Rhode Island Jewish Chanukah Greetings HERALD Pages 10 & 11 The Only English-Jewish Weekly in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts

VOLUME LXI V, NUMBER 4 T E VET 2, 5754 / THU RSD AY, D ECEMBER 16, 1993 35, PER COPY Ray Eichenbaum, My Friend b y Mike Fink Ray came to Hope H igh our dining room, whereChanu­ Herald Contributing Reporter School o nly a few semesters be­ kah menorahs line the window­ I met Ray Eichenbaum fo re me. He wrote for the /ewislt sill, reflecting rows of candle through the pages of the Jewish Herald, a story about his friend fla mes against the black double Herald. I had written a Jetter Ben Bomba, the first survivor I panes. Ray's rose stood in the about putting up a stone in the had met, who sat beside me in center of the table, like his heart cemetery to the memory of the junior high. I had tra nslated for or soul quietly taking leave, and six million, a small haven for him. But now, Ray alone linked a lso taking root in our lives. birds and flowers where you Ray once stood in our sum­ could dwell on the mystery of mer garden and spoke of the life and rebirth. Ray rebutted Ray's rose stood in rich flowers of Jewish Poland the idea in print, a dozen years that is no more. He came out of ago. the center of the table, it li ke an Elijah among us. He and his friend Lenka Rose like his heart or soul Now he brings the story of proposed a "living monument" his life of good deeds and lov­ fashioned of words in schools, quietly taking leave, ing sons, wife and neighbors not stone and soil. Ray drew me and also taking into the world of his brother, his over to their side - but in an root in our lives. sister.and his parents, whom he interview I filmed about the I-Jo. rejoins. locausl survivors, Ray said, " I Ray used to sometimes bring want to be buried with those me to a generation we shared. his columns to my house to who died in the mass graves. I He brought its realities, its trag­ !,'tand-deliveronMondays.Once want my number, not just my edy. I supplied the period mov­ in a while I might cross out a name, on my stone." ies of the era we watched in my word or change a comma. Ray said lo his son Cary, classrooms, like, "The Roy With "Writeeverything l\'Vicc," I said. "Some of us are born with a Green Hair." Ray spoke to my But Ray worked at night, typed purpose. Yours and mine, our students about his past, in the in capitals, got his message out purpose is to remember the trag­ museum garden, in the R.I.S.D. and across. I added, "You like edy, but for good, not for evil." auditoriums, in the studios. Al­ people too much. You'll get Ray had a calling, to teach, to ways about how precious life is, hurt." heal, and lo gather his adopted and how you learn that in the Ray wanted to work a community together into a presence of the aura of death. miracle, to make good come out larger family. I read a part for Ray's play of evil. He took the task upon We made friends, as buddies about Bronia, on the back porch himself. Did I let him down? I ELDER STATESMAN OF THE JEWIS H COM MUNITY - Ray and as households. We shared of his East Side house, just across will recall the hugs, the laughs, Eichenbaum passed away unexpectedly Tuesd ay morning in lunch here and thereabout town. from the Hebrew Day School thesenseofprivilegeand honor, Providence. The Holocaust survivor will be d eeply missed by all Ray and his wife Alice would and the J.C.C. That was a few which he bequeaths me. I once at the Jewish Herald and in the community. See page 3 for his stop by our deck in Narragan­ seasons ago. It was my wife who asked Ray, "What did you bring, final column. sett, our succah, our parlor on narrated the production this past what object, out o f your past?" New Year's, and they brought a Su nday. He sent each member He said, "My belt." In Jewish blessing with them, a sense of of the cast a si ngle red rose. lore, the sash tells us that we the honor a nd privi lege of our After we heard the sad report have a higher self. Ray reminds Local Hero Rina Wolfgang alliance and affection. of Ray's passing, we went into me o f that. Saves Christmas Tree by Alison Smith ish chaplain a t the university Herald Co-Editor fo r seven years now. She loves It was in all the papers - her work. After achievi ng a how Rina Sky Wolfgang, Jew- double master's from Colum­ ish chaplai n al the University of bia,and a master's from thejew­ Rhode Island, saved the Rev. ish Theological Seminary in Norma n M. Macleod's Christ- NewYork,sheelected to go into mas tree from tree ------• cducationinsteadof rustlers.on thenighl pursuing a rabbini- of Dec. 6. "We can learn to cal career. But still, yo~~~s sal;i l:~rl~; respect each the~~r~/1~~::1:s~ suspiciously in the other's practices week when Wolf­ vicinity of Rev. and way of life, gang was s,iv1ng ~:;~~~,d~~ ~~a~:~ so that we can ~~~:;~~~;,s;~~~~~! adornmenl,anewly- co-exist in the object of a vio· ;~~::rr~:Cs~l~~~~~ this society." ~~;~1~r :~:i~:::;~~ lo Rev. M.icLeodand Ri11a Wolfga 11g, ,1rticlc she had writ- gave him all the in- U.R.I. /t'U.1isll Chap/a,11 ten on Nov. 12 for formation ncccss.1ry the Rcligiou-, Nolt.'­ for him lo follow the rustlers book in the Narras:,msdl Tm,es. and reclaim his tree lnthcNov. 12.1rticle,shcS><1id It was, she says, something th,11 ,t could be very difficult, anyone would have done. being Jewish in South County " What's righ t is right, and "Then• are over 400 idcnl,­ Presidential Party what's wrong is wrong, whether flcdJcwish fom1IK~in the South President Clinton ,ainssomechildren playing with a drcidol at a Chanukah party ,11 the White you're a Ch ristian or a Jew. Country area, mcludmg about I louse recently The president a lso joined the children m lighting the Chanukah menor.ih 'Thou shalt not steal' is in the I DO Jewish faculty who h'.1ch at Plwtonmrttsyofll1eWh1/t llo11 BRIEFS h:t l -4:30 p.m. - Festival opens intensive individual, group, ~ and family therapy. with emphasis on children's ac­ Counseling Center Starts Drive The Annual Appeal cam­ tivities. A clothing sale to benefit the East BayCoalition for the Home­ The Community Counseling meet criteria necessary to in­ paign started in early Decem­ 4:30 p.m. - Grand Proces­ less will l,e held Dec. 17, from 9 Center of Pawtucket an­ sure the receipt of federal ber and will continue through sion from Convention Center a.m. to8 p.m.,at Burhardt's Lim­ nounces the kick-off of the grants necessary to maintain January. To make a donation or to City Hall. ited, 1086 Willett Ave., River­ Center's Annual Appeal the child's sexual abuse treat­ obtain more information, con­ 5 p.m. - Opening Cere­ side, R. I. Refreshments . Call 433- fundraising drive. The funds ment program. tact Diane Smith, 722-5573. monies at City Hall followed by 1460. raised are used to provide ser­ The Center has opened the the Early Fireworks Show. vices to clients who might not Blackstone Children's Home ~------­ 6-11:30 p.m. - Evening Per­ formances all over central be otherwise able to afford (BCH), a six-month residential The Professional Photographers Use your zip code. Providence. them, as well as helping to treatment center that provides Associationof R. I. is holding an 11:60 p.m. - Fireworks Fi­ exhibit of members' work at the nale on State House Lawn. Cranston Public Library from The kaleidoscope of celebra­ now till Dec. 30. The exhibit is Join thousands of readers who know what's tions that has come to define free, and open during library Providence First Night activi­ hours; call 943·1 905. going on in the Rhode Island Jewish Community.. . ties offers 171 ways to mark the final day of 1993 and the start of the new year. "Entering the Circle: Native Providence's ninth annual Traditions in S.E. New En· New Year's Eve arts festival gland" is a current exhibit at the Su~fc1&i~ to tke provides 11 hours of safe, alco­ Haffenreffer Museum of An­ hol· free celebrations, trans­ thropology in Bristol. The ex­ fonning both private and pub­ hibit and associated programs lic space into stages for more will continue through Dec. 31. than 800 performers. The focus is on efforts of Native The Rhode Island Conven­ Americans to maintain a bal· tion Center will play center ance between their traditional Rhode Island stage this year, providing past and the present. Admis­ weather-safe sites for 70 events sion is $2.00, $1.00 for seniors on three levels. The Rhode ls­ and children. Open 10 a.m. to 5 land Black Heritage Society p.m. weekdays. also joins the list of venues for the first time. The Leaming Enhancement for Jewish Herald Among the hundreds of per­ Adults Program at the Univer· formances over the festival pe­ sity of Rhode lsland's College of "IN TOUCH WITH THE JEWISH COMMUNITY" riod will be a specially commis­ Continuing Education, a non· sioned Intergalactic Circus credit course designed to build performance designed by the confidence and polish skills in TIMELY FEATURES, LOCAL & SOCIAL EVENTS, Big Nazo Puppet Studio. The math, reading and writing, will EDITORIALS, BUSINESS PROFILES, ANO OUR world renowned illusionist/ hold an informational meeting magician, Magic of Lyn, will on Dec. 20 at 10 a.m. in Room "AROUND TOWN" SECTION HIGHLIGHT EVERY ISSUE! perform at Veterans Audito­ 209at URl'sCollegeofContinu­ rium. A New Year's Resolution ing Education in Providence;call Tree will grace Kennedy Plaza, 277-3898. which will remain closed to ))ok 't *i~~ a ~iktak Okel traffic during the festival. Church halls, bank lobbies, The Matzo Ball, the ultimate Return the coupon below to subscribe. Just $10 in Rhode Island holiday alternative for single, ($14 out of state) brings you 52 issues that will inform and entertain you. universities and various audito­ riums will also shelter perfor­ young professionals who aren't celebrating Christmas, will be I mances ranging from jazz and classical music to ethnic dance held on Dec. 24, starting a t 8 I and theater to magic shows and p.m. al Avalon, 15 Landsdowne I mask workshops. SL, Boston, Mass.(617·262-2424), and a similar celebration for 0 $10 per year (R I resident} 0 $14 per year (out of state} I The Child ren's Festival be­ I gins at I p.m., culminating in those over 25, entitled The Big I the 4:30 pm. Grand Procession Chill, will be held at Roxy, 279 Name I leading to 5 p.m. Opening Cer­ Tremo11tSt., Boston, Mass. (617- I monies at City Hall. The Early 227·7699). For ad mission prices, Address ------reservations, and gener,11 in for· I Fireworks Show will mark the end of the afternoon events and tnation, catl 6 17-376-393, or The I Boston Event Hotline, 61 7·576· I kick-oH the evening perfor· mances. The spectacular Fire- 9775. Both events ,1responsored _ ~~ :_h'.:_c~t~ ~h~d_: ':'~~J'.:_w~~ H_:'~': ~:_B~x ~0~3:_:~".'._d'.:_":_e:_R~ 0~9~0 1 by The Society of Young Jewish , ...... (Continued on Page 16) . Pr'1fessinnals, Inc. THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERAl.0, THI IRC:nt,.Y nFCFMBFR 11, !'I'll FEATURE

