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provided by Dokumenten-Publikationsserver der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Paleobiology, 45(1), 2019, pp. 56–69 DOI: 10.1017/pab.2018.38

Diversity patterns of nonmammalian (Synapsida, Therapsida) and the impact of taxonomic practice and research history on diversity estimates

Marcus Lukic-Walther, Neil Brocklehurst, Christian F. Kammerer, and Jörg Fröbisch

Abstract.—Nonmammalian cynodonts represent a speciose and ecologically diverse group with a fossil record stretching from the late until the . Because of their role as major components of terrestrial ecosystems and as the direct ancestors of , cynodonts are an important group for understanding diversity. We examine patterns of nonmammalian species richness and the quality of their fossil record. A supertree of cynodonts is constructed from recently published trees and time calibrated using a Bayesian approach. While this approach pushes the root of Cynodontia back to the earliest , the origins of Cynognathia and are close to their first appearance in the fossil record. Taxic, subsampled, and phylogenetic diversity estimates support a major cynodont radiation following the end-Permian mass , but conflicting signals are observed at the end of the Triassic. The taxic diversity estimate shows high diversity in the Rhaetian and a drop across the Triassic/ boundary, while the phylogenetic diversity indicates an earlier extinction between the and Rhaetian. The difference is attributed to the prevalence of taxa based solely on teeth in the Rhaetian, which are not included in the phylogenetic diversity estimate. Examining the com- pleteness of cynodont specimens through geological time does not support a decrease in preservation potential; although the median completeness score decreases in the , the range of values remains consistent. Instead, the poor completeness scores are attributed to a shift in sampling and taxo- nomic practices: an increased prevalence in microvertebrate sampling and the naming of fragmentary material.

Marcus Lukic-Walther. Erst-Reuter-Gesellschaft, Freie Universität Berlin, Kaiserswerther Strasse 16–18, 14195 Berlin, Germany. E-mail: [email protected] Neil Brocklehurst. *Museum für Naturkunde, Leibniz-Institut für - und Biodiversitätsforschung, Invalidenstraße 43, D-10115 Berlin, Germany. *Present address: Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford, UK, OX1 3AN. E-mail: [email protected] Christian F. Kammerer. North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, 11 West Jones Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27601-1029, U.S.A. E-mail: [email protected] Jörg Fröbisch. Museum für Naturkunde, Leibniz-Institut für Evolutions- und Biodiversitätsforschung, Invalidenstraße 43, and Institut für Biologie, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Invalidenstraße 42, D-10115 Berlin, Germany. E-mail: [email protected]

Accepted: 21 September 2018 First published online: 5 December 2018 Data available from the Dryad Digital Repository: https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.6jk8416

Introduction diversity outside the crown. Anomodontia The Triassic represents a significant period in and Therocephalia, which were ecologically the history of life, in which ecosystems recov- important in the Permian, sur- ered from the most massive extinction in vived the extinction and underwent moderate Earth’s history, the end-Permian event. In the subsequent diversification in the Triassic (Frö- aftermath of this event, the earliest members bisch 2008; Abdala et al. 2014; Huttenlocker of many major modern tetrapod clades et al. 2017). The primary synapsid success appear in the fossil record, including lepido- story in the Triassic, however, was from the saurs (Jones et al. 2013), crocodylomorphs Cynodontia, the group that eventually gave (Benton and Clark 1988), testudinates (Schoch rise to mammals. and Sues 2015), and mammals (Luo 2007). Cynodonts first appear in the fossil record in Although mammals are the only members of thelatePermian(Bothaetal.2007;Kammerer the synapsid lineage that survive to the present 2016). Permian cynodonts were rare compared day, Triassic include broader with coeval gorgonopsians and therocephalians,

