THE HUMAN SIDE OF RELIGION Vespers Set THE EVENING STAR. Washington, D. C. A-9 at Shrine SATURDAY. MARCH **. IMS Vesper service, followed by FRENCH benediction of the most blessed Choir to Give Concert CHURCH Yale Honor sacrament, will be held at 4 Graduates p.m. tomorrow in the National The University of Maryland EGLISE FRANCAISE Shrine of the Immaculate Con- Chapel Choir, under the direc- Protestant# de Washington ception on Catholic University tion of Fague Sprlngman. will Retiring Chaplain campus. Seminarians of Holy ST. JOHN'S CHURCH present Cross College will sing vespers. a concert in the Mount, 16th and H Sts. N.W. By CASPAR NANNES Vernon Place Methodist Latayatta Sauara lUlltlout News Editor of Th« Bur Church, Ninth street and Mas- * Cult* a 4 Heuros More than 135 Yale graduates and friends gathered Wednes- Methodists to See Film sachusetts avenue N.W., at 6:30 day pay in the National Cathedral School for Oirls to tribute picture p.m. tomorrow. Bidney Lovett, A recent motion on COMMUNITY to the Rev. who retires as Yale University the life of Christ, *T Beheld CHURCH chaplain CHRIST APELPHIAN in June. Glory,” solemnly gathering His will be shown at Park Road Community Churoh Mr. Lovett told the he had been invited 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Mc- CHAPEL to Washington under the false ‘ premise helping CHIISTADELPHIAN 1019 Park RE N.W. of his son in Church, Now Mretina Willard Hotel THE REV JOHN T BELLMAN Kendree Methodist „ church work. The Rev. Sidney Coieu Boom, 101 -A Public Invited Minister Lovett, jr„ South Dakota and Rhode Island 8.8. 10:15 Service 11:15 A.M. 9:30 a m Church School is minister of Rock Id years," the retired Marine N.E. 11:00 a.m Spring Congregational Church, avenues “THE VALUE Or A SOUL" said. "From now on it will be CHRISTADELPHIAN ECCLESIA 7:30 D.m. —Bible Study Arlington, Va. an annual affair and a lot NATIONAL TABERNACLE Highland end 90th St.. Arllneton. Vo. Tuesday 8 p.m.—Lenten Service “Idid not realize my son was easier to do.” 8. S. 10:00 o.m. Service 11:00 o.m. one of the conspirators here in The directory not only lists LUTHERAN LUTHERAN Washington,” Congrega- ~ the all the members of the Fellow- Old-Fashioned Gospel” - ~l tional clergyman explained. “I ship, but also the past presi- i CAPITOL MILL thought he brought me here to dents, honorary members, Lu- THE NATIONAL do some work in his own churCh Congress, r“The theran members of and not for this more secular Lutheran churches of the TABERNACLE gathering.” I (Wfurrlj % Washington area and their (Non-Sectarian I | of Erformation Reminiscing about activities pastors, special church agencies | 6440 Piney Branch Rd N.W 212 Eott Capitol Stroot—Tho Lutheran Church on Capitol Hill people at Yale, Mr. Lovett , and a brief “Historical Facts of REV. DaLOSS M. Ur. Lowrenee D Folkemer. Fulor and GROUND BREAKING SET TOMORROW | SCOTT. Dr Oeeir F. Blorkwelder. Foster emeritus end lulr Zekewe. Min of Mao. described lacrosse “as a game Our Church in the Nation’s Minister 11 & Ground-breaking ceremonies be at p.m. | 9& o.m.—Children's Church Music Instruction. Nursery 9-12 full of loving hatred," reported Capital." will held 12:15 tomorrow for the 10:00 a.m.