For these anti-Semites and caust deniers. truth will strike again in the fu­ Denying the Holocaust assorted fascists, thetruthabout The first was the publication ture, and we hope that righteous the Holocaust happenings is like of a great mass of documents people everywhere will know a "bone in the throat," since the which came out of the huge So­ how to rebuff the murderous, known excesses and brutalities viet archives of the K.G.B. after vicious liars once again when - It Shall Not Happen that theseregimesallowed when the fall of theCommunist regime. we are no longer on the scene. by Ray Eichenbaum to achieve in today's world , they were in power, are closely These documents provide fur­ For this we fervently pray. Sprcia/ totlir Htrald where the scruples and con­ associated with the Hitleristic ther, undeniable proof of what We hope that the truth about Most of the people every­ sciences of people are almost ways of governing people. transpired during the catastro­ the Holocaust shall prevail into where must be aware by now always for sale. Hence, these people are try­ phy that was the Holocaust. the future, and what can be that dark forces are at work ing very hard, with a lot of money The second factor is the suc­ learned from the history of this whose aim it is to deny that the supporting them from other in­ cess story of the recently opened bloody period of history will be European Holocaust took place, terested parties, to destrOy the National Holocaust Museum in beneficial to people all over the or to revise the number of its stain with which they covered Washington, D.C. This magnifi­ world, forever. victims so as to diminish the themselves during the catadys· cent edifice, built right in the Let the story of the Holocaust impact of its meaning. mic years of the Holocaust. midst of great works of archi~ be retold lo the people of the These sinister groups, on the They arrived at the condu­ tecturededicaled to the greatest world and become a part of extreme right and left of the sion, and rightly so, that as long heroes of the U.S.A., demon­ (Continued on Next Pagel political spectrum, had at first as the horrors associated with strates to all comers the tragedy tried to justify by some reason the Holocaust remain in that was the Holocaust, and the why the slaughter of millions of people's memories and con­ lessons that should be learned innocents had occurred. Hav­ sciousness, their murky ways of from this horrible happening. ing failed at that, they have now demagoguery and antidemo­ Judging by the attendance, and resorted to outright denial that cratic means cannot succeed. reviews of its effects on I he pub­ the mass murder of Jews and The denial of the Holocaust They'll use lies, distortions, out­ lic thus far, this is exactly what others took place in places which is particularly important to the right fabrications of forged is happening. are by now household words. extreme right political parties documents, and false test-imo­ We, the Holocaust survivors These vicious extremists try which are now coming into ex­ niesobtained by bribery, to sup­ are uplifted because for now, al to perpetrate their hoax by us­ istence in the new nations cre­ port their malicious claims. least, the attack of the brutal SOUPS ing scholarly dupes-men who ated by the break-up of theCom­ But they shall not succeed . deniers has been repelled, and Four Homemade Soups: will do anything to obtain ce­ munist monoliths in eastern As if by divine intervention on we hope that such occurrences lebrity and financial gain. And Europe, namely in the Soviet the side of the truth, two factors will not happen again. this is, unfortunately, not so hard Union a nd Yugoslavia. came into play which dealt a But in our collective hearts devastating blow to the l-lolo- we know that the enemies of the Salads Fourteen Deliciow:ly those two atticsful of poor pris­ grandfather?" I inquire. "My Different Sala& oners got through the war. But Jewish side I can only go back to An Artist's they practice Judaism no more. 'before a nd during the war. My Guus might be accepted as Jew­ dad's side stretches way into ish by re.ligious standards in the Middle Ages. But my dad sandwiches Attic America or Israel. But he was not was poorer than my mother's reared and raised within its fold. people. During the occupation, Forty Sandwiches: from by Mike Fink His non-Jewish fa ther,a man mygrandfatherwenttoGermany Basic to BOLD Herald Contributing Reporter learned in comparative religion to find work. I don't know what but non-believing, teaches Is­ he did, I think maybe he worked lamic history and culture. in a concentration camp." I call him Gus, but he spells i i "Herein Germany" by Lubitsch Actually,Guuswasborndur­ The image stunned me and I looked away around the room Guus. He says his name with and Litvak, Guus went on with ing his dad's "peace corps" stint Lunch and Dinner the right Dutch accent. Guus his history. "My grandmother, in Africa, in a Dutch hospital. "I with its piles of high-tech enter­ Delive ry Availa b le takes my class on the history of early inherpregnancy,dared to don't know who-0r what I am. tainment equipment. Guussaid: I'm trying tofigureitout." Guus "Nobody talks about it. The si­ ESPRESSO & cinema "With a Pen of goouttoshopfor foodon CAPPUCCINO Light."Youwriteyour ~-9'11o.. her bicycle. She took hands mea 20-pagemanuscript lence tells the tale." life story with im· he r life in her titled "On the Meaning of Life." Who is teaching and who is Open Daily llam-llprn ages of light in a hands;itwasvery "My grandfather, a physi­ learning? It's up to me to find 1074 HOPE STREET cian, now 87, lost his power and Guus. It's up to Guus to put his dark room. risky. And she PROVIDENCE Guusgre~up l'J-~~~r:~l, had to make prestigeduringtheconfinement finger on himself. We're work­ 273-7230 ing it out. He's my story with a intheHague.His .l!l!,,1!1,1~~ suretoget back of the war. His name was motherwasborn in time for the Ossendrijver, oxdriver." We pen of light. in the first curfew. Guards chuckleabout the patience, force months after patrolled key and dominance the name im­ World War II. Her spots in town.But pliesabout his character. "I look parents had hidden -..1..au1~~_. she couldn't stay like him, like his side of my Give your friends and roots." ' ::~~i~~~= :;t~~~/:-::~-ris- b'~ dat~~a~ f:{ ;!~e; I go back in our chat, over a relatives something tian household. Two other sis- writer and I have the account plain pine coffee table in front of ters had survived concealed in she kepi about that bike ride a VCR,on theimageoftheatt-ic. the attic of othe r Chris tian through the flat open streets of "What does Freud say about _:, / * friends. Some Dutch citizens treacherous wartime Holland. attics as symbols?" Guus an­ welcomed the Nazis as a Neth-She also put together a postwar swers, "It's where we hide our erlands Nazi Party existed . journal spelling out her memo­ secret treasures, matters of con­ science, heirlooms, the super­ . ~'- *FUN. Some saw themselves as Ger- ries of that time." c.•~ manic, part of the greater Teu- I try to get Guus to set his ego, the past." "Go up the stairs * ---1~ this year ... ~ * tonic Aryan race and claimed mind, eye and heart on making of your ancestors, that's where theydidn'tknowabout theanti- his thesis film about his grand­ you'll fi nd your script, your stu­ dio lo work in. Don't wait till Jewish part till too late. parents.Out of a great, wealthy,· [il Mo,opoly Guus takes in the old movies accomplished Jewish Dutch the time leaves like an ebb tide." ~ Super Ni11te11do &S ega Genesis I show about the war, drinks familyonhis mother'sside,only "Whal about your other [21 Stnf·D·11t1ficSports deeply of the bitter aftertaste of * this moody past and its values [ii Dozens of Pl1yi119 Cuds which all decent people share. • [21 Wooden Cheu Seit I l, "But sometimes American [il IBM&MACG,mu 1 1 sophomores strike me as shal­ J!,)eart£S & jflobJer£S t~lf'\<'.,' ~/'"'',' ' " ~ Go&Pante + low. At home, all through school we study about World War II, ~ntique£S, 1!.tb. ~ lron"Tavern Pun les" ~ even in grammar school. You • 0 Outburst look into the lives of your grand­ Antiques and gifts ofdistinction all ~ Pictionary parents, what they did, what they lived through. If you fly a with ·heart and/or floral themes ~ Jiguw Pun lu flag on some special occasion, ., ~ Andm111ymora ... you worry about the dangers of "' too much nationalism. On our • English Enamel Box~s • C hina • Crysta.I Memorial Day you try and sum­ Flo ral Prinu • Q uilts • Textil~s • And More mon up respect for the suffer­ ings and sacrifices of the Resis­ ti tance." • 270 County Road, Barringwn • 247-0770 Liltle by little Guus's family • /loun /'U,1d,r1ll1rougl,Sa1urdaJ, IOamto4pm fgK~m~ saga unfolds. After a documen­ tary of the duration ycario ca lled 4 - THE RH ODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, DECEM BER 16, 1993 OPINIONS

has in the Middle East. It has ------­ proven itself to the Un ited 'Peace Without Truth' States for the past 45 yea rs. At the same time the PLO sided by Rabbi Eli Hecht In the U.S.A . 12,000 firms were with Iraq during the latest ma­ Here's What South African Premier F.W. asked by the Arab boycott not jor conflict and is still support­ deKlerk won the prestigious to deal with the Jewish state. ing terrorists in Egypt and other Nobel Peace Prize. His partner This boycott has cost the Israeli countries friendly to the United I Think is none other than Nelson economy 10 percent of their ex­ States. Mandela, the anti-apartheid pected exports. With limited True, the United States be­ leader. What strange bedfel­ seaports and airports open to lie ves in givi ng peace a chance by Rabbi Hershy Worch lows they make. Imagine, the Israel it cannot have economic but. at the same time, the U.S. Special to tlie Herald Nobel Peace Prize going to growth. The Arab embargo is should not fool Israel into people who still accuse each as strong as ever. Israel has thinking that she will be able to other of the most hein ous promised to donate 75 million help her. When and if there is a crimes. Selecting such people dollars to help the PLO with its problem between the PLO and fo r the Nobel Peace Pri ze is plans for self-rule. Percentage­ Is rael, America will be power­ Who's In Charge Here? nothing short of insanity . wise, that is the largest amount less. The people making decisions Cracow, ancient capital of The way Israel and the PLO pledged by any country. Why To thi nk that the world wi ll which affect our lives and Poland, in the year 1565, a man are acti ng, it may be that Prime should Israel do such a thi ng? not blame Israel if the PLO death are, more often than not, died leaving an unusual be­ Minister Ra bin and Vasser Even as Jews and Arabs meet, moderate leadership fi ghts be­ confused about their obliga­ quest in his will. Arafat -are more deserving of there is no understanding of tween themselves is fool hardy. tions, and wit hout much cl ue as " Let my money endow 10 the Nobel Peace Prize. What where Jericho begins or ends. Does anyone remember what to whose interests they repre­ children with scholarshi ps to they are doing in the name of According to Rabin, Jericho is happened in Lebanon? The Is­ sent. They don't properly un­ learn Tora h wit hout interrup­ peace is tru ly insane. By early just a bit over 21 sq. kilometers. raeli army pulled out of Beirut derstand the dynamics of char­ tion for 50 years a fter my next year the PLO movement, The Palestinians believe it en­ and the Christian Lebanese ity. death." which still has a charter to de­ compasses over 300 kilometers! army came in and slaughtered Here's an academic question Now the trustees and execu­ stroy Israel, will be granted The PLO claims that there will hundreds of PLO fami lies and for you. tives of the Jewish Federation statehood, with Jericho its ca pi ­ be a return of 800,000 while Is­ fighters in their refugee camps When a person is entrusted in Cracow brought the case to tal. The PLO will be expected to rael says they will only grant a at Sabra and Shatilla. Who was with the task of disbursing court, demanding the heirs be take ca re of a ll the Arab prob­ ret urn of 300,000. More differ­ blamed? Israel! charity funds, who is he repre­ enjoined to fu lfill their obliga­ lems, fro m the Gaza Stri p to ences crop up every day. We have heard cries for peace senting: tions, implementing the terms Jerusalem. Imagine, PLO guerrilla fig ht­ before and we ought to be very (a) the donors, who give him of their fat her's wi ll. Yassi r Ara fa t is accused of ers who languished in Israeli prudent. In pre-wa r World War the money? The heirs for their part re­ stealing more than 500 mill ion prisons will be given guns and II it was Chamberlain who said (b) the public, the Jewish torted, " Who invited you into dollars from the PLO. He ca n­ allowed to join a I 2,000 man that by trading land for peace community who appoint him? our affairs? Who are you? By not account for the three billion army to govern Gaza and Jeri­ there would be no war. " I be­ (c) the need y, who wil l re­ what autho rity do you contest dollars he had a year ago. Now, cho. Would you arm your en­ lieve it is peace in our time," ceive it eventually? our in heritance? Did our fat her he is becoming the new Arab emy on a promise that he'll be­ Chamberlain said. How wrong Jewish law is very specific. make you executors? Are you spokesman for peace wit h the have? he was! Hit ler said, after receiv­ Once you have given money to the teachers or children who Jews. Can you think of any­ There are leaders in Israel ing the Sudetan mountai ns, " I the trustee, you have given would lea rn Torah?" thing more absurd? who say they have nothing to could not be satisfied wit h the charity, " For his hand is li ke The case came before Rabbi Originall y, Rabin stated he lose; if the PLO makes trouble, Sudetan territory," and then the poor man's hand. " Moses lsserles, chief rabbi of would shake hands with Ara fa t they will take back the areas. continued in o verrunning and If the trustee were now the Cracow, author of the famed as soon as Arafat rewrote the How naive! Does anybody be­ conqueri ng Czechoslovakia. owner, albeit temporary, no act glosses on the Shulchan Aruch PLO Charter, elim inating the lieve that you ca n give auton­ So, too, are the plans of the of charity would have taken and Tur Codes, ultimate au­ thority o n all Ashkenazic law to clause to destroy Israel. and omy to people such as the PLO PLO. Today it will be Jericho, place. No funds in his posses­ this day. and then take it back? tomorrow Jerusalem. sion are in the hands of the stopped the Arab embargo. The His fi nal ruling on the matter U.S. agreed that these requests A major difference between So now we have peace wit h poor. Therefore, if someone is skill fres h: " Accounts are prerequisites for an agree­ the Arab countries and Israel is neither pl ans, brai ns nor truth. were to steal the money from payable to the poor of this city that Israel is a democracy and How ca n the world perceive him, he could sue the thief in ment. The Arab boycott offi ce may be sued for in a court of has a blacklist of 96 countries. lhe only true friend America peace talks as honest when Is­ court, the thief could not claim, law. Such funds are considered rael is fo rced to abandon the " Let the real owners of the to have proper owners though 125,000 Jewish settlers on the money come and sue me." the amount was never clearly West Bank, give 75 million dol­ It is as though he the trustee specified. The federation exec· RHODE ISLAND JEWISH lars to build Arab cities, and is the body of poor people. Re­ utives are acting on the dear give arms to its former prison­ member this poi nt fo r it has fa r­ understanding that their hanc HERALD = ers, enemies of the state? The reaching ramifications. is that of the poor. Indeed the} feu ding within Ara fat's Patah We, in modern America, may, if they wish, fo rce the liq organization shows that there have become so accustomed to jUSPS464-7IO) uidation of assets to coll ec Publlahed Every WNk By The is no true leadership. To whom the concept of a legal entity Jewlllh Prn e PubllshlngCompeny such pledges. is Israel relinquishing her known as "The Corporation," CO-EDITORS money, security and land? we forget that it is a legal fiction AUSONSMITH In terms of precedencE STACEY A. PACHECO Candlelighting 'There are so many loose ends designed to ease the govern­ REPORTER that the leaders of both sides ment of large business enter­ hostages must be ransomed be TAYLOR HOLLAND will soon be fo rced to accuse prises and their liabilities under fore feeding the starvint CONTRIBUTING REPORTER each oth er of the most awful la w. Women must be ransomed, fe ' M ICHAEL FINK December 17 In Jewish la w there ma y be or clothed before men. AROUND TOWN COLUMNIST things. And guess what, that CMlROTHEA SNYDER may make them eligible for the institu tions, partnership, re­ Dowries for orphan gi rls ta ADVERTISING A~UNT REPS 3:58 p.m. Noble Peace Pri ze. sponsibili ties and accoun tabi li ­ priority over orphan boys. JEANETTE HIDALGO ties, but there are no corpora­ Torah scholars and the MYRNA H . DRESS Submitted by Rabbi Yeh oshua tions except those of physical wives before boors. GRAPHICS La ufe r. Printed with permission of JOHANNA S PARLING bodies. Estates al ways belong One's parents before onE L·C haim publications. to people, liv ing or dead. children, before one's famil MAILING ADDRESS: Bo~ 90&3, Provlotnee, A.I. 02940 Here's another academic before one's neighbors. Bcfo TELEPHONE : (401) 724-0200 Denying the question for you. Who owns sending money out of town, i PLANT: the building, plant, assets and the needs of local poor must Her11ld W8y, off Web11er S!reel Holocaust P8Wluclle!, A.I. D2H1 endowment of the Rhode ls­ taken care of. OFFICE : (Co:itlnued from Previous Pagel land Jewish Home. The lists of precedences 1175Werre" Av,nue (a) donors? on and on. As I mentioned, I En 1 Providence, A.I. D291' human consciousness concern- (b) the trustees? law is complex with excepti~ 8 (c) The corpora1 ion? to every rule. (e .g. When "'j ~~~1Yet; ~~~e la!~: ,:~~n: ;;;i~ •~~:~=~= (d) the residents? ,md female hostages are be1 Se~i~e; ~:;Jps, in the distant (e) the needy? sexually abused, the men ~~o?r:~:;::=::: If I answer, " the residents," ransomed first.) ~m~~:=·~~=-~:~ futu re, whenthe darkforcesthat you will argue, " Bu t hey, there Things can get complicate illlfll'ffl. Bull< rales on request The He.ecu t1 ve Remi nds me of .i story ... In 11 :=':t,e,-~~heletterw,~er·• Nollu :Theopinions presentedonth1s this gTe,1 t traged y of mankind, tell th em to get with 9 1~:,;~.:,~:,:·~~.:,l~:,:~::.:c~.:,·~;:,;:;:~:,~:·t:~':~~;'::t:~·::'.,: L~~~~~~s.e ------.:.:~'":::T~:r,:::r:_:::-:.;e1c1~:::':.,:;•..,:.;-_,_~_"_,:,_~;-_.._ ';::- _ .,__:::!::1,:;~:;;:i,:":,-=\~:~::!!::;:~;:::~::,":;~:t :"':'":' ~,,:.:·'.:,:i~.:,~u:.;~ 0 i~.t~~.~~~:.:~~ I THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1993 -- 5 OPINIONS