© 2018 The Paleontological Society. All rights reserved. 0094-8373/19 CYNODONT DIVERSITY AND RESEARCH HISTORY 57 and substantial diversification of the did calculated. This method endeavors to include not take place until the Triassic. Even before the as-yet-unsampled portions of the fossil record origin of mammals, Triassic cynodonts exhibited in the diversity estimate by incorporating a remarkably disparate range of morphologies ghost lineages (lineages not yet sampled but and ecologies, including large predators and her- inferred from the phylogeny). The method bivores (Ruta et al. 2013). These morphotypes has been used many times in analyses of terres- were lost by the end-Triassic, but further diversi- trial vertebrates (e.g., Upchurch and Barrett fication among nonmammalian cynodonts 2005; Barrett et al. 2009; Benson et al. 2011; occurred among the herbivorous Tritylodonti- Mannion et al. 2011; Ruta et al. 2011; Brockle- dae and insectivorous Trithelodontidae in hurst et al. 2013; Walther and Fröbisch 2013) the Jurassic. The tritylodontid lineage even and has been shown by simulations to outper- extended into the Early Cretaceous (Tatarinov form the TDE under a variety of sampling scen- and Maschenko 1999; Lopatin and Agadjanian arios (Lane et al. 2005; Brocklehurst 2015). 2007), surviving alongside the increasingly rich For this purpose, we generated a supertree Mesozoic radiation of mammals (Newham (Fig. 1) from nine published phylogenies cho- et al. 2014; Close et al. 2015). sen to maximize the taxonomic sample (Marti- As the ancestors of mammals, cynodonts nelli and Rougier 2007; Watabe et al. 2007;de have been extensively studied with regard to Oliveira et al. 2010; Kammerer 2016; Martinelli the details they provide on the of et al. 2017a,b,c; Melo et al. 2017; Panciroli et al. the mammalian body plan (Sidor and Hopson 2017; Supplementary Data 2), containing 85 1998; Sidor 2003; Kielan-Jaworowska et al. valid species of nonmammalian cynodonts, 2004; Kemp 2005; Ruta et al. 2013). However, using the matrix representation with parsi- during the Triassic, nonmammalian cynodonts mony (MRP) method (Baum 1992; Ragan were a diverse assemblage in their own right, 1992). The MRP matrix was analyzed in TNT and study of their evolution and diversification v. 1.1 using the new technology search incorp- is important for understanding terrestrial verte- orating the drift, sectorial search, and fusion brate faunas in the aftermath of the end- algorithms. The minimum tree length was Permian mass extinction. searched for 100 times. In all, 427 most parsi- Here we examine the changes in nonmam- monious trees (mpts) were identified, 100 of malian cynodont species richness throughout which were selected at random for subsequent their history. Additionally, we examine the analyses. The selected mpts were time cali- completeness of cynodont specimens through brated using the method of Lloyd et al. (2016), time to provide details on the quality of the itself an expansion of a method put forward raw data used in diversity analyses. Recent by Hedman (2010), implemented in R v. 3.3.2 phylogenetic analyses are used to generate a (R Core Team 2016). This is a Bayesian supertree of cynodonts, which is used to calcu- approach using the ages of successive strati- late sampling-corrected diversity estimates that graphically consistent outgroup taxa relative are of greater accuracy than raw counts of to the age of the node of interest to make infer- species through time. ences about the quality of sampling; large gaps between the age of the node of interest and that of the outgroups imply a poorly sampled fossil Materials and Methods record, and therefore the age of the node of Diversity Estimates.—A taxic diversity esti- interest may be inferred to be older. Lloyd mate (TDE; no sampling correction applied) et al. (2016) designed a procedure whereby was calculated for nonmammalian cynodonts this approach could date an entire tree rather by simply counting the number of cynodont than just a specific node. Three successive out- species known from each stage. The data set groups were used to date the root node: the first assembled may be considered complete as of appearance of Therocephalia in the March 2018 (Supplementary Data 1). To (Abdala et al. 2008) and the first appearance account for sampling heterogeneity, a phylo- of Anomodontia and Dinocephalia in the genetic diversity estimate (PDE) was also (Liu et al. 2009). A hard lower bound 58 MARCUS LUKIC-WALTHER ET AL.

FIGURE 1. A, Supertree of nonmammalian cynodonts—strict consensus of the 427 most parsimonious trees. B, A randomly selected example of the time-calibrated trees used to illustrate temporal branching patterns.

