House of Commons


Session 2016–17

18 May 2016–3 May 2017


HC 1

House of Commons


Session 2016–17

18 May 2016–3 May 2017

RETURNS to Orders of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 13 July 2016—(The Chairman of Ways and Means)


Ordered by The House of Commons to be printed 13 July 2017

HC 1 Published 13 July 2017 by authority of the House of Commons INTRODUCTORY NOTE The Sessional Return provides statistical information about the House and its Committees. The Sessional Returns were first published in consolidated form for Session 1986–87. Returns of: i. Closure of debate in the House and in Standing Committees dating back to 1887 and 1907 respectively; ii. Delegated Legislation from Session 1974–75; iii. Private Bills and Private Business from 1981; iv. Sittings of the House from Session 1960–61; and v. Special Procedure Orders from Session 1972–73 have been placed in the House of Commons Library where they may be inspected by Members. Copies have also been supplied to the Parliamentary Archives, where they are available to the public for inspection. Requests for inspection should be addressed to the Parliamentary Archives, Houses of Parliament, London, SW1A 0PW (020 7219 3074). Hours of inspection are from 10.00am to 4.00pm Mondays to Fridays. Electronic copies of the Sessional Returns from 1997–98 onwards can be found online at SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 1


1 Business of the House 5 A Questions 5 B Notices of Motions for an Early Day 5 C Disciplinary Powers of the Chair 5 D Petitions 5

2 Closure of Debate, Proposal of Question and Allocation of Time 7 A Closure of Debate 7 B Power of Chair to Propose Question 8 C Previous Question 8 D (1) Allocation of Time 8 (2) Allocation of Time (Programme Motions) 8 (3) Allocation of Time (Business of the House Motions) 24

3 Sittings of the House 25 A Days and hours of sitting in the House 25 B Days and hours of sitting in Westminster Hall 30 C Distribution of time on the floor of the House between principal types of business 34 D Distribution of time in Westminster Hall between applicable types of business 35

4 Private Bills and Private Business 36 A Private Bills, Private Business and Special Procedure Orders: General 36 B Opposed Bill Committees 37 C Committee on Unopposed Bills 37 D Court of Referees 38 E Standing Orders Committee 38 F Joint Committees 38

5 Public Bills 39 A General Summary 39 B Bills which received the Royal Assent 40 C Bills which did not receive the Royal Assent 41 D Consideration of Bills in Committee of the whole House 44 E Consideration of Bills in General Committees 45

6 Delegated Legislation and Legislative Reform Orders 54 A Instruments laid before the House 54 2 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

B Instruments considered by the Joint and Select Committees on Statutory Instruments 54 C Consideration in the House and in Delegated Legislation Committee 55 D Draft Legislative Reform Orders 56 E Remedial Orders under the Human Rights Act 1998 56

7 European Legislation, etc 57 A Consideration by the European Scrutiny Committee 57 B Consideration on a Motion on the floor of the House and in 57

8 Grand Committees and the Regional Affairs Committee 58

9 Panel of Chairs 59

10 Select Committees 60 A SELECT COMMITTEE SUMMARY STATISTICS 60 B SELECT COMMITTEE ATTENDANCE, WORK, PUBLICATIONS ETC 63 1. Administration 63 2. Backbench Business 65 3. Business, Innovation and Skills 66 4. Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy 68 5. Communities and Local Government 70 6. Consolidation &c., Bills (Joint Committee) 72 7. Culture, Media and Sport 73 8. Defence 76 8A. Defence Sub-Committee 79 9. Education 81 9A. Education, Skills and the Economy Sub-Committee 84 10. Energy and Climate Change 86 11. Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 88 11A. Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Sub-Committee: Animal Welfare in England 91 11B. Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Sub-Committee: Forestry in England 93 12. Environmental Audit 95 13. European Scrutiny 98 14. Exiting the European Union 101 14A. Exiting the European Union Sub-Committee 104 15. Finance 106 16. Foreign Affairs 107 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 3

16A. Foreign Affairs Sub-Committee 110 17. Health 112 18. Home Affairs 115 19. Human Rights (Joint Committee) 118 20. International Development 120 20A. Work of the Independent Commission for Aid Impact Sub-Committee 123 21. International Trade 125 22. Justice 127 23. Liaison 130 23A. National Policy Statement Sub-Committee 131 24. National Security Strategy (Joint Committee) 132 25. Northern Ireland Affairs 135 26. (Joint Committee) 138 27. Petitions 139 28. Privileges 141 29. Procedure 142 30. Public Accounts 144 31. Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs 147 32. Regulatory Reform 149 33. Science and Technology 150 34. Scottish Affairs 153 35. Selection 156 36. Standards 157 37. Statutory Instruments 159 38. Statutory Instruments (Joint Committee) 160 39. Transport 161 40. Treasury 163 41. Welsh Affairs 165 42. Women and Equalities 168 43. Work and Pensions 170 C SELECT COMMITTEE STAFFING AND COSTS IN DETAIL 172 1 Select Committee Staff 172 2 Witness Diversity Session 2016–17 174 3 Select Committee Expenses for Financial Year 2016/17* 176 Appendix—MEMBERS SERVING ON COMMITTEES 179


1 Business of the House

Information and statistics relating to Questions; Notices of Motions for an Early Day; the exercise of disciplinary powers by the Chair and by order of the House; and Public Petitions.1 A Questions

Number of Questions which appeared on the Order Paper:

for written answer on a named day 13,555

for ordinary written answer 21,156

Total for written answer 34,711

Total for oral answer 4,422

of which number reached for answer in the House 3,362

Total number of Questions 39,133

Number of Urgent Questions 74

Number of days upon which replies to Questions for oral answer were given in the House1 129 B Notices of Motions for an Early Day

Total number of Notices of Motions given for an Early Day 1,205 C Disciplinary Powers of the Chair Members ordered to withdraw

Number of Members ordered to withdraw from the House under Standing Order No. 43 (Disorderly conduct)

in the House 0

in Committee of the whole House 0

Total 0

Members suspended from the service of the House

Number of Members

suspended from the service of the House by order made under Standing Order 0 No.44 (Order in debate)

by orders made otherwise 1

Total 1 D Petitions

Total number of Public Petitions 328

Number of Petitions presented at the times specified by Standing Order No. 154 (Time and 296 manner of presenting petitions)

Number of Petitions on which observation were published pursuant to Standing Order No. 308 156 (Printing of petitions and of ministerial replies)

Number of e-petitions opened 6,348

1 No Questions for oral answer were taken in Westminster Hall during this session 6 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

Number of Westminster Hall debates on e-petitions 24

Number of Government responses received 266 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 7

2 Closure of Debate, Proposal of Question and Allocation of Time

Information and statistics relating to applications of Standing Order No. 36 (Closure of debate) in the House, in Committee of the whole House and in Committees; applications of Standing Order No. 29 (Powers of Chair to propose question) in the House, Committee of the whole House and Committees; and Bills in respect of which allocation of time orders were made under Standing Order No. 83 (Allocation of time to bills) or to which Programme Motions, Business of the House Orders or Procedure Motions applied. A Closure of Debate In the House

The Closure was claimed on 15 occasions. Assent of the Chair was not withheld on any of these occasions. The Closure was agreed to on division in 3 instances. The Closure was disagreed to once in division.

Date Subject of Debate Result 25 May 2016 Queen’s Speech (Motion for an address) Agreed to 26 May 2016 Queen’s Speech (Motion for an address) Agreed to 8 June 2016 Opposition Day (1st, 2nd Part): Disability employment Agreed to gap 14 September 2016 Opposition Day (Un-allotted half day): NHS Agreed to Sustainability and Transformation Plans 21 October 2016 Sexual Offences (Pardons Etc) Bill: Second Reading Disagreed to on division 26 October 2016 Opposition Day (10th, 2nd Part): Conflict and Agreed to humanitarian situation in Yemen 16 November 2016 Opposition Day (12th, 2nd Part): Social care Agreed to 18 November 2016 Parliamentary Constituencies (Amendment) Bill: Agreed to on division Second Reading 22 November 2016 Opposition Day (13th, 2nd Part): National Health Agreed to Service funding 30 November 2016 Opposition Day (14th, 2nd Part): Effect of the increase Agreed to in the state pension age on women born in the 1950s 16 December 2016 Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women Agreed to on division and Domestic Violence (Ratification of Convention) Bill: Second Reading 11 January 2017 Opposition Day (17th, 1st Part): NHS and social care Agreed to funding 17 January 2017 Opposition Day (18th, 2nd Part): Effect of Department Agreed to for Work and Pensions’ policies on low-income households 25 January 2017 Opposition Day (19th, 2nd Part): School funding Agreed to 24 February 2017 Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women Agreed to on division and Domestic Violence (Ratification of Convention) Bill: Third Reading In Committee of the whole House

The Closure was not claimed in Committee of the whole House in Session 2016–17. In Committee The Closure was not claimed in Committee in Session 2016–17. 8 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

B Power of Chair to Propose Question The power of the Chair to propose the question was not used in the House, in Committee of the whole House or in Committee during the 2016-17 Session. C Previous Question The previous question (“Previous Question put, that the Question be now not put.”) was not moved during the 2016-17 Session. D (1) Allocation of Time In the House and in Committee of the whole House



NIL (2) Allocation of Time (Programme Motions) In the House and in Committee of the whole House

Please note that the times provided in the “period taken” column include the time taken for any divisions and may include margin of error of up to fifteen minutes.

Bill Date of Stage Time allotted Period Order taken1 Bus Services 1 March Consideration and any To be brought to a conclusion 3 hours 10 [Lords] 2017 proceedings in legislative one hour before the moment minutes of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration are commenced. Third Reading To be brought to a 24 minutes conclusion at the moment of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration are commenced. Children and 5 Consideration and To be brought to a conclusion Superseded Social Work December proceedings in legislative one hour before the moment by [Lords] 2016 grand committee of interruption on the day on Programme which those proceedings are (No. 2) commenced. Motion, 7 March Third Reading To be brought to a Superseded conclusion at the moment by of interruption on the Programme day on which proceedings (No. 2) on Consideration are Motion, 7 commenced. March SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 9

Bill Date of Stage Time allotted Period Order taken1 7 March Consideration To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour 30 2017 one and a half hours after minutes New Clauses and New the commencement of Schedules relating to proceedings on the Motion the welfare of children, for the Programme (No. 2) except any relating to the Order subject-matter of Chapter 3 of Part 1; amendments to Part 1, except any relating to Chapter 3 of that Part. Consideration To be brought to conclusion 5 minutes three hours after the New Clauses and new commencement of Schedules relating to the proceedings on the Motion subject-matter of Chapter for the Programme (No. 2) 3 of Part 1; amendments Order to Chapter 3 of Part 1; remaining proceedings on Consideration Legislative grand To be brought to a 6 minutes committee conclusion three hours after the commencement of proceedings on the Motion for the Programme (No. 2) Order Third Reading To be brought to a 46 minutes conclusion four hours after the commencement of proceedings on the Motion for the Programme (No. 2) Order Commonwealth 29 Consideration To be brought to a 2 hours 7 Development November conclusion three hours minutes Corporation 2016 after the commencement of proceedings on Consideration. Legislative grand To be brought to a 15 minutes committee and Third conclusion four hours Reading after the commencement of proceedings on Consideration. Criminal 25 October Consideration and any To be brought to a conclusion 4 hours 56 Finances 2016 proceedings in legislative one hour before the moment minutes grand committee of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration are commenced. Third Reading To be brought to a 13 minutes conclusion at the moment of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration are commenced. 10 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

Bill Date of Stage Time allotted Period Order taken1 Cultural 31 October Consideration and any To be brought to a conclusion Superseded Property (Armed 2016 proceedings in legislative one hour before the moment by Conflicts) [Lords] grand committee of interruption on the Programme day on which proceedings (No. 2) on Consideration are Motion, 20 commenced. February Third Reading To be brought to a Superseded conclusion at the moment by of interruption on the Programme day on which proceedings (No. 2) on Consideration are Motion, 20 commenced. February 20 Consideration and any To be brought to a 1 hour 11 February proceedings in legislative conclusion two hours after minutes 2017 grand committee the commencement of proceedings on the Motion for the Programme (No. 2) Order Third Reading To be brought to a 25 minutes conclusion three hours after the commencement of proceedings on the Motion for the Programme (No. 2) Order Digital Economy 13 Consideration and any To be brought to a conclusion Superseded September proceedings in legislative one hour before the moment by 2016 grand committee of interruption on the Programme day on which proceedings (No. 2) on Consideration are Motion, 28 commenced. November Third Reading To be brought to a Superseded conclusion at the moment by of interruption on the Programme day on which proceedings (No. 2) on Consideration are Motion, 28 commenced. November 28 Consideration To be brought to a 2 hours 15 November conclusion two hours after minutes 2016 New Clauses and new the commencement of Schedules relating proceedings on the Motion to Part 3 and safety for the Programme (No. 3) responsibilities of internet Order websites; amendments to Part 3; new Clauses and new Schedules relating to Part 2; amendments to Part 2; new Clauses and new Schedules relating to Part 1; amendments to Part 1. SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 11

Bill Date of Stage Time allotted Period Order taken1 Consideration To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour 57 one hour before the moment minutes New Clauses and new of interruption on the Schedules relating to Part day on which proceedings 6; amendments to Part on the Motion for the 6; new Clauses and new Programme (No. 3) Order are Schedules relating to Part commenced. 4; amendments to Part 4; new Clauses and new Schedules relating to Part 5; amendments to Part 5; new Clauses and new Schedules relating to Part 7; amendments to Part 7; remaining proceedings on Consideration. Any proceedings To be brought to a 32 minutes in legislative grand conclusion at the moment committee and of interruption on the proceedings on Third day on which proceedings Reading on the Motion for the Programme (No. 3) Order are commenced. European Union 1 February Committee of the whole To be brought to a 4 hours 12 (Notification of 2017 House (day 1) conclusion four hours from minutes Withdrawal) the commencement of New Clauses and new proceedings on the Bill on Schedules relating to the first day parliamentary scrutiny of the process for the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the of the whole To be brought to a 3 hours 28 House (day 1) conclusion seven hours minutes from the commencement of New Clauses and new proceedings on the Bill on Schedules relating to the first day devolved administrations or legislatures Committee of the whole To be brought to a 4 hours 16 House (day 2) conclusion four hours from minutes the commencement of New Clauses and new proceedings on the Bill on Schedules relating to a the second day vote on the final terms of the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union Committee of the whole To be brought to a 3 hours House (day 2) conclusion seven hours from the commencement of New Clauses and new proceedings on the Bill on Schedules relating to the second day impact assessments 12 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

Bill Date of Stage Time allotted Period Order taken1 Committee of the whole To be brought to a 6 hours 40 House, any proceedings conclusion four hours from minutes on Consideration, any the commencement of proceedings in legislative proceedings on the Bill on grand committee (day 3) the third day

New Clauses and new Schedules relating to the priorities in negotiations for the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European; clauses 1 and 2; remaining new Clauses; remaining new Schedules; remaining proceedings in Committee; any proceedings on Consideration; any proceedings in legislative grand committee Third Reading To be brought to a 22 minutes conclusion seven hours from the commencement of proceedings on the Bill on the third day 13 March Consideration of Lords To be brought to a 2 hours 31 2017 Amendments conclusion two hours after minutes the commencement of proceedings on consideration of Lords Amendments Finance* 11 April Committee of the whole To be brought to a 2 hours 3 2016 House (day 1) conclusion two hours from minutes the commencement of Clauses 7 to 12, Schedule proceedings on the Bill on 2, Clauses 13 to 16, the first day Schedule 3, Clauses 17 and 18, new clauses and new Schedules relating to employment income Committee of the whole To be brought to a 1 hour 5 House (day 1) conclusion four hours from minutes the commencement of Clauses 132 to 136, proceedings on the Bill on new clauses and new the first day Schedules relating to climate change levy Committee of the whole To be brought to a 24 minutes House (day 1) conclusion six hours from the commencement of Clause 129 and new proceedings on the Bill on Clauses and new the first day Schedules relating to insurance premium tax SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 13

Bill Date of Stage Time allotted Period Order taken1 Committee of the whole To be brought to a 2 hours 26 House (day 2) conclusion two hours from minutes the commencement of Clauses 144 to 147, proceedings on the Bill on Schedule 18, Clauses the second day 148 and 149, Schedule 19, Clause 150, Schedule 20, Clause 151, Schedule 21, Clauses 152 and 153, Schedule 22, Clause 154, new Clauses and new Schedules relating to tax avoidance and evasion Committee of the whole To be brought to a 1 hour 26 House (day 2) conclusion four hours from minutes the commencement of Clauses 41 to 44, Clauses proceedings on the Bill on 65 to 71, new clauses and the second day Schedules relating to the subject matter of those clauses Committee of the whole To be brought to a 1 hour 23 House (day 2) conclusion six hours from minutes the commencement of Clauses 72, Schedules 11 proceedings on the Bill on and 12, Clauses 73 to 75, the second day Schedule 13, Clause 76, Schedule 14, Clauses 77 to 81, new Clauses and new Schedules relating to capital gains tax Consideration and any To be brought to a conclusion Superseded proceedings in legislative one hour before the moment by grand committee of interruption on the second Programme day of proceedings on (No. 2) Consideration Motion, 5 September Third Reading To be brought to a Superseded conclusion at the moment of by interruption on the second Programme day of proceedings on (No. 2) Consideration Motion, 5 September 5 Consideration (day 1) To be brought to a 1 hour 33 September conclusion two hours from minutes 2016 New Clauses, new the commencement of Schedules and proceedings on the motion amendments to Clauses for the Programme (No. 2) and Schedules relating to Order corporation tax Consideration (day 1) To be brought to a 1 hour 45 conclusion four hours from minutes New Clauses, new the commencement of Schedules and proceedings on the motion amendments to Clauses for the Programme (No. 2) relating to tax avoidance Order and evasion 14 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

Bill Date of Stage Time allotted Period Order taken1 Consideration (day 1) To be brought to a 53 minutes conclusion six hours from New Clauses, new the commencement of Schedules and proceedings on the motion amendments to Clauses for the Programme (No. 2) relating to VAT on Order women’s sanitary products Consideration (day 2) To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour 12 at 4.30pm on the second minutes New Clauses, new day of proceedings on Schedules and Consideration amendments to Clauses and Schedules relating to capital gains tax Consideration (day 2) To be brought to a conclusion 2 hours 47 at 6.00pm on the second minutes New Clauses, new day of proceedings on Schedules and Consideration amendments to Clauses relating to insurance premium tax; remaining new Clauses, new Schedules and amendments to Clauses and Schedules; remaining proceedings on Consideration Legislative grand To be brought to a conclusion 46 minutes committee and Third at 7pm on the second day of Reading proceedings on consideration Health Service 24 October Consideration and any To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour 17 Medical Supplies 2016 proceedings in legislative one hour before the moment minutes (Costs) grand committee of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration are commenced Third Reading To be brought to a 30 minutes conclusion at the moment of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration are commenced 15 March Consideration of Lords To be brought to a 53 minutes 2017 Amendments conclusion one hour after the commencement of proceedings on consideration of Lords Amendments Higher 19 July Consideration and any To be brought to a conclusion 5 hours 13 Education and 2016 proceedings in legislative one hour before the moment minutes Research grand committee of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration are commenced SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 15

Bill Date of Stage Time allotted Period Order taken1 Third Reading To be brought to a 33 minutes conclusion at the moment of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration are commenced Investigatory 15 March Consideration and any To be brought to a conclusion Superseded Powers* 2016 proceedings in legislative one hour before the moment by grand committee of interruption on the second Programme day (No. 2) Motion, 6 June Third Reading To be brought to a Superseded conclusion at the moment of by interruption on the second Programme day (No. 2) Motion, 6 June 6 June Consideration (day 1) To be brought to a 3 hours 38 2016 conclusion two hours minutes New Clauses and new from commencement of Schedules relating to, proceedings on the Motion and amendments to, Part for the Programme (No. 2) 1; new Clauses and new Order Schedules relating to, and amendments to, Part 8 Consideration (day 1) To be brought to a 2 hours 53 conclusion four hours minutes New Clauses and new from commencement of Schedules relating to, proceedings on the Motion and amendments to, Part for the Programme (No. 2) 2; new Clauses and new Order Schedules relating to, and amendments to, Part 5; new Clauses and new Schedules relating to, and amendments to, Chapter 1 of Part 9 Consideration (day 2) To be brought to a 3 hours 12 conclusion three hours minutes New Clauses and new from commencement Schedules relating to, of proceedings on and amendments to, Part Consideration on the second 6; new Clauses and new day Schedules relating to, and amendments to, Part 7 16 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

Bill Date of Stage Time allotted Period Order taken1 Consideration (day 2) To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour 27 one hour before the moment minutes New Clauses and new of interruption on the second Schedules relating to, day of proceedings on and amendments to, Consideration Part 3; new Clauses and new Schedules relating to, and amendments to, Part 4; new Clauses and new Schedules relating to, and amendments to, Chapter 2 of Part 9; remaining proceedings on Consideration Any proceedings To be brought to a 52 minutes in legislative grand conclusion at the moment of committee and interruption on the second proceedings on Third day of proceedings on Reading Consideration 1 Consideration of Lords To be brought to a 1 hour 45 November Amendments conclusion 90 minutes after minutes 2016 the commencement of Nos. 11 to 15, 338 and 339 proceedings on consideration of Lords Amendments Consideration of Lords To be brought to a 56 minutes Amendments conclusion at the moment of interruption on the Nos. 1 to 10, 16 to 337 day on which proceedings and 340 to 377 on consideration of Lords Amendments are commenced Local 23 January Proceedings on To be brought to a conclusion Proceedings Government 2017 Consideration and one hour before the moment not reached Finance** legislative grand of interruption on the committee day on which proceedings on commencement are commenced Third Reading To be brought to a Proceedings conclusion at the moment not reached of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration are commenced National Citizen 16 January Consideration and any To be brought to a conclusion Superseded Service [Lords] 2017 proceedings in legislative one hour before the moment by grand committee of interruption on the Programme day on which proceedings (No. 2) on Consideration are Motion, 15 commenced March Third Reading To be brought to a Superseded conclusion at the moment by of interruption on the Programme day on which proceedings (No. 2) on Consideration are Motion, 15 commenced March SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 17

Bill Date of Stage Time allotted Period Order taken1 15 March Consideration and To be brought to a 25 minutes 2017 proceedings in legislative conclusion two hours grand committee after commencement of proceedings on the Motion for the Programme (No. 2) Order Third Reading To be brought to a 28 minutes conclusion three hours after commencement of proceedings on the Motion for the Programme (No. 2) Order Neighbourhood 10 October Consideration and any To be brought to a conclusion Superseded Planning 2016 proceedings in legislative one hour before the moment by grand committee of interruption on the Programme day on which proceedings (No. 2) on Consideration are Motion, 13 commenced December Third Reading To be brought to a Superseded conclusion at the moment by of interruption on the Programme day on which proceedings (No. 2) on Consideration are Motion, 13 commenced December 13 Consideration and To be brought to a 4 hours 35 December proceedings in legislative conclusion four hours after minutes 2016 grand committee the commencement of proceedings on the Motion for the Programme (No. 2) Order Third Reading To be brought to a 21 minutes conclusion give hours after the commencement of proceedings on the Motion for the Programme (No. 2) Order 28 March Consideration of Lords To be brought to 2 hours 39 2017 Amendments conclusion four hours minutes after commencement of proceedings on consideration of Lords Amendments Pension Schemes 30 January Consideration and any To be brought to a conclusion Superseded [Lords] 2017 proceedings in legislative one hour before the moment by grand committee of interruption on the Programme day on which proceedings (No. 2) on Consideration are Motion, 22 commenced March Third Reading To be brought to a Superseded conclusion at the moment by of interruption on the Programme day on which proceedings (No. 2) on Consideration are Motion, 22 commenced March 18 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

Bill Date of Stage Time allotted Period Order taken1 22 March Consideration and any To be brought to a 1 hour 16 2017 proceedings in legislative conclusion two hours after minutes grand committee the commencement of proceedings on the Motion (proceedings for the Programme (No. 2) interrupted Order and resumed on 29 March) Third Reading To be brought to a Superseded conclusion three hours after by the commencement of Programme proceedings on the Motion (No. 3) for the Programme (No. 2) Motion, 29 Order March 29 March Consideration To be brought to a conclusion 31 minutes 2017 immediately after the conclusion of proceedings on the Motion for the Programme (No. 3) Order Third Reading To be brought to a 22 minutes conclusion 90 minutes after the commencement of proceedings on the Motion for the Programme (No. 3) Order Policing and 7 March Consideration and To be brought to a conclusion Superseded Crime* 2016 proceedings in legislative one hour before the moment by grand committee of interruption on the Programme day on which proceedings (No. 2) on Consideration are Motion, 26 commenced April Third Reading To be brought to a Superseded conclusion at the moment by of interruption on the day Programme one which proceedings (No. 2) on Consideration are Motion, 26 commenced April 26 April Consideration (day 1) To be brought to a 2 hours 48 2016 conclusion two hours minutes New clauses, new after commencement of Schedules and proceedings on the Motion amendments relating for the Programme (No. 2) to Part 1, other than Order new clauses and new Schedules relating to the inspection of fire and rescue services. SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 19

Bill Date of Stage Time allotted Period Order taken1 Consideration (day 1) To be brought to a 2 hours 55 conclusion at the moment minutes New clauses, new of interruption on the first Schedules and day on which proceedings amendments relating on Consideration are to Part 3; new clauses, commenced new Schedules and amendments relating to firearms, knives and flares; new clauses, new Schedules and amendments relating to Part 7; new clauses, new Schedules and amendments relating to Part 8 Consideration (day 2) To be brought to a 3 hours 20 conclusion three hours minutes New clauses and new after commencement Schedules relating to of proceedings on the inspection of fire Consideration on the second and rescue services; new day clauses, new Schedules and amendments relating to Part 2; new clauses, new Schedules and amendments relating to Part 4 Consideration (day 2) To be brought to a 1 hour 49 conclusion at the moment of minutes New clauses, new interruption on the second Schedules and day of proceedings on amendments relating Consideration to Part 5; new clauses, new Schedules and amendments relating to Part 9; remaining new Clauses; remaining new Schedules; remaining proceedings on Consideration Proceedings in legislative To be brought to a 27 minutes grand committee and conclusion at the moment of Third Reading interruption on the second day of proceedings on Consideration 10 January Consideration of Lords To be brought to a 2 hours 39 2017 Amendments conclusion three hours after minutes the commencement of proceedings Prisons and 20 March Consideration and any To be brought to a conclusion Proceedings Courts** 2017 proceedings in legislative one hour before the moment not reached grand committee of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration are commenced 20 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

Bill Date of Stage Time allotted Period Order taken1 Third Reading To be brought to a Proceedings conclusion at the moment not reached of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration are commenced Savings 17 October Consideration and any To be brought to a conclusion 2 hours 4 (Government 2016 proceedings in legislative one hour before the moment minutes Contributions) grand committee of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration are commenced Third Reading To be brought to a 10 minutes conclusion at the moment of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration are commenced Small Charitable 11 October Consideration and any To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour 36 Donations 2016 proceedings in legislative one hour before the moment minutes and Childcare grand committee of interruption on the Payments day on which proceedings on Consideration are commenced Third Reading To be brought to a 15 minutes conclusion at the moment of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration are commenced Technical 14 Consideration and To be brought to a conclusion 3 hours 10 and Further November proceedings in legislative one hour before the moment minutes Education 2016 grand committee o interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration are commenced Third Reading To be brought to a 20 minutes conclusion at the moment of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration are commenced 19 April Consideration of Lords To be brought to a 1 hour 12 2017 Amendments conclusion two hours after minutes the commencement of proceedings Vehicle 6 March Consideration and any To be brought to a conclusion Proceedings Technology and 2017 proceedings in legislative one hour before the moment not reached Aviation** grand committee of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration are commenced SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 21

Bill Date of Stage Time allotted Period Order taken1 Third Reading To be brought to a Proceedings conclusion at the moment not reached of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration are commenced Wales 14 June Committee of the whole To be brought to a 4 hours 55 2016 House (day 1) conclusion six hours after minutes the commencement of Clauses 1 and 2, Clause proceedings in committee on 4, Schedule 4, Clauses the first day 5 to 19, Schedule 3, Clauses 20 and 21, new Clauses relating to those Clauses and Schedules, new Schedules relating to those Clauses and Schedules Committee of the whole To be brought to a 2 hours 19 House (day 2) conclusion three hours after minutes the commencement of Clause 3, Schedules proceedings in committee on 1 and 2, new clauses the second day relating to Clause 3 and Schedules 1 and 2, new Schedules relating to Clause 3 and Schedules 1 and 2 Committee of the whole To be brought to a 1 hour 57 House (day 2) conclusion six hours after minutes the commencement of Clauses 22 to 50, new proceedings in committee on Clauses relating to those the second day Clauses, new Schedules relating to those Clauses, Clause 51, Schedule 5, Clause 52, Schedule 6, Clauses 53 and 54, remaining new Clauses, remaining new Schedules, remaining proceedings on the Bill Consideration and any To be brought to a conclusion Superseded proceedings in legislative one hour before the moment by grand committee o interruption on the day Programme on which proceedings (No. 2) on Consideration are Motion, 12 commenced September Third Reading To be brought to a Superseded conclusion at the moment by of interruption on the Programme day on which proceedings (No. 2) on Consideration are Motion, 12 commenced September 22 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

Bill Date of Stage Time allotted Period Order taken1 12 Consideration To be brought to a conclusion 2 hours 26 September two and a half hours after minutes 2016 New Clauses and new the commencement of Schedules relating to Part proceedings on the Motion 1; amendments to Part 1 for the Programme (No. 2) Order Consideration To be brought to a 1 hour 40 conclusion five hours after minutes New Clauses and new the commencement of Schedules relating to Part proceedings on the Motion 2; amendments to Part for the Programme (No. 2) 2; New Clauses and new Order Schedules relating to Part 3; amendments to Part 3; New Clauses and new Schedules relating to Part 4; amendments to Part 4; remaining proceedings on Consideration Any proceedings To be brought to a 29 minutes in legislative grand conclusion six hours after committee and the commencement of proceedings on Third proceedings on the Motion Reading for the Programme (No. 2) Order 24 January Consideration of Lords To be brought to a 2 hours 1 2017 Amendments conclusion three hours after minute the commencement of proceedings

1 excluding proceedings on the Order; including time taken on Divisions

* Bill carried over from previous Session

** Bills that did not receive Royal Assent

There were no Programming Committees or Business Committees on Bills in Session 2016–17.

