Muskie Urges Student Political Participation by ANN PRIDE the Students Had Made Themselves Towar D for 180 Years," He Added
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Muskie Urges Student Political Participation By ANN PRIDE the students had made themselves towar d for 180 years," he added. selves oft' from other voters. Speaking on student power and felt in the last election. They had Senator M uskie compared U.S. Asked in a question and answer participation in the political sys discovered that an incumbent pres political systems to U.S. Universi period if he thought, as Senator tem as well as decision making ident was not immune to their dis ties. They both thrive on the same McGovern and M cCarthy did, that policies of the university, Senator satisfaction and that the nomina basic agreement, he explained President Nixon was taking too Edmund S. Muskie, Democratic tions of political parties need not "an open an d vigorous dialogue long in taking a n ew direction in Senator from Maine, spoke to a be the simple ratification of the among con cerned participants Viet Nam, Senator Muskie replied crowd of about 2500 people at last wishes of the few. whose ob jective is enlightened de that although as a Democrat it was night's Symposium. Students "discovered that they cisions-decisions which reflect not a temptation to think be was tak Emphasizing the students' dis are as entitled to participation in only the t heories of education and ing too much time, he didn't want covery in 1968 that they too are the political system as they are governments but also the needs to make t his a partisan issue in an interest grou p with as m uch at in an education in the University and the desires of the students and the midst of an en emy offensive stake in the election as any group, and that the choices and the dis the citizens that are most directly in Viet Nam. ''I w ould prefer not Senator Muskie said, "Students in cussions in the political system can concerned." to publiclly prod the president 1968 expressed their concern and be as free and as open as life in a Senator Muskie urged student right now . but I will be willing for the first time student power University, he explained. participation saying that students to do so when he has had time to was as much of a factor in the pol "Students have been trying to can l earn nothing by shutting take proper a ction." litical complex.ion of our country get involved and it is this type of themselves off from a dialogue Senator Muskie expressed his as any economic or r egional group. involvemen t-this type of citizen with campus just as voters can opinion that the convention was Senator Muskie pointed out that ship-that we've been working learn nothing by shutting them- still the most sensible form of nominating presidential candidates but called for reforms in the way ~ --=-~--- delegates to state conventions and -....:'.'",,,-·_ .- ~ -;. the national (£-- - - ---,..-· conventions are elect ' ed. He said that convention dele gates should be elected by the rank and file party members rather than -=~ the poorly attended party caucuses. ,. If state conventions were elected ARKANSAS "' · Senator Edmund Muskie in this way, he explained that he would accept either the election UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS of national convention delegates Phi Alpha Delta the law fraternity TRAVELER by the state convention or by the for dinner and after the Sym people. posium was the guest at a recep Vol. 63 UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS - THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1969 No. 102 Senator Muskie was the guest of tion held in Coed Complex. NASA Engineer Slated lo Speak For Final Symposium Series Tonight Dr. William A. Mrazek, assistant for outstanding leadership and in director for engineering, indust J anuary of 1969 he r eceived. the rial operations at the National NASA Exceptional Service Med Aeronautics and S pace Adminis al for contribution to the Apollo tration (NASA) at the Marshall 8 Mission. S1pace Flight Center, in Huntsville, Ala., will wind up Symposium '69. He will speak at 7: 30 tonight Watt Chosen As in Barnhill Fieldhouse. Born in Austria-Hungary Dr. Top AWS Coed Mrazek received his MS degree Sarah Watt, in engineering in Bruenn, Ger secretary of As sociated Students man,y. In 1962, he received an has been chosen as the January AWS coed honorary Doctor's degree from of the month it was announced Au.bum University. He first came this week. Miss Billy Jean Cain to the U.S. in 1946. He has di of the ..Education rected research and development Department has been named A WS Faculty in the fields of structure propul Member of the month. ELECTIONS FOR THE 