of 324.7 Myr was placed on the root of the tree: are drawn until a fixed coverage (proportion the age of the split between synapsids and saur- of the individuals in the original sample repre- opsids identified by molecular dating (Dos Reis sented by species drawn in the subsample) is et al. 2016). While this age may seem overly attained, measured by Good’s u (Alroy 2010). conservative, potentially allowing cynodonts While the concept of coverage-based subsamp- to originate in the , this is the ling has been shown both by empirical and only node for which molecular data can be simulated data to be a more accurate method used to place an absolute maximum on the ori- of inferring diversity than rarefaction and mod- gin of this clade (see Supplementary Data 3 for eling approaches (Alroy 2010; Chao and Jost the time-calibrated trees and the posterior dis- 2012; Close et al. 2018), it has been shown to tribution of ages for each node). be unreliable at low levels of coverage, particu- A third method to estimate diversity is larly when abundance distributions are more shareholder quorum subsampling (SQS), a uneven (Close et al. 2018). The small size of subsampling method in which specimens the cynodont data set, and the large number CYNODONT DIVERSITY AND RESEARCH HISTORY 59 of singleton taxa, means this method is not CCM1 and CCM2 (Mannion and Upchurch ideal, and the PDE is better suited to this par- 2010). The CCM1 of a taxon represents the pro- ticular data set. Nevertheless, SQS was applied portion of characters that can be scored for the to the data set as a comparison, using version most complete specimen of that taxon, while 3.3 of the code available on the website of the CCM2 represents the proportion of charac- John Alroy (n.d.). Six quorum levels were ters that can be scored from all available mater- used: 0.4–0.9 at intervals of 0.1. The species ial for that taxon. Mannion and Upchurch abundances necessary for calculating Good’s (2010) considered the CCM2 to be more mean- U were drawn from the Paleobiology Database ingful, and it is this metric that has been used in via the fossilworks platform (http://fossil- all subsequent studies. works.org) and are included in Supplementary Two more variations of this metric have been Data 1. described, dubbed CCMa and CCMb by Character Completeness Metric.—In recent Verrière et al. (2016). The first of these, devel- years, more attention has been given to how oped and refined by Mannion and Upchurch the completeness of the specimens available (2010) and Brocklehurst et al. (2012), divides for study can affect our interpretations of the up a character list depending on what region/ fossil record. Because specimens are the “raw bone the character refers to and assigns a per- data” for taxonomic assignments, and by exten- centage to each region or bone depending on sion diversity estimates, the quality of the speci- how many characters refer to it. If a particular mens available, unsurprisingly, has strongly taxon preserves a particular bone, it receives influenced species-richness curves. For this rea- the relevant percentage score. The second son, a new class of completeness metrics has implementation, developed by Bell et al. been developed and refined during the last dec- (2013), uses published data matrices and counts ade to assess the amount of anatomical infor- the number of characters scored relative to the mation preserved in the available specimens total number of characters. In a comparison of and show how reliable the taxonomic assign- these metrics, Verrière et al. (2016) pointed ments in a clade may be. out that CCMa may be distorted by the preser- The character completeness metric (CCM) of vation quality of individual bones; if a bone is Mannion and Upchurch (2010) has been used preserved, it is assumed that all characters rele- to examine these issues in a variety of terrestrial vant to this bone may be scored, and thus the clades, including many showing temporal CCM score will be higher than it should be. overlap with cynodonts, for example, sauropo- Nevertheless, it has advantages over CCMb in domorphs (Mannion and Upchurch 2010), that it allows all known species to be included, (Walther and Fröbisch 2013), rather than just those previously included in parareptiles (Verrière et al. 2016), and ptero- phylogenetic analyses. Therefore, it is this met- saurs (Dean et al. 2016). The CCM attempts to ric that is applied here. In any case, Verrière quantify the amount of phylogenetic informa- et al. (2016) found little difference in the results tion available for each species by calculating obtained from CCMa and CCMb, and did not the proportion of morphological characters even find CCMa to be consistently higher used in phylogenetic analyses that can be than CCMb. Hereafter, when we refer to the scored for a species. Curves of completeness CCM, we will be referring to CCM2a. through time can then be created by finding A single character list was built by combin- the mean or median CCM score of all species ing the lists from the same phylogenetic ana- in a time bin. Comparison of such