ACRONIS BACKUP TROUBLESHOOTING Performing basic Acronis Backup and Acronis Backup Cloud troubleshooting

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 1 Module Outline

1. Acronis Backup Troubleshooting Steps 2. Acronis Support Resources 3. Collecting Acronis Backup System Information and Logs 4. Troubleshooting Tools 5. Acronis Troubleshooting Guidelines 6. Acronis Customer Service & Support

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 2 Acronis Backup Troubleshooting Steps

Steps for performing troubleshooting

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 3 1. Acronis Backup Troubleshooting Steps

Review UG and Find out exact KB to understand software behavior expected Learn product functionality or error message behavior

Search for the Review training known issues in content for release notes, KB troubleshooting Find known issues or forums guidelines

Troubleshoot Collect necessary Try available Collect troubleshooting using suggested logs and Contact Acronis solutions and methods and troubleshooting Support workarounds information and escalate tools tools’ outputs

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 4 Acronis Support Resources

Resources available from Acronis

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 5 2. Acronis Backup Documentation

‒ User guide is available for viewing in Backup Console > About or from the Help button ‒ User guide is also available on Acronis website’s Support > Documentation page: ‒ Other technical documentation such as Integration references, are also available on the same page

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 6 2. Acronis Knowledge Base

‒ Acronis Knowledge Base is source of official information on: ▪ Product functionality ▪ Product limitations and known issues/workarounds ▪ Product troubleshooting techniques and tools ▪ Product support information. ‒ Acronis Backup articles are listed by topics at: ‒ Acronis Backup Cloud articles are listed by topic at: ‒ Troubleshooting articles for all Acronis products:

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 7 2. Acronis Knowledge Base Search Rules

‒ Use the following rules to enhance keyword search in Acronis KB: ▪ Use quotation marks “write error” “failed to read snapshot” ▪ Use the (-) sign to exclude a word/phrase “creating bootable media” –”mac” ▪ Use the (+) sign to include a word/phrase “shadow copy provider” + “fail” ▪ Use product filters

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 8 2. Acronis Support Forums

‒ Acronis Support Forums is an open community where you can get in touch with: ▪ Acronis Customer Service & Support Team ▪ Acronis Development Team ▪ Acronis Forum MVPs and other Service Providers. ‒ Requires Acronis web account in order to post in the discussion boards ‒ For Acronis Backup-related discussions: products-discussions/acronis-backup-125 ‒ For Acronis Backup Cloud-related discussions: providers/acronis-backup-cloud-forum

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 9 Collecting Acronis Backup System Information and Logs

Collecting system information and logs for troubleshooting

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 10 3. Collecting System Information

‒ Acronis System Information is a collection of diagnostic files and logs that can be collected from a machine with an Agent or Management Server

installed or from Acronis Bootable Media


Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 11 3. Collecting System Information

‒ There are 3 ways to collect System Information: ▪ From Activities > Collect system information on a machine with an Agent or Management Server installed ▪ From Help > Collect system information from Acronis Bootable Media ▪ Using the standalone Acronisinfo utility. Download from for Windows and for Linux, follow the instructions on ▪ Save the resultant compressed archive (.zip or .tar.bz2). Take note that it may take some time for the required information to be collected and that it can be very large in size

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 12 Troubleshooting Tools

Recommended Troubleshooting Tools

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 16 4. List of Application Processes

Windows Name Linux & Mac Process Name Component Function

service_process.exe service_process Agent Backup, replication, restore, validation operations

mms.exe mms Agent Manages tasks and processes on the machine

schedule (Linux) schedul2.exe Agent Executes scheduled tasks on certain events schedwrapper (Mac)

Cron (Linux) schedhlp notifies about logon/logoff schedhlp.exe Agent launchd.plist (Mac) cron/launchd triggers scheduler

agent.exe agent Agent Provides connectivity with Management Console

Shows tray notifications about tasks and agent mmsmonitor.exe - Tray Monitor status

.exe Installer Installation

systeminfo.exe systeminfo System Report Collects system information

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 17 4. List of Troubleshooting Tools

Tool When to collect How to collect Link Size of log

AcronisInfo / ▪ From Backup Console Any issue with Agent ~1MB – 100MB System Information ▪ Run tool