The Benefits of Peace Letters Jewish Community To the Editor: I. Education tothe r;"~ · We, the Embassy of Israel, The 1994 budgetary alloca­ Thrives in Peru would like to share some tion for education has risen by EDITOR """ To the Editor: Peru in a very different situa­ thoughts on the recent bud­ more than 700 million dollars, When I came to RISO two tion. She came with her whole getary initiatives in Israel a...real growth of 25 percent as than 100,000 immigrants will years ago none of my friends family from Poland and had which indicate that benefits compared to 1993. arrive at Israel's shores in I 994. could understand that I was a enough money to go to a good from the peace process are al­ 2. Increased Investment in To meet this influx, Israel has Peruvian Jew. I had never school and even to the univer­ ready visible. Infrastructure allotted more than 3 billion do\· thought about it before because sity. Prime Minister Rabin's deter­ In 1994, the high level of la rs in the I 994 budget. This I grew up in the Jewish commu­ Finally my father's mother mination to make progress in government investment in figure represents an increase of nity and all my friends had the came to Peru when she was the peace process goes hand in physical infrastructure- high­ more than 300 million dollars same background. ready to get married, since her hand with the government of ways, electricity, sewage, and as compared with the previous It was very hard to explain marriage had been arranged by Israel's commitment to re-order water systems - will continue year. Of Soviet newcomers, that I do not have any Peruvian her family. She tried to run national priorities and redirect to grow. The figure for 1994 more than SO percent are scien­ blood. I am 100 percent Jewish, away by she didn't get very far. resources. A dear expression of represents a IS percent increase tists, engineers, and academics. but I was born and raised in Her fa ther stayed in England this commitment is the signifi­ as compared with 1993, and a Amnon Neubach Peru. Jews immigrated to other and did not have a lot of cant reduction in spending on I 00 percent increase over 1990. Minister for Economics Affairs countries besides the United money, so she was sent to her settlements in the West Bank 3. Research and Develop­ States and although the com· rich cousin in Peru. and Gaza. ment munity in Peru is very small Both my parents were born By increasing investment in The 1994 budgetary expendi­ (about 2,500 people) it is very in Peru and we all feel that is advanced infrastructure, cut­ ture on R& D stands al 300 mil­ Questions active. the place where we belong. I ting-edge research and devel­ lion dollars, an increase of ap­ My grandparents got to Peru am also very Jewish, so I guess opment, the absorption of im­ proximately 100 million dollars for before World War II started in if anyone says, " You are a migrants, and the education of over the previous year. Europe, from different places Peruvian Jew? I will have to tell a new generation, Israel is 4. Absorption and with very different social this story all over again. preparing itself to meet the Since the end of 1989, more Trustees backgrounds. Andrea Chrem challenges and demands of the than 550,000 immigrants have First came my father's father 21st century. come to Israel, the overwhelm­ To the Editor: to a little town south of Lima. As reflected in the I 994 bud­ ing majority from the former Let's see if I've got this His family was from Aleppo, a get, the government's focus has Soviet Union. In light of the straight. According to an article town in Syria, but my grand­ TURKEYS been in the following four ar· continuing instability in that re· Fresh • Young • Tender by Richard C. Oujardin, in the father was actually born on his eas· gion, it is predicted that more Dec. I issue of the Prouidencr way to Peru. THE VERY BEST Jo11mal 8111/eliu, the lawyers for Then came my mother's fa ­ W,CJMk.,aSp,cialu; the trustees of the Jewish Home ther from Rumania. He was Tribute to the J.E.R.I. insist they should not be bound very young and did not have any money. He planned to GEESE munity Center; the Bureau of by the " higher standards" ex· FOR CHRISTMAS To the Editor: work and little by little to bring Though it was necessary to Jewish Education has pub­ pected of trustees of charitable trusts but rather to the less vig­ the rest of his family. He sold close the Jewish Home, and lished material that is shared with home administrators to orous standards of perfor­ ties in downtown Lima, but he though it was sad to see the end was never able to bring his BELWING of an era of service, the com­ educate them to the needs of mance of directors of non-profit corpo rations. That's funny. I family over because the war TURKEY FARM munity should be aware that Jewish clients; and Jewish Fam­ thought the Jewish Home was started. 11llAUlll0MA¥UII.IE•I0U1l44 • Slll.0III the Jewish elderly have not ily Service is also available to oversee many projects and to be held to "higher stan­ He thought they had died, ORDIR IARLY • CALL TODAY been forgotten, nor has the or­ but some 10 years ago he found functions involved with these dards." It had/ has something IINCE1944 ganized Jewish community to do with a commandment. out that they were still alive, so turned its back on its obliga­ precious citizens. The of I've had relatives in four he helped them get to Israel. tions to care and to be con· Rabbis and the day schools are nursing homes in the last two My mother's mother came to cerned with the quality of life of also involved. 336-9142 years. Only at the Jewish Home not only former residents of the The federation's allocation to could one see smiles on faces, Jewish Home but also for all the home is being utilized to Jewish clients in all nursing fund the services necessary for and fingers tapping to Yiddish and Hebrew music. Only at the homes throughout the state. a quality lifestyle. These funds Jewish Home did the residents Bonnie Ryvicker has as­ are therefore being used pro· ductively to provide human feel comfortable displaying sumed the enormous task of their Judaism by wearing a RlESERVED chairing this wonderful and en­ services rather than trying to yarmulke or going to the thusiastic band of more than 70 keep an edifice from collapsing. The R.I. Jewish community chapel. volunteers who travel from And now the Jewish commu­ §EATllNG AT HORllZON home to home, visiting the resi­ has never shirked its responsi­ nity, through the auspices of dents, talking to the families, bilities nor ignored the needs of the corporation, will innovate bringing Shabbat and YomTov all of its citizens young and old. Please let us have some ob­ new ways of servicing the reli­ RETIREMENT with them. jective reporting so that your gious needs of the elderly Jews All of the community agen· readers will know the entire in their new locations. cies are involved: JERl's head­ C s. story. What a laugh! What a quarters are in the Jewish Com- Selma Stanzler shande1 Jewish Videos? Yes! Stanley L. Freedman Ergo Media is the world's largest publisher of Jewish videos. The company offers over 130 videos on all facets of Jewish life. There are films about Jewish .. a seat cooking and Yiddish music, in­ TiKVA TRADITIONS terviews with Isaac Bashevis YOUR LOCAL SOURCE FOR JUDA/CA Singer and a tour of the Bar in our bea uc ifully decoraced dining rooms .. Kochba Caves, d ramatizations of children's stories and very or a seac aboar~il-~$.fhauffeur-driven adult films. Most of the videos are priced mowrcoach - chey're e.,clusive/y and at $39.95, although some are a little less expensive, and a few a.ffordably yours. .ue about $80.00. 20°/o Off The press releases say the HAND-WOVEN WOOL TALESIM videos may be fou nd at local SoutJ1 Bay Manor video and Judaica stores, but \V(..'St Buy Manor North Buy Manor BY GABRIELi OF YAFFO Warwick Smithfield Soulh King... to,,11 random calling in this area by a (3-PIECE SETS) member of the Herald staff did 739-T.lOO 2J2-5577 789-4880 not produce positive results. iEG.'m/NOW 192 RIG.>1,0/NOW 1112 RIG. •11r•1NOW 1159" EltSt lltt)' Mm10r Gn.--c1mich Boy Your best bet might be to order LIMITED TIME ONLY! the Ergo Media catalog by call· E. Providence M:umr 1ng 1-800-695-3746, or by writ­ 727 Hope Street, Providence • 421-0309 Barrington Linc E.'\St Gn.--cnwich ing them at P.O . Box 2037, Tea· Monday-Thursday 9.30-5:30 • Friday 9.30- 2 • Sunday 10- 2 4.13-5000 1!115-.lJ.l> neck, N.J 07666. The catalog is ••NJAMIN ••••N•&RO ILLIN IUSENau,o SNAFNUI free 6 - THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1993 WORLD AND NATIONAL NEWS Pollard Appeal NEW YORK (IT A) - When senior Clinton administration officials would meet with Jew­ ish organizational leaders in re· cent months, a question was of­ ten put to the Jews: What is the sentiment in the community concerning Jonathan Pollard? It was an important question INTERNATIONAL for President Clinton, who was INTERNATIONAL trying to decide whether to JER USA LEM ()TA) - La s t grant a request for clemency fo r JERUSALEM (JTA) - Rabbi week's visit by U.S. Secretary of Airman's Wife Avraham Toledano, a former Tami Arad, wife of captive Israeli airman Ron Arad, ad­ Pollard, the former civilian State Warren Christoper may naval analyst imprisoned for 8 leader of the right-wing Kach have helped change the atmo­ dresses a Plenary session of the Council of Jewish Federation years, who has been serving a movement, as been charged in in Montreal recently. Ron A rad was shot down over Lebanon sphere between Syria a nd Is­ life sentence for spying on be­ Tel Aviv District Court with seven years ago and is believed to be held by pro-Iranian rael, but it is far too soon to talk half of Israel. importing weapons from the forces. Photo /Jy Robert Cumins about brea kthroughs, observers Little surprise, then, that un· United States and attempting to say. Prime Minister Yitzhak named White House officials manuff 1Mrllyt1tS of the Clinton adminislTation, parochial school to receive which views a meeting with recognition for achievement Assad as furthering a compre­ hensive peace settlement in the region.

NEW YORK (JTA) - Greece will throw its full support be· hind the Middle East peace pro­ New York City Mayor-elect Rudy Guiliani (right) joined cess when it assumes the presi­ the senior rabbi of Park East Synagogue of Manhattan in dency of the European Com­ welcoming Rabbi Israel Meir Lau (left), newly-elected chief munity next month, Deputy Ashkenazi rabbi of Israel, on his recent visit to the Big Apple. Foreign Minister George Photo by David Karp Papandreou said at a meeting here last week.

