October 2014 the School School and Six Staff Mem- Ocelebrated Gandhi and Shas- Bers Namely Mrs.Sreedevi Tri Jayanti by Organising a Short Rao, Mrs
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VOl.- 02. ISSue-04 A Podar International School News Monthly OCTOBER - 2014 A Chat with Miss Calculus Q.1 In your view how can we, the students improve Q.4 Which type of atmosphere do you like friendly and perform well in mathematics? or professional? First, you should have an interest in the sub- Of course! A combination of both. Whenever ject. Try to clear all concepts with perfection. Exam they need me as a friend to share something, I am their point of view, mainly understand the question and an- friend and a guide. Whenever my professional touch swer them. But remember every day practise can only is needed, I have to be professional . help you to perform well. Q.5 What, according to you, is the best way of Q.2 Can you share any of your experiences as a teaching ? Is it traditional or modern way? student or a teacher? Rapid fire Frankly speaking, in my 22 years of teaching . I still remember, during my B.Ed. training, I started the modern and the innovative techniques after 1.What is your hobby? my psychology professor insisted everyone to give a joining Podar. For this, from core of my heart, I wish to -Reading informative books and solving speech on the stage. Out of 400 students randomly he convey my gratitude towards our management. In my puzzles. called my roll number. I was totally blank and stood opinion, in present generation, these techniques are one second looking at the audience. Then, I spoke essential. At the same time do not forget the traditional about “importance of teacher training”. After the techniques they should also be preferred as you know “ 2.Your favourite cuisine. speech the professor came on the stage and praised old is gold”. -Punjabi dishes. me a lot, that speech made me the vice chairman of my B.Ed. college . Q.6 Can you share with us what type of child you 3. One thing or a person without which were in childhood ? you cannot imagine your life. Q.3 What is your strategy to manage a class with -Of course! My better half(my husband). both a slow learner and a intelligent child ? I am from a girl convent school. I was studi- ous but very naughty and masti girl.(you can see the I always give more priority to the slow learn- mark of 18 stiches on my forehead which had hap- 4. Your favourite movie. ers. Again and again repeating same concepts can pened when I was fighting with my brother). I was -Aaradhna ! improve the slow learner. Also I recall their previous also very brave and I cannot tolerate injustice any- knowledge in that topic. At the same time I also try to where. 5. Your role model. give some extra knowledge to the intelligent students. By- Yash Gite and Yash Chandak (X) -A.P.J Abdul Kalam. TEAM OF THE MONTH Chief Editor: Mr. Ramesh Chandra Panda (Principal) Teacher Coordinator: Mrs. Edna Fernandes (Event Coordinator) Team Managers: Miss Pranoti Billade & Miss Bhakti Rajhans Team Members 1.Miss Akshita Lolage 9.Master A.N. Shreyas 2.Miss Tasneem Zakiuddin 10.Master Tanmay Phalke 3.Miss Aanchal Vyas 11.Master Rishi Nair 4.Miss Shruthy Maria 12.Master Yash Gite 5.Miss Aishwarya Thakare 13.Master Yash Chandak 6.Miss Pradnya Bhirud 14.Master Darshan Deore 7.Miss Anjali Nair 15.Master Purab Kalro 8.Miss Aditi Soni “Management is doing things right but leadership is doing right things.” -Peter Drucker ARTICLE A Podar International School News Monthly 2 “We should not judge people by their peak of excellence but by the distance they have travelled from the point where they started.” -Henry Ward Beecher Diwali iwali also known as the “festival and festivities end with Bhau-beej Smart parenting for Dof lights”, is an ancient Hindu fes- dedicated to sister-brother bond on the tival celebrated in autumn every year. fifth day. smart kids Diwali is one of the happiest of holi- the divas (lamps) are mentioned in days in India. Diwali is celebrated by Skanda Purana to symbolically repre- Hindus, Jains, and Sikhs to sent parts of sun, ust like with any relationship, build- is a good idea to set up a meeting with mark historical events, stories or the cosmic giver of light and energy ing a positive relationship between the teacher and ask how you can work myths,but they all spiritually mark the to all life, people buy new clothes for J parent and child is one that requires ef- in harmony victory of light over darkness, themselves and their families, gifts, fort to make it strong and successful. •Disciplining