Connection Connectivity issues ▪ Run tool and capture screenshot ~100KB Verification Tool

▪ Run tool and work in CMD, capture Scheduler Manager Issues with scheduled tasks ~100KB screenshot ▪ Run tool - Acronis VSS Doctor sg/personal/vss-diagnostic-free-tool/ Issues with VSS snapshots: ▪ Disk and file backup ▪ From CMD and capture screenshot VSSADMIN ~5KB ▪ Application backup ▪ Run script ▪ Hyper-V backup DiskShadow ▪ From CMD and capture screenshot ~100KB

▪ File access issues Process Monitor ~20MB – 500MB ▪ Performance issues ▪ From UI ▪ *.zip after creating Wireshark / tcpdump Connectivity issues ~10MB – 500MB

Procdump ~50MB – 500MB ▪ Crash ▪ From CMD/Terminal ▪ Lockup ▪ *.zip after creating ~50MB – 500MB

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 18 4. Connection Verification Tool

‒ Connection Verification Tool is a Windows-based port checker by Acronis that verifies network connectivity to Acronis cloud management and storage ‒ Used for: ▪ Connectivity issues (cloud-based Backup Console not accessible) ▪ Backup/restore to/from cloud failures (cloud storage not accessible) ▪ Backup/restore to/from cloud and network folder interruptions

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 19 4. Connection Verification Tool

‒ Use the following instructions to collect Connection Verification Tool output: 1. Download Connection Verification Tool at 2. Open Windows command-line and run these commands: cd msp_port_checker_en-US_x86.exe -u= -p= where is your Backup Account and is the password for that Backup Account 3. Check the output of the tool and see whether all hosts were successfully accessed. If any problems are identified, the Connection Verification Tool will tell you which port to open 4. If you need to provide Connection Verification Tool output to Acronis Customer Service & Support, create a screenshot of the screen.

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 20 4. Scheduler Manager

‒ Scheduler Manager is a command-line utility that allows you to manage scheduled tasks on Windows and Linux ‒ Included when Agent for Windows/Linux is installed or download from ‒ Used for: ▪ Monitoring scheduled tasks ▪ Detect unremoved deleted backup tasks ▪ Detect individual tasks that are not running ▪ Collect Scheduler log in case of an issue

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 21 4. Scheduler Manager

‒ Use the following instructions to collect Scheduler Manager log: 1. Locate and open the Scheduler Manager in the following locations: \Program Files (x86)\Acronis\BackupAndRecovery – in Windows /usr/sbin/ – in Linux 2. Open a command prompt in the Scheduler Manager location and run the following command to enable logging: set logflags support 3. Reproduce the issue and run the following command to stop logging: set logflags 0 4. Run AcronisInfo utility/Collect system information to obtain the output

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 22 4. Scheduler Manager

‒ To manage scheduled tasks, use the following commands: 1. To get a list of scheduled tasks: get list 2. To delete all scheduled tasks: task zap 3. To run a task: task run 4. To delete a single task: task [task_number], task delete, e.g., task 1-12, task delete ‒ Scheduled tasks run on Mac in the following manner: 1. Launchd.plist is created for the task in /Library/LaunchDaemons/ E.g., com.acronis.3_1.plist where “3” is the scheduler task name 2. The created .plist is loaded into launchd. To check that it is loaded, open Terminal and run: sudo launchctl list | grep Acronis 3. After planned .plist time interval has passed, launchd triggers schedwrapper which starts the task

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 23 4. Acronis VSS Doctor

‒ Acronis VSS Doctor is a free tool for diagnosing and repairing VSS issues ‒ Used for: ▪ VSS writer failures ▪ Shadow Storage out of space ▪ VSS provider issues ▪ Snapshot issues (snapshot read error, snapshot creation error)

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 24 4. Acronis VSS Doctor

‒ Use the following instructions to run Acronis VSS Doctor: 1. Download the tool at 2. Right-click on it and choose “Run as administrator” 3. The tool can be used for the following: Diagnose and repair: Configuration and status of VSS-related services such as Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy, COM+ Event System, VSS providers, access rights for VSS, VSS COM-interface registration, configuration of VSS shadow storages and access rights for NTFS volumes Diagnose only: List of faulted VSS writers, free space available on disk, current I/O load of disks, list of VSS- related errors/warnings from Windows Event log 4. Diagnostic results can be saved as plain txt report for sending to Acronis Customer Service & Support