SAN FRANCISCO ()TAI - In an effort to improve its reputa­ tion within the American Jew­ Expanding your choices ish community, Amnesty Inter­ Catering J'.or national has begun to meet with We al Bread & Circus wanted to offer more choices for mainstream Jewish groups. For our customers, so we're increasing our li,ne of flours, grains and grain Parties • Special Occasions years, the international human products. These additions will allow us to expand our bakeiy line to Holiday Gatherings • Business Luncheons rig hts organization has been include more kinds of breads and pastries, These additions arc criticized for giving fa r more ,wt 'H'hu1 ir has to 6e 'Kosher come try 1(,e '.Bt'St coverage to Israel in its reports substitutes and we still require that our flours be unbleached, <&-, of human rights abuses than to unbromated and, whenever possible, organic. Undt1 the ~nc1 suptr-.·1\IOl'I of Vaail llal.ashrulh of MI countries such as Syria. Bread&Circus Jeffrey 111g6er Have an opinion? WHOLE FOODS MARK Ei 80 Brown Strttt, Providence, R.I. • 27J.0210 Express it inn letter to Responding lo a Changing Socitly Tl/£ /1/;RALD. 61 Wa1crman Strl't'I, Providem:e • 272- 1690 8 - THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1993 FEATURE Jewish Peace Corps Sending Jews to Third World Vinacco by Leslie Katz cholera or help a group of public health nurses, midwives Most JVC volunteers will find Jewish Bulletin of Northern California struggling South American and nutritionists. themselves in remote areas of Has SAN FRANCISCO OT A) - farmers write grants for up­ People with business con­ the world where residents Jews have served in the Peace dated farm equipment. sulting and marketing experi­ know little if anything of Jews. Corps for decades. But until The program already has ence are sought to teach and as­ It is hoped, therefore, that vol­ Great Moves now, they have lacked a specif­ gained wide support from Jew­ sist cooperatives in managing unteers will serve as ambas­ ically Jewish context for aiding ish leaders. Its rabbinic advi­ finances, developing computer sadors of sorts. by Jeff Goldberg the developing world. sory committee, chaired by database systems and market­ " We will be training people Special to the Herald The newly established Jewish Rabbi Albert Vorspan, senior ing products. before they go to deal with lo­ I really had a a good time do­ Volunteer Corps sends Ameri­ vice president emeritus of the Engineers are sought to help cal customs and also how to ing this interview. What a low can Jews on volunteer stints in Union of American Hebrew design and build in remote explain what a Jew and Jewish key, unaffected person Brian Third World countries. Upon Congregations, includes three Third World areas. The JVC culture is," Blumberg said. Vinacco is. He had just re­ their return, the volunteers will local rabbis. also seeks writers and adminis­ "There will be no missionary turned from New Orleans, be encouraged to share their Though volunteers of any trators to help groups write, activity, but certainly (an at­ Louisiana, from an interna­ experiences with the Jewish age can apply, the program edit and translate proposals for tempt to) present a positive im­ tional Kenpo karate tourna­ community. seeks people with professional funding. age." ment. It is hoped this will " help the skills in specific areas. Though the program is aimed Information regarding the Not only did he represent Jewish community here under­ To work in primary care at professionals, the JVC will Jewish Volunteer Corps can be Rhode Island, he came home as stand the difficulties of the medicine, the JVC needs pedia­ consider well-qualified stu­ obtained by calling (415) 824- a World Champion in the ama­ Third World; make them un­ tricians, general practitioners, cif'ntc;. 4396. teur karate world champi­ derstand that we're all linked onships. Vinacco is the son of with these people and that it's Mike and Francine (Abrams) our responsibility to reach out'' Vinacco, the brother of Lori, said David Blumberg a co-chair and the grandson of Estelle of the local JVC committee. Abrams, Phillip Abrams, and The JVC is in its pilot phase Evelyn Vinacco. and is seeking an initial group Vinacco became involved of volunteers willing to share with Kenpo karate at age 13. their professional skills in such He had a paper route, and one countries as Mexico, Honduras, of his stops was at the home of Colombia, Guatemala, Zim­ Michael Burton. Vinacco got in­ babwe, Nigeria, Senegal and terested in watching Mike go South Africa. through the steps in his work­ They will work in those out and began to ask about places for periods ranging from Kenpo. one month to one year, con­ His interest paid off when tributing time and knowledge Burton became Vinacco's sen to a variety of projects already sei. Under his tutelage, Vinacco supported by the American began to bring this artform to Jewish World Service, an inter­ new personal heights. national development and re­ Kenpo is a combination of lief organization. circular blocks, direct strikes, They might build schools in sweeping, grabbing, throwing, the tangled jungles of Central and joint-locking techniques. America, inoculate African Vinacco trains three days a children against the ravages of week up to 2 hours at a time. He spars, and goes over moves again and again to finely tune his attack, while building disci­ D 8 M ANTIQUES pline, respect, and confidence. Single Items In 1990 he took first place at the Ocean State Grand Nationals or Estates Greta, new canine addition to the family and the subject of Mike Fink's column in last week's Appraised or held at Rocky Point. He won in /ewish Herald, receives the adoration of Mike and his family. Purchased. · the sparring division. Furniture • Paintings • Clocks The competition in New Or­ Dolls • China • Glassware leans was international. Be­ Oriental Rugs sides the United States, 11 for­ 337 NO. BROADWAY Many Thanks to Goldberg------eign countries were present. EAST PROVIDENCE These included Guatemala, El 4)1•12)1 The Herald wishes to thank ures of the Beth-El Bowling land, Herald reporter, will be TOO FREE A.L l-800-fJ7S-lt~O Jeff Goldberg for his dedicated League. out there interviewing local Salvador, Germany, Mexico, MarvlnAubin.Prop,ielor coverage of the facts and fig- In an effort to provide wider Jewish sports figures and fol­ Canada, and England to name sports coverage, Taylor Ho\- lowing promising teams in a few. Vinacco beat out his every sport. competition in the amateur un­ 1f you would like us to know der black belt class, self-de­ City Tire Company Celebrating an event? about a sports event or figure, fense division. Tell us about it. please call 724-0200 and speak There were 20 other students INT RODUCES to one of the editors. representing New England Kenpo Karate. Vinacco's men­ ~~""OKiOHAMA PAll!NGIR, HIGH PERFORMANCE tor, Burton, took first place ,##/ 1 1 ANOUGHTTRUCKTIRES (black belt) making him a City Tire Company is nowon authori1ed deole, for Yoli:~ma ti,es. W~c arry a COf!!~le1e line of world champion in his division. originolequipmentand replo

by Tom Tugend " What was happening in tor make a donation to a Holo­ When Spielberg began to "Schindler's List," the director LOS ANGELES UT A) - Bosnia - it was so familiar and caust museum and save the look for movies to inspire him turned to documentaries that Steven Spielberg, just past his it was so much a part of what I distributor grief. as he prepared to tell Oskar chronicled the Holocaust. 46th birthday, is the most suc­ thought could never possibly Instead, the suggestion Schindler's story, he could not " Documentaries were my cessful filmmaker in the history happen again," he said. "And 1 added to his motivation to find any. only source of inspiration, be­ of motion pictures. just felt that sooner rather than make the film. " It occurred to me that the cause Hollywood flees from Four of the films he directed later, a movie like this should " [ felt that was a message," predominant number of studio subjects like this," he said. are among the all-time top 10 come out and at least stir the he said. " That was sort of a heads in the golden era of Hol­ "They always have and they hits: His "Jurassic Park" is the pot." very, very quiet message to be lywood were all Jews," Spiel­ still do." highest-grossing film ever, When Spielberg was 3 and passed on to me, which kind of berg said. Spielberg's $23 million film with his " E.T." in second. living in Cincinnati, he learned capped my resolve to make the "But they did not produce premiered Wednesday in 12 Spielberg's latest movie, to read numbers from an movie immediately.'' movies of the Jewish race, reli­ American and Canadian cities. "Schindler's List," represents a Auschwitz survivor by using The birth of Spielberg's son gion or culture or tradition. I " I hope that people will say, radical change and a calculated the concentration camp num­ in 1985 led him to re-examine also understood that they did 'Yes, I've heard of the Holo­ risk. bers on the man's forearm. The Judaism and to a road that also struggle between the Jewish caust but I never knew any­ Based on the book by survivor enlivened the lesson led to "Schindler's List." culture and race and the Ameri­ thing about the Holocaust and Thomas Keneally, the film tells with a flip of his arm and magi­ " When I began to read books can culture and race, and they now, maybe, I know more than the story of Oskar Schindler, a cally changed a 9 into a 6. to him, I had to make a choice," chose being American with I wanted to, but I feel I need to veteran Nazi party member " I had a familiarity as a sec- he said. "Do I read books about fierce determination. And all I tell my children,"' he said. who came to Krakow shortly Santa Claus or do I read books can say is that it's reflected in Spielberg also hopes people after the German conquest of about Moses and Abraham and their choices of movies they didn't make." (Continued on Page 20) Poland in 1939 to make his for­ "I re-emerged (to Isaac? tune as a free-wheeling en­ " l made a very strong choice To prepare himself for trepreneur. Judaism), I would say, to raise him Jewish with my Schindler employed 1,100 through the birth of my fi rst wife, Amy Irving, who was Jews in his enamelware factory half-Jewish." and, at some point, the hard­ children and through a Spielberg's second wife, Kate ~r drinking, womanizing, black decision I had to make Capshaw, converted to Ju­ market-dealing German daism. R1storante 1n H1stonc Catholic decided to use his for­ about how I was going " Her conversion was a Deau­ Pawtuxet Village tune and risk his neck to save to raise them." tiful experience for all of us be­ 2195 Broad Street, Cranston every one of his "Schindlerju­ cause I studied along with her,'' den" from certain death in the Steve11 Spielberg the director said. "She studied nearby Auschwitz extermina ­ and I was the beneficiary of ev­ '&w.t4! will be open tion camp. erything that she was learning on Christmas Eve, ondhand witness to the Holo­ that I had forgotten. His motives remain a mys­ 12-4 tery. caust from my family, who kept " I re-emerged (to Judaism), I p.m., for gift " I was always trying to dis­ the memories of those years would say, through the birth of certificates only. cover through the survivors alive. It was something I grew my children and through a de­ who knew him, who saw him, up with," Spielberg said. cision I had to make about how who were saved by him, why " I recollect a lot of stories, I was going to raise them. he did this," Spielberg said in mainly from my grandparents, " [ think that's what Jed me, an interview. "And most of the who had come from Austria that and events around the mn111 survivors said, 'We don't know and Russia. They suffered world, very naturally and I 1/,otJ«4t~1t.di..,, Rut,u«a.d why he did this. We only know heavy losses on both sides, rel­ think in a very smooth way, to Tuesda y-Sunday>? that he did."' atives, cousins, aunts, who the decision to make 461-0330 • 781-4420 Filmed in black and white, were all in Eastern Europe and 'Shindler's List,' " he said. the movie has the feel of a doc­ never came out aliVe." umentary and includes some of The director also experienced the most graphic Holocaust anti-Semitism as a teen-ager in scenes ever shown in a Holly­ an affluent part of northern wood picture. California. The director first thought " I was physically abused. I about making "Schindler's was beaten up,'' he said. " At The Perfed List" in 1982, but he did not one point it became so bad that make the movie until 1993, I had to stop going to physical when it overlapped with the education because most of the production of "Jurassic Park" abuse happened then. And Special Occasion by three months. that's when I was struck many " I could have been much eas­ times and knocked down. ier and kinder to myself and my " [ mean I am not feeling Restaurant! family by simply waiting until sorry for myself when I say January '94 to start 'Schindler's this, it was just an experience I List,' but I had just seen too wasn't prepared for," he said. many things on television that When Spielberg proposed horrified myself and my wife," making this film, a studio exec­ If it's your birthday, Spielberg said. utive suggested that the direc-

The celebrate it with us! JOHNSON & W ALES INN Come in on your birthday and receive a COMPLIMENTARY ENTREE!* f-nPERA with the purchase of another entree of equal or greater value JUICY STEAKS • FRESH SEAFOOD • GREAT SALAD BAR V!)~ •PQSTlVE ID REQUIRED. ONLY ON THE DAY OF YOUR BIRTHDAY. OFFER EXPIRES 11/30/93. AuoREY'S CANNOT BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER PROMOTION OR SPECIAL. Spend your ne)lt Saturday evening f illed with open, elegan

AUDREY'S is loalltd 11uidr lht JOHNSON & WALES INN Rt,. I 14A & 44, Seekonk, MA 02771 1l~le: ~n~t~~~r (401) 351-7300 ,OIIHSON !:,WAILS UN fV[RSrrY 1/af[LS ANO Rr;sTAURANTS 0 10 -THE RHODE IS LAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1993

THEA WARD-WINNING BROTHERS KONO FF-The Konoff boys, perennial winners in the Chanukah Art Contest, all managed to win a prize this year. Seth took second place and Joshua third in the 10-13 age group; Benjamin won second and Everyone Was a Winner Daniel honorable mention in the 7-9 age group. Shlomo Friedman, third place winner in the 6 and by Alison Smith p.m .. The walls of the audito­ under age group. Herald Co-Editor ri um were decorated with rows HAPPY CHANUKAH COMPLETE The Jewish Herald sponsored and rows of the pictures sub-­ LANDSCAPING a party Dec. 9inhonor of all the milled. SERVICES youngsters w ho contributed.to Winners posed with their Best Wishes for a our Chanukah art contest. artwork for the Jewish Herald HAPPY CHANUKAH The party was held at the photographer. Cookies and JOYOUS Jewish Community Center of juice circulated freely, and MATARESE CHANUKAH Rhode Island from 3:30 to 5 younger brothers and sisters All Occasion Florist LANDSCAPE also ci rculated fairly freely. The staff of the Jewish Herald 170 West Main Street CONST. INC. THE ANNA and CLAIRE of and our panel of judges, were North Kingstown. RI 02852 Over17Yun;ot · constantly impressed by the Professional MEADOWBROOK COZY CORNER (401) 295-5900 Experienee BEAUTY SALON imagination, skill and under­ Former Partner or CINEMA standing of the meaning of the OP'fNMONDAV Fully Insured M&ML.anc!scaping 214 Capuano Avenue holiday displayed in the art­ THROUGH SATURDAY 2452Warwick Avenue, Warwick Cranston• 941-9851 9AM TOS PM ' 944.9334 • Cranston, A.I. work. AcrossfromSuperStop&Shop Wish their htends a Call738-2471 fortimes&listlngs. Happy Chanukah WARM WISHES FOR A JOYOUS CHANUKAH A HAPPY CHANUKAH 'HAPPY CHANUKA H TO ALL 'MY CUSTOMERS NARRAGANSETT LUMBER CO. THEW~N_~~~ :::~~T :!lE~:?!~~ ~~0: All Types of •'Richan{• Serving South County since 1800. Building Materials Westerly Charlestown Block Island Narragansett Richmond 550 Jefferson Boulevard 348-1200 364-4000 466-nlO 782-1000 539-2427 Ill Ill Warwick, Rhode Island 739-4000 Home Town Bankers Make Life Better HAPPY CHANUKAH FROM Jim's Hair Salon Ine. 706 Reservoir Avenue, Cranston Wishing You A B EST WISHES FOR 943-1166 Happy Chanukah David and Armand Lcmol CttANUKAH Ill Ill

