Get Your Groove On By: Samantha Ewing

It’s almost time for the here at Perry High School. The dance will be held in the PHS Cafeteria on February 18 from 8pm-10pm. Tickets can be purchased during all lunch blocks the week of February 13, 2017. A single ticket will be $10 and a couples ticket will be $18. Not many people know the actual story behind the Sadie Hawkins Dance, not many people even knew there was a story behind the dance. The truth is, in the beginning, Sadie Hawkins didn’t start out as a dance. It started out with a thirty-five year old maid, a rich and powerful father, and some eligible bachelors. The story you’re about to hear, you never would have guessed. Sadie’s is actually based off of a Lil’l Abner created by . ​ ​ Sadie made her big debut November 15, 1937. The comic was about a girl named Sadie Hawkins, who is the daughter of the town’s richest and most powerful man, Hezekiah. Sadie and her father lived up on the hillside of their village Dogpatch, Kentucky. Sadie was thirty-five years old, unmarried, and wasn’t exactly what some would call “appealing” to the eye. Hezekiah began to realize that he didn’t want Sadie to feel humiliated when she realized she was, and would continue being, an old maid. Hezekiah called for every eligible bachelor in town to come for a race. When the race began, all the bachelors had to run and as soon as Sadie caught one, they would be legally bound to marry each other. The townspeople loved the idea so much they declared a mandatory annual event, which then Capp recreated in the comic strip every November for almost forty years. At least now when a girl asks you to a dance, you won’t have to marry her.