453,521,000,000. (B) Outlays, $50,235,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $46,746,000,000. Fiscal year 2019: $493,617,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: (B) Outlays, $46,675,000,000. Fiscal year 2020: $487,431,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $50,981,000,000. Fiscal year 2021: Fiscal year 2021: $531,519,000,000. (B) Outlays, $50,156,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $47,696,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: $589,606,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: (B) Outlays, $47,383,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: $540,727,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $51,530,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: Fiscal year 2024: $491,945,000,000. (B) Outlays, $50,335,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $48,734,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: $540,183,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: (B) Outlays, $48,169,000,000. Fiscal year 2026: $526,957,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $52,045,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: Fiscal year 2027: $486,458,000,000. (B) Outlays, $50,582,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $49,784,000,000. (5) PUBLIC DEBT.—Pursuant to section Fiscal year 2026: (B) Outlays, $49,162,000,000. 301(a)(5) of the Congressional Budget Act of (A) New budget authority, $52,606,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: 1974 (2 U.S.C. 632(a)(5)), the appropriate levels (B) Outlays, $50,953,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $50,694,000,000. of the public debt are as follows: Fiscal year 2027: (B) Outlays, $50,065,000,000. Fiscal year 2018: $21,039,000,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $53,130,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: Fiscal year 2019: $21,723,000,000,000. (B) Outlays, $51,388,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $51,759,000,000. Fiscal year 2020: $22,376,000,000,000. (3) General Science, Space, and Technology (B) Outlays, $51,041,000,000. Fiscal year 2021: $23,077,000,000,000. (250): Fiscal year 2026: Fiscal year 2022: $23,809,000,000,000. Fiscal year 2018: (A) New budget authority, $52,789,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: $24,527,000,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $32,607,000,000. (B) Outlays, $52,010,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: $25,225,000,000,000. (B) Outlays, $31,808,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: Fiscal year 2025: $25,964,000,000,000. Fiscal year 2019: (A) New budget authority, $53,904,000,000. Fiscal year 2026: $26,751,000,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $33,260,000,000. (B) Outlays, $53,122,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: $27,396,000,000,000. (B) Outlays, $32,550,000,000. (6) Agriculture (350): (6) DEBT HELD BY THE PUBLIC.—The appro- Fiscal year 2020: Fiscal year 2018: priate levels of debt held by the public are as (A) New budget authority, $33,918,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $24,863,000,000. follows: (B) Outlays, $33,211,000,000. (B) Outlays, $23,248,000,000. Fiscal year 2018: $15,379,000,000,000. Fiscal year 2021: Fiscal year 2019: Fiscal year 2019: $15,974,000,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $34,622,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $22,675,000,000. Fiscal year 2020: $16,590,000,000,000. (B) Outlays, $33,863,000,000. (B) Outlays, $21,067,000,000. Fiscal year 2021: $17,280,000,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: Fiscal year 2020: Fiscal year 2022: $18,061,000,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $35,350,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $21,625,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: $18,832,000,000,000. (B) Outlays, $34,622,000,000. (B) Outlays, $20,766,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: $19,597,000,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: Fiscal year 2021: Fiscal year 2025: $20,455,000,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $36,074,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $22,833,000,000. Fiscal year 2026: $21,349,000,000,000. (B) Outlays, $35,346,000,000. (B) Outlays, $22,220,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: $22,257,000,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: Fiscal year 2022: SEC. 102. MAJOR FUNCTIONAL CATEGORIES. (A) New budget authority, $36,802,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $21,803,000,000. Congress determines and declares that the (B) Outlays, $36,040,000,000. (B) Outlays, $21,319,000,000. appropriate levels of new budget authority Fiscal year 2025: Fiscal year 2023: and outlays for fiscal years 2018 through 2027 (A) New budget authority, $37,586,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $21,931,000,000. for each major functional category are: (B) Outlays, $36,792,000,000. (B) Outlays, $21,518,000,000. (1) National Defense (050): Fiscal year 2026: Fiscal year 2024: Fiscal year 2018: (A) New budget authority, $38,377,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $22,437,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $611,095,000,000. (B) Outlays, $37,565,000,000. (B) Outlays, $21,908,000,000. (B) Outlays, $605,151,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: Fiscal year 2025: Fiscal year 2019: (A) New budget authority, $39,173,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $23,144,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $624,257,000,000. (B) Outlays, $38,341,000,000. (B) Outlays, $22,523,000,000. (B) Outlays, $615,594,000,000. (4) Energy (270): Fiscal year 2026:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:17 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC7.005 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7865 (A) New budget authority, $23,360,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $22,475,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $840,893,000,000. (B) Outlays, $22,763,000,000. (B) Outlays, $20,248,000,000. (B) Outlays, $840,679,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: Fiscal year 2025: Fiscal year 2023: (A) New budget authority, $23,171,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $22,957,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $865,420,000,000. (B) Outlays, $22,596,000,000. (B) Outlays, $20,597,000,000. (B) Outlays, $865,230,000,000. (7) Commerce and Housing Credit (370): Fiscal year 2026: Fiscal year 2024: Fiscal year 2018: (A) New budget authority, $23,443,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $888,496,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $16,417,000,000. (B) Outlays, $20,803,000,000. (B) Outlays, $888,306,000,000. (B) Outlays, $2,791,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: Fiscal year 2025: Fiscal year 2019: (A) New budget authority, $23,579,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $986,770,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $18,159,000,000. (B) Outlays, $21,187,000,000. (B) Outlays, $986,568,000,000. (B) Outlays, $9,503,000,000. (10) Education, Training, Employment, and Fiscal year 2026: Fiscal year 2020: Social Services (500): (A) New budget authority, $1,070,124,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $17,785,000,000. Fiscal year 2018: (B) Outlays, $1,069,920,000,000. (B) Outlays, $9,689,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $106,514,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: Fiscal year 2021: (B) Outlays, $105,100,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $1,152,041,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $16,235,000,000. Fiscal year 2019: (B) Outlays, $1,151,843,000,000. (B) Outlays, $7,375,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $109,914,000,000. (13) Income Security (600): Fiscal year 2022: (B) Outlays, $115,689,000,000. Fiscal year 2018: (A) New budget authority, $18,376,000,000. Fiscal year 2020: (A) New budget authority, $522,623,000,000. (B) Outlays, $8,551,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $112,802,000,000. (B) Outlays, $504,646,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: (B) Outlays, $111,590,000,000. Fiscal year 2019: (A) New budget authority, $18,843,000,000. Fiscal year 2021: (A) New budget authority, $538,200,000,000. (B) Outlays, $8,358,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $116,131,000,000. (B) Outlays, $525,694,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: (B) Outlays, $114,730,000,000. Fiscal year 2020: (A) New budget authority, $19,316,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: (A) New budget authority, $554,091,000,000. (B) Outlays, $7,728,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $118,614,000,000. (B) Outlays, $542,383,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: (B) Outlays, $117,458,000,000. Fiscal year 2021: (A) New budget authority, $20,264,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: (A) New budget authority, $569,091,000,000. (B) Outlays, $7,445,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $120,755,000,000. (B) Outlays, $558,147,000,000. Fiscal year 2026: (B) Outlays, $119,721,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: (A) New budget authority, $19,953,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: (A) New budget authority, $587,643,000,000. (B) Outlays, $7,297,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $122,813,000,000. (B) Outlays, $583,197,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: (B) Outlays, $121,720,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: (A) New budget authority, $19,880,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: (A) New budget authority, $596,563,000,000. (B) Outlays, $7,056,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $124,791,000,000. (B) Outlays, $587,818,000,000. (8) Transportation (400): (B) Outlays, $123,693,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: Fiscal year 2018: Fiscal year 2026: (A) New budget authority, $605,530,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $94,127,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $126,672,000,000. (B) Outlays, $591,214,000,000. (B) Outlays, $94,127,000,000. (B) Outlays, $125,661,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: Fiscal year 2019: Fiscal year 2027: (A) New budget authority, $626,210,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $96,208,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $128,521,000,000. (B) Outlays, $612,973,000,000. (B) Outlays, $95,317,000,000. (B) Outlays, $127,646,000,000. Fiscal year 2026: Fiscal year 2020: (11) Health (550): (A) New budget authority, $641,786,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $90,834,000,000. Fiscal year 2018: (B) Outlays, $635,202,000,000. (B) Outlays, $96,984,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $571,431,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: Fiscal year 2021: (B) Outlays, $579,006,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $658,210,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $91,720,000,000. Fiscal year 2019: (B) Outlays, $650,880,000,000. (B) Outlays, $98,346,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $602,781,000,000. (14) Social Security (650): Fiscal year 2022: (B) Outlays, $603,771,000,000. Fiscal year 2018: (A) New budget authority, $92,632,000,000. Fiscal year 2020: (A) New budget authority, $39,801,000,000. (B) Outlays, $99,800,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $646,929,000,000. (B) Outlays, $39,644,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: (B) Outlays, $636,581,000,000. Fiscal year 2019: (A) New budget authority, $93,551,000,000. Fiscal year 2021: (A) New budget authority, $43,342,000,000. (B) Outlays, $101,474,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $669,489,000,000. (B) Outlays, $43,283,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: (B) Outlays, $668,431,000,000. Fiscal year 2020: (A) New budget authority, $94,477,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: (A) New budget authority, $46,606,000,000. (B) Outlays, $103,104,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $703,074,000,000. (B) Outlays, $46,586,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: (B) Outlays, $701,107,000,000. Fiscal year 2021: (A) New budget authority, $95,468,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: (A) New budget authority, $50,055,000,000. (B) Outlays, $105,171,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $736,459,000,000. (B) Outlays, $50,047,000,000. Fiscal year 2026: (B) Outlays, $734,349,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: (A) New budget authority, $96,468,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: (A) New budget authority, $53,680,000,000. (B) Outlays, $107,021,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $772,672,000,000. (B) Outlays, $53,686,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: (B) Outlays, $770,440,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: (A) New budget authority, $97,481,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: (A) New budget authority, $57,643,000,000. (B) Outlays, $108,930,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $810,846,000,000. (B) Outlays, $57,653,000,000. (9) Community and Regional Development (B) Outlays, $807,924,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: (450): Fiscal year 2026: (A) New budget authority, $62,003,000,000. Fiscal year 2018: (A) New budget authority, $849,794,000,000. (B) Outlays, $62,016,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $20,342,000,000. (B) Outlays, $846,440,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: (B) Outlays, $24,344,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: (A) New budget authority, $66,598,000,000. Fiscal year 2019: (A) New budget authority, $890,523,000,000. (B) Outlays, $66,614,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $19,877,000,000. (B) Outlays, $887,123,000,000. Fiscal year 2026: (B) Outlays, $24,725,000,000. (12) Medicare (570): (A) New budget authority, $71,052,000,000. Fiscal year 2020: Fiscal year 2018: (B) Outlays, $71,069,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $20,707,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $598,530,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: (B) Outlays, $23,465,000,000. (B) Outlays, $597,691,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $75,625,000,000. Fiscal year 2021: Fiscal year 2019: (B) Outlays, $75,642,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $21,132,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $655,963,000,000. (15) Veterans Benefits and Services (700): (B) Outlays, $22,303,000,000. (B) Outlays, $655,485,000,000. Fiscal year 2018: Fiscal year 2022: Fiscal year 2020: (A) New budget authority, $177,885,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $21,592,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $694,178,000,000. (B) Outlays, $178,068,000,000. (B) Outlays, $21,391,000,000. (B) Outlays, $693,880,000,000. Fiscal year 2019: Fiscal year 2023: Fiscal year 2021: (A) New budget authority, $194,339,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $22,028,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $746,379,000,000. (B) Outlays, $191,615,000,000. (B) Outlays, $20,391,000,000. (B) Outlays, $746,140,000,000. Fiscal year 2020: Fiscal year 2024: Fiscal year 2022: (A) New budget authority, $201,128,000,000.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:17 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC7.005 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H7866 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 5, 2017 (B) Outlays, $198,981,000,000. Fiscal year 2019: (B) Outlays, -$101,256,000,000. Fiscal year 2021: (A) New budget authority, $408,859,000,000. (21) Overseas Contingency Operations (970): (A) New budget authority, $207,588,000,000. (B) Outlays, $408,859,000,000. Fiscal year 2018: (B) Outlays, $205,546,000,000. Fiscal year 2020: (A) New budget authority, $76,591,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: (A) New budget authority, $451,939,000,000. (B) Outlays, $41,916,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $223,845,000,000. (B) Outlays, $451,939,000,000. Fiscal year 2019: (B) Outlays, $221,690,000,000. Fiscal year 2021: (A) New budget authority, $0. Fiscal year 2023: (A) New budget authority, $500,021,000,000. (B) Outlays, $19,381,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $221,566,000,000. (B) Outlays, $500,021,000,000. Fiscal year 2020: (B) Outlays, $219,455,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: (A) New budget authority, $0. Fiscal year 2024: (A) New budget authority, $547,271,000,000. (B) Outlays, $7,885,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $218,419,000,000. (B) Outlays, $547,271,000,000. Fiscal year 2021: (B) Outlays, $216,409,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: (A) New budget authority, $0. Fiscal year 2025: (A) New budget authority, $592,994,000,000. (B) Outlays, $3,379,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $236,394,000,000. (B) Outlays, $592,994,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: (B) Outlays, $234,258,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: (A) New budget authority, $0. Fiscal year 2026: (A) New budget authority, $633,047,000,000. (B) Outlays, $1,429,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $243,968,000,000. (B) Outlays, $633,047,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: (B) Outlays, $241,722,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: (A) New budget authority, $0. Fiscal year 2027: (A) New budget authority, $670,462,000,000. (B) Outlays, $623,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $252,291,000,000. (B) Outlays, $670,462,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: (B) Outlays, $250,117,000,000. Fiscal year 2026: (A) New budget authority, $0. (16) Administration of Justice (750): (A) New budget authority, $707,440,000,000. (B) Outlays, $195,000,000. Fiscal year 2018: (B) Outlays, $707,440,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: (A) New budget authority, $72,891,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: (A) New budget authority, $0. (B) Outlays, $64,801,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $737,582,000,000. (B) Outlays, $64,000,000. Fiscal year 2019: (B) Outlays, $737,707,000,000. Fiscal year 2026: (A) New budget authority, $64,627,000,000. (19) Allowances (920): (A) New budget authority, $0. (B) Outlays, $65,986,000,000. Fiscal year 2018: (B) Outlays, $30,000,000. Fiscal year 2020: (A) New budget authority, -$22,591,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: (A) New budget authority, $66,098,000,000. (B) Outlays, -$12,395,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $0. (B) Outlays, $68,832,000,000. Fiscal year 2019: (B) Outlays, $16,000,000. Fiscal year 2021: (A) New budget authority, -$17,085,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $67,376,000,000. (B) Outlays, -$12,371,000,000. TITLE II—RESERVE FUNDS (B) Outlays, $71,409,000,000. Fiscal year 2020: SEC. 201. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND FOR Fiscal year 2022: (A) New budget authority, -$15,770,000,000. STRUGGLING FAMILIES. (A) New budget authority, $68,297,000,000. (B) Outlays, -$12,336,000,000. (B) Outlays, $71,222,000,000. Fiscal year 2021: The Chair of the House Committee on the Fiscal year 2023: (A) New budget authority, -$13,661,000,000. Budget may revise the allocations, aggre- (A) New budget authority, $69,718,000,000. (B) Outlays, -$10,553,000,000. gates, and other appropriate levels in this (B) Outlays, $70,772,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: resolution for any bill, joint resolution, Fiscal year 2024: (A) New budget authority, -$11,494,000,000. amendment, or conference report that im- (A) New budget authority, $71,136,000,000. (B) Outlays, -$8,900,000,000. proves the lives of struggling families by the (B) Outlays, $70,946,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: amounts provided in such measure if such Fiscal year 2025: (A) New budget authority, -$6,624,000,000. measure would not increase the deficit for (A) New budget authority, $72,589,000,000. (B) Outlays, -$4,666,000,000. either of the following time periods: fiscal (B) Outlays, $72,215,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: year 2018 to fiscal year 2022 or fiscal year 2018 Fiscal year 2026: (A) New budget authority, -$2,414,000,000. to fiscal year 2027. Improvements may in- (A) New budget authority, $80,126,000,000. (B) Outlays, -$833,000,000. clude any of the following: (B) Outlays, $80,500,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: (1) Ensuring that all Americans have ac- Fiscal year 2027: (A) New budget authority, -$872,000,000. cess to good-paying jobs, including funding (A) New budget authority, $82,335,000,000. (B) Outlays, $907,000,000. proven, effective job training and employ- (B) Outlays, $81,878,000,000. Fiscal year 2026: ment programs, such as summer and year- (17) General Government (800): (A) New budget authority, $14,641,000,000. round youth employment programs and reg- Fiscal year 2018: (B) Outlays, $13,517,000,000. istered apprenticeship programs, and na- (A) New budget authority, $27,958,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: tional service opportunities. (B) Outlays, $26,363,000,000. (A) New budget authority, $15,832,000,000. (2) Tax reform that provides support and Fiscal year 2019: (B) Outlays, $16,367,000,000. relief to hard-working American families, in- (A) New budget authority, $28,794,000,000. (20) Undistributed Offsetting Receipts (950): cluding enhancements to the Earned Income (B) Outlays, $27,635,000,000. Fiscal year 2018: Tax Credit, the Child Tax Credit, and the Fiscal year 2020: (A) New budget authority, -$82,115,000,000. Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit. (A) New budget authority, $29,761,000,000. (B) Outlays, -$82,115,000,000. (3) Expanded investments to ensure all (B) Outlays, $28,995,000,000. Fiscal year 2019: working families have access to high-quality Fiscal year 2021: (A) New budget authority, -$85,079,000,000. childcare programs. (A) New budget authority, $30,771,000,000. (B) Outlays, -$85,079,000,000. (4) Creation of a permanent summer child (B) Outlays, $30,062,000,000. Fiscal year 2020: nutrition Electronic Funds Transfer program Fiscal year 2022: (A) New budget authority, -$84,777,000,000. to ensure children receive supplemental food (A) New budget authority, $31,792,000,000. (B) Outlays, -$84,777,000,000. benefits. (B) Outlays, $31,154,000,000. Fiscal year 2021: (5) Additional investment in the Affordable Fiscal year 2023: (A) New budget authority, -$86,503,000,000. Housing Trust Fund beyond the base levels (A) New budget authority, $32,512,000,000. (B) Outlays, -$86,503,000,000. provided by the Federal National Mortgage (B) Outlays, $31,939,000,000. Fiscal year 2022: Association (Fannie Mae) and Federal Home Fiscal year 2024: (A) New budget authority, -$88,147,000,000. Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac). (A) New budget authority, $32,997,000,000. (B) Outlays, -$88,147,000,000. (6) Reauthorization of the Maternal, In- (B) Outlays, $32,462,000,000. Fiscal year 2023: fant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Fiscal year 2025: (A) New budget authority, -$88,567,000,000. program that ensures the continuation of (A) New budget authority, $33,743,000,000. (B) Outlays, -$88,567,000,000. successful home visiting programs and addi- (B) Outlays, $33,135,000,000. Fiscal year 2024: tional Federal support to serve a greater Fiscal year 2026: (A) New budget authority, -$92,072,000,000. share of at-risk families. (A) New budget authority, $34,507,000,000. (B) Outlays, -$92,072,000,000. (7) Changes to improve the Temporary As- (B) Outlays, $33,882,000,000. Fiscal year 2025: sistance for Needy Families (TANF) pro- Fiscal year 2027: (A) New budget authority, -$100,265,000,000. gram, including legislation that increases (A) New budget authority, $35,257,000,000. (B) Outlays, -$100,265,000,000. funding for the base block grant, increases (B) Outlays, $34,624,000,000. Fiscal year 2026: access to education and training, or requires (18) Net Interest (900): (A) New budget authority, -$98,551,000,000. States to spend more TANF funds on the pro- Fiscal year 2018: (B) Outlays, -$98,551,000,000. gram’s core purposes such as work, (A) New budget authority, $376,659,000,000. Fiscal year 2027: childcare, and assistance to struggling fami- (B) Outlays, $376,659,000,000. (A) New budget authority, -$101,256,000,000. lies.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:17 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC7.005 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7867 (8) Funding for research designed to im- for either of the following time periods: fis- sonnel or veterans, including measures to ex- prove program effectiveness in creating posi- cal year 2018 to fiscal year 2022 or fiscal year pedite the claims process; tive outcomes for low-income children and 2018 to fiscal year 2027. (5) expands eligibility to permit additional families. SEC. 204. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND FOR disabled military retirees to receive both (9) Additional investments that end home- EDUCATION. disability compensation and retired pay lessness among America’s families. The Chair of the House Committee on the (concurrent receipt); (10) Changes to improve support for at-risk Budget may revise the allocations, aggre- (6) eliminates the offset between Survivor families, reduce child abuse and neglect, or gates, and other appropriate levels in this Benefit Plan annuities and veterans’ depend- improve reunification, permanency, and resolution for any bill, joint resolution, ency and indemnity compensation; or post-permanency services in order to reduce amendment, or conference report that sup- (7) improves information technology at the the need for foster care. ports students by the amounts provided in Department of Veterans Affairs, including (11) Changes to encourage and efficiently such measure if such measure would not in- for the purchase and implementation of the collect increased parental support for chil- crease the deficit for either of the following same electronic health record system used dren, including legislation that results in a time periods: fiscal year 2018 to fiscal year by the Department of Defense; greater share of collected child support 2022 or fiscal year 2018 to fiscal year 2027. reaching the child and policies to ensure Support may include any of the following: by the amounts provided in such measure if that non-custodial parents are able to pay (1) Efforts to make higher education more such measure would not increase the deficit the child support they owe and maintain affordable and increase college and degree for either of the following time periods: fis- positive relationships with their children. completion by encouraging States and insti- cal year 2018 to fiscal year 2022 or fiscal year SEC. 202. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND FOR tutions of higher education to improve edu- 2018 to fiscal year 2027. HEALTH CARE IMPROVEMENTS. cational outcomes and access for low- and The Chair of the House Committee on the moderate-income students through support SEC. 206. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND FOR RETIREMENT SECURITY. Budget may revise the allocations, aggre- for campus-based aid programs; increased gates, and other appropriate levels in this funding for the Pell grant program; and as- The Chair of the House Committee on the resolution for any bill, joint resolution, sistance to empower borrowers in lowering Budget may revise the allocations, aggre- amendment, or conference report that— and managing their student loan debt gates, and other appropriate levels in this (1) improves the affordability and quality through refinancing and expanded repay- resolution for any bill, joint resolution, of health care and expands coverage; ment options. amendment, or conference report that (2) improves access to and affordability of (2) Increases in funding for the Individuals strengthens or protects retirement security prescription drugs; with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to by the amounts provided in such measure if (3) improves the stability of the market- put the Federal Government on a 10-year places for nongroup health insurance; path to fulfill its commitment to America’s such measure would not increase the deficit (4) advances biomedical research and devel- children and schools by providing 40 percent for either of the following time periods: fis- opment of more effective treatments and of the average per pupil expenditure for spe- cal year 2018 to fiscal year 2022 or fiscal year cures; cial education. 2018 to fiscal year 2022. The revisions may be (5) extends expiring provisions of Medicare, (3) Increases in funding to ensure access to made for measures that— Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Pro- high-quality child care and early learning (1) improve the security of existing pension gram and other health programs; programs for every child including invest- plans, including public- and private-sector (6) improves access to opioid addiction ments in the Federal Preschool Development plans, single- and multi-employer plans, and treatment and prevention programs; Grant program, Head Start program, and the the Central States Pension Fund; (7) improves availability of long-term care Child Care and Development Block Grant. (2) address the impending insolvency of the services and supports for senior citizens and (4) Increases in funding for formula pro- coal miners’ pension plan (1974 United Mine individuals with disabilities, grams authorized by Congress in the Elemen- Workers of America Pension plan) that, if (8) improves the contemporary health care tary and Secondary Education Act, as left unfunded, will jeopardize the solvency of workforce’s ability to meet emerging de- amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act, the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation mands; including Title I-A, Title II-A, Title III, The insurance fund; (9) improves Medicare quality, efficiency, 21st Century Community Learning Center (3) improve access to and quality of exist- and benefit design to make care more afford- Program, and Title IV-A, to support public ing pension plans, including both defined- able and accessible for people with Medicare; school teachers and prepare all public school benefit and defined-contribution plans; and or students, including students who are low-in- (4) create new options or incentives for em- (10) improves Medicaid quality, efficiency, come, students learning to speak English, ployers to offer pension or retirement sav- and benefit design to make care more afford- minority students, and students with disabil- ings plans, and/or for employees to partici- able and accessible for people with Medicaid; ities, for success in college and their careers. pate in them. by the amounts provided in such measure if (5) Increases in funding for STEM, includ- SEC. 207. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND FOR such measure would not increase the deficit ing computer science, and Career and Tech- for either of the following time periods: fis- INCREASING ENERGY INDEPEND- nical Education (CTE) programs to close the cal year 2018 to fiscal year 2022 or fiscal year ENCE AND SECURITY. nation’s skills gap by ensuring all students 2018 to fiscal year 2027. have access to high-quality educational pro- The Chair of the House Committee on the SEC. 203. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND FOR gramming that prepares them for high-pay- Budget may revise the allocations, aggre- JOB CREATION THROUGH INFRA- gates, and other appropriate levels in this STRUCTURE AND OTHER INVEST- ing careers in a global economy through the MENTS AND INCENTIVES. integration of academic content and tech- resolution for any bill, joint resolution, The Chair of the House Committee on the nical skills. amendment, or conference report that— Budget may revise the allocations, aggre- SEC. 205. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND FOR (1) provides tax incentives for or otherwise gates, and other appropriate levels in this AMERICA’S VETERANS AND SERVICE encourages the production of renewable en- resolution for any bill, joint resolution, MEMBERS. ergy or increased energy efficiency; amendment, or conference report that pro- The Chair of the House Committee on the (2) encourages investment in emerging vides for robust Federal investments in Budget may revise the allocations, aggre- clean energy or vehicle technologies or car- America’s infrastructure, incentives for gates, and other appropriate levels in this bon capture and sequestration; businesses, and support for communities or resolution for any bill, joint resolution, (3) provides additional resources for over- other measures that create jobs for Ameri- amendment, or conference report that— sight and expanded enforcement activities to cans and boost the economy. Revisions may (1) reforms or otherwise improves the abil- crack down on speculation in and manipula- be made for measures that— ity of the Department of Veterans Affairs to tion of oil and gas markets, including deriva- (1) provide for additional investments in provide greater and more timely access to tives markets; highways, transit systems, bridges, rail, quality health care and to enhance the deliv- (4) limits and provides for reductions in aviation, harbors (including harbor mainte- ery of benefits to the Nation’s veterans, or greenhouse gas emissions; nance dredging), seaports, inland waterway improves the delivery of health care to (5) assists businesses, industries, States, systems, public housing, broadband, energy, servicemembers; communities, the environment, workers, or water, and other infrastructure; (2) improves the treatment of post-trau- households as the United States moves to- (2) provide for additional investments in matic stress disorder and other mental ill- ward reducing and offsetting the impacts of other areas that would help businesses and nesses, and increases the capacity to address greenhouse gas emissions; or other employers create new jobs; and health care needs unique to women veterans; (6) facilitates the training of workers for (3) provide additional incentives, including (3) makes improvements to the Post-9/11 these industries (‘‘clean energy jobs’’) tax incentives, to help small businesses, non- Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008 profits, States, and communities expand in- to ensure that veterans receive the edu- by the amounts provided in such measure if vestment, train, hire, and retain private-sec- cational benefits they need to maximize such measure would not increase the deficit tor workers and public service employees; their employment opportunities; for either of the following time periods: fis- by the amounts provided in such measure if (4) improves disability benefits or evalua- cal year 2018 to fiscal year 2022 or fiscal year such measure does not increase the deficit tions for wounded or disabled military per- 2018 to fiscal year 2027.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:17 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC7.005 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H7868 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 5, 2017 TITLE III—ENFORCEMENT PROVISIONS ment services and training referrals, and un- sum of allocation increases made pursuant SEC. 301. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST ADVANCE employment insurance improper payment re- to paragraph (1) in the previous year. APPROPRIATIONS. views for the Department of Labor and pro- (e) PROCEDURE FOR ADJUSTMENTS.—In the (a) IN GENERAL.—In the House, except as vides an additional appropriation of up to House, prior to consideration of any bill, provided in subsection (b), any bill, joint res- $35,000,000, and the amount is designated for joint resolution, amendment, or conference olution, amendment, or conference report in-person reemployment and eligibility as- report, the Chair of the House Committee on making a general appropriation or con- sessments, reemployment services and train- the Budget shall make the adjustments set tinuing appropriation may not provide for ing referrals, and unemployment insurance forth in subsections (b), (c), and (d) for the advance appropriations. improper payment reviews for the Depart- incremental new budget authority in that (b) EXCEPTIONS.—Advance appropriations ment of Labor, the allocation to the House measure and the outlays resulting from that may be provided— Committee on Appropriations shall be in- budget authority if that measure meets the (1) for fiscal year 2019 for programs, creased by the amount of additional budget requirements set forth in this section. projects, activities, or accounts identified in authority and outlays resulting from that SEC. 304. BUDGETARY TREATMENT OF CERTAIN the joint explanatory statement of managers budget authority for fiscal year 2018. DISCRETIONARY ADMINISTRATIVE to accompany this resolution under the (c) PROCEDURE FOR ADJUSTMENTS.—In the EXPENSES. (a) IN GENERAL.—In the House, notwith- heading ‘‘Accounts Identified for Advance House, prior to consideration of any bill, standing section 302(a)(1) of the Congres- Appropriations’’ in an aggregate amount not joint resolution, amendment, or conference sional Budget Act of 1974, section 13301 of the to exceed $28,852,000,000 in new budget au- report, the Chair of the House Committee on Budget Enforcement Act of 1990, and section thority, and for 2020, accounts separately the Budget shall make the adjustments set 4001 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation identified under the same heading; and forth in this subsection for the incremental Act of 1989, the joint explanatory statement (2) for all discretionary programs adminis- new budget authority in that measure and accompanying the conference report on any tered by the Department of Veterans Affairs. the outlays resulting from that budget au- concurrent resolution on the budget shall in- (c) DEFINITION.—In this section, the term thority if that measure meets the require- clude in its allocation under section 302(a) of ‘‘advance appropriation’’ means any new dis- ments set forth in this section. the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to the cretionary budget authority provided in a SEC. 303. COSTS OF EMERGENCY NEEDS, OVER- House Committee on Appropriations bill or joint resolution, or any amendment SEAS CONTINGENCY OPERATIONS, AND DISASTER RELIEF. amounts for the discretionary administra- thereto or conference report thereon, mak- (a) EMERGENCY NEEDS.—If any bill, joint tive expenses of the Social Security Admin- ing general appropriations or continuing ap- resolution, amendment, or conference report istration and of the Postal Service. propriations that first becomes available for makes appropriations for discretionary (b) SPECIAL RULE.—For purposes of apply- any fiscal year after 2018. amounts and such amounts are designated as ing section 302(f) of the Congressional Budget SEC. 302. ADJUSTMENTS TO DISCRETIONARY necessary to meet emergency needs pursuant Act of 1974, estimates of the level of total SPENDING LIMITS. to this subsection, then new budget author- new budget authority and total outlays pro- (a) PROGRAM INTEGRITY INITIATIVES UNDER ity and outlays resulting from that budget vided by a measure shall include any off- THE BUDGET CONTROL ACT.— authority shall not count for the purposes of budget discretionary amounts. (1) SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION PRO- the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, or this SEC. 305. APPLICATION AND EFFECT OF GRAM INTEGRITY INITIATIVES.—In the House, resolution. CHANGES IN ALLOCATIONS AND AG- prior to consideration of any bill, joint reso- (b) OVERSEAS CONTINGENCY OPERATIONS.— GREGATES. lution, amendment, or conference report In the House, if any bill, joint resolution, (a) APPLICATION.—In the House, any adjust- making appropriations for fiscal year 2018 amendment, or conference report makes ap- ments of allocations and aggregates made that appropriates amounts as provided under propriations for fiscal year 2018 for Overseas pursuant to this resolution shall— section 251(b)(2)(B) of the Balanced Budget Contingency Operations and such amounts (1) apply while that measure is under con- and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, are so designated pursuant to this para- sideration; the allocation to the House Committee on graph, then the Chair of the House Com- (2) take effect upon the enactment of that Appropriations shall be increased by the mittee on the Budget may adjust the alloca- measure; and amount of additional budget authority and tion to the House Committee on Appropria- (3) be published in the Congressional outlays resulting from that budget authority tions by the amounts provided in such legis- Record as soon as practicable. for fiscal year 2018. lation for that purpose up to, but not to ex- (b) EFFECT OF CHANGED ALLOCATIONS AND (2) HEALTH CARE FRAUD AND ABUSE CONTROL ceed, the total amount of budget authority AGGREGATES.—Revised allocations and ag- PROGRAM.—In the House, prior to consider- specified in section 102(21). gregates resulting from these adjustments ation of any bill, joint resolution, amend- (c) DISASTER RELIEF.—In the House, if any shall be considered for the purposes of the ment, or conference report making appro- bill, joint resolution, amendment, or con- Congressional Budget Act of 1974 as alloca- priations for fiscal year 2018 that appro- ference report makes appropriations for dis- tions and aggregates included in this resolu- priates amounts as provided under section cretionary amounts and such amounts are tion. 251(b)(2)(C) of the Balanced Budget and designated for disaster relief pursuant to (c) ADJUSTMENTS.—The Chair of the House Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, the this subsection, then the allocation to the Committee on the Budget may adjust the ag- allocation to the House Committee on Ap- Committee on Appropriations, and as nec- gregates, allocations, and other levels in this propriations shall be increased by the essary, the aggregates in this resolution, resolution for legislation which has received amount of additional budget authority and shall be adjusted by the amount of new budg- final congressional approval in the same outlays resulting from that budget authority et authority and outlays up to the amounts form by the House of Representatives and for fiscal year 2018. provided under section 251(b)(2)(D) of the the Senate, but has yet to be presented to or (b) ADDITIONAL PROGRAM INTEGRITY INITIA- Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit signed by the President at the time of final TIVES.— Control Act of 1985, as adjusted by sub- consideration of this resolution. (1) INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE TAX COMPLI- section (d). SEC. 306. ADJUSTMENTS FOR CHANGES IN THE ANCE.—In the House, prior to consideration (d) WILDFIRE SUPPRESSION OPERATIONS.— BASELINE. of any bill, joint resolution, amendment, or (1) CAP ADJUSTMENT.—In the House, if any The Chair of the House Committee on the conference report making appropriations for bill, joint resolution, amendment, or con- Budget may adjust the allocations, aggre- fiscal year 2018 that appropriates ference report making appropriations for gates, reconciliation targets, and other ap- $4,860,000,000 for the Internal Revenue Serv- wildfire suppression operations for fiscal propriate budgetary levels in this concurrent ice under the Enforcement appropriation year 2018 that appropriates a base amount resolution to reflect changes resulting from title to carry out tax enforcement activities equal to 70 percent of the average cost of the Congressional Budget Office’s update to and provides an additional appropriation of wildfire suppression operations over the pre- its baseline for fiscal years 2018 through 2027. up to $514,000,000 to the Internal Revenue vious 10 years and provides an additional ap- SEC. 307. REINSTATEMENT OF PAY-AS-YOU-GO. Service that is designated for enhanced tax propriation of up to but not to exceed In the House, and pursuant to section enforcement to address the tax gap (taxes $1,154,000,000 for wildfire suppression oper- 301(b)(8) of the Congressional Budget Act of owed but not paid), the Chair of the Budget ations and such amounts are so designated 1974, for the remainder of the 115th Congress, Committee shall increase the allocation to pursuant to this paragraph, then the alloca- the following shall apply in lieu of ‘‘CUTGO’’ the House Committee on Appropriations by tion to the House Committee on Appropria- rules and principles: the amount of additional budget authority tions may be adjusted by the additional (1)(A) Except as provided in paragraphs (2) and outlays resulting from that budget au- amount of budget authority above the base and (3), it shall not be in order to consider thority for fiscal year 2018. amount and the outlays resulting from that any bill, joint resolution, amendment, or (2) UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE PROGRAM IN- additional budget authority. conference report if the provisions of such TEGRITY ACTIVITIES.—In the House, prior to (2) DEFICIT-NEUTRAL ADJUSTMENT.—The measure affecting direct spending and reve- consideration of any bill, joint resolution, total allowable discretionary adjustment for nues have the net effect of increasing the on- amendment, or conference report making ap- disaster relief pursuant to section budget deficit or reducing the on-budget sur- propriations for fiscal year 2018 that appro- 251(b)(2)(D) of the Balanced Budget and plus for the period comprising either— priates $151,000,000 for in-person reemploy- Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 shall (i) the current year, the budget year, and ment and eligibility assessments, reemploy- be reduced by an amount equivalent to the the four years following that budget year; or

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:17 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC7.005 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7869 (ii) the current year, the budget year, and (5) The existing financing structure of SEC. 402. POLICY OF THE HOUSE ON TAX RE- the nine years following that budget year. Medicaid ensures that Federal contributions FORM THAT PROVIDES SUPPORT (B) The effect of such measure on the def- keep pace with costs and enables States to AND RELIEF TO HARDWORKING AMERICAN FAMILIES. icit or surplus shall be determined on the respond to changing needs, such as increased basis of estimates made by the Committee (a) FINDINGS.—The House finds the fol- enrollment in coverage during economic lowing: on the Budget. downturns or an aging population that re- (C) For the purpose of this section, the (1) Tax plans from House Republicans and quires extensive long-term care services. President Trump prioritize tax cuts for mil- terms ‘‘budget year’’, ‘‘current year’’, and (6) Under the Affordable Care Act, 31 ‘‘direct spending’’ have the meanings speci- lionaires, billionaires, and wealthy corpora- States and the District of Columbia have ex- tions, while shifting more of the burden onto fied in section 250 of the Balanced Budget panded Medicaid eligibility to low-income and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, everyone else. Their plans fail to close spe- adults, including working parents who do cial interest loopholes in the tax code, and except that the term ‘‘direct spending’’ shall not receive coverage through their employ- also include provisions in appropriation Acts even add trillions of dollars of new loopholes ers. that make outyear modifications to sub- for the wealthy. These plans reflect the (7) Roughly 20 million previously unin- stantive law as described in section 3(4)(C) of failed theory of ‘‘trickle-down’’ economics, sured people have gained health care cov- the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010. which creates few jobs and instead leads to (2) If a bill, joint resolution, or amendment erage under the Affordable Care Act, reduc- massive deficits. A return to these policies is considered pursuant to a special order of ing the Nation’s uninsured rate for working- would— the House directing the Clerk to add as a age adults to one of the lowest levels on (A) fail to create good paying middle-class new matter at the end of such measure the record. jobs; provisions of a separate measure as passed (8) The law provides premium tax credits (B) do nothing to help low-income or mid- by the House, the provisions of such separate that vary by income and the local cost of dle-class households with the rising costs of measure as passed by the House shall be in- coverage and cost-sharing assistance to help health care, education, housing, child care, cluded in the evaluation under paragraph (1) low- and middle-income families afford qual- or retirement; and of the bill, joint resolution, or amendment. ity insurance and pay their out-of-pocket (C) widen the income gap between million- (3)(A) Except as provided in subparagraph costs. aires and billionaires and the middle class. (B), the evaluation under paragraph (1) shall (9) The law prohibits insurers from denying (2) Americans today are working harder exclude a provision expressly designated as coverage or charging higher premiums based than ever, but continue to struggle to find an emergency for purposes of pay-as-you-go on pre-existing conditions, requires coverage good jobs, get ahead, and stay ahead. This is principles in the case of a point of order of essential health benefits like maternity part of a four-decade trend of stagnant wages under this clause against consideration of— care and prescription drugs, limits out-of- for middle-class and low-income households, (i) bill or joint resolution; pocket costs, and prohibits lifetime and an- even as millionaires and billionaires become (ii) an amendment made in order as origi- nual limits on coverage. richer and corporations reap massive profits. nal text by a special order of business; (10) The law put in place significant cost- (3) The Obama Administration ended with (iii) a conference report; or saving reforms to Federal health programs 83 consecutive months of private-sector job (iv) an amendment between the Houses. that have played a part in slowing the rate growth, but challenges still remain to create (B) In the case of an amendment (other of healthcare spending growth in recent more good-paying jobs and broadly shared than one specified in subparagraph (A)) to a years, with 2011, 2012, and 2013 experiencing prosperity. The number of long-term unem- bill or joint resolution, the evaluation under the slowest growth rates in real per capita ployed remains elevated, and unemployment paragraph (1) shall give no cognizance to any national health expenditures on record. for people of color continues to be higher designation of emergency. than the rest of the population. Many areas (11) On May 4, 2017, the House of Represent- (C) If a bill, a joint resolution, an amend- remain in need of well-paying jobs. atives passed H.R.1628, the American Health ment made in order as original text by a spe- (4) By almost any metric, the middle class Care Act of 2017, legislation that would re- cial order of business, a conference report, or has seen little to no improvements in their peal provisions of the Affordable Care Act, an amendment between the Houses includes incomes. Real median household income in make deep cuts in Medicaid, and— a provision expressly designated as an emer- 2013 was only $7,000 higher than it was in gency for purposes of pay-as-you-go prin- (A) result in 23 million Americans losing 1979. Median weekly real earnings for work- ciples, the Chair shall put the question of health insurance in 2026, including 14 million ers increased less than 1 percent from 1979 to consideration with respect thereto. people losing Medicaid; 2014. Poorer workers have done even worse. SEC. 308. EXERCISE OF RULEMAKING POWERS. (B) dramatically increase costs for older For workers in the lower half of the income The House adopts the provisions of this adults, low-income families, and people with scale, real annual wages from 1979 to 2014 title— pre-existing conditions; grew only $76. And the entire lower 50 per- (1) as an exercise of the rulemaking power (C) reduce Medicaid spending by $834 bil- cent of the United States population holds a of the House of Representatives and as such lion over ten years; mere 1 percent of total national wealth. they shall be considered as part of the rules (D) jeopardize care for seniors in nursing (5) All the while, millionaires and billion- of the House, and these rules shall supersede homes, children with disabilities, and fami- aires have seen their incomes and wealth other rules only to the extent that they are lies receiving Medicaid benefits as States skyrocket. Incomes for the top one percent inconsistent with other such rules; and look to reduce coverage and services; of households grew five times as fast as for (2) with full recognition of the constitu- (E) severely undermine access to substance middle-income workers, and now average tional right of the House of Representatives abuse treatment during the nationwide over $1 million a year. CEOs make nearly 300 to change those rules at any time, in the opioid epidemic; times what the typical worker does. Ten per- same manner, and to the same extent as in (F) shorten the life of the Medicare Hos- cent of the population owns 76 percent of the the case of any other rule of the House of pital Insurance Trust Fund; and Nation’s total wealth, and the average net Representatives. (G) provide nearly $1 trillion in tax cuts assets of the top one percent now exceed $10 TITLE IV—POLICY STATEMENTS that mostly benefit millionaires, billion- million per person. SEC. 401. POLICY OF THE HOUSE ON AFFORD- aires, and wealthy corporations. (6) The top one percent of households re- ABLE HEALTH CARE COVERAGE FOR ceives a disproportionate share—17 percent— (b) POLICY.—It is the policy of the House WORKING FAMILIES. of the benefit of major tax expenditures. that— (a) FINDINGS.—The House finds the fol- This uneven distribution of major tax ex- (1) Congress should build upon the progress lowing: penditures has exacerbated income and of the Affordable Care Act to make health (1) Making health care coverage affordable wealth inequality. The tax code treats in- care coverage more affordable and accessible and accessible for all American families will come from wealth more favorably than in- to all American families, and reject any improve their health and financial security, come from work by giving preferential tax measures to repeal or undermine the law; which will make the economy stronger. rates on unearned income, and it contains (2) the Administration and Congress should (2) Medicaid is the Nation’s largest health numerous, wasteful tax breaks for special in- insurance program, providing quality, com- fully implement, enforce, and fund the Af- terests. prehensive, and affordable coverage to more fordable Care Act, and stop any efforts to (b) POLICY.—It is the policy of the House to than 70 million vulnerable Americans, in- sabotage the health insurance marketplaces; responsibly reform the tax code to provide cluding more than one in three children. and support and relief to low- and middle-income (3) Millions of low-income seniors and peo- (3) Congress should preserve Medicaid and families, create good-paying jobs, and drive ple with disabilities rely on Medicaid to pay not dismantle it by converting Medicaid into broadly-shared prosperity, while closing spe- for nursing home care and home- and com- a block grant, per capita cap, or other fi- cial-interest loopholes and making sure the munity-based services that provide help with nancing arrangement that would limit Fed- wealthiest Americans pay their fair share. activities of daily living. eral contributions and render the program SEC. 403. POLICY OF THE HOUSE ON DEFENSE (4) Medicaid coverage provides financial incapable of responding to increased need AND NONDEFENSE FUNDING IN- stability to families struggling to escape that may result from trends in demographics CREASES. poverty and to parents of children with dis- or health care costs or from economic condi- (a) FINDINGS.—The House finds the fol- abilities and special health care needs. tions. lowing:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:17 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC7.005 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H7870 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 5, 2017 (1) The current spending limits set by the serious crime. ICE’s own statistics dem- (1) Senior citizens and persons with disabil- Budget Control Act of 2011 are too low, for onstrate that arrests of people with no ities highly value the Medicare program and both defense and nondefense funding. De- criminal record increased 157 percent in the rely on Medicare to guarantee their health fense and nondefense investments must be at first 100 days of the Trump Administration, and financial security. appropriate levels to protect both national and only 6.5 percent of those arrested were (2) In 2018, 60,000,000 people will rely on security and economic security. The non- convicted of violent crimes. Medicare for coverage of hospital stays, phy- defense discretionary spending limit for 2018 (8) The number of detained asylum seekers sician visits, prescription drugs, and other is $2 billion less than it was in 2016, in nomi- continues to rise dramatically and detaining necessary medical goods and services. nal terms, representing a significant cut to asylum seekers, other vulnerable popu- (3) The Medicare program has lower admin- purchasing power. If the inflation rate is lations, and those who do not pose risks to istrative costs than private insurance, and what the Congressional Budget Office public safety is unnecessary and wasteful. Medicare costs per enrollee have grown at a projects, the 2018 cap represents a reduction (9) Increasing the use of alternatives to de- slower rate than private insurance for a of nearly $30 billion compared with 2016. De- tention rather than expanding immigration given level of benefits. fense spending faces similar reductions. detention would be more humane and cost- (4) People with Medicare already have the (2) The Budget Control Act of 2011 is based effective. ability to choose a private insurance plan on parity for defense and nondefense spend- (10) It has been nearly four years since the within Medicare through the Medicare Ad- ing, setting up separate caps for both and in- Senate passed, on a bipartisan basis, its com- vantage option, yet two-thirds of Medicare stituting a ‘‘firewall’’ to prevent reductions prehensive immigration reform bill. beneficiaries chose the traditional fee-for- in one category because of increases in the (11) Immigration reform is needed to se- service program instead of a private plan in other. cure the sovereignty of the United States of 2016. (3) Bipartisan agreement has provided a so- America and to establish a coherent and just (5) Rising health care costs are not unique lution to the austerity-level caps before, and system for integrating those who seek to to Medicare or other Federal health pro- can be used again to change these arbitrary join American society. grams, they are endemic to the entire health spending caps to prevent the harsh impact of (12) A successful immigration system can- care system. massive, irresponsible cuts to important not rely on border security alone. The coun- (6) Converting Medicare into a voucher for Federal programs. try needs a system that promotes the reuni- the purchase of health insurance will merely (4) Congress must begin discussions and ne- fication of families, protects workers and is force seniors and individuals with disabil- gotiations immediately, to raise the caps to responsive to the needs of employers, and ities to pay much higher premiums if they appropriate levels, and maintain parity be- implements an inclusive legalization pro- want to use their voucher to purchase tradi- tween defense and nondefense. gram for those who are currently here. tional Medicare coverage. (b) POLICY ON DEFENSE AND NONDEFENSE (b) POLICY.—It is the policy of the House (7) A voucher system in which the voucher FUNDING INCREASES.—It is the policy of the that Congress enact comprehensive immigra- payment fails to keep pace with growth in House that Congress should enact increases tion reform – such as the Border Security, health costs would expose seniors and per- to the current defense and nondefense spend- Economic Opportunity, and Immigration sons with disabilities on fixed incomes to un- ing limits, in equal amounts, without using Modernization Act, introduced by House acceptable financial risks. reductions in one category to pay for in- Democrats in the 113th Congress – to boost (8) Shifting more health care costs onto creases in the other. our economy, lower deficits, establish clear Medicare beneficiaries would not reduce and just rules for citizenship, and make our SEC. 404. POLICY OF THE HOUSE ON IMMIGRA- overall health care costs, instead it would TION REFORM. communities safer. mean beneficiaries would face higher pre- (a) FINDINGS.—The House finds the fol- SEC. 405. POLICY OF THE HOUSE ON SOCIAL SE- miums, eroding coverage, or both. lowing: CURITY. (9) Versions of voucher policies that do not (1) Fixing the country’s broken immigra- (a) FINDINGS.—The House finds the fol- immediately end the traditional Medicare tion system will mean safer communities, a lowing: program will merely set it up for a death spi- stronger economy and lower budget deficits. (1) Most of the 61 million Americans who ral as private plans siphon off healthier and (2) The Congressional Budget Office esti- currently receive earned Social Security less expensive beneficiaries, leaving the sick- mated that enacting the Border Security, benefits rely on these benefits for the major- est beneficiaries in a program that will with- Economic Opportunity, and Immigration ity of their income, with nearly a quarter of er away. Modernization Act, as introduced by House them relying on Social Security for at least (b) POLICY.—It is the policy of the House 90 percent of their income. Democrats in the 113th Congress, would have that the Medicare guarantee for seniors and (2) In the past, Social Security benefits reduced the deficit by $900 billion over the persons with disabilities should be preserved were part of a 3-legged stool where retirees next 2 decades, boosting the economy by 5.4 and strengthened, and that any legislation relied on a combination of Social Security, a percent, and increasing productivity by 1.0 to end the Medicare guarantee, financially private pension, and personal savings to fi- percent. penalize people for choosing traditional nance retirement. (3) The Social Security Actuary estimated Medicare, or shift rising health care costs (3) Social Security benefits will be more that immigration reform will reduce the So- onto seniors by replacing Medicare with cial Security shortfall by 8 percent and will important to future retirees as few workers vouchers or premium support for the pur- extend the life of the Social Security Trust will receive traditional pensions, and many chase of health insurance, should be rejected. workers cannot afford to adequately fund Fund by 2 years. SEC. 407. POLICY OF THE HOUSE ON FINANCIAL (4) The United States is a Nation founded, their retirement through employer-spon- STABILITY AND CONSUMER PROTEC- built and sustained by immigrants, and the sored savings plans or IRAs. TION. Congress has a responsibility to harness the (4) Social Security’s Disability Insurance (a) FINDINGS.—The House finds the fol- power of that tradition by implementing an (DI) and Old Age and Survivors Insurance lowing: effective and fair immigration policy. (OASI) systems are intertwined both in their (1) The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform (5) The current immigration system is bro- benefit structure and in their revenues – DI and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 is an ken because it keeps families of legal immi- recipients who reach retirement age receive important component of the country’s re- grants and United States citizens separated OASI benefits and beneficiaries in each cat- sponse to the financial crisis and recession. for decades, it allows for the exploitation of egory have helped finance the other category It took a number of steps to protect con- undocumented workers to the detriment of even if they will never receive those benefits. sumers of financial products and services as all workers, it does not meet the needs of our (5) Social Security benefits are already well as protect taxpayers from the costs of economy and discourages legal immigration, being cut as Social Security’s normal retire- another financial crisis. and it keeps millions of hard-working, law- ment age is increasing from 66 years for (2) These steps included the creation of an abiding families who have lived in our com- workers retiring now to 67 years for those orderly liquidation process to allow regu- munities for decades hiding in the shadows, born in 1960 and later. This cut dispropor- lators to close failing institutions that some including many thousands who came to the tionately impacts low-earners because life argue are ‘‘too big to fail,’’ as well as a new United States as infants or young children. expectancy continues to increase among Financial Stability Oversight Council higher-earners but not low-earners. Thus, (6) Overly aggressive immigration enforce- (FSOC), an Office of Financial Research to high-earners will generally receive benefits ment that focuses on individuals with deep monitor the stability of our financial sys- for a longer time than low-earners. ties to the United States hurts State and tem, and the Consumer Financial Protection (b) POLICY.—It is the policy of the House local law enforcement efforts to establish that the House of Representatives will not Bureau (the Consumer Bureau). and maintain trust with immigrant commu- adopt changes to Social Security that in- (3) The Consumer Bureau plays a critical nities. The number of Latinos reporting volve reductions in earned Social Security role in protecting older Americans, military crimes in big cities across the country is benefits. service members, student loan borrowers, lower than past years, particularly among and other consumers, especially in minority SEC. 406. POLICY OF THE HOUSE ON PRO- domestic violence and sexual assault vic- TECTING THE MEDICARE GUAR- and low-income communities. It has imple- tims. ANTEE FOR SENIORS AND PERSONS mented new rules for mortgage markets and (7) The vast majority of individuals in U.S. WITH DISABILITIES. prepaid cards, and also successfully recov- Immigration and Customs Enforcement (a) FINDINGS.—The House finds the fol- ered nearly $12 billion on behalf of more than (ICE) custody have not been convicted of a lowing: 29 million consumers and service members.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:17 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC7.005 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7871 (4) The Consumer Bureau’s funding from (5) Diplomacy and foreign aid are essential area of mental health treatment, have also the Federal Reserve’s operations help give it components of our security and the Presi- been challenges. important independence from efforts to dent’s proposal to cut these activities by 32 (4) The VA has made progress in reducing interfere with its vital mission and activi- percent below current levels prompted more the number of initial benefit claims, drop- ties, independence on par with every other than 120 retired admirals and generals who ping the claims backlog to less than 94,000 banking regulator. have first-hand knowledge of their effective- from a peak of 611,000 claims just a few years (5) The Consumer Bureau has already faced ness in securing our Nation to forcefully ob- ago, but that statistic leaves out the many and overcome efforts to obstruct its oper- ject. veterans who are still waiting many months ations. (6) The Nation’s projected long-term debt or even years to have their appeals decided. (b) POLICY.—It is the policy of the House could have serious consequences for our (5) The President’s budget includes a 6 per- that Congress should continue to support the economy and security, and that more effi- cent increase over current-year funding but vital work of the Consumer Financial Pro- cient military spending has to be part of an shifts funding away from critical programs tection Bureau as well as its governing and overall plan that effectively deals with this that veterans rely on in favor of expanded financing structures and other key compo- problem. funding that pays for certain veterans to get nents of the Dodd-Frank legislation such as (7) Reining in wasteful spending at the Na- private health care at the expense of care orderly liquidation authority, FSOC, and the tion’s security agencies, including the De- provided at VA hospitals and clinics. Office of Financial Research. partment of Defense—the last department (6) The President’s budget also cuts fund- SEC. 408. POLICY OF THE HOUSE ON WOMEN’S still unable to pass an audit—such as the ing from other Federal agencies that provide ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT. elimination of duplicative programs and bet- lifesaving programs and services for vet- (a) FINDINGS.—The House finds the fol- ter controlling delays and cost overruns on erans, including deep cuts to Medicaid bene- lowing: weapon systems that have been identified by fits veterans rely on, the elimination of the (1) Women’s contributions are critical to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) Interagency Council on Homelessness, steep the economic success of hard-working fami- needs to continue as a priority. cuts at the Department of Housing and lies. (8) The Department of Defense should con- Urban Development, elimination of the (2) Not only do women play a key role in tinue to review defense plans and require- Legal Services Corporation, and severe cuts maintaining healthy families, they also have ments to ensure that weapons developed to to entrepreneurship outreach programs tar- geted to veterans through the Small Busi- unique health care needs and face issues that counter Cold War-era threats are not redun- ness Administration. require special focus. dant, are affordable, and are applicable to (7) The VA currently has advance appro- (3) Every hard-working American deserves 21st century threats; and such review should priations for approximately 85 percent of its to feel safe and supported during retirement. include, with the participation of the Na- discretionary budget. The residual 15 per- Yet women are more likely to face financial tional Nuclear Security Administration, ex- cent, which includes funding for the day-to- risk during retirement because of their lower amination of requirements for, and cost of, day operations at the Veterans Benefits Ad- lifetime earnings and disproportionate role the nuclear weapons stockpile, nuclear weap- ministration, remains vulnerable to a Gov- as family caregivers. ons delivery systems, and nuclear weapons and infrastructure modernization. ernment shutdown. (b) POLICY.—It is the policy of the House (b) POLICY.—It is the policy of the House (9) Nonwar operation and maintenance that Congress should economically empower that— women and protect their health and safety. costs per active-duty service member have (1) Congress should support a funding level Congress must enact policies that would ac- grown at a rate well above inflation for dec- no less than the President’s request for vet- complish the following: ades—from $59,000 per service member in 1980 erans’ discretionary programs so that the VA (1) Help families attain better jobs, fight to $157,000 per service member in 2015 (meas- has the resources it needs to ensure veterans pay inequity, raise the minimum wage, and ured in constant 2017 dollars), and it is im- get the health care and benefits they earned enable women entrepreneurs and small busi- perative that unsustainable cost growth be in a timely fashion; nesses to achieve their goals. controlled in this area. (2) Congress should lift the austerity-level (2) Give American families control of their (10) Cooperative threat reduction and other funding cap on nondefense programs for 2018 own lives, and help them balance the de- nonproliferation programs (securing ‘‘loose and beyond to ensure adequate funding for mands of work and family. These policies in- nukes’’ and other materials used in weapons veterans’ programs; clude paid and expanded family and medical of mass destruction), which were highlighted (3) advance appropriations be expanded to leave, paid sick days, and quality, affordable as high priorities by the 9/11 Commission, cover all of VA’s discretionary budget to pre- child care. need to be funded at a level that is commen- vent delays in veterans’ benefits and services (3) Strengthen the retirement security of surate with the evolving threat. during a Government shutdown; women and their families by protecting So- (b) POLICY.—It is the policy of the House (4) the VA submit along with its annual cial Security, Medicare and Medicaid. that— budget a ‘‘Future-Years Veterans Program’’ (4) Support caregivers, many of whom sac- (1) the austerity-level spending caps re- that projects its needs over five years to help rifice their own careers to provide for family quired by the Budget Control Act of 2011 for facilitate the appropriations and oversight members. fiscal years 2018 through 2021 should be re- processes; (5) Maintain health insurance protections scinded and replaced by a fiscal plan that is (5) Congress should provide sufficient re- for women, increase funding for the preven- balanced and takes into account a com- sources for the VA’s Office of the Inspector tion and treatment of women’s health issues prehensive national security strategy that General to guarantee veterans are properly such as breast cancer and heart disease, and includes careful consideration of inter- served and that resources are spent effi- support access to full reproductive care. national, defense, homeland security, and ciently; (6) Prevent and protect women from do- law enforcement programs; and (6) no changes be made to the Individual mestic violence and sexual abuse. (2) efficiencies can be achieved in the na- Unemployability benefit to ensure that dis- SEC. 409. POLICY OF THE HOUSE ON NATIONAL tional defense budget without compromising abled veterans, many of them severely dis- SECURITY. our security through greater emphasis on abled, who are deemed unable to engage in (a) FINDINGS.—The House finds the fol- eliminating duplicative and wasteful pro- substantial work as a result of their service lowing: grams, reforming the acquisition process, to our country, continue to receive the full (1) The country faces many national secu- identifying and constraining unsustainable disability and social security benefits they rity challenges and we must continue to sup- operating costs, and through careful analysis earned and were promised; and port a strong military that is second to none. of our national security needs. (7) Congress shall provide sufficient fund- (2) Those who serve in uniform are our SEC. 410. POLICY OF THE HOUSE ON VETERANS ing and staff resources for VA hospitals and most important security resource and the AFFAIRS. clinics, and that any increased funding for Administration and Congress shall continue (a) FINDINGS.—The House finds the fol- private and community care not provided di- to provide the support they need to success- lowing: rectly by the VA should not come at the ex- fully carry out the missions the country (1) The Department of Veterans Affairs pense of necessary resources for VA hospitals gives them. (VA) continues to face challenges meeting and clinics. (3) A growing economy is the foundation of the needs of the next generation of returning SEC. 411. POLICY OF THE HOUSE ON DISASTER our security and enables the country to pro- veterans, including sufficient funding to pro- RESPONSE FUNDING. vide the resources for a strong military, vide critical services and benefits. (a) FINDINGS.—The House find the fol- sound homeland security agencies, and effec- (2) Access to quality health care and vet- lowing: tive diplomacy and international develop- erans’ benefits has been an ongoing chal- (1) Natural disasters such as hurricanes ment. lenge for the VA, highlighted most recently Harvey, Irma, and Maria require swift con- (4) Austerity-level spending caps threaten in the ongoing claims backlog and veterans gressional action to help storm survivors get adequate investment in activities critical to waiting months for health care appoint- their lives back on track, rebuild disaster- our economy and national security, which ments. stricken communities, and prevent further include activities funded by both the defense (3) Providing health care where veterans damage to the economy. and nondefense portions of the discretionary live and ensuring a sufficient number of (2) The Budget Control Act of 2001 provides budget. health care professionals, especially in the procedural tools specifically to respond to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:17 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC7.005 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H7872 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 5, 2017 natural disasters, by allowing adjustments (2) The United Nations’ Intergovernmental reviewed in any systematic way in the an- to the spending caps for disaster and emer- Panel on Climate Change concluded that the nual budget process. gency spending. effects of climate change are occurring (5) Improper payments, payments that (3) Mitigation and prevention is an impor- worldwide, stating: ‘‘The impacts of climate should not have been made or that were tant part of disaster recovery and response, change have already been felt in recent dec- made in an incorrect amount, totaled $144 providing investments that make future dis- ades on all continents and across the billion for 2016. While some improper pay- asters less costly in terms of both dollars oceans’’. ments are the result of fraud, the vast ma- and lives. (3) The United States Government Ac- jority are due to unintentional errors, such (b) POLICY ON FUNDING FOR DISASTER RE- countability Office described climate change as payments to eligible beneficiaries that SPONSE AND RECOVERY.—It is the policy of as, ‘‘a complex, crosscutting issue that poses were not properly verified, or overpayments the House that Congress should act swiftly risks to many environmental and economic or underpayments because of a data entry to assist with recovery from hurricanes and systems—including agriculture, infrastruc- mistake. other natural disasters. Such funding should ture, ecosystems, and human health—and (6) Shutting down the government, arbi- be provided using the budgetary provisions presents a significant financial risk to the trarily cutting agency budgets, and funding in place for this purpose: providing adjust- Federal Government’’. large portions of the government through ments to the spending caps for disaster and (4) In March 2017, Secretary of Defense stop-gap appropriations do not lead to effi- emergency response, recovery, and mitiga- James Mattis, in written testimony to the cient and effective government. tion. Congress must also support efforts to Senate Armed Services Committee, stated (b) POLICY.—It is the policy of the House address future disaster damage and loss, by that ‘‘climate change can be a driver of in- that Congress must continue to root out appropriately funding mitigation and pre- stability and the Department of Defense wasteful spending, make government oper- vention efforts. must pay attention to potential adverse im- ations more efficient, pass appropriations SEC. 412. POLICY OF THE HOUSE ON THE FED- pacts generated by this phenomenon’’. bills on time, and avoid costly government ERAL WORKFORCE. (5) The National Aeronautics and Space shutdowns. Congress must task agencies (a) FINDINGS.—The House finds the fol- Administration and National Oceanic and with shrinking the error rate in government lowing: Atmospheric Administration reported that programs and provide adequate budgetary re- (1) The Federal workforce provides vital 2016 was the warmest year on record, setting sources for agencies to develop new proc- services to our Nation on a daily basis. It in- a new record for global average surface tem- esses, review expenditures, and improve in- cludes those who patrol and secure our bor- peratures for the third year in a row. Fur- formation technology systems. ders, protect us from terrorists, take care of thermore, 16 of the 17 warmest years on SEC. 415. POLICY OF THE HOUSE ON THE INVES- our veterans, help run our airports, counter record have occurred since 2001. TIGATION OF RUSSIAN INTER- FERENCE IN THE 2016 U.S. PRESI- cyber-attacks, find cures for deadly diseases, (6) The United States National Research Council’s National Climate Assessment and DENTIAL ELECTION. and keep our food supply safe. (a) FINDINGS.—The House finds the fol- Development Advisory Committee found cli- (2) Veterans make up 31 percent of the Fed- lowing: mate change affects ‘‘human health, water eral workforce. (1) Free and fair elections are the corner- supply, agriculture, transportation, energy, (3) Many Federal workers are paid at a rate stone of our democracy, and foreign inter- coastal areas, and many other sectors of so- that is far below their private sector coun- ference in them undermines the public trust ciety, with increasingly adverse impacts on terparts. and casts doubt on the legitimacy of our gov- the American economy and quality of life’’. (4) The Federal workforce is older than in ernment. (7) The most vulnerable among us, includ- past decades and older than the private sec- (2) The country’s intelligence agencies all ing children, the elderly, low-income individ- tor workforce. Nearly one third of the Fed- agree that Russia launched a campaign to uals, and those with underlying health con- eral workforce is eligible to retire. undermine the 2016 U.S. presidential elec- ditions, face even greater health risks as a (5) Federal employee pay and benefits are tion, which included cyber-attacks, dissemi- not the cause of the country’s deficits and result of climate change. (b) POLICY.—It is the policy of the House nation of false information, and other intel- debt. The Federal workforce has already con- ligence operations to malign Secretary Hil- tributed more than $180 billion toward reduc- that climate change presents a significant public health, environmental, and financial lary Clinton and increase the odds of a Don- ing the country’s deficits in the form of pay ald Trump presidency. freezes, pay raises insufficient to keep pace risk to the United States. The United States must continue to play a leadership role on (3) Members of the Trump campaign had with inflation, furloughs, and increased re- climate change policy and should not retreat repeated contact with Russian government tirement contributions. The President’s from global commitments on climate officials and oligarchs and then failed to re- budget for 2018 continues to unfairly target change. Congress must provide robust fund- port this contact in testimony to Congress the Federal workforce by proposing an addi- ing for climate change science, which pro- and in security clearance applications. One tional $149 billion in compensation and re- vides critical information for protecting such meeting reportedly included a request tirement benefit cuts. human health, defending the United States, for a back-channel line of communications (6) Since 1975, the Federal workforce has and preserving economic and environmental with the Russian government using Russian declined 35 percent relative to the size of the systems throughout the world. facilities, which would preclude U.S. Govern- population of the United States. SEC. 414. POLICY OF THE HOUSE ON INCREASED ment oversight. Another involved a Kremlin- (7) Nearly all of the increase in the Federal EFFICIENCY AND ELIMINATING linked Russian lawyer and a former Soviet civilian workforce from 2001 to 2016 is due to WASTE. counterintelligence officer under the as- increases at security-related agencies, in- (a) FINDINGS.—The House finds the fol- sumption that they would provide politically cluding the Department of Defense, Depart- lowing: damaging information about Secretary Hil- ment of Homeland Security, and Department (1) The Government Accountability Office lary Clinton as part of the Russian govern- of Veterans Affairs. (‘‘GAO’’) identifies examples of waste, dupli- ment’s effort to support the Trump cam- (8) Proposals to reduce the size of the cation, and overlap in Federal programs, and paign. workforce at nonsecurity agencies by 10 per- makes regular recommendations regarding (4) Under the direction of Federal Bureau cent have excluded an assessment of their ways to reduce costs and increase revenue. of Investigation Director James Comey, the impact on government services. (2) The Comptroller General has stated FBI was investigating whether members of (b) POLICY.—It is the policy of the House that addressing the identified waste, duplica- President Trump’s campaign colluded with that Congress should not target Federal em- tion, and overlap in Federal programs ‘‘could Russia to influence the election. ployees to achieve further reductions in the lead to tens of billions of dollars of addi- (5) On May 9, 2017, President Trump fired deficit as they have already contributed tional savings, with significant opportunities FBI Director Comey and then made state- more than their fair share, that Federal for improved efficiencies, cost savings, or ments suggesting his dismissal was to stop workers should be compensated with pay and revenue enhancements in the areas of de- the investigation of collusion. benefits at a level that enables the govern- fense, information technology, education (6) On May 17, 2017, the Department of Jus- ment to attract high quality people—which and training, health care, energy, and tax tice announced the appointment of former is especially important during this period enforcement.’’ FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III to serve when more workers will be retiring—and (3) The tax gap, the difference between as Special Counsel to investigate Russian in- that no proposal to reduce the size of the taxes owed and taxes paid, now averages $458 terference into the 2016 presidential election workforce should be considered without an billion annually. Even modest improvements and any coordination between the Russian assessment of its impact on government in enforcing existing law could yield a boost government and individuals associated with services. in revenue without any changes to the tax the Trump campaign. SEC. 413. POLICY OF THE HOUSE ON CLIMATE code. (b) POLICY ON THE INVESTIGATION OF RUS- CHANGE SCIENCE. (4) Tax expenditures, or spending through SIAN INTERFERENCE IN THE 2016 U.S. PRESI- (a) FINDINGS.—The House finds the fol- the tax code, total $1.5 trillion per year and DENTIAL ELECTION.—It is the policy of this lowing: represent the largest category of spending in concurrent resolution that to restore con- (1) Global climate change is a threat to na- the budget — exceeding Medicare, Medicaid, fidence in our government and to preserve tional security, public health, and economic and Social Security. However, unlike other the sanctity of our electoral process, Con- growth. types of spending, tax expenditures are not gress must ensure adequate funding for the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:17 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC7.005 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7873 Special Counsel appointed by the Depart- healthcare for all of us, finally elimi- national debt for every person is over ment of Justice so that he can perform a nating a great burden on American $63,000. Every man, woman, and even thorough and nonpartisan investigation of families, a burden that no other devel- child in our country has a $63,000 Russia’s campaign to affect the 2016 U.S. oped nation shares. weight hanging over their heads. Our presidential election and any individuals in the United States that may have colluded in This budget is an opportunity for our budget takes real steps to fix this cri- those efforts. country to invest in our future, and if sis. This budget substitute does not. The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to we adopt the Republican budget plan, Honestly, it is as simple as that. Mr. Chair, I urge my colleagues to re- House Resolution 553, the gentleman we will have squandered it. Democrats believe in a government ject this Democrat substitute, and I re- from Kentucky (Mr. YARMUTH) and a that prioritizes American families, and serve the balance of my time. Member opposed each will control 15 they should be the priorities of this Mr. YARMUTH. Mr. Chair, I yield 2 minutes. minutes to the gentleman from New The Chair recognizes the gentleman Congress. I, therefore, urge my col- York (Mr. JEFFRIES), a distinguished from Kentucky. leagues to oppose the Republican budg- Mr. YARMUTH. Mr. Chairman, I et and support the Democratic alter- member of the Budget Committee. Mr. JEFFRIES. Mr. Chair, once yield myself such time as I may con- native. again, House Republicans are deter- sume. Mr. Chair, I reserve the balance of mined to visit cruel and unusual pun- Mr. Chairman, Democrats and Repub- my time. ishment on the American people by licans are looking at the same chal- Mrs. BLACK. Mr. Chair, I claim the presenting a budget that is reckless, lenges facing our country and Amer- time in opposition to the amendment. regressive, and reprehensible. It is a ican families. Education, healthcare, The Acting CHAIR. The gentlewoman budget that will hurt working families, and housing costs have all increased from Tennessee is recognized for 15 middle class folks, senior citizens, the while wages stay stagnant. minutes. It used to be that the two parties Mrs. BLACK. Mr. Chair, I yield my- poor, the sick, the afflicted, veterans, would debate different strategies to ad- self such time as I may consume. and rural America. It is a budget that will eradicate the dress the problems facing the American Mr. Chair, I rise in opposition to this social safety net, end Medicare as we people. Sadly, those times are behind budget substitute, which is, put sim- know it, rip away health insurance us. ply, an abdication of our fiscal respon- In giving millionaires, including the sibility as a governing body. from 23 million Americans, and impose majority of this Congress, the Presi- Our country is $20 trillion in debt, billions and billions of dollars in life- dent, and wealthy donors a giant tax with $9 trillion added to the national altering debt on younger Americans. It is outrageous that this is all being cut, the Republican budget does not debt during the Obama years. We have done to enact tax cuts for the wealthy even pretend to address the problems the responsibility to our children and and the well-off, tax cuts for the privi- facing the American people. Not only our grandchildren to stop this Con- leged few, tax cuts for special interests does it ignore working families, it in- gress’ addiction to spending. It is a re- here in Washington, D.C. creases their challenges. sponsibility that I take seriously; it is This parade of horribles is being The Democratic budget alternative, a responsibility that the members of jammed down the throats of this coun- in stark contrast to the Republican my committee take seriously; and it is try so that everyday Americans can budget, begins to address the real chal- a responsibility that Republicans in subsidize the lifestyles of the rich and lenges our country faces now and in the House take seriously. shameless. the long term. Clearly, it is not a responsibility that our friends across the aisle take seri- We deserve better. The Democratic b 1015 ously. Our budget works to end the ad- budget will invest in transportation We are less than a decade removed diction to spending that has dominated and infrastructure, invest in education from the worst economic crisis in most Washington for far too long. and job training, invest in the social of our lifetimes, and we have a chance The House budget, passed out of com- safety net, invest in research and de- to rebound in a way that builds a foun- mittee with unanimous Republican velopment, invest in affordable hous- dation for our country to thrive for support in July, begins to address our ing, and invest in the wellbeing of ev- generations, but we have to seize that spending addiction by balancing the eryday Americans. opportunity. budget over 10 years so that we can The Republican budget is a raw deal. Rather than giving resources to peo- start paying down our national debt, The Democratic budget is a better deal, ple and businesses that already have and it addresses mandatory spending in focused on better jobs, better wages, them, we are calling for targeted in- a significant way for the first time and a better future. It is worthy of our vestments in programs that grow our since 1997. support. economy, create good-paying jobs, and This budget substitute does quite the The Acting CHAIR. The Committee provide real support for working fami- opposite. The Democrats’ budget raises will rise informally. lies and real security in retirement. taxes by $2.7 trillion, which would be The Speaker pro tempore (Mrs. HAN- Rather than sending thank-you notes the largest tax increase in U.S. history. DEL) assumed the chair. to the corporations that bankroll cam- It increases spending by $6.2 trillion, f paigns, we have an opportunity to compared to the budget passed by my MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE make vital public investments that committee. It never balances, with a A message from the Senate by Ms. lead to a brighter future rebuilding deficit in 2027 of $852 billion. Byrd, one of its clerks, announced that roads, bridges, and other critical infra- What we hear from the other side of the Senate has passed without amend- structure, all of which lead to good the aisle and what we see in this budg- ment a bill of the House of the fol- jobs now and in the long run. et is simply more of same: more spend- lowing title: Rather than giving the President a ing, more tax increases, and more debt. multimillion-dollar refund on taxes he I don’t think that is acceptable, and H.R. 1117. An act to require the Adminis- trator of the Federal Emergency Manage- refuses to disclose, we can invest in re- neither do the American people. ment Agency to submit a report regarding tirement security for seniors who Since we began this budget debate certain plans regarding assistance to appli- didn’t inherit millions. We can invest yesterday, my counterparts on the cants and grantees during the response to an in affordable education so young people other side of the aisle have been throw- emergency or disaster. do not have to grow up wealthy to have ing out misleading numbers about our The SPEAKER pro tempore. The a shot at earning it in their future ca- budget and our tax reform effort in Committee will resume its sitting. reers. order to hide the fact that they offer f Instead of taking healthcare away no new solutions to the most pressing from people, straining emergency problems our country faces. CONCURRENT RESOLUTION ON rooms, and making Americans sicker, Here is a number that they should THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR we have an opportunity to continue in- keep in mind while they discuss this 2018 vesting in affordable quality fiscally irresponsible substitute. The The Committee resumed its sitting.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:40 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC7.005 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H7874 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 5, 2017 Mrs. BLACK. Mr. Chair, I yield 2 ica are a whole lot different from what you are no better than guarded. The recovery minutes to the distinguished gen- thought. from the crash of 2008—which unleashed the Yes, things are very different indeed these worst recession since the Great Depression— tleman from Florida (Mr. FRANCIS ROO- days in the ‘‘real America’’ outside the bub- has been singularly slow and weak. Accord- NEY). ble. In fact, things have been going badly ing to the Bureau of Economic Analysis Mr. FRANCIS ROONEY of Florida. wrong in America since the beginning of the (BEA), it took nearly four years for Amer- Mr. Chair, with all respect, the cruel 21st century. ica’s gross domestic product (GDP) to re-at- and unusual punishment is the Demo- It turns out that the year 2000 marks a tain its late 2007 level. As of late 2016, total cratic-proposed substitute amendment. grim historical milestone of sorts for our na- value added to the U.S. economy was just 12 The raw deal is the Democratic-pro- tion. For whatever reasons, the Great Amer- percent higher than in 2007. The situation is posed substitute amendment that in- ican Escalator, which had lifted successive even more sobering if we consider per capita growth. It took America six and a half creases spending $6.2 trillion over our generations of Americans to ever higher standards of living and levels of social well- years—until mid-2014—to get back to its late budget. being, broke down around then—and broke 2007 per capita production levels. And in late This thing raises taxes—$2.7 trillion, down very badly. 2016, per capita output was just 4 percent the largest tax increase in American The warning lights have been flashing, and higher than in late 2007—nine years earlier. history, at a time when we are drown- the klaxons sounding, for more than a dec- By this reckoning, the American economy ing in debt and stagnant wage growth. ade and a half. But our pundits and prognos- looks to have suffered something close to a It requires a one-to-one match of de- ticators and professors and policymakers, lost decade. fense and nondefense discretionary ensconced as they generally are deep within But there was clearly trouble brewing in America’s macro-economy well before the spending at a time when we can’t keep the bubble, were for the most part too dis- tant from the distress of the general popu- 2008 crash, too. Between late 2000 and late our F–18s flying and we have airplanes lation to see or hear it. (So much for the 2007, per capita GDP growth averaged less crashing around the country for lack of vaunted ‘‘information era’’ and ‘‘big-data than 1.5 percent per annum. That compares maintenance. revolution.’’) Now that those signals are no with the nation’s long-term postwar 1948–2000 This is unconscionable. This budget longer possible to ignore, it is high time for per capita growth rate of almost 2.3 percent, never balances. It will leave us with an experts and intellectuals to reacquaint which in turn can be compared to the ‘‘snap $852 billion deficit by fiscal year 2027. It themselves with the country in which they back’’ tempo of 1.1 percent per annum since live and to begin the task of describing what per capita GDP bottomed out in 2009. Be- expands ObamaCare, the most disas- tween 2000 and 2016, per capita growth in trous and heinous trick played on the has befallen the country in which we have lived since the dawn of the new century. America has averaged less than 1 percent a American people that I can remember. Consider the condition of the American year. To state it plainly: With postwar, pre- It prioritizes amnesty over security. economy. In some circles people still widely 21st-century rates for the years 2000–2016, per We are never going to get our coun- believe, as one recent New York Times busi- capita GDP in America would be more than try straight and preserve our sov- ness-section article cluelessly insisted before 20 percent higher than it is today. ereignty if we don’t protect our secu- the inauguration, that ‘‘Mr. Trump will in- The reasons for America’s newly fitful and halting macroeconomic performance are still rity. On the other hand, we have got herit an economy that is fundamentally solid.’’ But this is patent nonsense. By now a puzzlement to economists and a subject of the Republican budget that offers to do considerable contention and debate. Econo- a lot of things. One thing it offers to do it should be painfully obvious that the U.S. economy has been in the grip of deep dys- mists are generally in consensus, however, in is put a work requirement for able-bod- function since the dawn of the new century. one area: They have begun redefining the ied adults with no dependent children And in retrospect, it should also be apparent growth potential of the U.S. economy down- into welfare. that America’s strange new economic mala- wards. The U.S. Congressional Budget Office Mr. Chair, I include in the RECORD an dies were almost perfectly designed to set (CBO), for example, suggests that the ‘‘po- tential growth’’ rate for the U.S. economy at article by Nicholas Eberstadt of AEI the stage for a populist storm. full employment of factors of production has talking about the horrible condition of Ever since 2000, basic indicators have of- fered oddly inconsistent readings on Amer- now dropped below 1.7 percent a year, imply- our labor force now and how dras- ing a sustainable long-term annual per cap- tically important this is and how much ica’s economic performance and prospects. It is curious and highly uncharacteristic to ita economic growth rate for America today it will improve the opportunities for find such measures so very far out of align- of well under 1 percent. Then there is the employment situation. If people to rise out of poverty. We have ment with one another. We are witnessing an 21st-century America’s GDP trends have got three 25- to 54-year-old males sit- ominous and growing divergence between been disappointing, labor-force trends have three trends that should ordinarily move in ting out of the labor force collecting been utterly dismal. Work rates have fallen benefits for every one that is unem- tandem: wealth, output, and employment. off a cliff since the year 2000 and are at their Depending upon which of these three indi- ployed. The unemployed rate is 4.7 per- lowest levels in decades. We can see this by cators you choose, America looks to be head- cent. That makes the total 20 percent. looking at the estimates by the Bureau of ing up, down, or more or less nowhere. From Labor Statistics (BLS) for the civilian em- It is almost over 5 million people that the standpoint of wealth creation, the 21st ployment rate, the jobs-to-population ratio we owe them a moral obligation to century is off to a roaring start. By this for adult civilian men and women. Between offer them an opportunity to rise out yardstick, it looks as if Americans have of poverty through work, and that is early 2000 and late 2016, America’s overall never had it so good and as if the future is work rate for Americans age 20 and older un- what the Republican budget does. full of promise. Between early 2000 and late derwent a drastic decline. It plunged by al- [Commentary, Feb. 15, 2017] 2016, the estimated net worth of American most 5 percentage points (from 64.6 to 59.7). households and nonprofit institutions more ECONOMY: OUR MISERABLE 21ST CENTURY Unless you are a labor economist, you may than doubled, from $44 trillion to $90 trillion. not appreciate just how severe a falloff in (By Nicholas N. Eberstadt) Although that wealth is not evenly distrib- employment such numbers attest to. Post- On the morning of November 9, 2016, Amer- uted, it is still a fantastic sum of money—an war America never experienced anything ican’s elite—its talking and deciding class- average of over a million dollars for every comparable. es—woke up to a country they did not know. notional family of four. This upsurge of From peak to trough, the collapse in work To most privileged and well-educated Ameri- wealth took place despite the crash of 2008— rates for U.S. adults between 2008 and 2010 cans, especially those living in its bicoastal indeed, private wealth holdings are over $20 was roughly twice the amplitude of what had bastions, the election of had trillion higher now than they were at their previously been the country’s worst postwar been a thing almost impossible even to imag- pre-crash apogee. The value of American recession, back in the early 1980s. In that ine. What sort of country would go and elect real-estate assets is near or at all-time previous steep recession, it took America someone like Trump as president? Certainly highs, and America’s businesses appear to be five years to re-attain the adult work rates not one they were familiar with, or under- thriving. Even before the ‘‘Trump rally’’ of recorded at the start of 1980. This time, the stood anything about. late 2016 and early 2017, U.S. equities mar- U.S. job market has as yet, in early 2017, Whatever else it may or may not have ac- kets were hitting new highs—and since stock scarcely begun to claw its way back up to complished, the 2016 election was a sort of prices are strongly shaped by expectations of the work rates of 2007—much less back to the shock therapy for Americans living within future profits, investors evidently are count- work rates from early 2000. U.S. adult work what Charles Murray famously termed ‘‘the ing on the continuation of the current happy rates never recovered entirely from the re- bubble’’ (the protective barrier of prosperity days for U.S. asset holders for some time to cession of 2001—much less the crash of ’08. and self-selected associations that increas- come. And the work rates being measured here ingly shield our best and brightest from con- A rather less cheering picture, though, include people who are engaged in any paid tact with the rest of their society). The very emerges if we look instead at real trends for employment—any job, at any wage, for any fact of Trump’s election served as a truth the macro-economy. Here, performance since number of hours of work at all. broadcast about a reality that could no the start of the century might charitably be On Wall Street and in some parts of Wash- longer be denied: Things out there in Amer- described as mediocre, and prospects today ington these days, one hears that America