Custom Wall Mirrors Insulated Glass· Sa!ety Glass· Window Glass· Table Tops CHilRllflS0N0S•CHARl(STOONNEllV TOWN OF W EST W ARWICK Patio Doors • Shower Doors • Slore Fronts (401) 946-9977 HAPPY CHANUKAH 993 Oaklawn Avenue (Rte. 5) MAYOR Cranston, Rhode Island 02910 Monc:laythruFnday 10amlo8pm Honorable Kathryn O'Hare GENERAL GLASS CO. Saturday 10to 5pm 100 Calder Street, Cranston. Rhode Island SundaybyAppomlment Town Hall, West Warwick, Rhode Island 02893-4829 Free Estimates 943-4732 Fully lnsured H1nSclllttnu&M1n1:1rulJoMWeitz - THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1993 - 11 ICHANUKAH i--:f--1 GREETINGS I fferaldChanukah Art Contest Winners

Thanks again to all our Art Contest Sponors! J{oMay greetings 'DR.& 'MRS. 'MORRIS 'M. 'DUCOFF HAPPY CHANUKAH Drew Oil Corp. 31 Colder Street, Crc:inston Rachael Blackman, honorable (401) 942-5470 Art Contest Confusion! mention, ages 10-13. Unfortunal'ely the Jewish Her­ The Jewish Herald apologizes H irschon; third to Shlomo ald received incorrect informa­ to Sara, a nd has awarded her Friedman. tion about the ages of several a n honorable mention, in an The Jewish Herald is rewri l· art contest entrants, a nd a n­ effort to compensate for this ing its contest rules to avoid nounced that Sara Scharf had error. First prize in (he class further confusion. won a first prize in the wrong involved goes to Ester Perel age category. Krauss; second to William CHANUKAH BEST WISHES FOR A GREETINGS HAPPY CHANUKAH Sale in Progress! SENERCHIA ffAppy CHANUKAH STATE TIRE 25% OFF BROS., INC. All Winter Stock WE SPECIALIZE IN: SERVICE INC. Asphalt Paving of AUTHOAllU1 0 ULtll,ORRMOO(ISU.MO GovemorfrancisShopping Cen1er 957Namquid0rive, Warwick Driveways, Parking Lots Bob Cimino, Pmidtn1 and Basketball Courts 'Ritas 'Dress Sh(!P 463-8648 FIRESTONE AND Seal Coating 40 'ROLFE• SQUARE DUNLOP TIRES 821-0565 CRANSTON FREE ESTIMATES 738-4366 RHODE 1SLANO 02910 (40,)781,3707

, Happy Chanukah ~ eJ? MARTIN-tJEWELERS D IAMONDS • EMERALDS • SAPPHIRES • RUBIES ... AND MORE 14 AND 18 KT. GOLD 1639 Warwick Avenue in the Gateway Shopping Center • 737-4048 OrEN: MONOAY-WEDNESOI\Y 8 A.M.-6 r .M., T1tUIISOAY &: FRIOAY 8 11.M.-8 r.M, ~~~~$io. SATUIIOAY 8 A.M.-5 r.M., SuNOAY NOON-5 r.M. 40 SLATER ROAD, CRANSTON, RHODE ISLAND 02920


Youth Fellowship Applications Ava ilable "Although Israel provides an inspirational setting, dialogue ALBANY, N.Y. - Applica­ fronting the Jewish people in between faculty and fellows is tions are now available for the all its diversity. In that process, the heart of the program," said 1994 Bronfman Youth Fellow­ we believe, they will discover Rabbi Wei nstein, former Or­ ships in Israel. that there is a common Jewish thodox chaplain of Harvard The fellowships, now in their agenda that transcends the dif­ University. eighth year, offer an opportu­ ferences among them." In addition to Rabbi Wein­ nity for 25 students entering Rabbi Avi Weinstein, the stein, the fellowship's rotating their 12th grade of high school program's executive director, faculty have included: Rabbi to spend five weeks in Israel leads a team of rabbis who rep­ Sharon Cohen-Anisfeld, asso­ this summer. resent various branches of Ju­ ciate director of Yale Hillel; Fellows wi ll be chosen on the daism and who serve as theed­ Rabbi Ed Feld, fo rmer hillel di· basis of character, intellectual ucation faculty. (Continued on Page 15) interests, special talents and leadership qualities. In the competitive selection process, JWV Leader Condemns Rise of merit, not financial need, is the standard for selection. While living in Jerusalem, the Neo-Nazism on Public Airwaves groups in America are now Bronfman fellows participate in WASH'INGTDN, D.C. - seminars and dialogues with a openly using cable television, "The proliferation of neo­ computers, the phone system - diverse rabbinic faculty, repre­ Nazism, racism and virulent senting a wide range of Jewish and other electronic mediums Sportscaster Honored anti-Semitism over public ai r­ to recruit members and vent perspectives. They explore Jew ­ waves, is repulsive to a civi­ WJAR sportscaster Frank Carpano receives a Touro mug their views. "This disturbing ish text against the background lized society, and must be cur­ from Touro Fraternal Association Membership Chairman of Israel's land, culture and cus­ trend endangers our whole so· tailed," forcefully declared ciety," Mr. Blatt said. " Unmon­ Robert Miller al the a nnual new member open house. toms. Edward D. Blau, National Photo courlesy of Tmi ro Sy1rogogut In addition, fellows will meet itored hate programming can Commander of the Jewish War have severe consequences on with some of Israel's prominent Veterans of the U.S.A. (JWV}. political and literary figures to this nation, and only heighten The Commander's comments tensio,ns between religions and examine contemporary issues follows a report that hate Cranston. in light of Jewish history and races Her great-grandparents are tradition. the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles The Bronfman Youth Fellow­ Levin and Mrs. Fan ny Hassen­ ships in Israel is a program of feld, and Mrs. Edith Linder and The Samuel Bronfman Fou nda­ the late David Li nder, and the tion, Inc., of which Edgar M. late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Glick. Bronfman is chairman. Stanley and Cheryl (Levin) Meredith Danielle is named In explaining the purpose of Glick of 29 Brookview Drive, in lovi ng memory for her ma­ the fe llowships, Mr. Bronfman Cranston, announce the birth ternal great-grandmother, Mil ­ said, "Our hope is to open lines of their first daughter, Meredith dred Levin, and her paternal of communication among a Da nielle, on Nov. 29 . great·grandfather, David Lin­ group of outstanding young Meredith's maternal grand­ der. people on the major issues con- parents are Mr. and Mrs. Nor­ man I. Levin of Wa rwick. her paternal grandparents are Mr. ~ Rhode Island Jewish Herald /l':n and Mrs. Herbert S. Glick of SUBMISSIONS POLICY The Rhode Isla nd jewish Herald welcomes any Send to: written submissioru from its readers on Jewish Letters to the Editor concerns. Articles must be typed and doub!e­ RI Jewish Herald Touro Honoree spaced. Please include a daytime telephone P.O. Box 6063 Mordechai Arbel is joined by David Bazarsky and Bernard number. Anything longer than 500 words Providence, RI 02940 Kusinitz at the Touro Sy nagogue as he receives the Touro INCORPORATED maybeeditedforspacerestrictions. Or fax to: 401 /726-5820. National Heritage Trust Fellowship, an annual award made throug h the John Carter Brown Library. Plwtocourtesy ofTouroSymigosut ~ THE j JJm£BMA .Ii BAND ~ Correction The photo caption o n "U,rlque Perso,,alizetl Personalized Event Plonning page6oflasl week'sChanu­ Cbildret1's Gifts" kah Issue contains a couple PRICES STARTING AT $5 of errors. Daniel Kono ff was • ANNIVERS-'RY the winner of the honorable RockingCha1rs WallMirrors • BIRTHO-'Y 7 Clothes Trees Doll Cradles • ANY OCC-'SION mention prize in the to 9 e mg, or o ace er son op ms age group. Daniel is 8 years Bulletin Boards Toy Chesls Featuring Vocalist/MC M1tzvah and Party lnv1tat1ons Social and Corporate S1uden1s· Desks Bookends old, not 11. Rachael Black­ Hal Katzman Clocks Lamps for all your customized fine stat1onery and invlfahon needs man was the honorable men­ .. . and much more PerformingJewishMusic, Rod:andRoll, tion winner in the IO to 13 ( 401) 946-8885 T°"•o, JanandSwillg,ondMore! (afftgmpfiy.;en11ce 5lvaifa6fe age group. LARRY N ELSON By ;1ppoinllllL'lll only 100 Lafayette Street (OIi East Avenue), Suite 303, Pawtucket (5 08) S&6-7382•{617)963· 1696 Joth 1'-hlkr .md /\l.1rq (;1,molf MONDAY THl!OUGH FRIDAY 1010 S 01! BY APPOINTMENT• DEBBIE HAMIN ULIENTHAL

HAPPY CHANUKAH! GTank~u1dl1on Give the gihthat kee ps on giving .. ------SHAMPOO & COLOR SET OR WITH SHAMPOO GEL NAILS: Natural app earance, &SET durab le, never thick-looking Bww-DRY Tell them you saw $30.00 their ad in the 7ff.1.rlt1AJ,·11e/y oa >'.J: Only$10.00 0ranzi niSilk P,011in facia l Powd11 ... TUESOA Y & WEDNESDAY TUESDAY& WEDNESDAY ONLY ONLY Nrw Custom~rs Only , /.(hode Island Na1Ura l Healthy Glow ------FR EE CONSULTATION hllllurlmgton '-olrl'd l'rm11frn(1' (off lloj'l' 'itr1•1t l;,1hrn,t ",J..1pp,r ,l Jewish . //'e,ald 300 PARIC AVENUE, CRANSTO N Mond-.,. fllday t-9, S.,11,N, M. 461 -4190 henl1191byappoilllmtnl 331-3200 • WAI K·INs WI I L0\11 THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, DECEM BER 16, 1993 13 THE JEWISH COMMUNITY American Dream Challenge by Stacey A. Pacheco Dr. Irving A. Fradkin has many thoughts about " preserv­ ing our freedom and future," which were conveyed Friday night at Temple Beth El, Fall River. Concerns from " the future of our country for the younger generation" to "solving our own problems without de­ pending on state or federal sup­ Hadassah Group port" were presented. Pawtuckel Hadassah Group's paid·up dinner committee For example, " Let's leave the areO·r) Barbara Hecker, LindaSinel, Esler Alter,guestspeaker community a better place than Ann Grant and Miriam Plitt. Photo courtesy Had11ssah News you found it," by participation with an emphasis on a "do·it· yourself community," and re· membering that " Money is a Second Thoughts on Seeking Converts necessity, not a cure." We look forward to covering by Jacob Stein struction of the Temple to the an extensive interview with Dr. At the recent convention of the rebirth of the State of Israel. Fradkin which is scheduled for the Reform movement's Union Quite a journey. We survived publication in the Rhode Island of American Hebrew Congre· because we learned how to Jewish Herald on Dec. 30. gations in San Francisco, the make the necessary adjust· Chanukah Party 4,000 delegates heard their ments for survival while main· Penny Faich,coordinato rof theJ.E.R.I. program, talks with president, Rabbi Alexander M. taining the integrity of our core Arab-Israel Celia Hoffman, a resident of Rosewood Manor in Providence Schindler, suggest a $5 million beliefs. during a recent Chanuka h party. Hrrnlr/ pliotoby Alison 51111/lr program to actively proselytize On one level of response to Peace Talks non-Jews. Rabbi Schindler, I wonder With ·,eteran TV news ana· "Judaism," he said, "has an whether we could better use lyst Marvin Kalb as moderator, enormous amount of wisdom our limited resources, funds 12 leading authorities on Mid­ The Rabbi and the and experience to offer our and manpower to strengthen dle East affairs will serve as Philosophers troubled world, and we Jews the pervasively thin commit­ panelists in a simulated " town Maid Perfect ought to be proud to proclaim it ment to Judaism among our meeting" in Boston Dec. 19 to Rabbi William E. Kaufman, of with pride." people, rather than actively Temple Beth· El in Fall Ri ver, is Residential&Commercial(leaning discuss the current Israel-PLO LOW RATES• BONDED The proposal was not well re· proselytize for new converts. peace talks and their impact on teaching a philosophy course at ceived in many circles. Reform On the other hand, we Israel's future and American Rhode Island College every free Estimates (401) 231·9092 rabbis quickly declared that should be inviting people to foreign policy. Wednesday at 4 p.m. proselytism is not the policy of join us, planting the seed of Ju· The discussion will be video­ the Reform movement. Leaders daism so that we might develop taped for a nationwide telecast of Agudath Israel (Orthodox) a literate, informed community in January, according to Dr. and the United Synagogue for of significant size. If we are to Arnold Soloway of Boston, Conservative Judaism rejected be "a light unto the nations," as chairman of the American '+'~Y~~ the proposal. Rabbi Schindler says, now is Leadership Conference on Is­ Jews are a 3,200·year·old the time to tum on the electric· rael and the Middle East (AL· FLOURISHES people whose survival is the re· ity. CJME), which is sponsoring the suit of the ability to meet As a final point, when Rabbi event. ,P~~/t-/ol"' _prvrrb/1-e,J. changing times. Conversion Schindler - a distinguished ~ was one of the major survival leader of the largest Jewish reli­ CARDS • GIFTS • ACCESSORIES ghettoes of Eastern Europe and gious community - makes a ~ tools invented and repeatedly suggestion, it merits our careful HOURS: TUESDAY-SAllJRDAY 10 AM-6 PM Heart 769A HOPE STREET, PROVIOf.NCE, R HOOE !SU.NO 02906 401 -273.6891 used by Jews. We moved from a thought and response. desert tribe to a nation state, from its breakup and the de- If you are celebrating a Health special anniversary, announce it in the Herald. Include a photo with the 0 announcement. Black and Courtesy of t he Give your loved ones white only, please. American Heart Association Rhode Island Affiliate a gift from the heart Notice of Comment