curves to lyses used in building the supertree. Duplicate diversity estimates may be used to assess the characters were removed, leaving a list of 261 impact of taxonomic practices and variable characters (Supplementary Data 4). The list preservation quality on our interpretations of was subdivided into anatomical groupings the fossil record. based on the individual or multiple skeletal A number of different implementations of elements to which they refer (Supplementary the CCM have been developed since its original Data 5). Using this approach, a completeness publication. The first distinction is between the score was determined for each taxon. The 60 MARCUS LUKIC-WALTHER ET AL. median CCM score for all species occurring to examine these possibilities, and therefore within a geological time bin were calculated one cannot make an a priori judgment on to detect fluctuations of the quality of the cyno- whether the use of PIC is appropriate or not. dont fossil record though time. We therefore provide results both with and Statistical Tests.—The correlation between without PIC. For the latter, the log-transformed the CCM curve and the TDE was assessed length and CCM values of those cyno- using the Kendall’s tau correlation coefficient. donts included in the supertree were trans- The CCM curve was also compared with a formed using the pic() function in the R TDE containing only those species included in package ‘ape’ (Paradis et al. 2004) before apply- the supertree. Generalized differencing (McKin- ing the correlation test. This was repeated using ney 1990) was applied to account for autocorrel- all 100 time-calibrated trees. ation (the temporal nonindependence of data The median completeness scores of cynodonts points). were compared with those of terrestrial contem- Kendall’s Tau was also used to compare the porary terrestrial clades using Mann-Whitney CCM scores to skull length (where available) U-tests. Clades that have had their CCM as a proxy for size. These were taken from Hut- assessed and temporally overlap with nonmam- tenlocker (2014), with lengths of taxa described malian Cynodontia are: Sauropodomorpha since 2014 taken from the literature. The mea- (Mannion and Upchurch 2010), Anomodontia surements were log transformed before the cor- (Walther and Fröbisch 2013), Parareptilia relation test. This correlation test was repeated (Verrière et al. 2016), and Pterosauria (Dean after first transforming the values using phylo- et al. 2016). Mesozoic birds also temporally over- genetic independent contrasts (PIC) to correct lap with nonmammalian cynodonts, but this for the phylogenetic nonindependence of taxa comparison would only include five cynodonts (Felsenstein 1985). However, it should be and so was not made. For each comparison, the noted that, while correction for phylogenetic included taxa were limited to those that show nonindependence is definitely desirable in the temporal overlap, for example, when comparing case of a heritable trait such as skull length, it cynodonts to parareptiles, parareptiles older is less clear how such methods perform when than the and cynodonts younger a trait potentially is not heritable or shows no than the Rhaetian were not considered. phylogenetic signal (Rhieindt et al. 2004; Kunin 2008). In fact, using simulations, Kunin Results (2008) demonstrated that, in cases in which one variable is phylogenetically independent Origins of Major Clades.—The time-calibra- and one is not, attempting to correct for phylo- tion method produced a posterior distribution genetic nonindependence can lead to spurious of 1000 ages for each node in each of the 100 results; similar results have been found in mpts selected. Therefore, a total of 100,000 examinations of other types of autocorrelation, age estimates for the origin of the clade for example, spatial (Clifford et al. 1989). Of Cynodontia, as well as the two major Triassic course, the heritability of preservation potential cynodont subclades (Probainognathia and is not something that can be assumed but is Cynognathia), were generated. These are sum- possible. If body size was an influencing factor marized in Figure 2. The age estimates for the on preservation potential, one would expect the root of Cynodontia are concentrated around specimen completeness to show a phylogenetic the Cisuralian/Guadalupian boundary, with signal, as it is under the control of a trait that a median age of 272.34 Ma (earliest Roadian). also shows such a signal. On the other hand, Less than 25% of the estimates are older than it might be that sampling practices, for 275 Ma, and less than 5% are older than 285. example, an increased employment of micro- Although the oldest cynodonts included in vertebrate sampling methods, was driving the the tree, Abdalodon and Charassognathus,are changes in specimen completeness, and there- Wuchiapingian in age (Kammerer 2016), less fore one would not expect completeness to be than 1% of the root age estimates are younger a heritable trait. It is the purpose of this study than the Guadalupian/ boundary. CYNODONT DIVERSITY AND RESEARCH HISTORY 61