—Sunday Church School for All Ages that “Jerry the newsman looks ** * * new educational building of the Millian Memorial Methodist Church, SUNDAY SERVICES 9:00 and 1 I :00 a.m.—"CROSS," Dr. Folkemer much older but still holds his Parkland and Grenoble thrives, Wheaton Woods. The $175,000 structure 9:45 a.m. 6:00 p.m.—Sunday Evening Club position p.m—"SNATCHING on the Yale steps,” and Bible Verse and Prayer will contain 12 classrooms, library, office, fellowship hall and kitchen. Welcome to our Bible School 7:45 THE MOMENT" Pastor Carl Folkemer asserted: “Hie hockey rink Dr. Benard Braskamp, House This sketch is by the architects, & CAPITOL HILL NOONDAY LENTEN SERVICES Johannes Murray. & p.m. looks like something that es- chaplain, is reading of 11 :00 o.m. 7:45 Monday through Friday, 12:05 to 12:30 a verse Cranford, caped out of the Peabody Mu- Scripture these days before his Guest Speaker: Dr. Clarence W. Calvary Baptist Church seum.** prayer opening each session of ’ mony will be the Rev. Robert EVANGELIST NORTHWEST The speaker then discussed the House of Representatives. Legion of JERE BRUBAKER his morning routine. Mary Greene, a Maryknoll missionary Dr. Braskamp got the idea Church Notes Lancaster, Po. a ST. PAUL'S “Ihave gotten into the habit after reading book of prayers To Hold from Philadelphia, who wqs j of going down for breakfast in by Edward Everett Hale, Unita- Service Anniversary More than Washington imprisoned .by the Chinese Wednesday Eva., 7:45 p.m. CONNECTICUT AVENUE the morning rather leisurely, rian minister who served as 500 || At 36th and Everett Sts. N.W. looking at the editorials in the Senate chaplain shortly after The National Memorial area members of the Legion of Communists. Prayer, Praise & Bibla Study Henry 8. Luffberry, Mary S.T.M.—Pastor paper and then at the obituary the turn of the century. Mr. Church of God will observe the will hold their annual Henry W. Snyder, D.D.—Pastor Emeritus If my doesn’t Hale the author of the Acies ceremony at 3 p.m. to- 9:30 columns. name was sixteenth anniversary of the LUTHERAN MISSOURI SYNOD a.m.—Church School 7:00 p.m.—Luther League appear in the latter, I then go famous short story, “The Man morrow in St. Augustine’s II:00 o m —"THE OUTRAGED CHRIST” back upstairs, take my hat and Without a Country.” dedication of its building at Catholic Church, 1715 Fifteenth 'Nursery Burma Sunday School and Church Final session of Inquirers' at go to work.” The Senate chaplain usually Sixteenth and Taylor streets street N.W. | Class 9:30 a.m. ** * * quoted a Bible verse before N.W. at 3 p.m. tomorrow. The The Most Rev. Patrick A. LUTHERAN SERVICES giving his daily prayer. Dr. mortgage on the building will O’Boyle, Archbishop of Wash- I&ittor ipiarr (Eljurrlt Fourth in Yale Series Braskamp recently instituted ington, will preside at the Acies, Mmnnal Williams, be burned. (Missouri Synod) THOMAS CIRCLE. 