In Public Bill Committee

Bill Date of Order Date for report Dates of Date of report from Public Bill report(s) from from Public Bill Committee Programming Committee Sub-committee Bus Services 1 March 2017 21 March 2017 13 March 2017 16 March 2017 [Lords] Children and 5 December 2016 17 January 2017 12 December 2016 12 January 2017 Social Work [Lords] Commonwealth 29 November 2016 8 December 2016 5 December 2016 6 December 2016 Development Corporation Criminal Finances 25 October 2016 24 November 2016 14 November 2016 22 November 2016 Cultural Property 31 October 2016 17 November 2016 14 October 2016 15 November 2016 (Armed Conflicts) [Lords] SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 23

Bill Date of Order Date for report Dates of Date of report from Public Bill report(s) from from Public Bill Committee Programming Committee Sub-committee Digital Economy 13 September 27 October 2016, 10 October 2016 1 November 2016 2016, amended 18 amended to 1 October 2016 November 2016 Finance* 11 April 2016 14 July 2016 29 June 2016 7 July 2016 Health Service 24 October 2016 17 November 2016 7 November 2016 15 November 2016 Medical Supplies (Costs) Higher Education 19 July 2016, 13 October 2016, 5 September 2016 18 October 2016 and Research amended 5 amended to 18 September 2016 October 2016 Intellectual 24 January 2017 Property (Unjustified Threats) Investigatory 15 March 2016 5 May 2016 23 March 2016 3 May 2016 Powers* Local Government 23 January 2017 21 February 2017 30 January 2017 21 February 2017 Finance** National Citizen 16 January 2017 26 January 2017 23 January 2017 24 January 2017 Service [Lords] Neighbourhood 10 October 2016 1 November 2016 17 October 2016 27 October 2016 Planning Pension Schemes 30 January 2017 21 February 2017 6 February 2017 9 February 2017 [Lords] Policing and 7 March 2016 14 April 2016 14 March 2016 12 April 2016 Crime* Prisons and 20 March 2017 27 April 2017 27 March 2017 20 April 2017 Courts** (Special Report) Savings 17 October 2016 1 November 2016 24 October 2016 1 November 2016 (Government Contributions) Small Charitable 11 October 2016 18 October 2016 17 October 2016 18 October 2016 Donations and Childcare Payments Technical and 14 November 2016 6 December 2016 21 November 2016 1 December 2016 Further Education Vehicle 6 March 2017 23 March 2017 23 January 2017 23 March 2017 Technology and Aviation**

* Bill carried over from previous Session

** Bills that did not receive Royal Assent 24 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

(3) Allocation of Time (Business of the House Motions) In the House and in Committee of the whole House

Bill Date of Stage Time allotted Time taken1 Order Northern 24 April Proceedings on To be brought to a 3 hours 43 minutes Ireland 2017 Second Reading conclusion four hours after (Ministerial the commencement of Appointments proceedings on the Business and Regional of the House Motion Rates) Proceedings in To be brought to a 4 minutes Committee of the conclusion six hours after whole House, any the commencement of proceedings on proceedings on the Business Consideration and of the House Motion proceedings on Third Reading Finance (No. 2) 24 April Committee of the To be brought to a 1 hour 52 minutes 2017 whole House conclusion four hours after commencement of proceedings in committee Any proceedings on To be brought to a 38 minutes Consideration and conclusion five hours Third Reading after commencement of proceedings in Committee of the whole House Criminal 24 April Consideration of To be brought to a 28 minutes Finances 2017 Lords Amendments conclusion two hours after commencement. Digital 24 April Consideration of To be brought to a 1 hour 40 minutes Economy 2017 Lords Amendments conclusion three hours after the commencement of proceedings on consideration of Lords Amendments Health Services 24 April Consideration of To be brought to a 35 minutes Medical 2017 Lords Message conclusion one hour Supplies (Costs) after the commencement of proceedings of consideration of Lords Message Higher 26 April Consideration of To be brought to a 1 hour 53 minutes Education and 2017 Lords Amendments conclusion two hours Research after the commencement of proceedings on consideration of Lords Amendments SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 25

3 Sittings of the House

Information and statistics relating to the sittings of the House and the time spent on different types of Business on the floor of the House. A Days and hours of sitting in the House Summary

The Session began on 18 May 2016 and ended on 3 May 2017. The House sat Monday–Thursday and on those Fridays listed below between, or on, the following dates (inclusive): 18 May–15 June 2016; 20 June (recall); 27 June-21 July 2016; 5 September–15 September 2016; 10 October-8 November; 2016; 14 November–20 December; 9 January-9 February 2017; 20 February-30 March 2017; and 18 April–27 April 2017.

The House sat on the following Fridays: Friday 21 October 2016, Friday 28 October 2016, Friday 4 November 2016, Friday 18 November 2016, Friday 25 November 2016, Friday 2 December 2016, Friday 16 December 2016, Friday 13 January 2017, Friday 20 January 2017, Friday 27 January 2017, Friday 3 February 2017, Friday 24 February 2017, Friday 24 March 2017.

The average sitting day lasted 7 hours and 32 minutes; and the average duration of sitting beyond the moment of interruption (10 p.m. on Monday, 7 p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday, 5 p.m. on Thursday and 2.30 p.m. on Fridays) was 34 minutes.

All figures are in hours and minutes

Month No. of days No. of hours of No. of hours sitting after moment of interruption 2016–17 Session began 18 May 2016 May 2016 6 50.53 2.58 Whitsun adjournment

26 May 2016–6 June 2016 June 2016 (including 12 88.12 7.00 emergency recall) July 2016 12 94.43 4.52 Summer adjournment

21 July 2016 – 5 September 2016 September 2016 8 63.59 4.29 Conference adjournment

15 September 2016 –10 October 2016 October 2016 15 110.36 5.43 November 2016 19 136.48 6.42 Autumn adjournment

8 November 2016–14 November 2016 December 2016 13 94.42 7.39 Christmas adjournment

20 December 2016–9 January 2017 January 2017 17 132.12 14.55 February 2017 14 111.51 12.04 February adjournment

9 February 2017–20 February 2017 26 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

Month No. of days No. of hours of No. of hours sitting after moment of interruption March 2017 19 135.09 6.54 Easter adjournment

30 March 2017–18 April 2017 April 2017 7 45.37 1.19 Parliament prorogued 27 April 2017 TOTAL: 142 1068.34 79.36 Days and hours of sitting

(all figures are in hours and minutes)


Bold type indicates days on which the House rose at or after midnight

A denotes a day allotted for the consideration of Estimates under S.O. No. 54

May 2016 Day of the Day of the Hour of Hour of No. of hours No. of hours after moment month week meeting adjournment of interruption 18 Wednesday 11.25 am 10.13 pm 10.48 0.13 19 Thursday 9.30 am 4.50 pm 7.20 — 23 Monday 2.30 pm 10.28 pm 7.58 0.28 24 Tuesday 11.30 am 7.29 pm 7.59 0.29 25 Wednesday 11.30 am 7.45 pm 8.15 0.45 26 Thursday 9.30 am 6.03 pm 8.33 1.03 House rose for Whitsun adjournment No. of sitting days: 6 TOTAL: 50.53 2.58

June 2016 House sat after Whitsun adjournment Day of the Day of the Hour of Hour of No. of hours No. of hours after moment month week meeting adjournment of interruption 6 Monday 2.30 pm 11.57 pm 9.27 1.57 7 Tuesday 11.30 am 7.49 pm 8.19 0.49 8 Wednesday 11.30 am 7.50 pm 8.20 0.50 9 Thursday 9.30 am 3.20 pm 5.50 — 13 Monday 2.30 pm 10.19 pm 7.49 0.19 14 Tuesday 11.30 am 7.02 pm 7.32 0.02 15 Wednesday 11.30 am 7.39 pm 8.09 0.39 Referendum Adjournment House sat after emergency recall of Parliament 20 Monday 2.30 pm 3.40 pm 1.10 — House rose after emergency recall of Parliament 27 Monday 2.30 pm 9.37 pm 7.07 — 28 Tuesday 11.30 am 6.35 pm 7.05 — 29 Wednesday 11.30 am 9.00 pm 9.30 2.00 30 Thursday 9.30 am 5.24 pm 7.54 0.24 No. of sitting days: 12 TOTAL: 88.12 7.00 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 27

July 2016 Day of the Day of the Hour Hour of No. of hours No. of hours after moment month week of the adjournment of interruption meeting 4^ Monday 2.30 pm 10.40 pm 8.10 0.40 5 Tuesday 11.30 am 7.09 pm 7.39 0.09 6 Wednesday 11.30 am 8.12 pm 8.42 1.12 7 Thursday 9.30 am 5.29 pm 7.59 0.29 11 Monday 2.30 pm 9.51 pm 7.21 — 12 Tuesday 11.30 am 7.00 pm 7.30 — 13 Wednesday 11.30 am 7.24 pm 7.54 0.24 14 Thursday 9.30 am 5.01 pm 7.31 0.01 18 Monday 2.30 pm 10.21 pm 7.51 0.21 19 Tuesday 11.30 am 7.45 pm 8.15 0.45 20 Wednesday 11.30 am 7.21 pm 7.51 0.21 21 Thursday 9.30 am 5.30 pm 8.00 0.30 House rose for Summer adjournment No. of sitting days: 12 TOTAL: 94.43 4.52

September 2016 House sat after Summer adjournment Day of the Day of the Hour of Hour of No. of hours No. of hours after moment month week meeting adjournment of interruption 5 Monday 2.30 pm 11.59 pm 9.29 1.59 6 Tuesday 11.30 am 6.30 pm 7.00 — 7 Wednesday 11.30 am 7.20 pm 7.50 0.20 8 Thursday 9.30 am 5.14 pm 7.44 0.14 12 Monday 2.30 pm 10.37 pm 8.07 0.37 13 Tuesday 11.30 am 7.29 pm 7.59 0.29 14 Wednesday 11.30 am 7.25 pm 7.55 0.25 15 Thursday 9.30 am 5.25 pm 7.55 0.25 House rose for Conference adjournment No. of sitting days: 8 TOTAL: 63.59 4.29

October 2016 House sat after Conference adjournment Day of the Day of the Hour of Hour of No. of hours No. of hours after moment month week meeting adjournment of interruption 10 Monday 2.30 pm 10.15 pm 7.45 0.15 11 Tuesday 11.30 am 7.42 pm 8.12 0.42 12 Wednesday 11.30 am 7.33 pm 8.03 0.33 13 Thursday 9.30 am 5.30 pm 8.00 0.30 17 Monday 2.30 pm 7.58 pm 5.28 — 18 Tuesday 11.30 am 7.29 pm 7.59 0.29 19 Wednesday 11.30 am 7.44 pm 8.14 0.44 20 Thursday 9.30 am 5.26 pm 7.56 0.26 21 Friday 9.30 am 3.00 pm 5.30 0.30 24 Monday 2.30 pm 9.37 pm 7.07 — 25 Tuesday 11.30 am 6.49 pm 7.19 — 28 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

26 Wednesday 11.30 am 7.46 pm 8.16 0.46 27 Thursday 9.30 am 5.29 pm 7.59 0.29 28 Friday 9.30 am 2.49 pm 5.19 0.19 31 Monday 2.30 pm 9.59 pm 7.29 — No. of sitting days: 15 TOTAL: 110.36 5.43

November 2016 Day of the Day of the Hour of Hour of No. of hours No. of hours after moment month week meeting adjournment of interruption 1 Tuesday 11.30 am 5.32 pm 6.02 — 2 Wednesday 11.30 am 7.44 pm 8.14 0.44 3 Thursday 9.30 am 5.28 pm 7.58 0.28 4 Friday 9.30 am 2.57 pm 5.27 0.27 7 Monday 2.30 pm 10.31 pm 8.01 0.31 8 Tuesday 11.30 am 6.41 pm 7.11 — Autumn Adjournment 14 Monday 2.30 pm 8.18 pm 5.48 — 15 Tuesday 11.30 am 6.00 pm 6.30 — 16 Wednesday 11.30 am 7.43 pm 8.13 0.43 17 Thursday 9.30 am 5.24 pm 7.54 0.24 18 Friday 9.30 am 2.51 pm 5.21 0.21 21 Monday 2.30 pm 10.28 pm 7.58 0.28 22 Tuesday 11.30 am 7.40 pm 8.10 0.40 23 Wednesday 11.30 am 7.05 pm 7.35 0.05 24 Thursday 9.30 am 5.29 pm 7.59 0.29 25 Friday 9.30 am 2.56 pm 5.26 0.26 28 Monday 2.30 pm 10.11 pm 7.41 0.11 29 Tuesday 11.30 am 6.35 pm 7.05 — 30 Wednesday 11.30 am 7.45 pm 8.15 0.45 No. of sitting days: 19 TOTAL: 136.48 6.42

December 2016 Day of the Day of the Hour of Hour of No. of hours No. of hours after moment month week meeting adjournment of interruption 1 Thursday 9.30 am 5.29 pm 7.59 0.29 2 Friday 9.30 am 2.59 pm 5.29 0.29 5 Monday 2.30 pm 7.47 pm 5.17 — 6 Tuesday 11.30 am 4.57 pm 5.27 — 7 Wednesday 11.30 am 8.08 pm 8.38 1.08 8 Thursday 9.30 am 5.20 pm 7.50 0.20 12 Monday 2.30 pm 8.49 pm 6.19 — 13 Tuesday 11.30 am 9.14 pm 9.44 2.14 14 Wednesday 11.30 am 8.17 pm 8.47 1.17 15 Thursday 9.30 am 5.30 pm 8.00 0.30 16 Friday 9.30 am 3.01 pm 5.31 0.31 19 Monday 2.30 pm 10.18 pm 7.48 0.18 20 Tuesday 11.30 am 7.23 pm 7.53 0.23 House rose for Christmas adjournment SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 29

No. of sitting days: 13 TOTAL: 94.42 7.39

January 2017 House sat after Christmas adjournment Day of the Day of the Hour of Hour of No. of hours No. of hours after moment month week meeting adjournment of interruption 9 Monday 2.30 pm 10.20 pm 7.50 pm 0.20 10 Tuesday 11.30 am 8.13 pm 8.43 1.13 11 Wednesday 11.30 am 7.46 pm 8.16 0.46 12 Thursday 9.30 am 5.28 pm 7.58 0.28 13 Friday 9.30 am 3.00 pm 5.30 0.30 16 Monday 2.30 pm 7.40 pm 5.10 — 17 Tuesday 11.30 am 8.52 pm 9.22 1.52 18 Wednesday 11.30 am 6.56 pm 7.26 — 19 Thursday 9.30 am 5.29 pm 7.59 0.29 20 Friday 9.30 am 2.58 pm 5.28 0.28 23 Monday 2.30 pm 10.27 pm 7.57 0.27 24 Tuesday 11.30 am 7.25 pm 7.55 0.25 25 Wednesday 11.30 am 7.39 pm 8.09 0.39 26 Thursday 9.30 am 4.41 pm 7.11 — 27 Friday 9.30 am 3.01 pm 5.31 0.31 30 Monday 2:30 pm 11.21 pm 8.51 1.21 31 Tuesday 11.30 am 12.26 am 12.56 5.26

No. of sitting days: 17 TOTAL: 132.12 14.55

February 2017 Day of the Day of the Hour of Hour of No. of hours No. of hours after moment month week meeting adjournment of interruption 1 Wednesday 11.30 am 8.16 pm 8.46 1.16 2 Thursday 9.30 am 5.23 pm 7.53 0.23 3 Friday 9.30 am 2.58 pm 5.28 0.28 6 Monday 2.30 pm 1.03 am 10.33 3.03 7 Tuesday 11.30 am 10.01 pm 10.31 3.01 8 Wednesday 11.30 am 8.51 pm 9.21 1.51 9 Thursday 9.30 am 5.23 pm 7.53 0.23 February adjournment 20 Monday 2.30 pm 7.47 pm 5.17 — 21 Tuesday 11.30 am 7.10 pm 7.40 0.10 22 Wednesday 11.30 am 7.12 pm 7.42 0.12 23 Thursday 9.30 am 6.46 pm 9.16 1.46 24 Friday 9.30 am 2.57pm 5.27 0.27 27^ Monday 2.30 pm 10.25pm 7.55 0.25 28^ Tuesday 11.30 am 7.39pm 8.09 0.39 No. of sitting days: 14 TOTAL: 111.51 12.04 30 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

March 2017 Day of the Day of the Hour of Hour of No. of hours No. of hours after moment month week meeting adjournment of interruption 1 Wednesday 11.30 am 7.01 pm 7.31 - 2 Thursday 9.30 am 5.29 pm 7.59 0.29 6 Monday 2.30 pm 8.45 pm 6.15 - 7 Tuesday 11.30 am 6.34 pm 7.04 - 8 Wednesday 11.30 am 7.28 pm 7.58 0.28 9 Thursday 9.30 am 5.25 pm 7.55 0.25 13 Monday 2.30 pm 11.27 pm 8.57 1.27 14 Tuesday 11.30 am 8.12 pm 8.42 1.12 15 Wednesday 11.30 am 6.56 pm 7.26 - 16 Thursday 9.30 am 3.15 pm 5.45 - 20 Monday 2.30 pm 10.35 pm 8.05 0.35 21 Tuesday 11.30 am 4.35 pm 5.05 - 22 Wednesday 11.30 am 3.20 pm 3.50 - 23 Thursday 9.30 am 5.29 pm 7.59 0.29 24 Friday 9.30 am 2.59 pm 5.29 0.29 27 Monday 2.30 pm 8.12 pm 5.42 - 28 Tuesday 11.30 am 6.37 pm 7.07 - 29 Wednesday 11.30 am 7.52 pm 8.22 0.52 30 Thursday 9.30 am 5.28 pm 7.58 0.28 House rose for Easter adjournment No. of sitting days: 19 TOTAL: 135.09 6.54

April 2017 Day of the Day of the Hour of Hour of No. of hours No. of hours after moment month week meeting adjournment of interruption House sat after Easter adjournment 18 Tuesday 2.30 pm 10.31pm 8.01 0.31 19 Wednesday 11.30 am 5.36 pm 6.06 - 20 Thursday 9.30 am 4.21 pm 6.51 - 24 Monday 2.30 pm 8.32 pm 6.02 - 25 Tuesday 11.30 am 5.24 pm 5.54 - 26 Wednesday 11.30 am 5.55 pm 6.25 - 27 Thursday 9.30 am 5.48 pm 6.18 0.48 No. of sitting days: 7 TOTAL: 45.37 1.19 B Days and hours of sitting in Westminster Hall EXPLANATORY NOTE

C denotes a day on which a Select Committee Report was debated

Under Standing Order No. 10, on days on which the House sits there are sittings in Westminster Hall on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays these sittings begin at half-past nine o’clock, are suspended from half-past eleven o’clock until half-past two o’clock and may then continue for up to a further two and a half hours. On Thursdays sittings begin at half- past two o’clock and continue for up to three hours. Where the Backbench Business Committee has recommended that there be a debate on an e-petition, this takes place in Westminster Hall on Mondays from half past four o’clock for up to three hours. Any Member of the House may take part in sittings in Westminster Hall. SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 31

In calculating sitting times for Westminster Hall, the lunch-time suspensions occurring under the provisions of Standing Order No. 10 have not been included. Suspensions for other reasons, including Divisions in the House, are included in the total.

MAY 2016 Day of the month Day of the Week Hour of meeting Hour of No. of hours adjournment - - - - - No. of sitting days: 0 TOTAL: 0 JUNE 2016 Day of the month Day of the Week Hour of meeting Hour of No. of hours adjournment 6 Monday 4.30 pm 6.24 pm 1.54 7 Tuesday 9.30 am 5.40 pm 5.03 8 Wednesday 9.30 am 5.41 pm 5.11 9 Thursday 1.30 pm 4.16 pm 2.46 13 Monday 4.30 pm 7.54 pm 3.24 14 Tuesday 9.30 am 5.29 pm 4.52 15 Wednesday 9.30 am 5.30 pm 5.00 28 Tuesday 9.30 am 6.27 pm 5.56 29 Wednesday 9.30 am 5.29 pm 4.58 30 Thursday 1.30 pm 3.55 pm 2.25 No. of sitting days: 10 TOTAL: 41.29 JULY 2016 Day of the month Day of the Week Hour of meeting Hour of No. of hours adjournment 4 Monday 4.30 pm 7.11 pm 2.41 5 Tuesday 9.30 am 5.23 pm 4.52 6 Wednesday 9.30 am 5.29 pm 4.55 7 Thursday 1.30 pm 3.01 pm 1.31 11 Monday 4.30 pm 6.10 pm 1.40 12 Tuesday 9.30 am 5.28 pm 4.49 13 Wednesday 9.30 am 5.30 pm 5.00 14 Thursday 1.30 pm 4.27 pm 2.57 18 Monday 4.30 pm 6.13 pm 1.43 19 Tuesday 9.30 am 5.30 pm 4.59 20 Wednesday 9.30 am 5.38 pm 5.04 21 Thursday 1.30 pm 3.00 pm 1.30 No. of sitting days: 12 TOTAL: 41.41 SEPTEMBER 2016 Day of the month Day of the Week Hour of meeting Hour of No. of hours adjournment 5 Monday 4.30 pm 7.30 pm 3.00 6 Tuesday 9.30 am 6.12 pm 5.41 7 Wednesday 9.30 am 5.30 pm 4.57 8 Thursday 1.30 pm 3.26 pm 1.56 12 Monday 4.30 pm 6.15 pm 1.45 13 Tuesday 9.30 am 4.27 pm 3.57 14 Wednesday 9.30 am 5.34 pm 5.00 32 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

15 C Thursday 1.30 pm 4.19 pm 2.49 No. of sitting days: 8 TOTAL: 29.05 OCTOBER 2016 Day of the month Day of the Week Hour of meeting Hour of No. of hours adjournment 11 Tuesday 9.30 am 5.29 pm 4.58 12 Wednesday 9.30 am 5.30 pm 4.59 13 Thursday 1.30 pm 3.30 pm 2.00 17 Monday 4.30pm 19.01pm 2.31 18 Tuesday 9.30 am 5.28 pm 4.58 19 Wednesday 9.30 am 5.41 pm 5.11 20 C Thursday 1.30 pm 4.30 pm 3.00 24 Monday 4.30 pm 5.48 pm 1.18 25 Tuesday 9.30 am 5.29 pm 4.56 26 Wednesday 9.30 am 5.29 pm 4.56 27 C Thursday 1.30 pm 4.30 pm 3.00 31 Monday 4.30 PM 7.30 pm 3.00 No. of sitting days: 12 TOTAL: 44.47 NOVEMBER 2016 Day of the month Day of the Week Hour of meeting Hour of No. of hours adjournment 1 Tuesday 9.30 am 5.44 pm 5.14 2 Wednesday 9.30 am 5.45 pm 5.13 3 Thursday 1.30 pm 3.20 pm 1.50 8 Tuesday 9.30 am 5.30 pm 5.00 14 Monday 4.30 pm 5.46 pm 1.16 15 Tuesday 9.30 am 5.49 pm 5.19 16 Wednesday 9.30 am 5.51 pm 5.21 17 C Thursday 1.30 pm 4.45 pm 3.15 21 Monday 4.30 pm 6.12 pm 1.42 22 Tuesday 9.30 am 5.45 pm 5.15 23 Wednesday 9.30 am 5.30 pm 5.00 24 C Thursday 1.30 pm 3.48 pm 2.18 28 Monday 4.30 pm 6.11 pm 1.41 29 Tuesday 9.30 am 5.29 pm 4.58 30 Wednesday 9.30 am 5.43 pm 5.12 No. of sitting days: 15 TOTAL: 58.34 DECEMBER 2016 Day of the month Day of the Week Hour of meeting Hour of No. of hours adjournment 1 Thursday 1.30 pm 4.25 pm 2.55 6 Tuesday 9.30 am 5.29 pm 4.58 7 Wednesday 9.30 am 5.30 pm 5.00 8 C Thursday 1.30 pm 4.30 pm 3.00 12 Monday 4.30 pm 6.15 pm 1.45 13 Tuesday 9.30 am 5.30 pm 4.56 14 Wednesday 9.30 am 5.45 pm 5.12 15 C Thursday 1.30 pm 4.27 pm 2.57 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 33