FIGURE 2. Histogram illustrating the range of ages identified for the origin of Cynodontia (root), Cynognathia, and Pro- bainognathia. Abbreviations: Bash, Bashkirian; Mosc, Moscovian; Kasi, Kasimovian; Gzh, Gzhelian; Ass, Asselian; Sak, Sakmarian; Art, Artinskian; Kung, Kungurian; Road, Roadian; Word, Wordian; Cap, Capitanian; Wuch, Wuchiapingian; Chan, ; Ind, ; Olen, .

The age estimates for the root nodes of decline between the Hettangian and Sinemur- Cynognathia and Probainognathia are very ian. Both curves show diversity decreasing similar to each other and concentrated around throughout the Early Jurassic and remaining the Permo-Triassic boundary. The median age low until the Cretaceous. estimated for the root of Probainognathia is Because of the low sample sizes and large 251.9, and that of Cynognathia is 249.34 (both numbers of singletons during the Late Triassic Induan). The estimates for both show consider- and Jurassic, very few of the time bins after ably less variation than the root, presumably the allow their diversity to be due to the larger number of outgroups from calculated using SQS with a quorum of 0.9. It within Permian cynodonts to constrain them. has been suggested that results at quorum Diversity Estimates.—The TDE and PDE levels much below this are unreliable, particu- (Fig. 3) both indicate cynodont diversity larly when abundance distributions are espe- increased dramatically following the end- cially uneven. Nevertheless, the SQS diversity Permian mass extinction. The PDE reaches its estimates are fairly consistent with the PDE peak in the , falling slightly in the Car- for time bins where they can be calculated nian and Norian, while the TDE continues to (Fig. 4). A rapid increase in diversity follows rise into the and remains high until the end-Permian mass extinction to an Anisian the Rhaetian. Conflicting signals are observed peak. There is a brief dip in the Ladinian, fol- across the Triassic/Jurassic boundary. The lowed by a period of relative stability during TDE suggests that diversity remained high dur- the Late Triassic (albeit calculated at lower ing the Rhaetian, before falling across the Trias- quorum levels). Due to the limited Rhaetian sic/Jurassic boundary. However, the PDE and Hettangian data, diversity patterns during suggests an earlier extinction event, with low the end-Triassic mass extinction are unclear, diversity in the Rhaetian, and a slight recovery but the pattern observed in the SQS curves during the Hettangian, followed by a second does appear to be that found by the PDE: a 62 MARCUS LUKIC-WALTHER ET AL.

FIGURE 3. Taxic and phylogenetic diversity estimates of nonmammalian cynodonts. Abbreviations: Cap, Capitanian; Wuch, Wuchiapingian; Chan, Changshingian; Ind, Induan; Olen, Olenekian; Ani, Anisian; Lad, Ladinian; Car, Carnian; Nor, Norian; Rha, Rhawtian; Hett, Hettangian; Sin, ; Plie, Pliensbachian; Toa, Toarcian; Aal, Aalenian; Baj, Bajo- cian; Bath, Bathonian; Call, Callovian; Oxf, Oxfordian; Kimm, Kimmeridgian; Tith, Tithonian; Berr, Berriasian; Val, Valan- ginian; Haut, Hauterivian; Barr, Barremian. decrease between the Norian and Rhaetian, falls during the Middle Triassic, although the and a slight rise in the Hettangian. range of values observed remains consistent. Completeness.—The curve of median CCM The lowest Triassic value of completeness is scores through time shows an increase through observed during the Rhaetian, although the the late Permian and earliest Triassic to an Ole- maximum value in this stage is only slightly nekian peak. The median completeness (Fig. 5) lower than those of earlier stages. The median

FIGURE 4. Subsampled diversity estimates of nonmammalian cynodonts. Legend indicates sampling intervals. Abbrevia- tions: Cap, Capitanian; Wuch, Wuchiapingian; Chan, Changshingian; Ind, Induan; Olen, Olenekian; Ani, Anisian; Lad, Ladinian; Car, Carnian; Nor, Norian; Rha, Rhawtian; Hett, Hettangian; Sin, Sinemurian; Plie, Pliensbachian; Toa, Toarcian; Aal, Aalenian; Baj, Bajocian; Bath, Bathonian; Call, Callovian; Oxf, Oxfordian; Kimm, Kimmeridgian; Tith, Tithonian; Berr, Berriasian; Val, Valanginian; Haut, Hauterivian; Barr, Barremian. CYNODONT DIVERSITY AND RESEARCH HISTORY 63

FIGURE 5. CCM scores of nonmammalian cynodonts. The black line indicates the median completeness score of all cyno- donts in each time bin. The grey points indicate the observed values of each species. Abbreviations: Cap, Capitanian; Wuch, Wuchiapingian; Chan, Changshingian; Ind, Induan; Olen, Olenekian; Ani, Anisian; Lad, Ladinian; Car, Carnian; Nor, Nor- ian; Rha, Rhawtian; Hett, Hettangian; Sin, Sinemurian; Plie, Pliensbachian; Toa, Toarcian; Aal, Aalenian; Baj, Bajocian; Bath, Bathonian; Call, Callovian; Oxf, Oxfordian; Kimm, Kimmeridgian; Tith, Tithonian; Berr, Berriasian; Val, Valanginian; Haut, Hauterivian; Barr, Barremian.

