the3 January 2020 Friend| £2.00 ‘Quaker activism rocked the country.’ A news round-up of 2019 6 Dec 20/12/19 14:25 Page 1 the INDEPENDENTFriend QUAKER JOURNALISM SINCE 1843 3 January 2020 | Volume 178, No 1 News round-up of 2019 4 Activism, Meeting houses and more Rebecca Hardy Letters 8 Everything to play for 10 The power of music David Saunders Thought for the week 11 Our better nature Alison Leonard Threshing it out 12 Friends in Finland Sue Glover Frykman Cake and conversation 14 General Meeting for Scotland Mary Dower Review 15 Embodiment by Dinah Livingstone Frank Regan Q Eye: a look at the Quaker world 16 Friends & Meetings 17 And holy resolutions were kindled in our hearts as a fire which the Life kindled in us to serve the Lord while we had a being, and mightily did the Word of God grow amongst us, and the desires of many were after the Name of the Lord. O happy day! O blessed day! the memorial of which can never pass out of my mind. And thus the Lord, in short, did form us to be a people for his praise in our generation. Francis Howgill (1618–1669), on early Friends Quaker faith & practice 19.08 right), while a ninety- merits’ and there could News round-up of 2019 one-year-old Friend, John be ‘considerable merit’ in Lynes, from Hastings loosening planning laws.
[email protected] Meeting, was filmed on The year ended with Channel 4 being arrested unequivocally good news for blocking Dover however for Quakers who Docks in September.