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:40 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K05OC7.018 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7875 has gotten back to ‘‘near full employment.’’ tween 2000 and 2015, according to the BEA, spike might not have been quite as sharp as For Americans outside the bubble, such talk total paid hours of work in America in- Case and Deaton reckoned, there is little must seem nonsensical. It is true that the creased by just 4 percent (as against a 35 per- doubt that the spike itself has taken place. oft-cited ‘‘civilian unemployment rate’’ cent increase for 1985–2000, the 15-year period Health has been deteriorating for a signifi- looked pretty good by the end of the Obama immediately preceding this one). cant swath of white America in our new cen- era—in December 2016, it was down to 4.7 per- Over the 2000–2015 period, however, the tury, thanks in large part to drug and alco- cent, about the same as it had been back in adult civilian population rose by almost 18 hol abuse. All this sounds a little too close 1965, at a time of genuine full employment. percent—meaning that paid hours of work for comfort to the story of modern Russia, The problem here is that the unemployment per adult civilian have plummeted by a with its devastating vodka- and drug-binging rate only tracks joblessness for those still in shocking 12 percent thus far in our new health setbacks. Yes: It can happen here, and the labor force; it takes no account of work- American century. it has. Welcome to our new America. force dropouts. Alas, the exodus out of the This is the terrible contradiction of eco- In December 2016, the Centers for Disease workforce has been the big labor-market nomic life in what we might call America’s Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that story for America’s new century. (At this Second Gilded Age (2000—). It is a paradox for the first time in decades, life expectancy writing, for every unemployed American that may help us understand a number of at birth in the United States had dropped man between 25 and 55 years of age, there are overarching features of our new century. very slightly (to 78.8 years in 2015, from 78.9 another three who are neither working nor These include the consistent findings that years in 2014). Though the decline was small, looking for work.) Thus the ‘‘unemployment public trust in almost all U.S. institutions it was statistically meaningful—rising death rate’’ increasingly looks like an antique has sharply declined since 2000, even as grow- rates were characteristic of males and fe- index devised for some earlier and increas- ing majorities hold that America is ‘‘heading males alike; of blacks and whites and ingly distant war: the economic equivalent in the wrong direction.’’ It provides an im- Latinos together. (Only black women avoid- of a musket inventory or a cavalry count. mediate answer to why overwhelming ma- ed mortality increases—their death levels By the criterion of adult work rates, by jorities of respondents in public-opinion sur- were stagnant.) A jump in ‘‘unintentional in- contrast, employment conditions in America veys continue to tell pollsters, year after juries’’ accounted for much of the overall up- remain remarkably bleak. From late 2009 year, that our ever-richer America is still tick. It would be unwarranted to place too much through early 2014, the country’s work rates stuck in the middle of a recession. The portent in a single year’s mortality changes; more or less flatlined. So far as can be told, mounting economic woes of the ‘‘little peo- slight annual drops in U.S. life expectancy this is the only ‘‘recovery’’ in U.S. economic ple’’ may not have been generally recognized have occasionally been registered in the history in which that basic labor-market in- by those inside the bubble, or even by many past, too, followed by continued improve- dicator almost completely failed to respond. bubble inhabitants who claimed to be eco- ments. But given other developments we are Since 2014, there has finally been a meas- nomic specialists—but they proved to be po- witnessing in our new America, we must ure of improvement in the work rate—but it tent fuel for the populist fire that raged wonder whether the 2015 decline in life ex- would be unwise to exaggerate the dimen- through American politics in 2016. pectancy is just a blip, or the start of a new sions of that turnaround. As of late 2016, the So general economic conditions for many trend. We will find out soon enough. It can- adult work rate in America was still at its ordinary Americans—not least of these, not be encouraging, though, that the Human lowest level in more than 30 years. To put Americans who did not fit within the acad- Mortality Database, an international consor- things another way: If our nation’s work rate emy’s designated victim classes—have been tium of demographers who vet national data today were back up to its start-of-the-cen- rather more insecure than those within the to improve comparability between countries, tury highs, well over 10 million more Ameri- comfort of the bubble understood. But the has suggested that health progress in Amer- cans would currently have paying jobs. anxiety, dissatisfaction, anger, and despair ica essentially ceased in 2012—that the U.S. There is no way to sugarcoat these awful that range within our borders today are not gained on average only about a single day of numbers. They are not a statistical artifact wholly a reaction to the way our economy is life expectancy at birth between 2012 and that can be explained away by population misfiring. On the nonmaterial front, it is 2014, before the 2015 turndown. aging, or by increased educational enroll- likewise clear that many things in our soci- The opioid epidemic of pain pills and her- ment for adult students, or by any other gen- ety are going wrong and yet seem beyond our oin that has been ravaging and shortening uine change in contemporary American soci- powers to correct. lives from coast to coast is a new plague for ety. The plain fact is that 21st-century Some of these gnawing problems are by no our new century. The terrifying novelty of America has witnessed a dreadful collapse of means new: A number of them (such as fam- this particular drug epidemic, of course, is work. ily breakdown) can be traced back at least to that it has gone (so to speak) ‘‘mainstream’’ For an apples-to-apples look at America’s the 1960s, while others are arguably as old as this time, effecting breakout from disadvan- 21st-century jobs problem, we can focus on modernity itself (anomie and isolation in big taged minority communities to Main Street the 25–54 population—known to labor econo- anonymous communities, secularization and White America. By 2013, according to a 2015 mists for self-evident reasons as the ‘‘prime the decline of faith). But a number have report by the Drug Enforcement Administra- working age’’ group. For this key labor-force roared down upon us by surprise since the tion, more Americans died from drug cohort, work rates in late 2016 were down al- turn of the century—and others have redou- overdoses (largely but not wholly opioid most 4 percentage points from their year- bled with fearsome new intensity since abuse) than from either traffic fatalities or 2000 highs. That is a jobs gap approaching 5 roughly the year 2000. guns. The dimensions of the opioid epidemic million for this group alone. American health conditions seem to have in the real America are still not fully appre- It is not only that work rates for prime- taken a seriously wrong turn in the new cen- ciated within the bubble, where drug use age males have fallen since the year 2000— tury. It is not just that overall health tends to be more carefully limited and rec- they have, but the collapse of work for progress has been shockingly slow, despite reational. In Dreamland, his harrowing and American men is a tale that goes back at the trillions we devote to medical services magisterial account of modern America’s least half a century. (I wrote a short book each year. (Which ‘‘Cold War babies’’ among opioid explosion, the journalist Sam last year about this sad saga.) What is per- us would have predicted we’d live to see the Quinones notes in passing that ‘‘in one haps more startling is the unexpected and day when life expectancy in East Germany three-month period’’ just a few years ago, ac- largely unnoticed fall-off in work rates for was higher than in the United States, as is cording to the Ohio Department of Health, prime-age women. In the U.S. and all other the case today?) ‘‘fully 11 percent of all Ohioans were pre- Western societies, postwar labor markets un- Alas, the problem is not just slowdowns in scribed opiates.’’ And of course many Ameri- derwent an epochal transformation. After health progress—there also appears to have cans self-medicate with licit or illicit pain- World War II, work rates for prime women been positive retrogression for broad and killers without doctors’ orders. surged, and continued to rise—until the year heretofore seemingly untroubled segments of In the fall of 2016, Alan Krueger, former 2000. Since then, they too have declined. Cur- the national population. A short but electri- chairman of the President’s Council of Eco- rent work rates for prime-age women are fying 2015 paper by Anne Case and Nobel Eco- nomic Advisers, released a study that fur- back to where they were a generation ago, in nomics Laureate Angus Deaton talked about ther refined the picture of the real existing the late 1980s. The 21st-century U.S. econ- a mortality trend that had gone almost un- opioid epidemic in America: According to his omy has been brutal for male and female la- noticed until then: rising death rates for work, nearly half of all prime working-age borers alike—and the wreckage in the labor middle-aged U.S. whites. By Case and male labor-force dropouts—an army now to- market has been sufficiently powerful to Deaton’s reckoning, death rates rose some- taling roughly 7 million men—currently take cancel, and even reverse, one of our society’s what slightly over the 1999–2013 period for all pain medication on a daily basis. most distinctive postwar trends: the rise of non-Hispanic white men and women 45–54 We already knew from other sources (such paid work for women outside the household. years of age—but they rose sharply for those as BLS ‘‘time use’’ surveys) that the over- In our era of no more than indifferent eco- with high-school degrees or less, and for this whelming majority of the prime-age men in nomic growth, 21st-century America has less-educated grouping most of the rise in this un-working army generally don’t ‘‘do somehow managed to produce markedly death rates was accounted for by suicides, civil society’’ (charitable work, religious ac- more wealth for its wealthholders even as it chronic liver cirrhosis, and poisonings (in- tivities, volunteering), or for that matter provided markedly less work for its workers. cluding drug overdoses). much in the way of child care or help for And trends for paid hours of work look even Though some researchers, for highly tech- others in the home either, despite the abun- worse than the work rates themselves. Be- nical reasons, suggested that the mortality dance of time on their hands. Their routine,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:17 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC7.016 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H7876 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 5, 2017 instead, typically centers on watching— dents of the real America. This is the ex- or the misfortune of misrule. Nearly two dec- watching TV, DVDs, Internet, hand-held de- traordinary expansion of what some have ades into our new century, there are unmis- vices, etc.—and indeed watching for an aver- termed America’s ‘‘criminal class’’—the pop- takable signs that America’s fabled social age of 2,000 hours a year, as if it were a full- ulation sentenced to prison or convicted of mobility is in trouble—perhaps even in seri- time job. But Krueger’s study adds a poign- felony offenses—in recent decades. This ous trouble. ant and immensely sad detail to this portrait trend did not begin in our century, but it has Consider the following facts. First, accord- of daily life in 21st-century America: In our taken on breathtaking enormity since the ing to the Census Bureau, geographical mo- mind’s eye we can now picture many mil- year 2000. bility in America has been on the decline for lions of un-working men in the prime of life, Most well-informed readers know that the three decades, and in 2016 the annual move- out of work and not looking for jobs, sitting U.S. currently has a higher share of its popu- ment of households from one location to the in front of screens—stoned. lace in jail or prison than almost any other next was reportedly at an all-time (postwar) But how did so many millions of un-work- country on earth, that Barack Obama and low. Second, as a study by three Federal Re- ing men, whose incomes are limited, manage others talk of our criminal-justice process as serve economists and a Notre Dame col- en masse to afford a constant supply of pain ‘‘mass incarceration,’’ and know that well league demonstrated last year, ‘‘labor mar- medication? Oxycontin is not cheap. As over 2 million men were in prison or jail in ket fluidity’’—the churning between jobs Dreamland carefully explains, one main recent years. But only a tiny fraction of all that among other things allows people to get mechanism today has been the welfare state: living Americans ever convicted of a felony ahead—has been on the decline in the Amer- more specifically, Medicaid, Uncle Sam’s is actually incarcerated at this very mo- ican labor market for decades, with no sign means-tested health-benefits program. Here ment. Quite the contrary: Maybe 90 percent as yet of a turnaround. Finally, and not least is how it works (we are with Quinones in of all sentenced felons today are out of con- important, a December 2016 report by the Portsmouth, Ohio): finement and living more or less among us. ‘‘Equal Opportunity Project,’’ a team led by [The Medicaid card] pays for medicine— The reason: the basic arithmetic of sen- the formidable Stanford economist Raj whatever pills a doctor deems that the in- tencing and incarceration in America today. Chetty, calculated that the odds of a 30-year- sured patient needs. Among those who re- Correctional release and sentenced com- old’s earning more than his parents at the ceive Medicaid cards are people on state wel- munity supervision (probation and parole) same age was now just 51 percent: down from fare or on a federal disability program guarantee a steady annual ‘‘flow’’ of con- 86 percent 40 years ago. Other researchers known as SSI. . . . If you could get a pre- victed felons back into society to augment who have examined the same data argue that scription from a willing doctor—and Ports- the very considerable ‘‘stock’’ of felons and the odds may not be quite as low as the mouth had plenty of them—Medicaid health- ex-felons already there. And this ‘‘stock’’ is Chetty team concludes, but agree that the insurance cards paid for that prescription by now truly enormous. chances of surpassing one’s parents’ real in- every month. For a three-dollar Medicaid co- One forthcoming demographic study by come have been on the downswing and are pay, therefore, addicts got pills priced at Sarah Shannon and five other researchers es- probably lower now than ever before in post- thousands of dollars, with the difference paid timates that the cohort of current and war America. for by U.S. and state taxpayers. A user could former felons in America very nearly Thus the bittersweet reality of life for real turn around and sell those pills, obtained for reached 20 million by the year 2010. If its es- Americans in the early 21st century: Even that three-dollar co-pay, for as much as ten timates are roughly accurate, and if Amer- though the American economy still remains thousand dollars on the street. ica’s felon population has continued to grow the world’s unrivaled engine of wealth gen- In 21st-century America, ‘‘dependence on at more or less the same tempotraced out for eration, those outside the bubble may have government’’ has thus come to take on an the years leading up to 2010, we would expect less of a shot at the American Dream than entirely new meaning. it to surpass 23 million persons by the end of has been the case for decades, maybe genera- You may now wish to ask: What share of 2016 at the latest. Very rough calculations tions—possibly even since the Great Depres- prime-working-age men these days are en- might therefore suggest that at this writing, sion. rolled in Medicaid? According to the Census America’s population of non-institutional- The funny thing is, people inside the bub- Bureau’s SIPP survey (Survey of Income and ized adults with a felony conviction some- ble are forever talking about ‘‘economic in- Program Participation), as of 2013, over one- where in their past has almost certainly bro- equality,’’ that wonderful seminar construct, fifth (21 percent) of all civilian men between ken the 20 million mark by the end of 2016. and forever virtue-signaling about how per- 25 and 55 years of age were Medicaid bene- A little more rough arithmetic suggests that sonally opposed they are to it. By contrast, ficiaries. For prime-age people not in the about 17 million men in our general popu- ‘‘economic insecurity’’ is akin to a phrase labor force, the share was over half (53 per- lation have a felony conviction somewhere from an unknown language. But if we were cent). And for un-working Anglos (non-His- in their CV. That works out to one of every somehow to find a ‘‘Google Translate’’ func- panic white men not in the labor force) of eight adult males in America today. tion for communicating from real America prime working age, the share enrolled in We have to use rough estimates here, rath- into the bubble, an important message might Medicaid was 48 percent. er than precise official numbers, because the be conveyed: By the way: Of the entire un-working government does not collect any data at all The abstraction of ‘‘inequality’’ doesn’t prime-age male Anglo population in 2013, on the size or socioeconomic circumstances matter a lot to ordinary Americans. The re- nearly three-fifths (57 percent) were report- of this population of 20 million, and never ality of economic insecurity does. The Great edly collecting disability benefits from one has. Amazing as this may sound and scan- American Escalator is broken—and it badly or more government disability program in dalous though it may be, America has, at needs to be fixed. 2013. Disability checks and means-tested ben- least to date, effectively banished this huge With the election of 2016, Americans within efits cannot support a lavish lifestyle. But group—a group roughly twice the total size the bubble finally learned that the 21st cen- they can offer a permanent alternative to of our illegal-immigrant population and an tury has gotten off to a very bad start in paid employment, and for growing numbers adult population larger than that in any America. Welcome to the reality. We have a of American men, they do. The rise of these state but California—to a near-total and lot of work to do together to turn this programs has coincided with the death of seemingly unending statistical invisibility. around. work for larger and larger numbers of Amer- Our ex-cons are, so to speak, statistical out- Mr. YARMUTH. Mr. Chairman, I ican men not yet of retirement age. We can- casts who live in a darkness our polity does not say that these programs caused the not care enough to illuminate—beyond the yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from death of work for millions upon millions of scope or interest of public policy, unless and Tennessee (Mr. COHEN), a distinguished younger men: What is incontrovertible, how- until they next run afoul of the law. member of the Transportation and In- ever, is that they have financed it—just as Thus we cannot describe with any preci- frastructure Committee. Medicaid inadvertently helped finance Amer- sion or certainty what has become of those Mr. COHEN. Mr. Chair, the other day, ica’s immense and increasing appetite for who make up our ‘‘criminal class’’ after a young man who lives in my neighbor- opioids in our new century. their (latest) sentencing or release. In the hood came over, and he asked me to It is intriguing to note that America’s na- most stylized terms, however, we might try to teach him how to drive a car. tionwide opioid epidemic has not been ac- guess that their odds in the real America are companied by a nationwide crime wave (ex- not all that favorable. And when we consider And I told him: Son, it is real easy to cepting of course the apparent explosion of some of the other trends we have already drive a car. It is just kind of like these illicit heroin use). Just the opposite: As best mentioned—employment, health, addiction, budget proposals you will see in Con- can be told, national victimization rates for welfare dependence—we can see the emer- gress. If you want to go forward and do violent crimes and property crimes have gence of a malign new nationwide undertow, things down the road, you put the car both reportedly dropped by about two-thirds pulling downward against social mobility. in D, like Democrat, for drive, and over the past two decades. The drop in crime Social mobility has always been the jewel your car will go forward. But if you over the past generation has done great in the crown of the American mythosand things for the general quality of life in much ethos. The idea (not without a measure of want to go backwards and reverse back of America. There is one complication from truth to back it up) was that people in Amer- to the 1950s, you put it in R, like a Re- this drama, however, that inhabitants of the ica are free to achieve according to their publican. bubble may not be aware of, even though it merit and their grit—unlike in other places, He learned quick, and that is what is all too well known to a great many resi- where they are trapped by barriers of class these budgets are about. If you want to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:40 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC7.017 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7877 go forward, you go with the Demo- going to continue to raise spending to cludes an opportunity society that in- cratic budget—forward on building the tune of over $6 trillion. We will vests in our people. highways, school construction, have a meager $2.6 billion in deficit re- And guess what? In a little over a broadband expansion; research, re- duction, by the way, compared to our century, we doubled life expectancies. search on the deadly diseases that are budget that does well over $6 trillion in Wow, what a marvelous accomplish- killing each and every one of us and deficit reduction. ment. our children in time to come, and re- Our Nation is $20 trillion in debt, and We created the best and biggest mid- search by the National Institutes of it is a complete absurdity to think that dle class in the history of the world. Health that are cut by the budget. we could begin to relinquish this proc- We became a model for the world; jobs There is nothing more important that ess if we enacted such a burdensome with living wages and healthcare bene- can be in the budget than moneys for budgetary proposal that is being of- fits and pension benefits. the National Institutes of Health, yet fered by our friends on the other side of This Republican budget proposes to they are being cut. Cancer, Alz- the aisle. roll back that entire century of heimer’s, AIDS, stroke, diabetes, all This budget would also diminish our progress. It is nothing about paying it are going to come at us and our rel- national security apparatus. It would forward. It is nothing about paying atives. end the global war on terrorism fund things back. It is about rolling back a Some will say, and I said this one by 2019. Let’s go ahead and telegraph century of progress, and we can not let time before, and Mr. Kingston on the that we are going to end the global war that happen. other side said: Well, our children and on terrorism fund by 2019. The only That is what the Democratic budget our grandchildren will have to pay for people who I know who would support is really all about, investing in people, it. Who do you think is going to get the that would be our adversaries. investing in infrastructure, investing cures and the treatments? Our children It seeks to promote the collapsing in America, and investing in people’s and our grandchildren and generations Affordable Care Act by keeping those jobs and living wages, and in their ben- to come. burdensome mandates in place. This efits. That is how you show your grati- And they cut research. They cut op- resolution before us right now refuses tude, and we have got a lot to be grate- portunities for America. You talk to do anything about the runaway enti- ful for. about taxes and the debt, the Repub- tlement programs that are the primary Let’s vote and enact this Democratic lican plan gives billionaires the biggest drivers of the deficit and debt in the budget proposal which invests in Amer- cuts in history, over $50 billion with es- country. ica, which invests in people, which in- tate tax elimination for people like the Mr. Chairman, their budget just will vests in opportunities. That is what Koch brothers and the Waltons and all never balance. Never. this debate is really all about. those folks, and that money will never The Acting CHAIR (Mr. SIMPSON). Mrs. BLACK. Mr. Chairman, I yield come back. The time of the gentleman has expired. 21⁄2 minutes to the gentleman from The alternative minimum tax is Ohio (Mr. JOHNSON), who is a member b 1030 eliminated. That is the only thing that of the Budget Committee. made clear that President Trump paid Mrs. BLACK. I yield an additional 30 Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. Mr. Chair- any taxes in the only tax return we seconds to the gentleman from Arkan- man, I saw recently, and I remember know about. If it weren’t for that, he sas. Ronald Reagan said something when he wouldn’t have paid anything. We are Mr. WOMACK. It will give no rec- finally got his tax reform package done talking multimillion- and billion-dol- onciliation instruction so that we can back in 1986—why it took so long and lar tax cuts for the richest that create finally get control and protect for long- why it was so difficult. And at the end deficits in the future, but that is okay term sustainability the social safety the day, he said: You know, the law- when it is giving money to those who net program that many depend on. makers and the policymakers forgot already have it. The bottom line is, you either ac- one important factor in their calcula- Franklin Roosevelt was right. You knowledge we have a deficit and a debt tions that brought us to this point; judge a society not by what it does for crisis, or you do not. And if you believe they forgot to include what the Amer- those who have an abundance, but you as I do, you will refuse this budget, and ican people have to say about this. judge it by what it does for those who you will support ours. That is what is happening here have the least. Mr. YARMUTH. Mr. Chairman, I today, Mr. Chairman. The American Mrs. BLACK. Mr. Chairman, I do yield 3 minutes to the gentleman from people have told us they want eco- want to say to my good friend and col- Minnesota (Mr. NOLAN), a distinguished nomic growth. They want opportuni- league from Tennessee that I think the member of the Agriculture Committee. ties for their kids and their families, a D stands for debt for Democrats, and I Mr. NOLAN. Mr. Chairman, members better quality of life. They want Wash- think the R stands for Republicans and of the Committee, I rise in support of ington to live within its means and recovery. the Democratic budget alternative and stop taking more and more and more Mr. Chair, I yield 2 minutes to the in opposition to the Republican budget from them out of their paychecks. gentleman from Arkansas (Mr. that has been proposed. So let’s do a little bit of comparison. WOMACK), a distinguished member of It has been often said that gracious Let’s look at, my colleagues, the Dem- the Budget Committee and the Appro- living and good politics is all about ocrat budget. It raises taxes by $2.7 priations Committee. gratitude. Paying something forward is trillion, compared to the CBO January Mr. WOMACK. Mr. Chair, I thank the how you show your gratitude. baseline. That is almost $3.8 trillion distinguished chairwoman of the Budg- Quite frankly, the simple truth about more than revenue levels in our House et Committee for her outstanding this Republican budget is that it rolls Republican budget. It increases spend- work. back a century of progress. It sets the ing by $6.2 trillion, compared to the My friend from Tennessee talks stage for the dismantling of Social Se- Republican budget over that 10-year about driving forward. I think we need curity, which lifted more people out of period. It increases the debt held by to pump the brakes. You are driving poverty than anything, and for Speak- the public by $3.9 trillion, almost $4 right off a cliff with this budget. er RYAN’s plan to turn it over to Wall trillion relative to the House Repub- Mr. Chairman, I rise in opposition. It Street. lican budget. is my strong belief that our Nation has It sets the stage for turning Medicare And what is important, Mr. Chair, it a debt crisis on its hand, and I am as- over to the insurance industry—Medi- never balances. There is not even an tonished by how many people on the care that provided our elderly with in- attempt to balance; not to mention other side of the aisle, Mr. Chairman, surance and life opportunities that that there are no reconciliation in- just refuse to acknowledge the prob- heretofore had not existed. structions that would give us an oppor- lem. It is as if the problem doesn’t This century of progress that this tunity to deal with healthcare and exist. budget rolls back includes clean air other economic growth reforms. Under their plan, taxes are going to and water. It includes healthy, safe Mr. Chairman, this is not a respon- be raised nearly $3 trillion. We are working places and conditions. It in- sible budget that is being offered by

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:17 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K05OC7.019 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H7878 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 5, 2017 our colleagues on the other side. I urge will not lose with a Republican budget wages have indeed stagnated over the my colleagues to oppose it and to sup- and the trillions of dollars of tax cuts, last 30 years. A lot of my Democratic port the House Republican budget later her life, as she continues to seek some colleagues are nailing it in terms of today. balance of good life will be lost. that diagnosis. Mr. YARMUTH. Mr. Chairman, I We are the right direction. We are for The question though, is the cure. And yield 3 minutes to the gentlewoman the American people. We are standing the question there is: Can we fix that from Texas (Ms. JACKSON LEE), a dis- by the American people with the problem by raising taxes by $2.7 tril- tinguished member of the Budget Com- Democratic budget. I ask my col- lion? Can we fix that problem by in- mittee. leagues to vote for the Democratic al- creasing spending by $6.2 trillion? Can Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Chairman, I ternative. we fix that problem by increasing the want to thank the gentleman from Mrs. BLACK. Mr. Chairman, I yield 2 debt by $3.9 trillion and, in essence, Kentucky for his astute analysis on minutes to the distinguished gentle- having a budget that never balances? what the American people really want. woman from North Carolina (Ms. I would argue, no, and I would say, I thank the manager, the chairwoman FOXX), the chairman of the Education instead, what we have to look at is the of this bill, and I acknowledge the posi- and the Workforce Committee. basics, which we have been dancing tion that they take. Ms. FOXX. Mr. Chairman, I want to around, which is the mathematic for- But what America really wants is for thank my colleague from Tennessee, mula that says: Savings drives invest- Washington, for America, for the gov- the chair of the Budget Committee, for ment, which drives productivity gain ernment, to stand by them in their the wonderful work she has done on which, ultimately, impacts standard of living or wages. And what we don’t time of need. bringing us to this position. I am very grateful to be part of a Mr. Chairman, I rise in opposition to focus on enough is this notion of the investment part of investment; if you party that is not about politics but is this substitute amendment. want to increase productivity, you about values. We are the better choice As chair of the Education and the have got to increase investment. party. We offer a better deal on this Workforce Committee, my priority this In fairness to my Democratic col- project that we have worked so hard on Congress is to ensure that our policies leagues, part of that is public invest- called the American budget. promote a climate of job creation ment, but another part is private. The American budget, in contrast to through economic growth, a sound fis- What my colleague from Virginia was our friends on the other side of the cal policy, and a global economic com- just getting at a moment ago was, for aisle, recognizes, as I visited the Na- petitiveness. 50 years, regardless of tax rate, 90 or 28 tional Institutes for Health, that 80 Our budget helps achieve all of these percent, the take to government has percent of their budget that we are priorities by laying the foundation for been about 18 percent of GDP very con- going to lose goes for research and re- a robust and comprehensive simplifica- sistently. searchers—looking those researchers in tion of our burdensome Tax Code. The So what I would argue is we, indeed, the eyes when they explain the re- Democrat substitute not only fails to need more public investment, but we search in medical science to help save do so but would decimate America’s also need private investment to go lives, and to know that the Republican workforce. with it. And if we don’t watch out, budget cuts the NIH, the Centers for Our budget reforms our broken Tax what is being contemplated with this Disease Control, and takes up the Code so that it works for every Amer- Democratic substitute is a process that TrumpCare that cuts trillions in Med- ican at every income level, regardless will ultimately crowd out that much icaid and $500 billion in Medicare. That of where they live or how much money more in the way of private investment is the story of this bill. they earn. so key to increasing productivity. Then, as my good friend from Ten- The top U.S. tax rate for individuals The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman nessee (Mr. COHEN) indicated, we invest has been as high as 90 percent and as from Kentucky has 31⁄2 minutes re- in infrastructure, and we help this low as 28 percent. At the same time, in- maining. The gentlewoman from Ten- young man, not only with his come tax revenue has remained fairly nessee has 11⁄4 minutes remaining. healthcare but with education. Do we steady, despite these sharp rate swings. Mr. YARMUTH. Mr. Chairman, I realize how many jobs go unable to find It turns out that the biggest driver of yield myself the balance of my time. individuals in this country? Hundreds Federal revenue is not higher tax rates Mr. Chairman, in closing, it is clear of thousands because of the lack of but economic growth. that we have a very different budget training. In fact, a sizeable majority of econo- and a very different understanding of So if my friends want growth, you mists point out that a broad base and the challenges facing our country. We know how you get growth? You invest low rates are key in a tax system that see that so many Americans are work- in the American people. Or you tell the fosters economic growth and competi- ing harder and longer and can’t remem- American people when tragedies strike, tiveness. Legislators on both sides of ber the last time they got a raise. We know families are worried about whether it is the Virgin Islands, or the aisle agree on this basic principle, how to pay for college, or if their par- Puerto Rico, or Florida, or Texas, or and history has shown it to be true. ents’ retirement is secure, or if they tragically, in Nevada, that you will Instead of raising taxes, we should, will ever be able to afford to stop work- stand by them. You provide them with instead, embrace the policies contained ing. And we know that trillions of dol- the infrastructure to be able to over- in this budget resolution that encour- lars in tax cuts for millionaires and come. ages economic growth, like reducing large corporations will turn these fears Not the Republican budget, because regulatory burdens, welfare reform, of hardworking Americans families the Republican budget is giving tril- and comprehensive tax reform for all into reality. lions in tax cuts, and the distribution individuals, not just a select few. of those moneys will not see the front Mr. YARMUTH. Mr. Chairman, I re- b 1045 door of low-income, moderate-income, serve the balance of my time. Just a few minutes ago, my Repub- middle class working Americans. Mrs. BLACK. Mr. Chairman, I yield 2 lican colleague from Ohio talked about That is the distinction between the minutes to the gentleman from South what the American people want. On Democratic budget. It increases oppor- Carolina (Mr. SANFORD), a member of many of those things, we agree. But I tunity through a higher minimum our Budget Committee. know one thing the American people wage. It believes in equal pay for equal Mr. SANFORD. Mr. Chairman, I rise, don’t want. They don’t want massive work. It knows that immigration re- as well, in opposition to the substitute tax cuts for the top 1 percent of Ameri- form will bring in billions of dollars. It amendment, and I do so because I am cans. will create opportunities for work. struck by the ways in which you can, The Democratic budget rejects tax Then, of course, we know that the at times, agree on the diagnosis but cuts for the wealthy. We invest in pro- Democratic budget strengthens our disagree on the cure. grams that will grow our economy, cre- healthcare, and it provides that her So- I think we would all agree, Repub- ate good-paying jobs, provide real sup- cial Security, her Medicare, will not be licans and Democrats alike, that we port for working families and real secu- in jeopardy. The Medicare trust fund have a real problem in the way that rity in retirement. We make education

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:17 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K05OC7.020 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7879 and childcare more affordable, and we Norcross Sa´ nchez Thompson (CA) Thompson (MS) Wagner Williams support policies to help every Amer- O’Rourke Sarbanes Tonko Thompson (PA) Walberg Wilson (SC) Pallone Schakowsky Torres Thornberry Walden Wittman ican get the healthcare that they need. Panetta Schiff Tsongas Tiberi Walker Womack Those are the priorities of our budg- Pascrell Scott (VA) Vargas Tipton Walorski Woodall et, and they are the priorities of the Pelosi Scott, David Veasey Trott Walters, Mimi Yoder Turner Weber (TX) Yoho American people. Perlmutter Serrano Vela Pingree Sewell (AL) Vela´ zquez Upton Webster (FL) Young (AK) Valadao Wenstrup Young (IA) I, therefore, urge my colleagues to Pocan Shea-Porter Wasserman Polis Sherman Visclosky Westerman Zeldin support the Democratic alternative, Schultz Price (NC) Sires and I yield back the balance of my Waters, Maxine Quigley Slaughter NOT VOTING—9 Watson Coleman time. Raskin Smith (WA) Bridenstine Kihuen Titus Welch Mrs. BLACK. Mr. Chairman, I yield Roybal-Allard Soto DeSantis Murphy (PA) Walz Wilson (FL) myself such time as I may consume. Ruppersberger Speier Doyle, Michael Napolitano Rush Swalwell (CA) Yarmuth F. Rosen Mr. Chair, I look into my children’s Ryan (OH) Takano and grandchildren’s eyes, and I say: I b 1111 want you to know that right now you NOES—268 Ms. SINEMA, Messrs. GAETZ, MAR- owe $63,000 for your part of the debt of Abraham Frelinghuysen McClintock SHALL, MAST, BANKS of Indiana, and this country. Aderholt Fudge McHenry FRANKS of Arizona changed their vote What we are doing in Congress right Allen Gaetz McKinley Amash Gallagher McMorris from ‘‘aye’’ to ‘‘no.’’ now, if we were to vote on and accept Amodei Garrett Rodgers Mses. VELA´ ZQUEZ, WASSERMAN this amendment, we would be increas- Arrington Gianforte McSally SCHULTZ, Messrs. KEATING, and ing that burden on our children and Babin Gibbs Meadows CARSON of Indiana changed their vote Bacon Gohmert Meehan grandchildren. Banks (IN) Goodlatte Messer from ‘‘no’’ to ‘‘aye.’’ I, for one, cannot do that, and I think Barletta Gosar Mitchell So the amendment in the nature of a that we have got to be responsible. We Barr Gottheimer Moolenaar substitute was rejected. have got to look at how we in this Barton Gowdy Mooney (WV) Bera Granger Mullin The result of the vote was announced country can get back to the place, as Bergman Graves (GA) Murphy (FL) as above recorded. has already been said, that we ask fam- Biggs Graves (LA) Newhouse The Acting CHAIR (Mrs. WALORSKI). ilies and businesses to do, and that is Bilirakis Graves (MO) Noem Pursuant to the rule, it is now in order Bishop (MI) Griffith Norman to live within their means. Bishop (UT) Grothman Nunes to consider a final period of general de- Mr. Chair, I urge a ‘‘no’’ vote on this Black Guthrie O’Halleran bate, which shall not exceed 10 minutes amendment, and I yield back the bal- Blackburn Handel Olson equally divided and controlled by the ance of my time. Blum Harper Palazzo chair and ranking minority member of Bost Harris Palmer The Acting CHAIR. The question is Brady (TX) Hartzler Paulsen the Committee on the Budget. on the amendment in the nature of a Brat Hensarling Payne The gentlewoman from Tennessee substitute offered by the gentleman Brooks (AL) Herrera Beutler Pearce (Mrs. BLACK) and the gentleman from Brooks (IN) Hice, Jody B. Perry from Kentucky (Mr. YARMUTH). Brownley (CA) Higgins (LA) Peters Kentucky (Mr. YARMUTH) each will The question was taken; and the Act- Buchanan Hill Peterson control 5 minutes. ing Chair announced that the noes ap- Buck Himes Pittenger The Chair recognizes the gentle- peared to have it. Bucshon Holding Poe (TX) woman from Tennessee. Budd Hollingsworth Poliquin RECORDED VOTE Burgess Hudson Posey Mrs. BLACK. Madam Chair, I yield 2 Mr. YARMUTH. Mr. Chairman, I de- Bustos Huizenga Ratcliffe minutes to the gentleman from Ala- mand a recorded vote. Byrne Hultgren Reed bama (Mr. PALMER), who is a member Calvert Hunter Reichert of the Budget Committee. A recorded vote was ordered. Carter (GA) Hurd Renacci The vote was taken by electronic de- Carter (TX) Issa Rice (NY) Mr. PALMER. Madam Chairman, I vice, and there were—ayes 156, noes 268, Chabot Jenkins (KS) Rice (SC) appreciate the hard work the Budget Cheney Jenkins (WV) Richmond Committee has put forth to produce a not voting 9, as follows: Coffman Johnson (LA) Roby [Roll No. 556] Cole Johnson (OH) Roe (TN) budget that prioritizes our national de- Collins (GA) Johnson, Sam Rogers (AL) fense and sets forth bold policy reforms AYES—156 Collins (NY) Jones Rogers (KY) that will get this country back on Adams Davis, Danny Kaptur Comer Jordan Rohrabacher track to fiscal responsibility. Aguilar DeFazio Keating Comstock Joyce (OH) Rokita Barraga´ n DeGette Kelly (IL) Conaway Katko Rooney, Francis Specifically, I am pleased to see that Bass DeLauro Kennedy Cook Kelly (MS) Rooney, Thomas this budget commits to reducing the Beatty DelBene Khanna Cooper Kelly (PA) J. substantial amount of improper pay- Beyer Demings Kildee Costa Kind Ros-Lehtinen Bishop (GA) DeSaulnier Kilmer Costello (PA) King (IA) Roskam ments throughout the Federal Govern- Blumenauer Deutch Langevin Cramer King (NY) Ross ment. The Government Accountability Blunt Rochester Dingell Larsen (WA) Crawford Kinzinger Rothfus Office estimates that there were $144 Bonamici Doggett Larson (CT) Crist Knight Rouzer billion—I want to emphasize $144 bil- Boyle, Brendan Ellison Lawrence Cuellar Krishnamoorthi Royce (CA) F. Engel Lawson (FL) Culberson Kuster (NH) Ruiz lion—in improper payments in 2016 Brady (PA) Eshoo Lee Curbelo (FL) Kustoff (TN) Russell alone, and that is not even a complete Brown (MD) Espaillat Levin Davidson Labrador Rutherford estimate. In fact, 18 Federal programs Butterfield Esty (CT) Lewis (GA) Davis, Rodney LaHood Sanford Capuano Evans Lieu, Ted Delaney LaMalfa Scalise did not report their improper pay- Carbajal Frankel (FL) Lofgren Denham Lamborn Schneider ments, so the total is undoubtedly Ca´ rdenas Gabbard Lowenthal Dent Lance Schrader higher. Carson (IN) Gallego Lowey DesJarlais Latta Schweikert To make matters worse, since 2013, Cartwright Garamendi Lujan Grisham, Diaz-Balart Lewis (MN) Scott, Austin Castor (FL) Gomez M. Donovan Lipinski Sensenbrenner the amount we have been incorrectly Castro (TX) Gonzalez (TX) Luja´ n, Ben Ray Duffy LoBiondo Sessions sending out has been trending upwards. Chu, Judy Green, Al Lynch Duncan (SC) Loebsack Shimkus Instead of reducing our fraudulent pay- Cicilline Green, Gene Maloney, Duncan (TN) Long Shuster Clark (MA) Grijalva Carolyn B. Dunn Loudermilk Simpson ments, the rate at which we pay them Clarke (NY) Gutie´rrez Matsui Emmer Love Sinema out has been increasing. Since 2003, Clay Hanabusa McCollum Estes (KS) Lucas Smith (MO) there has been a total of $1.2 trillion in Cleaver Hastings McEachin Farenthold Luetkemeyer Smith (NE) improper payments. Let me repeat, Clyburn Heck McGovern Faso MacArthur Smith (NJ) Cohen Higgins (NY) McNerney Ferguson Maloney, Sean Smith (TX) that is $1.2 trillion plus interest. Connolly Hoyer Meeks Fitzpatrick Marchant Smucker b 1115 Conyers Huffman Meng Fleischmann Marino Stefanik Correa Jackson Lee Moore Flores Marshall Stewart Because we have been running defi- Courtney Jayapal Moulton Fortenberry Massie Stivers cits over that timeframe, we have lit- Crowley Jeffries Nadler Foster Mast Suozzi Cummings Johnson (GA) Neal Foxx McCarthy Taylor erally had to borrow that money to Davis (CA) Johnson, E. B. Nolan Franks (AZ) McCaul Tenney send it to fraudsters and others who

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:40 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K05OC7.022 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H7880 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 5, 2017 would not have received it. This is un- mid-size businesses in the name of per- petition we have, this is one of the acceptable. petuating the myth of supply-side eco- worst budget decisions that you have As you can see from this chart, this nomics. made. Nothing brings more money to represents improper payments for 2016 Supply-side failed. They renamed it the Treasury than investing in edu- alone. It is money borrowed that we trickle-down, but nothing trickled cation: early childhood, K–12, higher pay interest on to send to people who down. Now it is job creators. When that education, postgraduate, and lifetime are not supposed to get it. We are bor- fails, maybe they will call it ‘‘I get learning for our workers. rowing money and adding to our debt mine now; you get yours later— That is how you grow the economy. through improper payments. maybe.’’ But whatever they name it, it That is how you bring money to the This budget, for the first time, sets is a sham. This plan is a hoax on the Treasury, and not by cutting it in forth a bold strategy for cutting these American people, and it will make order to give tax cuts to the wealthiest payments in half over the budget win- most people’s lives more difficult. people in our country. dow, saving us $700 billion over our 10- So forgive me if I am in no mood to Is it a statement of values to cut edu- year window. say thank you for the extra money in cation so that you have a tax cut that While I hope, in the near future, we my pocket. With millions of Americans benefits 80 percent? can zero these payments out, I am struggling and scraping to get ahead, I know you don’t want the public to thrilled to see that we are beginning to and with my tax cut increasing their hear this, and I can understand why. tackle a problem that is putting an ad- challenges, I cannot begin to justify How could it be a statement of the val- ditional strain on this country’s fiscal my extra money, and, quite frankly, I ues of the American people to cut the problems. cannot fathom how my Republican col- education of our children in order to Madam Chair, I urge my colleagues leagues are able to justify theirs. have a tax cut where 80 percent of it to vote ‘‘yes’’ on this budget. With this budget, Republicans aren’t benefits the top 1 percent of people in Mr. YARMUTH. Madam Chairwoman, just passing the buck, they are pock- our country? It is just not right. I yield myself 4 minutes. eting it. Madam Chair, I strongly urge As they do that, the deficit hawks, Madam Chairwoman, I suppose I my colleagues to vote ‘‘no’’ on the Re- who seem to be an endangered species should be saying thank you. I will get publican budget. on the Republican side of the aisle a huge tax cut under the Republican Madam Chair, I yield 1 minute to the these days, are adding close to $2.4 tril- tax cut plan, as well the majority of gentlewoman from California (Ms. lion to the deficit, not counting debt those people sitting here—the majority PELOSI), the distinguished minority service or interest on that national of our colleagues in Congress—who are, leader. debt. Then they say: Oh, that is okay; like me, fortunate enough to be mil- Ms. PELOSI. Madam Chair, I thank we need to increase the national debt lionaires already. the gentleman for yielding. I thank by trillions of dollars so that we can Forgive me if I am in no mood to say him for his great leadership as the give tax cuts. thank you, because I was elected not ranking member on the Budget Com- Where do the tax cuts go? $2.6 trillion just to represent millionaires, but to mittee in the House, and I thank all of goes to corporate America. represent aspiring millionaires, work- the members of the Budget Committee Guess what happens to the middle ing families, seniors, and veterans. For for their great work to make the budg- class. There are $470 billion in tax in- all of them, for anyone who isn’t al- et that was proposed earlier, the Yar- creases to the middle class, about a ready a millionaire, this budget is a muth budget, a statement of our val- half trillion dollars in increases to the slap in the face. ues. That is exactly what a budget middle class, $2.5 trillion in tax cuts With all of the problems facing our should be. for corporate America. Again, it is add- country right now, all the people strug- A Federal budget should be a state- ing so much to the deficit. gling to get ahead, it is unfathomable ment of our national values, and what Now they say: Oh, trickle-down eco- to me that this Congress could look at is important to us as a country should nomics is going to pay its own way. We people like me and say: Hey, that guy, be reflected in the priorities that we will get that money back. let’s give him more money. In fact, place into that budget. The budget be- Not so. It never happens. Nonsense. let’s give all millionaires hundreds of fore us, proposed by the Republicans, is But don’t take it from me. No less a thousands of dollars in tax cuts. just the opposite of that. It is accom- figure than Bruce Bartlett, who worked Really, I am small potatoes. Presi- panied by a tax proposal that they put for Congressman Jack Kemp, a real dent Trump, according to his financial in, one of the biggest transfers of supporter of supply-side economics— disclosure, will get hundreds of mil- wealth to the wealthiest people in our and, as was said, supply-side turn into lions of dollars in tax cuts. country in our country’s history. Every trickle-down, et cetera. As a proponent Where is all that money coming time they do it, they make it worse. of supply-side economics, he said: We from? If you are listening to this and I let you be the judge: Is a statement never said it would pay for itself. We you are not a millionaire, probably of our national values to cut a trillion just advocate it as an economic ap- from you. dollars from Medicaid, cap and take proach. To pay for our own tax cuts and the Medicaid down a bad path, in order to But anyone who says, and this is tax cuts for wealthy donors, Repub- give tax cuts to the richest people in from him, that the whole supply-side licans are going to increase taxes on 45 our country? dynamic scoring pays for itself—part of percent of American families with chil- Is it a statement of our values to this argument—is all nonsense. It is dren. That is just the start. Seniors, take a half trillion dollars out of Medi- not true. He went on to say that it was people with disabilities, and low-in- care to give a tax cut to the wealthiest bull—you finish the sentence. come families will see their healthcare people in our country? So, here we are at a place where we cut. Our distinguished ranking member can increase the deficit, decrease job Poor seniors will lose benefits that has listed some of the things that creation, hurt the middle class, benefit help them keep food on the table and would be cut if we went down this un- the top 1 percent, and add to the na- their homes heated in the winter. Vet- fortunate path posed by our colleagues tional debt in historic proportions that eran benefits, meals for hungry school- on the other side. will be very hard to collect from deficit children, programs that make edu- This is a budget that steals from the hawks—if any of you exist over there. cation affordable and job training middle class. It steals hundreds of bil- Instead, we have an opportunity available, investments that generate lions of dollars from critical job-cre- today for a better deal for the Amer- economic growth and create good-pay- ating, wage-increasing investments, in- ican people—better jobs, better pay, ing jobs are all at risk in this budget. frastructure, job training, and clean better wages, and a better future— They are also cutting corporate tax energy. It harms veterans, it cuts edu- where we lower costs for America’s rates, which we will be paying for by cation, it abandons rural America, and working families and middle class fam- plunging our Nation into deeper and it guts education. ilies, and where we prepare them with deeper debt, giving multinational gi- This is really a mystery to me. When the tools for the economy of the 21st ants another advantage over small- and you cut education, with the stiff com- century.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:17 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K05OC7.026 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7881 I thank the distinguished gentleman Accordingly, the Committee rose; Renacci Scott, Austin Valadao from Kentucky, the chair of the Bour- and the Speaker pro tempore (Mr. Rice (SC) Sensenbrenner Wagner Roby Sessions Walberg bon Caucus, for his great leadership in NEWHOUSE) having assumed the chair, Roe (TN) Shimkus Walden bringing a better budget that is a Mrs. WALORSKI, Acting Chair of the Rogers (AL) Shuster Walker statement of our national values, that Committee of the Whole House on the Rogers (KY) Simpson Walorski supports American workers with re- state of the Union, reported that that Rohrabacher Smith (MO) Walters, Mimi Rokita Smith (NE) Weber (TX) sponsible tax reform, calls for parity Committee, having had under consider- Rooney, Francis Smith (TX) Webster (FL) between defense and nondefense, and ation the concurrent resolution (H. Rooney, Thomas Smucker Wenstrup strengthens the ACA and protects Con. Res. 71) establishing the congres- J. Stefanik Westerman Medicare. sional budget for the United States Roskam Stewart Williams Every time the Republicans come to Government for fiscal year 2018 and Ross Stivers Wilson (SC) Rothfus Taylor Wittman the floor and try to stack the deck setting forth the appropriate budgetary Rouzer Tenney Womack even further for their wealthy friends, levels for fiscal years 2019 through 2027, Royce (CA) Thompson (PA) Woodall we have to have this conversation. and, pursuant to House Resolution 553, Russell Thornberry Yoder Democrats will fight these tax cuts and she reported the concurrent resolution Rutherford Tiberi Yoho this unfortunate, deceptive budget that back to the House. Ryan (WI) Tipton Young (AK) Sanford Trott Young (IA) they have on the floor. I urge my col- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under Scalise Turner Zeldin leagues to start by voting ‘‘no’’ today the rule, the previous question is or- Schweikert Upton and to continue the conversation with dered. the American people to fight this un- The question is adoption of the con- NAYS—206 fortunate path they want to take us current resolution. Adams Fudge Moore down: the road to ruin. Under clause 10 of rule XX, the yeas Aguilar Gabbard Moulton I urge a ‘‘no’’ vote. Amash Gallego Murphy (FL) and nays are ordered. Barraga´ n Garamendi Nadler Mr. YARMUTH. Madam Chair, I yield Members will record their votes by Bass Gomez Neal back the balance of my time. electronic device. Beatty Gonzalez (TX) Nolan Mrs. BLACK. Madam Chairman, I am Bera Gottheimer Norcross Pursuant to clause 8 of rule XX, this going to be brief in my closing com- Beyer Green, Al O’Halleran 15-minute vote on adoption of the con- ments. Bishop (GA) Green, Gene O’Rourke current resolution will be followed by a Blum Grijalva Pallone I do want to ask my colleague to con- 5-minute vote on agreeing to the Blumenauer Gutie´rrez Panetta sider this: Are we proud of a country Speaker’s approval of the Journal, if Blunt Rochester Hanabusa Pascrell where we are leaving our children and Bonamici Hastings Payne ordered. grandchildren in further and further Boyle, Brendan Heck Pelosi debt? The vote was taken by electronic de- F. Higgins (NY) Perlmutter Brady (PA) Himes Peters During our discussion in this Cham- vice, and there were—yeas 219, nays 206, not voting 9, as follows: Brown (MD) Hoyer Peterson ber, we have shared our ideas for build- Brownley (CA) Huffman Pingree ing a better America, an America that [Roll No. 557] Buck Jackson Lee Pocan we would be proud to entrust to future YEAS—219 Bustos Jayapal Polis Butterfield Jeffries Price (NC) generations. While it requires con- Abraham Duncan (TN) Joyce (OH) Capuano Johnson (GA) Quigley fronting real challenges along the road Aderholt Dunn Kelly (MS) Carbajal Johnson, E. B. Raskin Allen Emmer Kelly (PA) ahead, it is, undoubtedly, worth the Ca´ rdenas Jones Rice (NY) Amodei Estes (KS) King (IA) Carson (IN) Kaptur Richmond journey. Arrington Farenthold Kinzinger Cartwright Katko Ros-Lehtinen First, our budget forces the Federal Babin Faso Knight Government to live within its means, Bacon Ferguson Kustoff (TN) Castor (FL) Keating Roybal-Allard Banks (IN) Fleischmann Labrador Castro (TX) Kelly (IL) Ruiz just like hardworking Americans and Barletta Flores LaHood Chu, Judy Kennedy Ruppersberger small businesses do on a daily basis. Barr Fortenberry LaMalfa Cicilline Khanna Rush Second, our budget identifies waste- Barton Foxx Lamborn Clark (MA) Kildee Ryan (OH) ful spending and finds much-needed Bergman Franks (AZ) Latta Clarke (NY) Kilmer Sa´ nchez Biggs Frelinghuysen Lewis (MN) Clay Kind Sarbanes savings and reforms for unsustainable Bilirakis Gaetz Long Cleaver King (NY) Schakowsky mandatory spending. In fact, our com- Bishop (MI) Gallagher Loudermilk Clyburn Krishnamoorthi Schiff mittee has put forward the largest re- Bishop (UT) Garrett Love Cohen Kuster (NH) Schneider form package for mandatory programs Black Gianforte Lucas Comstock Lance Schrader Blackburn Gibbs Luetkemeyer that has been seen in 20 years. Connolly Langevin Scott (VA) Bost Gohmert MacArthur Conyers Larsen (WA) Scott, David Third, it calls for a robust funding of Brady (TX) Goodlatte Marchant Cooper Larson (CT) Serrano our military, ensuring the resources Brat Gosar Marino Correa Lawrence Sewell (AL) Brooks (AL) Gowdy Marshall Costa Lawson (FL) Shea-Porter that will allow us to be ready and pro- Brooks (IN) Granger McCarthy Costello (PA) Lee Sherman tect our mainland. It also starts the Buchanan Graves (GA) McCaul Bucshon Graves (LA) McClintock Courtney Levin Sinema process of restoring our military readi- Crist Lewis (GA) Sires ness, which suffered dramatically dur- Budd Graves (MO) McHenry Burgess Griffith McMorris Crowley Lieu, Ted Slaughter ing the Obama administration. Byrne Grothman Rodgers Cuellar Lipinski Smith (NJ) Finally, our budget is the golden key Calvert Guthrie McSally Cummings LoBiondo Smith (WA) that unlocks progrowth tax reform and Carter (GA) Handel Meadows Davis (CA) Loebsack Soto Carter (TX) Harper Messer Davis, Danny Lofgren Speier takes us one step further to the great Chabot Harris Mitchell DeFazio Lowenthal Suozzi ideas unveiled in the framework last Cheney Hartzler Moolenaar DeGette Lowey Swalwell (CA) week. Coffman Hensarling Mooney (WV) Delaney Lujan Grisham, Takano Without question, our budget plan re- Cole Herrera Beutler Mullin DeLauro M. Thompson (CA) flects American values and shared pri- Collins (GA) Hice, Jody B. Newhouse DelBene Luja´ n, Ben Ray Thompson (MS) Collins (NY) Higgins (LA) Noem Demings Lynch Tonko orities. I urge my colleagues to join me Comer Hill Norman Dent Maloney, Torres in their support for a win for all Ameri- Conaway Holding Nunes DeSaulnier Carolyn B. Tsongas Cook Hollingsworth Olson cans, because doing so will begin to en- Deutch Maloney, Sean Vargas Cramer Hudson Palazzo Dingell Massie Veasey sure a brighter and better future for Crawford Huizenga Palmer Doggett Mast Vela generations to come, and I urge a Culberson Hultgren Paulsen Ellison Matsui Vela´ zquez ‘‘yes’’ vote. Curbelo (FL) Hunter Pearce Davidson Hurd Perry Engel McCollum Visclosky Madam Chairman, I yield back the Davis, Rodney Issa Pittenger Eshoo McEachin Wasserman balance of my time. Denham Jenkins (KS) Poe (TX) Espaillat McGovern Schultz The Acting CHAIR. All time for gen- DesJarlais Jenkins (WV) Poliquin Esty (CT) McKinley Waters, Maxine eral debate has expired. Diaz-Balart Johnson (LA) Posey Evans McNerney Watson Coleman Donovan Johnson (OH) Ratcliffe Fitzpatrick Meehan Welch Pursuant to House Resolution 553, Duffy Johnson, Sam Reed Foster Meeks Wilson (FL) the Committee rises. Duncan (SC) Jordan Reichert Frankel (FL) Meng Yarmuth

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:17 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K05OC7.027 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H7882 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 5, 2017 NOT VOTING—9 are punished. I look forward to the petition on the bill sponsored by LU- Bridenstine Kihuen Titus House passing this bill and continuing CILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD and ILEANA ROS- DeSantis Murphy (PA) Walz our work to fundamentally change the LEHTINEN. Can the gentleman tell me Doyle, Michael Napolitano F. Rosen culture of the VA. what progress we are making on that? Mr. Speaker, I also expect the House Mr. Speaker, I yield to my friend. b 1148 to make a motion to go to conference Mr. MCCARTHY. Mr. Speaker, I Mr. HOYER changed his vote from on the National Defense Authorization thank the gentleman for yielding. Yes, we are dealing with the DACA ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ Act. situation and the situation along the So the concurrent resolution was Finally, Mr. Speaker, I expect the House to consider an additional supple- border. agreed to. As you know, the Speaker has put to- The result of the vote was announced mental package to assist the ongoing recovery efforts following Hurricanes gether a task force. They have met nu- as above recorded. merous times. I have had dinner with PERSONAL EXPLANATION Harvey, Irma, and Maria. Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I thank the President just this week dealing Mrs. NAPOLITANO. Mr. Speaker, I was ab- the gentleman for his comments. with this issue, and you and I have sent during roll call votes No. 556 through 557 I would ask him, Mr. Speaker, will talked, as well. due to my spouse’s health situation in Cali- the supplemental that the gentleman I think the best way to solve this fornia. Had I been present, I would have voted mentioned—which is, as I understand, problem, to make sure we get to the aye on the Yarmuth of Kentucky Substitute approximately $29 billion, which will root cause, we have to secure the bor- der, we have to deal with DACA, and, Amendment No. 4, and no on final passage of take care of forest fires in the West; $16 more importantly, I think we do it in a the Budget Resolution. billion, as I understand it, in debt re- manner where we are all working to- f lief, which will raise the borrowing gether. THE JOURNAL level for FEMA; and then, of course, I am, as you know, not a fan of a dis- money directly for the victims of the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- charge petition. I think the best way to hurricanes. Can the gentleman tell me handle this is continuing to work finished business is the question on whether or not there will be any, what agreeing to the Speaker’s approval of through the matter with the commit- I will call, extraneous matters that tees—and on your side of the aisle, as the Journal, which the Chair will put might be controversial, or will this be de novo. well—to solve this problem. The Presi- a straight supplemental without con- dent gave us 6 months. I would like to The question is on the Speaker’s ap- troversy? We all want to make sure proval of the Journal. get this done before then. that we have the resources to help. Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I thank Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- Mr. Speaker, I yield to my friend. nal stands approved. the gentleman for his answer. Mr. MCCARTHY. Mr. Speaker, I Let me, if I might, Mr. Speaker, sim- f thank the gentleman for yielding. ply suggest to the gentleman, we cer- The gentleman is correct. The White LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM tainly understand, and this side agrees, House has sent up a supplemental, and we want to have secure borders. There (Mr. HOYER asked and was given I do not believe this will be the last of is, obviously, a disagreement on the permission to address the House for 1 the supplementals, based on the dam- President’s proposal of a wall, I think, minute.) age that has been done from the nu- frankly, on your side as well as on my Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I yield to merous hurricanes. But, yes, there will side of the aisle. I would hope that we the gentleman from California (Mr. be more money for the Disaster Relief would not, in effect, hold hostage the MCCARTHY) for the purpose of inquiring Fund to help throughout Texas, Flor- 800,000 students, workers, and young of the majority leader the schedule for ida, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Is- people brought here as children who the week to come. lands. know no other country. (Mr. MCCARTHY asked and was As you know, too, the West had dev- In my discussions with Mr. RYAN, and given permission to revise and extend astating forest fires, so there is rough- his public comments have indicated, he his remarks.) ly $577 million there. And the National is sympathetic to making sure that we Mr. MCCARTHY. Mr. Speaker, I Flood Insurance Program has hit a address that issue. He urged, as you thank the gentleman for yielding. ceiling. To deal with all of the flooding know, President Trump not to rescind Mr. Speaker, on Monday, no votes that has gone on, we have to deal with DACA. The President did anyway. are expected in the House on account that, as well. I am hopeful that we can deal with of Columbus Day. On Tuesday, the The Appropriations Committee has the DREAMers, which I think certainly House will meet at noon for morning just received that last night. They are has very robust support on both sides hour and 2 p.m. for legislative business. working through it now. I don’t intend of the aisle, in my view, Mr. Leader. I Votes will be postponed until 6:30 p.m. on seeing other things with it. I look hope we can deal with that without On Wednesday and Thursday, the forward to the Member working with clouding it with an issue, i.e., the wall. House will meet at 10 a.m. for morning me on that to make sure we get it Not security; security I think we can hour and noon for legislative business. right from what the President has reach agreement on. But I am hopeful On Friday, the House will meet at 9 asked. that we can do that. a.m. for legislative business. Last votes Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I thank The DREAMers are extraordinarily of the week are expected no later than the gentleman for his thought that anxious. I presume you have met with 3 p.m. there will not be anything in there some of the DREAMers. They are real- Mr. Speaker, the House will consider that would make it a partisan bill. I ly very impressive people and are en- a number of suspensions next week, a think, as the President sent it down, it hancing our communities and our complete list of which will be an- is, obviously, something that we need country. nounced by close of business tomorrow. to do quickly and in a bipartisan way. So I would hope that we could do In addition, the House will consider Mr. Speaker, the majority leader and that. I look forward to talking to you S. 585, the Dr. Chris Kirkpatrick Whis- I have talked about the Dream Act. personally about how we move forward tleblower Protection Act, sponsored by Another week has gone by and, there- and, hopefully, move quickly. I would Senator RON JOHNSON. Dr. Kirkpatrick fore, the 6-month deadline is closer, like to have done it by next week. was a psychologist who was fired from and the President has urged us to pass As you know, I said that it would be the VA medical center where he legislation. nice to do it in this work period, to lay worked after raising concerns about Can the gentleman tell me what the to rest the anxiety of the 800,000-plus patients’ medications. He committed expectations are to address the Dream people who will be affected. But, if we suicide the day he was fired. Act? can’t do that, certainly I would hope This bill will enhance whistleblower As you know, MICHELLE LUJAN GRIS- that we could do it shortly after we get protections while ensuring supervisors HAM, the chair of the Congressional back after the next district work pe- who retaliate against whistleblowers Hispanic Caucus, has filed a discharge riod.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:17 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC7.008 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7883 Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance introduced the Dignity for Detained CONGRESS MUST REAUTHORIZE of my time. Immigrants Act. This legislation is THE CHILDREN’S HEALTH INSUR- f critical to dismantle President ANCE PROGRAM Trump’s mass deportation machine, to (Mr. PANETTA asked and was given HOUR OF MEETING ON TOMOR- protect families, and to restore justice ROW, AND ADJOURNMENT FROM permission to address the House for 1 and due process to our broken immi- minute.) FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2017, TO gration system. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2017 Mr. PANETTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise Our detention system brings huge today to urge the swift reauthorization Mr. MCCARTHY. Mr. Speaker, I ask profits for large private corporations. of the Children’s Health Insurance Pro- unanimous consent that when the About 38,000 people are detained every gram. House adjourns today, it adjourn to single day at a cost to taxpayers of CHIP helps families provide care for meet at 10:30 a.m. tomorrow; and fur- over $2 billion a year. their children. Throughout our Nation, ther, when the House adjourns on that Mr. Speaker, this bill is about two it covers 9 million children and preg- day, it adjourn to meet on Tuesday things: dignity and justice for families, nant women. In California, it covers 2 next, when it shall convene at noon for pregnant women, people with serious million children. And in my district, morning-hour debate and 2 p.m. for leg- illnesses, survivors of torture and vio- half of the kids get their healthcare islative business. lence. It is unconscionable that we are from Medicaid or CHIP. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. detaining these people sometimes for Now, CHIP was implemented over 20 HOLLINGSWORTH). Is there objection to months or even years. years ago, championed by two Senators the request of the gentleman from on opposite sides of the political spec- Congress can’t afford to sit on the California? trum, ORRIN HATCH and Ted Kennedy, sidelines anymore. It is time to make There was no objection. and it has continued to receive strong clear that locking people up without f bipartisan support. But because of in- due process is not only unconstitu- action by the House of Representa- b 1200 tional, it is un-American. tives, because of the distractions by BREAST CANCER AWARENESS At a time when net migration is zero, this administration, millions of our MONTH when DREAMers are at risk of losing children may be denied coverage. their DACA status, and the world reels (Mr. GAETZ asked and was given per- They may not get to see their doc- from unprecedented numbers of refu- mission to address the House for 1 tors for routine checkups. With the up- gees fleeing for their lives, we must act minute and to revise and extend his re- coming flu season, kids may not be with compassion. marks.) able to get the necessary care when Mr. GAETZ. Mr. Speaker, it is Breast I urge my colleagues to pass the Dig- they are sick, and children with aller- Cancer Awareness Month. Every day, nity for Detained Immigrants Act, and gies may not have access to lifesaving nearly 1,000 women in this country re- I thank the over 55 cosponsors who medications and health services. ceive a life-changing diagnosis that have already come on to this piece of If this Congress does not step up to they will be affected by breast cancer. legislation. fix this mistake before it is too late, Nearly 200,000 of these diagnoses occur children will pay the price of our inac- each year. One in eight women in our f tion. country will face breast cancer. Congress must take action to come Breast cancer has a devastating ef- GUN CONTROL DOESN’T WORK together to pass CHIP for the millions fect on our families, taking away of kids who continue to depend on us wives, mothers, aunts, uncles, sisters, (Mr. SMITH of Texas asked and was for this healthcare. given permission to address the House and daughters. f I wish I was a brilliant scientist and for 1 minute and to revise and extend could develop a cure. I wish I was a ma- his remarks.) HELP IS ON THE WAY TO PUERTO gician and could wave a magic wand Mr. SMITH of Texas. Mr. Speaker, RICO AND THE VIRGIN ISLANDS and cure breast cancer, but I am just a within minutes of the tragic shooting (Mr. LAMALFA asked and was given Member of Congress. Actually, there in Las Vegas, Democrats and the lib- permission to address the House for 1 are things this Congress could do to eral media called for more gun control minute and to revise and extend his re- make breast cancer less likely, less measures. marks.) deadly, and less painful. A recent Washington Post op-ed de- Mr. LAMALFA. Mr. Speaker, I sit as Cannabis has shown promise in can- scribes how one gun control advocate the chairman of the Subcommittee on cer research for over 2 decades. This re- researched restrictive gun laws in Indian, Insular and Alaska Native Af- search finally came to fruition in 2007, Great Britain and in Australia, only to fairs that deals directly with the juris- when Dr. Sean McAllister showed that discover that gun buybacks and gun diction of Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, cannabis-related compounds helped bans do not reduce mass shootings or and other territories of the U.S. fight malignant forms of breast cancer. gun-related crimes. We had a very good briefing this In the decade since, other research has week led by JENNIFFER GONZA´ LEZ- She said: ‘‘The case for the’’—gun confirmed and built on Dr. McAllister’s COLO´ N from Puerto Rico, as well as control—‘‘policies I had lobbied for findings, and there is now conclusive STACEY PLASKETT of the Virgin Islands. crumbled when I examined the evi- research that shows that cannabis-re- It was very important information. As dence. . . . But I can’t endorse policies lated compounds have antitumor prop- we all know of the difficult situation, whose only selling point is that gun erties. especially we are seeing so much in owners hate them. Policies that often Yet, despite these findings, scientists Puerto Rico as well as the Virgin Is- seem as if they were drafted by people are going too slow. It is time for can- lands; President Trump visiting Puerto who have encountered guns only as a nabis research to begin, and we should Rico this week. figure in a briefing book or an image declassify it as a schedule I drug. Help is on the way. Indeed, it has on the news.’’ f been on the way, and we need to just This researcher concluded that more keep pushing to rebuild that infra- LOCKING PEOPLE UP WITHOUT lives would be saved by focusing on in- structure and push out into the islands DUE PROCESS IS UN-AMERICAN dividuals instead of guns. where the need is still felt. (Ms. JAYAPAL asked and was given We should ensure that background So we know, we see, we are aware, permission to address the House for 1 checks work as intended and prevent and we will keep working to achieve minute and to revise and extend her re- those with mental health issues from positive results in the short term as marks.) acquiring guns. This actually will do well, as we look at the situation with Ms. JAYAPAL. Mr. Speaker, this some good, as opposed to meaningless Puerto Rico and the difficulty with week, Congressman ADAM SMITH and I gun regulations. PREPA, the power company, and other

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:17 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K05OC7.031 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H7884 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 5, 2017 issues that we will address as a com- across the aisle were giddy with joy great Americans like Booker T. Wash- mittee in order to have a long-term, when a bill that would have ensured ington and Barbara Johns, Thomas Jef- positive solution for the U.S. citizens that the Department of Defense didn’t ferson, John Marshall, James Madison, of Puerto Rico and what they need. spend money to perform transgender James Monroe, and Patrick Henry. f procedures on soldiers, sailors, airmen, As I thought about how to best ad- and marines failed in the form of an dress the need for action in the other CONGRESS NEEDS TO BEGIN WORK amendment. Another had to do with Chamber, Mr. Speaker, I determined ON GUN SAFETY healthcare. Another had to do with the that there were no better words than (Ms. JACKSON LEE asked and was return of Majority Whip STEVE SCA- those delivered by Patrick Henry from given permission to address the House LISE. That was indeed a bipartisan Virginia, slightly amended, on March for 1 minute.) eruption in applause. 23, 1775, in St. John’s Cathedral as he Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, Then there was an eruption from this addressed the second Virginia Assem- many of us will be going home to our side of the Chamber when H.R. 36 bly in Richmond, Virginia. districts, facing constituents who will passed, as there was a recognition that So with all credit to the author, be asking the question: Why? late-term abortion is barbaric and whom I paraphrase, I would read: Mr. It really is painful when fellow Amer- counter to the ideas put forth to the Speaker, no man thinks more highly icans lose their lives. It is painful as we world when, in the Declaration of Inde- than I do of the patriotism and abili- watch our soldiers go off into battle, pendence, it was written that we hold ties of the very worthy people who and many of them do not come home in certain truths to be self-evident, and have served and do serve in this Sen- any other way but as a fallen soldier. among those was life. ate. This past week, Americans, who were Too many people have failed to grasp b 1215 not in battle but were enjoying the life the nature of what late-term abortion But different people often see the and the liberty of this Nation, fell by a is, yet to grapple with the problem will same subject in different lights; and, murderous actor. I think we will have require to understand what exactly therefore, I hope it will not be a to go home and comfort our constitu- that problem is. thought disrespectful to those Senators ents, and we will also tell them what So to look at the other six nations in if entertaining, as I do, opinions of a we are going to do. the world that allow the termination of character very opposite of many of I don’t know why we have to climb life after 5 months, we see nations like theirs, I shall speak forth of my senti- this high mountain of understanding Vietnam, North Korea, China, and the ments freely and without reserve. This that laws can make a difference; not United States. is no time for ceremony. end all violence, but make a difference: Then to listen to the doctors who The question before the Senate is one legislation that says that guns have to have performed these procedures de- of an awful consequence to this coun- be locked to save the lives of children; scribe in what was literally excru- try. For my part, I consider it nothing gun legislation that deals with banning ciating detail how the procedure is per- less than a question of life or death, armor-piercing bullets that would formed, that an instrument is inserted and in proportion to the magnitude of harm and injure our first responders; into the uterus, and probing is done the subject, ought to be the freedom of and then to get rid of the kits that this until something is found, and the in- debate. It is only in this way that we murderous individual utilized to make strument is latched on, and then there can hope to arrive at truth and fulfill a semiautomatic an automatic. is pulling, and out comes an arm or a the great responsibility which we hold Mr. Speaker, I ask this Congress, to- leg or a piece of a head or a torso. to our creator and country. gether, to begin to do work on gun Then, in fact, that unborn child, who Should I keep back my opinions at safety that will save American lives. I science tells us can feel pain, dies by such times through a fear of giving of- go home to my district to meet with virtue of bleeding to death inside its fense or political loss? I should con- my constituents, and I am going to tell very host. That is the nature of these sider myself guilty of treason and of them that I am going to do something procedures. cowardice, an act of disloyalty towards that makes sense for the American Estimates tell us that if the United the majesty of our creator, who I re- people. States joined the fast bulk of the na- vere above all earthly kings. f tions on the planet in outlawing late- Mr. Speaker, it is natural to man to term abortions, somewhere between UNDERSTANDING WHAT LATE- indulge in the illusions of hope. We are 14,000 and 20,000 children every year TERM ABORTION IS apt to shut our eyes against painful wouldn’t experience an unspeakable de- truth and listen to the song of the siren The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under mise of literally being ripped from until she transforms us into beasts. Is the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- their host limb by limb and bleeding to this the role of wise people engaged in uary 3, 2017, the gentleman from Vir- death, all whilst, in the best estimates a great and arduous struggle for life? ginia (Mr. GARRETT) is recognized for of scientists, feeling the pain of that Are we disposed to be of the number of 60 minutes as the designee of the ma- death. those who, having eyes, see not, and jority leader. To put that in terms of Virginia’s having ears, hear not the things which Mr. GARRETT. Mr. Speaker, earlier Fifth District, that is the population of so nearly concern their temporal salva- this week, the Chamber took up H.R. Cumberland County twice every year, tion? 36, a bill dealing with pain-capable un- roughly. For my part, whatever anguish of born children; and a bill that, in its re- So there was applause from the Mem- spirit it may cost, I am willing to know sult, would cause the United States to bers who saw that the United States the whole truth, to know the worst, join the vast bulk of nations in the would join the ranks of the civilized and to provide for it. I have but one world wherein the termination of lives nations in the world who put appro- lamp by which my feet are guided, and of children who are not only capable of priate value on life, Mr. Speaker, and that is the lamp of experience, of his- feeling pain, but under what we under- disappointment from some on the other tory. I have no way of judging the fu- stand to be the best science may, in side of the aisle, other than a few brave ture but by the past. fact, feel more pain because of the den- individuals to be distinguished by de- In judging the past, I wish to know sity of the nerve tissue, as they are in parting from the herd and recognizing for what has been the conduct of the this roughly fifth month of develop- the value and sanctity of life thereto, abortion industry for the last 44 years ment. and immediate news stories about how to justify those hopes with which gen- I guess four times in the brief time H.R. 36 was dead on arrival in the tlemen are pleased to solace them- that I have been in this building, we United States Senate. selves. have seen the Chamber erupt into ap- Mr. Speaker, it is my sincere hope The Senate, is that insidious smile plause, oftentimes over partisan-per- that the American people will not let which our petition has been received ceived victories. that be the case. lately? Trust it not, sir. It will prove a The first time the Chamber erupted I often speak of the history of the snare at your feet. Suffer not your- into applause is when my colleagues Fifth District of Virginia that gave us selves to be betrayed with the promise