14th AND N BTBEETS N.W. Gordon president this practice and found the which is a Latin word meaning THE LUTHER STATUE of the Club of Washing- At the same service,' plans army up THE REV WALTER R. FREED. D.D . Foator Yale response so favorable among an drawn in battle SUNDAY SCHOOL AND The Rev. Foul B Beatty. Jr.. Assistant Foster ton, pointed out this meeting that will be announced for an edu- array. Nursery Burma All Servicer the House members he has CLASSES, 9:45 A.M. was fourth in a series high- decided to continue the verse cation building on which con- Guest speaker for the cere- BIBLE 9:45 o.m.—Sunday Church School lighting the contributions of THE SERVICE quotations. struction is to be started this + in various • Yale men fields. The ** • ORTHODOX CHURCHES ST. PAUL’S (Falls Church) 8:45 and 11:00 o.m. previous meetings were with spring. Leesburs Pike and Idylwood Rd. "DO ST. GEORGE Rev. Gerald Kuhn. 8:30 and 11 YOU ADD leaders in Congress, the Dis- Conservatives Top Poll All pastors of the church SYRIAN trict of Columbia government ORTHODOX CHERCR B 1 (Arlington) 5:00 p.m.—Luther Leogue since its reorganization in 1938 Carnet IHth end Sts N.W. Herbert OUR SAVIOR The magazine Webster n t^lsT BJP' and Taylor. 8:30 and 11 and transportation. REV JOHN NICHOLAS. Pastor Bernth .l. ß:3» »nd nVT*** »th 8. 6:00 p.m.—Young Adult Fellowship a will take part in the service, * program Today claimed today that i Matins. 10 00 and 1100 a m Lenten Vespers—Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. The noted 40 gradu- Surdav School 10:30 to 11.30 u.m c (Franconia, Va.) Sunday Nation-wide survey shows that They are the Rev. Me- Divine Liturgy 11:00 st, n w Rev ST. JOHN Fret Parking Opposite the Church of Yale min- Clarence Ij in to 12:00 nuhfJd Gai'aun 0 ' ates schools now nearly three out every four Wm F. *3o' and 11 tAT Bruenik* isters in Washington of Gillen, who has served for the lKwr? UVm®*” the area. Protestant ministers regard last 4300 16th .Ar Thirty are graduates of the four years; the Rev. Esther FIRST TRINITY (D. C.) °?-? N ..i St N.W. GREEK Hill Rd*d 8.1.s. r«vRev. (At «¥« themselves as "conservative” or Boyer Kirkpatrick, pastor ORTHODOX 4th and E Sts N.W. Rev. H. B. Oxon Worship, Vornuml Yale Divinity School. 12 of Yale from Roepe. 8:30 and 11 am. Bervlces Carl C. Reiter 8.30 College and 8 of the graduate “fundamentalist.” 1938 to 1943 and now associate CATHEDRAL Broadcast over Station WOOK Sunday School. 10.45 a.m. ). VICTOR MURTLAND GERHARD E. LENSKI publication pastor. God,’ jam.) at 11:30 a.m. and wfan (Mt. Rainier) school. In addition, Methodist The stated its First Church of ST. SOPHIA TRINITY and , 9:00 11:00 ' figures upon Springfield. Ohio, unriuw niiiirT (D.n rC.)i 3oth and Bunker Hill Rd. Rev. o.m. tfflwpuih! Bishop G. Bromley Oxnam of are based a sur- and Dr. E. E. 36th Street and MOUNT OLIVET Roy A Maack. 8:30 and 11 a.m. "I vey last October and No- Perry. 1943 to 1953, now H N w HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD" Washington is the recipient of made at! ! , Massachusetts Are. N.W. wm m ’ REDEEMER (Hyattsville) by Opinion Burton Heights Vrrj Rev n” Rev. Wm. an honorary degree. vember the Re- Church of i Amlllenee Intrant, Dean PIT GRIM 'lßth and Lonrfellow 9:45 and 11:00 o.m.—Church School God, Grand Rapids, a«f John T Tartarian. AesUtset _ . . H. Kohn. 10:30 a.m.: Sunday |fj search Corporation of Prince- Mich. Matin, 8000 Mass. Avs. N.W.» Extended. The Right 9 a m School ft'ls am .