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 25 4. VSSADMIN

‒ VSSADMIN is a Windows command-line utility that can be used to view and work with Microsoft VSS components on the machine such as providers, writers and shadowstorage and can help in snapshot troubleshooting and analysis ‒ Used for: ▪ VSS writer failures ▪ Shadow Storage out of space ▪ VSS provider issues ▪ Snapshot issues (snapshot read error, snapshot creation error)

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 26 4. VSSADMIN

‒ Use the following instructions to collect VSSADMIN output: 1. Download VSSADMIN batch file at 2. Unzip the batch file, right-click on it and choose “Run as administrator” 3. When the tool finishes the job, locate the following text files: C:\C:\vl_providers.txt C:\vl_shadows.txt C:\vl_shadowstorage.txt C:\vl_volumes.txt C:\vl_writers.txt 4. Put the resulting text files in .zip archive if you need to provide the output to Acronis Customer Service & Support

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 27 4. DiskShadow Tool

‒ DiskShadow is a Windows command-line utility that exposes the functionality provided by the Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service and can help in snapshot troubleshooting and analysis ‒ Available in Windows 8 and Windows Server 2008 and above ‒ Used for: ▪ VSS writer failures ▪ VSS provider failures ▪ Snapshot issues (snapshot read error, snapshot creation error)

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 28 4. DiskShadow Tool

‒ Use the following instructions to collect DiskShadow output: 1. Open Windows command prompt and run these commands: C:\Users\administrator> DISKSHADOW set context persistent set verbose on begin backup add volume C: alias VolumeC provider writer verify where is the VSS Provider and is the VSS Writer you would like to troubleshoot. To view current list of registered providers/writers, run either list providers or list writers command create 2. Check the output of the tool and see whether all writers are working properly. If any errors are identified, you have to troubleshoot that particular writer 3. If you need to provide DiskShadow output to Acronis Customer Service & Support, take a screenshot of the screen. Refer to for more information

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 29 4. Process Monitor Utility

‒ Process Monitor is a Windows-based utility provided by Microsoft that shows real-time , registry and process activities and can be used to track what processes are running and accessing files and registry at moment of failure ‒ Used for: ▪ Process interruption or hanging ▪ System overload ▪ Issues with installation/uninstallation ▪ Locked file(s) and access denied errors

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 30 4. Process Monitor Utility

‒ Use the following instructions to collect Process Monitor log: ▪ Download Process Monitor from us/sysinternals/processmonitor.aspx ▪ Extract the tool and run it ▪ Reproduce the issue without closing the tool. As the log file might be very large, it is recommended to start the tool right before reproducing the issue and stop it immediately once done ▪ Click File > Save and select Events to save > All events ▪ Change the Path if desired and click OK ▪ Place the resulting .pml file in a zip archive ‒ Refer to for more information

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 31 4. Wireshark / tcpdump

‒ Wireshark is a Windows and Mac-based network packet capture and analyzer tool that can capture network traffic between network adapters and can help in network troubleshooting and analysis ‒ tcpdump is a similar tool that is Linux-based ‒ Used for: ▪ Connectivity issues (e.g., client is shown as offline while machine is live) ▪ Backup failures (cloud storage not accessible) ▪ Backup to cloud/network folder interruptions

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 32 4. Wireshark / tcpdump

‒ Use the following instructions to collect Wireshark PCAP log: 1. Download Wireshark at 2. Install and run the tool. Click on the Interface to capture to start capturing 3. Reproduce the issue without closing the tool. As the log file might be very large, it is recommended to start the tool right before reproducing the issue and stop it immediately once done 4. Click on the Stop button to stop the capture and click on File > Save to save the capture file ‒ Use filters to narrow your search, e.g.: ▪ ip.addr/ip.dst/ip.src/tcp.port/udp.port: define IP and ports ▪ ==: equals, !=: not equal, &&: and, ||: or