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:17 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K05OC7.033 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7885 of later action. Ask yourselves how for or against life. Let us have it. Let mination that a negotiated comprehensive this gracious reception of our petition us have it. In this vein, sir, to extenu- subcontracting plan did not meet the sub- comports with these nearly 60 million ate the matter, gentlemen may cry: contracting goals negotiated in their prior lives lost in this country alone, which fiscal year, pursuant to 15 U.S.C. 637 note; Later; later; next year. But there is no Public Law 114-92, Sec. 872(d)(2); (129 Stat. cover our waters and darken our lands. later. The killing has continued for 939); to the Committee on Armed Services. Is taking an unborn life a work of love over 40 years. The next gale that 2776. A letter from the Under Secretary, and reconciliation? Is subjecting to sweeps to the North will bring to our Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, De- pain a 5-month-old child as no other ears cries of the yet born. The House partment of Defense, transmitting notifica- nation save six on the Earth allowed to has voted. Why is the Senate idle? tion that in FY 2017 and FY 2018, the Depart- happen? Let us not deceive ourselves. What is it that they wish? What would ment proposed no military construction These are the implements of death and projects under the Sec. 2803(c)(1) of the De- they have? Is political victory so dear fense Laboratory Modernization Pilot Pro- destruction. or a title so sweet as to be purchased at gram; to the Committee on Armed Services. I ask what means this perpetual the price of human life? Forbid it, Al- 2777. A letter from the Chairman, Board of delay of voting? What is its purpose? mighty God. Governors of the Federal Reserve System, What is the force of inaction? Can gen- Mr. Speaker, I know not what course transmitting the Board’s report on the tlemen assign another possible motive others may take, but as for me, my Availability of Credit to Small Businesses, for it than to ensure that it never oc- hope is that there is a vote. My hope is September 2017, pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 252(a)(1); Public Law 104-208, Sec. 2227(a)(1); curs? that we stand for life. Destruction? No, sir, destruction. (110 Stat. 3009-417); to the Committee on Fi- Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance nancial Services. They are set to send and perpetuate of my time. 2778. A letter from the Assistant General this loss of life, and have so long sup- Counsel, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corpora- f ported this loss of life, and now an op- tion, transmitting the Corporation’s final portunity presents itself to vote, and LEAVE OF ABSENCE rule — Allocation of Assets in Single-Em- what do we have to oppose inaction? ployer Plans; Benefits Payable in Termi- Mr. Speaker, we have our voices. Shall By unanimous consent, leave of ab- nated Single-Employer Plans; Interest As- we try again and again? Shall we bring sence was granted to: sumptions for Valuing and Paying Benefits this bill back next year? We have been Mr. MURPHY of Pennsylvania (at the received October 4, 2017, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 trying that for 40 years. Have we any- request of Mr. MCCARTHY) for October 4 after 8 p.m. and for the balance of the Stat. 868); to the Committee on Education thing new to offer upon the subject? and the Workforce. Nothing. week on account of personal reasons. 2779. A letter from the Secretary, Depart- We have held this subject in every Ms. ROSEN (at the request of Ms. ment of the Treasury, transmitting a six- light of which it is capable. It has all PELOSI) for today on account of work month periodic report on the national emer- been, to this date, in vain. Shall we re- in district relating to tragic shooting gency with respect to significant malicious sort to entreaty and supplication? in Las Vegas. cyber-enabled activities that was declared in What terms shall we find that have not Executive Order 13694 of April 1, 2015, pursu- f ant to 50 U.S.C. 1641(c); Public Law 94-412, already been exhausted? Let us not, I SENATE ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED Sec. 401(c); (90 Stat. 1257) and 50 U.S.C. beseech you, Mr. Speaker, deceive our- 1703(c); Public Law 95-223, Sec 204(c); (91 Stat. selves. The Speaker announced his signature 1627); to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. We have done everything that we to enrolled bills of the Senate of the 2780. A letter from the Secretary, Depart- could do to avert this death that has following titles: ment of the Treasury, transmitting a six- month periodic report on the national emer- claimed nearly 60 million lives and 14 S. 178. An act to prevent elder abuse and gency with respect to Sudan that was de- to 20 million unborn lives after the age exploitation and improve the justice sys- clared in Executive Order 13067 of November of 5 months in utero every single year. tem’s response to victims in elder abuse and 3, 1997, pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 1641(c); Public exploitation cases. We have petitioned, we have remon- Law 94-412, Sec. 401(c); (90 Stat. 1257) and 50 S. 652. A act to amend the Public Health strated, we have supplicated, we have U.S.C. 1703(c); Public Law 95-223, Sec 204(c); Service Act to reauthorize a program for prostrated ourselves and have implored (91 Stat. 1627); to the Committee on Foreign early detection, diagnosis, and treatment re- its inner position to arrest the tyran- Affairs. garding deaf and hard-of-hearing newborns, 2781. A letter from the Secretary, Depart- nical hands of the abortion industry infants, and young children. and its champions in Washington, and ment of the Treasury, transmitting a six- our petitions have been slighted. Our f month periodic report on the national emer- gency with respect to South Sudan that was remonstrations produce additional ADJOURNMENT declared in Executive Order 13664 of April 3, death and insult. Our supplications Mr. GARRETT. Mr. Speaker, I move 2014, pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 1641(c); Public have been disregarded, and we have Law 94-412, Sec. 401(c); (90 Stat. 1257) and 50 been spurned with contempt from the that the House do now adjourn. U.S.C. 1703(c); Public Law 95-223, Sec 204(c); floor of the Chamber of the opposing The motion was agreed to; accord- (91 Stat. 1627); to the Committee on Foreign body. In vain these things we may in- ingly (at 12 o’clock and 23 minutes Affairs. dulge the fond hope of life and justice. p.m.), under its previous order, the 2782. A letter from the Director, Inter- If we support life, if we mean to pre- House adjourned until tomorrow, Fri- national Cooperation, Office of the Under day, October 6, 2017, at 10:30 a.m. Secretary, Acquisition, Technology and Lo- serve and violate this fundamental gistics, Department of Defense, transmitting right for which we have been so long f the Department’s intent to sign the Memo- arguing, if we mean not basely to aban- randum of Understanding Among the Depart- don this noble struggle which we have EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ment of Defence of Australia, and the Min- been so long engaged in, in which we ETC. istry of Defence of the Kingdom of Denmark have pledged ourselves to never aban- Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive and the Department of Defense of the United don until the glorious object of our communications were taken from the States of America, Transmittal No. 01-17, contest shall be obtained, we must Speaker’s table and referred as follows: pursuant to Sec. 27(f) of the Arms Export Act, and Executive Order 13637; to the Com- hope the American people demand the 2774. A letter from the Congressional Re- mittee on Foreign Affairs. Senate hold a vote. We must hope the view Coordinator, Animal and Plant Health 2783. A letter from the Deputy Assistant American people demand the Senate Inspection Service, Department of Agri- Secretary, Bureau of Legislative Affairs, De- hold a vote. culture, transmitting the Department’s final partment of State, transmitting the annual An appeal to democracy and to the rule — Importation of Fresh Persimmons report entitled ‘‘Report of U.S. Persons Ex- Lord of hosts is all that is left to us. From New Zealand Into the United States propriation Claims and Certain Other Com- Suffer not yourselves to be betrayed [Docket No.: APHIS-2015-0052] (RIN: 0579- mercial and Investment Disputes’’, dated Oc- with a promise of later action. Ask AE26) received October 4, 2017, pursuant to 5 tober 2017, pursuant to Sec. 527(f) of the For- U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. yourselves how this gracious reception eign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Ag- Years 1994 and 1995, Public Law 103-236 dated of our petition comports with the near- riculture. October 2017; to the Committee on Foreign ly 60 million lives ended. 2775. A letter from the Under Secretary, Affairs. We can be heard in numbers across Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, De- 2784. A letter from the Director, Defense the fruited plain. A vote should be held partment of Defense, transmitting a deter- Security Cooperation Agency, Department of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:17 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K05OC7.035 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H7886 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 5, 2017 Defense, transmitting Transmittal No. 17-44, 2793. A letter from the SAT Manager, U.S. Economic Recovery Act: Impact on U.S. In- pursuant to the reporting requirements of Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the dustries and Consumers and on Beneficiary Section 36(b)(1) of the Arms Export Control Interior, transmitting the Department’s Countries, pursuant to 19 U.S.C. 2704(a)(1); Act, as amended; to the Committee on For- final rule — Endangered and Threatened Public Law 102-182, Sec. 206(a) (as amended eign Affairs. Wildlife and Plants; Endangered Species Sta- by Public Law 106-200, Sec. 211(d)(2)); (114 2785. A letter from the Assistant Secretary tus for Sonoyta Mud Turtle [Docket No.: Stat. 287); to the Committee on Ways and for Export Administration, Bureau of Indus- FWS-R2-ES-2016-0103; 4500030113] (RIN: 1018- Means. try and Security, Department of Commerce, AZ02) received October 4, 2017, pursuant to 5 2802. A letter from the Inspector General, transmitting the Department’s final rule — U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. Office of Inspector General, Department of Updated Statements of Legal Authority for 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Nat- Health and Human Services, transmitting a the Export Administration Regulations to ural Resources. report on Medicare payments for clinical di- Include the Continuation of Emergency De- 2794. A letter from the Chief, Branch of FS, agnostic laboratory tests, pursuant to the clared in Executive Order 13222 [Docket No.: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Department Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014, 170316279-7279-01] (RIN: 0694-AH38) received of the Interior, transmitting the Depart- Public Law 113-93; jointly to the Committees October 4, 2017, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. ment’s final rule — Endangered and Threat- on Energy and Commerce and Ways and 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 ened Wildlife and Plants; Technical Correc- Means. Stat. 868); to the Committee on Foreign Af- tion for Tonkin Snub-nosed Monkey [Docket f fairs. No.: FWS-HQ-ES-2017-0026; 4500090024] (RIN: 2786. A letter from the Auditor, Office of 1018-BC64) received October 4, 2017, pursuant REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON the District of Columbia Auditor, transmit- to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS ting a report entitled, ‘‘Significant Improve- Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on ments Needed in DCRA Management of Va- Natural Resources. Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of cant and Blighted Property Program’’, pur- 2795. A letter from the Deputy Assistant committees were delivered to the Clerk suant to Public Law 93-198, Sec. 455(d); (87 Administrator for Regulatory Programs, for printing and reference to the proper Stat. 803); to the Committee on Oversight NMFS, Office of Protected Resources, Na- calendar, as follows: and Government Reform. tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- 2787. A letter from the Chairman, National Mr. GOWDY: Committee on Oversight and tion, transmitting the Administration’s no- Government Reform. H.R. 2989. A bill to es- Endowment for the Arts, transmitting the tice — Subsistence Taking of Northern Fur Endowment’s FY 2017 Commercial and Inher- tablish the Frederick Douglass Bicentennial Seals on the Pribilof Islands; Final Annual Commission; with an amendment (Rept. 115– ently Governmental Activities Inventory, Subsistence Harvest Levels for 2017-2019 pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 501 note; Public Law 340). Referred to the Committee of the Whole [Docket No.: 170303228-7752-02] (RIN: 0648- 105-270, Sec. 2(c)(1)(A); (112 Stat. 2382); to the House on the state of the Union. BG71) received October 4, 2017, pursuant to 5 Committee on Oversight and Government U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. f Reform. 2788. A letter from the Chairman, National 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Nat- PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Transportation Safety Board, transmitting ural Resources. 2796. A letter from the Assistant Attorney Under clause 2 of rule XII, public the Board’s annual submission regarding General, Office of Legislative Affairs, De- agency compliance with the Federal Man- bills and resolutions of the following partment of Justice, transmitting a report agers’ Financial Integrity Act and revised titles were introduced and severally re- regarding settlements and consent decrees/ Office of Management and Budget Circular ferred, as follows: orders, approved by an officer of the Depart- A-123; to the Committee on Oversight and By Ms. DELBENE (for herself, Mr. ment of Justice (Second Quarter 2017), pursu- Government Reform. CICILLINE, Mr. LARSEN of Washington, ant to 28 U.S.C. 530D(a)(1); Public Law 107- 2789. A letter from the Acting Branch Mr. SERRANO, Mr. COHEN, Ms. KELLY 273, Sec. 202(a); (116 Stat. 1771); to the Com- Chief, Unified Listing Team, U.S. Fish and of Illinois, Ms. NORTON, Mr. DEFAZIO, Wildlife Service, Department of Interior, mittee on the Judiciary. 2797. A letter from the Chief, Publications Mr. RYAN of Ohio, Ms. SINEMA, Mr. transmitting the Department’s final rule — ´ and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue BEN RAY LUJAN of New Mexico, Mr. Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and HIGGINS of New York, Mrs. WATSON Plants; Threatened Species Status for Pearl Service, transmitting the Service’s IRB only rule — Revised Guidance Related to Obtain- COLEMAN, Mr. HECK, Mr. CLEAVER, Darter [Docket No.: FWS-R4-ES-2016-0037; Mr. EVANS, Mr. TAKANO, Mr. POCAN, 4500030113] (RIN: 1018-BB55) received October ing and Reporting Taxpayer Identification Numbers and Dates of Birth by Financial In- Mr. NOLAN, Mr. GRIJALVA, Mrs. 4, 2017, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Pub- BUSTOS, Mr. PETERS, Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ, lic Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the stitutions [Notice 2017-46] received Sep- tember 29, 2017, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Mr. SEAN PATRICK MALONEY of New Committee on Natural Resources. York, Mr. LEWIS of Georgia, and Ms. 2790. A letter from the Acting Assistant 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 BONAMICI): Secretary, Land and Minerals Management, Stat. 868); to the Committee on Ways and H.R. 3963. A bill to provide for the estab- Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, De- Means. lishment of a pilot program to encourage the partment of the Interior, transmitting the 2798. A letter from the Chief, Regulations employment of veterans in manufacturing Department’s final rule — Negotiated Non- and Publications Branch, Internal Revenue positions; to the Committee on Education competitive Agreements for the Use of Sand, Service, transmitting the Service’s IRB only and the Workforce. Gravel, and/or Shell Resources on the Outer rule — Treatment Under Section 956(c) of By Mr. ROE of Tennessee (for himself, Continental Shelf [Docket ID: BOEM-2010- Certain Inventory Temporarily Located in Ms. KUSTER of New Hampshire, Mr. 0041] (RIN: 1010-AD90) received October 4, the United States Following Hurricane Irma MACARTHUR, Mrs. RADEWAGEN, and 2017, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public or Hurricane Maria [Notice 2017-55] received Miss GONZA´ LEZ-COLO´ N of Puerto Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the September 29, 2017, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Committee on Natural Resources. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Rico): 2791. A letter from the Acting Manager, Stat. 868); to the Committee on Ways and H.R. 3964. A bill to amend the Controlled Species Assessment Team, U.S. Fish and Means. Substances Act to establish additional reg- Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior, 2799. A letter from the Chief, Publications istration requirements for prescribers of transmitting the Department’s final rule — and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue opioids, and for other purposes; to the Com- Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Service, transmitting the Service’s IRB only mittee on Energy and Commerce, and in ad- Plants; Endangered Species Status for Gua- rule — Fringe Benefits Aircraft Valuation dition to the Committee on the Judiciary, dalupe Fescue; Designation of Critical Habi- Formula (Revenue Ruling 2017-19) received for a period to be subsequently determined tat for Guadalupe Fescue [Docket No.: FWS- October 4, 2017, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. by the Speaker, in each case for consider- R2-ES-2016-0099 and FWS-R2-ES-2016-0100; 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 ation of such provisions as fall within the ju- 4500030113] (RIN: 1018-BA74) received October Stat. 868); to the Committee on Ways and risdiction of the committee concerned. 4, 2017, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Pub- Means. By Mr. RUTHERFORD (for himself and lic Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the 2800. A letter from the Chief, Publications Mr. LAWSON of Florida): Committee on Natural Resources. and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue H.R. 3965. A bill to authorize the Secretary 2792. A letter from the SAT Manager, U.S. Service, transmitting the Service’s IRB only of Veterans Affairs to make grants to eligi- Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the rule — Extended Due Date under Notice 2017- ble organizations for the provision of transi- Interior, transmitting the Department’s 10 for Participants Affected by Hurricanes tion assistance to members of the Armed final rule — Endangered and Threatened Harvey, Irma, or Maria [Notice 2017-58] re- Forces recently separated from active duty Wildlife and Plants; Threatened Species Sta- ceived October 4, 2017, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. service and spouses of such members; to the tus for the Iiwi (Drepanis coccinea) [Docket 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. No.: FWS-R1-ES-2016-0057; 4500030113] (RIN: Stat. 868); to the Committee on Ways and By Mr. PALMER (for himself, Ms. 1018-BB54) received October 4,2017, pursuant Means. VELA´ ZQUEZ, Mr. BIGGS, and Mr. to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, 2801. A letter from the Chairman, U.S. BRAT): Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on International Trade Commission, transmit- H.R. 3966. A bill to provide that provisions Natural Resources. ting the 23rd report of the Caribbean Basin of title 46, United States Code, popularly

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:17 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L05OC7.000 H05OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7887

known as the Jones Act and relating to car- BRAT, Mr. PETERSON, Mr. GALLAGHER, and remove the marriage penalty with re- riage of passenger and merchandise in coast- Ms. PINGREE, Mr. HIGGINS of Lou- spect to, social security benefits excludable wise trade shall not apply for 5 years with re- isiana, and Mr. DUNCAN of Ten- from gross income; to the Committee on spect to such carriage to and from Puerto nessee): Ways and Means. Rico; to the Committee on Transportation H.R. 3976. A bill to amend the Patient Pro- By Ms. NORTON: and Infrastructure, and in addition to the tection and Affordable Care Act to allow for H.R. 3983. A bill to direct the Secretary of Committee on Armed Services, for a period certain third party payments; to the Com- the Interior to remove the statue to the to be subsequently determined by the Speak- mittee on Energy and Commerce. memory and in honor of Albert Pike erected er, in each case for consideration of such pro- By Mr. FASO: near Judiciary Square in the District of Co- visions as fall within the jurisdiction of the H.R. 3977. A bill to establish the Infrastruc- lumbia, and for other purposes; to the Com- committee concerned. ture Bank for America to serve as a lender mittee on Natural Resources. By Mr. CARTWRIGHT (for himself and for infrastructure projects, both directly and By Mr. SCHIFF (for himself, Mr. Mr. MCNERNEY): through State and local governments, and BEYER, Mr. BLUMENAUER, Ms. H.R. 3967. A bill to amend the Solid Waste for other purposes; to the Committee on BONAMICI, Mr. CICILLINE, Ms. CLARK Disposal Act to authorize States to restrict Transportation and Infrastructure, and in of Massachusetts, Mr. COHEN, Mr. interstate waste imports and impose a high- addition to the Committees on Financial COURTNEY, Mr. CUMMINGS, Mr. er fee on out-of-State waste; to the Com- Services, and Ways and Means, for a period DESAULNIER, Mr. DEUTCH, Mr. ELLI- mittee on Energy and Commerce. to be subsequently determined by the Speak- SON, Ms. ESHOO, Ms. ESTY of Con- By Mr. SCHNEIDER (for himself, Mr. er, in each case for consideration of such pro- necticut, Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. HAS- FITZPATRICK, Mr. EVANS, Ms. visions as fall within the jurisdiction of the TINGS, Mr. HIMES, Mr. HUFFMAN, Mrs. VELA´ ZQUEZ, Mr. KRISHNAMOORTHI, committee concerned. NAPOLITANO, Ms. NORTON, Mr. PAL- and Miss RICE of New York): By Mr. HILL (for himself and Mr. LONE, Mr. QUIGLEY, Mr. SERRANO, Mr. H.R. 3968. A bill to amend the Small Busi- KIHUEN): SIRES, Ms. SLAUGHTER, Mr. SMITH of ness Act to provide loan guarantees for the H.R. 3978. A bill to amend the Real Estate Washington, Mr. SWALWELL of Cali- acquisition of cybersecurity technology and Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 to modify fornia, Mr. TAKANO, and Mr. YAR- services by eligible small businesses, and for requirements related to mortgage disclo- MUTH): other purposes; to the Committee on Small sures, and for other purposes; to the Com- H.R. 3984. A bill to repeal the Protection of Business. mittee on Financial Services. Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, and provide By Mr. RYAN of Ohio (for himself and By Mr. JEFFRIES (for himself, Mr. for the discoverability and admissibility of Mr. NORCROSS): WITTMAN, Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. GRAVES gun trace information in civil proceedings; H.R. 3969. A bill to amend title 11, United of Louisiana, Mr. SABLAN, Mr. LOBI- to the Committee on the Judiciary. States Code, to include certain pension as ONDO, and Mr. THOMPSON of Cali- By Mr. TROTT (for himself and Mrs. administrative expenses in bankruptcy, and fornia): BROOKS of Indiana): for other purposes; to the Committee on the H.R. 3979. A bill to amend the Fish and H.R. 3985. A bill to establish a working Judiciary. Wildlife Act of 1956 to reauthorize the volun- group of public and private entities led by By Mr. SCHNEIDER: teer services, community partnership, and the Food and Drug Administration to rec- H.R. 3970. A bill to assist communities af- refuge education programs of the National ommend voluntary frameworks and guide- fected by stranded nuclear waste, and for Wildlife Refuge System, and for other pur- lines to increase the security and resilience other purposes; to the Committee on Energy poses; to the Committee on Natural Re- of Internet of Medical Things devices, and and Commerce, and in addition to the Com- sources. for other purposes; to the Committee on En- mittee on Ways and Means, for a period to be By Mr. KRISHNAMOORTHI (for him- ergy and Commerce. subsequently determined by the Speaker, in self, Mr. RASKIN, Mr. HASTINGS, Mr. By Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ (for herself, Mr. each case for consideration of such provi- PAYNE, Mr. BUTTERFIELD, Mr. PAL- BLUMENAUER, and Mr. SERRANO): sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the LONE, Mr. EVANS, Ms. CLARKE of New H.R. 3986. A bill to provide for the estab- committee concerned. York, Ms. NORTON, Ms. MOORE, Mr. lishment of a national standard for incor- By Ms. TENNEY (for herself, Mr. SHER- GUTIE´ RREZ, Mr. RUSH, Ms. WILSON of porating a passive identification ability into MAN, and Mr. WILLIAMS): Florida, Mr. BLUMENAUER, Mr. all firearms sold in the United States; to the H.R. 3971. A bill to amend the Truth in CICILLINE, Mr. LOWENTHAL, Ms. Committee on the Judiciary. Lending Act and the Real Estate Settlement KELLY of Illinois, Mr. HUFFMAN, Ms. By Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ (for herself, Ms. Procedures Act of 1974 to modify the require- KAPTUR, Mr. SMITH of Washington, CLARKE of New York, Mr. MEEKS, Mr. ments for community financial institutions Mr. MCEACHIN, Mrs. DINGELL, Mr. ESPAILLAT, Mrs. NAPOLITANO, Ms. with respect to certain rules relating to KEATING, Ms. MICHELLE LUJAN GRIS- JAYAPAL, Mr. ENGEL, Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ, mortgage loans, and for other purposes; to HAM of New Mexico, Mr. ENGEL, Mr. and Mr. BLUMENAUER): the Committee on Financial Services. NOLAN, Mr. KIHUEN, Mr. RUPPERS- H.R. 3987. A bill to reduce gun violence, By Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of BERGER, Mrs. LAWRENCE, Ms. LOF- fund gun violence research and victim assist- New York: GREN, Mr. MCGOVERN, Mrs. DEMINGS, ance, and enhance the tracking of lost and H.R. 3972. A bill to clarify that family of- Mr. CONNOLLY, Mr. YARMUTH, Ms. stolen firearms, and for other purposes; to fices and family clients are accredited inves- BROWNLEY of California, Mr. the Committee on the Judiciary, and in addi- tors, and for other purposes; to the Com- GALLEGO, Mr. TED LIEU of California, tion to the Committee on Energy and Com- mittee on Financial Services. Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN, Mr. PERL- merce, for a period to be subsequently deter- By Mr. DAVIDSON (for himself and Mr. MUTTER, Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. CASTRO of mined by the Speaker, in each case for con- SHERMAN): Texas, Ms. MAXINE WATERS of Cali- sideration of such provisions as fall within H.R. 3973. A bill to amend the Securities fornia, Ms. SLAUGHTER, Mr. LAN- the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. Exchange Act of 1934 to require certain enti- GEVIN, Mr. SIRES, Mr. ESPAILLAT, Mr. By Mr. WALKER: ties to develop internal risk control mecha- COHEN, Mr. GARAMENDI, Mr. POLIS, H.R. 3988. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- nisms to safeguard and govern the storage of Mr. SCOTT of Virginia, Ms. SHEA-POR- enue Code of 1986 to allow above-the-line de- market data; to the Committee on Financial TER, and Mr. KHANNA): ductions for charitable contributions for in- Services. H.R. 3980. A bill to establish a United dividuals not itemizing deductions; to the By Mr. AGUILAR: States Commission on Hate Crimes to study Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 3974. A bill to limit the use of tax- and make recommendations on the preven- By Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Penn- payer dollars on non-commercial flights for tion of the commission of hate crimes, and sylvania: cabinet officials, and for other purposes; to for other purposes; to the Committee on the H. Res. 558. A resolution recognizing Octo- the Committee on Oversight and Govern- Judiciary. ber 7th as National Trigeminal Neuralgia ment Reform. By Mr. MCEACHIN: Awareness Day; to the Committee on Energy By Mr. CORREA (for himself, Ms. NOR- H.R. 3981. A bill to establish a cost of and Commerce. TON, Ms. HANABUSA, and Mr. BRENDAN greenhouse gases for carbon dioxide, meth- By Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois F. BOYLE of Pennsylvania): ane, and nitrous oxide to be used by Federal (for himself, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Mr. H.R. 3975. A bill to require covered entities agencies, and for other purposes; to the Com- RUSH, Ms. KELLY of Illinois, Mr. to provide notification in the case of a mittee on Oversight and Government Re- QUIGLEY, Mr. KRISHNAMOORTHI, Mr. breach of unsecured sensitive personally form, and in addition to the Committee on GUTIE´ RREZ, Mr. BOST, and Mr. LIPIN- identifiable information in electronic or dig- the Judiciary, for a period to be subse- SKI): ital form, and for other purposes; to the quently determined by the Speaker, in each H. Res. 559. A resolution recognizing Navy Committee on Energy and Commerce. case for consideration of such provisions as Pier as a public community resource and By Mr. CRAMER (for himself, Mr. fall within the jurisdiction of the committee treasured Chicago landmark; to the Com- GARAMENDI, Ms. STEFANIK, Mr. LAM- concerned. mittee on Oversight and Government Re- BORN, Mr. FRANKS of Arizona, Mr. By Mr. MESSER: form. ALLEN, Mr. COOK, Ms. MCSALLY, Mr. H.R. 3982. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- By Mr. THOMPSON of California (for GOODLATTE, Mr. DESAULNIER, Mr. enue Code of 1986 to increase the amount of, himself, Mr. LOBIONDO, Mr. WITTMAN,

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Mr. KIND, Mr. PERLMUTTER, Mr. GRI- By Mr. RYAN of Ohio: Article 1, Section 8 JALVA, Mr. HECK, Mr. FITZPATRICK, H.R. 3969. By Mr. MESSER: Mrs. DINGELL, Mr. LIPINSKI, Ms. NOR- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 3982. TON, Ms. MCCOLLUM, Ms. PINGREE, lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- Mr. KIHUEN, Ms. LEE, Mr. WALZ, Mr. Article 1, Section 8: To Make Laws which lation pursuant to the following: LOWENTHAL, Mr. VELA, Mr. PANETTA, shall be necessary and proper for carrying Article I, Section 8 Mr. RASKIN, Mr. COSTA, Ms. ESHOO, into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all By Ms. NORTON: Mr. CONNOLLY, Mrs. NAPOLITANO, Mr. other Powers vested by this Constitution in H.R. 3983. CARBAJAL, Ms. BORDALLO, Mr. the Government of the United States, or in Congress has the power to enact this legis- MOOLENAAR, Mr. QUIGLEY, Mr. POLIS, any Department or Officer thereof. lation pursuant to the following: Mr. BLUMENAUER, Mr. MCGOVERN, Mr. By Mr. SCHNEIDER: clause 2 of section 3 of article IV of the SABLAN, Mr. MCNERNEY, Mr. KILDEE, H.R. 3970. Constitution. Mr. HUFFMAN, and Ms. LOFGREN): Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. SCHIFF: H. Res. 560. A resolution encouraging ob- lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 3984. servance of National Wildlife Refuge Week Article 1 Section 8 Congress has the power to enact this legis- with appropriate events and activities, and By Ms. TENNEY: lation pursuant to the following: for other purposes; to the Committee on Nat- H.R. 3971. Equal Access to Justice for Victims of Gun ural Resources. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Violence is constitutionally authorized lation pursuant to the following: under Article I, Section 8, Clause 3, the Com- f Article I, Section 8, clause 18 of the United merce Clause and Article I, Section 8, Clause MEMORIALS States Constitution. 18, the Necessary and Proper Clause. Addi- By Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of tionally, the Preamble to the Constitution Under clause 3 of rule XII, New York: provides support of the authority to enact 128. The SPEAKER presented a memorial H.R. 3972. legislation to promote the General Welfare. of the Senate of the State of Michigan, rel- Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. TROTT: ative to Senate Resolution No. 82, strongly lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 3985. denouncing and opposing the violent ter- Article I, Section 8, Clause 3, to regulate Congress has the power to enact this legis- rorism, totalitarian impulses, xenophobic bi- commerce lation pursuant to the following: ases, and bigoted ideologies that are pro- By Mr. DAVIDSON: Article I section 8 moted by radical hate groups and declare H.R. 3973. By Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ: these groups to be domestic terrorist organi- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 3986. zations; which was referred to the Com- lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- mittee on the Judiciary. . . . make all laws which shall be necessary lation pursuant to the following: f and proper for carrying into Execution the Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vest- The Congress shall have Power to . . . pro- CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY ed by this Constitution in the Government of vide for the . . . general Welfare of the STATEMENT the United States, or in any Department or United States; . . . Officer thereof.’’ Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18 The Congress shall have Power . . . To reg- the Rules of the House of Representa- By Mr. AGUILAR: ulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and tives, the following statements are sub- H.R. 3974. among the several States, and with the In- mitted regarding the specific powers Congress has the power to enact this legis- dian Tribes. granted to Congress in the Constitu- lation pursuant to the following: By Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ: tion to enact the accompanying bill or Article 1, section 8, clause 18 of the United H.R. 3987. joint resolution. States Constitution. Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. CORREA: lation pursuant to the following: By Ms. DELBENE: H.R. 3975. Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 H.R. 3963. Congress has the power to enact this legis- The Congress shall have Power to . . . pro- Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: vide for the . . . general Welfare of the lation pursuant to the following: (1) The U.S. Constitution including Article United States; . . . Article 1, Section 8. 1, Section 8. Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 By Mr. ROE of Tennessee: By Mr. CRAMER: The Congress shall have Power . . . To reg- H.R. 3964. H.R. 3976. ulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- among the several States, and with the In- lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: dian Tribes. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1, with respect Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 of the U.S. By Mr. WALKER: to the power to ‘‘lay and collect Taxes, Du- Constitution H.R. 3988. ties, Imposts, and Excises,’’ and to provide By Mr. FASO: Congress has the power to enact this legis- for the ‘‘general Welfare of the United H.R. 3977. lation pursuant to the following: States.’’ Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 of the United By Mr. RUTHERFORD: lation pursuant to the following: States Constitution H.R. 3965. Article 1, Section 8 of the United States f Congress has the power to enact this legis- Constitution. lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. HILL: ADDITIONAL SPONSORS Article 1, Section 8 of the United States H.R. 3978. Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors Constitution. Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. PALMER: lation pursuant to the following: were added to public bills and resolu- H.R. 3966. Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 tions, as follows: Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. JEFFRIES: H.R. 60: Ms. LOFGREN, Ms. KUSTER of New lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 3979. Hampshire, Mr. KILMER, Mr. HIGGINS of New Article 4, Section 3, Clause 2—The Con- Congress has the power to enact this legis- York, and Mr. SHUSTER. gress shall have Power to dispose of and lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 389: Mr. DESAULNIER. make allneedful Rules and Regulations re- Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 H.R. 559: Mr. PEARCE. specting the Territory or the other Property By Mr. KRISHNAMOORTHI: H.R. 785: Mr. MCCAUL, Mr. GOSAR, Mr. NOR- belonging to the United States . . . ’’ H.R. 3980. MAN, and Mr. PERRY. By Mr. CARTWRIGHT: Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 807: Mr. PALAZZO. H.R. 3967. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 850: Mrs. WALORSKI. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article II, Section 8, Clause 18: To Make H.R. 930: Mr. MESSER, Mr. LONG, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: All Laws which shall be necessary and proper LAMALFA, Mr. ARRINGTON, and Mr. HIMES. Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 (To regulate for carrying into execution the foregoing H.R. 936: Mr. BISHOP of Michigan, Mr. commerce with foreign nations, and among Powers, and all other Powers vested by this BISHOP of Utah, Mr. ALLEN, Mr. CARSON of the several states, and with the Indian Constitution in the Government of the Indiana, Ms. ESHOO, Ms. KAPTUR, Mrs. tribes). United States, or in any Department or Offi- DEMINGS, Mr. VALADAO, Mr. BUTTERFIELD, By Mr. SCHNEIDER: cer thereof. Mr. TIPTON, Mr. PASCRELL, Mr. MARSHALL, H.R. 3968. By Mr. MCEACHIN: and Mr. GROTHMAN. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 3981. H.R. 1318: Mr. KATKO. lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1405: Mr. O’HALLERAN, Ms. CASTOR of Article 1, Section 8 lation pursuant to the following: Florida, and Mr. CARSON of Indiana.

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H.R. 1474: Mrs. LOWEY. H.R. 2899: Mr. TURNER. H.R. 3792: Mr. TONKO and Mr. BLUMENAUER. H.R. 1475: Ms. ROSEN. H.R. 2926: Mr. POLIQUIN. H.R. 3808: Ms. TENNEY. H.R. 1552: Mr. SESSIONS and Mr. GAETZ. H.R. 2936: Mr. BYRNE. H.R. 3822: Mr. POSEY, Mr. FRANKS of Ari- MITH H.R. 1568: Mr. FERGUSON. H.R. 2954: Mr. S of Nebraska. zona, Mr. HARRIS, and Mr. GIBBS. H.R. 3117: Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. H.R. 1626: Ms. FUDGE. H.R. 3832: Mr. AUSTIN SCOTT of Georgia and H.R. 3124: Mrs. BEATTY. H.R. 1651: Mr. HUDSON and Mr. RYAN of Mr. WALDEN. Ohio. H.R. 3145: Mr. HUNTER. INGREE H.R. 3845: Mr. BLUMENAUER, Mr. COHEN, Mr. H.R. 1655: Mr. SESSIONS. H.R. 3161: Ms. P . H.R. 3192: Mr. SOTO. CUMMINGS, Mrs. DEMINGS, Mr. ELLISON, Ms. H.R. 1676: Mr. KUSTOFF of Tennessee, Mr. H.R. 3222: Mr. GONZALEZ of Texas and Mr. JAYAPAL, Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia, Mr. PALAZZO, Mr. BROWN of Maryland, and Mr. VARGAS. MCGOVERN, Ms. NORTON, Mr. PAYNE, Mr. SCHIFF. H.R. 3227: Mr. SOTO. QUIGLEY, Mr. RUSH, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Mr. H.R. 1683: Mr. HIGGINS of New York, Mr. H.R. 3271: Mr. LONG. SCOTT of Virginia, Mr. SIRES, and Mrs. WAT- HARPER, Ms. BORDALLO, and Mr. CROWLEY. H.R. 3273: Mr. HIMES, Mr. CARSON of Indi- SON COLEMAN. H.R. 1832: Ms. ROSEN and Ms. BLUNT ROCH- ana, Mr. KILMER, Mr. ESPAILLAT, Ms. CASTOR H.R. 3847: Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. ESTER. of Florida, and Mr. KHANNA. H.R. 3905: Mr. GOSAR. H.R. 1898: Mr. WALBERG. H.R. 3380: Mr. HUFFMAN, Ms. MENG, Mr. H.R. 1919: Mr. ROKITA. H.R. 3930: Mr. BARTON and Mr. WEBER of ESPAILLAT, and Ms. FUDGE. Texas. H.R. 1953: Mr. BISHOP of Michigan and Mr. H.R. 3395: Mr. SUOZZI and Mr. BROWN of H.R. 3936: Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ. ROUZER. Maryland. H.R. 2004: Mr. MULLIN. H.R. 3473: Mr. BERGMAN. H.R. 3947: Mr. YARMUTH, Mr. LARSON of H.R. 2092: Mr. MESSER. H.R. 3497: Mr. GIBBS, Ms. CLARK of Massa- Connecticut, Mr. O’HALLERAN, Mrs. NAPOLI- H.R. 2095: Mr. BLUMENAUER. chusetts, and Mr. CALVERT. TANO, Mr. BERA, Mr. RUIZ, Ms. GABBARD, Mr. H.R. 2259: Mr. JONES. H.R. 3509: Mr. TAKANO. PASCRELL, Mr. CARTWRIGHT, Mr. CASTRO of H.R. 2295: Mr. COURTNEY, Mr. RASKIN, and H.R. 3699: Mr. BLUMENAUER. Texas, Mr. AGUILAR, Mr. COOPER, Ms. KAP- Ms. TSONGAS. H.R. 3712: Mr. VISCLOSKY, Mr. BISHOP of TUR, Mr. PETERS, and Mr. LOEBSACK. H.R. 2436: Mr. MCEACHIN, Mr. SMITH of Utah, Ms. BORDALLO, Mr. LARSEN of Wash- H.R. 3957: Mr. GROTHMAN. Washington, Ms. ADAMS, Ms. TSONGAS, Ms. ington, Mr. CARSON of Indiana, Miss RICE of H. Con. Res. 56: Ms. BROWNLEY of Cali- MENG, and Mr. SOTO. New York, Mr. KRISHNAMOORTHI, Mrs. fornia. ´ H.R. 2472: Mr. GUTIERREZ. BROOKS of Indiana, Mr. POCAN, Mr. H. Res. 128: Mr. CUMMINGS, Ms. MAXINE H.R. 2482: Mr. MACARTHUR. O’HALLERAN, and Mr. AUSTIN SCOTT of Geor- WATERS of California, and Ms. SLAUGHTER. ADLER ONKO H.R. 2583: Mr. N and Mr. T . gia. H. Res. 142: Mr. BISHOP of Michigan. H.R. 2687: Ms. DELBENE. H.R. 3738: Mr. PAYNE. H. Res. 220: Mr. CRAMER and Mr. FASO. H.R. 2690: Ms. PINGREE and Ms. SCHA- H.R. 3770: Mr. GARRETT, Mr. GALLEGO, Mr. H. Res. 257: Mr. FERGUSON. KOWSKY. GOODLATTE, Mr. LOWENTHAL, Mr. RYAN of H. Res. 283: Ms. JAYAPAL and Mr. BLU- H.R. 2712: Mr. LATTA. Ohio, Mr. KATKO, Ms. MAXINE WATERS of MENAUER. H.R. 2740: Mr. WELCH and Ms. ROYBAL- California, Mr. AUSTIN SCOTT of Georgia, and H. Res. 313: Mr. OLSON. ALLARD. Mr. JODY B. HICE of Georgia. H.R. 2832: Mr. WOMACK, Mr. FRANKS of Ari- H.R. 3773: Mr. BROWN of Maryland, Mr. H. Res. 466: Mr. YOUNG of Alaska and Mrs. zona, Mr. WILLIAMS, Mr. NORMAN, Mr. BUDD, KENNEDY, Ms. SA´ NCHEZ, Mr. HIMES, and Mr. DINGELL. and Mr. GAETZ. MOULTON. H. Res. 467: Mr. ENGEL. H.R. 2836: Mr. SOTO, Mr. GAETZ, and Mr. H.R. 3784: Mr. VALADAO and Ms. SHEA-POR- H. Res. 511: Ms. NORTON and Mr. PETERS. HASTINGS. TER. H. Res. 555: Ms. SCHAKOWSKY.

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Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2017 No. 160 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was for work could often seem bleak. For check, helping businesses grow and called to order by the President pro those men and women, the promise of a workers succeed, helping move the tempore (Mr. HATCH). hard-earned retirement seemed to drift economy into high gear so we can sus- f further and further away. For so many tain real prosperity into the future for middle-class Americans, the last dec- America’s middle class. PRAYER ade meant a weak economy and a de- These are the kinds of ideas that The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- cline of opportunities. People of this should be shared by everyone, Repub- fered the following prayer: Nation deserve better. They deserve licans and Democrats alike. Our friends Let us pray. larger paychecks, more jobs, and better across the aisle supported the need for Father of love, who made Heaven and opportunities to get ahead. tax reform for many years. They used Earth, sustain us through this day. This Congress is committed to help- to advocate it loudly. But the tone May our lawmakers focus on Your ing the economy live up to its full po- seems to be different now. What glory and not their own. Inspire them tential once again, which is exactly changed? The President, or so it would with Your presence so that their lives why we are committed to passing tax seem. will reflect Your mercy and truth. reform. This is our once-in-a-genera- We know that our Democratic friends Lord, give them the wisdom to trust tion opportunity to overhaul a broken are under immense pressure from the Your plans and to desire for You to do tax code that holds us back and replace hard left to oppose everything this as You please for our Nation and world. it with something that actually works President touches, but I hope they can Forgive us when we depend primarily for the hard-working people of our resist that pressure and do what they on our strength and ability to meet country. It represents the single most know is right. After all, shouldn’t we life’s challenges, forgetting that You important thing we can do today to get all support cutting middle-class taxes, are able and eager to help us. God, our our economy back on the right track. helping small businesses, and bringing deliverer, we bless Your Name from Working together, President Trump, jobs and investments back to our coun- this time forth and forever more. his team, and the tax-writing commit- try? Thank You for Your merciful kindness tees in Congress have developed the I was always under the impression that is new each day. framework that will help us get there. that Democrats wanted to end cor- We pray in Your precious Name. Here is what it envisions: porate offshoring, eliminate loopholes Amen. For American workers, we want to for the wealthy, and cut middle-class f make your taxes lower, simpler, and taxes. Well, these are all aspects of the fairer. We want to take more money current tax reform framework. So PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE out of Washington’s pockets and put there is no need for our friends to in- The President pro tempore led the more in yours. vent reasons to justify opposing tax re- Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: Helping individuals and families suc- form. There is no reason to launch at- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the ceed is the first aim of tax reform. tacks on the tax reform framework United States of America, and to the Repub- Helping businesses succeed is the sec- based on made-up details that aren’t lic for which it stands, one nation under God, ond aim, so we can help create more actually in it. Tax reform has been a indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. jobs and keep them right here in Amer- bipartisan effort in the past. It can be, f ica. and it should be, again now. American businesses, both large and It is up to our Democratic friends to RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY small, face an increasingly competitive decide if they would like to engage in a LEADER global economy. We want to put Amer- serious way. I personally hope they The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The ican businesses and workers on a level will join us in advancing this impor- majority leader is recognized. playing field because when they are, tant initiative for our country. I think f they can win. we owe at least that much to the mil- We want to help bring jobs and prof- lions of Americans who felt forgotten TAX REFORM its back home, and once they are here, over the last decade. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, we want to give businesses the right in- Tax reform can help move our econ- during the Obama years, many of the centives to keep them right here in omy into high gear. It can help deliver hard-working men and women of Amer- America. more jobs, higher wages, and increased ica’s middle class felt completely for- We want to unleash the potential of opportunities for the American people. gotten. Paychecks often did not keep the American economy—helping you The men and women of this country de- pace with rising costs. Opportunities keep more of the money in your pay- serve it, which is why I am committed

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:54 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC6.000 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE S6328 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 5, 2017 to keeping up the work to get tax re- the position of Vice Chair for Super- this country well as USCIS Director. form accomplished. vision—another essential role. The role of the USCIS in implementing It is critical that Mr. Quarles begin f and administering our immigration his work at the Fed as soon as possible. benefits is too important for any other RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME There really is no time to waste. He result. I believe strongly in the impor- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. will do a great job. tance of immigrants to the culture and STRANGE). Under the previous order, (At the request of Mr. SCHUMER, the economy of the United States, and I the leadership time is reserved. following statement was ordered to be hope Mr. Cissna’s actions as Director printed in the RECORD.) show that he agrees. However, I cannot f ∑ Ms. CORTEZ MASTO. Mr. President, in good conscience vote to confirm CONCLUSION OF MORNING I had expected to be able to vote today someone about whom I have so many BUSINESS on the confirmation of Mr. Randal concerns.∑ Quarles to be a member of the Federal Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, I suggest The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning Reserve. Instead, I am in Las Vegas, the absence of a quorum. business is closed. meeting with victims of and first re- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The f sponders to the deadliest mass shoot- clerk will call the roll. ing in modern U.S. history. The legislative clerk proceeded to EXECUTIVE SESSION On the question of Mr. Quarles’s call the roll. nomination, I want to make clear that Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I ask I would have voted ‘‘no’’ had I been unanimous consent that the order for EXECUTIVE CALENDAR present. While an official in the Bush the quorum call be rescinded. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under administration Treasury Department The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the previous order, the Senate will pro- in the lead-up to the economic crisis of objection, it is so ordered. ceed to executive session and resume 2007 to 2009, Mr. Quarles failed to take RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY LEADER consideration of the Quarles nomina- action to prevent the build-up of risk The Democratic leader is recognized. tion, which the clerk will report. that ultimately led to hundreds of LAS VEGAS MASS SHOOTING The legislative clerk read the nomi- thousands of foreclosures and evictions Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, as we nation of Randal Quarles, of Colorado, in Nevada. In fact, Mr. Quarles during continue to grieve with the people of to be a Member of the Board of Gov- that period repeatedly maintained that Las Vegas and families of the injured ernors of the Federal Reserve System the financial system was safe, that and the deceased, when I think of the for the unexpired term of fourteen large banks were well-capitalized, and pictures I see of those beautiful young years from February 1, 2004. that the housing market was strong, people who had the best of life ahead of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under notwithstanding clear signs of esca- them, we ache for them. But our the previous order, the time until 10 lating risk. After serving in the Treas- thoughts must turn to action so this a.m. will be equally divided between ury Department, Mr. Quarles was the doesn’t happen again. the two leaders or their designees. beneficiary of the second-largest ‘‘loss What can we do as a nation to The Senator from Utah. share’’ agreement in the Federal De- change? Because surely when there are Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, I rise posit Insurance Corporation’s history. more mass shootings this year than today to applaud the nomination of This agreement provided a taxpayer- there are the number of days this year, Randal Quarles to help oversee the backed guarantee and allowed Mr. when we average more than one mass Federal Reserve System. Mr. Quarles is Quarles to profit substantially off of shooting per day, something has to certainly eminently qualified to serve the failure of a large bank. change. in this capacity in this important posi- If confirmed, I hope that Mr. Quarles I am sure that if you asked the griev- tion. Through his long experience in will exceed my expectations and be- ing families whether they want the public service and the private sector, come a strong advocate for a safe and laws to change so this might not hap- Mr. Quarles has gained experience in fi- resilient American financial system. pen again, the overwhelming majority nancial regulation, economics, and the However, I cannot in good conscience would say yes, they would want us to firsthand operations of financial insti- vote to confirm him given my concerns do something. If we could talk to those tutions. He also has a proven track about his past record. brave souls who were killed and are record of leadership and policy man- Thank you. now in Heaven, they would say: Do agement. NOMINATION OF LEE FRANCIS CISSNA something. They wouldn’t say: Let’s The Fed’s responsibilities are exten- Mr. President, I had expected to be wait. They wouldn’t say: Leave things sive, and they are varied, and the roles able to vote today on the confirmation alone. The fact that they were killed, Mr. Quarles has been nominated for of Mr. Lee Francis Cissna, to be Direc- the fact that there were so many in- come during a unique period in the tor of the U.S. Citizenship and Immi- jured—they wouldn’t think it is polit- Fed’s history. The years ahead will be gration Services, USCIS. Instead, I am ical to try to save their lives or pre- decisive for the development of the in Las Vegas helping my constituents vent somebody else from dying the way Federal Reserve, the American econ- in the aftermath of the worst mass they did. So when folks say: Don’t omy, as well as domestic and inter- shooting in modern American history. bring politics into this, that it is inap- national financial reform. It is para- On the question of Mr. Cissna’s nomi- propriate, I am sure the families of the mount that the Fed be equipped with a nation, I want to make my opposition loved ones who were lost would agree well-rounded leadership team so it can to his confirmation clear. I do not be- with me that it is appropriate and im- meet the many challenges and opportu- lieve Mr. Cissna to be qualified to lead portant and necessary. nities of maintaining monetary and fi- the USCIS. This decision is based on Politics is where we are supposed to nancial stability. I firmly believe that his prior experience, as well as his tes- come together and debate the great Mr. Quarles is an ideal fit to take on timony before the Senate Judiciary problems of our time in order to find such responsibilities—for the success of Committee. Mr. Cissna stated during solutions to them. Politics is how we the Federal Reserve and the good of his confirmation hearing that he had a are supposed to make our country a our Nation. role on President Trump’s transition better, safer, more prosperous place to In closing, I applaud and strongly team and he offered his ‘‘technical as- live. And there is no more appropriate support the President’s nominee to sistance’’ in crafting some of the Presi- time than now to talk about the issue help oversee the Federal Reserve Sys- dent’s draconian immigration policies. of gun violence. tem. I know him personally. I know Additionally, it is my belief that Mr. Yesterday, President Trump visited what a fine man he is. I know what an Cissna does not have the management Las Vegas. I am glad he went to show excellent leader he is. He will do a good experience necessary to oversee a large our solidarity and remind everyone job. organization like the USCIS. there that they have the full support of Importantly, I would note that it is If confirmed, I hope that Mr. Cissna the Nation. But he didn’t talk about the intention to confirm Mr. Quarles to will surpass my expectations and serve guns. There is a huge opportunity he

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:56 Oct 05, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G05OC6.002 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6329 missed to lead this Nation in a reason- Fully automatic weapons are already ical, but we have to make sure the is- able, moderate debate on gun safety, illegal, made so by a law signed by land has enough cash to start the proc- but that opportunity is not over. The President Reagan in 1986. Banning ess. In FEMA, local governments often President still has the opportunity. All bump stocks is entirely consistent with have to lay out the money first and eyes are on the President to see if he the books. Senator FEINSTEIN intro- then they get repaid, but Puerto Rico will grasp the opportunity and lead the duced a reasonable proposal. What are doesn’t have the money to lay out so Nation to do something reasonable and we waiting for, the NRA to give us a we have to deal with that issue to moderate about guns and gun safety. green light? That is so wrong. make it effective. President Trump, are you going to If the President and Congress are so With these issues in mind, we should wait to hear what the NRA says first? beholden to the NRA that they can’t do act quickly on this supplemental aid, Are you going to wait for the NRA to the very bare minimum—banning a de- but it is just the beginning of give you the green light? You ran your vice that allowed a shooter to kill 59 Congress’s aid to rebuild. campaign saying you were beholden to Americans with ease, a device whose TAX REFORM no one. You fashion yourself as a ban would in no way infringe on the le- Mr. President, finally, on the Repub- strong man. Well, are you going to gitimate rights of gun owners—then lican tax plan, I have so much to say show that you are not beholden to any- our politics, our means of making this about this plan. It is so awful in so one now? Are you going to show your country a better and safer place, will many ways: huge tax cuts for the strength now? Are you going to be the have once again failed us. wealthy and the powerful, raising taxes first Republican President in a genera- PUERTO RICO AND U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS on middle-class people—which I am tion to buck the NRA? You know what RECOVERY EFFORT going to talk about in a minute—blow- the right thing to do is. Mr. President, turning to the human- ing a huge hole in our deficit, and to I say to President Trump: Come out itarian crisis in Puerto Rico and the fund the tax cuts for the rich, cutting and say that you support and would U.S. Virgin Islands, yesterday, once Medicare and Medicaid by close to $1.5 sign a law to ban bump stocks—the again, Congress received a request from trillion. modification used by the Las Vegas the administration for a supplemental We are all in favor of a serious tax re- gunman to make his weapons auto- aid package that will go to help Puerto form debate. We have mentioned our matic. That is small, and it is the right Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and other guidelines: no tax cuts for the 1 per- thing to do. Don’t wait for the NRA to States hit by storms. It also includes cent, no increase in the deficit, and do make up their mind. Do it. some money for the Western States it in a bipartisan way. The Republican Of course, banning bump stocks can’t beset by wildfires. plan does just the opposite. That is be our only response. It is hardly It is a good first step, but it is just why Democrats are so opposed. It lav- enough. Even though we should do the start of a long recovery and relief ishes tax breaks on the rich, pays for it whatever we can in this body in obei- effort that will require additional aid by cutting Medicare and Medicaid, and sance to the NRA, we must do more. from this Congress. While aid and re- leaves everyone in the cold, except the Abandoning efforts to deregulate si- sources are necessary now, these is- very wealthy. lencers would be the next step. The po- lands are just starting to assess the Today I want to focus on one provi- lice were able to figure out where the damage. Once they determine how dev- sion of the GOP tax plan: the repeal of gunman was because of the noise from astating these storms actually were, the State and local tax deduction. The his gun in the Mandalay Bay Hotel. we need to respond immediately to pro- Republican plan raises taxes on mil- Let’s forget about implementing a vide additional support and funds to as- lions of middle-class families across national concealed carry reciprocity. sist their recovery and rebuilding, just the country by repealing the State and My police officers in Times Square as we have done for past storms and local deduction. Forty-four million don’t want to let someone who has had disasters. On this package, I have three Americans take that deduction. That is no check, who might have a mental de- points. about one in eight. It is about one in rangement like Paddock, come to First, I am urging my colleagues to four or five families who take that de- Times Square—and they can’t do any- add additional and vital flexible fund- duction. One-third of all taxpayers thing about it; that is what that law ing for recovery like the community take the deduction. It is almost one in would do—or any other heavily popu- development block grant. We gave three. They don’t just get a few pennies lated place, the downtowns of many of CDBG to help Texas after Harvey. We back. They get several thousand dol- our big cities and even medium-sized can’t deprive Puerto Rico and the Vir- lars off their taxes each year. It is not cities, Disney World, baseball games, gin Islands of this money. just a rarified group in States like football stadiums. If this concealed Second, I am warning my colleagues Massachusetts, New York, and Cali- carry reciprocity passed, crazy people on the other side—particularly those in fornia. The reason it brings in $1.3 tril- could carry weapons concealed into the House—not to attach any extra- lion is because it affects so many peo- any football stadium in America, and neous, ideological policy riders to this ple throughout the entire country. the police couldn’t check on them and urgent aid package. Ideological policy If you do not believe me, look at the see if they had a gun. changes to the Flood Insurance Pro- numbers. Look at these charts. I am We have to do these things. If you gram and forest management policies posting the percentages for each State. looked at what would be the most ef- should come nowhere near this bill. Forty-six percent of the people in fective way in stopping the daily gun They tried to do it last week in the Maryland get an average deduction of violence that is doable, the most im- FAA bill, and we had to send it back $12,900. Connecticut gets 41 percent. I portant and attainable thing to do because of joint opposition, both sides showed one of my colleagues that Vir- would be adopting universal back- of the aisle. Let’s not go through that ginia is higher than New York. Thirty- ground checks. It is common sense, it again. I thank our chairman of the seven percent get an $11,000 deduction. is measured, it is prudent, and it would Banking Committee for helping in that Massachusetts, Oregon. To my col- be really effective. regard. leagues from Utah, 35 percent of Utah The bill Senator MURPHY introduced Third, it has become clear that Puer- taxpayers get an average deduction of yesterday is one I have been involved to Rico’s recovery will be further hin- $12,954. In Utah, they say: Well, the with for a long time, and we should see dered by its ongoing debt crisis. That standard deduction makes up for it. if we can get enough support to pass it. crisis, coupled with the devastation With most families, the standard de- We can and should talk about these from Hurricane Maria, has led to grow- duction will not because we are taking issues more. It requires only a mod- ing concerns that the island will soon away the standard exemption so it is a icum of moral and political coverage. face a liquidity crisis. Simply put, the wash if you are a family of three. President Trump and Republicans in island is running out of money to pay Let’s keep going. Minnesota and New Congress ought to show that moral and for essential services like first respond- York. I want to show my Republican political courage now by bucking the ers, not to mention funds for rebuilding colleagues how it would affect some of NRA and engaging in a reasonable de- and recovery. The funds we hope to in- their States. Let’s take Georgia. One- bate about commonsense gun laws. clude in the disaster package are crit- third of all taxpayers get an average

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:56 Oct 05, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G05OC6.004 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE S6330 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 5, 2017 break of $9,000. Look at these numbers, tax break. The standard deduction does Time and again, he has promised that my colleagues. I am going to send them not undo it because you lose the stand- he would ‘‘never be beholden to the lob- to every one of you. Look how it af- ard exemption. Even if you are just a byists or the special interests,’’ but he fects your State. husband and wife without kids— has appointed dozens of Big Business Here we go. Iowa, 29 percent of all Mr. President, I am going to ask executives and lobbyists to senior posi- people get a $10,000 break, on average; unanimous consent that the debate be tions in his administration. During his Pennsylvania, 29 percent, an $11,000 delayed for a few minutes. I know my campaign, he promised that he would break; Arizona, 28 percent, a $7,000 colleagues are—well, I just need to fin- not let the Wall Street guys get away break. ish my remarks. I am almost done. with murder, but after he was sworn in, My friend from Idaho, I didn’t know The benefit of State and local de- he loaded up his economic team with he would be here, but his number on ductibility affects every State, every Goldman Sachs executives. Over and the chart—28 percent of Idahoans get city, every town, every municipality, over again, he has promised to drain an average of an $8,800 break. Do you and goes deep into the middle class and the swamp, but then he appointed an want to take that away from them? the working class. army of lobbyists and industry insiders The standard deduction doesn’t make One other point I have to make, now to positions that oversee the industries up for it if you have one child or more. realizing this, some of our Republican that paid them for years. Nebraska, 28 percent get an $11,000 de- colleagues are saying we will modify it. Randal Quarles is just the latest in duction. Folks, there is no real way to modify this long line of corporate appoint- By the way, these numbers come the provision to eliminate State and ments. He is President Trump’s nomi- from a group that put it together, but local deductibility. If you want to give nee to the Federal Reserve’s Vice Chair it is from the IRS. These are IRS num- a choice that will not work—because for Supervision. He has gone through bers. for middle-class taxpayers, it is only the revolving door so many times that South Carolina, 27 percent, $8,000; the combination of their itemized de- it is hard to keep up—from a big Wall Missouri, 26 percent, $9,800; Ohio, 26 ductions, such as State, local, mort- Street law firm, to the Treasury De- percent, $10,000. Kentucky, my dear gage, and others, that make it worth it partment, back to the Wall Street law friend the Republican leader, in his for them to itemize. firm, back, eventually, to the Treasury If you have to choose between the State, 26 percent of the people—one out Department, then to a private equity mortgage deduction and your property of four—get that State and local prop- fund, followed most recently by a trip tax deduction, it is a loser. So they erty deduction, averaging $9,995. Do say: Well, we will just do this for the to another private equity fund. Now you want to take that away? Mr. Quarles is ready for another spin Alabama, where our dear friend the very rich. Yet, as I mentioned, that is not where the money is. Where are you through the revolving door. Presiding Officer is from, gets 26 per- The Vice Chair for Supervision of the going to cap it? It is mostly a middle- cent. One out of four of his constitu- Fed is one of the most important jobs class deduction. If you cap it, say, for ents get an average break of $5,900. in the government. After the 2008 cri- people whose incomes are above Kansas, 25 percent, gets an average sis, Congress put the Fed in charge of $500,000 or $1 million, you don’t bring in break of $9,400. much money. So it is a loser. You can- supervising the biggest banks. That in- I am saying these numbers because not fix it. Get rid of it. You cannot fix cluded banks and other financial insti- our friends on the hard right, who just it. The plans that are being done still tutions that would bring down the want to lower their own taxes, are tell- continue to hurt the middle class dra- whole financial system with them if ing everybody, oh, this is just in four matically. they went under—the so-called ‘‘too States—Massachusetts, New York, The Republican plan to repeal State big to fail’’ institutions. The Fed is California, New Jersey. and local cannot be fixed, modified, or what stands between millions of Amer- No, it is across America. tweaked around the edges. Each of the ican families and another economic ca- Let’s keep going. I am having a good proposals does not work. It must be tastrophe that could rob them of their time. I hope you all are. scrapped. The State and local deduc- jobs, their savings, or their homes. Oklahoma, 24 percent of the people tion affects everyone, even the almost After the 2008 crisis, Congress created get an $8,000 break. I think this is Mis- one in five taxpayers in the lowest the Vice Chair for Supervision position sissippi, 23 percent, gets a $6,300 break; States where it affects the fewest peo- to lead efforts to supervise these giant Louisiana, 23 percent, close to one out ple. It is just one of the many flaws in institutions. There is no other position of four, $6,700. Texas, the great State of this broken, broken framework. in government that has a more impor- Texas, where our majority whip comes Let’s start over. Don’t just do a Re- tant role in stopping the next financial from, 23 percent, close to one out of publican plan that appeals to the hand- crisis. four Texans, get a $7,800 break. Indi- ful of very wealthy corporations and So what kind of supervision and over- ana, 23 percent get an $8,700 break; very wealthy individuals. Work with us sight does Mr. Quarles believe in? His Florida, 22 percent get a $7,300 break. on a fair plan that helps the middle motto seems to be, ‘‘Whatever the big Wyoming—it wouldn’t affect Wyoming class, not the very wealthy. We are banks want, give it to ’em.’’ because it is a rural State—22 percent ready, but if you do the same thing Mr. Quarles has spent more than a get a $6,300 break. that you did on healthcare in trying to decade in private equity and invest- The State that is least affected is do it by yourselves, I think that you ment management, where he has ar- still very affected. South Dakota and will meet with the same fate that the gued repeatedly for weaker rules for West Virginia, only 17 percent of the healthcare bill did. giant banks, including relaxing the people get a $9,000 break in West Vir- I yield the floor. rules for stress tests that evaluate ginia and a $6,000 break in South Da- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- banks’ soundness, lowering capital and kota. North Dakota, Tennessee, and ator from Massachusetts. leverage standards, and repealing the Arkansas—21 percent, 19 percent, 18 Ms. WARREN. Mr. President, I ask Volcker rule. percent breaks, between $4,900 and unanimous consent that Senator CRAPO At his hearing before the Banking, $6,800. and I both be allowed to speak for 5 Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee, The Achilles’ heel of this bill—there minutes on the nomination of Randal I showed Mr. Quarles a 124-page list of are many—is State and local deduct- Quarles. financial rule rollbacks from a lob- ibility. It kills the middle class and the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there bying group for the biggest banks in upper middle income people. It doesn’t objection? the country. I asked him to tell me really affect the rich. They do not pay Without objection, it is so ordered. which of those dozens of changes he a lot of property taxes, the bulk of Ms. WARREN. Mr. President, every disagreed with. He couldn’t name one— these deductions. They make their time President Trump has the choice not one. money in high-income places. They between standing up for American fam- The No. 1 thing that we need from a have a lot of stocks and a lot of bonds. ilies or standing up for wealthy banks Vice Chair for Supervision is independ- It is the middle class and the upper and giant corporations, he chooses the ence from Wall Street—a demonstrated middle class who get clobbered by this rich guys. willingness to stand up to the wishes of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:56 Oct 05, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G05OC6.006 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6331 the big banks and protect the interests In February, Chair Yellen committed Schumer Udall Whitehouse of working families. There is not a in a hearing that she expected Presi- Stabenow Warren Wyden speck of independence in Mr. Quarles’ dent Trump’s nominee for Vice Chair- NOT VOTING—3 track record. man for Supervision to have the same Cochran Cortez Masto Heller Mr. Quarles’ time in government also responsibilities that Governor Tarullo The nomination was confirmed. raises red flags. As Under Secretary of had, including heading the Federal Re- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under the Treasury for Domestic Finance, he serve’s Committee on Supervision and the previous order, the motion to re- was responsible for overseeing finan- Regulation and representing the Fed at consider is considered made and laid cial institutions, markets, and regula- the Financial Stability Board and in upon the table and the President will tions in the years leading up to the fi- Basel. be immediately notified of the Senate’s nancial crisis. Let me say that again. I expect Mr. Quarles to perform those action. Mr. Quarles was the Treasury official same duties in the interim, and I look The Senator from Idaho. in charge of helping to oversee Wall forward to confirming him to that posi- Mr. CRAPO. Mr. President, I rise to Street in the years leading up to the tion soon. Mr. Quarles has strong bi- make a unanimous consent request. We crisis. Does anyone want to point out partisan support and was voted out of have been able to work out an agree- how that worked out? the Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- ment on further aspects of Mr. Quarles’ If Mr. Quarles had wanted to stand up fairs Committee with the affirmative to the banks, he could have found and nomination. vote of 17 to 6. If confirmed, he will I want to thank my ranking member, fixed systemwide problems in the mar- play a key role in developing regu- SHERROD BROWN, for working with us kets before catastrophe struck. In- latory and supervisory policy for the stead, in 2006, when the banks were on this and helping us to be able to Federal Reserve System. move forward. making gobs of money off of risky bets I urge all of my colleagues to support that eventually crashed the economy, f Mr. Quarles’ nomination today and Quarles gave a speech in front of a vote for his confirmation. EXECUTIVE CALENDAR roomful of bankers and said: ‘‘Fun- I yield the floor. Mr. CRAPO. Mr. President, I ask damentally, the economy is strong, the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The unanimous consent that the Senate financial sector is healthy, and our fu- question is, Will the Senate advise and proceed to the consideration of the fol- ture’’—the banks’—‘‘looks bright.’’ lowing nomination: Executive Calendar Less than 2 years later, the entire sys- consent to the Quarles nomination? No. 303. tem exploded and cost Americans, col- Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ask The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without lectively, about $14 trillion. for the yeas and nays. Make no mistake about it, con- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a objection, it is so ordered. firming Mr. Quarles endangers the sufficient second? The clerk will report the nomination. health of the economy. The last time There appears to be a sufficient sec- The senior assistant legislative clerk that Mr. Quarles was in charge, he ond. read the nomination of Randal Quarles, failed to act to protect the American The clerk will call the roll. of Colorado, to be Vice Chairman for people from the biggest recession since The senior assistant legislative clerk Supervision of the Board of Governors the Great Depression either because he called the roll. of the Federal Reserve System for a missed the signs or because he delib- Mr. CORNYN. The following Senators term of four years. erately ignored them. Either way, that are necessarily absent: the Senator Mr. CRAPO. Mr. President, I ask makes him the wrong person for the from Mississippi (Mr. COCHRAN) and the unanimous consent that the Senate job. Senator from Nevada (Mr. HELLER). vote on the nomination with no inter- American families deserve a strong Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the vening action or debate; that if con- leader as the Vice Chair for Super- Senator from Nevada (Ms. CORTEZ firmed, the motion to reconsider be vision of the Fed who will fight hard to MASTO) is necessarily absent. considered made and laid upon the keep them safe. Everything we know The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there table; that the President be imme- about Mr. Quarles says that he will be any other Senators in the Chamber de- diately notified of the Senate’s action; fighting hard for the big banks. I will siring to vote? that no further motions be in order; be voting no on Mr. Quarles’ nomina- The result was announced—yeas 65, that any statements relating to the tion, and I urge all of my colleagues to nays 32, as follows: nomination be printed in the RECORD; do the same. [Rollcall Vote No. 213 Ex.] and that the Senate then resume con- sideration of the Gingrich nomination. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- YEAS—65 ator from Idaho. One modification, Mr. President. I Mr. CRAPO. Mr. President, I rise in Alexander Flake Perdue am striking the portion of this unani- Barrasso Gardner Peters support of the nomination of the Hon- Bennet Graham Portman mous consent request relating to the orable Randal Quarles to be a member Blunt Grassley Risch Gingrich nomination. of the Board of Governors of the Fed- Boozman Hatch Roberts The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Burr Heitkamp Rounds eral Reserve System. Capito Hoeven objection, it is so ordered. Mr. Quarles has extensive govern- Rubio Cardin Inhofe Sasse Is there further debate on the nomi- Carper Isakson ment and private-sector experience Scott nation? Cassidy Johnson dealing with both domestic and inter- Shaheen Collins Kennedy Hearing none, the question is, Will Shelby national financial markets. He is no Coons King the Senate advise and consent to the stranger to public service in his having Corker Lankford Strange Quarles nomination? previously served in multiple top posts Cornyn Lee Sullivan Tester The nomination was confirmed. in the Treasury Department. Cotton Manchin Crapo McCain Thune f Mr. Quarles has also been nominated Cruz McCaskill Tillis to serve as the Vice Chairman for Su- Daines McConnell Toomey CLOTURE MOTION pervision, a role that has never been of- Donnelly Moran Van Hollen The PRESIDING OFFICER. Pursuant ficially filled. Instead, former Federal Enzi Murkowski Warner Ernst Nelson Wicker to rule XXII, the Chair lays before the Governor Dan Tarullo has acted as the Fischer Paul Young Senate the pending cloture motion, de facto Vice Chairman for Supervision which the clerk will state. NAYS—32 in various ways, including by chairing The senior assistant legislative clerk the Federal Reserve Board’s Com- Baldwin Franken Markey read as follows: mittee on Supervision and Regulation, Blumenthal Gillibrand Menendez Booker Harris Merkley CLOTURE MOTION overseeing the Large Institution Su- Brown Hassan Murphy We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- Cantwell Heinrich pervision Coordinating Committee, and Murray ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the representing the Fed at the Financial Casey Hirono Reed Duckworth Kaine Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby Stability Board and in Basel, among Sanders move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- Durbin Klobuchar Schatz other functions. Feinstein Leahy nation of Lee Francis Cissna, of Maryland, to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:56 Oct 05, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G05OC6.007 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE S6332 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 5, 2017 be Director of United States Citizenship and Director of United States Citizenship The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- Immigration Services, Department of Home- and Immigration Services, Department jority whip. land Security. of Homeland Security. TAX REFORM Mitch McConnell, Chuck Grassley, Mike The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, not too Crapo, John Cornyn, John McCain, Pat Roberts, Steve Daines, Roger F. the previous order, the question is, Will long ago—I believe this was 2011—a Wicker, Mike Lee, John Boozman, the Senate advise and consent to the President came to a joint session of Lindsey Graham, James M. Inhofe, Cissna nomination? Congress and before the American peo- Cory Gardner, Jeff Flake, John Thune, Mr. WICKER. Mr. President, I ask for ple, he said what needed to be said John Barrasso, Orrin G. Hatch. the yeas and nays. about our Tax Code. He was pretty The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a blunt. He said that our Tax Code is imous consent, the mandatory quorum sufficient second? ‘‘rigged.’’ He said: ‘‘It makes no sense, call has been waived. There appears to be a sufficient sec- and it has to change.’’ Of course, you The question is, Is it the sense of the ond. can imagine, that was met with bipar- Senate that debate on the nomination The clerk will call the roll. tisan applause in the House Chamber of Lee Francis Cissna, of Maryland, to The bill clerk called the roll. and across the country. be Director of United States Citizen- Mr. CORNYN. The following Senators The same President called on Demo- ship and Immigration Services, Depart- are necessarily absent: the Senator crats and Republicans to ‘‘simplify the ment of Homeland Security, shall be from Mississippi (Mr. COCHRAN) and the system, get rid of the loopholes, and brought to a close? Senator from Nevada (Mr. HELLER). . . . lower the corporate tax rate’’—one The yeas and nays are mandatory Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the that, I might add, ranks among the under the rule. Senator from Nevada (Ms. CORTEZ highest in the industrialized world. The clerk will call the roll. MASTO) is necessarily absent. That President, like the rest of us, The assistant bill clerk called the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there knows that our business tax rate is a roll. any other Senators in the Chamber de- self-inflicted economic wound because Mr. CORNYN. The following Senators siring to vote? businesses figure out, How can I move are necessarily absent: the Senator The result was announced—yeas 54, money offshore and my headquarters from Mississippi (Mr. COCHRAN) and the nays 43, as follows: offshore, and if I earn money overseas, Senator from Nevada (Mr. HELLER). [Rollcall Vote No. 215 Ex.] how can I avoid bringing that back to Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the YEAS—54 the United States for better wages and Senator from Nevada (Ms. CORTEZ Alexander Flake Murkowski more jobs and to build the business? MASTO) is necessarily absent. Barrasso Gardner Paul That is all because of our self-destruc- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. SUL- Blunt Graham Perdue tive Tax Code. Boozman Grassley Portman But the President’s name—and I gave LIVAN). Are there any other Senators in Burr Hatch Risch the Chamber desiring to vote? Capito Heitkamp Roberts it away by saying the year the speech The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 54, Cassidy Hoeven Rounds was given. The President’s name might nays 43, as follows: Collins Inhofe Rubio surprise you, given the nature of the Corker Isakson Sasse [Rollcall Vote No. 214 Ex.] Cornyn Johnson Scott current debate in Washington. It was YEAS—54 Cotton Kennedy Shelby Barack Obama who said that, and the Crapo Lankford Strange straight talk came from his 2011 State Alexander Flake Murkowski Cruz Lee Sullivan of the Union address. Barrasso Gardner Paul Daines Manchin Thune Blunt Graham Perdue Donnelly McCain Tillis Let’s fast forward a few years. We Boozman Grassley Portman Enzi McCaskill Toomey have a new President from a different Burr Hatch Risch Ernst McConnell Wicker party beating the same drum. Presi- Capito Heitkamp Roberts Fischer Moran Young Cassidy Hoeven Rounds dent Trump has called our Tax Code a Collins Inhofe Rubio NAYS—43 relic and a colossal barrier standing in Corker Isakson Sasse Baldwin Harris Reed the way of America’s economic come- Cornyn Johnson Scott Bennet Hassan Sanders Cotton Kennedy Shelby back. He is right, of course, but so was Blumenthal Heinrich Schatz Crapo Lankford Strange President Obama. Booker Hirono Cruz Lee Sullivan Schumer Brown Kaine Tax reform doesn’t have to be par- Daines Manchin Thune Shaheen Cantwell King tisan. In fact, it shouldn’t be because Donnelly McCain Tillis Stabenow Cardin Klobuchar Enzi McCaskill Toomey Tester the ramifications are much more im- Carper Leahy Ernst McConnell Wicker Udall portant than just the politics and the Casey Markey Fischer Moran Young Van Hollen Coons Menendez scorekeeping of the day. The job cre- Warner Duckworth Merkley ators in my State of Texas are the ones NAYS—43 Warren Durbin Murphy Baldwin Harris Reed Whitehouse who really understand what is at stake Feinstein Murray because they are living it. They are the Bennet Hassan Sanders Franken Nelson Wyden Blumenthal Heinrich Schatz Gillibrand Peters ones who are getting slammed by our Booker Hirono Schumer current system. Brown Kaine Shaheen NOT VOTING—3 Cantwell King Take Lisa Fullerton, for example, Stabenow Cochran Cortez Masto Heller who owns a small retail business in Cardin Klobuchar Tester Carper Leahy Udall The nomination was confirmed. San Antonio, my hometown. Ms. Ful- Casey Markey Van Hollen The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under lerton is an accountant with 33 years of Coons Menendez Warner Duckworth Merkley the previous order, the motion to re- experience, who used to handle her own Warren Durbin Murphy consider is considered made and laid business’s tax compliance in-house. Feinstein Murray Whitehouse upon the table and the President will Eventually, though, the code became Wyden Franken Nelson be immediately notified of the Senate’s too complex, and enforcement became Gillibrand Peters action. too punitive, and she couldn’t take NOT VOTING—3 f that risk anymore. She said that her Cochran Cortez Masto Heller outsourcing of tax and employment EXECUTIVE CALENDAR The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this functions now costs her small business vote, the yeas are 54, the nays are 43. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- roughly $280,000 more per year than it The motion is agreed to. ate will resume consideration of the did in 2000. f following nomination, which the clerk Lisa is far from the only one who is will report. frustrated. Kurt Summers is the Presi- EXECUTIVE CALENDAR The legislative clerk read the nomi- dent of Austin Generator Service, a The PRESIDING OFFICER. The nation of Callista L. Gingrich, of Vir- small residential power company in the clerk will report the nomination. ginia, to be Ambassador Extraordinary Texas capital. For him, a lower tax The bill clerk read the nomination of and Plenipotentiary of the United rate would mean the difference be- Lee Francis Cissna, of Maryland, to be States of America to the Holy See. tween his company turning a profit or