20 Tuesday 9.30 am 5.29 pm 4.59 No. of sitting days: 9 TOTAL: 35.42 JANUARY 2017 Day of the month Day of the Week Hour of meeting Hour of No. of hours adjournment 10 Tuesday 9.30 am 5.52 pm 5.15 11 Wednesday 9.30 am 5.30 pm 4.54 12 C Thursday 1.30 pm 4.30 pm 3.00 17 Tuesday 9.30 am 5.22 pm 4.52 18 Wednesday 9.30 am 5.30 pm 4.59 19 Thursday 1.30 pm 2.41 pm 1.11 23 Monday 4.30 pm 5.39 pm 1.09 24 Tuesday 9.30 am 5.48 pm 5.17 25 Wednesday 9.30 am 5.41 pm 5.06 26 Thursday 1.30 pm 3.47 pm 2.17 30 Monday 4.30 pm 6.30 pm 2.00 31 Tuesday 9.30 am 5.25 pm 4.47 No. of sitting days: 12 TOTAL: 44.47 FEBRUARY 2017 Day of the month Day of the Week Hour of meeting Hour of No. of hours adjournment 1 Wednesday 9.30 am 5.30 pm 4.56 2 Thursday 1.30 pm 4.23 pm 2.53 6 Monday 4.30 pm 7.29 pm 2.59 7 Tuesday 9.30 am 5.28 pm 4.28 8 Wednesday 9.30 am 5.30 pm 4.58 9 C Thursday 1.30 pm 4.27 pm 2.57 20 Monday 4.30 pm 7.21 pm 2.51 21 Tuesday 9.30 am 5.56 pm 5.26 22 Wednesday 9.30 am 5.43 pm 5.08 23 C Thursday 1.30 pm 4.30 pm 3.00 27 Monday 4.30 pm 5.48 pm 1.18 28 Tuesday 9.30 am 5.17 pm 4.47 No. of sitting days: 12 TOTAL: 45.41 MARCH 2017 Day of the month Day of the Week Hour of meeting Hour of No. of hours adjournment 1 Wednesday 9.30 am 5.30pm 5.00 2 C Thursday 1.30 pm 4.26pm 2.56 6 Monday 4.30 pm 5.41 pm 1.11 7 Tuesday 9.30 am 6.17 pm 5.41 8 Wednesday 9.30 am 5.29 pm 4.58 9 C Thursday 1.30 pm 4.29 pm 2.59 13 Monday 4.30 pm 5.55 pm 1.25 14 Tuesday 9.30 am 5.11 pm 4.41 15 Wednesday 9.30 am 5.40 pm 5.01 16 C Thursday 1.30 pm 4.30 pm 3.00 20 Monday 4.30 pm 6.44 pm 2.14 34 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

21 Tuesday 9.30 am 5.29 pm 4.53 22 Wednesday 9.30 am 2.37 pm 2.07 23 C Thursday 1.30 pm 4.13 pm 2.43 27 Monday 4.30 pm 7.23 pm 2.53 28 Tuesday 9.30 am 5.27 pm 4.56 29 Wednesday 9.30 am 6.07 pm 5.37 30 Thursday 1.30 pm 3.26 pm 1.56 No. of sitting days:18 TOTAL: 64.11 APRIL 2017 Day of the month Day of the Week Hour of meeting Hour of No. of hours adjournment 18 Tuesday 11.30 am 7.28 pm 7.58 19 Wednesday 9.30 am 5.42 pm 4.55 20 C Thursday 1.30 pm 4.08 pm 2.38 24 Monday 4.30 pm 5.08 pm 0.38 25 Tuesday 9.30 am 5.09 pm 4.36 26 Wednesday 9.30 am 5.30 pm 4.59 No. of sitting days: 6 TOTAL: 25.44 C Distribution of time on the floor of the House between principal types of business

Type of Business Time spent (hours and minutes) In total After moment of interruption Addresses other than Motions to annul or revoke 34.04 0.54 Statutory Instruments Government Bills: 235.20 17.47 a Second readings: committed to public bill 85.09 5.57 committee b Second readings: committed to Committee 14.11 0.33 of whole House (wholly or partly) c Second readings: no committal (Consolidation - - bills) d Committee of the whole House 42.10 6.31 e Consideration 63.41 4.11 f Third reading 8.10 0.46 g Lords Amendments 21.27 0.51 h Allocation of time motions - - i Government Bills: Other stages 1.12 0.18 Private Members’ Bills: 63.19 0.38 a Second readings 42.54 0.09 b Later stages 19.20 0.08 Private Business 1.45 0.21 Government Motions: 29.13 5.38 European Union Documents - - Business Motions 0.59 0.00 General 28.54 0.20 Opposition Days 110.08 5.18 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 35

Opposition Motions in Government time (other than - - Motions to annul or revoke Statutory Instruments) Backbench business 121.43 2.51 Private Members’ Motions: 11.36 - Substantive 0.33 0.00 Ten-Minute Rule 11.03 0.00 Adjournment, general and topical debates: 139.47 44.07 General debates 22.34 0.01 Daily 69.15 42.00 Standing Order No. 24 debate 6.33 0.00 Estimates (debates on Select Committee Reports under 15.31 0.19 Standing Order No. 54) Money Resolutions - - Ways and Means motions 21.05 1.44 Motions for approval of Statutory Instruments 5.29 0.43 Motions to annul or revoke Statutory Instruments - - No Question before the House: 300.23 2.01 Questions to Ministers 105.36 0.00 Topical Questions 25.53 0.00 Urgent Questions 43.38 0.00 Statements 67.37 0.00 Speaker’s Statements 2.04 0.00 Business Statements 32.30 0.00 Standing Order No. 24 Applications 0.46 0.00 Points of Order 10.00 0.33 Public Petitions 2.37 1.11 Miscellaneous 11.42 0.57 (including suspensions of the proceedings of the House)12 Daily Prayers 11.43 0.00 TOTAL 1066.34 76.36 D Distribution of time in Westminster Hall between applicable types of business2

Type of Business Time spent

(hours and minutes) Backbench Business 63.12 Private Member’s Adjournment debates 268.09 Debates on Select Committee Reports chosen by the 28.39 Liaison Committee Petitions 51.55 Miscellaneous 0.08 Suspension 24.19 TOTAL 436.41

Total number of sitting days in Westminster Hall 115

2 Not including suspensions on the days of State Opening or Prorogation. 36 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

4 Private Bills and Private Business

Information and statistics relating to Private Bills, Private Business and Special Procedure Orders.3 A Private Bills, Private Business and Special Procedure Orders: General

Number of Private Bills:

introduced into the House of Commons (including suspended and revived Bills) 2

brought from the House of Lords (including suspended and revived Bills) 3

Number of Bills:

confirming Provisional Orders introduced into the House of Commons 0

confirming Provisional Orders introduced into the House of Lords 0

for the confirmation of Orders under the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act 0 1936 introduced into the House of Commons

for the confirmation of Orders under the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act 0 1936 brought from the House of Lords

Number of Hybrid Bills:

introduced into the House of Commons (including suspended Bills) 0

brought from the House of Lords (including suspended Bills) 13

Number of Special Procedure Orders:

laid 0

withdrawn 0

annulled 0

against which Petitions or copies of Petitions were deposited 0

Private Hybrid Bills for the Confirmation Total Bills Bills of Orders under the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act 1936

Number of Bills which received the Royal 2 1 0 3 Assent

Number of Bills passed in the Commons 0 0 0 0 but not in the House of Lords

Number of Bills rejected in the House of 0 0 0 0 Commons

Number of Bills rejected in Committee in 0 0 0 0 the House of Commons

Number of Bills withdrawn or not 0 0 0 0 proceeded with by parties in the House of Commons

Number of Bills suspended in the House of 0 0 0 0 Commons

3 The High Speed Rail (London – West Midlands) Bill was brought back from the House of Lords on 1 February 2017 with Amendments for consideration by the House of Commons. SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 37

Private Hybrid Bills for the Confirmation Total Bills Bills of Orders under the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act 1936

Number of Bills not passed by the Standing 0 0 0 0 Orders Committee

TOTAL 2 1 0 3

Private Hybrid Bills for the Confirmation Total Bills Bills of Orders under the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act 1936

Number of Bills reported by Committees 1 0 0 1 on Opposed Bills

Number of Bills reported by other 0 0 0 0 Committees

Number of Bills reported by Committees 3 0 0 3 on Unopposed Bills

TOTAL 4 0 0 4 B Opposed Bill Committees

Title of Bill Members of Days on which Days on First and Last Preamble Committee Committee sat which each sitting proved or not Member proved (where served applicable)

City of London Melanie 15 November 15 November 15 November Proved Corporation (Open Onn (Chair), 2016 and 22 2016 (all 2016 and 22 Spaces) Bill Kevin February 2017 Members) February 2017 Hollinrake, Julian 22 February Knight 2017 and Marie (Melanie Rimmer Onn, Kevin Hollinrake and Julian Knight) C Committee on Unopposed Bills Number of Meetings: 3

1. The Members serving on the Committee on Unopposed Bills while it considered each Bill were as follows:

Faversham Oyster Fishery Company Bill [Lords] New Southgate Cemetery Bill [Lords] Chairman of Ways and Means (Mr ) Chairman of Ways and Means (Mr Lindsay Hoyle) Stephen Hammond Damian Collins Imran Hussain Stephen Hammond Claire Perry Imran Hussain Mike Wood Haberdashers’ Aske’s Charity Bill [Lords] First Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means (Mrs ) Damian Collins Stephen Hammond Kelvin Hopkins Imran Hussain 38 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

2. Total Attendances of Members of Unopposed Bill Committees

Names of Members Total number of days on which each Member attended a meeting of an Unopposed Bill Committee

Chairman of Ways and Means (Mr Lindsay Hoyle) 2 First Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means (Mrs Eleanor Laing) 1 Second Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means () 0 Damian Collins 2 Stephen Hammond 3 Kelvin Hopkins 0 Imran Hussain 3 Claire Perry 1 Mike Wood 0

Clerk: Joanna Dodd (until 13.11.2016), Georgina Holmes-Skelton (from 14.11.2016)

The Committee has the assistance of Speaker’s Counsel D Court of Referees Number of meetings: NIL

Names of Members

Chairman of Ways and Means (Mr Lindsay Hoyle) First Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means (Mrs Eleanor Laing) Second Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means (Natascha Engel)

The remaining Members of the Court were not nominated in this Session.

Clerk: Matthew Hamlyn (until 31.10.2016), Colin Lee (from 01.11.2016) Speaker’s Counsel (Mr Michael Carpenter (until 30.09.2016), Saira Salimi (from 10.10.2016)) E Standing Orders Committee Number of meetings: NIL

Names of Members

Chairman of Ways and Means (Mr Lindsay Hoyle) First Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means (Mrs Eleanor Laing) Second Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means (Natascha Engel) Mr Steve Baker Tom Blenkinsop Geraint Davies Marcus Fysh Jessica Morden Paul Scully Julian Sturdy Helen Whately

Clerk: Joanna Dodd (until 13.11.2016), Georgina Holmes-Skelton (from 14.11.2016) The Committee has the assistance of Speaker’s Counsel F Joint Committees There were no Joint Committees SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 39

5 Public Bills

Information and statistics relating to Public Bills. Information about specific bills can be found at A General Summary

Number of Bills which received the Royal Assent:

Type of Bills

started in the Commons 26

Government 18

Private Members’ 8

brought from the Lords 6

Government 6

Private Members’ 0


Number of Bills which did not receive the Royal Assent:

Type of Bills

started in the Commons 107

Government 3

Private Members’ 104

brought from the Lords 5

Government 0

Private Members’ 5

TOTAL: 112

Progress of Bills

introduced into, but not passed by, the Commons 107

passed by the Commons but not by the Lords 0

introduced in the Commons but proceedings suspended to next Session 0

passed by the Lords but not taken up by the Commons 2

passed by the Lords but not passed by the Commons 3

passed by both Houses but Amendments not agreed to 0

TOTAL: 112

Total number of Bills started in the Commons or brought from the Lords 112 40 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

B Bills which received the Royal Assent EXPLANATORY NOTE * denotes a Government Bill

Title of Bill Bill Number at each printing

Broadcasting (Radio Multiplex Services) (28)

* Bus Services [Lords] (100, 158)

* Children and Social Work [Lords] (99, 121)

* Commonwealth Development Corporation (93)

* Criminal Finances (75, 97, 173)

* Cultural Property (Armed Conflicts) [Lords] (66)

* Digital Economy (45, 87, 166)

* European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) (132, 152)

Farriers (Registration) (17)

*Finance (155, 1, 47)

*Finance (No. 2) (156)

Guardianship (Missing Persons) (120)

*Health Service Medical Supplies (Costs) (72, 92, 146, 167)

*Higher Education and Research (4, 78, 165)

Homelessness Reduction (7, 127)

*Intellectual Property (Unjustified Threats) [Lords] (113)

*Investigatory Powers (143, 2, 86, 89)

Local Audit (Public Access to Documents) (31)

Merchant Shipping (Homosexual Conduct) (23, 138)

*National Citizen Service [Lords] (114, 130)

*Neighbourhood Planning (61, 83, 157)

*Northern Ireland (Ministerial Appointments and Regional Rates) (171)

Parking Places (Variation of Charges) (18)

*Pension Schemes [Lords] (125, 140)

*Policing and Crime (143, 158, 3, 118)

Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence (12) (Ratification of Convention)

*Savings (Government Contributions) (59)

*Small Charitable Donations and Childcare Payments (68)

*Supply and Appropriation (Anticipation and Adjustments) (147)

*Supply and Appropriate (Main Estimates) (26)

*Technical and Further Education (82, 108, 164)

*Wales (5, 49, 128) SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 41

Title of Bill Bill Number at each printing

TOTAL: 32 C Bills which did not receive the Royal Assent 1. Bills which were passed by both Houses but Amendments not agreed to


2. Bills which were passed by the Commons but not by the Lords


3. Bills introduced in the Commons but Proceedings suspended to next Session



4. Bills which received a Second Reading

Title of Bill and Bill Number at each Printing Stage at which progress ended

Awards for Valour (Protection) (10, 134) Consideration

Crown Tenancies (32) Committee

Health and Social Care (National Data Guardian) (84) Second Reading

Kew Gardens (Leases) (22) Committee

Local Government Finance (122, 142) Committee

Parliamentary Constituencies (Amendment) (9) Second Reading

Prisons and Courts Committee

Registration of Marriage (14) Second Reading

Road Traffic offenders (Surrender of Driving Licences Etc) (36) Committee

Vehicle Technology and Aviation Committee


5. Bills which did not receive a Second Reading

Title of Bill and Bill Number at each Printing Stage at which progress ended

Access to Radiotherapy First Reading

Air Quality (Diesel Emissions in Urban Centres) Withdrawn

Animal Cruelty (Sentencing) (43) First Reading

Animal Fighting (Sentencing) (30) First Reading

Arms Export Controls (Countries of Concern) First Reading

Assets of Community Value First Reading

Asset Freezing (Compensation) [Lords] (107) First Reading

Benefit Claimants Sanctions (Required Assessment) (11) Second Reading

Bread and Flour Regulations (Folic Acid) [Lords] (139) First Reading

British Victims of Terrorism (Asset-Freezing and Compensation) First Reading 42 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

Title of Bill and Bill Number at each Printing Stage at which progress ended

Burial Rights Reform (124) First Reading

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning (Safety Abroad) First Reading

Careers Guidance (Access to Schools) First Reading

Child Maintenance (Assessment of Parents’ Income) First Reading

Child Poverty in the UK (Target for Reduction) First Reading

Children of Armed Services Personnel (Schools Admission) First Reading

Civil Partnership Act 2004 (Amendment) (58) Second Reading

Clean Air First Reading

Companies Documentation (Transgender Persons) First Reading

Construction Industry (Protection of Cash Retentions) First Reading

Cosmetic Surgery (Standards of Practice) First Reading

Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 (Amendment) (24) First Reading

Crime (Aggravated Murder of and Violence Against Women) Withdrawn

Crime (Assaults on Emergency Services Staff) First Reading

Defibrillators (Availability) (91) First Reading

Diabetes Inpatient Care First Reading

Diplomatic Service (United Kingdom Wines and Sparkling Wines) First Reading

Disability Equality Training (Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Drivers) (19) Second Reading

Double Taxation Treaties (Developing Countries) (16) Second Reading

Electoral Reform (Local Elections and Miscellaneous Provisions) First Reading

EU Citizens Resident in the United Kingdom (Right To Stay) First Reading

Families with Children and Young People in Debt (Respite) (13) First Reading

Family Justice First Reading

Feeding Products for Babies and Children (Advertising and First Reading Promotion) (95)

Financial Regulation of Funeral Services First Reading

Football Supporters (Access) First Reading

Gangmasters (Licensing) and Labour Abuse Authority Withdrawn

Gender Identity (Protected Characteristic) First Reading

Government Services (Telecommunication Charges) First Reading

Harbours, Docks and Piers Clauses Act 1847 (Amendment) (52) First Reading

Health Services Commissioning (Equality and Accountability) First Reading

Highway Works (Weekend Working and Traffic Management First Reading Measures)

House of Lords (Exclusion of Hereditary Peers) (116) First Reading

Housing (Tenants’ Rights) First Reading SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 43

Title of Bill and Bill Number at each Printing Stage at which progress ended

Housing Standards (Preparation and Storage of Food by Tenants in Withdrawn Receipt of Universal Credit or Housing Benefit)

Income Tax (Non-Military Expenditure) Withdrawn

International Trade and Investment (NHS Protection) (21) First Reading

Laser Pens (Regulation of Sale, Ownership and Usage) First Reading

Lee Valley Regional Park (Amendment) First Reading

Local Authority Roads (Wildlife Protection) (34) First Reading

Malicious Communications (Social Media) First Reading

Maternity and Paternity Leave (Premature Birth) First Reading

Modern Slavery (Transparency in Supply Chains) [Lords] First Reading

Mutual Guarantee Societies First Reading

Mutualisation of the Royal Bank of Scotland First Reading

National Health Service (51) First Reading

National Health Service Provision (Local Consultation) First Reading

National Health Service Staff (Reporting and Registration) Withdrawn

National Minimum Wage (Workplace Internships) (8) Second Reading

Network Rail (Scotland) First Reading

Organ Donation (Deemed Consent) (123) Withdrawn

Organ Donors (Leave) First Reading

Parental Bereavement Leave (Statutory Entitlement) (60) Second Reading

Parish Council Governance (Principles of Public Life) First Reading

Parthenon Sculptures (Return to Greece) Withdrawn

Perinatal Mental Illness (NHS Family Services) First Reading

Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (Statutory Second Reading Requirement)

Promotion of Israeli-Palestinian Peace (United Kingdom Participation) First Reading

Protection of Family Homes (Enforcement and Permitted Second Reading Development) (39)

Providers of Health and Social Care (Schemes under Section 71 of the First Reading National Health Service Act 2006)

Public Authority (Accountability) First Reading

Queen’s Sapphire Jubilee First Reading

Rail Ombudsman First Reading

Railways (42) First Reading

Representation of the People (Voter Proof of Identity) First Reading

Reproductive Health (Access to Terminations) First Reading

School Admissions (Special Educational Needs) First Reading 44 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

Title of Bill and Bill Number at each Printing Stage at which progress ended

Senior Judiciary Appointments (Disregard of Age of Candidates) First Reading

Sexual Offences (Amendment) First Reading

Sexual Offences (Pardons Etc) (6) Second Reading

Short and Holiday-Let Accommodation (Notification of Local First Reading Authorities)

Small and Medium Sized Co-operative Development First Reading

Stalking (Sentencing) (74) First Reading

Statutory Nuisance (Aircraft Noise) (101) First Reading

Sugar in Food and Drinks (Targets, Labelling and Advertising) (70) First Reading

Terms of Withdrawal from EU (Referendum) (46) First Reading

Terms of Withdrawal from the European Union (Referendum) First Reading

Town and Country Planning (Electricity Generating Consent) Withdrawn

UK Environmental Protection (Maintenance of EU Standards) First Reading

UK International Trade and Investment Agreements (Ratification) First Reading

Unauthorised Overdrafts (Cost of Credit) First Reading

Unlawful Killing (Recovery of Remains) First Reading

Unsolicited Marketing Communications (Company Directors) (65) First Reading

Use of Property (Protection) (35) Withdrawn

Vehicle Fuel (Publication of Tax Information) First Reading

Vehicle Noise Limits (Enforcement) (27) First Reading

Violent Crime (Sentences) First Reading

Wild Animals in Circuses (Prohibition) (29) First Reading

Withdrawal from the European Union (Article 50) (104) Withdrawn

Workers’ Rights (Maintenance of EU Standards) (62) First Reading

TOTAL: 100

6. Bills presented, or brought from the Lords, but not printed

Title of Bill Stage at which progress ended

Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) [Lords] Brought from the Lords

Lobbying (Transparency) [Lords] Brought from the Lords

TOTAL: 2 D Consideration of Bills in Committee of the whole House Total number of Bills considered in Committee of the whole House: 5 (European Union (Notification of Withdrawal), Finance4 Finance (No. 2), Northern Ireland (Ministerial Appointments and Regional Rates), Wales).

4 Considered partly in Committee of the whole House and partly in Public Bill Committee. SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 45

E Consideration of Bills in General Committees Summary

Total number of Bills: 31

Total number of sittings at which Bills were 123 considered:

Total number of oral evidence sessions: 22

Total number of written submissions received: 428


Public bill committees considering Bills which are the subject of programme orders have power to send for persons, papers and records (Standing Order No. 84A). On 1 November 2006, the House agreed that powers to take oral evidence would be the normal practice for committees which considered programmed government bills starting in the Commons.

The numbers given in brackets after each Member’s name indicate respectively the number of meetings of the Committee in respect of the Bill which that Member attended and the number to which that Member was summoned.


1. Awards for Valour (Protection) Bill

Committed: 25 November 2016 Reported (with Amendments): 1 February 2017

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil Number of written submissions received: Nil

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1

Chair: Joan Ryan

Members and attendance:

Rehman Chishti (0/1), Jo Churchill (0/1), Stephen Doughty (1/1), (1/1), Simon Hoare (1/1), Dan Jarvis (1/1), Gareth Johnson (1/1), Mr Kevan Jones (1/1), Charlotte Leslie (1/1), Craig Mackinlay (1/1), Brendan O’Hara (1/1), Kirsten Oswald (1/1), Mike Penning (1/1), Ruth Smeeth (0/1), Craig Tracey (0/1), Tom Tugendhat (1/1)

2. Broadcasting (Radio Multiplex Services) Bill

Committed: 13 January 2017 Reported (without Amendment): 31 January 2017

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil Number of written submissions received: Nil

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1

Chair: Mark Pritchard

Members and attendance:

Edward Argar (1/1), Andrew Bingham (0/1), Kevin Brennan (1/1), Deidre Brock (0/1), Oliver Colvile (0/1), Mr Jim Cunningham (1/1), Mims Davies (1/1), Kevin Foster (1/1), Matt Hancock (1/1), Wendy Morton (1/1), Ian Murray (1/1), John Nicolson (1/1), Tom Pursglove (1/1), Karin Smyth (1/1), Maggie Throup (1/1), Anna Turley (1/1)

3. Bus Services Bill [Lords]

Committed: 1 March 2017 Reported (with Amendments): 16 March 2017

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil Number of oral evidence sessions: 30

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 3 46 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

Chairs: Albert Owen, Mr David Nuttall

Members and attendance:

Caroline Ansell (3/3), Nic Dakin (3/3), Gloria De Piero (3/3), Mike Freer (3/3), Chris Green (3/3), Lilian Greenwood (3/3), Andrew Jones (3/3), Julian Knight (3/3), Scott Mann (3/3), Huw Merriman (3/3), Bridget Phillipson (3/3), Mary Robinson (3/3), Mark Spencer (3/3), (3/3), Craig Tracey (2/3), Daniel Zeichner (3/3)

4. Children and Social Work Bill [Lords]

Committed: 5 December 2016 Reported (with Amendments): 12 January 2017

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil Number of written submissions received: 74

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 8

Chairs: Mrs Anne Main, Phil Wilson

Members and attendance:

Maria Caulfield ((8/8), Stella Creasey (8/8), Thangam Debbonaire (8/8), Marion Fellows (4/8), Suella Fernandes (6/8), Kate Green (7/8), Simon Hoare (8/8), Seema Kennedy (7/8), Mrs Emma Lewell-Buck (6/8), Steve McCabe (6/8), Huw Merriman (8/8), Amanda Milling (5/8), Tulip Siddiq (6/8), Mr Robert Syms (8/8), Edward Timpson (8/8), Michael Tomlinson (8/8), Helen Whately (8/8)

5. Commonwealth Development Corporation Bill

Committed: 29 November 2016 Reported (with Amendments): 6 December 2016

Number of oral evidence sessions: 1 Number of written submissions received: 17

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 2

Chairs: Joan Ryan,

Members and attendance:

Philip Boswell (1/2), Fiona Bruce (2/2), Stephen Doughty (2/2), James Duddridge (2/2), Chris Elmore (2/2), Richard Fuller (2/2), Patrick Grady (2/2), Richard Graham (2/2), Andrew Griffith (2/2), Imran Hussain (2/2), Jeremy Lefroy (2/2), Alison McGovern (1/2), Kate Osamor (2/2), Paul Scully (2/2), Rory Stewart (2/2), Kelly Tolhurst (2/2)

6. Criminal Finances Bill

Committed: 25 October 2016 Reported (with Amendments): 22 November 2016

Number of oral evidence sessions: 2 Number of written submissions received: 6

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 6

Chair: Mrs Anne Main, Sir Alan Meale

Members and attendance:

Richard Arkless (6/6), Victoria Atkins (6/6), Nic Dakin (6/6), Byron Davies (5/6), (4/6), Mrs Flick Drummond (6/6), Charlie Elphicke (4/6), Nusrat Ghani (5/6), Andrew Griffiths (6/6), Carolyn Harris (6/6), Tristram Hunt (5/6), Dr (6/6), Scott Mann (6/6), Roger Mullin (6/6), Antoinette Sandbach (4/6), Keith Vaz (0/6), Ben Wallace (6/6), Mike Wood (6/6)

7. Crown Tenancies Bill

Committed: 3 February 2017 Reported (without Amendment): 1 March 2017

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil Number of written submissions received: Nil

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 47

Chair: Geraint Davies

Members and attendance:

Gavin Barwell (1/1), Fiona Bruce (0/1), Ruth Cadbury (1/1), James Cleverly (1/1), Kevin Foster (1/1), Mary Glindon (1/1), Rebecca Harris (1/1), Wendy Morton (1/1), Mark Pawsey (1/1), Stephen Pound (0/1), Mary Robinson (1/1), Liz Saville Roberts (1/1), Ruth Smeeth (0/1), Maggie Throup (1/1), Stephen Twigg (0/1), Dr Eilidh Whiteford (1/1)

8. Cultural Property (Armed Conflicts) Bill [Lords]

Committed: 31 October 2016 Reported (without Amendment): 15 November 2016

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil Number of written submissions received: 18

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 2

Chairs: , Mr Andrew Turner

Members and attendance:

Dr Rosena Allin-Khan (2/2), Victoria Borwick (2/2), Kevin Brennan (2/2), Chris Bryant (2/2), Mr David Burrowes (2/2), Tracey Crouch (2/2), Mims Davies (2/2), Mr Jonathan Djanogly (2/2), Stephen Doughty (1/2), John Nicolson (2/2), Dr Mathew Offord (2/2), Brendan O’Hara (2/2), Ruth Smeeth (0/2), Jeff Smith (2/2), Graham Stuart (2/2), Julian Sturdy (2/2), Derek Thomas (2/2), David Warburton (2/2)

9. Digital Economy Bill

Committed: 13 September 2016 Reported (with Amendments): 1 November 2016

Number of oral evidence sessions: 3 Number of written submissions received: 88

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 11

Chairs: Mr Gary Streeter, Graham Stringer

Members and attendance:

Nigel Adams (8/11), Kevin Brennan (9/11), Mims Davies (10/11), Thangam Debbonaire (8/11), Vicky Foxcroft (9/11), Louise Haigh (10/11), Matt Hancock (11/11), Drew Hendry (8/11), Nigel Huddleston (11/11), Graham Jones (5/9), Calum Kerr (11/11), Scott Mann (9/11), Christian Matheson (11/11), Mark Menzies (11/11), Claire Perry (11/11), Tulip Siddiq (0/2), Chris Skidmore (11/11), Graham Stuart (11/11), Rishi Sunak (11/11)

10. Farriers (Registration) Bill

Committed: 27 January 2017 Reported (without Amendment): 7 March 2017

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil Number of written submissions received: Nil

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1

Chair: James Gray

Members and attendance:

Douglas Chapman (0/1), Byron Davies (1/1), Glyn Davies (1/1), George Eustice (1/1), Mary Glindon (1/1), Chris Green (1/1), Carolyn Harris (1/1), Simon Hoare (1/1), Gerald Jones (1/1), Christian Matheson (0/1), Huw Merriman (1/1), Wendy Morton (1/1), Mrs Sheryll Murray (1/1), Albert Owen (0/1), Steven Paterson (1/1), Kelly Tolhurst (1/1)