Your Child Without beat- Knowledge over ignorance, right over appliances On Diwali night, fireworks Parenting is a tough job. Here are some ing and punishing wrong, good over evil, hope over de- light up the neighborhood skies. simple tips for enhancing the bond be- Punishment makes a child feel like spair. Later, family members and invited tween parent and child. he’s a bad person, so he’s more likely In Maharashtra, Diwali starts from friends celebrate the night over food •Separate the Deed from the Doer to repeat the bad behaviour. Some chil- Vasubaras which is the 12th day of the and sweets. Never tell a child that he is bad. That dren are afraid of this abuse and it may 2nd half of the Things you should do on this Diwali…. hurts his self-esteem. Help your child seem to the parent that this method is Marathi month Ashvin. This day is cel- 1. Give your House a Makeover- Try recognize that it isn’t that you don’t working. ebrated by performing an Aarti of the give your walls a new colour, fill with like him, but it is his behaviour that “To be in your children’s memories cow and its calf – flowers and lamps. you are unwilling to tolerate. tomorrow, which is a symbol of love between 2. Socialize : It is the best time to catch •Use Action, Not Words You have to be in their lives today.” mother and her baby. up with friends. Statistics say that we give our children The next day is Dhana Trayodashi. 3. Go easy on the calories : Instead of over 2000 compliance requests a day! Traders and business people give spe- saying no each time you could opt for No wonder our children become “par- cial importance to this festival. It is dry fruits and roasted stuff ent deaf!” Instead of nagging or yell- also considered, an auspicious day for instead of fried ones. ing. making important purchases, precious 4. Indulge in Charity : you can dis- •Develop a Working Relationship with metals like silver and gold. tribute sweets or clothes to poor kids, Teachers Before Diwali night, people clean, help the needy ones. Many parents feel as if teachers are renovate and decorate their homes the 5. Passing on Gifts : If you’ve got a their opponents and don’t realize that festivities start with Dhanteras, gift that is too tacky to be used, then we are all here to try and help our chil- Dhanterasusually falls eighteen days throw it away instead of dren grow in the best way possible. If after Dussehra. followed by Naraka passing it on. you think that there may be an issue, it By- Mrs. Poonam Rana Chaturdasi on second day, 6. Say No to Firecrackers : yes we are Diwali on the third day, Diwali Padva aware of adverse effect that firecrack- dedicated to wife-husband relationship ers have on our environment . on the fourth day, Wish you a Very Happy, Be Positive Precious and Safe Diwali !!!!! hinkers are many but righteous things. Thinking of problems will cre- “Tthinkers are a few”. To under- ate more problems and your solution stand the power of thoughts we must will come. Thinking won’t solve your begin to feel and use them for our bet- problems unless you work hard. By-Mrs. Nitu Chetan Agnihotri, terment because all that we are is the Remember you have the power to do Class Tr : 3 A result of what we have thought. anything extraordinary. So use it be- In the general scientific theory, nega- fore it expires. Be optimistic, grateful tive attracts positive and positive at- and stay in the present, but don’t forget tracts negative, but my theory states to stay happy. नटकट नादानी का बचपन । that positive minds will attract positive बचपन विद्या में जो डूबा तनमन । By-Vijay K.S IX A खेलकूद में गुजरा बचपन । याद दिलता है प्रतिक्षण । रंग- रंगोली दुनिया में । बीता है सुन्दर सा बचपन । By-Riya Jaju IV B MAGAZINE A Podar International School News Monthly 3 “The only worse thing than being blind is having sight and no vision.” -Hellen Keller NASHIK NEWS A WORKSHOP CHAT WITH ell, this month Nashik was busy They said it was a decision taken in the Wwith many new events and many ‘interest of Nashik’. “A renowned ac- new surprises. The main news of the tor like Aamir Khan is shooting at the OUR ENGLISH MENTORS… month was shooting interruption of the famous temple in Nashik. We do not big budget movie, ‘PK’ with main lead want the industry to get a message that by Aamir Khan and Anushka Sharma. Nashik is unfriendly and also we think ‘workshop’ as we all know is a in Fravashi Academy. The shooting of the movie was inter- that the temple will be seen all across A training program held to inform She gave our teachers very efficient rupted in Nashik when the crew began through the film.