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 33 4. Wireshark / tcpdump

‒ Use the following instructions to collect tcpdump output on Linux: 1. Download the tcpdump utility from and unpack to a directory 2. Open a Terminal to the directory where tcpdump is unpacked and run the following commands: #chmod +x /tcpdump #/tcpdump # /tcpdump -i eth0 -s 65536 -w /product.pcap & Parameter –s should be set according to the desired packet size. If error “invalid snaplen” appears, reduce the packet size, e.g., to 65000 and try again. Note that if packet size is too small, (less than 1024), packets will be cut and log might not contain useful information 3. Reproduce the issue. Thereafter, stop tcpdump logging: Find the process [pid]: # ps | grep “tcpdump” Kill the process: # kill -9 [PID] 4. Place the collected .pcap file into a zip archive ‒ Refer to for more information

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 34 4. ProcDump

‒ ProcDump is a Windows-based command-line utility provided by Microsoft that can be used for monitoring hung processes and unhandled exceptions and process crash dump creation ‒ Used for: ▪ Process interruption or hanging ▪ Process crashing ▪ System overload

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 35 4. ProcDump

‒ Use the following instructions to collect ProcDump output: 1. Download ProcDump from 2. Create a folder where the dumps will be stored and extract ProcDump to the folder 3. Open a Windows command prompt and run the following commands: cd –e –w –ma in situations when the process is crashing, this will create a full memory dump as soon as the process encounters unhandled exception and crashes or procdump –ma in situations when the process is hanging, this will create a full memory dump of the running process without killing it 4. Reproduce the issue 5. Place the resulting dump into a zip archive ‒ Refer to for more information

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 36 4. Strace

‒ Strace is a Linux-based monitoring tool that can be used for monitoring interactions between processes and the Linux kernel ‒ Used for: ▪ Process interruption or hanging ▪ Process crashing ▪ System overload

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 37 4. Strace

‒ Install Strace as follows: 1. Debian-based OS: apt-get install strace 2. SLES: yast –I strace 3. RHEL/CentOS: yum install strace ‒ Depending on the environment, (Agent for Linux or bootable media) and the process (mms or service_process), following the instructions in to collect strace output

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 38 4. OS X Dump File

‒ OS X collects most of the crash dumps, hang dumps, etc. automatically. These dumps reside in ▪ /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/ ▪ ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/ ‒ Used for: ▪ Process interruption or hanging ▪ Process crashing ▪ System overload

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 39 Acronis Troubleshooting Guides

Guides for troubleshooting various potential isues

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 40 5. Agent Installation Issues

Possible Issues Troubleshooting Steps To Take Information To Escalate

Check connection to Management Server using the Connection Verification Tool User Account credentials are not Ensure all necessary ports are open and no firewalls are blocking the connection accepted during installation Check Backup Account login credentials

Locate and analyze the installation log: 1. Screenshots and text of errors encountered ▪ Windows: C:\ProgramData\Acronis\InstallationLogs 2. Installation log ▪ Linux: /var/log/trueimage-setup.log Installation fails with error 3. Connection Verification Tool ▪ Mac: /var/log/install.log output Collect and analyze process monitor log for access denied errors on local files and 4. AcronisInfo/Collect system registry information 5. Process Monitor log Check live_update_installer.exe is running and files are downloaded to temp folder 6. Procdump output – if installer Check for service_process lockup or crash crashes/hangs Web-triggered update fails Ensure port 80 is open for download 7. User Account login Check MSI log in temp folder

Traces of other Acronis product Uninstall other Acronis product found

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 41 5. Connectivity Issues

Possible Issues Troubleshooting Steps To Take Information To Escalate

1. Connection Verification Tool Check connection to Management Server using the Connection Verification Tool output Backup to cloud storage is too slow Ensure all necessary ports are open and no firewalls are blocking the connection 2. AcronisInfo/Collect system or fails with connection error Check Backup Account login credentials information 3. User Account login

Credentials for the network folder Check connection to the network folder using other applications, try pinging that 1. AcronisInfo/Collect system are not accepted computer information Unmount all mounted network shares from that computer 2. Wireshark PCAP log Backup to the network folder is Update Samba if the network folder is on NAS/Linux 3. User Account login interrupted