11. Finance Bill (except clauses 7 to 18, 41 to 44, 65 to 81, 129, 132 to 136 and 144 to 154 and schedules 2, 3, 11 to 14 and 18 to 22)

Committed: 19 May 2016 Reported (with Amendments): 7 July 2016 48 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil Number of written submissions received: 23

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 6

Chairs: Sir , Mr

Members and attendance:

Edward Argar (6/6), Victoria Atkins (6/6), Kirsty Blackman (5/6), Philip Boswell (6/6), Conor Burns (6/6), Ruth Cadbury (4/6), Julie Cooper (3/6), Michelle Donelan (2/6), Peter Dowd (6/6), Lucy Frazer (6/6), Mr David Gauke (6/6), Luke Hall (6/6), Damian Hinds (6/6), Rebecca Long Bailey (6/6), Conor McGinn (6/6), John McDonnell (0/3), Mr Alan Mak (6/6), Rob Marris (5/6), Christian Matheson (3/6), Huw Merriman (5/6), Roger Mullin (5/6), Jeremy Quin (6/6), Wes Streeting (3/6), Mel Stride (6/6), Kelly Tolhurst (4/6)

12. Guardianship (Missing Persons) Bill

Committed: 3 February 2017 Reported (without Amendment): 21 February 2017

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil Number of written submissions received: Nil

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1

Chair: Mr David Hanson

Members and attendance:

Nigel Adams (1/1), Richard Burgon (1/1), Ann Coffey (1/1), Lucy Frazer (1/1), Neil Gray (1/1), Kevin Hollinrake (1/1), Diana Johnson (0/1), Dr Phillip Lee (1/1), Christian Matheson (1/1), Rebecca Pow (0/1), Christina Rees (0/1), Amanda Solloway (1/1), Julian Sturdy (1/1), Rishi Sunak (1/1), David Warburton (1/1), Dr Philippa Whitford (0/1)

13. Health Services Medical Supplies (Costs) Bill

Committed: 24 October 2016 Reported (with Amendments): 15 November 2016

Number of oral evidence sessions: 1 Number of written submissions received: 7

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 3

Chairs: , Mark Pritchard

Members and attendance:

James Berry (3/3), Jo Churchill (3/3), Julie Cooper (3/3), Judith Cummins (3/3), Dr James Davies (3/3), Martyn Day (3/3), Mr Philip Dunne (2/3), Kevin Foster (3/3), John Glen (1/3), Graham Jones (1/3 ), Liz Kendall (3/3), Karl McCartney (3/3), Justin Madders (3/3), Rob Marris (3/3), Andrew Selous (3/3), Mark Spencer (3/3), Maggie Throup (3/3), Dr Philippa Whitford (3/3)

14. Higher Education and Research Bill

Committed: 19 July 2016 Reported (with Amendments): 18 October 2016

Number of oral evidence sessions: 3 Number of written submissions received: 63

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 14

Chairs: Sir , Mr David Hanson

Members and attendance:

Edward Argar (14/14), Dr Roberta Blackman-Woods (13/14), Paul Blomfield (14/14), Alex Chalk (13/14), Jo Churchill (13/14), Dr David Evennett (14/14), Ben Howlett (14/14), Joseph Johnson (14/14), Seema Kennedy (14/14), Mr Gordon Marsden (14/14), Amanda Milling (14/14), Carol Monaghan (12/14), Wendy Morton (14/14), Roger Mullin (11/14), Mark Pawsey (13/14), Angela Rayner (9/14), Jeff Smith (14/14), Wes Streeting (14/14), Valerie Vaz (8/14), Matt Warman (13/14) SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 49

15. Homelessness Reduction Bill

Committed: 28 October 2016 Reported (with Amendments): 18 January 2017

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil Number of written submissions received: Nil

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 7

Chair: Mr

Members and attendance:

Mr (7/7), Bob Blackman (7/7), Ms Karen Buck (6/7), Mr David Burrowes (7/7), Michelle Donelan (6/7), Mrs Flick Drummond (6/7), Helen Hayes (7/7), Mr Marcus Jones (7/7), Christian Matheson (6/7), David Mackintosh (7/7), Dr Paul Monaghan (5/7), Rebecca Pow (6/7), Will Quince (6/7), Andy Slaughter (6/7), Alison Thewliss (7/7), Michael Tomlinson (7/7)

16. Intellectual Property (Unjustified Threats) Bill [Lords]

Committed: 17 January 2017 Reported (without Amendment): 24 January 2017

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil Number of written submissions received: Nil

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1

Chair: David Nuttall

Members and attendance:

Edward Argar (1/1), James Berry (1/1), Mr Ben Bradshaw (1/1), Maria Caulfield (1/1), Judith Cummins (0/1), Thangam Debbonaire (1/1), Maria Eagle (1/1), Chris Green (1/1), Joseph Johnson (1/1), Callum McCaig (0/1), Scott Mann (1/1), Wendy Morton (1/1), Chi Onwurah (1/1), Kirsten Oswald (1/1), Mark Pawsey (1/1), Christopher Pincher (1/1)

17. Kew Gardens (Leases) Bill

Committed: 3 February 2017 Reported (without Amendment): 22 February 2017

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil Number of written submissions received: Nil

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1

Chair: Mr Andrew Turner

Members and attendance:

Deidre Brock (1/1), Sir Simon Burns (0/1), Geoffrey Clifton-Brown (1/1), Geraint Davies (0/1), Sir Jeffrey M. Donaldson (0/1), George Eustice (1/1), Marcus Fysh (0/1), Mary Glindon (1/1), Fabian Hamilton (0/1), Simon Hoare (1/1), Kelvin Hopkins (1/1), Mr Ian Liddell-Grainger (1/1), Rob Marris (1/1), Neil Parish (0/1), Mr Keith Simpson (0/1), Martin Vickers (0/1)

18. Local Audit (Public Access to Documents) Bill

Committed: 25 November 2016 Reported (without Amendment): 7 February 2017

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil Number of written submissions received: Nil

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1

Chair: Nadine Dorries

Members and attendance:

Mr Douglas Carswell (0/1), Oliver Colvile (1/1), Carolyn Harris (0/1), Rebecca Harris (1/1), Seema Kennedy (1/1), Craig Mackinlay (0/1), Jim McMahon (0/1), Wendy Morton (1/1), Mrs Sheryll Murray (1/1), Andrew Percy (1/1), Stephen Pound (0/1), Antoinette Sandbach (1/1), Liz Saville Roberts (1/1), Ruth Smeeth (0/1), Stephen Twigg (0/1), Craig Whittaker (1/1) 50 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

19. Local Government Finance Bill

Committed: 23 January 2017 Reported (with Amendments): 21 February 2017

Number of oral evidence sessions: 2 Number of written submissions received: 8

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 10

Chairs: Sir , Mike Gapes

Members and attendance:

Peter Aldous (6/10), Steve Double (10/10), Jackie Doyle-Price (10/10), (5/10), Kevin Foster (10/10), Vicky Foxcroft (10/10), Kevin Hollinrake (9/10), Mr Marcus Jones (10/10), Jim McMahon (10/10), David Mackintosh (10/10), Rob Marris (9/10), Rebecca Pow (8/10), Mr Gareth Thomas (10/10), Justin Tomlinson (10/10), Anna Turley (5/10), David Warburton (6/10)

20. Merchant Shipping (Homosexual Conduct) Bill

Committed: 20 January 2017 Reported (with Amendments): 20 April 2017

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil Number of written submissions received: Nil

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1

Chair: Sir Alan Meale

Members and attendance:

Frank Field (0/1), John Glen (1/1), Mr John Hayes (1/1), Kwasi Kwarteng (0/1), Mr Alan Mak (1/1), Wendy Morton (1/1), Jess Phillips (1/1), Victoria Prentis (1/1), Tom Pursglove (1/1), Jim Shannon (0/1), Iain Stewart (1/1), Ms Gisela Stuart (1/1), Dr Eilidh Whiteford (1/1), Craig Williams (0/1), John Woodcock (0/1), Daniel Zeichner (1/1)

21. National Citizen Service Bill [Lords]

Committed: 16 January 2017 Reported (with amendments) : 24 January 2017

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil Number of written submissions received: 6

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered:1

Chairs: Steve McCabe, Mr Charles Walker

Members and attendance:

Sir Julian Brazier (1/1), Suella Fernandes (0/1), James Heappey (1/1), Ben Howlett (1/1), Dan Jarvis (1/1), Susan Elan Jones (1/1), Rebecca Pow (1/1), Mr Steve Reed (1/1), Ruth Smeeth (0/1), Jeff Smith (1/1), Graham Stuart (1/1), Michael Tomlinson (1/1), Anna Turley (1/1), Martin Vickers (1/1), Craig Whittaker (1/1), Mr Rob Wilson (1/1)

22. Neighbourhood Planning Bill

Committed:10 October 2016 Reported (with amendments) 27 October 2016

Number of oral evidence sessions:2 Number of written submissions received: 12

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered:8

Chairs: , Steve McCabe

Members and attendance:

Gavin Barwell (8/8), Dr Roberta Blackman-Woods (8/8), Oliver Colvile (4/8), Judith Cummins (8/8), Jackie Doyle-Price (8/8), Chris Green (6/8), Helen Hayes (5/8), Kevin Hollinrake (5/8), Dr Rupa Huq (6/8), Jim McMahon (7/8), Kit Malthouse (8/8), John Mann (4/8), Chris Philp (7/8), Rebecca Pow (6/8), Craig Tracey (6/8), Mrs Theresa Villiers (6/8) SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 51

23 Parking Places (Variation of Charges) Bill

Committed: 25 November 2016 Reported (without amendments): 31 January

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1

Chairs: Mr Adrian Bailey

Members and attendance:

Gavin Barwell (1/1), Mr Douglas Carswell (0/1), Mr Nick Clegg (0/1), Rosie Cooper (0/1), Mr Jim Cunningham (1/1), Rebecca Harris (1/1), Simon Hoare (1/1), Gareth Johnson (0/1), Stephen McPartland (0/1), Mrs Sheryll Murray (1/1), Teresa Pearce (0/1), Mr (0/1), Nick Smith (1/1), Bob Stewart (1/1), David Tredinnick (1/1), Craig Whittaker (0/1)

24. Pensions Schemes Bill [Lords]

Committed: 30 January 2017 Reported (with amendments): 9 February 2017

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil Number of written submissions received: 6

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 4

Chairs: Ms Karen Buck, Andrew Rosindell

Members and attendance:

Mhairi Black (4/4), Ian Blackford (4/4), Steve Brine (4/4), Robert Courts (4/4), Alex Cunningham (4/4), Chris Davies (4/4), Chris Elmore (4/4), (2/4), Margaret Greenwood (2/4), Richard Harrington (4/4), Carolyn Harris (4/4), Peter Heaton-Jones (4/4), Julian Knight (4/4), Craig Mackinlay (4/4), Nigel Mills (2/4), Royston Smith (4/4)

25. Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence (Ratification of Convention) Bill

Committed: 16 December 2016 Reported (without Amendment):1 February 2017

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil Number of written submissions received: Nil

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1

Chair: Mrs Anne Main

Members and attendance:

Maria Caulfield (0/1), Sarah Champion (1/1), Mrs Flick Drummond (1/1), John Glen (1/1), Kate Green (1/1), Rebecca Harris (1/1), Dr Tania Mathias (1/1), Wendy Morton (1/1), Sarah Newton (1/1), Jess Phillips (1/1) Tom Pursglove (1/1), Owen Thompson (1/1), Anna Turley (0/1), Catherine West (1/1), Dr Eilidh Whiteford (1/1), Craig Whittaker (1/1)

26. Prisons and Courts Bill

Committed: 20 March 2017 Reported (with Amendments): 18 April 2017

Number of oral evidence sessions: 2 Number of written submissions received: 22

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 5

Chairs: Mr Graham Brady, Graham Stringer

Members and attendance:

Richard Arkless (2/5), Richard Burgon (5/5), Suella Fernandes 4/5), Mr Sam Gyimah (4/5), Sir Oliver Heald (4/5), Robert Jenrick (5/5), Holly Lynch (5/5), Conor McGinn (2/5), Guy Opperman (5/5), Chris Philp (5/5), Yasmin Qureshi (5/5), Liz Saville Roberts (5/5), Nick Smith (5/5), Sir Desmond Swayne (4/5), Nick Thomas-Symonds (3/5), Michael Tomlinson (5/5), Craig Tracey (4/5), Matt Warman (5/5). 52 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

27. Road Traffic Offenders (Surrender of Driving Licences Etc) Bill

Committed: 27 January 2017 Reported (without Amendment): 15 March 2017

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil Number of written submissions received: Nil

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1

Chair: Sir David Amess

Members and attendance:

Alan Brown (0/1), Mr Nicholas Brown (0/1), Dr James Davies (1/1), Robert Flello (0/1), Kevin Foster (1/1), Mike Freer (1/1), Nusrat Ghani (0/1), Kate Green (0/1), Andy McDonald (0/1), Paul Maynard (1/1), Wendy Morton (0/1), Jeremy Quin (1/1), Will Quince (1/1), Jim Shannon (0/1), Stephen Timms (0/1), Michael Tomlinson (1/1)

28. Savings (Government Contributions) Bill

Committed: 17 October 2016 Reported (without Amendment): 1 November 2016

Number of oral evidence sessions: 2 Number of written submissions received: 6

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 5

Chairs: Mr Christopher Chope, Sir Roger Gale, Albert Owen, Phil Wilson

Members and attendance:

Stephen Barclay (5/5), Ian Blackford (5/5), James Cartlidge (3/5), Maria Caulfield (5/5), Peter Dowd (5/5), Jane Ellison (5/5), Lucy Frazer (5/5), Mr Stephen Hepburn (0/5), Kelvin Hopkins (5/5), John Howell (5/5), Rebecca Long Bailey (0/5), Huw Merriman (5/5), Melanie Onn (3/5), Jeremy Quin (5/5), David Rutley (5/5), Jeff Smith (5/5), Dr Eilidh Whiteford (5/5), Craig Williams (5/5)

29. Small Charitable Donations and Childcare Payments Bill

Committed: 11 October 2016 Reported (without Amendment): 18 October 2016

Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil Number of written submissions received: 3

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1

Chairs: Nadine Dorries, Mrs Madeleine Moon

Members and attendance:

Kirsty Blackman (1/1), Mr Alan Campbell (1/1), Steve Double (1/1), James Duddridge (1/1), Jane Ellison (1/1), John Glen (1/1), James Heappey (1/1), Susan Elan Jones (1/1), Rebecca Long Bailey (1/1), Nigel Mills (1/1), Bridget Phillipson (1/1), Alison Thewliss (1/1), Michael Tomlinson (1/1), Anna Turley (1/1), David Warburton (1/1), Heather Wheeler (1/1)

30. Technical and Further Education Bill

Committed: 14 November 2016 Reported (with Amendments): 1 December 2016

Number of oral evidence sessions: 2 Number of written submissions received: 17

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 8

Chairs: Mr Adrian Bailey, Nadine Dorries

Members and attendance:

Edward Argar (8/8), Tracy Brabin (8/8), Michelle Donelan (4/8), David Evennett (8/8), Robert Halfon (8/8), Kelvin Hopkins (8/8), Mr Ranil Jayawardena (8/8), Mike Kane (7/8), Mr Alan Mak (6/8), Gordon Marsden (8/8), David Rutley (8/8), Naz Shah (6/8), Henry Smith ( 8/8), Justin Tomlinson (8/8), Karl Turner (4/8), Mr Shailesh Vara (6/8) SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 53

31. Vehicle Technology and Aviation Bill

Committed: 6 March 2017 Reported (without Amendment): 23 March 2017

Number of oral evidence sessions: 2 Number of written submissions received: 22

Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 7

Chairs: James Gray, Joan Ryan

Members and attendance:

Mr Steve Baker (7/7), Alan Brown (6/7), Richard Burden ( 7/7), Jackie Doyle-Price (7/7), Vicky Foxcroft (7/7), Richard Fuller (7/7), Mr John Hayes (7/7), Drew Hendry (6/7), Sir Greg Knight (6/7), Andy McDonald (7/7), Kit Malthouse (6/7), Rob Marris (7/7), Christian Matheson (6/7), Victoria Prentis (7/7), Andrew Selous (7/7), Gareth Snell (6/7), Iain Stewart (4/7), Tom Tugendhat (6/7) 54 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

6 Delegated Legislation and Legislative Reform Orders

Information and statistics relating to delegated legislation and Draft Legislative Reform Orders. A Instruments laid before the House Instruments subject to different forms of parliamentary procedure567

Procedure applicable to Instruments Laid before the House Instruments subject to affirmative procedure— 166 Made 5 Draft5 160 Northern Ireland 1 Instruments subject to negative procedure— 537 Made6 494 Draft7 27 Northern Ireland 16 Number prayed against 21 Instruments subject in part to affirmative and in part to negative procedure 0 Instruments not subject to parliamentary proceedings laid before Parliament 22 Special Procedure Orders 0 TOTAL NUMBER OF INSTRUMENTS LAID: 725 B Instruments considered by the Joint and Select Committees on Statutory Instruments The number of instruments subject to different forms of parliamentary procedure (numbers show totals considered by the Joint and Select Committees on Statutory Instruments in Session 2016-17 and may not reflect the total numbers laid before the House in that session).

Procedure applicable to Instruments Joint Select Committee Committee

Instruments subject to affirmative procedure—

Made 4 6

Draft 162 13

Instruments subject to negative procedure—

Made 404 52

Draft 24 0

Northern Ireland 34 0

Instruments not subject to parliamentary proceedings laid before Parliament—

Made 18 0

5 11 draft instruments subject to the affirmative procedure were withdrawn. 6 1 made instrument subject to the negative procedure was withdrawn. 7 1 draft instrument subject to the negative procedure was withdrawn. SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 55

Procedure applicable to Instruments Joint Select Committee Committee

Instruments not laid before Parliament 111 0

Special Procedure Orders 0 0

TOTAL: 757 71

The number of instruments to which the special attention of the House has been drawn8

Ground upon which special attention was invited8 Joint Select Committee Committee Defective drafting 39 1

Elucidation required 14 1

Doubtful vires 6

Unusual or unexpected or use of powers 6

Failure to observe proper practice 12 1

Other grounds 3

TOTAL: 80 3

C Consideration in the House and in Delegated Legislation Committee Summary9101112

Applicable No. laid No. No. considered No. No. on which procedure before the considered in in DL considered Question put House the House Committee in Scottish forthwith in or NI Grand the House Committee Affirmative 1729 1010 150 0 14911 Negative 53712 0 5 0 0 Other 22 0 0 0 0 Total number of instruments considered in the House: 10

Information about which instruments were considered in the House can be found in the Sessional Diary:

Total number of instruments considered in Delegated Legislation Committee: 155

Total number of Delegated Legislation Committee meetings: 138 (of which 1 considered a motion related to IPSA; and 3 considered a motion relating to the Electoral Commission)

Information about specific Delegated Legislation Committees, including membership of Committees, can be found at delegated-legislation-committee

8 An instrument may be reported on more than one ground. 9 of which 6 were House of Commons Papers or Act Papers subject to approval rather than instruments. 10 of which 5 were House of Commons Papers or Act Papers subject to approval rather than instruments. 11 of which 1 was an Act Paper subject to approval rather than an instrument. 12 of which 52 were House of Commons, Act or Command Papers subject to the negative resolution procedure rather than instruments. 56 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

D Draft Legislative Reform Orders (See also Regulatory Reform Committee Return on p. 150.) Summary

Number of draft Orders—

laid before the House during the Session 2

pending from previous Session 0

withdrawn 0

revised draft Orders laid before the House 0

reported on by the Regulatory Reform Committee 2

super-affirmative procedure (first stage): should be proceeded with unamended 0

super-affirmative procedure (first stage): a revised draft order should be laid 0

super-affirmative procedure (second stage): revised draft order should be approved 0

affirmative procedure: should be approved 2

affirmative procedure: should not be approved 0

negative procedure: should be made 0

considered by the House 0

approved by the House 0

Draft Legislative Reform Orders

The Committee reported formally on 2 Draft Legislative Reform Orders

The Committee made recommendations as set out below—

Draft Legislative Reform Harrogate Stray Act 1985 (Tour de Yorkshire) Order 2016 Approved

Laid with recommendation of affirmative procedure; Committee recommended, 12 December without division, that the draft Order be approved. 2016 Draft Legislative Reform (Private Fund Limited Partnerships) Order 2017 Approved

Laid with recommendation of affirmative procedure; Committee recommended, 6 March 2017 without division, that the draft Order be approved. E Remedial Orders under the Human Rights Act 1998 For a summary of the procedures applying to remedial orders, see Joint Committee on Human Rights, Seventh Report of Session 2001–02, HC 473, Annex A. Summary13

Number of draft Orders—

laid before the House13 0

reported on 0

recommended by JCHR to be approved 0

recommended by JCHR to be disapproved 0

considered by the House 0

approved by the House 0

13 No proposals for draft Orders, draft Orders or Urgent Procedure Orders were laid in the Sessions 2012-13, 2013- 14, 2014-15 and 2015-16. The Draft Sexual Offences Act 2003 (Remedial) Order 2012 was laid in Session 2010-12. SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 57

7 European Legislation, etc A Consideration by the European Scrutiny Committee

No. of documents considered by the European Scrutiny Committee 741 No. referred to European Committees 19 No. recommended for debate on the floor of the House 13 B Consideration on a Motion on the floor of the House and in European Committees Consideration on a Motion on the floor of the House

No. of documents considered on the floor of the House 34 on 12 motions No. of documents debated on the floor of the House 0 No. of documents on which the Question was put forthwith 34 on 12 motions

Consideration in European Committees

Total number of documents considered in European Committees: 34

Total number of European Committee meetings: 12

Information about specific European Committees, including membership, can be found at: 58 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

8 Grand Committees and the Regional Affairs Committee

There were no meetings of the Northern Ireland Grand, Regional Affairs, Scottish Grand or Welsh Grand Committees in Session 2016-17.

Information about Grand Committees can be found at: committees/grandcommittees/ SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 59

9 Panel of Chairs

Information and statistics relating to the Panel of Chairs. Members of the Panel are appointed by the Speaker to chair Public Bill Committees and other General committees. They also chair debates in Westminster hall and act as temporary chairs of Committees of the whole House.

The membership of the Panel of Chairs for Session 2016–17 was:

Chairman of Ways and Means, Mr Lindsay Hoyle (ex officio member from 08.06.10) (Chair) First Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means, Mrs Eleanor Laing (ex officio member from 16.10.13) Second Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means, Natascha Engel (ex officio member from 03.06.15) Sir David Amess (first appointed 31.01.01) Mr Adrian Bailey (first appointed 30.06.15) Mr Clive Betts (first appointed 12.01.09) Mr Peter Bone (first appointed 21.06.10) Mr Graham Brady (first appointed 12.10.09) Ms Karen Buck (first appointed 14.10.15) Mr Christopher Chope (first appointed 24.05.05) Sir (first appointed 21.06.10) Geraint Davies (first appointed 25.06.15) (first appointed 28.06.10) Nadine Dorries (first appointed 31.03.11) Mr (appointed 25.06.15; previously on the Panel from 12.10.09 to 11.09.13) Robert Flello (first appointed 11.10.16) Sir Roger Gale (first appointed 04.06.97) Mike Gapes (first appointed 25.06.15) Mrs (first appointed 25.06.15) James Gray (first appointed 21.06.10) Mr David Hanson (first appointed 14.10.15) Mr Philip Hollobone (first appointed 21.06.10) Mr George Howarth (first appointed 12.10.09) Sir Edward Leigh (first appointed 07.07.10) Mrs Anne Main (first appointed 23.06.10) Steve McCabe (first appointed 14.10.15) Sir Alan Meale (first appointed 24.01.11) Mrs Madeleine Moon (first appointed 25.06.15) Mr David Nuttall (first appointed 25.06.15) Albert Owen (first appointed 20.10.10) Ian Paisley (first appointed 11.10.16) Andrew Percy (first appointed 25.06.15; stood down 18.06.16) Mark Pritchard (first appointed 03.12.12) Andrew Rosindell (first appointed 29.06.10) Joan Ryan (first appointed 02.02.16) Mr Gary Streeter (first appointed 12.01.09) Graham Stringer (first appointed 25.06.15) Mr Andrew Turner (first appointed 21.06.10) Valerie Vaz (first appointed 25.06.15; stood down 11.10.16) Mr Charles Walker (first appointed 21.06.10) Phil Wilson (first appointed 14.10.15) 60 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

10 Select Committees

Information and statistics about the membership, work, and staff of select committees A SELECT COMMITTEE SUMMARY STATISTICS 2016–17 Session

Committee No. of Number of Meetings Number of Visits Reports All Oral Private Informal Overseas EU UK Total Formal evidence Institutions Visits Departmental Select Business, 3 30 22 8 12 1 0 4 5 Energy and Industrial Strategy Business, 5 18 14 4 2 1 0 0 1 Innovation and Skills Communities 12 47 37 10 5 1 0 4 5 and Local Government Culture, Media 7 41 32 9 4 3 0 6 9 and Sport Defence 9 35 26 9 62 7 0 7 14 Defence Sub- 0 9 7 2 0 1 0 0 1 Committee Education 9 37 28 9 0 1 0 6 7 Sub-Committee 2 8 5 3 0 0 0 0 0 on Education, Skills and the Economy Energy and 3 12 8 4 0 1 0 0 1 Climate Change Environment, 9 36 28 8 1 1 0 7 8 Food and Rural Affairs Environment, 0 10 6 4 0 0 0 1 1 Food and Rural Affairs Sub- Committee Exiting the 3 27 18 9 10 1 1 7 9 European Union Exiting the 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 European Union Sub- Committee Foreign Affairs 10 36 23 13 51 10 1 1 12 Foreign Affairs 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Sub-Committee Health 9 33 21 12 7 0 0 5 5 Home Affairs 14 41 29 12 5 1 1 6 8 International 8 34 26 8 60 6 0 1 7 Development SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 61

Committee No. of Number of Meetings Number of Visits Reports All Oral Private Informal Overseas EU UK Total Formal evidence Institutions Visits International 0 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 Development Sub-Committee on the Work of the Independent Commission for Aid Impact International 1 18 13 5 4 1 0 0 1 Trade Justice 15 40 29 11 7 2 0 6 8 Northern 4 32 23 9 2 2 0 4 6 Ireland Affairs Science and 16 35 32 3 2 1 0 9 10 Technology Scottish Affairs 3 29 26 3 1 0 0 8 8 Transport 10 36 32 4 4 0 1 2 3 Treasury 13 55 49 6 1 1 0 0 1 Welsh Affairs 3 23 18 5 1 0 1 8 9 Women and 9 34 23 11 2 0 0 1 1 Equalities Work and 14 52 47 5 4 0 0 4 4 Pensions Other Scrutiny Committees on 0 5 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 Arms Export Controls European 40 32 8 24 0 7 3 1 11 Scrutiny Human 7 28 17 11 8 1 0 5 6 Rights (Joint Committee) National 2 9 5 4 3 1 0 3 4 Security Strategy (Joint Committee) Public Accounts 65 53 51 2 5 0 0 4 4 Public 16 36 22 14 4 1 0 0 1 Administration and Constitutional Affairs Regulatory 2 4 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 Reform Domestic/ Admin Administration 1 25 4 21 1 0 0 2 2 Backbench 0 28 27 1 0 0 0 0 0 Business Committee of 2 9 1 9 0 0 0 0 0 Privileges 62 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

Committee No. of Number of Meetings Number of Visits Reports All Oral Private Informal Overseas EU UK Total Formal evidence Institutions Visits Committee on 3 15 3 12 3 0 0 3 3 Standards Environmental 11 35 25 10 3 2 0 2 4 Audit Finance 0 10 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 Liaison 0 5 2 3 5 0 0 0 0 Liaison 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 National Policy Statement Palace of 1 8 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 Westminster (Joint Committee) Petitions 1 33 4 29 0 1 0 0 1 Procedure 7 26 7 19 1 0 0 0 0 Selection 0 31 0 31 0 0 0 0 0 Statutory 8 22 0 22 0 0 0 0 0 Instruments Statutory 27 27 0 27 0 0 0 0 0 Instruments (Joint Committee) Total 384 1,259 810 504 281 55 8 122 182 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 63


1. Administration

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at: committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/administration-committee/.