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:54 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G05OC6.011 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6333 a loss. It would literally make the dif- ommends what is widely agreed upon Americans who think we need back- ference between being able to keep the as overdue, which is lowering our un- ground checks for every gun sale, in- doors open or have to lock them up competitive corporate rate, which puts cluding 74 percent of NRA members. permanently. He explained that any American employers and workers at a There are 89 percent of Americans who extra profits realized through tax sav- disadvantage. think we should prevent the mentally ings might enable his company to grow Today, it is sad but true that we are ill from purchasing guns. There are 82 more aggressively. To him, the need for divided on many issues in America. But percent of Republicans who want us to change is very simple. It means more as President Trump and President bar gun purchases for people on the no- hiring and more jobs. Obama have suggested, tax reform does fly or terrorist watch list. Yet Con- So Texans, like Alaskans and like all not have to be one of them. gress has done nothing to respond to Americans, get the picture. But the I listened to our friend the Demo- the American people. We did nothing picture is pretty messed up, and it cratic leader, Senator SCHUMER, this after Aurora, after Newtown, after Or- doesn’t make any sense. morning, calling for bipartisan tax re- lando—nothing. Greg Brown, President of W.W. Can- form. They are going to have a chance Unlike Washington, in Colorado, non, an industrialized storage company to do that because, after we pass a after the two mass shootings in Aurora in Dallas, says that compliance has budget resolution, I anticipate that in and at Columbine, our legislators rose gotten to be a truly herculean tax. It the Senate Finance Committee, Sen- to the occasion and made tough choices has gotten so difficult that he has had ator HATCH will call up a base bill after we suffered two of the worst mass to outsource that to a CPA—again, be- known as the chairman’s mark, which shootings in our Nation’s history. After cause it is so complex and people don’t will be open for amendment in the Sen- the massacre at Columbine, we closed want to risk the burden of not doing it ate Finance Committee. That is what the gun show loophole. After the trag- right because of the punitive nature of people have been asking for, a chance edy in Aurora, we strengthened our the penalties. to participate in the writing of the leg- background checks in a Western State. Darryl Lyons, CEO of PAX Financial islation in the committee and then to Last year, those background checks Group, has done the same thing. He is have it come to the floor for open de- blocked 8,704 people from buying guns. harmed each year by the passthrough bate and amendment. It is what we call That may sound like a lot, but 380,000 taxes on his small business income, regular order around here. But what I people applied for guns in Colorado last which impair his ability to save for am hearing from our Democratic col- year. That means just 2 percent of business emergencies, as well as to pay leagues is, yes, they want bipartisan those folks who applied were blocked off his company debt. legislation, but they don’t want to par- and that 98 percent were able to buy Lastly, in terms of my stories here, ticipate in the process of writing. It guns without a problem. Andy Ellard, the owner and general strikes me as pretty hypocritical. This Who were the 2 percent whom Colo- manager of a machine company in Dal- shouldn’t be partisan, as President rado is blocking but whom this Con- las, regularly purchases expensive com- Obama and President Trump have dem- gress fails to block? Among them were puter numerical controlled equipment onstrated and as Democrats and Re- murderers and rapists and kidnappers to stay competitive in his industry. I publicans alike have said time and and domestic abusers. have no idea what that is—computer again. No one could come to this floor and numerical controlled equipment. He We in Washington have no magic tell me Colorado is worse off because said that the tax ramifications of every wand that will make our Tax Code sud- we have kept guns out of the hands of purchase have to be considered. Almost denly disappear, but that doesn’t ex- those people. The average wait time for every day, he asks: Can we expense it? cuse us from working to make taxes those background checks is 12 minutes. Do we have to depreciate it? And if we and tax compliance a little less pain- That strikes me as a fair tradeoff to do, over how long? ful. keep guns out of the hands of mur- Mr. Ellard isn’t shy with his words. I yield the floor. derers and kidnappers and rapists. Yet He calls the complicated deduction The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- here in Washington, despite now an an- scheme for business expenses ‘‘chaos.’’ ator from Colorado. nual tragedy—tragedy after tragedy— Clearly, something needs to change. LAS VEGAS MASS SHOOTING Congress has done nothing. We haven’t As I said at the outset, that has been Mr. BENNET. Mr. President, last even done the simple things like close acknowledged on a bipartisan basis by weekend a man camped out on the 32nd the gun show loophole or stop people the current President and the past floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las on the terrorist watch list from buying President. I even brought out some Vegas. He stockpiled 23 weapons and weapons. quotes yesterday or the day before hundreds of rounds of ammunition. He This is not about taking guns away from the Democratic leader, Senator set up bipods and scopes. He brought a from people who have them. It is about SCHUMER, making exactly the same ar- hammer to knock out the window. keeping guns out of the hands of people gument. The ranking member of the Then, on Sunday, he opened fire. He who nearly everybody agrees should Senate Finance Committee, the Sen- kept firing for 15 minutes, stopping not have them. It is about stopping ator from Oregon, said that lowering only to reload and switch weapons. more people like the Las Vegas killer the corporate tax rate will make Amer- Over 15 minutes, he murdered 58 Amer- from modifying his rifles to become al- ica more competitive globally and will icans and injured more than 500. most fully automatic and far more bring money back home for jobs and in- The day after the shooting, I was in deadly. I cosponsored a bill this week vestment in our country. So it is im- Washington. I had seven or eight meet- to ban those modifications, and I am portant for us to be consistent and, un- ings, and not a single person in those encouraged that some of my Repub- fortunately, they haven’t been. meetings brought up the worst shoot- lican colleagues seem to be open to Things are starting to change. Last ing in modern American history—not that idea. week, the so-called Big 6—led by one. I know we cannot stop every madman Speaker RYAN; Treasury Secretary I am not sure if it was two mass or every random act of violence in this Steve Mnuchin; KEVIN BRADY, chair- shootings ago or three when we started country—we cannot—just as we cannot man of the House Ways and Means to accept this as a normal condition of stop every murder from happening, but Committee; and the Finance Com- American life, when we lost our belief that does not mean we should not mittee chairman, ORRIN HATCH—re- that it was within our power to protect make them less likely or that we can- leased a unified framework that con- our fellow Americans at a country not take steps to limit their harm, tains core principles for reform. Among music concert or at a nightclub or at a steps that are backed by the over- them are a simplified rate structure, movie theater or at a school. whelming majority of Americans and the elimination of the alternative min- I know there are strong beliefs about that are fully consistent with the Con- imum tax, and many itemized deduc- guns in America—principled beliefs— stitution. tions and incentives for companies to but there are also steps that the over- I remember, after the shooting at the keep jobs on American soil. Perhaps whelming majority of Americans want Pulse Nightclub, I was supposed to most importantly, the framework rec- us to take. There are 90 percent of take my daughter to camp that day.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:56 Oct 05, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G05OC6.014 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE S6334 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 5, 2017 She was going to be away from us for a Yet our small businesses face a mar- small businesses—first EH Chocolates month. I can remember I did every- ginal tax rate as high as 39.6 percent. & More and, later, Farm Fresh thing I could to keep her from hearing At the same time, their effective tax Produce. Both are growing and deli- the news that day, as the numbers of rate can vary widely. In fact, a CNBC cious businesses. fatalities increased during the course survey showed that 22 percent of small Small businesses employ middle- of the day, because I didn’t want her to businesses cannot really say what their class Americans who power this and leave us—she was about 12 at the effective tax rate really is. other small businesses across the coun- time—with a sense of fear, the fear I Think about that. try. We need more folks like Eric—lots felt and the country felt. I am so sorry If you are a small business that is a more—who are willing to take the risk, my children and America’s children partnership or an LLC, then your prof- who have a good idea, and who want to have to grow up in a country where its are going to pass through to you stay and work in their own homes in mass shootings are common, where we and be taxed at the individual rate. rural America and certainly in our are beginning to see them just as part There are currently seven individual State of West Virginia, which has had of our lives. tax brackets. Then you have credits a major economic downturn. We need I heard somebody the other day on and deductions. There is also a self-em- more Eric Hotts. We need to simplify television say that is the price of free- ployment tax, and the list goes on. On the Tax Code for small businesses and dom. What a shame that somebody top of that, small businesses can have let them focus on what they do best, would say that in the United States of Social Security and Medicare taxes, a which is refining their products, pro- America. What a surrender that rep- Federal unemployment tax, and em- viding their services, and providing resents to our children and to the vic- ployment taxes. That is not even tak- jobs for people in their various areas. As much as any other policy that tims of these crimes. I didn’t grow up ing into account taxes like a State- Congress can advance, tax reform will in that America, but conditions have level income tax or property tax and more. That is why businesses and indi- promote growth and provide job oppor- changed. We have let it happen. The re- tunities across this great country. viduals spend billions of dollars a year sult is, we now have an entire genera- Across the entire country, only two in to comply with the Tax Code. That is tion of Americans—of our countrymen, five distressed communities have seen more than 18 hours for every man and our sons, and our daughters—who are any job growth during the past 5 years. woman and child in the United States growing up with a reasonable fear that Fully 50 percent of U.S. job growth has they could be victims of a mass shoot- of America. If I could give a visual occurred in just 2 percent of our coun- ing or that their moms or their dads here, that is basically 3 million people try’s counties. might not come home one day. working full time on taxes for small We need to change that. We need to I think our kids have enough to businesses at a cost of $195 billion. help small businesses that are major worry about. They have every right to The point is, it is complicated. Our economic drivers in every part of our see a movie with their parents, to go Tax Code is too complicated, and that country. It is no wonder that small dancing with their friends, or to see a is part of what tax reform is about— businesses have found it difficult to concert on their one night off without simplifying the Tax Code. If Congress open, let alone succeed in many parts having the fear of being shot down by can simplify the Tax Code just to cut of our country. Because of our out- people who have no business carrying compliance costs in half, think of how dated Tax Code, real wages for most such powerful weapons. They have a many significant resources that would workers have barely increased for dec- right to expect that this Congress will free up that would be better used to ades. By modernizing our Tax Code, we finally do something about gun vio- grow the economy, create jobs, raise can create more opportunity and high- lence in our country—violence which is wages, and expand businesses. er wages for Americans. We can far greater than anywhere else in the The National Federation of Inde- achieve a simpler system with lower industrialized world. pendent Business, which represents rates that is good for business and In the wake of these horrific acts, as 325,000 small businesses across this workers and, from the description I always, Americans spring into action. country, called this tax reform frame- just put forward, would be a good time First responders secure the area and work a good start, and it has urged us saver and resource saver. care for the wounded. Neighbors hold to take swift action. According to a The best thing about this in terms of vigils to honor the victims and support survey by Paychex, 41 percent of small small business is that it would lead to grieving families. Journalists shed business owners want tax reform to be more jobs. Let’s create an environment light on what happened and why. Citi- the very top priority. that leads to more investment in our zens speak out to demand action from Whom will these reforms really help? States and continues to grow and build their elected officials. They are doing We are going to have a long discussion jobs. These are the changes hard- their jobs, and it is time for Congress on this. This is just part of whom they working West Virginians and Ameri- to do ours. will help. They will help the small cans are hungering for. In order to I yield the floor. businesses that employ so many people make West Virginia the best place to The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. in my home State of West Virginia. live and work, now is the time for tax FISCHER). The Senator from West Vir- They will help people like Eric Hott, of reform. ginia. EH Chocolates & More, from Hamp- I look forward to working with my TAX REFORM shire County. Eric has a great story. colleagues to make this a reality. Mrs. CAPITO. Madam President, last Eric grew up on a farm in Kirby, WV. Doing it will benefit so many—every- week, I rose to talk about the impor- His mother was from Hornberg, Ger- one in this country. tance of tax reform. I believe this is a many. While growing up, his grand- I thank the Presiding Officer and policy issue we cannot talk about mother was always cooking something. yield the floor. enough and that we cannot emphasize After graduating from high school, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ator from Arizona. enough. So, today, I rise to talk about Eric moved to Germany to begin a cul- (The remarks of Mr. FLAKE per- inary apprenticeship. By 2006, he had a how important the reform is to our taining to the introduction of S. 1937 small businesses, and in the coming chef apprenticeship at a five-star hotel are printed in today’s RECORD under in Germany. He went on to serve at weeks, I will be up here to talk about ‘‘Statements on Introduced Bills and events like the G8 Summit and for other important aspects of tax reform. Joint Resolutions.’’) We are all from different States and guests that included the German Chan- Mr. FLAKE. I yield the floor. other parts of the country, but we all cellor and his First Lady. After run- I suggest the absence of a quorum. know small businesses are a major eco- ning a patisserie in Germany, he moved The PRESIDING OFFICER. The nomic driver in our country, as 95 per- to Switzerland, where he refined and clerk will call the roll. cent of businesses in the United States perfected the art of chocolate-making. The senior assistant legislative clerk are small businesses, and that number That sounds good to me. Then what did proceeded to call the roll. is even higher in my State of West Vir- he do? He wanted to come home. He re- Mr. LEE. Madam President, I ask ginia. Small businesses employ more turned home to West Virginia. He went unanimous consent that the order for than half of West Virginia’s workforce. back to Kirby, WV, and started his own the quorum call be rescinded.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:56 Oct 05, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G05OC6.015 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6335 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without His addresses and sermons were full tigation are not done at this point, but objection, it is so ordered. of moral exhortation and practical ad- some of it is. REMEMBERING ELDER ROBERT D. HALES vice on living well. Don’t walk, run to Several aspects are clear from the in- Mr. LEE. Madam President, I rise holiness, he urged his brothers and sis- vestigation, though, again, it is not today to honor the life of Elder Robert ters in faith. Elder Hales knew that ho- complete, and we will have a final doc- D. Hales, a member of the Quorum of liness is an activity, a pursuit to which ument at the end. Some of the areas the Twelve Apostles of the Church of we must consecrate our whole lives that are clear are that Russia was try- Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. running the race and enduring to the ing to use active measures to engage us Elder Hales passed away peacefully end. in our last election. That part is very, on Sunday, October 1, at the age of 85. Through his example and through his very clear. He leaves behind his faithful wife Mary words, Elder Hales taught that virtue The question comes for many people: and their two sons, Stephen and David. is not just a good intention but a good Why would they do that? Quite frank- Robert Hales was born and raised in a deed reinforced and compounded by ly, this is the way Russia has worked faithful household in Long Island, NY. past deeds. for a very long time—this asymmetric He was an all-American boy who Elder Hales urged young men and warfare they do where they try to con- played baseball through college at the women to embrace the joys of adult- stantly interfere in other people’s University of Utah but eventually trad- hood through marriage, child-rearing, thoughts and conflicts. They have done ed in his baseball uniform for a flight and responsible citizenship. He knew it across Europe for a long time. They suit, serving in the U.S. Air Force as a that the way to true happiness lies in are now doing it here. jet fighter pilot. Elder Hales’s service those sacrificial activities, not the self- Some of this is a product of Russia’s as a military aviator would inform the ish lifestyles that tempt so many having a very weak economy and try- rest of his life and certainly his entire today. ing to find some way to bolster them- ministry. He took with him the unit During one memorable address to the selves up. In the last 2 years, the Rus- motto displayed on the side of his air- General Conference of the church, sian ruble has dropped 40 percent in craft: ‘‘Return With Honor.’’ Elder Hales recounted the advice he re- value. As they struggle with low oil After his discharge from the mili- ceived as a boy when he had been prices and struggle in the way they tary, Elder Hales entered the world of tempted to make a poor decision: function with their government with international business. In jobs around ‘‘Robert,’’ his father had said to him, the oligarchs and have a select group of the world, he established a reputation ‘‘straighten up and fly right!’’ From people who can succeed and other folks as an enthusiastic leader who relished the testimony of his life, it is clear who continue to struggle around the a challenge and dealt fairly with oth- that Elder Hales honored his father’s country and as they struggle under ers. Because of these qualities, Elder advice in the Air Force, in the work- that system where they have fake elec- Hales rose to become president of force, in the household, and in the tions and such, they try to reach out to Paper Mate, a division of Gillette. church. Elder Robert D. Hales flew other countries and try to interfere in Later, he assumed senior executive po- right. Now he has returned with honor our elections to make us look like sitions at Max Factor Company, the to be embraced by his Heavenly Fa- them. Hughes Television Network, and ther. We have a free press that they try to Chesebrough-Pond’s Manufacturing Thank you, Madam President. engage in. We have free speech that Company. But Elder Hales never let I yield the floor and suggest the ab- they don’t have in Russia. We have work dominate his life, as so many ex- sence of a quorum. freedom of religion, which they don’t ecutives do. Despite the enormous de- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The have in Russia. We have the ability to mands on his time, he stayed faithful clerk will call the roll. be able to have disputes on political to the more important commitments The senior assistant legislative clerk issues. They clearly don’t have that in he made to his family and to his Lord. proceeded to call the roll. Russia. If you disagree with leadership So it was that Robert Hales, a busi- Mr. LANKFORD. Madam President, I in Russia, you will end up in prison. If ness executive of international re- ask unanimous consent that the order you disagree with leadership in the nowned, made an unusual decision in for the quorum call be rescinded. United States, you will end up on TV. the prime of his life: He left the cor- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without It is very different to be in an open so- porate world to give his all to the objection, it is so ordered. ciety like ours. But they reach into church. When Jesus said ‘‘Come, follow RUSSIA INVESTIGATION what we consider a strength and try to me,’’ Robert Hales left his nets Mr. LANKFORD. Madam President, I make it our weakness. straightaway and became a fisher of want to be able to give a quick update We are going to try to get the facts men. to this body on a conversation that out on this over the next several Elder Hales was called to become the started yesterday and has been ongoing months as we work through this proc- presiding bishop of the church in 1985, for months about Russia and their in- ess. We are going to expose what Rus- overseeing the church’s vast charitable terference in our elections and how sia is really trying to do. Do they use network. As bishop, he used the skills they are trying to engage with us in a some overt propaganda networks like of a business executive not for profit way that much of Europe has seen for Sputnik Radio and RT? Is their Rus- but to help the least of those among us. decades but that we just haven’t seen sian propaganda on multiple cable and In 1994, Elder Hales was sustained to in the United States. satellite channels throughout the the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, a Yesterday, Senator BURR and Sen- United States? Their version of the church position he held for 23 years ator WARNER stood up and gave an up- facts are designed to create discord in until his passing just days ago. From date of where we are in the status of our Nation. That is what they do. this position as a watchman on the the investigation of the Senate Select They also have ways that are not tower, he boldly proclaimed the Gospel Committee on Intelligence. They quite as overt. They reach in on social of Jesus Christ, and he also spoke out walked through some of the statistics. media platforms. They have their trolls on such pressing societal issues as reli- We have done over 100 interviews. We in Russia who have thousands of fake gious freedom. He saw that the erosion have 4,000 pages of transcript from accounts on Facebook and and of religious belief in the United States those interviews. We have 100,000 docu- other social media apps. They use was quickly devolving into social and ments that we have gone through so those thousands of apps to search political intolerance for religious peo- far, and there is more to go. We have around any news in America and find a ple and institutions. But this pre- completed some areas where we have place where there is conflict in Amer- diction did not lead Elder Hales to de- interviewed everyone who we could ica and then try to amp up the volume. spair, no; instead, he redoubled his ef- possibly interview in that area. In To be clear, the Russians are not cre- forts to edify the next generation—the other areas, as we do one interview, ating conflict in America. We have young men and women who were in the they quote a couple of other people, plenty of it. We disagree on issues. preparatory period of life, as he termed and we chase down those individuals, Again, it is our free society. When we it. and it continues. So parts of the inves- disagree on something, we disagree on

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:56 Oct 05, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G05OC6.018 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE S6336 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 5, 2017 it publically and sometimes loud. That after our elections to see if they can of religion, and opportunities for indi- is who we are as Americans. We try to find a way, at the end of the election, viduals to actually engage and to have work things out, sometimes at a high to make us doubt the outcomes. conflict with their own government volume. But just like two kids who are What can we do about that? I will and to be able to disagree publically on fighting on the playground in the fifth give you several ideas. One of them, I things. We still can disagree with each grade—remember those two kids that would say, is that we need to protect other. We need to be aware that they started a fight and their friends were the primacy of States running the elec- want to turn us into them. I would watching them? Then, eventually, tions. There is absolutely no need for hope for the sake of the Russian peo- someone on the other side of the play- the Federal Government to go to ple, in the days ahead, that they could ground started yelling ‘‘fight,’’ and the States and take over their election be more like us. crowd started forming. The Russians process. It is a constitutional protec- Ronald Reagan told a story about a aren’t starting the fight. They aren’t tion that those States have to be able friend of his who had a conversation even in the fight. They are the kids on to run their elections, but every State with a Cuban refugee fleeing from com- the far side of the playground, trying is also responsible to do it. Of the 21 munism and oppression in Cuba in 1964. to get more people to run to the fight. States that I noted here that the Rus- He said that his friend, this Cuban ref- They are not starting the Twitter wars sians tried to engage in, they couldn’t ugee, said: and the battles, but they look at where get to a single voting machine. The If we lose freedom here, there is no place to America is divided, issues like race. States are already doing a good job, escape to. This is the last stand on Earth. Their troll farms will try to find areas but they need help. We are still a role model for the rest where we disagree, such as areas of There is no reason the State of Okla- of the world. As much conflict as we race, and reach in and try to amplify homa should have to work alone to be have with each other, we are still a the volume on that by repeating accu- able to protect itself from the Russians role model. I have no issue disagreeing sations and by trying to be even more trying to invade it in the cyber attack. at times with people on this floor. We hostile online. They are trying to stoke They are going to need some allies to can have our disagreements, but I don’t disunity in our Nation. come along with them, but the States want the Russians to interfere in our It is important that we know that should still be able to run the system. disagreements. They can keep their every time you see something with a There should be more sharing between business over there. In the days ahead, high number of hashtag counts that the State and the Federal Government. we will continue to expose the things goes up, it is not always Americans There should be an opportunity for the they are doing. So they can back off who are pushing that up. Occasionally, Federal Government to be able to say and go bug someone else because we it is an outside body trying to raise the to a State, earlier than 10 months after are akin to what they are doing. volume and make a conflict look even the election: Hey, you are being With that, I yield the floor. bigger than it already is in America be- hacked. For the FBI to notify States a I suggest the absence of a quorum. cause they are into sowing discord. couple of weeks ago that they were The PRESIDING OFFICER. The That is what they love to do. That is hacked in the 2016 elections is a little clerk will call the roll. what the rest of the nations have seen late. When it is occurring, we need to The senior assistant legislative clerk them do. We should be very clear that have that engagement between State proceeded to call the roll. the Russians are trying to continue to IT folks and Federal IT folks. We need Mr. BROWN. Madam President, I ask sow chaos into us. to be able to have that conversation as unanimous consent that the order for They have reached into our election it is ongoing so the State can take pro- the quorum call be rescinded. systems. In the previous couple of tective measures as it is occurring. We The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without weeks, the FBI notified 21 different need to have that cooperation between objection, it is so ordered. States that during the last election States and the Federal Government. The Senator from Ohio. season, the Russians tried to interfere We need to be able to help States come EQUIFAX BREACH in their election process as a State. up with ways they can audit their sys- Mr. BROWN. Madam President, I say Now, that doesn’t mean they did inter- tem after the election is over. to the Presiding Officer—and the Sen- fere. That means they reached in and When every election occurs, you ator who is about to become the Pre- tested systems. That means they tried should be able to audit it and make siding Officer—I appreciated the work to go into voter databases to see if sure the machines that were running of you two together, in tandem, today they could access a voter database to the election actually were not hacked. for two nominees in front of the Agri- see who was registered to vote. They You can verify that. In Oklahoma, we culture Committee. I thank you. tried to get into a secretary of State’s have optical scanners. You fill out a (Mr. SASSE assumed the Chair.) office in a local State to see if they paper ballot. You run it through an op- Mr. President, I rise to talk for a mo- could figure out how they do their elec- tical scanner at the end of the election ment about a hearing yesterday, which tions. That means they reached into time, and they can count everything the Presiding Officer sat through, too, systems in States to see what voting from the optical scanner. If there is with the outgoing CEO of Equifax. We machines they used and if they tried to any question, they can go back to the know what happened with Equifax, yet connect them in. They were trying to paper and actually do a hand count. We we really don’t know entirely what find out how they do elections, learn as can literally audit our elections and happened. We know there was a breach much as they could about their proc- their process. It is a safe system that of Equifax’s information, and 145 mil- ess, and see how far they could get. we have set up in our State. Every lion Americans—more than half of the Through all of our work, we have yet State does it differently, but I would adult population in our country—had to find a single vote that was changed. encourage every State to set up a sys- their data breached. Criminals will now The Russians didn’t get into voting tem where they can audit their system. have access to the data of far too many machines. They didn’t alter the elec- We know this year that the Russians Americans. tion in any way, but they were con- were trying to engage in our election. I am hopeful because I and Senator stantly probing through multiple It could be someone else who could do CRAPO, the chairman of the committee, States to see what they could get ac- it. Any number of groups could try to and others on the committee were pret- cess to. interfere in our process. It is basic ty unhappy—not to speak for others, Now, it is my belief that they are common sense to say we should have a certainly, but we were pretty unhappy preparing for something else. They are system of elections we can actually with Equifax’s performance yesterday trying to see what they could get ac- audit. Perhaps Russia, in the days because we didn’t get a lot of answers cess to in the last election to see if ahead, hopes that our Nation will be to a number of our questions. they could get back into it and do even more like theirs. We will not be. When you think about what we do more in the next election. We should be We are the longest constitutional Re- with medical language, with our per- aware of that. We should be aware not public in the world. We still need the sonal medical information, we have only of their propaganda, but we world. We still put out our values laws to say that our personal medical should be aware that they are going about free speech, free press, freedom information belongs to us. We, of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:56 Oct 05, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G05OC6.019 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6337 course, can share it with a hospital or ple’s medical records—we ought to gotten access, so we don’t know what is a doctor or whomever we want, but our have the same protection for their fi- happening there. doctor can’t share it with other doctors nancial records. It simply makes sense, In short, the situation is perilous, without our permission. Our hospital and I am hopeful we can come to a so- and we don’t have a moment to waste. can’t share it with other hospitals lution. Like many, I had hoped that during without our permission. But our per- I yield the floor. his visit to Puerto Rico, the President sonal financial data doesn’t fall into I suggest the absence of a quorum. would take the high road and set a new those categories. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The tone after his administration’s woe- We know how this happens. Equifax clerk will call the roll. fully delayed and inadequate response is a company that many have rarely The senior assistant legislative clerk to Hurricane Maria. Instead, the Presi- thought about. A lot of people have proceeded to call the roll. dent took victim-blaming to a whole never thought much about it, and Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. President, I ask new level. He told emergency respond- many have never really explored who unanimous consent that the order for ers and local elected officials: ‘‘I hate they are. Equifax is a company in At- the quorum call be rescinded. to tell you, Puerto Rico, but you have lanta. There are three data agencies The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without thrown our budget a little out of like this. They get your data without objection, it is so ordered. whack.’’ your permission. They get it from a PUERTO RICO RECOVERY EFFORT Well, Mr. President, perhaps we have utility company or from a bank or Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. President, I to dial back the budget-bursting, tril- from somebody else. They have two rise today, as I have on so many occa- lion-dollar tax cuts you want to give to jobs: to collect your data and then to sions, to give voice to the 3.5 million billionaire families like yours, because protect your data, your personal finan- Americans who call Puerto Rico home. it is going to take more than paper cial data. Their lives have been turned upside towels to help the people of Puerto This company—this CEO has been down by Hurricane Maria, and now Rico. paid $69 million over the last 3 years. more than ever, they desperately need In this country, we don’t turn our The CEO we met with, who has retired, to be heard. I invite my colleagues on backs on Americans in need. We don’t has been compensated very generously. both sides of the aisle to join me in am- complain about how much it costs to Who knows if he will end up getting bo- plifying the voices of millions of Puer- restore power to hospitals or rebuild nuses and golden parachutes and all? to Ricans calling out for help and the roads in ruin that connect people to The American public has come to un- millions here on the mainland who their government and essential serv- fortunately expect that these CEOs have yet to hear from their families. ices or get clean drinking water and will abuse the public trust. Here on the floor with me today are food and medicine to the hungry and Look at what happened at Wells aerial photos of the destruction caused the frail. We are the United States of Fargo, creating all kinds of accounts by Hurricane Maria, the astounding America, and we are there for each for people who didn’t even want those damage I saw firsthand when I toured other, whether it is Texas after Harvey accounts, who didn’t even know they Puerto Rico by helicopter on Friday, or Florida after Irma or New Jersey were having those accounts opened. pictures largely taken by me. after Sandy or Puerto Rico after And look at Equifax. Take this collapsed bridge in the mu- Maria. In far too many cases, these compa- nicipality of Utuado, situated in the If you heard the President speak ear- nies don’t protect our information the central mountains of Puerto Rico. lier this week, you would heard that way they have promised they would. It Every day, the 30,000 Americans who everything is going great and that he makes all of us, the 145 million, subject live in Utuado depend on these bridges in particular is doing the greatest job to some kind of criminal activity in all to cross the beautiful rivers that run any President has ever done in the his- kinds of ways—to violate our privacy through it, but today those 30,000 tory of the world. The administration and to take advantage of us financially Americans are secluded, waiting in the will tell us that the majority of hos- and all the identity theft and all the dark, and wondering when help will ar- pitals are open but leave out the fact things that come with that. rive. that many are running on emergency If you were a student at Bowling Images like these have stayed with generators at significantly reduced ca- Green State University who graduated me from the moment I left Puerto pacity. They will leave out how the and you miss a student loan payment Rico, and I share them today because shortages of ambulances and fuel and after you have graduated, you get your the people of Puerto Rico need our col- functional roads have made getting to credit dinged by Equifax. If you are a lective voices and support to stop this the hospitals nearly impossible. Even if homeowner in Mansfield, OH, or in Ra- humanitarian crisis from devolving you do find a way there, the hospitals venna, OH, and you miss a monthly into a full-blown American tragedy. might not have the medicine, supplies, payment or a couple of monthly pay- This is another example of some of or doctors you need. ments, you get your credit dinged. You the devastation of a large number of The administration will boast that it are held accountable by Equifax, but homes in a community. has set up 11 distribution points for Equifax hasn’t really been held ac- If we hope to overcome the monu- food, water, and other necessities, but countable much by anyone. mental challenges before us, we need a what good is a distribution center that The cynicism people in this country full grasp of the reality on the ground. takes hours to reach and is out of sup- have toward our financial system, to- I thought that is why President Trump plies before you get there? ward Wall Street—then we see Wells went to Puerto Rico this week—to get They will brag about how half of the Fargo do what they have done; then we a dose of reality. Instead, the President people have access to running water see Equifax do what they have done. It continued to feed on his own warped but neglect to say that in some rural is time for Congress to push away these version of reality. The President told areas in the north, barely over 13 per- special interest groups that have far the people of Puerto Rico that they cent of people have access to running too much influence in this body. should be ‘‘very proud’’ that the death water. The White House has not been help- count was only ‘‘16 versus literally They will boast about all of the ful. The White House looks like a re- thousands of people’’ who died in ‘‘a buildings being inspected—something treat for Goldman Sachs executives, real catastrophe like Katrina’’—a real that even the Governor of Puerto Rico with all the people around the Presi- catastrophe like Katrina. And cer- questioned—but look at this image I dent who do the bidding of Wall Street tainly that was a catastrophe, but this took 5 days before the President land- and protect far too many of these Wall is no less real for the people of Puerto ed. This is just 25 minutes outside of Street firms and Wells Fargo and the Rico. Yet, moments later, the AP re- San Juan. Hurricane Maria destroyed Equifaxes of the world. ported that fatalities in Puerto Rico many of the wooden homes that popu- I am hopeful that we will sit down in have tragically risen to 44. And while I late the island and weakened many of a bipartisan way and begin to figure pray it is not the case, I fear that it its immense structures, as the picture out what to do here. Maybe we do con- may be even worse, because we have se- showed that we had up before. Here is sider the protections we have for peo- cluded communities that still have not an example of it. So you see that all of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:56 Oct 05, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G05OC6.021 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE S6338 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 5, 2017 these homes are destroyed. Some of never be able to return. Entire genera- Hurricane Maria didn’t create this them are not made in the same way. tions of close-knit communities may disparity, but it exposed the long- Here is a cement structure that is also never be the same. standing inequities that have hindered totally destroyed. I saw the same Despite these dire conditions, during the island’s success for generations. sights across Puerto Rico in commu- my visit to Puerto Rico, I felt the spir- The people of Puerto Rico don’t receive nities near the capital, in the moun- it of community and commitments equal Medicaid funding, Medicare cov- tains, and along the coast. shared by so many Americans across erage, or access to tax credits. They What does all this tell us? It tells us the island. After Hurricane Maria, they aren’t just numbers on a ledger; they an unfortunate truth: that the admin- woke to devastation, no communica- are long-term care for a grandparent, istration’s response to this crisis has tion, and the isolating affects of roads treatment for a critically ill child, and been woefully inadequate from the being cut off by fallen trees, electrical a fair shot to make a living wage and start. posts, and debris. As they wait and raise a family. For 2 weeks, Puerto Ricans cried out wonder when their government will This didn’t happen overnight. These for help—help accessing clean water, come to their aid, they are doing ev- wrongs add up over time. As Governor help powering hospitals, help feeding erything they can to survive. They Rossello said so eloquently: families. Yet the President accused have taken matters into their own I invite you to reflect on why Puerto Rico them—the victims of this historic nat- hands. They are clearing roads, shel- is in the current state of disadvantage and ural disaster—of being ingrates clam- tering relatives who lost their homes, inequality. It’s not something that happened oring for handouts. He dismissed the and working together to care for the just a few months or few weeks before this urgency of their situation, and he ef- most vulnerable. So through it all, I storm. It is a condition that has happened fectively called the mayor of San Juan saw the hard-working spirit alive in for more than a century in Puerto Rico. another nasty woman who should pipe Puerto Rico that I see whenever I I invite you to reflect on the reality down. speak with Puerto Rican families there that even after the storm hit Puerto Well, this is the mayor of San Juan, and across New Jersey, where so many Rico, even when it was evident it was a wading hip deep in water. Does this of my constituents are mobilizing to disaster in the United States, only half look like a woman who isn’t taking re- send help as they anxiously wait to of our U.S. citizens knew Puerto sponsibility? No. To me, it looks like a hear from their families. Ricans are U.S. citizens. So when Hur- leader doing everything she can to save Like so many Americans, I too wor- ricanes Irma and Maria slammed into lives. ried about my family on the island. My Puerto Rico, these disparities, these in- I knew from the start that we brother faces health challenges, and I equalities, were laid bare. weren’t getting the full picture, and be- worried about his care. Fortunately, None of this should have taken the cause the administration went out of we had a brief moment to meet, and I Trump administration by surprise. We its way not to provide support for a bi- was able to give him some supplies— knew the storm was coming. We knew partisan congressional delegation to help one person. But as tough as this for days that a category 5 hurricane visit the island, I decided to go myself. situation was, he is one of the lucky was on a collision course with Puerto After all, it will be the responsibility of ones. He lives in a suburb of San Juan Rico, just as communities across the Congress to fund disaster relief and which is relatively better off than the island were picking up the pieces after long-term recovery on these islands, more remote, rural areas. Irma. We have known for years about Let’s look at a chart of our recovery and we need the facts in order to the island’s aging infrastructure, like status. Fifteen days after the storm produce the right legislation. So last the downed power line pictured here. ravaged the island, where does it Friday, I boarded an Americans Air- In short, all of us knew Hurricane stand? Well, 93 percent of our fellow lines flight to Puerto Rico. Maria was a recipe for disaster that Americans are still without power. I Now, let me be clear. I have visited would leave 3.5 million Americans im- can tell my colleagues firsthand that the island of Puerto Rico I don’t know periled, disconnected, and in the dark. the heat and the humidity from all of how many times over the past 25 years, It should not have taken the adminis- the water that came from Maria is sti- both in my official capacity as a Mem- tration 12 days to issue a disaster dec- fling. It is oppressive. It is hard to ber of Congress and personally to vaca- laration—something I called for—for breathe. tion. It is no exaggeration to say that Sixty percent of Puerto Rico has no 100 percent of the island because, as I the island I saw on Friday is not the is- cell phone service, meaning people saw on Friday, there is no community land I have known and loved. The lush, have no way of connecting to their in Puerto Rico untouched by this trag- green, tropical landscape that comes to families on the island and outside of edy. Focused leadership would have mind when we think of Puerto Rico the island or calling for help if they had a three-star general on the ground was mostly devoid of life. needed it. If they did, we could have the moment the clouds parted, not 8 I met with the Governor of Puerto pinpoint accuracy of search and rescue days after the storms struck. Rico. I spoke to local law enforcement missions. We needed medical evacuation vehi- officials, first responders, and Federal Day by day, fewer and fewer Puerto cles and vessels, aid and relief delivery FEMA officials. With the help of the Ricans have access to clean, running systems on standby, the USNS Comfort Governor’s office and the Puerto Rico water. From October 2 to October 3, ready for immediate deployment— Joint Forces of Rapid Action—or the population with running water something I called for. Instead, the ad- FURA, as they are known on the is- dropped from 29 percent to 13 percent. ministration told us helping Puerto land—I saw the damage by helicopter. I The truth is, this situation would be Rico is hard because it is an island in saw debris and mudslides and fallen unacceptable in any major city on the a big ocean—but it happens to be an is- trees on the inland streets, destroyed U.S. mainland, but, as the people of land of 3.5 million U.S. citizens. homes sprinkled with the occasional Puerto Rico know all too well, they We have no more time to waste. That yet all-too-familiar blue of FEMA don’t get the same treatment as their is why it is so urgent that we take ac- tarps. A dead green hue covered the fellow citizens on the mainland. The tion now. If we could send 20,000 troops landscape that was such a foreign sight ugly truth is that for generations, Con- to Haiti, surely, we can get more boots to me that I caught myself thinking I gress has treated the people of Puerto on the ground saving American lives in was somewhere else. Rico not as our fellow Americans, not Puerto Rico. We need more helicopters This was an all-too-familiar scene— as people who have fought and bled for airdropping food and water to secluded the scene of a strong cement structure their country, like the famous communities. We need generators de- of a building, on the surface impervious Borinqueneers, an all-Puerto Rican in- livered and the repair of communica- to the strong winds of a hurricane, yet fantry division, who received, recently, tion towers expedited. now on the verge of sinking into the the highest decoration Congress gives It is up to the President to mobilize Earth. The hurricane eroded so much collectively—the Congressional Gold every resource possible—to save lives, land that in some inner parts of the is- Medal. They haven’t treated them as to get the lights turned on, to rebuild land, landslides have become the new first-class citizens but as second-class bridges, to reach secluded commu- norm. The people who live here may citizens. nities, to reconnect families. We can’t

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:56 Oct 05, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G05OC6.022 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6339 afford to waste any more time, not found consequences, not just for the esty about the conditions on the when lives are on the line, not when el- Americans who live in Puerto Rico ground, the challenges we face, and the derly residents in nursing homes grow today but for generations to come. actions we must take. frailer by the moment, not when hun- We need to pass a disaster package Yes, Puerto Rico is an island in the gry American children have nothing to that matches the astounding damage middle of a very big ocean, but we are eat, not when communities are without suffered by the island. The photos I the most powerful nation on the face of clean drinking water for days on end. have brought to the floor today give a the Earth. We have the most advanced We need to keep the pressure on the ad- glimpse—not anywhere near the whole military capabilities ever known and ministration. picture—of the devastation on the the most skilled Armed Forces in the That is why I wrote the President, ground. It is not enough to reconnect a world. We have to be there for 3.5 mil- urging that he activate the Defense faulty, ailing power grid. It is time to lion Americans who are in need. We are Production Act of 1950 so the military be proactive and rebuild Puerto Rico so the United States of America. We do could more quickly deliver vast private it is prepared for the next storm and the impossible. Give our men and sector resources to those in need. That for the 21st century. It is time to fix women in uniform any mission, and is why my colleagues and I wrote to the underlying disparities which have they rise to the occasion. the White House and urged FEMA to hindered Puerto Rico’s success. Other- If we conducted the Berlin Airlift, set waive disaster relief cost sharing be- wise, we will simply be rebuilding a up tactical operations in the moun- cause, as the Governor told me: I have broken foundation. tains of Afghanistan, built green zones no revenue coming in. I have no rev- Let me close by saying, I remind my in Baghdad in the height of the Iraq enue coming in, and the likelihood of colleagues that Puerto Ricans are not war, then surely we can save the lives revenue coming in, certainly in the just citizens of the United States— of Americans in danger, and surely we short term, is not there. How do you which, in and of itself, should speak to can save those lives and help rebuild acquire the 70 or 75 percent Federal as- the compelling arguments we should be Puerto Rico. We must not rest until sistance if you don’t have the 25 per- engaged in helping Puerto Rico as our every American is safe and the work of cent to put up? That is why we have fellow Americans. They have fought to rebuilding is done. written the USDA asking that they use defend our Nation from World War I to I yield the floor. all available resources to get food to the War on Terror. Take a walk down (At the request of Mr. SCHUMER, the the people of Puerto Rico. to the Vietnam Memorial, and you will following statement was ordered to be This is an all-hands-on-deck situa- see Puerto Rican names engraved in printed in the RECORD.) tion for the Federal Government, but that stone far in excess of the number ∑ Ms. CORTEZ MASTO. Mr. President, Congress also has a responsibility to of people proportionately to the Amer- I had expected to be able to vote today act. That is why I sent a letter to Lead- ican population. Throughout our his- on the motion to invoke cloture on the er MCCONNELL and Speaker RYAN urg- tory, Puerto Ricans have given their nomination of Callista L. Gingrich to ing that they bring forward an emer- lives so they may remain part of the be Ambassador to the Holy See. In- gency supplemental aid package and ‘‘land of the free.’’ To this day, more stead, I am in Las Vegas meeting with fund community development block than 10,000 Puerto Ricans serve in victims of and first responders to the grants for disaster recovery. It is up to every branch of the U.S. Armed Forces. deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. us in Congress to immediately author- Let’s also remember that beyond the history. ize, not just the emergency funding 3.5 million citizens living on the island, I support the motion to invoke clo- needed to save lives in Puerto Rico but there are 5 million Puerto Ricans liv- ture on the nomination of Callista L. also the assistance needed for a full- ing in our States, in our congressional Gingrich to be Ambassador to the Holy powered recovery. districts, and in our communities. In See. The U.S. relationship with the We must give Puerto Ricans the tools the aftermath of this unprecedented Holy See is an important one and is to rebuild. That means making sure disaster, these Americans deserve the best supported with a confirmed am- Puerto Rico’s financial control board same rights, the same respect, and the bassador leading it. Ms. Gingrich’s gives the Governor the flexibility to same response from their Federal Gov- faith and engagement with the Catho- spearhead this recovery. Board mem- ernment. That is what I told leaders lic community will support U.S. ties to bers of that control board should be on from New Jersey’s Puerto Rican com- the Vatican.∑ the island, assessing the damage, munity earlier this week—assembly- Mr. MENENDEZ. I suggest the ab- speaking to the survivors, allowing men and women, mayors, community sence of a quorum. Governor Rossello to create a new leaders, and concerned citizens. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The budget that reflects Puerto Rico’s post- We all remember how hard it was to clerk will call the roll. Maria reality. The damage, by some es- secure the funding we needed to rebuild The legislative clerk proceeded to timates, could be as high as $90 billion, New Jersey in the aftermath of call the roll. so adjusting expectations and enabling Superstorm Sandy. We had to fight Mr. ISAKSON. Mr. President, I ask flexibility is absolutely critical going tooth and nail every step of the way, unanimous consent that the order for forward. and, guess what, we had two U.S. Sen- the quorum call be rescinded. I have said it before and I will say it ators from New Jersey and 13 Members The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without again. The people of Puerto Rico must of Congress, joined by our colleagues objection, it is so ordered. come before Wall Street creditors. As from New York—two U.S. Senators Mr. ISAKSON. Mr. President, I ask it turns out, this is one area where the from New York and a whole host of unanimous consent that all time be President and I can find common congressional Members as well as from yielded back on both sides. ground. Just last night, he called for Connecticut, which was also affected. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Puerto Rico’s debt to be wiped out. I It was an incredible time here to try to objection, it is so ordered. hope all of us—the administration, my get relief. CLOTURE MOTION colleagues in Congress, and the fiscal Americans in Puerto Rico have no Pursuant to rule XXII, the Chair lays control board—can work together to vote in the Senate, they have no votes before the Senate the pending cloture jump-start Puerto Rico’s recovery. in Congress, and the fight to rebuild motion, which the clerk will state. That must include enabling flexibility, Puerto Rico will be that much harder, The legislative clerk read as follows: addressing the island’s crippling debt, but, as I have in the past, I intend to be and ensuring that pensions are pro- their voice and their vote in the U.S. CLOTURE MOTION tected and paid. Imagine not getting Senate. We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- your pension—no longer working, hav- Now is not the time to pretend like ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the ing no income, and then your pension recovery will be a piece of cake. No Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- is not protected. How do you make it? one—not the Governor, not the Presi- nation of Callista L. Gingrich, of Virginia, to All of us in the Senate have a responsi- dent, not any one of us—should sugar- be Ambassador Extraordinary and Pleni- bility to stand with Puerto Rico. How coat the human catastrophe playing potentiary of the United States of America we respond to this crisis will have pro- out in Puerto Rico. It is time for hon- to the Holy See.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:27 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G05OC6.036 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE S6340 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 5, 2017 Mitch McConnell, Bob Corker, Johnny right now to reform our outmoded and Americans to file their tax returns on Isakson, Patrick J. Toomey, Richard complex Tax Code and also, most im- a single page—a simple calculation, Burr, Orrin G. Hatch, Roger F. Wicker, portantly, to provide tax relief for our something they can do themselves. We Tom Cotton, James Lankford, Pat Rob- Nation’s families, farmers, and small want to reduce the cost and stress that erts, Ron Johnson, Richard C. Shelby, many Americans feel during tax sea- Cory Gardner, John Thune, James E. businesses. Risch, Deb Fischer, David Perdue. Our Tax Code has not been updated son. since 1986. When you think about all Further, our tax framework aims to The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- that has changed over the last 30 years, create greater opportunities for small imous consent, the mandatory quorum you know that modern advances in business owners, farmers, and others to call has been waived. technology have drastically revolu- help grow our economy and be more The question is, Is it the sense of the tionized the way business is conducted. competitive than ever before. While we Senate that debate on the nomination Today, the creation of the internet, focus on a business friendly State in of Callista L. Gingrich, of Virginia, to substantially increased automation, North Dakota—we have a very business be Ambassador Extraordinary and and instant communications have cre- friendly climate—the Federal tax con- Plenipotentiary of the United States of ated dramatic changes and in many tinues to place an undue burden on the America to the Holy See, shall be ways have brought us closer in terms nearly 71,000 small businesses that op- brought to a close? erate in our State, which is more than The yeas and nays are mandatory of communication and have inter- connected our global economy in ways 95 percent of all of the employers in the under the rule. State. Again, this is something that The clerk will call the roll. we never could have foreseen back in the 1980s, when we last reformed our applies across the Nation. The driver of The bill clerk called the roll. our economy, the backbone of our Mr. CORNYN. The following Senators Tax Code. So it is past time—not time but past economy is small business. They are are necessarily absent: the Senator the job generators. They are the job from Mississippi (Mr. COCHRAN), the time—to modernize our outdated Tax Code to the 21st century. We must do creators. We have to do more to help Senator from Nevada (Mr. HELLER), them do what they do, which is to cre- and the Senator from Arizona (Mr. so in order to ensure that American businesses can compete on the global ate jobs and to grow our economy. MCCAIN). The same applies to our family farm- stage, while providing tax relief to Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the ers. My State alone has more than hard-working middle-class families Senator from Nevada (Ms. CORTEZ 30,000 family farms and ranches. Their who have been struggling to get and MASTO) and the Senator from Florida marginal tax rate can reach as high as (Mr. NELSON) are necessarily absent. stay ahead over the last decade. The recently released tax blueprint almost 45 percent, nearly twice the av- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. LEE). erage rate of the rest of the industri- Are there any other Senators in the proposes sweeping tax reforms that will benefit working families and small alized world. That creates real chal- Chamber desiring to vote? lenges. This tax framework follows the businesses throughout the country The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 75, example we have set in our State by re- while promoting job creation, eco- nays 20, as follows: storing economic opportunity, by low- nomic growth, and global competitive- [Rollcall Vote No. 216 Ex.] ering the tax burden, and by enacting a ness. This country was built on hard YEAS—75 pro-growth tax code. work by individuals and families who Economists in general agree that Alexander Fischer Murkowski strive each and every day to make ends Baldwin Flake Murphy high corporate taxes reduce wages to Barrasso Franken Murray meet to provide for their loved ones workers, raise costs to consumers, and Bennet Gardner Paul and to plan for retirement. The current reduce returns on retirement savings. Blunt Graham Perdue Tax Code is complex and has many Boozman Grassley Portman That affects all of us. Maintaining high Burr Hatch Reed loopholes that do nothing to help our tax rates does nothing to improve the Cantwell Heinrich Risch hard-working families keep more of fairness of our system. It only punishes Capito Heitkamp Roberts their own hard-earned money. Our tax Cardin Hoeven Rounds everyday citizens and reduces eco- Carper Inhofe Rubio framework will help individuals and nomic opportunities for all Americans. Casey Isakson Sasse families in my home State and across For far too long, our Tax Code has Cassidy Johnson Schumer this country to get ahead by gener- incentivized American companies to Collins Kaine Scott ating new jobs through sustained eco- Coons Kennedy Shaheen send jobs and investment overseas, in- Corker King Shelby nomic growth while lowering the over- stead of keeping them here at home— Cornyn Klobuchar Strange all tax burden and putting more money keeping that investment, keeping Cotton Lankford Sullivan back in the taxpayers’ pockets. those jobs here at home. Consequently, Crapo Leahy Thune We do this in a number of ways: by Cruz Lee Tillis large multinational corporations now Daines Manchin Toomey doubling the standard deduction, by hold approximately $2.6 trillion over- Donnelly McCaskill Warner eliminating taxes on the first $12,000 seas. That is money that could be repa- Enzi McConnell Whitehouse earned by an individual and $24,000 Ernst Menendez Wicker triated back to the United States for Feinstein Moran Young earned by a married couple, effectively investment in American jobs here at establishing a zero-percent tax rate as NAYS—20 home. Our framework would end the the bottom bracket—the bottom tax loopholes and the incentives that keep Blumenthal Hassan Stabenow rate. That means that nearly 81 per- Booker Hirono Tester foreign profits offshore by moving to a Brown Markey Udall cent of North Dakotans who claim the territorial tax system and encouraging Duckworth Merkley Van Hollen standard deduction could see a signifi- repatriation of these offshore funds, Durbin Peters Warren cant increase in their take-home pay. bringing that investment back to Gillibrand Sanders Wyden That is true of other States across the Harris Schatz America. This is about getting the country as well. Further, we are con- American economy going again and NOT VOTING—5 solidating and lowering the tax rates creating jobs and opportunity here at Cochran Heller Nelson across the board while simplifying the home rather than overseas. Cortez Masto McCain Tax Code to make it fairer for every- It is vital that we advance a com- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. body. prehensive tax reform that simplifies FISCHER). On this vote, the yeas are 75, At nearly 70,000 pages long, it is no the IRS code and simplifies rates. Put- the nays are 20. wonder that Americans currently ting more money in the pockets of The motion is agreed to. spend 6 billion hours a year complying working individuals and families and The Senator from North Dakota. with the Tax Code. In fact, 94 percent empowering private investment will TAX REFORM of taxpayers choose either to pay some- drive domestic job creation and in- Mr. HOEVEN. Madam President, I one else or to use software to prepare crease wages through higher demand rise today to talk about what is really their taxes because of the complexity for labor and lower business costs. All a ‘‘once in a generation’’ opportunity, of our Tax Code. Our goal for tax re- the while we can ensure stable govern- and that is the opportunity we have form is to allow the vast majority of ment revenues through a broader tax

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:27 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G05OC6.038 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6341 base, a growing economy, and a more they may be forced to end enrollment (The remarks of Ms. HEITKAMP and efficient tax system. That means that of new children, cut back services, or Ms. MURKOWSKI pertaining to the intro- we will continue to be able to fund our end their programs altogether if we do duction of S. 1942 are printed in today’s priorities as we work to get our debt not act soon. Independent experts esti- RECORD under ‘‘Statements on Intro- and deficit under control. mate that at least 10 States could com- duced Bills and Joint Resolutions.’’) Ensuring U.S. competitiveness in the pletely run out of funding for their TRIBUTE TO REVEREND DR. ALONZO B. global marketplace and providing tax Children’s Health Insurance Program PATTERSON, JR., AND MRS. SHIRLEY PATTERSON relief to middle-class families will ben- before the end of the year, while fund- Ms. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, I efit both current and future genera- ing for the remaining States’ programs wish to recognize an extraordinary in- tions. I urge my colleagues on both would not be very far behind. dividual in my State, along with his sides of the aisle to work together to This is not a responsible way to gov- wife. I would like to take a few min- get tax reform done for the people of ern. I have heard from physicians in utes today to recognize Reverend Dr. my State of North Dakota, for their re- my State, especially in rural commu- Alonzo B. Patterson, Jr., and Mrs. spective States, and for Americans nities, who fear that this lack of action Shirley Patterson. across this entire country. will mean great harm to the patients During the first week of November, With that, Madam President, I yield they serve. I have heard from pediatri- Anchorage is going to host 4 days of the floor. cians who know firsthand what the end events to commemorate the service of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- of CHIP would mean for Michigan’s two of our most beloved community ator from Michigan. children. As our country grapples with leaders, the Reverend Dr. Alonzo B. HEALTHCARE what we can do to expand mental Patterson and his wife, Shirley Patter- Mr. PETERS. Madam President, in health treatment and address the ex- son. Next month, Reverend Patterson many ways, the Children’s Health In- panding opioid epidemic, letting these leaves the pulpit of Shiloh Missionary surance Program has been an out- programs lapse would be a huge step in Baptist Church. This is a pulpit he has standing example of what a bipartisan, the wrong direction. This unnecessary held for some 47 years. Mrs. Patterson, democratic process can accomplish. uncertainty has already forced some his wife of six decades, is to be recog- Twenty years ago, President Bill Clin- community health centers to con- nized for her service as well. ton worked with a Republican majority template staff hiring freezes and lay- Anchorage is one of America’s great in both the Senate and the House of offs. It is certainly harming their day- communities, and it is not uncommon Representatives to successfully pass to-day operations. It has made it dif- to celebrate the retirement of a figure of Patterson’s stature, but 4 separate the Children’s Health Insurance Pro- ficult for them to recruit new doctors, days of events—that is huge, and it is a gram into law. That legislation passed and it has made it harder for their of- testament to the respect our commu- with 85 votes in the Senate—an over- fices to obtain loans to grow their whelmingly bipartisan vote—to recog- nity has for the Patterson family. practices and to serve more patients. Think about this: Alaska has been a nize the simple fact that all children Luckily, this is a problem we know State for just 58 years. Reverend Pat- born in this great country of ours how to solve. I am proud to have co- terson has had his pulpit for 47 years. should have healthcare coverage. sponsored bipartisan legislation with The Children’s Health Insurance Pro- And Shiloh is not Reverend Patterson’s Senators HATCH and WYDEN that would first pulpit in Alaska; it is his second. gram, along with our Nation’s commu- ensure funding for the Children’s nity health centers, has more often He came to Anchorage after founding Health Insurance Program. I also sup- the Corinthian Baptist Church in Fair- than not seen great bipartisan support. port similarly bipartisan legislation by banks. Reverend Patterson grew up As Members of Congress, we have al- Senators BLUNT and STABENOW to ex- with Alaska, and Alaska grew up with ways come together and understood tend funding for our Nation’s commu- Reverend Patterson. the importance of these programs, and nity health centers. Corinthian and Shiloh could appro- we have done everything we can to en- I welcome the fact that the Senate priately be characterized as African- sure that quality, cost-effective care is Finance Committee held a markup yes- American churches. But for the Afri- available to millions of Americans. Un- terday and was able to advance the bi- can-American community in Alaska, fortunately, as I stand here today, partisan bill to fund the Children’s they are far more than churches; they funding for both the Children’s Health Health Insurance Program. Now the are centers of Black history in Alaska. Insurance Program and community rest of us in Congress need to do our Zakiya McCummings interviewed health centers has expired. job. Let’s bring both of these bills up Reverend Patterson earlier this year The Children’s Health Insurance Pro- for a vote because, quite frankly, we for an article published in the Anchor- gram, or CHIP, provides healthcare cannot afford to wait any longer. Our age Press, and in that interview, Rev- coverage to over 100,000 children in my Nation’s children and millions of erend Patterson explained: home State of Michigan and more than Americans who use community health The church was, and always has been, the 9 million children nationally. In addi- centers as their primary medical home sanctuary in the Black community. It is the tion, community health centers serve cannot afford to wait any longer. His- meeting place, the community center, the as the primary medical home to over torically, these programs have not focus for support and help, the place you 600,000 Michiganders and more than 20 been controversial to reauthorize, and come to be important, the psychologist for million individuals across our country. they should not be now. your particular problem, the time to shout For people living in rural and under- I am urging my colleagues to out your frustrations and the only place to served areas, their community health be significant. You could be a Deacon or prioritize the children of our rural and something in the church where in the rest of center is their doctor’s office and often underserved communities who will be the community, you were just another Black their only choice when it comes to care hurt if we do not act soon. Let’s do person. The church was for us a panacea for close to home. what is right for our country’s children many of the social ills that existed then and We have already passed the deadline and families and pass this vital legisla- still have relevance. to extend the Children’s Health Insur- tion as soon as possible. Given the central role Reverend Pat- ance Program and the Community Madam President, I suggest the ab- terson has played in Alaska’s African- Health Center Fund. We have passed sence of a quorum. American community for most of our the time to act. We should not wait The PRESIDING OFFICER. The State’s existence, it is no surprise that any longer to provide certainty to the clerk will call the roll. he is regarded as a historian of Black millions of children and their families The senior assistant legislative clerk culture in Alaska. Ms. McCummings who depend on CHIP and to the Ameri- proceeded to call the roll. observed that it is a responsibility that cans who will lose access to care if Ms. HEITKAMP. Mr. President, I ask he doesn’t take lightly. Reverend Pat- their community health center is unanimous consent that the order for terson told her: closed. the quorum call be rescinded. I feel like I have to be the keeper of our We are already seeing the impact of The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. CAS- historical plight and to speak to each gen- our inaction in the CHIP program. Sev- SIDY). Without objection, it is so or- eration in my time. It is a powerful responsi- eral States have begun to warn that dered. bility because if I go to sleep on my watch,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:46 Oct 17, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD17\OCTOBER\S05OC7.REC S05OC7 S6342 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 5, 2017 then the next watch will have nothing to there was never a Sunday that I did not What makes these planes so special build on. . . . We’re responsible that the gate leave feeling inspired by the words of is, they can carry up to four large remains open for the next generation. Dr. Patterson. cargo containers. We call them igloos. Under Reverend Patterson’s watch, They aren’t calling the appreciation These igloos load into the front portion there was much progress. In the 1960s festivities for Reverend Patterson a re- of the aircraft, right behind the pilots. and 1970s, Reverend Patterson recalled, tirement ceremony. They are calling it There is a simple divider between the ‘‘much of Alaska was small family a transition, probably because nobody cargo and the passengers. So they load businesses, including the banks. If you believes Rev. Alonzo Patterson has any the cargo up front, and the passengers were not part of that family or their intentions of pursuing a future of lei- come up the back on a set of steps, just friends, you had a hard time getting a sure. Leadership and inspiration runs like we used to do in the prejetway job. in Alonzo Patterson’s DNA. times. You load from the back, but Many of the jobs for African Ameri- We wish him and Shirley well in your first 17 rows of a traditional air- cans were either construction or gov- their next calling, and we take comfort craft would be occupied by cargo. If ernment jobs.’’ in the fact that their contributions to you have more cargo—if you are flying Reverend Patterson proudly recalls our community are far from over. No- fish out from Cordova south or if you the first Black principal of a State ele- vember marks a transition, not a re- are flying your Iditarod dogs that have mentary school, an African-American tirement—and certainly not a eulogy— been dropped in Nome and need to get banker who was elected to the school for this extraordinary Alaska family. back to Anchorage and you need a lot board and subsequently to the Alaska On behalf of my Senate colleagues, I of space for the animals, you have thank Dr. Patterson and his lovely wife Legislature, an African-American ac- flexibility to move back and forth. tivist in the Fairview section of An- Shirley for their good works, and These have flown all over the State, chorage who is regarded as the grand- thank them in advance for their con- up to Nome, on the Bering Sea coast, father of the city’s public transpor- tinued leadership. along the Arctic Ocean, to the oilfields tation system. Today’s African-Amer- ALASKA AIRLINES ‘‘COMBI’’ PLANES in Prudhoe, and, most famously, in the ican community is built on the founda- Mr. President, I know I have occu- ‘‘milk run’’ area. The milk run got its tion of these pioneers who endured. pied a little bit of time on the floor name because Alaska Airlines literally Make no mistake about this, Alonzo this afternoon with a wide range of delivered the milk to the communities Patterson was no mere spectator to all topics—from the tragedies that face along the way, as well as other food of this progress. He was an agent of many of our indigenous women to rec- stuff—all manner of goods and pas- change, rooted in his observation, and ognizing a prominent leader of the senger. It is something that if you are he stated: ‘‘In ministry there are no Alaska community. Now I wish to from the southeast, we all know about share a little bit of Alaska’s history as limits except the ones we set for our- the milk run. We all complain about we see a transition in aviation and selves.’’ Under his leadership, Shiloh the fact that it takes about 5 hours to transportation. get from Anchorage down to Juneau, if grew spiritually, physically, and fis- It is really the end of an era in my you have to go through Yakutat and cally, and would include a church home State. On October 18, just a few school, a television ministry, and a jail days from now, Alaska Airlines will fly Cordova and stop at each one. That is outreach ministry. the final run of the uniquely Alaskan just the way it is. You bounce down On Shiloh’s 29th anniversary, the combi plane before retiring them and from Cordova, Yakutat, Juneau, Ketch- mortgage note for the original struc- updating the fleet. ikan. Finally, you hit Seattle. You run ture was burned under the theme, OK. She is going to make a floor into your sports teams, families are ‘‘Burning to Build,’’ and speech about an airplane. Yes, I am coming and going. These are the work- groundbreaking for a new educational going to make a floor speech about an horses that are not only moving the wing commenced. There was more airplane because this combi plane is a passengers, they are moving the gro- building to come. The Martin Luther special Boeing 737–400, designed to ceries, they are moving the mail, they King Jr. Family Life Center was dedi- carry up to 14,000 pounds of cargo and are moving the medicine. They are cated on May 23, 1993. In 2001, Reverend 72 passengers. It is called a combi be- moving it all. Patterson spun off a new nonprofit or- cause it is a dual-use plane, a combina- When I say it moves everything, we ganization, Shiloh Community Devel- tion of passengers and cargo. Alaska have built up a little bit of history opment, Inc., to serve youth, minori- Airlines is the only major airline in the about how things move around. We ties, and the disadvantaged. Today Shi- country to have these combi planes, have moved cows. We have moved cars. loh Community Development is well and they were specifically designed for The picture I like best is moving the known for its youth mentoring pro- the special challenges of a very large herd of Santa’s reindeer. I think Santa gram called Young Lions of Alaska. State. Over their lifespan, they have was actually posed in this, but the He is a founder of Bridge Builders of delivered every imaginable thing via reindeer were not. They needed to be Alaska, which celebrates the diversity airplane in Alaska. able to move the reindeer so they of our communities and a powerful You have all heard me talk about the hauled them in the front, situated voice in Alaska’s annual celebration of size of our State. The sheer size of this them, and closed it off, and you have Dr. Martin Luther King Day. In 2015, State presents logistical hurdles unlike the passengers in the back. Whether Reverend Patterson was the keynote anyplace else. I keep saying we are you are moving reindeer, whether you speaker at the King Day ceremonies on one-fifth the size of the country, and 80 are transporting an injured eagle to JBER. At that ceremony, he warned percent of our communities are not the Raptor Center in Sitka or letting his audience that Dr. King’s dream is connected by road. When we think the sled dogs hitch a ride back to An- at risk of dying. He said: about how we move around in our chorage after they have made the thou- This dream is at risk if nothing is done, State, a postage stamp placed in the sand-mile trip to Nome, this is what we and nothing is holding us back but ourselves. middle of an average sheet of paper do. Stop waiting for miracles; believe in yourself represents the area a person can reach The invention of the combi plane to make society better. Each of us can do in Alaska by coastline, river, road, or really highlights the unique needs and our part, by loving and respecting others. railroad. The rest is only reachable by the parameters of daily life in the This is just one example of his power- plane. You just have to fly everywhere. State. We are a long way from the ful voice. Reverend Patterson’s ser- This being the case, it only makes lower 48. You can barely drive to any of mons were always inspiring, many leg- sense to try to efficiently deliver peo- the communities. If you are going to endary, and it explains why he is re- ple and goods to hub communities in move goods, if you are going to move garded as a pastor’s pastor, growing Alaska. Alaska Airlines is looking to passengers, you are on an airplane. not only his congregants but the gen- serve. This is not a promotion for Whether it is Essential Air Services, erations of ministers who will follow in them; it is a recognition that they bypass mail, air freight, these are the his footsteps. As one who has joined in needed to figure out how to move peo- backbones of commerce in Alaska. This the congregation there at Shiloh on ple and freight, and they reconfigured is our interstate. It is the interstate in numerous occasions, I can attest that the aircraft to do this. the air.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:27 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G05OC6.043 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6343 Whether we are shipping our wild Medicare, and they are going to use even lower tax revenues. They had to caught, sustainably managed salmon this tax bill. They are going to cut $473 cut government programs, like edu- that people around the world love to billion from Medicare at a time when cation, and now people do not want to eat, we ship that out. We ship in the our population is getting older and send their kids to Kansas public toothpaste, the loaves of bread, and the many seniors are already struggling. schools anymore because they do not basics that we need. Thanks to the They are also going to cut $1 trillion have the resources to educate their combi, we have been able to do this from Medicaid. This is the program children. with regular, reliable scheduled service that pays for one out of every two This is not a path that America in areas where the weather would usu- births in this country. It helps millions should follow. Everyone needs to pay ally chase off more. These are smaller of families who have loved ones in their fair share, and that includes big aircraft. They can handle it all. The nursing home care. corporations and the people who are size of the combi allows them to land Last week, they tried to pass a benefiting from the system and making and take off in much more turbulent healthcare bill that cut taxes. Now millions of dollars every year, but in conditions than smaller propeller they are trying to pass a tax bill that this proposal, they are the ones getting planes. will cut healthcare. Their proposal all of the tax breaks. So it is a kind of bittersweet time for will, actually, increase the deficit by $4 Companies already have huge tax some of us who have grown up around trillion. That is 12 zeros. breaks. Some corporations end up pay- these aircraft. As we think about the Here is what we could do with $4 tril- ing zero in Federal income tax every ‘‘only in Alaska’’ type of things, it is lion. We could completely rebuild half April 15 even though they are making encouraging to know that this develop- of the airports in the United States. We healthy profits. They have teams of ment of retiring the combi planes—the could put 20 million people through 4 lawyers and accountants who help proposal is to replace them with sepa- years of college. We could pay off the them dodge paying even a penny to the rate, full-sized passenger and cargo debt for every student loan. Federal Government. That is why cor- planes. As a result of the increased de- Instead, the United States is going to porate income taxes make up less than mand for goods and passengers, we be in the red by $4 trillion, but after 10 percent of all of the revenue to the need more space on planes to deliver they cut $1 trillion from Medicaid and Federal Treasury. Meanwhile, at least both. If updating the fleet means that one-half trillion dollars from Medicare, 30 percent of the middle class will actu- we need and get more business in Alas- the party that has railed against the ally pay more if the Republicans suc- ka, I suppose that is a good thing for Federal debt and deficit will still add ceed with their tax reform package. all. $2.5 trillion to the deficit. Think about this. There are many of us who are going This is all so that they can give tax Thirty percent of the middle class is to be bidding a fond farewell come Oc- cuts to the richest people in the United going to see tax increases in their tax tober 18, which is the last scheduled States. I promise you, I understand bills. Why? It is because they have to flight for the combi. It is also Alaska that both parties are sometimes guilty find some money to subsidize the tax Day in our State. I thank Alaska Air- of exaggerating and that sometimes cuts for the richest people. Some of the lines and those who fly these great both parties are guilty of relying on money will be found by borrowing; planes and do so safely. They provide a talking points and relying on carica- some of the money will be found by level of service and have for so long. I tures of the other side, but you making cuts to Medicare and Medicaid; thank them for what they have done couldn’t caricature this bill if you and some of the money will be found by over the course of so many years. tried. This bill is already a caricature increasing taxes on the middle class. I suggest the absence of a quorum. of what people say Republicans are all One out of every two households with The PRESIDING OFFICER. The about, which is to shred the social safe- children will see its taxes go up under clerk will call the roll. ty net and provide tax cuts to the this plan. Increasing taxes for these The legislative clerk proceeded to wealthiest Americans. people while decreasing them for big call the roll. They are going to cut the corporate corporations is not a plan for economic Mr. SCHATZ. Mr. President, I ask tax rate from 35 to 20 percent, and they growth. We have heard over and over unanimous consent that the order for are going to cut tax rates across the that Republicans do not want to add to the quorum call be rescinded. board, but the people who will actually the deficit—I don’t either—but this is, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without benefit will be the people at the top. literally, what they are voting to do objection, it is so ordered. The Tax Policy Center, which is a non- tonight. TAX REFORM partisan, highly respected group, has Again, this is not a talking point. Mr. SCHATZ. Mr. President, here is crunched the numbers, and they found This is not a sort of rhetorical flourish. what is happening with so-called ‘‘tax that within 10 years, 80 percent of the The bill, itself, provides for $1.5 trillion reform.’’ Tonight, the Budget Com- benefits of this $4 trillion tax bill will worth of deficit spending. Yet it is not mittee is voting on a budget resolution go to 1 percent of Americans. deficit spending on the military; it is that does two things. Remember what is happening. We are not deficit spending on disaster re- First, it sets the spending limits for borrowing a huge chunk of this, and sponse; and it is not deficit spending on everything in the government—envi- whatever is not borrowed comes out of Medicare or Medicaid or Social Secu- ronment, energy, defense, healthcare, Medicare and Medicaid. So the pro- rity or any of the social safety net pro- education, transportation, and so on. grams that pay for women to give birth grams that they claim is the problem Second, it includes something called in a hospital or for elderly people to with the Federal budget. It is deficit reconciliation instructions that basi- get healthcare will be decimated, and spending for the purpose of a tax cut, cally direct all of the committees to the wealthiest Americans will pay less 80 percent of which is going to 1 per- report back with legislation that either in taxes. This is bad policy, not just for cent of the country. This is not con- increases or decreases the Federal def- the people who work hard but for the servative—certainly not fiscally con- icit by a certain amount. This time whole economy. servative—and it will not help us to around, here is what they are doing— I want to give you a specific example. grow the economy. asking the Senate Finance Committee Again, both parties rely on talking It is no surprise that this policy is to draft legislation to increase the def- points, and both parties accuse each bad, because, again, the process has icit by $1.5 trillion. Again, this is going other of having the wrong set of ideas, been so bad. With healthcare, they ig- to pass on a party-line vote, with Re- but we have an example of what hap- nored regular order. They obliterated publicans prevailing, to increase the pens when you do this. This bill is ac- the committee process. They ignored deficit by $1.5 trillion. This is what will tually modeled after what they did in Democrats. They ignored the way the start the tax reform process. the State of Kansas. The State govern- U.S. Senate is supposed to work, and That is not all. Republicans still ment eliminated one of its business they failed. One Republican Senator haven’t given up on decimating our taxes, telling people that it would help says that he will not vote for anything healthcare system. They are still try- the State’s economy. Instead, the econ- that adds one penny to the deficit. An- ing to cut Medicaid and, this time, omy slowed down, which left them with other Republican Senator said that he

