Weather Forecast Home DeJivery The and Sunday Star is Some cloudiness in morning. Mostly Evening delivered by carrier to all subscribers sunny by afternoon. Highest temperature at $1.20 per month when 4 Sundays; about 85. Tomorrow partly cloudy with $1.30 per month when 5 Sundays. moderate temperatures. Night Final edition, $1.30 and $1.40 _.-81 6 p.m. _-85 11p.m. 80 Noon per month. 2 -.88 8 p.m. -_82 Midnight 79 p.m. Telephone ST. 5000. 4 p.m. —84 10 p.m. -.80 1a.m. --76 1---- _An Associoted Press Newspoper_ Washington rr'T'XT r^TTVTC I? C*NT8 D. AUGUST .1949-132 PAGES. ★ and Suburb! JLJliXV J.O. XUiewbira 97th Year. No. 221. WASHINGTON, C., 14, Vaughan DeniesAnylmpropriety f^WHrDOlPEOPLE. Reports of RFC Financing Arms In Asking for Deep-Freeze Units, Aid Irk Senators Them Opposition Develops; Names 5 Who Rteceived Officials of Agency --- < Called to Hearing One Was Sent to Democrats Ban States By J. A. O'Leary Righters West Germans Any move to finance a substan- Truman's Home, eign arms program through the From Voting on New Chairman eign arm progiam through the Statement Says Reconstruction Finance Corpora- McGrath Says Mississippi and Louisiana To Vote tion appeared headed for trouble H. Today in Vaughan. Mai. Gen. Barry Bars Invitations Congress last night. President Truman's military aide, Have Left Party, Parley Chairman Maybank of the Sen- yesterday that he ac- ate Banking and Currency Com- explained By the Associated Press mitteeman from South Carolina" I units from two mittee called a cepted deep freeze The Democratic National Com —Gov. J. Strom Thurmond—"was On Parliament public hearing for as a courtesy to him 10:30 a.m. tomorrow to ask RFC old friends mittee yesterday slammed the dooi a candidate for election on the several other persons and officials about unofficial and to against its "States Righters" mem ticket of another party." Bitter reports improper'' Campaign Ends; that this that he saw "nothing bers, barring them from its nex He made no comment on the method of providing funds for about half of about the gifts. meeting to elect a successor t< position of that State's committee- Chief Issue Socialism the pro- until the He declared that the freezers Chairman J. Howard McGrath. woman, Mrs. Anne A. Agnew of gram January session of no Private Congress is considered. were experimental models with McGrath himself sent out th( Columbia. Or Enterprise being value. Besides retain- blunt notice that the Louisiana As for Alabama, Senator Mc- The pending arms bill is merely commercial By th* Associated Press he sent others delegates have noi noted that Marion Rush- an authorization, and would have ing one for himself, and Mississippi Grath FRANKFURT, , Aug. White House at In- invited to the August 24 ses- had from the com- to be followed by a separate ap- to the Little been ton resigned 13..—A German election campaign Fred M. Vinson, the Hotel hen Hill sources propriation bill to make the money dependence, Mo., sion at Mayflower mittee post. Capitol spiced with violence and anti- Justice. Secretary of at 10 a.m. said Mr. Rushton had not been available. In its present form, the now' Chief starting Allied oratory ended tonight with Snyder. James K., At that time William M. Boyle invited. but that Alabama's authorizing measure calls for an the Treasury a sober radio appeal from all par- the President's former now as the $30,000 a Mrs. Lennard advance of only $125,000,000 from Vardaman, jr., serving committeewoman, ties for a vote for freedom. the RFC. but Senator naval side, and Presidential Sec- year executive vice chairman, is Thomas, had received a bid. Maybank Tomorrow the 45.000,000 inhabi- Matthew J. Connelly, he slated to take over the chairman s began inquiring into the subject retary Charges Bolt From Party. tants of Germany's three western said. job—which carries no salary. Sen- yesterday following published re- Senator McGrath said the rea- zones will choose a 400-member McGrath is out U ports that consideration might be Breaking his silence on a Senate ator stepping Louisiana son he blackballed the Parliament to set up their new to in- become Attorney General. Th« given enlarging that figure. Expenditures subcommittee members was "be- It will End sajc and Mississippi West German republic. Peron's Bates Asks Quick of "five percenters.” Democratic announcement Remorino, Envoy Here, Connally to Oppose Move. vestigation cause in my judgment by their be the first federal election since commented in these Senator McGrath will recommenc Meanwhile, Chairman- Connally Gen. Vaughan several actions at the convention Hitler seized power in 1933. Mr. as his successor. of the Senate on testimony that freezing Boyle to Duel With Foreign Relations words and subsequently in the campaign With numerous parties in the Challenges Bramuglia Of B-36 Hearings 1945 and 1946 South Carolina Mentioned. Committee made it plain that he units were sent in Democratic a total of more than Senator Mc- they have left the race and notables: In his statement But His Second It Won't Take Place; will oppose any move to give the to him and other Party." 2.000 candidates, 'forecasts were Says Grath di campaign Aug. 13.