commonwealth ot Massachusens Period Extension I TheTroalCourt Prooa1eanaFam,1ycou,1Depart~n1 380 Warwick Avenue. Warwick, RI 02886 N0<1QlloD,w,s,on Ooclo.e1No93C02SJ-CI The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA ) gives notice that it is Notice Of Change Of Name extending the comment period on its Draft Environmental Im­ To Da,nd MlchttlC01tello the only Seaf.li/1 chairs ... safely lifts or reclines person ,n1ereMed ,n the pe1>11on here- pact Statement/Report (DEIS/R) on the Northeast Corridor Im­ a loved one to a slanding or sit1ing rnatterd4!scrobed provement Project Electrification - New Haven, CT to lk>ston, Apet,t,onhasbeenpresen1e<11osa,d position with a single push Covrt by Ay,n A1hley Co11e110 or 81 MA. The comment period has been extended to January 21, 1994. COCnsen Street Fo~boro. N0l'1,11,y199' VotpeNa1,onall1ansoortat10n heci,11voO!t1ceo1Envnonmen1alA!t.1.,s w,1ne-.s Aooer1 M FOICI Esquire MEPA Um1 r,r11J~otn,(1Cot/r1th1stwen1y Sys1emsCen1er Call 781-2166 O ''>nd dayolN0Y&mbe• 1993 ~~Broadway, Kendall Square 1oocamb11dgeSt1ue1 TnomH P11uc~ H1,1qhe, Cambr,dge.MA02142 Boston. MA02202 3rd Party Billing Accepted .A!!'H'f•,oJ f'•.O~i!1e 14 - THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1993 THE JEWISH COMMUNITY

Special Guided Tour of The Legacy of Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit PROVIDENCE - Jan. 6, Raymond Eichenbaum 1994, the Rhode Island Histori­ by Cindy Halpern cal Society is sponsoring a spe­ Raymond Eichenbaum has departed this world during the cially guided tour to the New Festival of Lig hts,a celebration commemorating the Jewish people's York Public Library where they continued survival. will view the current exhibit, Mr. Eichenbaum, who survived the flames of the Holocaust, the Dead Sea Scrolls. carried the light of wisdom to all of us fortunate eno ugh to have On display for the first time known him personally, and to have read his articles written about outside of the Middle East, the his beloved sister, Bronia. She had sacrificed her own life to protect scrolls were discovered in the him, her precious little brother. But those articles represented more years 1947-1956. than the tombstone she never had. Opening a window on life in Mr. Eichenbaum felt Bronia's life symbolized a humanity that the land of Israel during the pe­ endured not only her own physical death, but the harsh fire that riod 200 B.C. - 70 A.O., the had engulfed European Jewry. twelve major scroll fragments One might wonder whyG-d chose to take Mr. Eichenbaum, one and related artifacts numbering of the youngest of the Holocaust survivors in ourcommunity, from nearly 200 items are on Joan our midst at a time when the world is plagued with intolerance and from the Israel Antiquities Au­ his wisdom is needed more than ever. thority. This guided tour will learn of But perhaps what we, who knew and loved him, need to the comprehensive overview of remember is that fate could have easily permitted him lo perish as the world in which the scrolls a teenager, behind the barbed wire fence of hatred. were created, examining the Instead, destiny allowed him to become the man who continued scrolls as texts and relating the to carry the torch he lovingly inherited from Bronia and now leaves story of their discovery, inter­ us, the next generation, this symbol of lig ht as we now light candles pretation and conservation. on our menorah, the true symbol of our spiritual survival. Space is limited. For ticket in­ I have this hopeful image of Bronia g reeting her little brother formation, please call the His­ with open arms after 50 years of separation as the gates of heaven torical Society at {401) 331- swing open to finally reunite them. 8575.

Rabbi Eliezer Levy of the Chai Center in Warwick lights a Did You Know? menorah during a Chanakah celebration at the Warwick Mall Photo Policy The Texas Peanut Producers last week. Htrald photo by Aliscu Smith Photographs submitted for publication in the Rhode Js/a11d Board has prepared a recipe Jewish Herald should be black and white; we cannot ensure brochure especially for kids. To reproduction quality of unclear or color photos. receive this brochure and to be­ If you want your photo returned, include a self-addressed, come a member of the Texas Copies ol lhe Herald are available lrom ... stamped e nvelope. Photos will be held at the Herald for three Peanut Kids Club, send $1 to months a nd may be picked up at our office, 99 Webster St., Texas Peanuts, P.O. Box 398, Garden City Drug, Reservoir Avenue Pawtucket, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Call Gorman, TX 76454. member­ Park Avenue Deli, Park Avenue the Herald, 724-0200, for more information. ship includes a recipe brochure, Barney's, East Avenue membership certificate and two collectible stickers. Books On The Square, Angell Street CORRESPONDENTS WANTED College Hill Book S1ore, Thayer Street If you would like to correspond for the Herald East Side Prescription Center, Hope Street by writing about w hat is happening in your Hall's Drug, ElmgroveAvenue Little Professor Book Center, University Heights community, contact the editor at 724-0200. Tikva Traditions, Hope Street

Mail gels 10 us faster if you If you arc celebrating use our post office box a special anniversary. number. announce it in the P.O. Box 6063 Hemld. Include a photo with Providence. R.I. 02940 the announcement. Black and white only. please.

We accept tht DELTA AIRLINES! STOP & SIIOP discount ctrtificates/ortrovtlon Delta, Continental. USAir United and Northwest RESTRICTIONS APPLY ~WINKLEMAN QP TRAVEL

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Don Juan Carlos I and Dona Sofia, the King and Queen of Spain, receive a Jewish National Fund certificate to document the Royal Spanish Forest. Pliotorourttsy of /ew1sh Notrouol F,mrl

32 Goff Avenue, Pawtucket, Al 02B60 Announce your wed dint, bar Inside RI: 1-401-728-360D or Itel mitnah, anni¥1mry or Nationwide: 1-800-367-0013 achild's birthinthe FAX: 1-401-724-8076 Rltodelslaml.hlwir/lHm/4 Th, community is inttmttd in wfllat happens IO rou! FOR FLIGHTS, CRUISES or TOURS FOR BUSINESS PLEASURE we~~!~,·"t,~i:rm~!:~~~'to. or RlJewishHeiald,P.08ox6063, FOR ALL YOUR TRAVEL NEEDS Prowltnce, RI 02940 FOR RESERVATIONS, CALL 1-800°628°1020 ' • . J • • .• - - •• \ ._ - •.-.It~~-,•,:: : \ '• . THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, DECEM BER 16, 1993 15 THE JEWISH COMMUNITY

Youth Fellowship JCCRI Plans Busy Month (Continued from Page 12) Don't Miss Shalansky through 3) and PTC Camp rector at Princeton University (Grades 4 through 8). Groups and Dessert and current rabbi of the Society and activities; which include for the Advancement of Ju­ The Brown Bag Club of the daily swim, gym activities, daism in New York City; Rabbi Jewish Community Center of Tuesday and Thursday trips, Shimon Felix, liason for the Rhode Island, 401 Elmgrove special guests, parties, cooking Chief Rabbinate of Israel to di­ Ave. in Providence, will spon­ ,md crafts projects. The camps aspora communities; Dr. Judith sor a performance by singer/ will run Dec. 23 through 31 ; 9 Kates, visiting associate profes­ guitarist Steven Shalansky, at a.m. to 3 p.m.; early arrival - 8 sor al Hebrew College in noon on Dec. 21. The commu­ to 9 a.m.; extended day - 3 to Boston; Rabbi Lawrence Kush­ nity is invited. The perfor­ 6 p.m. Call April Peters ner of Congregation Beth El in mance will include ~merican (KidSpace Camp) or Alisa Sudbury, Mass.; Rabbi Michael folk songs. Bring a bag lunch, Yanow (PTC Camp) at 861 · Paley, director of the Earl Hall dessert and beverage will be 8800 for fee information- and/ Center of Religious Life at Co­ provided. A $1 donatiOn is ap­ or details. lu mbia University; Rabbi James preciated. Yiddish vinkel will Ponet, hillel director at Yale follow at 2 p.m.; call 861 -8800. JCCRI Club 456 University; Dr. Joseph Reimer, Goes Ice Skating JCCRI Gears Up for professor of Jewish education The Jewish Community Cen­ at Brandeis University; and December Vacation Camps ter of Rhode Island will hold an Rabbi Ruth Soh n, former asso­ The Jewish Community Cen­ ice skating trip during vacation ciate director of Boston Univer­ ter of Rhode Island will offer camp for Club 456 (ages I 0 sity's Hillel. weeklong December vacation through 12, children in grades The Bronfman Youth Fellow­ camps this month. There will 4 through 6). The trip will be ships program begins on July 5, be programs and camps for held on Dec. 30 and will cost 1994, with a 2-day seminar in preschoolers through pre­ $10 for Club 456 members and New York City. The students teens. The schedule is as fol­ $12 for nonmembers (price in· return from Israel on Aug. 11, lows: Dec. 27 through 3 1 eludes transportation, admis­ 1994. - 9 a.m . to 3 p.m.; early arrival sion and rentals). Those inter­ All meats will be kosher, and - 8 to 9 a.m.; extended day - ested should meet in the JCCRI Sabbath activities will be in the 3 to 5 p.m . Call Eva Silver or gameroom at 8:45 a .m. as the spirit of the day. All expenses Debbie Blitz at (401) 861-8800 group will leave at 9 a.m. for are covered by the program, in­ for fee information and/or de­ the Franklin rink in Franklin, cluding round-trip interna­ tails. Mass. The group will return at Rhode Island Governor BruceSundlun lig hts a menorah at tional transportation, room and The Jewish Community Cen­ approximately 1:15 p.m. RSVP the Warwick Mall lasl week. Ht raldPhotoby Al1s,cmSm,1I, board, travel in Israel and ind· ter of Rhode Island also offers to Alisa Yanow (861·8800) by dentals. KidSpace Camp (Grades K Dec. 27 as seating is limited. High school students in the of Rhode Island. United States and Canada who Ms. Toll is the author and il­ We Will Not Forget will be in 12th grade in the fall Service Award at a ceremony To conclude the "Celebration lustrator of Behind the Secret o f 1994 may obtain application Miriam Hospital Window: A Memoir of a Hidden on Dec. I 9 at I p.m . in Sopkin of the Printed Word," Nelly S. forms and detailed information Cliildhood; and Without Surre11- Auditorium. Miriam President Toll, painter and author, pre­ by writing: The Bronfman Youth Awards der: Art of the Holocaust. Her Steven Baron; Chairman of the sented a.slide lecture about her Youth Fellowships in Israel, 17 d reamlike paintings enhance Thirty-six area high school Board Maurice Glicksman, experiences as a hidden child Wilbur St., Albany, N.Y. 12202, her writing. students will be recognized for Ph.D., and Congressman Jack during her life as a fugitive in or by calling (518) 465-6575. Her work is being repro­ their volunteer work at The Reed will commend the stu­ Poland, Wednesday night at Completed applications must duced on a poster by the United Miriam Hospital. They will re­ dents for their outstanding ser­ the Jewish Community Center be postmarked no later than ceive the Presidential Youth vice to the community. States Holocaust Memorial Feb. I, 1994. Finalists will be Museum. notified March 1st and finalist interviews will be held during Announce your wedding the week of March 13. Names Calendar of Jewish Events of the 1994 fellowship recipi­ in the HERALD. ents will be announced on March 31. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16 MONDAY, DECEMBER 20 7 p.m. - Children's Department Theatre Produc­ 7:45 p.m.-A meeting of the Dvorah-Dayan Chap­ Pawtucket 724-3114 tion staging of a musical comedy version of the ter of Na' AMAT / USA will take place al the home original "Cinderella" al the Jewish Community of lrka Gastfreund, 40 Wriston Drive, Providence. JACK M. MINKIN Center, 401 Elmgrove Ave., Providence. Tess Hassenfeld will speak on "Spotlight on ~ia Prejudice against Israel.'' Friends and mcmlx-rs dba/Tile-Set FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17 welcome. CERAMIC TILE INSTALLATION AND REPAIRS 7:45 p.m. - Family Torah Service at Temple Bcth­ TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21 Cleaning, Regrouting and Sealing - leaks Fixed El. 700rchard Ave., Providence. 7:45a.m. - The Alperin Schechter Day School will KITCHEN and BATH REMODELING SUNDAY, DECEMBER 19 sponsor a Parent Br.:akfast -Gradc5 · at the school, Electrical and Plumbing 85 Taft Ave., Providence. 10:45 a.m. - The Simcha Singles of Temple Tora! " A TROUBLESHOOTER WITH IDEAS" Yisrael, 330 Park Ave., Cranston, will sponsor a 12:30 p.m. - Temple Torat Yisrael, 330 Park Ave., INSURED • R.I. LICENSE NO. 4210 • REFERENCES Bagd Brunch at the temple. Guest speaker will be Cranston, will host a Majestic Senior Guild meet­ Professor Perry Jeffries of U.R.l. on the subject of ing. Dr. Burton Fischman will speak. physical and spiritual health. Call 943-7272. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23 11 a.m.- At the kosher meal site at the J.C.C., 401 Elmgrove Ave., Providence, a video, "A World 7 p.m. - The annual, .ill-student songfest, Away: Austria, the Land of Music," will be shown. ZIMRIYAH, will take place at the Alperin Schechter Cal1861-8800for schedulcofotherlunchtimeevents. Day School. 85 T.ift Ave., Providence 50% Di5count Coples the Herald ON ALL CHANUKAH SUPPLIES or MEDICARE & MEDICAID are available from ... ~NURSING PLACEMENT= CERTIFIED AND LICENSED Christlnas- Decorations, Stocking Stutters. Boutique G1fts, Etc .= HOME CARE INC. = SKILLED NURSING STAFF New Ye~'!;,.. Decorations, Hats, Horns, Noisemakers, Etc CASE MANAGEMENT Ga1denC1tyOrng, Reservo1rAve I Plates • Cups • Napkino • 1llblecoven • Etc. ! " Home Care You Can Rely On" •ANAssessmenl Pa1k AvenueDel1, Pa1kAve • 24-HourSupervision Strl'lng Massncb,m.•tts and Rhode Island • Aeg1S1eredNu1ses 1m11n1nv1011U11holldaycn1c11a1n1nv ... allaldimunlprlml PT01ldlng Quality lle-,dth Care for 17 \'can •l1censedNu1smgAss1s1anu Barney"s, East Ave •Phys1callheiapy 20% Discount on New Year's Party Kits •Occupat1onallhe,apy For I 0, 2S, SO or I 00 People • Speech Therapy •IV Therapy BooksDnTheSquare. AngellSt •Mn terSoc1al Wor k The "Only" Party Warehouse CollegeH1!1BookStore,ThayerS1 • Ped,atrics EastS1dePrescrip11onCenter.HopeS! 310 EAST AVENUE, PAWTUCKET • 726-2491 HalrsDrug, ElmgroveAve 11tcnnprorl1le J1111u·ltb ..ALL AT DIKOUNT PRICES" linle ProfessorBoo~Cente,, 11 wmprehe,ulre program JEANNE STEIN Univers1tyHe1ghts Providence North K1n11stown Brookline, MA to help )"fJU lteep yuur Holiday Hou~ Mond.1y-T~y 9 lo-6. fnd•y 9 3().7. S•turd.1y9 3~. Sund.Ir 11~ T1kvaTrad1t1ons. HopeSt !•011•53 « 7• 140118356070 (6171 738-5030 lured une.s ot home. FRIDAY. CHRISTMAS EVE 9 lQ-4 • Cl OSlO SATURDAY. CHRISTMAS DAY 16 - TH E RHODE ISi AND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1993 FEATURE