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:27 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G05OC6.045 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE S6344 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 5, 2017 will not do anything that does not cut One of the stalwarts of our faith com- She also talked about the groups he taxes for everybody. It already does munity for the past 47 years has been chaired, founded, and led beyond his not meet that test. Members of Con- Pastor Alonzo Patterson of the Shiloh congregation, including Bridge Build- gress on both sides of the aisle—Repub- Missionary Baptist Church, and he is ers of Anchorage, the March of Dimes licans too—have promised not to cut our Alaskan of the week. Every Sunday Foundation, the Martin Luther King Medicaid or Medicare. It violates all of he fills his church with spirit, joy, and Jr. Foundation of Alaska, and the those promises. gospel music punctuated by ‘‘amens’’ Interdenominational Ministerial Alli- If you did not like the ACA repeal be- that float through the church, down ance of Anchorage. cause it cut Medicaid, guess what. This the street, and work their way into our You know, with leaders like this, the cuts Medicaid more. If you made a community and into our hearts. That list goes on and on. In addition to Co- promise to your voters not to cut Medi- is what he has been doing for 47 years. rinthian Baptist Church in Fairbanks care, you should be aware that this bill For decades, those sermons have in- and Shiloh in Anchorage, Pastor Pat- provides for one-half trillion dollars in spired countless Alaskans to help feed terson also planted Eagle River Mis- cuts to Medicare. If you are railing the hungry, provide homes for those sionary Baptist Church and Shiloh Mis- against debt and deficits, this is the without, and strive to create a more sionary Baptist Church of Palmer. biggest budget buster that I have ever just country, State, and society, and a I have been uplifted to the core when seen in my short, 5-year career in the more just community. my wife Julie and I have gone to Shi- U.S. Senate. Let me tell you a little bit about loh and listened to Pastor Patterson During the campaign, the President Pastor Patterson. He was born in Wil- preach and listened to the beautiful— of the United States promised not to son, LA, and raised in New Orleans. and I mean beautiful—Shiloh choir cut Medicare, and the senior Senator Like a lot of Alaskans, thousands of sing. It is a spiritual and energizing ex- from Arizona has called for regular Alaskans, he joined the military and perience like no other. I love attending order. This violates every procedural made his way up to Fairbanks, AK, in services at Shiloh. and policy principle that has been ar- the 1960s, where he founded the Corin- On November 5, 2017, Pastor Patter- ticulated on this Senate floor since I thian Baptist Church, and he min- son’s 80th birthday, he will be giving have been here. I do not see a way for- istered to the congregation there. his last sermon as pastor of Shiloh, and ward on this legislation when it has Then, in 1970, he was called to Shiloh, I certainly plan on being there. He is been conceived in a purely partisan one of the few African-American stepping down for Pastor Undra way. It will only take us deeper into churches in Anchorage. He designed Parker, who will be the new and dy- dysfunction. For the sake of the Sen- and rebuilt Shiloh at its current loca- namic leader of Shiloh—another great ate, let’s stop going down this path. tion, and under his leadership, Shiloh’s Alaskan, another veteran—and I know Let’s restore regular order and work membership, its facilities, and its en- he is going to do a great job. But of together on a bipartisan tax reform ergy took off. course it is a bittersweet time for process. He has conducted thousands of mar- Shiloh’s parishioners because of the I yield the floor. riages and baptisms. He has given foundation Pastor Patterson built. I suggest the absence of a quorum. thousands of eulogies, celebrated grad- The church, the singing, and the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The uations and anniversaries, counseled amens will continue on Earth and the clerk will call the roll. countless couples, people who are church in Anchorage, AK, as it is in The bill clerk proceeded to call the grieving, people who are rejoicing, peo- Heaven. God bless Pastor Patterson, roll. ple who are suffering, and he has his wife of 61 years, First Lady Shirley Mr. SULLIVAN. Mr. President, I ask helped turn that into action—not just Patterson, and the congregation of Shi- unanimous consent that the order for for the African-American community loh Missionary Baptist Church for all the quorum call be rescinded. but for all people and all races in our they have done and continue to do for The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without community and in our State. our community. objection, it is so ordered. Pastor Patterson told a reporter: Congratulations to Pastor Patterson TRIBUTE TO PASTOR ALONZO PATTERSON The church was and always has been a for being our Alaskan of the Week. Mr. SULLIVAN. Mr. President, near- sanctuary in the Black community. It is the Mr. President, I would like to say a ly every week I have been coming down meeting place, the community center, the few words about my Members on the to the Senate floor to recognize some- focus for support and help, the place you other side of the aisle who are doing one in my State who has made a dif- come to be important, the psychologist for something that is just not helping the ference for Alaska and really has made your particular problem, the time to shout United States of America right now; a difference for all Americans. It is my out your frustrations and the only place to that is, obstructing progress with re- be significant. favorite part of the week to actually gard to the new administration. come down and talk about Alaska to He continued: I understand that right now my party my colleagues in the Senate, to the You could be a Deacon or something in the is in the majority, and to be honest, I folks in the Gallery, to the press, and church where in the rest of the community have been someone who thinks we to the American people watching. It is you were just another Black person. The church was for us a panacea for many of the should spend a lot more time here in what I refer to as our time to talk social ills that existed then and still have the Senate, working in the Senate and about the Alaskan of the Week. relevance. getting things done. We have a lot of Many watching and on the floor and That is what he talked about. That is work to do. But I see that people back those who have visited our great State his heart and soul, how he saw his home can get frustrated with some of know that Alaskans think it is the church and congregation. Thanks to the lack of progress, and some of that most beautiful place in the world. Pastor Patterson and Shiloh, the city we can address by spending more time There are natural wonders everywhere. is a more inclusive place for all. He has in this body. We had a beautiful summer. We have helped heal those social ills for thou- Some of the questions that are com- resilient, warm-hearted, fiercely inde- sands of our fellow Alaskans. ing out are about why things aren’t pendent but accepting people. We have One of his friends, Celeste Hodge getting done. It is a good question. An- challenges in Alaska just like the rest Growden, a member of the church, said: swers can be complicated, but what it of the country, but at the heart of our He and the church have led the way for a mostly boils down to is that a lot of State are kind, generous people full of lot of things that have been accomplished issues in this body—a lot—rely on con- different cultures and backgrounds here [in Anchorage]. Pastor Patterson al- sensus. The rules were carefully con- that we celebrate. ways says, ‘‘leaders lead.’’ That is the way he structed so that the minority has a say Most people don’t know this about has lived his life. He is not in the back- in the legislative process. For the most Anchorage, AK: My hometown is prob- ground. part, I believe that is a good thing. As ably the most culturally and ethnically During election time, Pastor Patter- a former President once pointed out, diverse city in the country. We have son organizes a huge ‘‘get out the vote’’ we are not a red or blue America; we places of worship all over the city and campaign. He was instrumental in get- are the United States of America. the State that reflect that great diver- ting a Martin Luther King memorial in With that said, the people did elect sity of Alaska and America. Anchorage—a 10-year-long endeavor. us to come here and start getting

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:27 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G05OC6.047 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6345 things done. Implicit in their votes for There was an election, and now we partment of Health officials, Environ- a new President and a new administra- need to fill the government with people mental Protection Agency officials. We tion was to be able to put people in the who can run agencies. With all due re- have to get the country moving again, Federal Government to work, to focus spect to my friends on the other side of and the obstruction, which is unprece- on growing the economy, and to focus the aisle, they are not doing it. They dented, by the minority leader and un- on rebuilding the military after a 25- are not allowing it. fortunately many of my colleagues on percent cut over the last 8 years, to We had a vote on an Eighth Circuit the other side is only harming the focus on better jobs and higher wages. judge last week. It had to go through American people. It is only harming Throughout history, whether it has cloture. We essentially spent the whole the progress that the vast majority of been Republicans or Democrats, the week on this—2 days and 30 hours. The Americans want, whether you are a minority party has understood this. judge passed the Senate by a 95-to-1 Democrat or a Republican. I am hope- When a new administration gets elect- vote. It was a 95-to-1 vote. He wasn’t ful they are finally going to change and ed, they start to put nominees in place, controversial at all so what was the start moving forward nominations and and the Senate takes action. We hold point? The point was simply to delay. letting us vote on them so we have an hearings and we have votes to put Sen- Again, here is the difference. Nomi- opportunity to actually get this coun- ate-confirmed officials in the Federal nations sent to the Senate are about try moving again. Government to work. If you don’t like the same. President Obama had more 8 I yield the floor. the person, you can ask them tough years ago but not too many more. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- questions in hearings and you can vote There were 520 versus 443 for President ator from Minnesota. against them on the floor of the Senate Trump confirmed. At this time during LAS VEGAS MASS SHOOTING or in committees. But what we are see- the Obama administration, there were Ms. KLOBUCHAR. Mr. President, I ing right now is pure obstruction. On 342. Trump has 163. So that is 66 per- would like to begin by talking about every single nominee, the maximum cent for the Obama nominees 8 years the recent tragedy in Las Vegas, the amount of time is required before there ago and 37 percent for the Trump nomi- largest mass shooting in U.S. history, is even a vote. This is something new. nees. with at least 59 dead and more than 500 This is something different. In fact, the The press will not write about it, but injured, including one Minnesotan who current minority leader said the fol- this is a disservice to Americans, was injured and another who lost his lowing words in 2013: whether you are a Democrat or Repub- life. So I join my colleagues in mourn- Who in America doesn’t think a President, lican. I will just mention a few. We ing for the victims and their families. Democrat or Republican, deserves his or her have had nominees, such as the Assist- They are and should be our focus at picks for who should run the Federal Govern- ant Secretary for Health in Health and this time, as well as making sure those ment agencies? Nobody. Human Services. It came out of com- who were hurt get the best medical That was the minority leader in 2013. mittee several weeks ago. It is sitting care this country can give. They were wise words then, but appar- on the floor. The Assistant Secretary As we look ahead, these events un- ently he and his Members have forgot- of Health, it is not a controversial posi- derscore the urgency to continue fight- ten those words. tion for the company, but it is an im- ing for funding to better treat mental I have some facts here on the board. portant position. I bet that person is illness but also for sensible gun safety At this point in time, 10 months into going to finally get passage from the legislation, and I joined with some of President Obama’s Presidency in 2009, Senate at some point by a big super- my colleagues the day after the trag- the Senate had allowed more than 318 majority, but we are delaying it. We edy in Las Vegas to call for those nominees to be cast by a simple vote. are delaying it. changes. No one policy will prevent The Senate only asked for a procedure I really would love it if the minority every tragedy, but we need to come to- known as cloture five times. Essen- leader would come down, look at the gether on commonsense legislation to tially, President Obama got elected, American people, and just say: Here is save lives. and the Senate Democrats and Repub- why we are delaying. Here is why we One place we discussed this week licans worked to get his team put in are delaying. Explain it. They love to where we could come together—be- place. Yes, the Republicans did that. do this kind of stuff, procedural ‘‘dark cause we have in the past—is on back- Certainly, I wasn’t here then. They arts,’’ thinking people aren’t watching. ground checks. My colleagues Senator voted against some of these nominees, People understand this. MANCHIN and Senator TOOMEY, who are and that is fine. But what they did was The head of a leading Democratic two A-rated NRA Senators, have al- they let them come to the floor for a think tank told the press they intend ready demonstrated that we can find vote. to hold up and tie up floor time on bipartisan agreement on something as In contrast to what I mentioned every single Trump administration straightforward as background checks. about President Obama’s first year in nominee. Now, if that happens, if they I was very pleased they came together office, only 100 of President Trump’s take the time for every nominee—there on this legislation, but the fact re- nominees have been confirmed through are over 1,000 who need Senate con- mains, the Senate’s failure to pass that voice vote. That is less than one-third firmation—and they take the entire bipartisan compromise was disheart- of the courtesy given to President amount of time they are allowed with ening—one of my more disheartening Obama 8 years ago. Cloture votes for cloture and other votes, if they don’t days in the Senate because I began my Trump’s nominees have been required extend the courtesy that was extended day that day with the families of the for 100 nominees. Remember, I just said to President Obama when he was try- Sandy Hook tragedy, with the parents there were five for Obama’s nominees 8 ing to put his team in place, the Trump who had lost their little kids, with the years ago. There have been 100 for administration will never have a team parents who had come to this building Trump’s nominees, and only 63 have in place. It will literally be 4 years. to advocate for a bill, the background been allowed by simple voice vote. I hope today the press starts writing check bill, that they knew wouldn’t What does that mean? It means that about this because the difference here have saved their child’s life, but they each vote requires a 2-day waiting pe- in 8 years is quite remarkable and yet knew it would have saved others. What riod and then another 30 hours of de- nobody is talking about it; that being we have seen with expanded back- bate. That is what it means. that the minority leader and my col- ground checks is they reduce suicides The press won’t write about it. My leagues on the other side of the aisle and they reduce domestic homicides by friends in the press sitting up here in stop obstructing what every other ad- a fairly large number. the Gallery won’t write about this. The ministration has had in terms of a Our constituents agree that we contrast between the Trump treatment courtesy, which is, if you win the elec- should be able to find some agreement by the Senate and the Obama treat- tion, whether you liked it or not, you here, as the numbers have consistently ment by the Senate is incredible, and work with the other side in the U.S. shown that Americans across the polit- we don’t hear a word out of the press Senate to get your people in place—De- ical spectrum, including gun owners, on this. And this isn’t partisan; this is partment of Defense officials, Depart- support proposals to require back- just hurting the American people. ment of Transportation officials, De- ground checks by wide margins. I have

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:27 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G05OC6.050 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE S6346 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 5, 2017 a State, like the Presiding Officer’s, coverage for some of our more vulner- competition to bring the price down. where there are a lot of hunters. It is a able constituents. When the prices of four of the top best proud tradition in Minnesota so I look CHIP is one part of our healthcare selling drugs in America have gone up at all these proposals and I say to my- system that is working. We should be over 100 percent, I don’t think we can self: Does this hurt my Uncle Dick and doing everything in our power to pro- just sit here and do nothing anymore. his deer stand? For many of the ones I tect it. So let’s come together and pass I bring up these efforts because, for have looked at, the answer is clearly this long-term reauthorization of the most part, they are bipartisan—the no, including the background check CHIP. work of Senator ALEXANDER and Sen- bill. Mr. President, CHIP is not the only ator MURRAY, the bills that have been When I talk to law enforcement in area where we should be able to come introduced to do something on pre- my State, they stress the need to have together on healthcare. The American scription drugs. Let’s get moving on effective background checks to stop people want us to work together on bi- that and let’s reauthorize CHIP. The felons, people with severe mental ill- partisan fixes to the Affordable Care last time it passed the Senate with 92 nesses, and others prohibited under Act. As I said the day it passed, it was votes. current law from accessing guns. These a beginning and not an end. Any major Thank you. efforts do not have to infringe in any piece of legislation like that needs im- I yield the floor. way on Americans’ lawful right to own provements and changes. Let’s work The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- guns. together on the bipartisan bills and ator from Alaska. Another sensible measure is Senator ideas that have been put forward. Just UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—EXECUTIVE CALENDAR FEINSTEIN’s legislation to close a loop- like my friend Senator MCCAIN said, we hole that allows bump stop devices to could do better working together—Re- Ms. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, I convert semiautomatic firearms into publicans and Democrats. ask unanimous consent that the Sen- weapons that work like fully auto- Senator ALEXANDER and Senator ate proceed to the en bloc consider- matic guns. Law enforcement officers MURRAY have been holding hearings ation of the following nominations: Ex- have now recovered 12 of these devices and discussions on commonsense solu- ecutive Calendar Nos. 323, 324, 325; that from the Las Vegas shooter’s room. I tions to bring down insurance costs the Senate vote on the nominations en am a cosponsor of that bill, and I am over the past month. We had Governors bloc, with no intervening action or de- encouraged that some of my Repub- here, and there were actually more Re- bate; that if confirmed, the motions to lican colleagues have agreed to look at publican Governors in the room than reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table en bloc; that the Presi- this. Democratic Governors, as they em- dent be immediately notified of the I hope we can find a path forward in braced these suggested changes which Senate’s action; that no further mo- the weeks ahead, not only with regard include reinsurance. I note Senator tions be in order; and that any state- to this particular focus, the bump COLLINS and Senator NELSON, a Repub- ments relating to the nominations be stock device legislation, but also on lican and a Democrat, have a bill to- some of the other bills like the back- printed in the RECORD. gether that would do something on The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there ground check bill. that front. objection? HEALTHCARE I look at what has been done in Alas- Mr. INHOFE. I object. Mr. President, I am here for another ka—I see my colleague, Senator MUR- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- purpose today; that is, that we must KOWSKI here—and what has been done tion is heard. get to work on other important busi- in Minnesota when it comes to reinsur- Ms. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, it ness in the Senate. We need to reau- ance, and we have seen some of the is my hope that we will be able to come thorize the Children’s Health Insurance rates go down, not to where we need to agreement with regard to the nomi- Program and come together on bipar- them to go, but there has been a de- nees whom I have just asked for consid- tisan fixes to the Affordable Care Act. crease in the amount of rates. We eration. These are individuals who No parent should ever have to worry would like to see that on a national have been moved out of the Energy and whether their child will have basis, and that is why I am such a Natural Resources Committee to be healthcare, but funding for the Chil- strong supporter of Senator ALEX- named to the Federal Energy Regu- dren’s Health Insurance Program, or ANDER and Senator MURRAY’s work. latory Commission. This is a Commis- CHIP, expired over this weekend. CHIP Mr. President, finally, we need to be sion that has been without a func- is one of the great bipartisan success doing something on the skyrocketing tioning quorum for months on end. stories. Both parties have come to- cost of prescription drugs. People such They have just recently been able to gether to support a program that pro- as Kim from Plymouth, MN, is strug- achieve that quorum, but they are not vides healthcare to millions of chil- gling to afford her insulin because it yet to a full complement. dren. has gone up three times. She keeps the We worked hard to reach an agree- In Minnesota, these funds support injector with a few drops of insulin ment with colleagues so these names coverage for 125,000 children. I heard from day-to-day so she can get by. could advance so the FERC could get from the children’s hospitals and clin- That is why I think we should have to work in an expeditious manner. ics of Minnesota just last week about Medicare Part D negotiations. I have a There is much to be considered. The many of the families who count on this bill that now has 33 cosponsors that work that has piled up, that has cost program. While States like mine are lifts the ban that makes it illegal for 41 our economy, that has cost our country finding ways to make Federal funding million seniors to negotiate the prices over these many months, as we have last a bit longer, since ours has already of drugs. Seniors can be a pretty stub- seen these delays when you don’t have expired, every single day Congress born and very vocal group. Why don’t a functioning FERC, has been con- doesn’t act puts coverage of millions of we let them unleash their power and siderable. We want to try to reach children at risk. allow Medicaid to negotiate prices? agreement, but I am disappointed that There is already bipartisan work un- Senator GRASSLEY and I have a bill we are not going to be able to advance derway to keep this program going. to stop pay for delay, where major them this afternoon. Senator HATCH and Senator WYDEN pharmaceutical companies are paying With that, I yield the floor. have introduced a bipartisan bill to ex- off generics to keep their products off The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- tend CHIP for 5 years. In 2015, the last the market. I have a bill with Senator ator from Oregon. time we renewed this program, it GRASSLEY, Senator LEAHY, and Senator WILDFIRE FUNDING passed the Senate with 92 votes—92 out LEE—the four of us lead the bill—the Mr. MERKLEY. Mr. President, 4 of 100 votes. We should demonstrate CREATES Act, which makes it easier weeks ago, I stood here on the floor of that same bipartisan spirit again. The to get more generic competition in the the Senate and called for increased children in America are counting on market. We also—MCCAIN and I, and funding to fight the wildfires. This is us. We must act before it is too late or Senator LEE and I—have bills that just one of the dramatic pictures of Or- States like mine may be forced to allow for safe drugs to come in from egon ablaze. It is thousands and thou- make difficult choices about insurance other countries to again create more sands of acres.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G05OC6.051 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6347 I had the experience of driving rough- called the Wildfire Disaster Funding already passed through environmental ly 350 miles in my State and never es- Act of 2017. It says that when we reach approval for work to reduce the haz- caping the smoke from the fires that a certain level of funding for fighting ardous fuels that are on the floor of the were in every single corner and in fires, the balance will go to a FEMA- forest, and we need to thin these for- every quadrant of the State of Oregon. style fund. That is exactly the way it ests. We have seen the challenge of Mother should be done. You can imagine that when you have Nature at work this year with Hurri- It has been estimated in the past clearcuts and those clearcuts are re- canes Harvey, Irma, and Maria hitting that if just the top 1 percent or 2 per- planted, the trees grow back very close in Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico. But cent of the worst fires were funded in together. In a short amount of time, let’s not forget the incredible damage FEMA-style fund, we would never have those forests are very good for fires and being done in Montana, Idaho, Oregon, had fire borrowing in the past. But the very good for disease, but they are nei- and Washington by these extraordinary most relevant kind of crisp and clean ther good for ecosystems nor for tim- fires. way to do that would be to adopt this ber stands. So they have to be thinned, Over the last decade, we have seen an bill Senator WYDEN and Senator CRAPO and that thinning can be done, in Or- average of 50,000 fires in America each have put so much work into and which egon alone, on nearly 2 million acres year. They destroy and burn up more I am certainly pleased to cosponsor. already approved through the environ- than 5 million acres, but this year the That would be very useful, and we mental process. The challenge is to get count is well over 8 million acres and should do that now. more funds into that effort. counting. In Oregon, we normally have We should respond while the memory That, too, should be part of this be- fires that burn, on average, about is fresh and, actually, while fires are cause, whether you talk to an environ- 500,000 acres, but this year we are well still burning in State after State—cer- mentalist or talk to somebody who over 600,000 acres and counting. tainly burning in my home State of Or- wants sawlogs for the mills, they both As a result of these raging fires, we egon. Then we should recognize, too, know that if you thin these forests, have many communities that have that this terrible fire year has done so you make them more resistant to fire. been so powerfully impacted and so much damage to so many communities. With better timber stands, you have many forests destructively impacted. We have communities where the roads better ecosystems, and you supply a We should stop and ask: What can we have been cut off. We have commu- steady supply of sawlogs to the mill. do better in terms of our forests and nities where the tourists disappeared Let’s not reopen the timber wars of our communities? That is why I am because of the smoke, or other eco- the past. Let’s work together with a taking to the floor right now. nomic enterprises had to shut down for win-win. The first thing we need to do is to an extended period. I want to show this chart because it end fire borrowing. This is where the So as we assist those communities indicates the dramatic change of what U.S. Forest Service, in order to pay for hit by Harvey and hit by Irma and hit has happened to the Forest Service fighting these fires, proceeds to borrow by Maria, let’s also help those commu- budget. We can go back to 1995 and from every other account. This has be- nities that were hit by this year’s ex- compare it to the year 2015. I want to come all too common. What are those traordinary fires. That would mean focus particularly on the orange. The other accounts? They are the haz- strengthening the Small Business Dis- orange is the amount of money that ardous fuels funds, forest management aster Loan Program. That would mean was spent fighting forest fires, and 20 funds, forest restoration funds, forest taking the additional funding for the years ago, it was 16 percent of the For- conservation funds, road maintenance USDA Emergency Community Water est Service budget. But in 2015—2 years funds, and funds that are designed to Assistance Program, and, certainly, it ago—it broke 50 percent. It was 52 per- prepare for future timber sales. would mean making additional com- cent of their budget. This year, it has All of that does a lot of damage to munity development block grants certainly gone up much higher than the preparation. So the fires are more available to the communities impacted that. So as the amount of funds spent resilient and aren’t susceptible to this by these fires. Let’s not forget those on fighting fires has increased, it has type of firefighting. We have seen, on communities as we provide assistance dramatically reduced the amount of average in the last decade, a cost of in funding to the communities affected funds that support our maintenance fighting fires across the country of by the hurricanes. and improvement of the forest. That is about $1.6 billion. But this year, we are Then we also need to address the fact what is getting squeezed out. over $3 billion—almost double. So even that many assets in our forests were Let me put it differently. The more though the Appropriations Committee scorched by these fires. There are trails you spend fighting fires out of a single had wisely put in a buffer of several that have to be repaired, roads that pot of money, the less money you have hundred million dollars to prevent fire have to be repaired, watershed repairs to prevent the fires. Everywhere I go borrowing, those funds were long ago to avoid landslides, facilities that were they say: Can’t we do more on the front wiped out. scorched and burned, and wildlife and end so these forests are more resilient? So there we were 4 weeks ago. I was fish management restoration, includ- If you think about how fire works, it working to say that now that we are ing critical sage grouse areas. really gets going if the trees are close over the allotted funds for the year, I was up visiting the incredible wa- together because one tree lights the let’s immediately get more funds that terfall, the Multnomah Falls. They next tree on fire. If you thin them, you can be used to backfill this shortage in were explaining that several of the slow that down. The fire goes from the September. I thank all of my col- trails have bridges—there are so many ground, where there is brush, to the leagues for the fact that those funds bridges on the trails in Oregon—and canopy, where there are branches, very were included in the continuing resolu- that the fire had burned some of the easily if the branches are close to the tion. We successfully provided a bridge understructure. So from above it ground. So you trim off those branches, so that firefighting could continue and looked like the bridges were safe, but separate the trees, thin them out, so that the fire borrowing was quickly they weren’t safe. They can’t reopen shave off the branches, cut off the repaid. those trails until they get support to branches, and suddenly you have a for- But that is not a permanent solu- do all these repairs. The Forest Service est that is much more resilient. tion—to try to legislate or to backfill has estimated that it will take $150 There are those folks who have said: on a rapid basis. Indeed, when we have million to restore the damage done to Let’s just get rid of the environmental these kinds of fire seasons, it is like the Forest Service’s infrastructure. rules. Let’s just clearcut everything. other natural disasters. It is like tor- So we should make that happen as Let’s do 10,000 acres at a time. That is, nadoes and hurricanes and floods. So part of this bill. Then, we should turn by the way, 15 square miles. Let’s set we need to have a FEMA-style backup to forest fire resilience. We have 2 mil- those 15 square miles next to each for those worst ever fire seasons. That lion acres in need of fire prevention ef- other. Let’s just shave the Earth and is what my colleagues Senator WYDEN forts in Oregon. Actually, we have far wipe out the forests. That way, there and Senator CRAPO—bipartisan team- more of that in need of fire prevention, will not be forest fires. Those are the work—have been putting forth. It is but we have nearly 2 million that have timber wars of the past.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G05OC6.053 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE S6348 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 5, 2017 What we have seen is that we can more out of the National Treasury to The legislative clerk read the nomi- bridge the divide between a good eco- fight them, but we will have less nations of Stephen B. King, of Wis- system and a good timber stand by healthy timber stands to fuel our econ- consin, to be Ambassador Extraor- thinning the forest, by making them omy. dinary and Plenipotentiary of the more like a natural forest, which is Let’s end the fire burn. Let’s provide United States of America to the Czech much more fire resilient. In the process the funding to restore the fire service Republic; BARBARA LEE, of California, of thinning, which has to be done peri- assets that were burned, the scourged to be Representative of the United odically over time, we are also pro- assets. Let’s provide assistance States of America to the Seventy-sec- viding a steady foundation for sawlogs through community development block ond Session of the General Assembly of for our mills. grants and small business loans to as- the United Nations; CHRISTOPHER There is a mill in John Day, OR. I sist the communities that were SMITH, of New Jersey, to be Represent- met with the folks there who were very scourged by these fires. Let’s pass Sen- ative of the United States of America worried. The workers there were very ator WYDEN and Senator CRAPO’s bill, to the Seventy-second Session of the worried about that mill getting shut which proceeds to create a FEMA-like General Assembly of the United Na- down. I was determined to do every- structure to back up the worst fire sea- tions; and J. Steven Dowd, of Florida, thing I could to save that mill. What sons, and certainly, certainly, abso- to be United States Director of the Af- ended up happening is that we found we lutely, let’s invest in prevention on the rican Development Bank for a term of couldn’t save that mill with a timber front end by thinning these forests and five years. sale because a timber sale can’t com- getting the flammable buildup of forest Thereupon, the Senate proceeded to mit to a load of logs over a 10-year pe- branches off the floor of the forests. consider the nominations en bloc. riod. The owner of the mill couldn’t Those are positive things we can do. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I commit to the cost of new machinery if At this moment in Houston, in ask unanimous consent that the Sen- he didn’t know he would get logs for an Miami, in Puerto Rico, people are ate vote on the nominations en bloc extended period of time. So we discov- thinking, what can we do to better pre- with no intervening action or debate; ered that we could, though, through a pare for the next storm surge? What that if confirmed, the motions to re- forest health contract—through a stew- can we do to be better prepared for the consider be considered made and laid ardship contract—enable a steady sup- next hurricane? Well, we know for sure upon the table en bloc; that the Presi- ply of thinned logs to make it to that that we are going to have fires across dent be immediately notified of the mill and make sure that mill stayed the Northwest in Montana, in Idaho, in Senate’s action; that no further mo- open. Not only did it keep it open, but Oregon, in Washington every summer, tions be in order; and that any state- it added workers to that mill. That is and they are simply getting worse. We ments relating to the nominations be the type of win-win solution that we must ask ourselves the same question: printed in the RECORD. need. How do we change this rhythm? How do The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without There is another way of looking at we operate this differently and better? objection, it is so ordered. the cost of fighting fires. Here we see, That is our responsibility in this Is there any further debate on the in 1995, 16 percent of the budget going Chamber, and that is the set of things nominations en bloc? to fight fires; in 2017, 56 percent. Let’s we can do to have a far better outcome If not, the question is, will the Sen- look into the future. An original esti- in the future. ate advise and consent to the King, mate was that we would reach 67 per- I urge all of my colleagues to support Lee, Smith, and Dowd nominations en cent by 2025; now the new estimate, these five efforts as we support funding block? The nominations were confirmed en based on the changing dynamics in the for Texas and Florida and Puerto Rico. Thank you. bloc. forest, is that we will get to over two- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. thirds of the budget fighting fires by f BLUNT). The majority leader is recog- the year 2021—four fire seasons from nized. EXECUTIVE CALENDAR today. That is how big the issue is. UNANIMOUS CONSENT AGREEMENT—EXECUTIVE Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I That is why we need funds from the CALENDAR ask unanimous consent that the Sen- front end to be able to thin these for- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I ate proceed to the en bloc consider- ests. This is simply common sense. ask unanimous consent that following ation of the following nominations: Ex- If you are the private owner of a pri- leader remarks on Tuesday, October 17, ecutive Calendar Nos. 365, 366, and 367. vate forest, you wouldn’t dare let this the Senate proceed to the consider- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without forest retain this high propensity for ation of Calendar No. 191, the nomina- objection, it is so ordered. fires and disease. You would thin the tion of David Trachtenberg to be Prin- The clerk will report the nomina- forest. You would make it a better tim- cipal Deputy Under Secretary of De- tions en bloc. ber stand; you would make it a better fense. I further ask that there be 10 The legislative clerk read the nomi- ecosystem. And that is what we need to minutes of debate on the nomination nations of Timothy Gallaudet, of Cali- do. equally divided in the usual form; that fornia, to be Assistant Secretary of We have also seen that another way following the use or yielding back of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere; of looking at the changes is how the time, the Senate vote on confirmation Howard R. Elliott, of Indiana, to be Ad- staffing levels have changed over the with no intervening action or debate; ministrator of the Pipeline and Haz- last two decades. If we look at just two that if confirmed, the motion to recon- ardous Materials Safety Administra- decades ago, we can see that in 1998 sider be considered made and laid upon tion. Department of Transportation there were about 18,000 individuals the table, and the President be imme- and Walter G. Copan, of Colorado, to be dedicated to managing the forest lands diately notified of the Senate’s action. Under Secretary of Commerce for and just 5,700 dedicated to going out The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Standards and Technology. and fighting blazes. Now we have come objection, it is so ordered. Thereupon, the Senate proceeded to into the future, and we see now that consider the nominations en bloc. f the number of people fighting fires is Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I larger than the number working on all EXECUTIVE CALENDAR ask unanimous consent that the Sen- of the other forest programs. We have Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I ate vote on the nominations en bloc to commit to doing far more on the ask unanimous consent that the Sen- with no intervening action or debate; prevention end. If we let this summer’s ate proceed to the en bloc consider- that if confirmed, the motions to re- crisis go without securing funding to ation of the following nominations: Ex- consider be considered made and laid thin those forests that have already ecutive Calendar Nos. 327, 332, 333, and upon the table en bloc; that the Presi- gone through the environmental proc- 337. dent be immediately notified of the ess, we are making a huge mistake, and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Senate’s action; that no further mo- it is going to cost us more because objection, it is so ordered. tions be in order; and that any state- there are going to be even more fires in The clerk will report the nomina- ments relating to the nominations be the future. So not only do we spend tions en bloc. printed in the RECORD.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G05OC6.054 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6349 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without This week, I met with a delegation The U.S. citizens who live in Puerto objection, it is so ordered. from Puerto Rico and the Virgin Is- Rico and the Virgin Islands are at risk The question is, Will the Senate ad- lands to discuss relief efforts and what of running out of food, water, and fuel. vise and consent to the Gallaudet, El- we can do at the Federal level to help It would be unconscionable for us to liott, and Copan nominations en bloc? them rebuild. The stories they shared abandon them in their time of need. The nominations were confirmed en about friends and family in Puerto Our thoughts are with the many peo- bloc. Rico were heartbreaking. These people, ple who have lost their loved ones, f our fellow American citizens, are fac- their homes, and other property. I ing a life and death situation. Sadly, want to recognize the hard work of the EXECUTIVE CALENDAR the lives of at least 16 people have been volunteers, local officials, and Federal Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I claimed. employees that have come forward in ask unanimous consent that the Sen- The situation in Puerto Rico is dire, this time of need and pitched in at ate proceed to the consideration of the and aid cannot wait. The 3.5 million every level. following nomination: Executive Cal- people who live on the island of Puerto We can and should do more to help endar No. 360. Rico are our fellow U.S. citizens, and it the people of Puerto Rico and the U.S. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without is our duty to provide aid to them in Virgin Islands rebuild and recover. I objection, it is so ordered. their time of need. have no doubt that the people of Puer- The clerk will report the nomination. Yesterday, Congress received a sup- to Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands will The legislative clerk read the nomi- plemental aid request from the admin- be able to clean up and rebuild, and nation of Bruce J. Walker, of New istration to provide much needed dis- they will be stronger for it. The entire York, to be an Assistant Secretary of aster relief to our fellow Americans. Nation must come together as an Energy (Electricity Delivery and En- Now, Congress must come together to American family to give them the aid ergy Reliability). help these Americans rebuild homes and support they need at every step Thereupon, the Senate proceeded to and businesses, restore critical infra- along the way. structure, and access life-sustaining consider the nomination. f Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I supplies. ask unanimous consent that the Sen- Providing emergency disaster assist- FOR-PROFIT COLLEGES AND ate vote on the nomination with no in- ance to people in need is not a local UNIVERSITIES issue. It is an American issue. tervening action or debate; that if con- Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, there firmed, the motion to reconsider be Just as I expect my colleagues to come to the aid of the State of Illinois are a lot of issues roiling our Nation considered made and laid upon the these days. I want to talk about an table; that the President be imme- when we are faced with a natural dis- aster and just as Congress came to the issue that may not get all the head- diately notified of the Senate’s action; lines, but that has seen dramatic and that no further motions be in order; aid of Hurricane Harvey victims a few short weeks ago, the people of Puerto troubling changes this year: our Na- and that any statements relating to tion’s higher education policy. the nomination be printed in the Rico and the Virgin Islands expect us to rally behind them as they work to Over the last several weeks, Sec- RECORD. retary of Education Betsy DeVos has The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without respond to Hurricane Maria. I urge my colleagues to quickly pass continued her assault on students and objection, it is so ordered. a clean aid package that will help all their families. The question is, Will the Senate ad- Americans whose lives have been im- Previously we had seen her rescind vise and consent to the Walker nomi- pacted by these natural disasters. Any reforms that would improve customer nation? supplemental appropriations bill that service for students and hold student The nomination was confirmed. includes aid for States impacted by loan servicers accountable for their f Hurricanes Harvey and Irma must also treatment of borrowers; rescind a pol- icy prohibiting debt collectors from LEGISLATIVE SESSION include aid for Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and western States that have charging borrowers 16 percent fees to been devastated by wildfires. bring their loans out of default; halt MORNING BUSINESS I was heartened to hear that the Illi- the processing of borrower defense loan nois National Guard has deployed discharge applications from students Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I teams to provide telecommunication defrauded by for-profit colleges and ask unanimous consent that the Sen- assistance, food, water, tents, and cots throwing out rules intended to help ate proceed to legislative session and to Puerto Rico. I was also glad to see students get the discharges to which be in a period of morning business, that individual assistance is now avail- they are entitled to under law; rewrite with Senators permitted to speak able for all 78 of the municipalities on the gainful employment rule, which is therein for up to 10 minutes each. the island, ensuring all individuals in meant to protect students from pro- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Puerto Rico can receive assistance grams for-profit colleges that saddle objection, it is so ordered. from the Federal Government. students with too much debt compared f The Federal response to this disaster to their income; propose eliminating has taken far too long, and we must do public service loan forgiveness, which PUERTO RICO AND U.S. VIRGIN more to help our fellow American citi- helps students afford to serve their ISLANDS RECOVERY EFFORT zens during this humanitarian crisis. communities, States, and country Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, over 2 In Congress, our top priority should while repaying their student loans; weeks ago, Puerto Rico and the U.S. be making sure the people of Puerto propose dumping $38 billion in addi- Virgin Islands were devastated by Hur- Rico and the Virgin Islands have the tional student loan interest on needy ricane Maria. This was less than a funding they need to rebuild and re- students by eliminating subsidized un- month after the islands felt the im- cover. We cannot delay providing this dergraduate loans; and propose freezing pacts of another powerful storm, Hurri- much needed funding any longer. the maximum Pell grant award so that cane Irma. Hurricane Maria has left a It has been tragic to see thousands of their award covers even less of what it wake of destruction across the islands. shipping containers held at ports, costs a student to attend college. In Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Is- which have been full of critical, life- That is just the beginning. lands, too many Americans remain sustaining supplies that are not reach- Several weeks ago, I joined Senators without power, clean drinking water, ing those most in need. There continue BROWN, MURRAY, and WARREN in call- or a method of communicating with to be reports of families in Puerto Rico ing on Secretary DeVos to appoint a their relatives and first responders. who are stranded and isolated. We credible, well-qualified, independent Last week, I met with leaders in the must prioritize quickly distributing chief enforcement officer to lead the Puerto Rican community in Chicago to supplies to reach every individual in Department of Education’s enforce- discuss local efforts to provide aid. the days, weeks, and months to come. ment unit.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G05OC6.057 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE S6350 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 5, 2017 The unit was created after the col- oversight role . . .’’ into areas that the will only aid and abet this reckless lapse of Corinthian to improve over- Department viewed as within its juris- game the administration is playing sight of higher education institutions diction. with Americans’ healthcare. and enforcement of Federal laws. The CFPB has been a leader in pro- I hope that Mr. Hargan will surpass Robert Kaye, a respected investi- tecting student borrowers harmed by my expectations and serve this country gator and consumer expert from the Federal loan servicers like Navient and well as Deputy Secretary at HHS. The Federal Trade Commission, was se- predatory lending practices by institu- role of HHS Deputy Secretary in imple- lected to be the first chief. Kaye left tions like Corinthian and ITT Tech. menting and administering the efforts the post in March. This political stunt makes clear that of strengthening our healthcare system Secretary DeVos allowed this critical Secretary DeVos would rather initiate is too important for any other result. I position to remain vacant for more a turf war than work with other Fed- believe strongly that Americans de- than 4 months until earlier last month, eral agencies to fulfill the Federal Gov- serve affordable and accessible when she finally announced the ap- ernment’s collective oversight respon- healthcare coverage, and I hope Mr. pointment of Dr. Julian Schmoke, Jr. sibilities. Hargan’s actions as Deputy Director At first glance, Dr. Schmoke meets In announcing Dr. Schmoke as the show that he agrees. However, I could none of the requirements for the job new chief enforcement officer, Sec- not in good conscience vote to confirm that my colleagues and I set out in our retary DeVos said, ‘‘Protecting stu- someone about whom I have so many letter. dents has always been my top pri- concerns. Thank you.∑ As chief enforcement officer, Dr. ority.’’ f Schmoke will be charged with ensuring Well, Madam Secretary, your actions that institutions of higher education just don’t back up that statement. ARMS SALES NOTIFICATION are following Federal laws and regula- Nearly every time you have had the Mr. CORKER. Mr. President, section tions. opportunity to stand up for students, 36(b) of the Arms Export Control Act This will mean paying special atten- their families, and taxpayers, you have requires that Congress receive prior no- tion to an area that poses the most turned your back on them. tification of certain proposed arms risk to students and has demonstrated Commonsense protections for stu- sales as defined by that statute. Upon systemic abuse: for-profit colleges. dents and taxpayers shouldn’t be a par- such notification, the Congress has 30 These are the colleges that enroll 9 tisan issue. calendar days during which the sale percent of all postsecondary students Secretary DeVos, I urge you to aban- may be reviewed. The provision stipu- in America, but take in 17 percent of don this assault on students and in- lates that, in the Senate, the notifica- all Federal student aid and account for stead work with us to strengthen tion of proposed sales shall be sent to 33 percent of all Federal student loan America’s system of higher education, the chairman of the Senate Foreign defaults. to deal honestly with wrongdoing by Relations Committee. Beyond the infamous Corinthian and for-profit colleges, and to increase op- In keeping with the committee’s in- ITT Tech examples, there are countless portunities for all Americans. tention to see that relevant informa- examples of for-profit colleges defraud- f tion is available to the full Senate, I ing students, whether it be Ashford, ask unanimous consent to have printed VOTE EXPLANATION Westwood, or DeVry. in the RECORD the notifications which Last year, DeVry agreed to pay the ∑ Mr. NELSON. Mr. President, I was have been received. If the cover letter Federal Trade Commission $100 million necessarily absent for today’s vote on references a classified annex, then such for defrauding students and agreed to a the motion to invoke cloture on Execu- annex is available to all Senators in separate settlement with the Depart- tive Calendar No. 226, Callista L. Ging- the office of the Foreign Relations ment of Education. rich to be U.S. Ambassador to the Holy Committee, room SD–423. Guess who Dr. Schmoke previously See. I would have voted yea.∑ There being no objection, the mate- worked for? You guessed it, DeVry Uni- (At the request of Mr. SCHUMER, the rial was ordered to be printed in the versity. following statement was ordered to be RECORD, as follows: In fact, there are reports that DeVry printed in the RECORD.) DEFENSE SECURITY is still under investigation by the very f COOPERATION AGENCY, unit Dr. Schmoke has been appointed Arlington, VA. CONFIRMATION OF ERIC HARGAN to lead. How is that for the fox guard- Hon. BOB CORKER, ing the henhouse? ∑ Ms. CORTEZ MASTO. Mr. President, Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations, If that wasn’t enough, there is no I had expected to be able to vote on the U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. discernable evidence on Dr. Schmoke’s confirmation of Mr. Eric Hargan, to be DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: Pursuant to the re- Deputy Secretary for Health and porting requirements of Section 36(b)(1) of resume of any experience conducting or the Arms Export Control Act, as amended, overseeing investigations. Human Service, HHS. Instead, I am in we are forwarding herewith Transmittal No. Shortly after his appointment, I Las Vegas to grieve with and assist my 17–42, concerning the Air Force’s proposed joined Senators BROWN, WARREN, fellow Nevadans in the aftermath of Letter(s) of Offer and Acceptance to the Gov- BLUMENTHAL, and WHITEHOUSE in writ- the worst mass shooting in modern ernment of Japan for defense articles and ing to Dr. Schmoke raising these con- American history. services estimated to cost $113 million. After cerns and asking him to meet with us. On the question of Mr. Hargan’s nom- this letter is delivered to your office, we plan We are still waiting. ination, I want to make my opposition to issue a news release to notify the public of to his confirmation clear. I do not be- this proposed sale. As Betsy DeVos orchestrates a cor- Sincerely, porate takeover of the Department of lieve Mr. Hargan to be qualified to be a CHARLES W. HOOPER, Education by for-profit interests, State leading member of HHS. This decision Lieutenant General, USA, attorneys general and other Federal is based on his prior experience, his Director. agencies are even more important in work and statements opposing the Af- Enclosures. providing aggressive oversight to pro- fordable Care Act, as well as his state- TRANSMITTAL NO. 17–42 tect students and taxpayers. ments regarding the extension of the Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of Betsy DeVos is doing what she can to State Children’s Health Insurance Pro- Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the disrupt that, too. gram. Deputy Secretary Eric Hargan Arms Export Control Act, as amended On September 1, the Department of would be the highest ranking appointee (i) Prospective Purchaser: Government of Education provided notice to the Con- at HHS, making him responsible for Japan. sumer Financial Protection Bureau implementing and enforcing the Af- (ii) Total Estimated Value: that it was terminating its existing fordable Care Act, ACA, going forward. Major Defense Equipment * $108 million. Other $5 million. data-sharing agreement with the Considering the fact that the adminis- Total $113 million. CFPB. tration has repeatedly and consistently (iii) Description and Quantity or Quan- The Department took exception ‘‘to sought to undermine the ACA, I fear tities of Articles or Services under Consider- the CFPB unilaterally expanding its that someone with Mr. Hargan’s views ation for Purchase:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G05OC6.033 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6351 Major Defense Equipment (MDE): 2. If a technologically advanced adversary Anyone who has seen YouTube video Fifty-six (56) AIM–120C–7 Advanced Me- were to obtain knowledge of the specific clips of semiautomatic rifles outfitted dium Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAMs). hardware and software elements, the infor- with these devices knows just how dev- Non-MDE includes: Containers, weapon mation could be used to develop counter- astating they are. support and support equipment, spare and re- measures or an equivalent system which pair parts, U.S. Government and contractor might reduce system effectiveness or be used The number of bullets that can be engineering, technical and logistical support in the development of a system with similar sprayed into a crowd within minutes is services, and other related elements of or advanced capabilities. staggering. logistical and program support. 3. A determination has been made that Because they are so dangerous, auto- (iv) Military Department: Air Force (X7–D– Japan can provide substantially the same de- matic machine-gun-like weapons have YAK). gree of protection for the sensitive tech- been categorically banned in America (v) Prior Related Cases, if any: JA–D–YAI, nology being released as the U.S. Govern- since 1986 under the National Firearms JA–D–YAH. ment. This sale is necessary in furtherance Act. (vi) Sales Commission, Fee, etc., Paid, Of- of the U.S. foreign policy and national secu- This law was a direct response to the fered, or Agreed to be Paid: None. rity objectives outlined in the Policy Jus- (vii) Sensitivity of Technology Contained tification. Prohibition Era’s mobster crimes dur- in the Defense Article or Defense Services 4. All defense articles and services listed in ing which machine guns were used to Proposed to be Sold: See Attached Annex. this transmittal have been authorized for re- kill their victims at a deadly rate. (viii) Date Report Delivered to Congress: lease and export to Japan. One seminal event during this period October 4, 2017. f was the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre * As defined in Section 47(6) of the Arms of 1929. Export Control Act. AUTOMATIC GUNFIRE That tragic day was marked by the POLICY JUSTIFICATION PREVENTION ACT murder of seven men in a garage on the Japan—AIM–120C–7 Advanced Medium-Range Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, yes- North Side of Chicago. The massacre Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAMs) terday I introduced the Automatic was the culmination of a feud between The Government of Japan has requested a Gunfire Prevention Act of 2017. an Irish American gang and another possible sale of fifty-six (56) AIM 120C–7 Ad- First, I would like to thank Senators gang led by Al Capone. Organized crime vanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles BLUMENTHAL, MURPHY, SCHUMER, DUR- was rampant during that era, and fully (AMRAAMs). Also included are containers, BIN, LEAHY, CORTEZ MASTO, VAN HOL- weapon support and support equipment, automatic weapons were the weapons spare and repair parts, U.S. Government and LEN, GILLIBRAND, KLOBUCHAR, MARKEY, of choice for gangsters. Indeed, the contractor engineering, technical and CASEY, REED, HASSAN, MERKLEY, CAR- men who committed the St. Valen- logistical support services, and other related PER, CARDIN, COONS, FRANKEN, HARRIS, tine’s Day Massacre used Thompson elements of logistical and program support. BOOKER, WHITEHOUSE, HIRONO, SAND- submachine guns, known as ‘‘Tommy The total estimated program cost is $113 mil- ERS, WARREN, CANTWELL, MCCASKILL, guns,’’ to mow down their victims. lion. NELSON, MURRAY, UDALL, KAINE, WAR- The St. Valentine’s Day Massacre, This sale will support the foreign policy NER, BENNET, SCHATZ, WYDEN, BROWN, which remains in infamy, clearly dem- and national security of the United States by meeting the security and defense needs of DUCKWORTH, MENENDEZ, and BALDWIN onstrated that elected leaders must do a major ally and partner nation. Japan con- for cosponsoring this legislation. Their something about this violence and get tinues to be an important force for peace, po- support for this bill is deeply appre- these fully automatic guns out of the litical stability, and economic progress in ciated. hands of killers. the Asia-Pacific region. Just days ago, in Las Vegas, NV, we As a result, the National Firearms The proposed sale will provide Japan a experienced the worst mass shooting— Act was enacted in 1934. When origi- critical air defense capability to assist in de- in terms of the number of victims—in nally passed, it heavily regulated ma- fending the Japanese homeland and U.S. per- our Nation’s history. chine guns, imposing a tax on the mak- sonnel stationed there. Japan will have no There are now at least 58 dead and difficulty absorbing these additional muni- ing and transferring of machine guns tions into the Japan Air Self-Defense Force. nearly 500 wounded as a result of that and other lethal weapons. It also im- The proposed sale of this equipment and attack. The grief and pain of so many posed a special occupational tax on support will not alter the basic military bal- victims and their loved ones is over- those engaged in the business of im- ance in the region. whelming and all too familiar to gun porting, manufacturing, and dealing in The principal contractor will be Raytheon violence victims and survivors all firearms regulated under the National Missile Systems, Tucson, Arizona. There are across America. Firearms Act. no offset arrangements proposed in connec- What makes this mass shooting par- It also required the registration of all tion with this potential sale. Implementation of this proposed sale will ticularly devastating is that the shoot- machine guns and other guns regulated not require the assignment of U.S. Govern- ing was done by a single gunman. With- under the National Firearms Act with ment or contractor representatives to Japan. in minutes, the gunman exacted dev- the Treasury Secretary. There will be no adverse impact on U.S. de- astating firepower on hundreds of peo- Later, in 1986, the National Firearms fense readiness as a result of this proposed ple, terrorizing concertgoers and an en- Act was amended to ban all future sale. tire community. automatic weapons from private pos- TRANSMITTAL NO. 17–42 How was this possible? session, except for those legally owned Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of While facts are still being uncovered, and registered as of May 19, 1986. Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the we know that this particular gunman Therefore, today, automatic weapons Arms Export Control Act had amassed a vast arsenal. He had at are generally banned for civilian use— Annex Item No. vii least 23 firearms and hundreds of and rightfully so. They are absolutely (vii) Sensitivity of Technology: rounds of ammunition in his hotel lethal weapons of war and have no 1. The proposed sale will involve the re- room among which were 12 semiauto- business being in our homes, our lease of sensitive technology to the Govern- matic rifles enhanced with ‘‘bump- schools, our businesses, and our ment of Japan related to the AIM–120C Ad- stock’’ devices. streets. vanced Medium Range Air-to-Air These bump-stock devices are typi- Notwithstanding this outright ban, (AMRAAM). The AIM–120C AMRAAM is a radar guided missile featuring digital tech- cally used to turn semiautomatic rifles there is a loophole in the law that al- nology and micro-miniature solid-state elec- into functional machine guns, capable lows bump-stock devices to configure tronics. AMRAAM capabilities include look- of shooting hundreds of bullets per legal semiautomatic weapons so that down/shoot-down, multiple launches against minute. they can function like a fully auto- multiple targets, resistance to electronic A semiautomatic rifle’s rate of fire is matic weapon. This loophole must be countermeasures, and interception of high usually 45 to 60 rounds per minute. closed. flying, low flying, and maneuvering targets. With a bump-stock device attached, If automatic weapons are banned, The AMRAAM All Up Round is classified these semiautomatic weapons can fire these devices should be banned. There CONFIDENTIAL, major components and subsystems range from UNCLASSIFIED to up to 700 rounds per minute. Bump- is no functional difference between CONFIDENTIAL, and technology data and stock devices are readily accessible. automatic weapons and a bump-stock other documentation are classified up to SE- They can be purchased online or at a enhanced semiautomatic weapon. Such CRET. store by anyone for merely $100. devices are simply not needed to hunt

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC6.043 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE S6352 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 5, 2017 or to use in a private home for self-de- IRAN NUCLEAR AGREEMENT that he will refuse to certify Iran’s fense. Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. President, compliance with the deal by October Like we saw in Las Vegas, these the United States is facing an urgent 15, the next deadline. This will effec- bump-stock devices allow those with a nuclear crisis with North Korea. Presi- tively kick the deal’s fate to Congress, motive to kill to use fully legal fire- dent Trump should not trigger another which will then have 60 days to decide arms to wreak havoc and kill large nuclear crisis with Iran. whether to reimpose the nuclear-re- numbers of people within minutes. North Korea’s nuclear program pre- lated sanctions on Iran waived under The bill I have introduced is straight- sents a clear and direct threat to the the deal. forward. It closes the loophole that al- United States. Our top military offi- Make no mistake: Trump’s reasons lows civilians to purchase and use de- cial, General Dunford, testified last for not certifying Iran’s compliance are vices that convert semiautomatic month that North Korea has the capa- based on politics, not national secu- weapons into machine guns. Specifi- bility to strike the U.S. mainland with rity. He wants to tear up an agreement cally, it bans the sale, transfer, impor- an intercontinental ballistic missile. that has prevented Iran from getting a tation, manufacturing, or possession of North Korea has ramped up the pace of nuclear weapon, simply because it was bump fire devices, trigger cranks, or its ballistic missile tests, firing two negotiated by a democratic adminis- anything that accelerates a semiauto- ICBMs over Japan in recent months. tration. Trump has threatened to do matic rifle’s rate of fire. Just last month, North Korea con- this without offering any alternative The bill further provides an excep- ducted its sixth test of a nuclear weap- plan to block Iran from getting a nu- tion to this ban, by allowing for the on, the largest yet. clear bomb. lawful possession of these devices by Meanwhile, President Trump and In the absence of any evidence of an law enforcement and the government. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un are Iranian violation, Trump and his team Those who violate the ban would be engaged in nuclear brinkmanship. are manufacturing reasons not to cer- subject to the same penalty available Trump has threatened to ‘‘totally de- tify the deal, citing issues not ad- to those who illegally possess a ma- stroy’’ North Korea, has tweeted that dressed in the nuclear agreement, such chine gun under current law. North Korea ‘‘might not be around as Iran’s sponsorship of regional ter- Closing this loophole should not be a much longer,’’ and has rebuked his own rorism, its ballistic missile tests, and partisan issue. Anyone who has seen Secretary of State for attempting to its human rights violations. footage from the shooting in Las Vegas find a diplomatic solution. With each Iran is subject to sanctions for those should recognize that weapons that are reckless pronouncement, Trump’s malign activities. Since the Iran deal altered to emulate automatic gunfire threats could bring the United States has been implemented, the United should not be permitted in our commu- closer to a war that would put at risk States had designated over 100 individ- nities. millions of lives, including tens of uals and entities for sanctions. Con- In my view, this bill is a modest pro- thousands of American soldiers. gress passed a new law this July, that posal. It was one that was included in Confronted with the North Korean I cosponsored, sanctioning Iran for the Assault Weapons Ban legislation nuclear threat, President Trump is these aggressions. It is worth under- that I proposed 4 years ago, which we seeking to provoke another nuclear cri- scoring this point: Donald Trump has failed to pass in 2013. sis, this time in the turbulent Middle yet to issue instructions to his admin- Tragically, had that legislation been East. He has repeatedly threatened to istration on how to implement that enacted in 2013, it could have perhaps withdraw from the agreement that the sanctions law. saved lives in Las Vegas. In short, the Iran deal has not pre- Indeed, when the police dispatcher United States and the international vented the United States from taking was first contacted in Las Vegas at community forged to prohibit Iran measures to hold Iran accountable for 10:09 PM local time, it took 11 minutes from obtaining a nuclear weapon. He its destabilizing actions elsewhere. It until the last shots were fired and the has called the Iran deal an ‘‘embarrass- has, however, prevented Iran from con- suspect was neutralized. ment,’’ ‘‘the worst deal ever,’’ and has Think of that for a moment. If auto- vowed to ‘‘rip up’’ the agreement. In ducting those same actions with a nu- matic gunfire had been impossible for making those threats, Trump is put- clear weapon. That is where our focus the gunman, less shots would have ting our security and credibility at should continue to be. A nuclear-armed sprayed through Las Vegas that night, risk. Iran would be a far greater menace in and less people may have died. That is The Iran deal is working. It has the region than a nonnuclear Iran. extraordinarily sobering. verifiably shut off Iran’s pathways to a The truth is, if the United States had I recall standing here on this floor nuclear bomb, imposed tough con- tried to expand the nuclear agreement nearly 4 years ago, urging my col- straints on Iran’s nuclear program, and to also address Iran’s ballistic missile leagues to adopt the assault weapons subjected Iran to the most comprehen- tests and its regional terrorism, there ban, pleading that it could possibly sive inspection and monitoring regime would simply be no deal. Russia and save lives. ever negotiated. How do we know? We China would not have agreed to its That was on the heels of one of the know from Donald Trump himself. terms. Preventing Iran from obtaining darkest days in American history, Just 2 weeks ago, President Trump a nuclear weapon was the only point on when 20 beautiful children and 6 edu- found Iran in compliance and waived which all parties were united. Critics of cators had their lives taken at Sandy nuclear-related sanctions on Iran. In the deal who argue otherwise are not Hook Elementary School. It is an abso- fact, the Trump administration has being straight with the American peo- lute travesty that Congress refused to twice certified Iran’s compliance with ple. act back then. the deal, acknowledging that adher- In a world of alternative facts, that It is my strongest belief that when ence to the agreement is in the vital point is worth reiterating. No deal, in- our Nation is faced with dire situa- national security interests of the cluding this one, contains everything tions—like sickness, or job stagnation, United States. Our State Department, we want. That is the nature of a nego- or human trafficking—it is our job, our our Defense Department, and our intel- tiation. Unilaterally withdrawing from solemn oath as lawmakers, to try to ligence community have all assessed the agreement will not produce a bet- solve these problems. that Iran is in compliance with the nu- ter deal today. In fact, we have much We utterly forsake that solemn oath clear agreement. Most importantly, less negotiating leverage today. The when we simply do nothing; when we President Trump has presented no evi- United States does not have the back- yield to cynicism or to a single lob- dence to Congress, as he is required to ing of our allies and partners around bying faction. do by law, of any potential Iranian the world for withdrawal. Our partners If we do not act today, we are failing breach of the deal. In fact, the adminis- have been crystal clear. They will not the American people. We are failing tration has yet to brief the Senate on renegotiate the deal while it is work- our communities. We are failing re- its strategy for Iran, despite weekly re- ing. Without that international back- sponsible gun owners. quests from my colleagues. ing, we have no leverage with Iran. I urge all of my colleagues to support Despite overwhelming evidence to This brings to bear another, equally this bill. We must act. Now is the time. the contrary, Trump has suggested important, point. This administration

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G05OC6.031 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6353 is already putting American credibility While we use this month to reflect on What makes us Americans is our moral at risk; if we manufacture a specious their dignity and importance to this fiber and our shared love for the United excuse for abandoning the Iran agree- country, this year, in particular, the States. Any other litmus test is a dis- ment, our word will mean little. That Hispanic American community is best criminatory one; yet every day, and will make it nearly impossible to nego- served through actions not just words. sometimes at the hands of our own tiate a diplomatic solution to the nu- Congress must pass the Dream Act. government, Hispanic Americans are clear crisis in North Korea, already an President Trump’s order to rescind the tested and questioned, profiled, and extremely challenging prospect. Put Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, met with suspicion, out of sheer igno- simply, our allies, partners, and adver- DACA, Program has shaken the His- rance and baseless prejudice. Still, saries would have no reason to trust panic American community and most they march on. They meet the chal- the United States. American to their core. Dreamers were lenges of systemic discrimination with That is why Secretary of Defense brought to this country as children, grace, grit, and courage. Indeed, the Mattis, when asked whether it was in with no decision in the matter. More Hispanic American community often the national security interest of the importantly, they are quintessentially reflects the best of America, even when United States to stay in the Iran deal, American in every way, except for America offers less than its best in re- said, ‘‘Yes, Senator, I do.’’ their immigration status. They have turn. I want to end by outlining the choice lived, played, worshipped, and gone to Now more than ever, Hispanic Herit- we face right now. The choice we face school alongside our children most of age Month must be about standing up right now is between a deal or no deal. their lives. They are our children’s and declaring support for Hispanic It is between cutting off Iran’s path- classmates and neighborhood friends Americans. Now more than ever, Con- ways to a bomb or allowing Iran to and teammates. They are the college gress must use its collective voice to push forward with its nuclear weapons students studying at the library. They magnify their voices, to affirm His- program. It is between maintaining are the young serviceworkers at our fa- panic Americans’ rightful place in this U.S. leadership in the world or empow- vorite restaurants, studiously saving Nation and to proclaim a commitment ering our adversaries. It is a choice be- up for next semester’s tuition. They to representing their interests right tween diplomacy or heading down a are young men and women in uniform, here in this Chamber. path toward war. serving in harm’s way, defending our We must begin fulfilling that com- For these reasons, I urge President freedoms. mitment by immediately passing the Trump to certify Iran’s compliance Dreamers were raised here, and most Dream Act. But our commitment must with the nuclear agreement by October know no other home except the United extend further. We must support more 15. If he fails to do so, I urge my col- States of America. If Congress does not equal representation of Hispanic Amer- leagues in the Senate to preserve the act to protect them, the President’s ac- icans in our society, including in Con- deal. tions will force many of them out of gress. We must address the healthcare f work, into hiding and into poverty. disparities that disproportionally af- HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH This will not make America stronger. fect the Hispanic community, an issue Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, I wish to What makes America stronger are the that begs Congress to work together join my colleagues and all Americans Dreamers themselves. Their spirit, toward more universal, affordable cov- in celebrating Hispanic Heritage character, and will to overcome rep- erage. We must acknowledge the dif- Month and the innumerable contribu- resent what is best about our country. ficulties Hispanic American students tions of the Hispanic American com- We should be proud to call them our face in affording college. Finally, we munity. There is much to celebrate. own. We shouldn’t be sending them un- must stand firm against the tidal wave Although Hispanic Americans comprise derground or into exile. of bigoted rhetoric that has flooded the 18 percent of the U.S. population, There is another urgent matter de- national dialogue in recent months. Latino-owned businesses, by some esti- manding our full attention: hurricane Whenever and wherever Hispanic mates, are responsible for approxi- relief for Puerto Rico. The pictures Americans are degraded, belittled, or mately 86 percent of this country’s coming from Puerto Rico are heart- oppressed, basic morality demands that small business growth. What is more, breaking. The devastation that has hit we speak up and speak out. Tolerance their economic influence is unrivaled the island as a result of Hurricane and respect, like a muscle, require ef- by any other demographic since the Maria deserves the same commitment fort and exercise. We must not allow baby boomers, representing a $1.5 tril- and support that would go to any other these values to atrophy on our watch. lion segment of the consumer market, location in the United States. Puerto Diversity and inclusion are American according to a recent Stanford Univer- Rico’s 3.4 million residents are Amer- virtues and proud features of Hispanic sity state of Latino entrepreneurship, ican citizens, and they should be treat- heritage alike; we must now, and al- and perhaps, most notably, Hispanic ed just the same as residents of Flor- ways, be their steward. Americans play an increasingly impor- ida, Texas, and Louisiana. The Senate f tant role in our democracy, with a should quickly take up the emergency TRIBUTE TO MARY GAUTREAUX record 27 million Latinos eligible to supplemental appropriations request as vote in last year’s election. soon as possible after the Columbus Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, today I It has never been clearer that His- Day recess. wish to indulge in a bit of bragging. I panic Americans represent an impres- Voting rights, access to quality, af- know every one of us in this Chamber sive cultural and economic force. Ulti- fordable healthcare, higher education, has that one or two staffers who are mately, however, their value to this tax reform, these are also issues criti- the Jacks or Janes of all trades of their country is not in their statistics. It is cally important to Hispanic Americans operations. in their character. A love for family, a because they are the issues important My longtime loyal friend and staffer, commitment to community, and an un- to the country. There is no breathing who has served the great State of Or- paralleled penchant for hard work are room between the two. Our national in- egon for over 20 years in my office as a the tenets of Hispanic heritage. They terests are their personal interests, so fellow, a field representative, and now are also the building blocks of Amer- their interests must also be ours. deputy State director, Mary Gautreaux ica. This is no coincidence: Hispanic Americans are a diverse group; we do celebrates her 70th birthday on October Americans helped build and sustain our not all look the same or worship in the 17. I want to recognize her enormous Nation. They are an irreplaceable same way. We are, each and every one and long-lasting contributions over the thread in the fabric of American soci- of us, united by far more profound past two decades in my office to mak- ety. With their knack for innovation, things: a love for the freedoms this ing Oregon a better place to live and with their fearless pursuit of better country affords us; respect for the enjoy. lives, and sometimes with their bare power and peace we derive from our di- Mary brings a lifetime of expertise to hands, they have shaped this country verse communities; and an unshakable the natural resources issues that play from the ground up, and we are all the belief in every person’s right to life, such an essential part in Oregon’s better for it. liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. economy and quality of life. Not only

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G05OC6.028 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE S6354 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 5, 2017 does she know these issues but she has The bottom line is I have been very family man. Like Rita, he is a native of lived these issues and passed on her fortunate to work with her, to call her Casper, WY, and attended both St. An- love of them to her children, Ryder, friend, to have her as an integral mem- thony’s Parochial School and Natrona Myria, Callie, and Lucas, as well as her ber of Team Wyden, and I look forward County High School. After high school, five grandchildren. to many more years of her public serv- Don joined the U.S. Army’s 100th Infan- Before joining my office in the 1990s, ice to the people of Oregon and her try Division in France. He proudly Mary served in the U.S. Forest Service. friendship to me and my family. fought for our country on the front In those days, Mary planted trees and f lines during World War II. Don was se- fought fires to support her young fam- riously wounded while fighting in ily. While the work was seasonal, to ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS France. For his brave service to our start, she quickly made an impression Nation, Don was awarded the Silver Star, the Nation’s third-highest award on the U.S. Forest Service and became TRIBUTE TO DONALD AND RITA for valor. He also received a Bronze a full-time employee. GALLES Then I was lucky enough to get her Star, Purple Heart, and Combat Infan- ∑ as a fellow in 1994 in my DC office when Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, try Badge. After the war, Don attended I was still a member of the House of today I wish to celebrate the St. An- and graduated from Creighton Univer- Representatives for the proud 3rd Dis- thony Tri-Parish Catholic School sity in Nebraska. It is there that he trict of Oregon and still had rugged Foundation’s 2017 honorees, Donald met Ann Christensen, who later be- good looks and a full head of hair. Galles and Rita (Murphy) Galles. came his wife for 55 years. They re- She worked in my DC office for a The foundation supports the wonder- turned to Casper and raised six chil- year and had just moved back to Or- ful work of the St. Anthony Tri-Parish dren: Tom, David, Dona, Laura, Karla, egon when I realized my office was bet- Catholic School. The school is dedi- and Jeff. Many of their children at- ter for her presence, so I hired Mary to cated to achieving academic excellence tended St. Anthony’s. In Casper, Don work as field rep in Oregon. I may not in a faith-filled community and living had a successful career as a partner know much about a lot of things, but I a life committed to Christian service. with a local oil and gas firm. He is also can recognize an excellent teammate, Since 1927, the school and staff have active in the community as a member and Mary was a natural fit on ‘‘Team provided a high standard of academic of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Wyden.’’ achievement and Christian values. The Disabled American Veterans, the When I was elected to the U.S. Sen- school provides strong religious and Knights of Columbus, and a lifelong ate for the first time in 1996, I made a educational leadership to the Casper member of St. Anthony’s Catholic promise to do a townhall meeting in community. Church. every county in Oregon every year I On October 12, 2017, the foundation The Galles and Murphy families were was privileged enough to represent the will be hosting the sixth annual Joy joined together in 2005. In the presence good people of Oregon in Washington, Breakfast and celebrating the school’s of their children, grandchildren, and DC. In the last 21 years, she has been 90th anniversary, nearly a century of great-grandchildren, Don and Rita with me at almost every one of the 800- educating students. Every year at this were married at St. Anthony’s Catholic plus townhalls I have held each year in event, the foundation honors individ- Church on December 29, 2005. As the each of Oregon’s 36 counties. uals who have made outstanding con- place where they first met as children, At almost every one of those town- tributions to the school and exemplify the church holds great memories and a halls, I have at some junction pointed the values of the Catholic community. deep personal connection for them to Mary and said, ‘‘Folks, give Mary a Don Galles and Rita (Murphy) Galles both. Over the years, Don and Rita have call about this issue. She works nights are perfect for this honor. Both the generously contributed their time and and weekends—never hesitate to call.’’ Galles family and the Murphy family resources to both the church and It does not matter the issue; Mary al- have a long history of supporting school. They have also given back to ways answers the phone. She has been Catholic education and serving as role our community in numerous other going the extra mile with and for Or- models to our community. John and Mari Ann Martin, Susie and the late ways. For example, Don and Rita made egonians in every nook and cranny of an essential donation to purchase land our State, both literally and figu- Mick McMurry, and Joe Scott will also be recognized at the breakfast for their and a building to expand the Casper ratively. Seton House, which assists homeless Literally, Mary has traveled with me invaluable contribution and dedication to the St. Anthony’s Tri-Parish Catho- mothers and children. Their kindness, and solo to countless meetings in devotion, and generosity are true re- grange halls, diners, and farmhouses lic School Foundation. Rita is a caring nurse and dedicated flections of their character and the val- all across Oregon, and there has never ues they have passed along to their been an issue too big or too small for mother. As a native to Casper, WY, she attended St. Anthony’s Parochial family. her to take on. It is with great honor that I recog- School and graduated from Natrona One way to explain the praise Mary nize these outstanding members of our County High School in 1947. Rita then has earned is to say that Oregonians Wyoming community. My wife, Bobbi, attended the St. Joseph’s School of know Mary as a public servant always joins me in extending our congratula- willing to listen and find solutions that Nursing in Denver, CO, and started her tions to Donald and Rita Galles for re- benefit all of Oregon and Oregonians, nursing career. As a nurse, she touched ceiving this special award.∑ not just the ones that vote for me. She so many lives by caring for the sick f lives by my promise to be the ‘‘Senator and injured. While in Denver, she mar- for all of Oregon,’’ and Oregonians ried Dr. Joseph Murphy at the Blessed TRIBUTE TO JOHN GABRIEL know it and appreciate her for it. Sacrament Church on November 24, ‘‘GABE’’ SMITH My appreciation and Oregon’s appre- 1953. They were married for 51 years ∑ Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, I wish to ciation for Mary goes deeper than that and had 12 children: Patrick, Mary pay tribute to a Marylander, John Ga- accurate and well-deserved summation. Ann, Donald, Kevin, Mark, Sheila, briel Smith, whose courage not only The deeper truth is that anybody who Michelle, Rita, Kathleen, Maureen, broke barriers for himself but also ad- knows Mary knows she is an original Robert, and Anne. Rita enrolled all 12 vanced the cause of the betterment of and unforgettable force of nature— of her children in St. Anthony’s in humanity. We celebrate and honor Mr. fierce on behalf of Oregonians, bold in order to ensure they received an excel- Smith, known as Gabe, because he was her problem-solving, always willing to lent academic and religious founda- the very first African American to help, and just as ready with a smile to tion. With this strong background, her graduate from Gonzaga College Pre- lighten any situation. children have collectively spent more paratory High School, located just a She has a gigantic heart matched than 75 years in post-high school edu- few blocks from the Capitol Building, only by her passion for public service cation. with the class of 1954. and protecting the natural treasures Donald is a decorated veteran, ac- Gabe was born in the turbulent times we Oregonians all hold dear. complished businessman, and loving of the early 1940s in St. Mary’s County,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G05OC6.048 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6355 MD, where he and his two sisters were gether like a family to overcome hate er, Gabe decided to serve as an altar introduced to the ugly world of racism. and ignorance. boy; little did he know, it would His hard-working parents committed In June of 1954, the year of the Brown change his life and place him in the an- their children to a Catholic education decision to end segregation in public nals of American history. and religious fellowship at St. Peter schools across the Nation, Gabe com- He listened to Father McKenna de- Claver, a predominantly African-Amer- pleted his education at Gonzaga Col- scribe the ways that people had trav- ican church in rural Ridge, MD. As an lege High School as the first African- eled to find God and become a priest. eighth grader, Gabe decided to serve as American graduate. Poised with a thor- Interested in pursuing this vocation, he an altar boy; little did he know that it ough education, including a command asked Father McKenna how he, too, would change his life and place him in of Latin, he entered Howard Univer- could achieve it and was surprised the annals of American history. sity, where he choose to pursue a dif- when Father McKenna told him that he The head pastor of St. Peter Claver ferent vocation and graduated with a would, at a minimum, need to know was a humble man by the name of Fa- degree in pharmacy. He became a phar- Latin. ther Horace B. McKenna, S.J., a White macist and worked for over 40 years, Unfortunately, there were no schools Jesuit priest who had been serving the retiring just this past spring with in St. Mary’s or the surrounding areas segregated and neglected African- Shopper’s Food Warehouse in Fort that taught Latin, let alone the tools American community in Southern Washington, MD, where he spent most necessary to launch his vocation, so Maryland for two decades. Father of his career. Father McKenna told him about a McKenna would later found So Others Gabe has been married to Mrs. Jea- school in Washington, DC, where he Might Eat, SOME, a ministry which nette Graves Smith for 50 years and could learn Latin and all the other req- continues to feed the hungry here in has five children; his eldest, Pamela, uisites. That school was Gonzaga Col- Washington, DC. One day, Gabe lis- passed away several years ago. Gabe is lege High. tened intently as Father McKenna de- a proud Marylander and a proud resi- Several years before the Brown v. scribed the spiritual journey many men dent of Prince George’s County. He has Board of Education decision in 1954 to had taken on the way to priesthood. long led his neighborhood association end segregation, Archbishop O’Boyle Gabe, who was interested in pursuing as president and served as an active ordered the integration of all Catholic this vocation, asked Father McKenna member in good standing of the Mt. schools and churches in the Arch- how he could become a priest too. Fa- Ennon Baptist Church Men’s Ministry. diocese of Washington. Thus, in 1951, he ther McKenna told Gabe that he would, Even though more than 60 years have entered the halls of Gonzaga. at a minimum, need to learn Latin. Un- passed since Gabe attended Gonzaga, Fortunately, during his time at Gon- fortunately, there were no schools in he still comments, ‘‘I had angels who zaga, his classmates stood with him in St. Mary’s County or the surrounding helped me through and they continue the face of adversity and strife when areas that Gabe could attend which to be with me today.’’ To this day, they walked outside the school walls. taught Latin, let alone provide the Gabe sees his life as an example of the As a member of the Gonzaga Purple other instruction necessary to launch power of love in the pursuit of the Eagle football team, he encountered his vocation, so Father McKenna told greater good. Gabe’s life shows us that, additional support from Coach Joe him about a school in Washington, DC. despite dark times and dark moments, Kozik who stood by him, along with his where he could learn Latin and all the where there is light through our good teammates. Whenever the Eagles would other requisites. That school was Gon- deeds and good intentions, there is play an opponent that vehemently re- zaga College High School. hope. jected the idea of teams with African- Racial segregation was the barrier John Gabriel Smith was the first of American players, Coach Kozik and his that would have prevented Gabe from over 1,100 African-American students teammates always stuck together like attending Gonzaga, but that was about to graduate from Gonzaga College High a family to overcome hate and igno- to change. Gabe often speaks about the School so far. He will leave an out- rance. angels who have been in his life, in- standing legacy for the State of Mary- In 1954, he completed his education at cluding Father McKenna, football land, the halls of Gonzaga, and for the Gonzaga College High School as the coach Joe Kozik, and Archbishop Pat- United States as an example of what first African-American graduate. rick A. O’Boyle, a man who quietly but happens when we seek inclusion and Poised with his education and com- diligently worked to break the racial love for humanity. He shows us that mand of Latin, he entered Howard Uni- divide here in the Nation’s Capital. living by faith and love, everyone can versity and graduated with a degree in Several years before the Brown v. succeed. I commend Gabe Smith for his pharmacy, where he commanded his Board of Education decision in 1954 to leadership and life of service.∑ field for over 40 years, just retiring this end segregation, Archbishop O’Boyle ∑ Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. President, I past spring of 2017. He is now spending ordered the integration of all Catholic wish to pay tribute to a Marylander, time with his wife and children. schools and churches in the Arch- John Gabriel ‘‘Gabe’’ Smith, whose Gabe says that ‘‘he had angels who diocese of Washington. Thus, in 1951, courage not only broke barriers for helped him through and they continue John Gabriel Smith was one of the first himself but whose courage advanced to be with him today.’’ He will forever African Americans to enter Gonzaga, the cause of the betterment of human- leave an outstanding legacy for the one of the Nation’s elite prep schools. ity. State of Maryland and the halls of Gabe moved in with his sister, who On October 14, he will be recognized Gonzaga College High School. He was lived around the corner from the at the Gonzaga High School home- the first African American at Gonzaga, school. He had observed and experi- coming by the Gonzaga Onyx, a group paving the way for over 1,100 esteemed enced abusive conditions under seg- of African-American alumni of Gon- African-American alumni to follow in regation in St. Mary’s County; thus, he zaga, due to his achievement of being his footsteps.∑ was on guard among his peers at the very first African-American to f school. Fortunately, during his time at graduate from Washington, DC’s Gon- Gonzaga, his classmates welcomed him zaga College Preparatory High School REMEMBERING LIEUTENANT in the classroom and stood with him in with the class of 1954. COLONEL FREDERICK HOL- the face of adversity and strife when He was born in the turbulent times of LISTER CAMPBELL AND AMY S. they walked outside the school’s walls. the early 40s in St. Mary’s County, MD, CAMPBELL As a member of the Gonzaga Purple where he and his two sisters grew up. ∑ Mr. DAINES. Mr. President, I wish to Eagle football team, he encountered His parents relied on hard work and honor the lives of Lt. Col. Frederick yet another angel in his life, a football diligence to pursue excellence and com- Hollister Campbell and Amy S. Camp- coach named Joe Kozik, who stood by mitted their children to a Catholic bell. Gabe, along with his teammates. When- education and religious fellowship at Lt. Col Frederick Hollister Campbell ever the Eagles played an opponent op- St. Peter Claver, a church with a pre- served in the U.S. Marine Corps for posed to integrated teams, Coach Kozik dominantly African-American parish more than 25 years, serving in World and his teammates always stuck to- in rural Ridge, MD. As an eighth grad- War II, Korea, and Vietnam. He earned