• Wednesday, Rev. Angus Dun, Ontll 10 30 Rev, ™ 12:15 ond p.m.— t Also participating Divine Enno Lohrmann. 8:30 and , 8:00 M [pujsft ton, N. J. are Dr. Llturrr 10:30 a m Ontll It 11 a.m. Sunday School, 8:30 a.m. (22 Rd.) f Episcopal Bishop of Washing- Sundae, and Holldav, GREENBELT Ridge ILllil 1 Elver of Anderson, 111., H. Birner and Lenten ton, is graduate of Yale Col- The poll indicated that 39 Adcock CALVARY (Silver Spring) Rev. Edward 8:30 Services: "TEMPTATION" a secretary-treasurer of the de- 9545 Georala Ave. Rev. Frederick 11 *“• Sunday School. 8:30 lege. per cent of American Protes- **• *•»*® (L’dover Hills) ” h - v N w * f clergymen consider them- nomination’s Board of Church KT ANnRPWS (uienmont) ASCENSION AUGUSTANA Clarence T Nelson. Wayne R. Woods. ** * * tant C.HEEh OffIHOUOX al. AmJKEWa 7420 Ardmore Rd. Rev Henry K E Pastora selves “conservative” theologi- Extension and Home Missions: 12247 Oeorgia Ave. Rev. Charles Schroeder. 8 and 11 am.: Bunday Snesrud Minister of Music Marjorie Ingalls. Organist Mrs. E. E. Perry, president Mueller. 8:30 and 11 a m. School. ft:3Q a.m. 9:30 and I 1 :0G a m.—ldentical Services cally while 35 per cent regard of STS. CONSTANTINE (Alexandria) (Bowie) Light for Big Window the National Women’s IMMANUEL TRINITY "STUMBLING ON THE ROCK OF AGES" themselves as "fundamental- Mis- 1801 Russell Rd. Rev. Wtllner D. Bowie. Md. Rev. Henry Schroeder 9:30 Hamline Methodist Church sionary Society of the denomi- j AND HELEN Menslna. 8:30 and 11 a.m. 9:30 am.: Sunday School 10:30 o.m.—Sunday School ist.” Va.) (D. 6:00 p.m.—Fireside now has a light for the 40-foot nation, and Dr. Frederick E. 4115 16th Street N.W BETHANY (Groveton, Church of the Deaf C.) i Supper and Program Only 14 per cent of the min- Res Demetrtoas Kalmrts Priest Beacon HillRd. and Oak Dr Rev. At Christ 5101 10th St, N.W. facing Sixteenth Reissig. executive secretary of | | John Graudln. H:‘.’o and 11 a m. Rev. W. A. Westerman, 11:00 a m. window street isters interviewed said they Saturday Even me Vesper* 7:30 N.W. | the National Capital Area Matins and Divine Liturgy 14th tin were “liberal,” while 12 per cent ft 30 and 1? Noon “THE LUTHERAN HOUR.” SUNDAY, 1:38 PM, WRC 980 &t. ittark a-i uraruatimt Council of Churches. KEV C PH,UP “ p » ,tnr Its nT On Tuesday a lighting sys- ! SELTEE Or HENRY M4NKEN. Pester Emeriti, placed themselves in the “neo- ' 9:45C o.m.— tem, given by Claude W. Owen « Church School orthodox” category. I o.m.—Sermon: in memory of his wife, Emma PRESBYTERIAN PRESBYTERIAN PRESBYTERIAN PRESBYTERIAN 1.00 "A CROSS AND A CROWN" Clergymen permitted 1— ¦¦¦ ¦" ¦ p.m.—"THE Owen, were to! ¦ ¦ ¦ Wed., Lenten Service, 8.00 GREAT SHEPHERD" Schafer was dedicated. classify themselves The system has time clock as to their, Twenty-Second a theological position. NORTHWEST CUCDU/AAh and Varnum N.E. w” that automatically turns on the 3nCl\ Vs wV/U Calvin DaVriat. Minittei NW | ms ISOS HISTORIC ISSS Iftl GEORGETOWN LUTHERAN light each evening and turns it 9:45 a.m.—Church School 0:30-12:00—Nursery REV. J. GLENN THEOSOPHY 9::t0 and 11:00 a.m.—Bermon:"THE SPRINGS OF COURAGE" BOIIEK, Poster CM. 2-1331 off next morning. 9:30 Natimtal Prrfibijtman (Eburrb • a.m.