CCM score has another peak in the Hettangian, Discussion but for the rest of the Jurassic and Cretaceous, very low values more similar to the Rhaetian Using Completeness Data to Resolve Inconsist- are observed. encies in Diversity Curves.—Probably the most The correlation tests reveal no significant cor- striking inconsistency between the TDE and relation between the CCM curve and the TDE: a PDE is the Late Triassic decline observed in tau of 0.1029 ( p = 0.5976). Also weak is the cor- the PDE curve compared with the high diver- relation between the CCM and PDE: a tau of sity observed at the same time in the TDE 0.1764 ( p = 0.3488).The correlation between curve. The PDE suggests that diversity fell sub- the CCM curve containing only those species stantially after the Norian, reaching its lowest included in the supertree was stronger, with a value since the , before briefly tau of 0.3088 ( p = 0.09139). recovering during the Hettangian, followed The correlation between skull length and by a second decline between the Hettangian completeness (Fig. 6) is highly insignificant, and Sinemurian (Fig. 3). The TDE, meanwhile, with a tau of 0.0970 ( p = 0.4229). When PIC is suggests that diversity remained high until the applied to account for phylogenetic noninde- end of the Triassic, and only fell during the Het- pendence, the strength of the correlation actu- tangian with a brief recovery in the Sinemurian. ally increases slightly, but is still weak. Of the While it might be tempting to trust the phylo- 100 results obtained using the 100 time- genetic diversity more due to the incorporation calibrated trees, 95 of the tau values were of sampling correction and the simulations below 0.25, and only 7 of the p-values were demonstrating its better performance (Lane less than 0.05 (Supplementary Data 6). et al. 2005; Brocklehurst 2015), in this case the The comparisons between CCM scores of comparison is not so simple, and research prac- cynodonts and other clades are shown in tices may be affecting both curves. Table 1. Median cynodont completeness is The Rhaetian cynodont record is character- lower than all clades examined, and signifi- ized by an abundance of highly fragmentary cantly lower than those of anomodonts, sauro- taxa (mostly based on teeth and lower ) podomorphs and pterosaurs. 64 MARCUS LUKIC-WALTHER ET AL.

of potentially valid taxa in this diversity estimate. While a conclusive answer to this question would require a thorough revision of the Rhae- tian “tooth taxa,” the CCM data do provide indications of the taxonomic and collection practices prevalent in cynodont workers. The significant correlation between the CCM curve and the curve indicating the number of species included in phylogenetic analyses could be used to support either hypothesis. The weak, positive correlation between the CCM and TDE might be used to argue against a tendency toward oversplitting by cynodont workers. However, visual examination of the FIGURE 6. A comparison of log-transformed skull lengths data indicates some interesting patterns that of nonmammalian cynodonts to their CCM scores. might not be revealed by correlation tests. While the median CCM decreases substan- that have not been included in any published tially in the Late Triassic relative to earlier phylogenetic analysis, and hence also not in stages, the total range of values shows very lit- the PDE. The CCM bears this out, showing a tle shift at all (Fig. 4). From this, one would infer trough in the completeness of the specimens that preservation potential of the tetrapod- available in the Rhaetian. In the absence of bearing formations has not changed sub- these taxa in the supertree, the PDE implies stantially; Late Triassic substages still contain nonmammalian cynodont diversity already localities with both high and low preservation collapsing after the Norian rather than across potential. Indeed, other studies of the CCM the Triassic/Jurassic extinction boundary. that have included terrestrial Late Triassic ver- The conflicting Rhaetian diversity patterns, tebrates indicate the potential to preserve high- combined with the lower CCM scores, could quality terrestrial specimens of both large, be interpreted in two ways. (1) The poor preser- robust taxa (anomodonts [Walther and Frö- vation of the Rhaetian specimens, combined bisch 2013], sauropodomorphs [Mannion and with a historical tendency toward oversplitting Upchurch 2010]) and small, delicate taxa (pter- by cynodont paleontologists, has led to an osaurs [Dean et al. 2016], procolophonids [Ver- overabundance of poorly defined, potentially rière et al. 2016]). What is driving the decrease invalid taxa being included in the TDE, while in median CCM is not a shift in the range of the PDE, limited to more complete, reliable completeness values, but rather a greater con- taxa, produces a more accurate picture of cyno- centration of species found and named based dont diversity patterns. (2) The Rhaetian on extremely poor data. In other words, rather decline in the PDE is an artifact of poor Rhae- than the overabundance of highly incomplete tian preservation potential leading to a record taxa indicating poorer preservation potential limited to teeth, and the limited number of of the tetrapod-bearing formations, it appears tooth characters has prevented the inclusion that there was either a shift in collection or

TABLE 1. Comparisons of the completeness scores of nonmammalian cynodonts to those of clades with which they overlap in time.