Check that MMS service is running after several minutes Fail to connect to Managed Machine Check MMS permissions: 1. Process Monitor log Service error after installation or after reboot in Windows Install agent from MSI then register it manually 2. User Account login Check overall WMI performance on the machine

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 42 5. Backup Console Issues

Possible Issues Troubleshooting Steps To Take Information To Escalate

Check the quotas set up for a particular user and check for incomplete backup in 1. Administrator Account login Incorrect storage display or Storage Web Restore overuse 2. User Group name and Check the spam folder on receiver side Notification Settings for that User Group in Backup Console Notifications and usage reports not Check the spam folder on receiver side being delivered Check SMTP settings and send a test notification 3. User Account login

Computer does not appear in Re-register the machine manually as per KB: Backup Console

1. AcronisInfo/Collect system Computer is duplicated in Backup Remove all entries with the same name and re-register the machine manually information Console 2. Computer name 3. User Account login Machine is offline in Backup Check that MMS service is running Console or Incorrect machine status Check connection to cloud and follow instructions in KB: in Backup Console

Backup Console is unavailable or Retry in 10 minutes, regular maintenance runs Tuesdays 7-8am CET 1. Connection Verification Tool connection to console fails with Login with another user account or to another datacenter to localize the issue output error Inform Acronis Support about the issue 2. User Account login

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 43 5. Backup & Snapshot Issues

Possible Issues Troubleshooting Steps To Take Information To Escalate

1. AcronisInfo/Collect system Check if any software is locking the file information File is skipped during backup Enable file-level backup snapshot 2. Process Monitor log 3. User Account login

Operation fails with backup not 1. AcronisInfo/Collect system found error Check that local folder where backups reside as well as backup files and .xml files information were not moved or modified 2. List of all files in the local Operation fails with backup Check HDD for corruption, bad sectors and file system errors folder and .xml files corrupted error 3. User Account login

Make sure sufficient user privileges are granted 1. AcronisInfo/Collect system VSS snapshot creation error or Check HDD for corruption, bad sectors and file system errors information snapshot read error Localize the faulty VSS module with DiskShadow 2. VSSADMIN output 3. DiskShadow output

Check snapshot and shadow copy storage as per KB: 4. Process Monitor log Insufficient snapshot storage space & 5. User Account login

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 44 5. VM Backup Issues

Possible Issues Troubleshooting Steps To Take Information To Escalate

Make sure sufficient user privileges are granted 1. Result of the vSphere VM snapshot failure or snapshot Check VSS with DiskShadow inside VM snapshot read failure Run vSphere snapshot with quiesce/no memory option as per KB: 2. VSS logs 3. AcronisInfo/Collect system information on VM 4. AcronisInfo/Collect system VMware VMs do not appear in Check for cloned/imported VMs with duplicated UUID as per KB: information on host Backup Console 5. User Account login

Make sure sufficient user privileges are granted 1. AcronisInfo/Collect system VSS snapshot failure or clustered Check VSS with DiskShadow inside VM and on the host information on VM VM backup failure Localize the faulty VSS module with DiskShadow 2. AcronisInfo/Collect system information on host 3. VSSADMIN output 4. DiskShadow output 5. User Account login

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 45 5. Application Backup Issues

Possible Issues Troubleshooting Steps To Take Information To Escalate

Make sure SQL instance and SQL Browser are running and TCP connections are 1. AcronisInfo/Collect system SQL instance not detected allowed information 2. Process Monitor log SQL backup fails with access errors Give SQL Server admin privileges to MMS user 3. User Account login

Check that you can list Exchange databases with PowerShell cmdlet: ▪ get-mailboxdatabase 1. AcronisInfo/Collect system Exchange database not detected Ensure Exchange cmdlets are enabled: information ▪ add-pssnapin *exchange* 2. Process Monitor log 3. User Account login Exchange credentials not accepted Use FQDN credentials

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 46 5. Recovery Issues

Possible Issues Troubleshooting Steps To Take Information To Escalate

Agent selected for recovery is offline Recovery points are not available Select online agent that has access to backup storage

Unable to recover Mac, no machine Machine recovery is unavailable in Backup Console, create a bootable rescue media recovery option on Mac and perform recovery with bootable media 1. AcronisInfo/Collect system information from machine 2. AcronisInfo/Collect system Try with latest build information from bootable Bare metal recovery fails with cloud Try a different bootable media media storage being unavailable Check Internet connectivity 3. User Account login