—Sunday School SOUTHEAST 8o :30 ondj 1 Mr. Owen is a member of the Thsosephists CONNECTICUT AVENUE AT N N.W. 1 1 :00 a.m.— Identical Services ond Sermon' Capital Plaffhing United Lodft of R ,'OHN STREET. Wednesday, National EDWARD L ELSON VEDDEH EDWARDS JOHN J RICE i 1 8:00 p.m.—Lenten Services Commission and his wife was 1722 Con*. Avo. N.W. THEODORE SCHAEFER, Onanist and Choirmaster (Sar&Ptt a Sunday—B:l6 o.m. 9:00 and 11 :00 o.m—Morning Worship Ufomartal Serving IT ashington and Maryland Suburbs long-time member of Hamline “MIND CONTROL” 1720 S.E. PM.—Study Class "THE THIEVES," Dr. Elson Preaching Minnesota Avanu* Church. Wed., 8:IB Church THE REV. MR. JACK H. BOELENS, Paster AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH * * Questions School—lo-12, Children; 10-10:45, Youth and Adults ** All Welcome Invited Children) \T AfimLU 13th St. and 6:45 p.m.—Sunday Evening Club for young adults in Church Hall 9:30 a m—Church School (Nursery tor Preschool Eastern Ave. N.W. Cors 40 ond 42 Stop in Front ot the Church 11 :00 o.m.—"THE TEST OF HOLINESS" Oliver G. Grotefend, D.D., Postor John Wileh, Student Pastor Lutheran Directory Tfce Theosophical Society 7:45 p m —"I BELIEVE IN THE RESURRECTION OF THE BODY" "ABRAHAM REJOICED TO SEE ," Mr. Wileh CAPITOL Martin A. McGrory, peren- In Washington HILL ! Worship Service—ll:oo a m. Sunday School—9,3o o m nial secretary of the Lutheran Sunday Laeturs—3:3o p.m. MARYLAND WEDNESDAY EVENING LENTEN SERVICE, 8:00 P.M; Laymen’s Fellowship, recently "KARMA AND GRACE" Capital Jlmbytaian (Eburrlf NORTHEAST completed a directory of perti- Virginia Hanson IftU The FOURTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Fourth and Independence S.E., off Pansylvania nent in formation about Lu- Classes: Wednesday, 7:45 p.m. River Road and Springfield Or., Bathesda CT PCTCD'C 1725 Michigan Ave. at Webster St. N.E. THE REV. LEWIS J. HUTTON, Ph.D., Minister • theranism in the Washington Visiters Always Welcome Mailing Washington (161 , oI rtl Cl\ J DONALD F. BRAKE, HAROLD L. COPENHAVER, Director ot Music Address: D. C. Pastor area. Lodge Room and Library Molding forth the Wnra of Lite and II a.m.—Sermon: 9:30 a.m.—Church School for h.ho am. Sunday Sctioo) tor all a*e» 8:45 “I’ve been working at it for 726 11th Street N.W. All Ages 11:00 a.m.—“WE GLORY IN THE CROSS’* "THE ,"Rev. o.m.—Morning and Church Nursery 8:00 D.m OF Donald F. Broke 11:00 Worship Hour _ —“SAYINGS JESUS” Sunday o.m. (Nursery, a.m.) Service Honoring Lucy Missionary The Rev. Robert Oraham. Kingston. Pennsylvania, School, 9:45 8:45 and 11:00 PRESBYTERIAN PRESBYTERIAN Miss Niblock, Retired to Thailand Preaching at Both Services* 7:00 p.m.—Westminster Fellowship Nursery During if 00 a m Service Broadcast Over WEAM at II a.m 6:45 o.m —Young People - # Groups 830 no * m Wednesday, ' p.m.—Lenten Service p the Nation « Caps to* :00 Broadcast Over WWDC at 8 30 m oxll ot the Presbyterians ot the South to W M. A. Buses and Cara 30. 54. 