Median cynodont Median comparison Comparison completeness completeness Mann-Whitney Up-value Sauropodomorphs 11.3 20 3154 0.8642 − Anomodonts 33 77.6 890 1.42 × 10 12 Parareptilia 28 46.6 1295 0.00084 − Pterosaurs 8.4 45.9 1160 8 × 10 7 CYNODONT DIVERSITY AND RESEARCH HISTORY 65 taxonomic practices (or both) of workers study- completely, so their preservation is favored by ing the Late Triassic, or a shift in the evolution Konservat-Largerstätte modes of preservation of cynodonts, for example, smaller body size, (Brocklehurst et al. 2012; Dean et al. 2016). that has produced a preservation shift specific However, in the absence of such modes of pres- to certain members of this group. ervation in the Late Triassic, small taxa are pri- If the former possibility is supported, the marily derived from microvertebrate sites, shift in sampling practice might be linked to where preservation is often highly fragmentary the appearance of a fossil record for mammals and dominated by teeth. in the Late Triassic. systematics has The possibility of a reduction in body size of long been acknowledged to be dominated by cynodonts during the Late Triassic that might dental characters, and the co-occurrence of have driven the shift in preservation quality both mammals and nonmammalian synapsids would require more detailed study on this may have led to these taxonomic practices group than has thus far been carried out. Two being applied to the latter. Moreover, an previous studies, both fitting models of trait increased emphasis on sampling microverte- evolution to phylogenies, have supported an brate fossil sites, for example, by sieving and early-burst model of evolution as best fitting screen washing, characterizes the Late Triassic cynodonts (Sookias et al. 2012; Huttenlocker record, again possibly related to the need to 2014). While it should be noted that both stud- study the earliest mammals and lepidosaurs, ies only tested four models, not incorporating whose remains are rarely recovered without more sophisticated options with shifts in rate such methods (e.g., Sigogneau-Russell and or mode of evolution at specific points in Hahn 1994; Heckert 2004; van den Berg et al. time, the support for the early-burst model 2012). Recent discoveries of small and micro- would imply that the majority of body-size dis- vertebrates from before the Late Triassic in the parity was established early in the cynodonts’ Karoo Basin has highlighted the need to evolutionary history, with rates of evolution widen the use of such sampling practices (Kam- considerably slowed by the Late Triassic. A vis- merer 2016; Gaetano et al. 2012). However, the ual examination of the traitgrams of Hutten- resulting from such specimens locker (2014) might lead one to infer the should be treated with caution. Naming taxa widespread extinction of the larger taxa in the based on single teeth risks artificially increas- later Triassic, but one should be wary about ing the diversity estimate by including multiple such interpretations. Inferences about body- taxa defined on teeth from different positions in size evolution are not independent of sampling the or artificially lowering the diversity esti- practices, and more widespread sampling of mates due to the high rate of convergence in microvertebrate sites will obviously increase tooth morphology (Kangas et al. 2004; Sansom the prevalence of small taxa. Of course, the et al. 2017). inverse is also true: a trend toward smaller A final issue that should be discussed is the body size might drive an increased sampling impact of body size on preservation; a trend of microvertebrate sites (the workers following toward smaller body size in the Late Triassic the fossils), but it should be reiterated that there might have reduced preservation potential. has been very little effort to even attempt to The paucity of the correlation between skull carry out microvertebrate sampling in the latest length and completeness would imply that Permian and Early Triassic (Kammerer 2016). this is not the case (although it should be On the rare occasions that such sampling has noted that the “tooth taxa” could not be been carried out, microvertebrate remains included in this analysis due to the difficulties representing previously unknown taxa have in estimating their size), and recent studies been found (Abdala et al. 2007; Gaetano et al. have shown the relationship between body 2012), again implying that it is the shift in sam- size and preservation potential is more compli- pling practices that drives the prevalence of cated than a simple positive correlation small taxa in the Late Triassic. between the two: smaller are easier to It is also worth noting that the median com- destroy, but also easier to bury rapidly and pleteness is not necessarily independent of 66 MARCUS LUKIC-WALTHER ET AL. diversity. It has been suggested that the prob- only on Gondwanan cynodonts and not ability of high-quality species preservation employing sampling correction, also found an may be influenced by the diversity and abun- Anisian peak in cynodont diversity. Both of dance of