1969-70 A WS officers were held yesterday on campus. New officers are: left to sion, mechanics, chemistry, ma right, Treasurer Tricia Keeling, Theta; President Peggy Bosmeyer, Pi Phi; Secretary Mimi Raney, ChiO; terials and design integration. Sarah is past president of Chi and Vice President Linda Maxey, Zeta. Dr. Mrazek was instrumental in Omega, a member of Mortar Board terials and design integration. and was voted the Outstanding the development of the Redstone, Greek Woman of this year. She Juniper, Juniper C, Juno I, Juno also received a Chi Theta award Women's Organizing Committee Gives II, Pershing and Mercury Red at the Commerce Day banquet. stone Missile System and in the Miss Cain is a graduate of the progress being made presently on University of Texas and has taught the Saturn project, industrial at the University of Arkansas for Revisions For Existi~g AWS Regulations operations. the past ten years. She is currently teaching tennis and fencing. Miss Women's O;rganizing Commit campus for nine A WS call downs. groups was also discussed. In October of 1963, Dr. Mrazek woe Cain is also the faculty sponsor of tee, a group of women interest Card keys may not be used dur felt that each group may or may was appointed the NASA medal ed in revising and clarifying A WS ing date jerks until 6 a.m. the Women's Recreation Associa not decide on regulat'ions for at tion. rules and regulations met last Judicial board appearances tire. Selection of the A WS coed is weekend to draw up a proposal would not be necessary if the Responsibility for the enforce Last TRAVELER based on the girl's participation in for rules changes. rules are revised if a woman is ment of the regulatioru should be campus affairs. According to Janis Sign-0uts, Coed-key SYstem. 30 minutes or more late. House vested in the Today's TRAVELER will be house manager and Applequist, AWS Role of Women date call, A WS violations and nanagers would have to notify officers of each living group. Stu the last one published before Committee Secretary, selection of judicial board appearances are a student 24 hours previous to the dents would be responsible to the spring break. Publication will the faculty member is based on the major areas of concern. meeting of the J-Board if she has Judicial Board for such enforce The sign out for women, as re be resumed on April 1. that person's work in student af to appear be.fore it. ment. fairs. vised, will consist of placing a Twelve A WS call downs and sealed envelope contai.n:ing her violations of a second date jerk address on her door in ca:se it is would make a J -Board appear Favoring Voluntary Program needed for an emergency. It is ance mandatory. Requested. ap proposed that women will also be pearance for a woman to go be allowed to stay in different liv fore the AWS J-Board would save Committee ing groups if they contact the Passes Recommendation to be submitted. by the chairman The ad hoc Committee on vol gram to Head Resident of the group they the University Faculty tures were presented to the com of the House J-Board to A WS on untary ROTC voted 10-3 last week Senate. Vote was taken after only would be staying with. mittee by Keith Mills, representa the form sheet. to recommend a change of com a few minutes of debate. Card keys would be extended tive for those students favoring Women's attire in the livi!ng pulsory RCYI'C to a voluntary pro- Petitions with over 2,000 signa- to all UA women. The Penny a voluntary ROTC program. nights would be done away with, r.•-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ George Lease, president of As as would the "late" date calls. : : sociated Students and a member of Card keys will not be used dur the committee, said the petitions ing registration. i Blue Otnie1·on ! were originally started to re-open A WS violations, such as those : Key : the voluntary ROTC question. for failure to sign out and sign When University President Mullins decided to re-open it, he said, in, would be abolished. Failure !: Edwin Delta Kappa ! to keep closed house rules dur Stanley Barton : these students were already half ing finals and failure to keep i John Raymond Boyle Tim Boe ! way through with t'he petitioning. quiet hours would sltill consti : "These students," Lease said, Donald Bishop : "deserve to be recognized tute a call down. : Carl Terry Brandt ,Bill Burnett : for the Date jerks would be given for : : work they have done and the in three A WS call downs and a ' Claude Douglas Buford J oe Carter : terest which they exhibit." I Dr. B. A. Waddle, chairman of J runes Ca'i.ood I Danny Wayne Durning ' the ad hoc committee, said, "Our Richard Christie J ames Richard Eads decision will now go to the Uni Don Dillard versity Senate.