Master’s 2021-2022

Many of the challenges we face today demand an strengthen your problem-solving, research, analytical, EU law response. As the world’s most sophisticated communication and teamwork skills through our experi- international organisation, it deals with issues like ential education in courses that are part of the Amsterdam (mass) migration, climate change and cybercrime. Yet, Law Practice. Here you learn by doing. After studying the prominent role of EU law is not unquestioned, as key aspects of EU law, you take part in two separate illustrated by Brexit. How democratically accountable exercises devoted to, for example, the UK’s is the EU? How, in the long term, can the identity terms of withdrawal from the EU. Here you assume the of the Member States be safeguarded? The EU Law role of Member State diplomats, EU civil servants or Master’s programme gives students the tools to members of civil society and negotiate a final legal text unlock the many fields covered by EU law and to for a new treaty or a new piece of EU legislation. The critically reflect on them. programme also includes a moot court module you will take part in. You may also apply to represent the UvA Background at the Competition or opt The LLM in European Union Law gives students the to work on real cases at the Amsterdam European Law knowledge and skills needed to tackle any legal problem Clinic, where some of our students have litigated in Court in any field of European law. We aim to provide you and advised a number of clients in high profile cases, with a solid foundation in substantive and institutional working right along an experienced litigator. EU law. We integrate the most recent academic insights and legal developments into our curriculum and Study programme* provide a path that allows you to gain proficiency in a The core curriculum is composed of three compulsory courses and a selection of, in most cases, three courses from a list of specific area of law. To this end, the EU Law Master’s electives that allow different degrees of specialisation. Students programme draws on the expertise of an international conclude the degree programme by writing a master’s Thesis. academic staff with a range of specialisations including Compulsory courses (30 EC): EU institutional law, law of the internal market, • Principles and Foundations of EU Law (12 EC) and human rights. • European Constitutional Law and Fundamental Rights We encourage you to look beyond black letter law and (12 EC) approach EU law in its economic and political context. • EU Legal Remedies (6 EC) Would you like to gain hands-on experience in tackling Three electives of 6 EC each (18 EC in total): legal problems and be part of a vibrant international • These are chosen from an extensive course list, e.g. EU student community? If you have a good command Migration Law, Globalization of Cartel Law. of written and spoken English, an international Master’s thesis (12 EC): perspective, and intellectual curiosity, this is the right • Students conduct an in-depth analysis of a topic of their LLM programme for you. choice under the supervision of an experienced academic. * The study programme in 2021-2022 may differ from Amsterdam Law Practice the current programme. We refer prospective students to This Master’s track offers you the opportunity to practice (available from Mid-May).

More information: Entry requirements Facts & figures Students with a Dutch university level Bachelor’s Degree LLM in International and European Law degree in Law and students with an academic degree Mode full-time, part-time comparable to a Dutch Bachelor of Law (LLB) are eligible for this Master’s programme. Credits 60 ECTS In case of having obtained another diploma, please Statutory full-time: € 2,143,- part-time: € 1,826,- tuition fees For non-EEA students or for second Dutch check the entry requirements on our website: (2020-2021) degree programmes check our website under ‘Application Language English and admission’. Start September Applications will be assessed by the Board of Admissions. Application 1 April: International students who need a deadline visa or who plan to apply for UvA student English language proficiency: International students housing need to provide proof of their proficiency in the English 1 May: International students who do not language (i.e. TOEFL, IELTS or Cambridge certificate). need a visa or/and who do not plan to apply for UvA student housing Students who received their prior education in the 1 June: Dutch students Netherlands are exempted from this test. Please visit the website for more detailed information about English language proficiency requirements. These include law firms, (larger) businesses, the public sector and NGOs. Our graduates learn to think like EU ‘Civiel effect’ lawyers and are able to quickly master any area of EU Pursuant to the Convenant inzake het civiel effect, law that comes their way. This gives them the ability graduates who have completed the Master’s in European and flexibility to adapt to diverse working environments Union Law in addition to a full Bachelor’s degree in and functions. It makes them attractive candidates for Dutch Law qualify for admission to the Dutch bar and employers like firms, government judiciary (the so-called ‘civiel effect’ of the Master). ministries, consultancy firms, national and multina- For more information about civiel effect, see tional corporations, competition and market regulatory (in Dutch). authorities, regional authorities in the Netherlands and abroad and European Union institutions. In addition, a Career Perspectives number of of our graduates go on to do a PhD. Because the EU Law Master’s track is so wide in scope, our graduates find work with a wide range of employers. Study Association Eureka, the Study Association for European Law, was Laura Jacobs, student European Union Law founded recently in 2019. The association works to organise academic, social and career-orientated events modules, a moot court and a that complement and add to the programme. Visit the law clinic, which helped prepare Eureka website for more information. me for the practical side of EU Law. Besides being informative, Contact it was also fun; the programme If you would like to know more about the content of fully met my expectations. The programme is organised the Master’s in European Union Law, please contact the in such a way that, once you programme coordinator, Dr Thomas Vandamme. have completed the basics, you  [email protected] can customize your Master’s  This was the best choice I to suit your own interests. EU For questions regarding applications, please contact: Law is everywhere; if you are could possibly have made; I Education Desk Amsterdam learned a great deal and now looking for a Master’s with a have a quite comprehensive comprehensive orientation, you Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, 6th Floor, Amsterdam. understanding of EU Law. I par- won’t go wrong here.  +31 (0)20 525 3440 ticipated in two “experiential” 

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