The Meaning of Chanukah A Poem by Hershy Worch Chanukah is the miracle of faith lt "s easy to believe what you cannot see. I have never seen the Emperor of Japan or the gold bulhon in Fort Knox . Believing is not fauh . Faith is to accept what your heart knows m spite of everything your senses tell you to the contrary. Chanukah is the war against proof-positive again~t fashion , against scient ific propaganda. The main message of Hellinism which was the science of its day what that Judaism is nothing special No people is special No country is speci al even Earth is just another planet re volving around an insignificent yell ow sun. Not hing special. The Maccabis refused to accept this propaganda and made war. To be a Maccabi you don't have to shoot a policeman but you must 'Let My People Know' be ready to kill your television. Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, who recentl y completed a translation of the Talmud into Russia~, Chanukah is a festival of light. approves of the winning poster in a contest connected with the publication of his work al the the hidden light, the light which was United Nations in New York. Pho1oco11r/esyo!JDC created at the beginning of the worl d, but hidden for the world to come. Jewish Education. He also Chanukah is glimpse of the future, serves on the board of the of the world to come. Pollack Is Re-Elected American Zionist Youth Feder­ The Only One said to Moses Lester Pollack, president of New York. He currently chairs ation, Council of Jewish Feder­ Go down into Egypt and tell the Hebrews the Jewish Community Centers the international affairs com­ ations, HI AS and UJA-Federa­ that l have come to redeem them Association, has been re­ mittee of the Anti-Defamation tion of Greater New York. Moses said: When they ask me Who is G-d elected chairman of the Confer­ League of B'nai B'rith and is a A former chairman of the What shall I tell them is Your name? ence of Presidents of Major member of the executive com­ board of the Associated YM ­ And the Only One answered Moses American Jewish Organiza­ mittee of the American Israel YW HAs of Greater New Yo rk I WILL BE WHOM I WILL BE. ti0ns. Public Affairs Committee and vice president of the UJA ­ Go Moses and tell them Pollack, 60, was unani­ (AlPAC). He is the found ing Federation of New York, where The Future has sent me to You . mously chosen to serve a sec­ chairman and chief executive he ·served on the executive On Chanukah we see the light. ond one-year term beginning officer of the Center for Middle committee, Pollack has also Jan. I. 1994. East Research, chairman of the been a trustee of Community When people see eye to eye Long active in Jewish com ­ board of directors of Tel Aviv Synagogue in Rye, N.Y., and a their hearts are opening to one another. munal affairs, Pollack is a past University's Trilateral Peace member of the board of over­ When their hea rts must talk to one another president of the Jewish Com­ Project and vice chairman o l seers of the Wurzwei\er School people close their eyes and kiss. munity Relations Council of the Council for Initiatives in of Social Work of Yeshiva Uni ­ There is a light beyond the seeing light. versity. Why is the night sky so dark Pollack is a member of the with a hundred thousand zillion stars board of trustees of New York it should be a uniform milky white. University, where he is vice The answer lies in the future chairman of the academic af­ the light hasn't reach us yet fai rs committee, and chairman of the budget committee of the If the Only One is so giving GiVB WBBkly. New York University Law Cen­ why is the exile so long? ter Foundation . .,. why is the darkness JO profound? Pollack was born in New It is there but hasn't reached us yet Yo rk, graduated from Brooklyn it is the future, the world to come. College and received a law de­ Why don't we kindle Chanukah lights gree from New York University all winter long? School of Law. He is a recipient When we have seen eye to eye GiVB fUB o f the Vanderbilt Medal from we close our eyes New Yo rk University Law we turn out the tights School, the alumni achieve­ we look for the light that ment award from New York cannot be see with the eyes University and the Scopus we are involved in creating the future. Award given by the American Hhodo lolond Friends of Hebrew Universi ty. (Continued from Page 2) He is married to the former JCCRI Plans Ski Trip works Finale, scheduled for Geri Ruskin and has two mar­ 11 :SO p.m. over the State ried children and two grand­ The Jewish Community Cen­ House lawn. will welcome the children. ter of Rhode Island, 401 Elm­ New Year with a burst of color. The Presidents Conference, grove Ave. in Providence, will A single First Night admis­ Jowioh Horold. be sponsoring a trip to Ver­ founded in 1955, is composed sion button provides to The RhON bland Jewish Herald is the pMfed: choia- for a of 50 national Jewish secular mont, to ski at Mount Snow. all indoor performances and a..-tuah Gift... and your towed one wlll ...,..._ JOII' and religious groups whose The one-day excursion wit\ be workshop on a first-come, first­ .....-11y 52 tt- this ,._. We wHI Mftd • hollclaJ card on members comprise the great held on Dec. 19. Those inter­ served basis. Prices remain the , .., Mhalf to 11N PMlpMftt: of ,our gift 1ub9cription. majority of American Jews. ested should arrive at the JC­ same as last vear: $7 per button In its work of protecting and CR I by 5 a.m.; the motorcoach until December 25 and $9 Por • pft 1ubK,iptioft, ,...._ comp..._ th• t.llowl"I fonn. enhancing the security and dig­ will leave at 5:30 a.m . and ar­ thereafter. Value 4-packs of 4 u4 mall (with pa,-...t) tos ILi. ,-,fsh Nenld. RO. 8ow nity of Jews abroad and rive back at the Center at ap­ buttons for $24 may be pur­ M91...... w.-. LL 02NO st rengthening U.S.-lsrael rela­ proximately 8:30 p.m. There chased by calling the First tions, the Conference of Presi­ w, 11 be a food stop on the return Night office at 52 1- 1166. Ir--- P'lease nnd--- a full ,Hr's------7 subscription to: I dents speaks and acts on inter­ home. Those who prefer are First Night buttons are avail­ national affai rs o f Jewish welcome to bring a bagged din­ able throughout the state, in ­ ner. Make reservations by call­ _:-_:-_:-_:-_:-_:-_:-_:-_:-_:-_:-_:-_:-_:-_:-_:-_:-_:-_:-_:-_:-_:-_:-_:-_:-_-_ I concern as the consensus voice cluding all AAA locations, Citi­ 1:,:._--_ ing Alisa Yanow at (401) 86 1- I Clty ______State __ Zip ____ I of the world 's largest Jewish zens Bank, CVS, NHD Super I I community. 8800 as soon as possible. There Hardware Stores, Providence ,~m ______arc a limited number of spaces Public Libraries, Shawmut available. I Add ..., ------I Let the community know Banks and YMCAs of Greater I ~n• Stat. __ Zip ____ I about your organi1a1ion'!! Have an opinion? Providence. For further information, call fun ction".>. Announce them Express it rt, a letter to the First Night Hotline at (401) LEnclowd Is• ch•c• for S10 (S14 for out•of•stat• recipients} J in the Herald. the HERALD. 455-8205 @\ti- School Close Reading of Beverage Labels Lights, More Important Than Ever! Parents looking for healthy designed their packaging with Camera, refreshments for their kids may bold, vivid colors to help con­ find themselves overwhelmed sumers identify a healthy alter· with all the choices today. Su­ native to sugar-added bever· Action permarkets now carry five ages. With cameras and video times as many beverage items " With all the choices today, recorders in hahd at the Jewish as they did a decade ago, most parents realize it's more impor· Community Center of Rhode of which are brand-new bever­ tant than ever to check food la· Island, parents were ready to age categories, such as sport bels if they want to be sure their snap or record away, as the drinks, flavored water and car­ kids are getting the best," said " Second Annual Zimriyah" bonated juice blends. With all Andrea Cook, spokeswoman took place Tuesday morning. these new products, it takes a for the brand. " Juicy Juice The enthusiastic preschool­ savvy shopper to sift through makes this process easier for ers and kindergarteners per· beverage labels and nutritional parents with the bold new formed magnificantly with lots claims to find the good stuff for package design and enlarged of cheer and clapping under the your kids. ' 100 percent fruit juice' on the direction of Anne Mittler, musi­ Realizing the dramatic over­ front." cal coordinator Judy Nagai, pi· crowding in the beverage The U.S. government, also anist, and all of the preschool aisles, manufacturers are re­ realizing the increasing number teachers. designing their packaging to of product choices, recently The program included such emphasize their strong points. passed strict new labeling laws songs as: " Blessings and For example, Libby's Juicy Juice which go into effect May, 1994. Candlelighting," " Chanukah, 100 percent Fruit Juice, which The new laws give consumers Chanukah, Holiday of Fun," provides 100 percent of the better information and weed " Twinkle, Twinkle Chanukah U.S. RDA for Vitamin C and out products with misleading Lights," " Eight Little Candles," has no added sugar, has re· claims. " I Have a Little Oreidl," con· eluding with "Chanukah." The eagerness and innocence of the 3·, 4· and 5-year·olds re· Fascinating Facts minds us of what it's all about. Youth Serenade Jane Myers, third g rade teacher at Alperin Schecter School and a g roup of students serenade the residents of Rosewood Talking Around Manor at a recent Chanukah party sponsored by JERI. -=------,The Table Herald P/10/0 by Alism1 Smith Even though it's not a round group of Christian friends. table - more like rectangle - Crash Course " They want to learn for the administration and third grade purpose of studying the Bible," parents met early Tuesday NEWPORT, R.I. - Aside says Rabbi Shapiro, as "our morning at the Alperin from the annual fall 'Trash general theme is we welcome Schechter School in Providence Hebrew Course," Rabbi Chaim everyone." to discuss school curriculum Shapiro at Touro synagogue This class will begin Jan. 12, with relation to their children. will teach Hebrew to a small 1994, at 6:30 p.m . Some topics included recess (which now appears under control); child development - -tr: ,' * <..'; " learning is developmental, * * everyone gets there the same - maybe not all at the same time;" progress in the Hebrew . CAMPS language, and last but not least - homework. The general consensus from the parents is that all third graders love their computer class and hands-on science eAMP AVODA work. AT THE GATEWAY TO CAPE COD On Beautiful Lake Tispaquin Mail gets to us faster if you Middleboro. Massachusetts 02346 use our pos1 office box founded In 19 27 for Jcwl!.h boys 7 to LSycaniold cntcrlnggradcs2 thn:,ugh JO number. P.O . Box 6063 -mE TRADITION CONTINUES" Providence, R.I. 02940 ARCHERY • ARTS & CRAFTS • BASKETBALL • CANOEING • FISHING • FOOTBALL • FUN-YAKJNG • HYDROSLIOING • KAYAKING • KJCKBALL • NEWCOMB • PHOTOGRAPHY• PING PONG • RADIO • ROWING • SAILING • SOCCER • SOFTBALL • Fifty Years Ago in the Rhode Island Jewish Herald STREET HOCKEY • SWIM INSTRUCTION • TENNIS • TUBING • VOLLEYBALL • WAT ERSKIING • WEIGHTLIFTING • WINDSURFING • WOODWORKING • WRESTI,ING • WEEKLY t------WEEK OF DECEMBER 17, 1943 ------1 FIELD TRIPS • INTER- AND INTRA-CAMP COMPETITION Jewish Girl Is First WAVE to Die EXCELLENT KOSHER FOOD • RESIDENT R.N. NORFOLK- The first member of the WAVES to be killed in the line of duty is a Jewish girl, • 3 ON-CALL PEDlATRICIANS Seaman Elizabeth Kerensky, 20, of Philadelphia, Pa. She lost her life in an explosion at the 8-wcck or two 4 -wcek periods Norfolk Naval Air Slation. Home for Aged Ball, Dec. 25 CALL OR WRI TE ~ Paul G Davu, O1rcclor Urge Immediate Mail Reservations _.., Camp Avoda The annual charity ball of lhe Rhod e Island Jewish Home for the Aged will be a dinner-dance to be held Saturday night, Decem ber 25, at the Narragansett Hotel, it was announced this week ., ~~n1;:~:7/~~t 01940 by Ha rry Blacher, general chairman. * (617) )~:;f',~',.m, Temple Emanuel Mother-Daughter Holiday Pageant Temple Emanuel will present as part of the Sabbath eve services this evening at 8: 10 o'clock a Mother-Daug hter Pageant. This religious pageant will be presented under the sponsorship of ACCREDITED the Ju nior Sisterhood. Partici pa nts include Misses I lope Abrams, Ta m.ira Backma n, Ma rion Borod, Munel Harris, Doris Meyers, Anne Resnick, Avis Strauss, Edna Sackett and Gertrude c..!A~ We1nberg,all from the Junior Sisterhood Pupi ls from the rcligousschool taking pa rt arc Dcatncc Tcmkm, Barbara Spunt. Phylhs Berger, l:laine Pearlma n, Gladys Cart,nn, Judith Ka pstcir,, M.uilyn Yohn, Joan Dressler, Joy Blackman, Ad ele Pobm,, Ru th Hink and Loh; Siskmd ' 18 THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1993 OBITUARIES