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:34 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC6.039 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE S6356 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 5, 2017 a Navy Commendation Medal for sav- well for raising such a high-quality RECOGNIZING FIGARETTI’S ing the lives of 250 fellow marines at young man.∑ RESTAURANT the Battle of Iwo Jima. After his mili- ∑ Mr. MANCHIN. Mr. President, today tary career, Fred opened his own pri- f I wish to honor Figaretti’s Restaurant vate law practice and taught college- in the scenic northern panhandle of my level classes at Colorado College and 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE 164TH home State of West Virginia. the University of Colorado. REGIMENT LANDING ON GUA- Figaretti’s was recently named the During a time when women rarely at- DALCANAL best Italian restaurant in West Vir- tended college, Amy received her B.A. ∑ ginia. In my home State, this honor in elementary education from National Mr. HOEVEN. Mr. President, 75 years ago, on October 13, 1942, the men of the means so much more than just good University and went on to receive her food. It is a testament to our State’s M.A. in reading education from North- 164th Infantry Regiment, North Dakota Army National Guard, landed on Gua- value of family, heritage, and tradi- western University. Prior to her mar- tions. riage to Fred, Amy taught first and dalcanal to make history as the first U.S. Army unit to offensively engage Some people may think our love of second grade. A two-time military history means we cling to the past. It widow, Amy lost her first husband, Bob the enemy in either theatre during World War II. is the exact opposite. In an age where Noran, as a result of injuries sustained the future seems so uncertain, where during the Battle of the Bulge in WWII. The soldiers, supplies, and the rifles they carried were welcomed by the be- we have access to more information Amy and Fred were married on April and more choices than we know how to 14, 1951. A proud supporter of her hus- leaguered First Marine Division that had been fighting on the island since process, West Virginians know their band’s career, Amy put aside her teach- priorities. What has stayed constant ing career to be a full-time officer’s August. The prize was the strategic airfield captured by the marines and throughout history is our commitment wife and mother to their daughter. to our loved ones, keeping our tradi- Amy and Fred went on to live an in- coveted by both Allies and the enemy tions alive, and passing our knowledge credible life together, traveling, rais- as a key location to champion air and of our diverse heritage on to the next ing their daughter, Susan, and volun- naval superiority in that area of the generation. The future of West Virginia teering with many organizations. Fred South Pacific. and the entire country is at the fore- passed away on December 27, 2011, and On Guadalcanal for only 12 days, the front of our minds. These are the val- Amy went on to live near Susan in Mis- trained but untested soldiers were ues that have made West Virginia soula, MT, before passing away on No- thrust into the second battle for Hen- stand out in our Nation, and these val- vember 29, 2016. I send my condolences derson Field on the night of October 24. ues are also present in the legacy of ex- to the friends and family of Fred and The 3rd Battalion trudged up muddy cellence at Figaretti’s. Amy, as they are both greatly missed. slopes to fight shoulder to shoulder In 1944, Sicilian immigrant, Anna They will be laid to rest together in with Lt. Col. Chesty Puller’s marines Figaretti, started making spaghetti Arlington National Cemetery.∑ as waves of Japanese threatened the thin line protecting the airfield. The sauce for her neighbors while her hus- f next day, having proved its mettle, the band, Giuseppe, worked in the local TRIBUTE TO BRADEN MATZINGER 164th Infantry remained in charge of mine in Clarksburg. Soon, with support ∑ Mr. DAINES. Mr. President, this that line as the marines moved to an and encouragement from her commu- week I have the distinct honor of rec- adjacent location. The Japanese at- nity and help from her five sons, ognizing a young Montanan named tacked the 164th sector on the night of Anna’s spaghetti sauce became avail- Braden Matzinger for his compas- October 26, incorrectly believing the able in local grocery stores and eventu- sionate heart and entrepreneurial spir- new Army troops could not hold the ally in her own restaurant. it in helping our State recover from a line. The 164th held firm at the loca- Today the restaurant is owned by the devastating wildfire season. tion that became known as the Battle third generation of the family. It is my The 2017 wildfire season has impacted of Coffin Corner, earning the respect of honor to congratulate Dino Figaretti, many communities in Montana. The the marines in the form of a Navy his wife, Michelle, and his son, Enzio, fires consumed nearly 1.3 million acres Presidential Unit Citation. for this special recognition. Gayle and of land. Over the summer, two fire- The lineage of the 164th Infantry I have enjoyed the company of the fighters lost their lives while pro- Regiment carries significant history as Figaretti family at the beloved Wheel- tecting the people of the Treasure North Dakota National Guard infan- ing location and have shared many State. The bravery and commitment trymen were called to serve in the great meals and conversations with demonstrated by all the folks involved Spanish American War, the Philippine Tony, Sr., and Tony, Jr. I value their with the firefighting effort has gen- Insurrection, Mexican Border Incident, friendship so very much. erated a sense of unity and support World War I, World War II, and the Ko- Owning a business is one of the most from Troy to Alzada. That sense of rean war. The regiment ceased to exist challenging and rewarding experiences, unity can be found in the actions of 9- in 1955, its companies reorganized to and doing it as a family makes it all year-old Braden Matzinger of Bozeman. engineer units, but the esprit de corps the more special. Braden has raised donations for the of the combat soldiers has remained in- It is my honor to recognize and cele- Montana Wildfire Relief Fund at the tact. brate the Figaretti family and the last two Montana State University On the 75th anniversary, to the day, Wheeling community for this well-de- home football games. He sweetened his of the regiment’s landing at Guadal- served honor.∑ approach to charitable fundraising canal, the 164th Infantry Association f with a cup of free lemonade for all will hold its last annual reunion, end- those making a donation. At the two ing a tradition that began in 1945. On REMEMBERING ERMALEE HICKEL football games, he raised over $600 in Saturday, October 14, the 164th Asso- ∑ Ms. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, donations. ciation will host a public event to rec- today I wish to pay tribute to Ermalee Sometimes life throws us lemons. ognize the service and heritage of the Hickel, the wife of our late Governor, How we respond is a reflection of our unit that was so important to the his- Wally Hickel, who passed away on Sep- character. The Montana values of char- tory of the North Dakota Army Na- tember 14 at the age of 92. Ermalee was ity, compassion, and entrepreneurship tional Guard, the State of North Da- married to Wally Hickel for 65 years are alive and well in the character of kota, and the United States of Amer- until his death in 2010. She is buried our next generation of youngsters, and ica. Eight veterans of Guadalcanal will next to her husband in Anchorage Me- Braden is a prime example. Thank you, attend this event, ages 94 to 98, and morial Park, standing up, facing Wash- Braden, for seeing an opportunity to they will represent all members of the ington, just as Governor Hickel was. help, making a plan, and following regiment, living or remembered, as This is the way the power couple of through with your plan. To Braden’s this important chapter of North Da- post-Statehood Alaska desired to be re- parents, Jeff and Katie, thank you as kota military history ends.∑ membered. Standing up for Alaskans to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:34 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC6.038 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6357 Washington, DC. A powerful symbol it out. Anchorage was growing and con- native Montanan, graduate of Montana not only to Alaskans, but Washington, struction was its future. Turns out, he State University, and retiring chair- that the battle for Alaska’s sov- was right. The family found stability man of D.A. Davidson, has dedicated ereignty is far from over and that the and a modicum of wealth. That gave his life to improving Montana. Hickels, in spirit, stand with Alaskans Wally the freedom to pursue his inter- His work at D.A. Davidson has helped as we wage this battle to conclusion, est in politics. Over time, Wally’s in- countless Montanans financially pre- however long that may take. vestments in Anchorage’s growth pro- pare for the future. Whether it is help- Wally and Ermalee’s son, Jack vided a strong financial foundation for ing Montana families plan for retire- Hickel, remembers these words ex- the family. ment, small business owners strategize plaining why his father wanted to be Throughout it all, Ermalee was a about the future, or municipalities buried standing up. ‘‘He said, if they steadfast partner—managing the meet their financial needs, Bill has don’t do it right he’s going to crawl out house, putting chains on the tires of been there for them, but Bill’s good of his grave and straighten them out. the car to take the kids skiing, even work expanded beyond the private sec- He thought they were going to screw ironing the pants of her hero, Charles tor. While running a thriving company everything up. He wanted to keep his Lindbergh, when he came to Juneau to that employs more than 1,300 employ- eye on them.’’ Now there will be two address the Alaska Legislature. Lind- ees, hundreds of them Montanans, Bill pair of eyes gazing east. bergh asked Ermalee if she would get has always invested his time and re- Ermalee, I should warn you, has two ‘‘the help’’ to press his pants. Turns sources in Montana. He serves as a pretty tough eyes. She was widely out Ermalee was ‘‘the help.’’ member of the board of regents to the known as ‘‘more beautiful than a but- ‘‘Ermalee was calm, empathetic and Montana University system and has terfly, but tougher than a boot.’’ insightful. Wally turned to her and fol- spent years improving schools across The history books will mention that lowed her counsel. She guided and pro- Montana. Ermalee was twice the first lady of tected him, out of sight,’’ wrote An- Bill has also served on the Inter- Alaska, as well as the wife of a Sec- chorage author and historian Charles national Heart Institute in Missoula retary of the Interior. They might Wohlforth. She read to schoolchildren and as the chairman of the Great Falls mention that she was a strong woman, and visited with elders in the Pioneer’s Public Schools Foundation, helping to but that really doesn’t tell you much Homes. She visited the soup kitchens raise funds for our public schools. His about the person, and there is really and the juvenile detention facilities. dedication to his company, his family, much more to the story. She fought for benefits for the disabled, and his community makes Bill a model Ermalee was born to Lewis and Aline raised awareness of fetal alcohol syn- Montanan. Strutz. The Strutzes moved from Mon- drome, and sought to protect seniors Helping move Montana forward is a tana to Anchorage in 1924. They bought from scammers. She did it all without common theme in Bill’s family, his fa- a house downtown and raised six kids ever seeking credit. Ermalee was al- ther, William A. Johnstone, served the in that house: four girls and two boys. ways gracious and lovely to me. education community for nearly 30 Anchorage was a pretty small town in Wohlforth headlined his column re- years and retired as acting president of the day, but it had plenty of life. As a membering Ermalee Hickel’s legacy Montana State University. It is clear high school student, Ermalee did it all. with the words ‘‘Ermalee Hickel led Bill has instilled hard work and public She was a softball player, editor of the Alaska, too.’’ She did with dignity and service in his children as well. His son school paper, and quite popular. She grace from the beginning to the very Anthony is an associate professor of never missed a dance. She ushered at end. It is an honor and a pleasure to law at the University of Montana and the movie theatre and, unique to An- share this story of an Alaskan life well former solicitor general of the State of chorage, worked at a cannery. Upon lived with the Senate today.∑ Montana and his son Jesse is the graduation, she went to work on the f founder and president of a digital mar- local base as the secretary to a mili- keting agency in New York. tary officer, a very important job for RECOGNIZING THE CAROLINA As Bill retires, his legacy at D.A. Da- an outstanding individual. The Strutz YOUTH DEVELOPMENT CENTER’S vidson will live on and his lasting im- girls were like that—popular, success- NEW PARTNERSHIP pact on Montana as a whole will con- ful, from a really good family. ∑ Mr. SCOTT. Mr. President, I would tinue to grow. Thanks for the 17 years Wally Hickel, on the other hand, ar- like to recognize and congratulate the at D.A. Davidson, Bill, and for your rived in Anchorage from Kansas in 1940 Carolina Youth Development Center, service to Montana. I wish you, your with all of 37 cents in his pocket. His Cummins, Inc., and the Hootie and the wife, Andrea, and your kids Anthony family was in insurance, but he left Blowfish Foundation on its new part- and Jesse nothing but the best in re- Kansas to pursue his passion in boxing. nership to provide youth aging out of tirement.∑ That led him to California, and when it foster care an independent living tran- f didn’t work out, Wally booked a ticket sitional house. The Carolina Youth De- in steerage on a vessel headed to Alas- velopment Center has been a blessing TRIBUTE TO ANNE MAXWELL ka. He replenished his bank account by to our State for over 200 years with LIVINGSTON winning a $125 purse at a boxing tour- their bold mission. They work tire- ∑ Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Mr. President, nament conducted during Fur Rondy, lessly to empower and equip South today I wish to honor the service of my the Anchorage winter carnival. Wally Carolina’s most vulnerable children by friend Anne Maxwell Livingston. Mrs. married a local girl, Jannice Cannon, providing a safe environment, edu- Livingston has served since 2011 as who went to school with Ermalee. cational support, and career readiness. chairwoman of the Rhode Island Coast- Wally and Jannice had a son, Ted. Carolina Youth Development Center al Resources Management Council, Jannice tragically died in 1943 at the has an impressive 227-year history of CRMC, which protects Rhode Island’s Mayo Clinic. Wally returned to An- serving the community’s most vulner- coastal resources through research, chorage, a single dad, and took a job able children and families, dating back regulation, and restoration. inspecting aircraft on the ramp of to its founding as the Charleston Or- During her 6-year tenure, CRMC has Alaska airbases. phan House in 1790. The agency re- been a nationally recognized leader in In 1945, Ermalee and Wally were mar- mains steadfast in its commitment to ocean and coastal management. One of ried in a small Catholic Church and youth in foster care and continues to the shining jewels of CRMC’s work has went on to build a family. It was a lead the way, changing lives and trans- been its innovative Special Area Man- tough time for the both of them. Wally forming communities.∑ agement Plans, or SAMPs. These plans still had to pay off Jannice’s medical f are ecosystem-based management bills and worked a second job as a bar- strategies developed in collaboration tender and a bouncer to make ends TRIBUTE TO BILL JOHNSTONE with government agencies, municipali- meet. ∑ Mr. TESTER. Mr. President, today I ties, and other stakeholders to best Wally subsequently quit his job on wish to honor a man who has done so manage coastal systems. During Mrs. base and told Ermalee that he figured much for Montana. Bill Johnstone, a Livingston’s tenure, the council saw its

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G05OC6.035 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE S6358 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 5, 2017 groundbreaking ocean SAMP, the first Subia BigFoot of Norman, Oklahoma, By Mr. GRASSLEY for the Committee on formally adopted ocean spatial plan in to the Alyce Spotted Bear and Walter the Judiciary. the country, pay real-life dividends. In Soboleff Commission on Native Chil- Amy Coney Barrett, of Indiana, to be developing this plan, CRMC engaged a dren. United States Circuit Judge for the Seventh Circuit. diverse group of stakeholders and laid ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED Joan Louise Larsen, of Michigan, to be the groundwork for cooperation among At 12:36 p.m., a message from the United States Circuit Judge for the Sixth a multitude of regulatory agencies. House of Representatives, delivered by Circuit. This effort and CRMC’s continued en- Mr. Novotny, one of its reading clerks, William L. Campbell, Jr., of Tennessee, to gagement in the process paved the way announced that the Speaker has signed be United States District Judge for the Mid- for the successful development of the the following enrolled bills: dle District of Tennessee. Nation’s first offshore wind farm off S. 178. An act to prevent elder abuse and Thomas Lee Robinson Parker, of Ten- exploitation and improve the justice sys- nessee, to be United States District Judge the coast of Rhode Island. for the Western District of Tennessee. The CRMC has also helped Rhode Is- tem’s response to victims in elder abuse and exploitation cases. Eric S. Dreiband, of Maryland, to be an As- land towns and residents understand S. 652. An act to amend the Public Health sistant Attorney General. the increasing effects of sea level rise Service Act to reauthorize a program for Robert M. Duncan, Jr., of Kentucky, to be and storm surge. Using the latest cli- early detection, diagnosis, and treatment re- United States Attorney for the Eastern Dis- mate change predictions and state-of- garding deaf and hard-of-hearing newborns, trict of Kentucky for the term of four years. the-art modeling, CRMC, in coopera- infants, and young children. Charles E. Peeler, of Georgia, to be United The enrolled bills were subsequently States Attorney for the Middle District of tion with the University of Rhode Is- Georgia for the term of four years. land and others, developed an online signed by the President pro tempore Bryan D. Schroder, of Alaska, to be United tool, STORMTOOLS, that gives anyone (Mr. HATCH). States Attorney for the District of Alaska with an internet connection free access ENROLLED BILL SIGNED for the term of four years. to information that can be used to help At 1:26 p.m., a message from the (Nominations without an asterisk decide everything from what neighbor- House of Representatives, delivered by were reported with the recommenda- hood to buy a home in to where to site Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- tion that they be confirmed.) nounced that the Speaker has signed a new stormwater treatment plant. f CRMC is now developing a coastal en- the following enrolled bill: vironmental risk index that can show H.R. 1117. An act to require the Adminis- INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND Rhode Island homeowners individual- trator of the Federal Emergency Manage- JOINT RESOLUTIONS ized flood risks in 3–D. ment Agency to submit a report regarding The following bills and joint resolu- certain plans regarding assistance to appli- In addition to her service on the cants and grantees during the response to an tions were introduced, read the first CRMC, Mrs. Livingston has served emergency or disaster. and second times by unanimous con- Rhode Islanders as a board member of The enrolled bill was subsequently sent, and referred as indicated: the Jamestown Tax Assessment Board signed by the President pro tempore By Mr. ROUNDS: of Review and on the board of the Girl (Mr. HATCH). S. 1921. A bill to amend the Consolidated Scouts of Rhode Island and the James- Farm and Rural Development Act to in- f town Education Foundation. She also crease limitations and authorizations for continues to serve as treasurer for the REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Farm Service Agency guaranteed loans, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Ag- Opera House Theater & Performing The following reports of committees riculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. Arts Center in Newport and on the ad- were submitted: By Mr. GRAHAM (for himself, Mr. visory boards of the Dorcas Inter- By Mr. JOHNSON, from the Committee on LANKFORD, Mr. BLUNT, Mr. HATCH, national Institute of Rhode Island and Homeland Security and Governmental Af- Mr. MCCAIN, Mr. DAINES, Mr. SCOTT, the Providence Children’s Museum. fairs, without amendment: Mr. GRASSLEY, Mr. INHOFE, Mr. CRUZ, Mrs. Livingston is a passionate and S. 34. A bill to amend chapter 8 of title 5, Mr. LEE, Mr. PORTMAN, Mr. MORAN, United States Code, to provide for the en committed leader, and I am grateful Mr. SASSE, Mr. BOOZMAN, Mr. bloc consideration in resolutions of dis- PERDUE, Mr. CASSIDY, Mr. TILLIS, Mr. for her many years of service to our approval for ‘‘midnight rules’’, and for other COCHRAN, Mrs. ERNST, Mr. MCCON- State’s CRMC.∑ purposes (Rept. No. 115–164). NELL, Mr. ROUNDS, Mr. ROBERTS, Mr. By Mr. JOHNSON, from the Committee on COTTON, Mr. WICKER, Mr. RISCH, Mr. f Homeland Security and Governmental Af- PAUL, Mr. CORNYN, Mr. BURR, Mr. MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT fairs, with an amendment: S. 906. A bill to amend the Homeland Secu- STRANGE, Mr. BARRASSO, Mrs. FISCH- Messages from the President of the rity Act of 2002 to provide for congressional ER, Mr. ISAKSON, Mr. THUNE, Mr. United States were communicated to notification regarding major acquisition pro- JOHNSON, Mr. SHELBY, Mr. FLAKE, Mr. the Senate by Mr. Pate, one of his sec- gram breaches, and for other purposes (Rept. ENZI, Mr. YOUNG, Mr. SULLIVAN, Mr. RUBIO, Mr. KENNEDY, Mr. CORKER, Mr. retaries. No. 115–165). By Mr. JOHNSON, from the Committee on CRAPO, Mr. HOEVEN, and Mr. f Homeland Security and Governmental Af- TOOMEY): fairs, without amendment: S. 1922. A bill to amend title 18, United EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED S. 938. A bill to require notice of cost-free States Code, to protect pain-capable unborn As in executive session the Presiding Federal procurement technical assistance in children, and for other purposes; to the Com- Officer laid before the Senate messages connection with registration of small busi- mittee on the Judiciary. ness concerns in procurement systems (Rept. By Mr. BLUMENTHAL (for himself, from the President of the United No. 115–166). Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mr. MURPHY, Ms. States submitting sundry nominations H.R. 1293. A bill to amend title 5, United WARREN, Mr. DURBIN, Mrs. GILLI- which were referred to the appropriate States Code, to require that the Office of BRAND, Ms. HIRONO, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, committees. Personnel Management submit an annual re- Mr. MENENDEZ, Mr. REED, Mr. KAINE, (The messages received today are port to Congress relating to the use of offi- Mr. CARDIN, Mr. BOOKER, Mr. MAR- printed at the end of the Senate pro- cial time by Federal employees (Rept. No. KEY, Mr. COONS, Mr. CASEY, Mr. VAN 115–167). HOLLEN, Ms. DUCKWORTH, Mr. WYDEN, ceedings.) By Mr. BARRASSO, from the Committee Ms. HARRIS, Mr. SANDERS, Ms. HAS- on Environment and Public Works, with an f SAN, and Mrs. MURRAY): amendment in the nature of a substitute: S. 1923. A bill to prohibit firearms dealers S. 1514. A bill to amend certain Acts to re- MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE from selling a firearm prior to the comple- authorize those Acts and to increase protec- tion of a background check; to the Com- At 12:18 p.m., a message from the tions for wildlife, and for other purposes mittee on the Judiciary. House of Representatives, delivered by (Rept. No. 115–168). Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- By Mr. BENNET (for himself and Mr. f nounced that pursuant to section 3 of GARDNER): S. 1924. A bill to authorize 2 additional dis- the Alyce Spotted Bear and Walter EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF COMMITTEE trict judgeships for the district of Colorado; Soboleff Commission on Native Chil- to the Committee on the Judiciary. dren Act (Public Law 114–244), the Mi- The following executive reports of By Mr. MENENDEZ (for himself and nority Leader appoints Dr. Dolores nominations were submitted: Mr. CARDIN):

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC6.045 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6359

S. 1925. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- By Mr. COTTON (for himself and Mr. Ms. HASSAN, Mr. SANDERS, Mrs. MUR- enue Code of 1986 to permanently modify the TILLIS): RAY, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, and Ms. HAR- limitations on the deduction of interest by S. 1936. A bill to amend title 38, United RIS): financial institutions which hold tax-exempt States Code, to provide for the designation of S. 1945. A bill to regulate large capacity bonds, and for other purposes; to the Com- State approving agencies for multi-State ap- ammunition feeding devices; to the Com- mittee on Finance. prenticeship programs for purposes of the mittee on the Judiciary. By Ms. HARRIS (for herself and Mrs. educational assistance programs of the De- By Mr. MENENDEZ: FEINSTEIN): partment of Veterans Affairs, and for other S. 1946. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- S. 1926. A bill to provide for the establish- purposes; to the Committee on Veterans’ Af- enue Code of 1986 to allow unpopulated cen- ment of a national memorial and national fairs. sus tracts that are contiguous to low-income monument to commemorate those killed by By Mr. FLAKE: communities to be treated as low-income the collapse of the Saint Francis Dam on S. 1937. A bill to authorize appropriations communities under the new markets 12, 1928, and for other purposes; to the for border infrastructure construction, to credit; to the Committee on Finance. Committee on Energy and Natural Re- provide conditional resident status to cer- By Mr. BROWN: sources. tain aliens, and to amend the Immigration S. 1947. A bill to improve food safety, to en- By Mr. DURBIN (for himself and Mr. and Nationality Act to include grounds of in- courage greater production of agricultural FRANKEN): admissibility and deportability for alien commodities for use in the locality of pro- S. 1927. A bill to amend section 455(m) of members of criminal gangs and cartels, and duction, to reauthorize and expand Depart- the Higher Education Act of 1965 in order to for other purposes; to the Committee on the ment of Agriculture support of those efforts, allow adjunct faculty members to qualify for Judiciary. and for other purposes; to the Committee on public service loan forgiveness; to the Com- By Ms. BALDWIN (for herself and Mr. Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. mittee on Health, Education, Labor, and BOOKER): By Mrs. MCCASKILL: Pensions. S. 1938. A bill to establish a policy frame- S. 1948. A bill to abrogate the sovereign im- By Mr. CORKER (for himself, Mr. work that offers and rewards work, strength- munity of Indian tribes as a defense in inter COONS, Mr. YOUNG, Mr. KAINE, Mr. ens the incentive to work, greatly reduces partes review of patents; to the Committee RUBIO, Mr. BENNET, Mr. ISAKSON, and poverty, and creates new jobs in the United on Indian Affairs. Mr. CASEY): States, and for other purposes; to the Com- By Mrs. MURRAY: S. 1928. A bill to establish a review of mittee on Finance. S. 1949. A bill to authorize demonstration United States multilateral aid; to the Com- By Mr. BLUMENTHAL (for himself, projects to improve educational and housing mittee on Foreign Relations. Mr. MURPHY, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. outcomes for children; to the Committee on By Mr. UDALL: MENENDEZ, Mr. SANDERS, Mrs. GILLI- Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. S. 1929. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- BRAND, Mr. REED, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. By Mr. BLUMENTHAL (for himself and enue Code of 1986 to reform the system of VAN HOLLEN, Mr. CARPER, Mr. DUR- Mr. BOOKER): public financing for Presidential elections, S. 1950. A bill to require the Federal Com- and for other purposes; to the Committee on BIN, Mr. WYDEN, Ms. DUCKWORTH, Ms. munications Commission to submit to Con- Rules and Administration. WARREN, Mr. KAINE, Ms. HARRIS, Mr. gress a report on promoting broadband Inter- By Mr. BENNET (for himself, Mrs. CARDIN, and Mr. BOOKER): S. 1939. A bill to repeal the Protection of net access service for veterans; to the Com- FEINSTEIN, Ms. HARRIS, Mr. WYDEN, Lawful Commerce in Arms Act; to the Com- mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Ms. HASSAN, Mr. mittee on the Judiciary. tation. CARDIN, Mr. MERKLEY, Mrs. MURRAY, By Mr. CARPER (for himself and Mr. By Mr. COONS: Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Ms. WARREN, Mr. BARRASSO): S. 1951. A bill to direct the Secretary of HEINRICH, Ms. HIRONO, and Mr. S. 1940. A bill to amend the Fish and Wild- Veterans Affairs to establish a pilot program UDALL): life Act of 1956 to reauthorize the volunteer to award grants to nonprofit veterans service S. 1930. A bill to establish a cost of green- services, community partnership, and refuge organizations to upgrade the community fa- house gases for carbon dioxide, methane, and education programs of the National Wildlife cilities of such organizations; to the Com- nitrous oxide to be used by Federal agencies, Refuge System, and for other purposes; to mittee on Veterans’ Affairs. and for other purposes; to the Committee on Environment and Public Works. the Committee on Environment and Public By Mr. TESTER (for himself, Mr. CCAIN, Mr. MANCHIN, and Mr. By Mr. UDALL: Works. M S. 1931. A bill to reform public financing By Mr. SULLIVAN (for himself and Ms. KAINE): for Presidential elections and provide for MURKOWSKI): S. 1952. A bill to improve oversight and ac- public financing for Congressional elections; S. 1941. A bill to amend the Migratory Bird countability of the financial processes of the to the Committee on Rules and Administra- Treaty Act to clarify the treatment of au- Department of Veterans Affairs, and for tion. thentic Alaska Native articles of handicraft other purposes; to the Committee on Vet- By Mr. BENNET (for himself, Mr. containing nonedible migratory bird parts, erans’ Affairs. and for other purposes; to the Committee on CRAPO, Mr. TESTER, Mr. RISCH, and By Mr. HOEVEN (for himself, Mr. Environment and Public Works. Mr. WYDEN): MCCAIN, and Mr. BARRASSO): S. 1932. A bill to amend the Robert T. Staf- By Ms. HEITKAMP (for herself, Mr. S. 1953. A bill to amend the Tribal Law and ford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assist- TESTER, Mr. FRANKEN, Mr. HEINRICH, Order Act of 2010 and the Indian Law En- ance Act to provide for certain wildfire miti- Mr. MERKLEY, and Ms. WARREN): forcement Reform Act to provide for ad- gation assistance; to the Committee on S. 1942. A bill to direct the Attorney Gen- vancements in public safety services to In- Homeland Security and Governmental Af- eral to review, revise, and develop law en- dian communities, and for other purposes; to fairs. forcement and justice protocols appropriate the Committee on Indian Affairs. By Mr. LEE (for himself, Mr. DURBIN, to address missing and murdered Indians, By Mr. PERDUE (for himself, Mr. Mr. FLAKE, Mr. LEAHY, Mr. BOOKER, and for other purposes; to the Committee on BOOZMAN, and Mr. LEAHY): Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mr. FRANKEN, Mr. Indian Affairs. S. 1954. A bill to authorize the Board of Re- BLUMENTHAL, Mr. UDALL, Mr. WYDEN, By Mr. NELSON (for himself and Mr. gents of the Smithsonian Institution to plan, Mr. SCHATZ, Mr. KING, Mr. PETERS, RUBIO): design, and construct a central parking facil- Mr. MARKEY, Ms. DUCKWORTH, Mr. S. 1943. A bill to amend the Caribbean ity on National Zoological Park property in SANDERS, Mr. HEINRICH, Mr. COONS, Basin Economic Recovery Act to extend the Washington, D.C.; to the Committee on Mr. MERKLEY, Mr. KAINE, and Ms. transition period for preferential treatment Rules and Administration. BALDWIN): of certain textile and apparel articles; to the By Mr. RUBIO (for himself and Mr. S. 1933. A bill to focus limited Federal re- Committee on Finance. PETERS): sources on the most serious offenders; to the By Mr. NELSON: S. 1955. A bill to award a Congressional Committee on the Judiciary. S. 1944. A bill to amend title XVI of the So- Gold Medal to Liu Xiaobo, and collectively By Mr. SULLIVAN (for himself and Ms. cial Security Act to allow the Commissioner to all advocates of democracy and human MURKOWSKI): of Social Security to waive the 30-day resi- rights in China, in recognition of their ex- S. 1934. A bill to prevent catastrophic fail- dency requirement for receipt of supple- traordinary advocacy for liberty and human ure or shutdown of remote diesel power en- mental security income benefits for individ- rights despite repression and their impact on gines due to emission control devices, and uals who evacuate from certain territories of world peace and global understanding of for other purposes; to the Committee on En- the United States as a result of an emer- China, and for other purposes; to the Com- vironment and Public Works. gency or natural disaster; to the Committee mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- By Mr. MORAN: on Finance. fairs. S. 1935. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- By Mr. MENENDEZ (for himself, Mr. By Ms. MURKOWSKI: enue Code of 1986 to treat Indian tribal gov- WHITEHOUSE, Mr. REED, Mr. KAINE, S. 1956. A bill to authorize the Mayor of the ernments in the same manner as State gov- Mr. DURBIN, Mr. FRANKEN, Mrs. District of Columbia and the Director of the ernments for certain Federal tax purposes, GILLIBRAND, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Mr. National Park Service to enter into coopera- and for other purposes; to the Committee on MARKEY, Mr. CARPER, Ms. WARREN, tive management agreements for the oper- Finance. Ms. HIRONO, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. BOOKER, ation, maintenance, and management of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC6.013 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE S6360 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 5, 2017 units of the National Park System in the United States Code, to provide for the sponsor of S. 818, a bill to amend the District of Columbia, and for other purposes; treatment of veterans who participated Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to allow to the Committee on Energy and Natural Re- in the cleanup of Enewetak Atoll as ra- individuals with disabilities to save ad- sources. diation exposed veterans for purposes ditional amounts in their ABLE ac- By Mr. NELSON: S. 1957. A bill to amend the Energy Policy of the presumption of service-connec- counts above the current annual max- and Conservation Act to require the Sec- tion of certain disabilities by the Sec- imum contribution if they work and retary of Energy to establish a gasoline sup- retary of Veterans Affairs, and for earn income. ply reserve in the State of Florida, and for other purposes. At the request of Mr. BURR, the name other purposes; to the Committee on Energy S. 293 of the Senator from Massachusetts and Natural Resources. At the request of Mr. SCOTT, the (Ms. WARREN) was added as a cosponsor f name of the Senator from Ohio (Mr. of S. 818, supra. S. 825 SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND PORTMAN) was added as a cosponsor of At the request of Ms. MURKOWSKI, the SENATE RESOLUTIONS S. 293, a bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide for the name of the Senator from Alaska (Mr. The following concurrent resolutions deferral of inclusion in gross income SULLIVAN) was added as a cosponsor of and Senate resolutions were read, and for capital gains reinvested in oppor- S. 825, a bill to provide for the convey- referred (or acted upon), as indicated: tunity zones. ance of certain property to the South- By Ms. WARREN (for herself, Mr. S. 322 east Alaska Regional Health Consor- BURR, Mr. CASSIDY, and Mr. TILLIS): tium located in Sitka, Alaska, and for At the request of Mr. PETERS, the S. Res. 285. A resolution honoring the life other purposes. and achievements of Dr. Samuel DuBois names of the Senator from Connecticut S. 896 Cook; to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Mr. BLUMENTHAL) and the Senator By Mr. BOOKER (for himself and Mr. from New York (Mrs. GILLIBRAND) were At the request of Mr. BURR, the name RUBIO): added as cosponsors of S. 322, a bill to of the Senator from Iowa (Mrs. ERNST) S. Res. 286. A resolution supporting the protect victims of domestic violence, was added as a cosponsor of S. 896, a role of the United States in ensuring chil- sexual assault, stalking, and dating vi- bill to permanently reauthorize the dren in the poorest countries have access to olence from emotional and psycho- Land and Water Conservation Fund. a quality education through the Global Part- S. 980 nership for Education; to the Committee on logical trauma caused by acts of vio- At the request of Mrs. CAPITO, the Foreign Relations. lence or threats of violence against By Mr. GRAHAM (for himself, Mr. their pets. name of the Senator from Hawaii (Ms. HIRONO) was added as a cosponsor of S. BLUMENTHAL, and Mr. COONS): S. 339 980, a bill to amend title XVIII of the S. Res. 287. A resolution designating Octo- At the request of Mr. PETERS, his Social Security Act to provide for pay- ber 8, 2017, as ‘‘National Hydrogen and Fuel name was added as a cosponsor of S. Cell Day’’; considered and agreed to. ments for certain rural health clinic 339, a bill to amend title 10, United By Mrs. SHAHEEN (for herself, Mr. and Federally qualified health center States Code, to repeal the requirement CORNYN, Ms. HASSAN, and Mr. HATCH): services furnished to hospice patients for reduction of survivor annuities S. Res. 288. A resolution designating the under the Medicare program. week of October 1 through 7, 2017, as ‘‘Na- under the Survivor Benefit Plan by tional Community Policing Week’’; consid- veterans’ dependency and indemnity S. 1050 ered and agreed to. compensation, and for other purposes. At the request of Ms. DUCKWORTH, By Mr. COONS (for himself and Mr. the name of the Senator from New S. 479 KENNEDY): York (Mr. SCHUMER) was added as a co- S. Res. 289. A resolution designating the At the request of Mr. BROWN, the sponsor of S. 1050, a bill to award a week beginning October 8, 2017, as ‘‘National name of the Senator from Hawaii (Ms. Congressional Gold Medal, collectively, Wildfire Refuge Week’’; considered and HIRONO) was added as a cosponsor of S. to the Chinese-American Veterans of agreed to. 479, a bill to amend title XVIII of the World War II, in recognition of their By Mrs. SHAHEEN (for herself, Mr. Social Security Act to waive coinsur- dedicated service during World War II. PORTMAN, Mr. BENNET, Mr. COONS, ance under Medicare for colorectal can- S. 1064 Mr. HATCH, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mr. cer screening tests, regardless of HEINRICH, Ms. HASSAN, Ms. MUR- At the request of Mr. UDALL, the whether therapeutic intervention is re- KOWSKI, Ms. CANTWELL, Mr. FRANKEN, name of the Senator from Oregon (Mr. quired during the screening. Mr. REED, Ms. HIRONO, Mr. MARKEY, WYDEN) was added as a cosponsor of S. Mr. WARNER, Ms. STABENOW, Mr. S. 503 1064, a bill to amend the Richard B. MANCHIN, Mr. BROWN, Ms. COLLINS, At the request of Mr. WYDEN, the Russell National School Lunch Act to Mr. GARDNER, and Mr. WYDEN): name of the Senator from New York S. Res. 290. A resolution designating Octo- prohibit the stigmatization of children (Mrs. GILLIBRAND) was added as a co- ber 5, 2017, as ‘‘Energy Efficiency Day’’ in who are unable to pay for meals. celebration of the economic and environ- sponsor of S. 503, a bill to require the S. 1084 mental benefits that have been driven by pri- Secretary of Agriculture to make pub- At the request of Mr. TOOMEY, the vate sector innovation and Federal energy licly available certain regulatory name of the Senator from Oklahoma efficiency policies put in place over the past records relating to the administration (Mr. INHOFE) was added as a cosponsor 4 decades; considered and agreed to. of the Animal Welfare Act and the of S. 1084, a bill to amend title 18, f Horse Protection Act, to amend the In- United States Code, to require that the ternal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS Director of the Bureau of Prisons en- for the use of an alternative deprecia- sure that each chief executive officer of S. 91 tion system for taxpayers violating a Federal penal or correctional institu- At the request of Ms. MURKOWSKI, the rules under the Animal Welfare Act tion provides a secure storage area lo- name of the Senator from Wisconsin and the Horse Protection Act, and for cated outside of the secure perimeter (Ms. BALDWIN) was added as a cospon- other purposes. of the Federal penal or correctional in- sor of S. 91, a bill to amend the Indian S. 654 stitution for firearms carried by cer- Employment, Training and Related At the request of Mr. TOOMEY, the tain employees of the Bureau of Pris- Services Demonstration Act of 1992 to names of the Senator from Michigan ons, and for other purposes. facilitate the ability of Indian tribes to (Mr. PETERS) and the Senator from S. 1085 integrate the employment, training, New York (Mrs. GILLIBRAND) were At the request of Mr. TOOMEY, the and related services from diverse Fed- added as cosponsors of S. 654, a bill to name of the Senator from Oklahoma eral sources, and for other purposes. revise section 48 of title 18, United (Mr. INHOFE) was added as a cosponsor S. 283 States Code, and for other purposes. of S. 1085, a bill to amend title 18, At the request of Mr. FRANKEN, the S. 818 United States Code, to provide en- name of the Senator from Vermont At the request of Mr. CASEY, the hanced penalties for convicted mur- (Mr. SANDERS) was added as a cospon- name of the Senator from Massachu- derers who kill or target America’s sor of S. 283, a bill to amend title 38, setts (Mr. MARKEY) was added as a co- public safety officers.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC6.016 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6361

S. 1182 S. 1706 S. 1883 At the request of Mr. YOUNG, the At the request of Mr. MENENDEZ, the At the request of Mr. BOOKER, the name of the Senator from Nevada (Ms. names of the Senator from Rhode Is- name of the Senator from Connecticut CORTEZ MASTO) was added as a cospon- land (Mr. REED), the Senator from Cali- (Mr. BLUMENTHAL) was added as a co- sor of S. 1182, a bill to require the Sec- fornia (Ms. HARRIS) and the Senator sponsor of S. 1883, a bill to require the retary of the Treasury to mint com- from New York (Mrs. GILLIBRAND) were Secretary of Transportation to publish memorative coins in recognition of the added as cosponsors of S. 1706, a bill to a final rule to provide for the screen- 100th anniversary of The American Le- prevent human health threats posed by ing, testing, and treatment for sleep gion. the consumption of equines raised in disorders of individuals operating com- S. 1510 the United States. mercial vehicles. At the request of Ms. KLOBUCHAR, the S. 1719 S. 1916 name of the Senator from Wisconsin At the request of Mr. BLUNT, the At the request of Mrs. FEINSTEIN, the (Ms. BALDWIN) was added as a cospon- name of the Senator from California names of the Senator from Hawaii (Mr. sor of S. 1510, a bill to amend the Na- (Mrs. FEINSTEIN) was added as a co- SCHATZ), the Senator from Oregon (Mr. tional Voter Registration Act of 1993 to sponsor of S. 1719, a bill to eliminate WYDEN), the Senator from Ohio (Mr. provide for online voter registration duties on imports of recreational per- BROWN), the Senator from Illinois (Ms. and other changes and to amend the formance outerwear, to establish the DUCKWORTH), the Senator from New Help America Vote Act of 2002 to im- Sustainable Textile and Apparel Re- Jersey (Mr. MENENDEZ), the Senator prove voting, to require the Election search Fund, and for other purposes. from Nevada (Ms. CORTEZ MASTO), the Assistance Commission to study and S. 1756 Senator from Virginia (Mr. WARNER), report on best practices for election cy- At the request of Mr. SULLIVAN, the the Senator from Colorado (Mr. BEN- bersecurity and election audits, and to names of the Senator from Kentucky NET) and the Senator from Wisconsin make grants to States to implement (Mr. MCCONNELL), the Senator from (Ms. BALDWIN) were added as cospon- those best practices recommended by Utah (Mr. HATCH), the Senator from sors of S. 1916, a bill to prohibit the the Commission. Kansas (Mr. ROBERTS), the Senator possession or transfer of certain fire- S. 1589 from Oklahoma (Mr. INHOFE), the Sen- arm accessories, and for other pur- At the request of Mr. CARDIN, the ator from Missouri (Mr. BLUNT) and the poses. name of the Senator from Delaware Senator from Pennsylvania (Mr. S. RES. 245 (Mr. COONS) was added as a cosponsor TOOMEY) were added as cosponsors of S. At the request of Mr. YOUNG, his of S. 1589, a bill to amend the Internal 1756, a bill to improve the processes by name was added as a cosponsor of S. Revenue Code of 1986 and the Small which environmental documents are Res. 245, a resolution calling on the Business Act to expand the availability prepared and permits and applications Government of Iran to release unjustly of employee stock ownership plans in S are processed and regulated by Federal detained United States citizens and corporations, and for other purposes. departments and agencies, and for legal permanent resident aliens, and S. 1595 other purposes. for other purposes. At the request of Mrs. SHAHEEN, the S. 1823 At the request of Mr. CRUZ, the names of the Senator from Illinois (Mr. At the request of Mr. BLUNT, the names of the Senator from Colorado DURBIN), the Senator from Minnesota names of the Senator from Mississippi (Mr. GARDNER), the Senator from Ar- (Ms. KLOBUCHAR), the Senator from (Mr. WICKER), the Senator from Ala- kansas (Mr. COTTON) and the Senator Pennsylvania (Mr. CASEY), the Senator bama (Mr. STRANGE) and the Senator from Florida (Mr. RUBIO) were added as from Delaware (Mr. COONS), the Sen- from South Dakota (Mr. THUNE) were cosponsors of S. Res. 245, supra. ator from Florida (Mr. NELSON), the added as cosponsors of S. 1823, a bill to Senator from West Virginia (Mr. amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster f MANCHIN), the Senator from Indiana Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Mr. DONNELLY) and the Senator from to clarify that houses of worship are el- STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED New York (Mrs. GILLIBRAND) were igible for certain disaster relief and BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS added as cosponsors of S. 1595, a bill to emergency assistance on terms equal By Mr. DURBIN (for himself and amend the Hizballah International Fi- to other eligible private nonprofit fa- Mr. FRANKEN): nancing Prevention Act of 2015 to im- cilities, and for other purposes. S. 1927. A bill to amend section pose additional sanctions with respect S. 1827 455(m) of the Higher Education Act of to Hizballah, and for other purposes. At the request of Mr. WYDEN, the 1965 in order to allow adjunct faculty At the request of Mr. RUBIO, the name of the Senator from Nevada (Ms. members to qualify for public service name of the Senator from Indiana (Mr. CORTEZ MASTO) was added as a cospon- loan forgiveness; to the Committee on YOUNG) was added as a cosponsor of S. sor of S. 1827, a bill to extend funding Health, Education, Labor, and Pen- 1595, supra. for the Children’s Health Insurance sions. S. 1690 Program, and for other purposes. Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, today I At the request of Ms. DUCKWORTH, S. 1859 reintroduced the Adjunct Faculty Loan the name of the Senator from Wis- At the request of Mr. GARDNER, the Fairness Act, a bill that would enable consin (Ms. BALDWIN) was added as a name of the Senator from West Vir- faculty working less than full-time to cosponsor of S. 1690, a bill to amend the ginia (Mrs. CAPITO) was added as a co- participate in the Public Service Stu- Higher Education Act of 1965 to provide sponsor of S. 1859, a bill to extend the dent Loan Forgiveness Program. greater support to students with de- moratorium on the annual fee on Contingent faculty members are like pendents, and for other purposes. health insurance providers. full-time instructors. They have ad- S. 1693 S. 1863 vanced degrees. They teach classes and At the request of Mr. PORTMAN, the At the request of Mr. LEE, the name spend many hours outside the class- names of the Senator from South Caro- of the Senator from Alabama (Mr. room preparing for class. They hold of- lina (Mr. SCOTT) and the Senator from STRANGE) was added as a cosponsor of fice hours, grade papers, and give feed- Arkansas (Mr. COTTON) were added as S. 1863, a bill to clarify that non- back to students. They provide advice cosponsors of S. 1693, a bill to amend commercial species found entirely and write letters of recommendation. the Communications Act of 1934 to within the borders of a single State are Students rely on them. Since most ad- clarify that section 230 of that Act does not in interstate commerce or subject juncts have advanced degrees and, as not prohibit the enforcement against to regulation under the Endangered the 63 percent of graduate degree re- providers and users of interactive com- Species Act of 1973 or any other provi- cipients who borrow have an average of puter services of Federal and State sion of law enacted as an exercise of almost $59,000 in student loans, they criminal and civil law relating to sex the power of Congress to regulate are among the 44 million Americans trafficking. interstate commerce. with student debt.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC6.018 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE S6362 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 5, 2017 The Public Service Loan Forgiveness loan payments made while teaching, S. 1927 program is meant to encourage grad- regardless of the fact that she isn’t Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- uates to go into public service by offer- full-time faculty. resentatives of the United States of America in ing student loan forgiveness for eligi- Unfortunately, for all their contribu- Congress assembled, ble Federal loans after ten years of tions to their colleges and the students SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. full-time work in government or the they work with, adjunct faculty like This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Adjunct non-profit sector. Public service fields Brittany often don’t have the same em- Faculty Loan Fairness Act of 2017’’. like nursing, military service, and pub- ployment benefits or job security as SEC. 2. LOAN FORGIVENESS FOR ADJUNCT FAC- their colleagues. The number of classes ULTY. lic health qualify. And many education Section 455(m)(3)(B)(ii) of the Higher Edu- jobs qualify, including full-time work they teach every semester varies. To cation Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. at public universities and part-time make ends meet, these professors often 1087e(m)(3)(B)(ii)) is amended— work at community colleges in high- end up teaching classes at more than (1) by striking ‘‘teaching as’’ and inserting needs subject areas or areas of short- one school in the same semester, get- the following: ‘‘teaching— age. But other faculty members, those ting paid about $3,000 per class and ‘‘(I) as’’; who work part-time, are not eligible making an average annual income that (2) by striking ‘‘, foreign language faculty, for loan forgiveness because the law re- hovers around minimum wage. This and part-time faculty at community col- quires an annual average of 30 hours also means that, in some parts of the leges), as determined by the Secretary.’’ and country, they spend as much time com- inserting ‘‘and foreign language faculty), as per week to qualify for the program. determined by the Secretary; or’’; and For adjunct faculty working on a con- muting as they do teaching. (3) by adding at the end the following: tingent basis—many of whom may only Nationally, over half of all higher ‘‘(II) as a part-time faculty member or in- teach one or two classes while holding education faculty work on a contingent structor who— down other part-time jobs to make basis. In the past, these were a minor- ‘‘(aa) teaches not less than 1 course at an ends meet—this requirement can be ity of professors who were hired to institution of higher education (as defined in difficult or impossible to meet, even teach an occasional class because they section 101(a)), a postsecondary vocational when they are putting in more than 30 could bring experience to the class- institution (as defined in section 102(c)), or a room in a specific field or industry. Tribal College or University (as defined in hours of work each week. section 316(b)); and The number of faculty hours given Over time, as university budgets have tightened and it has gotten more ex- ‘‘(bb) is not employed on a full-time basis for each class is calculated differently by any other employer.’’. at different schools. Some schools give pensive to hire full-time, tenure track one hour per hour in the classroom professors, higher education institu- By Mr. FLAKE: while others actually take into consid- tions have increasingly relied on ad- S. 1937. A bill to authorize appropria- eration the time required outside the juncts. tions for border infrastructure con- classroom. So, even as these faculty From 1991 to 2015, the number of struction, to provide conditional resi- members are working hard to provide part-time faculty in the U.S. increased dent status to certain aliens, and to quality instruction for their students, two and a half times from 291,000 to amend the Immigration and Nation- often without the option of moving over 743,000. At the same time, the per- ality Act to include grounds of inad- into a tenured, full-time position, their centage of professors holding tenure missibility and deportability for alien public service is not recognized by the and tenure-track positions has been members of criminal gangs and cartels, current Public Service Loan Forgive- steadily decreasing from 45 percent of and for other purposes; to the Com- ness program. all instructors in 1975 to only 29 per- mittee on the Judiciary. The Adjunct Faculty Loan Fairness cent in 2015. The number of full-time Mr. FLAKE. Mr. President, I rise Act of 2017 would solve this by amend- instructors, tenured and non-tenured, today in support of the Border Security ing the Higher Education Act to ex- now makes up less than half of all pro- and Deferred Action Recipient Relief pand the definition of a ‘‘public service fessors on U.S. campuses. Today, a ma- Act, which I am introducing. job’’ to include a part-time faculty jority of the 1.5 million faculty em- This bill offers solutions to the seri- member who teaches at least one ployees at public and non-profit col- ous problems facing us with regard to course at an eligible institution of leges and universities in the United border security, while at the same time higher education. They would still States work on a part-time, contingent addressing the needs for a legislative basis. have to meet all the other require- solution for those issues faced by the Illinois colleges rely heavily on ad- ments to qualify for the public service children who were brought here juncts. In 2015, 52 percent of all faculty through no fault of their own. loan forgiveness program, including at all Title IV degree-granting institu- With respect to the border, this bill making 120 on-time payments while tions in the state—more than 31,700 provides $1.6 billion in funding for bor- employed at a qualifying institution, faculty employees—worked on a part- der security measures that the Presi- and they could not be employed full- time basis. This is a 32.4 percent in- dent requested and the House has al- time elsewhere at the same time. I be- crease in part-time faculty in Illinois ready approved in a bipartisan vote. As lieve it corrects a major flaw in the compared to a 7 percent increase in current system and rewards individuals full-time faculty since 2002. an Arizonan, I am more than familiar for their contribution to public service This bill does not fix the growing re- with the steps we need to take to in- rather than penalize them for the num- liance by our higher education system crease border security. We have a bet- ber of hours they work. on part-time professors who are under- ter situation on the border than we This bill would benefit someone like paid and undervalued. But it would en- have had in a while, but there are still Brittany, an adjunct professor in sure that members of the contingent measures that need to be taken. southern Illinois. Brittany finished her faculty workforce are no longer un- In addition to the appropriate bar- graduate degree in 2013 and still has fairly excluded from the loan forgive- riers that will aid in preventing illegal over $70,000 in student loan debt today. ness program for public servants. I crossings, we need access roads that ac- This debt has prevented her from at- would like to thank my colleague, Sen- tually get to the border. If there is one tending law school, her longtime ator AL FRANKEN from Minnesota, for issue I hear from property owners, dream, and makes it challenging to put joining me in this effort. I hope my ranchers, Border Patrol agents, and money aside for her retirement. This other colleagues will join us to ensure others near the border, it is that they debt is also putting her children’s fu- this program benefits faculty members need better access. We have had an ture at risk—Brittany will still be pay- who provide our students with a qual- issue with regard to roads that are used ing off her own loans when it is time ity education. by the Border Control that are paid for for her now four-month old child to at- Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- by the county. It is a situation that tend college. This bill would ensure sent that the text of the bill be printed needs to be resolved, and it will benefit that Brittany, and thousands like her, in the RECORD. all of us who travel near the border. could secure their family’s financial fu- There being no objection, the text of This bill addresses that. The road issue ture by earning credit towards the the bill was ordered to be printed in was also raised by the GAO. I requested Public Service Loan Forgiveness for the RECORD, as follows: a study on behalf of my constituents,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC6.024 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6363 along with my colleagues, to see what the Senate, until we actually get a bill ting the help that they desperately we could do with the roads and access passed. need. situation. GAO came back with rec- There is no official database or re- Unfortunately, there is no official ommendations, and this would imple- quirement for information collection database or mandated database collec- ment some of the recommendations. regarding the number of missing and tion on the total number of missing The bill also aids law enforcement by murdered Native women. In most and murdered Native women in our ensuring the swift deportation of indi- cases, the only records of them are country. This has added to not know- viduals determined to be members of records that have been provided to us ing what the actual magnitude of this violent gangs and drug cartels. by the families and friends of the vic- epidemic really is and has resulted in I would also like to thank Congress- tims. It is critical that Congress push several Tribal members sending me woman BARBARA COMSTOCK for her the U.S. Department of Justice and the stories and handwritten lists of the leadership on this issue by sponsoring FBI to work with Tribal communities names of missing and murdered women the Criminal Alien Gang Member Re- to come up with culturally appropriate that people have gathered just from moval Act, which passed the House. protocols for responding to cases of their collective memory. With respect to the children brought missing and murdered Native women. I would like to share some of the sto- here through no fault of their own, this I would like to take this time to ries that I have been so honored to re- bill takes a measure that has already honor Savanna LaFontaine-Greywind, ceive from family members. Telling earned bipartisan support in the House whose story has been told on the news these stories—and giving me the abil- of Representatives, the Recognizing in North Dakota and nationally and ity to tell these stories—is not easy be- America’s Children Act, which provides who has been on the forefront of my cause every time you tell the story, a solution for the DACA kids. These mind since introducing this bill. you relive the story. These tragedies young immigrants were brought here On August 19, Savanna, a 22-year-old still hurt deeply. Even years after the as children and simply know no other member of the Spirit Lake Tribe, who murder, they still absolutely relive country. For all intents and purposes, was 8 months pregnant, went upstairs that experience. I know they have these young people consider themselves to her neighbor’s apartment in Fargo, given me these stories to tell for one Americans. If we can protect these ND, after being invited to try on a simple reason: because they pray and DACA recipients and provide solutions dress for alterations. While she was they hope and they dream that giving to better secure our borders at the there, what awaited her in that apart- me these stories may change the out- same time, that is a win-win. ment were truly horrific acts of vio- come for some other family. The President and Congress both lence. Although Savanna’s baby daugh- I am going to start by talking about want to improve border security. We ter survived and is now safe with her these wonderful women—these beau- tiful women. Up at the far right-hand both want to respond to the threat of father and grandparents, that was the corner with her beautiful baby is Stella dangerous gangs and drug cartels. We last time anyone who loved Savanna Marie Trottier-Graves. Stella Marie both want to arrive at a legislative so- saw her alive. was born and grew up in Belcourt, ND, lution for the rescission of the DACA After 8 days of searching for Savanna and was a member of the Turtle Moun- Program that benefits those who want by the family and the community, her tain Band of Chippewa. She spent many to contribute to their communities and body was finally found by chance by years traveling the world with her hus- to the American dream. This bill is the kayakers in a nearby river. Her body band, who served in the U.S. Air Force, best way to thread the needle and de- was wrapped in plastic and duct taped. and their three children. The family liver what the President has asked for, Her death was an incredible tragedy lived in Florida, Germany, Japan, and and, unfortunately, one that happens what the Congress wants, and what my Arizona. Everywhere they went, Stella way too often to Native women. constituents in Arizona deserve. These quickly made friends and proudly issues are far too important for us to While the news of Savanna’s death was heard around the world, thousands shared her Chippewa culture. She was delay. loved and adored by all who met her for of indigenous women are murdered and To be clear, I will work with anyone living an adventurous and fearless life. disappear each year, with many of to support any number of proposals In July 2009, Stella and her family that accomplish these goals, but I be- those cases being ignored or forgotten. moved back to Belcourt, ND, and she Over my decades in public service, I lieve that the straightforward ap- started to attend Turtle Mountain have worked with Tribal communities proach of the Border Security and De- Community College. On September 16, on issues that involve violence against ferred Action Recipient Relief Act, 2010, Stella and her cousin were at the Native women. In response to those which I am introducing today, is the local bar when she decided to stay be- best chance we have to put this bill on talks and to this latest tragedy, today hind with other people they knew. Ac- the President’s desk. I am introducing legislation that would cording to witnesses, Stella left with help tackle the barriers to bringing another couple to continue the evening By Ms. HEITKAMP (for herself, justice for missing and murdered Na- out. Mr. TESTER, Mr. FRANKEN, Mr. tive women across the country. Stella’s body was later found in a HEINRICH, Mr. MERKLEY, and My bill, which is named after Sa- male Tribal member’s pickup in an Ms. WARREN): vanna, would work to improve Tribal open field on the reservation. It wasn’t S. 1942. A bill to direct the Attorney access to Federal databases for missing until 13 days later that the family was General to review, revise, and develop persons. It would promote interjuris- officially notified by law enforcement law enforcement and justice protocols dictional collaboration by establishing of Stella’s death. appropriate to address missing and protocols for responding to cases of Throughout the investigation, there murdered Indians, and for other pur- missing and murdered Native Ameri- were a lot of rumors and misinforma- poses; to the Committee on Indian Af- cans, and it would require the collec- tion, which made it difficult to find the fairs. tion of data related to missing and murderer or the murderers. People who Ms. HEITKAMP. Mr. President, I rise murdered Native women. were with Stella the night of her death today to discuss and bring awareness Native women are an inherently vul- said that they were never questioned, to the obligation that we have to never nerable population whose voices are and information provided was never forget what is happening to way too still not heard by most people in followed up on. No one has ever been many Native American women in this power. Across rural North Dakota, charged or convicted for this murder, country. women living on reservations face and the last hours of Stella’s life re- For too long, the disproportionate in- unique challenges when dealing with main unknown. cidents of violence against Native violence. Lack of access to emergency Stella was an incredible woman who American women have gone unnoticed, services, lack of access to law enforce- was loved by all who knew her. Her unreported, or underreported, and it is ment officers, lack of access to an family, her children, and her Tribe de- time to address this issue head-on. AMBER Alert system, and confidential serve justice. That is what I intend to do today and victim services that are not provided— Monica Wickre is pictured here with in the remaining days of my time in these all act as barriers to women get- those beautiful earrings and the red

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G05OC6.024 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE S6364 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 5, 2017 shirt. Monica was a 42-year-old mother ness about the crimes of missing and and prosecuting crimes committed on of three who was born and raised in murdered indigenous people. Tribal lands. Standardized protocols Belcourt on the Turtle Mountain Band Lakota was a member of the must be established in order to give a of Chippewa reservation and lived near Sisseton-Wahpeton Dakota Bands of quicker response to Native women Aberdeen, SD. North and South Dakota, who, despite going missing. The complexity of juris- After a night out with friends on being shy and reserved, had a solid diction on Tribal lands can slow down April 7, 1993, Monica never returned group of friends who supported her and an investigation, but it is not an ex- home. Her relatives grew concerned even helped her excel in school. After cuse. It can waste crucial time at the when they had not heard from or seen graduation, Lakota spent time taking beginning of an investigation or a case, Monica for several days. Eventually, care of her family, especially her but it is not an excuse. If we do not act the family filed a missing persons re- nieces and nephews. rapidly, we know we lose precious time port and started to talk to friends and In 2005 Lakota met a man online and to prevent homicides and to bring a neighbors. The detective assigned to unexpectedly relocated to Missouri, woman safely home and help apprehend the case worked closely with the com- unbeknownst to her family. With most the perpetrators. munity and the family and assured details still unknown 12 years later, In one case study alone done by the them he was working diligently on this the family is left with more questions National Institute of Justice, 97 per- case. than answers. What they do know is cent of Native women experience vio- In June of that year, a canoeist found that she was forced into sex trafficking lence by a non-Native perpetrator. This Monica’s badly decomposed body in the and manipulated against her will. number emphasizes what I have long James River outside Aberdeen. In October of 2005, Lakota’s family said, that historical trauma is a major Throughout the next several years, was called and told that her body was factor of violence against Native new detectives were assigned to the found badly beaten, wrapped in carpet women, and perpetrators feel that case, each having to basically start padding and a blanket in an open grav- Tribal lands give them a free pass from over and work with limited notes, el pit in Missouri. Local investigators the law. This can no longer be toler- interviews, and evidence from the pre- brought in and subsequently let go doz- ated, and jurisdictional issues must be vious investigators. A couple of times, ens of suspects and, to this day, have addressed. It cannot be the excuse for the police told the family that they not brought her murderer to justice. inaction. had a suspect or were close to arresting Lakota was never given a chance to Although we don’t know the total someone for Monica’s murder, but become a mother or pursue that bright number of missing and murdered Na- there was never enough information to future that surely lay ahead of her. She tive women, it is clear, from all of the charge the suspect. This has resulted in was robbed of a life she had yet to ex- stories and from the statistics that we nearly 25 years of heartache for perience, a life that was certain to be do have, that the rates at which Native Monica’s family and her friends. filled with love from her family and American women experience violence Monica’s family wants justice for deep appreciation from her family. is intrinsically related to the likeli- their daughter, sister, and mother, and These are not isolated cases. This hood of their going missing, being mur- they all want closure. Although the goes on every day in America. dered, and forced into sex trafficking. case is no longer active, the family I want to make a point of how dis- Here are just some of the statistics collected by the National Institute of continues to bring awareness about couraging it, so many times, when you Justice, the Government Account- Monica’s case in the hope that someone see events unfolding where it may be ability Office, and the Centers for Dis- will come forward with information that a young girl goes missing in a Car- ease Control and Prevention regarding that will, in fact, help solve it. ibbean island and the world is turned Monica Lisa Two Eagle is the woman upside down looking for her or when we violence against Native women. In 2016, with the dark hair in the floral print hear a story of someone who comes 5,712 cases of missing Native women shirt. She was a member of the Rose- from maybe a more affluent and were reported to the National Crime Information Center, and 125 of those bud Sioux Tribe and one of 14 children. wealthy family who goes missing and cases were in my State of Dakota She was kind, caring, and athletic. In we turn over every stone to find them. alone. On some reservations, Native the winter of 1979, Phil Two Eagle saw Yet that is not the story for very many women are murdered at more than 10 his sister Mona Lisa, who was in her indigenous women. times the national average. I want to early twenties, leave the siblings’ When you look at the importance of repeat that. On some reservations, Na- house and get into a red-and-white what we do today, probably the most tive women are murdered at more than pickup with a couple of men. Mona important thing we can do is to tell 10 times the national average. Lisa never returned. these stories, and from telling these American Indians and Alaskan Na- In the following days, the family and stories we have an opportunity to real- tives are two times more likely to ex- local law enforcement searched for her ly change. We can’t ignore that fre- perience rape or sexual assault com- on horseback. Taking it upon them- quently for Native people, they are not pared to all other races. selves, they searched for her on horse- wrong to believe that they are the for- In 2010, we found that the U.S. attor- back. About 2 weeks after she went gotten people of this country. Way too neys declined to prosecute nearly 52 missing, Mona Lisa’s father and broth- often, the first Americans become the percent of violent crime that occurred er found her frozen in a pasture near last Americans. in Indian Country. Homicide is the their home. She had been beaten, pos- Under the Savanna’s Act, the Attor- third leading cause of death among sibly raped, and left alone in a blizzard. ney General, in cooperation with the American Indians and Alaskan Native Rumors ran wild that family and law Secretary of the Interior, must consult women between 10 and 24 years old. enforcement tried to solve the crime, with the Tribes on how to improve These high rates of violence, includ- but, even to this day, no one was ever Tribal access to Federal criminal infor- ing domestic violence, sex assault, and convicted or even charged. The two mation databases, such as the National human trafficking, must stop. We must men who were last seen with Mona Crime Information Center and the Na- work together to combat domestic vio- Lisa all those years ago are still run- tional Missing and Unidentified Per- lence and human trafficking in Indian ning free, while the family lives every sons System. We need to ensure that Country. day with the lack of justice. Tribal law enforcement has up-to-date Just last week, the Indian Affairs Lakota Rae Renville, the woman in information on missing Native women Committee held a hearing to discuss the black-and-white photo, is the last and better communication—in fact, es- the lack of services provided for Indian victim I want to talk about. I want to sential—with Federal, State, and local Country regarding the horrific acts of thank her family, who are here today law enforcement agencies and Tribal violence and human trafficking of Na- and who have honored me and trusted law enforcement agencies so cases like tive women. Just yesterday, while me with her memory. I want to help the ones you have heard of today don’t questioning one of the officials at the them understand how grateful I am, go unnoticed or uninvestigated. Department of the Interior about the but I also want them to know that Jurisdictional issues are a huge bar- need to do training in human traf- sharing her story will help raise aware- rier in Indian Country to responding to ficking at our casinos, he simply said:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G05OC6.025 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6365 I thought you were going to ask me are four times the national average, designating May 5, 2017, through a reso- about Indian gaming. I quickly said: I that sounds bad. But what does that lution, as the National Day of Aware- am asking you about Indian gaming be- mean? When you put a face to it, when ness on Missing and Murdered Native cause all of this works together. you hear the tragedy repeated through Women and Girls. The resolution re- If we do not work together in every the stories, these are not just statistics cites that some Tribal communities institution of the Federal Government, that we are speaking of. These are real face murder rates that are 10 times the in every institution of the State gov- women. These are our sisters. These national average, as Senator HEITKAMP ernment, and in every institution of are our neighbors. These are our has noted. According to the Centers for Tribal government, we will never make friends, and these are human beings Disease Control and Prevention, homi- progress in providing the security that who deserve to be respected in their cide was the third leading cause of we have in this building, and the secu- lives but also respected in other tragic death among Native women between rity that we enjoy as White women will deaths. How we work to address these the ages of 10 and 24 years and the fifth never be realized for women living on difficult issues needs to be a focus and leading cause of death for Alaska Na- the reservation in Indian Country. We a priority for us. tive women between 25 and 34 years of cannot let this continue. So I appreciate what the Senator age. So we are trying to raise attention There are countless more stories like from North Dakota is doing in bringing and awareness. We are trying to shine Savanna’s, Stella’s, Mona Lisa’s, attention to our Nation’s lackluster— a spotlight on this issue. Monica’s, and Lakota’s that we will and that is kind of a polite term here— I certainly think it is high time that never know. It is time for Congress to response to the tragedy of missing and Federal law enforcement answer the recognize this epidemic and take ac- murdered Native women and girls. question, Why? Why is the murder rate tion to prevent these stories and find I am proud to lend my voice to the for Native women so high, and why are out just how many stories there really proposition that Congress, in the exer- we not addressing it in a comprehen- are. It is time to give voice to these cise of our trust responsibility to our sive fashion? The Senator from North voiceless women. It is time to bring Native peoples, has a responsibility to Dakota has pointed out that in many their perpetrators to justice and give a do more. You would think that that areas, jurisdictional issues are at play, voice to the families who are strug- trust responsibility demands us to be and I agree. That is not an excuse. We gling even today—sometimes decades paying even closer attention, and yet it acknowledge that we have challenges later—to understand how this can hap- seems that we just withdraw from that, with jurisdictions. Let’s figure this pen in America. They seem to be sec- that that responsibility is not out. Women are disappearing and ond-class citizens. acknowledged. dying. I think that is what we know. I am Now, it is not often here in the In Alaska, it is not so much jurisdic- working with very many of my col- United States that we benchmark our tional issues; it is the fact that in far leagues on the other side. This isn’t a treatment of indigenous peoples too many of our communities, we lack partisan issue. against Canada, but in this case, there any law enforcement presence. We I have been joined by my wonderful is actually a compelling difference be- might have a VPSO—a village safety colleague from the great State of Alas- tween Canada’s national response to police officer—but they are not armed. ka. I think the first time we ever met, the tragedy of missing and murdered They are very limited in terms of their this was the topic of conversation: Native women and our seeming indif- ability to provide for levels of enforce- What is the security for Indian chil- ference here in the United States. ment. More frustrating than so much dren, security for Indian women, and Down in southeastern Alaska, right of that is that women who have been Alaskan Native women? We knew be- across on the Canadian side, lies a victimized feel as though reporting cause both of us have traveled exten- town called Prince Rupert. It is in doesn’t get them anywhere because sively in our States and spent a lot of British Columbia. The Alaskan ferry there is no follow-through. There is no time in the indigenous populations. comes in from Washington State and prosecution. There has been no effort When family members ask us why stops in Prince Rupert and then moves that will allow them to have any level this is happening, we frequently don’t into Alaska. Prince Rupert is also the of recourse, much less justice, visited have an answer. terminus of Highway 16, and the locals upon them. I know that in my State jurisdic- refer to Highway 16 as the ‘‘Highway of As we talk about these issues of ju- tional issues provide some barriers to Tears.’’ They refer to it as the ‘‘High- risdiction and law enforcement and the actually getting this done, but that is way of Tears’’ because it is a road on rates that we see, I think we need to be an excuse. We need to do better. which Native women and girls have clear that the discussion today—the With that, I want to yield the floor vanished for decades now. The question call for justice—is not driven by statis- to my wonderful colleague from the is, How many? Who is disappearing? tics and rates. It is driven by their great State of Alaska, who once again Some would say as few as 12 and per- faces. It is driven by the loss of peo- is joining me and leading her side of haps as many as 43. CBS News devoted ple’s daughters, people’s siblings, peo- the aisle to bring attention to these a segment of its news magazine show ple’s friends, including Savannah and issues. ‘‘48 Hours’’ to the Highway of Tears. Stella and Nicole and Mona Lisa. These The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Canadian Prime Minister Justin are all real people, real women with ator from Alaska. Trudeau committed 54 million Cana- names, with faces, with families. Ms. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, I dian dollars to a national inquiry into In Alaska, the face we so often asso- want to acknowledge and thank the missing and murdered indigenous ciate with the lack of progress when it Senator from North Dakota. She has women and girls. I will admit that comes to addressing the issue of miss- been a champion for the Native people, there is some controversy over whether ing and murdered Native women is the the indigenous people around the coun- the national inquiry is actually ful- face of Sophie Sergie. This year marks try, including in my State of Alaska. filling its mission, but my point here is the 24th anniversary of the death of Whether it is working to address the that Canada stepped up. They have ac- Sophie Sergie from Pitkas Point. This issues related to childhood trauma, knowledged that this is an issue, that is a Yup’ik village in southwest Alas- which so many of our young Native this is a problem, and they have re- ka. children face, or the issues relating to sponded to the disproportionate vic- On August 26 of 1993, Sophie was domestic violence, sexual assault, and timization of Native women and girls, found dead in the women’s bathroom human trafficking—these are scourges and they have done so in a tangible dorm on the University of Alaska Fair- that we see directed, unfortunately, at way. Here in the United States, as my banks campus. She was raped. She was so many of our Native women in the friend and colleague has noted, we are shot dead. It is believed that her body State of Alaska, in the State of North more than a bit late in acknowledging remained in that bathroom for some 13 Dakota, and around the country. that the problem even exists. hours before it was found. The murder She has cited the statistics. I think Earlier this year, the Senators from weapon was never recovered. That case sometimes we just get numb by the Montana—both Senator DAINES and is still a cold case 24 years later. But statistics. When you are told that you Senator TESTER—were successful in we don’t forget Sophie Sergie, just as