Recovery to new physical or virtual Disk layout must be the same on target machine as in backup. Create correct disk machine with Agent gives error layout or boot with bootable media to modify disk layout during recovery “failed to automatically map disks”

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 47 5. Hardware Detection Issues

Possible Issues Troubleshooting Steps To Take Information To Escalate

1. AcronisInfo/Collect system Reboot machine after installing Agent information Disks not detected by Agent Repair Agent installation 2. Process Monitor log 3. User Account login

1. AcronisInfo/Collect system information on bootable media 2. AcronisInfo/Collect system Disk/RAID arrays not detected or information on machine where improperly detected by bootable Reach out to Acronis Support to add necessary drivers it is detected improperly media 3. Screenshot or photo of how it is detected 4. Name, model and version of disk/RAID array

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 48 5. Other Issues

Possible Issues Troubleshooting Steps To Take Information To Escalate

Check for any 3rd party applications interrupting operations (e.g., antivirus, security or other backup software) 1. AcronisInfo/Collect system Process crashes or operation fails information with error “an underlying layer has Identify the failing process, collect and analyze process dump 2. Process Monitor log disconnected from the peer” or Stop the failing process 3. ProcDump output, Strace process hangs ▪ Windows: taskkill /pid /f output or OS X dump file ▪ Linux & Mac: sudo kill PID

Deleted or revoked backup plan Use Scheduler Manager to check if the respective task is registered on the machine continues to run and delete it 1. Scheduler Manager log 2. AcronisInfo/Collect system Check local time on the machine Scheduled tasks do not start or information Use Scheduler Manager to check that the respective task is registered on the scheduled tasks start at incorrect 3. User Account login machine time Revoke and reapply the backup plan

1. HAR log Check web browser compatibility 2. AcronisInfo/Collect system Web console issues Disable ad-blockers, try browsing with Private Mode/Incognito Mode information Collect HAR log ( 3. User Account login

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 49 4. FAQs

‒ Refer to the following FAQs for commonly asked questions: ▪ Acronis Backup 12.5: ▪ Acronis Backup 12.5 Licensing and Upgrade: ▪ Acronis Backup Cloud: ▪ Acronis Web Account:

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 50 Acronis Customer Service & Support

Contacting Acronis Customer Service and Support

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 51 6. Acronis Customer Service & Support

‒ Acronis Backup Customers and registered Acronis partners can contact Acronis Customer Service & Support to submit support tickets: ▪ 24 x 7 email/phone/chat in English ▪ Requires a valid maintenance contract or purchase PPI (Pay Per Incident) ▪ Login to Acronis account to contact support and track support tickets ‒ Acronis Backup Cloud customers of Service Providers should contact their Service Providers for any assistance. Service Providers can get support from Acronis according to the following guidelines: ▪

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 52 6. Acronis Customer Service & Support

‒ Contacting Customer Service & Support: 1. Click on Contact Support on the Support page of the Acronis website 2. Select the type of issue 3. Login with your Acronis web account when prompted 4. Select a support option to submit a support ticket

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 53 6. Information Required to Open Support Case

‒ Information required to open support case: ▪ Split different issues into separate requests (you will get a support case number for each request) ▪ Follow the following steps:

Steps Required Information

▪ Explain the issue and symptoms in detail, attach screenshots/outputs of the errors (if any), product build number, etc. Define the issue ▪ Describe the desired behavior you expect from the product, provide steps necessary to reproduce the issue ▪ Include detailed environment overview, e.g., OS, network settings, any recent hardware changes, etc.

▪ Attach logs from Agents and/or Management Server where applicable Supply necessary logs and ▪ Attach system information from all computers involved troubleshooting tools output ▪ Attach any other logs and outputs according to the issue type and troubleshooting guidelines provided

▪ A – Critical ▪ B – High Define severity ▪ C – Normal ▪ D – Low ▪ Acronis Support can change the severity of the incident if it was not set reasonably

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 54 Questions?

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 55 New Generation Data Protection

Acronis Training and Certification – Authorized Use Only 56