90 Stop Near the Chirrli ftrllrr iftmnrtal 9th and Maryland Aye. N.E. ‘ THE compulsion or the cross• (dtiurrt? n! tlfp "”1 NORTHWEST TAKONA PARK Maple and Tulip Aves. REV. CARL R. SIMON, Pastor 1,30 ,m Buntl” •cno “ A Wed.. 8:00 p.m—Lenten e On Hi* Parkway at 22nd and P Sts. N.W O. -THOMAS MILES. Service VTP U Sixteenth and Kennedy Streets N.W. DANIEL C. and WM L. MONTGOMERY John Ssndelob Tailor HD Mlnlalrr HSg ¦ M ML Andrew Rrli Bird D D.. Peetor Emeritus SI NED E. RICHARDSON. Minister 9:30 ond 11:00 o.m.— SOUTHEAST 9:30 am—Church Reboot 7:30 pm. —Young Adult Group "BELIEFS THAT MATTER—V. 'BELIEF IN MAN'" . BY.” 11 00 o.m.—"VIA DOLOROSA" . 11 a.m—Sermon: “WHEN JESUS PASSES Mr. Richardson 9.30 and ) I K)0 (Suoert ised Nursery Care, 9:.10 to l*:lo p.m.) a m.—Church School Kenlueky Avenue at 15th St. S.|. Wednesday. 8 of Power Nursery Provided Canny Both Services At 4W*tttl»rtlltV 9:45 O.m. —Sunday School k I I WjMi a.m.—Hoar “I. fltanijnil 0 JOHN A. SCHERZER, Potter -* 580 UNIVERSITY BLVD EAST 6:00 p.m.—Youth Groups (II |f£Q ODDIIIP 8:30 ond 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service r Rev Trocy K Beyer. Ministei Sermon: p.m.—"Hl OILVE.II OmillU "THROUGH DEATH UNTO LIFE" s 7:45 SHALL COME" Nm Attrtut? {lmbytmatt 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School for All Age Groups * snrk Church School ond Divine Worship, 9:30 ond II *.m In o series on The Apostles' Creed OH . 13th and New York Avanu* N.W. (Supervised Nursery at Both ServicasJ (Nursery DUnny Worshiy Services! * THE REV. GEORGE M. DOCHERTY, D.D., Minister MARYLAND THE REV. K. WARRISTON McCRACKEN, Associate Minister A WILSON LANE AND CLARENDON ROAD Assistant Connecticut BPfLIEPnI HpMIA BETHESDA. MARYLAND THE REV. JACK E. McCLENDON, Ph D., Minister KENSINGTON 0123 Avo. SILVER SPRING. MO. HP B §>t •Afc ¦ The Church That Named the Community Stephen H. Pruning, Director of Music Charlton Mpyer, Organist »? fTltltP Corner Colesville Rd. & Highland Drive RET. CARL R. PRITCHETT. D.D., Minister 9:30 a m—Sunday School WARNER MEMORIAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Raymond Shaheen, Pastor MART ELLEN JACKSON. Dim-tor ot Chrlitlan Education 9.30 11:00 11 o.m —"OUR CHRISTIAN RESPONSIBILITY," Dr Pritchett and a.m.—Morning Worship Ministers: WENDELL S. TREDICK, WILLIAM O. HARRIS Staff: Paul Deege, Mrs. Paul M. Orso, H. K. Wohlgemuth . "WAS THE 9:45 o.m.—Church School 7:00 p.m.—Pioneers ond Seniors CROSS NECESSARY?" 9:30 and 11 :00 o.m.—Churth School 7:00 p.m.—Fellowships 8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion 6:00 pm—Young Adult Meeting i 8:30, 9:30 a.m.— 9:30 and 11 :00 o.m.—Worship: Thiman's "The Lord's Supper" and 11:00 Three Worship Services „ 8:00 p.m.—Evening Worship Sermon: "GREAT PLACES IN OUR LORD'S LIFE—- Nursery Curing » til and tl.Otl a.m. Services 9:30 and 11 :00 a m.—Bible Schookwith Classes “* 11 a.m.—Church School—lnfants Junior (l/nited ,Twu Blnrk> So «’ University a.m.—Worship Lutheran Church> met 11:00 Service 6513 Qnoass Chspal Rond MAN BORE THE CROSS," Dr. Phifer I? EDWARD R BLEY Pastor "THE WHO RIWFRHAIi v n Ei u n l n w KEyTH custis. «mi.ur 9 30 o.m.—Sunday School for All Ages Norlljmmatpr ALASKA AVENUES 0:00 end 11:00 a.m.—“THE CROSS AND THE FATHER’S WILL” Classes 4:4u and 1:00 a.m—Church School 4. 6 6,7 om Youth Groups 9:30 ond 11 a.m —"HEARING GOD" WILLIAM B. Ketl.tß and WILBUR A. R. SIDDONS. Mlnl.t.r. Nursery Central firfabytfrtan (Eburrlj DONALD 1. MILLER Minister of Matte Dunns Service 11 :00 o.m.