taxa (Brocklehurst et al. 2012). In this the two major Triassic cynodont lineages, context, if we assume (as argued earlier) that Cynognathia and Probainognathia, appear to the inferior quality of the Rhaetian specimens have originated at this time; the time-calibrated is not due to low preservation potential in this trees give a range of ages of the roots of both time bin, it is entirely possible that the low these clades straddling the Permian/Triassic CCM score reflects a poor preservation prob- boundary (Fig. 2), with median ages just fol- ability driven by a dwindling number of cyno- lowing the extinction event. The postextinction donts actually being present at that time. Thus, radiation appears to have been driven primar- the PDE would be indicating a genuine diver- ily by cynognathians and non-eucynodonts; sity signal, while the high taxic diversity the probainognathians do not appear in the fos- would be an artifact of naming many species sil record until the Middle Triassic. based on inadequate material. This argument The diversity of Cynodontia remained high may be extended to the post-Hettangian throughout the Middle Triassic and the earliest record. part of the Late Triassic (Fig. 3). The Cynog- Overall, the completeness of the cynodont nathia declined after the Middle Triassic, record is relatively poor compared with their although at least one taxon (Scalenodontoides) contemporaries (Mannion and Upchurch survived into the Norian. The Probainognathia 2010; Walther and Fröbisch 2013; Dean et al. (the lineage that ultimately gave rise to the 2016; Verrière et al. 2016). The anomodonts, mammals) diversified during the Carnian. another clade with which the cyno- Abdala and Ribeiro (2010) suggested a Carnian donts shared much of their history, consistently peak in cynodont diversity that is supported in exhibit higher CCM values during their period the TDE but not the PDE. The earlier peak in of overlap (Walther and Fröbisch 2013). In fact, the PDE might indicate that the Carnian peak in none of the time bins in which both clades in the TDE is an artifact of sampling bias, but co-occur does the cynodont CCM exceed that it should be noted that the PDE is biased of anomodonts, or even exceed the overall toward higher diversity earlier in time (Lane mean completeness. The median et al. 2005), as this method can only extend CCM score of all cynodont taxa is also less observed ranges backward in time. Unfortu- than that observed in the majority of other nately, SQS diversity estimates at this time clades to which this method has been applied can only be calculated at low quorum levels, (Mannion and Upchurch 2010; Walther and and so could be unreliable, but they do appear Fröbisch 2013; Dean et al. 2016; Verrière et al. to support a Carnian peak as well. 2016). As discussed earlier, however, nonmamma- Cynodont Diversity Patterns.—Despite a lian cynodonts do not maintain their high highly conservative age constraint being placed diversity until the end of the Triassic, but on the time calibration of the tree (with the root instead appear to have suffered a considerable allowed to extend as far back as the origin of loss in their diversity in the Rhaetian. Interest- crown Amniota), the PDE does not support ingly, an analysis of phylogenetic morpho- the extension of large numbers of lineages logical diversity (disparity) of nonmammalian only observed in the Triassic fossil record cynodonts indicated that disparity also back before the end-Permian mass extinction. declined during the Norian and Rhaetian The TDE, PDE, and SQS diversity estimates (Ruta et al. 2013). all support previous assertions of a substantial It is worth reminding ourselves at this radiation following the end-Permian mass point that this study is being carried out on a extinction, with peak phylogenetic diversity paraphyletic grouping; the mammals, which reached in the Anisian (e.g., Abdala and appear in the fossil record in the Late Ribeiro 2010; Fröbisch 2014). The study of Triassic (Luo 2007), are contained within the Abdala and Ribeiro (2010), despite focusing cynodonts. However, the rapid decline in CYNODONT DIVERSITY AND RESEARCH HISTORY 67

nonmammalian cynodonts observed here does Acknowledgments not appear to simply represent their replace- This study was financially supported by a ment by more derived mammals. Mesozoic Sofja Kovalevskaja Award of the Alexander mammal richness was examined by Newham von Humboldt Foundation donated by the et al. (2014) using a variety of sampling correc- German Federal Ministry for Education and tion methods, none of which indicated any sub- Research to J.F. and grants from the Deutsche stantial increase in mammal diversity until the Forschungsgemeinschaft to J.F. (FR 2457/5-1) Late Jurassic. and to C.F.K. (KA 4133/1-1). We thank the The end-Triassic mass extinction is a poorly anonymous reviewers for their helpful com- understood event in the terrestrial realm, with ments and discussion. its timing poorly constrained (Hallam 1990; Pálfy et al. 2000; Deenen et al. 2010). 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