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G05OC6.026 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE S6366 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 5, 2017 we don’t forget the women the Senator Native women but our Native children, transfer to or possession by a campus law en- from North Dakota has shared stories our indigenous peoples across this forcement officer for purposes of law enforce- about. We cannot forget these women. country. I appreciate all that is being ment (whether on or off-duty); Unlike the tragedies along the High- done, and I look forward to working ‘‘(B) the importation for, or sale or trans- way of Tears, we really don’t know how fer to a licensee under title I of the Atomic with her again as we try to shine a Energy Act of 1954 for purposes of estab- many Native women and girls have brighter light on a very tragic situa- lishing and maintaining an on-site physical gone missing and murdered. That is a tion. protection system and security organization big part of the problem. But I will tell required by Federal law, or possession by an my colleagues that if you ask advo- By Mr. MENENDEZ (for himself, employee or contractor of such licensee on- cates for Native women, the answer Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mr. REED, Mr. site for such purposes or off-site for purposes comes back: It is no secret. We all KAINE, Mr. DURBIN, Mr. of licensee-authorized training or transpor- know somebody. We all know some- FRANKEN, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Mr. tation of nuclear materials; ‘‘(C) the possession, by an individual who is body who has gone missing, somebody VAN HOLLEN, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. retired in good standing from service with a CARPER, Ms. WARREN, Ms. who has been murdered. law enforcement agency and is not otherwise That was the testimony of Tammy HIRONO, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. BOOK- prohibited from receiving ammunition, of a Jerue. She is the executive director for ER, Ms. HASSAN, Mr. SANDERS, large capacity ammunition feeding device— the Alaska Native Women’s Resource Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, ‘‘(i) sold or transferred to the individual by Center, and she testified before a con- and Ms. HARRIS): the agency upon such retirement; or gressional briefing last February. S. 1945. A bill to regulate large capac- ‘‘(ii) that the individual purchased, or oth- Tammy told the briefing that her orga- ity ammunition feeding devices; to the erwise obtained, for official use before such nization has documented as many as 50 Committee on the Judiciary. retirement; or Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. President, I ask ‘‘(D) the importation, sale, manufacture, names of women. When we think about transfer, or possession of any large capacity it, numbers on that order were signifi- unanimous consent that the text of the ammunition feeding device by a licensed cant enough for Prime Minister bill be printed in the RECORD. manufacturer or licensed importer for the Trudeau to commission a national in- There being no objection, the text of purposes of testing or experimentation au- quiry. So it causes us to ask the ques- the bill was ordered to be printed in thorized by the Attorney General. tion, What about us? What number do the RECORD, as follows: ‘‘(4) For purposes of paragraph (3)(A), the we have to get to before there is a call S. 1945 term ‘campus law enforcement officer’ to action, before we wake up and say: means an individual who is— Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- ‘‘(A) employed by a private institution of This is not acceptable. This is not ac- resentatives of the United States of America in higher education that is eligible for funding ceptable that our Native women are Congress assembled, under title IV of the Higher Education Act of disappearing, are being murdered. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1070 et seq.); Native women are asking why Fed- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Keep Ameri- ‘‘(B) responsible for the prevention or in- eral law enforcement has no protocol cans Safe Act’’. vestigation of crime involving injury to per- for addressing the crisis in our Indian SEC. 2. DEFINITIONS. sons or property, including apprehension or Country, why there is a lack of coordi- Section 921(a) of title 18, United States detention of persons for such crimes; nation among criminal justice agencies Code, is amended by inserting after para- ‘‘(C) authorized by Federal, State, or local in this country to set aside the juris- graph (29) the following: law to carry a firearm, execute search war- rants, and make arrests; and dictional challenges and investigate ‘‘(30) The term ‘large capacity ammunition feeding device’— ‘‘(D) recognized, commissioned, or certified these tragedies in an effective manner, ‘‘(A) means a magazine, belt, drum, feed by a government entity as a law enforcement and why there is a lack of victim serv- strip, helical feeding device, or similar de- officer.’’. ices. vice, including any such device joined or (b) IDENTIFICATION MARKINGS FOR LARGE In the Indian Affairs Committee, we coupled with another in any manner, that CAPACITY AMMUNITION FEEDING DEVICES.— had a hearing on human trafficking, has an overall capacity of, or that can be Section 923(i) of title 18, United States Code, sex trafficking. It was pretty revealing readily restored, changed, or converted to is amended by adding at the end the fol- about the lack of victim services—spe- accept, more than 10 rounds of ammunition; lowing: ‘‘A large capacity ammunition feed- cific—that could be there to help our and ing device manufactured after the date of en- actment of the Keep Americans Safe Act Native victims. Right now, the families ‘‘(B) does not include an attached tubular device designed to accept, and capable of op- shall be identified by a serial number and the of missing and murdered Native women erating only with, .22 caliber rimfire ammu- date on which the device was manufactured in Alaska have to cover the cost of a nition. or made, legibly and conspicuously engraved traditional burial. They have to cover ‘‘(31) The term ‘qualified law enforcement or cast on the device, and such other identi- the cost of immediate long-term coun- officer’ has the meaning given the term in fication as the Attorney General shall by seling, and so many other expenses section 926B.’’. regulations prescribe.’’. they can’t afford. We maintain a vic- SEC. 3. RESTRICTIONS ON LARGE CAPACITY AM- (c) SEIZURE AND FORFEITURE OF LARGE CA- tims of crime fund here in this country MUNITION FEEDING DEVICES. PACITY AMMUNITION FEEDING DEVICES.—Sec- (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 922 of title 18, tion 924(d) of title 18, United States Code, is to address these sorts of costs, but amended— there is no dedicated Tribal funding United States Code, is amended by inserting after subsection (u) the following: (1) in paragraph (1)— stream. We have had some pretty bi- ‘‘(v)(1) It shall be unlawful for a person to (A) by inserting ‘‘or large capacity ammu- partisan efforts here in the Senate to import, sell, manufacture, transfer, or pos- nition feeding device’’ after ‘‘firearm or am- establish one, but we haven’t even been sess, in or affecting interstate or foreign munition’’ each place the term appears; able to do that bare minimum to pro- commerce, a large capacity ammunition (B) by inserting ‘‘or large capacity ammu- vide for the victims. feeding device. nition feeding device’’ after ‘‘firearms or am- The issue we are discussing today is ‘‘(2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to the munition’’ each place the term appears; and possession of any large capacity ammunition (C) by striking ‘‘or (k)’’ and inserting ‘‘(k), tragic and frustrating. It is depressing. or (v)’’; But to remain silent is to truly further feeding device otherwise lawfully possessed on or before the date of enactment of the (2) in paragraph (2)(C), by inserting ‘‘or marginalize Native women and girls, Keep Americans Safe Act. large capacity ammunition feeding devices’’ and that is unacceptable. Perhaps we ‘‘(3) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to— after ‘‘firearms or quantities of ammuni- are not going to devote tens of millions ‘‘(A) the importation for, manufacture for, tion’’; and of dollars to a national inquiry; How- sale to, transfer to, or possession by the (3) in paragraph (3)(E), by inserting ever, it is high time that we acknowl- United States or a department or agency of ‘‘922(v),’’ after ‘‘922(n),’’. edge a problem that has failed to make the United States or a State or a depart- SEC. 4. PENALTIES. headlines in this country, because you ment, agency, or political subdivision of a Section 924(a)(1)(B) of title 18, United first have to acknowledge that a prob- State, or a sale or transfer to or possession States Code, is amended by striking ‘‘or (q)’’ by a qualified law enforcement officer em- and inserting ‘‘(q), or (v)’’. lem exists to make headway in address- ployed by the United States or a department SEC. 5. USE OF BYRNE GRANTS FOR BUY-BACK ing that problem. or agency of the United States or a State or PROGRAMS FOR LARGE CAPACITY So, again, I thank the Senator from a department, agency, or political subdivi- AMMUNITION FEEDING DEVICES. North Dakota for her strong and stead- sion of a State for purposes of law enforce- Section 501(a)(1) of title I of the Omnibus fast advocacy on behalf of not only our ment (whether on or off-duty), or a sale or Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G05OC6.027 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6367 (34 U.S.C. 10152(a)(1)) is amended by adding Whereas Dr. Samuel DuBois Cook served as with HIV than their peers who are not in at the end the following: vice president of the American Political school; ‘‘(I) Compensation for surrendered large Science Association, president of the Asso- Whereas the Global Partnership for Edu- capacity ammunition feeding devices, as ciation for the Study of African American cation (GPE) is the only public-private glob- that term is defined in section 921 of title 18, Life and History, and chair of the Presidents al partnership exclusively dedicated to edu- United States Code, under buy-back pro- of the United Negro College Fund; cation in the world’s poorest countries; grams for large capacity ammunition feeding Whereas Duke University established the Whereas GPE eligible countries are home devices.’’. Samuel DuBois Cook Society, the Samuel to approximately 870,000,000 children and SEC. 6. SEVERABILITY. DuBois Cook Center on Social Equity, the youth, which represent 78 percent of out-of- If any provision of this Act, an amendment Samuel DuBois Cook professorship, and the school children; made by this Act, or the application of such Samuel DuBois Cook Postdoctoral Fellow- Whereas GPE support resulted in 72,000,000 provision or amendment to any person or ship; more children in primary school in 2015 than circumstance is held to be unconstitutional, Whereas Ohio State University established in 2002 and a 10 percent increase in primary the remainder of this Act, the amendments the Samuel DuBois Cook Summer Academy school completion over that same period in made by this Act, and the application of and the Samuel DuBois Cook graduate fel- GPE partner countries; such provision or amendment to any person lowship, to honor the work and achieve- Whereas GPE support to partner countries or circumstance shall not be affected there- ments of Dr. Samuel DuBois Cook; has achieved a 71 percent primary comple- by. Whereas Dr. Samuel DuBois Cook died on tion rate for girls in 2014 compared with 56 f May 29, 2017; and percent in 2002; Whereas Dr. Samuel DuBois Cook is con- Whereas 60 percent of GPE’s spending is in SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS sidered to be a trailblazer who lived a life of countries affected by conflict or fragility integrity: Now, therefore, be it and helped these countries to increase their Resolved, That the Senate honors the life primary school completion rates from 56 per- SENATE RESOLUTION 285—HON- and achievements of Dr. Samuel DuBois cent in 2000 to 69 percent in 2015; ORING THE LIFE AND ACHIEVE- Cook. Whereas GPE incentivizes developing MENTS OF DR. SAMUEL DUBOIS country governments to increase their own f COOK domestic financing for education, which has SENATE RESOLUTION 286—SUP- resulted in partner countries pledging Ms. WARREN (for herself, Mr. BURR, PORTING THE ROLE OF THE $26,000,000,000 for their own domestic financ- Mr. CASSIDY, and Mr. TILLIS) submitted ing during GPE’s 2014 replenishment con- the following resolution; which was re- UNITED STATES IN ENSURING ference; ferred to the Committee on the Judici- CHILDREN IN THE POOREST Whereas support for GPE complements the ary: COUNTRIES HAVE ACCESS TO A United States Government’s bilateral basic education programs by fostering coordina- S. RES. 285 QUALITY EDUCATION THROUGH THE GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP FOR tion among all key partners, ensuring the Whereas Dr. Samuel DuBois Cook was born EDUCATION development of national education sector on November 21, 1928, in Griffin, Georgia; plans, and building on the commitment of Whereas Dr. Samuel DuBois Cook earned a Mr. BOOKER (for himself and Mr. developing country governments; Bachelor of Arts degree in history from RUBIO) submitted the following resolu- Whereas, on April 20, 2017, GPE called on Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia; tion; which was referred to the Com- donors and developing country partners to Whereas, as a student, Dr. Samuel DuBois mittee on Foreign Relations: fund a $3,100,000,000, three-year plan to sup- Cook was a friend and classmate of Dr. Mar- port 89 developing countries in improving S. RES. 286 tin Luther King, Jr., and a leader at More- the quality of and access to education for house College, where he served as student Whereas access to quality education re- 870,000,000 children and youth and provide body president and founded the campus chap- duces poverty, advances economic pros- education plan implementation grants to 67 ter of the National Association for the ad- perity, improves peace and security, and developing countries, covering 64 percent of vancement of Colored People; strengthens public health; out-of-school children; Whereas Dr. Samuel DuBois Cook earned a Whereas the 2016 Global Education Moni- Whereas GPE is urging developing country Master of Arts in Political Science and a toring (GEM) Report, the globally recognized governments to allocate 20 percent of gov- Doctor of Philosophy from Ohio State Uni- annual accountability tool on the status of ernment expenditure to education and phil- versity; education internationally, found that an es- anthropic and private sector donors to in- Whereas Dr. Samuel DuBois Cook is a vet- timated 263,000,000 children and youth are crease their contributions; and eran who served in the United States Army out of school worldwide, with girls still more Whereas, with support from donors, GPE during the Korean War; likely to be out of school than their male will be able to ensure 19,000,000 more children Whereas Dr. Samuel DuBois Cook taught peers in most of the developing world; complete primary school, 6,600,000 more chil- at Southern University in Baton Rouge, Lou- Whereas a 2015 GEM Report found that dren complete lower secondary school, isiana, Atlanta University, the University of two-thirds of the world’s out-of-school chil- 1,700,000 more teachers are trained, 23,800 Illinois, and the University of California, Los dren live in countries affected by fragility classrooms are built, and 204,000,000 text- Angeles, before becoming a faculty member and conflict; books are distributed, bringing new hope to at Duke University in Durham, North Caro- Whereas a 2016 GEM Report found that sub- a generation of children and youth: Now, lina; Saharan Africa remains the region with the therefore, be it Whereas Dr. Samuel DuBois Cook spent his highest out-of-school rates for all age groups Resolved, That the Senate— life working for social justice and equality; and of the 61,000,000 out-of-school children of (1) affirms the leadership and commitment Whereas Dr. Samuel DuBois Cook distin- primary school age, 33,000,000, or more than of the United States Government to improv- guished himself as an educator, scholar, half, live in sub-Saharan Africa; ing access to quality education for the poor- thinker, activist, and public servant; Whereas the 2011 World Health Organiza- est and most marginalized children and Whereas Dr. Samuel DuBois Cook broke tion’s World Report on Disability has found youth worldwide, which is critical to global racial barriers as the first African American an estimated 90 percent of children with dis- stability, economic prosperity, and poverty to hold either a regular or tenured faculty abilities under age 18 in the developing world elimination; appointment at a predominantly white do not attend school; (2) supports the mission and goals of the southern college or university, when he re- Whereas a 2012 GEM Report found that Global Partnership for Education (GPE) to ceived an appointment at Duke University; 250,000,000 primary schoolchildren are failing mobilize global and national efforts to con- Whereas Dr. Samuel DuBois Cook also to learn basic literacy and numeracy skills, tribute to the achievement of equitable, broke racial barriers in his field by serving 130,000,000 of whom have attended at least quality education and learning, with a focus as the first African American president of four years of school; on effective and efficient education systems the Southern Political Science Association; Whereas a 2011 GEM Report found that and strong education financing; Whereas Dr. Samuel DuBois Cook endeav- educating all students in low-income coun- (3) recognizes that United States Govern- ored to advance interracial harmony; tries with basic reading skills could lead to ment investments in bilateral basic edu- Whereas Dr. Samuel DuBois Cook left an 171,000,000 people lifted out of poverty, a 12 cation are complemented by GPE’s edu- indelible imprint on Dillard University, a percent drop in global poverty; cation systems approach and convening au- historically black university in New Orleans, Whereas a 1999 World Bank study on con- thority; and Louisiana, as its president for more than 2 flict found every year of school decreases the (4) encourages increased commitment and decades; chance of male youth engaging in violent investment by the United States Govern- Whereas Dr. Samuel DuBois Cook was ap- conflict by 20 percent; ment, international donors, private founda- pointed to the National Council on the Hu- Whereas a 2011 GEM Report reported that tions, and private sector donors through the manities by President Jimmy Carter and ap- an educated mother is more likely to have GPE to the global effort to ensure children pointed to the United States Holocaust Me- her children vaccinated, and girls in school and youth are in school and learning morial Council by President Bill Clinton; are three times less likely to be infected throughout the world.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC6.025 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE S6368 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 5, 2017 SENATE RESOLUTION 287—DESIG- S. RES. 288 each year, which generate more than NATING OCTOBER 8, 2017, AS ‘‘NA- Whereas police officers are indispensable $2,400,000,000 in sales and 35,000 jobs in local TIONAL HYDROGEN AND FUEL members of the community who put their economies; CELL DAY’’ lives on the line to protect others; Whereas the National Wildlife Refuge Sys- Whereas promoting strong relationships tem encompasses every kind of ecosystem in Mr. GRAHAM (for himself, Mr. founded in trust and mutual respect between the United States, including temperate, BLUMENTHAL, and Mr. COONS) sub- law enforcement officers and the commu- tropical and boreal forests, wetlands, mitted the following resolution; which nities they serve helps ensure the safe and deserts, grasslands, arctic tundras, and re- was considered and agreed to: effective execution of the law; mote islands, and spans 12 time zones from Whereas law enforcement officers and com- the Virgin Islands to Guam; S. RES. 287 munities that work together to address pub- Whereas national wildlife refuges are home Whereas hydrogen, which has an atomic lic safety concerns can create lasting solu- to more than 700 species of birds, 220 species mass of 1.008, is the most abundant chemical tions to difficult challenges; of mammals, 250 species of reptiles and am- substance in the universe; Whereas a long-term commitment to com- phibians, and more than 1,000 species of fish; Whereas the United States is a world lead- munity policing is necessary to eliminate Whereas national wildlife refuges are the er in the development and deployment of the underlying causes of crime; primary Federal lands on which the produc- tion, migration, and wintering habitat for fuel cell and hydrogen technologies; Whereas the advancement of community waterfowl are fostered; Whereas hydrogen fuel cells played an in- policing should be supported to ensure that Whereas, since 1934, the sale of the Federal strumental role in the United States space State and local law enforcement agencies Duck Stamp to outdoor enthusiasts has gen- program, helping the United States achieve have necessary resources; and erated more than $850,000,000 in funds, which the mission of landing a man on the moon; Whereas community policing has been rec- has enabled the purchase or lease of more Whereas private industry, Federal and ognized as an important tool for improving than 5,700,000 acres of habitat for waterfowl State governments, national laboratories, the relationship between law enforcement of- and numerous other species in the National and institutions of higher education con- ficers and the communities they serve: Now, Wildlife Refuge System; tinue to improve fuel cell and hydrogen tech- therefore, be it nologies to address the most pressing energy, Whereas refuges provide protection to Resolved, That the Senate— more than 380 threatened and endangered environmental, and economic issues of the (1) designates the week of October 1 United States; species; through 7, 2017, as ‘‘National Community Po- Whereas national wildlife refuges are cores Whereas fuel cells utilizing hydrogen and licing Week’’; and hydrogen-rich fuels to generate electricity of conservation for larger landscapes and re- (2) supports community policing and en- sources for other agencies of the Federal are clean, efficient, and resilient tech- courages the people of the United States, law nologies being sold for stationary and Government, State governments, private enforcement agencies, and elected officials landowners, and organizations in efforts to backup power, zero-emission light duty to identify ways in which communities may motor vehicles and buses, industrial vehi- secure the wildlife heritage of the United improve public safety, strengthen relation- States; cles, and portable power; ships, and build trust. Whereas stationary fuel cells are being Whereas more than 40,000 volunteers and placed in service for continuous and backup f approximately 200 national wildlife refuge power to provide business and energy con- ‘‘Friends’’ organizations contribute more sumers with reliable power in the event of SENATE RESOLUTION 289—DESIG- than 1,350,000 volunteer hours annually, the grid outages; NATING THE WEEK BEGINNING equivalent of nearly 650 full-time employees, and provide an important link to local com- Whereas stationary fuel cells can help re- OCTOBER 8, 2017, AS ‘‘NATIONAL munities; duce water use, as compared to traditional WILDFIRE REFUGE WEEK’’ Whereas national wildlife refuges provide power generation technologies; Mr. COONS (for himself and Mr. KEN- an important opportunity for children to dis- Whereas fuel cell electric light duty motor cover and gain a greater appreciation for the vehicles and buses that utilize hydrogen can NEDY) submitted the following resolu- natural world; completely replicate the experience of inter- tion; which was considered and agreed Whereas there are national wildlife refuges nal combustion vehicles, including com- to: located in several urban and suburban areas parable range and refueling times; S. RES. 289 and there is a refuge located within a 1 hour Whereas hydrogen fuel cell industrial vehi- Whereas, in 1903, President Theodore Roo- drive of every metropolitan area in the cles are being deployed at logistical hubs and sevelt established the first national wildlife United States, which has enabled national warehouses across the United States and ex- refuge on Pelican Island in Florida; wildlife refuges to employ, educate, and en- ported to facilities in Europe and Asia; Whereas, in 2017, the National Wildlife Ref- gage young people from all backgrounds in Whereas hydrogen is a nontoxic gas that uge System, administered by the United exploring, connecting with, and preserving can be derived from a variety of domesti- States Fish and Wildlife Service, is the pre- the natural heritage of the United States; cally available traditional and renewable re- mier system of land and water to conserve Whereas, since 1995, refuges across the sources, including solar, wind, biogas, and wildlife in the world and has grown to ap- United States have held festivals, edu- the abundant supply of natural gas in the proximately 836,000,000 acres, 566 national cational programs, guided tours, and other United States; wildlife refuges, and 38 wetland management events to celebrate National Wildlife Refuge Whereas hydrogen and fuel cells can store districts located in every State and territory Week during the second full week of October; energy to help enhance the grid and maxi- of the United States; Whereas the United States Fish and Wild- mize opportunities to deploy renewable en- Whereas national wildlife refuges are im- life Service has designated the week begin- ergy; portant recreational and tourism destina- ning on October 8, 2017, as ‘‘National Wildlife Whereas the United States produces and tions in communities across the United Refuge Week’’; and uses more than 11,000,000 metric tons of hy- States and this protected land offers a vari- Whereas the designation of National Wild- drogen per year; and ety of recreational opportunities, including 6 life Refuge Week by the Senate would recog- Whereas engineers and safety code and wildlife-dependent uses that the National nize more than a century of conservation in standard professionals have developed con- Wildlife Refuge System manages, specifi- the United States, raise awareness about the sensus-based protocols for safe delivery, han- cally hunting, fishing, wildlife observation, importance of wildlife and the National dling, and use of hydrogen: Now, therefore, photography, environmental education, and Wildlife Refuge System, and celebrate the be it interpretation; myriad recreational opportunities available Resolved, That the Senate designates Octo- Whereas, in 2017, 373 units of the National to enjoy this network of protected lands: ber 8, 2017, as ‘‘National Hydrogen and Fuel Wildlife Refuge System have hunting pro- Now, therefore, be it Cell Day’’. grams and 310 units of the National Wildlife Resolved, That the Senate— Refuge System have fishing programs, aver- (1) designates the week beginning on Octo- f aging more than 2,400,000 hunting visits and ber 8, 2017, as ‘‘National Wildlife Refuge nearly 6,900,000 fishing visits each year; Week’’; Whereas the National Wildlife Refuge Sys- (2) encourages the observance of National SENATE RESOLUTION 288—DESIG- tem experienced more than 31,400,000 wildlife Wildlife Refuge Week with appropriate NATING THE WEEK OF OCTOBER observation visits during fiscal year 2016; events and activities; 1 THROUGH 7, 2017, AS ‘‘NA- Whereas national wildlife refuges are im- (3) acknowledges the importance of na- TIONAL COMMUNITY POLICING portant to local businesses and gateway tional wildlife refuges for their recreational WEEK’’ communities; opportunities and contribution to local Whereas visitation to the National Wildlife economies across the United States; Mrs. SHAHEEN (for herself, Mr. COR- Refuge System increased by nearly 30 per- (4) finds that national wildlife refuges play NYN, Ms. HASSAN, and Mr. HATCH) sub- cent from 2006 to 2016; a vital role in securing the hunting and fish- mitted the following resolution; which Whereas the National Wildlife Refuge Sys- ing heritage of the United States for future was considered and agreed to: tem experiences more than 50,000,000 visits generations;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC6.028 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6369 (5) identifies the significance of national Whereas more than 2,200,000 individuals in TITLE I—PREVENTION OF ACCESS BY wildlife refuges in advancing the traditions the United States are currently employed HIZBALLAH TO INTERNATIONAL FI- of wildlife observation, photography, envi- across the energy efficiency sector, as the NANCIAL AND OTHER INSTITUTIONS ronmental education, and interpretation; United States has doubled its energy produc- Sec. 101. Mandatory sanctions with respect (6) recognizes the importance of national tivity and business and industry have be- to fundraising and recruitment wildlife refuges to wildlife conservation, the come more innovative and competitive in activities for Hizballah. protection of imperiled species and eco- global markets; Sec. 102. Modification of report with respect systems, and compatible uses; Whereas the Office of Energy Efficiency to financial institutions that (7) acknowledges the role of national wild- and Renewable Energy of the Department of engage in certain transactions. life refuges in conserving waterfowl and wa- Energy is the principal Federal agency re- Sec. 103. Sanctions against agencies and in- terfowl habitat under the Migratory Bird sponsible for renewable energy technologies strumentalities of foreign Treaty Act (16 U.S.C. 703 et seq.); and energy efficiency efforts; states that support Hizballah. (8) reaffirms the support of the Senate for Whereas cutting energy waste saves the TITLE II—NARCOTICS TRAFFICKING AND wildlife conservation and the National Wild- consumers of the United States billions of SIGNIFICANT TRANSNATIONAL CRIMI- life Refuge System; and dollars on utility bills annually; and NAL ACTIVITIES OF HIZBALLAH (9) expresses the intent of the Senate— Whereas energy efficiency policies, financ- Sec. 201. Blocking of property of Hizballah. (A) to continue working to conserve wild- ing innovations, and public-private partner- Sec. 202. Report on racketeering activities life; and ships have contributed to a reduction in en- engaged in by Hizballah. (B) to manage the National Wildlife Refuge ergy intensity in Federal facilities and vehi- Sec. 203. Modification of report on activities System for current and future generations. cle fleets by over 47 percent since the mid- of foreign governments to dis- f 1970s, which results in direct savings to rupt global logistics networks United States taxpayers: Now, therefore, be and fundraising, financing, and SENATE RESOLUTION 290—DESIG- it money laundering activities of NATING OCTOBER 5, 2017, AS ‘‘EN- Resolved, That the Senate— Hizballah. ERGY EFFICIENCY DAY’’ IN (1) designates October 5, 2017, as ‘‘Energy Sec. 204. Report on combating the illicit to- CELEBRATION OF THE ECONOMIC Efficiency Day’’; and bacco trafficking networks used AND ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS (2) calls on the people of the United States by Hizballah. THAT HAVE BEEN DRIVEN BY to observe Energy Efficiency Day with ap- TITLE III—GENERAL PROVISIONS propriate programs, ceremonies, and activi- Sec. 301. Regulatory authority. PRIVATE SECTOR INNOVATION ties. AND FEDERAL ENERGY EFFI- Sec. 302. Exceptions. CIENCY POLICIES PUT IN PLACE f TITLE I—PREVENTION OF ACCESS BY OVER THE PAST 4 DECADES AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND HIZBALLAH TO INTERNATIONAL FINAN- CIAL AND OTHER INSTITUTIONS Mrs. SHAHEEN (for herself, Mr. PROPOSED SEC. 101. MANDATORY SANCTIONS WITH RE- PORTMAN, Mr. BENNET, Mr. COONS, Mr. SA 1110. Mr. MCCONNELL (for Mr. RUBIO SPECT TO FUNDRAISING AND RE- HATCH, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mr. HEINRICH, (for himself, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Mr. CRAPO, Mr. CRUITMENT ACTIVITIES FOR Ms. HASSAN, Ms. MURKOWSKI, Ms. CANT- KAINE, Mr. CORNYN, Mr. MENENDEZ, Mr. HIZBALLAH. WELL, Mr. FRANKEN, Mr. REED, Ms. PERDUE, Ms. HEITKAMP, Mr. BLUNT, Mr. (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 101 of the TESTER, Mrs. CAPITO, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. Hizballah International Financing Preven- HIRONO, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. WARNER, Ms. MORAN, Mr. GARDNER, Mr. BOOZMAN, Mrs. tion Act of 2015 (Public Law 114–102; 50 U.S.C. STABENOW, Mr. MANCHIN, Mr. BROWN, ERNST, Mr. KENNEDY, Mr. WICKER, Mr. 1701 note) is amended to read as follows: Ms. COLLINS, Mr. GARDNER, and Mr. ROUNDS, Mr. HELLER, Mr. WYDEN, Mr. CRUZ, ‘‘SEC. 101. MANDATORY SANCTIONS WITH RE- WYDEN) submitted the following reso- Mr. SASSE, Mr. ROBERTS, Ms. COLLINS, Mr. SPECT TO FUNDRAISING AND RE- lution; which was considered and COTTON, Mr. YOUNG, Ms. CORTEZ MASTO, Ms. CRUITMENT ACTIVITIES FOR agreed to: BALDWIN, Mr. DURBIN, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. HIZBALLAH. ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—The President shall im- S. RES. 290 COONS, Mr. CASEY, Mr. NELSON, and Mr. MANCHIN)) proposed an amendment to the pose the sanctions described in subsection (b) Whereas October has been designated as bill S. 1595, to amend the Hizballah Inter- with respect to any foreign person that the ‘‘National Energy Awareness Month’’; national Financing Prevention Act of 2015 to President determines knowingly provides Whereas improvements in energy effi- impose additional sanctions with respect to significant financial, material, or techno- ciency technologies and practices along with Hizballah, and for other purposes. logical support for— policies of the United States enacted since ‘‘(1) Bayt al-Mal, Jihad al-Bina, the Is- the 1970s have resulted in energy savings of f lamic Resistance Support Association, or more than 60,000,000,000,000,000 British ther- TEXT OF AMENDMENTS any successor or affiliate thereof as des- mal units and energy cost avoidance of more ignated by the President; than $800,000,000,000 annually; SA 1110. Mr. McCONNELL (for Mr. ‘‘(2) al-Manar TV, al Nour Radio, or the Whereas energy efficiency has enjoyed bi- RUBIO (for himself, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Mr. Lebanese Media Group, or any successor or partisan support in Congress and in adminis- CRAPO, Mr. KAINE, Mr. CORNYN, Mr. affiliate thereof as designated by the Presi- trations of both parties for more than 40 MENENDEZ, Mr. PERDUE, Ms. HEITKAMP, dent; years; Mr. BLUNT, Mr. TESTER, Mrs. CAPITO, ‘‘(3) a foreign person determined by the Whereas bipartisan legislation enacted President to be engaged in fundraising or re- Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. MORAN, Mr. since the 1970s to advance Federal energy ef- cruitment activities for Hizballah; or ficiency policies includes— GARDNER, Mr. BOOZMAN, Mrs. ERNST, ‘‘(4) a foreign person owned or controlled (1) the Energy Policy and Conservation Act Mr. KENNEDY, Mr. WICKER, Mr. ROUNDS, by a foreign person described in paragraph (42 U.S.C. 6201 et seq.); Mr. HELLER, Mr. WYDEN, Mr. CRUZ, Mr. (1), (2), or (3). (2) the National Appliance Energy Con- SASSE, Mr. ROBERTS, Ms. COLLINS, Mr. ‘‘(b) SANCTIONS DESCRIBED.— servation Act of 1987 (Public Law 100–12; 101 COTTON, Mr. YOUNG, Ms. CORTEZ ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The sanctions described Stat. 103); MASTO, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. DURBIN, Ms. in this subsection are the following: (3) the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (42 U.S.C. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. COONS, Mr. CASEY, Mr. ‘‘(A) ASSET BLOCKING.—The exercise of all 13201 et seq.); powers granted to the President by the NELSON, and Mr. MANCHIN)) proposed an (4) the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (42 U.S.C. International Emergency Economic Powers 15801 et seq.); amendment to the bill S. 1595, to Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (except that the (5) the Energy Independence and Security amend the Hizballah International Fi- requirements of section 202 of such Act (50 Act of 2007 (42 U.S.C. 17001 et seq.); and nancing Prevention Act of 2015 to im- U.S.C. 1701) shall not apply) to the extent (6) the Energy Efficiency Improvement Act pose additional sanctions with respect necessary to block and prohibit all trans- of 2015 (Public Law 114–11; 129 Stat. 182); to Hizballah, and for other purposes; as actions in all property and interests in prop- Whereas energy efficiency has long been follows: erty of a foreign person determined by the supported by a diverse coalition of busi- President to be subject to subsection (a) if Strike all after the enacting clause and in- nesses (including manufacturers, utilities, such property and interests in property are sert the following: energy service companies, and technology in the United States, come within the United firms), public-interest organizations, envi- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS. States, or are or come within the possession ronmental and conservation groups, and (a) SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as or control of a United States person. State and local governments; the ‘‘Hizballah International Financing Pre- ‘‘(B) ALIENS INELIGIBLE FOR VISAS, ADMIS- Whereas, since 1980, the United States has vention Amendments Act of 2017’’. SION, OR PAROLE.— more than doubled its energy productivity, (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.—The table of con- ‘‘(i) VISAS, ADMISSION, OR PAROLE.—An realizing twice the economic output per unit tents for this Act is as follows: alien who the President determines is sub- of energy consumed; Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. ject to subsection (a) is—

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SEC. 103. SANCTIONS AGAINST AGENCIES AND IN- issued. ‘‘(5) PERSON.—The term ‘person’ means an STRUMENTALITIES OF FOREIGN ‘‘(II) EFFECT OF REVOCATION.—A revocation individual or entity. STATES THAT SUPPORT HIZBALLAH. under subclause (I) shall take effect imme- ‘‘(6) UNITED STATES PERSON.—The term (a) IN GENERAL.—Title I of the Hizballah diately and shall automatically cancel any ‘United States person’ means a United International Financing Prevention Act of other valid visa or entry documentation that States citizen, permanent resident alien, en- 2015 (Public Law 114–102; 50 U.S.C. 1701 note) is in the possession of the alien. tity organized under the laws of the United is amended by adding at the end the fol- ‘‘(2) PENALTIES.—The penalties provided States (including foreign branches), or a per- lowing: for in subsections (b) and (c) of section 206 of son in the United States.’’. ‘‘SEC. 103. SANCTIONS AGAINST AGENCIES AND the International Emergency Economic Pow- (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of INSTRUMENTALITIES OF FOREIGN ers Act (50 U.S.C. 1705) shall apply to a per- contents for the Hizballah International Fi- STATES THAT SUPPORT HIZBALLAH. son that violates, attempts to violate, con- nancing Prevention Act of 2015 is amended ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 180 days spires to violate, or causes a violation of reg- by striking the item relating to section 101 after the date of the enactment of this sec- ulations prescribed under paragraph (1)(A) to and inserting the following new item: tion, and as appropriate thereafter, the the same extent that such penalties apply to ‘‘Sec. 101. Mandatory sanctions with respect President shall block and prohibit all trans- a person that commits an unlawful act de- to fundraising and recruitment actions in all property and interests in prop- scribed in subsection (a) of such section 206. activities for Hizballah.’’. erty of any agency or instrumentality of a ‘‘(c) IMPLEMENTATION.—The President may SEC. 102. MODIFICATION OF REPORT WITH RE- foreign state described in subsection (b) if exercise all authorities provided under sec- SPECT TO FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS such property and interests in property are tions 203 and 205 of the International Emer- THAT ENGAGE IN CERTAIN TRANS- in the United States, come within the United gency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1702 ACTIONS. States, or are or come within the possession and 1704) to carry out this section. Subsection (d) of section 102 of the or control of a United States person. ‘‘(d) PROCEDURES FOR JUDICIAL REVIEW OF Hizballah International Financing Preven- ‘‘(b) AGENCY OR INSTRUMENTALITY OF A CLASSIFIED INFORMATION.— tion Act of 2015 (Public Law 114–102; 50 U.S.C. FOREIGN STATE DESCRIBED.—An agency or in- ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—If a finding under this 1701 note) is amended to read as follows: strumentality of a foreign state described in section, or a prohibition, condition, or pen- ‘‘(d) REPORT ON FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS this subsection is an agency or instrumen- alty imposed as a result of any such finding, ORGANIZED UNDER THE LAWS OF STATE SPON- tality of a foreign state that the President is based on classified information (as defined SORS OF TERRORISM.— determines knowingly provides significant in section 1(a) of the Classified Information ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 90 days financial, material, or technological support Procedures Act (18 U.S.C. App.)) and a court after the date of the enactment of the for, goods or services to or in support of, or reviews the finding or the imposition of the Hizballah International Financing Preven- arms or related material to— prohibition, condition, or penalty, the Presi- tion Amendments Act of 2017, and every 180 ‘‘(1) Hizballah; dent may submit such information to the days thereafter for the following 5 years, the ‘‘(2) an entity owned or controlled by court ex parte and in camera. President shall submit to the appropriate Hizballah; or congressional committees a report that— ‘‘(2) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in ‘‘(3) an entity that the President deter- this subsection shall be construed to confer ‘‘(A) identifies each foreign financial insti- mines has acted for or on behalf of Hizballah. or imply any right to judicial review of any tution described in paragraph (2) that the ‘‘(c) PENALTIES.—The penalties provided finding under this section or any prohibition, President determines engages in one or more for in subsections (b) and (c) of section 206 of condition, or penalty imposed as a result of activities described in subsection (a)(2); the International Emergency Economic Pow- any such finding. ‘‘(B) provides a detailed description of each ers Act (50 U.S.C. 1705) shall apply to a per- ‘‘(e) WAIVER.— such activity; and son that violates, attempts to violate, con- ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The President may, for ‘‘(C) contains a determination with respect spires to violate, or causes a violation of reg- periods not to exceed 180 days, waive the im- to each such foreign financial institution ulations prescribed under subsection (a) to position of sanctions under this section if that is identified under subparagraph (A) as the same extent that such penalties apply to the President certifies to the appropriate engaging in one or more activities described a person that commits an unlawful act de- congressional committees that such waiver in subsection (a)(2) as to whether such for- scribed in subsection (a) of such section 206. is in the national security interests of the eign financial institution is in violation of ‘‘(d) IMPLEMENTATION.—The President may United States. Executive Order 13224 (50 U.S.C. 1701 note; re- exercise all authorities provided under sec- ‘‘(2) BRIEFING.—Not later than 30 days after lating to blocking property and prohibiting tions 203 and 205 of the International Emer- the issuance of a waiver under paragraph (1) transactions with persons who commit, gency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1702 with respect to a foreign person, and every threaten to commit, or support terrorism) by and 1704) to carry out this section. 180 days thereafter while the waiver remains reason of engaging in one or more such ac- ‘‘(e) PROCEDURES FOR JUDICIAL REVIEW OF in effect, the President shall brief the appro- tivities. CLASSIFIED INFORMATION.— priate congressional committees on the sta- ‘‘(2) FOREIGN FINANCIAL INSTITUTION DE- ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—If a finding under this tus of the involvement of the foreign person SCRIBED.— section, or a prohibition, condition, or pen- in activities described in subsection (a). ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—A foreign financial in- alty imposed as a result of any such finding, ‘‘(f) REPORT.—Not later than 90 days after stitution described in this paragraph is a for- is based on classified information (as defined the date of the enactment of the Hizballah eign financial institution— in section 1(a) of the Classified Information International Financing Prevention Amend- ‘‘(i) that, wherever located, is— Procedures Act (18 U.S.C. App.)) and a court ments Act of 2017, and every 180 days there- ‘‘(I) organized under the laws of a state reviews the finding or the imposition of the after for the following 5 years, the President sponsor of terrorism or any jurisdiction prohibition, condition, or penalty, the Presi- shall submit to the appropriate congres- within a state sponsor of terrorism; dent may submit such information to the sional committees a report that lists the for- ‘‘(II) owned or controlled by the govern- court ex parte and in camera. eign persons that the President determines ment of a state sponsor of terrorism; ‘‘(2) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in are described in subsection (a). ‘‘(III) located in the territory of a state this subsection shall be construed to confer ‘‘(g) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: sponsor of terrorism; or or imply any right to judicial review of any ‘‘(1) ADMITTED; ALIEN.—The terms ‘admit- ‘‘(IV) owned or controlled by a foreign fi- finding under this section or any prohibition, ted’ and ‘alien’ have meanings given those nancial institution described in subclause condition, or penalty imposed as a result of terms in section 101 of the Immigration and (I), (II), or (III); and any such finding. Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101). ‘‘(ii) the capitalization of which exceeds ‘‘(f) WAIVER.— ‘‘(2) APPROPRIATE CONGRESSIONAL COMMIT- $10,000,000. ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The President may, for TEES.—The term ‘appropriate congressional ‘‘(B) STATE SPONSOR OF TERRORISM.—In this periods not to exceed 180 days, waive the im- committees’ means— paragraph, the term ‘state sponsor of ter- position of sanctions under this section with

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respect to an agency or instrumentality of a property are in the United States, come ‘‘(c) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: foreign state if the President certifies to the within the United States, or are or come ‘‘(1) APPROPRIATE CONGRESSIONAL COMMIT- appropriate congressional committees that within the possession or control of a United TEES.—The term ‘appropriate congressional such waiver is in the national security inter- States person. committees’ means— ests of the United States. ‘‘(c) PENALTIES.—The penalties provided ‘‘(A) the Committee on the Judiciary, the ‘‘(2) BRIEFING.—Not later than 30 days after for in subsections (b) and (c) of section 206 of Committee on Foreign Affairs, and the Com- the issuance of a waiver under paragraph (1) the International Emergency Economic Pow- mittee on Financial Services of the House of with respect to an agency or instrumentality ers Act (50 U.S.C. 1705) shall apply to a per- Representatives; and of a foreign state, and every 180 days there- son that violates, attempts to violate, con- ‘‘(B) the Committee on the Judiciary, the after while the waiver remains in effect, the spires to violate, or causes a violation of reg- Committee on Foreign Relations, and the President shall brief the appropriate con- ulations prescribed under subsection (b) to Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban gressional committees on the status of the the same extent that such penalties apply to Affairs of the Senate. involvement of the agency or instrumen- a person that commits an unlawful act de- ‘‘(2) HIZBALLAH.—The term ‘Hizballah’ has tality in activities described in subsection scribed in subsection (a) of such section 206. the meaning given that term in section (b). ‘‘(d) IMPLEMENTATION.—The President may 102(f). ‘‘(g) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: exercise all authorities provided under sec- ‘‘(3) RACKETEERING ACTIVITY.—The term ‘‘(1) AGENCY OR INSTRUMENTALITY OF A FOR- tions 203 and 205 of the International Emer- ‘racketeering activity’ has the meaning EIGN STATE; FOREIGN STATE.—The terms gency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1702 given that term in section 1961(1) of title 18, ‘agency or instrumentality of a foreign and 1704) to carry out this section. United States Code.’’. ‘‘(e) PROCEDURES FOR JUDICIAL REVIEW OF state’ and ‘foreign state’ have the meanings (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of CLASSIFIED INFORMATION.— given those terms in section 1603 of title 28, contents for the Hizballah International Fi- United States Code. ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—If a finding under this section, or a prohibition, condition, or pen- nancing Prevention Act of 2015 is amended ‘‘(2) APPROPRIATE CONGRESSIONAL COMMIT- alty imposed as a result of any such finding, by striking the item relating to section 202 TEES.—The term ‘appropriate congressional and inserting the following: committees’ means— is based on classified information (as defined ‘‘Sec. 202. Report on racketeering activities ‘‘(A) the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the in section 1(a) of the Classified Information engaged in by Hizballah.’’. Committee on Financial Services, the Com- Procedures Act (18 U.S.C. App.)) and a court mittee on Ways and Means, and the Com- reviews the finding or the imposition of the SEC. 203. MODIFICATION OF REPORT ON ACTIVI- mittee on the Judiciary of the House of Rep- prohibition, condition, or penalty, the Presi- TIES OF FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS dent may submit such information to the TO DISRUPT GLOBAL LOGISTICS resentatives; and NETWORKS AND FUNDRAISING, FI- ‘‘(B) the Committee on Foreign Relations, court ex parte and in camera. ULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in NANCING, AND MONEY LAUNDERING the Committee on Banking, Housing, and ‘‘(2) R this subsection shall be construed to confer ACTIVITIES OF HIZBALLAH. Urban Affairs, and the Committee on the Ju- or imply any right to judicial review of any (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 204 of the diciary of the Senate. finding under this section or any prohibition, Hizballah International Financing Preven- ‘‘(3) ARMS OR RELATED MATERIAL.—The condition, or penalty imposed as a result of tion Act of 2015 (Public Law 114–102; 50 U.S.C. term ‘arms or related material’ means— 1701 note) is amended— ‘‘(A) nuclear, biological, chemical, or radi- any such finding. ‘‘(f) WAIVER.—The President may, for peri- (1) in subsection (a)(1)— ological weapons or materials or components ods not to exceed 180 days, waive the imposi- (A) in the matter preceding subparagraph of such weapons; tion of sanctions under this section if the (A), by striking ‘‘this Act’’ and inserting ‘‘(B) ballistic or cruise missile weapons or President certifies to the appropriate con- ‘‘the Hizballah International Financing Pre- materials or components of such weapons; gressional committees that such waiver is in vention Amendments Act of 2017, and annu- ‘‘(C) destabilizing numbers and types of ad- the national security interests of the United ally thereafter for the following 5 years’’; vanced conventional weapons; States. (B) in subparagraph (D)(ii)(II), by striking ‘‘(D) defense articles or defense services, as ‘‘(g) DEFINITION.—In this section, the term ‘‘and’’ at the end; those terms are defined in paragraphs (3) and ‘Hizballah’ has the meaning given that term (C) in subparagraph (E), by striking ‘‘and (4), respectively, of section 47 of the Arms in section 102(f).’’. free-trade zones.’’ and inserting ‘‘free-trade Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2794); (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENTS.—The table of zones, business partnerships and joint ven- ‘‘(E) defense information, as that term is contents for the Hizballah International Fi- tures, and other investments in small and defined in section 644 of the Foreign Assist- nancing Prevention Act of 2015 is amended— medium-sized enterprises;’’; and ance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2403); or (1) by striking the item relating to title II (D) by adding at the end the following: ‘‘(F) items designated by the President for and inserting the following: ‘‘(F) a list of jurisdictions outside of Leb- purposes of the United States Munitions List ‘‘TITLE II—IMPOSITION OF SANCTIONS anon that expressly consent to, or with under section 38(a)(1) of the Arms Export WITH RESPECT TO HIZBALLAH AND knowledge allow, the use of their territory Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2778(a)(1)). REPORTS RELATING TO NARCOTICS by Hizballah to carry out terrorist activities, ‘‘(4) HIZBALLAH.—The term ‘Hizballah’ has TRAFFICKING AND SIGNIFICANT including training, financing, and recruit- the meaning given that term in section TRANSNATIONAL CRIMINAL ACTIVI- ment; 102(f).’’. TIES OF HIZBALLAH.’’; AND ‘‘(G) a description of the total aggregate (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of revenues and remittances that Hizballah re- contents for the Hizballah International Fi- (2) by striking the item relating to section 201 and inserting the following: ceives from the global logistics networks of nancing Prevention Act of 2015 is amended Hizballah.’’; by inserting after the item relating to sec- ‘‘Sec. 201. Blocking of property of Hizballah.’’. (2) by redesignating subsections (b) and (c) tion 102 the following new item: as subsections (c) and (d), respectively; SEC. 202. REPORT ON RACKETEERING ACTIVI- ‘‘Sec. 103. Sanctions against agencies and in- (3) by inserting after subsection (a) the fol- strumentalities of foreign TIES ENGAGED IN BY HIZBALLAH. (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 202 of the lowing: states that support Hizballah.’’. Hizballah International Financing Preven- ‘‘(b) ENHANCED DUE DILIGENCE.— TITLE II—NARCOTICS TRAFFICKING AND tion Act of 2015 (Public Law 114–102; 50 U.S.C. ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The President shall pre- SIGNIFICANT TRANSNATIONAL CRIMI- 1701 note) is amended to read as follows: scribe, as necessary, enhanced due diligence NAL ACTIVITIES OF HIZBALLAH ‘‘SEC. 202. REPORT ON RACKETEERING ACTIVI- policies, procedures, and controls for United SEC. 201. BLOCKING OF PROPERTY OF TIES ENGAGED IN BY HIZBALLAH. States financial institutions, and foreign fi- HIZBALLAH. ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 180 days nancial institutions maintaining cor- (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 201 of the after the date of the enactment of the respondent accounts or payable-through ac- Hizballah International Financing Preven- Hizballah International Financing Preven- counts with United States financial institu- tion Act of 2015 (Public Law 114–102; 50 U.S.C. tion Amendments Act of 2017, and annually tions, that the President determines provide 1701 note) is amended to read as follows: thereafter for the following 5 years, the significant financial services for persons and ‘‘SEC. 201. BLOCKING OF PROPERTY OF President shall submit to the appropriate entities operating in a jurisdiction included HIZBALLAH. congressional committees a report on the in the list required under subsection (a)(1)(F) ‘‘(a) FINDINGS.—Congress finds that following: if the President determines and reports to Hizballah conducts narcotics trafficking and ‘‘(1) Activities that Hizballah, and agents the appropriate congressional committees significant transnational criminal activities. and affiliates of Hizballah, have engaged in that it is in the national security interest of ‘‘(b) BLOCKING OF PROPERTY.—Not later that are racketeering activities. the United States to do so. than 180 days after the date of the enactment ‘‘(2) The extent to which Hizballah, and ‘‘(2) DEFINITIONS.—In this subsection, the of the Hizballah International Financing agents and affiliates of Hizballah, engage in terms ‘correspondent account’ and ‘payable- Prevention Amendments Act of 2017, and as a pattern of such racketeering activities. through account’ have the meanings given appropriate thereafter, the President shall ‘‘(b) FORM OF REPORT.—Each report re- those terms in section 5318A of title 31, block and prohibit all transactions in all quired under subsection (a) shall be sub- United States Code.’’; and property and interests in property of mitted in an unclassified form but may con- (4) in subsection (c), as redesignated by Hizballah if such property and interests in tain a classified annex. paragraph (2) by adding before the period at

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the end the following: ‘‘and on any require- (b) MATTERS TO BE ADDRESSED.—The re- clude the authority or requirement to im- ments for enhanced due diligence prescribed port required by subsection (a) shall include pose sanctions on the importation of goods. under subsection (b)’’. the following: f (b) REPORT ON ESTIMATED NET WORTH OF (1) A description of the steps to be taken SENIOR HIZBALLAH MEMBERS.— by Federal agencies to combat the illicit to- AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 180 days bacco trafficking networks used by MEET after the date of the enactment of this Act, Hizballah. Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I have 8 and not less frequently than annually there- (2) A description of the steps to be taken to after for the following 2 years, the President engage State and local law enforcement au- requests for committees to meet during shall submit to the appropriate congres- thorities in efforts to combat illicit tobacco today’s session of the Senate. They sional committees a report that contains— trafficking networks used by Hizballah oper- have the approval of the Majority and (A) the estimated total net worth of each ating within the United States. Minority leaders. individual described in paragraph (2); and (3) A description of the steps to be taken to Pursuant to rule XXVI, paragraph (B) a description of how funds of each indi- engage foreign government law enforcement 5(a), of the Standing Rules of the Sen- vidual described in paragraph (2) were ac- and intelligence authorities in efforts to ate, the following committees are au- quired, and how such funds have been used or combat illicit tobacco trafficking networks employed. thorized to meet during today’s session used by Hizballah operating outside the of the Senate: (2) INDIVIDUALS DESCRIBED.—The individ- United States. uals described in this paragraph are the fol- (4) Recommendations for legislative or ad- COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE, NUTRITION, AND lowing: ministrative action, as appropriate, to ad- FORESTRY (A) The Secretary General of Hizballah. dress the threat of illicit tobacco trafficking The Committee on Agriculture, Nu- (B) Any other individual that the Presi- networks. trition, and Forestry is authorized to dent determines is a senior foreign political (c) APPROPRIATE CONGRESSIONAL COMMIT- meet during the session of the Senate figure of Hizballah. TEES DEFINED.—In this section, the term on Thursday, October 5, 2017, at 9:30 (3) FORM OF REPORT; PUBLIC AVAILABILITY.— ‘‘appropriate congressional committees’’ a.m., in room SR–328A to hold a hear- (A) FORM.—The report required under para- means— graph (1) shall be submitted in unclassified (1) the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the ing on the following nominations: form but may contain a classified annex. Committee on Armed Services, the Com- Gregory Ibach, to be Under Secretary (B) PUBLIC AVAILABILITY.—The unclassified mittee on Homeland Security, the Com- of Agriculture for Marketing and Regu- portion of the report required under para- mittee on the Judiciary, the Committee on lator Programs; William Northey, to be graph (1) shall be made available to the pub- Financial Services, and the Committee on Under Secretary of Agriculture for lic in precompressed, easily downloadable Ways and Means of the House of Representa- Farm and Foreign Agriculture Serv- versions that are made available in all ap- tives; and ices. propriate formats. (2) the Committee on Foreign Relations, (4) SOURCES OF INFORMATION.—In preparing the Committee on Armed Services, the Com- COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC the report required under paragraph (1), the mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- WORKS President may use any credible publication, mental Affairs, the Committee on the Judi- The Committee on Environment and database, or web-based resource, and any ciary, the Committee on Banking, Housing, Public Works is authorized to meet credible information compiled by any gov- and Urban Affairs, and the Committee on Fi- during the session of the Senate on ernment agency, nongovernmental organiza- nance of the Senate. Thursday, October 5, 2017, at 9:30 a.m., tion, or other entity provided to or made TITLE III—GENERAL PROVISIONS in room SD–406 to hold a hearing on available to the President. SEC. 301. REGULATORY AUTHORITY. the nomination of Paul Trombino III, (5) DEFINITIONS.—In this subsection: (a) IN GENERAL.—The President shall, not (A) APPROPRIATE CONGRESSIONAL COMMIT- to be Administrator of the Federal later than 180 days after the date of the en- TEES.—The term ‘‘appropriate congressional Highway Administration. actment of this Act, prescribe regulations as committees’’ means— COMMITTEE ON FINANCE necessary for the implementation of this Act (i) the Committee on Foreign Affairs and and the amendments made by this Act. The Committee on Finance is author- the Committee on Financial Services of the (b) NOTIFICATION TO CONGRESS.—Not later ized to meet during the session of the House of Representatives; and than 10 days before the prescription of regu- Senate on Thursday, October 5, 2017, at (ii) the Committee on Foreign Relations lations under subsection (a), the President and the Committee on Banking, Housing, 10 a.m., in room SD–215 to hold a hear- shall notify the appropriate congressional and Urban Affairs of the Senate. ing on nominations. committees regarding the proposed regula- (B) FUNDS.—The term ‘‘funds’’ means— COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS tions and the provisions of this Act and the (i) cash; amendments made by this Act that the regu- The Committee on Foreign Relations (ii) equity; lations are implementing. is authorized to meet during the ses- (iii) any other intangible asset the value of (c) APPROPRIATE CONGRESSIONAL COMMIT- sion of the Senate on Thursday, Octo- which is derived from a contractual claim, TEES DEFINED.—In this section, the term including bank deposits, bonds, stocks, a se- ber 5, 2017, at 9:30 a.m., to hold a busi- ‘‘appropriate congressional committees’’ ness meeting. curity (as defined in section 2(a) of the Secu- means— COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS rities Act of 1933 (15 U.S.C. 77b(a))), or a secu- (1) the Committee on Foreign Affairs and rity or an equity security (as those terms are the Committee on Financial Services of the The Committee on Foreign Relations defined in section 3(a) of the Securities Ex- House of Representatives; and is authorized to meet during the ses- change Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78c(a))); and (2) the Committee on Foreign Relations sion of the Senate on Thursday, Octo- (iv) anything else of value that the Sec- and the Committee on Banking, Housing, ber 5, 2017, at 2:30 p.m., to hold a hear- retary of the Treasury determines to be ap- and Urban Affairs of the Senate. propriate. ing on nominations. SEC. 302. EXCEPTIONS. (C) SENIOR FOREIGN POLITICAL FIGURE.—The COMMITTEE ON HEALTH, EDUCATION, LABOR, (a) IN GENERAL.—This Act and the amend- term ‘‘senior foreign political figure’’ has AND PENSIONS ments made by this Act shall not apply to the meaning given that term in section The Committee on Health, Edu- the following: 1010.605 of title 31, Code of Federal Regula- (1) Any authorized intelligence, law en- cation, Labor, and Pensions is author- tions (or any successor regulation). forcement, or national security activities of ized to meet during the session of the SEC. 204. REPORT ON COMBATING THE ILLICIT the United States. Senate on Thursday, October 5, 2017, at TOBACCO TRAFFICKING NETWORKS USED BY HIZBALLAH. (2) Any transaction necessary to comply 10 a.m., in room SD–430 to hold a hear- (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 180 days with United States obligations under— ing entitled ‘‘The Federal Response to after the date of the enactment of this Act, (A) the Agreement between the United Na- the Opioid Crisis.’’ tions and the United States of America re- the President shall submit to the appro- COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY priate congressional committees a report on garding the Headquarters of the United Na- combating the illicit tobacco trafficking net- tions, signed at Lake Success June 26, 1947, The Committee on the Judiciary is works used by Hizballah to finance their op- and entered into force November 21, 1947; authorized to meet during the session erations, as described in the report sub- (B) the Convention on Consular Relations, of the Senate on Thursday, October 5, mitted to Congress in December 2015 by the done at Vienna April 24, 1963, and entered 2017, at 10 a.m., in room SD–226 to hold Department of State, the Department of Jus- into force March 19, 1967; or an executive business meeting. tice, the Department of the Treasury, the (C) any other international treaty. SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE Department of Homeland Security, and the (b) EXCEPTION RELATING TO IMPORTATION OF Department of Health and Human Services GOODS.—The authorities and requirements to The Select Committee on Intel- entitled, ‘‘The Global Illicit Trade in To- impose sanctions under this Act and the ligence is authorized to meet during bacco: A Threat to National Security.’’. amendments made by this Act shall not in- the session of the Senate on Thursday,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:30 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC6.033 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6373 October 5, 2017, at 2 p.m., in room SH– ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—A permit for a municipal (A) general information relating to— 219 to hold a closed hearing. discharge by a municipality that incorporates (i) the technical assistance referred to in para- an integrated plan may include a schedule of f graph (2)(A); compliance, under which actions taken to meet (ii) the financial assistance referred to in WATER INFRASTRUCTURE any applicable water quality-based effluent lim- paragraph (3)(A); itation may be implemented over more than 1 FLEXIBILITY ACT (iii) the flexibility referred to in paragraph permit term if the compliance schedules are au- C 3(B); and Mr. M CONNELL. Mr. President, I thorized by State water quality standards. ask unanimous consent that the Sen- ‘‘(B) INCLUSION.—Actions subject to a compli- (iv) any resources related to integrated plans ate proceed to the immediate consider- ance schedule under subparagraph (A) may in- developed by the Administrator; and ation of Calendar No. 109, S. 692. clude green infrastructure if implemented as (B) a copy of each permit, order, or judicial The PRESIDING OFFICER. The part of a water quality-based effluent limita- consent decree that implements or incorporates clerk will report the bill by title. tion. an integrated plan. The senior assistant legislative clerk ‘‘(C) REVIEW.—A schedule of compliance may (c) MUNICIPAL ENFORCEMENT.—Section 309 of be reviewed each time the permit is renewed. the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 read as follows: ‘‘(4) EXISTING AUTHORITIES RETAINED.— A bill (S. 692) to provide for integrated plan ‘‘(A) APPLICABLE STANDARDS.—Nothing in this U.S.C. 1319) is amended by adding at the end permits, to establish an Office of the Munic- subsection modifies any obligation to comply the following: ipal Ombudsman, to promote green infra- with applicable technology and water quality- ‘‘(h) IMPLEMENTATION OF INTEGRATED PLANS structure, and to require the revision of fi- based effluent limitations under this Act. THROUGH ENFORCEMENT TOOLS.— nancial capability guidance. ‘‘(B) FLEXIBILITY.—Nothing in this subsection ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—In conjunction with an en- There being no objection, the Senate reduces or eliminates any flexibility available forcement action under subsection (a) or (b) re- proceeded to consider the bill, which under this Act, including the authority of— lating to municipal discharges, the Adminis- ‘‘(i) a State to revise a water quality standard trator shall inform a municipality of the oppor- had been reported from the Committee after a use attainability analysis under section on Environment and Public Works, tunity to develop an integrated plan, as defined 131.10(g) of title 40, Code of Federal Regulations in section 402(s). with an amendment to strike all after (or a successor regulation), subject to the ap- ‘‘(2) MODIFICATION.—Any municipality under the enacting clause and insert in lieu proval of the Administrator under section 303(c); an administrative order under subsection (a) or thereof the following: and ‘‘(ii) the Administrator or a State to authorize settlement agreement (including a judicial con- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. a schedule of compliance that extends beyond sent decree) under subsection (b) that has devel- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Water Infra- the date of expiration of a permit term if the oped an integrated plan consistent with section structure Flexibility Act’’. schedule of compliance meets the requirements 402(s) may request a modification of the admin- SEC. 2. DEFINITION OF ADMINISTRATOR. of section 122.47 of title 40, Code of Federal Reg- istrative order or settlement agreement based on In this Act, the term ‘‘Administrator’’ means ulations (as in effect on the date of enactment that integrated plan.’’. the Administrator of the Environmental Protec- of this subsection). (d) REPORT TO CONGRESS.—Not later than 2 tion Agency. ‘‘(5) CLARIFICATION OF STATE AUTHORITY.— years after the date of enactment of this Act, SEC. 3. INTEGRATED PLANS. ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Nothing in section the Administrator shall submit to the Committee (a) INTEGRATED PLANS.—Section 402 of the 301(b)(1)(C) precludes a State from authorizing on Environment and Public Works of the Senate Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. in the water quality standards of the State the and the Committee on Transportation and In- 1342) is amended by adding at the end the fol- issuance of a schedule of compliance to meet frastructure of the House of Representatives and lowing: water quality-based effluent limitations in per- make publicly available a report on each inte- ‘‘(s) INTEGRATED PLAN PERMITS.— mits that incorporate provisions of an integrated grated plan developed and implemented through ‘‘(1) DEFINITIONS.—In this subsection: plan. a permit, order, or judicial consent decree since ‘‘(A) GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE.—The term ‘‘(B) TRANSITION RULE.—In any case in which the date of publication of the ‘‘Integrated Mu- ‘green infrastructure’ means the range of meas- a discharge is subject to a judicial order or con- nicipal Stormwater and Wastewater Planning ures that use plant or soil systems, permeable sent decree as of the date of enactment of the Approach Framework’’ issued by the Environ- pavement or other permeable surfaces or sub- Water Infrastructure Flexibility Act resolving mental Protection Agency and dated June 5, strates, stormwater harvest and reuse, or land- an enforcement action under this Act, any 2012, including a description of the control scaping to store, infiltrate, or evapotranspirate schedule of compliance issued pursuant to an measures, levels of control, estimated costs, and stormwater and reduce flows to sewer systems or authorization in a State water quality standard compliance schedules for the requirements im- to surface waters. shall not revise a schedule of compliance in that plemented through an integrated plan. ‘‘(B) INTEGRATED PLAN.—The term ‘integrated order or decree unless the order or decree is plan’ has the meaning given in Part III of the modified by agreement of the parties and the SEC. 4. GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE PROMOTION. Integrated Municipal Stormwater and Waste- court.’’. Title V of the Federal Water Pollution Control water Planning Approach Framework, issued by (b) MUNICIPAL OMBUDSMAN.— Act (33 U.S.C. 1361 et seq.) is amended— the Environmental Protection Agency and dated (1) ESTABLISHMENT.—There is established (1) by redesignating section 519 (33 U.S.C. 1251 June 5, 2012. within the Office of the Administrator an Office note) as section 520; and ‘‘(C) MUNICIPAL DISCHARGE.— of the Municipal Ombudsman. (2) by inserting after section 518 (33 U.S.C. ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘municipal dis- (2) GENERAL DUTIES.—The duties of the mu- 1377) the following: charge’ means a discharge from a treatment nicipal ombudsman shall include the provision works (as defined in section 212) or a discharge of— ‘‘SEC. 519. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGEN- from a municipal storm sewer under subsection (A) technical assistance to municipalities CY GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE PRO- (p). seeking to comply with the Federal Water Pollu- MOTION. ‘‘(ii) INCLUSION.—The term ‘municipal dis- tion Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.) and the ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—The Administrator shall charge’ includes a discharge of wastewater or Safe Drinking Water Act (42 U.S.C. 300f et seq.); ensure that the Office of Water, the Office of storm water collected from multiple municipali- and Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, the ties if the discharge is covered by the same per- (B) information to the Administrator to help Office of Research and Development, and the mit issued under this section. the Administrator ensure that agency policies Office of Policy of the Environmental Protection ‘‘(2) INTEGRATED PLAN.— are implemented by all offices of the Environ- Agency promote the use of green infrastructure ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The Administrator (or a mental Protection Agency, including regional in and coordinate the integration of green infra- State, in the case of a permit program approved offices. structure into, permitting programs, planning under subsection (b)) shall inform a municipal (3) ACTIONS REQUIRED.—The municipal om- efforts, research, technical assistance, and permittee or multiple municipal permittees of the budsman shall work with appropriate offices at funding guidance. the headquarters and regional offices of the En- opportunity to develop an integrated plan. ‘‘(b) DUTIES.—The Administrator shall ensure ‘‘(B) SCOPE OF PERMIT INCORPORATING INTE- vironmental Protection Agency to ensure that that the Office of Water— GRATED PLAN.—A permit issued under this sub- the municipality seeking assistance is provided section that incorporates an integrated plan information— ‘‘(1) promotes the use of green infrastructure may integrate all requirements under this Act (A) about available Federal financial assist- in the programs of the Environmental Protection addressed in the integrated plan, including re- ance for which the municipality is eligible; Agency; and quirements relating to— (B) about flexibility available under the Fed- ‘‘(2) coordinates efforts to increase the use of ‘‘(i) a combined sewer overflow; eral Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1251 green infrastructure with— ‘‘(ii) a capacity, management, operation, and et seq.) and, if applicable, the Safe Drinking ‘‘(A) other Federal departments and agencies; maintenance program for sanitary sewer collec- Water Act (42 U.S.C. 300f et seq.); and ‘‘(B) State, tribal, and local governments; and tion systems; (C) regarding the opportunity to develop an ‘‘(iii) a municipal stormwater discharge; integrated plan, as defined in section ‘‘(C) the private sector. ‘‘(iv) a municipal wastewater discharge; and 402(s)(1)(B) of the Federal Water Pollution Con- ‘‘(c) REGIONAL GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE PRO- ‘‘(v) a water quality-based effluent limitation trol Act (as added by subsection (a)). MOTION.—The Administrator shall direct each to implement an applicable wasteload allocation (4) INFORMATION SHARING.—The municipal regional office of the Environmental Protection in a total maximum daily load. ombudsman shall publish on the website of the Agency, as appropriate based on local factors, ‘‘(3) COMPLIANCE SCHEDULES.— Environmental Protection Agency— and consistent with the requirements of this

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:30 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\A05OC6.034 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE S6374 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 5, 2017 Act, to promote and integrate the use of green structure investments, the use of rate structures, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. infrastructure within the region that includes— and customer assistance programs to address the This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Department ‘‘(1) outreach and training regarding green rates of low-income consumers; of Homeland Security Blue Campaign Au- infrastructure implementation for State, tribal, (F) an evaluation of an array of factors, the thorization Act of 2017’’. and local governments, tribal communities, and relative importance of which may vary across SEC. 2. ENHANCED DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND the private sector; and regions and localities; and SECURITY COORDINATION ‘‘(2) the incorporation of green infrastructure (G) the appropriate weight for economic, pub- THROUGH THE BLUE CAMPAIGN. into permitting and other regulatory programs, lic health, and environmental benefits. (a) IN GENERAL.—Subtitle C of title IV of codes, and ordinance development, including (2) CONSULTATION.—Any revised guidance the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. the requirements under consent decrees and set- issued to replace the guidance shall be devel- 231 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end tlement agreements in enforcement actions. oped in consultation with stakeholders. the following: ‘‘(d) GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE INFORMATION (e) PUBLICATION AND SUBMISSION.— ‘‘SEC. 434. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECU- SHARING.—The Administrator shall promote (1) IN GENERAL.—On completion of the revi- RITY BLUE CAMPAIGN. green infrastructure information sharing, in- sion of the guidance, the Administrator shall ‘‘(a) DEFINITION.—In this section, the term cluding through an Internet website, to share publish in the Federal Register and submit to ‘human trafficking’ means an act or practice information with, and provide technical assist- the Committee on Environment and Public described in paragraph (9) or (10) of section ance to, State, tribal, and local governments, Works of the Senate and the Committee on 103 of the Trafficking Victims Protection tribal communities, the private sector, and the Transportation and Infrastructure of the House Act of 2000 (22 U.S.C. 7102). public regarding green infrastructure ap- of Representatives the revised guidance. ‘‘(b) ESTABLISHMENT.—There is established proaches for— (2) EXPLANATION.—If the Administrator makes within the Department a program, which ‘‘(1) reducing water pollution; a determination not to follow one or more rec- shall be known as the ‘Blue Campaign’. The ‘‘(2) protecting water resources; ommendations of the study referred to in sub- Blue Campaign shall be headed by a Direc- ‘‘(3) complying with regulatory requirements; section (c)(1), the Administrator shall include in tor, who shall be appointed by the Secretary. and the publication and submission under para- ‘‘(c) PURPOSE.—The purpose of the Blue ‘‘(4) achieving other environmental, public graph (1) an explanation of that decision. Campaign shall be to unify and coordinate health, and community goals.’’. (f) EFFECT.—Nothing in this section preempts Department efforts to address human traf- SEC. 5. FINANCIAL CAPABILITY GUIDANCE. or interferes with any obligation to comply with ficking. ‘‘(d) RESPONSIBILITIES.—The Secretary, (a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: any Federal law, including the Federal Water (1) AFFORDABILITY.—The term ‘‘affordability’’ Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.). working through the Director, shall, in ac- cordance with subsection (e)— means, with respect to payment of a utility bill, Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I a measure of whether an individual customer or ‘‘(1) issue Department-wide guidance to ap- ask unanimous consent that the com- propriate Department personnel; household can pay the bill without undue hard- mittee-reported substitute amendment ship or unreasonable sacrifice in the essential ‘‘(2) develop training programs for such lifestyle or spending patterns of the individual be agreed to, the bill, as amended, be personnel; and or household, as determined by the Adminis- considered read a third time and ‘‘(3) coordinate departmental efforts, in- trator. passed, and the motion to reconsider be cluding training for such personnel. (2) FINANCIAL CAPABILITY.—The term ‘‘finan- considered made and laid upon the ‘‘(e) GUIDANCE AND TRAINING.—The Blue cial capability’’ means the financial capability table. Campaign shall provide guidance and train- of a community to make investments necessary The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ing to appropriate Department personnel and other Federal, State, tribal, and law enforce- to make water quality or drinking water im- objection, it is so ordered. provements. ment personnel, as appropriate regarding— The committee-reported amendment ‘‘(1) programs to help identify instances of (3) GUIDANCE.—The term ‘‘guidance’’ means in the nature of a substitute was the guidance published by the Administrator en- human trafficking; titled ‘‘Combined Sewer Overflows—Guidance agreed to. ‘‘(2) the types of information that should for Financial Capability Assessment and Sched- The bill (S. 692), as amended, was or- be collected and recorded in information ule Development’’ and dated February 1997, as dered to be engrossed for a third read- technology systems utilized by the Depart- applicable to the combined sewer overflows and ing, was read the third time, and ment to help identify individuals suspected sanitary sewer overflows guidance published by passed. or convicted of human trafficking; ‘‘(3) systematic and routine information the Administrator entitled ‘‘Financial Capa- f bility Assessment Framework’’ and dated No- sharing within the Department and among vember 24, 2014. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SE- Federal, State, tribal, and local law enforce- (b) USE OF MEDIAN HOUSEHOLD INCOME.—The CURITY BLUE CAMPAIGN AU- ment agencies regarding— Administrator shall not use median household THORIZATION ACT OF 2017 ‘‘(A) individuals suspected or convicted of income as the sole indicator of affordability for human trafficking; and a residential household. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I ‘‘(B) patterns and practices of human traf- (c) REVISED GUIDANCE.— ask unanimous consent that the Sen- ficking; (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 1 year after ate proceed to the immediate consider- ‘‘(4) techniques to identify suspected vic- the date of completion of the National Academy ation of Calendar No. 221, S. 1103. tims of trafficking along the United States of Public Administration study to establish a The PRESIDING OFFICER. The border and at airport security checkpoints; definition and framework for community afford- ‘‘(5) methods to be used by the Transpor- clerk will report the bill by title. tation Security Administration and per- ability required by Senate Report 114–70, accom- The senior assistant legislative clerk panying S. 1645 (114th Congress), the Adminis- sonnel from other appropriate agencies— trator shall revise the guidance described in sub- read as follows: ‘‘(A) to train employees of the Transpor- section (a)(3). A bill (S. 1103) to amend the Homeland Se- tation Security Administration to identify (2) USE OF GUIDANCE.—Beginning on the date curity Act of 2002 to require the Secretary of suspected victims of trafficking; and on which the revised guidance referred to in Homeland Security to issue Department- ‘‘(B) to serve as a liaison and resource re- paragraph (1) is finalized, the Administrator wide guidance and to develop training pro- garding human trafficking prevention to ap- shall use the revised guidance in lieu of the grams as part of the Department of Home- propriate State, local, and private sector guidance described in subsection (a)(3). land Security Blue Campaign, and for other aviation workers and the traveling public; (d) CONSIDERATION AND CONSULTATION.— purposes. ‘‘(6) utilizing resources, such as indicator (1) CONSIDERATION.—In revising the guidance, There being no objection, the Senate cards, fact sheets, pamphlets, posters, bro- the Administrator shall consider— proceeded to consider the bill. chures, and radio and television campaigns— (A) the recommendations of the study referred ‘‘(A) to educate partners and stakeholders; Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I to in subsection (c) and any other relevant and study, as determined by the Administrator; ask unanimous consent that the bill be ‘‘(B) to increase public awareness of human (B) local economic conditions, including site- considered read a third time and passed trafficking; specific local conditions that should be taken and the motion to reconsider be consid- ‘‘(7) leveraging partnerships with State and into consideration in analyzing financial capa- ered made and laid upon the table. local governmental, nongovernmental, and bility; The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without private sector organizations to raise public (C) other essential community investments; objection, it is so ordered. awareness of human trafficking; and (D) potential adverse impacts on distressed The bill (S. 1103) was ordered to be ‘‘(8) any other activities the Secretary de- populations, including the percentage of low-in- engrossed for a third reading, was read termines necessary to carry out the Blue come ratepayers within the service area of a the third time, and passed, as follows: Campaign.’’. utility and impacts in communities with dis- (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of parate economic conditions throughout the en- S. 1103 contents of the Homeland Security Act of tire service area of a utility; Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- 2002 (Public Law 107–296) is amended by in- (E) the degree to which rates of low-income resentatives of the United States of America in serting after the item relating to section 433 consumers would be affected by water infra- Congress assembled, the following:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:30 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC6.046 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6375 ‘‘Sec. 434. Department of Homeland Security eration of the following Senate resolu- NOMINATIONS Blue Campaign.’’. tions, which were submitted earlier Executive nominations received by SEC. 3. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SYSTEMS. today: S. Res. 287, S. Res. 288, S. Res. the Senate: Not later than 1 year after the date of the 289, and S. Res. 290. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE enactment of this Act, the Secretary of There being no objection, the Senate Homeland Security shall ensure, in accord- proceeded to consider the resolutions R. D. JAMES, OF MISSOURI, TO BE AN ASSISTANT SEC- ance with the Department of Homeland Se- RETARY OF THE ARMY, VICE JO–ELLEN DARCY. BRUCE D. JETTE, OF VIRGINIA, TO BE AN ASSISTANT curity-wide guidance required under section en bloc. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I SECRETARY OF THE ARMY, VICE HEIDI SHYU, RESIGNED. 434(d) of the Homeland Security Act of 2002, SHON J. MANASCO, OF TEXAS, TO BE AN ASSISTANT as added by section 2, the integration of in- ask unanimous consent that the reso- SECRETARY OF THE AIR FORCE, VICE GABRIEL CAMARILLO. formation technology systems utilized with- lutions be agreed to, the preambles be in the Department to record and track infor- agreed to, and the motions to recon- DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY mation regarding individuals suspected or sider be considered made and laid upon DAVID J. RYDER, OF NEW JERSEY, TO BE DIRECTOR OF convicted of human trafficking. THE MINT FOR A TERM OF FIVE YEARS, VICE EDMUND C. the table en bloc. MOY, RESIGNED. SEC. 4. REPORT. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without AMTRAK BOARD OF DIRECTORS Not later than 18 months after the date of objection, it is so ordered. the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of LEON A. WESTMORELAND, OF GEORGIA, TO BE A DIREC- The resolutions were agreed to. TOR OF THE AMTRAK BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR A TERM Homeland Security shall submit a report to The preambles were agreed to. OF FIVE YEARS. (NEW POSITION) the Committee on Homeland Security and (The resolutions, with their pre- ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Governmental Affairs of the Senate and the ambles, are printed in today’s RECORD Committee on Homeland Security of the ANDREW WHEELER, OF VIRGINIA, TO BE DEPUTY AD- under ‘‘Submitted Resolutions.’’) MINISTRATOR OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION House of Representatives that— AGENCY, VICE ROBERT PERCIASEPE, RESIGNED. (1) describes the status and effectiveness of f DEPARTMENT OF STATE the Department of Homeland Security Blue REPORTING AUTHORITY Campaign; and LISA A. JOHNSON, OF WASHINGTON, A CAREER MEM- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I BER OF THE SENIOR FOREIGN SERVICE, CLASS OF COUN- (2) provides a recommendation regarding SELOR, TO BE AMBASSADOR EXTRAORDINARY AND the appropriate office within the Department ask unanimous consent that notwith- PLENIPOTENTIARY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA of Homeland Security for the Blue Cam- standing the Senate’s adjournment, TO THE REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIA. paign. committees be authorized to report DEPARTMENT OF LABOR SEC. 5. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. legislative and executive matters on KATE S. O’SCANNLAIN, OF MARYLAND, TO BE SOLIC- There is authorized to be appropriated ITOR FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR, VICE M. PATRI- Friday, October 13, from 9 a.m. until 11 CIA SMITH, RESIGNED. $819,000 to carry out section 434 of the Home- a.m. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION land Security Act of 2002, as added by section The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without 2. MITCHELL ZAIS, OF SOUTH CAROLINA, TO BE DEPUTY objection, it is so ordered. SECRETARY OF EDUCATION, VICE JAMES H. SHELTON III, f f RESIGNED. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE HIZBALLAH INTERNATIONAL FI- ORDERS FOR FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, NANCING PREVENTION AMEND- 2017, THROUGH MONDAY, OCTO- FRANK M. COFFMAN, OF OKLAHOMA, TO BE UNITED MENTS ACT OF 2017 STATES MARSHAL FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF BER 16, 2017 OKLAHOMA FOR THE TERM OF FOUR YEARS, VICE PAT- RICK J . WILKERSON, TERM EXPIRED. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I THE JUDICIARY ask unanimous consent that the Com- ask unanimous consent that when the mittee on Banking, Housing, and KURT D. ENGELHARDT, OF LOUISIANA, TO BE UNITED Senate completes its business today, it STATES CIRCUIT JUDGE FOR THE FIFTH CIRCUIT, VICE Urban Affairs be discharged from fur- adjourn to then convene for pro forma EDITH BROWN CLEMENT, RETIRED. ther consideration of S. 1595 and the sessions only, with no business being DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Senate proceed to its immediate con- conducted, on the following dates and THOMAS M. GRIFFIN, JR., OF SOUTH CAROLINA, TO BE sideration. times, and that following each pro UNITED STATES MARSHAL FOR THE DISTRICT OF SOUTH The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without CAROLINA FOR THE TERM OF FOUR YEARS, VICE KELVIN forma session, the Senate adjourn until CORNEILIUS WASHINGTON, TERM EXPIRED. objection, it is so ordered. the next pro forma session: Friday, Oc- MARK S. JAMES, OF MISSOURI, TO BE UNITED STATES The clerk will report the bill by title. MARSHAL FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF MISSOURI tober 6, at 10:30 a.m.; Tuesday, October FOR THE TERM OF FOUR YEARS, VICE ALFRED COOPER The senior assistant legislative clerk 10, at 9:15 a.m.; and Friday, October 13, LOMAX, TERM EXPIRED. read as follows: JOHNNY LEE KUHLMAN, OF OKLAHOMA, TO BE UNITED at 8:30 a.m. STATES MARSHAL FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF A bill (S. 1595) to amend the Hizballah I further ask that when the Senate OKLAHOMA FOR THE TERM OF FOUR YEARS, VICE International Financing Prevention Act of CHARLES THOMAS WEEKS II, TERM EXPIRED. adjourns on Friday, October 13, it next DANIEL C. MOSTELLER, OF SOUTH DAKOTA, TO BE 2015 to impose additional sanctions with re- convene at 4 p.m. on Monday, October UNITED STATES MARSHAL FOR THE DISTRICT OF SOUTH spect to Hizballah, and for other purposes. DAKOTA FOR THE TERM OF FOUR YEARS, VICE PAUL 16; that following the prayer and CHARLES THIELEN, TERM EXPIRED. There being no objection, the Senate pledge, the morning hour be deemed GARY G. SCHOFIELD, OF NEVADA, TO BE UNITED proceeded to consider the bill. STATES MARSHAL FOR THE DISTRICT OF NEVADA FOR expired, the Journal of proceedings be THE TERM OF FOUR YEARS, VICE CHRISTOPHER TOBIAS Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I approved to date, the time for the two HOYE, TERM EXPIRED. ask unanimous consent that the Rubio leaders be reserved for their use later f substitute amendment be considered in the day, and morning business be CONFIRMATIONS and agreed to, the bill, as amended, be closed; finally, that following leader considered read a third time and remarks, the Senate proceed to execu- Executive nominations confirmed by passed, and the motion to reconsider be tive session and resume consideration the Senate October 5, 2017: considered made and laid upon the of the Gingrich nomination, with the DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY table. time until 5:30 p.m. equally divided be- LEE FRANCIS CISSNA, OF MARYLAND, TO BE DIRECTOR The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without tween the two leaders or their des- OF UNITED STATES CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION objection, it is so ordered. SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY. ignees. FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM The amendment (No. 1110) in the na- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without RANDAL QUARLES, OF COLORADO, TO BE A MEMBER OF ture of a substitute was agreed to. objection, it is so ordered. THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE (The amendment is printed in today’s f SYSTEM FOR THE UNEXPIRED TERM OF FOURTEEN RECORD under ‘‘Text of Amendments.’’) YEARS FROM FEBRUARY 1, 2004. ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 10:30 A.M. RANDAL QUARLES, OF COLORADO, TO BE VICE CHAIR- The bill (S. 1595), as amended, was or- MAN FOR SUPERVISION OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS TOMORROW OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM FOR A TERM OF dered to be engrossed for a third read- FOUR YEARS. ing, was read the third time, and Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, if DEPARTMENT OF STATE passed. there is no further business to come be- STEPHEN B. KING, OF WISCONSIN, TO BE AMBASSADOR f fore the Senate, I ask unanimous con- EXTRAORDINARY AND PLENIPOTENTIARY OF THE sent that it stand adjourned under the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO THE CZECH REPUBLIC. RESOLUTIONS SUBMITTED TODAY BARBARA LEE, OF CALIFORNIA, TO BE REPRESENTA- previous order. TIVE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO THE SEV- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I There being no objection, the Senate, ENTY–SECOND SESSION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF ask unanimous consent that the Sen- at 5:51 p.m., adjourned until Friday, THE UNITED NATIONS. CHRISTOPHER SMITH, OF NEW JERSEY, TO BE REP- ate now proceed to the en bloc consid- October 6, 2017, at 10:30 a.m. RESENTATIVE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 9801 E:\CR\FM\A05OC6.047 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE S6376 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 5, 2017


VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 9801 E:\CR\FM\A05OC6.009 S05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with SENATE October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1329 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