—Sunday School (Under 14 Years! 9:30 and a.m.—Music from Messiah," Nursery H it and IIam tflur. (Oroantzea istih V S Anemblv 11 "The by the Choirs CACTLJIkICTCD Keith T. Postl*thw*lt*. Ministar | < 15th, 16th and Irving St*. N.W. 9:30 a.m.—Cnurch School (Nursery During Worship Services) St. Bladensburg I lW IINJ I tl\ 56th FI. and Randolph 1 miflVT BethesdaDemesne _ «'3O end ll :0n e ¦>.— Thurtdoy, p tlllllSl -WHEN THE WOOD 18 DRY” GRAHAM GORDON LACY. Mlnlaler 8:00 m.—Lenten Service Supervised Nursery p.m.—Youth Services—B:3o ond 11:00 a.m. Sunday School—9:3o o.m. 8011 OLD GEORGETOWN ROAD tig® 8:30 a.m.—Church School; 6 Oroupi REV OTTO C SCHt'ETZE. Fetter 9:45 em Church School 11 a.m.—“Facing the Crosn; INGTON .fc 11. ‘AS THE TRAGIC TEST' ** Georgetown WA|H 6 45 p m—Bible Study: “A SHAKEN SOLDIER” Presbvterien Church BRADLEY HILLS FOSMESJm VIRGINIA ; Nursery dunno morning service P Straat N.W. 6601 BRADLEY BOULEVARD BETHESDA EARRING—ARCADE PONTIAC LOT. 143? IRVING ST. 3115 ERIE toutiflra 1 1 KG REV. LLOYD G BROWN. Ministar fort Hun * Rd Thf Flrrt Prrsbyterlsn *” " * ond Belle View Blvd. Charrh In Washlnrton. D. C. M1 ESS BIABH1 Rev Peel Dltbre. BIBLE PRESBYTERIAN RUSSELL CARTWRIGHT STROUP. D.D.. Mlnl.t.r Church School—9:3o o.m. G Feller SO 8-998 S WILLIAM WATKINS. nireetor at Mail. See, Scheel Q:«S a.m. (Nereery Purlin War,hie) Divine Wamble S:SO»jH Hi I Winy Rnn.crclt Hotel, lAth >nd V Its. N.W. 9:45 a m.—Sunday School A,,i89,# " ALVAlx| Chanluln David K. Mrcrl. Presldlns 11 :00 o.m —Morning Worship: "WERE YOU THERE?" DARNESTOWN , B, torkvtllel Wor.hlp, Nursery For Children During DANIEL C. MANSON. Minister 3Faitlr Siuthfratt Bible School and Divine 9:45 and 11 a.m. Smoll Worship Service " ACCC VESPER SERVICES, ft P.M. ICCC | 10 am.—Church School 11 a.m.—Sermon :"t WILL BUILD MY CHURCH" Pastors: CARL G. MENGERING and ELMER J. KLEIN Si',,,n d N,w,# " 9:30 ond I I School PIRI C PRFCRYTFRIAII 303* Qua St. N.W., Georgetown GUNTON-TEMPLE £ •j U 0 o.m.—Church DIBI.K rnCSDI I CnIHK „ ..' w R rl rn „ Sh,,p„..'n, Jr..Minister WHEATON1 k 'v ' Mr- 8:00, 9:30 ond 11:00 a.m.—Worship Services Ravarend Eric Lindsay . Oarrett a 8.A., 8.D., . _V , Her. Francis L. 9:45 m.—Bible School Cewall. Minister • Paal Drive aad Church Leae /Nursery Dunno Service) Wednesday, 8:00 p.m—Lenten Vesper Service ' 11:00 a.m.—“THE PRIME OBJECTIVE” •’ 7:30 p.m.—"CRISES IN THE MIDDLE EAST" 9:3oo.m.—Church School I Suurruired Nursery at »:sn and 11 OH e.m. Messaged at both Services by LaVerne L. Donaldson. Missionary from 11 o.m —Sermon: "ACCEPTING THE INEVITABLE!" Palestine THE CHURCH OF THE GLORIOUS MOSAIC CROSS VIRGINIA HOLY1 1V1" 1 TRINITYI EDWARD B TOST. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN 1906 H | | *507 Columbia Pika, Arlington PaalPf WCCTCDkJ STREET NW MCTANv H VIW , o.m. I Cl\rt REV c. AH RE% JA , w SOWEN Minliter I Church School 9:45 Worship 8;30 and 11:00 04h STEWART McKENZIE Ministar 0:30 and 11:00 a m.—Mornlns Worship and Church School I F/Vufj«nr During Lain Service) ®'4B am Sunday School urn. Yount People'* Oroupe Sermon Title: "THEY KNEW JESUS: NO. 4—NICODEMUS, 11:00 a m.