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 20 July 2015.


Information relating to committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 25

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken 4

Number of wholly private meetings 21

Other activities

Informal meetings (including overseas visitors) 1


Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session



Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Number of appearances by:

Members of the House of Commons (other than Ministers) 4

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:

Cabinet Office 1

House of Commons 6

Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority 1

Appearances by other witnesses: 7

Overseas Visits


Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 17.1.17 4 Millbank Beresford, Fabricant 1 Visit to BBC Parliament control Nil room in 4 Millbank 18.1.17 London Beresford, Day 1 Visit to Parliament’s mail Nil screening centre Reports and Evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website.


Any divisions are recorded in the relevant section of the Committee’s Formal Minutes



Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant inquiry page of each committee’s website. SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 65

2. Backbench Business

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at: committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/backbench-business-committee/.

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 20 July 2015. The Committee determines matters to be debated in backbench business time under Standing Order No. 14. It does not conduct inquiries and has no power to take evidence, travel or appoint specialist advisers.


Information relating to committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 28

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken 27

Number of wholly private meetings 1

Other activities



Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found on the Committee’s website.

Specialist Advisers during the Session



Not applicable

Overseas Visits


Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits


Reports and Evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website.





Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant inquiry page of each committee’s website. 66 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

3. Business, Innovation and Skills

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at:

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 8 July 2015.

The Committee nominated a sub-committee on Education, Skills and the Economy on 1 December 2015 which met concurrently with the Education sub-committee pursuant to Standing Order No. 137A(1). It became the Sub-Committee of the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy on 17 October 2016. The Sub-Committees met concurrently pursuant to Standing Order No. 137A(1). The Sub- Committees adjourned on 28 March 2017.


Information relating to committee membership and Members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 18

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken 14

Number of times evidence was taken partly or wholly in private 1

Number of wholly private meetings 4

Other activities

Informal meetings (including overseas visitors) 2


Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Information relating to specialist advisers can be found in the formal minutes of the Committee and any relevant reports.


Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Number of appearances by:

Ministers (other than Cabinet Ministers) 2

Members of the House of Commons (other than Ministers) 1

Members of the House of Lords 1

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:

Pension Protection Fund 1

The Pensions Regulator 1

Appearances by other witnesses: 72 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 67

Overseas Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 18.5.16 ParisA Wright, 1 Conference related to corporate £1,892 Thomson social responsibility and the EU Directive on Posting of Workers A Travel in a representative capacity

Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits


Reports and Evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website.


Any divisions are recorded in the relevant section of the Committee’s Formal Minutes.


The following were debated in the House:

Fourth Report, BHS, HC 54; 20.10.16 Second Report, Session 2015−16, The Government’s Productivity Plan, HC 466, and the Government response HC 931; 28.2.17

Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant inquiry page of each committee’s website. 68 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

4. Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at:

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 17 October 2016.


Information relating to committee membership and Members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings:* 30

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken 22

Number of times evidence was taken partly or wholly in private 1

Number of wholly private meetings 8

*Excluding concurrent meetings held with the Defence, Foreign Affairs and International Development Committees as the Committees on Arms Export Controls

Other activities

Informal meetings (including overseas visitors) 12


Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Information relating to specialist advisers can be found in the formal minutes of the Committee and any relevant reports.


Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Number of appearances by:

Cabinet Ministers 2

Ministers (other than Cabinet Ministers) 3

Members of the House of Lords 2

Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy 3

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:

Citizens Advice Bureau 1

Competition and Markets Authority 2

Ofgem 2

Appearances by other witnesses: 122 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 69

Overseas Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 27-29.11.16 Sweden Wright, 2 Inquiry into Industrial Strategy £8,318 Kyle, Milling, Thomson, White Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 27.10.16 Coventry Wright, 4 Taking evidence away from £1,847 Fuller, Westminster on inquiry into Industrial Milling, Strategy White 7.11.16 Nottingham and Wright, 2 Inquiry into Sports Direct £1,119 Shirebrook Kyle, Solloway, Thomson, Tracey, Turley 7–8.12.16 Durham Wright, 3 Inquiry into Industrial Strategy £1,692 Fuller, Milling, Thomson, White 26 –27.2.17 Edinburgh Wright, 2 Inquiry into leaving the EU: energy £1,877 Kyle, and climate change negotiation Milling, priorities Owen, Solloway, Thomson, White Reports and Evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website.


Any divisions are recorded in the relevant section of the Committee’s Formal Minutes.



Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant inquiry page of each committee’s website. 70 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

5. Communities and Local Government

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at:

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 13 July 2015.


Information relating to committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 47

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken 37

Number of wholly private meetings 10

Other activities

Informal meetings 5

Seminar hosted 1


Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Information relating to specialist advisers can be found in the formal minutes of the Committee and any relevant reports.


Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Number of appearances by:

Cabinet Ministers 2

Ministers (other than Cabinet Ministers) 16

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:

Department for Communities and Local Government 5

Other Government Departments 3

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:

Homes and Communities Agency 1

Housing Ombudsman 1

Local Authorities 26

Local Government Association (LGA) 2

Local Government Ombudsman (The Commission for Local Administration in England) 2

Appearances by other witnesses: 103 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 71

Overseas Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 11– Berlin Betts, 2 Inquiries into Adult Social Care £7,474.36 14.12.16 Hayes, and Capacity in the home building Hollinrake, industry Onn, Thewliss Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 2.11.16 Lambeth, LondonA Betts 1 Inquiry into Nil Capacity in the home building industry 7.11.16 NewcastleA Betts, 1 Inquiry into £336.60 Hollinrake Public Parks 29.11.16 Islington, LondonA Betts, 1 Inquiry into Nil Hollinrake Capacity in the home building industry 20.3.17 Arlington Betts, 1 Inquiry into £234.50 Conference Centre, Hayes, the Future of London Hollinrake Supported Housing A Travel in a representative capacity

Reports and Evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website.


Any divisions are recorded in the relevant section of the Committee’s Formal Minutes.


The following were tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to a debate in the House:

Third Report, Homelessness, HC 40; Fifth Report, Draft Homelessness Reduction Bill, HC 635; 27.1.17 Fifth Report, Draft Homelessness Reduction Bill, HC 635; 28.10.16

The following were tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to a debate in Westminster Hall:

Eighth Report, Adult social care: a pre-Budget report, HC 47; Oral evidence taken 12.9.16, 10.10.16, 26.10.16, 16.11.16, 28.11.16, 14.12.16, 23.1.17 and 30.1.17, Adult Social Care, HC 47; Written evidence taken 5.9.16, 12.9.16, 10.10.16, 31.10.16, 8.11.16, 9.1.17, 30.1.17, 6.2.17, 20.2.17, and 6.3.17, Adult Social Care, HC 47; 14.3.17 Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant inquiry page of each committee’s website. 72 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

6. Consolidation &c., Bills (Joint Committee)

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at: committees/committees-a-z/joint-select/consolidation-committee/.

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 9 November 2015; it did not meet in 2016 –17.


Information relating to committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.


Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found on the Committee’s website. SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 73

7. Culture, Media and Sport

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at:

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 8 July 2015.


Information relating to committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 41

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken 32

Number of wholly private meetings 9

Other activities

Informal meetings (including overseas visitors) 4


Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Information relating to specialist advisers can be found in the formal minutes of the Committee and any relevant reports.


Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Number of appearances by:

Cabinet Ministers 2

Ministers (other than Cabinet Ministers) 3

Members of the House of Lords 2

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:

Department for Culture, Media and Sport 1

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:


BBC Trust 1

Channel 4 2

Ofcom 2

UK Athletics 3

UK Anti-Doping 2

Arts Council England 1

Appearances by other witnesses: 84 74 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

Overseas Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 8–9.3.17 BarcelonaA Collins 0 Conference on Business of £174 Sport 8–10.3.17 Barcelona Collins, 2 Inquiry into ‘the Impact £8,277 Bingham, of Brexit on the creative Huddleston, industries, tourism and the Matheson, digital single market’ Nicolson 27–29.3.17 Berlin Collins, 2 Inquiry into ‘the Impact £9,500 Adams, of Brexit on the creative Elliott, industries, tourism and the Farrelly, digital single market’ Knight, Lucas, Nicolson A Travel in a representative capacity

Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 11-12.7.16 Glasgow Norman, 4A Inquiry into ‘Countries of £5,078 Collins, Culture’ and evidence session Farrelly, in relation to ‘BBC White Paper Huddleston, and other issues’ inquiry. Lucas, Nicolson 24–26.8.16 EdinburghB Adams Representative Capacity visit to £1,497 Edinburgh Television Festival 12.9.16 Buxton and North Bingham, 3 Inquiry into ‘Countries of £1,604 Staffs Collins, Culture’ Farrelly, Nicolson 27–28.2.17 Belfast Collins, 4A Inquiry into and evidence £8,272 Bingham, session on ‘the Impact of Brexit Elliott, on the creative industries, Farrelly, tourism and the digital single Huddleston, market’ Lucas, Nicolson 6.3.17 Elstree Film Collins, 2 Inquiry into ‘the Impact £74 Studios, Elliott of Brexit on the creative Borehamwood industries, tourism and the digital single market’ 8.3.17 OxfordB Collins 1 Representative Capacity visit to £562 the Oxford Media Convention A Includes 1 shorthand writer B Travel in a representative capacity Reports and Evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website. SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 75




The following were tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to a debate in the House:

First Report, Session 2015−16, BBC Charter Review, HC 398; 20.10.16 Third Report, White Paper on the BBC and other issues, HC 150; 20.10.16

The following was tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to a debate in Westminster Hall:

Oral and written evidence taken 8 November 2016: Homophobia in Sport, HC 113; 30.11.16

The following was a debate in the House obtained by the Committee after application to the Backbench Business Committee:

Football Association Governance; 9.2.17

Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant inquiry page of each committee’s website. 76 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

8. Defence

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at: committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/defence-committee/.

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 6 July 2015.


Information relating to committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings:* 35

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken 26

Number of wholly private meetings 9

* Excluding concurrent meetings held with the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Foreign Affairs and International Development Committees as the Committees on Arms Export Controls

Other activities

Informal meetings (including overseas visitors) 62


Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Information relating to specialist advisers can be found in the formal minutes of the Committee and any relevant reports.


Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Number of appearances by:

Cabinet Ministers 4

Ministers (other than Cabinet Ministers) 6

Members of the House of Commons (other than Ministers) 1

Members of the House of Lords 4

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:

Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1

Ministry of Defence 11

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:

Single Source Regulations Office 1

Appearances by other witnesses: 49 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 77

Overseas Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 13–20.6.16 Ulan-Ude, Gray 1 Defence in the Arctic £9,002 RussiaA 11–12.7.16 Paris Lewis, 2 Bi-annual meeting with the Defence £3,353 Benyon, Committees of the French National Chapman, Assembly and Senate Moon, Wilson 2– 4.9.16 BratislavaA Stewart 1 CFSP/CDSP Conference £1,127 5– 6.9.16 ParisA Benyon, 0 Summer Defence Conference £466 Moon 16 –17.11.16 ParisA Lewis 0 Franco-British Defence Conference £379 2016 5–8.12.16 Washington DC Spellar, 1 Bi-annual Parliamentary Intelligence £17,042 Stewart, Security Conference Wilson 26 –27.2.17 Seville Lewis, 1 Inquiry into Defence Acquisition and £1,590 Chapman, Procurement Spellar, Stewart A Travel in a representative capacity

Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 9.6.16 Newbury Lewis, 2 Inquiry into SDSR 2015 and the Army £353 Chapman, Gray, Moon, Spellar 13.7.16 Farnborough Lewis, 3 Farnborough Airshow £140 Benyon, Chapman, Moon, Spellar, Wilson 19 –20.10.16 Salisbury Plain Lewis, 2 Inquiry into SDSR 2015 and the Army £645 Gray, Moon, Smeeth, Stewart, Wilson 3.11.16 Caversham Lewis, 1 Inquiry into BBC Monitoring £151 Moon, Spellar 23–24.11.16 Northern Ireland Lewis, 2 Visit to understand the current £2,120 Shannon, security situation in Northern Ireland Stewart, Wilson 78 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 18.1.17 Barrow-in- Chapman, 2 Inquiry into Defence Acquisition and £125 Furness Moon, Procurement Robinson, Smeeth, Stewart 16.3.17 Fleet Lewis, 1 Inquiry into Defence Acquisition and £85 Robinson, Procurement Wilson

Reports and Evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website.


Any divisions are recorded in the relevant section of the Committee’s Formal Minutes.


The following was launched in the House:

First Report, Russia: Implications for UK defence and security, HC 107; 7.7.16

The following were tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to a debate in the House:

Fourteenth Report, Session 2013−14, Intervention: Why, When and How?, HC 952, and the Government response HC 581; Eleventh Report, Session 2014−15, Decision-making in Defence Policy, HC 682, and the Government response HC 367; Seventh Report, Session 2014−15, The situation in Iraq and Syria and the response to al-Dawla al-Islamiya fi al-Iraq al-Sham (DAESH), HC 690, and the Government response HC 1126; First Report, Session 2015−16, Flexible Response? An SDSR checklist of potential threats and vulnerabilties, HC 493, and the Government response HC 794; 18.7.16 Fourth Report, Exposing Walter Mitty: The Awards for Valour (Protection) Bill, HC 658; 25.11.16

Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant inquiry page of each committee’s website. SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 79

8A. Defence Sub-Committee

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at: committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/defence-committee/defencesubcommittee/.

The Sub-Committee was nominated by the main Committee on 8 September 2015.


Information relating to committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 9

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken 7

Number of wholly private meetings 2

Other activities



Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Information relating to specialist advisers can be found in the formal minutes of the Committee and any relevant reports.


Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Number of appearances by:

Cabinet Ministers 1

Members of the House of Commons (other than Ministers) 1

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:

Ministry of Defence 1

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:

Iraq Historical Allegations Team 1

Appearances by other witnesses: 18

Overseas Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 19-25.2.17 Norway Chapman, 2A Inquiry into Defence in the Arctic £13,237 Gray, Lopresti, Moon A Includes 1 specialist adviser

Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits


Reports and Evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Sub-Committee are available on the Committee’s website.





Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session


9. Education

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at: committee.

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 6 July 2015.


Information relating to committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 37

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken* 28

Number of wholly private meetings 9

* Includes two joint evidence sessions with the Health Committee, and one with the Work and Pensions Committee.

Other activities

Conferences / Seminars hosted 5


Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Information relating to specialist advisers can be found in the formal minutes of the Committee and any relevant reports.


Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Number of appearances by:

Cabinet Ministers 1

Ministers (other than Cabinet Ministers) 8

Members of the House of Lords 3

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:

Department for Education 7

Department of Health 1

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:

Education Funding Agency 2

National Audit Office 2

Ofsted 5

Ofqual 1

Standards and Testing Agency 1

Appearances by other witnesses: 117 82 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

Overseas Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 16 –23.11.16 Helsinki and Seoul Carmichael, 2 Inquiry into the purpose £41,046 Donelan, and quality of education in Fellows, England Frazer, Greenwood, McKinnell, Wragg Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 1.11.16 Eastbrook Carmichael, 3 Inquiries into multi-academy £269 Academy, Greenwood, trusts and primary assessment Southwick, West McKinnell, Sussex Wragg 7.12.16 London South Carmichael, 6 Inquiry into the impact of Nil Bank University Fellows, exiting the European Union Greenwood, on higher education McKinnell, Mearns, Wragg 10 –11.1.17 University of Carmichael, 11A Committee awayday and £2,281 Oxford Fellows, inquiry into the impact of Greenwood, exiting the European Union McKinnell, on higher education Mearns 25.1.17 University College Carmichael, 8B Inquiry into the impact of Nil London Austin, exiting the European Union Fellows, on higher education Greenwood, McKinnell, Mearns 6–7.3.17 Gateshead Carmichael, 4B Inquiries into area reviews £1,460 College and Fellows, of post-16 education and Northumbria Greenwood, the impact of exiting the University McKinnell, European Union on higher Mearns, education Wragg 20.3.17 Regent High Carmichael, 3 Inquiry into children and Nil School, London Greenwood young people’s mental health—the role of education A Includes 2 specialist advisers and 1 shorthand writer

B Includes 1 shorthand writer

Reports and Evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website.


Any divisions are recorded in the relevant section of the Committee’s Formal Minutes. SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 83



Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant inquiry page of each committee’s website. 84 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

9A. Education, Skills and the Economy Sub-Committee

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at: economy.

The Sub-Committee of the Education Committee was appointed on 25 November 2015. The Sub- Committee of the Business, Innovation and Skills Committee was appointed on 1 December 2015; it became the Sub-Committee of the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy on 17 October 2016. The Sub-Committees met concurrently pursuant to Standing Order No. 137A(1). The Sub-Committees adjourned on 28 March 2017.


Information relating to committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Sub- Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings:* 8

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken 5

Number of wholly private meetings 3

*Includes one meeting solely of the Sub-Committee of the Education Committee.

Other activities

Conferences / Seminars hosted 1


Details of the staff of the Sub-Committee during the Session can be found in the Sub-Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session Information relating to specialist advisers can be found in the formal minutes of the Sub-Committee and any relevant reports


Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Number of appearances by:

Ministers (other than Cabinet Ministers) 1

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:

Department for Education 1

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:

Institute for Apprenticeships 1

Ofsted 1

Ofqual 1

Appearances by other witnesses: 17

Overseas Visits


Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits


Reports and Evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Sub-Committee’s website.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Sub-Committee are available on the Sub-Committee’s website.


Any divisions are recorded in the relevant section of the Sub-Committee’s Formal Minutes.



Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant inquiry page of each committee’s website. 86 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

10. Energy and Climate Change

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at: committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/energy-and-climate-change-committee/.

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 8 July 2015. On 11 October 2016 the House of Commons approved changes to the Standing Orders to establish a Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee with a remit covering the energy and climate change brief.


Information relating to committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 12

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken 8

Number of wholly private meetings 4

Other activities



Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Information relating to specialist advisers can be found in the formal minutes of the Committee and any relevant reports.


Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Number of appearances by:

Ministers (other than Cabinet Ministers) 4

Members of the House of Lords 1

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:

Department of Energy and Climate Change 3

Department for Transport 1

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of public bodies and non- Ministerial departments comprising:

Competition and Markets Authority 1

National Grid 1

Appearances by other witnesses: 31

Overseas Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 11–17.9.16 San Francisco and MacNeil, 2 Inquiry into Energy Revolution £45,040 Seattle Ali, Blenkinsop, Carmichael, Heappey SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 87

Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits


Reports and Evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website.


Any divisions are recorded in the relevant section of the Committee’s Formal Minutes.


The following were debated in the House:

Second Report, Session 2015−16, Future of carbon capture and storage in the UK, HC 692; 4.7.16 Third Report, Session 2015−16, Investor confidence in the UK energy sector, HC 542; 4.7.16 Fourth Report, Session 2015−16, Home energy efficiency and demand reduction, HC 552; 4.7.16

Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant inquiry page of each committee’s website. 88 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

11. Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at: committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/environment-food-and-rural-affairs-committee/.

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 8 July 2015.


Information relating to Committee membership and Members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 36

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken* 28

Number of wholly private meetings 8

*Includes one joint evidence session with the and one joint evidence session with the European Scrutiny Committee

Other activities

Informal meetings (including overseas visitors) 1


Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Information relating to specialist advisers can be found in the formal minutes of the Committee and any relevant reports.


Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Number of appearances by:

Cabinet Ministers 1

Ministers (other than Cabinet Ministers) 8

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 6

Scottish Government 2

Welsh Government 2

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of public bodies and non- Ministerial departments comprising:

Natural England 2

Rural Payments Agency 5

Local Government Association 1

Appearances by other witnesses: 80 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 89

Overseas Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 7–9.6.16 Nijmegen and Parish, 2 Inquiry into Future flood £4,450 The Hague Monaghan, prevention. Pow, Smith Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 25.7.16 North Yorkshire Parish, 1 Inquiry into Future flood £206 Moors Fitzpatrick, prevention. Smith 24.8.16 York and Parish 1 Inquiry into Future flood £136 PickeringA prevention. 20.10.16 King’s Cross, Parish, 2 BT Openreach Showcase Nil LondonA Monaghan 24.11.16 Surrey Quays, Parish, 2 Inquiry into Food waste: visit to £58 LondonA Hart FareShare’s London depot 19.1.17 Hackney, Davies, 1 Inquiry into Food waste: visit to £89 LondonA Fitzpatrick, FoodCycle kitchen McCarthy 21.2.17 BirminghamA Parish 2 National Farmers’ Union £354 Conference, Birmingham 1.3.17 Mitcham Parish, 1 Inquiry into Food waste: visit to £44 McCarthy, AD plant, Mitcham Monaghan A Travel in a representative capacity

Reports and Evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website.


Any divisions are recorded in the relevant section of the Committee’s Formal Minutes.


The following were debated in the House:

Second Report, Future Flood Prevention, HC 115; 27.2.17 Third Report, Animal welfare: domestic pets, HC 117, and the Government response HC 1003; 30.3.17

The following was tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to a debate in the House:

Fourth Report, Future Flood Prevention: Government’s Response to the Committee’s Second Report of Session 2016-17, HC 926, and the Government response HC 1032; 27.2.17 90 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

The following were debated in Westminster Hall:

Second Report, Session 2015–16, Greyhound welfare, HC 478, and the Government response HC 133; Fourth Report, Session 2015–16, Air quality, HC 479, and the Government response HC 665; 15.12.16

Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant page of each committee’s website. SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 91

11A. Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Sub-Committee: Animal Welfare in England

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at: committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/environment-food-and-rural-affairs-committee/ environment-food-and-rural-affairs-sub-committee/.

The Sub-Committee was nominated by the main Committee on 27 January 2016.


Information relating to Sub-Committee membership and Members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 6

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken 4

Number of wholly private meetings 2

Other activities



Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session None


Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Number of appearances by:

Ministers (other than Cabinet Ministers) 1

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 2

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of public bodies and non- Ministerial departments comprising:

Local Government Association 1


Appearances by other witnesses: 7

Overseas Visits


Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 8–9.9.16 Carmarthenshire and Parish, 1 Inquiry into Animal welfare: £441 Ceredigion Davies, domestic pets. Hart, Monaghan Reports and Evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Sub-Committee are available on the Committee’s website.


Any divisions are recorded in the relevant section of the Sub-Committee’s Formal Minutes.



Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant page of each committee’s website. SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 93

11B. Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Sub-Committee: Forestry in England

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at: committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/environment-food-and-rural-affairs-committee/ environment-food-and-rural-affairs-sub-committee/.

The Sub-Committee was nominated by the main Committee on 2 November 2016.


Information relating to Sub-Committee membership and Members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 4

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken 2

Number of wholly private meetings 2

Other activities



Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session None


Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Number of appearances by:

Ministers (other than Cabinet Ministers) 1

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of public bodies and non- Ministerial departments comprising:

Forestry Commission 1

Natural England 1

Appearances by other witnesses: 8

Overseas Visits


Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits


Reports and Evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website. 94 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17





Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant page of each committee’s website. SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 95

12. Environmental Audit

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at: committees-a-z/commons-select/environmental-audit-committee/.

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 20 July 2015.


Information relating to committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 35

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken 25

Number of wholly private meetings 10

Other activities

Informal meetings (including overseas visitors) 3


Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Information relating to specialist advisers can be found in the formal minutes of the Committee and any relevant reports.


Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Number of appearances by:

Cabinet Ministers 2

Ministers (other than Cabinet Ministers) 7

Members of the House of Lords 4

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:

Cabinet Office 1

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 5

Department for International Development 1

Department for Transport 1

Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1

HM Treasury 2

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:

Committee on Climate Change 2

Environment Agency 2

Health and Safety Executive 1

Marine Management Organisation 1

Natural Capital Committee 1 96 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

Natural England 1

Office for National Statistics 1

Public Health England 1

Appearances by other witnesses: 74

Overseas Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 22–23.11.16 BerlinA Creagh 0 Visit by Chair to a Sustainable £435 Development Conference in Berlin in a Representative Capacity 27–30.3.17 Washington, USA Creagh, 2 Inquiry into Future of Chemicals £43,377 Davies, Regulation after the EU Lucas, Referendum McNally, McCarthy, Offord, Shuker A Travel in a representative capacity

Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 13.10.16 Woking Creagh, 2 Inquiry into relation to £42 McCarthy the Future of the Natural Environment after the EU Referendum, visit to the Surrey Wildlife Trust 24.11.16 Birmingham Creagh, 5 SDG Youth Engagement Event £580 McCarthy in Birmingham

Reports and Evidence All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website Formal Minutes The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website. Divisions Any divisions are recorded in the relevant section of the Committee’s Formal Minutes. Debates The following were debated or were tagged to be debated in the House:

Second Report, Flooding: Cooperation across Government, HC 183 and the Government response HC 645; 7.2.17 Sixth Report, The Future of the Natural Environment after the EU Referendum, HC 599; 17.1.17 and 7.2.17 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 97

The following were debated or were tagged to be debated in Westminster Hall:

First Report, Soil Health, HC 180, and the Government response HC 650; 17.11.16 Fourth Report, Environmental Impact of Microplastics, HC 179, and the Government response HC 802; 8.3.17

Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant inquiry page of each committee’s website. 98 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

13. European Scrutiny

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at: committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/european-scrutiny-committee/.

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 15 July 2015


Information relating to committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 32

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken 8

Number of wholly private meetings 24

Other activities



Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session



Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Number of appearances by:

Cabinet Ministers 2

Ministers (other than Cabinet Ministers) 6

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 1

Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1

Department for Transport 1

Home Office 1

United Kingdom Representation to the European Union 1

Appearances by other witnesses: 1

Overseas Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 12–14.6.16 The NetherlandsA Cash, 1 COSAC Plenary £2,433 Hopkins, Wheeler 10 –11.7.16 BratislavaA Cash 1 COSAC Chairpersons £1,090 2– 4.9.16 BratislavaA Cash 0 Common Foreign and £582 Security Policy and the Common Security and Defence Policy SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 99

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 16 –18.10.16 BratislavaA Cash 0 Interparliamentary £872 Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance in the EU 13–15.11.16 BratislavaA Cash, 1 COSAC Plenary £2,659 Grant, Green 28.11.16 BrusselsA 1 Interparliamentary £310 meeting on Europol and its parliamentary scrutiny in the framework of the EU Internal Security Policy 22–23.1.17 MaltaA 1 COSAC Chairperson £606 A Travel in a representative capacity

Visits to European Institutions

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 7–8.9.16 BrusselsA Grant 0 Interinstitutional £479 Conference on the Future Financing of the European Union 29.11.16 BrusselsA Cash 1 The future of the UK/ £897 Constitutional issues 30.11.16 BrusselsA Cash, 1 Tripartite conference £436 Green A Travel in a representative capacity

UK Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 5.12.16 CardiffA Cash 1 EC UK £202 A Travel in a representative capacity

Reports and Evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website.




The following were tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to a debate in the House:

Eighteenth Report, Documents considered by the Committee on 16 November 2016, HC 71; 1.12.16 Eighteenth Report, Documents considered by the Committee on 16 November 2016, HC 71; Twenty-first Report, Europol: opt-in Debate, HC 71; Twenty-fifth Report, Documents considered by the Committee on 11 January 2017, HC 71; Third Report, Documents considered by the Committee on Wednesday 25 May 2016, HC 71; Eighth Report, Documents considered by the Committee on 13 July 2016, HC 71; 18.1.17; Tenth Report, Documents considered by the Committee on 7 September 2016, HC 71; Twenty-second Report, Documents considered by the Committee on 7 December 2016, HC 71; 22.3.17 100 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant inquiry page of each committee’s website. SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 101

14. Exiting the European Union

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at: committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/exiting-the-european-union-committee/.

