~ SURFACE POSTAGE PAID MAIL AUSTRAUA The official journal of The Returned li Services League of Australia WA Branch [lncollXJratectr PO BoxY3023 Perth 6832 Patron: The 6overnor of Western Australia His Excellenc!:J Lieutenant 6eneral _John Sanderson A[ * .ANZAC DAY ((Tiiey onfg deserve freedom _ .-Wfiiiiltllliiiii cere. ....,... also runs several programs and •man111a1'11~~n to·help you remain active and independent. Tile information includes: \\ ~ Advice about services in your local area Promotion of healthy and active living Help and support with social and day clubs Support for volunteers helping veterans Assistance with respite care Support for those in a caring role Personal financial information Equipment and appliances fur independent living Repatriation Transport eligibility Advice and help to ex-service groups on grants, residential care facilities and funding of commemorative activities To find out more about the Department and its services Please telephone 1300 ss.1918 or. country callers 1800 SSS 2S4 ANZAC House 28 St Georges Tee Perth WA 6000 Facsimile: 9325 7432 Tel. (08) 9325 9799 Countty Callers: 1800 259 799 e-mail:
[email protected] Web site: www.rsl.org.au Editorial Managing Editor Len Coplcy Editor Vacant Deputy Editor Ken Morrison Sub Editor Mrs Pat Elphinstone Printer Worldwide Online Printing · Maddington 2a 1787 Albany Highway Maddington WA 6109 Telephone: (08) 9459 7933 Facsimile: (08) 9459 8944 e-mail:
[email protected] Deadlines for contributions to The Listening Post 31 January for Autumn Edition 30 April for Winter Edition 31 July for Spring Edition 31 October for Summer Edition If possible submissions should be typed and doublc·spaccd.