—Mornlns Worship Sermon: "KEEP YOUR LAMP THE INQUIRER" WALLACE FH.LED" Nursery SFRVICEB IN MEMORIAL Nursery Ourmo Service Dunno services A[) OAKRVDOF SCHOOI. C IRWIN. VPw BallNT DONALD 0.D.. Mlnl.tar WednesOav 7no o m Midweey Service ni/ I gQ Mtk A NASH STS., ARL.e VA. Now Location Ceryln Spring Tnlted l.atheran ( hurth in America L'IHGT Rd &N. Varment St., Arlington, Vs. REV HENRY M SCHUMANN. Faßtor SUNDAY SCHOOL—ft 46 am 7201 16th Piece, Hyamville, Maryland V 1119 I Worship Founded 1872—New Church 1952—JA. 7-4766 OTIS 4-SHO.i Service—l^t^m^iNuraig^ 9:00 and 11:15 a.m.—Worship Services (UlTPltl? (Ehasp “ascii*” Georg* Hilaman Taunt, Ministar Donald K. Walsh, Asst. Ministar "THE CREDENTIALS OF A CHRISTIAN" 9:30 ond 11 :00 o.m.—"SUSPENSE," Mr. Yount 7(J 6201 N. Washington Blvd., Arl., Va. Golatians6:l-18 —Th« Rev. William C. Catlin preaching W. Paul Ludwig, Minister, Maldwyn A. Davies, 9:30 and 1:00 p.m.—Youth niTltWWrti*ftrttt I o.m.—Church School 6:00 Group mraurrpntmt united Lutheran Church in Amorist 10:00 o'clock a.m.—Bible School Associate Midweek Lenten Sarvic* Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. p.m—"THE Minister MAUNEY, D.D., 7:45 UNFAILING DETECTIVE" Jack W. Angermon, Associate Ministar REV. J. LUTHER Pastor Numbers 32:1-23, Rev. Cotlin FALLS East Bread and Fairfax Sts. REV JESS S. HANGEN, JR., Assaciata Pastor Tha Word God From and Harold W. Dickensheets, Minister of CHURCH of Pulpit Classroom Music Alton R Altlather, D.D„ Pastor E. Ellweed Carey. Assistant Paster 8:30 and 11:00 o.m.—ldentical Services ft ! 9:30 Gr I I a m.—Church School and Morning Worship 9:16 and 11:00 a m —“PAUL AFTER DAMASCUS," br. Altlather Nursery at Roth Servicet—Junior Church at It.oo am ORTHODOX PRESBYTERIAN ... . Nursery During Service 9:45 o.m.—Church School 7:00 p.m.—Luther League "ON SEEING GOD 9:15 and 11:00—Church School 6:00. 7:oo—Younc People ” Tuesday 8:00 p.m, and Wednesday 9:80 am.— Prayer and Bible Study Church the Lighted Cross A Granville Drive and Sutherland Read Series IV—'HEAVEN STOOPS TO “The of V VJlh EARTH'" KMIt Silvar Spring, Md. Dr. Ludwig n ADlKinOkl 1300 Block N. Jackson St., AH., Vo. MARYLAND VIRGINIA RRV. CHARLRI I. ELLIS. Pa.tnr **LM Matvilla D. Nasbit, — RtmJWri Jr., Pastor 9 11 a.m.—Sunday School 4:30 p.m —Machra Leasue. . Youth Groups a.m—“TFI VINE AND THE BRANCHES" 9:00 ond 11 .-00 o.m.—Church School for Children Undar 12 OUR SAVIOUR'S GOOD SHEPHERD 7:30 p m.—"WHEN Til LORD becomes WEARY" NORTHEAST Wfil Rraddnm Road An 4 9:45 a.m.—Church School tor Youths ond Adults Robert f Hook Potter and l.aru American Irilon Homr ALEXANDRIA, VA. - pjpi 9:00 ond 11:00 o.m.—LENTEN SERIES. "WITH THE APOSTLE tail) » RRAXrilIfIf/Unit, I" wV WlallL VhI !!/%¦A EJiR# ECKINGTON BtrO. Temple Hill* C KVIBBKNI Potter 1 Mmllb* Laytaa Hall Eleaiaatary School. Route 737. Ealrfax. Va. £”*l PAUL—V. 'A BEARER OF TIDINGS.'" (Tyehicus) Worship Service 10 IS Nursery y VO 45 o.m Services 8:30 and 11:00 a m am.—Sunday Rev „ _ School 11 a.m.—The oeo. Y. Uomoto 11:00 am.—"THE GLORIOUS GOSPEL OF THE HAPPY GOD" Nursery a.m.. U noon nrott Beth Hours. Extended Church School for Alee 4-7 at II Sunder Church School BSC o.m Sunday School. 9:45 o.m 1