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 17 October 2016.


Information relating to committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 27

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken 18

Number of wholly private meetings 9

Other activities

Informal meetings (including overseas visitors) 10


Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session



Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Number of appearances by:

Cabinet Ministers 2

Member of the Scottish Parliament 1

Member of the National Assembly of Wales 1

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:

Department for Exiting the EU 1

Appearances by other witnesses: 48

Overseas Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 23.2.17 Dublin Benn, 3 Inquiry into ‘UK’s negotiating £6,950 Burt, objectives for withdrawal from EU’ Caulfield, Cherry, Durkan, Edwards, Lefroy, Malhotra, McCartney, McFadden 102 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

Visits to European Institutions

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 29 –30.11.16 BrusselsA Malhotra 1 Participation in the £1,032 Interparliamentary Committee Meeting and Tripartite Meeting A Travel in a representative capacity

UK Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 8.11.16 Department Benn, 4 Inquiry into UK’s negotiating Nil for Exiting the Burt, objectives for withdrawal from European Union Carmichael, EU Caulfield, Cherry, Durkan, Edwards, Gove, Grant, Jenkyns, Mackinlay, Malhotra, McCartney, McFadden, Reynolds, Timms, Whittingdale, Wilson 5.12.16 Cardiff Edwards, 1 Meeting with other European £584 Grant, focussed Committees of Timms devolved bodies 8.12.16 Sunderland Benn, 4A Inquiry into UK’s negotiating £2,361 Cherry, objectives for withdrawal from Durkan, EU Edwards, Lilley, McFadden, Reynolds, Timms 19.12.16 Aberdeen Benn, 4A Inquiry into UK’s negotiating £4,154 Carmichael, objectives for withdrawal from Cherry, EU Gove, Grant, Lefroy, Malhotra, Timms, Wilson 19.1.17 Wolverhampton Benn, 4 Inquiry into UK’s negotiating £2,325 and Stoke-on-Trent Burt, objectives for withdrawal from Grant, EU McFadden, Reynolds, Whittingdale SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 103

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 26.1.17 London Benn, 3 Inquiry into UK’s negotiating £463 Burt, objectives for withdrawal from Lefroy, EU Lilley, Malhotra, McFadden, Reynolds, Timms, Whittingdale 2.2.17 Boston Benn, 4 Inquiry into UK’s negotiating £1,025 Burt, objectives for withdrawal from Grant, EU Lefroy, McCartney, McFadden, Timms Cancelled Derry~Londonderry N/A N/A Inquiry into UK’s negotiating £2,330 objectives for withdrawal from EU

A Includes 1 shorthand writer

Reports and Evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website.


Any divisions are recorded in the relevant section of the Committee’s formal minutes.


The following was tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to a debate in the House:

First Report, The UK’s negotiating objectives for its withdrawal from the EU, HC 815; 31.1.17

Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant inquiry page of each committee’s website. 104 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

14A. Exiting the European Union Sub-Committee

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at: committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/exiting-the-european-union-committee/.

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 2 November 2016.


Information relating to Committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 2

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken 2

Other activities



Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session



Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Appearances by other witnesses: 10

Overseas Visits


Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 9.2.17 Truro Benn, 4A Inquiry into UK’s negotiating £1,763 Burt, objectives for withdrawal from EU Whittingdale 2.3.17 Swansea Benn, 5A Inquiry into UK’s negotiating £3,301 Burt, objectives for withdrawal from EU (estimated Edwards, outturn) Grant, Timms A Includes 1 shorthand writer SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 105

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website.


Any divisions are recorded in the relevant section of the Committee’s Formal Minutes.



Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

None 106 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

15. Finance

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at: committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/finance-committee/.

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 20 July 2015.


Information relating to committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 10

Of which:

Number of wholly private meetings 10

Other activities



Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session




Overseas Visits


Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits


Reports and Evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website.


Any divisions are recorded in the relevant section of the Committee’s Formal Minutes.



Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

None SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 107

16. Foreign Affairs

Informaton about the Committee’s work can be found at: committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/foreign-affairs-committee/.

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 8 July 2015.


Information relating to committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings:* 36

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken 23

Number of wholly private meetings 13

*Excluding concurrent meetings held with the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Defence, and International Development Committees as the Committees on Arms Export Controls

Other activities

Informal meetings (including overseas visitors) 51


Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Information relating to specialist advisers can be found in the formal minutes of the Committee and any relevant reports.


Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Number of appearances by:

Cabinet Ministers 4

Ministers (other than Cabinet Ministers) 3

Members of the House of Lords 3

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:

Foreign and Commonwealth Office 15

Appearances by other witnesses: 49

Overseas Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 15–20.5.16 Moscow and St Blunt, 3B Inquiry into the UK’s relations £17,179 Petersburg Gethins, with Russia Kawczynski Zahawi 12–13.7.16 Paris Blunt, 1 To visit National Assembly £3,623 Gapes, Gethins, Hendrick, Holloway, Kawczynski 108 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 2– 4.9.16 BratislavaA Blunt 1 To attend Inter-parliamentary £829 Conference for the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy and Common Security and Defence Policy 16–27.9.16 New York and Blunt 0 To attend Ditchley Conference £3,676 Washington DCA and meetings in Washington DC 5-7.10.16 San SebastianA Blunt 0 To attend European Round Table £279 Conference 16 –19.10.16 Kiev and Blunt, 3 Inquiry into the UK’s relations £16,918 Donetsk oblast Gethins, with Russia Hendrick, Holloway, Kawczynski, Zahawi 1–8.12.16 Washington DCA Blunt 0 To attend Pittenger Forum £6,010

(estimated outturn) 9 –12.12.16 BahrainA Blunt 0 To attend Manama Dialogue £1,524 16 –20.1.17 Ankara, Adana Blunt, 3B Inquiry into UK’s relations with £24,724 and Istanbul Gapes, Turkey Gethins, Holloway, Kawczynski, Murray, Zahawi 26 –28.4.17 VallettaA Blunt 1 To attend Inter-parliamentary £1,424 Conference for the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy and (estimated Common Security and Defence outturn) Policy A Travel in a representative capacity

B Includes 1 specialist adviser

Visits to European Institutions

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 7–8.11.16 BrusselsA Holloway 0 To attend conference of European £633 Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee A Travel in a representative capacity

UK Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 6.12.16 Foreign and Gapes, 2A To be briefed on work of the Nil Commonwealth Hendrick, Foreign and Commonwealth Office Murray, Office Rosindell A Includes 1 specialist adviser SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 109

Reports and Evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website.


Any divisions are recorded in the relevant section of the Committee’s Formal Minutes.


The following was tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to a debate in the House:

Oral evidence taken 11 October 2016: The future operations of BBC Monitoring, HC 732; 18.10.16

The following was debated in Westminster Hall:

Third Report, Libya: examination of intervention and collapse and the UK’s future policy options, HC 119; 26.10.16

Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant inquiry page of each committee’s website. 110 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

16A. Foreign Affairs Sub-Committee

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at: committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/foreign-affairs-committee/foreign-affairs-sub- committee/.

The Sub-Committee was nominated by the Foreign Affairs Committee on 5 January 2016.


Information relating to sub-committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 1

Of which:

Number of wholly private meetings 1

Other activities



Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session




Overseas Visits


Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits


Reports and Evidence


Special Reports




Written Evidence


Government replies to reports from previous Sessions


Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website. SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 111





Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

None 112 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

17. Health

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at:

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 8 July 2015.


Information relating to the committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 33

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken 21

Number of wholly private meetings 12

Other activities

Informal meetings (including overseas visitors) 7


Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Information relating to specialist advisers can be found in the formal minutes of the Committee and any relevant reports.


Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Number of appearances by:

Cabinet Ministers 3

Ministers (other than Cabinet Ministers) 5

Members of the House of Lords 3

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:

Department of Health 5

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of Executive agencies comprising:

Public Health England 3

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of, public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:

Care Quality Commission 1

Health Education England 3

NHS England 9

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of, regulatory bodies comprising:

General Medical Council 1

Nursing and Midwifery Council 1

Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care 1

Number of appearances by, or representatives from, other official bodies: SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 113

NHS Improvement 2

Appearances by other witnesses: 56

Overseas Visits


Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 23.5.16 Coventry Wollaston, 3 Inquiry into Public Health £1,012 Bradshaw, Cooper, Davies, Reynolds, Sherriff, Throup, Whately, Whitford 6.9.16 Luton and Wollaston, 3 To gather evidence for the Winter £450 Dunstable Cooper, planning inquiry University Davies, Hospital Jenkyns, Throup, Whitford 13–14.11.16 Liverpool and Wollaston, 3 Inquiry into Suicide Prevention £3,220 Manchester Alexander, Berger, Bradshaw, Davies, Selous, Whately 10.1.17 Institute for Wollaston, 7A Awayday to discuss the future £491 Government, Alexander, programme London Berger, Bradshaw, Davies, Selous, Whately, Whitford 20.3.17 Tavistock and Wollaston, 2 Inquiry into Children and young Nil Portman NHS Alexander, people’s mental health Foundation Trust, Davies, London Whately A Includes 1 facilitator

Reports and Evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website.


Any divisions are recorded in the relevant section of the Committee’s Formal Minutes. 114 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17


The following were launched in the House:

Third Report, Winter pressure in accident and emergency departments, HC 277; 3.11.16 Sixth Report, Suicide Prevention, HC 1087; 16.3.17

The following were tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to a debate in the House:

Second Report, Public Health post-2013–structures, organisation, funding and delivery, HC 140; 24.11.16 First Report, Impact of the Comprehensive Spending Review on health and social care, HC 139, and the Government response Cm 9385; Third Report, Winter pressure in accident and emergency departments, HC 277; Oral evidence taken 11 October 2016: Department of Health and NHS finances, HC 693; Oral evidence taken 18 October 2016: Department of Health and NHS finances, HC 693; 27.2.17

Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant inquiry page of each committee’s website. SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 115

18. Home Affairs

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at:

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 8 July 2015.


Information relating to committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 41

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken 29

Number of wholly private meetings 12

Other activities

Informal meetings (including overseas visitors) 5

Conferences / Seminars hosted 1


Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Information relating to specialist advisers can be found in the formal minutes of the Committee and any relevant reports.


Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Number of appearances by:

Cabinet Ministers 2

Ministers (other than Cabinet Ministers) 4

Members of the House of Commons (other than Ministers) 7

Members of the House of Lords 2

Bishops 2

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:

Home Office 7

Appearances by other witnesses: 101

Overseas Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 16–24.9.16 USA and Mexico Berry, 2 Inquiries into Countering £59,749 Burrowes, Terrorism, Drugs and Migration Ghani, Jayawardena, Loughton, McDonald, Shah 116 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

Visits to European Institutions

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 28.11.16 BrusselsA Cooper 1 Inter-Parliamentary £675 Conference on Europol governance

A Travel in a representative capacity

UK Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 19.5.16 Queen’s warehouse, Vaz, 1 Inquiry into proceeds of crime £21 Heathrow AirportA Berry 21.11.16 Birmingham Cooper, 1 Inquiry into asylum £428 Burrowes, accommodation Loughton, McDonald, Winnick 29.11.16 East London Cooper, 4 Inquiry into Sharia councils £54 Berry, Davies, Ghani, Loughton, McDonald, Shah 2.2.17 Bedford Cooper, 6B Inquiry into Immigration £2,960 Berry, Davies, Ghani, Loughton, McDonald, Shah, Winnick 2.3.17 Glasgow Cooper, 7B Inquiry into Immigration £5,808 Burrowes, Jayawardena, McDonald, Shah Cancelled Wakefield and N/A N/A Inquiry into Immigration £2,802 South Elmsall A Travel in a representative capacity

B Includes 1 shorthand writer

Reports and Evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website.


Any divisions are recorded in the relevant section of the Committee’s Formal Minutes.


The following was tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to a debate in the House:

Oral and written evidence taken 6 December 2016: EU policing and security issues, HC 806; 18.1.17 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 117

Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant inquiry page of each committee’s website. 118 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

19. Human Rights (Joint Committee)

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at: committees/committees-a-z/joint-select/human-rights-committee/.

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 28 October 2015.


Information relating to committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 28

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken 17

Number of times evidence was taken partly or wholly in private 1

Number of wholly private meetings 11

Other activities

Informal meetings (including overseas visitors) 8


Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Information relating to specialist advisers can be found in the formal minutes of the Committee and any relevant reports.


Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Number of appearances by:

Ministers (other than Cabinet Ministers) 5

Members of the House of Lords 5

Appearances by other witnesses: 56

Overseas Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 28.11–1.12.16 Istanbul & Harman, 2 Inquiry into Human Rights and £5,432 Ankara Buck, Business Lawrence of Clarendon, Solloway UK Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 16.6.16 LeicestershireA Solloway 1 Rapporteur on Mental Health: Visit £103 to HMP Glen Parva 1.7.16 BridgendA Solloway 2 Rapporteur on Mental Health: Visit £574 to HMP Parc 4.11.16 BirminghamA Solloway 1 Rapporteur on Mental Health: Visit £63 to the ANAWIM centre 17–18.11.16 BristolA Solloway 1 Rapporteur on Mental Health: Visit £493 to HMP Eastwood Park SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 119

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 2.3.17 Leicester Harman, 2 Inquiry into Human Rights and £1,086 Buck, Business: Visit to Leicester Hamwee, Woolf A Travel in a representative capacity

Reports and Evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website.


Any divisions are recorded in the relevant section of the Committee’s Formal Minutes.



Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant inquiry page of each committee’s website. 120 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

20. International Development

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at: committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/international-development-committee/.

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 8 July 2015.


Information relating to committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings:* 34

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken 26

Number of times evidence was taken partly or wholly in private 2

Number of wholly private meetings 8

* Excluding concurrent meetings held with the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Defence and Foreign Affairs Committees as the Committees on Arms Export Controls

Other activities

Informal meetings (including overseas visitors) 60


Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Information relating to specialist advisers can be found in the Formal Minutes of the Committee and any relevant reports.


Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Number of appearances by:

Cabinet Ministers 2

Ministers (other than Cabinet Ministers) 10

Members of the House of Commons (other than Ministers) 1

Members of the House of Lords 1

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:

Department for International Development 11

Foreign & Commonwealth Office 1

Independent Commission for Aid Impact 3

Appearances by other witnesses: 69 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 121

Overseas Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 22–25.5.16 Turkey Twigg, 2 Inquiry into The World £5,731 Grant, Humanitarian Summit: Latham, priorities for reform Owen 4 –9.7.16 Democratic Twigg, 2 Inquiry into Fragility £33,796 Republic of the Bruce, and development in the Congo Evans, Democratic Republic of Latham, Congo Lefroy, Sharma 3– 6.10.16 Washington DCA Bruce, 0 Meeting of the £3,868 Lefroy Parliamentary Network on the World Bank and International Monetary Fund 27.11–2.12.16 Jordan and Twigg, 2 Inquiry into DFID’s work on £13,190 Lebanon Cameron, education: Leaving no one (estimated Evans, behind? outturn) Latham, Lefroy, Morton, Owen 9 –10.2.17 ParisA Sharma 1 OECD Parliamentary Days £1,114 Conference 28.2–8.3.17 Kenya, Tanzania Twigg, 2 Inquiry into DFID’s work on £30,600 and Uganda Cameron, education: Leaving no one (estimated Evans, behind? outturn) Latham, Lefroy, Scully A Travel in a representative capacity

Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 5– 6.9.16 East Kilbride and Twigg, 3 Visit to DFID’s offices in East £2,302 Edinburgh Cameron, Kilbride and the Scottish Lefroy Parliament in Edinburgh Reports and Evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website.


Any divisions are recorded in the relevant section of the Committee’s Formal Minutes.


The following was tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to a debate in the House:

Third Report, The use of UK manufactured arms in Yemen, HC 679; 12.1.17 122 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

The following were debated in Westminster Hall:

First Report, UK Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, HC 103, and the Government response HC 673; 24.11.16 First Report, Session 2015−16, Syrian refugee crisis, HC 463, and the Government response HC 902; Second Report, DFID’s programme in Nigeria, HC 110, and the Government response HC 735; 23.3.17

The following were tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to a debate in Westminster Hall:

First Report, UK Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, HC 103; Oral evidence taken 06 June 2016: UK aid: allocation of resources, HC 100; 13.6.16 Second Report, DFID’s programme in Nigeria, HC 110; 8.9.16

Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant inquiry page of each committee’s website. SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 123

20A. Work of the Independent Commission for Aid Impact Sub- Committee

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at: committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/international-development-committee/sub- committee-on-the-work-of-the-independent-commission-for-aid-impact1/.

The Sub-Committee was appointed by the International Development Committee on 14 July 2015.


Information relating to Sub-Committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the International Development Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 6

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken 6

Other activities



Details of the staff of the Sub-Committee during the Session can be found on the Sub-Committee’s website.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Information relating to specialist advisers can be found in the Formal Minutes of the International Development Committee and any relevant reports.


Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:

Department for International Development 6

The Independent Commission for Aid Impact 6

Appearances by other witnesses: 1

Overseas Visits


Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits


Reports and Evidence


Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Sub-Committee are available on the Sub-Committee’s website.


None 124 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17



Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant inquiry page of each committee’s website. SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 125

21. International Trade

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at: committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/international-trade-committee/.

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 17 October 2016.


Information relating to Committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 18

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken 13

Number of wholly private meetings 5

Other activities

Informal meetings 4


Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Information relating to specialist advisers can be found in the formal minutes of the Committee and any relevant reports.


Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Number of appearances by:

Cabinet Ministers 1

Department for International Trade 6

Appearances by other witnesses: 47

Overseas Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 22–23.2.17 Geneva, WTO and MacNeil, 2 Inquiry into UK Trade Options £6,586 EFRA Secretariat Byrne, beyond 2019 Cleverly, Evans, Fysh, Jayawardena, Leigh, Leslie, Perkins, Swayne Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits

None 126 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

Reports and Evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website.


Any divisions are recorded in the relevant section of the Committee’s Formal Minutes.



Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant inquiry page of each Committee’s website. SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 127

22. Justice

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at: committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/justice-committee/.

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 6 July 2015.


Information relating to committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 40

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken 29

Number of times evidence was taken partly or wholly in private 1

Number of wholly private meetings 11

Other activities

Informal meetings (including overseas visitors) 7

Conferences / Seminars hosted 3


Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Information relating to specialist advisers can be found in the formal minutes of the Committee and any relevant reports.


Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Number of appearances by:

Cabinet Ministers 3

Ministers (other than Cabinet Ministers) 8

Members of the Judiciary 3

Members of the House of Lords 3

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:

Home Office 1

Ministry of Justice 2

National Offender Management Service 9

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:

HM Inspectorate of the Crown Prosecution Service 1

HM Inspectorate of Prisons 2

HM Inspectorate of Probation 2

Law Commission 1

NHS England 1 128 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

National Probation Service 1

Prisons and Probation Ombudsman 2

Victims’ Commissioner 1

Appearances by other witnesses: 58

Overseas Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 16 –17.1.17 Isle of Man Neill, 2 Inquiry into the implications £2,507 Arkless, of Brexit for the Crown Hanson, Dependencies Howell, Prentis 23–25.1.17 Jersey and Guernsey Neill, 2 Inquiry into the implications £3,512 Chalk, of Brexit for the Crown Green Dependencies Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 6.6.16 London Neill, 2 Visit to the Family Drug and £33 Prentis, Alcohol Court Rimmer 21–23.9.16 NorwichA Neill 1 Visit to HMP Norwich £524 27.10.16 London Neill, 3 Visit to the Supreme Court Nil Chalk, Davies, Hanson, Rimmer 7.11.16 LondonA Green, 1 Visit to Family Drug and £28 Howell Alcohol Court 24.11.16 HMP Wormwood Neill, 3 Visit to HMP Wormwood £96 Scrubs Chalk, Scrubs Rimmer 14.3.17 Serious Fraud Neill, 3 Visit to the Serious Fraud Office Nil Office, London Chalk, Costa, Green, Hanson, Howell, Vaz A Travel in a representative capacity

Reports and Evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website.


None SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 129


The following was launched in the House:

Twelfth Report, Prison reform: governor empowerment and prison performance, HC 1123; 20.4.17

The following was debated in the House:

Second Report, Courts and tribunals fees, HC 167; 4.7.16

The following were tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to a debate in the House:

Oral evidence taken 10 January 2017: Implications of Brexit for the justice system, HC 750; 18.1.17 Sixth Report, Session 2015−16, Prison safety, HC 625, and the Government response HC 647; Oral evidence taken 14 December 2016: Prison reform, HC 548; Oral evidence taken 18 January 2017: Prison reform, HC 548; Oral evidence taken 29 November 2016: Prison reform, HC 548; 25.1.17 Fourth Report, Session 2015−16, Criminal justice inspectorates, HC 724, and the Government response HC 1000; Sixth Report, Session 2015−16, Prison safety, HC 625, and the Government response HC 647; Oral evidence taken 07 February 2017: Government consultation on soft tissue injury claims, HC 922; Oral evidence taken 14 December 2016: Prison reform, HC 548; Oral evidence taken 18 January 2017: Prison reform, HC 548; Oral evidence taken 21 February 2017: Prison reform, HC 548; Oral evidence taken 28 February 2017: Prison reform, HC 548; Oral evidence taken 29 November 2016: Prison reform, HC 548; Oral evidence taken 31 January 2017: Prison reform, HC 548; 20.3.17

The following were debated in Westminster Hall:

Sixth Report, Session 2015–16, Prison safety, HC 625, and the Government response HC 647; 15.9.16 Fourth Report, Restorative justice, HC 164, and the Government response Cm 9343; 12.1.17

The following were tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to a debate in Westminster Hall:

Sixth Report, Session 2015−16, Prison safety, HC 625, and the Government response HC 647; Oral evidence taken 15 July 2016: Radicalisation in prisons and other prison matters, HC 417; Oral evidence taken 29 November 2016: Prison reform, HC 548; Written evidence taken 19 May 2016: Prison safety; Written evidence taken 30 June 2016: Prison safety; 1.12.16

Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant inquiry page of each committee’s website. 130 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

23. Liaison

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at: committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/liaison-committee/.

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 10 September 2015.


Information relating to committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 5

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken 2

Number of wholly private meetings 3

Other activities

Informal meetings 5


Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session



Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Number of appearances by:

Prime Minister 1

Sir John Chilcot 1

Overseas Visits Not applicable Visits to European Institutions None UK Visits Not applicable Reports and Evidence All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website. Formal Minutes The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website. Divisions None Debates None Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant inquiry page of each committees’ website. SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 131

23A. National Policy Statement Sub-Committee

The National Policy Statement Sub-Committee was appointed by the main Committee on 20 February 2017. Its role is to decide how each proposed National Policy Statement should be scrutinised. The Sub-Committee met once in 2016–17:


Betts, Mr Clive

Davies, David T.C.

Ellman, Mrs Louise

Parish, Neil

Tyrie, Mr Andrew (Chair)

Wiggin, Bill

Wright, Mr Iain


Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications. 132 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

24. National Security Strategy (Joint Committee)

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at: committees/committees-a-z/joint-select/national-security-strategy/.


Information relating to committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 9

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken 5

Number of wholly private meetings 4

Other activities

Informal meetings (including overseas visitors) 3


Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Information relating to specialist advisers can be found in the formal minutes of the Committee and any relevant reports.


Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Number of appearances by:

Cabinet Ministers 2

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:

Cabinet Office 5

Other Government Departments 1

Appearances by other witnesses: 10

Overseas Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 19 –20.6.16 ViennaA Buscombe 1 4th Parliamentary Intelligence £606.45 Security Forum A Travel in a representative capacity

Visits to European Institutions

None SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 133

UK Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 23.5.16 Cabinet Office, Beckett, 4A Private briefing on the Nil Whitehall Blunt, National Security Risk Buscombe, Assessment Falkner of Margravine, Green, Grieve, Hamilton of Epsom, Howarth, Lewis, Mitchell, Murrison, Ramsbotham, Trimble 10.1.17 Cabinet Office, Beckett, 4B Private briefing from the Nil Whitehall Falkner of Deputy National Security Margravine, Adviser Grieve, Hamilton of Epsom, Harris of Haringey, Lewis, Murrison, Powell of Bayswater, Ramsbotham, Trimble, Villiers, Wright 20.3.17 Cabinet Office, Beckett, 7B Private briefing on the Nil Whitehall Blunt, Government Cyber Security Boateng, Strategy Falkner of Margravine, Hamilton of Epsom, Harris of Haringey, Lewis, Mitchell, Powell of Bayswater, Ramsbotham, Trimble, West of Spithead, Wright A Includes 1 specialist adviser

B Includes 2 specialist advisers

Reports and Evidence All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website. Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website.


Any divisions are recorded in the relevant section of the Committee’s Formal Minutes. 134 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17



Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant inquiry page of each committee’s website. SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 135

25. Northern Ireland Affairs

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at: committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/northern-ireland-affairs-committee/.

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 6 July 2015.


Information relating to Committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 32

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken 23

Number of wholly private meetings 9

Other activities

Informal meetings (including overseas visitors) 2


Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Information relating to specialist advisers can be found in the Formal Minutes of the Committee and any relevant reports.


Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Number of appearances by:

Cabinet Ministers 1

Ministers (other than Cabinet Ministers) 1

Ministers of the Northern Ireland Executive 1

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:

HM Treasury 1

Northern Ireland Office 1

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:

Consumer Council for Northern Ireland 1

Police Service of Northern Ireland 2

Appearances by other witnesses: 55 136 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

Overseas Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 1.7.16 Thiepval, Hoey, 0 To attend the Northern Ireland £401 FranceA Paisley Ceremony at the Thiepval Memorial to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Battle of the Somme. 21–22.3.17 Dublin Robertson, 2 Inquiry into the future of the £3,197 Hepburn, land border with the Republic of Hoey, Ireland. Kinahan, McDonnell, Mills, Pritchard A Travel in a representative capacity

Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 11–12.7.16 Belfast and Robertson, 2 To attend general meetings £2,646 Fermanagh Hepburn, and to observe the 12 July Hoey, parades in County Fermanagh. Kinahan, Mills, Robinson 15.9.16 BelfastA Robertson 0 To give a speech on the £376 electricity sector in Northern Ireland. 17–18.10.16 Belfast Robertson, 2 Inquiry into the electricity £6,361 Blenkinsop, sector in Northern Ireland. Evans, Hepburn, Hermon, Hoey, Kinahan, Lopresti, McDonnell, Mills, Paisley, Robinson 16 –17.1.17 Derry / Robertson, 3B Inquiry into the future of the £5,767 Londonderry Blenkinsop, land border with the Republic Campbell, of Ireland. Hepburn, Kinahan, Lopresti, McDonnell, Mills, Stewart A Travel in a representative capacity

B Includes 1 shorthand writer

Reports and Evidence

All Select Committee publications are published on the Committee’s website. SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 137

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website.


Any divisions are recorded in the relevant section of the Committee’s Formal Minutes.



Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant inquiry page of each Committee’s website. 138 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

26. Palace of Westminster (Joint Committee)

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at:

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 16 July 2015.


Information relating to committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Com- mittee’s website Total number of meetings: 8

Of which:

Number of wholly private meetings 8

Other activities



Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Information relating to specialist advisers can be found in the formal minutes of the Committee and any relevant reports.



Overseas Visits


Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits


Reports and Evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website.


Any divisions are recorded in the relevant section of the Committee’s Formal Minutes.



Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

None SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 139

27. Petitions

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at:

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 20 July 2015.


Information relating to committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 33

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken* 4

Number of wholly private meetings** 29

*Includes one joint evidence session with the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee, one with the Transport Committee and two with the Women and Equalities Committee.

**Includes one joint private meeting with the Women and Equalities Committee.

Other activities

Conferences / Seminars hosted 3


Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session



Evidence was given during the Session by the following category of witnesses:

Appearances by other witnesses: 18

Overseas Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 30.11–1.12.16 Berlin Jones, 1 To visit the Petitions Committee £3,428 Day, of the Bundestag as part of the Double, Committee’s inquiry into its Dowden, own working methods McKinnell, Scully Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits


Reports and Evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website. 140 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17




Details of e-petitions debated in Westminster Hall and of e-petitions tagged to debates are available on the Committee’s website here: committee/petitions-information/actions-on-petitions/

Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant inquiry page of the Committee’s website. SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 141

28. Privileges

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at:

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 28 October 2015.