ln the late 1940s, Mr. The tuneral service was held years will be deeply missed by Hospital in Fla., died Dec. 11 in ETTA BA XT Berkowitz found~d- Splendor Dec. 12 at the Max Sugarman all. Miami Beach. She was the wife PROVIDENCE - Etta Baxt, Magazine and Executive Jeweler. Memorial Chapel. 458 Hope "This is a great loss for the of Albert B. Friedmann. 104, of 111 S. Angell St., died In the 1950s, he created the St., Providence. Burial was in community and for those who Born in Providence, a daugh­ Dec. 12 dt the Bethany Home. U11ited Jewelry S/iow Guide as Lincoln Park Cemetery. d id not even know him," says ter of the late David and Birdie She was the widow of Hyman well as the trade publication Edi th E. Grant, a close family Gilman, she moved to Florida Baxt. American Jewelry Manufac­ friend. in 1945 previously living in Born in Russia, a daughter of turer fo r MJSA. Mr. Eichenbaum was a mem­ Providence. the late Max and Frieda (Kahn) He also represented the Jewel­ ber of the board of Temple She was one of the earliest Shankman, she migrated to ers Buyers Guide. Emanu-El and a member of supporters and a founder of Boston, and then moved to In 1959, he brought AJM to B'nai B'ri th and the Knights of Mount Sinai Hospital in Flor­ Providence in 1908. the Chilton Co., Philadelphia, Pythias. ida. She studied at Rhode ls­ She leaves a son, Victor J. Pa., where he worked for 34 Besides his wife he is sur­ land School of Design while at­ Baxt; a daughter, Frieda B. Ho­ years as the New England man­ vived by two sons, Howard tending Classical High School henemser Nemzoff, both of ager for Jewelers Circular Key­ Eichenbaum of Somerville, and graduated from Brown Providence; four sisters, Sara stone. He continued to repre­ Mass., and Cary Eichenbaum University. She was an av id Price of West Orange, N.J., Ida sent AJM and created Accent of Providence. bridge player, and became a Laughlin of Bronxville, N.Y., Magazine in 1976. He was a A funeral service was held Helen Gottlieb of New York, member of the Providence Jew­ Wednesday at Temple Emanu­ BESS LEVIN and Jane Karman of Plantation, elers Club, the 24 Karat Club, El. Burial was at Lincoln Park. WARWICK - Bess Levin, Fla.; four grandchildren, and and served on the board of d i­ Cemetery, Warwick. Arrange­ 92, of the Kent Nursing Home, nine great-grandchildren. rectors of the Boston Jewelers ments were by Mount Sinai Commonwealth Avenue, died A graveside service was held Club. He was a former presi­ Memorial Chapel, 825 Hope Dec. 4 at the home. She was the Dec. 14 at Lincbln Park Ceme­ dent of the Diamond Peacock St., Providence. widow of Michael M. Levin.· tery, Warwick. Club. STANLEY S. GERSHKOFF She is survived by one son, Besides his wife and father he Raymond E. Eichenbaum Milton Levin of Providence and MIRAMAR, Fla. - Stanley ROBERT T. BAXTER leaves a brother, Dr. Norman three grandchildren, Miriam C. Gershkoff, 72, of Miramar, AUBURN, Ind . - Robert T. Berkowitz of Providence; four Dies at 64 Sirota, Heather Levin and Fla., a retired businessman and Baxter, 91, formerly of Foster, sons, Marc Berkowitz of San Michael Levin, and one great­ PROVIDENCE - Raymond musician, died Dec. 2 at the owner and operator of the for­ Francisco, Calif., Richard grandson, Zachary Sirota. Eichenbaum, a Holocaust sur­ Hollywood Memorial Hospital mer Ark Tavern in Foster, died Berkowitz of East Greenwich, vivor, died Tuesday morning at in Hollywood, Fla., after a long ALICE REGENSTEINER Dec. 8 at the Betz Nursing Steven Berkowitz and James Miriam Hospital in Providence. illness. He was the husband of Home in Auburn, Ind. He was Berkowitz, both of Los Ange­ WARWICK - Alice Regen­ Friends said Mr. Eichenbaum Phyllis (Kladky) Gershkoff. the husband of the late Mildred les, Calif., and a granddaugh­ steiner, 94, a resident of the had a heart condition fo r a long Born in Providence, R.I., a (Rundell) Baxter. Born in Provi­ ter. Kent Nursing Home in War­ time. son of the late Abraham and dence, a son of the late Harry T. A graveside service was held wick for the last five years, died In 1991, he finally finished Sarah Gershkoff, he lived in and Christina (Pringle) Baxter, at Eternal Light Memorial Gar­ Dec. 8 at the home. She was the the play " Till Death Did Us Providence, Haverhill, Mass., he lived in Foster most of his dens, Boyton Beach. wife of the lat~ Ludwig Regen­ Part," a tribute to his sister, and South Florida. steiner. Born in Augsburg, Ger­ life. Bronia, who died heroically at He served in the Marines and He served in the U.S. Army many, she was a daughter of HARVEY BLAKE age 18 during the Holocaust. was a member of the Bud Hope during World War II and saw the late Rudolph and Lina WARWICK - Harvey Blake, The play debuted Sunday ii\ Lodge, 1.O.O.F., in Olneyville. combat in the Pacific area. He Nathan. 76, of 1922 Warwick Ave., a front of a personal group at the also played the trumpet in the Mr. Baxter worked for many She was a resident of War­ self-employed public accoun­ Jewish Community Center. Army band. years for the Grinnell Co. of wick for the last five years. She tant for more than 50 years, A prisoner at the Auschwitz After the war he played and lived in Providence for three Cranston. died Dec. lO at the Jane Brown and Mathausen concentration He is survived by two daugh­ arranged music for many of the years and in Cranston for more Unit of Rhode Island Hospital. camps, he was one of the " Big Bands" of that era, indud· ters, Lauranelle Kimball of than 30 years. She was a mem­ He was the husband of the late founders of the Holocaust ing the Sonny Dunham orches­ ber of former Temple Beth Is­ Dayville, Conn., and Roberta Helene (Becker) Blake. Born in memorial of Rhode Island. tra, where he was a featured rael, and had served as presi­ M. Bansbach of Hamilton, Ind.; Providence, a son of the late He was born in Lodz, Poland, trumpeter. dent of its sisterhood. During six grandchildren and six gre{lt · David and Celia (Halperin) a son of the late Chayim and Mr. Gershkoff was also en­ World War II she was active in grandchildren. A graveside ser­ Blake, he lived in Warwick for Basya (Worobieczyk) Eichen­ gaged in the manufacture of the Russian war relief program. vice was held Dec. 13 in High­ 18 years. baum. shoe components in Haverhill, After the war, she helped reset­ land Memorial Park, George Mr. Bla ke was a member of A chemist with Carol Cable Mass., and Miami for 40 years Waterman _Road, Johnston. tle European immigrants in the Temple Torat Yisrael, Crans~ Co., he had lived in Providence before retiring. He had been a United States. She was a mem­ ton, and its Men's Club. He was since 1947. He was a graduate resident of Florida for many ber of the Hadassah and the MORTON B. BERKOWITZ a graduate of Bryant College, of the University of Rhode Is­ years. Women's Association of the BOYNTON BEAC H, Fla. - Class of 1937. He was a mem­ land. His contributions to the Besides his wife, he leaves Miriam Hospital. Morton B. Berkowitz, 70, of 13 ber of the Overseas Lodge 40 Jewish Herald for the past 5 three sons, Arthur Gershkoff of She is survived by a daugh­ Club House Lane, Boynton AF&AM, a shriner at the Scot­ Philadelphia, Pa., Ira Gershkoff ter, Hannah Greenwood of Beach, Fla. , died Dec. 12 at tish Rite Temple and a 32nd de­ of Arlington, Texas, and Alfred New Rochelle, N.Y.; two sons, home. He was the husband of gree Mason. He was a member Tell them you aaw Gershkoff of Oceanside, Calif., F. David Regenstein of War­ Elaine (Ren kin) Berkowitz. of the Jewish War Veterans, their ad In the a sister, Rose Horvitz of Provi­ wick and Max Regensteiner of Born in Providence, a son of B'nai B'rith, the Pawtuxet Yach t dence, R.I. , a brother, Irving Silver Spring, Md.; eight grand­ Robert Berkowitz of Provi­ Club and the Rhode Island So­ Gershkoff of Scottsdale, Ariz., children and seven great­ dence, and the late Bessie ciety of Public Accountants. ~ode Island six grandchildren, and several grandchildren. She was the sis­ (Horvitz) Berkowitz, he lived in He leaves a son, Frederick nieces and nephews. ter of the late Gertrude Florida for seven years, previ­ "Ricky" Blake of Wa rwick and Jewish ~raid A memorial service was con· Bloch-Lehmann and Ernest ously residing in Cranston. a gran~daughter. ducted on Dec. 5 in Pembroke Nathan. Pines, Fla. A graveside service took Memorial donations may be place Dec. 10 at Sharon Memo­ made to the American Cancer rial Park, Sharon, Mass. Service Socie_ty or a favorite charity. was coordinated by Mount For over 40 years, the owner of Mount Sinai Memorial Chapel .. . Sinai Memorial Chapel. 825 Mitchell. .. has served Rhode Island Jewish families over 8,000 times .. . EILEEN KA NE-FRIEDMANN Hope St., Providence. as a professional Jewish funeral director. .. as did his father and MIAM I BEACH, Fla. - Eileen Ka ne-Friedmann of grandfa ther since the I 870s ... with honesty Collins Ave., Miami Beach, (Continued on Page 19) and integrity. Fla., a founder of Mount Sinai One of the reasons why the majority of Rhode Island Jewish fa milies call Max Sugarman MOUNT SINAI Memorial Chapel

MEMORIAL CHAPEL ~n:'\ Certified by /Ire «; =::;,,.'rJ: R.I. t3oardo/Rabbis 331-3337 Michae l D. Smith Executive Director 825 Hope at Fourth Streets Rhode l~land's Oldest Jewish FunerJI lloml' 458Hope5trect, l'rovid1.>ncc Pre-need counseling with tax-free Please call for your From out of state call : • (Comer of Doyle Ave.) A payment planning is available New Year calendar 1-800-331 -3337 331-8094 . Out of Slate: 1-800-447·1267 Only R.I. J ewish Funerul Home that is a member of the national J c~ish Proftssfo1111I Prt-Nttd Comrstlms At.\'lrlllblt Funeral Directors of America a nd ce rtified by R.I. Board of Rabbis Ca ll fo r your free 5754 11993-1994) ca lendu THE RHODE ISLAN D JEW ISH HERALD, THURSDAY, DECEM BER 16, 1993 19 CLASSIFIED

trustees. She was a member of SAMUEL ROTENBERG Chapel, Orchard Avenue, AUTO REPAIR PERSONALS FA LL RIVER, Mass. Temple Emanu-EI and its Sis­ ELIZAB ETH SHAPIRO terhood, the Miriam Hospital Samuel Rotenberg, 85, of 27 NORWOOD, Mass. - Eliza­ AUTO REPAIR at your home. foreign and ACTIVE SEN IOR CITIZEN see~1nglongterm Courtney St., owner of the fo r­ Women's Association, B'nai domestic vehicles Experienced mechanic. compa nion to share goO