—President ~(See here said Mr. Committee Senators Vandenberg. Republican, ment because I have already in- terly anti-Allied that occupation today cut loose from his distin- Political circles Of Soys will to his of Michigan, and Dulles of New formed the committee that I will authorities and many German guished foreign minister, Juan Remorino return post in next week. By Chris Mathisen York, Republican. appear as a witness at the proper newspapers and politicians have Bramuglia, who at the same time Washington Chinese Communists Peron his A demand for a speedy end of Senator said he thinks a statement Council of President interrupted Connally time and make full alarm. to a duel. Europe expressed was challenged with w'ith week-end and after the B-36 hearing “accusers, that this country, as the only fur- regarding all the matters of Allies Avoided. Mr. who resigned holiday today Criticism Bramuglia, whoever are, called on to con- with several ministers ac- they nisher of supplies, must retain the which my name has been was to meeting Tonight, however, in a joint two days ago, challenged i evidence—if To Discuss Press Drives Toward Bramuglia's resignation. bring out their they deciding voice in their assignment. nected. Chahges radio broadcast, rival party lead- fight by Jeronimo Remorino. Ar- cepted have any," was made yesterday by The of the two United He appointed Hipolito Jesus Paz. proposal Repub- Say* Statement Is Necessary. ers largely avoided criticizing the gentine Ambassador to the Bates, Republican, ardent 32-year-old nationalist 'Representative licans would bring the arms dis- "However, stories have appeared Canton on 2 Fronts Allies. Instead, they appealed to States. Mr. Bramuglia was re- :of Massachusetts. Necessary for Unily and Peron supporter, as tribution under control of the on German domestic have struck the Am- lawyer In the newspapers yesterday and the voters ported to Mr. Bates, a member of the new foreign minister. council when it goes to work. The the inves- Defenses issues. bassador in the face with his fist today which bring into 9-Point Nationalists' House Armed Services Committee to be set up the 12 Agenda Adopted; bitter The acceptance of Mr. Bramu- council, by the names of prominent All of them stressed a desire for when they met and had a which is conducting the hearing, tigation of Irish Off Red resignation was followed by nations who signed the Atlantic These stories refer to Discussion Holding Troops a free, democratic and united argument. glia’s said: persons. his would Treaty, will have charge of plan- ■■ ■ rumors that departure were ■ mm '» ""I. Late tonight one of Mr. certain deep-freeze units that Partition Ruled Out In of Kanhsien “This cloud has been hanging ning defense of the area, Vicinity Izzo. be the signal for several othei delivered in Washington and else- Remorino’s seconds. Roque ~ over the heads of our top military Dulles and Vanden- tht associated Press Reimann Is j Senators By the Associated Pres* By Target said the duel would not take (See^ARGENTINa7Page too where. tyiat A-5.>_ leaders and defense officials berg argue that since the council STRASBOURG. Trance. Aug. CANTON, China. Aug. 13.—The “Because some inference or im- Of Tear Gas Bomb long already.’’ has the duty of recommending a — The Council of Communists pushed two Increas- is that there was 13. Europe Critics, he added, should “put it have plication present towards unified defense should idopted tonight a nine-point work ingly furious drives south At Political that some impropriety in this connec- Rally Greek Cuts Off D. C. Winner up or shut,up." He suggested authority over the distribution of for its drive to the this Nationalist capital today. Army Derby pull Pr*st tion, I believe that I should make program ly th# Asftociatod Secretary of Defense Johnson be arms. Nationalist said time so that war-battered countries of the old Official reports a chance to answer hints a statement at this FRANKFURT. Germany. given Aid to Seen. nearer one was held in Congress clear world closer together. At the the being 13.—A tear gas bomb in of influence in the B-36 it will be absolutely that: Aug. Rpute From Is Confident Today political With Congress already facing on the outskirts of Kanh- Supply in same time it ruled out any spe- check was hurled at Max and then the accusers there was nothing improper any tonight program weeks of work to finish its pro- cific discussion of Irish partition. sien. 215 miles from Canton. Western s their case. manner regarding the gifts of Reimann. Germany present for this session, the advant- Committee of Private said the other gram these units. The council's reports No. 1 Communist, during a Albania to Rebels International Finals “The hearings," he added, age of RFC financing would be Ministers "an had or captured the an- “In 1945 I had a talk wdth two approved agenda bypassed political rally at Reckling- “should not run more than 290 to expedite the arms program once which was drawn up earlier by railway town of Henkshan. Alfred Ashton other week." old friends of mine—Mr. Harry hausen in the . Planes Pound Thousands Competes the authorization is passed and the Consultative Assembly's 101 miles north, and was aiming at the Hoffman and Mr. David Bennett. Tears streamed from With 147 Other Box Unit to Interview Arnold. allow Congress to wait until and which will keep the key railway junction of Heng- Attempting to Escape Soap The subject of deep-freeze units delegates, eyes of the silver-haired Com- Meanwhile, the inquiry is in to the of Canton. January consider appropria’- I them busy for at least several yang, 265 miles north and he was Drive for came up, and I said that would munist leader Government's ..Drivers Scholarship recess until August 22. A six-man tion bill if it so desired. weeks. The government account esti- like to have one for my house and compelled to end a campaign subcommittee i.