Information relating to committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 9

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken 1

Number of times evidence was taken partly or wholly in private 1

Number of wholly private meetings 9

Other activities



Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Information relating to specialist advisers can be found in the Formal Minutes of the Committee and any relevant reports.



Overseas Visits


Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits


Reports and evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website.


Any divisions are recorded in the relevant section of the Committee’s Formal Minutes.



Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant inquiry page of each committee’s website. 142 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

29. Procedure

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at: committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/procedure-committee/.

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 13 July 2015.


Information relating to committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 26

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken 7

Number of wholly private meetings 19

Other activities

Informal meetings (including overseas visitors) 1


Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Information relating to specialist advisers can be found in the formal minutes of the Committee and any relevant reports.


Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Number of appearances by:

Cabinet Ministers 2

Members of the House of Commons (other than Ministers) 6

Appearances by other witnesses: 8

Overseas Visits


Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits


Reports and Evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website.


Any divisions are recorded in the relevant section of the Committee’s Formal Minutes. SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 143


The following were tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to a debate in the House:

Fourth Report, Session 2015−16, Programming: evaluation of the trial of new arrangements for tabling amendments, HC 823; 23.5.16 Fourth Report, Use of the Welsh language in the at Westminster, HC 816, and the Government response HC 1043; 1.3.17

Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant inquiry page of each committee’s website. 144 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

30. Public Accounts

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at:

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 7 July 2015.


Information relating to committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 53

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken 51

Number of times evidence was taken partly or wholly in private 1

Number of wholly private meetings 2

Other activities

Informal meetings (including overseas visitors) 5

Conferences / Seminars hosted 3


Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Information relating to specialist advisers can be found in the formal minutes of the Committee and any relevant reports.


Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of Ministerial departments:

Cabinet Office 6

Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy 2

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 2

Department for Communities and Local Government 5

Department for Culture, Media and Sport 2

Department for Education 6

Department for Energy and Climate Change 1

Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1

Department of Health 10

Department for International Development 3

Department for International Trade 1

Department for Transport 3

Department for Work and Pensions 3

Foreign and Commonwealth Office 2

HM Treasury 6 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 145

Home Office 3

Ministry of Defence 4

Ministry of Justice 2

Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of non-Ministerial departments:

HM Revenue and Customs 8


Number of appearances by Executive Agencies, and other public bodies:


BBC Trust 1

BBC World Service Group 1

British Council 1

CDC Group 1

Crown Commercial Service 1

Education Funding Agency 4

Financial Conduct Authority 1

Health Education England 1

Homes and Communities Agency 1

House of Commons 1

Infrastructure and Projects Authority 1

National Offender Management Service 1

National Probation Service 1

NHS England 8

NHS Improvement 5

NHS Providers 1

Norfolk County Council 1

Regulatory Policy Committee 1

Restoration and Renewal Programme Board 1

UK Asset Resolution 1

UK Financial Investments 1

Number of appearances by other witnesses: 41

Overseas Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost Cancelled Washington DC N/A N/A To participate in meetings relating £234 to the implementation for global standards for multinational taxation Visits to European Institutions

None 146 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

UK Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 25.5.16 MediaCity UK, Hillier, 4A Inquiry into BBC’s critical £3,350 Salford Bacon, projects Brock, Evans, Flint, Foster, Mills, Smyth 4.7.16 HMP Hatfield Hillier, 4A Inquiry into Transforming £803 Evans, rehabilitation Flint, Pugh 21.10.16 Wolverhampton Hillier 2 Conference on West £253 Midlands Devolution 5– 6.3.17 Sellafield, Hillier, 2 To understand progress £1,830 Cumbria Bacon, and process of significant Boswell, nuclear decommissioning Kwarteng, projects on site Phillipson A Includes 2 shorthand writers

Reports and Evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website.


Any divisions are recorded in the relevant section of the Committee’s Formal Minutes.


The following were tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to a debate in the House:

Fourth Report, Entitlement to free early years education and childcare, HC 224, 21.11.16 Forty-third Report, Financial sustainability of the NHS, HC 887, 14.3.17 Oral evidence taken before the Committee of Public Accounts on 27 February 2017, on integrating health and social care, HC 959, 14.3.17 Forty-sixth Report, National Citizen Service, HC 955, 13.3.17

Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant inquiry page of each committee’s website. SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 147

31. Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at:

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 6 July 2015.


Information relating to committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 36

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken 22

Number of wholly private meetings 14

Other activities

Informal meetings (including overseas visitors) 4

Conferences / Seminars hosted 1


Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Information relating to specialist advisers can be found in the formal minutes of the Committee and any relevant reports.


Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Number of appearances by:

Cabinet Ministers 1

Ministers (other than Cabinet Ministers) 4

Members of the House of Commons (other than Ministers) 2

Members of the House of Lords 12

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:

Cabinet Office 3

Department of Health 3

Department for Work and Pensions 1

Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1

HM Treasury 1

Ministry of Defence 1

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:

Electoral Commission 4

Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman 2

Appearances by other witnesses: 45 148 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

Overseas Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 19–24.3.17 Ottawa, Montreal Jenkin, 2 The work of the Civil Service £50,838 and Quebec City, Cowan, (estimated Canada Fysh, outturn) Hopkins Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits


Reports and Evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website.


Any divisions are recorded in the relevant section of the Committee’s Formal Minutes.


The following were launched in the House:

Seventh Report, Will the NHS never learn? Follow-up to PHSO report ‘Learning from Mistakes’ on the NHS in England, HC 743; 2.2.17 Tenth Report, Lessons still to be learned from the Chilcot Inquiry, HC 656; 16.3.17 Twelfth Report, Lessons learned from the EU Referendum, HC 496; 20.4.17

The following were debated in the House:

Follow-up to PHSO report on unsafe discharge from hospital: Government Response to the Committee’s Fifth Report of Session 2016–17, HC 1016; Fifth Report, Follow-up to PHSO report on unsafe discharge from hospital, HC 97; 27.2.17

The following were tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to a debate in Westminster Hall:

Follow-up to PHSO report on unsafe discharge from hospital: Government Response to the Committee’s Fifth Report of Session 2016–17, HC 1016; Fifth Report, Follow-up to PHSO report on unsafe discharge from hospital, HC 97; 14.3.17

Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant inquiry page of each committee’s website. SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 149

32. Regulatory Reform

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at: committees-a-z/commons-select/regulatory-reform-committee/.

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 12 October 2015.


Information relating to committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 4

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken 1

Number of wholly private meetings 3

Other activities

Informal meetings (including overseas visitors) 1


Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session



Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Appearances by other witnesses: 1

Overseas Visits


Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits


Reports and Evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website.





Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant inquiry page of each committee’s website. 150 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

33. Science and Technology

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at: committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/science-and-technology-committee/.

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 13 July 2015.


Information relating to committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 35

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken 32

Number of wholly private meetings 3

Other activities

Informal meetings (including overseas visitors) 2

Conferences / Seminars hosted 1


Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Information relating to specialist advisers can be found in the formal minutes of the Committee and any relevant reports.


Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Number of appearances by:

Ministers (other than Cabinet Ministers) 9

Members of the House of Lords 3

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:

Cabinet Office 1

Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy 6

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 2

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1

Department of Health 1

Government Office for Science 4

Home Office 1

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:

Animal and Plant Health Agency 1


Civil Aviation Authority 2

Defence Science and Technology Laboratory 2 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 151

Genomics England 4

Innovate UK 1

Intellectual Property Office 1

Medical Research Council 2

Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) 1

Met Office 1

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence 1

Natural Environment Research Council 1

NHS Blood and Transplant 1

NHS England 4

Public Health England 2

Research Councils UK 4

UK Atomic Energy Authority 1

UK Space Agency 2

Appearances by other witnesses: 115

Overseas Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost Cancelled CERN, GenevaA N/A N/A Inquiry into Brexit consequences £1,084 23–25.4.17 AmsterdamA Metcalfe 1 Fifth World Conference on £506 B Research Integrity A Travel in a representative capacity

B Costs reported include £273.70 loss due to General election making Chair’s participation impossible.

Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 24.5.16 Metropolitan Police Borwick, 2 Inquiry into Forensic Science Nil laboratories, London Monaghan Strategy 6.6.16 Google DeepMind, Blackwood, 2 Inquiry into Robotics and £18 London Borwick, artificial intelligence Warman 9.6.16 LGC Forensics, Blackwood, 2 Inquiry into Forensic Science Nil Twickenham Borwick, Strategy Green, Mathias 8.11.16 Alan Turing Institute, Metcalfe, 5 Committee awayday Nil London Borwick, Mathias, Monaghan, Stringer, Warman 29.11.16 UCL Institute of Metcalfe, 2 Inquiry into Regenerative Nil Ophthalmology Monaghan medicine 152 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 13.12.16 UCL Ear Institute, Metcalfe 1 Inquiry into Regenerative Nil London medicine 13.12.16 Centre of Cell Metcalfe 1 Inquiry into Regenerative Nil Gene and Tissue medicine Therapeutics, Royal Free Hospital 19.1.17 Glasgow Metcalfe, 2 Inquiry into CBRN £733 Monaghan emergencies 16.3.17 The Big Bang Metcalfe, 4A To visit The Big Bang Fair and £444 Fair, The NEC, Borwick, take oral evidence for Closing Birmingham Mathias, the STEM skills gap inquiry Monaghan, Thomas A Includes 1 shorthand writer

Reports and Evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website.




The following was tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to a debate in the House:

Seventh Report, Leaving the EU: implications and opportunities for science and research, HC 502; 19.12.16

The following was debated in Westminster Hall:

Sixth Report, Evidence Check: Smart metering of electricity and gas, HC 161, and the Government response HC 846; 9.2.17

Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant inquiry page of each committee’s website. SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 153

34. Scottish Affairs

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at: committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/scottish-affairs-committee/.

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 6 July 2015.


Information relating to committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 29

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken 26

Number of wholly private meetings 3

Other activities

Informal meetings (including overseas visitors) 1


Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session



Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Number of appearances by:

Cabinet Ministers 4

Ministers (other than Cabinet Ministers) 5

Cabinet Ministers of the Scottish Government 3

Ministers of the Scottish Government (other than Cabinet Ministers) 2

Members of the House of Commons (other than Ministers) 2

Members of the Scottish Parliament (other than Ministers) 8

Members of the House of Lords 1

Appearances by other witnesses: 94

Overseas Visits


Visits to European Institutions

None 154 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

UK Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 9.6.16 Edinburgh Wishart, 4B To take oral evidence in £3,010 Anderson, relation to its inquiry into the Blackman, renewable energy sector in Ferrier, Scotland Law, Stevenson 4.7.16 Skye Wishart, 4B To take oral evidence into its £4,569 Ferrier, inquiry into the demography Law of Scotland and the implications for devolution. 25.7.16 EdinburghA Wishart 1 To launch the renewables £220 energy sector in Scotland Report. 24.10.16 Glasgow Wishart, 5B To take oral evidence in £3,497 Brock, relation to the inquiry on Chope, Scotland’s place in Europe. (estimated Ferrier, outturn) Hepburn, Law, Murray, Stevenson 14.11.16 Edinburgh University Wishart, 2 Inquiry into devolution of £1,033 Brock, welfare in Scotland. Law 16.1.17 Dumfries Wishart, 4B To take oral evidence in £1,690 Brock, relation to its inquiry into Ferrier, Sustainable employment in Law, Scotland Soubry, Stevenson 20.2.17 Aberdeen University, Wishart, 5B To take oral evidence in £3,780 Scotland Brock, relation to its inquiry on Ferrier, Sustainable employment in (estimated Law, Scotland outturn) Murray, Soubry 13.3.17 Scottish Parliament Wishart, 2 Joint meeting with Scottish £918 Brock, Parliament Social security Ferrier, Committee, on inter- (estimated Hepburn, governmental co-operation outturn) Law on social security A Travel in a representative capacity

B Includes 1 shorthand writer

Reports and Evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website.


Any divisions are recorded in the relevant section of the Committee’s Formal Minutes. SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 155


The following were debated in Westminster Hall:

Fourth Report, Session 2015–16, Post-study work schemes, HC 593, and the Government response HC 787; 8.12.16 Second Report, Demography of Scotland and the implications for devolution, HC 82, and the Government response HC 938; 9.3.17

Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant inquiry page of each committee’s website. 156 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

35. Selection

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at: committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/committee-of-selection-commons/.

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 17 June 2015.


Information relating to committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 31

Of which:

Number of wholly private meetings 31

Other activities



Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found on the Committee’s website

Specialist Advisers during the Session




Overseas Visits


Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits


Reports and Evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website.

Formal Minutes

The decisions of the Committee were published in Appendix II of the Votes and Proceedings after each meeting of the Committee.





Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

None SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 157

36. Standards

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at:

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 9 September 2015.


Information relating to committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 15

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken 3

Number of wholly private meetings 12

Other activities

Informal meetings (including overseas visitors) 3


Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Information relating to specialist advisers can be found in the formal minutes of the Committee and any relevant reports.


Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Number of appearances by:

Members of the House of Commons (other than Ministers) 6

Appearances by other witnesses: 7

Overseas Visits


Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits

Date Destination Members and Staff Purpose Cost lay members 1.12.16 Cardiff Barron, Midha 3 Outreach £714 8.12.16 Guildford Beresford, 3 Outreach £493 Burgess, Darcy 9.12.16 Birmingham Burton, Jinman, 2 Outreach £1,236 Rader Reports and evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website. 158 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17


Any divisions are recorded in the relevant section of the Committee’s Formal Minutes.



Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant inquiry page of each committee’s website. SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 159

37. Statutory Instruments

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at: committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/statutory-instruments-committee/. The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 13 July 2015.


Information relating to committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 22

Of which:

Number of wholly private meetings 22

Other activities



Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session




Overseas Visits Not applicable Visits to European Institutions Not applicable UK Visits Not applicable Reports and Evidence All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website. Formal Minutes The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website. Divisions None Debates None Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session Not applicable 160 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

38. Statutory Instruments (Joint Committee)

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at: committees/committees-a-z/joint-select/statutory-instruments/. The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 13 July 2015.


Information relating to committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 27

Of which:

Number of wholly private meetings 27

Other activities



Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session




Overseas Visits Not applicable Visits to European Institutions Not applicable UK Visits Not applicable Reports and Evidence All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website. Formal Minutes The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website. Divisions None Debates None Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session Not applicable SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 161

39. Transport

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at:

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 8 July 2015.


Information relating to committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 36

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken* 32

Number of wholly private meetings 4

*Includes one joint evidence session with the Petitions Committee.

Other activities

Informal meetings (including overseas visitors) 4


Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Information relating to specialist advisers can be found in the Formal Minutes of the Committee and any relevant reports.


Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Number of appearances by:

Cabinet Ministers 2

Ministers (other than Cabinet Ministers) 6

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:

Department for Transport 8

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:

Maritime and Coastguard Agency 2

Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency 6

Vehicle Certification Agency 1

High Speed Two Ltd 2

British Transport Police 1

Network Rail 7

Rail Accident Investigation Branch 1

Rail Safety and Standards Board 1

Rail Delivery Group 5

British Transport Police Authority 1 162 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

Appearances by other witnesses: 112

Overseas Visits


Visits to European Institutions

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 5.12.16 BrusselsA Stewart 1 Inquiry into Volkswagen emissions £419 scandal and vehicle type approval A Travel in a representative capacity

UK Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost Cancelled HORIBA MIRA, N/A N/A Inquiry into Vehicle type £47 Nuneaton approval 7.6.16 Siemens Rail Ellman, 1 Inquiry into Rail technology: £204 Automation, Menzies, signalling and traffic Chippenham Stewart management 1.3.17 East Grinstead Ellman, 1 Inquiry into Improving the rail Nil Efford, passenger experience: Driver Merriman, Only Operation demonstration Stewart Reports and Evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website.


Any divisions are recorded in the relevant section of the Committee’s Formal Minutes.


The following was tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to a debate in the House:

Eighth Report, Bus Services Bill, HC 611, and the Government response HC 918; 31.1.17

The following were debated in Westminster Hall:

Second Report, Session 2015–16, Road traffic law enforcement, HC 518, and the Government response HC 132; 23.2.17 Third Report, Vehicle type approval, HC 69, and the Government response HC 699; 20.4.17 Sixth Report, The future of rail: Improving rail passenger experience, HC 64, and the Government response HC 905; 16.3.17

Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant inquiry page of each committee’s website. SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 163

40. Treasury

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at: committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/treasury-committee/.

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 8 July 2015.


Information relating to committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 55

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken 49

Number of wholly private meetings 6

Other activities

Informal meetings (including overseas visitors) 1


Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Information relating to specialist advisers can be found in the formal minutes of the Committee and any relevant reports


Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Number of appearances by:

Cabinet Ministers 2

Members of the House of Lords 1

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:

HM Treasury 3

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:

Bank of England (including Monetary Policy Committee and Financial Policy Committee) 10

Competition and Markets Authority 1

Financial Conduct Authority 3

HM Revenue and Customs 4

Office for Budget Responsibility 3

Payment Systems Regulator 1

Prudential Regulatory Authority 3

UK Financial Investments Limited 1

Appearences by other witnesses: 68 164 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

Overseas Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 12–14.9.16 Berlin and Rome Tyrie, 3 Inquiry into Economic and £17,198 Baker, Financial Costs and Benefits of Goodman, the UK’s membership of the EU Hammond, Kerevan, Reeves Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits


Reports and Evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website.


Any divisions are recorded in the relevant section of the Committee’s Formal Minutes


The following was tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to a debate in the House:

First Report, Economic and financial costs and benefits of UK’s EU membership, HC 122; 15.6.16

Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant inquiry page of each committee’s website. SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 165

41. Welsh Affairs

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at: The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 13 July 2015.


Information relating to committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 23

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken 18

Number of wholly private meetings 5

Other activities

Informal meetings (including overseas visitors) 1


Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session



Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Number of appearances by:

Cabinet Ministers 2

Ministers (other than Cabinet Ministers) 6

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 1

Department for Energy and Climate Change 1

Department for Transport 2

Wales Office 1

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:

Electoral Commission 1

Highways England 1

National Nuclear Laboratory 1

Office for Nuclear Development 1

Office for Nuclear Regulation 1

S4C 1

S4C Authority 1

Welsh Government 1

Appearances by other witnesses: 18 166 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

Overseas Visits


Visits to European Institutions

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 26 –28.2.17 Brussels Davies, David TC, 3A Inquiry into Implications for Wales £5,785 Davies, Chris, of the EU referendum result and Davies, Dr James, Devolution: Lessons for Wales Flynn, Williams, Craig, Williams, Mr Mark A Includes 1 facilitator

UK Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 13.6.16 Chepstow and the Davies, David TC, 4A Inquiry into The future of £1,007 Severn Bridge Davies, Byron, the Severn River crossings Davies, Chris, Jones, Williams, Craig 15.9.16 Cardiff Davies, David TC, 3A Inquiry into Wales and £1,172 Elmore, Borders Rail franchise Saville Roberts, Williams, Mr Mark 31.10.16 Canadian High Davies, David TC, 3 Inquiry into Devolution: Nil Commission Davies, Glyn, Lessons for Wales and Quebec Davies, Dr James, Government Saville Roberts, Office, London Williams, Mr Mark 14.11.16 Ebbw Vale Davies, David TC, 5B Inquiry into Implications for £1,013 Davies, Glyn, Wales of the EU referendum Saville Roberts, result Williams, Mark Mr 28.11.16 Aberystwyth Davies, David TC, 5B Inquiry into Implications for £1,240 Flynn, Wales of the EU referendum Saville Roberts, result Williams, Mr Mark 5.12.16 Prestatyn Davies, David TC, 4B Inquiry into Implications for £927 Davies, Dr James, Wales of the EU referendum Flynn, result Saville Roberts 6.2.17 Newport Davies, David TC, 1 Inquiry into Implications for £398 Davies, Chris, Wales of the EU referendum Flynn, result Kinnock, Saville Roberts, Williams, Craig 20.3.17 Dolgellau Davies, David TC, 4A Inquiry into Agriculture in £1,279 Davies, Glyn, Wales post-Brexit Saville Roberts, Williams, Mr Mark SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 167

A Includes 1 shorthand writer

B Includes 2 staff from Parliamentary Outreach

Reports and Evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website.


Any divisions are recorded in the relevant section of the Committee’s Formal Minutes.


The following were tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to a debate in the House:

First Report, Session 2015–16, Pre-legislative scrutiny of the draft Wales Bill, HC 449, and the Government response HC 280; 14.6.16 First Report, Session 2015–16, Pre-legislative scrutiny of the draft Wales Bill, HC 449, and the Government response HC 280; 5.7.16 First Report, Session 2015–16, Pre-legislative scrutiny of the draft Wales Bill, HC 449, and the Government response HC 280; 11.7.16 First Report, Session 2015–16, Pre-legislative scrutiny of the draft Wales Bill, HC 449, and the Government response HC 280; 12.9.16 First Report, Broadcasting in Wales, HC 14, and the Government response HC 697; 18.10.16

The following was tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to a debate in Westminster Hall:

Oral evidence taken 6.6.16, 13.6.16 and 4.7.16: The future of the Severn River crossings, HC 171; 31.1.17

Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant inquiry page of each committee’s website. 168 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

42. Women and Equalities

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at: womenandequalities.

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 6 July 2015.


Information relating to committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 34

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken* 23

Number of times evidence was taken partly or wholly in private 1

Number of wholly private meetings** 11

*Includes two joint evidence sessions with the Petitions Committee

** Includes one joint private meeting with the Petitions Committee

Other activities

Informal meetings (including overseas visitors) 2


Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Information relating to specialist advisers can be found in the formal minutes of the Committee and any relevant reports.


Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Number of appearances by:

Cabinet Ministers 1

Ministers (other than Cabinet Ministers) 8

Members of the House of Commons (other than Ministers) 4

Members of the House of Lords 3

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of Ministerial departments comprising:

Department of Communities and Local Government 3

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:

Equality and Human Rights Commission 6

Office for National Statistics 1

Ofsted 1

Scottish Government 1

Appearances by other witnesses: 70

Overseas Visits SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 169

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost Cancelled New York, United N/A N/A UN Commission on the Status of £131* States of America Women 2017 * Although the Committee visit was cancelled the Side Event hosted by the Committee still took place during the Conference with the rent of a projector costing £131.

Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 30.3.17 Bath Miller, 3 Inquiry into tackling inequalities £729 Davies, faced by Gypsy, Roma and Howlett Traveller Communities. Reports and Evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website.




The following was launched in the House:

Fifth Report, Women in the House of Commons after the 2020 election, HC 630; 12.1.17

The following were tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to a debate in the House:

First Report, Session 2015–16, Transgender Equality, HC 390, and the Government response Cm 9301; 1.12.16 Third Report, Sexual harassment and sexual violence in schools, HC 91, and the Government response HC 826; 8.12.16

The following were tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to a debate in Westminster Hall:

Sixth Report, High heels and workplace dress codes, HC 291; 6.3.17 First Report, Maternity and pregnancy discrimination, HC 90, and the Government response Cm 9401; 15.3.17

Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant inquiry page of each committee’s website. 170 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

43. Work and Pensions

Information about the Committee’s work can be found at:

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 8 July 2015.


Information relating to committee membership and members’ attendance is published on the Committee’s website.

Total number of meetings: 52

Of which:

Number of meetings at which evidence was taken 47

Number of times evidence was taken partly or wholly in private 1

Number of wholly private meetings 5

Other activities

Informal meetings (including overseas visitors) 4


Details of the staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee’s publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Information relating to specialist advisers can be found in the Formal Minutes of the Committee and any relevant reports.


Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:

Cabinet Ministers 1

Ministers (other than Cabinet Ministers) 11

Members of the House of Lords 5

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 2

Department for Communities and Local Government 1

Department for Work and Pensions 12

HM Revenue and Customs 2

Home Office 1

Ministry of Justice 2

Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:

Pension Protection Fund 1

The Pensions Regulator 3

Office of the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner 2

Appearances by other witnesses: 195 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 171

Overseas Visits


Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits

Date Destination Members Staff Purpose Cost 7.7.16 HMP Featherstone, Allen, 2 Inquiry into Support for ex- £784 Wolverhampton Buck offenders 8.9.16 Paisley and Field, 2 Inquiry into Employment £2,181 Renfrewshire Allen, opportunities for young people Black, Quin 12.1.17 University of Field, 2 Inquiry into Universal basic £891 Birmingham Black, income; taking oral evidence Buck, away from Westminster Cartlidge, Mackinlay, McCabe 20.3.17 Arlington House, Buck 1 Joint inquiry with Communities Nil Camden and Local Government Committee into Future of supported housing; roundtable discussion with stakeholders Reports and Evidence

All select committee publications are published on the Committee’s website.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee are available on the Committee’s website.


Any divisions are recorded in the relevant section of the Committee’s Formal Minutes.


The following were debated in the House:

First Report, BHS, HC 54, 20.10.16 Third Report, Intergenerational fairness, HC 59, and the Government response HC 964, 28.2.17

The following was debated in Westminster Hall:

Ninth Report, Session 2015–16, Support for the bereaved, HC 551, and the Government response HC 230, 2.3.17

Number of evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Details of oral evidence sessions held for each inquiry are recorded on the relevant inquiry page of each Committee’s website. 172 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17


1 Select Committee Staff

Details of the staff serving a particular select committee are set out in their publications.

In many cases, committee staff carry out duties in the service of the House unrelated to their work for a particular committee. For some staff, especially those working in offices other than the Committee Directorate, those duties account for most of their work.

The Committee Directorate’s Principal Clerks have supervisory and management responsibilities, as well as providing direct support to Select or Joint Committees.

This analysis of the staff who served select committees during Session 2016–17 is presented office by office.


Committee Office (as of 12 May 2017)

Staff FTE* Band SCS1A to 3: Clerk of Committees, Principal Clerks, and Legal Adviser to 6 JCHR Band SCS1: Deputy Principal Clerks, Senior Clerks 16 Band A1: Head of Media and Communication Services (Select Committees); 2 Chief Policy Adviser Band A2: Senior Clerks, Head of WPU, Senior Specialists, Media Officer, Legal 54.73 Specialists, Deputy Head of Scrutiny Unit etc Band A3: Fast Stream: Assistant Clerks etc 6 Band B1: Committee Specialists, Media Officers, Senior Executive Officers etc 57.75 Band B2: Senior Committee Assistants etc 30.16 Band C: Committee Assistants, Secretaries, Web Editor etc 32.49 Band D1: Committee Support Assistants 6.33 Band D2: Office Support Assistants 2 Work placement students and Apprentices 2 *FTE Figures include all secondments and transfers in (including ones not paid for by the House)

This table includes staff working directly for Committees and those in a support role. For example, the Scrutiny Unit provides specialist help to select, joint and other committees, mainly but not exclusively in financial, policy and legislative scrutiny.

Staff costs for the Committee Office in Financial Year 2016/17 were approximately £12.5 million, including the Scrutiny Unit, Media Services, and the Web and Publications Unit. These costs also include the staff of the European Scrutiny Committee, and the Joint and Select Committees on Statutory Instruments, who became part of the Committee Office on 1 October 2013 (transferring from the Chamber Business Directorate).

As at 12 May 2017, 4 members of staff who worked in the Committee Directorate were on maternity leave, 5 were on secondments and 2 were on career breaks.

Chamber Business Directorate

Journal Office

A Deputy Principal Clerk (SCS 1) was the Clerk of the Committee on Standards and of the Committee of Privileges, supported by an Assistant Clerk (Band A3) and a Committee Assistant (Band C).