HONORING SHELBY O’NEIL ing our habits and behaviors. By challenging area’s growing and changing educational, eco- her community to make the small sacrifices nomic, and industrial needs. HON. JIMMY PANETTA necessary to sustain the beautiful natural habi- f tats we all enjoy, Shelby is performing a vital OF CALIFORNIA IN HONOR OF REVEREND ELIJAH IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES civic duty, and her efforts set her apart as an example for her peers. SMITH, SR. Thursday, October 5, 2017 Mr. Speaker, it is my pleasure to add my Mr. PANETTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to name to the recognition of Shelby’s accom- HON. SANFORD D. BISHOP, JR. recognize Shelby O’Neil, a dedicated con- plishments, and wish her the best in her future OF GEORGIA stituent of the 20th Congressional District. At endeavors. I encourage all of my colleagues in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES just sixteen years of age, Shelby has found a the House to show their support by joining me Thursday, October 5, 2017 passion for environmentalism that she has in taking the No Straw November challenge. Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I rise channeled in ways that are truly exceptional. f today to honor a dedicated man of God, com- In my district on the central coast of Cali- munity servant, Civil Rights Leader, family IN RECOGNITION OF LUZERNE fornia, we understand the importance of con- man and friend of longstanding, Rev. Elijah COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE servation and respect for the natural environ- Smith, Sr. Sadly, Rev. Smith passed away on ON THEIR 50TH ANNIVERSARY ment we all enjoy. Among the many parks and October 2, 2017. His funeral service will be recreation areas in the 20th district, our crown held on Saturday, October 7, 2017 at 1 p.m. jewel is the Monterey Bay National Marine HON. MATT CARTWRIGHT at the St. Peter A.M.E. Church in Fort Valley, Sanctuary. This pristine stretch of coastline, OF PENNSYLVANIA Georgia. while enjoyed in many ways by residents and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Reverend Elijah Smith, Sr. was born on De- tourists alike, also stands as an enduring re- Thursday, October 5, 2017 cember 28, 1939, in Fort Valley, Georgia, to sponsibility to the residents of the Central the union of the late Mr. Samuel L. Smith and Coast to ensure its protection. Protected lands Mr. CARTWRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I rise the late Mrs. Ola M. Johnson Smith. He was such as the sanctuary in our backyard are liv- today to honor Luzerne County Community educated in the Peach County School System. ing postcards that we pass to future genera- College, which is celebrating its 50th anniver- On October 11, 1964, Reverend Smith re- tions. It is up to those future generations to sary this year. LCCC was founded in 1966 by ceived a calling that would change his life for- shoulder that burden and rise to the respon- the Luzerne County Board of Commissioners ever—he was called to preach the Gospel of sibilities. Shelby has answered this call, and as a public, two-year college to provide afford- Jesus Christ. He acknowledged this calling at has risen to this challenge in truly impressive able, accessible education for residents of the Allen Chapel A.M.E. Church in Peach ways. Northeastern Pennsylvania and first began County. His first pastoral appointment oc- Shelby has demonstrated sincere dedication educating students in 1967. curred in 1967 in the Eastman Circuit in East- to the cause of reducing ocean pollution and When the College opened in 1967, North- man, Georgia. He served in Eastman for four has built a framework with which to engage eastern Pennsylvania was facing a pivotal mo- years. He was then assigned to the Allen her peers, neighbors, and businesses in pro- ment in its history as the regional economy Chapel and Mountain Creek A.M.E. Churches tecting our local environment. She came to shifted away from coal industry jobs. The Col- in Sumter County where he served for a total develop a passion for this cause by volun- lege responded to the demand for qualified, of 13 years. In 1984, he was assigned to the teering at the Monterey Bay Aquarium, a educated individuals to meet the needs of the St. John A.M.E. Church in Columbus, Georgia. world-renowned institution of marine biological area’s rapidly changing industrial framework. During this time, the church was destroyed by research. During her time as a volunteer, From a two-building location in Wilkes-Barre, a tornado and he was instrumental in the re- Shelby quickly learned about the threat that LCCC moved to its permanent, 122–acre loca- building of the church at its current location on pollution poses to the ocean. Determined to tion in Nanticoke in 1974. In the early 2000s, Steam Mill Road in Columbus. He served at take action, Shelby founded her own nonprofit LCCC began expanding its reach beyond its St. John for ten years. Because of his legacy organization, the Junior Ocean Guardians. Nanticoke Campus to include Hazelton, Ber- of service and his commitment to the Gospel Under Shelby’s leadership, the Junior Ocean wick, Elk Lake, and its newest location in of Jesus Christ, he was appointed by Bishop Guardians have planned several beach clean- downtown Scranton. Donald George Kenneth Ming as the Presiding up efforts and done classroom presentations Today, Luzerne County Community College Elder of the Eastern District. He was at the at schools around the Central Coast to raise offers associate degree, certificate, and di- time one of three presiding Elders in the awareness and build support for the organiza- ploma programs to over 5,000 students annu- Southwest Georgia Conference of thee Afri- tion’s mission of protecting our oceans. ally. The community college option provides can-Methodist Episcopal Church. At the time In addition, the Junior Ocean Guardians are affordable college education to a diverse stu- of his retirement as a Presiding Elder, he was championing a new initiative called ‘‘No Straw dent body from recent high school graduates senior Presiding Elder in charge of thirty-six November.’’ In my home state of California, a to adult learners who are returning to the churches. He also retired as a Civil Service permanent ban has been issued on plastic classroom for the first time since high school. Employee at Robins Air Force Base, as an bags due to the unnecessary pollution they LCCC offers programs in Nursing, Criminal electronic technician. He also was an entre- cause in our oceans. However, there is still Justice, Business Administration, and Com- preneur, as he was the owner of D and S Flo- much work to be done in reducing other puter Information Systems. rist in Fort Valley, Georgia. sources of plastic pollution. That is why I am For many students, their education does not Shirley Chisholm once said that, ‘‘Service is so impressed with the Junior Ocean Guard- end with Luzerne County Community College. the rent that we pay for the space that we oc- ians, who have taken on the goal of ending Many choose to continue their education at cupy here on this earth.’’ Reverend Smith not the use of single use plastic straws, which one of over 40 baccalaureate degree-awarding only paid his rent, as a minister of the gospel, pose a serious risk to our diverse marine eco- institutions with which LCCC has matriculation but he paid his rent with his many social and systems on the coast of California. No Straw or transfer agreements. Many students in civic affiliations. During his lifetime, he re- November represents an effort to raise the Northeastern Pennsylvania are set on a path- ceived many awards to include: Jos´eph Ros- public’s awareness of the importance of plastic way toward success that begins with a strong coe Campbell Freedom Award for service to pollution by challenging participants to go an educational groundwork from LCCC. the Concerned Citizens Movement for the entire month without using a single use plastic The College is committed to remaining at Americus-Sumter County NAACP; Special straw. While there is much work to be done in the forefront in affordable, accessible edu- Recognition Award for outstanding and dedi- the halls of Congress to address environ- cation in the Wyoming Valley and continues to cated service to the Americus Police Depart- mental pollution, real change begins by chang- adapt and respond to meet the needs of the ment and the Sumter County Community for

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K05OC8.001 E05OCPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E1330 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 5, 2017 his spiritual guidance as chaplain; The Martin Our nation was founded on the principles of mean someone in any way, then you need to Luther King, Jr. Minister’s Community Service equality and the inalienable rights of our citi- get out. And if you can’t treat someone from Award in recognition of outstanding and meri- zens. Throughout our history Americans like another race or a different color skin with torious service to the church and community dignity and respect, then you need to get Lt. General Silveria have fought to defend out. from the Columbus; Georgia Chapter of Push; these rights. His remarks are the masterpiece Reach for your phones. I’m serious, reach the Sixth Episcopal District (state of Georgia) of a true patriot and one we should all remem- for your phones. OK, you don’t have to reach sons of Allen Award of Support; one of the 50 ber and be inspired by as we continue to for your phones, I’m going to give you an op- Most influential African Americans in the Co- strive for E Pluribus Unum and a more perfect portunity to reach for your phones. I want lumbus-Ft. Benning and Phenix City Area. He union. you to videotape this so that you can have was also a lifetime member of the NAACP, [Full Remarks, 28 September 2017] it, so that you can use it, so that we all have the moral courage together, all of us on the since March of 1996. Reverend Smith served (By Lieutenant General Jay Silveria) as a past President of the Americus-Sumter staff tower lining the glass, all of us in this Ladies and gentlemen, you may have heard room. This is our institution, and if you need Branch of the NAACP. He was always push- that some people down in the prep school it, and you need my words, then you keep ing African-Americans to use their political wrote some racial slurs on some message these words. And you use them and you re- power at the ballot box to effectuate positive boards. If you haven’t heard that, I wanted member them and you share them and you social change. you to hear it from me. If you’re outraged by talk about them. If you can’t treat someone Rev. Elijah Smith loved people and he al- those words then you’re in the right place. with dignity and respect, then get out. That kind of behavior has no place at the ways fought for what was right. He was guid- f ed by his love of God and his love of people. prep school, it has no place at USAFA, and it has no place in the US Air Force. IN HONOR OF THE HONORABLE Mother Teresa once said that, ‘‘At the end of You should be outraged, not only as an air- life we will not be judged by how many diplo- man, but as a human being. And I’ll tell you, SAM FARR AND THE ELEVATION mas we have received, how much money we that the appropriate response for horrible OF PINNACLES TO A NATIONAL have made, how many great things we have language and horrible ideas, the appropriate PARK done. We will be judged by ’I was hungry, and response is a better idea. So that’s why I’m you gave me something to eat, I was naked here. That’s why all these people are up here HON. JIMMY PANETTA on the staff tower, so let me have everybody and you clothed me. I was homeless, and you OF CALIFORNIA took me in.’ ’’ Rev. Elijah Smith used his life who’s up here please pull forward to the rails. Also, there’s so many people here, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for good and to help others. He always be- they’re lining the outsides along the win- Thursday, October 5, 2017 lieved that the ‘‘time is always right to do that dows. These are members of the faculty, which is right.’’ coaching staff, AOC’s, AMT’s, from the air- Mr. PANETTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to On a personal note, Rev. Smith and his field, from my staff, from my headquarters, recognize my predecessor in this seat, the family have been dear friends to my wife Viv- all aspects of the 10th Airbase Wing, all as- Honorable Sam Farr, for one of the most sig- ian and me for many years, and I will always pects that make up USAFA and the United nificant accomplishments of his public career. value the support, encouragement and coun- States Air Force Academy leadership is here. In 2012, he led a remarkable bi-partisan effort sel that he imparted to me over the years. You heard from Brigadier General Goodwin, to pass legislation that elevated the Pinnacles Brigadier General Armacost is here, Colonel Rev. Elijah Smith was a great man and ac- National Monument to our nation’s 59th na- complished many things in his life, but none of Block from the athletic department is here, Mr. Knowlton is in Washington, DC right tional park. On Saturday, October 7, the Pin- this would have been possible with out the now. nacles National Park Foundation will recognize love and support of his family. His legacy lives That’s why they’re here. That’s why we’re Sam for this instrumental contribution to the on through his wife, Janet, his children, step all here, because we have a better idea. Some conservation and interpretation of our nation’s children, grandchildren and all of those that he of you may think that that happened down natural heritage. touched in a special way. in the prep school and doesn’t apply to us. I Mr. Speaker, the Pinnacles is a truly re- Mr. Speaker, my wife Vivian and I, along would be naive and we would all be naive to markable place, but the Pinnacles National think that everything is perfect here. We with the more than 730 000 constituents of the Park is more than its stunning scenery. The Second Congressional District of Georgia sa- would be naive to think that we shouldn’t discuss this topic. We would also be tone- remnant of a 23 million-year-old volcano, the lute and honor the life of Reverend Elijah deaf not to think about the backdrop of San Andreas fault carried the Pinnacles sev- Smith, Sr. for his commitment to spreading the what’s going on in our country. Things like eral hundred miles north to its present loca- Gospel of Jesus Christ for over five decades Charlottesville and Ferguson, the protests in tion. Its unique habitats form an island of bio- and serving humankind. I ask my colleagues the NFL, that’s why we have a better idea. diversity that is home to numerous unique in the House of Representatives to join us in One of those ideas, the Dean brought people plant and animal species, including the Cali- extending our deepest condolences to Rev- together to discuss Charlottesville because fornia Condor and over 400 species of bees. erend Smith’s family during this difficult time. what we should have is a civil discourse and talk about these issues, that’s a better idea. It is also a place for people. The indigenous We pray that they will be consoled and com- We received outstanding feedback from Amah Mutsun and Piknacih peoples lived forted by an abiding faith and the Holy Spirit that session at Charlottesville, but I also amongst, traveled through, and revered the in the days, weeks and months ahead. have a better idea and it’s about our diver- Pinnacles for thousands of years. The Spanish f sity, and it’s the power of the diversity, the friars planted one of California’s first vineyards power of the 4,000 of you and all of the people TRIBUTE TO LIEUTENANT GEN- in the shadow of the Pinnacles. After Cali- that are on the staff tower and lining the fornia became part of the United States, local ERAL JAY SILVERIA, SUPER- glass, the power of us as a diverse group, the INTENDENT, U.S. AIR FORCE power that we come from all walks of life, ranchers would take summer trips to the Pin- ACADEMY, COLORADO that we come from all parts of this country, nacles caves to escape the heat. A rancher that we come from all races, we come from from one of those families, Schuler Hain, led all backgrounds, gender, all makeup, all up- a public campaign to have the Federal Gov- HON. ANNA G. ESHOO bringing. The power of that diversity comes ernment protect the Pinnacles. That cul- OF CALIFORNIA together and makes us that much more pow- minated in President Theodore Roosevelt des- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES erful. That’s a much better idea than small ignating the Pinnacles a National Monument in Thursday, October 5, 2017 thinking and horrible ideas. We have an op- 1908. portunity here, 5,500 people in this room, to Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to think about what we are as an institution. In the 5 years since its elevation to National honor Lieutenant General Jay Silveria, the Su- This is our institution and no one can take Park status, even more people have come to perintendent of the U.S. Air Force Academy in away our values. No one can write on a board visit the Pinnacles. This has provided a re- Colorado, and include in the RECORD the tran- and question our values. No one can take markable boost for the surrounding commu- script of his powerful remarks. After five Afri- that away from us. nities’ economies, who have seen increases in can-American cadet candidates found racial So just in case you’re unclear on where I their hospitality business. Prior to arriving to slurs written on the doors of their dorm rooms, stand on this topic, I’m going to leave you Congress, I heard Sam tell the story that the with my most important thought today: If Lt. Gen. Silveria gathered the cadets together you can’t treat someone with dignity and re- idea to author legislation initially came during and forcefully denounced the acts of racism in spect, then you need to get out. If you can’t a Rotary meeting in a community near the a speech that has gained national attention, teach someone from another gender, whether Pinnacles. A Rotarian suggested that making with more than 1.7 million views on Facebook that’s a man or a woman, with dignity and the Pinnacles a National Park would help the and over 22,000 shares on Twitter. respect, then you need to get out. If you de- local economy.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05OC8.002 E05OCPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1331 Sam took that idea, added the environ- velop projects from single structures to entire Baccalaureate diploma, she decided to attend mental conservation element, and crafted leg- eco-districts, pioneering a new urban planning Northern Arizona University (NAU) in Flagstaff, islation that could garner widespread support. approach to create resilient neighborhoods, Arizona, due to its high scholastic standards. He found a Republican partner in our col- grounded in placemaking and community In her freshman year at NAU, Lianne selected league JEFF DENHAM. Together, they helped stakeholder engagement for a collective, sus- Environmental Science as her major and steer the bill through the House and ultimately tainable vision. made the Dean’s List both semesters. to President Obama’s desk. Throughout his career, Bob has received Just a few weeks ago, Lianne had just Mr. Speaker, I know I speak for the whole numerous awards, including the AIA North- begun her sophomore year at NAU when she House in thanking Sam for his years of serv- west & Pacific Region Medal of Honor for his became ill with a severe sore throat. A week ice, and in particular for his efforts to des- contributions to the built environment, his ad- later, she was admitted to the hospital with ignate Pinnacles National Park. The Honor- vocacy for design excellence and ongoing meningitis, double pneumonia and renal fail- able Sam Farr has given us a living postcard mentorship of emerging design talent, the ure. Despite her strength, the unwavering sup- we can send to our children and grand- Watzek Award for Contributions to the Enrich- port of her family and dedicated actions by her children. Our community is forever grateful for ment of the State of Oregon, and the Honored medical team, Lianne lost her battle with this his service. Citizen Award from the Architectural Founda- aggressive illness. I join the Dennstedt family f tion of Oregon. in expressing my heartfelt appreciation to the Bob Frasca’s illustrious career deserves a doctors, nursing staff and team of medical CONGRATULATIONS TO BOB hearty congratulations. His leadership, passion specialists at Flagstaff Medical Center for their FRASCA for the process of design, and ethic of environ- heroic efforts, kindness and compassion dur- mental stewardship has raised the architec- ing this incredibly difficult time. HON. EARL BLUMENAUER tural bar and the quality of the urban experi- I had the distinct privilege of knowing Lianne OF OREGON ence throughout the nation, internationally, and her family for many years, and there are IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and most importantly, here at home in Port- simply no words that soften the heartbreaking Thursday, October 5, 2017 land, Oregon. loss of Lianne’s loving and bright spirit. I ex- f tend my heartfelt condolences to the entire Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, on Octo- Dennstedt family and her friends. Although ber 12, friends, partners and admirers of Bob RECOGNIZING THE LEGAL Lianne may be gone, I know that the joy and Frasca are gathering in Portland to honor his SERVICES OF GREATER MIAMI happiness she brought to those around her career of over 50 years. Bob was a founder of will endure forever. one of America’s leading architectural firms, HON. ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN f Zimmer Gunsul Frasca Architects. Since its OF FLORIDA humble beginnings, ZGF has grown to be one 106TH NATIONAL DAY OF THE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of the premier architectural firms in the world REPUBLIC OF CHINA with 600 design professionals networked Thursday, October 5, 2017 across six offices in the U. S. and Canada. Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, it is my HON. MIKE COFFMAN Portland, across the country, and around the honor to recognize an inspiring organization OF COLORADO world, ZGF has received accolades and located in my Congressional District, Legal IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES awards for its design work. Services of Greater Miami, that for over 50 Thursday, October 5, 2017 The firm would not be where it is today with- years has fought tirelessly for equality and jus- out the leadership and influence of Bob tice for low income families of South Florida. Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Frasca. Legal Services is dedicated to helping our acknowledge the 106th National Day of the Bob graduated with a Bachelor of Architec- most vulnerable neighbors including women, Republic of China. The annual celebration ture from the University of Michigan, and a children, seniors, veterans, people with disabil- commemorates the start of the Wuchang Up- Master of City Planning from MIT. He moved ities, low wage workers and the homeless, rising of October 10, 1911, which led to the to Portland in 1959 and became the partner- and continues to create a positive impact on collapse of the Qing dynasty in China and the in-charge of design for ZGF in 1966. Over the our community. establishment of the Republic of China on years, I have witnessed his significant impact Legal Services of Greater Miami has January 1, 1912. Double Ten Day is marked in the Portland region with his emphasis on transitioned to a new location and will be bet- every year in Denver, Colorado with an honor- designs that build communities. He has played ter able to assist people in need. able reception organized by our local Double an important role in the evolution of Portland Thank you to all the attorneys, to the staff Ten Day Celebration Committee. as livable city, thanks to his collaboration with and to the volunteers of Legal Services for I rise today to acknowledge Chairman, Dr. others and his advocacy for the civic role ar- providing much needed assistance to the most Paul C. Cheng and the volunteers who serve chitects and architecture play in making a vulnerable members of our community. on the Double Ten Celebration Committee. great city. He was instrumental in the redevel- f Additionally, I would like to recognize the past opment of Portland’s waterfront and defined Chairs of the Double Ten Celebration Com- the ‘‘heart’’ of downtown that later became TRIBUTE TO LIANNE DENNSTEDT mittee who have served since I have rep- Pioneer Square. His design influence is seen resented the Sixth Congressional District; in the Portland skyline with projects like the HON. KEN CALVERT Nancy Tan, Nelson Ho, Ming Der Liu, Sylvia Justice Center, the KOIN Tower and the Or- OF CALIFORNIA Edgar, Dr. Tai Dan Hsu, Lily Shen and Kevin egon Convention Center, as well as Portland IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Hsu, who have each year managed to expertly International Airport. execute this important event in our community. His portfolio of user-driven buildings has Thursday, October 5, 2017 The United States and Taiwan enjoy a long- been recognized for creating environments Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to standing relationship that stems from our that foster health and innovation, dem- honor and pay tribute to Lianne Dennstedt, shared values: democracy, the rule of law, onstrated by the National Institutes of Health who passed away in Flagstaff, Arizona on and free enterprise. The Taiwanese-Ameri- Mark O. Hatfield Clinical Research Center, the Monday, September 18, 2017. Lianne was the cans living in Colorado bring a wealth of Duke University Fitzpatrick Center for Inter- eldest daughter of Brenda Dennstedt, Vice knowledge and entrepreneurial energy to our disciplinary Sciences, and the Dana Farber President of the Western Municipal Water Dis- community, contributing in an integral way to Cancer Institute Yawkey Center for Cancer trict Board of Directors, and Shawn Dennstedt, its growth and success. Care. His work in urban contexts has contin- a 24-year veteran of the San Diego County Mr. Speaker, I offer my warmest and best ued with projects such as Twelve West in Sheriffs Department, as well as the older sis- wishes to the people of Taiwan on this 106th Portland and 1200 Seventeenth Street in ter of Jaimee Dennstedt. She will be greatly National Day of the Republic of China. I also Washington, DC, and his international reach missed. extend my congratulations to Chairman Dr. has touched U.S. embassies and consulates Lianne attended Murrieta Valley High Paul C. Cheng and the Double Ten Celebra- in Istanbul, Sofia, and Manila. School in Murrieta, California, where she was tion Committee on organizing another suc- With Bob’s leadership, ZGF’s design excel- a decorated cross country runner in addition to cessful Double Ten Celebration for our com- lence and architecture raised the firm’s profile being an excellent student. Following her munity in Colorado. The work of this com- worldwide. Clients have engaged them to de- graduation in 2016 with a full International mittee has helped the Taipei Economic and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K05OC8.002 E05OCPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E1332 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 5, 2017 Cultural Office to excel in its services to and TAIWAN 106TH ANNIVERSARY port, La., and recognized the need for greater relationship with the greater Denver area com- unity among the small community of orthodox munity. I look forward attending this event HON. SANFORD D. BISHOP, JR. families. They then founded a congregation every year and to the continued and growing OF GEORGIA that would grow to what we now know as the friendship and partnership between the United IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES St. George Greek Orthodox Church. The States and Taiwan. name, ‘‘Saint George,’’ was chosen in honor Thursday, October 5, 2017 of the Saint George Church of New Ephesus f Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I rise in Asia Minor, which was destroyed during the today to commemorate the 106th anniversary Turko-Grecian struggle in 1917. Religious lib- PERSONAL EXPLANATION of the founding of Taiwan, also known as the erty is a core principle in the United States. Republic of China, which occurred following While fleeing religious persecution, many the Xinhai Revolution to overthrow the last im- Greeks found their new home in Northwest HON. JEFF DUNCAN perial Chinese dynasty. Louisiana. OF SOUTH CAROLINA Taiwan has been nothing short of an eco- Today, the church is considered the heart of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nomic miracle. Increased investment in infra- the region’s beloved Greek community and is structure, education, and communications dur- distinguished by its rich and colorful artwork Thursday, October 5, 2017 ing the latter half of the 20th Century spurred and architecture depicting insights of ortho- doxy. The congregation of St. George has a Mr. DUNCAN of South Carolina. Mr. rapid economic growth and elevated Taiwan to long history of generosity and compassion and Speaker, I mistakenly voted no on Roll Call. prominence as one of the ‘‘Four Asian Tigers.’’ includes some of our closest personal friends. No. 555 as I was distracted by reporters walk- Taiwan is home to Foxconn, one of the largest The congregation has hosted countless chari- ing in to the Chamber due to the events in Las electronics manufacturers in the world, as well table events to support its three major philan- Vegas. I intended to vote yes on the Repub- as other large technology companies such as thropic organizations: the Ladies Philoptochos lican Study Committee Budget Substitute as I ASUS, Pegatron, and Quanta Computer. Society, the American Hellenic Educational have for the previous six years. The United States and Taiwan enjoy a strong, albeit unofficial, relationship, which is Progressive Association and the Daughters of Penelope. For over 60 years, the Philoptochos f maintained by the American Institute in Tai- wan (AIT). On the commercial side, Taiwan is have held an annual pastry sale to raise funds TRIBUTE TO OREGON HONOR the U.S.’s 9th largest trading partner and the for numerous charitable organizations, pro- FLIGHT U.S. is Taiwan’s second largest trading part- viding aid to anyone who may need it. ner. In 2016, U.S. trade with Taiwan totaled Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the United States an estimated $84.9 billion. Cultural relations Congress and the people of Northwest Lou- HON. PETER A. DeFAZIO have also prospered in recent years. Travel isiana, I am privileged to recognize the St. George Greek Orthodox Church and celebrate OF OREGON from Taiwan to the U.S. has increased by 50 percent since Taiwan became a member of over 100 years of their dedication to the bet- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the U.S. Visa Waiver Program in 2012. terment of our community. I, along with my Thursday, October 5, 2017 My home state of Georgia also has a strong wife, Kelly, pray the Lord continues to bless trade relationship with Taiwan. In 2013, the this congregation and their important min- Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, it is with great Georgia General Assembly passed a resolu- istries. pride that I recognize 45 Oregon veterans who tion supporting a free trade agreement be- f are visiting our nation’s capital this Saturday, tween Taiwan and the U.S. Last year, Geor- PERSONAL EXPLANATION October 7, as part ofthe South Willamette Val- gia’s exports to Taiwan generated over $420 ley Honor Flight. These brave individuals million. Georgia’s position as a global logistics risked their lives to protect and defend the and transportation hub has attracted invest- HON. JACKY ROSEN OF NEVADA United States and are now here to visit those ment from the Taiwanese auto parts industry. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES monuments and memorials they helped in- There are also a number of Georgia compa- spire. nies spanning across multiple industries that Thursday, October 5, 2017 The veterans on this honor flight are as fol- have operations in Taiwan. Ms. ROSEN. Mr. Speaker, on October 4th, lows: As a member of the Congressional Taiwan on Roll Call votes 551, 552, 553, and 554. I World War II—Bud Barnes, Army; Don Co- Caucus, I would be remiss if I did not con- was not present because I was tending to my penhagen, Army; Bud Garrett, Navy; Ed gratulate the people of Taiwan on their eco- community in Las Vegas, in the aftermath of Hemmingson, Merchant Marines; Wally High, nomic development in the last few decades. the deadliest mass shooting in United States Navy; Arlie Holte, Army; Bob LeBlanc, Navy; The hard work and ingenuity of the Taiwanese history. Had I been present, I would have Ray Maggard, Navy; Carl Mason, Navy; Ralph people are testaments to their economic suc- voted NAY on Roll Call vote 551, NAY on Roll Morse, Marine Corps; Curt Wiese, Navy; Stan cess and flourishing democracy. I look forward Call vote 552, NAY on Roll Call vote 553, and Wilson, Marine Corps. to continued cooperation and goodwill be- NAY on roll call vote 554. Korean War—Larry Adair, Army; Gene tween our two countries in the years to come. f f Amundson, Army; Paulie Bokn, Army; Jim CONCURRENT RESOLUTION ON Broughton, Navy; Stan Clark, Air Force; Joe RECOGNIZING THE 100TH ANNIVER- THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR Couture, Air Force; John Dobson, Navy; Carl SARY OF ST. GEORGE GREEK 2018 Gripenburg, Army; Marshall Heflin, Air Force; ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SHREVE- Don Hinkle, Navy; Terry Howard, Army; Wil- PORT SPEECH OF liam Macauley, Air Force; Dorrance Mattson, Air Force; Ed Stelting, Army; Ida Stemple, HON. ROBERT C. ‘‘BOBBY’’ SCOTT OF VIRGINIA Navy; Charlie Stoakes, Army; Ed Sullivan, Air HON. MIKE JOHNSON IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Force; Jay Surgeon, Navy; Ron Swanson, Air OF LOUISIANA Force; Maurice Thorne, Air Force; Les War- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, October 4, 2017 ner, Army. Thursday, October 5, 2017 The House in Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union had under Vietnam War—Kham Bounnavong, Army; Mr. JOHNSON of Louisiana. Mr. Speaker, Paul Fiegener, Army; Joe Grace, Army; Ken consideration the concurrent resolution (H. it is an honor for me to rise and recognize the Con. Res. 71) establishing the congressional Henderson, Army; Mike Kisinger, Navy; Dick 100th anniversary of the St. George Greek Or- budget for the United States Government for Mann, Army; Tim Mulhern, Marine Corps; Bob thodox Church in Shreveport, La. For over a fiscal year 2018 and setting forth the appro- Pieper, Air Force; Ralph Wendt, Army; Bob century, this congregation has blessed our priate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2019 Whitehead, Navy. community by spreading the love of God and through 2027: It is my privilege to include their names in continuing the tradition of giving back to one’s Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Chair, I would the RECORD and my sincere hope that you’ll neighbors. like to include in the RECORD letters from So- join me in recognizing them for their extraor- In the beginning of the 20th century, some cial Security Works, AFSCME, SEIU, and the dinary service. of the first Greek immigrants settled in Shreve- Coalition on Human Needs.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC8.006 E05OCPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1333

SOCIAL SECURITY WORKS, economy is strong and that our communities sional Black Caucus, and the Democratic al- October 4, 2017. are safe and prosperous. Unfortunately, H. ternative budget resolution. Hon. CEDRIC RICHMOND, Con. Res. 71, the budget approved by the The Coalition on Human Needs is an alli- Chair, Congressional Black Caucus, House of House Budget Committee, promotes the ance made up of human service providers, Representatives, Washington, DC. same misguided, inequitable priorities as the faith organizations, policy experts, labor, DEAR REPRESENTATIVE RICHMOND: We are budget proposed by President Trump. The civil rights, and other advocates for meeting writing to express our support for the FY18 GOP budget sets woefully inadequate spend- the needs of low-income and vulnerable peo- Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) Alter- ing levels for critical public services and ple. Our members understand that the eco- native Budget. Your budget outlines respon- slashes $5.8 trillion over 10 years from non- nomic security of millions of American fami- sible priorities, including strengthening So- defense discretionary programs and critical lies depends on building on the progress cial Security benefits, and demonstrates the entitlement programs. It hurts vital human we’ve made in health coverage, jobs, basic CBC’s commitment to the best interests of needs to significantly boost defense spending living standards, and ensuring that our chil- the American people. and provide massive tax giveaways to dren are well-prepared for productive lives. The CBC budget alternative is the com- wealthy individuals and corporations. But the majority’s proposed budget does not plete opposite of the cruel legislative pro- The CBC budget sets a better course by in- build—it breaks apart our engines of posals contained in the Republican FY18 vesting in public services that all Americans progress. It will make our nation weaker for House Budget Resolution. While the Repub- rely on, preserving and improving the Af- decades to come. The most recent survey data on poverty in lican budget proposes cutting Social Secu- fordable Care Act, cancelling budget seques- the U.S. shows the biggest two-year decline rity benefits and undermining Medicare and tration cuts, investing in infrastructure to since the late 1960’s. Refundable tax credits Medicaid, the CBC Alternative Budget works create jobs and strengthen communities, in- to improve Social Security and, more gen- for working families, SNAP/food stamps and vesting in education from the cradle through erally, our economic security, for all of us, housing subsidies have lifted multi-millions college, targeting investments to eradicate including seniors, people with disabilities, of people out of poverty. The decline in the poverty, improving retirement security, children, and other vulnerable Americans. proportion of our population without health The Congressional Black Caucus clearly strengthening the right to vote and creating insurance continued its decline in 2016, down understands that Social Security is a solu- a fair tax code to meet our nation’s needs. to 8.8 percent. More people are working, and The CBC budget embraces American fami- tion to a number of challenges facing the na- in general, low-and moderate-income house- lies and promotes job growth and economic tion, including our looming retirement in- holds have finally started to make income prosperity. I strongly urge support for the come crisis. Most workers—especially Afri- gains. can-Americans—have seen their wages stag- CBC budget. The budget advanced by the House Budget nate. They need insurance against the loss of Sincerely, Committee would be a dangerous backwards wages in the event of death disability or old SCOTT FREY, plunge, stripping trillions of dollars from age, which Social Security provides, as op- Director of Federal Government Affairs. programs that work to reduce poverty and posed to more retirement income savings, create security and opportunity. Medicaid, which are a far less effective solution. Social SEIU, Medicare, working family tax credits, nutri- Security is the primary retirement income Washington, DC, October 4, 2017. tion assistance, education and housing as- DEAR REPRESENTATIVE: On behalf of the 2 for 72 percent of African-American seniors; sistance: these are just some of the services million members of the Service Employees we must work to protect Social Security the budget would massively cut. The budget International Union (‘‘SEIU’’), I write in benefits from any cuts, and work to expand takes trillions in funding that supports eco- support of the Congressional Black Caucus’s its modest benefits. nomic security and progress and hands it to The recommendation of the CBC Alter- Alternative Budget for Fiscal Year 2018 (‘‘Al- the wealthy and corporations in the form of native Budget to adjust the cost of living ternative Budget’’). The Alternative Budget enormous tax cuts. calculations by using the Consumer Price would make America’s tax system fairer, re- The primary goal of H. Con. Res. 71 is to Index for the Elderly (CPI–E) would be a build the nation’s infrastructure, and invest allow huge tax cuts to be enacted with only great start to strengthening our Social Secu- in our communities and children through a simple majority in the Senate. These tax rity system. The current formula for the So- programs designed to lift millions out of cuts are claimed to be a critical element in cial Security cost-of-living-adjustment poverty. increasing economic growth enough to make (COLA) is slowly eroding the value of Social The House Republican budget (H. Con. Res. the tax cuts deficit neutral. Reputable Security’s already modest benefits. Seniors 71) would cut programs like Medicaid, Medi- economists are skeptical that the proposed and people with disabilities deserve a yearly care, and Social Security in order the fi- tax cuts would boost the economy to the 2.6 raise that keeps pace with their actual costs nance tax giveaways to the wealthy and big percent average growth projected in the of living, which are ever increasing due to corporations. The CBC’s Alternative Budget budget and acknowledge that tax cuts to cor- the cost of pharmaceutical drugs and med- would require the wealthy and corporations porations and the rich deepen the deficit. ical expenses. to pay their fair share, the Alternative Budg- History supports this: the economy grew and Thank you for introducing the CBC budget et would also invest $1 trillion into a robust unemployment declined more during the alternative. The American people deserve a infrastructure program that would accel- Clinton tax increase years than during the budget that fully funds vital programs, and erate the economic recovery and revitalize Bush era tax cuts. And the Kansas experi- not one that makes cuts to pay for tax hand- communities across the nation. ence with tax cuts is cautionary: revenues outs for wealthy Americans. We look forward Furthermore, the Alternative Budget plummeted, with the tax take in 2016 $570 to working with you during the formation of would invest in community-focused pro- million lower than in 2013, even after count- next year’s CBC budget alternative to grams that are designed to lift millions out ing increases enacted in sales and cigarette strengthen the proposal even further. of poverty. These investments include re- taxes. The economic growth that did occur Sincerely, storing funding to the Supplemental Nutri- from cutting taxes was estimated to bring in NANCY J. ALTMAN, tion Assistance Program (SNAP), expanding about $30 million, leaving the state very President. access to affordable housing, increasing ac- deeply in the hole. The state legislature has ALEX LAWSON, cess to affordable and quality education, and recently reversed course, unwilling to slash Executive Director. increasing funding for job training programs. education budgets as much as the revenue Each of these provisions would focus on re- hole would have forced. They saw that they AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, building the middle class and creating an were weakening their state. Congress should COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOY- economy that improves the lives of Amer- not inflict the same dangerous lesson on the EES, AFL–CIO, ican workers. entire nation. Washington, DC, October 4, 2017. The CBC’s Alternative Budget, along with We urge you to reject H. Con. Res. 71 be- Hon. CEDRIC RICHMOND, the Congressional Progressive Caucus’s ‘‘The cause of its central choice: paying for tax Chairman, Congressional Black Caucus, People’s Budget,’’ are better paths forward cuts that overwhelmingly favor the rich and Washington, DC. for America’s working families than H. Con. corporations with cuts to essential services. DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: On behalf of the 1.6 Res. 71. If you have any questions, please Our nation faces major challenges: reducing million members of the American Federation reach out to John Foti. disproportionate poverty among children and of State, County, and Municipal Employees Sincerely, helping children and young adults to ad- (AFSCME), I strongly endorse the alter- JOHN GRAY, vance in education so they can meet the native budget resolution proposed by the Legislative Director. challenges in our economic future, pro- Congressional Black Caucus (CBC). The CBC tecting seniors in their retirement, and re- budget represents the true needs of our na- COALITION ON HUMAN NEEDS, building communities. Both the emergency tion and working families by supporting Washington, DC, October 3, 2017. needs of communities devastated by natural health care needs, basic living standards, nu- DEAR REPRESENTATIVE: On behalf of the disasters and the similarly urgent threats tritional assistance, job training, higher edu- Coalition on Human Needs, I strongly urge from opioids and other epidemics, decaying cation and building better economic oppor- you to vote no on H. Con. Res. 71, the pro- infrastructure and inadequate public health tunities for everyone. posed FY 2018 Budget Resolution, and to vote and consumer protections demand a vigorous The budget decisions made by Congress for the substitute budgets advanced by the federal response. Instead of making these in- each year are vital to ensuring that the Congressional Progressive Caucus, Congres- vestments, the House budget would cripple

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC8.012 E05OCPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E1334 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 5, 2017 the federal capacity to respond by slashing colleagues to support this important legisla- this opportunity now to offer my early best domestic appropriations by 44 percent com- tion. wishes to the people of Taiwan. pared with FY 2010 levels over the next dec- f As my colleagues are aware, Taiwan is a ade and making similarly extreme cuts in close friend, as well as security and trade health care, nutrition, income assistance for COMMEMORATING THE 25TH ANNI- seniors, people with disabilities, and working partner of the United States. Accordingly, the VERSARY OF ST. JOSEPH OF United States has declared its support for Tai- families. In addition to trillions of dollars in MARAMURES ROMANIAN ORTHO- cuts and structural constraints to basic wan’s meaningful participation in international mandatory programs, the budget would fast- DOX CHURCH organizations where its membership is not track $203 billion in cuts to domestic pro- possible. In my home state of Iowa, we are grams over the next ten years through rec- HON. LOU BARLETTA enthusiastic to build on our already strong onciliation rules. Cuts like these would reck- OF PENNSYLVANIA trade ties. In 2016, Iowa’s exports to Taiwan lessly weaken us; they are self-inflicted reached $153.87 million, making Taiwan wounds. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The proposed tax cuts will worsen inequal- Thursday, October 5, 2017 Iowa’s 5th largest export market in Asia. ity and reward businesses that park their in- Iowa and every state in the nation would come offshore. Instead, Congress should in- Mr. BARLETTA. Mr. Speaker, it is my benefit from the signing of a free trade agree- sist that corporations and the rich pay their honor to help commemorate the 25th anniver- ment between Taiwan and the U.S., which fair share. Please vote against weakening sary of St. Joseph of Maramures Romanian would eliminate tariffs on most products and America, and instead protect and expand in- Orthodox Church. St. Joseph’s, the only Ro- increase Taiwanese demand and Iowa ex- vestments as called for in the budgets pro- manian Orthodox Church in Luzerne County, ports. Though a small country with a popu- posed by the Congressional Progressive Cau- has grown from humble beginnings to become lation of 23 million, Taiwan has the potential to cus, Congressional Black Caucus, and the a beacon of faith in our community. House Budget Committee Democrats’ sub- become a strong export market for Iowa and stitute. These three constructive alter- In 1992, a small group of Romanians lo- the U.S. Taiwan is a major importer of U.S. natives deserve your yes vote. cated in Hazleton, Pennsylvania decided to agriculture goods. Other sectors such as Sincerely yours, form a mission. With nothing other than faith Iowa’s strong wind energy sector have poten- DEBORAH WEINSTEIN, and a desire to succeed, their mission became tial for bilateral cooperation as well. Executive Director. a reality. Mr. Speaker, again, I wish the people of f On April 19, 1992, with the blessing of the Taiwan a Happy Double Ten Day. And I take Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America this opportunity to echo the words of Barry INTRODUCTION OF A BILL TO RE- and His Eminence, Archbishop Nathaniel, St. Goldwater when he said, ‘‘I have great affec- MOVE THE STATUE OF CONFED- Joseph’s first Divine Liturgy was officiated by tion for the Chinese people, their culture, their ERATE GENERAL ALBERT PIKE Rev. Fr. Onisie Morar. Over the next year, the skills, and their potential.’’ Mission held its services in various locations, f HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON including Emil and Dorina Horga’s property in OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Hazleton, where the first Resurrection Service RECOGNIZING DANA FERREIRA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES was officiated, as well as St. Michael’s Ortho- Thursday, October 5, 2017 dox Church in Freeland. By the grace of God HON. JEFF DENHAM and the kindness of others, such as Fr. Law- OF CALIFORNIA Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise to intro- rence Baigger, all of the church’s services IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES duce a bill to require the removal of a statue were officiated for its parishioners during this Thursday, October 5, 2017 of Confederate General Albert Pike, which is time. currently located on federal land near Judici- While services were held at St. Michael’s, Mr. DENHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ary Square in the District of Columbia. This the newly formed Mission began to organize recognize and honor the commitment and statue was authorized by Congress in 1898, and strengthen. The Mission Council and La- dedication of my Senior Field Representative, and was paid for by both federal and private dies Auxiliaries Organization were formed and Dana Ferreira. Dana served 15 years as an funds—the Freemasons, of which Pike was a with them, so did the ability to obtain a per- essential member of my team. member, donated the majority of the money sonal place of worship. In 1993, the Mission Dana graduated from Hartnell College in needed to build and install the statue in 1901. Council purchased the United Methodist 1989 with her Associate of Arts in General I oppose tearing down Confederate statues, Church in Hazleton, adopting the name of Studies. After graduating, she became a li- because I believe they should be moved to Palm Sunday Romanian Church. When the censed Insurance Agent for Marini Insurance more appropriate settings, like museums, to mortgage was paid in 1999, the parish Agency. Six years later, she joined my team avoid erasing an important part of history from changed its name to St. Joseph of Maramures while I worked for the California State Senate. which Americans must continue to learn. How- Romanian Orthodox Church. In 2010, I was elected to the U.S. House of ever, Pike was a Confederate general who Since then, through the dedication of its pa- Representatives and she stayed by my side served dishonorably and was forced to resign rishioners, the parish has formed a strong as District Scheduler and later as a Senior in disgrace. Soldiers under his command were community within itself, as well as with others Field Representative. Dana has been an inte- found to have mutilated the bodies of Union in the surrounding areas. With the guidance of gral member of my staff and instrumental in soldiers, and he was ultimately imprisoned Fr. Cristian Preda, the parish has continued to the successes of my district office. after his fellow officers reported that he had preserve the traditions of the Orthodox Chris- Dana has established solid and lasting rela- been misappropriating funds. Adding to the tian faith, touching many lives in our commu- tionships in California’s 10th District as a pillar dishonor of taking up arms against the United nity. in our community. From Mayors to community States, Pike dishonored even his Confederate Mr. Speaker, please join me in recognizing leaders, she has entered the lives of many military service. He certainly has no claim to St. Joseph of Maramures Romanian Orthodox through her professionalism and personality. be memorialized in the nation’s capital. Even Church as it celebrates its 25th anniversary, Since 2003, Dana has been profoundly in- those who do not want Confederate statues and wishing its parishioners all the best in the volved in the Rotary Club, beginning in Sali- removed will have to justify according Pike years to come. nas and then in Modesto. She selflessly volun- any honor considering his history. f teers her time for many organizations and After meeting with the Freemasons, I be- causes and has been recognized for many lieve that the best course of action is to re- A HAPPY DOUBLE TEN DAY TO worthy achievements and accomplishments. move the statue and find a more appropriate THE PEOPLE OF TAIWAN One of Dana’s many preferred pastimes is place for it. The Freemasons themselves have attending concerts; she especially likes seeing said they ‘‘will support an action . . . to re- HON. STEVE KING her favorite band, Tesla. On Saturdays, you move the statue forthwith so that it shall not OF IOWA can catch Dana cheering on the Oklahoma serve as a source of contention or strife for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Sooners football team with her two cats, Milo the residents of our community.’’ The Mayor of and Luca. the District of Columbia and the D.C. Council Thursday, October 5, 2017 Mr. Speaker, please join me in honoring and also support the removal of the statue. Mr. KING of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, Tuesday, commending my good friend, Dana Ferreira, My bill clarifies that no federal funds will be October 10th is Taiwan’s National Day—also for her many years of service, devotion, and used to take the Pike statue down. I urge my known as Double Ten Day. I would like to take outstanding contributions to our community.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05OC8.013 E05OCPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1335 We wish her continued success in her future stitute that helps ‘‘forge a path for those re- stitute. Two years later, the College expanded endeavors. sponsible for economic change in emerging its main campus into downtown Nanticoke by f markets.’’ Since its founding, the William Da- opening the Joseph A. Paglianite Culinary In- vidson Institute has cultivated a repository of stitute. The following year, it opened the U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS DISASTER methods and resources for creating a market Francis S. and Mary Gill Carroza, R.N. Health RELIEF economy that is unmatched in its breadth and Sciences Center. depth. From economic education to increased Currently, the Luzerne County Community HON. BARBARA LEE access to healthcare, WDI works with coun- College offers 82 occupational programs, 24 OF CALIFORNIA tries and world leaders to analyze specific liberal arts and transfer programs, and 10 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES areas of need and to institute change. credit-free career training programs. As of The Institute’s main initiatives include edu- Thursday, October 5, 2017 today, the College boasts more than 32,000 cation, financial sector development, health degree-holding alumni. Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to urge this care, performance measurement and scaling Mr. Speaker, it is my pleasure to recognize body to send urgent aid to the U.S. Virgin Is- impact. Staff at the William Davidson Institute Luzerne County Community College as it cele- lands, Puerto Rico, and all of our Caribbean work alongside businesses, government agen- brates its 50th anniversary. On behalf of a neighbors in its federal response to this year’s cies and other academic institutions to imple- grateful community, I wish to thank the Col- devastating hurricane season. ment initiative-based programs and economic lege, its faculty, and its staff for their tireless Hurricanes Harvey, Jose, Irma and now change. Programs run by the Institute include: service to the community and unwavering Maria have ravaged our southern border, the operating a community college initiative in Jor- commitment to accessible education. U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and our dan that fosters business skills and vocational f friends and neighbors in the Caribbean. coursework, assessing equipment needed for Sadly, the pace of federal response in the a new hotel in Ethiopia, instituting wireless CONCURRENT RESOLUTION ON Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico has been much telecommunication service in rural commu- THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR too slow. nities in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, 2018 Nearly three weeks after Hurricane Irma, a and upgrading the University of Liberia’s ac- category 5 hurricane, decimated the Virgin Is- counting program to meet international edu- SPEECH OF lands, residents are still having trouble receiv- cation standards. The institute also serves as ing appropriate aid and commodities. HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE a partner to other international programs, in- OF TEXAS Now, nearly two weeks after another cat- cluding Goldman Sachs’ 10,000 Women Pro- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES egory 5 storm tore through St. Croix, the U.S. gram that helps underprivileged women in Virgin Islands’ three main islands have lost its Rwanda grow their self-owned small busi- Wednesday, October 4, 2017 economy, its physical infrastructure and nesses. Over the past 25 years, the William The House in Committee of the Whole scores of its people. Davidson Institute has been a global leader in House on the state of the Union had under Insufficient quantities of food and supplies, international economic development and social consideration the concurrent resolution (H. lack of power, extremely long fuel lines, and freedom. I know this Institute will continue to Con. Res. 71) establishing the congressional lack of communication and cell phone cov- effect meaningful change in countries across budget for the United States Government for erage have left the Virgin Islands utterly deci- the world. fiscal year 2018 and setting forth the appro- mated. priate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2019 Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me through 2027: The Virgin Islands are in a humanitarian cri- in honoring the William Davidson Institute on sis, Mr. Speaker. No American citizen should its 25th anniversary. The Institute has been in- Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Chair, I rise in be forced to endure these conditions, espe- strumental in growing economies and empow- strong support of the Democratic Amendment cially not with the level of resources at the dis- ering business leaders internationally. in the Nature of a Substitute to H. Con. Res. 27, the House Republicans’ Congressional posal of our federal government. f My heart breaks for these families. I urge Budget Resolution for Fiscal Year 2018. my colleagues and the Trump Administration COMMEMORATING THE 50TH ANNI- Mr. Chair, House Republican budgeteers to fund all necessary resources not only to ad- VERSARY OF LUZERNE COUNTY have a very poor track record when it comes dress the urgent humanitarian crisis but also COMMUNITY COLLEGE to economic forecasts and projections. the sustained commitment support funding For years, they have based their entire leg- necessary to help rebuild and restore infra- HON. LOU BARLETTA islative agenda and strategy on their belief structure necessary for their economy and OF PENNSYLVANIA that the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare people to move forward. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES would be a failure. f The wish was father to the thought and they Thursday, October 5, 2017 were wrong. IN CELEBRATION OF 25 YEARS OF Mr. BARLETTA. Mr. Speaker, it is my Because of Obamacare more than 20 mil- THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN’S honor to help commemorate the 50th anniver- lion Americans now know the peace of mind WILLIAM DAVIDSON INSTITUTE sary of Luzerne County Community College. that comes from affordable, quality health in- The College was founded in 1967 with just surance that is there when you need it. HON. DEBBIE DINGELL two buildings in Wilkes-Barre and 836 stu- House Republicans oppose increasing the OF MICHIGAN dents, and has since become the largest col- minimum wage, claiming that it costs jobs. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lege in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Wrong again. As a student-centered learning institution, Every increase in the minimum wage has Thursday, October 5, 2017 Luzerne County Community College gives stu- been accompanied by an expanding economy, Mrs. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to dents the tools they need to meet the world’s especially during the Clinton Administration. celebrate 25 years of the University of Michi- most daunting challenges through practical ac- House Republicans opposing comprehen- gan’s William Davidson Institute (WDI). The cess to real-world skills, classroom diversity sive immigration reform claim that it will lead Institute has helped shape businesses and so- that embodies the human experience, and to lower incomes and lost jobs. cial welfare through its distinguished inter- quality teacher-student contact. Wrong again. national service and education. Seven years after its founding, the College Studies conducted by groups as far apart as In 1992, Guardian Industries, an inter- moved to a permanent 122-acre campus in the Chamber of Commerce and the AFL–CIO national manufacturer of glass products, deter- Nanticoke, which provided the necessary consistently show that comprehensive immi- mined the importance of establishing an edu- space to handle the increasing student popu- gration reform will grow the Gross Domestic cational institute to contribute to the economic lation. Since 1974, the College has continued Product by $1.5 trillion over 10 years. transformation that was occurring throughout to expand its offerings to underserved areas Given this sorry track record of economic the world as new market economies began to throughout Northeastern Pennsylvania. It forecasting, it is mind-boggling that anyone develop in previously socialist countries. They opened up sites in Hazleton, Berwick, could support another Republican budget that named it in honor of then Guardian Industries Shamokin, Kulpmont, and downtown Wilkes- favors the wealthy over middle class families Chairman, President and CEO, William David- Barre. In 2008, Luzerne County Community and those struggling to enter or remain in the son. Mr. Davidson envisioned a world class in- College opened its Public Safety Training In- middle class.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05OC8.017 E05OCPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E1336 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 5, 2017 The Democratic Budget ANS represents a 4. Previous analyses showed that this type nancial document; it is an expression of the much better way forward to the economic of plan would cut future spending by $5,900 nation’s most cherished values. prosperity and security that Americans want per senior, forcing them to spend more out of As the late and great former senator and and demand because it: pocket and diminishing their access to quality Vice-President Hubert Humphrey said: 1. Creates good-paying jobs by investing in care. ‘‘The moral test of government is how that cutting-edge research and innovation, edu- 5. Additionally, private insurance plans will government treats those who are in the dawn cation, and infrastructure—highways, aggressively pursue the healthiest, least ex- of life, the children; those who are in the twi- broadband, school construction, and more. pensive enrollees, thereby allowing Medi- light of life, the elderly; and those who are in 2. Increases educational opportunities by care—currently the lifeline for 3,187,332 Texas shadows of life, the sick, the needy, and the enhancing the Pell Grant program and funds seniors—to wither on the vine. handicapped.’’ career, technical, and adult education, and 6. If the Republican budget resolution is It is for this reason that in evaluating the supports initiatives to help borrowers manage adopted by Congress, 206,304 Texas seniors merits of a budget resolution, it is not enough their student debt. would pay more for prescription drugs next to subject it only to the test of fiscal responsi- 3. Supports American workers and families year. bility. through responsible tax reform that creates 7. The Republican plan would re-open the To keep faith with the nation’s past, to be jobs, boosts economic growth, and ensures donut hole, forcing seniors to pay the full cost fair to the nation’s present, and to safeguard that the wealthy and big corporations pay their of their prescription drugs if their yearly drug the nation’s future, the budget must also pass fair share. expenses are more than $2,970 for the year. a moral test. 4. Promotes economic growth, expanded 8. Seniors reaching the prescription drug Unlike the Republican budget, the Demo- opportunity, and better quality of life by sup- donut hole would pay an average of $828 cratic Budget ANS passes both of these tests porting a raise in the minimum wage, equal more in prescription drug costs in 2018 and with flying colors. pay for equal work, immigration reform, con- approximately $13,000 more from now through The Republican budget calls to mind what sumer safeguards, childcare, job training, and 2027. Talleyrand said of the restored Bourbon dy- paid leave. 9. Under the Republican budget, the nasty after the abdication of Napoleon: 5. Protects a basic standard of living by 2,445,462 Texas seniors who utilized free pre- ‘‘They had learned nothing and forgotten funding for programs that ensure families can ventive services currently covered by Medi- nothing.’’ Like the discredited Ryan Budgets of years access nutrition assistance, find and afford care in 2017 will face increased costs in the past, this repackaged and warmed over quality housing in their neighborhood, heat form of higher deductibles, co-insurance, and TrumpRepublican Budget seems to know the and cool their homes when extreme tempera- copayments for certain services, including cost of everything but the value of nothing. tures hit, and supports strengthening and ex- even cancer screenings and annual wellness visits. For these compelling reasons, I stand in panding the Earned Income Tax Credit and in- strong opposition to the Republican budget creased resources for Temporary Assistance 10. The Republican budget would slash $33 billion in nursing home care and other health and urge my colleagues to join me in sup- for Needy Families. porting a much better deal for the American 6. Defends and strengthens the Affordable care services for 754,500 Texas seniors and people, the Democratic Budget ANS. Care Act and protects Medicare by rejecting disabled persons who currently rely on Med- both Trumpcare and any plan to turn Medicare icaid for their long-term care needs. f into a voucher-like system that would increase 11. The draconian cuts included in the Re- INTRODUCTION OF THE CYBER costs for seniors. publican budget would have a devastating im- BREACH NOTIFICATION ACT 7. Rejects the Republican budget’s 19 per- pact on the 1,191 certified nursing homes in cent cut to diplomacy and foreign aid oper- Texas that serve nearly 100,000 seniors, with HON. J. LUIS CORREA ations and invests instead in all aspects of na- more than half relying on Medicaid as their pri- mary payer. As a result, nursing homes would OF CALIFORNIA tional security, including our military and diplo- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES matic corps, foreign aid, homeland security, be forced to slash services, turn away seniors, Thursday, October 5, 2017 veterans, and law enforcement. or close their doors. The Democratic Budget ANS works FOR Mr. Chair, the Republican budget may be Mr. CORREA. Mr. Speaker, the data breach American families by giving them the tools to characterized in many ways—cruel, irrespon- at Equifax, one of three major American cred- buy a home, send their kids to college and sible, short-sighted, reckless—but ‘‘fair and it-reporting companies in the United States, enjoy a secure retirement. balanced’’ is not one of them. exposed the personal and financial information Mr. Chair, the Democratic Budget rep- In contrast, the alternative budget proposed of up to 143 million Americans. The data resents a better way. by the Democratic Caucus is worthy of sup- breach gave hackers access to Americans’ We Democrats understand that we are all in port because it fairly balances the need for in- highly sensitive personal and financial informa- this together and that our current economic creased revenues and responsible reductions tion, including Social Security numbers, birth situation calls for a balanced approach be- in expenditures with the imperative of making dates, home addresses, driver’s license num- tween increased revenues and responsible re- the necessary investments in human capital bers, credit card numbers, and credit dispute duction in expenditures. required to move our country forward. claims. Our plan will protect and strengthen our re- The Democratic Budget ANS will generate The data breach occurred in May 2017, covering economy, reduce the deficit in a re- at least a million more jobs this year com- and, the agency became aware of the breach sponsible way, while continuing to invest in pared to the Republicans’ austerity first plan on July 29, 2017, but did not report it to the the things that make our country strong like by making the investments needed to create public until 40 days later. The delay in dis- education, health care, innovation, and clean jobs, strengthen the middle class, create closing the breach is concerning because al- energy. greater upward mobility, and ensure oppor- most half of all Americans’ sensitive informa- Mr. Chair, this Republican budget is bad for tunity for our children and future generations. tion could be in the hands of cyber criminals, America but it is disastrous for the people Mr. Chair, Democratic alternative budget who are willing and ready to use that informa- from my home state of Texas who sent me maintains our commitment to Medicare, Med- tion for identity fraud and other crimes. here to advocate for their interests. icaid, and Social Security; expands the EITC Cyber breaches like this one present a risk Let me highlight a few examples. for childless workers; and provides ample to privacy and individuals’ personal financial 1. If the Republican budget resolution were funding for early childhood education. welfare. In 2002, I helped pass California’s to become the basis of federal fiscal policy, Especially important to my constituents, and data breach law requiring businesses and gov- 3,435,336 Texas seniors would be forced out those of my colleagues representing Lou- ernment agencies to notify residents of data of traditional Medicare and into a voucher pro- isiana, Texas, Florida, the U.S. Virgin Islands, breaches. This notification law was instru- gram. and Puerto Rico, is that the Democratic Budg- mental in ensuring the public was informed 2. Under the Republican plan to end Medi- et ANS includes the funds approved by Con- and could mitigate harm. It is imperative that care as we know it, Texas seniors will receive gress as a down payment for assistance in re- breaches are reported in a timely manner for a voucher instead of guaranteed benefits sponse to Hurricane Harvey and supports fur- individuals to begin taking the appropriate under traditional Medicare. ther emergency funding related to Hurricanes steps in protecting their identities and financial 3. For the 3,435,336 Texans aged 45–54, Harvey, Irma, and Maria, along with other nat- information. the value of their vouchers would be capped ural disasters. That is why, today, I am introducing the at growth levels that are lower than the pro- It is said often, Mr. Chair, but is no less Cyber Breach Notification Act to establish fed- jected increases in health care costs. true, that the federal budget is more than a fi- eral standards modeled after California’s data

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05OC8.021 E05OCPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1337 notification law and HIPAA’s data notification dient time possible and without unreasonable from creating more robust laws. This will en- provisions, which is currently in place to notify delay.’’ Additionally, this legislation establishes sure that millions of Americans are given prop- individuals of data breaches. This legislation a federal standard for data breach notification er and timely notice after a data breach to will require businesses to notify individuals af- laws, but does not preempt current state begin to mitigate harm. fected by data breaches ‘‘in the most expe- breach notification laws or preclude states

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05OC8.023 E05OCPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS Thursday, October 5, 2017 Daily Digest Senate Hizballah International Financing Prevention Chamber Action Amendments Act: Committee on Banking, Housing, Routine Proceedings, pages S6327–S6376 and Urban Affairs was discharged from further con- Measures Introduced: Thirty-seven bills and six sideration of S. 1595, to amend the Hizballah Inter- resolutions were introduced, as follows: S. national Financing Prevention Act of 2015 to im- pose additional sanctions with respect to Hizballah, 1921–1957, and S. Res. 285–290. Pages S6358–60 and the bill was then passed, after agreeing to the Measures Reported: following amendment proposed thereto: Page S6375 S. 34, to amend chapter 8 of title 5, United States McConnell (for Rubio) Amendment No. 1110, in Code, to provide for the en bloc consideration in res- the nature of a substitute. Page S6375 olutions of disapproval for ‘‘midnight rules’’. (S. National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day: Senate Rept. No. 115–164) agreed to S. Res. 287, designating October 8, 2017, S. 906, to amend the Homeland Security Act of as ‘‘National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day’’. 2002 to provide for congressional notification re- Page S6375 garding major acquisition program breaches, with an amendment. (S. Rept. No. 115–165) National Community Policing Week: Senate agreed to S. Res. 288, designating the week of Octo- S. 938, to require notice of cost-free Federal pro- ber 1 through 7, 2017, as ‘‘National Community curement technical assistance in connection with reg- Policing Week’’. Page S6375 istration of small business concerns in procurement systems. (S. Rept. No. 115–166) National Wildlife Refuge Week: Senate agreed to H.R. 1293, to amend title 5, United States Code, S. Res. 289, designating the week beginning Octo- to require that the Office of Personnel Management ber 8, 2017, as ‘‘National Wildlife Refuge Week’’. submit an annual report to Congress relating to the Page S6375 use of official time by Federal employees. (S. Rept. Energy Efficiency Day: Senate agreed to S. Res. No. 115–167) 290, designating October 5, 2017, as ‘‘Energy Effi- S. 1514, to amend certain Acts to reauthorize ciency Day’’ in celebration of the economic and envi- those Acts and to increase protections for wildlife, ronmental benefits that have been driven by private with an amendment in the nature of a substitute. (S. sector innovation and Federal energy efficiency poli- Rept. No. 115–168) Page S6358 cies put in place over the past 4 decades. Page S6375 Measures Passed: Authority for Committees—Agreement: A unani- mous-consent agreement was reached providing that Water Infrastructure Flexibility Act: Senate notwithstanding the Senate’s adjournment, commit- passed S. 692, to provide for integrated plan per- tees be authorized to report legislative and executive mits, to establish an Office of the Municipal Om- matters on Friday, October 13, 2017, from 9 a.m. budsman, to promote green infrastructure, and to re- until 11 a.m. Page S6375 quire the revision of financial capability guidance, Pro Forma Sessions—Agreement: A unanimous- after agreeing to the committee amendment in the consent agreement was reached providing that the nature of a substitute. Pages S6373–74 Senate adjourn, to then convene for pro forma ses- Department of Homeland Security Blue Cam- sions only, with no business being conducted on the paign Authorization Act: Senate passed S. 1103, to following dates and times, and that following each amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to re- pro forma session, the Senate adjourn until the next quire the Secretary of Homeland Security to issue pro forma session: Friday, October 6, 2017 at 10:30 Department-wide guidance and to develop training a.m.; Tuesday, October 10, 2017 at 9:15 a.m.; Fri- programs as part of the Department of Homeland day, October 13, 2017 at 8:30 a.m.; and that when Security Blue Campaign. Pages S6374–75 the Senate adjourns on Friday, October 13, 2017, it D1057

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:48 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D05OC7.REC D05OCPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with DIGEST D1058 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST October 5, 2017 next convene at 4 p.m., on Monday, October 16, Christopher Smith, of New Jersey, to be Rep- 2017. Page S6375 resentative of the United States of America to the Gingrich Nomination—Agreement: Senate re- Seventy-second Session of the General Assembly of sumed consideration of the nomination of Callista L. the United Nations. Gingrich, of Virginia, to be Ambassador to the Holy J. Steven Dowd, of Florida, to be United States See, Department of State. Pages S6332–46 Director of the African Development Bank for a During consideration of this nomination today, term of five years. Page S6348 Senate also took the following action: Timothy Gallaudet, of California, to be Assistant By 75 yeas to 20 nays (Vote No. 216), Senate Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere. agreed to the motion to close further debate on the Howard R. Elliott, of Indiana, to be Adminis- trator of the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety nomination. Pages S6339–40 A unanimous-consent agreement was reached pro- Administration, Department of Transportation. viding that Senate resume consideration of the nomi- Walter G. Copan, of Colorado, to be Under Sec- nation, post-cloture, at approximately 4 p.m., on retary of Commerce for Standards and Technology. Monday, October 16, 2017, with the time until Pages S6348–49 5:30 p.m. equally divided between the two Leaders Bruce J. Walker, of New York, to be an Assistant Secretary of Energy (Electricity Delivery and Energy or their designees. Page S6375 Reliability). Page S6349 Trachtenberg Nomination—Agreement: A unani- mous-consent-time agreement was reached providing Nominations Received: Senate received the fol- that following Leader remarks on Tuesday, October lowing nominations: 17, 2017, Senate begin consideration of the nomina- R. D. James, of Missouri, to be an Assistant Sec- tion of David Joel Trachtenberg, of Virginia, to be retary of the Army. a Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, and Bruce D. Jette, of Virginia, to be an Assistant that there be 10 minutes of debate on the nomina- Secretary of the Army. tion, equally divided in the usual form, and that fol- Shon J. Manasco, of Texas, to be an Assistant Sec- lowing the use or yielding back of time, Senate vote retary of the Air Force. on confirmation of the nomination, with no inter- David J. Ryder, of New Jersey, to be Director of the Mint for a term of five years. vening action or debate. Page S6348 Leon A. Westmoreland, of Georgia, to be a Direc- Nominations Confirmed: Senate confirmed the fol- tor of the Amtrak Board of Directors for a term of lowing nominations: five years. By 65 yeas to 32 nays (Vote No. EX. 213), Andrew Wheeler, of Virginia, to be Deputy Ad- Randal Quarles, of Colorado, to be a Member of the ministrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Lisa A. Johnson, of Washington, to be Ambas- for the unexpired term of fourteen years from Feb- sador to the Republic of Namibia. ruary 1, 2004. Pages S6328–31 Kate S. O’Scannlain, of Maryland, to be Solicitor Randal Quarles, of Colorado, to be Vice Chairman for the Department of Labor. for Supervision of the Board of Governors of the Mitchell Zais, of South Carolina, to be Deputy Federal Reserve System for a term of four years. Secretary of Education. Pages S6331, S6375 Frank M. Coffman, of Oklahoma, to be United By 54 yeas to 43 nays (Vote No. EX. 215), Lee States Marshal for the Eastern District of Oklahoma Francis Cissna, of Maryland, to be Director of for the term of four years. United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, Kurt D. Engelhardt, of Louisiana, to be United Department of Homeland Security. States Circuit Judge for the Fifth Circuit. Pages S6331–32, S6375 Thomas M. Griffin, Jr., of South Carolina, to be During consideration of this nomination today, United States Marshal for the District of South Caro- Senate also took the following action: lina for the term of four years. By 54 yeas to 43 nays (Vote No. 214), Senate Mark S. James, of Missouri, to be United States agreed to the motion to close further debate on the Marshal for the Western District of Missouri for the nomination. Pages S6331–32 term of four years. Stephen B. King, of Wisconsin, to be Ambassador Johnny Lee Kuhlman, of Oklahoma, to be United to the Czech Republic. States Marshal for the Western District of Oklahoma Barbara Lee, of California, to be Representative of for the term of four years. the United States of America to the Seventy-second Daniel C. Mosteller, of South Dakota, to be Session of the General Assembly of the United Na- United States Marshal for the District of South Da- tions. kota for the term of four years.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:48 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D05OC7.REC D05OCPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with DIGEST October 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D1059 Gary G. Schofield, of Nevada, to be United States resentative (Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and In- Marshal for the District of Nevada for the term of dustrial Competitiveness), Department of State, four years. Page S6375 Gregory Doud, of Kansas, to be Chief Agricultural Messages from the House: Page S6358 Negotiator, Office of the United States Trade Rep- resentative, and Jason Kearns, of Colorado, to be a Executive Reports of Committees: Page S6358 Member of the United States International Trade Additional Cosponsors: Pages S6360–61 Commission, after the nominees testified and an- Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions: swered questions in their own behalf. Pages S6361–69 BUSINESS MEETING Additional Statements: Pages S6354–58 Committee on Foreign Relations: Committee ordered fa- Amendments Submitted: Pages S6369–72 vorably reported the following business items: Authorities for Committees to Meet: S. 832, to enhance the transparency and accelerate Pages S6372–73 the impact of programs under the African Growth and Opportunity Act and the Millennium Challenge Record Votes: Four record votes were taken today. Corporation, with an amendment in the nature of a (Total—216) Pages S6331, S6332, S6340 substitute; Adjournment: Senate convened at 9:30 a.m. and S. Res. 245, calling on the Government of Iran to adjourned at 5:51 p.m., until 10:30 a.m. on Friday, release unjustly detained United States citizens and October 6, 2017. (For Senate’s program, see the re- legal permanent resident aliens; and marks of the Majority Leader in today’s Record on S. Res. 211, condemning the violence and perse- page S6375.) cution in Chechnya, with amendments. Committee Meetings NOMINATIONS Committee on Foreign Relations: Committee concluded (Committees not listed did not meet) a hearing to examine the nominations of Carla Sands, of California, to be Ambassador to the Kingdom of NOMINATIONS Denmark, and W. Robert Kohorst, of California, to Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry: Com- be Ambassador to the Republic of Croatia, both of mittee concluded a hearing to examine the nomina- the Department of State, after the nominees testified tions of Gregory Ibach, of Nebraska, to be Under and answered questions in their own behalf. Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs, who was introduced by Senators Fischer and Sasse, FEDERAL RESPONSE TO THE OPIOID CRISIS and William Northey, of Iowa, to be Under Sec- Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions: retary for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services, Committee concluded a hearing to examine the Fed- who was introduced by Senator Grassley, both of the eral response to the opioid crisis, after receiving tes- Department of Agriculture, after the nominees testi- timony from Elinore McCance-Katz, Assistant Sec- fied and answered questions in their own behalf. retary for Mental Health and Substance Use, Sub- BUSINESS MEETING stance Abuse and Mental Health Services Adminis- tration, Deborah Houry, Director, National Center Committee on the Budget: Committee ordered favorably for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Dis- reported the original concurrent resolution on the ease Control and Prevention, Francis Collins, Direc- budget for fiscal year 2018. tor, National Institutes of Health, and Scott Gott- NOMINATION lieb, Commissioner, Food and Drug Administration, Committee on Environment and Public Works: Com- all of the Department of Health and Human Serv- mittee concluded a hearing to examine the nomina- ices. tion of Paul Trombino III, of Wisconsin, to be Ad- BUSINESS MEETING ministrator of the Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation, after the nominee, Committee on the Judiciary: Committee ordered favor- who was introduced by Senator Ernst, testified and ably reported the nominations of Amy Coney Bar- answered questions in his own behalf. rett, of Indiana, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Seventh Circuit, Joan Louise Larsen, of NOMINATIONS Michigan, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Committee on Finance: Committee concluded a hearing Sixth Circuit, William L. Campbell, Jr., to be to examine the nominations of Jeffrey Gerrish, of United States District Judge for the Middle District Maryland, to be a Deputy United States Trade Rep- of Tennessee, Thomas Lee Robinson Parker, to be

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:48 Oct 06, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D05OC7.REC D05OCPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with DIGEST D1060 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST October 5, 2017 United States District Judge for the Western Dis- Attorney for the District of Alaska, all of the De- trict of Tennessee, Eric S. Dreiband, of Maryland, to partment of Justice. be an Assistant Attorney General, Robert M. Dun- can, Jr., to be United States Attorney for the Eastern INTELLIGENCE District of Kentucky for the term of four years, Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee held closed Charles E. Peeler, to be United States Attorney for hearings on intelligence matters, receiving testimony the Middle District of Georgia for the term of four from officials of the intelligence community. years, and Bryan D. Schroder, to be United States Committee recessed subject to the call. h House of Representatives form and disaster response funding to help Ameri- Chamber Action cans rebuild after the recent hurricanes (by a re- Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced: 26 corded vote of 156 ayes to 268 noes, Roll No. 556). public bills, H.R. 3963–3988; and 3 resolutions, Pages H7863–79 H. Res. were introduced. Pages H7886–88 H. Res. 553, the rule providing for consideration Additional Cosponsors: Pages H7888–89 of the concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 71) was Report Filed: A report was filed today as follows: agreed to yesterday, October 4th. H.R. 2989, to establish the Frederick Douglass Meeting Hour: Agreed by unanimous consent that Bicentennial Commission, with an amendment (H. when the House adjourns today, it adjourn to meet Rept. 115–340). Page H7886 at 10:30 a.m. tomorrow, October 6th and further, Guest Chaplain: The prayer was offered by the when the House adjourns on that day, it adjourn to Guest Chaplain, Rev. Timothy Kesicki, Jesuit Con- meet at 12 noon on Tuesday, October 10th for ference, Washington, DC. Page H7845 Morning Hour debate. Page H7883 Journal: The House agreed to the Speaker’s approval Senate Message: Message received from the Senate of the Journal by voice vote. Pages H7845, H7882 today appears on page H7873. Establishing the congressional budget for the Quorum Calls—Votes: One yea-and-nay vote and United States Government for fiscal year 2018 two recorded votes developed during the proceedings and setting forth the appropriate budgetary lev- of today and appear on pages H7862–63, H7879, els for fiscal years 2019 through 2027: The House H7881–82. There were no quorum calls. agreed to H. Con. Res. 71, establishing the congres- sional budget for the United States Government for Adjournment: The House met at 9 a.m. and ad- fiscal year 2018 and setting forth the appropriate journed at 12:23 p.m. budgetary levels for fiscal years 2019 through 2027, by a yea-and-nay vote of 219 yeas to 206 nays, Roll No. 557. Consideration began yesterday, October Committee Meetings 4th. Pages H7846–82 Rejected: POWERING AMERICA: CONSUMER- McClintock amendment in the nature of a sub- ORIENTED PERSPECTIVES ON IMPROVING stitute (No. 3 printed in H. Rept. 115–339) that THE NATION’S ELECTRICITY MARKETS sought to balance the budget while bringing sol- Committee on Energy and Commerce: Subcommittee on vency to Social Security, Medicare, and the Federal Energy held a hearing entitled ‘‘Powering America: Government, reforming the tax code, and providing Consumer-Oriented Perspectives on Improving the for national security (by a recorded vote of 139 ayes Nation’s Electricity Markets’’. Testimony was heard to 281 noes, Roll No. 555); and Pages H7846–63 from public witnesses. Yarmuth amendment in the nature of a substitute (No. 4 printed in H. Rept. 115–339) that sought to EXAMINING THE EQUIFAX DATA BREACH focus on fostering growth, creating jobs, and build- ing the economy; protect health care for the middle Committee on Financial Services: Full Committee held class and struggling families and ensure national se- a hearing entitled ‘‘Examining the Equifax Data curity; and support comprehensive immigration re- Breach’’. Testimony was heard from a public witness.

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THE ROHINGYA CRISIS: U.S. RESPONSE TO ‘‘High-Tech Agriculture: Small Firms on the Fron- THE TRAGEDY IN BURMA tier of Agribusiness’’. Testimony was heard from Committee on Foreign Affairs: Full Committee held a public witnesses. hearing entitled ‘‘The Rohingya Crisis: U.S. Re- sponse to the Tragedy in Burma’’. Testimony was heard from W. Patrick Murphy, Deputy Assistant Joint Meetings Secretary for Southeast Asia, Bureau of East Asian No joint committee meetings were held. and Pacific Affairs, Department of State; Mark C. f Storella, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Popu- lation, Refugees, and Migration, Department of COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR FRIDAY, State; and V. Kate Somvongsiri, Acting Deputy As- OCTOBER 6, 2017 sistant Administrator, Bureau for Democracy, Con- (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) flict, and Humanitarian Assistance, U.S. Agency for International Development. Senate HIGH-TECH AGRICULTURE: SMALL FIRMS No meetings/hearings scheduled. ON THE FRONTIER OF AGRIBUSINESS Committee on Small Business: Subcommittee on Agri- House culture, Energy, and Trade held a hearing entitled No hearings are scheduled.

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Next Meeting of the SENATE Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 10:30 a.m., Friday, October 6 10:30 a.m., Friday, October 6

Senate Chamber House Chamber Program for Friday: Senate will meet in a pro forma Program for Friday: House will meet in Pro Forma ses- session. sion at 10:30 a.m.

Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue

HOUSE Correa, J. Luis, Calif., E1336 King, Steve, Iowa, E1334 DeFazio, Peter A., Ore., E1332 Lee, Barbara, Calif., E1335 Barletta, Lou, Pa., E1334, E1335 Denham, Jeff, Calif., E1334 Norton, Eleanor Holmes, The District of Columbia, Bishop, Sanford D., Jr., Ga, E1329, E1332 Dingell, Debbie, Mich., E1335 E1334 Blumenauer, Earl, Ore., E1331 Duncan, Jeff, Ill., E1332 Panetta, Jimmy, Calif., E1329, E1330 Calvert, Ken, Calif., E1331 Eshoo, Anna G., Calif., E1330 Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana, Fla., E1331 Cartwright, Matt, Pa., E1329 Jackson Lee, Sheila, Tex., E1335 Rosen, Jacky, Nev., E1332 Coffman, Mike, Colo., E1331 Johnson, Mike, La., E1332 Scott, Robert C. ‘‘Bobby’’, Va., E1332

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