A Senior Clerk (A2) was Clerk of the , supported by an Assistant Clerk (Band A3), and a Committee Assistant (Band C). SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 173

A Senior Clerk (A2) was Clerk of the Petitions Committee, supported by an Assistant Clerk (Band A3), a Petitions and Engagement Manager (Band B1), a Petitions and Communications Manager (Band B1), a Senior Committee Assistant (Band B2), a Committee Assistant (Band C) and an Apprentice.

Public and Private Bill Office

A Senior Clerk in the Public Bill Office (Band A2) was also Clerk of the Committee of Selection. She was supported by a Committee Assistant (Band C) who also provided general support for the Public and Private Bill Offices.

A Senior Clerk in the Public Bill Office (Band A2; Band A3 from September 2016) was Commons Clerk of the Joint Committee on Consolidation, &c., Bills.

Table Office A Deputy Principal Clerk (SCS1) was Clerk of the Backbench Business Committee, assisted by a Senior Clerk (Band A2) a Committee Assistant (Band C), and Committee Support Assistannt (Band D1). 174 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 Women- Discretionary 32 2 44 12 3 56 7 10 19 8 0 17 15 30 20 30 5 29 25 12 6 2 15 Women-Non- discretionary* 13 1 14 14 8 11 1 4 8 30 1 2 3 11 16 41 0 5 8 3 1 0 28 Total Women Total 45 3 58 26 11 67 8 14 27 38 1 19 18 41 36 71 5 34 33 15 7 2 43 Men- Discretionary 114 2 60 51 42 64 11 20 56 16 0 43 36 31 29 18 36 29 40 35 9 9 43 Men-Non- discretionary* 59 0 49 28 61 21 4 11 24 54 14 15 16 24 62 52 6 3 24 16 2 5 146 Total Men 173 2 109 79 103 85 15 31 80 70 14 58 52 55 91 70 42 32 64 51 11 14 189 Total witnesses 218 5 167 105 114 152 23 45 107 108 15 77 70 96 127 141 47 66 97 66 18 16 232 Committee Witness Diversity Session 2016–17 Business, Innovation and Skills Committees on Arms Export Controls Communities Local and Government Culture, Media and Sport Defence Education Education, Skills and the Economy Sub-committee Energy and Climate Change Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Environmental Audit European Scrutiny Exiting the European Union Foreign Affairs Health Home Affairs International Development Trade International Joint Committee on Human Rights Justice Northern Ireland Affairs Petitions Procedure Accounts Public 2 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 175 Women- Discretionary 6 39 17 9 8 3 44 63 588 Women-Non- discretionary* 19 10 7 12 6 6 6 19 308 Total Women Total 25 49 24 21 14 9 50 82 896 Men- Discretionary 14 96 69 80 61 8 44 90 1256 Men-Non- discretionary* 43 28 20 57 60 29 6 62 1001 Total Men 57 124 89 137 121 37 50 152 2257 Total witnesses 82 173 113 158 135 46 100 234 3153 Committee Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Technology and Science Scottish Affairs Transport Treasury Welsh Affairs Women and Equalities Pensions and Work Total * non-discretionary witnesses largely being office holders: for example Ministers, seniorcivil servants, organisation chief executives. 176 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 Total £ 36,718.76 52,129.12 39,761.90 98,003.57 61,061.21 350.01 46,674.43 17,398.23 28,393.50 99,570.39 26,045.02 82,626.54 109,108.89 12,233.35 18,268.00 31,159.72 5,649.96 22,259.82 1,730.30 56,224.80 13,997.77 seminars and Entertainment, other expenses other £ 48.31 1,703.52 3,592.08 1,938.16 817.70 175.21 0.00 78.85 608.37 584.35 1,246.29 0.00 571.82 0.00 125.00 1,276.00 1,297.00 273.15 0.00 197.74 0.00 expenses Witnesses’ Witnesses’ £ 2.147.72 3,094.56 2,050.03 3,573.41 1,466.42 174.80 64.85 1,778.69 2,428.03 716.35 2,001.91 2,444.97 2,020.97 1,322.60 2,253.00 11,134.44 1,533.82 3,269.99 412.80 885.19 1,177.07 Work specialist publications, interpretation Commissioned, £ 105.00 24,849.00 0.00 540.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,938.13 420.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 fees and Advisers; expenses Specialist £ 7,807.47 13,245.93 10,378.75 42,137.00 13,721.14 0.00 242.00 9,762.90 0.00 11,536.25 16,120.81 0.00 15,215.31 4,324.56 3,665.00 0.00 700.00 0.00 647.50 37,943.69 0.00 UK Visits UK £ 7,405.52 1,761.75 12,772.95 3,619.00 4,009.97 0.00 0.00 1,327.88 18,288.55 0.00 6,256.01 15,639.35 2,302.33 0.00 859.00 15,150.70 1,521.23 18,716.68 251.00 0.00 7,035.49 EU Visits Institution £ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 899.31 957.09 0.00 674.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 419.00 0.00 5,785.21 Visits Overseas £ 19,204.74 7,474.36 10,968.09 46,196.00 41,045.98 0.00 46,367.58 4,449.91 6,169.24 80,838.22 0.00 63,867.39 88,998.46 6,586.19 11,366.00 3,598.21 597.91 0.00 0.00 17,198.18 0.00 1 Committee Select Committee Expenses for Financial Year 2016/17* Year Select Committee Financial for Expenses Departmental Committees Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Communities Local and Government Culture, Media and Sport Defence Education (Sub-Committee)Education Energy and Climate Change Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Exiting the EU Foreign Affairs Health Home Affairs International Development Trade International Justice Northern Ireland Affairs Technology and Science Scottish Affairs Transport Treasury Welsh Affairs 3 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 177 Total 18,967.54 16,474.37 802.13 0.00 0.00 54,785.78 9,470.89 0.00 33,752.47 0.00 8,420.51 4,046.70 5,271.44 0.00 0.00 12,205.29 56,688.47 0.00 0.00 43,185.86 0.00 0.00 1,125,701.28 seminars and Entertainment, other expenses other 2,085.63 1,301.93 13.00 0.00 0.00 653.87 803.38 0.00 5,564.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 563.25 0.00 0.00 3,692.53 388.00 0.00 0.00 463.43 0.00 0.00 30,063.00 expenses Witnesses’ Witnesses’ 1,092.84 4,839.21 789.13 0.00 0.00 1,391.79 0.00 0.00 1,487.98 0.00 71.30 0.00 1,280.41 0.00 291.96 627.13 963.53 0.00 0.00 138.80 0.00 0.00 58,633.74 Work specialist publications, interpretation Commissioned, 900.00 372.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 840.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 118.93 0.00 0.00 33,083.06 fees and Advisers; expenses Specialist 13,239.27 5,785.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,713.70 0.00 0.00 14,878.10 0.00 7,742.76 4,046.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 577.20 14.966.25 0.00 0.00 40,022.17 0.00 0.00 299,419.82 UK Visits UK 1,518.70 4,175.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 622.00 202.50 0.00 2,318.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,234.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,442.53 0.00 0.00 134,431.84 EU Visits Institution 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,022.33 0.00 4,071.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13,829.51 Visits Overseas 131.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 43,377.00 7,442.68 0.00 5,432.59 0.00 606.45 0.00 3,427.78 0.00 0.00 233.60 40,370.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 555,948.35 2 2 Committee 3 Women and Equalities Pensions and Work Other Committees Administration Backbench Business Consolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee) Environmental Audit European Scrutiny Finance Human Rights (Joint Committee) Liaison Committee) (Joint Strategy Security National Westminster of Palace (Joint Committee) Petitions Privileges Procedure Accounts Public Public Administration & Constitutional Affairs Regulatory Reform Selection Standards Statutory Instruments Statutory Instruments (Joint Committee) TOTAL 178 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 Total seminars and Entertainment, other expenses other expenses Witnesses’ Witnesses’ Work specialist publications, interpretation Commissioned, fees and Advisers; expenses Specialist UK Visits UK EU Visits Institution Visits Overseas Committee * Figures include some expenditure incurred in FY 2015/16 1 Also a Sub-Committee of the Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy Committee expenditure.2 Total Costs shared with the House of Lords on a 50:50 basis 3 Figures shown in Specialist Advisers; fees and expenses column is cost of Lay Members’ fees and expenses Note: Expenditure on external transcription services for select committees was during £284,865. FY 2016/17 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 179


The total number of Members who served on select committees was 382. The number of Members who served on the other committees was 48.

Names of Members Select Committee Other Adams, Nigel Culture, Media and Sport Aldous, Peter Environmental Audit Alexander, Heidi Health Ali, Rushanara Communities and Local Government; Energy and Climate Change Allan, Lucy Education; Women and Equalities Allen, Heidi Work and Pensions Amess, Sir David Administration Panel of Chairs Anderson, Mr David Scottish Affairs Ansell, Caroline Environmental Audit Argar, Edward Procedure Arkless, Richard Justice Atkins, Victoria Home Affairs Austin, Ian Education Bacon, Mr Richard Public Accounts Bailey, Mr Adrian Panel of Chairs Baker, Mr Steve Treasury Panel of Chairs Baldwin, Harriett Public Accounts Baron, Mr John Foreign Affairs Barron, Sir Kevin Committee of Privileges; Committee on Standards; Liaison Beckett, Margaret National Security Strategy Benn, Hilary Exiting the European Union; Liaison Benyon, Richard Defence Beresford, Sir Paul Administration; Committee of Privileges; Committee on Standards; Liaison Berger, Luciana Health Berry, Jake Finance Berry, James Home Affairs Betts, Mr Clive Communities and Local Government; Panel of Chairs Finance; Liaison Bingham, Andrew Culture, Media and Sport Black, Mhairi Work and Pensions Blackford, Ian Petitions Blackman, Bob Backbench Business; Communities and Local Government; Procedure Blackman, Kirsty Scottish Affairs Blackman-Woods, Dr Roberta Science and Technology Blackwood, Nicola Liaison; Science and Technology Blenkinsop, Tom Committee of Privileges; Committee on Standing Orders Standards; Energy and Climate Change; Northern Ireland Affairs 180 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

Names of Members Select Committee Other Blomfield, Paul Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy; Business, Innovation and Skills Blunt, Crispin Committees on Arms Export Controls; Foreign Affairs; Liaison; National Security Strategy (Joint) Bone, Mr Peter Panel of Chairs Borwick, Victoria Science and Technology Boswell, Philip Public Accounts Brabin, Tracy Women and Equalities Bradshaw, Mr Ben Health Brady, Mr Graham Panel of Chairs Bridgen, Andrew Liaison; Regulatory Reform Brock, Deidre Public Accounts; Scottish Affairs Brown, Alan European Scrutiny Brown, Mr Nicholas Finance; Liaison Bruce, Fiona Human Rights; International Development Bryant, Chris Palace of Westminster Buck, Ms Karen Human Rights; Work and Pensions Burrowes, Mr David Home Affairs Burt, Alistair Exiting the European Union Byrne, Liam International Trade Cadbury, Ruth Women and Equalities Cameron, Dr Lisa International Development Campbell, Mr Alan Selection Campbell, Mr Gregory Northern Ireland Affairs Carmichael, Mr Alistair Energy and Climate Change; Exiting the European Union Carmichael, Neil Education; Liaison Cartlidge, James Work and Pensions Cash, Sir William European Scrutiny; Liaison Caulfield, Maria Exiting the European Union; Women and Equalities Chalk, Alex Justice Chapman, Douglas Committees on Arms Export Controls; Defence Chapman, Jenny Procedure; Procedure Cherry, Joanna Exiting the European Union Chope, Mr Christopher Committee of Privileges; Committee Panel of Chairs on Standards; Communities and Local Government; Procedure; Scottish Affairs Churchill, Jo Environmental Audit; Women and Equalities Cleverly, James Consolidation &c. Bills; International Trade Clifton-Brown, Geoffrey Finance Clwyd, Ann Committees on Arms Export Controls; Foreign Affairs Coffey, Dr Thérèse Environmental Audit SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 181

Names of Members Select Committee Other Collins, Damian Culture, Media and Sport; Liaison Colvile, Oliver Northern Ireland Affairs Cooper, Julie Health Cooper, Rosie Health Cooper, Yvette Home Affairs; Liaison; National Security Strategy (Joint) Costa, Alberto Justice Courts, Robert Backbench Business Cowan, Ronnie Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Coyle, Neil Work and Pensions Crausby, Sir David Panel of Chairs Crawley, Angela Women and Equalities Creagh, Mary Environmental Audit; Liaison Creasy, Stella Science and Technology Cryer, John Administration Cunningham, Mr Jim Scottish Affairs Dakin, Nic Procedure Davies, Byron Home Affairs; Welsh Affairs Davies, Chris Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; Welsh Affairs Davies, David T. C. Liaison; Welsh Affairs Davies, Dr James Health; Welsh Affairs Davies, Geraint Environmental Audit; European Scrutiny Panel of Chairs, Standing Orders Davies, Glyn Energy and Climate Change; Environmental Audit; Welsh Affairs Davies, Mims Consolidation &c. Bills; Women and Equalities Davies, Philip Justice; Women and Equalities Panel of Chairs Day, Martyn Administration; Petitions Donelan, Michelle Education Dorries, Nadine Panel of Chairs Double, Steve European Scrutiny; Petitions Doughty, Stephen Committees on Arms Export Controls; International Development Dowd, Jim Petitions; Science and Technology Dowden, Oliver Petitions; Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Doyle-Price, Jackie Selection Drax, Richard European Scrutiny Drummond, Mrs Flick Women and Equalities Duddridge, James Procedure Durkan, Mark Exiting the European Union Edwards, Jonathan Exiting the European Union Efford, Clive Transport Elliott, Julie Culture, Media and Sport Ellman, Mrs Louise Liaison; Transport 182 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

Names of Members Select Committee Other Elmore, Chris Justice; Procedure; Welsh Affairs Elphicke, Charlie Public Accounts Engel, Natasha Court of Referees, Panel of Chairs, Standing Orders Evans, Chris Public Accounts Evans, Mr Nigel Committees on Arms Export Panel of Chairs Controls; International Development; International Trade; Northern Ireland Affairs Evennett, David Selection Fabricant, Michael Administration Farrelly, Paul Culture, Media and Sport Fellows, Marion Education Fernandes, Suella Education Ferrier, Margaret Scottish Affairs Field, Frank Liaison; Work and Pensions Fitzpatrick, Jim Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Flello, Robert Transport Panel of Chairs Flint, Caroline Public Accounts Flynn, Paul Petitions; Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs; Welsh Affairs Foster, Kevin Backbench Business; Public Accounts Fovargue, Yvonne Procedure Foxcroft, Vicky Statutory Instruments; Statutory Instruments (Joint) Frazer, Lucy Education Fuller, Richard Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy; Business, Innovation and Skills; Regulatory Reform Furniss, Gill Women and Equalities Fysh, Mr Marcus International Trade; Public Standing Orders Administration and Constitutional Affairs Gale, Sir Roger Panel of Chairs Gapes, Mike Foreign Affairs Panel of Chairs Garnier, Mark Finance; Treasury Gethins, Stephen Foreign Affairs Ghani, Ms Nusrat Home Affairs Gibson, Patricia Procedure Gillan, Mrs Cheryl Public Administration and Panel of Chairs Constitutional Affairs Glen, John Work and Pensions Glindon, Mary Transport Goldsmith, Zac Environmental Audit Goodman, Helen Procedure; Treasury Gove, Michael Exiting the European Union Grady, Patrick Procedure Graham, Richard Work and Pensions SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 183

Names of Members Select Committee Other Grant, Mrs Helen Committees on Arms Export Controls; International Development Grant, Peter Consolidation &c. Bills; European Scrutiny; Exiting the European Union Gray, James Administration; Defence Panel of Chairs Gray, Neil Finance; Palace of Westminster (Joint) Grayling, Chris Palace of Westminster Green, Chris Science and Technology Green, Damian European Scrutiny; National Security Strategy (Joint) Green, Kate European Scrutiny; Justice Greenwood, Lilian Education Greenwood, Margaret Environmental Audit Grieve, Mr Dominic Committee of Privileges; Committee on Standards; National Security Strategy (Joint) Hall, Luke Environmental Audit; Petitions; Work and Pensions Hammond, Stephen Statutory Instruments; Statutory Instruments (Joint); Treasury Hanson, David Justice Panel of Chairs Harman, Ms Harriet Human Rights; Liaison Harris, Carolyn Environmental Audit; Welsh Affairs Harris, Rebecca Regulatory Reform Hart, Simon Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Haselhurst, Sir Alan Finance Hayes, Helen Communities and Local Government Heappey, James Energy and Climate Change Heaton-Jones, Peter Environmental Audit Hendrick, Mr Mark Foreign Affairs Hepburn, Mr Stephen Northern Ireland Affairs; Scottish Affairs Hermon, Lady Northern Ireland Affairs Hillier, Meg Liaison; Public Accounts Hoare, Simon Procedure; Regulatory Reform Hoey, Kate European Scrutiny; Northern Ireland Affairs; Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Hollinrake, Kevin Communities and Local Government Hollobone, Mr Philip Panel of Chairs Holloway, Adam Foreign Affairs; Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Hopkins, Kelvin European Scrutiny; Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Howarth, Mr George Panel of Chairs Howarth, Sir Gerald National Security Strategy Howell, John Justice Howlett, Ben Petitions; Women and Equalities 184 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

Names of Members Select Committee Other Hoyle, Mr Lindsay Finance Court of Referees, Panel of Chairs, Standing Orders Huddleston, Nigel Culture, Media and Sport Huq, Dr Rupa Justice; Regulatory Reform Hurd, Mr Nick Petitions Hussain, Imran Consolidation &c. Bills; Regulatory Reform Jackson, Mr Stewart Consolidation &c. Bills; Public Accounts Jayawardena, Mr Ranil Home Affairs; International Trade Jenkin, Mr Bernard Liaison; Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Jenkyns, Andrea Exiting the European Union; Health Jones, Gerald Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs; Welsh Affairs Jones, Helen Finance; Liaison; Petitions Jones, Mr David Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Jones, Susan Elan Committee of Privileges; Committee on Standards Kawczynski, Daniel Foreign Affairs Kendall, Liz Communities and Local Government Kerevan, George Treasury Kerr, Calum European Scrutiny Kinahan, Danny Northern Ireland Affairs Kinnock, Stephen European Scrutiny; Welsh Affairs Kirby, Simon Public Accounts Knight, Julian Communities and Local Government; Culture, Media and Sport Kwarteng, Kwasi Finance; Public Accounts Kyle, Peter Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy; Business, Innovation and Skills Laing, Mrs Eleanor Court of Referees, Panel of Chairs, Standing Orders Latham, Mrs Pauline International Development Law, Chris Scottish Affairs Lefroy, Jeremy Committees on Arms Export Controls; Exiting the European Union; Human Rights (Joint); International Development Leigh, Sir Edward International Trade; Procedure Panel of Chairs Leslie, Mr Chris International Trade Lewis, Dr Julian Committees on Arms Export Controls; Defence; Liaison; National Security Strategy (Joint) Lewis, Mr Ivan International Development Liddell-Grainger, Mr Ian Statutory Instruments; Statutory Instruments (Joint) SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 185

Names of Members Select Committee Other Lilley, Mr Peter Environmental Audit; Exiting the European Union Lopresti, Jack Defence; Northern Ireland Affairs Loughton, Tim Home Affairs Lucas, Caroline Environmental Audit Lucas, Ian C. Culture, Media and Sport; Procedure Lumley, Karen Finance Lynch, Holly Procedure; Women and Equalities Mackinlay, Craig European Scrutiny; Exiting the European Union; Work and Pensions Mackintosh, David Communities and Local Government; Petitions MacNeil, Angus Brendan Energy and Climate Change; International Trade; Liaison; Liaison; National Security Strategy (Joint) Mahmood, Shabana International Trade Main, Mrs Anne Panel of Chairs Mak, Alan Procedure Malhotra, Seema Exiting the European Union Malthouse, Kit Treasury Mann, John Treasury Mann, Scott Environmental Audit Marris, Rob Regulatory Reform Matheson, Christian Culture, Media and Sport Mathias, Dr Tania Science and Technology McCabe, Steve Work and Pensions Panel of Chairs McCarthy, Kerry Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; Environmental Audit McCartney, Jason Culture, Media and Sport McCartney, Karl Exiting the European Union; Transport McDonagh, Siobhain Women and Equalities McDonald, Andy Justice McDonald, Stewart Malcolm Transport McDonald, Stuart C. Home Affairs McDonnell, Dr Alasdair Northern Ireland Affairs McFadden, Mr Pat Exiting the European Union McKinnell, Catherine Education; Petitions McMahon, Jim Communities and Local Government McPartland, Stephen Finance; Regulatory Reform Meale, Sir Alan Finance Panel of Chairs Mearns, Ian Backbench Business; Education; Liaison Menzies, Mark Finance; Regulatory Reform; Transport Mercer, Johnny Defence Merriman, Huw Procedure; Transport Metcalfe, Stephen Liaison; Science and Technology Miller, Mrs Maria Liaison; Women and Equalities 186 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

Names of Members Select Committee Other Milling, Amanda Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy; Business, Innovation and Skills; Committees on Arms Export Controls; Consolidation &c. Bills (Joint) Mills, Nigel Administration; Northern Ireland Affairs; Public Accounts Milton, Anne Selection Monaghan, Carol Science and Technology Monaghan, Dr Paul Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; European Scrutiny Moon, Mrs Madeleine Defence Panel of Chairs Morden, Jessica Selection Standing Orders Morris, Anne Marie Public Accounts Morris, Grahame Consolidation &c. Bills Morton, Wendy Backbench Business; Committees on Arms Export Controls; International Development; Regulatory Reform Mowat, David Public Accounts Mullin, Roger Regulatory Reform Murray, Ian Foreign Affairs; Scottish Affairs Murrison, Dr Andrew National Security Strategy Nally, John Mc Environmental Audit Neill, Robert Justice; Liaison; National Security Strategy (Joint) Newlands, Gavin Backbench Business Nicolson, John Culture, Media and Sport Norman, Jesse Culture, Media and Sport; Liaison Nuttall, Mr David Backbench Business; Procedure Panel of Chairs Offord, Dr Matthew Environmental Audit Onn, Melanie Communities and Local Government; Consolidation &c. Bills (Joint); Procedure Osamor, Kate Consolidation &c. Bills Owen, Albert Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy; Panel of Chairs International Development Paisley, Ian Northern Ireland Affairs; Palace of Panel of Chairs Westminster (Joint) Parish, Neil Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; Liaison Pennycook, Matthew Energy and Climate Change Percy, Andrew Health; Regulatory Reform Panel of Chairs Perkins, Toby International Trade Phillips, Jess Backbench Business; Women and Equalities Phillips, Stephen Public Accounts Phillipson, Bridget Public Accounts Philp, Chris Treasury Pincher, Christopher Regulatory Reform SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 187

Names of Members Select Committee Other Poulter, Dr Dan Backbench Business; Energy and Climate Change; Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs; Scottish Affairs Pow, Rebecca Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; Environmental Audit Prentis, Victoria Justice; Statutory Instruments; Statutory Instruments (Joint) Prisk, Mr Mark Communities and Local Government Pritchard, Mark Human Rights; Northern Ireland Affairs Panel of Chairs Pugh, John Public Accounts Quin, Jeremy Regulatory Reform; Work and Pensions Quince, Will Transport Qureshi, Yasmin Foreign Affairs Raab, Dominic Exiting the European Union Reed, Mr Jamie Energy and Climate Change Rees-Mogg, Mr Jacob European Scrutiny; Palace of Westminster (Joint); Treasury Reeves, Rachel Treasury Reynolds, Emma Exiting the European Union; Health Reynolds, Jonathan Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy; Business, Innovation and Skills Rimmer, Ms Marie Justice Ritchie, Ms Margaret Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Roberts, Liz Saville Welsh Affairs Robertson, Mr Laurence Liaison; Northern Ireland Affairs Robinson, Gavin Defence; Northern Ireland Affairs Robinson, Mary Administration; Communities and Local Government Rosindell, Andrew Foreign Affairs Panel of Chairs Ryan, Joan Environmental Audit Panel of Chairs Sandbach, Antoinette Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy; Energy and Climate Change Scully, Paul International Development; Petitions Standing Orders Selous, Andrew Health Shah, Naz Home Affairs Shannon, Jim Committees on Arms Export Controls; Defence; Northern Ireland Affairs Sharma, Mr Virendra Committees on Arms Export Controls; International Development Shelbrooke, Alec European Scrutiny Sheppard, Tommy Committee of Privileges; Committee on Standards Sherriff, Paula Health Shuker, Mr Gavin Environmental Audit; Women and Equalities Simpson, David Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Smeeth, Ruth Defence Smith, Angela Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 188 SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17

Names of Members Select Committee Other Smith, Julian Selection Smith, Mr Andrew Regulatory Reform Smith, Royston Work and Pensions Smyth, Karin Public Accounts Snell, Gareth Science and Technology Solloway, Amanda Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy; Business, Innovation and Skills; Consolidation &c. Bills (Joint); Human Rights (Joint) Soubry, Anna Scottish Affairs Spellar, John Committees on Arms Export Controls; Defence Stephens, Chris European Scrutiny Stevens, Jo Committee of Privileges; Committee on Standards; Justice Stevenson, John Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs; Scottish Affairs Stewart, Bob Defence; Northern Ireland Affairs Stewart, Iain Transport Stewart, Rory Environmental Audit Streeter, Mr Gary Panel of Chairs Streeting, Wes Treasury Stringer, Graham European Scrutiny; Science and Panel of Chairs Technology; Transport Stuart, Ms Gisela Administration Sturdy, Julian Consolidation &c. Bills; Energy and Standing Orders Climate Change Sunak, Rishi Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Swayne, Sir Desmond International Trade Syms, Mr Robert Administration Tami, Mark Administration; Palace of Westminster (Joint); Selection Thewliss, Alison Communities and Local Government Thomas, Derek Science and Technology Thompson, Owen Selection Thomson, Michelle Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy; Business, Innovation and Skills; Committees on Arms Export Controls Throup, Maggie Health; Scottish Affairs Timms, Stephen Education; Exiting the European Union Tolhurst, Kelly Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy; Business, Innovation and Skills; European Scrutiny Tomlinson, Michael European Scrutiny Tracey, Craig Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy; Business, Innovation and Skills Trevelyan, Mrs Anne-Marie Public Accounts Tugendhat, Tom Consolidation &c. Bills; Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs SESSIONAL RETURNS 2016–17 189

Names of Members Select Committee Other Turley, Anna Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Turner, Mr Andrew European Scrutiny; Public Panel of Chairs Administration and Constitutional Affairs Twigg, Derek Liaison; Statutory Instruments; Statutory Instruments (Joint) Twigg, Stephen International Development; Liaison; National Security Strategy (Joint) Tyrie, Mr Andrew Liaison; Treasury Umunna, Chuka Home Affairs Vaz, Keith Administration; Home Affairs; Justice; Liaison; National Security Strategy (Joint) Vaz, Valerie Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; Panel of Chairs Science and Technology Vickers, Martin Transport Villiers, Theresa National Security Strategy Walker, Mr Charles Liaison; Procedure Panel of Chairs Walker, Mr Robin Administration Warburton, David European Scrutiny Warman, Matt Science and Technology Whately, Helen Health Standing Orders Wheeler, Mrs Heather European Scrutiny White, Chris Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy; Business, Innovation and Skills; Committees on Arms Export Controls Whitehead, Dr Alan Environmental Audit Whitford, Dr Philippa Health Whittingdale, Mr John Exiting the European Union Wiggin, Bill Liaison; Selection Williams, Craig Scottish Affairs; Welsh Affairs; Work and Pensions Williams, Mr Mark Welsh Affairs Wilson, Phil Defence Panel of Chairs Wilson, Sammy Exiting the European Union Winnick, Mr David Home Affairs Winterton, Dame Rosie Finance; Liaison Wishart, Pete Liaison; Scottish Affairs Wollaston, Dr Sarah Health; Liaison Wood, Mike European Scrutiny Wragg, Mr William Backbench Business; Education; Finance Wright, Mr Iain Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy; Business, Innovation and Skills; Committees on Arms Export Controls; Liaison; National Security Strategy (Joint) Zahawi, Nadhim Foreign Affairs